Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 07, 1849, Image 3

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    j' of LETTER 3 remaining in the Post
'(>,!•. :t; M-\'e> town, for the quarter end
!l : |,i. i '
• en Joseph F. King Hugh
\ \ i lvelly John
V old Uex indcr Long John
,■ !, Michael Eeapold George
];, i ik- Vithotty I.<-w is Jerry
, n imuet Mahoney John
v Jane- MeEntirc Elizabeth
, .| t . tb un Susannah Magnrrah John
i ici) Mc Bride Robert
(-..iciic Patrick MeFarland Robert
, , Patrick McGrune Christopher
I ;n iII J:UI>GO Moran James
( .. .!■ i•. McGownu Edward
t •. r i, r .'aioes McCarty Andrew
.cli ("uarles Moran Patrick
p,ilv Thomas 2 McGrigger Samuel
p.. k I! i-annah Magness Thomas
JIIT-CN William Mundy Stephen
poiiuiu rty missPriseillaMeDonnel Michael
I), _ i ty miss JaucW.Newman Michael
I>, iiiy Patrick Oshen Patrick
Pcviiiey John l'ennepacker Rebecca
r.v tJeorge Ripple Sarah
Estep Elijah llaukin Rev. It.
Ply un llu-an Robertson Robert
iJru-li illiam Rudy Jacob
(iia-iiniie Daniel Sunderlin Samuel
Garrett James Smitli Patrick
i; inly William Snyder Henry 2
1, ,1-on Owen Smyth Geo. W.
Gouran Edward Shade Jacob
lh>ran Thomas Seirs Alexander
Barron Samuel I'll' Clarkson
||.inl;ieks John White Patrick
Iloliucs Calvin Waggoner Ann
lianawalt George Wiuter Elizabeth
1) H. LI SK, P. M.
McVcytown, July 7, 1849—3t.
T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
\ j Office at Lewistown, July 1, 1849.
Cf Persons enquiring for letters in the fol
i.ov'nig list will please say they are advertised.
.V'air John ivenrer Henry
Andres Thos. Leaty Jofin D.
Anspach illiam Leech Stewart
Ausburn Thomas Long George 2
Aburn mis- Rebecca Lancton miss Mary Ann
Beatty Samuel W. Lancaster Sarah
Brua miss S. A. Iwhr Gabreal
Barrens Thornton I.ightner I.ucinda
Black miss F.nidy Lebrick William M.
Brown James I.offerty James
Jtrown miss Catharine Lawrence Sam.
Jiray William I.ightner Reuben
Hoggs Andrew I.ynn, Esq. James F.
Boaß mi-* Lavenia Lyman Jas.
Brought Jacob Lenor George
Brown James G. Long miss Amiila
Baura Rebecca 2 McNeal Eliza
Beck, r William P. McNeal John
Bell, E-q. James H. McCrum West
Baker John E. McSwiggen M.
lilakc Thomas J. McCrum miss Louisa
Bream Solomon McManame John
Bowman Syrus McCracken Thomas
Bolinger Jacob McKiben
Brown John McHugh John
R ancr Stephen McGuire Lawrence
Barker A. 11. McKinnv I'att
Brown miss Elizabeth McGonnel Patrick
Benjamin Jacob MoMonagfe Patrick
Brookes Joson McCracken Robert
Black Rev. Samuel McG&uan Edward
Burlew Hiram McKarman James
Brought John Milligan D.
li irix George Mayers mrs. Mary
Prion Michael Jlfartin D. L.
Blackshire William .Ways, Jr. A.
Bryan James .Wurry William 2
Campbell, Esq. Win. J.d.Vullen Patrick
Cauflman A. .Maris Marlm
t iark J. C. 3 .Viller miss Ann Maria
Cone A. G. .Wusser Jonus
Cauffman Frederick .Voss Andrew
I'nrnpbcll, Esq. A. W T . .Vunday Dennis
C'aley mrs. Sarah .Uiles Jemima
Crider mrs. Mary .Uullen Rev.
< Yownover Samuel 2 .Vorrow Joseph
Caeley Daniel 2 -Myers James
Campbell 11. E. 2 -Miller miss-Martha
Cranage John -V/aier -Mr.
Connelly John 2 -Miller miss Egilda
Courcy Mills -Vaintzer Robert
Campcll miss Rachael -Mowery-Vary A.
