Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 14, 1849, Image 3

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I* V virtue of sundry writs J'enilifioni
IS i: ;oui, levari Facias and Ft era
Facia*' out of the Court of Con
,n I'leas of Milllin county and to rue di
rected. will bo exposed to sale by public
mii-crv at the Court House, in the borough
of Lewistown, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on
Saturday, Arast Ith, HlO,
tlie following described property, to wit:—
A tract ot land situate in Oliver town
fliip, Milllni county Pa., adjoining lands ot
It. 1". Hale on the south, east and west, and
juhn Ivcelifover's lain!, and t'ie Jacks moun
tain on the north west.containing one hundred
nnii live acres, more or less, with n two story
frame dwelling house, log barn, blacksmith
shop and other improvements.
Also, the interest of George 11. Allen in
another tract of lard, situate in Oliver town
ship \c„ containing three or four acres, more
or less adjoining lands of 11. C. 1 lale and oth
er?. with a frame saw-mili, and other improve
ments thereon erected. Seized, taken in ex
it tit ion and to be sold as the property ofGeorge
11. Allen.
Also, All the interest of Adam (freer in a
tract ot' land situate, lying and being in the
township of Brown, Mifflin county, Pa., con
taining one hundred and eighty-tour acres,
and forty six perches, more or less, and bouu- 1
ded on the east by the middle branch of the 1
Kishacoquillas creek, oil the north by land of (
the estate ut John Norris, dee'd., on the west j
and south by lands of William Thompson and j
by land of the estate of John Norris, dee'd.,
with a stone dwelling house and stone barn, a
small tenant house and other improvements ,
thereon erected. About one hundred and for- '
ty acres cleared. Seized, taken in execution i
and to be sold as the property of Adam Ureer. j
Also, a lot of ground in Keedsville, in Brown j
township, Mifflin county Pa , being 60 feet in I
l'ronl and 100 feet in length, be the same more '
or less, upon which there is erected a two sto- :
ned frame house, and other impiovements, j
kiunded bv John .Matter on the south, Abner j
Heed on the north, and the Lewistown Kisha- j
coquillas turnpike road on the west. .Seized, 1
taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop
erty ot John A. Harlan. J
Also, A lot of ground situate in the borough
of Lewistown, fronting on the Pennsylvania
Canal, with a frame dwelling house and sta- ■
b!e intreon erected, bounded on the south east j
by lot of Bearley, on the north east by Wayne
street extended, and north west by the Kisha- j
ctxjuiilas creek. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of Joha.M.
Also, A lot of ground in the borough of New
toil Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa., fronting
thirty feet on Back street on the south, and on
the west by Roman Catholic lot, on the nortli
by an alley, and on the east by property occu
pied by J. J. Cunningham, with a frame house
and other improvements thereon erected.—
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Dr. Chas. Bower.
Also, A lot of ground situate on the IFest
si ie of Main street in the Borough of Lewis
t wn, fronting on said street 28 feet, more or
; -s, and extending back 120, feet more or less,
s wing thereon erected a large two story Brick
dwelling house and other improvements, boun
ded by a lot of Reuben Smith on the South, a
i t of Mrs. Spaulding on the Notth, and
Main street on the East, &c., Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
James A. Cunningham.
Also, A lot of ground situated in the Bor
ough of I.ewistown, county of Mifflin, Pa.
fronting thiity feet on Market street, more or
1-ii, and extending back two hundred feet,moie
': less, to a 16 feet alley on the South, adjoin
ing a lot of Robert Sims on the West, with a
Leg house and other improvements thereon.—
Sized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of James B. Bell.
Also, \ certain lot of ground situate on the
routh side of Elizabeth street, in the Borough
of Lewistown, as extended, bounded by said
street sixty feet, more or less, and extending
■S ith East to the Pennsylvania Feeder, the
same width, and bounded on the South West
by Wayne street, extended, and on the North
East by lots late of J. 6c J. Milliken, having
thereon erected a large frame ware house, a
tenant house and other improvements thereon.
■Seized, taken in execution and to be sold aa
the property of James Potter 6c John Potter.
Also, A tract of land in Derry township,
Mifflin county, bounded by lands of Robert
Forsythe's heirs and others, containing one
hundred and sixty acres, more or less, about
tl irty acres of which is cleared, with a cabin
ie use thereon erected. Seized, taken in ex
> uti nand to be sold as the property of Charles
Also, A lot of ground in the borough of
I Veytuwn, Mifflin county, Pa., bounded on
tu south-east 51 1-2 feet by Water street, on
tii north-east by Criswdl street, on the north
wpst by the Pennsylvania canal and a lot of
J an Ross on the south-west, with a brick
hue and other improvements thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of William S. Wooden.
