Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 28, 1849, Image 3

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    Mii. Cu IDH'N'S REPLY r> MR KEN
N _ j'iie Clmileston pipers of lhe 17lh
.mam ait ' i borate reply from tVr. CAL
.. p ID lit" rh;rg9 made against him i>v
■\| r BrvroN in the speech delivered t >t
j (m , T snict' hv 'he latter at .lefT'TSQii citv.—
ri)d r ej'lx as characteristic us the at
Mr GAIH-MN Ink"* ep tin* several char
pas as specified hy Ins adversary and
makes a vigorous retort, not sparing wotds
~| ureal bitterness. It will |>h reinemher
t, j iint one ot lite most emphatic points
dwelt upon h\ BENTON w is the nlli gntton
lint Mr. ( Ai.tMt'N, when 3 inemher of
}LR. MONROE'S cabinet, GAVE a written
opinion tit tavonr of the constitutionality
( ,| the restriction of slnveiy by ('ongiess
jVmn territories belonging to the United
States. Ihe occasion, as alleged, for the
■ iving el 'his opinion was the passage nl
I fie Missouri Compromise hill in 1820.
The charge was supported hy a draft of a
letter in Mr. MONROE'S hand writing and
die tssiiuiony ot Mr. ADAMS'S diary— both
.i 11 _r to show that President MONKOF re
quested the opinions ot the members of his
cnbin *t in writing, upon the question re
ferred to, and that the}* were unanimous
upon the ronstitutionnl point.
This Mr. Calhoun denies, and cites the
"proofs" adduced by M r. Benton as strength
nung and sustaining the very opposite.
Mr. (1 IIOIJ.N reviews his course in re
gard to the annexation of Texas and vin
dicates every part of it. The selection
ol the House resolution, ho believes, was
necessary to ensure the annexation—a be
I nil in which he declares himself supported
by Mr. ll'iNAimox, then .Minister to Tex
as, A considerable portion of the reply is
devoted to the reiteration of his constitution
al views as to the organization of the Gen
eral Government, which he insists, has the
States for its constituents and not individu
hi: i-mmjkji inrrn.-!.< t no foolish per :
1.,- j.i |irejin!u*<l nsriiii-t this now truly celebrated j
, ~.,1,. hi.- -i- in i!i*pise litis advice ; let it be used iiiiuiedi- I
at.lv "it piin lie itir fittno matter where it maybe, ;
v ii.-Ut r in lb" head or feet, whether it be in the back or |
abdomen. whet her arising from external or internal cause, 1
a,.. t! llramlrctirs Pills,and rely upon it, that the pafh 1
Hill I the body will be restored to health as soon as na
ture his rrcrived snllirient ASSISTANCE front their effect
Mi., quantity ol'impure humors discharged from the
1. by the action of the Hrandreth's Pills, is replaced in ,
tiie louise of a few hours with new and pure blood, by
i -.uoriofa moderate meal. By purging the body
with tins medicine the whole mass of blood becomes en- j
lire I y pursued and regenerated.
That the blood is the life of the body, 1 presume is un
,.,j;mt d, therefore 1 shall say that it being the SEAT OF
litE, it must also be the seat of disease. If disease be in
j; lr . pi.,ml, we should abstract the disease only, not the
}.. . ..! !i is the impurities which must be removed by
...in: .tain to secure our health, in all states of the weather, ■
in ail -iloations, and in all climates. The blood, like a j
_• J - irit, is always trying to benefit the budy by its
- niggles to expel impurities. But it is not capable to ef- j
: "t us own purification atalltinies: to do this it must j
often have assistance. When the blood is loaded with im- j
purities, especially in this climate, the consequences may j
be taial, provided the blood is not purified at once, aud
;;ns is sure t > lie effected if Brandrelh's Pills are used.
Purchase i he genuine medicine of the follow ing agents:
JOHN" A. STEKETT, I,ewistown; ll'illiam Hardy, Mc-
Vey town; Jo nee 4* Sinnngton. Huntingdon; Moore 4"
A :>pc. Alexandria; Jt. 4".'V Cresirell, Petersburg; Hart-
Co., Manor hill; /' -V. Oiceiw, Birmingham.
Religious Police.
It is expected that Professor HOPE will
1 reach iu the Presbyterian Church on Sunday
morning, at 11 o'clock.
On the 24th inst., in Kishacoquillas Valley,
i y Kev. Joshua Moore, ROBERT STEWART, of
S'lone Valley, to Miss NANCT CARR,of Mifflin
On Wednesday morning, in Granville town- 1
•up, JOHN Our, senior, aged almut bti years—
i f many years a much respected citizen of
ibis county.
On the lfflh inst , after an illness of five days,
A1 n r. ANN Todd, infant daughter of Rev. Sam
!.• 1 V. and Mary C. Blake, aged 12 weeks and
one tlav.
j ;
Lewistown, July 27, H49.
Paid by Dealers. Hrtail.