< ranitel John -Vahany Timothy
Crouch L. -Venelis Bernard
C dlen W. M. -Vorrow Thomas
Cook, Esq. Ennion -Vartin James -V.
• lUghfman Isaac .M izeolaeinold
I alcy Lewis Nersbet John
' rnmings Alexander Nymond mrs. Susan
' (.ambers John Newcomer John
Cyner miss Barbara Newman mrs. Susan
astole Thomas Neil 11. B.
< arnpbell John Potter John
i'r -man E. T. 2 Pattison John
C rnmesford Piialin Daniel
buchman Esq. Wm. Paul William
Dauavon John I'earce David
i'rike mr-. M. E. Ruddy Patt
Ikck-ori Capt. C. Rliule Jonathan 3
l)ror./,i(.k Abraham Rumbaugh William
Davi: J un Rotbrock miss Mary
Dick'on John Reed Jno. S.
iJjlfy Peter 2 Raurk John
Durb: ■row T. Rolin Jacob
It'lily it rt Reemakcr Christian 2
rly J icob Kayger John 2
E ;.-t :J William Itichesson Samuel
1 < r-tei Daniel Rhoada Thinman
Erebn Christian Richartlson Henry J.
j '■ tney John Raoss Thomas
i' ;elds Nathan Redline Henry
• rguson S irnuel Rusell mrs. Jane
j .-ling Rev John Squire Mchoney
Thomas Smith Rev. Jarncs
! ivenmrs. KlizabclhSpickcr Elizabeth
L' a Samuel Smith mrs. Jane
I • rris Daniel Siaullether Andrew
(rifiith miss Esther Simon George
('nun Wilhelm Stullen liernhart
''raham John • Shoemaker Catliarine
ge miss lA-viria Salsbury Orlondo
Giiigeriel John Smith James 2
Brill Levi Sworm Lydia
C .en Isabella Smith Robert
lloyt miss Mary Straus Heiurich
R' uderson mrs. Mary Scott miss -Mary -M.
Mart Frederick Spayd ./onas
1 lauly Michael 2 Silver wood -Wathias .M.
Hoover Daniel Snouper miss Catharine
Hale James Smith John T.
Ilench Win. C. Strong David
Hauch James W. Stootsman Abraham
liarkin Peter Sliemmer Daniel
ileneiy William 'l ice Joseph
Hoinphries James 'Forney -/. M.
li ; vigor Jacob Taylor Stephen \V .
lh;ch Jacob Torinra miss Catharine
H•'s -ei Jacob Tunegan James
liiri.- Anthony Vanzaiult ifezekiah
• ' ris Edward V uiidarnikcr Joseph
!!■ ■ !.v James Woods Arthur
.vvt.l John C. Y> Glis Joseph A.
" 'i. sfdi Weeler r.aiss l.avirua
■' > rt Martin Wilson David
■ n Augustus M. Wilson Ezra
' -• E-q. li< njjiiuit 2 Will Thomas
.Mary t\ iliiarns Joseph B. 2
•'•is D. S. Wagner Isaac
h "k mrs. I.ucretia A. Wsahmood Kvaline
" '< r Christian 2 Walter Daniel
> !. !v. ord Wumiflcr Michael
r ■ r Joseph Whitikcttle Franklin
Kenny Thotnstft Williamson, Eq. Mr.
John Williams Sharb-t D
bslley John 3 Yirtrey Michael
Eainuel M.
town, July I, 3t.
K ■ L'LLNDID quality of blenched and
' * biov. i iniiiliiie, at cents per yard, an
■ le I old c'.icwlierfi lit 8 cents', St
Nt w ( heap ( a■ h Store.
MWirtown, July 7, 1-19.
Pennock's Patent
A.2TD G-3.A11T
planter, 1
f 'ivm'iv TL?NV NlE ' LR ' Ryi: - MM.F.Y, i
L 1 / ' ,AA . 0./7'S, lIE.LYS, I'll.lS, |
/?{ /./ B.IGJS, TLILYII'S, V.
'WNlil-8 iMacnine operates equally well on
J- all kinds of land, and is not injured !>v ■
coining m contact with rocks, roots, &c. ft
u .11 plant point rows, and ail irregular shaped '
todds, without sowing any part twice over. '•
u i{ h n saving of from lit to 15 percent, in j
labor, it will, with ease for two horses, plant
troni 1(1 to I*J acres per day of wheat, oats,
barley, and other small grains; and with one S
| man and horse, it will readily plant from 15 to
I -I' acres per day of Indian corn, beans, teas, '
' rata bagas, &c.
