Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 28, 1849, Image 4

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    I!ESOh U T I 0 N
Relative to an Amendment of the
lAESOLVED hj the Semite ami lloioe of Rejnc-
s, iitiilires of tlic Commonwealth of I'cniLsijtritniu ,
,1 General Assembly met, That the Constitution J
if tliia Commonwealth lie amended in the se- j
eond section of the fifth article, so that it shall ;
r>ad as follows : The Judges of the Supreme
< 'iurt, of the several Courts of (,'ommon I'leas, j
and of sucii other Courts of Record as arc or
shall he established by law, shall he elected by
tlie qualified electors of the Commonwealth in '
the manlier following, to wit: The Judges of i
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The President I
Judges of the several Courts of Common Picas
and of such other Courts of Record as are or 1
shall he established by law, and all other Judges
required to be learned in the law, by the quali
fied electors of the respective districts over
which they are to preside or act as Judges. ■
And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Com
mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun
ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme j
Court shall hold their offices for the term of fif
teen years, if they shall so long behave them- '
selves well t (subject to the allotment hereinaf
ter provided for, subsequent to the first elcc- .
tion:) The President Judges of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other I
courts of Record as are or shall be established •
by law, and all other Judges required to he
learned~in the law, shall hold their oliices for
the term of ten years, if they shall so long be- j
have themselves well: The Associate Judges of
the Courts of Common Picas shall hold their
offices for the term of five years, if they shall
so long behave themselves well: all of whom
shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for
any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi
cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor j
hall remove any of them on the address of two
tbirds of each branch of the Legislature. The j
.•irt election shall take place at the general j
election ef this Commonwealth next after the
adoption of this amendment, and the comnii
4 ions cf all the judges who may be then in of
itce shall expire on the first Monday of Decern- i
Lcr following, when the terms of the new judges
shall commence. The persons who shall then j
he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall ,
hold their offices as follows : one of them for
three years, one for six years, one for nine
years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen
years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by
the said judges, as soon after the election as
convenient, and the result certified by them to
the Governor, that the commissions may be is
-hued in accordance thereto. The judge whose
commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus- |
lice during his term, and thereafter each judge :
whose commission shall first expire shall in
turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the same day, the ;
fioiduig Uiciu ajiall decide by lot which (
pening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in i
any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap- !
pointmcnt by the Governor, to continue till the
first Monday of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents of the several Courts
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
for their services an adequate compensation, to
he fixed by law, which shall not he diminished
during their continuance in office,but they shall !
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the United
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court during their con- i
tinuance in office shall reside within this Com- 1
MOD wealth, and the other Judges during their {
continuance in office shall reside within the dis
trict or county for which they were respective
lv elected.
Sp>aktr of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate. j
IS THE SENATE, .Much 1, 3840. i
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21.
Nays .
Extract from the Journal.
.Iynl 2, 1549. j)
Resolved, That thin resolution pass.—Yeas 5?,
nays 2fi.
Extract from the Journal.
Wil. JACK, Clerk.
April 5. 184b.
l)ep. See. of the Commonwealth.
I no CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is \
a true and correct copy of the Original Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Rcso- \
lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti- j
tution," as the same remains on file in this of- j
ia testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand, and caused to be affixed the
seal of the Secretary's Office at Har-
Ji lJi r isburg, this eleventh day of June,
nno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and
Secretary of the. Commonwealth.
" Resolution, No. 1?*, entitled 4 Resolution
" relative to an amendment of the Constitution,' ,
" was read a third time. On the question, will '
" the Senate agree to the resolution ? The Yeas i
" and Najs were taken agreeably to the Consti- ;
" tution, and were as follows, viz :
" YEAS —Messrs. Boa, Brawlej, Crabb, Cun
" riingham, Forsyth, Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence,
" Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich,
"Richards, Sadler, Sankey, Savery, Small, I
44 Smyser, Sterrett and Stioe—2l.
" A AYS —Messrs. Rest, Drum, Frirk. Ives.
" King, Konigmacher, Potteiger and Darsie, '
" Speaker— B.
' Ho the question was determined in the af
" fir man ve."
" Shall the resolution pass The yeas arid
" nays were taken agreeably to the provision of
"the tenth article of the Constitution, and are t
as follows, viz *.
V HAS —Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J.
