Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 15, 1849, Image 4

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    Philadelphia Advertisements.
Vi iiinK A- Wooden Ware,
Importer of French Baskets, Looking
Classes and Fancy (loads,
Between M rket aud Arch Sis., under J Sidney Jones'
Carpet Warehouse, two doora below C-hrtet Church,
rir.i.Ain.eiir x,
HAS cti hand and is constantly receiving a large and
extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy
Goods of every description. 0"" numerous to mention,)
Looking Glaaae* of gift d muhogany frames, Baskets,
Coaches, Chair*, &.C., Sec
B It O O M S .
■Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Broom*, Win
row Blinds, Door Mat), Tubs. Bucket*, iTPirn*, Wash
board.—in fact. Wooden and Willow Ware of every de
script in, all of whicit will be sold tow for CASH or city
MERCHANT* would save themselves much time and
trouble, by calling and examining my stock before pur
X B. Looking G'asses are insured ncainst breakage to i
-all parts of the Union, without extra charge.
Philadelphia, August 25, I*49 —am. j
NV Siolcsale Re Iri I i
.Mi. 238 Ala:kit street, above Seventh, South suit ,
\l.T HOUGH we can scarcely estimate the value of j
• TIME commer billy. yd by calling at the above es- :
i Ihlishment, JAMES HABBKR will furnish bis friends, :
-among whom hv include* alt who duly appreciate its j
lb'<;tnes, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking j
us progress, of whose value tiiev CAN judge.
, lli* extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in
■ uifdrniii? to the improvements in taste and style of j
4*K> pattern ami workmanship, consist* of j
un.l Tkirty-hnur Bras* Counting House, Parlor, !
j' • pßtloll, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go. 1
tine and other fancy styles, as well n plain, j
v. hich from his extensive connection and correspondence 1
. tn toe manufacturers he finds he ran put at the lowest I
cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of !
w utcii he w ill warrant the accuracy.
-Clink. repaired ond trurranted. Clock Trimmings ;
* I ftdtiti -
FALL otnl Bee me amonpthem.
JAMFS BAR HER, 238 Market st.
"Mind- I hta. August 18, 1849 ly.
Y<>. ,~>2 2 Chestnut Street, abort Second,
IE subscriber retpectfully solicit* public attention to ■
' bis superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and
ft taker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery,
Hill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils, .
Dressing Cases, Heg.tr Cases,
-trd Cases, Chess Men,
Port Monaies, Back Gammon Boards,
Purses, Dominoes, A.e . See.
Hi* assortment consists of the most fashionable and j
i tern t\ tes, of the finest quality a i>s excellent work
i ;nship, embracing every desirable fancy pattern, which
> will at all tunes be prepared to exhibit ami furnish
. .idesale or retail on the mast pleasing terms.
who desire to supply themselves with
nicies of lite h. st quality will consult their own inter- j
. til by call tug at U.ts establishment.
Pocket Book 3fanufa 'turcr, 52j Chestnut Street.
Aifgust 25, 1819—Cin.
E K 0 V C L 0 i' E I) I A.
T V one volume, royal octavo, 1185 pager, beautifully J
a bound, containing 17 line plates, besides numerous
■ O-HI Cuts. Hold at about one fourth Uie cost of the i
. yliah work, without any plates
• The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of prrte ;
f il information, wherein the experience of all ages and i
.Tries is carefully foste® VP So the present day, and j
orabiy arranged for convenient reference."—Dr. Dxr- (
! .rton
We are fully convinced that such an amount of valu- j
knowledge for farmer* cau b found in no other
- rk in so cheap and convenient a form. In fact, no
mer who pretend* to be wet! ihfortr.i d in hi* profe*-
. a,should be without this work " —A "tic Crnnttet Jh'ar-
An excellent work, fit to be distributed in premiums by
A ricultural Societie*.— J. 8. Skinner.