It will save from 2 to 3 pecks of seed per '
acre, and yield from 15 to 2(1 per cent, more !
than the broad cast seeding, by distributing '
the grain uniformly at any desired depth, and
i leaving a ridge of earth between the rows. '
I'he roots of the young plant are protected
; during the winter by the action of the frost I
and rain mouldering Hie earlh upon them, in- |
stead of lieing thrown cut and exposed ns in
broad cast On this account the stalk is
stronger and less subject to mildew, and is not
I so liable to injury by the fly,
• The farmer is frequently prevented by rain i
j from harrowing in his gram after it is sown,
; which harrowing is needless in seeding with j
litis machine as it completes the work at once, j
I Were awarded thtse Drills as follows:
Iy the Philadelphia and Delaware County l
. Agricultural Society, first Premium, in 1811. j
I By the St. George's and Appoquinunink Ag
! riciiitural Society, in 1 ll.
By the Amoricari Institute, Silver Medal, in
i 1942.
By the Franklin Institute, Diploma, Honor- I
! arv, in 1842.
By the New Castle County (Delaware.)
Agricultural Society, First I'iemium, in 18-15'.
By the New York State Agiicultural Soci- !
cty. Diploma, (Honorary,) in 1 —.
.By (lie New York Srate Agricultural Soci-'
ety, First Premium, m 1847.
YALLKV, May 28, 1910.
Mr. Aoner Thompson: Dear Sir—The
Pennock Drill 1 got from you lust summer,
i worked to my entire satisfaction, in rough and ;
smooth ground. Each tube and hopper work
ing separate and independent ot eacti other, is
a decided advantage, by escaping rocks, roots,
| sowing point rows, &c., and from the appear-,;
ancc ol my crop at this time, there will he a
better yield to the acre than on what I sowed
! broad-cast, besides a saving ut one halt bushel
ot seed to the acre. I believe it is one ot the
most profitable agricultural implements in use
by the farming community.
We cordially concur in tiie above.
RKEUSVILI.E, May 20, 1910
Pennock Drill, that 1 bought of you last stni
: mer, worked to my entire satisfaction, both on
, rough and smooth ground ; it is not injured by
; coming in contact with rocks or roots. I think
; from the present appearance of my drilled
wheat, that it will yield enough more ou my
i crop to pay the price of the Drill, at nriy rate, i
This is to certify that each of tiie under- j
signed bought one of Pennock's Drills of A li
ner Thompson last summer, arid that we fully
i concur in the ebove statement made by Felix j
i McClintick.
NEAR AI.I.KNVIM.K, May 18, Hl9.
! Mr. Aimer Thompson : Dear Sir—Hiving i
! used one of S. &. M. Pennock's Drills, intro- ■
duced by you some two year ago in tins coun
ty, 1 am fully satisfied of its great utility to
the farmer who will, with due care, use it.
, For rny own part, I think that I will, upon
j thirty-eight acres sowing, gain enough this
j year to pay lor one of the Drills.
Yours respectfully,
The undersigned fully concur in the above.
Mirms COIWTV, May 18, 1919.
Mr. Ahner Thompson : Dear Sir—l he .
Pennock Wheat Drill 1 purchased of you last
\ fall worked to my entire satisfaction both on j
| rough und smooth ground. It saves at least j
j one peck of seed per acre, and 1 believe, from
the present appearance of the wheat, it w ill
| yield considerably more than that seeded in
I the usual broadcast way.
Wthereby certify that, having bought and
used Pennock's Drills, we cheerfully concur in ■
the above statement, made bv Mr. M'Dowell.
DERRV TOWNSHIP. May 24, 1949.
Mr. Thompson : Sir—The Pennock Uiill ]
| 1 bought of you lit summer worked to my en- j
tire satisfaction, !>oth on rough and smooth j
ground, as it is not injured by coming in con- i
tact with rocks. Each hopper and each tube ■
works sepaiate and independent of each other: 1
it will sow all irregular shaped land HI I point,
sows, without sowing any twice over ; it .avid ;
' at least l bushel of iced to the acre; and 1
lieve the drilled wheat will yield < • rmi lcrabie
1 more than that sown in the usual way.