" Rent, ( raig Riddle, PeU r D. Bloom, David M.
" Bole, Thomas K- Bull, Jacob Cort, John H.
44 Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Einerv,
44 David G. Edileman, William Evans, John
44 Fausold, .Samuel Fegely, Joseph W, Fisher,
44 Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Robt Ilainp
" son, George P. Jlen-z. y, Thomas J. Herring,
44 Jocph Higgins,Cna->. Hurt/, Joseph B Howcr,
44 Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham
44 Lamberton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long,
44 Jacob M'Cartr.ey, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh
"M'Kee, John M'LaughSjn, Adam Martin, Sarn
-4< uel Marx, John C. Mjrrr, Edward Nickleson,
41 Stewart Pearce, James Porter, llcnrvC. Pratt,
" Alon/.o Kobb, George Kupley, Theodore It.v
--41 man, Bernard S. Hchooncver, Samuel Scibert,
4 ' John Sharp, Christian Sriivcly, Thomas C.
41 Steel, Jeremiah B. Stubbs, Jo.t J. Stutzman,
44 Marshall Swartzwelder, Sainu. I Taggarl
"George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, A run ah
41 Wattles, Samuel Wcirich, Alon/.o !. Wilcox
44 Daniel Zerbey, and William F. Packer Fa.cak
-44 er —SB. , '
41 Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornvn, David
41 M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans
44 John Fcnlon, John W. George, Thomas Cil
" lespie, John IJ Gordon, William 11.my,
44 James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert K~
41 Little, John H. M'<'almont, John M'Kee,
44 Wxiliam ,I Skerry. Jt-.. h Miller, William 1
" Morrison, John A Otto, William Y. Roberts,
41 John W. Roscberry, John B. Rutherford, R.
" Kiutdle kotHifh, John Smyth, John Soudcr, I
•' George Walters and David F. Williams.— 2G.
44 So the question was determined in the affir
-44 mative."
Harrisburg, June 15, 1849. j
#1 DO CERTIFY that the above and
foregoing is a true and correct copy j
; of tlie " Yeas" and 44 Nays," taken
cm the 44 Resolution relative to an |
Amendment of the Constitution," ;
i as the same appears on the Journals ,
of the two Houses of the General Assembly ot
this Commonwealth, for the session of 1849. j
Witness my hand ami the seal ol said otiieo, 1
the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight j
i hundred and forty-nine.
ju23 3 m Secretary of the Commonwealth.
IE C. Marvin A J. Li. Micliciier,
Office No. 75 Dock Street, Philadelphia,
opposite the Exchange,
"WM/MLL attend punctually to all busi-
* ness entrusted lo their care. E.
0. M., late an officer in the army in Mexico,
and familiar with the business of the Depart
ments at Washington, will give his attention
to the prosecution cf claims against the Gov
ernment, in obtaining Land Warrants, extra
and back Pay, and Pensions for Widows or
Orphans under the Acts of Congress ; claims
for services during the war of 1812 and Revo
lutionary claims.
OCT" Let tors addressed to us at 75 Dock st.
will be promptly answered.
Philadelphia, July 14, 1840—Bin.
JUST received from th° city at the Juniata
Grocery and Drug Store, a large additi >n
j of fresh
Fruits and Confcctionaries,
of the choicest kinds,embracing various Nuts,
Raisins, &.c. Also a fine lot of
which will be sold as low as perhaps any estab
; lislunent in town. His stock of
comprises choice selections of white, brown,
and loaf Sugars, Molasses, Syrup, Teas (the
very best kinds,) Coffee, and a variety of other
articles. His
Drugs and IVXedicines
< were selected from the best houses in Philadel
phia. an 1 many of them are of superior quality.
His assortment of
: will
p i: ic r i: a i: is v.
all who have heretofore patronized him know
the best kinds can be had. The
* ? ,'£\ S*T "Ci'b? i T7 4 "M
i—i iX. w _
comprise an elegant assortment, trom which a
choice can hardly fail to be made.
Thankful for the patronage heretolore be
stowed upon his establishment, he invites ladies
and gentlemen to give linn a call and examine
his store, which will be found to be well filled
with articles adapted to every taste.
,V Shoe Mi.iilitrliir,-|.
