Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 15, 1849, Image 3

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    Kciisious Notice and Dedi
BY divine permission, the new Methodist
Episcopal Church, just finished iuGrnn
ville Township, on the old road about 3 miles
from this borough, will be dedicated to the wor
ship of God on Sabbath morning, the 30th ot
this month, at 11 o'clock. Rev. John Miller,
Presiding Elder of Huntingdon District, is ex
pected to preach on the Decision. The public
generally are cespectfully invited to attend.—
collection will be taken up, to aid in paying
off the balance ol debt incurred by its erection.
At the Fame time and place the 3d quarter
ly meeting for lewistown Circuit will be held,
to commence on Satuiday morning, the 29th,
at 11 o'clock.
Sept. 13, 1819.—id.
RI LLA, for sale at Green's Medical De
pot No- 11 Lewistown. Pa. Sept.ls.
University of Maryland
rpHR LECTURES will commence on MON
| DAY, 29th October, and continue until the
15lh of March, ensuing.
Chemistry and Pharmaer— WILLI AM K A
AIKEN, M. D., L. L. D. "
Therapeutics, Materia Medica and Hygiene—
Anatomy and Physiology—JOSEPH ROBY,
M. D.
Theory and Practice of Medicine—WlL
Midwifery a no' Diseases of Women and Chil
dren—RlCHAßD i!. THOMAS, M. D.
Lecturer on Pathology and Demonstrator of
Instruction in Clinical -Medicine and Clinical
Surgery every day at the Baltimore Infirmary,
opposite the Medical College. The rooms for
practical anatomy will be opened October Ist,
under the charge of the demonstrator. Fees
lor the entire course S9O. Comfortable board '
uiav be obtained in the vicinity of the Medical
College, for $2,50 to $3,5(1 per week.
Peso of the Faculty. j
Sept. 15, 1849.—3ra.
IT. !. E. TT 33151 L L.
At his Old Stand in Martet street,
HAS just received the Beeise &. Co*tar 1
and latent Philadelphia a<v, New York
Fall Fashion of Hats aid Cape, aud is now '
prepared to furnish both old and new customer*
with an article, whicii he will warrant good,
and iwlhing xkorUr. Ho has no# on hand a
urge and general *j*ortmeut of
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RETAIL on as fear ters2£ MM can be obtained
here or eUewhere.
His Ornish friend* will also fits! h iat pre- '
oared to suit their tastee. His unreal Led i
BROAD-BRIMS will recei*etlie sameesre |
nd attention which he has always bestowed '
soon them. Don't target the old /rand, whe.e ,
you may depend wpoß not being disappninted. i
N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa
(ronsge he ha* thus far received, and aesorea !
ill that be will spare o patn3 to give the gen
tnl satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed- !
td in affording all who have dealt wiih him. j
Lewistown, Sept- 15, 1849 —tf.
AdminitiU'alois- \olic<\
LETTERS of administration on the estate oi
WILUAM MARKS, late of the bor
'•oeh of I-ewwtown, deceased, have been grant- I
to the robtcribers, residing tit eaid Borough, j
Notice is hereby given to all persona indebted I
to said estate, to call and settle the same, with- '
ou delav.and those having claims against aid
tte are requested to present them. j
Lewistown, Sept. 15, 1849.—6t.
A €liew of Tobacco an<(
JConsteit Polafo.
11 E W A 11 D.
jj "away trom the subscriber residing in (iran
iVj vi\le township, Mifflin county, on Tuesday,
an indented boy, named DAVID
j , • a ' )ol > t 16 years of age, with light hair,
of rather small stature for his age. The
jw reward, but no thanks, will be given for
'•> return; and the subscriber hereby cautions
'l persons not to harbor or trust said boy, as he
*il! not consider himself responsible for any
wis of his contraction. JOHN RUBLE
Sept 15, 1849—3t.
fluff*, Bonn, Victorias, and
Fur Trimming*.
