Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 30, 1849, Image 3

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    KAIIROAD IRON. — This article is now
in ilus city, of English manufacture,
about 81- per t"ft, w Inch is death an:!
destruction to the American manufacturer
and the American laborer, in the iron work
sii ps.
The mills now in operation only live on
their old contract.*, making iron ordered
i■ g f- n ' as ' n 'he rase of the Hudson
Ihver Railroad, whose rails the Trenton
a , ,1 Boouton mills are making at $07.50
par ton. This is a difference ol $25 per
i.. i ; and when the contract was made, it
u is made as low as the nulls could afford
it. or the company could get it ; but the
difference shows what rum the Tariff of
IS creating lor American labor and
American ore.
It> bt in impendent, a nation must not on
h make its sword, but have within its bo-
Muii io6 material ot which it t* made, ami
~t tint material make it. To he ridina
eierniily on rails made in British work
- ops and by British hands, is but little bet
mr than living on Biitish laws and customs,
ami surely it is paying Britain the highest
lax and the highest compliment.— N. Y.
men on Seiks' and Smith's Section, of the
ork ami ( umheiland Railrttad, Bbout 7
units from town, bad a tight on Friday last,
and the fust named contractor was struck
with a stone on the head so severely, that
tip to the present moment he is seriously
til. loc quarrel, it seems, commenced
between some German and Irish workmen,
6t:il the contractor undertook to restore
peace. lie pursued the wrong plan, how
tver. He entered the "Shantee" and ex
postulated, and not succeeding as speedily
as ho desued, he fell upon four Irishmen,
with whom he fought for probably ten min
utes, and finally vanquished them by hard
knocks. Emboldened by his success, and
confident of his own herculaau powers, he
declared that he could "whip anv Irishman
tin lhe works. j his being too much, they
resulted him with stones, ami iav him i
se.iseless on the ground.— J'or&Atfroca/e.
from the Cumberland Mouutainetr , that
the men employed bv the contractors on
the Baltimore Sc Ohio Railroad, west of
Cumberland, have been rioting. The
ca-jfe, the Mountaineer learns, is some sec
tions! prejudice existing between what is
vailed the " Connaughltnen" and u Far
graphic despatch from Calais, Me., states
that the tires in the woods were still rag
ing in every direction. More than 6,000,-
000 of acres of timber land have alrea
dy been destroyed. They have had no
r.-.in since the first woek in April, and in
.hat part of Maine and the province of
New Brunswick, there is no water for driv
ing logs. Nearly all the present stock is
sawed. The lumber business, it was
thought, must be suspended for the summer,
r:d the fields of giass will not be worth
cutting. The prospects of the country
were never more gloomy than at present.
The weather was excessively warm, the
thermometer rising to 96 in the coolest
CLOWN AWAV. —The Abbeville (3. C.)
B-nner turnishes the following account of
1 storm in that district, in which a boy
•'as blown away and has not since been
r."-ard of :
• We regret to learn that on Friday,
-th inst., another severe storm of wind
A .sed over the lower portion of our die
•"let, doing considerable mischief in vari
places. The plantation oI Mr. Geo.
•'I rv.aii, we are told, has been seriously ,
• mured by it, ah also his growing crop ;
but the saddest part is, the loss by this gen
tieinan ui a negro boy some nine year 9 of
tc?. who was carried off by the storm, and
tu'-aoughdiligent search was made for him
two entire days he has not yet been found.
1 he steamer New World made her first
n ? lf oni New York to Albany on Thurs
- last. Her length i 9 three hundred and
■ xty-seven feet—the longest vessel ever
it and set afloat in any age or country.
Ctr width (over all) across the wheel
'- i: 11 o 67 ieet 4 inches ; draught of water
but il f eel . Her engines are of 70 inch
c>:in,!er and 15 feet stroke. Her wheels,
• * cb are of iron, are 40 feet in diameter,
'f ' oilers are calculated to carry 60 ton 9
_ j
~~ln various parts of the country, but prin
pally in the cities, deaths have occurred
•urn the imprudent indulgence in cold wa
-r w hen the body was over heated. Too
ich caution cannot be used, especially
. laboring persona exposed to the direct
;.s ol the sun. If care is taken to bathe
e iiands and face before drinking no evil
sequences M likely to arise.
I a< i Jinn* Stopped,—The cotton fac
of Mr. Jamison, at Norristown, Pa.,
ou-peuded operations /or an iodefi
" period. Mr. J. haw something like
si * fnonUru stock of goods on hand which
1 -ot i.* disposed of on account of the de
"wed oute of the markets.
11 won singular case of trance occurred
"'v at S. Louis. A Miss Taylor had
ac t. ked hy cholera, and was auppos
• have died on Sunday last, but her
' r insisted that she should not be bu
J ' il the next day, arid on Vlonday she
to the astonishment of every
'■ : - J i recovered.
