Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 14, 1849, Image 4

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    i \tn<lirs tititl f 'oitfcctlotMry*
\ I,WAYS cr. h.ini a good stock at whole- |
. sale or retail,
may 26,1*49 f\ J. HOFFMAN. |
#/ / J/VTW /
a N extensive as- Ttmeni of all sizes, tor .
i\ sale low for cash, hy i
June 23'41. F. J. HOFFMAN.
PJcw Hardware Storo!!
*i */ F. have always : large assortment of all
IT kinds of Hardware low for cash.
Lewistown, June 23,
litdfitrr Morocco, on J Shoe
II n dings.
\ large assortment always on hand, and for
_ sale by
Lowistown, June 23,1849. j
ilifdifities, &c.
PURE WHITE LEAD, at $2 per Keg j
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
VT the last meeting' of the Wiuu STATF
CTVTRAI. R oHMirTEE, held at Harris-,
burg, in pursuance of the public cml, it was on i
motion, I
Resolved, That the friends of the National
and State administrations, in Pennsylvania, be j
requested to meet in the several cities and
coun'ies of the State, ami select delegates ,
equal in number to their representation in tlic I
Sute Legislature, who shall meet in CssfM* |
tion at the Court Hi-use in Jlarrisburg, at 11
o'clock, a. in., on THURSDAY, THE 10TH ;
DAY or Aitit. ST M XT, for t!>e purpose of se
lecting a candidate t.-r CANAL CO.iIAIIS- j
SIO.SEK, and to no such other business as
the interest of the country may rc yiirc.
By order of the Committee.
GF.ORGK ERETV, Ch'ruian protein. ,
DAVID W. P A N "itsos, Secretary.
i.i!*Aoiisliots ii" l*ftrtm'r*liip.
VT( iTI "" is her •q. •.! that the partnership
heretofore cv.-tr * between the subsen
> .-rs, a? Contract r ; . cr Sen mi 19 of the IVnn
cvivania jiuiiroad. wa; li--o!v. 4 by mutual
consent, on the :i,.u of June instant. The ac
counts of sa.-i firm will isettled by ASTIIOWY
by wh .rat.,<. conliact will be con
-1 inueU.
J ir.e 3 , 1543—4- "
Aflsninistrafur's \olicc.
fWAIiE undersigned having been appointed
.8, Administrator of the estate of JAMES
Ic MORRISON. th'cea-ed, of McVeytown,
Milll.n county, l j a. s hereby notities ail persons
.......g fhim gainst the estate of en id de
ceased, In make hi.n vn tii. same to the un
kr signed without < --'.ay, tu.O ail |r*ons in
debted, to c.Il jit tut undersigned and settle
the same. . AM I. MORRISON.
Newton llamillon, June 9, 1-49—lit
Y7 2 s*2^
*• W M An O
I N the. ( . ( rt >■[ Ml till,l v utily,
a. Pennsylvania. —ln the • at the Reel
Estate of Gmoi & H H itn, late of the !*jr
. igi. of Lev. - is to au, M ifhin county Pa., d c'd.
the Judgoc cf the Crphans'C- uit ab repaid,
iriad'. the fuliuwi: r order, to vvi;: April fitii,
1649, on due nr.. f .=.-rv :ee of tin. fbmmr
Jluland none of the lleirs appearing in
Court to accept and lake the Ileal F.-tute
riforesaid at the appraisement and valuation.
Rule cn the Heirs of (•* rge Schwartz afore
id, deceased, to appear at tiie next Orphans- 1
Court, to be held on the first Monday of
August next, at LEWIMTOWN, in and for the
county of Mifllin, to show cuu-n why tiie said
Real Estate should not be sold. &.c.
J<ewistown, Jucc* 23, 1-49. s Gt.
W l i etN REMEDY,
"j'HE AMERICAN OlL.—'This Oil is not a
£ compound, but i the pure extract of the
.Imrroan Sin?r,j OH It is well known that the
medicinal qualities of 'be Seneca Oil are not
irpa=-d by any, ar. 1 this bihng an extract,
makes it still a superior article. It is very
highly recommended for Sore Throat, Weak
i .>e. Ear-ache, Deafness, Rheumatism, Con
jruption, Bronchitis, Burns, Scalds, Ac.
Ti c above valuable Medicine is for sale at
Lcwistown, June 9,
'| i*7 E arc surrounded with that dread de-
II stroyer. 1 may bo licre—no doubt
will bo. It you should have an attack, the
*'FORVVAIID DROPS' will etf'ect a cure.
Come vid gc" some—keep it in your houses
vviien at iiome. and in your trunks when travel
ling. ft ir EIK a certain remedy tor dypen
ti ry, <Cc. An eminent Physician of Ken
tucky lias .owd ti.at he " never lost a cane of
cholera with the forward Drops."
Prepared and sold at GREEN'S .Medical
Jo (Mil, No. 11, 1/wistown.
June 10. 1-I.b
Do not I\>rTt
HR/T will be- found a splendid affiort
f "'f-rit of fßshioiißbie II A T .S',
fjxM 1 CM'. N, df-c., at much lower prices
than they can be bought elsewhere
in this country.
A go's! Fur Hat, ... 61 (Hi
Fine Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2.23
J'jue Beaver, .... 273
Finest Moleskin. ... y 23
I,ois to v. n, June 23, 1 -19.
