m & t- ww j$ 5KK F if"in bi "* ' 3 11 -< tf Ce ef© I emtmts. ■ ... 'Wfi4i\CE. ■ ifif l.irard Life Insaraiire Annurtv *„. T ■ towyany of rtUtdflphfa" Office No. |f,<) pf.oc ■ ~ ' Su-em ' ;, i;; <;, | B "rffr Perpetual S < 'IATJVLE to wake Insuran • "■til. Utjkwits on Interest. t - ulc Tru.,t. am k ''' ' itj'iiai being paid u? <" premium f-nd, affurdZZ""' togeth " win !" su,ed Th Premium m t """ *• '< veart/.oi quarterly pa yraems J 6 " d,,i )eurly, liai ■ n,c c "'pany add a Bo.M'a „ insurances for life r i(18 * n ® "ate ic addition of iioo- . *-"V" making ■ ■ .vmaily insured, which fj? ' tc ' to every *i l x' l)) '* >'aamp Jttß from . a ' c w be seen by the follow I thus : ln *" wnw Ke*fater ..f il, I'oiiiy. 1 Insured, j .ZllZn! I ZZ"'"' I . ' 1 I "H"-" Payable at the • v ' to j t- E?"* ' 8 decease. 205 4,WJ 4W „.. "-oO no ~2T6 -W JSSf a 4 > i,w <* ' lifj I 437 £ j Jj£ ' >AM eiiLt T containing' the I'lanatioiis ti f ihc subject- firm andv farther information can be hThe limits of an advertismer' are too cot firie-l t > enumerate the prices of any ofth-; Books, or to give even a fate', idea of the immense adv:nlagt .? t-, be d- rive.l from purchasing at the freest Central Lht,.p Belli Hon.. but let ail who are in search of books send f-.r a Catalogue, arid buy the Books they .are in Want of, arid when vsinng the city, give Appieton one tail, arid you will be ure !■, j CALL AOAI.V. Statfonrry tr, all its Lraaches, furnished at the Lowest P,~rrr 1 1,.- Iniiuli of those purchasing Letter and Note |' t .<•(-, t , at- t ly stamped in the corner, without charge 1 j -> Orders far any article .nay be st-r.s by mail, ;ides wilt t,e 1 fully carried cut, with great punctuality and desugl, h ' j -> Orders for Catalogues i-muld h> pre pail , GF.O. S. APPLE I ON, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer. K>l Chtmiul Street^earner of Seventh. May 5, IS-iG—2in Biarim** Building (I'EORIiE IIELI.IL Wholesale Commission A?ep.t. FOR ALL KINDS OF FISH, ; ZVo. 51 ,\ or 111 Whanex, Above Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21, l*!!! ly Manufacturer of Donnelly's I'prig tit Safety filar.ed < tp sated Bine 31 A T C II Fa $ , And United States Oil Paste 2flacking, No. 63 NORTH THIRD ritreet, Philadelphia. TJJKHK Matches are Justly considered the best in the Butted Sidles; they are free frotn unpleasant smell, and can De introduced with perfect safety into all Stores and Dwelling*. Warranted to keep tcri years. The iliac king t* of superior quality, and free from anv ingredient that impairs the leather. COUNTRY DEALERS and SHIPPERS will find it to their interest to call and nee for themselves X. B. An assortment of Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes—also, pickd in large or small tin case*, to ship to any part of the world. JOHN* DONNELLY, i Late of 20 Bank street, now 63 North Third street. March 21, 1612—1y. SHELDRAKE'S A EEE UII Eft 1 11 OIIS E, JVo. 280 Market street, above Eighth, (South Hide,, 1 PHILADELPHIA. rriHH large and splendid Hotel has been furnished with ; A entire new furniture. Tile Bar Room is the largest in Philadelphia The Parlors and Bitting Rooms are en- j Tirely separated from the noise and bustle. Consequent to the arrival and departure of rats. The Portico exterid lug the whole front of the house, afford* a cool retro.it in warm weather, and a splendid view of tiie greatest tho roughfare lit lite city. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished-the Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every alien- . n . of the managers u. wake it the best Hotel for Met- ( coin's and Business Men, during then stay in the t hy THS terms will BE own BULLA* per day. On the arrival Oi t'.e Cars from the West, a Port, r will be in attend , ,o convey baggage, A' to Utc Hotel, whir It Wad , . . feUO-Cffl , iifwni th ,c AJ TX •--Srn,-" W* „ h &:7;, u ' iVf "" ;o i.. i. . £? " ,,a •..