Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, August 11, 1849, Extra, Image 6

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    Jlcller ISilf iUnn <-ui it.
TJ f H t i 0 t V •
DR. S. F. GRFF-V, hns agsiti rennmcd
tiie praciire of' bis proi'etmion. He will
lie happy to wait upon all who bet-ire Ins pro
lopsional bervicefi. He may be found at tire
drug store oi
l.ewistown, april d 9, l s 4^ —tfi
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Htf GirarJ Life Insurance Annuity ainl Trust
('omj)iuiy of Philadelphia,
Office No. 159 Chesnut Street.
( !i300,600.
Charter Perpetual.
pONTIXI'C to make Incur inces on Lives on th.* mie!
* favorable terms; receive and execute Trust*, and
leceive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid up and invested, together with
arcnni'tlated premium fund, affords a perfect security to
the insured. The premium may be pan! in yearly, hail
yearly, or quarterly payments
The Company add a BONI S at stated period* to the j
insurance-; for Gl'e. This fiiati of insurance is the moat
approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
in Great Britain, (whore ihc subject is be t understood by
the people, and where liter have hid the i ngest experi
t nee,) as appears from the fact that out r T 117 Life Insu
rance Companies there, of all kinds, -care on this [dan.
The lirst Tit tN I 8 was appropriated in December,!** 44,
-mounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
nlest policies ; to > : per cent., 7; p#r rent. Ac.,fitr... on
< thers, in proportion to the tirm- of standing making an
addition of S IOO ; £S7 .'SI : 4:5, ALC., tec., TO -very XlOoo,
origiiiaity insured, w nich nan average of nmr<- than 50
jer cent on the premiums paid, and witiiout increasing
th-- annual payment to the company.
'I he operation of the Bonus w ill be seen hv the follow
ing examples frum the Lib Insurance Register of lh"
* 'otnpauy, thus :
Sittn Bonus or 1 Amount of Policy and
Policy, i Insured. ' Addition. Bonus payable at the
\ ! jiarty's decease.
N". IT : GMM I M 0M I |I,IN T'
" 88 i 2.51*1 250 (*l ' 2,750 (*i
44 205 ! 4.itK) 1 400 00 ' 4,100 00
" 276 2.ik.i 175 00 i 2,175 Ui
" 323 j 5,000 i 437 50 j 5,137 50
k> PAMP it I rrs containing the table of rales, and ex
planations of ihc subject; Forms of Application, ami
further int'ornvuion can he had at the oiflce, gratis, iu
t>erson or by letter, adjressed tolhe P, esident or krtu irj
15. W. RICHARDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES Actuary. [up'2S:ly
E ,\ C V (' L 0 i' E I) I A -
TV one volume, royal ortaro, 11C5 pac--*, beautifully ,
-*- bound, containing 17 fine plates, In-side* numerous
Wood Cuts. Sold at a . at one fourth the cost of the
English work, without any plates
44 The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of prac
tical information, wherein the experience of .-It ages and
countries is carefully FOSTKD I . to the prese; t day. and
admirably arranged for convenient reference."—l)r Dar
" We are fully convinced lhat such an amount of valu
able knowledge for farmers can be found in no other ,
work in so rhcap j, I( i convenient a form lri fact, no
Farmer who prei-mL to be well informed in his proles- '
sion, should be Without this work." —.War Oeuoestt k'tr
Ao excellent vvotk, fit to be .iistributed in premiums by I
Agricultural Societies —J S. Skinner
Orders for the above work received at thi*
Also, by ID. \V. CARR, Third street, opposite
the Exchange, Philadelphia; and N.HICKMAN,
Baltimore, Maryland.
i>Cr"A!i Orders must be accompanied by the
OABH. [JULY 14, 49-."lTi.
Sl3 ATC> /. JT.72
VI'EI.DED WROUGHT IRftN TUBES, f r r, H i • to t
'' inches lx-re, and from 2to 12 feet long, capable of
sustaining internal presotre of from 400 to 2."**) lbs pr
square iiu h, v.-itu tic -, Jllhous, Crosses, 8 '• - p Corks,
Chech Cut res, and other biting-, connecting by iirew
joint*. A!*o,
For Locomotive, Doat and other Stcarn En
gine Boilers.
Manufactured and f-r sale by
Office Third and Walnut .St , Fh.UUciphia, Pa.
June 30, I- U- :,.n.
,\. S. LA\VKE.\€I:,
Agent for the sale of Southworth Manufac
turing Company i Writing Papers.
WarehoiikC .\o, li .miiio;* SI.,
100 case* of the above superior Papers now in store,
and fi.r sale to the trade at the lowest market prices,con
sisting iti part of
l ine thick Flat Caps, 12, li, 15 and iC lb*., blue and
Superfine Medium and Deu-.i Writings, blue and white.
Extra super and superfine folio Post*, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Extra sup'-r Linen Note Papers. p!in and gilt.
Superfine and fine bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Coutitiug-llouse Caps and Po-ts,
tdite and while.
Extra super C ingress Cops and Letters, plain anil ruled
blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Lett. rs.
Exira super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and
Embroidered Note P*p<-rs and Envelope*
41 Lawyer's" Brief P tper*
Superfine and fine Caps snd Po*!. rul -d and plain,
nine and white, various qualities and prif --
Also, 1000 reams v. bile anil assorted :*ii .<■ P ipr r* I! in
r.et Boards, white and assorted Tissue,'lea, Wrapping.