/~iONTL\UES to manufacture, to order,
j every description of BOOTS AND
i SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
; Having competent workmen in hisemployand
using good stock, his customers, as w ell as all
; others, may rely upon getting a good article,
| well made and n'-atly finished.
January 22,1848 —tf.
w. 11. IRWIN,
HAS resumed the practice of his profession
in this and the adjoining counties.
Office in Main street, Lewistown, opposite
to the Town Hail. Jan. 20, 1848—tt.
W. <2Jo
Attorney at Law,
! 1 LL attend promptly to business entruat-
T T ed tc his care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west ot the Post
| Office. June 10, '4B-ly.
( si its vn a \ iio v v:n .
Justice of I lie I'cacc,
CIAN be found at his office, in the room re
/ cently occupied by Esquire Kulp. where
i he will attend to all business entrusted to his
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, lei4B—tf.
Paper. Paper.
VLWAY3 on hand a large assortment of
Cap, Letter, Wrapping, Printing, Win
dow and Wall Paper, wholesale or retail.
Printing paper, 22 X 32, at $5 per bundle,
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
Iron ! Iron !
\N extensive assortment of all Bizes, lor
. sale low for cash, by
June 23 '49. F. J. HOFFMAN.
PJcw Hardware Storo!!
W r E have always a large assortment of all
kinds of Hardware low for cash.
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
Ijcuthtr, Morocco, and Shoe
\ large assortment always on hand, and for
. sale by
Lewistown, June 23,1849.
Candies and Conf'cctionarij.
\I.WAYB on hand a good stock ut whole
. sale or retail,
may 20, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
SMH Medicines, Ac,
PURE WHITE LEAD, at 82 per Keg
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
LADIES' Slippers, at low nrices. by
ap29. VV. LII.LF.V
Executors Sale of
in LcniKtonn.
PUBLIC notice is hereby givsn that, by
virtue of the power given by the last will
! of Mrs. ELEANOR M. REYNOLDS, late of
itlie borough of I.ewistown, dee'd, will be ex
posed to sale by public vendue or out-cry, at
the Court House in I.ewistown, at To clock in
I tiie afternoon, on
Tuesday, August 11, iSIH.
the following described lots, viz:—
The eastern half of lot No. 148 in the gen
j eral plan of Levvistown, and the western part 1
i of the same lot, to be divided in two equal parts,
: each containing about THIRTY FF.ET HI tront,
and bounded on the south by Third street, and j
the Academy lot on the cast.
The eastern half of lot 163, in the general I
j plan of I.ewistown, and the western halfoftiie
! same lot, to be divided in two equal parts, j
i each containing about THIRTY FEET in front, j
i situated north of and fronting on Third street.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
164, to be divided in two equal parts,each con- i
taining about THIRTY FEET in front, situated
north otand fronting on Third street, and bound
ed on the west by lot of Doctor Culbertson.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
■ 170, to be divided in two equal parts, each
> containing about THIRTY FEET in front, sit
' uated north of and fronting oil Third street,
and known in the general plan of the borough
of Lewistown as lot 170.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
171, to be divided in two equal parts, euch
I containing about thirty feet in front, situated
( north ofand fronting on Third street, and known
in the general plan of the borough of" Lewis
town as lot 171.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
110, to be divided in two equal parts, each
containing about thirty teet m front, situ
ated south of and fronting on Third street, and
bounded on the west by Grand street, upon
' which streets it corners, and is known in the
general plan of said Borough as lot lit).
Lot No. 38, frontiuor on Market street about
i 280 feet, and on Grand street extended about
j feet, with a large two story
S7i! I i i Sf * - 'th stone bise
jga£g I f ment, thereon erected, lom
Avjrs-"ooms on each floor, with yards
I in trout and back of the house, and a hydrant
j in the enclosure, late the residence of Mrs.
Eleanor M. Reynold's, deceased.
This property is pleasantly situated, over
looking the River, Canal and Railroad seveial
, miles.
j THE TERMS OF SALE will be one-third in
cash, to he paid at the time of sale, and the
balance in two equal payments, to be secured
j by bond* and mortgagee on the premises; the
first of which payments to he made on the Ist
of April, 1851, and the other on the Ist of
April, 1852, the whole to bear interest from
the date of sale, which is to lie paid annually.
For further particulars information may he
had of the subscribers in I.ewistown.
