Belter Bite lli-ni Oitin it. 33 cwt iOl tv * DR. S. F. GREEN, has again renamed the practice of fits profeweion. He will be happy to wait upon all who desire his pro lessionaf services. He may he t'ouud atlhe drug store of (iREEN & BANKS. l.ewis'own, april 29, 184^ —ti". Philadelphia Advertisements. LIFE INSURANCE. The Gtrard Life Insurance Annuity ami Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office So, 1.39 Cbesnut Street. Capital $300,000. Charter Perpetual. CONTIXt'E to make Instirancvts on Live* on the mo*; fivcmblc terms; receive and execute Trusts, and teceive Deposits on Inlsrrst. The Capit it being paid up and invested, together with accumulated premium fund, afibrd* a perfect seenritp to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half v early, or quarterly payments. The Com,.any add a BONI S* at stated periods to the insurance* for life. This plan of insurance is the most approved of, and i* more generally in us- than any other in Great Britain, {w here the subject i*l>e-n understood by the people, and where they have Irad the I ngr-*t er.peri * nee.,i as appears front the fact that rat of 117 Life insu rance Companies tin-re, of all kinds, 87 are on tnis ptan. The ticst BDMi-S wa* appropriated in December, IM4, - mounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the lest policies ;to per cent., 71 per n lit. Nr., ic., on i 'tier*, in proportion to the tiiTw of standing making an addition of JUki; 5i57.50; 973, Arc., A.'-., to nverv 9! Xkt, urigina.'ly .iieurcd, witicb ts an average of more thin 5C [•or cent, on the premium* paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. '1 he wper ,U >n of the Bonus w ill be seen by the follow ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of lue ■ etipaoy, ttiu* ; IStttn Bonus or | Aitumnt of Policy and Insured. I Addition. Bonus payable at the - \ f party's decease. ; No. 56 j 91.n0t) j 9.00 oo j #l.lis) u " St? j 2.500 25<> I*l i 2,73< It) " 20'. ' 4,'Jkj ' 400 00 j 4,400 00 " 270 ! 2.t.)0 175 00 ! 2.175 (A) " 333 [ 5,000 j 437 51) | 5,137 50 i> i'vMPHLErs containing the table of rates, and ex planations of .he subject; Forms of Application, and further information ran be had at the office, gratis, iu l>erson or by letter, ad Jressed to the President or Actuary. B. W. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAME*, Actuary. [ap29:ly THE FARMER'S E 3V C Y C h 0 P E I) 1 A • EDITED 3Y GOLVERNF.TR EMERSON. T\ one volume, royal ortavo, 11C5 pag, beautifully . bound, containing 17 fine plates, besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about one fourth the Cost of the English work, without any plate*. " Tiie Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of prac tical inform (lion, w herein the ciperienc -of II ace* and countries is carefully ?..*TRt i r lo (he present day. and admirably arranged for convenient reference." —l)r Dar lington. " We are fully convinced that inch an amount of valu able knowledge for farmers can be found in no other , work in #o cheap and convenient a form In fict, no i Farmer who pretend* to be well informed in his profes sion, should be without this wurk."—.Mr Gitntste h'*ir ?*r. Aa excellent work,fit to be distributed in premiums by { Agricultural Societies —J S. Skinner Orders for the above work received at this •Office—price >4. Also, by E. \V. CAP.R, Third street, opposite the Exchange. Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, .Maryland. Orders must be accompanied by the CASH. [July 14, 49-2 m. i OAS AI 7 "D WATER TUIES. YIELDED WROUGHT IRON TUBES, from 1 to } '' inches ln>re, and front 2to 12 feet long, capable of sustaining internal preseate of from 400 to 25b>J lb* per . square inch, with Tees, J'.Lbowt, Cresses, Slop Corks, Ch-rl: Tiilrej, and other tilting*, counecung by *.rew joints. Also, WELDED IRON FLUES For locomotive. Boat and other Steam En gine Boiiers. Man.if.tctnred ar.d for sale by MORRIS, TASKER dc MORRIS, Office Third and Walnut Sts , Piulaiklpliia, Pa. June 30, l-TJ- 5.m. \. s. LIWUEACi;, Agent for the sale of 'tonthworth IManufac turing Company's Writing Papers. Warehouse So. 3 Tiiiio;* St.. FIIILADELPHI V. 1 f)0 cases of the above superior Papers ;.ow in store, and for stle to the trad- at the low est market price*.con sisting tit part of— Fine thick Fiat (hps, 11, li, 15 and 1G lb* , blue and wlMte. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue ,ind white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and w lute, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen V.te Paper*, plain and gilt. Superfine arid fine Bit) Paper*, long and broad Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps aud Post*, blue ami white. Extra super Congress Caps and letters, plain and ruled blue and white. Extra super C.ingres* C *• Paper*. I! n net Boards, white and assorted I i*-ue, l ea. Wrapping. Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap ivrappst*, Hardware Paper*, Sec. Philadelphia June 3D, i 19--6 m AFFLICTED BEAD!! l*hiladel|ilii:t Itriii; ;i' House, T;STAB(.ISHED 17 yearago,bv llr KINKELIN. T!ie oldest,sureel an l he.t hau l toi ure nil forms of *•, ret disease* of llie skin, and solitary habit* of youth, •> Dll KINKELIN. Northwest corner of THIIID and UNION Street*, between Spruce and Pine,a square-and-a half from the Exchange, I'lulodelpt,. TAKE PARTICULAR ' OTICE. There i a habit w-tiuli hoy* tenrii each oilier at the Academy or College -a habit indulged in when by In u *eif, in i> g roni go t , with the bay toinanliood; few of those who lidulgeiil tills J.ern!'iOUS prarti-e are aware of the consequenres until ia v ti. d the nervoit* syiPOST-I'AIU btrrtii answered forthw iih. Philadelphia, Jsauary *"i 1649 iy- K. i . & M. G. lfi hener, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office Ao. 75 Dock Street. Philadelphia, opposite the Exchange, ai!end punctually 10 all busi ™ nesq entrusted to their care. K. C. M., late an officer in the army in Mexico, and familiar with the business of the Depart ments at Washington, will give his attention to the pr.fseeatiomof claims against the Gov ernment, in obtaining J-and Warrants, extra and back Pay, and Pensions for Widows-or Orphans under the Acts of Congress ; claims for services during the war of 1812 ami Revo lutionary claims. addressed to uj at T5 Dock St. will be promptly answered. Philadelphia, July 14. 1849—5 m. lira nuns. Wholesale Commission Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISH, TVo. o 1 YorJh Wharves, Ah ore line street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21. 1849 —ly JOIIX O\NEI,hY, Manufacturer of Donnelly** t' Safety Glazed Cap ruled Blue 51 ATCSI KS, And United States O l Blacking, No. s:s NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia rj*!!ESK Matches are j':*"l} eonsid-red the best in the ■t- I nited stale*; tliey are free from unpleasant smell, a ,d can i<" intrude •-f various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood botes —also, packed in large or small tin case*, to ship to any part of the wotM JOHN DONNELLY, Lure of Funk #:-cet, now x 3 North Third street. March 21, 1-SO-ly. Baltimore Advertisements. J. F. n I la Is K if , General Commission I Forwarding Merchant. JLJ ijiXiT -79. BOWLGrfi WHARF, BALTIMORE, Md. the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseeti, Whiskey. I.umber, &c., . veru Poverty. A single order iuay secure a fortune Cheering results at Pyfer tc Co.'g LOOK HERE Co*reP';rc."nU Eery prize svlj nnu pud bp Pyftr Sf Ca. \ ladv drew the highest prize fit>.ooo. whole ticket, sold to a young lady in Raleigh, N C.— i i good ma-ri re portion f r her ) 913,001). half ticket, sent to North Carolina 915/**), li-ilf ticket, sent to Virginia. $ W, Jt.-t. sent t. North Carolina. S",0Ot), halt t> ket, t o Virginia Vrc.lkjO, quarter ticket, sent to Pennsylv .nit. 9-4.W1, quarter ticket, t s'-nt to South Car.dina. sl2 I*lo, quarter ticket, sent to Obi • §7,580, quarter ticket, sent to Ohio. % t.NZrft, quarter l iket, sent to South Carolina (Jlttryi ire Manaffrt' t If ml fjroui e.) t>Every prize sold by us is kept on file after being paid fur th" in;e;r!loii c.f lU • pub!'. -. R.infc Drift,', payable at sight in C dd, remitted prom t ly to am part of the I' nited States for prizes *old by I'y | fur Ac Co. I All Ce;innc/ifie* strirtly confidential. ' li-. [>.. rt * liffrtril to '• Hot 93 i—K .itimore PootOf I fice," wid coav: to hat.d safely without any other ad dress. *>ieveryone v/ho reads iki* adreriiscmeßt test the virtue id' at leant One Trial. One failure can do very iitl! harm ORAM) LOTTERIES FOR AUGUST, IM. -11 ten p. Addrifg the /. tu.i p House of I'qfer .$• Co. Dite. Capital No- "f Price of Price of August Prize* Ballots. Tirketr's 1 #U,aWI Tj No*. 13 drawn 41' l sll M 2 23/iOO 76 No*. 13 drawn 3 JS 30 3 l-,otsi 7H Sot. 13 drawn i IS 30 1 30/ftO 73 N U 12 draw rm lb mm ft 50f12-ik*l 76 No*. 13 drawn 6 27 00 20,000 75 No*. 12 drawn 5 16 30 r CO'tHKi f*i No*. 13 droun M 27 30 'J 20/ KM) 7" No*. 12 drawn 3 IS 70 50 13,000 75 Sim. 11 drawn 4 15 00 11 30,000 76 N.HI. If. draw n 13 45 00 13 25.0141 OC No*. 10 drawn H 25 00 It 22,500 78 No*. II drawn 5 17 20 15 sef *MM 73 No*, ts drawn M II .'4l 10 22,n0t) 79 \< >t J3 drawn 5 18 30 I 17 IBJMO 73 Hm, It drawn 3 1 0 23 IS 30,000 76 No*. 13 drawn I<> 32 50 ! 20 25,000 75 No*. 13 drawn 8 25 P * 21 21,000 78 No*. 13 drawn 5 1-. f 23 30.000 78 No*. II drawn 10 32 30 • 23 3of 10,000 72 Nm. 13 drawn 5 111 211 '25 05,000 73 No*. 11 drawn 20 62 20 27 30,000 7 1 - No*. 12 drawn 10 32 50 " 2S 20.000 75 Nn*. 15 drawn 5 It, 2. kO 38,000 7S No*. 13 draw 11 10 35 00 • 20 Sh.tOO 75 No*. 12 draw n 5 IS 50 31 20,000 78 No*. 14 drawn 5 17 30 "'-The tirire of Package* of Quarter Tickets only, i* , advertised above. * t'VTlie M inaeers" Printed Drawings, endorsed hy the ' ro;.:iii;s*i.tner* appointed (for thi* ptirpoae.) by the Gov > t tnm c.f Mar land, are in ail cases aetil to our oortes pxiidenl*. ' ->M'tti-rs always slrangly and carefully sealed. > The purrhtuers of I'arkage* of Ticket* seldom hive . more than stxt hance* against their dtawiug in a Pack age any of the Capital Prize*, and one Package, may " draw four of the highest prize.*. Two thirds of the ' prizes are sold in packages of ticket*. t>Please order a few days before the lotteries draw AH order* punctually answered by the return mails. I'ersoii* at a distance from Baltimore, who wish "For tone Buckled 00 tin ir B k," will tind that it is only ~e, r " !Tr rnritM XU - t" -1 "vn ... the above ►< ... do e) for a ,wk IV . tlrkel lo |he , ru , v (itf t '"Oat.