Envelope, assorted and blue .Mediums, Cap wrappem,
Jtardwkre Paper*, Ate.
Phiiadel|ibia June 20, IHI9 fun
I'hi3;l(lcl|liia .lltdical ILOUSE,
4,' ST A 81.18. HUt) 1 j years ago, hy tr KIN KEI.IN. The
4-J oldest, surest and heht hand to i ore nil forms of si • ret
diseases of l lie skin, anil solitary haliils of youth, is lilt
KINKEI.IN, Northwest corner of THIRD and UNION
Streets, between Spruce and Pin--, a square-and-a half
from the Exchange, I'hitadelpb •>
There is a habit who h hoys tench i ■ h other at the
Academy or Oilleg. -a habit iuiliilged in w hen by him
self, iu , ,'r-uvi g u,. with the huy to manliood;
few of those wild iiululge in thi* peril i< ions prai-ti. e are
aware of the consequences until t!i -y find the nervuns
syilem shattered, feel Strang • and un-o ■ ■ lutxhle feel
ings, vague f'-ar* in the mind. Th • imlivid nil become*
feeble, he i„ imabti to laiwir wbh n• •- ti>iii"d vigor, or
to apply his mind to study bis .ep is tardy and weak,
Ire is dun irresolute.
I ersOßs of ail ag, * can now ju ige wh it IP the cause if
their declining healm, losing their vigor, be. .uui.g w< ak,
pate and emaciated
l.et no false modesty deter you Irani matciug your case
known to otn; who, from education and respectability,
can alone befriend you. II- who places himself under
Dr Kinkelin's Treatment, may religiously confide In his
honor as a gentleman, and in w hose bosom will he for
ever loi ked the secret of the patient.
Thousands have been restored to he ilih, from the de
vastations of those terrific maladies by I)*. KlxxtUkb,
Carman Phvsii inn
warded, by seuding a remittance, and put up secure from
OAMSOTT OB ciiitioairv
AF POST-PA to LSTTI:BS answered forthwith.
Philadelphia, January ISW—ly
IJ. r. >l;trvin A .1. €!.
Office Au. 7/i Dock Street, Philadelphi
opposite the Exchange.,
aliend punctually to all bti
™ ties* entrusted to their care. I
C. M., late an officer in the army in Mexic
and familiar with the business of the Depai
meets at Washington, will give his attenti<
to the prosecatioivof claims against the Go
ernment, in obtaining I.and Warrants, ext
and back Pay, and Pensions for Widows*
Orphans under the Acts of Congress; clam
for services during the war of 1812 and Rev
iutionary claims.
OCr*l,etlers addressed to uj at To Docks
will be promptly answered.
Philadelphia, July 14, I^l9—3m.
"lOliiiE 11EILIS,
Wholesale Commission Agent,
I\O. •3-1 i\oi*ila Wharves,
Above llnce street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 21, 1849— 1y
Manufacturer of Donnelly's Upright Safety Glazed Ca
51 A l t' II F.S,
And United States Oil Paste Blocking
No 83 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
fpHESK Matches nre j:s*lv conxid. r >d Itie best int
-*- United States; tliey are free from unpleasant stn
a id ran he introduced with perfect safety into all Stoi
atvl Dwelling Warranted to keep ten years.
The B h km" is of superior quality. and free from a
ingredient that rtip urs the leather.
CO! NTH' DEALERS and SHIPPF.RS will find
to their inter -H to call ..nd eee fur themselves.
N t' A a ••--ortmen! ef>U,;cl *f various New To
Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes --alt
picked in large or small tin eases, to ship to any part
the world. JOHN DONNEI.Lt,
Late of'3lT.>nk street, ROW S3 North Third street.
March 21, W9—ly.
Baltimore Advertisements.
.1. F. 11.8. Fi l ,
General Commission L Forwarding Mcrchaal
Whiskey, L.timbcr, &c., &c. Also, for
warding goods* via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Salt
Planter. See.. Sec., supplied at lowest prices.
Having been engaged in the above business
during the last five years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited. Refer to
F. MCCOY. Esq , Lcwistown.
Messrs. FUNK & MILLER, J
J. & K. C. KBY, - llarrisburg, Pa
February 21, 1-UWitn*
CCrlleavy Rewards OHircd
THF. terrible onslaught hourly growing more devaeta
ti t' tn it. character to the treasuries of both fh>- Stat
and the Contractor* of Lntterie-, hy the Lucky Ticket
bought of the truly fortunate and far-fi tried Lottery an
Exchange Broker*.
Xn. 1 Light street, Baltimore, Md.,
i* lite ksite of a solemn pledge made by this Ilou.e wit
a magnanimity and *• If-saeriiicing interest co equal wit
the glorious cause they have espoused, not to abate or
"jot or tittle" ttieir labors, until Poverty, that gam
Tyrant over the desires of the Human Family, shall b
f rretted out, "rot and branch," from the alHh- <
il! who, entertaining a proper sense of their just rlatnt
upon " Dame Fortune," desire to possets riches, the ot
ly impregnable bulwark against the encroachments c
Rtttd tie testimony f Pvfer tc Co versos Poverty. ,
single order may secure a fortune : t.'lieering results a
Pyfer A. Co.'s.