Lewistown, July 14, 1849—3t.
IT 0 2 I O 2-
f jd MIF. following accounts have been ex
i arnined and passed by me, and remain
j filed of record in tins office for the inspection of
j Heirs, legatees, Creditors, and all others in
any way interested, and will he presented to
the next Orphans' Cuurt of the county of Mif
flin, to be held at the Court House in LEWIS
TOWN, on THURSDAY, the Oth day of Au
gust, 1819, for allowance and confirmation :
1. The administration account of Benjamin
Chandler, Executor of Rebecca Armstrong,
late of the borough of McVcylown, deceased.
2 The administration account of George
V. Mitchell, Administrator of James Mitchell,
1 late of Oliver township, deceased.
3 The final administration account cf Geo.
W. Oliver, Administrator of John Oliver, Jr.,
late of Oliver township, deceased.
j 4 The final administration account of John
Purcell, Administrator of James Glasgow, late
of tfic borough of Newton I lamilton, deceased.
5 Jhe final administration account of John
Puree!!, Administrator of James McDowell,
} late of Wayne township, deceased.
6 The final administration account of Dan
! iel Owens, Administrator of William Owens,
late of Lack township, (Juniata county,) dee'd.
7- The Guardianship account of Robert
Laughhn, Guardian of the minor children of
James Glasgow, late of Wayne township, de
i ceased.
8 The Guardianship account of David Coop
er, Guardian of the minor children of James
Caldwell, late of Wayne township, deceased.
9 The Guardianship account of David Jen
kins, Guardian of William McDowell, minor
son of James McDowell, late of Wayne town
' ship, deceased.
10- The administration account of Jacob
Garver and William Wilson, Administrators
of William Ward, late of Oliver township,
21. The administiation account of George
Swartzell and Jacob Krise, Executors of Geo.
Swartzrll, late ol Armagh township, deceased.
12. Th" administration account of David
Ilortzler, Executor of David Hartzler, (Doctor)
late of Oliver township, deceased, as filed by
Daniel Voder administrator of David llnrlz- ,
ler, deceased.
13 The administration account of Jacob
Foltz, Jr., administrator ot Joseph Fisher, late
of Union township, deceased
14 The Guardianship account of William!
Reed, Guardian of Noailes, minor daughter of
James Alexander, late of Armagh township,
JAMES L. Me! EVA INK, Register.
I.ewistown, June 30, 1849.
oO*"l'he Register deems it proper to state,
tor the information of nil concerned, that ac
counts must he filed in his office and publish
ed thirty days previous to he first dav of en
suing Courts— otherwise they will he retained
untii the succeeding term.
A BRAHAM'S Highly Improved Patent,
1V Manifold Writers, for copying letters
invoices, drawings, plans,& c . This invention
; will produce letter with its copy at one oper
ation; or, if required, a lotter with two fnc
suni(e to seiui abroad, with a single pen (style")
which 19 so durable that it will last for centu
( ries without repair. For sale nt the book store
of , , C. C. SPOTS WOOD.
| Lewistown, June 16, 1819—3t.
lIE subscriber has taken the Lewistown 1
A Mills, and wishes to buy a large quantity of
All Kiiuh of (raiu,
for which be will pay the CASH, IN PAR !
FI NDS, as high as the market will atford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
Wheat will do well to call and show a sample
of it, as he thinks he can allbrd to give more i
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
he loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ; j
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most !
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time ar.d labor in hoisting by 1
water power. .On, HE WII.I. RECEIVE ONSTOR- j
AOE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
" Received, Lewistown Mills, of A. ft.,
Wheat, to be kept in store till the first of Ait- j
gust unless disposed o'i sooner."
When the receipt is given thcqunlity of the '■
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell, j
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept j
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling belore, or giving notice
to keep it, til! after the first of August, it wili j
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. If shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF
: cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be ciear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plnsfer, Fish. Still ami (Groceries j
of all kinds, which wili be sold low for cash to j
Farmers, by the quantity.
CO-FLOUR, .MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
| of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on i
hand, and sold low for cash.
N. B. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
jLewiotowo, April 14,1^49 —ly.
