Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, August 11, 1849, Image 3

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    i j| m t the bitter had been obliged to take
i r ,|,T,> •: WalSachia, with a stnaii remnant of
li.s army.
Latest Foreign News,
'1*1,,. steamer America, ('apt. Ilarus-m, nr
rivt\l at llalifaxon the7th inst., with one week's
inte iiiTence from Europe.
J* l; | \IISTI ITS — From all ilie principal mar
|.( there is a limited demand, and prices for
|llo .-t articles are downward—the result ol con-
Ij.hMice that crops throughout (ireat Britain
will ineei the highest expectations.
We have accounts from Vienna to the 01st
o! Jane, ulnch are confused and contradictory,
p isadnittcd. however,that.lellachich the Ban
njCrortia. has been completely defeated by the
.Majvars under Item, who. it appears, crossed
t ,e To us" Canal at the head ot 50 000 men
and took the encampment of the Croats by
We have the version of a sharp action that
t,>ok plaee near Waits,:n, between Georgej and
ilie Austrian Generals Sass and Romberg. Tl,e
bulletin sa\s that on the lath the Hungarian ar
iii_\ inarched upon Waitsen, then occupied by
I lie Russians, u ho, according to orders, fell bark
as the enemy advanced. At night Georgey oc
rupied a strong position before Waitsen. 11 is
army, estimated at i 4,000 men, with 150 pieces
el' artillery, was attacked the next morning by
the advance guards under Sass, but the artillery
of the Hungarians foiled every attempt to dis
lodge them.
On the 10th tAuiin body of the Russian ar
my \\ as brought the 17th they attack
cil Waitsen, and Tq a desperate
resistance ttie llunrtSßßt were compelled to
ivaeuate ttie town two standards, 2
i nun, and 500 prisoners. In the course of the
, -uit it was found that only the rear guard of
Cn- Hungarians had been engaged, their main
army having marched to the North.
Private accounts say that Sass had abandon
i J W aitsen on the 15th, and that Georgey,march
iu.r along the left bank of the river, took up a
strong position near Waitsen. At this junction
Dembinski s army of 40,000 men, slowly edging
awav from the mining district, came down upon
Sass who was compelled to retreat to Duria-
Keph, midway between Waitsen and Pesth.—
Gen. Romberg, learning at Pesth of the defeat
of the Rnssians, hastened to their support and
suceedeil in stopping the progress of Dembin
ski's army, which eventually fell back upon
Waitsen. The main body of the Russians, in the
meanwhile, came from Rontrcs and its whole
strength brought to bear upon the Hungarians
flank, which led to a great battle ending in the
defeat of Dembinski's army. Georgey led his
troops to the North and not to Comorn as was
generally believed. It is said that Georgey
will turn off" to the East and march to lvais.
EXUI.AXD. —A large and enthusiastic meeting
was held at London tavern to express public
opinion in regard to the efforts being made by
ike Hungarians for independence, and to urge
upon the British Ministry a recognition of the
iL uclo government of Hungary. It is mention
id as a -ignificant fact that a Quaker moved the
nrsi resolution, which proves that the efforts of
Hungary are fully appreciated and understood,
wlu n they thus overcome the scruples of mem
bers of the Peace Society.
FRANCE. —Serious dissensions exist among
the majority of the Legislative Assembly, and
'he legitimists have determined to recede from
tranks of the Bonapartists and Orleanists,
sad form a separate party for themselves. The
articles which of late have appeared in the Le
gitimist organs show it. The tendency of this
movement is to unite the factions on the part of
the Due de Bordeaux and would seem to be
token the existence of an cxtensively'organized
Legitimist conspiracy.
ITALY. —It is announced that the troops who
recently received orders to embark for Italy,
and were recalled after the account of the sur
i>-: ler of Rome, are to be embarked for their
original destination.
Rome is under the military rule of General
Oudinot, and order and tranquillity prevail.
Ail public acts are rendered in the name of the
Pope. He continues living at Gaeta. It is
Mid he w ill soon proceed to Rome, fully cloth
ed with both temporal and spiritual authority,
and that the priesthood around him, having
learned nothing from past misfortunes, reso
lutely refuse concessions to the popular party.