LOOK HERE Corr- indent. 77c ru prr.r eohl •">
pud hp Piifer Sf Cn. A lady drew the highest prizr
t-'ij/i O, whole ticket, soft J-; a young lady in It-ileigl
N. f i i good ma r ri portion f r her ) xl-.t**), ha
te ket. sent to N'-rth t' iroiina .41 1 !. h lil'licScef, ? r
I to Virginia, $ DO, half ticket, wst to North Carotin!
§-,*), li-if tii ket. *• •t to Virginia. *'.'■ :.<tlft, quart,
i ticket, sent to Penrisji .nil gJI i*V', quarter tic ke
sent to Smith ('.roiiui. $ 124M1, quarter ticket, sent t
Obi i $7,560, quarter tickc"., sent to Ohio, £1,561
quarter ticket, sent to South Car.Una t-dhrays /.
Managers' ' jr ml /ir.iris..)
f> Every prize cold by us is kept on file after being pai
for tlie iii|S!rtii>n of tii • public.
Bank Irrafte, payable si sight in G >ld, remitted prompt
ly to anv part of the United States for prizes sold by Py
fer ti Co.
-HI CwrumiMe-afi,,** trictly- confidential
Ot<n r. ; directed to "Box 521 Baltimore Post Of
I fire," via come to hand safely without any other ad
:>! f. evety one v.-ho reads tkis advert iscmeci tet the
virtue of at least One 'Trial. One failure can do verv
little harm
Jtlxcuy* Address the Lucky House of Pyfer Jj- Co.
Date. Capital No. of Price of Price of
August.Prize". Ballots Tickets. Parkag'*
J $33,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn $lO $32 50
2 23,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 J8 30
2 I*l,ooo 78 Nos. 13 drawn S Is 50
4 30.000 73 Noa. 12 drawn lh 32 30
6 sof 12,(km 78 Nos. 13 drawn e 27 00
7 20,00*1 75 No# 12 drawn 5 IS 50
8 30' I ski tW Nos. 13 drown 10 27 50
9 20,000 'i Nos. 12 drawn 5 18 70
10 15,000 75 N'os. 11 drawn 4 15 00
11 30,000 78 Nos. 16 drawn 15 45 00
!3 25,01 -0 00 Nos. 10 drawn 8 25 00
it 22,500 78 No*. 11 drawn 5 17 50
! i•"> sof 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 10 32 50
t 16 22,000 78 N'os. 13 drawn 5 18 30
17 IHI KM) 75 No*. II drawn 5 16 25
iIS 30,000 78 Nos. 13 draw n 10 32 50
20 25,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 8 25 ('
21 21,000 78 Nos. I.'i drawn 5 1-
22 30.000 78 Nos. I I drawn 10 32 50
23 3of 10,000 72 Nos. 13 drawn 5 Hi go
21 13,500 78 Nos. 15 draw n 4 13 00
25 05,000 75 No#. 11 drawn 20 62 50
27 30,00:1 78 Nos. 12 drawn 10 32 50
2" 20.000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5 18 2 >
29 38,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 10 35 00
.50 20,000 75 N'os. 12 drawn 5 18 S<JI
31 20.000 78 Nos 14 drawn 5 17 50
-The [irire of Packages of Qtt irter Ticket* Only, i*
advertise 1 above.
.'/-The Managers' Printed Drawings, endorsed by the
roii-ir,. - - iouers sppoioted ffor litis purpose; by lilt* Gov
ernor of Maryland, arc in all cases sent to our cories
>le*ltcrs always strsogly and carefully sealed.
The purchaser* of Packages of Tickets seldom h tve
more than til chances against their draw ing in a Pack
age any of the Capital Prizes, and one Package may
draw four of the high'-st prize.* Two thirds of the
prizes are sold itt packages of tickets.
ti>Please order a few days before the lotteries draw.
Ail orders punctually answered by the return mails.
Persons at a do tame from lialltutore, w ho wish " For
tune Buckled on tin :■ P -. ks," w ill find that it is only
necessary t„ enclose the | a .,i .1 iwrt in the above
f " r " ■' single ticket to the trulv fur-
I tuuatc, far-famed, ami oid I stablished house of
AO. 1 Jeff it s>., Baltimore, Mil.,
Haiti more, July 2s, iblJ-Lu.
Rfartiii & Wliileley'*
A certain Cure for Ague, Fever,
and Dyspepsia,
IN our summer and fall months many sections of our
country are prostrated by BILI.IOL'B FEVER and
AGUE- and FEVER.—It has been our particular study to
find out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and
think, in this TONIC we have etTected this great object.
It Is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia,
and if our directions are followed, will not fail to etfect
a cure.
In a letter dated, May 23d, 1849, our Agent, Mr. Elias
Raub, of Wrightsville, York county, Pa., says:—l have
never known any remedy for Fever and Ague equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal
satisfaction, and has cured cases of Ague of years stand
ing, an 1 after the failure of all other medicines made use
of. Mr. Henry Beverson, of the same place, says in his
certificate, dated 22d March, 1849, 4 1 applied to a number
of I hysicians, and also used a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures at different times, but ail without the
desired etfect; no permanent cure having been afforded.
I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your
worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before ! had
used half of if. I felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it till I had taken two bottles.' lu a joint
certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Blackson,
and James D. Brown, of the same place, they say—•Hav
ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with
out success, we at last purchased some of your National
Tonic, which has completely cured us. We, therefore,
cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af
flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet
rtee the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our
Agents gratis.
Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use,
in all cases where a purgative is needed.