< >rders for ihe aixtve work received at this j
t tlice—price SL
Also, by K. V. C.VRR, Tiiirtl etreet, opposite '
1 Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN, j
1- oiintare, Maryland.
ct7*AU Orders must be accompanied by the j
i ioH. [July 14, 49-'i:n.
€. J. Ki\EEiL£R,
i.ilevkle Boot, Shoe and Boaoet Warehouse,
„ ■. 1 Dii X>rrth Third street, ophite the
Eagle Hotel, Philadelphia,
j now re e: . ir.g about 3000 C ASKS FREEH FALL
' ;OOl)S, ditf t from the inanufacXurers, -uchas Men'.*
>: < VP, y. u'Vt and Children s BOOTS and HROGAN'B,
.'.i s great variety of If'owen'j LACE BOOTS and
. .OEa, hoi.a City and Eateni manufacture. This sire k
got up expressly fur Country Trade, arid will be sold
•- MERCHANT* are invited to call and examine.
Philadelphia, August IS, I*-|3—3tn,
Sign of the dot den Eagle, No, 12t> 119,
South Stc<md street, below Dock, street,
l'ill LA DEL PHI A,
KEEPS ilwin on hand* large and fashionable assort
11 I.I.NDe, inanufact .red in the host manner, of the best
material*, arid at the lowest cash price*.
H.vlpg refitted and enlarged his establishment, he is
prepared to complete order, to ;tv amount at the shortest
notice. Constantly ou hand an assortment of
j?l.i2tO£;ttiy Furniture,
r,f every variety, manufactured expressly for hi* own
salt s, and purchaser* may therefore rely on a good article.
i'r Open In the evening.
Order* from a distance packed carefully, and sent
free of porterage, to any part of the city.
11. CLARK.
Philadelphia, August lStd— ly.
1.. C. Tlai'Viti .1. <*. ITlichcncr,
ATT 0 It N E Y 8 AT L A AY',
Office, No. 75 Dock Street, Philadelphia,
opposite the Exchange,
WILL attend punctually to ail busi
ness entrusted to their care. R.
0. M., late an officer in the army in Mexico,,
and familiar Willi the busi .eBS of the Depart
ments at Washington, will give his attention
io the prosecution of claims against the Gov
ernment, in obtaining Land Warrants, extra
ami back Pay, and Pensions flw Widows or
Orphan o nndiT the Acta of Uoni'ress ; elaims
for service s during the war of lui2 and Revo
lutionary claims.
(jlrl.eti.-rs addriMscd to ua lit 75 Dock st.
wiil tie promptly answered.
Philadelphia, July It, I^4o—sin.
lfe| \FIiFSU:i*A "
SHAD Constantly on
SALMON hand <Se for sale bv
FORK ( Market Street
HAMSA: SI 1)1 S J Wharf.
LAUD & CHEESE j >Spi. , I*j49-3hi.
The Girnrd Life Insuranee Annnity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
j Office No. 150 Chesnut Street.
Capital $390,000.
| Charier Perpetual.
pONTINFEto mr.ke Insurance* on Liven on the mo.*t
j *-/ favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, anil
| receive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid tip and invested, together with
; accumulated premium fund, alfi>rdn a perfect seen nip to
( the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, hall
j yearly, or quarterly payments.
The' Company add a ROM'S at slated periods to the
insurances for life. Thts plan of insurance is the most
approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by
the people, and where they have had the longest experi
ence,) as apjiears from the fact 'thai, out of 117 Life Insu
rance Companies tliore, of all kinds, H'l arc 011 this pian.
| Tlie tirst BONI.'H was appropriated in December,lS 11,
i amounting to K) per cent, on lite sum insured under the
| oldest policies; to 8} per cent., 7| per cent. Sic.., dec., on
) others, in proportion tu the time of standing, making an
i addition of $100; $87.50; $75, dec., dec., to every SIOOO,
originally insured, which is an average of more than 50
| per rent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing
| the annual payment to the company,
j The operation of the Bonus wilt be seen by the follow -
' ing examples from lite I.ife Insurance Register of th>'
J Company, thus ;
IStim | Bonus or j Amount of Policy and
Insured. J Addition. Bonus payable at the
. , ! party's decease.