Flour - - 75 #4 7A j
Wheat, white - 90 1 0 ; >
red - 5 1 00
live - - 45 50
Oats - - 25 'l*2 i
torn, - * 45 50 1
Cloverseed - -3 <KI 4 <>o
Flaxseed - 1 tMJ 1 25 I
'i'lmothyseed * - 2 00 2 id) ,
Butter, good - - 124 124
Fei's - 10 10
l.ard - 0 ®
Tallow - ill
F&tatocs - - 50
Beef, - - 4 00
Bacon, per lb.
p ork . . 000 0 00
Wool, per lb. - •* '2-'
Feathers - - 41
The Lewis/own Mil Is are lyms? 85 to j
!>*i cents for good 4-I cents for Ivyc,
15 cents for Corn, and 27 cents for Oats.
WHEAT Croc OF OHIO. —The Ohio State Jour
nal of the Ifith instant states, after extensive
: nd minute inquiry, that the Wheat Crop of the
present year will not exceed in quantity one
naif of the promise of the opening season.
Pmr.ADEi.PHtA, July 25, IM9. !
The Flour market continue* quiet. Sound
i.l rif>< k is held t ami fre-h ground
' >ll 75 per bbl. A contract li.r 1,900 barrels,
1 ■ be ground lrom new wheat, wast made at
- i For city corisiipiutiofl pricea ratine lrom
-4.921 to $5,12.', with a moderate demand.—
I!.' P jot 1r is attrudy at tjK-i No sal cm ot Corn
Meal haul been reported.
Wheat continues to arrive slowly, and the
1 v -ale reported is 1,000 bu liels new ret! at
per bushel. No sales of live, Corn is ,
arce. Sane sales of yellow have been ma ( e ;
'Hi cents, some at a price to be fixed and j
'." I bus. .*!.-< yellow and red mixed at 50 ct. i
■ 1 >b. L>u fo —no further mi ies Ijdu been |
n-irtcd. Daily AVtcs.
Hat.'ii MOßE. /u!y 25, 1 H 49.
Ff 1 k —We note i-n lee of frceh ground I low
: '.r-et ! ■ir at jgtT> and *5.12?,.
'* i'Ats,—Tl.e fitpply of Wheat is light.
■ *. ■ 1 good to prime reds, of tit** new crop,
-e waking at 100a 100 ets. v Soles of Corn al
■ ■" for white, and fi'.htOf) etc' for yellow.
A , ,t Pennsylvania yellow brought 09ets.
in 11. u". Fall - ol (Jul: at 21t2b '
|By 'ft- Furopa ] LIVERPOOL, July 1 4.
( 01 1 >\ M ARKET. —The SALES of Cot'on for
the week amount to 82,0dd bales, at a further
average advance of 'd peril).
BKEADSTEI VS. — i'lie market was generally
• nil, and last week's prices hardly maintained
Indian ( urn lia< lurtlier declined Od. a Is. per
quarter, and is nominal at 31a325. per qr.—
Sales to arrive at 2tßa2ds. There lias been no
change :11 the price? el' Wh*rtf from those quo
ted last week Flour—Ohio 2oi2fis. (id : West
ern Canal, 2I .2.V ; Philadelphia, 23s 6da2T.
Od ; Baltimore 21a245. (id.
PROVISIONS. —There iias been no alteration
in Beet. Western Pork meets with fair inqui
ry. Bacon H extensive, and at a reduction ot
2s. per cwt. Western brands have been sold
The Iron trade is doll—dealers insisting on
lower rates.
The Hungarians Victorious !
Ever llllrrnl Vet! ! !
PIAIIE undersigned, desirous of closing out
JL llieir present slock ot Summer (roods,
to make room tor a large and early supply ot
Fall Goods, would respectfully inform the citi
zens of Lew istown and vicinity that they will
sell them ar greatly reduced prices. Titty
have now on hand a general assortment of
73 r €OO3O,
Rlacl; and fancy Milks, Ba egcs, Balzari.nce,
Tissues, Alpaecas, Lusires, Linen, Ging
hams, Irish linens; plain, tigured,
and striped Swisses, Jaconetts,
Cambrics, Lace Edgings,
Inserting?, Ribbons,
Bonnets, &.c ,
all of which will be disposed of as above stated.
Thanklu! ton kind public for past encourage
ment received, the subscribers will try to de
serve a continuance of the same.
OCrTlease caii and be convinced.
I.e Wigtown, July 28, 1841).
VFIP is a small piece of money, yet it will
pay tor a yard of excellent Calico or
Muslin, if taken to the store of
July 28, I*l9.
V LARGE lot of good READY-MADE
CLOTHING selling off very cheap,
VFF.W pieces more of those superior 4-4
EA RLSTOM (11 Mi HAMS left, war
ranted fast colors, and equal in quality to any
which have been eold at 20 cents. Afi/.'f
-1 Wtrk Collars, very handsome, selling for 12A
cents a piece, at the store of
STRAYED away from the premises of Mr.
BENJAMIN CLAY, in Granville township.
011 the 15th of July inst., a large
CRAY ALIKE, sixteen or seven
teen hands high, and fourteen
years old, with no particular tuark
upon her. Any person finding or
taking up said marc, is requested
to either give notice, or return the animal, to
Benjamin Clay, when all reasonable charges
will be paid. " CHRISTIAN CLAY.
July 28, 1849—3t.
imi uo.\i> aJc t:o.\*
(tONTAI NI.YG the rarest collection of Wild
j \ ■ Beasts, Birds, and Reptiles evi 1 before cx
! hiOited in the I nited States, will exhibit at
Monday, Au£H*t fl, I>U>.