Valuable ISeal Instate anl
.Vlill Propei-tv
subscriber offers at PRIVATE SALE that
JL valuable farm of I. 1 ME S T().V E
L .1 A J), situate in Kishacoquillas Valley,
Minim county containing
16 0 Acres,
more or less. The improvements are a
with thiee run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
i ping Stones, all in full operation and in good
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good
run of custom. Also, a
an J FRAME HOUSE for the mil'er. jIL
On the farm t here is a good Fit A M E iff™??? &
JL ar ' ar - e BARN, and a euSf
:ruit trees.
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. 'J here is likewise a good appear
ance of Imn Ore of the best quality, known as
the "Greenwood Ore." This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha
coquillas creek, A never failing stream of lime
stone water.
This estate w ill be sold together or separate
to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms, &.c ,by calling on Mr. WILLIAM MC
CI.KM.AN, living in the neighborhood.
March 17, 1849 —if.
Valuable Property at
r|Allh subscriber offers at private sale that
X valuable farm known as" LOCKPORT," on
which he now resides, situate in Oliver town
ship, Mitlhn county, about 7 miles from M'Vey
t. >wn, aiu. 8 iniies from I.ewistown, containing
3.09 Acres,
more or less, of river bottom land, in a high j
state of cultivation. The improvements con
sist of a plastered two story FARM
HOUSE, Bank Barn, with insur- * * •* /
anceon it; a Store House at the S3 j ijft
basin, with tenant houses a
shop suitable for any mechanical business a !
; ;W MANSION HOUSE, am by 40 j
Sill I 11 m feet, with kitch< n, wood house,
house, smoke house, two
story spring house, good stabling, and other out
buildings,a fountain of good waternt llicdoor,
together with a large variety of choice FRUIT
TREES, sucfi as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
pears, apples, cherries, plums, Ac.
Tiiere is on this property a water power of
'23 A feet fall, sufficient to drive anv machinery.
1' rum its situation—being on the Pennsylvania
Canal—is contiguity to ilio Central Railroad, i
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river—its convenience to schools, three churches,
&c., this farm commends itself to the attention
of all who seek an agreeatde and convenient |
Persons desirous of purchasing arc requested
to call and examine the property. The terms j
will be made to accommodate purchasers.
March 17, 1849-flm.
Lancaster Examiner copy to nmounl of si 4
and charge this office.
Baltimore Advertisements.
.1. f. HI ii, i. Un ,
(jfnfral Commission k Forwarding Merchant,
sale of Flour, Gram, Uloverseed,
■ Whiskey, Lumber, &c., &c. Also, for- '
warding goods via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Suit,
I luster, &c.. Ac., supplied at lowest prices.
Having linen engaged in the above business
(luring the last five years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited. Refer to
F. McCov, Esq , I.ewistown.
Messrs. FINK & MILLER, I
J. &. E. G. Ehy, Ilarribburg, Pa.
February 21, 1849-Gm*
TJ*o rrmnkliii Fire Insurance
Company of Philadelphia*
OFFICE, No. 1031 Chesnnt stref-t, near I iflh xircet
Ciiarle3 N. Banrker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mordeoai 1). I.ewis,
Tobias Wagner, A.lolphe P.. Bone,
Samuel Gram, David S. Brown,
Jacob K. Smitli, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
Tlie Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
affords ample protection to the assured
The assets of the Company, on January Ist, lSi*. as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, viz:
Mortgager, sS*>o,sss 05
Real Estate, 106-35b 90
Temporary l.oans, 121,459 00
Mtocks, 61,563 25
Cash, ice. 45,15; b7
*1,220,097 67
Since tlieir incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
thev have paid upwards of one million ttoo hundred thou
tiiitd dollars losses hv tire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and
Reposition to meet witli promptness all liabilities.
CnA.RLI:S G. RANCHER, Secretary.
For terms apply to 11. C. IIALE, Lewis
town. apli—ly .
E*fatc of lliiocli Slealc, de
"VjOTIOE is hereby given that Letters Tes
i. Y tatnentary on the estate of ENOCH
HE A EE, deceased, late of the Borough of Lew
istown, Mifflin county, have been granted by
'he Register of Wills ot said county to the
subscriber, residing in said borough. All per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to malic payment to the undersigned without
delay, and iliose having claims to present them,
properly authenticated, for settlement.
July 7, 1849—Gt. Executrix.