' No. 58 j SI,OOO SIOO G'J j $l,lOO 00
! "88 2,50(1 250 00 2,750 00
" 205 ! -1,000 400 00 | 4,100 00
•• 270 j 2,000 175 00 2,175 00
" 333 j 5,000 437 50 | 5,137 50
s> PAMPHLETS containing the table of rates, and ex
planations of the subject; Form* of Application, and
further information can he had at the office, gratis, in
person or by letter, addressed to the President or Actuarx
B. W. RICHARDS, President.
Jxo. F.JAMES, Actuary. [ip29:ly
JOHN Donnelly,
Manufacturer of Donnelly's I'pright Safety Glazed Cop
suled Blue
And United States Oil Paste Mucking,
No. 83 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
miIESE Matches are justly considered the b. *t in the
J- United States; they are free from unpleasant mnvll.
"i ,d can be introduced with perf t saf. ty int.. all Stores
and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years.
The Blacking is of superior quality, and free from any
ingredient tiiat impairs the leather.
to their interest to call and see for themselves.
N B. An assortment of Matches of various New Vork i
Manufacturer*. Matches in round wood boxes —also,
parked in large or small nil cases, to ship to any part ol
the world. JOHN DONNELLY.
Late of 20 Bmk street, now 83 North Third street.
March 21, 1810-ly.
*' inches bore, and from 2 to 12 feet long, capable of
sudtaining interml pressure of from bO TO 2fk>i lt>s pei
square inch, with J'tre. ' au.rt, C re, Slop Caekt,
Check I'alrts, and other liftings, connecting by ux
joints. Also,
For Loc-MDOtive, Boat ud other Steam En
gine Boilers.
Manufactured and for sate hv
Office Third and Walnut Sts , Philadelphia, Pa
June 30, 184!)- 3a.
Agent for the sale of South worth Mannfac - J
luring Company's Writing Papers.
Warehouse No. II Tlinor Ml,
100 ease* of the above superior Papers now in -it.re,
and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices,con
sisting in part of—
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 11, 15 and It lbs .blue and
rtuprrfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue in ! white
F.xtra super and superfine F->li<> !>lu- ami bite,
plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Paper*, plain and rill.
Buj>sif.rie and Bill Paper*, long mid broad.
•Superfine and fine Counting H jue Cap* and Posts,
blue and white.
Extra super Congress Ca|>* and Letter*, plain and ruled
blue and white.
Extra xiiper Congress fi|* and Letters, gilt.
Superline Sermon Cap* in i Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letter*.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, pl,m and
Embroidered Tote Paper* ami Envelope*.
''iJß'yer's" llrii fPxuers
Superfine and tis.e t ips ami P--t*, riled ■> 1 jd.un,
blue and white, various qualities and prire-
AIo, 1000 ream* whir* and assorted Shoe Paper* II .n
net Board*, white and assort, d TistTie, Tea, Wrapping.
Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, C'.ip wrappers,
Hardware. Papers, &
Philadelphia June CO, Gm
Wtiolesalc Commission Agent,
F I S M,
!\o. 54 North Wliarvrs,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 21, l~i'J —ly
rhiiadclphia .Ticdical 3lois.c,
1' ESTABLISHED 15 year*ngu,by Or KINKELIN. I tie
i oldest, surest and he.it hum! to cure all f r ins i fe ret
disease* of the skin, and solitary h:i bit* of youth, is I> It
KINKELIN, Northwest corner of THIRD anil IN ION
Streets, between Spruce and Pine,a square-and-a half
from the Etc hang*, Philadelphia.
There ua habit which boys u,u h each other at the
Academy or College—a habit indulged in when bv him
self, in solitude, growing up with the buy toluanliood;
few of those who indulge in this per nicious practice are
aware of the consequences until they find the nervous
system shattered, feet strange and unaccountable feel
iugs, vague fears irvtlic mind. Hi* Individual become*
feeble, he is unable to labor wuti accustomed vigor, or
to apply hi* mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak,
he i* dull irresolute
Persona of alt ages can now Judge what is the cause of
their declining healtn, losing their vigor, becoming weak,
pate and emaciated.
