Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 15, 1849, Image 1

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    Vol \XX V.—W Imlc ,\o IS 20.
Rates of Advertising.
One square, 13 lines, 2 squares, 6 tnos. 45. (MJ
1 time 50 " I year \3.<MJ
2 times 75 column, 3 inos. 6.0(1
3 " 1.00 " 6 " 10.0(1
1 mo. 1.25 " l year 15.0(1
3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
" fi 41 4.00 " 6 " 15.00
" 1 year 6.00 " l year 95.0(1
2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar
-44 3 mos. 3.50 riages, Ac. "sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
Relative to an Amendment of the
RESOLVED by the Senate and lloute of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth, of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met, That the Constitution
of this Commonwealth be amended in the se
cond section of the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows : Tiie Judges of the Suprfeme
Court, of the several Courts of Common I'leas,
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in
the manner following, to wit: The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The President
Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, and all other Judges
required to be learned in the law, by the quali
fied electors of the respective districts over
which they are to preside or act as Judges.
And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Com
mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun
ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold their offices for the term of fif
teen years, if they shall so long behave them
selves well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf
ter provided for, subsequent to the first elec
tion :) The President Judges of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other
courts of Record as are or shall be established
by law, and ail other Judges required to be
learned in the law, shall hold their olficcs for
the term of ten years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well: The Associate Judges of
the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their
offices for the term of five years, if they shall
so long behave themselves well: all of whom
shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for
any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi
cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor
shall remove any of them on the address of two
thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The
first election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next alter the
adoption of this amendment, and the commis
sions of all the judges who may be then in of
fice shall expire on the first .Monday of Decem
ber following, when the terms of the new judges
shall commence. The persons who shall then
be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall
hold their offices as follows : one of them for
three years, one for six years, one for nine
years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen
years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by
the said judges, as soon after the election as
convenient, and the result certified by them to
the Governor, that the commissions may be is
sued in accordance thereto. The judge whose
commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus
tice during his term, and thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire shall in
turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the same day, the
judges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap
pening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in
any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to nitinue till the
first Monday'of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents of the several Courts
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
for their services an adequate compensation, to
be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished
during their continuance in office, but they shall
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the United
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court during their con
tinuance in office shall reside within this Com
monwealth. and the other Judges during their
continuance in office hnll reside within the dis
tri< t or county for which they were respective
ly elected.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
In THE Senate. .March 1, 1849.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. —Yeas 21,
Nays 6.
Extract from the Journal
In the House or Representatives, )
-Ipril 2, 1349. $
Resolved, That this resolution pass. —Yeas 53,
nay s 26.
Extract from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Secretary's Orrice.
Filed April 5. 1*49.
Dep. See. of the Commonwealth.
Secretary's OrFict.
I no certify that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the Original Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Reso
lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution," as the same remains on file in this of
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my
Ihand, and caused to be. affixed the
N. seal of the Secretary's Office at Har
-R l-J* n&burg, this eleventh day of June,
nno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and
Secretary of tlu Commonwealth.
" Journal or Senate.
" Resolution, No. 133, entitled ' Resolution
" rdative to an amendment of the Constitution,'
" was read a third time. On the question, will
" the Senate agree to the resolution ? Ihe Yeas
" and Nays were taken agreeably to the Consti
" tution. and were as follows, viz :
" Yeas—Messrs. Boas Brawley, Crabb, C'un
'' Mnghani, Forsyth, Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence,
44 I- vis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich,
" Richards, Sadler, Saukcv, Savery, Small,
"Smyser, Sterrett and Stine—2l.
'* Nays—Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives,
" King, Konigrnachur, Potteiger and Darsie,
44 Speaker—B.
" So the question was determined in the af
' firmative."
" Shall the resolution pass : The yeas and
" nays were taken agreeably to the provision of
" the tenth article of the Constitution, and are
44 as follows, viz :
" Ycis—Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J.
" Bent, Craig Iliddlc, Peter D. Bloom, David .M.
" Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, John 11.
44 Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emory,
" David G. Eshleman, William Evans, John
14 Kausold, Samuel Fegcly, Joseph W. Fisher,
41 Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Bobt llainp
-44 son, George P. llenszey, Thomas J. Herring,
44 Joseph IJiggins, Chas. Hortz, Joseph B Uovver,
44 Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham
44 Lamberton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long,
44 Jacob M'Cartney, John F. M'Culloeh, Hugh
44 M 4 Kee, John M'Laughlin, Adam Martin, Satn
-44 ucl Marx, John C. Myers, Edward Nickleson,
44 Stewart Pearce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt,
44 Alonzo Robb, George Rupley, Theodore Ry
-44 man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Scibcrt,
44 John §harp, Christian Snirely, Thomas C.
44 Steel, Jeremiah B. Stubbs, Jost J. Stutzman,
44 Marshall Swartzwelder, Samuel Tu rgart,
44 George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah
44 Wattles, Samuel Weirich, Alonzo I. Wilcox,
44 Daniel Zerbey, and William F. Packer, Speak
-44 er •—53.
1 " Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cortiyn, David
" M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry 8. Kvans,
" John Fenlon, John YV. George, Thomas Gil
" lespie, John B. Gordon, YViliiam Henry,
" James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert it.
" Little, John S. M'Calmont, John M'Kee.
" William M'Sherry. Josiah Miller, William T.
" Morrison, John A. Otto, William Y. Roberts,
" John W. Roseberry, John B. Rutherford, R.
Rutidle Smith, John Smyth, John Souder,
" George Walters and David F. Williams.—2(.
" So the question was determined in the aflir
" uiative."
Harrisburg, June Ij, 1649. )
I no CERTIFY that the above and
foregoing is a true, and correct copy
Y* of the " Yeas" and "Nays," taken
on " Resolution relative to an
Amendment of the Constitution,"
as the same appears on the Journals
of the two Houses of the General Assembly of
this Commonwealth, for the session of lt-4'.).
YVitness my hand and the seal of said office,
the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine.
ju23—3m Secretary of the Comnowttiith.
SS* @> © S 0 22 0
Tlifllin Coins!}' s*.
In the case of the Estate of John Riden, dee'd
In the Orphans' Court o! said county.
\-OTICE is hereby guen to cl! the heirs
and devisees, S:c. of JOHN 111 DEN,
Sr, late of Derry township, .Mifflin county,
Pennsylvania, deceased. that a VVtit of Parti
tion and Valuation has been issued < bt of the
Court aforesaid to the Sheriff"of said county
directed, commanding him to summon a Jury
of twelve ir.cn, to value and appraise th- lands
and tenements of the said John Rideti afore
said, deceased, situate in said towinhip of Der
rv, containing 4(1 acres, more or less. And HI
putfusnce of an order made by the Court afore
said, I do hereby give public notice to all such
heirs and devisees a- reside out of ihe county
of Mifflin, that I will bold an Inquest on the
said premises and execute said writ of Parti
tion as therein 1 am commanded, on TiICRS
DA V, the 4 'h day of October , .4. J). 1849,
at winch time and place they and every one
of them may attend, if they think proper, t
2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day.
D. Mclv. CONTN EK, Sheriff".
Lewistown, Aug. 23.1849. \ ot.
IT 0 3? I Cr 33*
To the Heirs and legal Representatives of. John C.inj
bilt, late of Dntmart tnirn,hip. I.tine as 0 r county.
r Pakc notice that I will hold an Inquisiti n to
j I divide, part or value the Real Estate of s-■ id
j deceased, on FRIDAY, September 14th, 1 -49.
at It) o'clock A. M., on the premise*, at which
i time and place ycu may attend if xou think j ro
per. JACOB Hl BER, Sheriff'.
Lancaster, Sept. 8, 1849.—td*
•XT n T T!