-, far famed, ami old s!al.lil ie d t„ iu , FY PER CO., At). 1 Right St.. Baltimore, Md.. OR, B>X 521, R SI.TIMORE POST OFFICE. Bultiaiorc, July 28, lel'j -lia. .Wartin & Wlilelfv' NATIONAL TONIC, A certain ('tire for Ague, Fever, and Dyspepsia. TV our summer and fill months many section" of our country are prostrated by Bll.tlOl'S PKVRR ami AO UK and FEVRH.—It has been mir particular study to (inn out some remedy to elnp this dreadful scourge, and think, in this TOMC we have effected this great object. It is also we think the very best remedy in Dy|e|tsi. and if our directions arc followed, will not fail toetfot t a cure. In a letter dated. May 23d, JSift, our Agent, Mr. F.lias Ranb, of Wri;htsville, York county, Pa .says:—l have never known any remedy for freer aid .?"< equal to your invaluable National Tonic. It ha* given universal satisfaction, am! has cured cases of A pie nf years stand ins, and aft.r the failure of all other tried i< inrs made use of. Mr. Henry Peverson.of the same place, says in his certificate, dated SW March. ' 1 applied to * nnmbet of I h. sicians, and also used it variety of the most popu lar Ague Mixtures at different times, but all without the desir <1 cffi.u I; no permanent rnre having been niforded. J was at length in lured, at the recommendation of your worthy Agent at tins pt;ice. to try a bottle ol your Na tional Tonic, and to aiy great satisfaction .oefitre 1 had used half of it. I felt completely run d, though 1 contin ued the use of 1t lill 1 had taken two bottles * ! j int certificate from Messrs. MH.-s Hoke, William F.larkson. and James D Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav- : ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach tvilh- , out success, we at last purchased some of • mir -Varies.i/ ; 'Asic, win. Ii lias completely cured us. We, theref .re, i dicrrfuily rerommend it to the notice of all persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered.* Sec the Panipiiiets, u!:u !i ya can gel from one of our Agent* gratis Also, l)r Martin's Purgative TV;'". the beat now in use, mullets. where i purgative is needed. ;> Prepared and sold b. MA It TIN It. WIMTEI.EY, Wi .-sale l'rug re, ,\ i s Ci.p'ert st . Haiti--r- For ?a!e by F. .1. HOFFMAN and w ATT SON & J ACOB, Lewistown : ami by A mix- ANDES RUTLEDGK, U iliiamsburjr, Huntingdon county. June 30, 1543 —lv. CLICKEXER'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE P 1 Xi Z: s. The Grand Purgative for the. cure of Headache, Giddiness. Measels, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Hcartbu.n, Worms, Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus, Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, tininsey. Pains in the B ick, Whooping Cough, Inward weakness. Consumption, Fit*, Palpitation of the Heart, I.iver Complaint, Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas. Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin, Fevers of ail kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints, and a variety of oth'-r di.eas'-s arising from impurities of the Mood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion. Tile aversion to taking medicine is effectually reumved by I.ICKE.N KR'S VEGETABLE PU BGATIVEi'ILI-S, being completely enveloped with a rnaltrg of pure white sugar (which is as distinct from the internal wgred.-ut* as a not shell fro in the kernel) ami kaee no of wirai rntr but us ea.Uy swallow rd as bit- of. indy. Moreover they MEIT Hem Mat SSATK M OMEN, bat operate equally upon all the diseased parts of the system. Tims, if the liver be affected, one ingredi fit w ill operate on that pirticular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of lule restore it to its natural state. Another will operate on the blood, while a third will eff-ctuallv exfw-1 what ever impurities may hare been d.srharged into the stom ach, ami hence lliey strike .-f the rant of disease, thus se curing a free, and healthy action to the heart, lung*, and l.iverpand thereb. they restore health even wlwn all other means hav faded. The entire truth of the above can be ascertain" ' by the trial of a single box ; and their virtu.-s are so poemveand certain in restoring health that the proprietor binds him self to return the m .nuy {.aid fur tfieni in alicases where they do net give universal -atif.ieti JO. Ketaal pre * 5.) recti per box. "* Principal osi • N ■ er, Vesey street, New Y :k xXtemember Or C. \ . Clickener i< the inventor of Sugar Coated Pi-Is, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard r.f until be introduced them in June. I*G.l Purchasers should, tir<>rcfure, always ask fir On kem-r's Sugar C -t" ! N g'-ts.t le Pi' s, end take no others, or they will be made victim* of fntol Wholesale Agent for lire r.nintv, CHAS. RITZ. {Dec. 23. 1545—1y. HARM*. TURNER \ HALE'S dov:t n in a small package, am! send to the care of W Amlorsoii At Co., 111. huiond, as soon as po*i hb , and forward the bill pi. r mad. —Yours, ir." 4th.