Let no false modeity deter you from making your case
known to oae who, froru education and respectability,
can alone befriend you. He who places himself under
Dr. Kiokelin's treatment, may religiously con title In hi*
honor a* a gentleman, and in whose bosom will he for
ever locked the secret of the patient.
Thousands have been restored to health, from the de
vastations of those terrific maladies by Hk. KiN*si.tu,
German Physician.
warded, by sending a remittance, and put up aecuie from
mviui: ol ctfJUOSttY.
WPost e*lJ> Lsrrsss answered forthwith
Philadelphia, January 27, 1842 ly
Paper. Paper.
ALWAYS on band a large asso-lment of
Cap, letter, Wrapping, Printing. Win
dow and Wall Paper, wholesale or retail.
Printing paper, 22 X 32, nt $5 per bundle.
Lew blown, Jane 29, lbd'j.
T* ~
Baltimore Advertisements.
A mil <;iccrled Intrigue !
| rnilH wetfiira of the American people renders it necea
sary that they should b- made cngiii/.anl with a very
: iiiomtrlotwr and valuable secret, havfng an intimateeon*
; ncitiaai with their pecuniary interutts, the great impor
tance of which, urgent!/ demands their most serious arid ,
i deliberate attention. There can be very little dnufct th it !
there exist* in the whole huinnn family an universal dis- '
taste to hear the " slirigs arxl arrows of outrageous For
tune, '* so loup as tliey see others of the genus Home,
| (whether by the exercise of a more astute uiiderstaiuT
in sr. or the result of purely fortuitous circumstances)
dwelling in martde hails, surrounded liy parasites,and
j revelling in luxury, ease and contentment. Openly anil
j fearlessly objecting to such " tin even handed justice,
I anil coolly determined to destroy this ezparte medium ol ;
| basking in the sunshine of fortune, and if practicable es
! tabiish an equilibrium in rtnclely, I'yfT & Co. the truly ■
i fortunate, far fain I and old established Lottery Brokers, ,
generously ithpartJO the public the offspring of theii la
■ boriotih researches in the abstruse mysteries of the dark
. ages— anua us of wealth ' 'J he cabalistic words arc j
seven in number, and when arranged according to the
' directions of the Cabala signify 44 I.coh to Pyftr Co.
I fur Riches t"
| Most brilliant result* again ! Every Lottery showers -j
i its treasures • ttcirrespondeuts read the glorious evi
dence ! I'ufer .f- to , public bin/factors' See the virtue
| of the first order t $25,000, whole ticket, numbers fj, iff, i
I ss, drawn 20th August, was sent to South Carolina '/' lit j
< result of the first order! <rt-See managers' official ilraw
\ ing of that date.
.*7,000. whole ticket, sent to Pennsylvania. ,$15,000,
i ualf ti'ket, sent to Louisiana. % (O,OCO, half ticket, sent
j to Pennsylvania. $5,000, half ticket,sent to Ohio.
000, quarter ticket, sent to North Carolina .s4,oo(l.qnar
■ itr ticket, sent to South Carolina. $7,00! i, quarter ticket, j
I sent to Virginia $5,000, quarter ticket, sent to New i
j York $ l,0(>0, quarter ticket, sent to South Carolina. !
SI,OOO, quarter ticket, oi t to Virginia.
ONearly eveiy prize paid and on tile. /'/. c jj- Co.
always refer to the Managers. Every person should try i
i his or her lurk. Tile first trial often dr i\\ the capital!
U.i nk Drafts, payable at sight in Cold, remitted prompt
ly to any part of the United States for prizes sold by py- J
j fer A Co.
i PYFER it. CO. sell all the large prizes!
*>On<: order may draw a fortune !<)
J sri.i.xiJin sen KM BM F<>H SKPTPJUHKR, ISPJ ,
Jill Oriltrs sl.ietly confidential at PytVc .y ( o't
line Capital No. of Puce of Price of !