A i v/ turn mm XO? -v- •
r PHE undersigned appointed by the Court of
A Common Pleas of Miifltn county Auditor,
to distribute the fund arising from the - !.: of
| the real estate of M. & J. V. CRISYY S.LL,
notifies all persons to present their claims uj n
said fund at his Law Office, in Lewistown, i
S.ITURD.I Y, the 2 2,1 of September , 1849, or be
i debarred from sharing in the same.
GEORGE YV. KNOX, .hide ..
Lewistown, August 23, 1849—4t.
Auditor's .Notice.
rpilE undersigned, appointed by the Court of
j JU Common Pleas of Miiilin county Auditor,
l to distribute the fund arising from Ihe sale of
the Real Estate of.T. it J. POTTER, notifies
! all persons to present their claims upon said
fund to him, at his office in Lew istown, on l'ri
l day, September 28th, 1819, or be debarred front
: sharing in said fund.
♦ GEO. W. ELDER. Auditor.
LewUtown, September 1, 1849—ft.
Audilor'* iYolici*.
rpilE undersigned, appointed an Auditor by
! JL the Court of Common Picas of Mifflin coun
ty, to distribute the proceeds of the sal< of the
personal property of FRANCIS A. YVJUTA
KER, notifies all persons having claims on said
proceeds to present them before hint, al his of
fice, on MOMTM Y, the Bth day of October, 1849,
or be precluded from sharing in said proceeds.
GEO. W. ELDER, Auditor.
Lewistown, Sept. 1, 1849—4t.
Auditor'* Aotice.
rpHE undersigned appointed an Auditor by
J the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin coun
tv, to distribute the proceeds arising from the
; real estate of ADAM GREER, notifies all por
: sons having claims upon saiu fund to present
I them before me, at the office of R. C. Hale,
i Esq., on MONDB V, Stp'einhtr 17fh, 1849, or he
forever debarred from coming in upon said fund.
I.ewistown, August 25, 1849—4t.
} EXCELLENT SUGARS for 4 and 5
J cents. Best l'orto Rico Sugar nelliiijfat
fty cents. Beat crushed Sugar tor 8 antl 10
' cents per lb. Good Molasses si cents per
quart: beat at 10 and 12$ — to be ttad at the
• Lewistown,
BSoalsbtirg, Centre Co. I';i.
("T AKDENEU.S and ore hard ists who desire
JY to plant only thn very best kinds of hardy
. fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
obtain trees here of all the most estimable va
rieties. including all those which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. V., Oct. 184*.)
The TREES offered this season are of beau
tun! appearance, extra size, (except
"l^fii 11 ? u ,ow rH;w rre sorts) and from
the elevated locality in which the
Nursery is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and ear!)'
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view ot mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in
! the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
! sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they will
be well packed tor the purpose at a moderate
It is advised flint orders fie sent direct to the
.N'ur.-ery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at high prices. Sueh orders, if received in
time , have the first attention.
►Season for fill planting. October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergrt crjs, Ac. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sort to
ail post paid applicants.
Roalcburg, July 7, 1819—tf. j Dent, copy
PURSUAN T to an order of the Orpheus'
Court of Mifflin county, the subscriber,
administrator, Ac. of SAMUEL MATTER,
late of Armagh township, in the said county,
deceased, will sell at public sale, on the pre
mises, on
B' 52 I 5> \ Y ,
the ICali day of Octaher
next, (1-49.) aii that messuage and tract o
UNimproved mountain or WO'HI land in the SET!
township of A rmagli, bounded by land i f John
Aikena, flnyh S*moFe. and others, ar.l cop.
acres, more or less.
TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the pur
chase money to be paid on the confirmation of
the sale by the Court, nod the remainder in
one year thereafter, with interest front the
time of the said < onfiruittiofl, and to be .secur
ed by bonds and mortgages on the premises.
The 8ti;l tract of land will be sold in lots or
parcels of fifty or one hundred acr< s, to suit
purchasers lur woodland.