Also. A lot of ground situate on the North
'• '< of Market street in the borough of Lewis
' n, .Mifflin county, Pa., containing 20 feet
oi (rout on said street, be the same more oi
h ■, and extending 200 feet back to a 10 feet
'•ley, adjoining If. U. Jacobs on the cast and
L'redrick Schwartz on the west, with a two
story brick dwelling house, frame stable and
• !h. r improvements thereon < rrcted. Seized,
umcn in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of Eew'.s Hoover.
Also, a a rtain five storv stone and brick
e( null, situate between Water street and
i ; di.teoijuillas crtfck in the Borough of la w
i o.'Wn. being one hundred feet in length, and
mty l, el in width, and the lot or piece or par
ol r.| ground and curtilage and water power
;'}■ rtenant to the same. Seized taken in ex
o uti' II and to be sold as the property of John
■ on Sterett,James Potter Sr.
• J, l John Potter, owners or reputed owners.
Also, ill that certain one arid a halt story
•' iae house situate in the Borough of Newton
' ! -u l'.,n,said county,fronting on V\ ater street
feet, and extending back sixteen feet
■ lot adjoining John C. Mckmstrv, and
- • • Samuel Drahi on the II est and North,
'i lot or piece of ground or curtilage ap
' ■•'tenant u, said building. Seized, taken in
"• ' Moii, and to he ttold as the property ol
'it I . Craig, owner or reputed owner and
s Ali the interest of John Potter and
Poin r in several tracts ol land situate
•• ■< ,\i of l.'-wtstown and Derry town-
Mlfflin county, Pa., containing in the
•hoiit fifty acres, more or less; all of
'' '-k < lea red, and their interest in the wa
; 'V.ci passiing through said lands Ac.,
y water street, lands of James Par
ik'-n, Benedict and Ifitz on the north
'' 'h- .• -t, the banks of the KishiiCoquil
k on tin t usl and JJrow n sctret t, Ac. on
| the west with one old grist mill, one framn grist
,mi.!, a log dwelling house and stable, one
: M.one grist mi.l and plaster mill, one new stone
t and brick grist mill, one two story brick dwel
j 'l'm, bouse, a saw mill on tlie south side of
: the Kishaeoquillas creek near Duncan's fur
! n.ic-e, and several out buildings thereon ereel
j til, &.C.
! Also, All the interest of John Potter & James
| 1 otter in a lotol ground situate in the borough
j of Lewistown, Milllin county, Pa., hounded
Iby \\ street on the south, a lot of K. 1..
! Benedict, Esq., on the west, a sixteen feet al
\ ley 0,1 (he north, arid the grave yard lot on the
i east,with a large two story logdwelling house,
| a large frame barn and other improvements
I thereon erected.
! Also, A lot of giouiul fronting sixty feet on
j Market street in the borough of Lewistown,
! Mifflin county. Pa., bounded on the east by a
j lot ot George Patton, on the south by
Market street, on the west by a lot of J. & J.
! Mil liken, and on the north by a sixteen feet
j alley, with a large two story brick dwelling
; house, a large two story hricK shop, a large
j frame stable and other improvements thereon
j erected. Seized, taxen in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Sepharious S. Cuin
Also, All that certain two story brick house
situate on Mill or East street in the borough
ot Lew istown, adjoining lots of Charles Strat
ford and James B. Bell ; said house being
twenty-two feet in front on said street, and ex
tending hack twenty-eight feet. Seized, taken
in execution and to he sold as the property of
Silas Glasgow, contractor, and William E.
Fowler, owner or reputed owner.
Also, HII those certain following describ
ed pieces, parrels and parts of tracts of land, situate in
I'erry township, Miditu county, with the water right*
and privileges thereunto appurtenant, beginning at a wal
nut on the hanks of the Kisbaooquitias crock, thence '
across the race and up the creek north fifty-one and one- j
fourth degrees, east twenty-seven perches to :t post, j
thence north thirty-three degrees, east twenty eight per- j
dies to a IHJSI, thence north fifteen degrees, east thirty- !