Nothing is said as to how the French army is
to be paid, but it is reported that Russia has
agreed to lend his Holiness two millions with- ,
'.•■ it interest, the principal to be paid at the rate
of half a million annually.
The American Consul, at the latest advices,
hid not resumed his authority. When the
French soldiers attacked his office he withdrew
after protesting against the indignity.
Venice still holds out.
The N. rrist'.wri Herald contains the
following significant communication: i
To Mounts LOXGSTKKTH, Esq.
iSiK: —ln the toast seen by you to the
i coloco celebration, at Philadelphia, you
-ay thai 'it is not the fault of the Canal
F nimissioneiV if the laborers on the Pub- j
c Works of Pennsylvania are not paid in j
'ash. Will you inform the public whose |
fault it is ?
W til you also inform the public to what
purpf se the $400,000 drawn from the .
I'fasury by the ifTi< ers appointed by your- ;
self and your colleague, Painter, have been
applied 7 Whether that is not a larger
-an. than has ever before been drawn in j
one year fur ordinary expenses on the pub- '
'■c works, and whether 'the laborers, for
' ■ on you have such tender regard, should
not liuve been paid out of that gum ?
ou will also confer a favor on that pub
>: which you appear to be so anxious to
by stating whether you have
lot received your pay during the period
■i.icb the laborers employed under you
■ e been deprived of theirs, as you insin
uate in your least ? •
W opine the Honorable gentleman w ill
find it a difficult task to answer the above
' ; icrie- 1 We answered the latter query
<-t week, by stating that Mr. Longstreth
i: 'd d;awn Lis full pay up to ilie first of
J"'"', the end of the last fiscal year, al- J
■'•■'ijh ho scarcely per formed thirty days ,
■Ait - f r the last year ! But the labor- i
who worked hard every day fur what
i arned, must wait for their pay, till it j
'■ 4: *the commissioners and their agents j
1 'ie publ.c works to give it to them.— (
1 U the kind of sympathy Mr. Long- '
"'di ('hctishcM for the 'poor laborers !'— I
''J7 buro /rth llifjt urcr.
"AI<KS.— Two large sharks, one rneas
T -ver II and the other over JO feet,
, • ' n off Quarantine (j! round, near
r ' -ton, on the Ist iust., while attack- ,
u ' 'e( an a■*. ofa dead horse towed there
thi-in by K one young gentlemen
"-tcur-. in ( |, e sport. One of these vo- i
■s mon-ieis, bclieied to bo 1.7 feet
•' vv as harp-onnl. but he tore out the
i" l 'i', a i vmg oq it a portion of his en
5 Hnd (scale d, i
St. LOCIS, Aug. G.
I Advices from fort Kearney to the 3J June
ha\e been received. We learn that the tide
jof emigration had ceased. Twenty thousand
persons ami sixty thousand animals had passed
between Fort Kearney and Fort Hall. The
grass was found to be unusually fine,and in
; great abundance, but it was feared that a scarc
ity would he experienced in the mountains.
Rlackville of Pennsylvania accidently
shot hiui.sell in the arm; the limb was amputa
ted to the shoulder, ami the sullerer expired
tioui excessive pain.
'i here are many persons lying at the For',
sullering from wounds inflicted upon themselves
through accident; among them is one named
j George M. Finney, from Maine.
A clerk, named John 8. Wise, employed in
; ihe post oflice in this city, went to Palmyra
and shot a man named Thomas If. Hurt. The
| deed was prompted !>v jealousy. It appears
that Wise discovered letters from his wife,
addressed to 1 fait.
The quarantine law lias been discontinued.
The city is perfectly healthy, cholera cases
| being heard of butoccasionally.