I fully 'ind cordially subscribe to the' m 1111
II ess of the statement above.
Isaac Price substantially concurs in above.
0;y .Manufactured and f<#r sale bv the sub
scribers, at Perry-viMe, Mifflin r untv Pa ,
who will deliver Drills in any part of Bi>
| Drills are warranted to perform to
j the entire satisfaction of purchasers, if used ac
cording to direction-*—if not satisfactory, after
a fair trial, they will be taken back, provided
; a reasonable compensation be allowed for
i their use.
j ijj'Vv'ivv for a Drill, SIOO.
; PCHUVSVII.E, MI HI in county, PA., I
June 2, 1819. ('
I'Oi: OALY 51.5.
Daguerreotype Arli*ts,
W'OULI) respectfully inform the La
dies nnd Gentlemen of Lewistown
and vicinity, that they liave taken rooms for a
short time immediately over tlie Store of Vr.
nnH are proparod to pxccutc Oajruorrpot} r pc
Likenesses in a style superior to any heftto
fbre taken in Lewistown.
Then give us a call—our prices are low ;
Our work, it is perfect, as specimens show ;
1 lie Sun isour pencil, with rev'rence we say,
Your miniature made by the bright King of
Call soon. Remember that delays arc dan
GfTlnstructions given in the art with all
the late improvements, nnd apparatus furnish
ed on reasonable terms.
Lewistown, June 50, 1949—3t.
VT the last meeting of the WHIG STATE
CENTRAI. COMMITTEE, held at Harris
burg, in pursuance of the public call, it was on
Resolved, That the friends of the National
and Slate administrations, in Pennsylvania, he
requested to meet in the several cities and
counties of the *tate, and select delegates
equal in number to their representation in the
Slate Legislature, who shall meet in Conven
tion at tiic Court House in flarrisbnrp, nt 11
o'clock, a. m., on THURSDAY, THE lfim
DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, for the pur|>o.se of se
lecting a candidate for CASA It COMMIS
SIONER, and to do such other business as
ilie interest of the country may require.
By order ot the Committee.
GEORGE ERETY, Ch'rman protein.
Dissolution of Partnership.
N OTICE IS hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the subscri
ber-, as Contractors on Section 7!) of the Penn
sylvania Railroad, was dissolved by mutual
consent, on the 23d of June instant. The ac
counts of said firm will be settled by ANTHONY
GARVER, by whom the contract will he con
June 30, le49 —4t.*
\\rE have always on hand a lino stock of
Y v the following articles, which we are
prepared to sell Wholesale, at a small advance
on city rates, having been " well bought," pur
chasing almost strictly for CASH ;
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Oil, <SLc.
Spices; Codec, Sugar, Tea, ,Ce.
Tobacco and Segars ; Fish and Salt
Nails, and almost every article in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, Ac.
Cotton Laps and Cordage
All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books
Cooking Stoves; Hats and (Japs; Matches.
Lewistown, March 31. 1919.
Can/lies and ('onfeeliona/•//.
VLWAYS on hand a good stock at whole
. sale or retail.
may 20, 1919. F. J. IIGFFMAN.
Slum ! Br on !
4 N extensive assortment of all sizes, for
J.\. sale low for cash, bv
June 23 '49. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Wfciv Hardware Sterol!
\\T E have always a large assortment of all
T v kinds of Hardware low for cash.
I.ewislown, June 23, 1919.
Ltalhcr, Morocco, and Shoe
\ large assortment always on hand, and lor
. sale by
Lewi-town, June 23, 1819.
S alt! S a
JUST received, a largo stock of Ground
Alum Silt—ll rents per bushel and >3.75
per -nek. OCT"To dealers a liberal discount
off"these prices will be made.
may 20, 1949. F. J. HOFFMAN.
I |IU UK, Jlcdiciiics, Ac,
8 y OILS, PAIN IS, vNc.
PURE WHITE LEAD, at 82 per Keg
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
4 htffee ! !
( i OOD Rio, Java, and Laguira COFFEE
A lor saie by the pound or sack, at ROW
prices. I have the best old Kin Coffee to be
had in the country. Also, ROASTED COF
FEE always on hand. C. L. JONES,
At the New Cheap Cash Sloru.