- \ respectable merchaiA of Ohio, on a late visit to PUliu lelph e, d, that some time since lie had heen ap plied to bv .1 cu-t tier for .1 vial of ' Vcr ' his son. Not having the article asked for, he 1 ir il . f K.UTIS. Turner Ilule's ("omponn l • r> of Sjeg.dia and gave him a part fa bv'tU w hieh Ili ihti rein lined 111 the store. A day or two after ill 'I. Ip utlem in returning to tha store, expressed his surprise :,ud ile iaht at the effect of tin: Syrup, declaring it had r xp. llcd 200 worms and entirely relieved his son. In iie.iiiint added an expression of hi* great regret that he hid not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup at the time when hi* own little daughter died, as he confidently be lieved it would have saved her lrte. bth—A gentleman of Hudson, .N . Y , having sent a hot. tie of Harris, Turner 4c H tie's Compound Syrup of Sp gclia, to a young friend who had tried 111 vain a great num ber of worm medicines, write#, 1 hat his friend was iiiiine dtaleiy relieved ; the words of the patient were: "It took every worm out my body." MANUFACTURED ONLY RY HARRIS, TUR.N'FR & HALF., Wholesale Druggists, No. Market street, Philadelphia, IMP JRTEBS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemical*, Patent Medu nie>, Surgical and Giistetrioal Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win dow-glass, Paints, Gils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac , fee., and 1 exclusive manufacturer* of Harris, Turner & Hale's Sugar Coated I'dls, Huxltaoi's Lirunicut for the I'tles,the Banhridge Hair Tonic, Eherb: Water, Mrs. Madi son's Unrivalled indelllble Ink. D.-wees' Celebrated Nerve and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mr* Shirs wood's Rxtracts of Lemon and Vanilla, for flavoring Pud , ding*. Ice Creams, Sec , Ac For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in i Centre, Milßm and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf |>K. lIARTn s Comjjountr Sfiruy of WHO CIII!II il I, Ts tie best Me liclne yet for Coughs, Colds Cnnsunip tion. Asthma, Spiiting of Blood, A-c. Read the fol lowing : November 13: li, 1-1S Detir Sir- I take great pleasure in saying to you that Mrs. Ross has Iwen entirely relieved <>f li -r cough by ihe 1 use of 1 our Si. rip ~/ It'ild Clary. It bad roirtitiued for f illy eighteen months-. She had u-cd several prepara tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not : with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. 8h on ly took MX bottles, and 1 am pleased to say she is nn-.v in good health. Every one who saw Mr*. Ros thought . h*r in a deep decline. LEWIS I*. ltOit|e. Prepared and sold by M ARTIN tc WHITELEY. at their wholesale Drug Htor*, ia 'H Calvert B:reel, Balti more, And fur sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATT-SON & JACOB, Lewi.-town; ALEX ANDER RUTLEDGE, \V illianteourr, Iltintingtiun county. [June 30, I*^lo—ly. LIVER COWPLAIAr. J.irXDICE, DYSPEPSIA. , CIIRO nic or .Xercovs DehiVity. Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered hirer cr Stomach in both Male, and Female : Such C- ost potion, hw iru Piles. Kultier* or Blood to th" Head, Aridit* - of th" Stoma-ri. Nans- a, H.-ert feirn. I>isg- s-t for Food, Fulness rW, ;t ;n the St-ruarh, Sotir Eruetati-ns. ?;■ k ::g or Fluttering .at the pit of the Stomach, of the H - id, Ifiirried and Difficult !'-■ -ihing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or suff.H-at i-ig sensate ns when in r; lying postur". Dimness of vi -ion. Dot* -r welt-- tie**ire tb" sight, Fever and dull pain in th* Head. !>• £• iency of perspiration, Y-llow - of th" skin and • ••• . pain i- the S;d*, Raek, Chest, Limbs, fcr.. s-id ' a. F -shes of Ilea'. I'-irning in th" Flesh, con -t.aiit imaginings of evil and great depression of spirit-, re.i l e eff-ctuaily cured hy Br. Hoofiand's Celebrated GERMAN BITTERS. 7- e r j- /iff r r'r the ah -re <:is nets i m not exrr'ltd—if . . - Jtl# m tur rarcs i7i KUiTy C4i3t* o/Ur rkilfal p' •". > had ' fy.led. DERXNOSHEST or Tits i.rtEe and UTOMACH are sources f Insanity, and i:l also produce d*e:i*" f tile Heart. Skin, Lungs and Ks.'ne-, s, and la- s the txvdy o;;n to an ailark of the Cholera, Billons, or Yellow Fever, and is g ner illy the first canst- of that tnost baneful disease, Opinions of th* Philadelphia Pi ess. " 'l'ltp I)isjv4trh," Derember 3lsf, uy-: AN ImLi'iDU JLWWR..- We have frequently h*3rd the celebrated Geru .an B.lters, manufacture i by , Dr. floofiand, spoken of iu terms of cnmmend.ition, and we know deservedly so It is a too common practiee, ia ■ -t.uri i;uaj'"rs. to puff all Rllnstr of useless trash, bvl in ease of the above Biil.-rs, hundreds ar-: living wi'- ness—s of their great ral and physical worth As a medicine for the Liver C ,np!a:nt. Jaundice. rvmu Dyiidity, and D>pepsia, I h.-.s been funn.! mvaluanh . e'f ctirig c ireg and th .rouglil; eradicating diseases when r-'.h -ro:edic in** have fiii ' W - feel convinred, that :n th" us* of the German flitters, the patient does not be come telMlilatr-i, but constancy gaii-s strength and vig r to the frame a fact worthy ofi great rrallity; tiie d'Xtor has cured n any of ur . itiz- s* aft-r the lo st physician* had failed. Wi have used them, and they have proved to be a medi • ire that every < ne should know of, and we cannot re fra.n giving our testimony in their favor, and that who It gas them greater rl tint upon our humble eff .rt i*. they I. re rnltreJii rfr'tak!