Kr Prepared and sold by MARTIN A WHITELEY,
Wholesale Drug .Store, No. 48 S. Calvert St., Baltimore.
For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATT
SON &. JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX
ANDER RUTLEIMJK, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. June 30, 1849—1y.
______ __
The Grand Purgative for the cure of
Headache, Giddiness, Measeis, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus,
Hmatl Pot, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsev,
Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough,
Inward weakness, Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heatt, Liver Complaint,
Rising In the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
and a variety of other diseases arising from impurities of
the blood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion
The aversion to taking medicine Is effectually removed
being completely enveloped with a coating of pure white
sugar (which is as distinct from the internal lugredients
as a nut shell from the kernel) and have no taste of medi
cine but as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover
they NEITHER NZCSB 4T*OR ORll* ii, but operate equally
upon all the diseased parts of the system. Thus, if the
liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on that
particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of
bile restore it to its natural state. Another will operate
on the blood, while a third will effectually expel what
ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom
ach, and hence they strike at the root of disease, thus se
curing a free and healthy action to the heart, lungs, and
Liver ; and thereby they restore health even when all
other means have failed.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by the
trial of a single box ; and their virtues are so posttiveand
certain in restoring health that the proprietor binds him
self to return the money paid for them in ail cases where
they do not give universal satisfaction.
Retail price 25 cents per box.
•* Principal office No 66 V'esey street, New York.
tvßemember Dr C. V. Cttckener is live inventor of
Sugar (boated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of until he introduced them in June, 1843.
Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Clickener's
Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no others, or
they will be made victims of fraud.
Wholesale Agent for this countv, CHAS.
RITZ. [Dec. 23. 1848— ly.
Compound My nip oi'Mpigelia
or Vegetable Vermifuge,
The most effectual, tht safest, pleasant est
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
rifHE SPIOF.LIA, says a work of highest authority, '
-*- etands at tht head of the list of Anthelmintics or Worm
Medicines. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, and j
to a greater variety of constitutions and stales of the '
constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com- !
monly Is, in the form of tea, it can seldom he given to I
children in sufficient doses. In Harris, Turner A Hale's "
Compound Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is
very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera- !
tion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only with ease, j
but witlr positive pleasure.
The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of ;
preparing it, are tiie result of a series of experiments
eoutinued for years. Before offering it for sale, it was i
subjected to the test of experience in the hands of emi- j
nentphysicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have j
recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it
in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its mer
its, we offer the following, selected from a number of un- j
solicited testimonials.
Ist A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much
experience, writes of it thus:
"I should have written before this, but felt disposed j
first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used !
more than half the quantity received,and the experiment
has been most successful. I really believe that it posses
ses advantages over any other Fcrmifage I hare ever used.
Independent of the smallne*# of the dose, and tile plea
santness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil
dren) the advantage of administering It under a variety
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is
scarcely a condition of the system in winch it may not
be administered. Yours, dec."
2d A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this
state, writes
" I have been in the hahitof prescribing your Compound
Hyrupof Hpigclia for some time past, and have found it
an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.—
Please forward per hearer 2 doz. bottles —Yours, dir."
3d —An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
had previously sold the syrup, writes :
"Since my return home, I find that your Syrup of ffoi
gelta has come into general use in this neighborhood. We
have sold what we had on hand, and it gave surli satis
faction that it is now called forevey day. Yen will please
put us up 5 or f> dozen in a small package, and send to the
care of W. Anderson A Co., Richmond, as soon as possi
ble, and forward the bill per mail.—Yours, dec."
4th.—A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he had been ap
plied tfi by a customer for a vial of 's Ver
mifuge for Ins son. Not having the article asked for, he
advised a trial of Harris, Turner A. Hale's Compound
Hyrupof ffptgelia and gave him a part of a bottle which •
was all that remained in the store. A day or two after !
this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his '
surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring
it had expelled 201) worms and entirely relieved his son.
The merchant added an ex prcssion of his great regret that
he had not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup at the time
when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be
lieved it would have saved her Ufa.
sth—A gentleman of Hudsun, N. Y., having se.nt a hot
tie of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup of Bp!
gelia, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great num
ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend was imme
diately relieved ; the words of the patient were: "It took
sv.-ry worm out my body."
Wholesale Druggist*, No. 201 Market street,
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Htirgn a)
and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glusswaic, YVin
dow-gl iss, Paints, Oils, D> cs, Perfumeries, Ac., Ac., and
exclusive iriuuuf.irturera of Harris, Turner A Hale's
Sugar-Coated Pills, Huxhani's Liniment for the Piles, the
Rinbridge Hair Tonic, F.berle s Eye Water, Mrs. Madi
son's I'uriv tiled Imleliihle Ink, Dewees' < 'elchrated Nerve
and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs. Hhars
\ ond'a Extracts ( Lemon and Vanilla, for flavoring Pud
diu.'s, ha ( reams, Ac., Ac
tor jt'c by rlcaltra in Prugo generally in
Centre, and Jiin'afa u-jtnU-es. fau-— tf
comwouna Ssvuv of
IS the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consmnp
tion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Ac. Read the fol
lowing :
November I.lth, 1848.
Dear Sir —I take great pleasure in saying to you that
Mrs. Rosa has been entirely relieved of her cough by the
use of jour Syrup uf Wild Cherry. It had continued for
fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara
tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not
with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on
ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now in
good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought
her in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS,
No. 267 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon
er O. K., Cambridge Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary
land, of June Cth, 1840, says. Price 75 cents a Bottle.