sir perches to the middle of the road at the west end of j
the bridge across the creek, thence north seven degree*,
west twenty perches to Irouwood, thence north fifty-eight j
and a half degrees, west twenty-five perches to a hickory,
thence north thirty-seven and a half degrees, west fifty
perches, crossing feeder or race to a post at iow water
mark, thence down the west side of feeder south twenty
five degrees, west twenty-five perches to a post, thence
south fourteen degrees, east twenty-eight perches to a
post, thencs south thirty-seven and a half degrees, east
twenty-eight perches to a post, thence south thirty-one
degrees, east (crossing the road) sixteen perches and
five-tenths to a post, thence south twenty-seven degrees,
west twenty-eight perches to a (lost, thence south thirty
seven and a half degrees, west six perches and nine
tenths to a lot or garden, thence by same north thirty
three degrees, west four perches and seven tenths to a
post, thence north eighteen degrees, west four perches
aud three-tenths to a post, theuce south seventy-five de
grees, west (crossing the road) seveu perches to line
fence of Charles Rilz, thence by same and across tail race
of mill forty-one perches and five tenths to the place of
beginning—together with all the water rights of the feed
er or race and the dam across the Kishaco<}uiUas creek,
and all the right appurtenant.
Also, one other tract adjoining the above
beginning at the walnut corner fir?t above mentioned,
thence north twenty-three and a half degrees, weal tw en
ly-eight perches to the corner of Charles Ritz's lot across
the feeder, thence along the upper side of the feeder north
fifty-six degrees, west eight perches lo a post by Charles
Ritz's fence, thence south sixty-two and a half degrees,
west ten perches to a post by E L. Benedict's fence,
thence south sixty-five degrees, west ten perches and
twenty links to a post by same, thence south sixty-nine
and a half degrees, west six perches by saute to a post,
I hence south seventy-seven and a half degrees, west six
perches to a post by same, thence south eighiy-Bix de
grees, west eighteen perches and eight links to the cor
ner of James Parker and E L. Benedict in right of James
Milliken, thence south twenty-two and three-fourth de
grees, east forty-four perches along the line of James
Parker's fence lo the creek, thence up the same north
sixty-five and a half degrees, east ten perches to a post,
thence north fifty-four and a half degrees, east fifty
perches and seven links to the place of beginning, being
part arid parcel of the lands, nulls, and water rights con
veyed to John Sterrett and James /'otter, Jr., by James
Miilikett am! wife, by their deed dated the second day of
November, A. l>.
and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of John Sttrrett and J a nit a Potter, Jr
Also, a tract of land, containing thirty
one acres and twenty-five perches, more or less, situate
in the borough of MeVeytown and Oliver township, with
a Forge and remains of Baw Mill and a number of small
Houses, Zee. thereon, and known as Ellen Forge.
Also, a tract of land in Oliver township,
three acres and eighty-six perrh-s, more or less, adjoin
ing lands of George 11. Calbraith, Hollidays and others.
Also, a tract of land situate in Oliver
township, containing 82 acres and 112 is'rrhcs, being part
of a tract of land surveyed to Tbo§ Bruce on warrant,
dated slh July, 1792.
Also, a tract of land situate in Oliver
township, containing s<:: acres and 35 jn-n hca, being part
of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant lo George Cal
braith, dated September 11th, 1.92.
Also, a tiact of land situate in Wayne
tow nship, adjoining Robert Forgy, Geo. Foster, fetr
Rhoads and others, containing 2-i acres and bO lusitlies,
more or less.
Aiso, a tract of land situate in Wayne
township, adjoining lan Is of Wm. I.aughliir, Alum. I.u
kens and others, continuing 52 acres and 6- perches and
allowance, more or less.
Also, a tract of land in Oliver township,
surveyed in the name of Henry Shaffer, adjoining ( h is.
Hall tract, containing 400 acres, more or less.
Also, a tract of land situate in Union
township, adjoining lands of Michael Voder, containing
II aires and 2l{ perches, more or less, being the same
which Jacob I-'oltz conveyed to Brooke, Thomas A. Co.,
with a small house and barn thereon erected.
Also, a tract ol land situate in Oliver
township, adjoining lands of Caldwell's heirs, containing
50 acres ami 156 per<-hrs, being the same which was
granted to Nathaniel ifubbell on warrant, dated ltth
Juue, IT'JI.
Also, u tract of larlil situate in Union
township, adjoining finds of Ifivid Zook andoilmrt,con
laining 32 acres, more or less, with an Ore Bank thereon
and oilier improvements
Also, all the right, title and interest of
Mil haet Crinwi H ntl John V. CrißW- II in a certain Ore
on ill#* 1-irni.: of tiin of Jlenj iniin W.tilery, d -
rea-eil, (the bank being now know n *s the Walters Ort:
Also, all their interest in a tract of land
situate in Oiivei township, aJjoino v 1 .ruis otJohn Ket
! vt r, ricntgf Allen ami others, containing 108 acres ami
112 jetchc, bring the name tract which \van purchaiietl
from Jon Knibel ami S. Myers
Also, a (net of land in Wayne township,
adjoining lands of Allen, Rosen burg, li Sunderland and
oiners, know n as the Soiier land, and surveyed on a wur
riint in the name of George Johnston
Also, a tract of land, containing 100
acres, more or lees, situate in township, adjoin
ing lands of K M- Milliken, Samuel Horning and .lark's
Mountain, known as part of the llall farm.
