Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 21, 1849, Image 3

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|!i for ihr most extensive and sustained at a ttrcalor expense than
any other Company now in the United Stales, its Travelling
Cortege consisting of over
200 Persons and Horses,
if is respectfully announced will exhibit in LKWISTOWN on
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. July 25th and 26th, 1849.
By common consent of the Equestrian and Musical World, here
is congregated the best Brass Band, Lady Equestrian, Principal
Equestrian, Rider, Vaulter and Tight Rope Dancers living—
Master HERNANDEZ, the world's wonder, accomplishing backwards
every feat ever attempted forwards; the infant prodigy HENRIETTA,
a child of 1) years of age, will perform such acts of Horsemanship
as to amaze all beholders; (. M. EI.DRED, the only dramatic eques
trian extant; Mr. ROBINSON, the daring 4 and 6 horse rider; Mr.
KIN. AH), Mr. FOSTER, Mr. EDWARD, and a host of others, all STARS
of the first magnitude, who would singly (as they have done) create
a sensation in any capital in Europe.
DCrDoors open from Ito 5, and from 7to 11 o'clock, P. M.
JIT Admission 25 cents. j>2 1 —it*
Carpenters Wanted.
nn\YO OR THREE good carpenters will
I find employment tor some time, at good
wages, by calling on the subscriber, in Lewis
July 21. 15-I'J 3t.
riIHK undersigned offers at private sale
-*• his House and Lot on Valley street,
in Lewistown, opposite the residence of John
Sigier, Esq. The lot extends 200 feet
back, and fronts about 30 feet on Valley street,
ami has erected upon it a two story trame
Dwelling llou*e,
£*3 J J •Va The house is two stories high,
1116 by 27 leet. The location is a
f"---—afeSaleasant one, and water conve
TERMS OF SALE aie, one-half of the purchase
: i ley on confirmation of the sale, and the bal
ance in two equai annual payments, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
I "or farther particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on the premises.
Lewistown, July 21, 164U—tf.
fSMIE undersigned, having been vested
-*• with all the property, real and per
sonal, of JOHN R. PHILIPS, oft he borough
• Lewistown, Mifflin county, by deed of as
-::anient for the benefit of all the creditors of
'HI said Philips, which said deed of assign
ment is duly recorded in the Register's office,
n and for said county of MifHtn, hereby gives
t.ce to all persons indebted to the said John
Philips, whether by bond, note or book ac
c nut, or otherwise, that they are required to
V., upon the said assignee, and make payment
immediately, at the following places, to wit:
At die store in Menno township, (White Hall)
in aid county, where the subscriber will at
end, either by himself or by GBOROE BEAR,
duly authorized agent at that place ; and at
' e grocery store formerly kept by the said
Philips, at the lock on the canal, in the bor
ougii of Eewistown, where WM. R. MCCAY,
Esq i.r authorized to attend and receive pay
ment. Also, ail persons having claims against
t ie said Philips are requested to present the
"•me for settlement.
Assignee of John R. Philips.
Lewistown, July 21, 1849 —3L
For Sale at all the Stores.
Celebrated Chemical Powder,
i.M)R Razors, Surgical Instruments, and
■*< 'i line Cutlery. Warranted to produce
5 bae, smooth, keen edge in one minute, or
' money returned.
N. B. 1 have associated with rne CIIARI.ES
' ' UOMPSON, in the rnanufacture of Hatch's
1 • Ebrated Chemical Powder. We arc the
y manufacturers in the United States, and
•'••die is genuine unless our signature is writ
>■ n on the bottom of each box.
AOENTM WANT EH, to travel with the above
''Hole. They can mske from three to five
■ ars every day. None but responsible men
'd apply. On application made by letter to
:■ .ii h Thompson, Harris burg, will meet
prompt attention.
Jii'y2E 1-49 3m. Harriabufg.
IMalc ol* Ilnocli Hculc, <le
VETICE is lu-reby given that Letters Te-
N ' .rneiitfiry on the estate of ENOCH
' ' EE. deceased, late of the Borough of l/cw
■■■>, M fib 11 county, have been granted by
H"u.st.er of Wills of saiJ county to the
"(:;•■ r, residing in said borough. All per
■ ■•.(j- 1.ie.l to sa.d estate are hereby notified
Ike payment to the under:- gned without
and tin <■ having claims to present them,
y nuthentinfed, for settlement.
/ 7, 1 *"49—Ct. Executrix.