Prepared and sold by MARTIN St WHITELEY, at
their wholesale Drug Store, 48 S. Calvert Street, Balti
! more,
And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and
| VVATTSON &. JACOB, Lewifctown; ALEX
ANDER RUTLEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
coußty. [June 30, 1849—1y.
nic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the
Kidneys, and all Discuses arising from
a Disordered Liver or Stomach in both
Male and Female :
Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood
to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the
i Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult
! Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or suffocat
ing sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vi
sion, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain
in the Head, Deficiency of perspiration, Yellowness of
the skin and eyes, pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,
Ac., sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, con
stant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits,
can be effectually cured by j
Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated
Their puver over the above diseases is not cirelltd —if
equalled— by any other preparation mthe United States, as
the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had
of Insanity, and will also produce disease of the Heart,
rtkin, Lungs and Ktdnets, and lays the body open to an
attack of the Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and is
generally the first cause of that most baneful disease,
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press.
" The Dispatch," December 31st, says:
I AS IN v ALL'SOI.K MEDICINE —We have frequently
j heard the celebrated German Bitters, manufactured by
1 Dr. Hootimd, spoken of in terms of commendation, and
|we know deservedly so. It is a 100 common practice, in
; certain quarters, to pud" all manner of useless trash, but
j in the case of the above Bitters, hundreds are living wit
| (tenses of their great moral and physical worth. As a
medicine for the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous
Dubilily, and Dytjtepsia, it hat been found invaluable,
effecting cures and thoroughly eradicating diseases when
other medicines have failed. We feel convinced, that in
the use of the German Bitters, the patient does not be - ;
come debilitated, but constantly gains strength and vieor '
to the frame—a fact worthy of great consideration. The j
; Bitters are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be admin
| isle red under any circumstances the most delicate
, stomach. Indeed, they can be used by all persons with
j the most perfect safety. It would be well for those af
\ fected in the nervous system, to commence with one tea
spoonful or less, and gradually increase. We speak from
experience, and are of course a proper judge. The press
far and wide have united in recommending the German
Bitters, and to tbe afflicted we most cordially adt tse their
" Spirit tif the Times," June 24, says :
" Do our good citizens who are invalids, know the ma
ny astonishing cures that have been performed by Dr
Hoofland's celebrated German Bitter* I If they do not,
we recommend them to the 'German Medicine Store,'
all who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debility; the doctor has cured
many of our citizens after the best physicians had failed.
We have used them, and they have proved to be a medi
cine that every one should know of, and we cannot re
frain giving our testimony in tbelr favor, and that which
gives them greater claim upon our humble elfort is, they
are entirely vegetable.
'• The Daily News." July 4th, says :
"We speak knowingly of Dr. Hoofllnnd's celebrated
German Bitter*, w hen we say it is a blessing of this age;
and in diseases of the biliary, digestive and nervous sys
tems, it has not we think an equal. It is a ytgctab'.e
Preparation, and made without Alcohol, and to all invalids
we would recommend it as worthy their confidence."
It is from one of our first druggists, a gentleman favor
ably known throughout the United States—the proprietor
of the "Medicated Worm Svrup:'
Phu.adci.piiia, Nov. 22(1, IS-IS.
Dear sir—lt is with much pleasure that I testify to the
extraordinary virtues of your German Hitters, having
sold largely of them these last few months to various
persons, afflicted with liver complaints, dyspepsia, and
debility of the nervous system. I can say conscientious
ly that they arc the best article of the kind I have ever
sold, (and I deal in all the popular medicines,) and 1 con
sider it the only medicine for the above diseases before
the public.
I have never sold one bottle that has not given satisfac
tion, and brought fortli the commendation of those who
used it.
I deem this my duty both to you as the proprietor of
this highly valuable article, and to those afflicted with the
above complaints, that they may know of us curative
properties, and to enable th.-m to select the good fiom the
various articles with which our market is Hooded.
With much respect, I remain yours, &c.
J. N IIOBENBACK, Druggist,
corner of Serond and Coates streets.
Cured, after Physicians had failed.
Philadelphia, December 27, 1848.
Dear sir—lt is with feelings of pleasure I communicate
to you the sanative effects (and in a short time) of your
invaluable Hoofland's celebrated German Bitters, upon
my system while lahoring tinder the Jaundice. About
two years ago I had an attack of the Jaundice and was
Confined to the house sit weeks under medical treatment of
the Family Physician, and for some tune alter, when I
went out I had to very careful of myself; since that time
I have had several attacks of the same disease, and your
Hitters have entirely relieved and cured ine in tu-o or
three days. My next door neighbor, Mr. JOHN
last spring, had a long and serious spell of Jaundice; he
had it some time before I knew it ; he was confined to his
bed. As soon as I heard of his condition I called to see
him and told him of the effect your Hitters had upon inc
in the same disease. He immediately sent lor a bottle,
and in a few days he was cured. 1 have in several instan
ces recommended the Bitters in other cases, always pro
ducing the same happy etfrct. My wife lias been consi
derably afflicted with l.iver Complaint and Neuralgia; by
the use of the Hitters she is well, now enjoy nig good
health. We believe from the many cures we kuovv of
these Hitters effecting, that they possess in a remarkable
and extraordinary degree great curative properties, and
that which enhances their value with • s is, they are en
tirely vegetable. We always keep the Hitters on hand,
and would not be willing to do without thetu.
