Martin & WJ.ilelcj' NATIONAL TONIC, A certain Cure lor Ague, I'ever, and Dvspepsia, IN our summer andl fa" Ell AMI A country ARE prostrated > n-irticular study to AGUE and KFVL^ L E Z , | 0 L RTOl>^ Uttadreadful scourge, AND find out 7 IE T, ' N : E ' LY W ! E ° HOVE ettocted this great object think,... tit.. r J t - begl remedy uyspepa-*. |I IS ALSO W think the ve FAL I L 0 effect and if our DIRECTIONS are followed, H'URE . , M , V 03D 1819, our Agent, Mr. E'tas LU a loiter oated, May -AD, > PU _ GAYB : _J have | Wrights villa, York ' " * AND J, GUC E „ual to never K"""" 1 A ">' vour invaluable National • of years stanu satisfaction, and hue cure medicines made use ,„g, and after the .adore of all , AACE , SAYS in his „F Mr. Henry UEYCRHON, APL ,|ied to a number certificate, dated 2*l OF, he most popu- S£• "'"T" ;"R tar Ague Mixtures 'U.RER , KLVINL , been afforded, desire L ettect ; NO PER ■ RECOM mend.ition of your , *AS at length tnduced, at [ F YOUR NA . worthy Agent AT TH'. P TULUFACTION , before 1 had tional Tonic, and to my I! CURE< |, though I CO,.tin used half of it, U taken two bottles.' In a Joint ued tha use of it tdl l ' U K William Ulack-on, certificate from Messr- MiU.Jto wy _ tlliiV . and James DUrow , „ DIE , W Uhin our reach W llh ,„G tried nearly all D , OME of ypur .VALVAL ursx SNUIRR, *—' >■ °° <"°""" P.,„U..WIS. <.•''— IUKLLMM* WL„ WIIITKI.BV, e> Prepared and sold hy Ca i v Tt st , Baltimore. VVho.ele Urug .tore, #od VS ATT IACS'B uwawwn; 1 b> ALH HON & JAOOii, msburg, Huntingdon cuunlj". CLICKED EH * SUGAR-30 ATED VEGETAB-S, PILLS. „,E Grand Headache, Heartburn, Worms, Rheumatism, 1 Ues, Morbus. Dyspepsia, scurvy, C "ugbs, Uumsey. HUMLL Pox, JAU '"* ,C *' whooping Cough, rains in tbeAck Consumption, Pits, Inward weakness, , TVER Complaint, Palpitation of the He . Frtfcipelaß , Deafness, Rising in the Throat, „fihe Skin, I^OI > SY.,A , U"" I ''l CRAVE BARN# completely UNVTHYJJED witii a coating otpur wtilTfe MILIAR (WHICH L* N* TLI/itin, L frnin the INTERNAL in* RP.FTICHU as a nut shell from the kernel) and Aacr no taste of mtdt erne but as easily swallowed as bits of candy Moreovet they MUI.EII atausEsTK in ..Bipti, but operate equally upon all the diseased paru of the system. Thus, H tlx itver be affected, one ingredient will operate on lha jar. on the blood, while a third wtil effectually expel what ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom aeh, and hence they strike at the rotl of disease, thus se curing a free and lie alt by action to the heart, lungs, atu Liver ;and thereby they tealote health even when al other means have failed The entire truth ofthe above ran be ascertained bytht trial of a single box ; and their virtues are so positive ami certain in restoring health that the proprietor hind* bint self to return the money paid for them in ail rises wbett they do not give universal satisfacttou. Het.ul price 23 tents per box Print ipal office No 66 Vese; street. New Vurk OKemember Or C. V. thickener Is the inventor o Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort WJI ever heard of until he introduced them in June, I*l3 Purchasers should, therefore, always ask f.r Olcknner't Sugar Coated Vegetahla Pills, and take no others, 01 Ifiey will bn un lc victims cf fraud Wholesale Agent for this count} - , CIIA.S. KirZ- [Dec. 23. lt>4B—ly. HARRIS, TURNER rup of Spi. g-ilts hasrnuM into general use in this neighborhood We have sold w hat wo l,ad on band, and it gave such sails faction that it is now called for ever day Yen v.ill please put us up i ut h dozen in a small package, and send to the r.are of W. Anderson A. Co., Uichinond, as soon us possi ble, and forward the bill per mail.