I ,icrt' lunied in preparing their ui ami Hmiveils, who drove cur soldiers and Cued on litem from houses. A brigade now inarched the place, and the Magyars were nhnud t" 19 V <- way. (Vongrad has paid ,l ; , r lv for this crime. AII supplies wt re li,i brought away into the imperial camp, then the city became a prey to the Hone*-' I'l.e Israelites of Ketskomot are con ilciiiro* i to pa_V war contribution of half HiiHi >n of florins. Menkacs. a town in the Beregh conn irv. northeast of Debreezin, lias been ta ken l>v the Russian corps, which entered lr iin Mtrv, and the Hungarian bishop, pcpo\ ich, hanged. In proportion as general Haynau advan rt .■< mto the noerior, tlie garrison of Co nmrti make their activity fell. General Mapka made on the 30th a sortie from his iiitn iiched camp, m which he inflicted se \ re los es on the besiegers. I he army of the South, as the routed j. meant ol Jellachich's corps is called, encouraged by the news of Hay nau's ap proach, was preparing to recross the Dan ube into the Bacskn. The Ban had gone from Mitrovies to Titel, and would there await the arrival of the brigade ol liastic, m order to re assume the offensive. The (iraizer Zeihtng reports that Gen. Nugent entered Kaposvar on the 30th.— He had nowhere met with any resistance; hot does not account for the slowness of l-.is progress. 12,000 landsturmers had ha recently near Ivapsover, but disap peared on the 26th. A small detachment ot Magyar troops in the same neighbor hood, had retired toward the Danube. Important Victory of the Hungarians. —Letters from Constantinople, of the 25th idf., sav that a courier from Galatz had brought news that the Austrio-Kussian ar inv 00.000 strong, which after it had com pelled the Hungarian general, Perczel, to retire, and had occupied Cronstadt and llermanstadt, had advanced as far as Sar cam, had been met bv Bern with 40,000 men. The latter immediately gave bat tle to the imperialists, who were under Gen. Landers. The battle commenced on tho 10th by a stratagem movement on the part of Bern, by which he cut off* the left wing of the Austrian atmy, attacking the right at the -ime time, and compelling it to fall back on the centre. General Bern seeing the disorder of the enemy's lines, ordered the reserve to advance, which, by a determined an! gallant charge, decided the day in fivor of the Hungarians. The imperial i-:s took to flight, leaving onthefield 10,- nOU dead and wounded, nearly all the ar tillery, and 8000 prisoners, among whom s Genera! Autemberg. Gen. Bern then repossessed Cronstadt and llermanstadt. lri Gallicia, General Dembinski has al so hud a victoay and taken General Frey tag prisoners. The Vienna journals of the sth instant supply us with news from Hungary of creat importance, if true. It appears that cn the 4th instant the Hungarians stole a march, and surprised the garrison of Raab. V sharp conflict ensued, which ended in tho fortress and the city being occupied by the Hungarians, where they found 80,000 bushels of oats, 2400 head of cattle, and large stores of miscellaneous provisions, which they carried to the citadel of Co morn. Nor were these all the trophies of •heir victory, for they captured six guns, sr.d took two companies of Austrian in untry prisoners. Kiapki commanded the Hungarian troops, who afterward quitted • .<• cifv of Raab, and took up their abode a the fortress, whore they seized the Vten na mails. HE VNPREJL'DICED— Let no fnolioh p - - 50 (HI • ovnrspi'd . . 3 tuf 4 )H) Ltxfeed - - . JOO ]25 ' imotliysr-eil . . 2 00 2 50 R'lttcr, good - . 12£ 12^ !; jril 6 8 > allow . 8 10 1 ota 1 Of. g . . 50 024 - - 4 (Hi ;"f. r • lb. 54 7 \" r \ • . (I 00 0 00 'p-r lb. . . 25 j 'b'.rs . 41 44 h'linstown MiUt nre paying 08 to '! r goi<| wheat, 50 centa for Rye, for Com, arid 30 cents for Oats. T I'mr.ADKU'iiiA, August 30, 1849. -i ', o| Flour are stuai! and confined to ( '} trade. VVerjuotc prices as follows ; stack St., 0() jntr libl., Htnridard quality,au . selected brands, and ■•>f j 50. Further tales of Hye Flour and zr' ■■ in.. , ■ ; Lorn Meal H\ -a.:; 23. Wheat Fold pretty frer ly at !0 >alo6 cts. for red, and 110all2 fur red. * veral small lota ot yellow (.'orn sold at 05c. \ Outs are held at 28a30 cts. BALTIMORE, August no, IS4O. .p'Our—We quote Howard street Flour at £>5.25. 