£. *■" "J Screw HEI.DE!) Ikox H.!, t , • Locomotive H< - ' . W °" t "id other Mfearn r.' Maimr - ' no ®oJere L " ♦''■wuraciun <■.: " RCV MORRIS, J nc 00, i„, % 3l| , > Philadelphia, !> a S. MWui;\( i hrh'rr C^ t "^ n °( Ata :iufac . .... whlvdel PIJIA. ' *tnj ias>p iif*ii, ;' l^ ,;,r •*>* • .c tr^ltST,^ ~a *" " no,v w* *" 4 !"* curt or- ,<,wol 'rk,-t prites.con. v tS ******* H. . 5 a„ Slb . iL|i(fanil Wehl while. •■'Ui.*.Hou lM , anilp^ ———- : ,i,,e,! ,f ' MPrs ' *' *"■ P-u, iiJut a f i ,vt i.„ , nn.broidr.r.,, Vote p , LawryerV „ rje( p a '* fc..v e lo { „. s uperfiK! ant (i,„. , b "'" a n.i u file, various q j'jjl ■T' U,n, Also, If 10 ream., n hiJJ, ".£ s^vr ** h " ahUt J ""e 30, 1*49-6, n S I oh B . - • - -vrm ,->/V-"-, .. . . r i. ic i) E I, 1' II J a , UAMIAm'KER of Tranpar.iit Wmrii/n ff h.-ul.s ' x L Seed ISltnds, Paper Curtains an,l Venn,an Wind., of all the different sir.es, van in,; m prji-e, from -M, r'E.srs to T ..v rv lioi.i.tWK a s , All the new s:> its of ev ery description of paUtri.s, and of the latest f.ibhions of different colors, and a Variet} of Trimming.,of r,:i Aiso, beautiful TAUI.K and tllL CI.OTII in patterns and in pieces. Oil Cloth's for floors, /'atetil Coach Cur tains for Wagon Covers of a superior article, any id til, 'double or single, of the finest finish, raid a Fpl.ut.lid as sortuient of < LOCK.-*, LItOKI.VU (iLA>* o.'6j and ' FIRE BO iIiDS, A.i , Ate. Did Blinds [liiilitn.-d altit l u.itiiied over, to Wiit r via'; t J , I new, at a very tittle expense, or Ink, i it. riihil.fc tut tie W. tie has ■ n hanj th largest and most toiitp.at' I hem- ; tiful assortment of the above articles, at 2,. js-r ut j cheaper ih.tn any oth. r f.-taM is timet t in the city, W hole- 1 sale and Retail, at reduced [trices. S>Mcrchants and otlt.is are invited to rail before pur- i chasing elsewhere, as it will be t.. their advantag. OAny of the above goods made to order, or car, fully |..nked, so they can be sent any distance without injury. Other Munuf i Hirer, sup,died with riiats, front. Heads, ' or /'ullc y's, at fhc lowest prices. of'j .v #.v THE Err.vr.vr,.v March 31, IH3—ly. AWLICTED KEAD:' l*hiiaic!p!ijn Jirciicai tS©tJc. "1," - 1 ABLISIfLID 13 years h„-u,.' Dr KI.NKELIN. lln -C* oldest, surest and b. - t I. ' 1 tot .re a!, f igu of secret diseitst.s of ;he sk.n, and soliiir. t Is of youth, is liR KI.NKEI.IX. Northwest corner of THIRH aud I'XION Si r-ets. betw >en Spruce arid l'ti • a F .uareHid a half ; front the Eicli tnse. Plnlartelphia. TAKE PAllllCl t.AR NOTICE. There is a habit which buys tea, h each • thcr it the Academy or College—a habit indulged in when by l.mi pe|f, in solitude, growl g up with the buy to manhood ; few of those who indulge in Hits pernicious practice are , a-a are erf the cinso/jnt r,<--,s n ril they find the m-r v, u- j system shattered, feet etr.i,:ge and una cfiiintubie ft e! ieg", vague fears in the mind The individual become* feeble, he is unable to labor n-uh nccustone il v tgor, or it apply his mind to study; i.S step i-> I ndj and weak, ' be is dull irresolute Persons of all ag,-n can re w judge wi.at is the cfiite ,f tl tr declining healtn, losing th-ir vigor, vcu'<, pale and ma< ia.ed. VOLNO MEN I.et no false in . „ty deter you fm-n nt iKing v nir .--ve.