Lewistown, June 23, l w l9—3t.
rfitHE subscriber would respectfully in
-™- form tbo public that lie lias always
Moil hand and is constantly receiv
ing, fresh supplies of the choicest
and most delicious Creen and
lilack TEAS, that are imported
into the Philadelphia market, which he recom
mends t<> the citizens of Lewistown and vicin
ty with confidence; as he knows them to be
t>ulienor tr any other that nre sold in this place.
New Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, June 23, 1-19—3r.
riMIE Lykens Valley Coal Cnmpany will he
I prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the
20th iust., at the Depot, Millersburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi
coniseo Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at
the following prices CASH :
Lump, liroken and screened, $2.00 per ton.
; Nut, 1.75 do.
Limeburncrs' screened, 1 do.
do. mixed, 75 do.
Apiil 11, 1849—taugl.
it E S 0 L U T I 0 ]\ T
Relative to an Amendment of the
RESOLY ED '<;/ the Senate and Home of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth of I'ennsylvunia
in General Assembly met, That the Constitution
ol this Commonwealth be amended in the se
cond section ot the fifth article, so that it shall !
read as follows : The Judges of the Supreme
Court, ol the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of sue it other Courts of Record as are or ;
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
thc. qualified electors ol the Commonwealth iu
the manner following, to wit: The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The President
Judges ol'the several Courts of Common Pleas
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall he established b\ law, and all other Judges
required to lie learned in the law, by the quali
fied electors of the respective districts over
which they arc to preside or act as Judges.
And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Com
mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun- j
ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold their offices for the term of fif
teen years, if they shall so long behave them
selves well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf
ter provided for, subsequent to the first elec
tion :) The President Judges of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other
courts of Record as arc or shall be established '
by law, and all other Judges required to he
learned in the law, shall hold their olfices for
the term of ten years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well: The Associate Judges of j
the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their i
offices for the term of five years, if they shall
so long behave themselves well: all of whom
shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for
any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi
cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor
shall remove any of them on the address of two
thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The
first election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next after the
adoption of this amendment, and the commh
sions of all the judges who may be then iu of
fice shall expire on the first Monday of Decem
ber following, w hen the terms of the new judges
shall commence. The persons who shall then
be elected Judges of the Huprc-mc Court shall
hold their offices as follows : one of them for
three years, one for six years, one for nine
years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen
years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by
the said judges, as soon after the election as
convenient, arid the result certified by them to
the Governor, that the commissions may be is
sued in accordance thereto. The judge whose
commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus
tice during his term, and thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire shall in
turn he the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the same day, the
judges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap
pening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in
any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to continue till the
first Monday of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme
(Jourt and the Presidents of the several Courts
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
for their services an adequate compensation, to
be fixed by law, which shall not he diminished
during their continuance in office, but thev shall
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the United
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court during their con
tinuance in office shall reside, within this Com
monwealth, and the other Judges during their
continuance in office shall reside within the dis
trict or county for which they were respective
ly elected.
Speako of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
I.x Tiir. SENATE, March 1, 1849.
lie solved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21,
Xays 8.
Extract from the Journal.
April 2, $
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 58,
nays 2<>.
Extract from the Journal.
WAI. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April 5. 1849.
Dep. Sec. of the Commonwealth.
1 no < F.RTIFY that the above and foregoing is
a true, and correct copy of the Original Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Rcso
-1 uti !ii relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution," as the same remains on file in tins of
Iu testimony whereof T have hereunto set my
I, - hand, and caused to he affixed the
seal of the Secretary's Office at Har
l• i)% rishurg, this eleventh day of June,
Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
" Resolution, No. led, entitled ' Resolution
" relative to an amendment of the Constitution,'
" was read a third time. On the question, will
" the Senate agree to the resolution ? The Yeas
" ami Nays were taken agreeably to the Consti
" tution, and were as follows, viz :
'• YEAS —Messrs. Boas, Brawley, Crabb, Cun
" ningbum, Forsyth, Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence,
" Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich,
" Richards, Sadler, Sankey, Savery, Small,
" Smyscr, Sterrett and Stiuc—2l.
" NAYS —Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives,
" King, Konigmacher, Potteiger and Darsie,
" Speaker—B.
" So the question was determined in the af
•• firuiativc."
"Shall the resolution pass? The yeas and
" nays were taken agreeably to the provision of
" the tenth article of the Constitution, and arc
" as follows, viz :
" YEAS —Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J.
" Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. Bloom, David M.
" Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, John 11.
" Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery,
" David G. Eshleman, William Evans, John
" Fausold, Samuel Fcgcly, Joseph W. Fisher,
" Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Robt Hamp
"son, George I'. llenszey, Thomas J. Herring,
" Joseph lliggins,Chas. llortz, Joseph B Hower,
" Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham
" Lamberton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long,
"Jacob M'Cartncy, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh
" M'Koe, John M'Luughlin, Adam Martin, Saiu
" ttel Marx, John C. Myers, Edward Nickleson,
" Stewart l'earcc, James Porter, llrnry C. Pratt,
" Alon/.o Itobb, George Rupley, Theodore Ry
" man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Seibert,
" John Sharp, Christian Snively, Thomas C.
"Steel, Jeremiah B. Stubbs, Jost J. Slutzman,
" Marshall Swartzwclder, Samuel Taggart,
"George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunalt
" Wattles, Samuel Weirich, Alon/.o I. Wilcox,
" Daniel Xcrbey, and William F. Packer, Speak
" cr —53.
" Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn, David
" M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans,
" John Fenlon, John W. George, Thomas Gil
" lespie, John 11. Gordon, William Henry,
"James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert R.
" Little, John S. M'Caluiont, John M'Koe,
" William M'Shcrry, J<. ia!i Miller, William T
" Morrison, John A. Otto, William Y Roberts,
John W. Uosebcrry, John B. Rutherford, It. '
Bundle Smith, John Smyth, John Souder,
George Walters and David F. Williams.—26.
' bo the question was determined in the affir
" maLvc."
Harrisburg, June 15, 1811). <
§1 no CERTIFY that the above and
foregoing is a true and correct eor.v
-of the " Yeas" and " Nays," taken
J on the "Resolution relative to an
Amendment of the Constitution,"
as the same appears on the Journals
of the two Houses of the General Assembly of
this Commonwealth, for the session of D id"
Witness my hand and the seal of said office,
the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and fortv-nine.
ju23—3m Secretary of the Commonwealth.
IT Cj T 5 T r* T
•A4 w i. i A.
following accounts have been ex
-™- amined and passed by me, and remain
filed ot record iu this office for the inspection of
lleirjs, Legatees, Creditors, and all others in
any way interested, and will be presented to
the next Orphans' Court of the county of Mif
fiin, to be held at the Court House m LEWIS
TOWN, on THURSDAY', the i)th day of Au
gust, 1-5 11), for allowance and confirmation :
1. The administration account of Benjamin
Chandler, Executor of Rebecca Armstrong, ;
late of tiie borough of McVeytown, deceased.
2 The administration account of George
V. Mitchell, Administrator of James Mitchell,
late of Oliver township, deceased.
3- The final administration account of Geo.
W. Oliver, Administrator of John Oliver, Jr.,
lateof Oliver township, deceased.
4 The final administration account of John
Pureed, Administrator of James Glasgow, late
of the borough of Newton Hamilton, deceased.
5- The final administration account of John
Purcell, Administrator of James McDowell,
late of Wayne township, deceased.
6- The final administration account of Dan
iel Owens, Administrator of William Owens,
late of Lack township, (Juniata county,)dee'd.
7. The Guardianship account of Robert
Laughlin, Guardian of the minor children of
James Glasgow, late of Wayne township, de
8 The Guardianship account of David Coop
er, Guardian of the minor children of James
Caldwell, late of Wavno township, deceased.
9 The Guardianship account of David Jen
kins, Guardian of William McDowell, minor
son of James McDowell, late of Wayne town
ship, deceased.
10- The administration account of Jacob
Garver and \V ill run Wilson, Administrators
ot William Ward, late of Oliver township,
II The aiiministiation account of George
Swartzcll and Jacob Krise, Executors of Geo. '
Swartzcll, late of Armagh township, deceased. !
12- The administration account of David j
Hortzler, Executor of David ilartzler, (Doctor)
late of Oliver township, deceased, ns filed by
Daniel Ilartzler administrator of David Ilartz
ler, deceased.
13- The administration account of Jacob i
Foltz, Jr., administrator of Joseph Fisher, late !
of Union township, deceased.
14 The Guardianship account of William
Reed, Guardian of Noailce, minor daughter of j
James Alexander, late of Armagh township, j
deceased. j
JAMES L. MeILVAINE, Register. j
Lewistown, June 80, 1349.