€Jool* fhsi Stores.
eg We have now on
hand a large stock of
1 ' 1 "king .:ti'vc:s,suclia.
ft wc Ca " warrant to give
- crittrc it 1: faction We
jjnlij;. 1
liicrs and nil perbons
Ftovc, to give u- a call
before purchasing elsewln 1
i ev. itrrwi. I. !.■ i'-T'/
aaußv.v*** X**L - v>^AA%a^tr
]" IST OF LETTERS remaining in the PoM 1
j Oilice at McVcytown, to 1 the quarter end- |
ing July Ist, 18i!>. j
Aileii Joseph F. King Hugh
Aults A Jam lvelly John
Arnold Alexander Long John
Riadc Michael LeapolJ George
Brinks Anthony Lewis Jerry
Bann Samuel Mahoncv John
Barry James McEntir; Elizabeth
Cunningham Susannah Magarrah Jolin
Cullen Caleb Meßride Robert
Costetle Patrick McFarland Robert
Coneliv Patrick McGrune Christopher
Cantwell James Moran James
Coffee John McGowran Pal ward j
Carter James Met arty Anurew t
Campbell Charles Moran Patrick
Ditty Thomas 2 McG rigger Samuel
Dick Rosannah Magoesa Thomas
Dorsey William Mun ly Stephen
Douehertv nmsPriscillaMeDonnel Michael j
Dougherty miss JaneVV.Newman Michael
Donly Patrick Oshen Patrick
Daviney John l'enncpacker Rebecca
Kbv George Ripple Sarah
Estep Elijah Rankin llev. it.
Flynn Rusan Robertson K< art
Grush William Rudy Jacob
Grassmirc Daniel Sunderliri Samuel
Garrett James Smith Pain k
Gomly William Snyder Hen; 2 j
Gibon Owen Smyth Geo. W
Gouran Edward Shade Jn. < l>
Horan Thomas Seir> Ales ,uder
llarron Samuel I'll Clark n
Hendricks John White Patrick
Holmes Calvin Waggon, r Ann
Hanawalt George Winter Elizabeth
D H. LI'SK, P. M.
McVeytown, July 7, 194b —3t.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining i i the l ost \
Office at Lewistown, July 1, lr. '
iX_|f*Persons enquiring for letters in the fol
lowing list will please say they arc -.dvertn d.
Adair John Kcnrer IKni v
Andres Thos. Leaty J.-iin !-
Anspach William Lec. h Stewart
Ausnurn Thomas Long George 2
Aburn miss Rebecca Laricton n i Man* Ami
Realty Samuel W. Lancaster Sarah
Brua miss S. A. Lehr Gabreal
Barrens Thornton Lightner Lucinda
Black mis 3 Emily Lebrick William M.
Brown James Lotfcrty Jataes
Rrown iniss Catharine Lawrence Sam
Bray William Lightner Reuben
Boggs Andrew Lynn, Esq. James 1
Boals miss Lavema Lyman Jas.
Brought Jacob lienor George
Brown James G. Imng nii-.s Anulla
Bauin Rebecca 2 McNcal Eliza
Becker William P. McNcal John
Bell, Esq. James 11. McCrum We t
Biker John E. McSwiggen M.
Blake Thomas J. McCrum miss I.oui-a
Bream Solomon McManamc John
Bowman Syrus McCrackcn Thomas
llolingcr Jacob McKiben
Brown John Mclfugh John
Bonner Stejihen McGuire Lawrence ,
Barker A. B. McKinny Patt
Brown miss Elizabeth McGonncl P i:
Benjamin Jacob M.-M nazle Patrick
Brookes Joson McCrackcn Robert
Black Itev. Sarnud McGauan Edward
Bui lew Hiram McKarinat Jatnss
Brought John Milligan D.
Barix George Mayers mre Mary
Brion Michael ALrtin I>. L.
Blackshirc William Jfays, Jr. \.
Bryan James .Murry William 2
Campbell, Esq. Wm. J 4.Mullen Patrick
Cauifman A. .Moris Marhn
Clark J. C. 3 A/iiicr inKs Ann Maria
Cone A. G. Afwsscr Jonus
Cautlinar Frod* ri k .Moss Andrew
Campbell, E-q. A. W. .Monday Dennis
Caley mr->. Sarah AJiles Jcumna
Cridcr ran. Mary AJullen Rev.
(.'rownover Samuel 2 .Morrow Joseph
Caeley Daniel 2 .Myers James
Campbell R. E. 2 .Miller miss .Martha
Cranage John A/ aior .Mr.
Connelly John 2 A/iller in.-s Egildu
Courcy Mill. AJ.iintzcr Robert
Campcll mEs Rachacl ./uvery .Mary
Cranitcl John AJiharq Timothy
Crouch L. .Mencli j Bernard
i Cullers W. rfftt .Morrow Thomas
1 (.'ok, Lvj.wim 1 >n A/irlin Jomcs .•/.
Caiighfinan Isaac .M iz< olaeinold
Calcy Lewis NcrsLct John
< nmmifi Alexander Nymond mr S 1 iQ
i Chambers John Newcomer John
| Cyner miss Barbara Newman mr-:. Fiwn
; Castole Thomas Noil 11. R.
j Campbell John Potter Johr.
| Crosman E. T. 2 PattEon John
Cornmesford I'halin Dai.ioi
Duchman Esq. Win P.. A William
Danavon John David
Drake mrs. At. li. Buddy P.."
Dickson Capt. C. Rhuh Jot.
Drorback Abraham Ran. ■ A. V. .