I Sept. I'ri7.es. Hal lots. Ticki-'e. Packig's
i 5 S.O{MO) 7S No*. I.'t drawn $!0 #32 51) j
j 6 21,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn 5 17 50 j
j 7 13,500 74 \os. 15 drawn 4 13 25 ,
8 sof 50.000 75 No*. 12 drown Ift 32 50 j
It) 26,000 7s No*. 15 drawn $ 25 of> J
II 2),0u0 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 Is 50 j
,12 30,000 72 Nos. 13 drawn 10 32 50 I
jl3 21.0:0 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 IS 50 i
It 14,000 75 Nos. II drawn 5 16 25 j
15 45.u0<) 7b Nos. 10 drawn 15 -15 0) •
17 27,500 75 No*, li drawn ei 27 00 '
Is lh,ooo 7S Nos. 13 drawn 5 IS 50 t
It) 30,000 7S Nos. 11 drawn 10 42 50 1
j 20 SO,OOO 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 IS 50 ;
gj 15,000 7> Nos. 14 drawn 4 14 00 I
122 37,500 75 Nos. 12 drawn W 32 50 j
121 25,0"0 7b Nos. 13 drawn 8 27 10
•25 20,1.00 75 No* li drawn 5 10 25 '
' 26 30,000 75 No*. 11 drawn 10 32 50 '
27 2),000 7" Nos. 12 drawn 5 lb 75
■ 2s 10.000 66 Nos. 13 drawn 1 10 7.5 I
; 20 66,000 7s Nos. 13 drawn 2') f>"2 50
}>The price rf Packages of Quarter Tick-'ts only, i*
advertised ab ,ve.
*>Tlie Managers' Printed Drawings, endorsed by the
commissioners appointed (for this purport-) by the Cov
entor of Maryland, >r-. in all ca*<.s sent to our corres
*>Letter always strongly and carefully sealed.
The purchasers of Packages of Ticket* seldom have
more than six chances against lleir diawiug ia a Pack
age any of the Capital Prizes, and one Package may 1
! draw t" ur of the highest prize.' Two thirds of the i
(trir.es are i in (tarkage* of ticket*.
t>Please 'trdt r a few day* before the lotteries draw. '
All orJcit punctually answered i> the return matt*.
Persons at a distune.' fiom I! iltum re, vv ho wn-ii " Tor
| tune Buckled on thosr Hacks," will find thai it is only
necessary to • m..-- the price (as U.d down in the above '
, schedule) for a pa. kage of sing'e tick, t to the truly for- I
, lunate, far fun. J, and old • slabllshed house of
No. 1 Light st., Baltimore, Mil., j
B-ilinuore, S pteinbtrr 1, I- iO im.
mm m
|l r K have always 011 hand a fine stock of
▼ v the following articles, which we nfC
i prepared to -ell Wholesale, fit a smalt advance
j on city rater - , having been "tctll bought;" pur- j
chasing almost strictly 'or CASH:
Drugs Puient Medicines, Glass, Oil, itc. .
Spices; Coffee, Sugar, Tea, &c.
Tobacco snd Segars , Fish and Salt
! Nails, and almost every article in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, occ.
f Cotton Lap- and Cordage
Ali kinds of PAPER. and Blank B- <oks
Cooking Sinn s ; Hals and Cap.-; Matches.
I .rw Blown, March HI, lSJft.
Mulling Cloths
OF the best quality FQCARE Mrsti, AN
> UOR STAAIP, real Hidinrid mat.utucttire,
! irnpurfetl direct from the manufactory, ®nd for
• title at Lewistovvn at New \>irk prCes.
i Pernis CA.-ll —cloths warranted. Fnquireof ,
Auu.d 4. 1840 Millwright.