M. D. C O H E X,
f 't I.D most respectfully call the attention r>f all per
son# in want of any article in the PancyKur busi
"lathe has now ready a splendid assortment of the
y '■ mentioned articles, made of every description <if
end m ihe great variety of shapes that are now
'"*lie, which he offers to sell at very reasonable
i his FUR STORE, No Ml North Second street,
*'• 4for below Arch st.) Philadelphia.
purchasing to sell again, would find ft eon
to tbelr advantage to call and examine his stock
"tju.ig, themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
r 'T.le full market price always given for SiCf.K'S of
Mtr > description.
The store is always closed on Balorday*.
•Vs. 52 .V. 2d tt , (tiro daort belt)w .Irck) Pktlaia
'•ftember 15, IBi3-3m.
MIKCEO.N dentist,
TA.S UPTURNED to Lewistown, and taken
11, roomt at Turner's Hotel, where he may
for a short time. Persons desirous <rf
professional services, will please call,
"-viitown, August 11,1649.
W K re surrounded with that dread de
"foycr. It may be here—no doubt
.11 J*- U you should have an attack, the
DROPS" will effect a cure.
acl Mtfnr —keep it in your houses
and in your trunka when travel*
bu i ie a remedy for dysen
'!• Sic. IQ aiaiuojH Physician of Ken
*/ aaid (Lithe 'totver lost u case of
p'• forward Drops."
, r l*red BKd sold at UUMN'S Medical
I Law us,
' cia *e uut the stock, will b sold at
""ttl'f*i, August 4, tß4{>,
I YJursuant to an act of the General Assembly
j . *he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled " an Act relating to the Elections of
this Commonwealth " approved the 2d day of
July, A. D. 1839. I DAVIS McKEAN
CON TN ER, Sheriff of the county of Mifflin,
j Pennsylvania, do hereby make known, and
1 giye notice to the Electors of the county afore
said, that a General Election will be "held in
: said county of Mifilin on the second TUES
i DAY (9th) of October 1849, at which time
| State and County Officers, as follows, are to
be elected, to wit:
One person for Canal Commis
j sioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of
tnsmber of House of Representative to repre
sent the county of Mifilin in the House of Rep
| resentatives of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of
j Treasurer.
One person to fill the office of
County Commissioner.
One person to fill the office of
| County Auditor.
I also hereby make, known, and
give notice that the places of holding the afore
-1 said General Election in the several Wards,
; Boroughs and Townships, within the county
! of Mifilin, are as follows, viz:
1 The Electors of the Borough of Newton
| Hamilton are to meet at the public school
house in said borough.
! The Electors of Wayne township to meet at
the stone school house in the borough of New
ton Hamilton.
That by an act passed the sth day of April,
1849. The voters of Oliver township, in the
1 county of Mifflin, whoreside on the north side
of tht Juniata river shall hereafter hold their
genera) and spring elections at the public
school house in the Borough of MeVeytown, I
see Sec. 61. P. Jaws, page 560.
The voters of all lhat pait of Oliver town
ship, south of thp Juniata river, commencing
at the line dividing Oliver and Wayne town
ships on the west, and Strunk's inn, at the
line dividing Oliver and Granville townships •
on the east, will hereafter hold their general ;
and spring elections at the brick school house '
on the tarin of \V illiam Harshbarger, in said j
township. j
The Electors of the Borough of MeVeytown i
to meet at the Union School house in said bor
The Electors of Granville township are to
meet at the Court House in the borough of
The Electors of Mennotow nship are to meet
at the bouse of Amos Stnoker in Alleuville, in
said township.
The Electors of Union township are to meet
at the house formerly occupied by Jacob Bag
nerin said township.
The Electors of Brown township are to meet
at the house formerly occupied by Adam Greer
and now occupied by Samuel W. Stewart, at
Brown's Mills, in said township.
The Electors of Armagh township are to
meet at the house now occupied by Jesse Win
gate in said township.