-. ' I he Daily News." July 4t'i. sry's : •* Wc speak kn rf Dr. Iforid''in/t's cflcbrri'p'l (•eiman wben u c say it i* • >f M.iw S2F; anJ r: di- >sf (ho btiiar} , lis;c4aivi* ai d nervous >*- it hi nni we think in It is a Eer-etubU Pre*. - fiNfir M mtl mailt Phtrt .llf- Ao/. and to all in valid* we would recommend 11 aj wortbv their coatidence/* READ THE FOLLOW ING : It is from one of our first drttggis*, a gentleman favor a'dy known UtftHfikMltin I sited States —the proprietor of tiie • .Vedu.ahed Worm Syrup." Pull \i ci'iiix. Nov 22,1, 1-; ; D*ar vir—lt is *-:tk mm h pleasure that i testifv to the extraordinary virtn.-s of your German Buter. having sold large!v of th-m these l ist fw- months to varum* pi-r*on, afflicted with liver fo::i,-!'iin:*, iiy sjiepsn, ami ' ii. fiility of the n' rvnus system I can say conscientious ly that tliev are the kest artn-1* of the kind 1 have ever sold, (ami I deal in all the pnj ular medicine*,) and I con sider it the only xue iicine for the above disease* before the public. 1 have never sold one kottie that has rot given satisfac tion, and br right i r:li the rmnmendation of tbose who . used it. 1 deein tiii* my duty b.sV, to j-iu a* tli* proprietor of this highly valuable article, and to those afilicted with the above i oniplainu, that they may know of its curative properties, and to enable tli-in to select tin- good fiom the various articles with which our market is. flooded With much resjK-ft, I remain yow, Str . J. ,\. IIGBF.NoAt K, Druggist, corner of Second and Coates street*. JAUNDICE vV LIVER COMPLAINT Cured afttr Physicians had failed. Pkt'.sdr'.phia, December 27, 1-P. Dear sir—it is with feelings of pleasure I communicate to you the sanative effects (and in a short time) of ; our invaluable H'wHand'* celebrated German Hitters, njuin my system while laboring under the Jaundice. About two year* ago I had an attack of the Jaundice and wa confined t. ihe fti,use / i rrrkj under mrdicul treatment of the f'ami/y Physician, and for some time after, when I went out I had to very careful of myself; since that tune I hav" had several attacks of the same disease, and your (inters have entirely relieved and cured me in (too or three t.' iys. My next door n< .gbhor, Mr JOHN UIEHL, last spring, had a long and serious spell of Jaundice ; he had it some time !> fore I knew it ; he true mnjirr.i to his br.l. A* s >n as 1 heard of his condition 1 called to see him and told hint of the effect your Hitti rs had iqein me in the s iiuc disease lie iiiu. r diately sent for a bottle, and in n f>r day- he ires cured. I have ta several instan ces r. . inmeiided the Bitters in other cases, always pro ducing the same happy eff- rt My wife has been consi deratd- nfflicted with J v. r i oinplaiiit and Neuralgia; by the use of the Bitters she is well, now enjoying good b.-allii. We believe from the many cures ive know of . these Hitters effecting, that they possrss in a remarkable ; and extraordinary degree great curative properties, and that w Inch enh inceg their value with us is, ihuy are t n tirety vegetable. We always keep the Bittera on hand, and would not lie w filing to do without iliem. Very respe, ifally, yours, C I'UHU'E, 310 Suetk Front street. Can strongi'r testimony be adduced by any preparation before the public ? A single bottle will convince anyone of their power over disease They are KNTIBKIY Yuan risi.K, anil will (H>rinanently destroy the oust obstinate cmtircntst, and give strength and vigor to the frame, af . no time debilitating the patient; being also grateful to the most delicate stomach under any circumstances, and can lie administered i* ith pi rf.-i t safety to delicate infant* —they are free from JUtvkal, Syrups, Jtrids, Calomel, and all mineral and injurious ingredient* They can be taken at all tune* ami under all circum stances; no ordinary exposure will prevent them having a Military effect, and no bad result can accrue from an I over dose For sale, wholesale and retail, at the principal Depot, German .Medicine Store, 27b Race street, Philadelphia. For sale in J/*wialown Ly \VM MARKS &. SON, and respectable dealers in every town in the state. np 14—ly I ADDIS' Slippers, ut low nrtces. by -J ap29. \V. LxLLF.Y. Tricks of Qsiacks! - J.U.T Al-1/ KF\l> Tills C VIM.I'IM-Y. CAUTION EXTRA. \NfMR!iR <>f men under the name of Skillman. Thompson K Co , have employed a man hythe name of Jji oh Towtisi-nd, lo use his name to put on a Sarsa parilla, which ttt j y en!l "Old Or. Townsend's rilla," &c., and wish lo sell it to the public as the genu in and original Or. Townreod's &traparillar: This ' Towiiseml has bi*en employed in peddlme books and cheap publications for a number of years before he got this kt>norahit situation. The puhlie are cautioned not to tie deceived and purchase none, if they wish the genuine, hut so h as are put up in splendid steel plate wrappers, and signed by S P. '/' Oil .VSK.V/t. ]> It . T O >Y N SKSII'S COMPOUND F.XTKACT OF S A II SAFARI L I- A • Wonder and Blessing of the Age. T'o -V- f.itraardmary Medicine re the HVi-.'.V ' This Ex:rut is put up in tiuart Bottles ; it is six times cheaper, pleasanter,and w arrantedaoperiortoany sold. Ii cure* without vomiting, purging, sickening, or dc. ili fating the patient. Th- great I amy and superiority of fids 8 ■ r-.