Seized, taken in execution, and to to; sold a= the pro
perty of Alukitd Cnttcttl, J- y• Crietrtll
Also, a certain messuage or tract of
I itui, situate in Wayne township, Miftlin county, hound
ed ami described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
che'iiut stump on ttir bunk of the Juniata river- thence by
lands late of Jno Mi Howell, d< c'd, now residue of
lands of said John Itobb and John M Barton, Mouth forty
-even degrees, west Unity-two peri lies to a white oak,
the ore north sixty-two degrees, west eighty two parches
to locust, thence by part residue now June* M< Kcelmn,
north twentv right degree-, earl thirty-nine perches lo a
po-t on tow path, thence south forty thiee and a half
degrees, east twenty-om |K-rrhcs to u|>|"-r corner land
bridge, tlieurr north forty six and a hall degrees, east to
middle of cr,k, thence up fniddls of creek to place of
beginning, containing fifteen acre*, more or less, ih<
same being the remainder of two mes'oiriges and tracts
or parcels of land which were sold and conveyed by
the said H.-nry H.irruk to the said John Itobb and Un
said John M Barton, by deed dated the seventh day of
April, 1-41, together with the hereditaments and appur
teriaiici-s Heized, taken in execulion, and to In: sold us
the prop' rty of .A,An hobb, with notice lo Joseph Bower,
I> r t:harle Bower, Muhael < riawtll and Elijah McVey,
urte tenant*.
Also, all (he interest of Samuel P. Lib
! hiy in a tract of land situate, lying and being in Decatur
: township, Mifflin comity, adjoining lands ofOreen Ster
rclt, Samuel Sigler, John Rurkholder and others, con
I t lining in tlie whole three hundred acres, more or less,
Acc., about l.io acres, more or less, cleared, with a grist
j mill, saw mill, several dwelling houses and other im
: proveiuents thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution,
j and to he sold as the property of Samuel /'. I.illey.
Also, a lot of ground situate in Belle
vllfe, in tlie townpfiip of Union, county of Mifflin, enn
: tnining one-fourth of an acre, he the sine- more or leas,
bournlm! ly lands of J.micri Poc on thy cast, *tn I Steely V'
| heirs on the Botilh, and John Rriurilc* on ihc north, ami
! the trreat road leading from Brown's Mills to Huntingdon
, on the northwest, vv ills a iartje two &iry fiiuic JwiJ
j Bni; house, a frame stable and other improvements thcre
j on erected. Seized, taken m execution, and to be sold as
j the property of Joseph Goodharj.
Also, lour lots of ground, Nos. 53, 51,
! 55, and part of lot No. sti in tin; general plan of the bor
| ough of McVcytown, / J a., bounded or .ho cast by .Sliip
pcii alley, on the south by Wasiisngion .il cy, on the west
by Uuecn street, on the north by the other part of lot No
and John street, and 'ill of said lots being enclosed un
der one lenca, with a two story frame dwelling house
and other improvements thereon erected, Uc. Seized,
taker, in execution, ami to ho sold as the property of
Martin Steliley.
Also, a lot of ground in the borough of
: l ewistown extended, situate on the southeast side of
| JJale street, fronting thirty feet, more or loss, unsaid
; street, and 150 feet deep, adjoining lot of Samuel S.
\\ oods on the south-west, and a lot of John Cash on the
north-east, with a one story frame dwelling house and
other improvements thereon erected. Seized, taken in
execution, and to he sold is the property of Danhl P.hutlcs.