WOULD respectfully inform their friends
and tlie public, that they slill continue
to carry on the MARBLE BU N/ .\ESS in
all its various branches, at their olu stand,
Corner of 11 Hill) arul VALLEY Sis-,
where they have constantly on hand MARBLE
GRAVE STONES, <Vc. All kinds of
j work executed with neUnens, and on the most
j reasonable terms. Thankful f<ir the liberal
] patronage extended to tliem, Ihey still solicit
a continuance of the same. |
Orders from any part of the country, through
mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch
March 17.1547—tf
nOUNH'S Rln. iimutic Nfir it and Bone ,
Liniment, for sale at GREEN'S Medi
cal Depot, No. 11, I.owistown
Fewistovvu, August IS, lfcl'J.
rpillFi subscriber has taken the Lewistown
| JL Mills, and wishes tobuy a large quantity of
All Kinds of Grain,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FC.NPW, as high as the market will afford, accor- :
. ding to its quality. Any person having good
t Wheat will do well to call and show a sample
i of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill '
hoing situated on the creek, where flour can
be loaded out of the mill into boats, and ali ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
: besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar- j
rels are not injured by hauling and handling, j
if wheat brings a better price than it will at- !
ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any older, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
| a great deal of time ar.d labor in hoisting by
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore, ,
and give the following receipt:
4 " Received, Lewistown Mills, of A. 8.,
Wheat, to be kept in store till the Jirsl of Au
gust, unless disposed of sooner.*'
When the receipt is given the quality of the J
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
: els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re- >
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till after the first of August, it wiil
he carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. It shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mill, j
: TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
j first of August, tho storage will be ONE-HALF
| cent per mouth, afterwards. The grain will |
be clear from high vvuter.
'I lie subscriber will keep
Cluster, B'isli. Sal! ait trocei ics
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
; (LT-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
' hand, and sold low (or cash.
N. B. JOHN S PER RETT is authorized to i
transact any business in the above premises as
j my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, —lf.
Valuable Proprrly al
fIIHE subscriber oilers at private sale that
X valuable farm known as" LOCK FORT," on
which he now resides, situate in Olivtr town
slop, Mifflin county,about 7 miles from M'Vey
town, and S miles from Lewistown, containing
109 Acres,
more or less, of river bottom land, in a high 1
state of cultivation. The improvements con
oistot a pla>iered two story FARM iTfTi fV_
HOUSE, Bank Barn, with insur- £ENJI ; J £
unce on it; a Store House at the Jgfijf | lift
basin, will) tenant houses andjfihfy-. j -
shop suitable for anv mechanical business, n
&SS j ; jLt MANSION HOUSE, 21 by 10
IJi j® feet, with kitchen, wood house,
bakc house, smoke house, two
story spring h use, g< d stabling, and other out
buildings, a fountain of gooth w.iterat the door, i
togetlier with a large variety ofoboice FRUIT
1 TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
j pears, apples, cherries, plums, Ac.
i There is on this property a water power of
"d'JA feet fail, sufficient to drive anv machinery. '
I roin its situation—being on the Pennsylvania
Canal —its contiguity to the Central Railroad,
I from which it is only separated by the Juniata ;
river—its convenience tosclioole, three churches,
Ac , ibis farm commends itself to the attention j
| of all who seek an agreeable and convenient
, location. j
Persons de.-iious of purchasing are requested j
,to call and examine the property. The terms
will be made to accommodate purchasers.
March 17, 1* 19-Om.
tanctistcr Examiner copy to amount of £4
and ennrge this office.
Valuable SSeal and
liiil PrujftTtj
F 0 II S A L E.
subscriber offers at PRIVATE SALE that
i valuable farm of I, IMEST f) .Y E
L \ .V I), situate in Kishaccqutllas Yaficy,
Mifflin countyccniainirg
2.60 Acres,
more or icss. The improvements are a
jU&I£Ci3AXT 3tUA„
with thiee run of Burrs nnd one pair of Chop
ping Minnes, ail in full operation ami in good
repair, r-ituated in a (ertiie region with a good
run of custom. Also, a
amIFRAME IlOUSEfortliemiFer. ATA
i hi the form there is a good FK A St l i
fvi'.t'and large BARN, and n<S9El3£3r
TiJilff YOUNG ORCHARD of choice
trait trees.