Tun Pope.— Wliil 'Peter Pence' is he
; ing collected by Bishop Hughes and oth
' ers in this country, we see hv the foreign
news that the Pope his scut $ 100(1 to re
lieve the distress of the Irish. He can't
j he so very 'hard up.*
l*iiil;i<l<'tg!iia Emigrants 7
i'l'icitil Sofßly,
rpHK citizens of Lewistown anl vicinity
-JL who desire to be supplied with Girls or
other help, will please app'y to EDWIN AL
LEN, who has been appointed Agent for the
above Society.
Lewistown, August 11. 1819—Itg.
siiu (i ■•; o \ i> r; \T a st ,
HAS RETI'RNED to Lewistown, ami taken
rooms at Turner's Hotel, where he may
be found for a short time. Persons desirous of
his professional services, will please call.
Lewistown, August 11, 181' J.
[VrOTiCE is hereby given, that the Laws
xl passed at the last Session of the Legisla
ture have been received, and are ready for dis
tribution to those entitled to receive them.
Lewistown, August 11, 18-49.—4t.
. 50 Dollars Reward.
TjMllE undersigned has been authorized and
A directed to offer the above reward for the
apprehension of WILLIAM KISENHISE. a
man of atiout 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11
inches high, who may be detected by scars on
his face and about hie eves caused by a recent
fight. He id accused of committing 8 n assault,
which resulted in the death of a man named
John Wright. Said Eisenbise left Lewistown
on Wednesday morning, crossed the Juniata
river at this puint, and took over the ridge, it is
said, in the direction of the mountains. The
above reward will be paid tor his apprehension
and lodgment in any jail in this commonwealth.
Sheriff of Mtfilin county.
Lewistown, August 9, H49. .3 .
4 FIP is a small piece of money, yet it will
/V pay for a yard of excellent Calico or
Muslin, if taken to the store of
July 29, 1-Q9.
Iron !Iron !
4 N extensive assortment of all sizes, for
xjL sale low for cash, by
June 2.3 '49. F. J. HOFFMAN.
IVlcw Hardware Store I!
E have always a large assortment of all
v v kinds of Hardware low tor rush.
Lewistown, June 23, IM9.
and Gingham Law ns,
-A to out the stock, will be sold at
cost price, at
Lewistown, August 4, I^l9.
VI WAYS on band, CARPETS and MAT
. TING, Floor and Table OIL CLOTH, i
all selling very cheap at
August 1, 1849.
J cents. Best Porto Rico Sugar selling at
cents. Best crushed Sugar for ft and 10
cents per lb. Good Molasses at (Lj cents per
quart; best at 10 and 12£ —lo be bad bt the
Lewistown, August 4, 1849.
Hotting Cloths j
OF I lie best quality Sqcase MESH, AN
CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture,
imported direct from the manufactory, and tor
sale nt Lewistown at New York prices.
Terms cash—cloths warranted. Enquireof
August 4. 1-19. Millwright.
The. Hungarians Victorious !
CvT CHU'l'.'.l V<l ! ! !
rpHK undersigiu d, desirous of cioaing out
JL their present stock of Summer (lands,
to make room for a large and early supply of
Fall Goods, would respectfully inform the citi
zens of Lewistown and vicinity that they will
sell them at. greatly reduced prices. They j
have now oil hand a general assortment of
73 v y o o ti 0,
Black and fancy Silks, Bareges, Bal/.arince,
Tissues, Alpaccas. Lustres, Linen, Ging
hams, Irish Linens; plain, figured,
and striped {Swisses, Jncorietts,
Cambrics, Lace Edgings,
Insertuigs, Ribbons,
Bonnets, &c ,
all of which will be dispoi ed ofa above stated
Thankful lo a kind public for past encourage
ment received, the subscribers will try tu de
serve a continuance of the same.
(yjc-please ra 'l and he convinced.
Lewistown, July 28, 1819.
VT the last meeting of the WHIG STATE
CENTRAL COV.MHTKK, held nt Harris
hurg, in pursuance of the public call, it was on
i motion,
j R<solved. That the friends of the National
and Siatt administrations, in Pennsylvania, bo
requested to meet, in the several cities and
! counties of the and select delegates
| equal in number to their representation in the
Sinto Legislature, who shall meet in Conven
l tion at the Court House in flarrisburg, at 11
o'clock, a. m, on THURSDAY, THE IGIH
, HAY OF AUGUST KEXT, for tlie purpose of se
lectine a candidate f>r CANAL COMMIS
SION lilt, and to do such otle r business as
the interest of the country may require.