Also, all the interest, right and tilhi of
Samuel Naughtsinger in and to a certain lot of ground in
the borough of Lewistown, bounded and described as
follows : Fronting on Valley street on the east, on the
north hv lot of Lewis Owens, on the west iiv public al
ley, on the south by lot of James /'arker, with a frame
house and stable and other improvements thereon erect
ed. Seized, taken tn exi cution, and to be sold as the
property of Sumucl Xuughtsinger.
l>. McKEAN CONTNER, Sheriff.
town, July 11,1349. \
N. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriffs
sales are hereby notified that theamounv of the
sales will be required to bo paid, in all cases,
immediately on the property being knocKcd
down, or it will be forthwith resold to the high -
est bidder. 1). McK. C.
fyY virtue ola writ of Planes Venditioni
3 Exponas, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Mifflin county and to me direct
ed, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or
outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of
Lewistown, on
Wednesday, Aug. 8, IS 19,
at 9 o'clock, A. M., the following property, to
All the interest of John Sterrett in several
tracts of land, situate in the borough oi Lewis
town and Derry township, Mifflin county, Pa.,
containing in tho whole about 50 acres, more
or less, all which is cleared, and his interest in
the water power passing through the said
lands, &.c., bounded by Water street, lands of
Jatnea Parker, Milliken, Benedict and Ritz on
the north and north-west, by the banks of the
south side of the Kishacoquillas creek on the
east and south-east, and Brown street, &c. on j
the west, with one old grist mill, one frame ]
grist null, a log dwelling house and stable,one
stone grist mil! aud plaster mill, one new stone j
and brick grist mill, one two story brick dwel- 1
ling house, a saw mill on the south side of the
Kishacoquillas creek, near Duncan's furnace, 1
and several out buildings thereon erected.
Also, oil the interest ot John Kterrett in a
lot or j/round situate in the borough of Lewis
town, Mifflin county, Pa., bounded by Water
street on the south, a lot of E. L. Benedict,
Esq. on the west, a sixteen feet alley on the
north, and the grave yard lot on the east, with
a large two story frame cooper shop, a large
two story log dwelling house, a large frame
barn, and other buildings thereon erected, &c
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold a
the property of John Sterrett.
I). McK. CONTNER, Sheriff.
Lewistown, July 14,1849. i
N. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriffs
sales are hereby notified that the amount of the
sales will be required to be paid, in all cases,
immediately on the property being knocked
down, or it wtli be forthwith resold, to the
highest bidder. D. McK. C., Sh'ff
I>Y virtu- of a writ of Venditioni Eiponn*, looted out
of the Court of Common Picas of the county of Mif
flin, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale by
public outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of
I.ewistown, on
Saturday, July, 11, 1 8 111,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described
property, to w it:
A half lot of ground, more or less, situate in the bor
ough of I.ewistown, .Milliin county, I'a , bounded by
Brown street on the east, a sixteen feet alley on the
south, by a lot of John .-'terreU on the w it, and Market
street on the north, with a laige two story brii k dwel
ling house, a large brick stable, and other improvements
thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution aa the propeity of Ihu
Bank of Lewistown.
Lewistown, June 29,1848. tl.
N. B.—Purchasers at tin* above Sheriff's sale
are hereby notified that the amount oi the sale
will be required to ho paid immediately on the
projierty being knocked down, or it will be forth
with resold to the highest bidder.
D. McK. C., Sh'ff
@ 'i? 11 vS 1M o
ri Miij stockholders of the Lewistown nnd Kish-
L acoquillas Turnpike Road Company are
lieri'by notified tfiat a DIVIDEND of two per
cent, on the capital stock of said Company, for
the last six months, ending on the first day of
May last, has been declared, to be paid to the
Stockholders of said Company, or their legal
representatives, on or after the 20f/i day if July,
1849. By order of the Board.
M. BUOY, Treasurer
Lewistown, July 7, 1848—3t.
I I.NEN LUSTRES, for I2J cents arid
.A upwards.
Linen Camb. HANDKERCHIEFS, for 10
cents and upwards.
French needle-worked COLLARS, for 121
cents and ujiwards.
Ladies' new style standing COLLARS.
A splendid assortment of SHAWLS —a new
article of travelling Shawm at low prices.
ALPACAS, in great variety, at
New Cheap Cash Store.
! iTluslni* ! f
A SPLENDID quality of bleached and
Im brown muslins, at <i.\ cents per yard, as
good as ts sold elsewhere at 8 cents, at
New Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, July 7, 1 -10.
! I'llTßli MllSliltV,
Roaishurg, Centre Co., I*a.
C 4 ARDENKRS and orchnrdists who desire
M to plant only the very beet kinds of hardy
j fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
j obtain trees here of all the most estimable va
| rieties, including all those which have received
I the especial sanction of the American Congress
'of Fruit Growers. (N. V., Oct. 1848 )
i 1 lie 1 RELS oll'ered tins season areof beau-
I tifrl appearance, extra size, (exeept
| a few row rare sorts) and from
j the elevated locality in which the
Nursery is established, have all the
i esbontial advantages of hardiness and early
I maturity, for which trees grown at the north
I have been deservedly preferred,
j The advantages possessed here are being
j improved to the utmost, with the view ot niak
! ing this Nunnery, in merit, second to none in
i the Slate. Every tree is tudelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
sound on delivery. If to he shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
It is advised that orders be sent direct ft the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at high prices. Such orders, if received in
lime, have the first attention.
