Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, August 11, 1849, Image 1

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    ! XXXV. — Whole Ao. IS 11.
Rates of Advertising.
qua re, IS lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 " l year 8.00
2 times 75 column, 3 mos. G.OO
3 " 1.00 * " fi 10.00
1 mo. 1.25 14 ] year 15.00
3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
6 4 4 4 .00 44 G 44 15.00
1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00
. 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar
-3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. §l2.
nications recommending persons for
ist be paid in advance at the rate of
i per square.
;>1 &. Shoe
to manufacture, to order,
J i very description of BOOTS AND
ES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Hiving competent workmen in his employ and
> ng good stock, his customers, as well as all
rs. >ay rely upon getting a good article,
?!1 t.. and neatly finished.
•anuary 22, —tf.
W* If. IRWI\,
~ TAS resumed tiie practice of his profession
J; V in this and the adjoining counties.
Office in Main street, Lewistown. opposite
to the Town Hall. Jan. 2(1, I**4B—tf.
Attorney at Law,
Xf T[\.\. attend promptly to business entrust
* • ed to his care in this and adjoining
cot dies. Office one door west of the Post
Once. June 18, '49-ly.
(ia liisTi w fioo vnc.
Justice ot'the Peace,
Ct AN be found at his office, in the room re
> ccntly occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
:.e will attend to all business entrusted to his
care with the greatest care and despatch,
lewistown, July 1, 184- —tf.
Sail 1
7 UST received, a large stock of Ground
t' Alum Suit—44 cents per bushel and $1.75
pr sack. CO"Fo dealers a liberal discount
off these prices will be made,
may 26, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Candies and Confectionary.
VLWAYS on hand a good stock at wbole
. sale or retail.
may 26, 1*49. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Leal Iter. Morocco. and Shoe
Ft ndi iters.
V large assortment always on hand, and for
■vistown, June 23. 1849.
Paper. Paper.
LWAYS on hand a large asso-lment of
Cap, Letter, Wrapping, Printing. V.'in
-nd Wall Pap*r, wholesale or retail.
r ating paper, 22 X 32, at $5 per bundle,
" wp. June 23, 1849.
IVlediciilcs, Ac.
It t-'.E WHITE LEAD, ?2 per Keg
F<r sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
IFTGHAIvTS:- Good M tßchartet Giaf-
A hams, ct only 6| cents yard, to be
at the onlv ch'-ap store in town, i. e.
1 A for cents. Do. for 10 cts. Extra
:<iered du. for cents —ecme very fine
•* style selling low at
\ LARGE ?'ock of plain, riari 4 d and striped
Swiss Jaconet I and Cambrics soiling
'■ r .Tv low; some 49 inches '.vide for cents
I ?er yard, at NUSBACM, BROTHERS.
I.' wistown, July 28, 1849.
* LARGE lot of food READY MADE
-A CLOTHING selling 'lf verv cheap.
FEW pieces more of those superior 4-4
'■ I'-f-il fa>t colors, and equal in quality to any
ch have been si)!d at 20 cents. JSe.rdle
\lor/. Collars, very handsome, selling for 12^
• Jr a piece, at the stor** of
4 BRAHA?. 1 lliglily Improved Patent,
* Manifold M fur copying letters,
i. 1.1 i wings, plans, ficc. 'J'hi? invention
>■' CO a letter with its copy at one oper
if reque 1, n letter with two fuc
- t- nend abroad, with a single p r n (style)
; i- so durable that it wiil last for centu
■ witiiuut repair. For rale at the Isstksiore
A ' vn, June 16, 1-19 —3t.
C'ltOiM) av.- y from the premises of Mr.
t blL\JA.\||N LA Y, in Granville township,
?SK on the 15th of July inst., 3 large
ViMk O'//. I Y Al.lltl', "ixteen or seven
teen hand* high, and fourteen
CjVyt years old. w itb no particular marks
her. Any person finding or
taking up said mare, is requested
ei i' r five notice. r return the animal, to
"•■in ' lav, when ail reasonable charges
i ! -"paid. ' CHRISTIAN CLAY.