Tnc Electors of Decatur township are to
meet at the house of Abraham Mutthersbaugh,
formerly occupied by David Mutthersbaugh in
said township.
The Electors of Derry township are to meet
at the Court House in the borough of Lewis
And by ao Act of Assembly, the borough of
Lewistown was divided into two VX ards and
each Ward to compose an election district.—
The Electors tf lite East Ward will meet at
the Court House and vote at the window of the
Csmratssioiiers' office.
The Electors of the West Ward will meet
at the same place and vote at the window of
the Sheriff's office in said Court House in said
Jy~An act of the legislature having chang
ed the mode of voting in Mifflin county, ail
officers hereafter to be elected may be voted for
on a single slip of paper and deposited in one
ballot box, a fact which should be particularly
noted by all entitled to the right of suffrage,
and by the officers of the election.
I also make known and give Notice, as
in and by the 13th vection of the Election Law, I am di
rected, that every peraoti except Jil.ticea of the /Vnce,
who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or
truet, under the governim nt of the Ilnitrd gtat. a or of
this State, or of any city or incorporated district, w hcth
er a commissioned officer or otherwise, and subordinate
officer or agent, w ho is or ehall he employed under ihe
Legislative, Judiciary or Executive !)i>arinieot of ilic
Htale or of ihe United Stale,, or any city or incorporated
district: And also lhat every member of Conrres, and of
the fttate Legislature, and of the select and common
council of any ehy or incorirated district, is bylaw in
capable of holding or exercisii g at ihe same time, the of
fice or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any
election in ihis commonwealth, and that no ]u,|>ector.
Judge or other officer of such election shall be eligible to
10 any office there to he voted for.
ALao, that in the 4th section of Ihe Act of Assembly,
entitled "an Act relating to Executions and for other pur
poses," passed and approved 14th April, ISiO, it is enact
ed that the "IJth section shall not be construed to pre
vent any militia or borough officer from serving as Judge,
Inspector or Clerk at any General or Fpecial Election
of thia Commonwealth.
1 also hereby give nolire lhat, pursuant
to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the act
first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts, shall
respectively take charge of the certificate or return of
the election of their respective districts, and produce them
at a meeting of one jndge from each district, at the court
house in the borough of Lewistown, on the third day af
ter the election, being for the present year on FRIDAY,
the 12th of Octobet next, then and there to do and per
form the dutiet required by law If sickness or unavoid
able accident prevent, or if unahle to attend Said meeting
of Judge*, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be
taken charge of by otie Of the Inspectors or Clerks of the
election of said district, who shall doand perform the du
ties of said judge unable to attend
Alto, that in the 61t section <>t said act, it it enacted,
that "every general and special election thall be opened
between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon; and
thall continue without interruption or adjournment untl!
teven o'clock iu the evening when th poll* ehall be
Alto, that in the Ist section of the act of Assembly, en
titled "an Act to reduce to reduce the expense* and pro
vide for the election of the Hoard of Canal Commission
era," paceod April 18th, 1813, it it enacted "that at the
neat annua! election, the qualified voter# of the several
eountiet of this Common wealth thall vote for one person
at Canal Commissioner, who thall perform all the dot let
now enjoined bylaw upon the Canal Commissioner t the
election of Canal Coinmiesioiier shall be conducted by the
offirersautborlied by law to conduct the general election#
In the several election districts; a return of the votes giv
en for said office shall be made to the Secretary of the
Common wealth in the manner now provided fhr the trans
mission of returns of the elertlon of representatives; the
Secretaries of the Commonwealth, on the receipt of alt
the returns, shall notify the person, who shall enter upon
his duties 011 the second Tnerdiy iu January ttcc#edirg
their election.
Given under my band lit m> office, in l.ewietown the
6th dav of September, 19IU.
I.ewist'iwn, f<eptB.bes 15,1649.- 34.
CJevj Hardware Store!!