•h. Evt:t.t Valley Coal Company will be
if"! t<> deliver Coal, on and after the
at ti.e 1., pot, Millersburg, Dauphin
? I' nnsylvania, fat the head of the Ui
' <r.al, I J miles Irom Clark's Ferry,) at
, '-EI-VINTF pri CASH :
. 'i •b: ken and screened, .00 per ton.
1.75 do.
'■uurrie I,' screened, J .77.J do
mixed, 75 do.
w I 1.1 JAM HAWKINS, |'n 4 urt-r.
tydll, (sw-tauKl
Roalsburg, Centre Co. I*a.
C~i ARDENKIIS and orchanlists who desire
IT to plant only the very best kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed ihat tliey can
obtain trees here of ail the most estimable va
rieties, including all those which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. V., Oct. bH.)
The TREES offered this season arc of bcnti
tiful appearance, extra size, (except
£s£££?& mg a few new rare sorts) and from
vg&tfeg- the elevated locality in which the
iiffhai v " rc "7 is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and eariy
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages jmssessod here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view of mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in
the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will he deliv
ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
sound on delivery. If to he shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
It is advised that orders he sent direct to the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at high prices. Such orders, if received in
time, have the first attention.
Season for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, Ac. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
all post paid applicants.
Boalsburg, July 7, 1 -5-40—tf. \ Dem. copy
FIMIE patronage given to the under
signed, since the completion of his
Bathing Establishment, being insufficient to
i pay the heavy expenses accruing for fixtures,
| fuel, water, &c., lie feels constrained to give
| notice that, he has closed Ins bathing establish
; Eewistown, July 21, 1-19—ot.
nriHE Stockholders of the " Lewintown and
i JL Tuscarora Bridge Company" are hereby
. notified that a dividend of THREE per cent,
on the capital stork of said Company, for ' fi
first six months from the time the ' ornpany
commenced taking toll for passing said Bridge,
ending on the 1-th of July inst., has been de
clared, payable at said date to the Stockholders
of said Company. By order of the Board.
F. AlcCOf, Treasurer.
I.ewistown, July 14, IS49—3t.
I>. Marvin A J. (E tip In i r.
Office No. 75 Dock Strut, Philadelphia,
opposite the Exchange,
WILE attend punctually 10 all busi
ness entrusted to their care. li.
IC. M., late an officer in the army in Mexico,
and familiar with the business of the Depart
ments at Washington, will give his attention
to the prosecution of claims against the Gov
ernment, in obtaining Land Warrants, extra
and back Pay, and Pensions for Widows or
j Orphans under the Acts of Congress; claims
: for services during the war of 1812 and Revo
j lutionary claims.
o^7"Letters addressed to 11a at 75 Dock st.
will be promptly answered,
i Philadelphia, July 14, 1-19—Bin.
ENCyCLOI' E I) 1 A ■
TN* one volume, royal <> v<>, 11 AS puKi*, beautifully
I hound, containing 17 fine Kales, bei<ti i.umcrmiH
Wood Cut*. Sold at about one fourth the coat of tlie
Ki L- .h work, without any plate*,
i " The Fanner's Encyclopedia i real treasury of prac
tiral informalior., wherein the experience of ail ague and
cou'.iriee N carefully POSTM IT T the preeent d IV, in.J
' .do. rably arranged for convenient reference."--I>r Dar
• in.gion.
• \VV are fully convinced that *ucb an amount of valu
able k:<OW ledge F.r farmer* fan be f MWKJ HI no th< r
work in •"> cheap and roiivr ((lent A form In fait, no
Farmer who pretend* •<. be we l Informed in hi* profct
•ion, ahould be without th* work Arte (itnnciif htr
An excellent work, fit t' be dmf rtbulid t" premium* by
Agricultural Holistic* - J H Kkniner
Orders for tfio above work receiver at this
I Office —price $4.
| A j w)t | JV K. VV. ( AIM, Third street, opposite
j the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and -N. IIICKMA.V,
! Baltimore,
(l A r All Ofd'.rs must be accompane-d by ttie
'(; \;j[f [July 11, '4U-Uao.
Executors Sale of
isi licnhlown.
PUBLIC notice is hereby given that, hy
virtue of the power given by the last will
of Mrs. ELEANOR M. REYNOLDS, late of
'he borough ot Lewistovvn, dee'd, will be ex
posed to sale by public vendue or out-cry, at
the Court House in Lewislown, at 3'o clock in
the afternoon, on
TiH'Mlay, August If, 1S1!>.
the following described lots, viz:—
The eastern half oflot No. 148 in the gen
eral plan of Lewistovvn, and the western part
ot the same lot, to be divided in two equal parts,
each containing about THIRTY FEET in tront,
and hounded on the soulh by Third street, and
the Academy lot on the east.