Administrator, <Ao\
J. L. MCII.VUNE, Clerk U. C.
August 25, 1-19—td.
rmllAT n-ll known MEKCHA YV'
MILL, situated in the Kishacnqoil
las Valley, 8 miles front Lewistown, Mitffin
county. Pa. The Mill is tilty feet square, four
stories high, with three pair French Burr®,
one pair country do., two Water \\'heels 17
feet high—the walls running from 31 to 22
inches in thickness. There is at'ndied to the
ietfinpm MILL, Two Dwelling
Barn, Coe;> ;s'§&
Simp, &c , and
Six Yti*t* Lniifi,
w til It "2."> A errs oj f Vomliet nrl,
within mdo of the mil I. Possession can be
given on the first day of April next.
F r further particulars, apply to GEORGE
Hf.YMV i.R, Lewistown, Pa., or to St i i.t. <V
lit Mi' n. No 17 North YY'uter tt., Phnuoa.
Auguat 18, 1- 19— itnw .l.
M W \oi.L:.tt; IF ITTT:
Tc liivt'iiicrs. Mcflifiiiics tui.i Artizaits.
rj'ilF. puliL-ht rd of the Scicntlfir *.: m rirrwi in rctuiniiif!
* th ir think* to tlie roininunitv for the lib -ral *u|; -m
and t ncoiingi iitt ,i n tiK'h lias I- - n extemled to them
'luring tf ■ |i.it focr vear-. Tv ..it : r--eerift.lly pi-,e ii.i
lac th it the urt loonier el' Vultoue will he Isa-koI on
lie- '2'.M of 11.'.r, ur!on!iii_ u f i-. i rah!e opp fu. iiity
r J all to (ttiltucrib •, w tio nun u ! ii to av\iii theiust-Ivi-n ..1
tle v i! nibte inf'.niialion always foiim! In its cntuiuiis.
Tin tew volume will tie commenced w .ill new* type,
prii.t -ii on citra tine paper, inanurartured expresnly fii
tin* put.lt aiion, mid emhlli*litd w itn rliaste untitle
.- :i tln T Itr. Il v. 11l h" puMUh'-tl a* hernlefore in quaito
f inn, t Imp ntr .Till .g at the end of I In: year a UFA I, ft IT I.
BOOK of ever I'M pag>', coiit tiintiß bettvt-en 5 antl I (X)
Original Enyravit j:- of new 111vt iitinns, dmcribed l.y
letlers of rtTt'reiit e, btuidd i great nitiuunt of reading
matter, valuable to every man in tin- country.
An increased amount of tare and expense will be In;-
stow' d upon this Volume, to render it more fully what it
htiii been termed, " Tin; best Mechanical Taper in the
World." Its columns a* usual will l>.< lilted with the mo-t
re ialile and corrr. t informal inn in rei'nr i to the progress
of B( IIJNTIFIC aiiit MKt'HAMrM. lin;noveiiit-ul*,
Clieinisiry, Architecture, H tiaox, Mauufat lures, Kail road
InKlligence, and the \VI.F.KLY LIST OF I'ATIiN I
prepared expressly for tiiia Journal at tli Patent Olln e
in Washington.
As an evidence of th: estimation in which this puhliea
tiou is held by the tjcieutifit and Alet haniral portion of
the coiriinunity, it is only nee saury to Mate, that u cir
culation hue increased within the Inst three years to up
wards of ih,oo<i copies, already exceeding the united cir
culation of all Ihe Met Itanfeal and Scientific publication*
in this country, and the largest of any single one in the
TERMS ;—Two dollar* a fear in advance, or if desir
ed, one dollar In advance, and the remainder in six
months. TO (.'l.l'll.- j copies, ; lhr.ipies, fIS: 20 ,
copies, frit*.
All letters must be post paid and diiectrd hi
MUNN At C 0.,
Publishers of the Scientific American, New- Yofk. I
\ P. Paten!* secured an I mechanical drawing* exe- j
cutcd on the most reasonable terms, at the Scientific
American office.