OC7"The Register deems it proper to state, 1
fur the information of all concerned, that ac
counts must be tiled in his office and publish
ed thirty days previous to the first day of en
suing Courts—otherwise they will bo retained
until the succeeding term.
TYY virtiif of a writ of Venditioni i-sui 4 ■ ut
-D of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Mif
flin, ami to inc directed, will tic exposed to sale bv
public outcry, ut the Court House, in the borough of
I.e\vi-Uo\vn, on
Saturday, .Tilly, 11, I S I!?,
■it 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described
property, to wit :
A hall" tot ol ground, more or less, situate in the bor
oush of I.ew islou n, M.lli in coun Iy, i'a., bounded by
lirovvn street on the east, a sixteen feet aile} on the
south, by a lot of John Sterrett on the west, and .Maikt t
street on the north, with a large two story brick dwel
ling house, large brick stable, and other improvements
thereon erected.
Seined and taken in execution as the property of the
Ftii.k of I.ewiotown.
Lewistown, June 23, 1843. td.
N. B. — Furehneers at the above Sheriff's sale
arc hereby notified that the amount ol the sale
will be required to be paid immediately on the
property being knocked down, or it will be forth
with resold to the highest bidder.
"it o ?i"a sT"
IN the Orphans' Court of Mijflin county,
Pennsylvania. —ln the case of tiie Real
Estate of GEOROE SCHWARTZ, late of the bor
ough of Lewistow n, Miiiiui county. Fa., dec'tl,
the Judges of the Orphans' Court aforesaid,
made tho following order, to wit; April Oth, i
1819, on due proof of the service of the former !
Rule, and none of the Heirs appearing in
Court to accept and take the Real Estate i
aforesaid at the appraisement and valuation.
Rule on the Heirs ot' George Schwartz afore- I
said, deceased, to appear at the next Orphans' j
Court, to be held on the Fir at Monday of
August next, at LEWISTOWN, in and for the
county of Mifflin, to show cause why the said
Real Estate should not be sold. ffce.
!>. McKEAN CONTNER, Sheriff.
Lewistown, Jure 23, 1849. s Ot.
A rimitiiyt valor's Notice.
r|y! I E undersigned having been appointed
i Administrator of the estate of JAMES
D. MORRISON, deceased, of McVeytown,
Mifflin county, Fa., hereby notifies all pers uis
having claims against the estate of said de
ceased, to make known the same to the un
dersigned without delay; also all persons in
debted, to call on the undersigned and settle
the same. SAM'L MORRISON.
Newton Hamilton, Juno 9. 1819 —(it.
ST © (9 12 3
Estate of James Robison, deceased.
I UTTERS of Administration de I mm
j rum test time nt o anne.ro of said deceased hav
ing been granted to me, 1 hereby request all
persons having claims or demands against the
estate to make them known to me without de
lay ; and solicit early payments from all who
owe the estate. DAVID CANDOR,
Administrator de bo nis, £,•<•., as aforesaid.
; Lewistown, June 2, 1849 —fit.
ITALIAN Soap for removing Freckles and
. any eruptions of the skin, for sale by
1 Dec, *23, I s 13. K. ALLKN.
F-xfciitors' Sa! <tS* n Town
2.0 i.
PUBLIC Notice is hereby divert that, ty
virtue o; the power given ill the ln=f v.: I
ot Mrs. ELEANOR At. K i A \:.],r>s, Jut'' of ihe
\ Ixtouoli (<i Lcwistown, deceased, vviii be -x
--po.-fii to fate by public vendue or outcry, at
the Lo'.irf Hoikjc in said borough, at 2 o clock
in the afternoon, on
Saltiidny, J!?y 7J!s,
a certain Lot <j (J round '.vii.li a I runic Sin
'.e thereon, situate in tiie West Ward ot said
and b aicuctl t.n the We?' by the ca
nt!, or street adjoining, on the North by lot of
; \> liiiain 1 a/.well, on the East ly Grind street
extend- d southwardly, and on the South by a
ltj Let ai:ey, being j>t No. 3(j ,u the plan of
said borough, and late the estate of said de
ceased. Ihe purchase money in cash will be
required to be paid, immadiatcly on the sale, to
' the undersigned.
Lcwistown, June 10, 1- i'J—td.