- known to one w ho, f• out educi ' n >r-.it re*p-etaftnlitv, can alone befre-ud you. lie vvijo place* huttvetf under Dr. hiukeiiti's Tt e 11ntenr, may religiouxly iniiiide in hi* honor a* a gentlemen, ami in a how; b cm will be fin ever locked tin- secret of tie- pat-cr.i Thousands have been restored in heslffi, frmn ih- e"- ' v ,lions of THOSE terrific mai'idie* Ic LIB. KINK..; sc, Herman Physi i in PACKAGE* OP MEDIOIN MS, Al>VtCKr. itc. lb warded, by sending a remittance, and put up tw fmiu PAHAoe on ci Riostrv K-POST-P/VIB LSTTIVBS nnawered foithwuh . Philadelphia, January "27, ISIS Ij. &K! ;i t s iind ('ajx .v -.- j > ■ .'i *. k TOR TIIE 1 ML'LTITUDK. & It ETA Sis. largest onrf most fashionable ?tork of JL HATS AND I'APS, it) rlus or unv of the | ! adjoining cotm'.ios, otriliraciiijj ail sizes ot T MOD'S and Roy's, from the httrPAt priced 'WOOL IIATX iu tne USE ST HE A- 1 VKK —the oriiinarv Hinted (Jap to the Ernest Cloth and Fur, is to be found at IS, J. RUDISILL'3 Establishment, in Market street, /,rtcistown, next door to Mont - unury's, ar::J direelly o;i --1 posite Judife RiU's store. Of litis fact any one cariKitisfy iiiin.-oif who writ take the trou ble to call. He has just received the HEAL Summer Fashions ! lo which he particularly in', ites the attention of those wautmg a neat and lashionahle hat, of elegant form, tastefully rHmined, and superbly i finished. Connoisseura are requested to call and examine them. His uiioad minis, which have given j such GENERAL SATISFACTION to hundreds of Ornish and others, who have done linn the fa j vol of dealing with l.iin, continue to be manu factured to order. A large assortment of all | sizes is constantly kept on hand, so that he is ! enabled to suit almost any ore who may call in 'juality, breadth of brim, and price. Ilis arrangements are now made in the city in such a manner that he will constantly be in j the receipt ot the best stock oft.aps, ot ail kinds and sizes, ever kept in Lewtstuwn. Don't forget the place. N. J. RUDISII.L, Sext dour to Montgomery'*. CO I'M'll Y MERCJIAKTS supplied with llata and Caps on the most liberal terms. Lewiatovvn, June 0, l^l'J —if. HO! FOR (UIPOBYJ1!/ tjnods so Cheap. Inn, a ]jr „ 0 a s . orl|U( , ul HOOTS A\s> ssiair-w md Lad,. s > #>/*y vorri'etg , IJia a S < | ~Cr6' Se mi ,,.„ IT , d,, " CO "r'Ody h " "*"* IwteiSSi *• •. -* liofJs; Fi,i,in.r Tackled' "* | W ' 'Bbr .S?*' tUl ' 100 barrels best JVJo. ' nougufaela Wbiskoy; 0.,n T cr ' be in M ™£££7 mm '' "• cc,;,„S ;* LOW .- lir as be can—and to „/ m m,A i-cvvi-toxvn, may W, J tuvcrng. A 5E 5* 8 r pp B v 'WOKS, |v.m, £s . JE ,r. &C. s • J wiU. V tbe B ,j;tS !tU h ed from fhe select assortmpiitr.r ' i cfu ' a -PCAb wrf r in " "" Lewistown ; embracing in A _ 111 script ion of WATCHES, vh *) --3$ f rom Gold Patent Levers <• down to the ordinary JStl ver Quart ier; Clocks of rrnvc. J T Jj'i": 1 *:. y }"*T* l e8 Butter Knives, Coin Peas ano Peiie'ns" Breast Pius, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers' L'u' ler v, CLc , &c. These art teles were n!l purchased at eX ireme'y low prices and will bo -old at a uutivr iiKuvciioN from the price they have hitherto JuiTinianded. The ladies and gentlemen are resO'-ctfully invited to call and examine the stock. OO'C.oeK.s, Watches ami Jewelry repaired in reasonable terms, at short notice. SILVER taken in exchange for all ir tides lie lias tor sale. Ixwistown, May 5, 1-10—tf. € l ookin- Stoves. ca . N V e have now on ,, —hand a large slock of Cooking Stoves,rut-has JLf*-?—fv- . ''"l sve Can warrant to give s ' ~*——eutiresutisfsciion We d-M ~ave the Jjauhach ' lwo X. • t> Is.ze-; the Star, two sizes, trorn S2O to $22. 'crvrrtT T 2 e invite Far- F. 