By order of the Committee.
GEORGE ERETY, Ch'rman pro trm.
Tim iinilersigneil iml'lUln-rs of Newspaper* in the 17lh
: Congressional District, concurrinir with tlteir eititorial
brethren renerallv in Ihe nei essily of having nn Kilito
j rial Stale Convention in Pennsylvania, for the pur (wise ol'
correcting numerous abuses now prui liciut to the positive
injury of ( ountiy publishers, respectfully recommend to
the Fraternity, that they meet in Htate Convention, at
| flarrisburg, on THURSDAY, the Sth tLuj / Xuoem'jtr,
. is if), ami earnestly urge a general attend nice,
j The Postage Reform imift he elfecte.l during the next
Session of Congress. A l.avv whose practical effect is
i to make the rh ii richer and the poor poorer, cannot he too
' soon erased from our National Statute Book ; and we
I <leem the time recommended for a Stale Convention an
j auspicious one for urging effectually upon our National
! Congress the necessity an I expediency of a speedy and
• permanent clt ingc. This and other Reforms immediate
! ly affecting the interests of ihe (Jouniry I'res.-, demand
the prompt and serious attention of the Fraternity, and
. we call upou our brethren throughout ihe Ktatetnact
with us harmoniously and energetically, feeling confident
that by so doing the Country I'ress can be placed upon a
proper platform.
J K. .SHOEMAKER, Uetlafonte Whig,
It. J VV AI.TEHS, l.ewislowu Deutoi rat,
Guo. FKVSINOUU, I.ewistown GJV.ette,
W. P. I'DopEtt. Juniata Register,
A. K. McCi.cnii, Juniata Seniinei,
JAMES C'I.AIIK, ttuutiugjoii Journal,
WM. LEW IS, Huntingdon Globe,
J. PEN.* JO.NES, Holli Jay sbprg Register,
0. A. TIIAVGH. Hollidaysburg Standard,
Wm. T. Wilson, i . ~ ....
„ ;• lllair County \\ big.
IV. It Hi.Aiu. Kcllefonte Democrat,
WM. J. PARSONS, C iilre ileohichtcr,
I.VDWH2 SHI wt'/., Centre Uerichier
Canal B2o;sl and Ntulrs at
r 15 f j iTX. -
ft CLt+jEm** .i4mvMi;Cr 1 -♦ **•
subscriber, residing in Lewistown,
J. Mifllin county, offers at private sale, on
reasonable terms, one TIDE-WATER CA
NAL BOAT and THREE MULES, with all
necessary Harness Any persons wishing to
purchase, will call on the subscriber in Valley
street, where terms can be ascertained.
Lewistown, Aug. 1, 18-49—fit*
rpilE Lykens N'alley Coal Cnnipany will be
[ prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the
20th iast., at the Depot, Millcrsburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi
coniseo Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at
tlie following prices CASH :
Lump, broken and screened, $2.00 per ton.
Nut, 1.75 do.
Lime-burners' 1 screened, 1.37 do.
do. mixed, 75 do.
April 14, 184'J—taugl.
fßlilF. undersigned off'rs at private sale
his /louse and Lot on Valley street,
in Lewutjwn, opposite the residence of John
C. Sigler, Esq. The lot extends 200 feet
back, and fronts about 30 feet on Valley street,
and has erected upon it a two story frame
Duelling Kloiixte,
\\\6 T' ,c ' IOUSO two stories high,
iiAlB by 27 feet. The location is a
kaleasant one, and water conve
TERMS OF SAM: aie, one-half of the purchase
money on confirmation of the sale, and the bal
ance in two equal annual payments, to be se
cured by bom) and mortgage on the premises.
For farther particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on tlie premises.