— Y'ourj, gtc " ftlw- A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he had been ap plied to by a customer for a vial of •* Ver inifoge for Ills son. Not having the article nkd for, he advised a trial of Harris, Turner St Hale's Compound • v rup of Hplgelia end gave him part of a buttle wl.irh was all that remained in the time A day or two after tins th gentleman returning to ilm alore, expressed his surprise and delight at the eflect of the Hyrup, declaring It had expelled 300 worms uml entirely relieved hie son I he inert hunt added an expression of lits great regret that he lind not had OI) hands a toujour the Myrup at the time w lien his own little daughter died, us he confidently bo lieved u would have saved her life Mb A gentleman of Hudson, N y' , haeiug sent a bnt- Us of Harris, 1 urner A Hale's Compound Hyrup of Hp gslia, to a yoimg friend who triod in vain n great num. b?r of wtirin liiedirines, writes, that his irlend was imii.ii diately relieved; the words of the patient ware "lilook evcty worm out uiy body." MANBPAtrrVHKD ONLY BY H Alt ti|S, TLiHiNER tfc Ha I.E. Wholesale Drvgerists, ,\'o. ;*<) J Market sheet, P!nlahar*. wootf'sKxtrsctsot -, n y Vg n ill,ft>rflvorlßg Pud dt"lee i ■ -aois, \ ,\ t For ny J ) r .,--v r n Jly m -fiilit, jifnii) an ; J'jiiuilA t-Ui'ii'iCe. [-tuii -(J I1S. MAKTIVS eompounß savup o£ Win) CHERRY, lowing November 13tb, ISS s.r- 1 lake great pleasure in eayinß to you that T)car •- • . relieved of her cough by lit; Mrs. How hns ecu e chtrry. It had continued for uscol your s - ru h J uied several prepara ,T,O. ° er 0 Cambridge Packet, their wholesale Urug Store, lb s Calvert sire , ""And for ml* by P. J. HOFFMAN and WATTSON &- JACOB, Lewistcwn, A5-.ES A.NDER IUTCEPOE, county. l Ju " e ' ja }^Z±- MVIIK COMPbAIM'. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CllllO nic or Nercovs Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liter or Stomach in hot Male and Female : OI 6 t" J.J'Sh E 22U 10 the Head, Ac-mi > w#i*ht in the Stomach, burn. l>:sgut for Food, pit of the Hour Kruaattona, smk'ne Hurried and Difficult Htoiuach, Swimming of the Head " 0 r auffocat- Hri alhiug, Fluttering at the of vi ",g before the eight, Fever and dull pain .ion Uou ' of perspiration, Yellowness of t 'IVwnL the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, the akin and B . irlllI1(; in the Fieah, con !2si.i- <" a " j dttpre " i,jn ° f ■ fPU ' t9 ' ran he effectually cured by • Dr Hoofland's Celebrated GERMAN BITTERS. po*" •' id. l*f c#r "< """S f aUed - ■ . ivEk and STOMACH ar sources OKRANOBMKSr OF rue Heart, of I - to an rikin, Lungs and hidne , ~, v. llow Fever, and is sss trsTM 12. ferSru'".'.'^-'"^.~ ~/r t.. Philadelphia P'***' l)f. liiMifldlld. SlUikt-n 1.1 In I\{ rniitiiiAitf fected in the nervous system, to commence with one lea j vpooaful or less and gradually- Inc lease We speak frou . experience, and are of course a proper judge. 'lhe presi ; far and wide hate united in recommending the Germar t ii'llcis, a..u to tile aJiicteu m e most to! jially ad . l->e then use | " Spirit of Ihe Times," June 24, savs : ) Do our good citizen* wbo are invalid*, know tiie mi nv astonishing cures that nave been performed by l)r Hoon.ind's celebrated German Hitlers 'lf they do not we rercnimend them to the 'German Medicine Store,' all who are afflicted wiih Livsr Complaint, Jaundice, j I>J spepsia, or Nervous Debility , the doctor has cured many of our citizens after the b-st physician* had failed, v.e hive used them, and they have proved to be a medi cine that every one should know of, and we cannot re fiam giving our testimony in their favor, and that which gives them greater claim upon our bumble tiToit la, thev are entirely reyetublr 1 lie Daily News. July 4th, hays : We speak