'S* nters and all persons TIE* ding P. Cooking J Stove, to give us a call before purchasing elsewh re. F. J. HOFFMAN, LIEW IITOVVN. June 23, 1 1 !J. IPonot THAT at F. J. HOFFMAN'S f-I / wiil IK* foi tid a splendid assorl , | im r.t ol fashionable 11 .4 7' .S', ■ f'AI'S , .y-r„ at tn'n h lower prices than th"v ran be fcoueht elsewhere in this country. A good Fur Ha', - - - &1.00 Fine Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2 2.3 Finn Beaver, - - - ■ - 273 Finest Moleskin. - - - 3 25 Lewi stow n, June 23, 1-19. Uliok'nale E2c*C;tii II AT MA At FACTORY. THE undersigned respectfully \orpjsgl announces to the citizenso! Lew istown and vicinity, tliut lie lias J&gqßLiiUil received the latent Summer : Fas!.>r- at the r\*rw r SSaS .11 ami factory, three floors West of the [{luck I!cur Hotel , in Market street, where lie is prepared to manu facture every variety ol HATS now in use, out >1 the best material, such as SILK, NUTRIA, FUR, WOOL, The business of manufacturing is conducted tinder ntv personal supervision, and from long practical aequointance with thia business,l am warranted in guaranteeing none but good and substantial work. My OMISU Mir.MtS will always find at this eMnbti.-hinent just such an article a 1 know will plceso them, ct fair prices. I will always have on hand JWen'x, Boy's and I ou/h's Baps, which will be retailed at a very slight advance on cost. (£7~ Just received the LATEST Summer FASHION'S, to which the niuanion ot admir ers of a handsome hat is invited. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and nil others desiring to buy HATS, will tind it to their advantage tocall. In quality and price wc are bound to please. WILLIAM C. ZOLLINGER. Lew istown, June 9,1549. BHlci- Bite I But i <-iim it. Dentistry. Dll. S. F. GREEN, has again resumed the practice of his profession. He vvill he happy to wait upon all who desire his pro fessional services. He may be found at the drug atore ut GREEN .Si RANKS. Lewistown, apri! 29, 1W4 4 *—tf. * * the fbJJowiirr an,ah!f U f 1 ' 0 etock °t Proparcfj toßf.il Wholesale n Ji *® * ooacco and Sennp. . i,v r . "Yalta nn,f - i ' 1 Bnd Salt j? "w. Pi' B Wc] Cordage C " co„u":".s'ST " ,d Blank b^* M,cb 31 n'toinnal qualities of I J" known lh at the ■'i.rpussed by atlV . a ™ ''*><*a Oil are not :,k !' 4 11 st " ,J a" superior rt " g 8 " extra. t, h',fhly recommended for S, r' ls vcrv ;v, Ear-ache, Weak ,p| °n> bronchitis, bS£ B i^ e " mat ' s,n - Con ' he above i. alds - GKEEX'S MEDICAL DErOT e v f ° rsa,e at Eewistovv/i, j un ,. 9 , T ' " No 11 VV ;,";™ r Tt d r," *>ll ho. ], Vou shouhj 6 — no douf^ *OR\V,\l>i> DitOPiS- a " r aUack - "> C ?" ,e ad get son.e-4 e eo m a curp . w,U;a "t home and , n ' m y l onr hou ** ,ir '?- ft is also a certain r "* when 'ravel. " rv - *c. a,, eminent pi, * y ,or d V*m llL 'ky has said tint i•„ !. P, '- Vs ' ciß n of K ec _ d Pr? * if , h tho Forward fw 8 Caae of — • CI I? E, 3a O IV - IV A i* in ▼ ▼ fr .tm, am. , | 1 11 ' un d f ' r * s 'gned conlinu.;sto manufacture X Stores, Hoilow-icare, rj-c., at the Old Logan Foundry, I- rmeriy carried on by A. B. Long & Co., and sliers to the public tiie following articles. J ne Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very [iie.idationd so unanimously bestowerT upon it Also the iLtl'tatvav ( ootiin; Stove. which stands unrivalled in this or any other country. It has been tested for the last nine years, and is justly pronounced the best and i. he most durable article of that kind ever used. Hundreds ot certificates could be procured, if necessary. The NINE PLATE STOVE, of various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de scription ; Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or wo id ; Air-light do., got up in a neat and beau lifit 1 style. Wash Ketties, Skillets, Fry Pans, Pets, Iron Stands, and numerous other afticles