Lewistown, July 21, 1849—tf.
riIHE subscriber has taken the Lewistown
JL Mills, and wishes to buy a large quantity ol
Ail ItlntU ol' Urain,
for which he will pay the CASH, is PAR
FI MIS, as high as the market will aflurd, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
W heat will do well to call and show a sample
of it, as lie thinks he can aflbrd to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
l>e loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
perisc of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the t! ittr is in better order, as tlie bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, lie has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as ttie mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time and labor in hoisting by
AGI:, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore, j
and give the following receipt:
" lit cured, Lewistown Mills, of A. B ,
When!, lo he kept m store till the first of Ail- j
fiust --..less disposed of sooner."
When the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat xviil be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re- j
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, tii, after the first of August, it will |
be carried out to their credit at the market i
price on that day. It shipped, or sold to nnv j
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged, j
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF j
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will i
be clear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
I'lavler, Fi*l. Sail and CJrocerie
of nil kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by Ihe quantity.
027-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low for cash.
N. B. JOHN S TERRE TT is authorized to
transact uny business in the above premises as
my Agent.
I.ewistown, April 14, I*49—ly.
Relative to an Amendment of the
Rh.SOI A I'D by i!u Simile and limine of Repre
, sentativrs of the Commonwealth of I'ennsylrania
' in General Jlssembty mel, That the Constitution
i ol this (Commonwealth be amended in the se
-1 coiul section ol' the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows : The Judges of the Supreme
| Court, of the several Courts of Common I'leas,
| and of such other Courts of Record as are or
i shall be established by law, shall be elected by
I the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in
j the manner following, to wit: The Judges of
; the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
| the Commonwealth at large. The President
; Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas
I and of such other Courts of Record as are or
| shall be established by law, and all other Judges
j required to be learned in the law, by the quali
j lied electors of the respective districts over
| which they arc to preside or act as Judges,
j And the Ass iciatc Judges of the Courts of Coin
j mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun
! ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
• Court shall hold their offices for tlie term of fif
! teen years, if they shall so long behave them
| senes well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf
j ter provided for, subsequent to the first elce
j tion:) The President Judges of the several
i Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other
i courts of Record as are or shall be established
, by law, and all other Judges required to he
! learned in the law, shall hold their offices for
j the term of ten years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well : The Associate Judges of
' the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their
> offices for the term of five years, if they shall
; so long behave themselves well: all of whom
! shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for
! any reasonable cause which shall not be sufli
! cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor
; shall remove any of them on the address of two-
I thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The
i first election shall take place at the general
■ election of this Commonwealth next after the
adoption of this amendment, and the commis
sions of all the judges who may be then in of
fice shall expire on the first Monday of Decem
ber following, when the terms of the new judges
shall commence. The persons who shall then
; he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall
j hold their offices as follows: one of them for
I three years, one for six years, one for nine
i years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen
! years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by
I the said judges, as soon after the election as
convenient, and the result certified by them to
the Governor, that the commissions may be is
sued in accordance thereto. The judge whose
commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus
tice during his term, and thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire shall in
turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the same day, the
judges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap
pening bv death, resignation, or otherwise, in
any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to continue till the
first Monday of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents of the several Courts
■ of Common Pleas shall, at staled times, receive
j for their services an adequate compensation, to
j be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished
during their continuance in office,but they shall
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the United
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court during their con
tinuance in office shall reside within this Com
monwealth, and the other Judges during their
continuance in office shall reside within the dis
trict or county for which they were respective
ly elected.
Speaker of llie 1 loose of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Is? THE SENATE, March 1, 1840.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. eas 21,
Nays 8.
Extract from the Journal.
.fyrtl 2, 1849. • )
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 58,
nay s 2G.
Extract from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April 5. 1819.
Dep. Sec. if the Commonwealth.