Open from 1 to 4 o'clock, P. A).—Admission
25 ets.; Children under 10 years 124 els.
Among the most conspicuous features ol tins
exhibition is the specimen ot tiic
captured by Capt. John Taber, of the ship Good
Return, of New Bedford, Mass., after a severe
and desperate struggle, the inen barely escaping
' with their lives, before they were able to des-
I patch him with their lances. The
Performing Elephant TIPPOO,
I who has caused such a great sensation all over
| Europe, will go through a variety of perforut
> anccs, such as Waltzing, Balancing, Ringing
the Bell, creeping on Ins fore-legs, walking
over his keeper, picking him up,* diawing a
cotk from a bottle, Ac.
iln the Dens of Wild Beasts.
I lis performances differ from all others, not
only in the skill and grace w htch lie displays in
his exercises with the
Lions, Tigfrs, Leopards, Cougars, Pailllifrs,
&c., &c., &c.,
hut in the matchless and almost superhuman
command with which he exacts the obedient •
of these fiercest and most remorseles tenant
of the desert, the forest, and the jungle MR
' hut III : IUS .N O EQUALS !
The list embraces all the finest Living Spcci
! mens of
22? 1(0 ant m a I,
! that the great experience, enterprise, and re
sources of the propi ietor • have t cabled them to
I bring together in one LUCIE .7.ND SI'LL~S
! I)ll> COLLECTIO.Y. V fuß des: ription ol
i the Animals contained in the Exhibition, will
he found m the UiJls at (he principal Hotels,
previous to the arrival of the company.
(j."/- AN EXTRA, containing eight col
umns of adverti emeu's, accompanies today's
: G izettc.
"G* ham.*, at only cents per yard, to be
had at the only cheap store in town, i. e.
H J for G| cents. Do. for 10 cts. Extra
bordered do. tor cents —some very fine
new style selling low at
\ LARGE stock ot plain, barred and striped
- Swiss Jaconett and Cambrics selling
very low; some 40 inches wide tor 12'. rents
per yard, at NUSBAUM, BRO t'UERS.
Lewistown, July 28, 1810.
ftCrHcavy SSewnrds Offered !
TIM IE terrible onslaught hourly growing more ilevastat-
J- ing in its character to the treasuries ofbotli the Slate
and the Contractors of Lotteries, by the Lucky Tickets
bought of the truly fortunate and far-famed I.otleiy ami
Exchange brokers,
No. 1 Light street, Baltimore, MJ.,
is the issue of a solemn pledge made by this House with
a magnanimity and self.sacriticing interest coequal with
the glorious cause tliev have espoused, not to abate one
"jot or tittle" their labors, until Poverty, that gaunt
Tyrant over the desires of the Human Family, shall be
f .-fretted out, "root and branch," from the abodes of
all who, entertaining a proper sense of tin ir Just claims
upon " Dame Fortune," desire to possess riches, the on
ly ini; n yliable bulwark against the encroachments of
Rcad the testimony ! I'yfi-r &. Co. versus Poverty. A
single order may secure a fortune! Cheering results at
Pyfer &. Co.'s.
LOOK HERE Correspondents, Crery prize sold find
paid by Pyfer <J- Co. A lady drew the highest pri/.e.
•5'25,000, whole ticket, sold to a young la.ly in Raleigh,
N.C.— (a good marriage portion for her.) #IB,OOO, half
ticket, sent to North Carolina. #15,000, half ticket, sent
to Virginia. #9,000, half ticket, sent to North Carolina.
•S-,000, half ticket, sent to Virginia. $30,000, quarter
ticket, sent to Pennsylvania. #-21 000, quarter ticket,
sent to South Carolina. $12,01*0, quarter ticket, sent to
Ohio. #7 500, quarter ticket, sent to Ohio. $1,500,
quarter te kct, sent to Souih Carolina t-lluays see
.Managers' Official Draicings )
M-Every prize sold by us is kepi on file after being paid
for the inspect ion of the public.
Bank Drafts, payable at sight in (.'old, remitted prompt
ly to any part ol the t uited .—'lutes for prizes sold by Py
fer Ac. Co.
Alt Communications strictly confidential.
OOIIDEBS directed to "Box 521 -Baltimore Post Of
fice," will COIIIC to hand safely without any other ad
?>Let c\< ry one w ho reads this advertisement test the
virtue ol at least One 1 ital. Oue failure* can do very
little harm.
Alxays Address the Lucky House of I'yfer A'- Co.