The eastern half of lot 103, in the general
plan of Lewistown, and the western lialfof the
same lot, to be divided in two equal parts,
each containing about THIRTY FEET in front,
situated north of and fronting on Third street.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
164, to be divided in two equal parts, each con
taining about THIRTY FEET in front, situated
north ot and frontingon Third street, and bound
ed on the west hy lot of Doctor Culbertson.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
170, to be divided in two equal parts, each
containing about THIRTY FEET in front, sit
uated north of and fronting 011 Thirl street,
and known in the general plan of the borpugh
ol Lewistown as lot 170.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
171, to he divided in two equal parts, each
containing about thirty feet in front, situated
north ofand frontingon Third street, and known
in the general plan of the borough of Lewis
town as lot 171.
The eastern and western halves of lot No.
110, to be divided in two equal parts, each
containing about thirty teet 111 front, situ
ated south of, and fronting on Third street, and
Imunded on the west by Grand street, upon
which streets it corners, and is known in the
general plan of said Borough as lot 110.
Lot No. 38, fronting on Market s<reet about
220 feet, and on Grand street extended about
JP^rr 51 feet, with a large two story
J J A frame house, with stone base-
I lift ment, thereon erected, lour large
rooms on each door, with yards
m iront and back of the house, and a hydrant
in the enclosure, late the residence of Mrs.
Eieanor M. Reynold's, deceased.
This property is pleasantly situated, over
looking the River, Canal and Railroad seveial
THE TERMS or SALE will be one third in
cash, to he paid at the time of sale, and the
balance in two equal payments, to he secured
bv bonds and mortgages on the premises; the
first of which payments to be made on the Ist
of April, 1-51, and the other on the Ist of
April, 1852, the whole to bear interest from
the date of sale, which is to lie paid annually.
For further particulars information may ht
had of the subscribers in Lewistown.
DAVID CANDOR, \ ljX loTe '
Lewistown, July 14, 1 —4o—3t.
I T ft T r* TP
Ai w -# —I- ♦
FIUIK following accounts have been ex
-"- amined and passed by me, and remain
filed ot record in this office for the inspection of
Heirs, Legatees, Creditors, and all others in
any way interested, and will be presented to
the next Orphans' Court of the county of Mif
flin, to be held at the Court House in LEWIS
TOWN, on THURSDAY, the [)th dm/ of Au
gust, l>4o, for allowance and confirmation :
1 The administration account of" Benjamin
('handler, Executor ot Rebecca Armstrong;,
late of the borough of .Mc Veylown, deceased.
2 The administration account of George
V. Miteliell, Administrator of James Mitchell,
lab of Oliver township, ileceasod.
3 The final administration account of Geo.
W. Oliver, Administrator of John Oliver, Jr.,
late of Oliver township, deceased.
4. The final administration account of John
Purceli, Administrator of James Glasgow, late
of the borough of Newton Hamilton, deceased.
5. The final adminislrat ion account of John
Pureeß, Administrator of James McDowell,
late of Wayne township, deceased.
6 The final administration account of Dan
iel Owens, Administrator of William Owens,
late of I.rick township, ("Juniata county,)dee'd.
7. The Guardianship account of Robert
l.nugiilm, Guardian of the minor children of
James Glasgow, late ot \\ ayne township, de
8- The G uardianshipaccount of David t'oop
er, Guardian of the minor children of James
Caldwell, late of Wayne township, deceased.
9 The Guardianship account of David Jen
kins, Guardian of William McDowell, minor
on of James McDowell, late of Wayne town
ship, deceased.
10 ' Phe administration account of Jacob
Garver and William Wilson, Administrators
of William Ward, late of Oliver township,
U. 'The a dininisti&tinn account of George
Hwartzell and Jacob Krise, Executors of Geo.
Mwnrtzell, late ot Armagh township,deceased.
12- The administration account of David
Hartzler, Executor of David Hartzler, (Doctor)
late of Oliver township, deceased, as tiled by
Daniel Yoder administrator of David Hartz
ler, deceased.
13. 'J'he administration account of Jacob
Foil/, Jr., administrator of Joseph Fisher, late
of Union township, deceased
14- The G iiartlianslii,l account of William
Recti, tiuardian of Noaiiee, minor dnughter of
James Alexander, late of Armagh township,
JAMES f,. McILVAINE, Register.