August 35,1819 —ft. |
Leather, Morocco, and Shoe
A large assortment always on hand, and for
jl. sale by
Lewistown, June 23, 184 U.
W A A T E I).
A COMPETENT lady, to take the
dwelling of the house at JONES'
STORE for a Boarding House, sor G per
manent boarders can be had if application it
made soon. A rare chance for a person wish
ing to engage in the business or any one want
ing to change location. Applv to
New (-heap Cash Store.
I.ewistown, August 18, 1848
Glass and Queeixsware.
Ys7 HI F'E Stone W are Tea Setts, flowing
* v Blue, mulberry, &.C., tfce., large size
Bowls arid Pitchers, Mantle Or
naments, Decanters, Stone Jugs and
'•C-& Jtirs, Demijohns, Pudding and Pie Dishes
of yellow ware to stand the fire. Glass pre
serve Dishes of various patterns, ('up Plates,
'I umblers, Wine Glasses, common Cups and
Saucers, & c., <scc. The stock and assortment
of the above goods is very large, and offered
for sale at a very small advance on the cos?
P> ices. C. L. JONES,
aug 25. New Cheap Ca.-lt Store.
jb'Si received, a large assortment of desir
able Bonnet Ribbon*, embracing everv
quality of the newest styles. The al
to' tenlion of Milliners is requested to this
a -ortineut of IIIMiONS. They will
be sold by the piece or yard at a very small
advance. C. I, JONES,
Aug "do. Neto ("heap Cash Store.
k BRAfIA.M'S Highly Improved Patent,
. \ Manifold Writers, f(>r copying letters,
invoices, drawings, plans, &.c. This invention
will produce a letter with its copy at one oper
ation ; or, if required, a letter with two fac
sunih sto send abroad, wit ha single pen (style)
which is so durable that it will last for centu
ries without repair. For sale at the book store
f evv:stown, June 1 -J, 1849 —3t.
\T my store can ho bad any quality, size*
or pattern of La-fie>'. Misses' and Chil
dren's Sit es, at very low prices.
New Cheap Cash Store.
f owftnwr, \tigusf 1-, 1549.
t FEW pieces m-ire of those superior 4-4
1 % /: t lILSTOM UIM'CHA MS eft. uur
ranted fast colors, and equal in quality to any
which have been so'd at 'JO cents. Mr,d/e
--41 ork Collars, very hsnd.-ome, selling for 12$
cents a niece, at 'he of
<['arp e I s !
fppIIE clietipesi and be>t Carpets are to
lie had nl JON ICS'
Mew Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, August I*, 1849.
A LARGE lot of good READY MADE
J\ ('LOTIII S(S selling iff ver\ cheap.
I for 6] cents. Do. for 10 OH. Extra
bordered do. f>r 12$ cents —some very fine
new s'vfo selling low at
J.\ 8 w is- Jaconet! and Cambrics selling
very low; some 19 inches wide fir 12$ cents
L< wi-'.owi , .1 ii 1 v 2*, 1-49.
g PAI.IAN Soap for removing Freckles a rid
R any eruptions of lite sktti.fur sale by
Dec. 23, IMB. !•:. ALLUN.
2 S ILES' Embrocation for Morses for sale
x t; at GREEN'S Medical Depot, No. 11.
Lovvi>:uwti l August LS, 1-19.
Iran !flroti
VN extensive assortment of ail sizes, for
. sale !o\v for cash, bv
Fune *23 '49. F. J. HOFFMAN.
3^I,ASTER, Fish and Sail on itattd cod for
2 sale by
A FIF is a smnil piece of money, yet it wili
il pay fur a vatd of excellent Calico or
Muslin, if taken to theslore of
July 28, 18-49.
jf 1 INGHAIVISI-'Good Manchestet Ging
'v; 45 lifints, at only 0$ cents per yard, tu be
had at the only cheap store in town, t. r.
Rcdifiiies, &c,
colli) YCU, COTTON LAPS, &c.