David John Rfc miss ' try
Dickson John Rocd J:. • S.
Dully Peter 2 B.uurk John
Durborow T. itolm Jacob
1 Daily Robert Revuiaker ' i:risL.n 2
: Eberly Jacob Rayger John 1
Echston William Richcsson Samuel
Ferster Daniel Uhoadi Tli:n.;.'in
j Frehrt Christian Richardson IB i ry J.
Feeney John Kaosi Thomas
Fields Nathan Rcdliir IKi.i v
Ferguson Samuel Ku- l! Mr- Lir
Fleming Rev. J ii.n Squir M- i. • y
Faby Thomas Smith Rev. t un<
I Finlavcn mrs. Elizabethh'picl.cr Eliz .'■ b
| Fetson Samuel Smith im>. Jane
! Ferris Daniel Soulh thor Andrew
| Gridith miss Either Simon Geof rt
j Graaf Wilhelin Stulleii Bcrniiart
j Graham John Shoemaker Cat liar: .ft
1 Groge miss Levii.a Salsbury Drlondo
fiingeriel John Smith hunts
Grift Levi Swortn l.ydia
Guen Isabella Smith Rubor?
Hoyt iniss Mary Strau- IB m ,1
lleiidcrson mrs. Mary Scott n. ■''■>!
llart Frederick Spa yd Jo na
Hardy Michael 2 Silvenv od .Mathia.- A/.
Hoover Daniel Snouprr mi. s Cathariii.
llale James Smith J bn '•
llench Wm. C Strom; David
Hauch James W Stootsnian Abraham
Harkin Peter Sbeninie.r Daniel
llenesy William Tier /..soph
Humphries James Torney ./ M.
Hunsigcr Jacob Taylor Stephen W.
| Hech Jacob Torinru mms Catharine
| Hctryel Jacob Tuney in J a
] Harns Anthony Vanzandt Hez< kiah
j Harkens Edward Vandamikoi Jo >'ph
' Heishy James Woods Arthur
j llowcl John C. Willis J ph A.
j Huntrysoh C. Weeh-r ini-s Lav inia
1 Herbert Martin Wilson i>;.il
Ingram Augustus M. WiDon L .ra
Jones, Esq. Benjamin 2 Will l'hoiii;v-:
Johnson miss Mary Williams J • [•U 11. 2
Jones I). S. Wagner Isaac
Kirk lurs. Lucretia A. Wash mood Evali;C
Keller Christian 2 VV alt r Daniel
Kenny Edward Wummer Mir hard
Kishteer Joseph Whilikettle. Franklin
Kenny Thomas Williamson, Ivsq. Mr.
Keener John Williams Sharlet i>.
Kcllcy John 3 Virtrcy Michael
Kuox Samuel M.
Lewistown, July I, le4'J—3t.
Sail! Stilt!
I UST rccrived, a largo stock u{ Ground
• " Aluiii Salt —ll cent* p*r hiiuhol nml
per atick. j 7-To dealers a liberal dmcount
off there prirer will be made.
tit a v 28, I'l'z. i J. ' R ;FF .1 .\N
Pennock's Patent
5233 AiTD ©RAIITj
FLAiTmi, 1
rrillis Machine operates equally well on'
JL oil kinds of kind, and is not injured by 1
coming in contact with rocks, roots, &c. It i
will plant point rows, and a!i irregular shaped '
fields, without sowing any part twice over, i
With a saving ol from 10 to 15 percent, in j
labor, it will, with ease for two horses, plant j
from I'f to I'd acres per day of wheat, oats. !
barley, and other small grains; and with one j
man and horse, it will r. adily plant from 15 to j
20 acres per day ei Indian corn, beans, pea.", j
rutn liagns, i2c.
It will save from 2 to 3 pecks of seed per
acre, and yield from 15 to 20 per cent, more 1
than the liroad cast seeding, by d Xributing :
the grain uniformly at any desir d oepth, and
leavmg a ridge of carta between the rows. I
The roots of the young p'ant are protected j
during the winter by the action of the fret ;
and rain mouldering the earth upon them, in
stead of being thrown cut jc ! exposed a in
broad cast. <*n this account the tdn k is.
stronger and lev? su! j -ct to mildew, and :* not 1
so ! ido to injury by the fly.
T.e farmer j.: frequ. at Iy preventet! ! y rain 1
from harrowing in his grain alter it ktsown, 1
which '•nirrovviifg i p 0 -id iu s< {.r with
this .■■■■: hlne aa it completes tkt work at once.
p?" T-1 x rj jr/ 2
Were awarjfd these Drillt as follows;
My the i'hiladelp'i" t and Delaware County
Agricultural Society, 1 r t I'rei.iiuut, in l-11.
fly ?ue St. George's :i Aj- > q'lir.inijnit Ag
ricu tural Society, in 1-11
Bv tite American lusliUiU, Siivr Medal,
By the Franklin Jrjstit .to, Diploma. Honor
ary, in 1 - 12.
My the X v Castle County (Delaware.)
Agreuitur-i S •mty, f',r>t Firunum, in 1 -15.
By the New V ork S'u'e Agricultural Soci
ety, Diploma, (Honorary,) in j if.
My the New Vork St.no Agricultural tk>ci
ety, Firrt Premium, in 1 r IT.
Meu.eiovi k, Gih month 23d, 1-10.