WZ h* alwajt b Urge asuortnient of! 1
kinds of UarJwtre low for cojV
• InWigtown, Juoo 23, 1849.
"Small Profits ami Quick Sales."
THE public are respectfully informed thai C. L. JONES has received a very large
comprising all articles kept genet ally in the other stores, with the addition of many finer
i kind of goods not brought before to the place. A list of goods is herewith furnished
with the prices, and an examination of this extensive stork is invited before purchases
are made elsewhere. At this store goods will continue to be sold at least twenty per
unvpp" '''l" 1 Ca " bt had e,flewhere ' this certainly offers great inducements to CASH
; BU I EKS ; the saving of so large a per centage even on a small purchase will amount
to enough to make it a matter of consideration. There are many who deal in Lewis
town in the old fashioned way, by trading, thus giving the store keeper the advantage
ot high prices, to such I would respectfully ask before making trades with the other
i stores to call and see my goods and hear the low prices . and I am confident that such
will see the advantage of selling their produce and buy goods for cash. In a market
' r icu • sl,g ' ll <4 . ffort i3m *de, all kinds oi Country Produce can be disposed of for
I CASH ; it only requires a little independence and determination on the'part of the seller,
as the home consumption of produce it) Lewistown alone is very great, and the neces
saries of life at whatever price, must he had, and thev can be disposed of for cash.
Since 1 commenced business in this place on the 'cash system I have sold a large
amount of goods, and my business is daily increasing. The public appreciate the ad
vantage ol buying for Cash and where business is done for cash only, as there is no
risk to run of credit or trade, the goods are sold at a small advance on cost prices; and
the city puichases being made for Cash only and with a lengthened experience in busi
ness on Market street, Philadelphia, enables the subscriber to buy beyond a doubt low
er than other merchants. 1 ain convinced that there are a gre it many who would like
to deal witfi me and get cheap goods for cash if they only could command cash for their
produce, to such I say sell cheap and sell for cash only. Now for the list of goods on
i CLO THS—black, blue, brown, invisible green, and olive, French, German and
American, at ail prices from $1 00 to $6 00 per yard, including a good assortment of
Over Coat Cloths. I will positively sell such goods at very greutlv reduced prices. On
Cloths, C'assimeres and Vesting* store keepers invariably make large profits as the pur
chasers are not often judges of these articles. I will not so impose, but sell them as 1
sell other goods at a verv small advance on cost.
Black good at *1 and at all prices upwards to §2 75 per yard. Also, Fancy C'assi
meres a good assortment at very low prices ; also fine and medium quality, cheap as
possibly can he sold, and much cher.per than to be had elsewhere
Black, bine. Navy blue, lavender, dark mixed, light mixed Grey, &<♦., Ac., Ac. a
large and cheap lot for 3d ct*., 37} cts., 50 cts.. 02 j cts., 75 cts , and 87' ets., for a
most superb article,
Black satin, silk, silk velvet, woolen, cotton, cassimere and cloth at all prices from
50 cts. to $3 00.
Tweed Cloths for ami Over
COATS, a splendid article of Black French Cloth for Gentlemen and Ladies Cloaks at
the low price of *1 87*1 per yard a? good as others sell at $2 50 to #3 00.
KENT! ! KA JEANS. Gold mixed and Grev. irnod and cheap.
At 10 cents, 12; cts., 15 cts., 18, cts., 22 cts., and 23 cl.s., be assured that these tick
ings are the cheapest ever sold in Lewistown.
Canton Flannels,
Bleached and unbleached for 10 cts., and the best article for 12} cents.
Flannels, of all colors and prices,
12. rts., 18; cts., 25 cts.,2B cts., 31 rts., 37.; cts., 50 cts., 62} cts., and 75 cts.; a
large lot of superior Scarlet FLANNELS at 25 cts.; white gauze Flannel* and supe
rior yellow Flannels—also, shrouding Flannels.