IN the Orphans' Court of Miffiin county,
Pennsylvania. —ln the case of the Real
Estate of GEORGE SCHWARTZ, late of the bor
ough of Eewistown, Mifflin county. Pa., dee'd,
the Judges of the Orphans' Court aforesaid,
made the following order, to wit: April 6th,
1849, on due proof of the service of the former
; Rule, and none of the Heirs appearing in
! Court to accept and take the Real Estate
aforesaid at the appraisement and valuation.
Rule on the Heirs of George Schwartz afore
| said, deceased, to appear at the next Orphans'
i Court, to be held on the first .Monday of
August next . at EEWISTOWN, in and for the
county of Mifflin, to show cause why the said
i Real Estate should not be sold, tec.
I). McKEAN CONTNER, Sheriff.
Lewis-town, Juce 23, 1849. ( 6t.
V T the last meeting of the WHIG STATE
burg, in pursuance of the public call, it was on
Resolved, That the friends of the National
and Slate administrations, in Pennsylvania, be
j requested to meet in the several cities and
counties of the State, and select delegates
equal in number to their representation in the
! State Legislature, who shall meet in Conven
tion at the Court House in Harrisbutg, at 11
o'clock, a. m., on THURSDAY, TIIE 16TH
DAY OF AUGVST NEXT, for the purpose of se
lecting a candidate for C.4.V.1L COMMIS
SIONER, and to do such other business as
the interest of the country may require.
By order of the Committee.
GEORGE ERETY, Ch'rman proton.
Th>- nndersigne.l publisher* of Newspapers in the 17lh
Congressional District, concurring with their editorial
brethren ccncrally in the necessity of having an Edito
rial state Convention in Pennsylvania, for the purpose of
, correcting numerous abuses now practiced to the positive
: injury of Country publishers, respectfully recommend to
j the Fraternity, that they meet in State Convention, at
ilarrtsburg, on Till RSD.AY, the Btk day of .Yonmbtr,
and earnestly urge a general attendance.
The Postage Reform mast be effected during the next
j Session of Congress A Law whose practical effect is
| to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, cannot be too
soon erased from our National Statute Book ; and we
deem the titue recommended for a State Convention an
auspicious one for urging effectually upon our National
Congress the necessity and expediency of a speedy and
permanent change This and other Reforms immediate
ly affecting the interests of the Country Press, demand
the prompt and serious attention of the Fraternity, and
! we call upon our brethren throughout the Stale to act
with us harmoniously and energetically, feeling confident
• that hy so doing the Country Press ran he placed upon a
! proper platform.
J K SHOEMAKER, Bellefonte Whig,
IF .1 \A ALTERS. Lew istown Democrat,
GEO I-tt\siNfitß, Lewisiown Gazette,
\V. 1' COOPER, Juutata Register,
A K McCLt RE, Juniata Sentin. l,
.1 *MF.S ( LARK, Huntingdon Journal,
WM LEWIS, Huntingdon Globe,
J. PENS JONES, Il,dli,iavshurg Register, I
O A. I'KAI OH, Itollidavshurg Standard,
WM T. Wilson, > '.
GEO. RAYMOND, V Ulair < Whig,
XV II Ri.Aiit, Beliefinte Democrat,
WM. .! PARSONS, Centre B obachter,
l.t owio Shi-RTZ, Centre Bericbter.
11. MUM) t Mix.
\\7GUI.D respectfully inform their friends
▼ f and the public, that they still continue
to carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
all its various branches, at their old stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts
whore they have constantly on hand X' ARB! E
GRAVE b1 ONES, tec. All kinds of
work executed with neitness, antl on the most
reasonable terms. Thankful for the hberal
m tronaee extended to them, they still solicit I
a continuance ot the same.
mn?t rii any 01 the country, through
li'n-tf accurat ' y und j
Pennock : s Patent
RUT. I 8.1G.15, TURN IPS, ,
Machine operates equa' h i ; ,
JL all lends of land, and is not ,w M
coming in contact with rocks, roo. | l: i
wiil plant point rows, and ail irregn H
fields, without sowing any pan t . ,
With a saving ol from 10 to L> P'
labor, it will, with ease for two hor
from It) to 12 acre 3 per day of who
' barley, and other small grains; and \\
inan and horse, it will readily plant fro?
20 acres per day ot Indian corn, bea''
rutabagas, tec.