I co CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is
a true ami correct copy of the Original Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Reso
lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution," as the same remains on file in this of
In testimony whereof J have hereunto set my
I- hand, and caused to he affixed the
seal of the Secretary's Office at liar- i
-*• risburg, this eleventh day of June, j
*imo Domini, one thousand eight hundred i
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
" Resolution, No. 188, entitled 4 Resolution (
44 relative to an amendment of the Constitution,' i
41 was read a third time. On the question, will I
44 the Senate agree to the resolution ? The Yeas j
41 and Nays were taken agreeably to the Consti- j
44 tution, and were as follows, viz :
41 YEAS —Messrs.* lloas, Rrawlcy, Crabb, Cun- ;
44 ninghani, Forsyth, Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence, j
" Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich, :
44 Richards, Sadler, Sankev, Savery, Small, j
44 Smyser, Sterrett and Stinc—2l.
44 NAYS —Messrs. Rest, Drum, Frick, Ives,
44 King, Ivonigmacher, Potteiger and Darsic, .
44 Speaker—B.
44 So the question was determined in the af- j
• 4 Urinative."
44 Shall the resolution pass? The yeas and j
44 nays were taken agreeably to the provision of j
44 the tenth article of the Constitution, and arc j
44 as follows, viz :
44 YEAS —Messrs. Gideon J. Rail, David J. j
44 Rent, Craig Riddle, Peter 1). Bloom, David M.
44 Role, Thomas K. Rull, Jacob Cort, John 11.
44 Diciil, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, j
44 David G. Eshlcman, William Evans, John
44 Fausold, Samuel Fcgely, Joseph W. Fisher,
44 Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Groye. Ilobt Ilamp- ,
44 son, George P. Ilcnszcy, Thomas J. Herring, .
44 Joseph Higgins, Chas. Hortz, Joseph R Ilower, j
44 Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham !
44 Lumber ton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long, I
44 Jacob M'Carlney, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh '
44 M'Kee, John M'Laughlin, Adam Martin, Sain- j
44 iii*l Marx, John G'. Myers, Edward Niekleson, !
44 Stewart Pcarcc, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, i
44 Alonzo Robb, George ltupley, Theodore Ry- ;
44 man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Seibert, !
44 John Sharp, Christian Snivel)*, Thomas C. |
44 Steel, Jeremiah 15. Stubbs, Jost J. Stutzman, j
44 Marshall Swartzwelder, Samuel Taggart,
44 George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Ai unah
44 Wattles, Samuel Wcirich, Alonzo 1. Wilcox,
44 Daniel Zerbey, and William F. Packer, Speak
-44 cr—sß.
44 Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn, David
44 M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans, '
44 John Kcnlon, John W. George, Thomas Gil
-44 lespic, John R. Gordon, William Ilenry,
44 James J Kirk, Joseph Luubach, Robert It.
44 Little, John S. M'Galmont, John M'Kee, :
44 William M'Sherry. Josiuh Miller, William T. j
4 Morrison, John A. Otto, William Y. Roberts,
'* John W. Rose berry, John 15. Rutherford, R.
'• ivumllc Smith, John Smyth, John Homier,
44 George Walters and David F. William?.—2d.
So the question was determined in the afiir
-44 rnattve."
ffarrisburg, June 15, 184' J. )
' n ° CFRT " r * (fiat the afiove and
is a true and correct copy
IS* of the 44 Yeas" and 14 Nays," taken
on the 44 Resolution relative to an
Amendment of the Constitution,"
* as the same appears on the Journals
of the two Houses of the General Assembly of
this Commonwealth, for the session of 184'.).
Witness my hand and the seal of said office,
| the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine.
ju23—3m Secretary of the Commonwealth.
ISonKhtirg, Centre t'o. I'it.
("1 ARDKNERS and orchardisls who desire
fl to plant only the very best kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
ob'ain trees here of all the most estimable va
rieties. including all (hose which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. Y., Oct. 1818.)
The TREES offered this season are of fieau
tit'll appearance, extra si*/.e, (except
ing n few new rare sons) and from
the elevated locality in which the
Nursery is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and early
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view of mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in
the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
! 9red in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at tiie low catalogue prices, and warranted
I sound on ifi !ive-ry. If to lie shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
! charge.
It is advised that orders be sent direct to the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at high prices. .Such orders, if received in
\ time, have the first attention.
Season for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreen?, &c. lias
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
all post paid applicants*.