Thompson U< td: Esteemed Friends—
-1 have pnu the I'ennock Drill in use for t-.vo
o- from tfio vu-t difference in tho
wheat crojrover tho broad cart, it i- mv d'-nd
e! opinion that every farmer should hav? mie
of them, aa lie will U: a gainer of at ieast one
third on each acre cf his crop.
Yai.lkv, May 28, 1*M9.
Mr. A oner Thompson : Dear Sir—The
Pennock Drill 1 got from you last summer,
worked to my entire satisfaction, in rough and
smooth ground. Bach tube and Imp per work
ing _ pirate and indc'pendent of each other, is
. elded advantage, by • -caning rocks, roots,
sowing point rows. Ac., nnd from the appear
ance ot my crop at this time, there will i>e a
bettor yield to toe acre than on what I sowed
broad-cast, bfs'des a saving of one halt bushel
ol seed to the acre, i beiicvo it is one of the
,1. . ? profitable agricultural implement- in use
;v :• tarming eommunitv.
We cordially concur in the above.
Keedsv iLMt, May 20. 1-19
Mr. AIIM.K Thompson : Dear W —The
Fennock Drill, ti.at I bought of you last sum
mer. worked to my entire satisfaction, both cm
rough tand smooth ground ; it is- not injured by
com.ng it: contact with rocks or roots. I think
from toe present appearance of tny drilled
wheat, ti.at it will yield enough more on my
cronto pny the price of the Drill, at anv rate,
This is to certify tii&t each of the under
signed bought one of Fennock'* Drills of Ab
ner Thompson last summer, and that we fully
concur in the above statement made by Felix
M cG t mite k.
S. W. TAYLOR, Jr.,
■hn Lin Cot vrv, May 15, 1-19.
Mr. Ab.'tcr 'Thompson : Dear Sir—The
! IVnnoc!: W heat Drill 1 purchased of you la.-,t
• fail work'd to my entire eaiisfaction, both on
rum h and smooth ground. It saves at joust
[ <>nc peck of seed per acre, and 1 heiieve from
the present appearance of the wheat, it wli
| > i'' -J considerably more than that seeded in
he usual broadcast way.
V.'c hereby certify that, having bought and
' ufed Fenncck'e Drills, we cheerfully concur in
the a :o\c statement, mad- bv Mr. M'Dowcll.
Perry townsiii p. May 24, 1-19.
Mr. Thompson : Sir—The Tcnnick Dull
i beugi ti.fyou in t sumintr worked to my en
tire satisfaction, both on rough r.nd smooth
gr .Ltid, as it is not injured by coming in con
tact with rock.-:. Bitch hnj.pcr and each tube
work, eepaiate and independent ot each o'he.
it willaow ail irregular shaped land and point
SOWS, witbout mnmg nny twice over ; i'< flawd
nl len.-t V busln ! ot st", >1 to the acre ; and I be
lieve the driiied wheat will yield considerable
fiioi'f- tf.an that sown in tho uiurl way.
1 fully and cordial V .übnerthe to the correct
ntbs ol the state men: uluoe.
!.jflac Fitcc s.ilHtant iatly coucur.- in above.
and for sale by the sub
scriber., at lb■rrysvillf, Mifflin countv. Fa.,
win", viil dniivei Drbis in any part of lft:n
roni), Camrmia, litnii.M.ikON, Ml.ii.in, Ven
ire, 1 1.1.vt n, ami l.voi mi.m: couuties.
0 'r'i he Drills are warranted to perform to
iLe entire satisfaction rf purchasers, iI used ac
cording to direction '—it not natiefkctory, ailcr
a fair trial, they will he taken back, provided
a reasonable compensation be allowed for
their use.
OV Price lor a !r Si.
Fkku v ;,vn.E, Mitltin countv, I'a., i .-
Jutie J, 1-49.
Boot & Shoe UljtiiulHctoi'Ci*
C"i()NTINUEfc3 to manufacture, to order,
j every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES," on tlic most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in his employ and '
using good stock, his customers, as woii as ail ;
may rely upon getting a good article, ,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22, IH-48 —tf.
Justice of the Ft'at't',
CIAN he found at his ofilec, in the room re-1
J cently occupied by iv+juirc Kulp, where
he will attend to ail business entrusted to his ;
care with the greatest care and despatch.
JLewistown, July 1, 1846—if.
57 _ 5? r. r?; •*
wv d Qj w w .JL. ZyJ
Attorney at Law,
\\ T J El, attend promptly to ' • tuts entrust
? / eti to hid care in this and adjoining
counties Office one door west of mo I'ost
Office, June 16, '49-ly.
IV r * n b; *-V £ " S
I / • S- • Aa -1 7 It 5
AT i OniV E V A T L A It',
*| ff AS resum-. 1 the practice ol tie profession
. i. at tbi * a.. 1 tlie adjoining counties.
Office in Main street, Lewistown, opposite
t j the Town Hall. Jan. 20,1844 —tf.
j Paper.
\LWAVS on hand n large assortment of
. Cap, J.otter, Wra. ping, i'ri • \ i iri
d .w and Wall Paper, wholesale or retail,
i Printing paper, 22 \ •*'?, at so per bundle.
Lewistown, June 2:1, 12-19.
\BRAIIA*.FS H p:.!v Improved Patent
Manifold Writers, mr copying letters,
invoices, drawings, plni -,<Vc. This invention
will produce alt :t< r i h its copy / one oprr
<it ion ; or, it require.., a litter with two fa
simile* to send abroad, with a single (style)
; wincii is so durable trat t will last for contu
i riva without repair, lor sale at the book store
<<f c. c. SPOTS WOOD.