Lewistown, June 30, 1849.
Register deems it proper to stntc,
for the information of all concerned, that ac
counts must be filed in his office and publish
ed thirty days previous to the first day of en
suing Courts —otherwise they will be retained
until the succeeding term.
SJ ® OT n (0 ISO
rpilE stockholders of the Lewistown and Kish-
I aeou'iillas Turnpike Road Company are
hereby notified that a DIVIDEND of two per
cent. on the capital stock of said Company, for
the last, six months, ending on the first clay of
.May last, has been declared, to be paid to the
Stockholders of said Company, or their legal
representatives, on or alter tht 20 th day of July,
lc!40. Hy order of the Hoard
M. HIJOV, Treasurer.
Lewistown, Tuiy 7, 1648 —3t.
m urn.
■>Y virtue of sundry writs Venditioni
Exponas, Levari Facias and Fur a
Facias, issued out of the Uourt of ('om
iiioii Fleas of iVlililin county and to rne di
rected, will be exposed to sale by public
out-cry at the Court House, in the borough
of Lewistown, at 1 o'clock, I'. AI. f on
Saturday, August Ith, 1819,
he following described properly, to wit:—
A TRACT OF LAND s.tuato in Oliver town
ship, &lifliin county Pa., adjoining lands ot
It. C. llale on the south, east and west, and
John Kcehfover's land, and the Jacks rnour.-
tain on the north west, containing one hundred
and five acres, more or less, with a two story
frame dwelling house, log barn, blacksmith
si.op and other improvements.
Also, the interest of George If. Allen in
another tract of lacd, situate in Oliver town
ship &c„ containing three or lour acres, more
or less adjoining lands of R. C. Hale and oth
ers, with a frame saw-mill, and other improve
ments thereon erected. Seized, taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property of George
11. Allen.
Also, All the interest of Atlam Greer in a
tract of land situate, lying and being in the
township of Brown, Mifflin county, Fa., con
taining one hundred nnd eighty-tour acres,
and forty six perches, more or less, and boun
ded on the east by the middle branch of the
Kishacoquillas creek, on the north by land of
the estate of John Norris, dee'd., on the west
and south by lands of William Thompson and
by land of the estate of John Norris, dee'd.,
with a stone dwelling house and stone barn, a
small tenant house and other improvements
thereon erected. About one hundred and for
ty acres cleared. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the ptoperly of Adam Greer.
Also, a lot of ground in Reedsville, in Brown
township, M tlllin county Fa , being (it) feet its
front and 100 feet in length, he the satne more
or less, upon which there is creeled u two sto
ried frame house, and other improvements,
bounded by John Matter on the south, Abrier
lieed on the north, and lite Lewistown Kisha
coqtiillus turnpike road on the west. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold us the prop
erty of John A, Harlan.
Also, A lot of ground situate in the borough
of Lewistown, fronting on the Pennsylvania
(Janal, with a frame dwelling house and sta
ble thereon erected,.bounded on the south ea.-t
by lot of Bearley, on the north ca-t by Wayne
street, extended, and north west by the Kislm
coquillas creek. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of John M.
Also, A lot of ground in the borough ot New
ton Hamilton, Ahtilin county, I'a., fronting
thirty feet on Back street on the south, and on
the west by Roman Catholic lot. on the north
by an alley, and on the east by property occu
pied by J. J. Cunningham, with a frame house
and other improvements thereon erected.—
Heized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Dr. Chas. Bower.
Also, A lot of ground situate on the Rest
side of Main street in the Thorough of Lewis
town, fronting on said street lies feet, more or
less, and extending back 1-20, feet more or less,
having thereon erected a large two story Brick
dwelling house and other improvements, boun
ded by a lot of Reuben Smith on the South, a
lot of Mrs. Spaulding on the North, and
Main street on the Kast, &c., Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property ot
J aims A. Cunningham.
Also, A lot of ground situated in the Bor
ough of Lewistovvn, county of Mifflin, I'a.
fronting thirty feet on Market street, more or
less, and extending back two hundred feet,more
or less, to a 10 feet alley on the South, adjoin
ing a lot of Robert Sims on the Itest, with a
Log house and other improvements thereon.—
Seiz,ed, taken in execution and to he sold as
the property of James Ji. Be 11.