knowingly of Dr Iloortland's celebrated German Haters, w hen we say it l* a blessing of this age, tnd in aisesse* of the biliary, digestive and nervous *• terns, U lias not we think an equal It is 3 Fegrtable P'tn a-atsnn. Una mad: u'llhoml Mu-hol, sod to all invalid, we would re. oininend it as worthy their confidence " READ THE FOLLOWING; It is from one of our first druggists, a gentleman favor ably known throughout lite I'nited states— the proprietor of the 'Medicated Worm fyrup l'lllLAtMiLPHta, Nov. ?2d, IMS. Dear sir- It is with much pleasure that 1 testify to the extraordinary virtues of your German Hitters, having sold largely of them these last few months to various Inusuus, afflicted with liver complaints, dyspepsia, and debility- <,f lbe nervous system 1 can say conscientious ly 'hat they are the hi st article of the kind 1 have ever sold, (and 1 deal in ail the popular medicines,) and I con sider it the only medicine fur the above diseases before the public. 1 have never sold one bottle that has not given satisfac tion, and biouglit forth the commendation of those who i used it. i I deem this my duty both to you as the proprietor of this highly valuable article, and to those afflicted with the above complaints, that tliey may- know* of Ms curative properties, ami to enable tlicoii to select the good from the various articles with which our market is flooded With much respect, 1 remain yours, tic J N IIOHKNtJACK, Druggist, corner ot Hecond and Coates streets JAUNDICE vV LIVER COMPLAINT t'urrd aftir Physicians had failed. Philadelphia, December' 27, 1-fn Dear Mr- ll is wiih feeling* of pleasure I communicate to you the sanative effect* ( tnd in a short time) of ycus invaluable 1t... (land's celebrated German Hitters, upon my system while laboring under the Jaundice. About two years ago I had .111 attack of the Jaundice and was confined to the house \ under mediral treatment of tea Family Physician , and for some tiuie after, when I , went out 1 had to very careful of myself; since that tiinei i ' I'.ive had several attacks of the same disease, and your Hitters have entirely relieved and cured me in two or ihiee days My next door neighbor, Mr. JOHN DIKIID, , last spring, had a long and serious spell of Jaundice; he , had it Some time before 1 kn.-w It ; he e.u rouhard to his | bed. As soon as I heard of his condition 1 called to see i i 1 1111 and told him of the elfetl your llillrrs had upon me in lue same disease JJ„ immediately sent for a bottle, and in a Joe daw he mas cured I have 111 several instan ce* recommended the Hitters in oilier cases, always pro ducing the mime happy elfin. My wife has been coiisi derubly afflicted with 1.1 v.i < 01.1pla.nt and Neuralgia; bv Hie una of the Hitler* she is well, now enjoy ing good health. AN e believe from llie many cure* we Know of these Hitter* effecting, tliat they possess 111 a remarkable and extraordinary degree great curative properties, ami that w Inch enhances Iheir value with u* Is, tliey are en : tirely vegetable. We always keep the Hitter* on li.ud, and would not be willing to do without them Aery respectfully, yours, t- l'lliltCE, 3.(l South Front street I t an slrongei testimony he adduced by any preparation helore the public t A single bottlo will convince any one ! of their power over disease. Tliey are 10-VTmni.y V'Eot I T vni.e, and w ill permanently destroy the ..not ul.jiiwn/c I e-m emis, ami give ttei.gih and v.gor to the frame, ai , tin time debilitating the patient; being also grateful to ! moat y \VM \\ \RKS vV SDN, and rwpecu die dalero in r, , srv t m - n in Ihe state, ap 14-ly 1 A DHoS' vSlippci.,, up a Sarßa . ,f Jacob Townsend, j 1 *® Townaei.d's Sarsapa jari „a, which they c. the