Boalsburg, July 7, IS' 19 —tf. \Dein. copy
YaluaVilc Properly at
fIYIIE subscriber oilers at private sale that
J. valuable farrr. known as 44 LOCKPORT," on
which he now resides, situate in Oliver town
t-iup, .Mifilm county,about 7 miles from M'Vcy
town, and 8 miles from Lewistown, containing
109 Acres,
more or less, of river bottom land, in a high
slate of cultivation. The improvements con
sist ola plastered two story FARM
HOUSE, Rank Ram, w ith insur- J' A
ance on it; a Store House at the gag! | a | jjgL
basin, with tenant houses and
shop suitable for any mechanical business, a
Jr., c TW O ST OR Y FR A M E
g&Ttf, M aNSION house, 21 by 40
• 1 Il& feet, with kitchen, wood house,
bak*c house, smoke house, two
story spring house, good stabling, and other out
buildings, a fountain ol good waterat (liedoor,
together with a large variety of choice FRUIT
TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
pears, apples, cherries, plums, &c.
There is on tliis property a water power ot
22A feet fall, sufficient to drive any machinery.
From its situation—being on the Pennsylvania
Canal—its contiguity to the Central Railroad,
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river—its convenience toscliools, three churches,
<tc , this larm commends itself to the attention
of all who seek an agreeable and convenient
Persons desirous of purchasing are requested
to call and examine the property. The terms
will be made to accommodate purchasers.
.March 17, 1849-fim.
Lancaster Examiner copy to amount of $1
and charge this office.
Valuable Eiual Estate and
.T2i!l Property
rgl lIE subscriber oilers at PRIVATE SALE that j
.1. valuable farm of L IM E S T(> N E
L A A J), situate in Kishacoquillas Valley, !
Mitlhn county containing
1 6 O Acres,
more or less. The improvements are a j
with tinee run of Rtirr.s and one pair of Chop
ping Stones, all in full operation and in good ;
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good j
run of custom. Also, a
and FRAME HOUSEforthemil'er.
()n the farm there is a good FRAM E
and large BAII.N, and aAasBSH
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high stale of
cultivation. There is likewise a good appear
ance of lion Ore of the best quality, known as
the 44 Greenwood Ore.'' This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha
coquillas creek, i never failing stream of lime
stone water.
This estate will be sold together or separate
to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms, &c , by calling on MR. WILLIAM MC
CI.EI.LAN, living in the neighborhood.
March 17, 18 R)—tf.
IT c T I a 2-
riMIE public is hereby cautioned not to inter
im fere, in any way, with the following pro
perty, purchased by us at Sheriff's sale on Fri
day, July 27th, 184'J, as the property of WIL
LIAM ERWIN, of Oliver township, viz:
800 dozen Wheat
2GI do. Rye
Two-thirds of 211 acres Corn
Half of 14 acres Corn
2 Yearling Colts
G head of Cattle—
which said property, purchased by us as above,
we have loaned to the said William Krwiu dur
ing our will and pleasure—of which all persons
will take notice.
McVeytown, August 4, 1849— 3t.*
Pennock's Patent.
i. IT T GF./.IIT
FOR /•/.. i.vri.vi; WHEAT, RYE, BARLEY,
rpUIS Macli ine rprntcs equally well oil
*- all kinds of" land, and is not injured by
corning in contact with rock", roofs,&c. It
will plant point rows, and ail irregular shaped
hold.-, without sowing' any part twice over.
With a saving ot from ID to 15 percent, in
i ihor, it wnl, with case lor two horses, plant
from ID to 1 12 acres per day of wlu;at, oats,
I barley, ano other small grains; and with one
, man and horse, it will readily plant from 15 to
2D acres per day ot Indian corn, beans, peas,
: rutabagas, <Xtc.
It will save from 2 to a pecks ot seed per
i acre, and yield trom 15 to 20 per cent, more
! than the broad cast seeding, by distributing
the grain uniformly at any desired depth, and
| leaving a ridge of earth between the rows.