Valuable BJeal IMttlc and
,71 il! IVoperty
r*ll IE subscriber oflera at PHIVATF. NAT.E *i ; nt
j A valuable farm ot /, / .1/ /,' S T<).V L
L.4 A)), situate in Kishacoquiiias Valley,
j Mitihu county containing
S.GO Acres,
more or less. The improvements are a
vvitli tlnee run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
. piiif* - Stones, all in tuii operation and to good
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good
| run of custom. Also, a
and FRAME I lOUSEfortlio nnl'er. n-~—
< in the farm there is a go al FR AM E f?
; an: ' large BARN, and a esaSmSS
'1 wenty acres of the above is good timber
: land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
| cultivation. There is likewise a good appear
ance ct Iron Ore ot the best quality, known as
! the "Greenwood Ore." Thw property lies
j near Greenwood, on the west branch of Ivisha-
I coquillas creek, t never failing stream of iime
i el one water.
! I iiis estate will be sold together or separate
jto suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
, terms, &c., by calling on Air. WILLIAM AIC
CLLLLAN, living in the neighborhood.
j March 17,1849—1£
Valu.ihlc Proper! v at
subscriber oilers at private sale that
| A valuable farm known as" IXX-KPOUT,"on
| which he now resides, situate in Oliver town
-1 ship, Mitfhti county,about 7 miles from M'Vey
| town, aim 1 miles from Levvi.-tov. n, containing
109 Acres,
i tnore or less, of river bottom land, in a high
J state of cultivation. The improvements con
i sistut a plastered two story FARM a
| HOUSE, Bank Barn, with insur- ffSrVirj*
j ancc on it; a Store House at the {1 !fjt
j basin, with tenant houses and
j shop suitable for anv mechanical business, a
1 TW o' ST o R Y FR A M K
I A M ANSION HOUSE, 24 by 40
l Y with kitchen, wood house,
! house, smoke house, two
j story spring house, good stabling, and other out
S buildings, a fountain ot good water at the door,
j together with a large variety ot choice FRUIT
TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
pears, apples, cherries, plums, &c.
There is on this property a water power ot
; 22% feet fall, sufficient to drive any machinery.
, From its situation—being on the Pennsylvania
('anal—its contiguity to the Central Railroad,
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river—its convenience to schools, three churches,
&.C., this iarm commends itself to the attention
of all who seek an agreeable and convenient
Persons desirous of purchasing are requested
!to call and examine the property. The terms
! will be made to accommodate purchasers.
i March 17, l-MO-Gm.
Lancaster Examiner copy to amount of $1
j and charge this office.
mmm MILLS,
! HE subscriber has taken the Lewistown
JL M.lis, and wishes to buy a large quantity of
All Itlstils ot* Grain,
| for which lie will pay the CASH, IN TAR
FINDS, us high as the market will ati'urd, accor
j ding to its quality. Any person having good
i Wheat will do well to call and show a sample
i of it, ns he thinks he can alford to give more
j than any other person in the place, the tniil
■ be' ng situated on the creek, where Hour can
' be loaded out of the mill into b'"ats, and all ex
j pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
i besides, tfie tlour is m better order, as the bar
i reliare not injured bv hauling ami handling.
I: wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, lie has the same chance of jship
i ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
; convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
'• a great deal of time and lalxjr in hoisting by
; water power. OR, HE WILL RECEIVE ON STOR
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Uaitiiuore,
! and give the following receipt:
I 44 Ileaived, Ijcwistoton Mills, of A. It,
; 11 heat, to be kept in store till the first of Au
j gust unless disposed of sooner."
When the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to soli.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
: els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
.in a garner by itself. Any person taking re
ceipt, mil not selling before, or giving notice
i to keep it, till after the first of August, it wi I
j be carried out to their credit at the market
; price on that day. If shipped, or sold to anv
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
i i wo cents per bushel storage will be charged.
1 It they give notice, and keep it over after the
; first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF
|ct fit per month, afterwards. The grain will
be clear from high water.
'1 he subscriber will keep
or, Fish, S:\ll and Groceries
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
(O~Fi.Ol 7 lv, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low for cash.
.v. \V. W. STERUBTT.
N. 11. JOHN SfERIiKIT in authorized to
1 ' transact anv business in the above premise; as
! my Agent
j "l.ew, town, Npn> 11, I4U—ly.