-rrarillx over all other medicines is, thai while it eradicates (he : disease, it invigorates tlie body. It is one ofi he very h.-st Sprier a".! Sn nstr* JMutrn ever known; it not only purities the w!m!** s\stent, and strengthens the persc-n. i hut it creates "ie. pure and rich blood: a power p<-i*.-e' T c.l ity no other mediciue. And in this lies the gfaed s -cret of its wonderful suceess. It has p:rformed within the li! five year* more than 500,000 cures of severe rus/ s of i Ji-eas ; at least 15,000 were considered incurable. Itbas - ved the lives of mere than i.OOO children during the two j past sen sons. 10.0 'met of (i'ntrnl Dtbil-.iv aT ' rrtrtnf di"' r"ons .—|)r. Towns"nd's Sarsaparilla invigorates the •x hy the effect of medicine or tad •- i cr ti' n ci.mmilled in youth,or the excessive- !ndal;nee of" - • ""ion* and Drought on a generalpl.y*; -a! ;ro.-!ra •' n of the nervous system, las.-itii.le, want of ambition, , fi ting s itkms. premature decay and,hasten .... . v .-.i-that fatal disease, < -i* r>.juice. can b- <-n --! tirety-resMrefl Dythl [fcmil remedy. This f irsap.a rill.a ■> fir s'iDermr to any I \ X'iGfMtATINO ( Off DIAL, as t re -vs ::: d invignrales the system, gives activity to the .to! strength to the muscular -ysteni, iu a in- vt , ' x'ru--ro:earv '"Zero. CcnsviHpticn Cured, C!-nr -e an j -ttretigihen. Cops um pi ion can he erred liroric utis. Consumption, L.ver Complaint, Colds, <"a --r trr ■ Cmghs, Athtnx. Spitting of Htoc d. Sorenes- in tlie chest, Hectic Flush, Night fiweats, Difficult or P'o fuse Ex;i*r.t ration, Pain in the tfid", &c., have been and can be cured. BPITTINO REOOD -Wi r York, April 28, SSIT. D.i Toc Nvcrs —1 verily believe that your Barsapa rdia h s the Tteans, throuch Providence, of saving my life. I have for several years had a bad Cough. It became '.vore and wor*e At lat I raised large quanti ue* of !> ■ "!, had night Sweat*, and was rreatly deb 'its. ted and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have only . us'-d your Sariaparilli a short time, and there pa* a wonderful change been wrought in me, lam now able : to walk a'l over the city. I raise no blond, and my ■ Mffc h: !ft me You can well imagine that I am thankful for lb- *e result*. Your obedient ervant. XVM. RUSSELL, fvCa:!iarinee?t. Rheumati.itrii Jan.- * Camming*, E*q , one of the as**tan!s in lie Lunatic Asylntn, niaekwell's Island, is the spoken r c (be fnttowlr.g lei'er. This is only one of more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Tuwnst r.d's Sarsapariila has rnred. Biacl.trcll'l Islavn, 8f t. li, 1*57. 7 - T*n*r*d — Bear fir : 1 have suffered terribly f>r nme y.-ar* wilt the Rheumatism: ronsiderahV of the time I could not eat. sleep, or walk I bad tbe utmost distressing pain*, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have n*ea four bottles f your Sarsapariila, and they j hav- dope me mors than one thousand dollars worth of 1 am o niurh better —indeed, ? am et:tsr"!y re eved Yrit: are at liberty to ue this for the b/'nefii of j the afSiCted. Your*. r'-spectfully, Jxats Ct";rl>ss Fits ! Fits / Fits / Dt T Wnscml, not having tested hi- B:it*uperffl.l in cast s > Fun, of course never recommended it, and was ; sur.Tiseii to receive the following from an intelligent and r- s peel able Farmer in Westchester county : FoTukam, August iZ, 5547. f>r Townsend —Heat ff.'r: 1 have a little girl seven years of age, who has been Feveral years alßirted with Fits : we tried almost everything for le*r, but rv ithout sac cess ; at last, altbowsh wc could find no reeptomeiidation !•! our circular* for cases like her*, we though', as she was m very delicate health, we would give her some of your ixarvtpnrilla. and are very glad we i.'i for it not only reslord her strength, but she has bad no return of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surpr:*" B!ic is fast ieiioming rugged and hearty, for which we f el grateful Yours, res:wetfullv, JOHN BFTI.ER. Jr Great Blessing to Mothers and Children. It is the safest and most eifectnal medicine for pur.Ty ing the system, and relieving the sufferings attendant up on child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both ;ke mother and child, prevents pain and disease, increases and enroll' the food, those who have used it think it s indispensable. It is highly usful both before and nf -r r iniirieiiient, as it prevents disensesattei daut upon chftti birth—in C veness. Fpes, Cramps. Swelling of the Feci. Despondency, Heartburn. Vomiting, Pa n in the Hark and 1.0u.5. False Pains, Hemorrhage, and integra ting the secretions, Ac., it has no equal. BEAUTY .iXD HEALTH. Cosmetics, Chalk, ai d a variety of preparations gcr.r rally in use, when appledtothe face, vety soon spoil it | of its b/uuity. They close tbe pores of the skm. anrfchsek the circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted by disease c r powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkalies used in soap*, beautifies its own production in the " hu man face Divine," as well as in the garden of rich and delicsteiy tinted and variagated flowers. Ladies in the I north who t :< ke but little exercise or are confi-ied in close rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application i of deleterious mixtures, if limy wish lo reg un