Table Diaper,
Bleached and unbleached lor 12} rents and upwards. Some splendid cloth Table
Covers for 82 50 e/tcb. Stand Covers of desirable colors and stvlcs.
Bleached and unbleached for G] cents and upwards to the verv finest quality made;
particular attention is requested to the stock of fip muslins as they arc very extraordina
rily cheap, and as good as sold elsewhere at 8 cents.
Of the newest styles, a good assortment of neat figures, a good article selling at 3
cts., 4 cts., 5 cts., 64 cets., and upwards to the finest quality to he had, a good assort
ment of blue and orange. My fip Calicoes are really astonishing lor the price, good and
A large and perfect stock of, from 12.] cents and upwards; a splendid article of fine
Freneh Gingham, bright colors and warranted not to fade in washing, for 18£ cents; al
so plain dark styles chamelion Ginghams at 28 cts. High colors alsoat various prices
• Hons deLa hies,
Of every style and quality, imaginable, plain black, brown, snuff, lead, mouse and
other colors, all wool. A splendid article of 2d mourning Motts de I.ains ail wool at
22 cents, also good de Laine* at 18| cts.. desirable colors; also De Laincs of extra qual
ity in high colors, such as Max irinc blue, dark and light green, blue, purple, maroon,
orange, scarlet, crimson, &c.,fcc., Arc,
Figured and plain of superior quality from 12} r's„ to 75 cts, My 12: cent Cash- j
meres are the cheapest goods ever heard of, also all the dark and desirable high colors
Cashmere the same as the Mous de Laine*.
M E 111 NOES,
Of all (ttinlllirs, Colors and Prices.
A large and beautiful stock of these goods kept on hand, for sale at reduced prices
vllpa ea s .
Black of nil prices—3l cts . 37] cts., 44 cts., 50 rts., 62] c's., 75 cts., 87s cents,
SI.OO ami 81.50 for the hi st Alpaca made, and can be had nowhere rise. Modes,
Brums, A:c., and also a splendid assortment of fashionable Fancy Alpacas, ul extreme
ly low prices, and some fine quality fig'd silk warp.
Black silk nt nil prices and Width*. A good article of Black Si'ik as low aC 45 cts.,
as good as is sold elsewhere at 62] cents. Also, plain, colored, and fancy Diess
8 Ik*, at very reasonable prices. Some splendid Satin, striped, hlack, and blue black 1
Silk*. I lorencee and Gfo de Naps for Linings, AHn, Siik Oil i'-lolh—Ladies' silk ;
and merino Under Shirts—new style corded Skirts.
Mull Jaconet and Cambric Muslins,
In great variety ; also, Ofitred. Swiss Mulls for Gaps, Cape*, and dresses. Tnrleton j
Muslin*, while, blue and pink. Figured and plain Bobbineit. Silk and cotton Blond,
Luces, Edgings and Inserting# in endless variety. Also, a inost stiperb and exten- j
sive ufl')r>ment of the richest and newest styles BONNET RIBBONS, all for sale aft
unusually low prices.
IAH'II, Cambric, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs,
From 5 esnts upwards, to the finest article imported from Paris.
FURNITURE CftggK CAfcigOfig. Crash and bird eye Diapfcr for
Towelling. Linen Table Covers nnd Napkin®, IRISH LINENS of everv price
I and quality, very good and cheap* '
' * 'ON, ol J. At p. Coates manufacture, tbe best article to be had,
greatly uupeuor to any other make.
low prices 0 " en ' er ' QO a "d Silk HOSIERY, in gieat variety, and at extremely
anfchildr^V 0 " 00 ' Mefin ° and Wowted of ° !1 grade, and qualities-men's women's
*ha w Is.