1 here is little inquiry to-day, and we hear of no transactions. (iiain—The supplies of Wheat are li GEO. W. ELDER, Auditor. Lewistown, Sept. 1, 1819 —It. T. S ARTlll'irsS NEW WORK. LOVE 111 A COTTAGE. A STOKI OI THE 1 IM'EIt TEN.' m I?. PETERSON No. 98 CIIESNUT Street 1 , Philadelphia, has just published, and for sale— LOVE IN HIGH LIFE. BF.ING A COMPANION* TO "LOVE IN A COTTAGE." By T. S. Arthur, author of " Love in a Cot tage," "_J.ucy Santord," a Story of the Heart," " Agnes ; or, the Possessed, a Revelation of Mes merism." "Insubordination ; or, the Shoema ker's Daughters," etc., etc. Cottage," which has had such an immense sale all over this coun try, as edition after edition of it has already been printed and sold. " Love in nigh Life," wjll no doubt be one of the most popular books ever printed in this country, and is beyond doubt, the best production ever written by Mr. Arthur. It inculcates an excellent moral, as do all Mr. Arthur's works. It will have an immense sale. We advise all to send arid get it. It is published complete in one fine large octavo volume, printed on the finest white paper, neat ly done up in paper covers, uniform with " Love in a Cottage." Price 25 cents, or five copies for One Dollar. It will be sent to anyone wishing it on re ceipt of remittances T. B. Peters also publishes the following works of T. S. Arthur, either which can be had separately. Price 25 cents each, or the | whole will be sent to any one for One Dollar. Lore in a Collage, Insubordination, Love in High Life, Lncy Sandford, Agnes; or the Possessed, a Revelation of Mes merism. News Agents, Booksellers, and all others, supplied regularly at the very lowest rates. Address all orders, post paid, to T. J5. PETERSON, No. 98 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. And they w ill be faithfully attended to, and forwarded by return of Mail, Express, Rail road, Stage, or as may be directed. Any person's wants can be attended to the same by writing to us, with full particulars, just as well as if they came in person. iX j 'Editors of Newspapers throughout the. United States, on giving the above advertise ment one or more insertions, including this no tice, shall have any two of the above novels s. ijt them by return of mail, on sending a copy of their paper to the Publisher. September 1, 119— It. Auditor's* Notice. riMIE undersigned appointed an Auditor by | the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin eoun tv, to distribute the proceeds arising from the real estate of ADAM GREER, notifies all per sons having claim® npetta saiu fund to present them before mc. at the office <>f R ('. Hale, Esq., on MONDAY. September l?/h, 1849, or he forever debarred from coming in upon said fund O. (' SPOTS WOOD, Auditor. Lewistown, August 25, I^l9—■ *•?*?- —* NITSBAVI BROTHERS, Flare just returned from the city with a very clioice supply of the Latest Styles of New Goods. comprising an assortment from which the Ladies cannot fail to make a pleasing selection. Their ££>3llL2S.£3 easeicQ cs>aQEioa? OPUsc: are particularly worthy their attention, being certainly tlie best stock in town. In all the minutiae of Dry Goods. Carpeting, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. . they have an assortment that will hear the test of quantity, quality and price with any store in city, town, or country. ]ll Groceries, Salt, ry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Queens ware, KEADJ- MA D E CLOTHING, Carprts, Hoots and Shoes, NEW GOODS received every week npd sold at least TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER than can be bad elsewhere. Before you buy be sure to first call at JONES' NEW STORE, and you will bo convinced of the above farts. C. L. JONES' tJYcic Cheap Cash Store. Lewistown, August 10, 1049. a well Concerted intrigue! Bank of Discount and Deposite. VALUABLE SECRET DISCLOSED. LOXGEXEIKIT,, (iRI 88. & CO. 'PITE welfare of the American people rortd. r, it nee s ra>|| Capi|a| j „ $ 70 ,000. A .?ry f h it tin y shotjld be marie cognizant with a very ; • , . momentous and valuable secret, having an intimate con- ? T ONGENECKER, ORUBB & CO. have es ncrtion with itn ir pecuniary interest.', the gnat inipnr- .J J tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an tance of wlih h, urgently demands their most serious and Ollice ot Discount antl Deposite, for the trans deliberate attention. Tin re can be very little doubt that action of the regular business of hanking, ther exists in the w hole human family tn universal .iw- Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial taste to bear the "..lines and arrows of outrageous For- ; cities will be discounted at all times, and depos tune,' so long as they *< e others of the gmun Ifoma, I r cs 0 f current money will be paid, on demand (whether by the exercoe of a more astute understand- in . fu)uh Every facility will be afforded to HIT, or the r< UIT oi inir. lv fortuitous eir <*s) K. .1 L F „ -.1 4 T dwelling in marble halls, surrounded by parasi.es, and J. I *'"®? n Tw t their negotiations With the revelling ,n luxury, ea., and contentment. Openly and and Western cities fearlessly objecting to such " uncrrn handed justice," 'e aggregate Capital of the establishment and coolly determined to .Nearly every prize paid and unfile, p, jtrCo. unimproved mountain or wooti land in the said always rfrtothe Managers. F.very person should try township of Armagh, bounded by land of John his , ir her luck. The first trial often draw s the capital: j Aikons, Hugh Semple, and others, and con- B.tnk Krafts, payable at sight in Oold, reunited prompt- tnininor FOCII HI 1 V /) ' ly to anv ot the I'nitt il Bt.itea fur prizes sold by Py- ' Ul\l*lJ AjSi) 111 I i f er &Co ' j acres, more or less. I'VFFtI Ac ro. sell nil the l.frpe prizes! j 1 ERMS OF MALE.—One half of the pur- One ordr r may draw a fortune !<# ( chase money to be paid on the confirmation of spi.t.f, OH) sc hi MOS holt sf.P'l f.mhf.r, iMO. the sale by the Court, and the remainder in na.; W c:^al' tr,£%C^f' ,a/B ' KeJf'prieof °. ne Vf' thereafter, tvith interest from the Bepi prizes. Ballots. Tickets Package tune of the said conhrmation, and to be secur -5 $50,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn *io *.TS ro !ed by bonds and mortgages on the premises. 2i,000 73 Nos. 13 drawn 5 17 50 i The said tract ot land will be sold in lots or 7 t 11 v'*' ! , ! rawn ,1 'parcels of fifty or one hundred acres, to suit , 501 " ' J J""* * ' r,m n " H 1 purchasers lor woodland. 10 20.000 7ft Nos. 15 drawn H 25 00 ' ~,,, , .... ij a vtil?v II 21,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 JBSO ■ UIELIA.M KAMMhY, 12 .10.000 72 Not. 13 drawn 10 32 50 Administrator, 50 J. L. McII.VAINE, Clerk O. C. 11 1.8,000 75 Nos. I t drawn 5 10 25 A U AT It PYFER & CO., J • oUiUINjLiK, lU. IL -V". 1 hiflht St., Baltimore, ML, SUItG !• O \ G> ENTI ST , OR, nox 524, lL\Li7Mottis POST oi I ICE. rj As RETURNED to Lewistown, and taken n.iitimoie, fcfwmbcr I. HMO-lw. roums at TlirrU!r , 3 Hote) , whe ' N> , 1C mav be found for a short time. Persons desirous of VT O fp T CS 7 1 b s professional services, will please call. W J. S* dii • Lewistown, August 11, 1849, undf rigned appointed by the Court of 1 Common Pleas of Mifflin county Auditor, ncitTTT PIIPAHB ItTAmo to ilistributa the fund arising from the sale of j lirjls I LrjilLiii is LhjlVA I (he real estate of M. &■ J. V. CRISYV ELL,) A SPLENDID assortment of Cravats SnSj'TKr?^ l !SsE! A ™ .'""l 1, Cravata, S.tTiriiD.lY, th, <>2d of September, 1849, or be "lock tiro de Rhino do., Plaid Silk do., Satin debarred from sharing in the '-MIC. a,,| l style heavy extra do., for sale ut GKORfJR w KNOX, Auditor.- C. L. JONES' Lewistown, August 95, 1849 -4t. Aug 25. A rw Cheap Cash Store. JM, .J U '■ .if ir ii n; i ■ i"J K ESO Lll T 1 0 N Relative to an Amendment of the Constitution, RESOIA ED by the Senate ami House of Piprr srntativcs oj tlic Cominowvcalth qf Rensisylvunia in General Assembly in el, That the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended in the se cond section of the fifth article, so that it shall read as follows : The Judges of the Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth ui the manner following, to wit: The Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at large. The President Judges of the several Courts of Common Picas and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, arid all other Judges required to be learned in the law, by the quali fied electors of the respective districts over which they arc to preside or act as Judges. And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Com mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of fif teen years, if they shall so long behave them selves well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf ter provided for, subsequent to the first elec tion :) The President Judges of the several Courts of Common Picas, and of such other courts of Record as are or shall he established by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the law, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long be have themselves well: The Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five years, if they shall so long behave themselves well: all of whom shall he commissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall remove any of them on the address of two thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first election shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of this amendment, and the commis sions of all the judges who may be then in of fice shall expire on the first Monday of Decem ber following, when the terms of the new judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows: one of them for three years, one for six years, one. for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; the term of each to be decided by lot by the said judges, as soon after the election as convenient, and the result certified by them tc the Governor, that the commissions may be is sued in accordance thereto. The judge whose commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus tice during his term, and thereafter each judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the judges holding them shall decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap pening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap pointment by the Governor, to continue till the first Monday of December succeeding the next general election. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office, but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Common wealth, or under the government of the United States, or any other State of this Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court during their con tinuance in office shall reside within this Com monwealth, and the other Judges during their continuance in office shall reside within the dis trict or county for which they were rcspcctivc- Iv elected. WILLIAM F. PACKER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. GEO. DA RSIE, Speaker of the Senate. IN THF. SENATE, .March 1, 1949. Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21, Nays 8. Extract from the Journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, } .•Ipril 2, 1849. Resolved , That this resolution pass.—Yeas 58, nays 2G. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Filed April 5. 1849. A. L. RUSSELL, Dep. Sec. of the Commonwealth. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: I DO CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Original Resolu tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Reso lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti tution," as the same remains on file in this of fice. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my y- hand, and caused to be affixed the I seal of the Secretary's Office at Har ' O' risburg, this eleventh day of June, "iino Domini, one thousand eight hundred and .orty-nine. TOWNSF.ND HAINES, Secretary of the Com monwcallh. " JOURNAL OF SENATE. " Resolution, No. 189, entitled ' Resolution " relative to an amendment of the Constitution,' " was read a third time. On the question, will " the Senate agree to the resolution The Yeas "and Nays were taken agreeably to the Consti " tution, and were as follows, viz i " YEAS —Messrs. Boas, Brawler, Crabb, Cun "ningham, Forsyth, Ilugus, Johnson, Lawrence, " Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich, " Richards, Sadler, Sankcy, Savory, Small, "Smyser, Sterrett and Stine—2l. "NATS—Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives, "King, Ivonigmacher, Potteiger and Darsie, " Speaker—B. " So the question was determined in the af- Urinative." "JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. " Shall the resolution pass ? The yeas and " nays were taken agreeably to the provision of " the tenth article of the Constitution, and arc " as follows, viz : " YEAS—Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J. " Bent, Craig lliddlc, Peter D. Bloom, David M. " Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, John 11. " Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, " David G. Eshleman, William Evans, John " Fausold, Samuel Fegclv, Joseph W. Fisher, " Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Robt Hamp " son, George I'. Ilenszey, Thomas J. Herring, " Joseph Higgins, Chas. llortz, Joseph 11 Hower, " Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham " Lamberton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long, "Jacob M'C'artney, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh " M'Kee, John M'Laughlin, Adam Martin, Satn " ucl Marx, John C. Myers, Edward Nickleson, " Stewart Pearce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, " Alonzo Robb, George Rupley, Theodore Ry " man, Bernard S. Sciioonovcr, Samuel Seibcrt, " John Sharp, Christian Snively, Thomas C. " Steel, Jeremiah 15. Stubbs, Jost J. Stutzman, " Marshall Swartz.welder, Samuel