Very respectfully, yours,
V. PIERCE, 370 South Front street.
Can stronger testimony be adduced by any preparation
before the public I A single bottle w ill convince uny one
of their power over disease. Tlioy ate Entirely VEoe
tablk, and will permanently destroy the most, obstinate
eostivenue, and give strength and vigor to the frame, at
no time debilitating the patient; being also grateful to
the most delicate stomach under any circumstances, and
can be administered w ilh perfect safety to delicate infants
—they arc free floin .Heohol, Syrups, .letds, Calomel, and
all mineral and injurious ingredients.
Tliey can be taken at all tunes and under all circum
stances; no ordinary exposure will prevent them having
a salutary effect, and no bad result can accrue from tn
over dose.
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the principal Depot,
German Medians Store, 278 Rsi u street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Lewistown by VVM. MARKS
& SON, and respectsole dealers in every town
in the slate. ap 14 —ly
TALMEo' Slippers, at low or'ces, bv
Jap 29. VV LIL'IJEY.
Tricks of Quacks!
\ NUMBER of men under the name of Skillman,
Thompson Sc. Co , have employed a man hy the name
of Jacob Townsend, to use his name to put up a Sarsa
parilla, which they call " Old Dr Townsend's Sarsapa
rilla," ice., and wish to sell it to the public as the genu
ine and original Dr. Towi send's Sarsaparilla. This
Townsend has been employed in peddling books and
cheap publications for a number of years before he got
this honorable situation. The public are cautioned not to
be deceived and purchase none, if they wish the genuine,
but such as are put up in splendid steel plate wrappers,
and signed by S. P. TOWXSEXD.
Wonder and Blessing of the Age.
The .Vest Eitraordinary Mcdieint in the World I
This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles ; it is six times
cheaper, pleasanter,and warrantedsuperiortoany sold
it cures without vomiting, purging, sickening, or debiti
tating the patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilie
over all other medicines is, that while it eradicates the
! disease, it invigorates the body. It iaoneofthe very beei
! Spring and Summer .Medicine a ever known; it not only
j 1 purifies the whole system, and strengthens the person
I but it creates new, pure and rich blood: a power posscssec
jby no other medicine. And 111 this lies the grand secret
of its wonderful success. It has performed within the
! last five years more than 100,000 cures of severe cases 01
| disease; at least 15,000 were considered incurable. It ha:
■ • saved the lives of more than 5,000 children during the twe
! past seasons.
| 10,000 cases of General Debility and want of Xcrvovi
| Energy. —Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the
whole system permanently. To those who have low
J their muscular energy by the effects of medicine or indis
cretion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence
. of the passions and brought on a general physical prostra
i lion .of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition,
; fainting sensations, premature decay and decline, hasten
ing towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can be en-
I tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsapa
i rilta is far superior to any INVIGORATING CORDIAL,
as it renews and invigorates the system, gives activity to
. the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a most
extraordinary degree.
Consumption Cured,
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured
Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Ca
tarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness in
the chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Pro
fuse Expectoration, Pain in the Side, &.C., have been
and can be cured.
JVtie York, April 58, 1847.
Dr Towxsesd— l verily believe that your Sarsapa
rilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving
my life. I have for several years had a bad Cough. It
became worse and worse. At last I raised targe quanti
ties of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debilita
ted and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have only
used your Sarsaparilla a short time, and there has a
wonderful change been wrought in me. lam now able
to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cough
has left rne. You can well imagine that I am thankful
for these results. Your obedient servant,
WM. RUSSELL, 65Catharine-st.
James Cummings, Esq., one of th • assistants in the
Lunatic Asylum, Blackwetl's Island, is the gentleman
spoken of in the following letter. This is only one of
more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cured.
Biackaell's Island, Sept. 14, 1547.
Dr. Toicjittnd —Dear Sir: 1 have suffered terribly for
nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the
; time I could uot eat, sleep, or walk. I had the utmost
' distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I
j have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they
, have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of
good I am so much better —indeed, I am entirely re
lieved. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of
the afflicted. Yours, respectfully, James Ccmmisos.
Fits ! Fits ! Fits !
Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla In
cases of Fits, of course never recommended it, and was
surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and
respectable Farmer In Westchester county :
¥•: rdham, August 13, 1847.
Dr Townsend—Dear Sir: I have a little girl seven
years of age, who has been several years afflicted with
Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without suc
cess ; at last, although we could find no recommendation
in our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she
was in very delicate health, we would give bar some of
your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, for it not
only restored her strength, but she has had no return of
the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise. She is fast
becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel grateful
Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER, Jr.
Creat Blessing to Mothers and Children.
It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purify
ing the system, and relieving the sufferings attendant up
on child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both the
' mother and child, prevents pain and disease, increases
anJ enriches the food, those who have used it think it is
iiidtspeusable. It is highly useful both before and after
confinement, as it prevents diseases attendant upon child
birth—in Costiveness, Piles, Cramps, Swelling of the
Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, Paiu in the
Back and False Pains, Hemorrhage, and in regula
ting the secretions. Sec., it has no equal.