I/ewittown, June 10 12-19—lit.
4#??. JIAVSI'IS'S""
Comyoußei stvtip of
fs the heel M - llcine y< l fir Toughs, Colds, Consunip
t lion, Asthma, Spitting i/i Blood, icc. Read the fol
, h.W illjf :
November I3ih, Did.
I'tJr Sir- I take jrre .t pVasur.: in t tying lu you thai
Vr* Ross heen entirely relieved of her cough ky the
tisr ol your Sirup i f fl'iiti C lurry. It hid continued for
f illy eu'h'votj months. She had used several prepara
: t.oti- of the Wild cherry now in popular u#e. hut not
: v ill the slrghte-l b-r. .1, until she took t ours. She on
ly took Ml bellies, and I .-.in p IS:.l to t j y ,i, lj, W r,
. c od kultk. Every mm who ew Xr*. Emm thought
! her fit a deep decline. LEWIS 1' Roi33,
INo JfC Cuaries Hire>:!, Baltimore, < amain of .Schoon
i i t <l. K , Cambridge Packet,
tii Clergyman's > re TUto.it ii is truly a '• sovereign
■ Balm," as tin Odd Fellow, Wash in 7:0 a county, Mary
| land, of June fih, F : t.. Price 73 cents a BotUe.
Prepared and sold 'r MARTtV A. WIIITEI.EY,
1 1 heir whole.ale l'r tg Store, is K Calvert Street, rtaltr
| more,
1 And for KAIO by F. J. HOFFMAN and
; WATTSON &. J \< 08, Lewistown; ALEX
-1 A.sni.u lit u.i ih.k, \v i iiAtii.vuurg, Ilunlingdon
county. fJune 30, 1240—1y.
.IJnrtin a W hslclcv'*
! A certain Cure P.>r Ague, Cever,
and Dyspepsia,
J N our mi tnin r and fall tnohtL mat' ectinn-of ojt
I euitntir ure prostrated by 1JM.1.10l s FEVER ar.d
AOFE and FEVER lt his been our particular study to
.nil otil .,mf retnedv to stop thi dreadful scourge, and
think, in this TOXIC we have elfected li.is great object,
it i.i also v. think the vryb. -: remedy in Dyspcp ia.
and if our direciiuiu are follow ed, will not fad lu e.r.'ct
a cure.
In a letter ■ it .!, May C'.t, Is our Agent, Mr. Elias
Ra ;b, of Wi iglitsv T!. ,V,; ,to tnl.. Pa ,• a; Ih.
i nev- r known at.y nn> ty fir fir, - a >i,l ,T ac einal i.
; youriiivaluaideNatiut.it Tonic, it has pii en universal
sal..faction, and h is cured cases of Ague of years stand
lag, and after the failure ofuU ollar nv Jirincs made u.e
'f. Mr. ll'-nry Beverson. of the same place, saas in hi.a
c* rl fcate, d ite.l 'd-'d Mar. a I s ' ' 1 applied io a number
of I'hysuian*, and alao Use.! a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures .t ii.tT. r-nt times, but all without th?
Jes.ieJ eir.-ct; no permanent cure having hern air..rje<!.
I w a, at lere'h induced, at '.he recommendation of your
worthy Agent nt this plan-, to try a bottle of your Xa
lionni Tonic, and to my gr it satisfaction,before 1 had
. us- >i half of it, I felt completely cured, though 1 contin
j ued the use of it till 1 had taken two bottles.* In a joint
i certtfi.-rue fi.nu V -asm. >!.-.•* link , Wil . im B'ackson,
j ami Janus D. Brown, of the same j.la. e, they say—"ll iv
. in.; tried nearly the r< iiniie- '.v 1..n our reach iv it It
i out sin c, c at l is j) :r> tn/e.i smue u! vour .\'ulioit :l
■ '/• in , which hi-, completely cured u Wc, therefore,
< hecrfuily rccotmnend -t to the n.ii •of all pet =<> nt f
! dieted with lii.il leii.l.de .'.isoase .is tiie best remedj yet
' discovered.*
1 f?e the lY.tuj hlcts, y J.kii you caa get from one of our
' Agents gratis.
; Also, Or. M'.riir.'a Purpth e Pills, QW boat Bow in use,
• in all c iscs where a purritiv" i- need .1.
| f> Prepared and so! !by MARTIN <■. WIIITEI.EY,
Wholesale On.g J-iore. No ic ( ilvert st , 1'- .Itimore
For sale by I'.J. HOFFMAN ami VVATT
• yON vF JACOB, Lewiblovvn ; and by Ai.t v
, ANims lItTLEDCE, WiilinrasburfT, Huiitinn Ixn
| county. June 2d), l^iu—ly.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Wholesale Commission Aecul,
A. ii 1 .\orlli Whnncs,
Ahei," liuce street, I'hiladtlphia.
Fliiludcipliia, April 21, —ly
joasx iiownjrV,
M- r of l>.tr.-'!\*s i pright Ssfely <•'! ec~A fop
uh d lih.e
HI \T( BI IdS,
lm2 United States Oil Paste Jil, u
No. S3 NttiiTll IIIIUI) fu 11, FhiLiiiudphia.