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. There is likewise a good appear
ance of lion Oie of the bes: quality, known as
the "Greenwood Ore.' This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha
eoquillas creek, i never failing stream of lime
stone water.
This estate will he sold together or separate
to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms. &c ,by calling on Mr. WILLIAM MC
CI.ILI.AN, Jiving iii the neighborhood.
March 17, IS4Q —it".
rgl.lE undersigned offers Ht private sale
-■*- his House and Lot on Valley slreet,
m I.cwistjwn, op(K>sito the residence of John
C. Sigler, Esq. The lot extends 200 feet
back, and fronts about HO feet on Valley street,
and has erected upon it a two story frame
Jtfwt'lling Hon*!',
and a C.l R / ENTER SHOP.
A ''he hou°e is two stories high,
! 11l IS by 07 feet. The location is a
pleasant tme, and water coine
TERMS OF SALE ate, one-half of the purchase
money on confirmation of the sale, and the bal
ance in two equal annual payments, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
For further particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on the premises.
l eA.stowr, July 21, —tf.
Ilavc just returned from the city with a very choice supply of
Latest Styles of New Goods,
comprising an assortment from which the Ladies cannot fail to
make a pleasing selection. Their
are particularly worthy their attention, being certainly the best
stock in town. In all the minutiae ol
Dry Goods, Carpeting, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, &c.
they have an assortment that will bear the test of quantity, quality
and price with any store in city, town, or country. In
Cirroceries, Salt, dbe.
they also offer great bargains, having made heavy purchases at low
rates, and which they are now selling at a small advance on cost.
Buying our goods for cash, and consequently paying no "extras"
to the city dealers, we are enabled to sell for ready money or avail,
able produce as cheap as any body can sell. Our goods are
All 3 I)ilD A*l li BAM a,
as our old customers well know, and as any number of new ones who
will give us a call will soon discover.
Lewistown, Sept. 1, 1818.
"Small Profits and Quick Sales."
rjpflE subscriber has the largest and best assorted STOCK OF GOODS ever kept
-™- at any Store before in this place, ail of which will be sold
Extremely Low for Cash.
The Stock comprises every article of
Dry Uoocla, Ciroceriea, Hardware, Queensware,
READY-MADE CLOTHING, Carptts, Boots and Shots,
NEW GOODS received every week and sold at least TWENTY PER CENT.
LOW ER than can be had elsewhere. Before ycm buy be sure to first call at JONES'
NEW STORE, and you will be convinced of the above facts.
JVeicCheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, August 18, 1849.
Si *£* (2) US
fVIIIE undersigned continues to manufacture
A Stoves, Hollow-ware , <s-c., at the
Old Logan Foundry,
formerly carried on by A. B. Long &. Co., and
offers to the public the following articles:
The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very
good stove, and well desetves those high com.
rneadations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
Hathaway Cooking Stove,
which stands unrivalled in this or any other
country. It has been tested for the last nine
years, and is justly pronounced the best and
the most durable article of that kind ever used.
Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if
necessary. The
of various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de
scription; Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or
wo d; Air-light do., got up in a neat and beau
tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
Pots, Iron Stands,and numerons other articles
of Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes , and all
kinds ot Castings made to order. lie is also
of one and a quarter inch calibre, ami intends
to keep a supply on hand nt all times. The
subscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very best material that can be pro
cured: and tor the accommodation of distant j
purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the j
purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
eighty miles free of any additional charge.—
All the stoves are warranted to stand the fire
and perform well,and if not, the money will be
refunded on their return ; it a plate should break
or crack, it will be replaced free of charge.
There is connected with the Foundry, a
Tinning Establishment, for manutacturing
Tin Ware of every Kind,
whtre purchasers will please call.
OO~Ail orders from a distance will meet
with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers
would do well to give me a call, as I will
wholesale S'oves and Hollow-ware on as fair
terms as they can be had at any other piace.