elasticity I of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beautiful < "iitpb Xl' : . they shoahi use Dr Townsend's Sarsap.a rilla. Thousands who have tried it. ate more than satis ti ■•'. are delighted. Ladies of every station crowd our | office d.ailv. XOTICE TO THE LADIES. , Tbmethat imitate Dr. Townsend's Barsaparilla, have , invariably called their stuff a great remedy far females. Jj r.,s-r ,and have copied our lolls and circulars which re lite to the complaints of women, word for word—other men who put up medicine, have, since the great success j of Dr. Tnwnsend's Barsapantla in complaints incident to females, recommended theirs, although previously thej ' did not. A number of tliese Mixtures, ITlls, Ac., are in j hi >u- to females, as they aggravate disease, and under mine the constitution. SCR OFT' LA CUR ED. This certificate conclusively proves that this tsars ipa rilla Ins perfect control over tbe most obstinate diseases of the Blood. Three persons cured in one house is un precedented. 1)h. Towmsksd— Dear Sir: I have ihe pleasure to in form vim that three of my children have beencureat of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were .'ifflutcd very severely with bad sores; have taken | only four bottles ; tt took tiietn away, for which I feel nix - j self under great obligation. Yours, respectfully, IBA At 1 V\ DRAIN, lot. Woostcr str'et OPfXIOXS OF PHYSICI\XS. Dr. Townsend is almost d-rilv receiving orders front Physicians in different paris of tlie Union. 1 his is |i> certify that we, the undersigned, Plivsi -ians of the ( ity of Albany, have in numerous cases proscribed Dr Tnwnsend's 8 irsaparilia. and beli- ve it to be one of the most v thiahle preparations in the market. 11. P Puling, M. D. J. Wilson, M. D. R. B Rriggs, M. !>. P. E. Elmendorf, M. D. t'At I ION —Owing to the great success and iinmeiise sale of Dr. Towrsend's Sarsaparitla, a nntnlierof men w ho were formerly our Agents,have commenced making S.atsapatilia Extracts, Elixirs,Cillers. Extractsof Yellow Dock, Ac. They generally put it up in the same shaped ! bottles, and some of them have stole and copied our ad ! vertisements ; they are only worthless imitations, and | should be avoided. Priio ipal Ofiiee, lid FI'LTOX >trcet, Sun Building, N A ; Redding tk Co., b State st , Boston; Dvotl & Sons, Dr \ nil Second st., Phtl.tdr iphta ; s s llance, Drug gist, lliltlinore; and hv all the principal Druggists and Men limit* grnernlh tlironghout the United states. XV est I Indie* ami ihe Cut tdas. U-*?' ' HAIiLUS RITZ, Uewistovn , is sole Atp'tit lor MilUtti coufily, tor ihe petuniie l'r. I oxviisend's Sirsß|>iirilla. By procuring it trom him, purchasers will bo certain of getting the genuine article. nta.j—-ts'Jß PI. AS PER, Fish antl Sa!t on hand and for sale by Dec 30. WALTER IJLLEV. /"^IIK.ESK, —A large stock ot good Western v./ Cheese for sale bv i Dee 30. WALTER LILLF.Y. (All ION KM K \ • t ninn of the r.t'n* r*f > P r." >• - !<#t it pit up 3 wh 'h r !>. , #n e y. * s mws the Ut\f of Pf. ;he -f •- - r . r r ;, ■ • r whnl he in n*'t. This i< in reT;fo p7'! r -o; . t t deceivffl. and pnrrhae hat the OfWCf.Yf *. y- W.i I. or. If l>r. J cob Tnwa r+*in>r . h,v -o it the Old Dr's. lifcenes?, hi* fctm.iy r i f ar-... . - %irnaii;re ncrw the rtnu of *rm<. Prtnripal *'j£re % W>*** C .Vcie !';r n * Cfy. GLD IIK. JACOU TOM NSF.M), TUEOniOIN XI. PISC'IVBRER ofTIIK ToxFriscnt! Sarsapariiin. Or; !*r .' .viTvend y hdw -hr>nt 70 years of •< '.? i ;,rtj krj r> hf- At '/TV (fH attti IfISCoCFJ F.R f I ' onmtJCAL •- TOWJfSEJCi) s.ik- AV If< / f.t ..A .** V* fi ;< r. ii<* was rnmprHrfi in tmi-: if • re v '.v> >l- > it kept >nl f n>?r set. "■ nd the - • ev 7f only trh* h ;nved else !>e* t tfid -rvrd fflui r.- d us e ierre ami '."WHlerf';! HEALING POWER. Kani' Inf. t--* years r*,. litat h" hud. by ins '*i!t, . .. . e ami <• •ertewos, dmisid >• nrrmlc sbirk would t*. ,t" - r-i .ti. - id'anvtce tii m• - ltd when iiic Mi- n r woubt ! rurnkhr c/. kv.m it;QX . n inub'ttnrrl "ti th- *c*!". u-.i ; ra es f. + through* : the length and l>revi:h the int. ha it > found incapuo e of cr.-iiou or deter -i> - ..r.. L'ntike j ung S. P 'I am ßsrwd *. it mnrove* th g- sag cever rb-io-e*. but fi-r the l e-ter : ieouu; '. pre:c,re, •,. have all !cu bo.-gh". inr- i*-e--it:<>a in the uuT'ifxcisre of ;se <■•! D'"< Shraft- '!*. The S*riWlii r•• .. n nell know n l<> me-icnl men. erwttains many me,',*- rial pro por; -t and rurie prr pertjes wn.cri ire inert >r u*e an/ ) other*, nbieb f retained in ;t far n-e frodoee ferment t-.en ax"! <*?.-!. wI. •:b is irjnr."ll* to the 1'..1#" Some of ue jwofertie- f Sarsnpnnila are • vnintiie. tbst they entirety evajairate and are icnt n the pre:w.n:ins. if they are <-oi p-ee;red try a rarn'ife prnee-., to iD>e evperieuced i n rx rr-snufacture. M-, re: vol at o " principles, w bicb fly off in vapor. . : a* tin tion. unuer neat, are trie very mrentiel rarirrs. y- >v— . nf the root, which g;--e u> tt alt .t value. SULhl.Nt'. Jr t.i JVir-.s i ..\u. .Ht'lP " CCM f t:m-" or ?. p. TOWNSENn. tr** vet \*' AI -i !*•.n M A# fi'rmi*.* 'friv xtu S "'tipar l/z - * VITA- Ii< "\ oi ii s infer :>r p**-K-r • jtn Heaveo frr:.;'! thit v-c *?•-? . dr- n *.r\ c >, nfYt d t>*r *r the *>l re%mi!i - -re r*. w sn4*f irfir*! 