I'IIRK WHITE LEAD, at 82 per Keg
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 18 49.
pa YVe have now on
{l®—hand n large stock of
Cooking Stoves, such as
we C:ul warrant to give
fA -—>> entire satisfaction We
1^^ have the Laubach, two
sizes, trout 820 to £22.
rSI OCT"We invite Far
yX mers and all persons
i needing a Cooking
J Stove, to give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
Lewistown, Funo 23, 1849.
Go—court the glance of every eye,
Invite the touch of every lip,
Be free to all who flutter by—
I sip not where the many sip;
The blossom of my heart must be
A flower that bloom for one alone;
Divided charms are not for me—
No, ALL its sweets must be my own.
Go—spread thy charms to every sight,
Impart to all thy favors sweet,
lam not like the bee, to light
On flowers where ALL a welcome meet!
The blossom of my heart must be
A flower that blooms for one alone;
Divided charms are not for me—
No, ALL its sweets must be my own.
iH tgccllaiitou#.
Jake, a little buck negro, w ho belonged to Dr.
Taliferro, was said to have had in his little
frame a heart as big as General Jackson's.
Jake didn't fear even our respectable fellow
citizen, Obi Nick, and as for coolness, he was
cool as the tip of the North Pole.
One day I)r. Taliferro, upon the occasion of
the commencement of a medical college, of
which he held the chair of Anatomy, gave a
dinner. Among his guests was a well known
Late in the evening, after the bottle had done
its work, the conversation turned ori courage,
and the Doctor boasted considerably of his fa
vorite man Jake, lie offered to bet that noth
ing could -care him; and this bet the ventrilo
quist took up, naming at the same time the test
he wanted imposed. Jake was sent for, and he
j ' Jake,' said the Doctor, ' I have bet a verv
large sum of money on your head, and vou must
win it. Do you think you can."
'Berry well, massa,' said Jake, 'jistelldis
nigger what lie's to do, and he do itshure.
' 1 want you to go to the dissecting room.—
You will find two dead bodies there. Cutoff
the head of one with a large knife, which you
will find there, and bring it to us. You must
not take a light,.and don't get frightened.'
' Dat's all, is it k' inquired Jake. 'O. berry
well. I'll do dat shore for sartiu ; and as for
bein' friglit'd,dedcbilain't goin' to frighten me.'
Jake accordingly set off, reached the dissect- j
ing room, and groped about until lie found the {
knife and the bodies. He had just applied the
former to the neck of the latter, when from the j
body be was about to decapitate, a hollow, ;
sepulchral voice exclaimed—
Let my head alone!'
• Yes salt, 1 ain't perticular—tudder do jist as
He accordingly put the knife to the neck of !
the other corpse, when a voice equally as un- !
earthly in its lone, shrieked out—
' Let my head alone !'
'Look a heahr Massa Toliver say I mu* bring I
one ob de heads, and you isn't gwine to fool me, i
no how
Jake then hacked away until the head was !
separated from the body. Therupon more than
haifa dozen voices screamed out—
' Brmg it back ! bring it back !'
Jake had reached the door, but turned round j
' Now, now, see heah! Jist keep quiet, vou i
fool, and don't wake up the wimen folks. Mas- j
sa's only gwine to look at de bumps.'
' Bring back my head at once!'said the voice, j
'Tend you right away, sah,'replied Jake as :
be marched off with the head; the next moment
depositing it with the Doctor.
' So, you've got it, Jake, I see,' said his mas
'Yes, sah,' replied the unmoved Jake, ' but |
please fit- done lookin' at um soon, kase de gem
man tole me futch um back right away!'
Flood in Red Ritcr.
A most overw helming flood occurred recently i
in the Red river, an account of which we copv
from the Alexandria (La.) Republican, of the
21st ult.
The extraordinary and unheard of flood of.