f*- rilla," A-c., an ws- Towl)gQlM j. 9 SarsapariUa. • his tie and original I • oeddling books and rownsend ha* been before be got ! :heap publications for ;ire caul ioned not to hi* honorable lf tbey wish the genuine, "* ,e —"^SSfTowNseNn-* COMPOUND KXTUACT or S A R s A 1' A II ILL A • Wonder and Blessing of the Age ( Tkr Mart £^ao^^ ua ri Houles ; it is six t..n rhis Extract i* put I te( j superior to any ®old cheaper, pleasanter.and warran ed Qf j cbiU U cure* w iihout vomiting, pirfci e, tat tug the patten,. =linpr i„ritv of this SarsapariUa j The great beauty an p ' whlle u eradicates the | r >ver all other medicines is, j S one of the very best disease, it invigorate-the body- r \ BOWn; jt not only j Spring ami Summer .. rengUl ei, S tne person, j purities the whole s> ' and ' rull blood a power possessed , but it creates new, pure l(( . g lbe gra nd secret by no other medicine. rforme d within the if its wonderful sucr-ei-B- ()f BeVere casts ot _ ast five ofmore than 5,000 children during the two , past seasons. , nt of JVtrvous \ hutrgy.— Dr. low user ,h,,se who have lost whole syattp fleets of medicine or indis- , their muscular cm > excessive indulgence j - lu,d ;;,rS . S "X.v..i ,••*■; of the passions and brou,. . ud wa|lt fi f ambition, | lion of the nervous s\t>.. , • • an(J decline, hasten- \ fainting Consumption, curt be en- j ing towards that t.t , r „ me j v . This Sarsapa-1 lirely restored by this pi ,oR\TI.\G COBDIaL, I '' gives activity to | '"™ IW Consvmplion Cvred, i l Strengthen Consumption can be cured j Cleanse and Mrengtnen coniuiaint, Colds, Ca- , Bronchitis, Cou * u " ,pl '° ' ' iUin . „f Blood, Soreness in , tarrh, Oiughs, Asthm Bweattt Difficult 01 Pro- , 1 A.""" i """spitting blood i JVliO York, Aprn * - T...:-l ' "'rf. '"u,C'.Sv"wi ml. * entS my life. 1 ha\ I r . P< At last 1 raised large quanli b' aiiif worse ami wo greatly ita.- .' r ■KT.S T0",.. ii.„ led and reduced, an ( Ulue , mid there has a used your riarsuparilla. l am now able wonderful change been wr wood, and my cough ■" "en ," OV You ran well imagine that 1 am thankful '* Ht, James lu minings, Esq, one of the assistant* in the Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is tha gentleman spoken of tn the following letter This is only one of more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. To wnsc nd's Sarsapariila has cured. Blarkuell's Island, Sept. 1 !, IfflT. DT Toienitnd— Dear Sir I have suffered terribly for nine years with Hie Rheumatism; considerable of the time I could not eat, steej., or walk I had the utmost distressing pains, and my Itr.ibs v, ere terribly SH ollen. ! have used four bottles of your Barsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars worth Jl good. J am so much better—indeed, I am entirely re heved Vou are at liberiv to '•* '.hia for the benefit ol the afflicted \ours, respectfully, JiSts (TMSIKSS Fits! Fits ! Fits ' Dr Townsend, not having tested his Sarsapartllu In cases of t its, of course never recommended it, and was surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and resectable f aimer lu Westchester county . Fordham, August 13, Ij4T. l>r T..wi,send—Dear Bir: I have a little girl act en years of arc, who has been several years afflicted with f its , we tried almost every thing for her, but w ilhout suc cess ; at List, although we could find no recommendation in our circulars tor cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate health, we would give bar some of jour and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but she has had no return of the bits, to our great pleasure and surprise, Blie is fast becoming rugged snd hearty , for which we feel grateful \ Mire, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER, Jr. (treat