The roots of the young plant are protected
during the winter by the action of the frost
I and rain mouldering the earth upon them, in
stead of being thrown cut and exposed as in
j broad cast On this account the stalk is
; stronger and less subject to mildew, and is not
i so liable to injury by the fly.
The farmer is trequently prevented by rain
! from harrowing in his grain after it is sown,
! which harrowing is neediess in seeding with
j this machine as it completes the work at once.
Were awarded these Drills as follows:
By the Philadelphia and Delaware County
Agricultural Society, First Premium, in 1841.
By the St. George's and Appoquinimink Ag
ricultural Society, in 1841.
By the American Institute, Silver Medal, in
By the Franklin Institute, Diploma, Honor
ary, in 1842.
By the New Castle County (Delaware.)
Agricultural Society, First Premium, in 1815.
By the New York State Agi icultura! Soci
ety, Diploma, (Honorary,) in 184(.
By the New York State Agricultural Soci
ety, First Premium, in 1817.
lp commendations.
BELLEFONTE, BTLI month 23d, 1849.
Thompson <|* Heed: Esteemed Friends—
I have hud the Pcnnock Drill in use tor two
seasons, and from the vast difference in the
wheat crop over the broad cast, it is my decid
ed opinion that every larmer should have one
I of them, as he will be a gainer of at least one
i third on each acre of his crop.
VAI.LEY, May 28,1849.
.1/r. Abner Thompson: Dear Sir—The
Pennock Drill I got from you last summer,
worked to my entire satisfaction, in rough and
smooth ground. Each tube and hopper work
ing separate and independent ot each oilier, is
a decided advantage, by escaping rocks, roots,
sowing point rows, <fcc., and from the appear
ance of my crop at this time, there will be a
better yield to the acre than on what 1 sowed
' broad-cast, besides a saving of one halt bushel
ot seed to the acre. 1 believe it is one ot thj
most profitable agricultural implements in use
. by the farming community.
We cordially concur in the above.
RF.EDSVILLE, May 2th 1849.
Pennock Drill, that I bought of you iast sum
mer, worked to my entire satisfaction, both on
rough and smooth ground ; it is not injured by
coming tn contact with rocks or roots. I think
1 from the present appearance of my drilled
wheat, that it will yield enough more on my
i crop to pay the price of the Drill, at any rate.
This is to certify that each of the under
j signed bought one of Pennock's Drills of Ab
ner Thompson last summer, and that we fully
concur in the above statement made by Felix
MIFFLIN COUNTY, May 18, 1849.
Mr. Abner Thompson: Dear Sir—The
Pennock Wheat Drill 1 purchased of you last
fall worked to my entire satisfaction both on
rough and smooth ground. It saves at least
one peck of seed pur acre, and I believe, from
the present appearance of the wheat, it will
yield considerably more than that seeded in
the usual broadcast way.
We hereby certify that, having bought and
used Pennock's Drills, we cheerfully concur in
the above statement, made bv Mr. M'Dowell.
DERRY TOWNSHIP. May 24,1849.
Mr. Thompson Sir—The Pennock Drill
I bought of you last summer worked to my en
tire satisfaction, both on rough and smooth
ground, as it is not injured by coming in con
tact with rocks. Each hopper and each tube
works separate and independent of each other;
it will sow all irregular shaped land and point
sows, without sowing any twice over ; it saved
at least .1 bushel of seed to the acre ; and I be
lieve the drilled wheat will yield considerable
more than that sown in the usual wav.
I fully and cordially subscribe to the correct
ness of the statement above.
Isaac Price substantially concurs in above.
o^7"Manufactured and for sale by the sub
scribers, at Perrysville, Mitflin county. Pa.,
who will deliver Drills in any part of BED
TRE, CLINTON, and LYCOMING counties.
QO~The Drills are warranted to perform to
the entire satisfaction of purchasers, if used ac
cording to directions—it not satisfactory, after
a fair trial, they will be taken back, provided
a reasonable compensation be allowed for
their use.
(K?-l*ricc Tor a Drill, SIOO.
PKKRYSVM.K, MifHin county, Pa., f 9
June 2, 1819. \ " mo *