Red river has put il altogether beyond ourpow- i
cr to continue the regu'ar weekly issues of our j
paper To print this extra, giving a brief ac- 1
count of the calamity, terrible, awful and over- '
whelming as it most truly is, it will be necessa
ry for us to work in water three feet deep on '
one of the highest first floors in town.
The oldest inhabitants of the country, men of
sixty and seventy, who were born and raised :
here, say that the water has never been as high J
as it i now during their existence. As far as I
we have been able to learn, it extends front hill j
to hill everywhere, covering, except a few high !
spots, al! the alluvial lands on both sides of Red
river, en Bayous Robert and Rapides, and per- :
Imps Bayou Bo uf. Even a large portion of the \
lands of the Plaisance settlement, which have
been considered perfectly secure against high i
water, and patiaily inundated.
The loss has consequently been very great.
In this parish, in the crops of cotton and sugar 1
alone, rstimating the former at 25,000 bales and J
the latter at 10,000 hogsheads, with the usual :
amount of molasses, it will exceed $1.700,000,
and if we include corn, stock, and damage done j
to property, it must approximate to £3,000,000.
Uur front proprietors leveed against an 1844
rise, and many of them felt so secure behind
what they conceived their invincible breast
works that they made no preparations at all for
moving until the. water, rising as it did with ex
traordinary rapidity, completely covered them, j
Hence on some places only part of the stock !
was saved while on others it was all lost.
The accounts of the suffering above, represent
it to be even worse than it is here. Having no
high lands to fly to, the inhabitants have had to j
huddle with their cattle upon their highest
grounds, and either itand in water waist deep,
or clttnb up into trees and wait for a boat to
rescue- tit em.
It is impossible to estimate the loss by the
flood in the valley of Red river. Instead of up
wards of 2o,UUU, this parish will not produce i
20t)0 bales, in the valley, instead of upward of j
130,000 bales, not 3<UXk) will be made. The ;
loss in this one article will consequently be
£5,000,000, which is nothing to the loss of lite
corn crop, of stock, of farming implements, the
destruction of improvements, and general break
ing up of plantations. To those too are to be
added the loss of credit, no mean item, which
we must measurably sutler. Truly it is a sad j
fix that this country is in.
The damage done to the town cannot now be ,
estimated, but it is considerable. Many of the
houses are partially underminded, and others
probably will be before the water leaves us.—
Until it docs so, at least until it leaves our floor, i
our readers we fear will not again hear Uoqi q 4 '
New Series—Vol. 3—No. 47.
It is important for the tax-payers to know that
the appropriation demanded by the Locofoco
Canal ("ommissioners for the pnplie works the
present year exceeds ONE MILLION THREE
the truth of this we refer to the act of appropri
ation published in the pamphlet laws.
Here is sufficient evidence of the extrava
gance, PRODSGALITT and FRAUDS admitted by
the locofocos to be perpetrated on the public
works, by which hundreds of thousands of dol
lars are annually taken from the pockets of the
toiling tax-payers, to pamper party favorites
and dishonest demagogues.
We ask the taxpayers to remember that now
under Locofoco administration, the appropria
tion to the support of the public works exceeds
§I,OOO 000 a year, while the whole revenue
from them will scarcely reach that sutn. This
is a state of things that should be made known
to all, that the public may be able to see and
judge of the fidelity of the Canal Commission-
and their disbursing officers.— Harriiburg
REBELLION.— AII is not as smooth as oil, or
as harmonious as love during the honey moon
in the Locofoco ranks. Us peace is slightly
ruffled lipon a tender point; and one that, if im
itated, will cause dreadful suffering. It appears
that all the party are notassured that Mr. Gam
ble, the nominee for Canal Commissioner, is
true to the faith and in one instance for certain,
the Potter Pioneer having asked why the Tioga
Banner did not support Mr. Gamble, received
the following sharp reply :
"Simply because we do not yet know that he
is a Democrat. Will the Ptcmeef-rnan tell us why
he doei support himr and what evidence he has
that he is a democrat, other than that he is the
nominee ?"