j Silk, Cotton, and Woollen. Some magnificent new style Eng Shawl, ; 3 , well as
heavy \\ oollen and Cotton, and fine Merino Shawls, plain and embroide.ed Th- as
sortment of Shawls is extensive, and will be sold much under the usual nrices
An assortment, embracing every article warned. Honks and Eyes, Pins, Needles
Knitting Needles, Tidy Cotton, Coronation Cords, Whalebones; Silk, Cotton and'
Linen Braids; Velvet Trimming Ribbons, anew article for dresses; Fancy Buttons
for dresses : black and colored Sewing Silks : Thimbles : Combs of all kinds; somo
splendid buffalo and turtle shell Combs ; Colored Threao Edgings for trimmings ; steel
I and gold Beads—also, gold and silver Wire for embroideries. All widths of plain and
fancy Satin ; rid Mantua Ribbons; all colors of lining Muslins ; Bleached and Brown
Drilling ; Zephyr Worsted of all shades; Belt Slides; and artificial Flowers.
Ladies' Shoes.
A room is fitted up expressly for Ladie\ Misses'and Children's Shoes, and parti*
cular attention is paid to this department. Every style and quality of Shoes kept on
hand, and will positively be sold cheaper than possibly can be had elsewheie. The
new fall stock is received, and the assortment will be kept up. At least twenty per
cent, can be saved by buying shoes at Jones' Store. A good stock of India Rubber
Shoes very cheap.
Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes.
1 It is useless to enumerate the kinds and prices on hand ; suffice it to say that the as
sortment is the largest, and decidedly the cheapest, ever opened fcefore in Lewistown.
A good assortment of CLOTH and GLAZED CAPS. Also, Fur Trimmed, Fur
and Seal Skin—cheap.
CRAVATS and SUSPENDERS in great variety. A most superb assortment of
fancy silk Cravats, cotton Cravats, plain black silk do. at different prices, for sale uuu
sually low.
Looking Glasses.
> wry cheap.-—Some extra size, larger than can be found in other stores.
ALSO, an extensive assortment of Woollen Nett Hoods and Sacks for children.
Cotton Laps and Black and White Wadding. A nice lot of Comforts, various sizes.
CHEAP BED BLANKETS, and a good assortment.
The best assortment to he found at this store, of all qualities and will be sold al ro
duced prices. CARPET BAGS and Ladies' Satchels—some fine velvet and Vemiian.
Groceries. Hueensware, Hardware,
Cedar-ware, Baskets, <fcc.,
Kept in a separate room from Dry Goods, nnd particular attention paid to keeping
up a general assortment of the above goods Good New Orleans Sugar, Ci ets ; white
sugar, 8 ets.; crushed sugar, 9 els.; pulverized sugar, 10 cts.; nnd superior loaf sugar.
10 cts. Good Molasses for 6J cents per quart. New Orleans Molasses of good qual
ity at 35 cents per gallon ; and superior at 40 cents. Also, good Sugar House Svrup
and the best Royal Golden Svrup, at 50 cis.; a splendid article of Baking Molasses, at
40 eenfs per gallon. COFFEE—good Rio at 8 rts ; very superior at 9to 10 cents ;
Laguira Cnfiee, 9 cts., best quality; and real old government Java, at cts. Also,
ROASTED COFFEE, of superior quality, at 10 cents. Fresh Charleston Rice, at
5 cents. Baker's Chocolate, 20 cents per pound. FRESH TEAS—Superior Black
and Green, of the best qualities imported in the Philadelphia markets, and sold at verv
low prices. Good Black and Green, Oolong nnd Young Hyson Teas, at 50 and 76
cents per pound ; Extra Imperial and Young Hyson, at Si per pound, as good as any
sold at 5i.25. A general assortment of SIMCE3, Supeiiot SPERM OIL; 2ml
quality do. Also, FISH OIL. Sperm nnd Tallow CANDLES. Superior Castile
SOAP, lEjj cts. per Ih., and good Brown Snap.
TOBACCO.—Superior Cavendish at 31 cents, per lb. Twist and flat plugs at 20
cents per lb. HONEY at 75 cts. per gallon. Fish and Sa't, at reduced prices.