All kinds of country Produce taken In ex
change. ROBERT Mc.MA.MGIL.
Lewis?own, Jan. 27, 1849—tf.
A 31 la \\ S I Pl* I. Y
AIT BUOY has just returned from the city
!¥ 4® with the largest, cheapest, and most
select assortment of
Clocks, Wntclics, iV Jewelry
\ ever offered for sale in
Lewistown ; embracing in
great variety every de
script ion of WATCHES,
Ij-f V from Gold Patent L vers
\ down to lite ordinary Sil
ver Quartier; Clocks o!
all kinds, Musical Boxes,;
Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Ladles, Sugar !
Tongs, Butter Knives, Gold Pens and Pencils
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and
silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers'!
Cutlery, &.c , &c.
These articles were all purchased at ex-!
treme'y low prices and will be sold at a OREAT
REDUCTION from the price they have hitherto'
commanded. The ladies and gentlemen are •
respectfully invited to call and examine the j
03"*CIoc7v3, Watches and Jewelry repuired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
SIL\ ER taken in exchange for all *
articles he has for sale.
Lewibtown, May o, 1849—tf.
IAL)IES' Slippers, at low urices, by
-i ap29. W. LiLLLY.
Lewistown, Mifflin COHIIIT, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True DEM:-
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to azj
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, 1849— tf.
Wll lIiVVIV.
HAS resumed the practice ofbis profeanct
in this and the adjoining counties.
Office in Main street, Lewistown, opposite
to the Town llall. Jan. 20,154;— tf
iTo S 3
Attorney at Law.
\ TI7ILL attend promptly to business enUrf
i TV ed to his care in this and adjoin.;*
i counties. Office one door west of the PoS
I Office. June 16, '49—ly.
j I
Justice of the Peace,
CIAN be found at his office, in the room re
f cently occupied by Esquire Kulp. where
I he will attend to all business entrusted to
: care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, 1648—tf.
Hctler Bile llian Gum it.
DR. S. F. GREEN, has again resusei
the practice of his profession. He •vi
be happy to wait upon all who desire his pro
fessional services. He may be found at
GKREN S Medical Depot, A'o. 11.
Lewistown, april 29, 164^—tf.
■tool A Slioc MaiiufaclnW
CONTINUES to manufacture, to or,;'
every description of BOOTS AM
SHOES,"on the most reasonable terms-
Having competent workmen in his employ £f2
using good stock, his customers, as well sm
others, may rely upon getting a good article
well made and neatly finished.
January 22,1645 —tf.
rpHE AMERICAN OlL—This Oil is n°t
JL compound, but is the pure extract e! - ■
-itncrican Seneca Oil. It is well known that ■
medicinal qualities of the Seneca Oil a l *
surpassed by any, and this being an extra..-,
makes it still a superior article. It i ■
highly recommended for Sore Throat, V-*'
Eves, Ear-ache, Deafness, RhdUmatisxa,
sumption, Bronchitis, Burns, Scalds,
The above valuable Medicine ii for >a- e |
Lewistown, June 9, 1949.
The Prevailing Epittciiii(>
A MONG the preventives of the P' ? ,
x "*- sent disorJers of the stomach Jl,u
bowels, none are so fashionable and so'"
qiiently reoomniendcd, even by most D". f51 *
cians, as old Brandy, Port Wiue, old
gahela Whiskey, good Gin and Cherry b r
dy. That these ntrong Alcoholic drink*
frequently beneficial, no one wiil deny,
they are only serviceable as a medicine,
their daily use, now ho common, is ceita r.
prevent, in a very great degree, the abo*° u '
orders—for sale at C. L. JONES
New Cheap Cash Stof*'
Lewistown, July 19, 1949.
Salt! Salt'.
JUST received, a large stock ot
Alum Silt—l 4 cents per bushei a' w *\
per sack. o^7"To dealers a libera' disci-*
off" these prices will be made. , v
may 26, 1519. F. J. HOFF^