Date Capital No. of Price of Price of
August. Prizes. Ballots. Tickets l'ackig's
1 $ >3,0u0 75 Nos. la drawn $lO gift 50
2 25,000 7b Nos. 13 drawn 5 |s 50
3 l-jOUO ?H Nos. 13 drawn 5 1§ 50
-1 30,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn |0 3? 50
0 sof 12.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 8 27 00
7 20,000 75 Nos )•> • --
8 30<>00 M N'cs. 13 drown 10 27 50
9 20,000 7? NOS. 12 drawn 5 II 7<i
10 15,000 75 Nos. it drawn 4 15 09
11 50,000 78 Ncis. If. drawn 15 45 00
1J 25,000 f6 Nos. 10 drawn 8 25 00
14 22,500 78 Nos. 14 drawn 5 17 50
15 sof 20,000 75 NO9. 12 drawn JO 32 50
1C 22,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 1M 50
17 l8 : nno 75 Nos. II drawn 5 10 25
IS 30.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 10 32 50
20 25,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 8 25 00
21 24,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 Is 50
22 30JU00 78 Nos. 1 1 drawn 10 32 50
23 3of 10,000 7 2 Nos. 13 drawn 5 1G 5o
21 13,500 78 Nos. 15 drawn 4 13 00
25 05.,000 75 Nus. 11 drawn 20 02 50
27 30,000 72 Nos. 12 drawn 10 32 50
28 20,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5 1G *25
29 3->,OOO 78 Nos. 13 drawn 10 35 00
30 Si,COO 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 1H 59
31 20,000 78 Nos. 11 drawn 5 IT 50
OTlic price of Packages of Quarter Tickets only, is
advertised above.
C-The Ma nag- rs' Printed Drawings, endorsed by the
commissioners appointed (for Ibis purpose) by Hit- Gov
ernor of Maryland, ate in all cases sent to our < otrt.--
C-Letters always strongly and carefully sealed.
The purchasers of Packages of Tickets seldom have
more than six chances against tlieir draw trig in a Pack
age any of tiie Capital Prizes, and one Package may
draw four of the highe-t prizes. Two thirds of llu
prizes are sold in packages of tickets.
tM'lease order a few days before the lotteries draw
All orders punctually answered by the return mails.
Persons at a distance from Baltimore, who wish "For
tune Buckled 011 their Barks," will find that it is only
necessary to en- lose the puce (as laid down 111 the abovi
schedule) for a package or single ticket to tin, truly fol
tunate, far-famed, and old established house of
jYo. 1 Light st., Baltimore , Mil.,
Baltimore, July *2-, )M}9—|m,
CariM iilcrx IVanlciL
OR THREE irocsl carpenters will
JL find employment Lor some time, at good
wage?, by calling on tlie subscriber, in Lewis
July 21, 18-19—31.
I I *ood 3 i "anted.
IjROI'OSALS will bo received by tbe
COMMISSIONERS of AlilUin county,
up to the 9th of August next, to furnish
VVOOI) for the Jail and Commissioners' office.
Persons proposing to furnish wood for county
will piease hand them in on or before that
day. By order ol the Board.
ii. J. YVALTRRS, clerk.
I.ewistown, July 21, IS-19—td.
ili I MM;
ISoalslxirg, Ccnlrc Co. Pa.
(~i ARDENHRS and orchardist3 wlio desire
J( to plant only the very best kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
obtain trees here ot all the most estimable va
rieties, including all those which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. Y., Oct. IS4H.)
The TREES offered tins season arc of beau
til'nl appearance, extra size, (excopt
|®*Sgag ing a few new rare sons) and from
the elevated locality in which the
if'rt. Nursery is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and early
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view ot mak
ing this Nursery, ill merit, second to none in
the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
sound oil delivery. Ifto bo shipped, they will
be well packed tor the purpose at a moderate
It is advised that orders he sent direct to the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dea'ers,
at hi"h prices. Such orders, if received in
time"\ mve lite first attention.
Season for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, Stc. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
all post paid applicants.
Boalsburg, July 7, 1"09 —lt. | Detn. copy
V virtue of sundry writs T'endi/inni
Exponas, Levari Farias anil Fiera
Farias, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas ot Mitllin county and to rne di
rected, will be exposed to sale by public
out-cry at the Court House, in the borough
of Lewistown, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on
Sntiirdav, August llh, lsjO,
he following described property, to wit:—
A TRACT OF LAND situate in Oliver town
ship, Milllin county Pa., adjoining lands ot
It. C. Hale on the south, east and west, and
John Kcehfovcr's land, and the Jacks moun
tain on the north west, containing one hundred
snd five acres, more or less, with a two story
frame dwelling house, log barn, blacksmith
shop and oilier improvements.
Also, the interest of George 11. Allen in
another tract of iard, situate in Oliver town
ship &c„ containing three or lour acres, more
or less adjoining lands of li. C. Hale and oth
ers, with a frame saw-mill, and other improve
ments thereon erected. Seized, taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property of George
11. Allen.
Also, All the interest of Adam Greer in a
tract of iand situate, lying and being in the
township of Brown, Milllin county, Pa., con
taining one hundred and eighty-lour acres,
and forty six perches, more or le;-s, and houn
ded on the east by the middle branch of the
Kishacoquillas creek, on the north by land of i
the estate ot John Norris, dee'd., on the west
and south by lands of William Thompson and
by land of the estate of John N'orris, dee'd.,
with a stone dwelling house and stone barn, a
small tenant house and other improvements
thereon erected. About one hundred and for
ty acres cleared. Seized, taken in execution
and to be -mid as the properly of Adam Greer.
Also, a lot ol ground in llecdsville, in Brown
township, Mifihn county Pa , being GO feet in
front and 1(H) feet in length, be the same more
or less, upon which there is erected a two sto
ried frame house, and other improvements,
bounded by John Matter-on the south, Ahner
Reed on the north, and the Lewistown Kislia
ccquiilaa turnpike road on the west. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop
erty ol John A, Harlan.