A very superior assortment of CUTLERY, comprising some of the finest quality
of Knives and Forks.
Ready-Matle Clothing.
A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing will be received in a few dayt—now
being made to order in Philadelphia of good materials
To Vf Vwlesalc Buyers
Great inducements are offered, as a liberal abatement will be made.
New Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, September 15, IS49—Ct.
Look Out for the
TreitieiMioti* Vv\citenieiif!
and all about Thomas's selling
Goods so Cheap.
I have a large assortment of
and Indies' and Misses' Gaiters, made by the
best of workmen ; a variety of
Dry G,
(Srotcriffl nn3 2U(iuot',
of the best kind; among which are some very
choice Brandies, and a superior article of
Stouton BittCrs i Also, COOKNG
STOVES; PovVdef, Shot, and
Lead; 100 barrels beet Mo
nongaheli Whiskey ;
1 have made arrangements to have all the
luxuries of the Eastern and Southern Markets
by railway; such as Sweet Potatoes, Toma
toes, Peaches, Melons, l'icktes, tfe., all of ;
which will be sold at a slight advance for cash. ;
between Smarts's and McDowell's iat'ernS.
lewistown, Sept. 8. 1849—tmlO.
Bank of Discount and Deposits
C;tli Capital Paid in $70,000.
j tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans*
action cf the regular business of banking.
Drafts and Notes payable in the Commercial
cities will be discounted at All times, and depos
itee of Current money will be paid, on demand,
in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to
business men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
The aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
A. Bates Gridh, Christum Bachmax,
Jons? Christ, H. Freelano,
BexJaMix EShklmax
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
W. 11. IRWIN,
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August 25, 1849—tf.
A I WAYS on hand, CARPETS nnd M.\T
-I\. TING, Floor And Table OIL CLOTH,
all telling very cheap at
nusbaum, BROTHERS.
August 4, 18*9.
BONNETS and Bonnet iitbbotifi, lob l|h
• P 2B UILt.V-
I Groceries and Liquors,
Three Doors South of the Old Bridge,
Front Sirref t
JM. S., for the accommodation of mer
• chantß and othere in Dauphin, Cumber
land, Franklin, and neighboring counties, ha*
opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment,
for the sale of Groceries and Liquors, as above.
With the co-opefation of a large importing
house in Baltimore, he will offer goods her® at
the same prices at which they Can be purchas
ed in the city. He respectfully solicits the
tavor of a call frotn those wishing to purchase,
to satisfy thetsi of his entire abili'y to sell as
he promises. The attention id" landlords is
invited to a lot of choice Liquor*, in store and
for sale at importers' prices.
from a distance promptly filled,
and goods despatched at city prices.
September 8, 1849—tf.
NOTICE id hereby given* that the Acade
my School will commence on the second
MONDAY of September. Terms of Tuition
as heretofore. The strictest attention will be
given to all pupils to advance them in their
Studies. The Academy possesses also the ad
vantage cf a Philosophical and Astronomical
apparatus to facilitate the instruction of pupils.
Lewiatown, Sept. 1,1949—tf.
THERE strayed frotn my farm in Granville
township, some time last spring, a two
yeßr Bnt * W^e STEEP.
Any person givihg suth informa
fiyy tion as would lead to his recov
<Fs2S#s3eßery, will be suitably rewarded.
Lewiatown, Sept. 1, 1849—St.
A SPLENDID assortment of Cravats
on hand. Black Italian Cravats,
black Gro de Rhine do., Plaid Silk da, Satin
do., and neat style heaVy extra do., for sale at
Aug 25. yew Cheap Cash Store.
X for 6J cents, sellihg si
.IONEs' New Cneop C< i.Jk Store.
August 18, lS4d.
Ctthrltes and Confectionary.
VLWAYS en hind e good, stock at whole
sale or retail,
may 2*, I*lo. F. J. IJCf fM.Vi