Cosmetics, Chalk, and a variety of preparations gene
rally in use, when applied to the face, very soon spoil it
of its beauty. They close the pores of the skin, and check
the circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted by
disease or powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkalies
used in soaps, beautifies iis own production in the " hu
man face Divine," as well as in the garden of rich and
delicately tinted and variagated flowers Ladies in the
north who take but little exercise or are confined in close
rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application
of deleterious mixtures, if they wish to regain elasticity
of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beautiful
comptexions, they should use Dr. Townsend's Sarsapa
rilla Thousands who have tried it, arc more than satis
tied, are delighted. Ladies of every station crowd our
office dailv.
Those that imitate Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have
invariably called their stuff a great remedy for females,
d c., 4"r.,and have copied our bills and circulars which re
late to the complaints of women, word for word—other
men who put up medicine, have, since the great success
of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in complaint* incident to
females, recommended theirs, although previously they
did not A number of these Mixtures, I'tlls, 41c., are in
jurious to females, as they aggravate disease, ami under
mine the constitution.
This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsapa
rilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases
of the Blood. Three persons cured In one house is un
precede nted.
Dr. Towxsknd— Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to in
form you that three of my children have been cured of the
{Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They
were afflicted very severely with bad sores; have taken
only four bottles ; it took them away, for which I feel my
self under great obligation. Yours, respectfully,
ISAAC NY. CRN IN. IW> WoosUr street.
Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from
Physicians in different parts of the Uuioii.
This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians
of the City of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed
Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of
the most valuable preparations in the matket.
H. P. Puling, M. I). J. Wilson, M. D.
K B Briggs, M. D. I\ E. Elmendorf, M. D
CAI TION.—Ow ing to the great success and immense
sale of Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, a number of men
who were formerly our Agents, have commenced making
Sarsaparilla Extracts, Elixirs, Bitters, Extracts of Yellow
Dock, Ac. They generally put It up in tne same shaped
bottles, and some of llieni have stole and copied our ad,
vertiscmenlf ; they are only worthless imitations, and
should be avoided.
Principal Office, p>ri FI.'LTON street, Sun Building, N.
V.; Redding A (to , 8 State t , Boston ; Dvotl &. Sons,
Id# North Second at , Philadelphia; 8. S ilauce, Drug
gist, Baltimore; and by all the principal Druggist* nnJ
Merchants generally throughout the United Slates, West
Indies ami the Canada*.
O^J~CIIARI.HS HIT'/, Isewistoum, in sole
Agent for Mifflin county, for the genuine Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Ry procuring it
from him, purchasers will be certain of getting
the genuine article. mas—ts'Jß
PLASTER, Fish and Salt on hand and for
sale hy
l)e c 30. WALTER LILLEY.
(~IHKESK. —A large stock of good Western
-J Cheese for sale hy
A man by the name of C/.APP has er;s te d
youog man of the name of P. P Tewnseed. and '
name to pot op a Parsapaniia, which ihey rail l )r T *
•cnd'i Parsspariila, denominating it f)F..S'CLVy i °
etc. This Townsend it no doctor, and never *•„
formerly a worker oa railroads, canals, and the i j* e V,***
assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose ofpaiamg ai< , "*
what he is not. This is to caution the public no: >
deceived, and pnrchase none but the GEJfCI.VE uk ■ 69
Jf.lL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Parseparii'.R },
it the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat of arms ant
signature across the coat of arms.
Principal Office, 102 .Yateau-st., fifetc York City
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Ist. Townsend is now about 70 years of age. and tw
lone been known as the AUTHOR and DiSCOVERtb
SAPARfLL.IBeingpoor, he was compelled to limit its
manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of my
ket, and the sales circnuiscnbed to those only who had
proved its worth, and known its vaiue. It had reaefcw
the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death,pp r
claimed its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, many years ago, that he had, by his skill
science ami ex]>erience, devised an article which would
of incalculable advantage to mankind w hen the inesm
would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, *hpj
its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated.
This time hai come, the mean* are supplied ; this
is manufactured on the largest scale. and is caned fa
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found incapable of degeneration or deteriorating,
Cnlike young 3. P Townsend's, it improves with age. lc j
cover changes, hut for the better : because it is prepared fx
scientific principles by a scientific man. The hj*htt krios,-
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of th
have all been brought into requisition in the manufeeian
of the Did Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilia r>*,i. u 3
we'd know n to medical men. contains many tnedicmai pro
per:.vs. and some pr.qierties which are inert or aseieu. and
others, which if retained in preparing it far use. produce
fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the i)iem
Some of the properties of Sarsaper.lla are so romtUe. that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in lbs prspar&uoa if
they are not preserved by a scientific process, known oar
to those eiper.enced in us manufacture. Moreover :hese
■relator principles, which fly otf in vapor, or as an eihsit
ton. under heat, are the very essential medical properties
sf the root, which give to it ail its vaiue.
tnd yet he wou o fain have .t understood that>!<J lb. Jscot
Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparuia. is as IMITA
TION of his inferior preparation ' 1
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an art:clt nhiek
woo d bear the most distant resemblance to 3. P. Twrt
•end's article' and which snonid bring iiown upon the OA
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criuiinstioej
from Agents who have sold, ap.d purchasers who havejud
We wish it understood, because it is the absolute treti
that e*._ P. Tow nsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Tom
•end's Sarsap&riila are ktarrn-iciUe apart, and infimteiitu
•t milar ; that they are uni.ke .n every pari.cular, hi vug
not one singe thing in common.