) J' i 1 1-49—21 *
ASJ® srsr ©mKß&a sm-sgsasrsajßa Esjswsss&xsrsr-, SSSJKFIKS? ©fctssssFZa n>^
Uo not IForget
u 'iH be found a splendid assort
ment of faahionable // A Ts,
I CAPS, <jr,, at much lower prices
they can be bought elsewhere
in this cuutitry.
A good Fur Hat) - - - SI.OO
Fine Nutria and Fine Silk. - 2.l?**
Fine Beaver, - - 275
Finest Moleskin, - - - 3 25
Lewistown, June 23, 1819.
vl lioScsnie &, Slrlntl
m'i'HE undersigned respectfuiiy
announces to t!ie citizensot Lew
istown and vicinity, that he hn*
just received the latest Summer
Fashiors at the
I\cw ManuDtctoi'Vy
three doors I Vest of the lllack Rear Hotel, in
Market street, where he is prepared to manu
facture every variety ol HATS now in use, out
of the best material, such as
The business of manufacturing U conducted
under my personal supervision, and from iong
practical acquaintance with this business, f am
warranted in guaranteeing none but good and
substantia! work.
My OMISII FRIENDS will always find
at this establishment just such an article as 1
know will please them, at fair prices. 1 will
always have on hand
Men's, Boy's cr.d Youth's Caps,
which*will be retailed at a verysiiglitadvar.ee
on cost.
Just received the LATEST Summer
FASHIONS, to which the attention of admir
ers of a handsome bat is invited.
and all other? desiring to buy HATS, will find it
to their advantage to call. In quality and price
we are bound to please.
Lewistown, June 9, 1849.
KHal ami Cap*
rcUIE largest ard most fashionable stock of
JL H ATS AND CAPS, in this or any of the
adjoining counties, embracing ail sizes of
Men's and Boy's, from the lowest priced
VER—the ordinary Glazed Cap to the Finest
Cloth and Fur, is to be found at
Establishment, in Market street, Leicistotrn,
next door to Montgomery's, and directly op
posite Judge Ritz's store. Of this fact any
one can satisfy himself who will take the trou
ble to call. He has just received the
H2A I- Summer Fashions
to which lie particularly invites the attention
of those wanting a neat and fashionable hat, of
elegant form, tastefully trimmed, andsuperblv
finished. Connoisseurs are requested to call
and examine llmm.
His BROAD BRIMS, which have given
Pitch OEXERAL SATISFACTION to hundreds of
Ornish and others, who have don him tin* fii
voi of dealing with etrn. continue fo be manu
factured to ord'T. A large assortment of nil
sizes is constantly kept on hand, so that he.
enabled to suit almost any ope who may call
in quality- breadth'if brim, nnd price.
Hi- arranger-ion:-" are now made in the ci'y
in stieh a manner that he w ill constantly tie n
the receipt of the best stock of Caps! of all
finds and sir.es, ever kept in' Lewistown.
Don't forget the place.
A',;' door to Mont gamer v's.
CO! Wlt ) MERCHANTS supplied
with Hats and Caps on the most libera! term.-*,
lewistown, June 9, 1 4:)— if.
A x i: us i s i a> v
BUOY has just returned from ih" ci'y
if I • with the largest, cheapest, and niu.-t
select assortment of
( locks, Wafchcs, A. Jewelry
feQ ever offered for sale in
O Lewistown ; embracing in
'd'ont. variety every <!■■-
i\c' ' utfi script ion of WA'l'Ui lES,
yi® from Gold Patent I. \> i
r\ ,lown 10 'he ordinary Sii
-cr Quarter; ( blocks of
all kinds. Musical Boxe-,
Silver Tea nnd Table Sptxms, Ladles, Stmar
Tongs, Butter Knives, (Jotd Pens and Pencils
Breast Pin?, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and
silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers'
Cutlery, &.c . &c.
These articles were all purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will be sold at a CHEAT
riF.ru oTtoN fom the price tlmy have hitherto
commanded. The ladies and gentlemen nre
respectfully invited to call and examine the
Cf^7~Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repairr -3
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
fy /"Oi.n SILVCR taken in exchange for all
articles lie has for sale.