Blessing to Mothers and Children. It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purifv. trig i be system, a.,d relieving the sufferings attendant up on child-birth ever discovered It strengthens both the m dlier and child, prevents pain and disease, increases and enriches the fond, those who have used it think it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement, a> it prevents diseases attendant upon child birth- in Costiveness, Piles, Cramps, Swelling of ihu Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, Pain in lite Hick and Loins, False Pains, Hemorrhage, and iurcgu'a iiug the secretions, Ac., it | ln , no equal. BE A UTY AXD UFA L TH. f osmetics. Chalk, and a variety of preparations gene rally in use, v\ hen applied to the face, very soon spoil it of its beauty. They close the pores of the skin, and check .no circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted bi disease or powder, or the skin inflamed bv the alkalies used in soaiw. beautifies its own production in tfje " hu man face Divine," as well as in the garden of rich and delicately tinted ami variagated liouers Ladies in the iiorlh who lake but little exercise or are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application l deleterious mixtures, if they wish to regain elasticity •f sten, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beautiful omplextons, they should use Dr Towt.send's Sarsapa tilla Thousands who have tried it, are more than satis utiu, are delighted. Ladies of every slbtioii crowd our Jtfice dnilv SOT ICE TO THE LADIES. Those that imitate Dr. Tovvnsend's Sarsaparilla, have invariably called their slirff * greet remedy for Female*, I .., 4-c.| and have copied our bi'.is and circulars which re late to ibe complaints of women, word for word—other men who put up medicine, have, since the great success u Dr. Tovvnsend's Sarsaparillu in complaints incident to lemates, recommended theirs, although previously they lid not A number of ih. ee Mixtures, Pills, &. c „ are in iurtous to females, as they aggra.ate disease, and undcr larne the constitution. SCR OF I LA CI R ED. T his certificate exclusively provea that this ffareapa i h - ll perfect control over the most obstinate diseases ii the Blood Three persons cured in one house is un rrece dented Dl< TOWN HEX R> Dear Sir 1 have the pleasure to in orm you that three of my children have beencured of tire Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine Thev were afflicted very severely wan had seres; have taken inly four bottles ; it took them away, for w hicto 1 feel niy relf under great Vours, ree,|eclful.y. IB AA < \\ t RAIN, list Wonstcr street OBISIO.\S OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving yjdeis from flivsiciaiis in different pnrts of the I uion I Ins is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians >f Ihe < tty oi Albany, have lu numerous cases prescribed Dr Tovvnsend's Bnraapartlla, and believe it to be one of lie most valuable preparations in the market II P Puling, M. D J Wilson, M 1) . R K r, ""***' M " v K Lluieiidoif, M. D. A ' "wing to the great success and immense . Wr , luw nsend's rjarsupiirilla, a number of men vho were formerly our Agents, have commenced making sarsaparilld Extracts. Elixirs. Bitters, ExlracUof Yellow Jock, &.c. 1 hey generally put it up in the same shaped lollies, and some of them have stole and copied our ad leriisements ; ihey are only worthless imitations, and liouia be avoided. l'rincipal Offlee, 130 FI'LTON street, Bun Building, N i ; Redding AC• , - Bute st , Boston £ Nofiji Soeonu Kt., Tluiadel^Um; ?s 5$ lidiice, llrug .Ist, Baltimore ; and l<> all the principal Druggists and ueicli.uits