Season for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, &LC. lias
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
all post paid applicants.
Boalsburg, July 7,l*lo—if. f Dem. copy
Valuable Real Estate and
Mill Property
rfllHh subscriber oilers nf I-KIVATE SAI.K that
JL valuable furin of L 1 ,-VI K S T() N /•.'
L A AI D, situate in Kishacoquillas Valley,
Mitliiri county ccntaining
160 Acros,
more or less. The improvements are a
with thiee run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
ping Atones, all in full operation and in good
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good
run of custom. Also, a
and FRAME IIOUSEfor the miller.
On the farm there is a good FRAM E fvfvTl®
f?7?Hj®ond large BARN, and a launl
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in u high state of;
cultivation. There is likewise a good appear j
ancc of Iron Ore of the best quality, known as !
the "Greenwood Ore." This property lies !
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha- j
coquilias creek, t never failing stream of lime- i
stone water.
This estate will be sold together or separate
to suit purcliasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms, &c ,by calling on MR. WILLIAM ilc-
CLELLAN, living in the neighborhood.
March 17, 1849 —tf.
Valuable Properly al
rililE subscriber oilers at private sale that
JL valuable farm known as " LOCKPORT," OU
which be now resides, situate in Oliver town
ship, Mittlin county, about 7 miles from M'Vey
tovvn, and 8 miles from Lewistown, containing
109 Acres,
more or less, of river bottom land, in a high
state of cultivation. The improvements con
sist ot a plastered twostory FARM
HOUSE, Bank Barn, with in.sur- J '
ance on it; a Store House at the Sni j|K
basin, with tenant houses aml
shop suitable for any mechanical busiuess, a
r:t^ MANSION UOUSE, 21 by 40
11 ||k feet, with kitchen, wood house,
isgHߣfaaAbakc house, smoke house, two
story spring house, good stabling, and other out
buildings, a fountain ot good water at the door,
together with a large variety of choice FRUIT
TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
pears, apples, cherries, plums, &o.
There is on this property a water power ot
224 feet lull, sufficient to drive any machinery.
From its situation—being on the Pennsylvania
('anal—its contiguity to tiie Central Railroad,
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river—its convenience to schools, three churches,
i Sic., this (arm commends itself to the attention
of all who seek an agreeable and convenient
Persons desirous of purchasing arc requested
to rail and examine the property. The terms
will he made to accommodate purchasers.
March 17, 1549-(im.
Lancaster Examiner copy to amount of #4
and charge this office.
i~)ERSONS purchasing goods at Lewistown
can save at least 20 per cent, hv first
calling at Jones' before they buy, as he has the
cheapest goods in town rnd as large an assort
ment to select from. C. L. JONES,
JS'ew Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, July 7, 1849.
Ladies'' Shoes.
\T my store can be had any quality, size,
. or pattern ol Ladies', Misses', and Chil
dren's SHOES. at very low prices.
JVVin Cheap Cash Store.
Lewit town, July 7, 1819.
Large Sized Looking Glasses.
jUS T received a lot of them, larger than
is generally kept in other stores.
0. 1,. JONES'
New Cheap Cash Store.
Levvir-tovvn, July 7,119.
IXale ol' Unot'it (Scale, de
jVJ OTICE is hereby given that Letters Tcs
-1 x tamentary on the estate of ENOCH
BEALE, deceased, late of the Borough of Lew
istown, Mi film county, have been granted by
the Register of Wills of said county to the
subscriber, residing in said borough. All per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to make payment to the undersigned without
delay, and those having claims to present thern,
properly authenticated, tor settlement.
July 7, 18-19—(it. Executrix.
nESO LU 11 0 N
: Relative to an Amendment of tlio
RLS>OL\ CD by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives uj the L'otnmonweullh of I'tnnsylvania
j in Licntiul .lssevibly met , That the Constitution
, of this Commonwealth he amended in the se-
I cond section of the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows: The Judges of the Supreme
j Court, of the several Courts of Common Ideas,
1 and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall he established by law, shall he elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in
the manner following, to wit: The Judges of
; the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The President
| Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas
I and of such other Courts of Record as are or
j shall be established by law, and all other Judges
required to he learned in the law, by the quali
| tied electors of flic respective districts over
I which they are to preside or act as Judges.