As 3. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never *•. itc,
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine
disease than any other common, unw enillic. unprnte,until
aisn. w hat gaarantee can use public have thai they ere re
ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, rsn la rune ,i uh
v irtues of the ariicie> used in pre pari i-g :L and hich sr s
capable of changes which m.ghi render thein the AUENTB
of Disease instead of health.
But what else should he expected from one who ksnw
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! ilrcncirM
a jersoa ol some experience to cook and serve up. exes v
common decent rueal. flow much more important is i! tin
the persons who manufacture medicine, designed (i.r
should know well the medical properties of plana. Um
best manner of securing and concentrating their hes -j
virtues, also an extensive know-ledge of the various disexua
which a*Vct the human system, and how to adapt rcmtiin
to these diseases
It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pourfct'n
into wonniied humanity. pi kindle hope in the des.a.-ij
bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor ml .it
crushed and broken, ami P> banish infirmity that OI.PDR.
portonity and means to bring his
Lrand I'iiiversal Concentrated
within the rench. and t the knwte<iire of all who iHrei u.
that thry noijr learn ituti know, by joyful ei;er ence. us
Transcendent Power to Heal.
Any perton can boil or stew the root till ihey get a dart
Colored liquid, which is more from the eoionng matter is
the root than Cram ar.> th.iig eise. they cvn then itrtll
this Insipid or vapul nquid. sweeten w.th sour mi wes.
•ml then call it •• SARSAPARIM.A EXTRACT or SY
Rl'P." Km such is no: the article know nas the
This is o prepared, that all the inert properties of the
Sarsapardla riM.-t are first removed, every thing ca(sibic
becoming arid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejei-w.
then every jmrticle ol medical virtue is secured in a jw*
nd concentrated loriti ; and thus it is rendered inc*pari*
losing any of its valuable and healtug prapertia. Prcps.'M
in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in ths
Cure of innumerable diseases
Hence the reason why we hear commendation! on fist
side In its favor by men. women, and children. We Sell
doing wonders in the cure of
TlCfii'S. PIMPLES. BLOCTHES, and aii mfccMM
arising from
It possesses a msrveilous t-flicacy in all complaints arisl(
from Inihgesti -n. from Acidity ef ike Staneach from UDff- 1 -
circulation, deiennination of t\ aid tc the head, palistai-t
of the heart, cold teet and hands, cold chills and hot tia h
over the body. It has not us equal in Colds and tbs/Ci
and promote- easy expecbireiiuu and cenue perspirainA
relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, ami every other ;"■
But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly sees set
acknowledged than in all kinds a- i Mages of
It works wonders in cases ol E .er Albas or If ■
itsg sf the H'omb. Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pel si. Ml'iitc
Irregularity of the menstrual iiertmis. and the ..se.m'
is as effectual in curing all trie tonus of h . . hi a*
By reiiHiviug ohatructions, and reguiaPng the eeic' 5 ;
system, it gives Pure and strength to lite whole Ooif, L*
thus cures all bums of
Nervous diseases and debility,
anl thus prevents > r rria vesa great variety of other mx*
dies, as >p,-, .. .V St I - I
Sun mug. Epileptic hits. Ci nti.'si. <■ -. A".
it cleanses the Mood, excites the liver to healthy vi'. 'i
tones the sUuii ich, and gives go.si digestion, rei.evf ia
bowels of torpiir and constipation. niia>s iiiiianiiieO'<,
purities the skin, equalises the ctrculatiou of Hie
(woilmtng gi itie warmth equally a'.l over the
lite uisensible persp.ra;:,.u , it i..xea aii strictures hii :~ 3 '
boss, removes all obsuuriioits, and invigorates the ft-*
nervous I) stem. Is not this IhciX ~
The medicine you pre-eminently Dff
Hut can any of these things lie said of 3. I*. To*"" 1 '
iufw.or ntticle ? This vonng man's liquid is not to 1*
because ol one GICA.XII FACT, that the one is 1M "'
while the other Dil.3 , souring, fermenting, and ■ l v ,r 'S
Uc bctt.es containing it into fragments , the sour, s f ' J '
exploding and damaging other goods : Must not ihisb
bio comjiouiid bo poisonous to the system I—lt
■eid ia?o u system already diseased iritk acid I What > sS ,
Dystie|isia but acid ! lo we nut ail know thai '''
•ours in our stomachs, w hat mischiefs it produces I y 5 ■
lenee, heartburn, p ilpitat on id the heart.' iiver com;-
distrhira, dysentery, eoiic. and corruption the to**
V\ hat ts 3eruiula tiul an acid humor m the bodv I U
produces aii the humors which bring on Eruiiuea o}
3kin, 3c ald Head, Salt Rheuui, Erysipelas. White ,
tugs. Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and
It is nothing under heav.n. but an acid substance,
tours, and Unit spoils all the fluids ol the bodf- "T,
ess. What causes Rheumatlsin but a sour or * (1 "
which insinuates Itself between thcjo |nu sni ' , ,i
irritating ard inflaming the delicate uues upon **". f
lets I 3o of nervous diseases, of Impurity of the i l ''". M
deranged circulations, and nearly aii the aiiuienls w ""
afllitt human uaturc. .
Now is U not horrible to make and aell. nd 'A*'-
ni to use this
stile in Lewistown by E. ALL
who is sole aoent for Mifllin county,
may 26, IS49—ly.
Sam it if Mioppd't
Is ready at alt titnea to build the bei IG
AIM! can do that very thing.
Residence No. 5 Hale street, Lewistown
March il, 1-49 tl