Also, A certain lot of ground situate on the
south side of Klizabeth street, in the Borough
of Lewistown. as extended, bounded by said
street six' v feet, more or less, and extending
Souiii Kast to the Pennsylvania Feeder, tin
same width, and hounded on the South It est
hv J fay in street, ex I' ndetl, and < u the North
/vast by lots late of J. A L Milliken, having
thereon erected a large frame, ware house, a
tenant house and other improveme/nts tliere'on.
Seized, taken in execution and to ho sold as
the propeity of James Potter A John Potter.
Also, A tract of land in l)erry township,
Milflin county, hounded by lands of Robert
Forsylhe's heirs and others, containing one
hundred and sixty acres, more or less, about
thirty acres of which is cleared, with a cabin
house thereon erected. Seized, taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property of Charles
Also, A lot of ground in the borough ot
McVovtown, Mifflin county, I'a., bounded on
'tie south-east 51 i-2 feet by Water street, on
the north-east hy Criswell street, on the nortn
west hy the Pennsylvania canal and a lot of
John Ross on the south-west, with a brick
house and other improvements thereon erected.
Sized, taken in execution and to he sold as
the property of William S. W oouen.
Also, A lot of ground situate on the North
.side of Market street in the borough of Lewis
town, .Mifflin county, Pa., containing 30 feet
in front on said street, he the same more or
less, and extending 200 feet back to a lt< ftet
alley, adjoining K. li. Jacobs on the east and
Fredrick Schwartz on the west, with a two
story brick dwelling house, frame stable and
other improvements thereon erected. Seized,
taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of Lewis lloovtr.
Also, a certain five story stone and brick
grist mill, situate between Water street and
Kishacoipiillas creek in the Borough ot Lew
istown, being one hundred leet in length, and
fifty feet in width, and the lot or piece or par
eel of ground and curtilage and water power
appurtenant to the same. Seized taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the. property ot John
Sterett,contractor, John Sterett,JamesPotter Sr.
and John Potter, owners or reputed owjiors.
Also, all that certain one and a half story
frame house situate in the Borough ot Newton
Hamilton,said county .fronting on Water street
twelve feet, and extending hack sixteen feet
•along lot adjoining John C, McKinstrv. and
lands of Samuel Drake on the H est and North,
and the lot or piece of ground or curtilage ap
purtenant to said building. Seized, taken in
execution, and to he sold as the property ot
Robert C. Craig, owner or reputed owner and
Also, All the interest of John 1 otter and
James Potter in several tracts of land situate
in the borough of Lewistown and De.rry town
ship, Mifflin county, Pa., containing in the
whole about fifty acres, more or less; all ot
which is cleared, and their interest in the wa
ter power passing through said lands Ac.,
bounded hy water street, lands of James Par
ker, Milliken, Benedict and Ritz on the north
and north-west, the banks of the Kishacoquil
las creek on the east and Brow a street, Ac. on
I the west, with one old a ri -t mill, one frame grit'
j mill, a log dwelling house and Mnhle, en.*
stone grist mill and 'plaster mill, one new tone j
' an< ! brick grist mill, one two story brick dwel
ling house, a saw mill on the south side of the
Kishacocpiillas creek near Duncan's furnace,
and several outbuildings thereon erected, j
Also, All the interest of John Potter & James ;
| Potter in a lot of ground situate in the borough
of Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa., bounded
by Water street on the south, a lot of E. 1 .
Benedict, Esq., on the west, a sixteen fret ti
| ley on the north, and the grave yard lot on the j
J east,with a large two story logd welling house,
i a large frame barn and other improvements
thereon erected.
Also, A lot of ground fronting sixty feet on
Market street, in the borough of Lewistown,
Mifflin county. Pa., bounded on the east try a
lot of George Patton, on the south by
j Market street, on the west by a lot of J. & J.
Milliken, and .on the north by a sixteen fret
; alley, with a large two story brink dwelling j
house, a large two story brirK shop, a large
frame stable and other improvements thereon .
erected. Seized, taxen in execution, and to !
he sold as the property of Sepharious S. I Uunt-
Also, All that certai t two story brick house
situate on Mill or East street in the borough
of Lewistown, adjoining lots of Charles Strat
ford and James B. Bell ; said house being
twenty-two feet in front on said strpet, and ex
tending back twenty-eight feet. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the -property of
Silas Glasgow, contractor, arid William E.
Fowler, owner or reputed owner.