Lewistown, May 5, 1840—tf.
rpilK AMERICAN t)ll..—This Oil is not a
J eompouml, but is the pure extract of the
.imeriran Snura Oil. It is well known that the
medicinal qualities of the Seneca Oil are not
surpassed by any, and this being an cxtriu t,
makes it still a superior article. It is very
highly recommended for Sore Throat, Weak
Eyes," Ear-ache, Deafness, Rheumatism, (Jon
sumption, Bronchitis, Burns, Scalds, Ac.
The above valuable Medicine is for sale at
Lewistown, June 9, 1849.
saTi; inn AY, a tini;ST Iz, i o.
Ti'r:ucti(io(ix Ivveitesaaeetl!
and ail about Thomas's selling
Goods so Cheap.
I have a large assortment of
ROOTS A.\ 1) SilOi'.S,
and Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, made by the
best of workmen; a variety of
Dry floods,
(jjrorcricsf anD jP.tr-ncrs,
of the best kind; among which is some
choice Brandy.
Segars and Tobacco ; Fish; 8aIt; 100 bu-hel.s
Dried Peaches—an excel lent article; 1000
Fishings Hods; Fishing Tackle; Conk
ing Stoves; Powder, Shot, and
Lead; 100 barrels best Mo
nougahela Whiskey;
sooo lbs. wester.\ ham.
and hundreds of knick knacks, too numfcrous to
describe in an advertisement.
Being deterin'ncd to Ti LOW i it r\sn
to acrimmoda'e those who may visit him, as
fir as he can—and to deal fairly and honestly,
lie invites his friends in town and country to
give him a call, examine his.tock, and if they
find such articles as may be wanted, tie y can
be had about as cheap as any one can sell
them in tins town or neighborhood.
between Swartz's and MrDnwelTs tavtrns.
Lewistown, may 19. 1849—1y.
cc '"sa -si
tfc W J 2
JS 0L.1.0 VT-WA II K.
csA 11E undersigned continues to manufacture
A Slaves , Hollow-ware, cjjv., at the
Old Logan Foundry.
formerly carried on by A. 15. Long & Co., and
oilers to the public the following articles:
The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very
good stove, and well deserves those high com
mendaf ions so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
ftE.'tlSiaway ('ooiatig .Stove,
which stands unrivalled in this or ;>nv other
country, ft has been tested tor the last nine
years, an ' is justly pronounced the best and
the most durable article of that kind ever used.
Hundreds of certificates could he procured, if
neccssarv. The
of various sizes. Coal Ktoves, of every de
scription ; Purior and Chamber do., for con! or
wood ; Air-tight do., got up in a ncai and beau
tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
Pots, |ron Stand -.and numerous other articles
of Hollow-wire. Also, Sh '■ Skoes, ard a1 i
kino's of Castings made to order. He Dalso
of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends
to keep a supply on hand at ail times. The
subscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very best material (hat can be pro
cured: and for the accommodation of distant
purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the
purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
eighty miles, free of any additional charge.—
All the stoves are warranted to stand Hie fire
and perform well.and if not, the money will be
refunded on their return ; if a plate should break
or ' rack, it. will fife replaced free of charge.
There is connected with the Foundry, a
Tinning Mstal>d>iiiiirr.t, ' i-r i : ufacfurim'
Till Ware of every iitttt!.
where purchasers will plea?" call.
OVAII orders from a distance w ill meet
with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers
would do well to give me a caii,as I will
wholesale K'ovos and Hollow-ware on as fair
terms a they can be had at nnv other place.
All kinds of country Produce taken in < \.
change. ROBERT Mr MAN I GIL.
Lewistown, Jan. 27, I*l9—tf.
ESaNaita, Lozenges A: PlasitT.