Also, A lot of ground situate in the borough
ot Lewistown, fronting on the Pennsylvania
Ganal, with a frame dwelling house and sta
ble thereon erected, hounded on tiie south aast
by lot of Bcurlcy, ou the north oa-t by Wayne
street extended, snd north west by the Kisha
ei qtiiilas creek. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the proncriv ' 1 "
X A'iso, A lot of ground in the borough of New
ton Hamilton, Mifllin county, l'a., fronting
thirty feet on Back street on the south, and on
the west by Roman Catholic lot, en the nor'li
by an aiiey,and on the east by property occu
pied by J.J. Cunningham, with a frame house
and other improvements thereon erected. —
Seized, taken in execution, and to ho sold as
the property of Dr. Ciias. Bower.
Also, A 'lot of ground situate on the Jf est
side of Main street in the Borough ot Lewis
town, floating on said street feet, more or
less, and extending hack 1 JO, feet more or less,
having thereon erected a large two story Blick
dwelling house and other improvements, houn
ded by a lot of Reuben Smith ou the South, a
lot of Mrs. Spauldiiig on the North, ami
Main street on the East, &t*., Seized, take n
in execution and to he sold as the property ot
James A. Cunningham.
Also, A lot of ground sit fin ted in the Bor
ough of Lewistown, county ol Mifflin, Pa.
fronting thiity feet on Market street, more or
less, and extending back two hundred leet.tnoie
or less, to alb feel alley on the South, adjoin
ing a lot of Robert Siuts on the II est, with a
Log house and other improvements thereon. —
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of James B. Bell.
Also, \ certain lot of ground situate on tie
south side of Elizabeth street, in the Borough
of Lewistown, as extended, bounded by said
sireet sixty feet, more or less, and extending
South East to the Pennsylvania Feeder, the
same width, and bounded on the South If est
by JFayne street, extended, and on the North
Cast by lots late of J. & I. Milliken, having
thereon erected a large Iraiue ware house, a
tenant house and other improvements thereon.
Seized, talc ii in execution and to be sold as
the pro pi rty ot James Potter ft Joint Potter.
Als , A tract of land in Derry township,
Mifflin county, bounded by lands of Robert
Forsythe's heirs and others, containing one
hundred and sixty acres, more or less, about
tliirty acres of which is cleared, with a cabin
house thereon erected. St ize-1, taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property ol Charles
Donlt y.
Also, A lot of ground in the borough of
MrVevtowii, Mitlli 11 count)', l\u, bounded on
tlir south-east 51 1-2 feet by W ator street, on
lite nort!i-i ast by Cristvcll street, on the north
west by the Pennsylvania canal and a lot ot
John Rosa on the south-west, with a brick
house and other improvements thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of William S. Wooden.
Also, A lot of ground situate on the North
side of Market street in the borough of Lewis
town, Milllin county, Pa., containing 30 teet
in front on said street, he the same more or
less, an I extending 200 feet back to a 10 feet
alley, adjoining R. I . Jacobs on the cast and
Fredrick Schwartz on the west, with a two
story briek dwelling house, frame stable and
other improvements thereon erected. Seized,
la tun in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of Lewis Hoover.
Also, a certain five story stone and briek
grist mill, situate between W ator street and
Kishaco'juillas creek in the Borough of Lew
istown, being one hundred feet in length, and
titty feet in width, and the lot or piece or par
ed of ground and curtilage and water power
appurtenant to the same. Seized taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property ol John
Sterett, contractor, John Sterett, James Potter Sr.
and John Potter, owners cr reputed owners.
Also, all that certain one and a halt story
frame house situate in the Borough ot Newton
I Lunilton.said county,fronting on Water street
twelve feet, and extending back sixteen feet
along lot adjoining John C. McKinstry, and
lauds of Samuel Drake on the I Pest and North,
and the lot or piece of ground or curtilage ap
purtenant to said building. Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the property ol
Robert C. Craig, owner or reputed owner and
Also, All the interest of John Potter and
James Potter in several tracts of land situate
in the borough of Lewistown and Derry town
ship, Mifilin county, Pa., containing in the
whole about fifty acres, more or less; all of
which is cleared, and their interest in the wa
ter power passing through said lands &,c.,
hounded by water stie.et, lands ol James Par
ker, Milliken, Benedict and Ritz on the north
and north-west, the hanks of the Kishacoquil
las creek •<n the east and Brown street, &ic, on
: the west. withoncold griet mill, one frameori t
; mill, :> low dwelling house and c tab|e, one
stone grist null and plaster mill, out* new stone
i and btiok grist mill, < no two story brick dw< i
ling bouse, a saw mill on the souiii side oiThe j
Kisliaco'iuillas creek near Duncan's furnace,
and several outbuildings thereon erected, Ac.
| Also, All the interestol John Potter & James '
j Potter in a lot of ground situate in the borough
of Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa., bounded
by Water street on lite south, a lot of E. 1.
! licnedict, Esq., on the west, a sixteen foot al
loy on the noi tli, and tin- grave yard lot on the
I east,with a large two story logaiwelling house,
a large frame bain and other improvements !
thereon erected.