It will save from 2 to 3 pecks ot
acre, and yield from 15 to 20 per cr
than the broad cast seeding, by d;
the grain uniformly at any desired o<
' leaving a ridge of earth between I
; The roofs of the young plant are
during the winter by the action ot n
and rain mouldering the earth upon ti
stead of being thrown cut and exp ..
broad cast. On this account the
stronger and less subject to mildew, a.,
so liable to injury by the fly.
The farmer is frequently prevented by
from harrowing in his grain alter it is so.
which harrowing is neediess in seeding v,
this machine as it completes the work at or.o
Were awarded these Drills as follows:
By the Philadelphia and Delaware Coun
Agricultural Society, First Premium, in If.
By the St. George's and Appoqutniinink
ricuitural Society, in 1841.
By the American Institute, Silver Meda..
By the Franklin Institute, Diploma, IIo;.
ary, in 1">42.
By the New Castle County (Dela.v<
Agricultural Society, First Premium, i.
By the New York State Agiicultu.
ety, Diploma, (Honorary,) in 1846,
By the New York State Agricuit* T
ety, First Premium, in 1847.
BELLEFONTE. 6th month 23d, I 4ft.
Thompson <%■ Reed: Esteemed FrieiLs-
I have had the Pcnnock Drill- in use for
seasons, and from the vast difference ir
• wheat crop over the broad cast, it is my df
ed opinion that every farmer should have
of them, as he will be a gainer of at least •
j third on each acre'of his crop.
VALLET, May 28, 184:.
Mr. Aimer Thompson : Dear Sir—T
Pennock Drill 1 got from you last EUDIT
worked to my entire satisfaction, in rougf
smooth ground. Each tube end hopper* w.
ing separate and independent of each other, i
a decided advantage, by escaping rocks, root.
I sowing point rows, tec., and from the an™--i
ance of my crop at this time, there win
; better yield to the acre than on what I
I broad-cast, besides a saving of one half b
of seed to the acre. I believe it is one o, -
most profitable agricultural implements '
by the farming community.
We cordially concur in the above.
REEDSTILLE, May 20, i_ ...
Mr. A3NER THOMPSON: Dear Sir ft;:
Pennock Drill, that I bought of you last sim
mer, worked to nry entire satisfaction, both on
rough and smooth ground ; it is not injured fcr
coming in contact with rocks or roots. I thini:
from the present appearance of my drtile
wheat, that it will yield enough more oa m
. crop to pav the price of the Drill, at anv rate.
This is to certify that each of the und
signed bought one of Pennock's Drill
tier Thompson last summer, and that .
concur in the above statement made b A t ...
Mr. Ah tier Thompson: Dear
Pennock Wheat Drill 1 purchased
fall worked to my entire satisfactio.
rough and smooth ground. It sav,
j one peck ot seed per acre, and I believe, otn
the present appearance ot the wheat, it will
yield considerably more than that seeded .u
the usual broadcast way.
We hereby certify that, having bought and
: used Pennock's Drills, we cheerfully concur n
the above statement, made bv Mr.'M'Doweil.
Mr. Tnompson : Sir—The Pennock lhiil
1 touglit of you last summer worked to my cn
j tire satisfaction, both on rough and smooth
ground, as it is not injured bv coming iri con
tact with rocks. Each hopper and each tube
j works sepatale and independent of each oilier;
j it will 60w all irregular shaped land anil point
; sows, without sowing any twice over : it saved
I least i bushel of seed to the acre; and 1 bc
lieve the drilled wheat will yield considerable
more than that sown in the usual wav.
1 tiiiiy and cordially subscribe to the correct
ness" ol the statement above.
Laac Price substantially concurs in above.
(ttI*-Manufactured 1 *-Manufactured and fur safe bv the sub
scribers, at Perrysville, Mifflin county la.
j who will deliver Drills in any part ot Ino-
TIIE, L UNION, and LYCOMING counties.
1 lie Drills are warranted to perform to
the '-mire satisfaction of purchasers, if used ac
cording to direction—if not satisfactory, after
, a fair trial, they will be taken back, provided
a reasonable compensation be allowed tor
their use.
OCrPrice for a Slrill, §IOO.
PKRRYSVTL*, Mifflin county, Pa , / -
June 2, 1819. ' I'