Also, all those certain following describ
ed pieces, parcels and parts of tracts of land, situate in
Dcrry township, Miillin county, with the water rights
and privileges thereunto appurtenant, beginning at a wal
nut on the banks of the Kishacoquillas creek, thence
across the race and up the creek north fifty-one and one
fourth degrees, east twenty-seven perches to a post,
thence north tbirty-lliree degrees, east twenty eittht per
ches to a post, thence north fifteen degrees, east thirtv
six perches to the middle of the road at the west end of
the bridge across the creek, thence north seven degrees,
west twenty perches to ironwood,thence north fifty-eight
and a half degrees, west twenty-five perches to a hickory,
thence north thirty-seven and a half degrees, west fifty
perches, crossing feeder or race to a post at ! >w water
mark, thence down the west side of feeder south twenty
five degrees, west twenty-five perches to a post, thence
south fourteen degree- , cat twenty-eight peri lies to a
post, thence south thirty seven and a half degrees, east
twenty-eight perches to a post, thence south thirty-one
degrees, east (crossing the road,) sixteen |>erehes and
five-tenths to a post, thence south twenty-seven degrees,
west twenty-eight perches to a post, thence south thirty
seven ami a half degrees, west six perches and nine
tenths to a lot or garden, thence by satne north thirty
three degrees, west four perches and seven tenths to a
post, thence north eighteen degrees, west four perches
and three-tenths to a post, thence south seventy-five de-
prees, w> -t ( r*ssing lite road) seven perches to tine
I'ein e of Charles Kit/., thence by same ami across tail race
of mill forty-one perches ami five tenths to the place of
hetfiuniiig—together with all ihe water rights of the feed
er or rate and tlie dam across the hishacoquillas creek,
and all the right appurt nant.
Aiso, one other tract adjoining the above
beginning at ine walnut corner first above mentioned, :
thence north twenty-three and a half degrees, west tvven- j
t> eight perches to the corner of diaries Ritz's lot across
Ihe feeder, thence along the upper side of the feeder north
fifty-.-ix degrees, west eight perches to a post by Charles
Ritz's fence, thence south sixty-two and a half degrees,
west ten perches to a post by K. L. Benedict's fence,
thence south sixty-five degrees, west ten perches and
twenty links to a post by same, thence south sixty-niue .
and a haif degrees, west six perches hy same to a post,
thence south seventj seven and a half degrees, west six
perches to a post by same, thence south eighly-six de
grees, west eighteen perches and eight links to the cor
ner of James Parker and E. Benedict in right of James
Miilikcii, ihence south twenty-two and three fourth de- 1
grees, east forty-four perches along the line of J lines j
Parker's fence to the creek, thence up the some north j
sixty-five and a half degrees, east ten perches to a post, .
thence north fifty-four and a half degrees, east fifty ;
perches and seven links to the place of beginning, being i
part and parcel of Uip lands, mills, and water rights con- .
veyed to John Sterrett and James /'otter, Jr., hy James |
Milliken and wife, by their deed dated the second day of j
November, A. D. 1844, together with the hereditaments j
and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro- '
perty of Jolt n Stcrrelt and Jama f'otltr,Jr.
Also, a tract of land, containing thirty
one acres and twenty-five perches, more or less, situate
in the borough of McVe>toxvn and Oliver township, with
a Forge and remains of Saw Mill and a number of small
II ouses, &r. thereon, and known as Ellen Forge.
Also, a tract of land in Oliver township,
three acres and eighty-six perches, more or less. adjoin
ing lands nfGci.rge II (.'alhrajlh, iiolli-iavs and otln rs.
Alsjj, a tract of land situate in Oliver
township, containing '-'fair. s and 11*2 perches, being part
of a tract oi land surveyed to Titos. Bruce on warrant,
dated itli July, IT'.ri.
Also, u trait of land situate in Oliver
U'H tis>ixi| , i •'titaiiiiiiif ]'.• •atr* and 35 jwrcti*'*, inff part
of <i trait I land on a warrant ti Cal
braith, dated iitJi, 17'J'f.
Also, a tract of land situate in Wayne
township, adjoining Robert Forgy, Geo. Foster, PeU r
Khoads and others, containing 24 acres and 80 peri hes,
more or less.
Also, a tract of land situate in Wayne
township, adjoining lan Is of Wm. Lauch'in, Abrm. 1 .li
ken* and others, containing 62 aires? and 62 perches and
allowance, more or less.
Also, n tract of land in Oliver township,
surveyed in the name of Henry Shaffer, adjoining Chas.
Jial! tract, containing 100 acres, wore or h s.