generally tin. .gbout the Tinted Butts, West uqios and flie C i fiadiis. HA RIsF.S Rl'l'/j. Leinstotcn, in sole \sjOut fur &] nil in county, lor the genuine !)r. I own sent!'a ivr ma pari I In. By procuring it rom him, purchasers uii! bo cerium of gcUni" be genuine article. rnas tsh3 ° lILASTKH. rush anvx! Western ' 'JI-C.RE LJ[ atle' by IK* O ; ). WALLER LH.LKY. CAI'IION EXTRA A man by the came of CI.JIPP has engaged why , young man of the name of 9 P Townsend and On. , name t" P° l °P " Pa™tpari!la, which they cad fir.T*,. aend's Sarsaparilla, denominating it OHJfLJ.VE. Or { u etc. I'hia Townsend is no doctor, and never was , bat w a formerly a worker on railroads, canals, and the'uke. Ye; tl , assumes the Mtle of I>r., for the purpose of gaming ert, :t, what he is not. This is to caution the public „ ot t , N deceived, and pnrcbase none but the GH.VUIXr. Okie, A"-?/- O f.H Vt. Jacob Townend' Barsspar. is bavir.. it the tJld lir' s likeness, his family coal of arms, and fc, signature across the coot of arms. Principal OJJict, 103 Xm rorkCitf. TUP OKWINAI. LMSCOVERKR OITHK ilcnuine Towaseod Sarsapariita. Old lr. Townsend i l^mccrKntk long t>een known as the ' ~. ro ir.Vs/t-V/i >.tf of GK.Vt l.y. OHIOIM. complied to it b .ir.lU ha" been kept out ... ~ iiiinuf:u:ture, i> wiu ,4,r ... f t> ( .se only VN * ,( and the sales proved its worth, andkuo lh , )se powons who hj u,e ears of many, from death, beeu healed o. Cte.nied exull .r..! POWRR 1 r. ceo. that he had. by ho: v. Knowing my V d , e( i Rt , article u h.cfc would u. .enr.e. and W mankind w hen th < f incalculable ~ lnU , uaiver. d notice. would he furutshe i would bo known and, u ineatltuable v . I ie *n are supplied ; this This has <> '>•• . f / y yJj pkk-P.tH ITIQX QRAA'D * ,K e largest scale, and is called f„ w ,aanufacutred o! the land. eiper.m, throughout the a degeneration <> deteriorate. „ it ;s i .and trend's, it improves wuhat* .. 0l for the be^ * r " J u ' e lvt ' t,l,sr<,v " r, °' 01 u * edge of 1 " tu " ' bl inU> reqi'sitton in the uiaaofseta have all ° f Ukn* vonie'beal ...en, contains many memc...,, ;,. well known to n es wbicu , r e inert or u* rt. sal pe t rl '"' whichif retained in preparing u for Use, p..see others, wnicn n whuh is injurious to thr lvvum frrmr,l '"("™„ of tiarsapa/.lla are so nimb* t.r Imlevaporate and are las; in tne pre par*:,., i they Cb • . i r¥r4 j by a sciwa'.jU prtctn- knowc * l&e ,V "I in its manufacture trr* l 'izidc nrmrinies. which fly oiT .Q -u as a, etbs.. lion under beat, are tne very ' --• •tcSoo. rfTit. W. which give to it ait tu vaias gOURINU. ■-V c --'" POUND*' OF S. P. iOWNs-NIJ, noN f ,r Htm Heaven forbid that lit should ,jr ,i i r . * ouM bear the Ul o,t d. Jnt . j'* r ld tend Wot/,' .0.1 which ahonld bring l>f. mctl t iitonnlain load 'if rotm t.v u® h nA . front Agents who have send. and iTrrtatA w£T* S. V. 1 ownsead's KERMEVIiM. < , „pi,| vo e U ' M •Vewisb it uri(ier>ti' "fhercouin. m. tmv.entir-, uw'nftiu* an. a oat guarantee can the piiMir hate thai Hie-, r-nv miviHg a genuine acieatiiie medicine cunin..n.~g a n tk, virtue- or the article, ut-s in preparing it *,vdu-h,"JL , CB|.a-, e of change, whch might tender them lU ACE Via of Lisease instead of health L ls but Win; el- should be expected from one w i.„ , nothing t iiifwirat.veiy of medicine or di%ea-e • * i*roo <'l some cApenence to cook and serve up even • 'trillion decent lue..:. flow aneh mora important!, it ■' „ lite persons who manufacture medicine, oesdtned s. r V. £iK STOMACHS AND KSi'Kt:BJ.KD srSTTMS, Ihould know well tnc me.jVul proiwrties of plants ta WuiT?'"" aud co..mmur. g their hea'o • biiifteih'* '*n si ve n. w lodge of the various dtsg.vj to tucse d.jJl"'-"' 1 " '••—ai.asu tow tp ada; t remeu.v Into U,> " D ,h ® unfortunale. to poor bain- Into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the desnairtnc cm-he, ?r"? he: " th *" d and mm ,h ? JACOI'I Tmv\sK\M h a r' ,n ,'.