Also, A lot of ground fronting sixty feet on
Market street in lite borough of Lewistown,
Mifllin county. Pa., bounded on the east by a
lot of George Patton, on the south by
Market street, on the west by a lot of J. tc J.
Milliken, and on the north by a sixteen loet j
alley, with a large two story brick dwelling
house, a large two story brit K shop, a large
frame stable and other improvements thereon j
erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to i
be sold as the property of Sepharious S. Cuin
| mings.
Also, All that certai i two story brick house
■ situate on Mill or East street in the borough
: ol Lewistown, adjoining lots ot Charles Strat
ford and James B. 801 l ; said house being ;
twenty-two feet in front on said street, and ex
tending back twenty-eight feet. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
j Silas Clusgow, contractor, and William E.
Fowler, owner or reputed owner.
Also, ull those certain following describ :
'.-il piece®, parcels and parts of tracts of land, situate in
lierry township, Mifiiiu l ouiity, with the water rit'hts i
and pi ivilfges thereunto appurtenant, beginning at aw al- j
iitit. on the banks of the Ki>.bacoijuil!as ireek, theme !
across the rare and up the creek north fifty-one and one- j
fourth degrees, ea-i twenty-sev n perches to a'p"*t,
tlietire north thirty-three degrees, east twenty eight per- j
• lies to a post, thence nprlh fifteen degrees, east thirty- j
s x perches to she middle of she road at the west end of j
the bridge arrows the creek, thence north seven degrees,
west t went y perches to iron wood, thence north ft ft * -eight
and a half degrees, west twenty-five perches to ahkkory,
thence north thirty seven and a half degrees, west fifty
p< relies, crossing feeder or race to a post allow water
mark, thence down the west side of feeder south twenty
five degrees, west twenty-five perches to a post, thence
south fourteen degrees, east twenty-eight perches to a
post, thence south thirty-seven anil a half degrees, east
twenty-eight perches to a jtost, thence south thirty-one
degrees, east (crossing the roau) sixteen perches and
live-tenths to a post, thence south twenty-seven degrees,
west twenty-eight pen lies to a post, thence south thirty
i seven and a half degrees, west six perches and nine- ■
tenths to a lot or garden, thence by same north thirty
three degrees, west four perches and seven-tenths to a I
post, thence north eighteen degrees, west four perches !
and three-tenths to a post, thence south seventy-five dc
i grees, west (crossing the road) seven perches to line :
fence oft harles I! it?., thence hy same and across tail race
of mill forty one perches and five tent lis to the place of 1
er or race and the dam across the Kishatorptillas creek, ;
and all the right appurtenant.
Also, one oilier tract adjoining the above !
beginning at the walnut corner first above mentioned, j
thence north twenty-three and a hall degrees, west iwen
t eight peri lies to the corner of Charles Rilz's lot across 1
ttie fi edt-r, thence along the upper side of tlie feeder north
lifty-six degrees, west eight perches to a post by Charles j
Ku/.'s fence, thence south sixty-two and a half degrees, i
west ten perches to a (>ost by E I. Benedict's fence,
thence south sixty-five degrees, west ten perches and
twenty links to a post by same, thence south sixty-iiiue :
and a half degrees, west six perches by same to a post, j
i hence south seventy-seven and a half degrees, west six |
perches to a post hy same, thence south eighty six de- j
1 grees, west eighteen perches aud eight links to the cor- ;
tier of James Parker and E. !.. Benedict in right of James j
MitliUeii, thence soutii twenty-two and three-fourth de- j
grees, east forty-four perches along the line of James j
Parker's fence to the creek, thence up the satue north '
sixty live and a half degrees, east ten perches to a post, 1
thence north fifty-four and a half degrees, east fifty
pi rilic-3 and seven links to ::ie place of beginning, being
part and parcel of the lands, mills, and water rights con
veyed to John rett and James Potter, Jr., by James
Milliken and wife, by their deed dated the second day of
November, A. I). 144, together with the hereditaments
I uiul appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the pro
perty of John Stcrrett and James fetter, Jr.
Also, a lract of land, containing thirty
one acres and twenty live perches, more or less, situate ;
in the borough of McVeytown and Oliver township, with .
a forge and remains of Saw Mill and a number of small
! (louses, Arc thereon, and known as Ellen Forge.
Also, a tract oi land in Oliver township, !
'■ three acres and eighty-six perches, more or less, adjoin
ing lands of George It. Galhraitli, itollidays and others.
Also, a traci of land situate in Oliver
town-hip, containing S'2 acres and 11'J petches, being parl_
of a tract of land surveyed to Thus. Bruce on warrauf,
dated alb July, 17IK!.
Abo, a tract of land situate in Oliver
tow n -hip, containing 193 at res anil |>crelies, being part
i.fa tr.Kt of land surveyed on a warrant to George Cal
hraifh, dated September 11th, 1792.
Also, a tract of land situate in Wayne
township, adjoining Robert Forpv, Goo. Foster, /'etor
Ithoads and otheis, containing *2l acres and 80 |ercbes,
! more or less.
AI so, a tract of land situate in Wayne
township, adjoining lan Is of Win. Laughtin, Ahriti. Lu-
Kens and oilier*, (untuning 52 acres and 53 perche - and
! allowance, more or less.
Also, a tract of land in Oliver township,
surveyed in thr name i f llenry ShatTer, adjoining C'lias. !