5 aj4 wh'fh • .neOd a * toad **f rnrttjssinD ffri rr: ' -im-j fr : Arer3 vfh hare *-r'A. and purr rer* wn u-ve -iei 7 s . }'. FERMK.VTLNG ( \j> lVe\\j*h it cndTJtr. T fft'T* r-vr* •. xre **rieif cv . a*< - * v.- i ?**n ir th' *. -p *jr. a every n-xMo; mi* c-n*> *• fi'k\?r>n S P. T"WfAe; d k ftri fkrt ir. ~evo ',n. i* ■ hfrrn<-t. no pharmareotlst— kca\\ *mi m**re ri met! ' f than aoy otherc-un nrisr.ei:r'r. nnprf r e* • .wb it jr* "♦ " r • * Ce~ta !Tif pub if have '.5?.: ihey rc - ■ 'z m fmm M sC ■ Hm r -11 : t -s vrt i*"- r>{ thf Hpd n ii. and wbfh • e ifal e *-t ctefn tM! nf.tht ieoder ihes: tbe AGEMB r ~ 4 iitstfeid <*•? rre^e:'- But "wrixt P.* e >fntn!d bie i " r .p~ctr ? ~re v -rem c *np ;nt!:veif merltrine or d> a |ers*m o!^Vuw exterer>c; U> rooix arid >er\ t; rxa * pfinut . ir*ra:;t . fit;. .-, rjc rn re liie 'a ho mrd't^in*, J s *ne i : r WKAK STOMACHS AND ENfEKBI.FD STSTKKS, •hoMhi kuow \Teit ihe pnifwroes of insnis. itt it inner *•{ ser*r.i.i ih . r he vvhKfl,almiteittw t ive K.-joa -.eiit'em' tiie in r. m* lireaas v% !. •••?'. c: in-j i nian x.od how jo aiii;'! rt Rxednt TheNe ids it is i ; r ,i- ihr !n ponr hi w hilo noamifd hnmantly. i* Kinuie h je tn ihe •*G*triL to revolt : s-asii and tc *n. anil \ £ r jut •- xi ti if .W*n • An tstnish inUTio tv lh-: Ofj! P?. JAOHI TuiVNSKM* has " OHT and FU NDtftent portua.ty nnd ti-in* fo Wine s Ixiaud l n!tt'i>al Conccliirated Remedy e. ;h.n the rr--rh. nnd I the knotvfceder • •( rre! It, la 11 they \r \rv. and kn T\-. Sv Transcendent r fo licai. ftrv r*n borl or ??evx the root tin thev a J^rk roa red in: mi. vvhtD s mre from the rw r nc miller the r>- i than fre ari;rv fcv?x* a t trr GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOVtNSEND*3 SARSAPARiLLA. r?. - '- "-o cam -.I ::,e 'n*r; :roj-*r' A? ■' SecMni: <• >d ' r frrn\+ tilniain, s ani rejected; . thes ever. medical vtrute is se+nretj io * pun an". c ■*-. :• ; • -xtt; >r- .: is rr.niereti tocapab-C • :•- j M\ *" • - v-i •v■ v -* t hfv*-, trwr? r . Pre;arf< is ihis u*y, ii * ir-'tie me ry*ns: ;nM,*erfu! nfenl tn tre Curi' *t inutinieiable disease*- 11-ucc llir v, r: ivti: - hc-r ctiusf staisi,, usrigr *-•!<• in it- {.iio* y, mcc.. w-men, and children. \X> Snd ! I ■ | *"r:l,T, ,n lUc curv of cojrsuMßTiax, tirspKPsu, m 4 i.trr.R co ■ P/-D.Y7'. and IP. SCI: • >FCI~I PH.t * CO* 7 TJ..VF*.* < A T.i.\ K<>t > I.HVF 7/(-VS. P/.U/'/.A.s. HI. ft I /IKS, tool n .nsiiu I rum IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. !l jMsessC> . ]j; - - X n * *f R! jr .MI .fit : s *w ■* • f >*n*nek. lVio unequal c rcu'at.on, detorui.ri.Ai >n *i • -x-: iu rie hel. pahutAx" o * o! tlx f.s aft, I \ r ttsrt over ile lev!*.. U has j i its efu:* in Criup ard C~*fks: and promou's en-v - r nn and scniie jYCf"{raU3* rel txo s'r.rtnre •: ;ur.£* ihrott. and t \ *-ry :her ;***• IHll i not ;.i!£ o its f\o I.nice HB>re ttianifr4t)' nCCO w-d erk .! u x i£. •; ih 'n rr. < k *.ts ni st •l" KKMAIA: COMPLAIXTS. Sl r. iMiih'fs in casftc! f iiW.fifNi# nf /I ri' •' H*' ivf p- t.f ti /frtih. ( 'i.x/ri,. (f - * U • r / <"' b. IrrrjrH, ir c ty of ihe ow-istr;: : j*rds, vii the t* an etJec imi in • . ii: !i ihe V rim >f A . //.#* Rv remit vine ••*. mot p jurß'' i; tbe \-sierri it j ve- ime mi strength lo ihe wli • t x3U liiii* rures a . : >rn- A Nervous tlisca-ei and deliility. aru! tl;.i- [trvvnii-i i r\ .. , ii>c i \-r i" hc.ilihv sf.-a. Lire, the -I'im.'ch, : •-I gvt- -• ' • *—i-."ii rri*vrt-"* bxw-ula uf turpor -nil r.ui,ii;nt:k n. rtpmliceu :i.c circalxp n • i tbe b* prrxluring g'-itle wnrmtb cj.itt',ly all or cr the l-!y. ■— tin" iTi-vn-'b v |>vr|>ir:,i!un rr; ,xo- icirirvs u" 1 ; - ' rtes*. rvm-ivc- all I'tistrnciiun*. and mi morale* ;brt— i crvuua s\>l, in. Is n.u ttu> then The mctiicine jon pre-eminrmly nrf. Rut in .y ii t!.r -o ih ugs vtid t S. P. iuler r art • • ! This Yt:f£ turn's is n-'t to W JOMi'ARKI WITH THE OLD DH'S. j teeati-r-if o t M:. \\lt tCI . tiial tbe Di.e I.NCAM ni.Kot ni;i I-KUIK \Ttu\. mill XEVEH hPOILS, *\ hi!e (!-■• 'Ahcr D 'fr> * art Jcrtnt * '*us % and tkr -k c ntainine il iitUt Tr jr merit * ; the sour, avid e\ji iml i g ani .:im .gng other co*ds ! Most roi iu.% v bif cui • >iu 1 >*' : . - :i, :si. (. t me sVMofll ■ H cciii in:*- i *h.*Um fi - z.ip '■.* < st>. jt-:A uxi.i \\ i a IKa|cj*mh w'.ii.iuid T tk v\ v not n!t knou t!t x\ h n sours ill our -'!• riis v% hat inisch ef* il pr siu cs *' ience. heariotifn p iihiL- * iu >i ttu hearu 11vt s 1 ui:rrh i t. dy sentery, rui-.c. and c*rruption V\ hai is uSa (nit an bcul humor in ihe body ; W prodcires mi the humor* \\ p.u ti bring on Kr 11 r? - te IT*s, I *-i er >t.res, nni ail uiceratmu> iu rnai ar.d t \'.' ' il ts to- :in. ui icr heaven, but an -■<• ! >u!stince. w * l!t Sofirs. a;ui itnt a.J the ti .ais of me i siv. ,f ie>s \V*h *t rau-es Ixheufii x■ i-m hut a>• ur x-r i*c ' " A\hu>i irsiiUfiß- itse ! \xriwr~v thejies u;*n act* 1 .S. of nervous ur > .if impurity *4 the i ' demo?* A rirculalior s rini nearly nil the nihneaU * aft! ci human nnture. Ntiw is it nt horruuc t*> make and and Uflrtt 111 Use Ulis [o~For snle in Lewistown by K. A IT" who itf sole ajrent for Mitllin county, may 'Jo, 1-1!)—ly. Samuel Hopper. CAR PEATRB. Is rt?ady at aii times to builJ the U'sl Ihv > !> anti can Halo street, Lewis'exxP i March 31, IS4B—tf