Also, a tract of land situate in I nion
township, adjoining lands of Michael Yciicr, containing
II aires and '24 j perch- s, more or less, being the same
tvhiih Jacob Ft 1/ conveyed to Brooke, Thomas A Co.,
with a small house and barn thereon erected.
Also, a tract ol land situate in Oliver
township, adjoining lands of Caldwell's heirs, containing
.id acres and l.'d> perches, being the same which was
granted to .Nathaniel Hubbtl! a warrant, dated Hth
June. 1704.
Also, a tract of land situate in I"nion
tow ship, adjoining land* of David Zook and others, con
taining 32 acres, more or less, u i;h an Ore Hank thereon
and oilier improvement*
Also, all the ri<j;ht, title and interest of
Michael Criswell and John V Criswell in a certain Ore
Right on th ■ lands of the heirs of Benjamin W alters, de
ceased, (the bank being now known as the Wallers Ore ■
Also, all their interest in a tract ofland
situate in Oliver township, adjoining lands of John Kcei
tiever, George Allen and others, containing l 1 * acres an I
112 jierches, being the same tract which was purchased
from Jos Kiuscl and S. Myers.
Also, a tract of land in Wayne township,
adjoining lands of Allen, Rosenborg, 11. Sunderland and
others, known as the Souer land, and surveyed on a war
rant in the name of George Johnston.
Also, a l:acl ol land, containing 100
acres, more or less, situate in township, adjoin
ing lands of 11. M. Milliken, Samuel Horning and Jack's
Mountain, known as part of the llall farm.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold a the pro
perly of .Vi rhatl CrisvtU and J. V. Criswell.
Also, a certain messuage or tract of
land, situate in Wayne township, MiSlin county, bound
ed and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
chesnut stump on the bank of the Juniata river,! hence by
lauds late of Jno. McDowell, dee'd, now residue of
lands of said John Uobb and John M- Barton, South forty
seven degrees, west thirty-two perches to a white oak,
thence north sixty-two degrees, west eighty two perches
to locust, thence hy part residue now James McKt-chan,
north twentv-eight degrees, east thirty-nine perches to a
post on tow path, thence south forty-three ami a hall
degrees, east twenty-one perches to upper corner land
bridge, thence north forty six and a half degrees, cast to
middle of creek, Ihence up middle of cre> k to place of
beginning, containing fifteen acres, nmre or less, the
same being the remainder of two messuages and tracts
or parcels of land which were sold and conveyed hy
the said llenry llirrh k to the said John Robb and the
said John M. Barton, hy deed dated Ihe seventh day of
April, IB||, together with the hereditaments and appur
tenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Jet An with notice to Joseph Bower,
Dr Gharh's BoW'i. Michat-l Ciiswell and Elijah McV*y,
terre tenants.
Also, all the intciest of Samuel I'. I.il
l#v in n ?ri"t <s ?*ir ! < : ; it\ |vfn<* • 1 l - if' in c
town hip, Mi HI in c *n: M iffTr**? si. .
r<M, S'lintKjj ' :rl*M . lin f! it-I. 1 !■* :• -I '.M i :*:, *. *i
t.ni'injf in H. *vli"U* nrM; hn(ir<il r • i; • r** r :
L;>T) :icr*-s, N "P' or !***?*, I lfir#*H, •* I! I MI R
mill, u \ mill, di*et!iiif run! of! r >n.-
| prov "iiiifi.i-; thereon . r rte<l. &*■: r .*:d, Ut ?•<?() in exeuntion,
j ami lo In; gold ;t? the properly ui Samuel I' l.iil■ t
Also, a lot of ground siiuale in Belle
ville, in ili>- township of I nion, county * f Mifiiiu. con
j taming .ii* fourth of an a* re. he the same more or le**i,
bounded by land.- *f .1 .in*:. /' - **t* * lie ei-U, r.i.d Slot-lv's
| h irs on the Mouth, :u*.l J hit Ihimlh- on the north. ituJ
i the j;r*- ii roi-i* leading from lirown' • Mi!t< t*. Iluuiiugdoii
1 on the northwest, with a l.iree two story frame dw< I
line I " !'•, i ft trn* "table tr ! other improf -merit." there
on erected, seized, taken in execution, unit to be sob! its
i the property of Joseph fioodhr.rt.