The Banner is a Democratic Free Soil paper,
and its conduct looks as if there is an under
handed game of opposition to Mr. Gamble go
ing on. Those who discipline the party—who
terrify, cajole, coax and wheedle the rebellious
into the performahce of required duty, will, if
such be the case, have their hands mere than
full; for Free Soilism has latterly become ts
stubborn as a mule, in witness of which New
York is prominent.— North American.
two ounces of hen's milk, put it into a hog's
horn, and stir it up with a cat's feather; then
divide the mass into pills as big as a piece of
chalk, about as long as a stick, and swallow
them crosswise— frequently. Read the follow
ing 1 CERTIFICATE. ' I, Sinion Credulous, of
sound mind, and disposing memory, do certify,
that I was seized with a violent attack of the
Asiatic, Spasmodic j Epidemic, Asphyxiated Cho
lera ; so that the back part of my head was
lodged against the calves of my legs. In this
condition I ran to a barber's shop and got a dose
of the Boston Recipe Pills of the usual size, and
in one minute was entirelv relieved.
FOR THE GIRLS. —How many foolish girls
have ruined themselves by marrying young men
w ho had nothing to recommend them but riches.
'ls he rich." has been the inquiry, when a
suitor has presented himself. Foolish girls!
Rather ask, is he intelligent? Is he industrious >
Is he virtuous? Let these questions be answer
ed in the affirmative, and if he has not a second
shirt to his back, we will answer for his course.
Wealth may be lost, but the good qualities of
the heart will always remain, like the sunshine,
'to warm and bless. Remember this.
i On Monday morning, on the Concord Railroad,
an unknown Irishman was instantly killed by
j jumping from the cars while going at the rate
jof thirty miles an hour. It appears that he
u ished to go to Concord, and got into the down
ward train by mistake. About three miles this
side of Manchester, upon being informed that he
was in the wrong train, he rushed to the door,
and, before he could be stopped, jumped off.—
He was thrown against a stone with such vio
lence that when the train had,bcen stopped and
backed tip to the body it was found dead, though
no bones appeared to be broken.— Boston Tra
a young lady to her mother the other day, 'what
is emigrating?'
Mother—'Emigrating, dear, is a young lady
going to California.'
Daughter—'What Is colonizing, mar'
Mother—'Colonizing, dear, is marrying there
and having a family.'
Daughter—'Ma, I should like to go to Califor
There is a man up in our country who always
pays for his paper in advance. He ha 9 never
had a si.-k day in his life—never had any corns,
or toothache—his potatoes never rot—the wee
vil never eats his wheat—the frost never kills
his corn or beans—his babies never cry in the
night, and his wife never scolds. Reader, have
you paid the printer in advance?
from Liverpool, per Captain Decker, of the ship
William Patten, informs us that on the. 24th Ju
ly, an American seamen, named Samuel Wil
liams, of Harrishurg, Pa , aged 24 years, was
killed on board the shif> Lancanshire, of New
York, by a fall from aloft.
SAD ACCIDENT.—A son of Hon. James Cooper,
United States Senator, aged about 11 years, met
with a distressing accident at Pottsville on the
6th inst. He was standing on the train of ears
drawn by horses, and in attempting to jump from
them, fell and they passed over him, severing
one of his legs from his body.
SOMEWHAT WHlGGlMl. —Pottawattomie coun
ty, Towa, voted at the recent election, as fol
lows: \\ 'nig. 555; Loeofoco, 4. This is the
country which was defrauded of its vote in the
Presidential and Congressional electionts. last
year, bv tiic Locofoco authorities of that State.
CHOLERA IN- CINCINNATI. —The official report
of the deaths from cholera in Cincinnati from
May Ist to August 30th. is 4,114; from other dis
eases, 2,345; total, 6,450. A heavy hill of mor
Cherish a love for justice, truth, self-control,
benevolence Be governed by theui in all
things. Swerve not from the right, for any
present advantage. In all rirrjj instances v ow
thyself a man in unflinching rectitude