And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Coiu
: rnon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun
ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
; Court shall hold their offices for the term of fif
; teen years, if they shall so long behave them
| selves well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf
i tor provided for, subsequent to the first elec
tion :) The President Judge 3 of the several
; Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other
courts of Record as are or shall be established
by law, and all other Judges required to he
learned iu the law, shall hold their offices for
the term of ten years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well: The Associate Judges of
the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their
offices for the tern. .'five years, if they shall
so long behave themselves well: all of whom
shall be commissioned by the Governor, hut for
any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi
cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor
shall remove any of them on the address of two
thirds of each branch of (lie Legislature. The
first election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next after the
adoption of this amendment, and the commis
sions of all the judges who may he then in of
fice shall expire on the first Monday of Decem
ber following, when the terms of the nevv judges
shall commence. The persons who shall then
he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall
hold their offices us follows : one of them for
! three years, one for six years, one for nine
years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen
years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by
the said judges, as soon after the election as
convenient, and the result certified by them to
the Governor, that the commissions may be is
sued in accordance thereto. The judge whose
commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus
tice during his terra, and thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire shall in
turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the same day, the
judges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall he the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap
pening Ly death, resignation, or otherwise, in
any of the said courts, shall he filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to continue till the
first Monday of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents of the several Courts
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
for their services an adequate compensation, to
he fixed by law, which shall not he diminished
during their contiuuance in office, hut they shall
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the Lmited
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court during their con
tinuance in office shall reside within this Com
monwealth, and the other Judges during their
continuance in office shall reside within the dis
trict or county for which they were respective
ly elected.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
I* THE SENATE, J\lurch 1, 1849.
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21,
Nays 8.
Extract from the Journal.
.Ijnil 2,
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 58,
nays 20.
Extract from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April 5. 1849.
Dep. Sec. of the Commonwealth.
1 no CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the Original Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Reso
lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution," us the same remains on hie in this of
in testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my
hand, and caused to be aflixed the
seal of the Secretary 's Office at llar-
Ji Mi risburg, this eleventh day of June,
Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and
Secretary of tlu Commonwealth.
" Resolution, No. 188, entitled ' Resolution
" relative to an amendment of the Constitution,'
" was read a third time. On the question, will
" the Senate agree to the resolution ? The Yeas
" and Nays were taken agreeably to the Consti
" tut ion, and were as follows, viz :
" YEAS —Messrs. Boas, Brawley, Crabb, Cun
" ningham, Forsy th, Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence,
" Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich,
" Richards, Sadler, Sankey, Savery, Small,
" Smyscr, Sterrett and Sline—2l.
"NAYS —Messrs. Rest, Drum, Friek, Ives,
" King, Konigmacher, Potteiger and Darsie,
" Speaker— B.
" So the question was determined in the af
" firmative."
" Shall the resolution pass ? The yeas and
" nays were taken agreeably to the provision of
" the tenth article of the Constitution, and are
" as follows, viz :
" YEAS —Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J.
" Bent, Craig Biddlc, Peter D. Bloom, David M.
" Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, Jolm 11.
" Dichi, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery,
" David G. Eshlenian, William Evans, John
" Fausold, Samuel Fegely, Joseph W. Fisher,
" Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove, Robt Ilamp
" son, George P. llenszey, Thomas J. Herring,
" Joscqdi Higgins, Chas. Hortz, Joseph B Mower,
" Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham
" Lamberton, James J. Lewis, J tunes W. Long,
"Jacob M'Cartney, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh
" M'lvee, John M'Laughliti, Adam Martin, Sam
" uel Marx. John C. My ers, Edward Nickleson,
" Stewart Pcarce, James Porter, Henry ('. Pratt,
" Alonzo Rohb, George Rupley, Theodore Ky
" man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Seibert,
" John Sharp, Christian Snively, Thomas C.
"Steel, Jeremiah B. Stubbs, J<>st J. Stutzman,
" Marshall Swartzwelder, Samuel Taggart,
"George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunali
"Wattles, Samuel Wcirich, Alonzo I Wilcox,
" Daniel Zerbey, and William F. Packer, Speak
" er.—sß.
" Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn, David
" M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans,
" Jolm Ftnlou, John W. George, Thomas Gil
" lespie, John 15. Gordon, Wflliam Henry,
" James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert R.
" Little, John S. M'Oahnont, John M'lvee,
" William M'Shei ry, Josiah Miller, William 'l'
" Morrison, John A Olto, Wiiliam V. Roberts,
" John \V. }{( scherry. John B, Jiutherl'onj, K.