Dt Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes , and all kinds ot Castings made to order, lle te also manufacturing SUPERIOR M ATER PIPE, of or.e and a quarter inch calibre, and intends to keep a supply on hand at all times. The subscriber is determined to make the ware out of the very best, material that can be pro cured : and for the accommodation ot distant purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the purpose of delivering stoves at anv point within eighty miles, free of any additional charge. — All the stoves are warranted to aland the fire and perform well,and if not, the money will b refunded on their return ; it it plate should break er 1 rack, it will be replaced free of charge. There is connected with the Foundry, i Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing Tii: Ware ot" every Kind. where purchasers will please call. fry All orders from a distance will meet with prompt attention. Wholesale dealer* wuuid do well to give me a call, as I will wholesale .stoves and llo!low-ware on as fair f rms as they can bo Lad at any other place. ,Aii kinds of country Produce taken in ex ilian ire. ROBERT McMANIGIL. Lcwtstown, Jan. *27, Is IP —tf. DR. SHERMAN'S liaioiini, EiCxnigettiV Plaster, Dr. Sherman's OL(*SJIONFAN, or .111- Ilcaling Balsam, Fur the cure of Consumption. th taut, Dyspeptic Von uin/>'n.n Spitting of Blood, Bronchttiu, Difficulty of Breathing, Huaresnrst, Inffatn-.a, Croup, Coughs, i I'.nns in the Breast and Suit. Duspsp and the narious affections of the Stomach and l.tver '!'! •• great celebrity which this remedy lini otitamed arming thus,; who are acquainted with Us virtues, and are r ; mini; in iis efl'ei t>, has induced the Proprietor to give ■ I tin- name of Uli ,188 Jl F.JiLlu\'() 11.11.t5.1.'.1, to distinguish it from all other Remedies now in use Us combination is the result of umretham WENTY v i ma i uperi uce, and lit believes it to he the most perfect remedy known —lor it has been used by thousands of per sons, ; nd in uli instances with lite most decided benefit. l or References or Certificates of Remarkable Cases of long standing mid considered beyond Hope, see a small Hook furnished gratis by the Agents to all who desire it 'i lie suflt rings wlnch children frequently undergo from wou MS often tend to a fatal terminate*, while the c*i erl-"t. intensive breath,picking at the nose, grinding the teeth during sleep, starling up in sleep With fright iiu! screaming, troublesome cough, and feverish lii ss, are among some of the PUOMHUMT SYMPTOMS of the presence of worms. A timely use of SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES. will immediately remove all these unpleasant symptoms, and restore to perfect health, i Cr"'inup vi, influenza,coughs, colds, whooping cough ; tightness of lite lungs or chest may he curoJ by a pro pet Sherman's COUGH LOZENGES. /fead'jebe, palpitation of the heart, Inwnewoi prit,aea 8u knr>, despondency, faint new* iholic, spnfcins* rani|i of the stomach, summer or how i i complaint*, are quo ktjr and entirely relieved hv tiaitnc Shermans CAMPHOR LOZENGES i hhe umalism, weak hick, pain and weakness of lbs ! breast, buck, limbs, and other parts of the bod] ate speedily j and effectually relieved by Sherman's I'oor Alan's Plaster, ' which costs only rents, is within the reach of all It has his name with directions printed on the back of lha Plat-tor, and a fac fhuile of Hie Doctor's written nan a j under the directions. None other a arc genuine or Obo | relied on I>r Sherman's Warehouse is No. 106 Nassau street, New York s Wltolf ■sale Agent for ihO enuuty CHAS. ; RITZ. ImoNNKTS ttin) llonnol Itibbons, lor eaitg > by j ,,29 WALT 12It J.U.LKY,