'JBIF.BI* Match. # nre j i.-.!• . u,#i,l w r< d the bis! in the
■ 1 nlted Stales; th. y are Ire. from uuph-aiirit smell,
and ran lie itttr.xlui ed with t.erfect kaf. into all .Stores
and Dwelling-". Warranted to keep ten years
l lie Bla.-kiug uf superior .jiialny, ami free from any
ingredient that Impairs the leather.
HH NTItV DEALERS and .SIIUTERB will find u
to their ir.tere t t . c,:ll and sou for them elx is.
N B. Aiia. nliiiciil of Matches of various New York
Mannunnrers. Moiche" in round w.-od holes also,
p n '.- .l ! ,01 .small tin ia., to • hip t... ~i,\ part of
the world .!i 'J.I N T>f>\ N El I.Y,
l.ate of V> 11.nk tieft, M >vv 5J Notih Third Street
Mart I. 11, 1 19 I.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Office No. 159 Chcsnut Street.
iapilal 83A0,000.
Charter Perpetual.
CIONTIN'UE tu make Insurant eg on Lives on the most
' favorable terms; receive arid execute Trusts,-and
receive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid up nnd invested, together with
accumulated premi nu fund, affords a perfect actumj to
the insdicd. The premium may be paid in yearly, half
yearly, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the
insurances for life. This plan of.insurance is the most
approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
I.i Great Britain, (where tho subject is best understoodby
the p< ople, and where they have had the longest exi>er!
enc",) as appears from the fat t that out of i 17 l.ife Insu
r iiu.e Companies there, of all kinds, -7 arc on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropriated in December, I*l4,
amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
oh' ;; policies; to SJ percent., 7; percent, itc., tc., on
oih *rs, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
..Ida- of S>(KI; #>7.50 ; #75, &. , &.C., to every #IOOO,
..in 'y insured, wit all i 3 an average of more than Ml
r < ip on in ■ premiums paid, and without increasing
I tie annual payment to ihe company.
'l'uc operation of the Bonus wili he seen by the follow.
: i" examples from the Life Insurance Register of the
Company, thus:
hi.;m Bonus or Amount of Policy and
P.'.icy . Injured. Addition. Bonus payable at the
party's decease.
No. ; #1,1)00 #IOO (KJ #l,lOO UO
" S£ 2.500 25(1 00 2,750 00
' 205 ; 1,000 : 41)0 Of 4,100 00
' 2i ' 2.0.,: 175 CO 2,175 00
5,000 437 50 5,137 50
:• PA*I- I.CTS containing the table of rates, and ex
pUivit a . of jhe subject; Forms of Application, and
ii. 1 r information t.n be had at the office, gratis, in
.i i;,o.i wi by! rßer, a. Mr, rsedtothe President or Actuary.
15. W. RICHARDS, President.
J ; I. 1 . JAMES, Actuary. [ap23:ly
li> l f-iicsnut Street,
Core r cf Seventh, Sicainis Buildings,
T/NhiWlXO the want? < f the community, the Proprie
ty- : r of this l':,i*BnisHME!T has fitted up a store in
the i,i -t ch -/ant manner, having due regard to the cntu
f ,rt of his customers, eo that every stranger xlsiting his
Bok-store, niav f, >! entirety at home.
of Books is classified according to the various Depart-
Deals of Literature, so that visiters can find the Books
tit •> are in search of for themselves. Buying his stock
! r the most part at th AtCTtoit SAI.ES, and being con
t.e-ted xv : 'l one of tls f.argcst Publi-hing 1/ousts inthis
c-.tif try. '.-Prides publishing largely himself, enables him
to seli ALL Bonus at
It oner Prices
thar any other house c f milar character on this con
tinent. IBs facilities for itie IMPORTATION of Rooks from
Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his I .slab
lisliment in London, where orders of private gentlemen
ere carefully executed and forwarded to thtscohniry by
every STLA.MLR and packet.
of Books v ,-h the prices attached is issued quarterly,
i ,i lining Lie's of New s iJ.iions made to his .arg coi-
Itc lion. v. ha U are .u ah < aes f -r sale at the
r.T f rnrn 25 to ' "> per rent below publishers' prices. Thus
m b..> ;.ig even a ftic Bocks, quite a considerable amount
is saved. As a still further
to strvtig-'rs visiting tin* city, every one who purchase!
(ice Do "nr'r worth of Books, will receive a cop.- of the
>Tft IXOCIt IX PHILJtDFI.PHI.I , an elegant l*mo
volume, the price of v. hich is 25 cents.
" Tie: hunts of an advertisement are too confined to
et umi rate the prices of any cf the Books, or to give even
a fit in! idea of the rwT.cn." (' ■' ountupr s to be derived from
purr' asiin? at the O cat Cc Cheap Ttouk Store , hut
let a! who are in search of books send for a Catalogue,
ait ' ay the Books they are in xvant of,arid When visiting
the cii v, g.ve Appb ron one call, and you will he sure to
St tl tIOH t f 1}
in all its branches, furnishe-l at the lowest Prices The
/•■ v..'s cf those purchasing Letter and Note Paper, neat
ly stamped in the corner, without charge.
:- Orders for any article may be sent bv mail, addressed
to the proprietor, and the directions in all cases w ill be
fullv carried out, x\ ill) great punctuality and despatch.
' if dels tor Catalogues should be pre paid.
ISuo'. ettcr, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer,
161 Chcsnut Street, corner of Screnth,
May 5, If 12in Sicaim's Building.