J Hall tract, containing 100 acres, more or less._
Also, a tract ot land situate in Union
township, adjoining lands of Michael \oiler, containing j
' II acres and '2l; perches, more or less, being the same j
: which Jacob Folt/. conveyed to llrooke, Thomas k Co., j
with a small house and barn Ihereoti erocled.
Also, a tract ol land situate in Oliver
township, adjoining funis of Caldwell's heirs, containing ,
I 50 acres and l*(i port Sien, btiing the same which was j
granted to Nathaniel llubbell on warrant, dated Uth
| June. 1791. |
Also, 11 Iract of land situate in Union
j township, adjoining lands of David Zook ami others, con j
taiiiisi2 32 ar res, luore or less, with an Ore Dank thereon f
! and other improvements.
Also, all the right, title and interest of j
Mh hue I Cr is well and John V. thiswcll in a certain Ore
Right on :h< lands of tiro heir- of Benj unin Waller-, de
ceased, (the liank being now known as the Wallers Ore
] Hank ) j
Also, all their interest in a tract of land j
I situate in (>livcr township, adjoining lands of John Keef- J
| bever, George Allen and others, containing UW acres an ' j
I 112 perches, being the same tract which was pun based
j from Jos. Kiiiscl and 8. Myers.
Al<o, a traoi of land in Wayne township, <
mljoiiiitig lands of Alien, Roscnhttrg, I). Swult rk.ntl aud j
I others, known as the Bouer land, and surveyed on a war- j
j rant in the name of George Johnston.
Also, u tiacl ol ltiul, containing 100 ;
acres, more or loss, situate in township, adjoin- j
• ing lands of U. M. Milliken, Samuel Horning and Jack's, i
i Mountain, known as part of the Halt farm.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be -old as the pro- !
jierly of Jlickatl Crisirtil and V . CrisircH.
Also, a certain messuage or tract of
land, situate in Wayne township, Mitliin county, bound
ed and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a j
: ihesnnt slump on the Itiuk of the Juniata river, thence by
lands late of .Inn. McDowell, itcc'd, now residue ot ■
lands of said John Uohti and John M Barton, tsouthfortv
| seven degrees, west thirty-two perches to a white oak,
thence north sixty-two degrees, west eighty two perches
: to locust, thence by part residue now James McKeelian,
I north twenty-eight degrees, east thirty-nine pert-lies t<> a
post on tow path, thence south forty-three and a hatl [
degrees, east twenty-one perches to upper corner land
bridge, thence north forty-six and a hall degrees, east to
I middle of creek, thence up middle of creek to place ol
| beginning, containing fifteen acres, more or less, the
' same being the remainder of two messuages and tracts
or parcels of laml which were sold and conveyed by
j the said Henry Harriik to the said John Kobb and the
| said John M Barton, by deed dated the seventh day of
! April, 1811, together with the hereditaments ?ud apptir
-1 t.-nances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
! the property of Juhn Rubb, with notice to Joseph Bower,
j Dr. Charles Bower, Michael (Viswetl and Kojah McVey,
I terre tenants.
Also, all iheintniest of Samuel P J.il
h*\ i t'ra#-? >■{ ! !• f !•. \ ! in* !< I> r- *.
r. -vn-hip, Miflli'i ruitbYv niinv -n -? r
rdl, ■ inM 1 itjli-r, J.-ho rtt r ;n a .itti ■*. # ii
I'tinitt*' in flu* v (<!#• ihri>- MipHmml :u r w i*-■-• ♦ I
hi l>o acrcf) i*iv r l* ; 9, < !e-r**l, w iih ari # I
mill, I\v mill, M'VI.-I *T\. cllinr H i-* u IM
}>ri.v>i!ii ra> lUereou r. tl< ! S# ; /. i, lak-n in e\#*#
ai.d lo !>*.- ?••'.<[ .js lilt* rt y ul Samuel H. I.tlitij
AIo, m lot of {>r .uiid situate in I'd t
villi?, in |ln- !mvnhip of
tuning one fourth of :u acre, he t ie s inn* i:n re >r h
Unlink <1 HV L.LLIIH I)| J TIN *C /' t- ON :|| # . I, V"'' IV
ii.-iiH on I in; iSotltll, and John iit indie on liie i##'!lh. &mi
t.'iegrc it road leading iVom Hrvi.'s M.l to Huntingdon
on lli north AW*!, wiili a largo two story frame !\v-l -
liny ho- •;, a frum- - *. i!i|e anil oiln r mp. ov# tnenl" !ln*rr
nli er*- ted. Seized, Itki-w in e \*rcui ion, and to he nulii A J
the property of Jo -pn f;.h dhart.
Also, i jur lots o| ground, Ncs. 53, 54,
aS, ami p-rt of lot M. ft# iii yeiu f.I plan of iln> hoi
ough of Mi \ E ytolvn, /'a., hoiiod* d nil the east IM Ship
pen alh-y, mi the south iv VVashinytoii a|.-v, on the west
by Que# n strt- t, on tin- imrili by the other part of lot Mo
am! John street, and all oi'raij lot- being enclosed un
der on#- fence, with a two story frame dwelling; house
and oilier improvement* thereon erected* 6c v. Seiz d,
taken in execution, and to he sold as the property f
Martin Stehle\.