" Kimdle Smith, John Sni)th, John Souder,
" George Walters and David F. Williams.—Jti
" So the question was determined in the athr
" illative."
lluiiLbiiig, June Jo, JsJ'J. )
.yvJASz,- i no CERTIFY that the above and
foregoing is a true ar.d rorreet rojv
I l '*s " Ve.as" and 44 .N ays," taken
I " n 9" ; " Resolution relative to an
j Amendment ot ttie Constitution,"
j as the same appears on the Journal s
of the two Houses of the Central Assembly of
this Commonwealth, for the session of 184 th
Witness my hand and the seal of said office,
the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine.
ju~.l 3m Secretary of the Commimictalth.
' IT C ! I S 2.
: fWMIE following accounts liuve been ex
i amined and passed by me, and remain
, filed o! record in tins office fur the inspection of
I Heirs, Legatees, Creditors, ami nil others in
; any way interested, and will be presented to
! the next Orphans' Court of the county of Mit
fiin, to he held at the Court House in LEWIS
TOYVX, on THURSDA V, the [)th duy of Au
gust, 1849, for allowance and confirmation :
I. 'l'he administration account of Benjamin
Chandler, Executor of Rebecca Armstrong,
late of the borough of McVeytown, deceased.
2 The administration account of George
| V. Mitchell, Administrator ot James Mitchell,
late of Oliver township, deceased.
3 The final administration account of Geo.
| VV. Oliver, Administrator of John Oliver, Jr.,'
1 late of Oliver township, deceased.
4 The final administration account of John
Pureed, Administrator of Jarnes Glasgow, late
of the borough of Newton Hamilton, deceased.
5- The final administration account of John
Purcell, Administrator of James McDowell,
late of Wayne township, deceased.
6- The linal administration account of Dan-
I iei Owens, Administrator of William Owens,
j late of Lack township, (Juniata county,)dee'd.
7- The Guardianship account of Robert
; Laughiin, Guardian, of the minor children of
| James Glasgow, late ot Wayne township, de
] ceased.
8 The Guardianship account of David Coop
er, Guardian of the minor children of James
j Caldwell, late of Wayne township, deceased.
: 9. The Guardianship account of David Jen
j kins. Guardian of William McDowell, minor
I son of James McDowell, late of Wayne town
i ship, deceased.
10- The administration account of Jacob
! Garver and William Wilson, Administrators
of William Ward, late of Oliver township,
11. The adininistiation account of George
Swartzell and Jacob Krise, Executors of Geo.
Swartzell, late ot Armagh township, deceased.
12- The administration account of David
llartzler, Executor of David Ilartzler, (Doctor)
late of Oliver township, deceased, as filed by
Daniel IJartzler administrator of David llartz
ler, deceased.
13- The administration account of Jacob
Foltz, Jr., administrator of Joseph Fisher, late
of Union township, deceased.
14- The Guardianship account of William
Heed, Guardian of Noailes, minor daughter of
James Alexander, late of Armagh township,
Lewistown, June 30, 1849.
oO~The Register deems it proper to state,
fur the inforinition of nil concerned, that ac
counts must bo hied in his office and publish
ed thirty days previous to the first day of en
suing Courts—otherwise they will be retained
until the succeeding term.
rpIIE subscriber has taken the Lewistown
JL Mills,and wishes to buy a large quantity of
All Kinds of Grain,
for which lie will pay the CASH, IN TAR
FUNDS, as high as the market will ali'ord, accor
ding to its quality. Any person haviug good
Wheat will do well to call and show a sample
of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated 011 the creek, where Hour can
be loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the tlour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling,
h wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time and labor in hoisting by
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
"Received, Lewistown Mills, of A. B,
11 heat, to he kept in store till the first of Au
gust, unless disposed of sooner."
When the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till alter the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. If shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
rwo cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF
cfcnt per month, afterwards. The grain will
be clear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plaster, Fisli. Salt and Groceries
ot all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
GO-FLOUR, .MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low fur cash.
N. B. JOHN S I'ERRETT is authorized to
transact nny business in the übovc premises as
my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, —ly.
mm: I.ykens Valley Coal Company will be
[ prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the
•20th inst., at the Depot, Millcrsburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the head ofthcWi
ooui-co Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at
the. follow ing prices CASH :
Lump, broken and screened, 42.00 per ton.
Nut, 1.75 do.
Limeburners'screened, 1.37A do.
do. mixed, 75 do.
April 14, 1819—taugl.
Jim's and Boys' Goods,
summer wear, selling ofl cheap at
* C. L. JONES'
Xf W Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, July 7, 1849.