Alonzo *?oltiiM)n*.s
SJ. 11 North Second Street, a few doors
above Market,
ANUFACTI RF.R of Transparent Window Shades,
-*- Rm4 Hinds, p ip<.-1 trtains ami VMn Mods, •i
all tlte dill rent 'i--.es, varying in price, from Six CENTS
tu'l'iv vrv DOLLAR* a pici E. All the new styles of ev
er description of pattern , and of the latest fashions o<
il.tferent colors, and a variety of Trimmings of all kinds
A'so, beautiful TABLE an.l OIL CLOTII in patterns
and in piece:- Oilcloths fir floors. Patent Coach Cur
late.- fr Wagon Covers of a superior article, any width,
double t.-r single, of the finest finish, and a splendid as
• rtmcr.l of CLOCKS, LOOX/XO CIL.ISSFS, and
FIRE HO.itkDS, See ,kf.
oi.l Blind* painted ami trimmed over, to look equal to
new, at a very little expense, or taken in exchange for
Hi has on hand the larg-—t and most complete and beau
tiful 2 uvrtinent of the above articles, at 25 per cent.
. . cap. r than any other establishment in the cily, Whole
s lie and Retail, at reduced ; ri. es.
f >Morch nits and others .-re invited to call before pur
. j eltx hero, a# it will be to their adx aiiLige.
Vtiy ot the abi-ve go .Is uiude to order, or carefully
< I- tl'.ry can be sunt any detain i- without injury.
■ . r Manufacturers supplied with slats, Proms, IK ids,
or Pul:- \at the lowest prices.
March 31. l*"-iu ly.
I'h.ladelphi.'i Medical House,
V 'TaBLWUUD 15 years ago,by I)r KINKF.I.IN. The
oldest,surest and best haiiii locum aif forms of secret
di-1 uses of iho skin, and solitary habits of youth, is IHt
KI.MvIB.IN, Northwest corner of THIRD and I'Mo.N
-'• rc • between tkprucc and Pine,a square and a half
from the Exchange, Philadelphht.
I!I rc a habit tvhi !i bi>ys teai h each other st the
X- i. -ro or t ollege—a habit indulged in when hv him
self, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood;
few of tin.s- who indulge in this pernicious practice ate
awiu-c >-i the c-iiseqtti.ni s ulitil they fim! the tieivoXis
sycti 1.1 sliatiet'd, fee! Strange and una< countable ft I
ing .v i ie fiats in tiie iiutal. The individual beconu s
f. eble. In- i unable tu lal-or with accurtotiied vigor, or
toapp ylin mind tostudy; his step is latdy and weak,
lie is dull irresolute.
l'ei a.'ii.; of all ages ran iiowjudge what is the cause of
then .helming healtn, I .sing their v igor, becoming weak,
pale and emaciated.
Let no false in .deny deter you from matting yotirraae
known to . MC who, fro-ai educntion and respectability,
can alone befriend you. 110 who places himself undqr
Dr Kink, tin's treatinent, may religiously confide in lib,
honor as a gentleman, and in whose bosom will for
ever locked the secret of Hie patient.
T iiou amis have been restored to he ilih, from the d-
V rslalions of those teriifiv maladk-j by Dr. KINKBLANO,
German Physician.
\ aided, by sending . rrmiuanre, and put up sccuie tioui
POST I Alt- U ; i>i, answ tu. O! forthw t,h
Philadelphia, Jaunary 27, Jspi -ly
A5.Li: (• u I;A l iso i >j-
JVu. 2SO Milrht street, above Ki^hth
(.Siiiiili side,)
I'll I IjA l>Hl,t'l!l V.
THIS large ami splenJid Hotel has l>cun f .rribh, • v
A entire new furniture. Tin- Bar Room is the la,'. '
in Philadelphia. The Parlors and Sitting Rooms an",. 1
tirely separated from the noise and hustle, consiuju,.^,
the arrival and departure of cars. Tin; Portico ex'ti-H
in? the whole front of the house, afford* a cool n tr, > .
warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest t
rou?hfare in the city.
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished—the Table -
well provided for as at any other Hotel, With everv att/
lion of the managers to make it the best 11, ti! (V, t yj,.
chants and Business Men, during their stay in tl„. , ,i v
The terms will be one not.ian per day. <hi the arum
of the Cars from the West, a Porter will be in itur.
unce to convey baggage, Set. to the Hotel, which i,.,i
joining the dep<.t, fellO-b m
WAT i:lt THU S.
* ' inches bore, and from 2to 12 feet long, capable i'f
sustaining internal pressure of fiomltXito Un ||, s . [u . r
square incli, with TitFJSvics, Crosses, Si up Cod.
Check Valvts , and other filling. 1 :', connecting by r4 , v
joints. Also,
tor Locomotive, Boat and other Steam Ea
ginc Roilcrs.
Manufactured anil for sale by
Oiti. e Third and Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa
June 30. 1819- 3m.
A. S. MU E,\li:,
Agent for the sale of Soutkworth Manufac
turing Company's Writing Papers.
Warehouse H'o. It .Hi nor St,,
100 cases of the above superior Paper," now in store,
a ill wr sale to the trade at the lowest market prices, con*
. isting in part of—
-1 ine thick Flat Caps, 12, 11, 15 and 1C lbs., blue aid
Superfine Medium ami Demi Writings, blue and white.
Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and win! ~
plain and ruled.