Dr. Sherman's OLttS.iONI AN, or .111-
Hailing Ha I sum,
F.>r ! 1 cure tf (fnpniinipt • n A I : -:ir'tir (',>-
t.iu'u ir,i >;i ing uf />■ •' B''l i. rhitis, Ihf • utt vof
11.' '■ i // 'if 1 ' I,f>, t nu^h.-i,
( idd. . I'Sin. lit!' 1' -■ •' and Side. i)i V r V'
xt/t, and the r-irmy. nffretinns tf the
Sinmarh and /.it
Th' from fVhrity tvhiill tlii. r'-mcilj has ntitaineU
anions ihrwc ii.i nr <>l ni•t- | iifi u* virtue*, anil ate
rejoirua: in it " ;.?• i- itolm e,l the I'rojirt -toi M r,.vi
il the name of fii.V/ .V, oft A /.I. it FA 1./.\U;
BJ9/.FAM, to ili-tl(i"i! li i! t'r an all ol f ' r Tteti'.eille. new
in use Its < intimation is lite refills i>f tin.felfcati TV.' NTI
Vr>. n < Tjiei i i ■>, and he li.-lu-ve* uto tie i!ie rtiot perfect
rained) known—% rit Ins 'hi used th msdiitia of jtei
eons, ntul in all iii.taiire* with the tlt'.si derided h oielii
For R ferences or Certificate* of Rem nkahle I' ims e'
lomr staedieir and coti-idered lieyond ilopc, sen a am a I
Hook furniaht d ftratis by the A?ent* to all who doeire it
The -tIC". I rll,*. nhirti children fn ijucnllv undergo from
vtor.v* often tee I to a fital termination, w lute ihe < , i SR
u never ai#{.. led Ofenclve hr. ath, pn 1 nig sit tie- nn>r,
crindinp the leeth during .leep. inrttiig uo in sh i p Willi
iright and . •reaitiiiij;, trouble.on e rough, and fe\ ri*h
ue, are among come of the ruoMls I S R AT MPTOMN of the
presence ot worm.. A timei\ use of
•vill immi-diate!) r move all there unpleasant symptoms,
and restore to perTeet health.
Cnnini ■, ' •#, influep/a.rooeha, cold*, v.'hoopine rough
ti";l lnes.' i f the limps or rhest in iy be cured by a proper
use of
rfe&Hwhti f>Hlpita?S rj nfth*- in nr?,l'\vn^"fpirft,n?,?i
-pondency, fiiintti RR j cbolkf fptftnif trenv)?!
ot* ih * aium:w*\ 9 Rummer nr ftowt-l funiplaiiil?,nre quii kly
atifl tTtfir*'■!*• rel*v(id Lv uitisf
Sherman's CAM I'll OR LOZENGES.
IV.f'ouii'ont, weak hack, pain and tveaknrn of the
breast, back, limb*, and other parts of the body jr.- B|>eedity
and effertiiallyrelieved by
Sherman's Poor Alan's Piaster.
whirl) cost- -itili l*2}cenis. < within th reach of alt It
has ins r.iitn" with direction* printed op the back of the
Plaster, and n fat turn! of tin* Dortdr'a written name
under the dltei iiomi. ' .None 01 In rs nre genuine or In be
relied on Dr. Siieiruan'* W re|iolie la No 1 iifi Nassau
street. New \ or|<
\V holcnaie Agent for litis cnuuty ('HAS.
RITZ. [<iec.2 1848-1 y.
\7iJ R have alv.-svs .n hand a firm stock oi' i
f V the fill lowing 1 articles, which we are I
prepared to sell Wholesale, at a small advance
on city rates, having been " toell bought-" pur
chasing almost strictly for CASH:
Drugs, Patent M r dic:.ms, (if; s, Oil, &c.
Spices; Coffee, Sugar, Ten, &e.
Tobacco and Segars; Fish and Salt
Nails, and almost every nrhclo in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, &c.
Cotton Laps and Cordage
All kinds of PAPEU. and Blank Books
Cooking Stoves; Hats and Caps ; Matches.
Lowistown. March 111, Is 10.
S'XjilC <>S" lunoi'lt JSvaJc, ic
"VOTK H is hereby given that Letters Tes
-1-X tamentary on tlie estate of ENOCH
HEALE, deceased, late of the Borough of Lew- '
istov.ui, M'tDin county, have been granted by i
the Register of Wills ot c ai 1 county to the
subscrib r, resu' ng in said borough. All per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to make n iymerit to the undersigned without
delay, and 'hose having claims to present them,
properly authenticated. Or settlement.
July >. l*vH)—(it. rerutrix.