Taggart, "George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah "Wattles, Samuel Weirich, Alonzo I. Wilcox, " Daniel Zcrbcy, and William F. Packer, Spcak " cr —SB. " Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn, David " M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans, " John Fcnlon, John W. George. Thomas Gil " lespie, John It. Gordon, William llenrv, " James J. Kirk, Joseph L.inbach, Robert K. " Little, John S. M'Calmont, John .M'Kee, " William M'Sherry. Josiah Miller, Wiliiitn T * ■■ ~l j " Morrison, Join A Offo, William V Kol-rf-, | " John W ItowbTry, John H Hullo rf r-1, K " Bundle f'mith, John Smyth. J< hn Fon h-r, |" < \\ titers and David I. \V illirtins +'< ] "Ho the question was dcterinirn din the afltr ! " motive." S*crEr.\nv's Omrs, > j Ij'tnisburg, June id, Jd49 ) PENNSYLVANIA, SS. Ino r r.RTjrv th.,l Lc abeve and f- vrointi L a ~ , , , . T v ' lb- " a-,,1 •• N'nv! .I.c, " ie -olution re!ati\f* t<> an | Wfctfw Atner. inv i.t oh the Constitution," „ as the same appears on the Journals j of the two Houses of the Cen era I As- t tui.lv of i lh,s ( on >monwealth, for the session of JH4:>. Witness my hand and the seal of ?: and 000 Original Engravings of new inventions, described by letters of referenco, besides a great amount of readirg matter, valuable to every man in the country. An increased amount of care and expense will he be stowed upon this Volume, to rentier it more fully what it. Ins been termed, "The best Mechanical Faper in the World." Its columns as usual will he filled with the most reliable and correct information in regard to the progress of SCIENTIFIC and MECHANICAL Improvements, Chemistry, Architecture, Botany, Manufactures, Railroad intelligence, and the WEEKLY LIST OF PATENTS, prepared expressly for this Journal at the Patent Otlice in Washington. As an evidence of the estimation in which this publica tion is held by the Scientific and Mechanical portion of the community, it is only necessary to state, that its cir culation has increased within the last three years to up wards of 10,000 copies, already exceeding the united cir culation of all the Mechanical and Scientific publications in this country, and the largest of any single one in the world. TERMS:—Two dollars a year in advancp, or if desir ed, one dollar in advance, and the remainder in six months. TO CI.I BS :—5 copies,-J?; 10copies, Aid ;20 copies, S2B. AH letters must be post paid and directed to Ml NX & CO., Publishers of the Scientific American, New York. X B. Patents secured an I mechanical drawings exe cuted on the most reasonable terms, at the Scientific t American office. August 2f\ 1,-49—If. TEACHERS WANTEHIT PROPOSALS will be received by the Hoard ot School Directors of the Borough of Lewistown until WEDNESDAY, the sth day September next, for ONE FIRST CLASS AND TWO SECOND GLASS MALE TEACHERS, and SIX FEMALE TEACH ERS. to take charge of the several public schools in said borough, which are to be open ed on the 17th September. One ot the Fe male Teachers wili be employed in a primary school to be established in tiie northern part of the borough, and the Directors desire to em ploy one who will furnish a room, fuel, &c.— the p.oposals to state the charge in each case per month. CO A A The Directors will also receive proposals until the above time for furnishing TWEN TY-TWO TONS of Lykens Valley, Sun bury, or other goal COAL, to be free from slate, bone coai, etc.—tiie ton to consist of ?J4O lbs. Proposals will state the charge per ton, delivered on the wharf, or at such place as a committee of the Directors (under whose inspection it is to be weighed and delivered,) may designate. By order ot the Board. JOSEPH ALEXANDER, Secy. Lewistown, August 18,1849—ttt. Caaial ISoat and at PRIVATE SALE. rBNiIE subscriber, residing in Lewistown, A Mifflin county, offers at private sale.cn reasonable terms, one TIDE-WATER CA NAL BOAT and THREE MULES, with all necessary Harness Any persons wishing to purchase, will call on the subscriber in Valley street, where terms can be ascertained. Mrs. MARGARET STEVENSON. Lewistown, Aug. 4, IS49—fit* rjlllE subscriber lias been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin coun ty, in equity, Receiver ot the late firm of JOHN POTTER & CO., and the Books, Notes, &c. of said firm are now in his hands for settlement. All persons having claims against said firm are required to present them without delay, and all persons indebted to said firm are required to make payment within thirty dnvs, or suit will be brought against them, without respect to persona, WM. K. McCAY. Hi i tcr