Extra super l.lnen Note Tapers, plain and gilt,
fuperline and fine Bill Papers, long am! broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Post?
blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled
blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
.Superfine Sermon Caps am! Postr.
Supeifine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, pl.dn unj
Embroidered Note Papers nnd Envelopes.
"Lawyer's"'Brief Papers.
Superfine and fine Cape and Poets, ruled and plain,
blue and white, various qualities fin.l prices.
Also, KX)O reams white and assorted .-Shoe Papers, Bon
net Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping.
Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap wrapper;,
Hardware Papers, ice.
Philadelphia June 30, 1819-6 in
Baltimore Advertisements,
Genera! Coumihsion & Forwarding merchant,
the sale of Flour, Grain, Clovcrsee-i.
Whiskey, Lumber, &c., &c. Also, for
warding goods via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders fur Fish, Salt,
Piaster, &c., &.C., supplied at lowest prices.
Having been engaged in the above business
during the last five years, a continuation of lbs
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited. Refer to
F. MCCOY, Esq., Lewistown.
Messrs. FUNK &. MILLER, Y
J. E. ('. EBY, • Ilurrisburg, Pi.
February 24, 1849-Gm*
'THE MARINER'S COMPASS, imparting confident*
-*• to the bolJ sons of Neptune, while ploughing IIK
storinv sea?, and uniting the nations of the world in the
hands of Commerce, created far less sensation in tls-v
world than have the glorious deeds of the Old Establish
rd and Far-I'aiued Lottery Brokers, PYFEIt J* CO., .V-
I Light Street, Baltimore, .Vd.; who are the first to ui
minister successfully totbe pecuniary necessities of mas
kind, w inning thereby a fame as Capital Prize Sellers
as unlimited as the circumambient air.
M-ire cheering results: Pyfer &. CO. the special izf.-
of fortune ! Never a drawing but they sell the prizes
Distant correspondents only see this : SIO,OOO, ivl
tn ket, sent to Virginia. $5,000, w hole ticket, sent to X
York #*>,ooo, hole ticket, sent to Pennsylvania.
000, half ticket, sent to North Carolina. s!s,Uotf!i<
ticket, sent to South Carolina. slo.ooo,quarter ticket,
sent to Pennsylvania. ss,ooo, quarter ticket, sent
Ohio. #5,000, quarter ticket, sent to Indiana.
quarter ticket, sent to South Carolina. Every !*-;
promptly paid, and on tile.—(lf'c again, refer to .V-itt
gers' DraictKsn
•>Far better make un investment at the truly lotkj
and far-famed r-flice of Pefcr .$• Co. than go to Califor
nia. Pyfer & Co. give gold already coined and Ham;
The majority of Capitals always sold by PyfericC:
Bank Drafts, payable at sight in g--IJ, remitted pro'
to any part of the United States for prizes sold by f
$ Co
Frill Communications strictly confdcntietl.
Remember that tiie result of the first triul has MM
been a splendid fortune! A little perseverance is W
to realize one.
/title and spUiiiliu l.areries, for July, IS 19— Send ; sr ."
drrs to
Date Capital No. of Price of Price
Jn'y. Prizes. Ballots. Tickets. ruck'f
2 $25,n00 75 Nov. 12 drawn P~ *
3 2"\sik( 7> Nos. 11 drawn 5 1" •"
5 20,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5
20,000 78 N 12 drawn 5
7 3",IKI0 75 N.s. U drawn W
• sof 12.000 7- Nos. 13 drawn - *'
21.000 75 Nos. 13 draw n 5 F J
U 3O,0"O 7> Nos. 12 drawn 1"
12 21,0tX( 75 N-is. 12 drawn 5 '
13 15,0u0 75 Nos U drawn 4 If*
II n.OOP 78 Noa. 10 drawn 15 ®JJ
10 3of 13.000 75 Nos. II drawn "■
17 20,000 7? Nos. 1! drawn 5
to,ooo 75 Nos. 13 drawn 1> "
,19 20,000 tic Nos. 10 drawn 5
20 lt-,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5
21 3of 25,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 10
20,000 78 Nos. 15 drawn 8 " .
21 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5
25 30,000 72 Not. 12 drawn 11
20 22,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 ?;
lo.ono 06 Nos. 13 drawn t '. l j
28 fO.otio 78 Nos. 13 drawn 20 '
30 25,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn s f
31 IMH 7s Nos U drawn
>Tb pricu of packages of quarter Tickets eiii}■
advertised above.
*>Tle Mdiiagi i>" Printed Drawings. irnler->>! ! l
• cointnissinners appointed (for this pur|Ksel t-y t!u '■
ernor of Maryland, are in nil cases <ut toonn. 0 '''
j pondents.
K Leiters always strongly ami carefully s-'tl ''
The purchasers of packages of tieketi- seldom ! -
' more than six chances against their drawing i" a
. age nnv of the capital priaea, and one imi kap' '
j draw four of the highest prizes. Tw.> thtrdsoftliei"I*. 1 *.
: are sold in packages of tickets. .
r7-Please order a few days nsaoHK the ieltc'u'- "
All orders punctually answered t-y tiro return ma!--
Persons at a distance from Baltimore, who
tune hurkled on their hacks," will find tbo u
iiecesMrry to em lose the price txs laid d ■ n oi ta-
| schedule,) for a package or Single ticket to the
tuuate, far famed, and old eiablwhrd house ot
An. 1 JnpJ.t St, /f-'/-" - "> )lJ
Jam lit, ispj It.