TSi<* Frnnkliu Fire 1 i2siir:t rice
< oiii]>:tuy of Phiiadclpbia,
f \PI iCE, .No. 10."! J Che-uuit s!ret, m-ar rifih atref-t
Charts Hinckor, Ceort.; W. Rirliirt!*,
Thoman llarl, Mordecai II I^>wis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolpbe ft. Dori",
Samuel Gran'., David S. Brown,
.liroh R. Smith, Morris Patlcmon.
< • 'inue to nvike irtsiuatic-, perpetual or IhiMleti, on
••very ;!■•. ripti.n of property iti town and country, at
as I w a* arc rnn-istent with security.
Tim Company have re.erve.l a large (,'ont indent Fund,
\\ hirti with their Capits! and Premiums, safely invested,
aff ir.'s ample pr< t< rtion in the assured
The a-"ls of the C njnriv. on .Tannery Ist. t"!®, n
published agre ibly to an Ait of Assembly, were a- fol
low Viz:
Morljjasee, $590,553 65
Real Estate, |uS,3SS Oil
Temporary Loans, 121,458 CO
Stocks, 51,563 25
C ish, Ac 45,157 ST
$1,220/19: f.7
Since their incorporation, a peri.el of eighteen venrs,
they have paid upwards of en e million f ice hundred thou
*nnii dollars tosses hv lire, therein afford. I: g evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as w ell as the ability anil
Reposition to meet \v,*h promptness all linhilities.
CIiARt.MS C. IhM KtS, S.cretary.
For terms apply to It. C. IIALE. Lewis
town. spll—ly.
nr '-' surrounded with that dread de
▼ v strover. It may be licre—no doubt
will lie. If you should have nn attack, the
"FORWARD DROPS" will effect a cure.
Come and get some—keep it in your houses
when at home and in your trunks when travel
-1 iff. It i- aso n certain remedy for dysen
tery, &c. An eminent Physician of Ken
tucky Ins naid that he " never lost a case of
cholera with tim Forward Drops."
Prepared and sold -1 GREEN'S Medical
Depot, No 11. Lewistown.
June 10, 1849.
€Joohin<* % Stores.
rri We have now on
X i Cooking Stoves,iich as
a we can warrant to give
entire satisfaction We
r have ilm Ijcubnch, two
J V /rjs'/o,; the star, two
g£o . m Nina s-.v.
li 7 . ' T (.:'/• We invite Far-
V* mors and nil persons
v nc'tiing r. Cooking
J Stove, to give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
lew iAohn, lunok'3, 1-M9.
* ? "Ol'I.D respectfully inform their friends •
▼ v and the public, thai they still continue j
to carry on the \l A RULE liI'StSESS in
nil its various branches, at their obi stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts.,
where they have e instantly < o btm MARBLE i
GRAVE STONES, Arc. All kinds of
work executed with neitness, nn-1 on l!:e most
reasonable terms. Thankful fir llio liberal
patronage extended to them, they still solicit
H continuance of the same.
Orders fr im any part of the country, through
mail, attended la with accuracy and despatch
March 17. Is IT—tf
BONNETS end Bonnet Ribbons, lor sale
f From the German of Pinter ]
i; no d n i c ii t .
Dark is the I
Yet stars are glimmering through the con? of
1 leaven,
The air sighs softly through the wandering
trees ;
And innocence, unstained by evil leaven,
All bright within —the outward gloom can
please, j
Willi the sweet influence of tlir calm hour filled, 1
In its clear bosom, carrying its own Heaven !
To all who have their day's work well fulfilled;
To them good night !
Still is the night 1
All day's loud noises wane ;
Weary and tearful eyelids own the calm j
And sleep is lulling in her soft domain
The throbbing heart, with Heaven's own
soothing balm,
To you for whom her shades descend in vain,
Whom care keeps watching, peace your cares
disarm ;
Soothed be the coucli of sorrow and of pain •
To such good night!
Rich is the night i
Can man hope here for more,
When the dark night of trouble veils him
Titan in bright dreams to sec Heav'n ope its
And each warm wish by fancy crown'd
To you for whom Hope smites by day no more,
May her soft whispers in her sleep be found '
To you good night!
Faith springs by night '
When all the fond heart hailed,
Have long beneath the lonely hillock slept,
When they—the dearly loved—the deep iv iied,
Fate's bitter flood i'rom thy fond arm iisth
swept :
Think, amid all the trials that assailed,
One eye, above the stars, its watch hath kept.