Also, four lots of ground, No*-'. 53, 54,
.m, and pari o( lot N<*. f*o in the fferiera! plan of the bor
ougli of Met 'vtown, Pa., bounded on the east l>y Ship
| pen alley, on tin* .-oath hy Washington all* \, on the west
j hv Nueen street, on th : north hy the other part of lot No.
j fid and Joint street, nnd all of said h,is being enrlos. <1 tin
j d.r one fence, W illi a two story frame dwelling house
and other improvements thereon or. ct* d, &c. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of
i Martin Stehley.
Also, a lot of grot n 1 in tlie borough of
■ I.ewi town extended, situate on the southeast side of
Hale street, fronting thirty feet, more or less, on said
! street, and 150 feet deep, adjoining lot of Samuel jt.
! Woods op tin- south-west, and a lot of John ( ash on the
north east, with a one story frame dwelling house and
other improvements thereon erected. (Seized, taken in
execution, ami to be sold as the property of Daniel lihud: s.
Also, all the interest, right nnd title of
; Samuel Xaiishtsinger in and to a certain lot of ground in
the borough of lawistnwn, bounded and described as
follows : f ronting on Valley street on the east, on the
I north l*v lot of Lewis Owens, on the west by public al
j ley, on the south by lot of James Parker, with a triune
I Inms** and stable and other improvements thereon erect
| eii. Seiz.ed, taken in execution, and to he sold as the
! property of Samuel Jfaughtrinirtr.
' 1). VIcKKAN CONTNER, Sheriff.
town, July 11, 1919. \
N. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriff's
sales ar* hereby notified tliat the amount oi' the
sales will he required to be paid, in all cases,
immediately on lite property being knocjced
■ down, or it will be forthwith re.-.-.1:1 to the high
est bidder. 1). McK. C.
BV virtue of a writ of Pluries Venditioni
Exponas, issued out of t|ie Court of Com
mon Pleas of Mifflin county and to me direct
ed, will be exposed to -ale by pal-Mo vendue or
outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough
: Kewistovvn, on
Weriiicedav. A it£\ S
at 8 o'clock, A. M., the foiioWiUg property, '
All the interest of John Stcrrett in sever
tracts of land, situate in the borough of LeWig
town and l)erry township, Mifflin county, Pa.,
containing in the whole about f>o acres, more
or less, all which is cleared, and uis interest in
the water power passing through the said
lauds, &.C., bouudid by Water street, lanos ot
James Parker, Miliiken, Benedict and Kitz oi.
the north and north-west, by the hanks of the
south side of the Kishacoquillas creek on the
east and south-east, and Brown street, &c. on
the west, with one oid grist rail], one frame
grist null, a log dwelling house and stable,one
stone grist miii and piaster mill, one new stone
and brick grist mill, one two story brick dwel
ling house, a saw mill on the south side of the
Kishacoquillas creek, near Duncan's furnace,
and several out buildings thereon erected.
Also, all the interest ot John Sterrett in a
lot or ground situate in the borough of Lewis*
town, Mifflin county. Pa., bounded by Water
street cn the south, a lot of E. L. Benedict,
E.-q. on the west, a sixteen feet alley on the
north, and the grave yard lot on the east, with
a large two story frame cooper shop, a large
two story log dwelling house, a large frame
barn, and other buildings thereon erected, &c.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be Sold as
the property ol John Sterrett.
' D. McK. CONTNER, Sheriff.
Lewistown, July 14,1849. s
N. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriff*s
sales are hereby notified that the amount of the
sales will be required to be paid, in a!! cases,
immediately on the property being knocked
down, or it will be forthwith resoid, to the
highest bidder. D. McK. L*., Sh'ti'.
jj;ursniu \
rjallf: subscriber has taken the l.ewistowr:
X Mills, and wishes to buy a large quantity ef
Ail Kinds of (*raiii,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN TAR
FI NDS, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
Wheat will do well local! and show a sample
of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
bo loaded out of the mill into boats, ami aii ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ,
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, ne has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in 'ho place, and saves
a great deal ot time ar.d labor in hoisting by
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt :
" liec ived, f.ercistcirn Mil's, of A. B ,
Wheat, to he kept in store Ml the first of Au
gust unless disposal of sounrr.''
When the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till alter the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. It shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mil 1 ,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
beciearfrom high water.
The subscriber will keep
Placer, FiMi, Salt anil Groceries
ot ail kinds, winch will be sold low for cash to
farmers, by the quantity.
(£7* FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Food, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low for cash.
N. 11. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14,1?49 —ly.
JUST received, a large 6tock of Ground
Alum Silt- 11 cents per bushel and &1.75
per sack. O-O 'To dialers a liberal discount
otf these prices will he made.
may 26, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.