* h mat UU) I>R traud I uivfrsal C'oucexairatccJ Kemedy u.'rihe-'-t'^ 11 anJ ! :'c e of a!) who ntd |. that they may ! e -,rn and know, by joyful experience it* l raiibceudelit I'ov.ei to ileal. Any person can boil or .tew the root till thev get a dark eniored liquid. which more from the coining matter in he root than from any thin- else - they cm then .train " •■"•P" ■' vapid finutd. sweeten with sour looPuse, t n A.o tB .. c:,U *1 " SARt \PA till.l. \ EXTRACT or sV „ ' , ' lt yi '' his not the article known as tne GJhMINE OLD 1)R. JACOB TOWNSENDIS SAR3APARILLA. J h.s is so prepared, that all the inert proiw-rtics ..f tna barsap trilln riwit are hrst removed, everv tlnr.g chsbie of CH I Hilling acid or ot leriuenhtUon. IS enrooted and revected then every |tr:i< ie ol inedica. vittoe is secured in'a rum and concentrated turm : ami thus it is rendered incapable .a losing any .d its valuable and healing I'repaita in this w.ct, tt is made the most |*iwerlui in tlie Cure of innumerable diseases. ience the reason wny we hear Commendation, on every Us u *" r b > w inaen, and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of CO.V4Jfj.Wf rro.Y. I) yspy.psr.l, and IJVJER COM ru vl ;ai!r,A- i n V-1*" f: V- V - J775 - W *CHO# f/.T r/'vs i.Vc,l , , S ' " t'l'T.i.VKurs I Kir lit .v.. Rl.ill'Li.Si, ELOCTUKSt, ana all atievtiocs iroju IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It loiw.w. a marvellousedicacy in alt complaints •mi I rout. Htuiity cj the Sti-ntacM. irom CirculHUi>a. Ucipri.nouiion of _ ,od to lhf he*d. n&lpiuuioii of the heart, cold feet and hands, cohl chills and hot tiasi,,* over tl.e bod) It has uo t jts e,, U al in t Udt and teagi, and promotes easy eipertm-.tno, and gentie iwr.piMtmn reciAing stricture id the lungs. lurm*:. ar.d every other ten h il in nothing is iu excellence oi.-re piaiuie,tlv seen and aca. ow iciiged than in ail kinds and stages FEMALE COVIPLAINTS. ,s.r,o >-er.#Ma* or >1 *,i„ ka/- e <■} r .".A, ak-iructoi. bat pre *g,d. ot /"aca/a/ .Venjri S r '/^,y r ' " ol "'uiruai periods, and tni like ami St r f 1,1 c r n * lhe ~! A'dary ',Tel' : . , ri,, t i "" hnd T" ti.e genera, thtfc J V " ,,e " U"<**** l- lhe whole laalj. and thus cures au to.uo ol i £ ervoi, and debilitr. die a S IT*V >LS " f r, "^' s ""tVAt'Cs of otlior mala dies, as ,rcifa.„,,c. st . Vtjut >"'• o-'o-i.. Ao-. tones .'ht n tt S e<(llcs 'he liver to healthy action. il i'rt"' *' V " M neves th. aiir.hes "he k" : ' n -'llaxs mrtammst.ob ,1' ,l "-' eirculati.m the b.ood fhe hiseifof l . • Manily .1 over the Uslv. and -rss. removes l rir^V,;^;on! a a ß nVmr^^' 8 ?* nervous t> „, n , U Uot ui.s .hc'n """ *""" inc medktrn 1 yea irc-eiuiueDi]v ut-cd l midr or 0 '*e *'! ol S. I*. Townsend". - h,uid n ..t M t WITH THE OLD DR'S. - - >CArA while the other , ~ tipnldmg an^d'vn"^, 1 ""thiiTt'uwf bie roiiiooinwi • ®*""- "'her Acmhls Must not this hum - T ! H, Tc U5 MA-rf ~ km ;:T,oT.t ,r:' „ v dinrrhma uv sentart .or a,!i liver roinplaint. r- -f TtZ tp, "weir Itiss. wiiti . a,, ... >K nuiua ol ihc more or which i.'.. 'wm 0 i^V U "' l " hui " s ""' <" ami itn.J irri la t! g an dm tlaiiioig timm' ° ?'T act* 1 fool „,rv „ I *tf u* upon whiOi it deranged c rcuhl o ~ ""l' ur "> ui the h! V. .. •ffliCt hu,ruua,um*- aaU " C - ,r,) *r>t u> iiv ui!i l ° tt,a ** and ia.,*i.'*. f sale in by K. ALLEN wlio \H sole agent tnr Mifflin countv may lit}, I>4o ly, Samuel Hopper, CM It TER, D rcatly at n!i Lines to build tho bet HouoCs. uid can Jo iiiat very tlnn , Jfsaidcitce N0.. Hale trac LswutJ - .' March 1>10—t;