And watches still, good night!
One's .llulhrr.
Around the idea of one's mother the
mind of man clings with fond affection.—
It is the fust dear thought stamped upon
our infant hearts, when yet soft and capa
ble ot receiving most profound impressions,
and all the after feelings are more or less
light in comparison. Our passions and our
wilfulness may lead tis lar from the object
of* our filial love ; we may become wild,
headstrong and angrv at her counsels or
opposition ; but when death lias stilled her
monitory, uni nothing hut calm memory
remains to recapitulate !,cr Urines and
good deeds, affection, like a flower beaten
to the ground by a rude storm, taises up
her head and smiles amidst her tear*. —
Around that idea, as we have said, the
mind clings with f uid affection, and even
when the earlier period of our loss, forces
memory to be silent, takes the place of re
membrance, and twines the image of our
departed parent with a garland of graces,
and beauties, at <1 virtues, which we doulu
not that she possessed.
JH iscf lUurous.
The Night Attack oil Fort Erie,
The brief obituary notices of the late
Gen. Gaines, tint have appeared in the
newspapers, all speak of his defence of
Fort Erie as one of ihe most gallant acts
in hi* long career. The following spirit
ed desciiptton ot the achievement is taken
from Mr. Billiman's clever iittle volume,
4 A gallop among American Scenery,' pub
lished some five or six years ago:
4 llerr,' said the major, 'we had thrown
up our line?, making the defence as strong
a? practicable. The British had also erect
ed formidable works about half a mile in
front (:lie lores! intervening.) composed of
a large stone battery on their left and two
Strong redoubts, from which they kept op
an incessant discharge of shot and shell?
for several successive days, which was re
turned by ns with equal vigor. At length
a shell from their batteries blew up one of
our small magazir.es. but with trilling in
jury to the rest of our defences, tnev
were elevated with their success, and Gen.
Gaines received secret information that
tliev intended to carry tlie work by storm
on ttie f dlow'ing night. That night, said
the major, I shall not soon forget. It set
in intensely dark and cloudy, extremely
favorable to the design of the enemy.—
Every thing was put in the fullest state
of preparations to receive thetn. The men
enthusiastically awaiting the attack, were
ordered to lie on their arms. Extended
along the lines, and manning the f.>rl and
bastion, m:r littfe armv, in perfect silence,
awaited their coming.
The forest had been cleared about three
hundred yards in front of our works f-.e
-vortd tlt at were, as you see, the woods.—
As the night wore on, we listened with
earnestness to every sound. A little af
ter midnight we heard <>n the dry leaves
the stealthy sound of footsteps. Wo lis
tened—they came nearer. A short, sharp
! challenge : 'Who goes there ?' issued from
the farther redoubt. Tin footsteps ceased
I s if irresolute to advance or recede, nrd
all whs still. Another quick challenge—
a rattle of the musket, as it (ell into the hoi
i low of the hand, followed the reply, 'Pic
quet guard forced in by the enemy s ad
vance.' 'Back guard ! back to your posts
instantly, or we will fire upon you.' Bml
lite stern voice of our commanding officer.
The footsteps of the stragglers slowly re
j ceded, and entire stillness again obtained.
I it was a* profound as the darkness, not
j even the bum of an insect roe upon the
t ear. Wo laid our li -ads upon the lain
I '
r\e*v hirries— Vol.—]\o. £2.
pails, end listened with all our faculties.—
Perhaps hall an hour elapsed, when we im
agined we heard the. dead, heavy sound of
a large body of men—tramp—tramp—
—tramp—advancing through the pitrhv
darkness. A few moments passed—a brisk
scattering fire, and the picque(6 came in in
beautiful order, under the brave subaltern
in command. The measured ttead of dis
ciplined troops became apparent, l.vorv
sense was stretched to the utmost in expec
tancy —every eye endeavored to fathom
lite darkness m front, when, from I ow
son\ battery, that toward the river, glared
a volley of mtikrtry, and in an other in
stant the whole line of works, bastion, re
doubt and rampart, streamed forth one liv
ing sheet of flame—-Two cighli ens. where
we stand, were filled to the muzzle with
grape, canister and bags of musket bullets
—imagine their havoc. The
on vvitti loud shouts and undaunted bravery.