Also, a lo! ol ground in the borough of
Lewistown extended, situate on the southeast side of
ll.tie street, fronting thirty feet, more or less, on ;ud
street, Slid JiO feel deep, adjoining lot jd' Samuel S
Woods on the s#uii we:"t, and a lot of John Cash en the
northeast, with a one story frame dwelling house and
other improvements thereon erected. Seized, taken in
execution, and to h# ? old is l lie property of Daniel Mod*
Alto, all the interest, right aiuf title CI
Samuel Naughtsingnr in and to a certain lot of ground in
ibe borough of Lt-wislown, bounded and described as
follows: Fronting on Valley street on the east, on the
north by lot of Lew is Owens, on th • west by public a!
ley, on the south by M of James Parker, with a frame
house and stab!*; and other impioveiniits thereon erect
ed. Fei/.ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Sttwne .Vh vpr], Isi yti r r r.
I). McKKAN CONTNKR, Sheriff.
town, July 11, 181' J. \
N. 15.— Purchasers at the above SherifTs
sales are hereby notified that the amount of the
sales will be required to be paid, in all cases,
immediately on the property being knocKed
down, or it will be forthwith resold to the high
est bidder. D. McK. O.
BV virtue of a writ of Plurtes Venditioni
Exponas, iesued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Mifflin county and to me direct
ed, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or
outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of
Lewistown, on
Wednesday, Au; r . S, 184!),
at 9 o'clock, A. M , the following 1 property, to
wit :
All the interest of John Sterrett in several
town and Derry township, Mifflin county, Pa.,
containing in the whole about Fl>o acres, more
or less, ail which is cleared, and his interest in
the water power passing through the said
lands, &c., boundrd by \\ ater street, lands of
James Parker, Milliken, Benedict and ilitz on
the north and north-west, by the banks of the
south side of the Kishacoquillas creek on the
east and south-cast, and Brown street, &c. on
the west, with one old grist mill, one frame
grist null, a log dwelling house and stable, one
stone grist mill and plaster mill, one new stone
and brick grht mill, one two story brick dwel
ling house, a saw mill on lite south side of the
Kishacoquillas creek, near Duncan's furnace,
and several out buildings thereon erected.
Also, all the interest of John Sterrett in a
lot ot ground situate in the borough of Lewis
town, M'llhn county, Pa., bounded by Water
street on llie south, a lot of E. L. Benedict,
Esq. on the west, a sixteen feet alley on the
north, and lite grave yard lot on the east, with
a large two story frame cooper shop, a large
two story log dwelling house, a large frame
barn, and other buildings thereon erected, <fcc.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property ot John iSUrrett.
I). McK. CONTNEK, Sheriff.
Lewistown, July 11, 1940. S
N. 11.— Purchasers at the above Sheriffs
sales are hereby notified that the amount ot Ihe
sales will be required to be paid, in alt cases.
; immediately on the property being knocked
down, or it will be forthwith resold, to the
highest bidder. D. McK. Sll'tf.
IJMIE undersigned, having been vested
* with all the property, real and per
sonal, of JOHN R. PHILIPS, of the borough
i of Lewistown, Mifflin county, bv deed of as
signment for the benefit of ail the creditors of
| the said Philips, which said deed of assign
ment is duly recorded in the Register's office,
: in and for said county of Miflhn, hereby gives
| notice to all persons indebted to the said John
R. Philips, whether by bond, note or book ac
count, or otherwise, tint they are required to
call upon the said assignee, and make payment
immediately, at the following places, to wit .
! At the store in Menno township, (White Hall)
i in said county, where the subscriber will nt-
S tend, cither by himself or by GEORGE BEAR,
I his duly authorized agent at that place; and at
the grocery store formerly kept by the said
Philips, at the lock on the canal, in the bor
ough of Lewistown, where \VM. R. MCCAV,
Esq. is authorized to attend and receive pay
ment. Also, all persons having claims against
the said Philips arc requested to present the
same for settlement.
Assignee of John 11. Philips.
Lewistown, July 21, 194'J— 3t.
RGVIK undersigned offers at private sale
-*- his House and Lot on Valley slreet,
in Lewistown, opposite the residence of John
(\ JSigler, Esq. The lot extends 200 feet
back, and fronts about BO feet on Valley street,
and has erected upon it a two story frame
Dwt'lliiii; ilousc,
• • •'SL The house IS two stories high,
11 KY 2? feet. The location is a
XR&I&VV-FCR^SLEASANT one, and water conve
TERMS OF SAFE ate, one-half of the purchase
money on confirmation of the sale, and the bal
ance in two equal annual payments, to be SO
cured bv tioud and mortgage on the premises.
For farther particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on the premises.
1 cwistown, July 21, 1910— tf.
rill 111 I.y kens -Valley Coal Cnmpany will be
[_ prepared to deliver Coal, on and" after the
20th in-L., at the Depot, Millersburg, Dauphin
J county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi
couisco Canal, 12 miles l'rotn Clark's Ferry,) at
the following prices CASH :
l.utnp, broken and screened, $2.0(1 per ton
Nut, LJS do.
L.iinehurncrs' screened, 1 37.J do.
I!o. mixed, "A do.
J Apul 14 194'J—TAUIIL