Bv the continued glare of our discharges
we could see dense, dark masses of men
moving in columns to three separate points
of attack upon our wi rk?. Our artillery
and musketry poured on them as they ad
vanced a continual stream of fire, rolling
and glancing from angles,bastions redoubts.
Repulsed—they were re-formed by their
officers, end brought again to the charge,
to be again repulsed. At such times, hours
fly like minutes. A life appears concen
trated ton moment. We had been engaged
ntrhnps three—when I I card ir- that bas
tion of the fort, a hundred fret from rr.e
above the uproar, a quick, furious struggle
as if of men engaged in fierce, deadly fight,
n clashing of bayonets, and sharp pistol
shots, mixed with heavy blows, and short
quick breathing, such as you may havo
heard men make in violent exertions—in
cutting wood with axe?, or other severe
manual labor. The conflict, though fierce
was short—the assailants w ere repelled.—
Those that gained a footing were bayonet
ted. or thrown back over the parapet. In
a few momen'9 1 heard again the same
fierce struggle, and again followed the like
result and stillness—if stillness could be
said to exist under continual roar of mus
ketry and artillery. A third time it rose
sudden and desperate ; it ceased, and pres
ently a clear loud voice rose high above
the battle from the bastion : 'Stop firing
in front therrrvou are firi ig on your friends.
An instant cessation followed. We were
deceived. Iri another moment the voice
of nn cfiicer, with startling energy, replied
'Aye, aye, we'll stop ; give it to them,
men 'give it to them!' —and the firing re
r.ewrd, v ns continued with redoubled fttrv.
The head of the centre columns, compos
ed of eight hundred picked men, led bv
Lieut. Col.Drummond in person.after thrfe
several assaults, had gained possession of the
bastion, and by that ruse endeavored to
cause a cessation of the fire—a r-sult that
might have been fatal to us had not the de
ception been kn scon discerned. But the
prize was of hut little value, as the bastion
was commanded hv the interior of the work?
and the men, under caver of the walls of
an adjoining bsrrack, poured into the gorge
that led from i'. a continual storm of mus
ketry. The firing continued with unaba
ted fury. Ihe enemy, repulsed with great
loss in ovary eftack, was unsuccessful on
every point save that bastion, the pos
sesion of which they still retained—when
f heard a groaning roll and shake of tlie
cart. 1 !, and instantly the bastion, bodies of
won. timber, guns, earth and stones were
blown up in the air like z volcano, ma
king every thing in the glare as clear as
at noonday. A descending timber dash
ed one of my artillerymen to pieces with
in a foot of my shoulder. Profound dark
ness and silence followed. Naught but
the groans of the Wounded and dying wero
heard. As if by mutual consent the firing
ceased, and the enemy withdrew, repulsed
on every Side, save from the parapet which
they purchased for their grave. A large
quantity of fixed ammunition lincl been pla
ced in the lower part, and a stray wad fall
ing upon it, had blown them nil up togeth
er. Mv duty required that 1 should im
mediately repair the bastion, and most hor
rible wes the sight bodies burnt and mu
tilated, come of thctn still pulsating with
life, among them Lieut. Col. Drummond,
tlib leader of tlie attack. There he lay in
the morning light, stark at d stiff, extended
or, the rampart,a ball having passed ihtough
hi.-, breast. History mourns that his cour
age assumed the character of ferocity.—
Ills war cry of'No quarter to the damn
ed \ankees,' hi? own death warrant, was
long remembered against his countrymen.
The enemy did nt resume iho attack, hut
retiring to their cr.PTticlied camp strength
ened their work? and prepared to make their
approach by regular advances.
Nt.Tor.rrTV. — There is nothing like no.
toiiety m this world. Wear a hat with
out a rirn. or a coat with only otto flap—
live on n'gs' taiks and salt, or keep a tamo
tig r—do something or other for notoriety,
and if you don't get to Congress or some
other place ol worship, we are much mis
taken .
Pose yourself dailv with pills, pour pra
von iv. s down your throat by the gallon,
accompanied with the usual quantity of
brandy and water, end perhaps you may
catch tin' eludel a.