' i,re 'i recenl, y convicted at
| Morida,] of an attempt to firo
Oianie', , h,, usej was sentenced to have
, ) to a post for one hour, and
thirty nine lashes, which sen
heen carried into effect.
u . ," 3P ' S ° I'"" " dvice : >* * used imined!
iit'il. !, L felt! "" ">"'where It mav be,
W i,en w n W ' ,lC,h£r U ' ,e U> thc back " r
;; p' U ,I ;"'C r ,asing from external or internal cause,
i wi'l if i '!! * Pll, *' a " J re, y upon it, that the pain
' . ; <lv Wl,l fce restored to health us soon as na
, • i.i received sufficient ASSISTANCE irout their effect
, "j quantity of impure humors discharged from the
I body by the action of the Brandretli's Pills, is replaced in
; 10 course of a few hour? with new and pure blood, by
I vi'ih tln- l, ' ,! 'r'" H "'" dCrJte me '"' ~v W* '-oJy
" ' "Jodie me thc Whole mass of blood becomes en
tiit y purilitd uini regt aerated.
That the blood is th.- life of the body, 1 presume is un
dwput. d, therefore 1 shall SAY that it being the SEA T or
LIKE, tt must also be the seat of disease. If disease he in
j the blood, we should abstract thc disease only, not the
blood. It is the impurities which must be removed by
purgation to secure our health, in all states of the weather,
iu all situations, and in all climates. The blood, like a
good spirit, is always trying to benefit the body by its
j struggles to expel impurities. But it is not capable to ef
fect its own purification at all times : to do ibis it must
often have assistance. When the blood is loaded with im
purities, especially in this climate, the consequences may
be fatal, provided the Wood is not purified at once, and
| "''s is sure to be etr.-i ted if Brandreth's Pills are used.
Purchase the genuine medicine of the following agents:
JOIIN A. STF.RF.TT, Lewistown ;it ill,am Hardy, Mc-
Veytown; Junes dp Suiting-ton. Huntingdon; Moore X
; Strope, Alexandria; J. .f- Af. Cresxell, Petersburg ; //art
man, Smith ,y c v., Manorial!; 7*. ./. Onens, Birtuiiighaiii
"TRIE .Married Woman's Private Medical Companion, by
l)i A M Muuriceau, Professor of Diseases of Wo
I men.—Sixth Edition. lCino. pp 250 Price -SI 50.00
| copies sold in six months.-Vears of suffering, ..f pin sical i
and mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and j
pecuniary difficulties to the husband might have been
, spared; thousands now poor would have enjoyedcompe
tence; thousand-now broken in health wouid have en
j joyed jt; hundreds now in their graves been still alive,
by a timely possession of this work.
It is intended especially for the married, or those con
templating marriage, as it discloses important seirets
which should be known to tiietn particularly.
Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happiness,
! affluence. The revelatiops contained in its pages have
, proved a blessing tothousands.asthe innumerable 'ettcrs
received by the author will attest.
Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother,the one
either budding into womanhood, or the one in the decline
of years in whom nature contemplates an important
change—can discover the causes, symptoms,and the most !
efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in '
every romp! tint to wbich her sex is subject.
Its importance to the married maybe gathered from the
fact that Travelling Agents make froujArce to J. re dollars
a day from its sale Hundreds of active, enterprising
agents are accumulating a little competence from the lib
oral discount allowed, and the great demand for it. Or
ders ar-r required lobe accompanied with payment.
Copies will be sent by mail free of postage to the pur- j
chaser. Ovci twenty thousand copies have been rent by I
mail within three months with perfect safety 4c certainty.
On the receipt of One Dollar, lite "Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free) to
any part oi the United Slates. All letters and apptica- !
tioos from those desiring to become Agents must be post
paid (except those Containing a remittance; and addressed
to Dr. A M, Maurieeau, Box 1224. New York City. Pub
lishing Office, 12V Liberty street. New York
The • Married Woman's Private Medical Companion"
is sold by booksellers throughout the United States.
January 20, I&49—dm
On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev*
Mr. Lavrson, THOMAS COX to Miss HENRIETTA,
daughter of Joseph M. Cogiey, Esq , all ot this
On the 12lh inst, by the Rev. J. P. Sbindel,
JOHN HIGGLE, of this county, to MISS SUSAN
KELLER, of Beaver township, Union county.
On the 19th Inst., by the Rev. T. Tanyhill,
WILLIAM J. FRAMES, of Greenwood, Mifflin
county, to Miss JAKE RANDOLPH, of Stone Val
ley, Huntingdon county.
On the 14th instant, by the Rev L T Wil
liams, JAMES MOOR to Miss MART A. Wist,
both of MitHintown, Juniata county.
On the 12th inst., by the Rev. Andrew Jar
ERS, both of Lack township, Juniata county.
On thc 14th inst., by the Rev. Jacob Albert,
GEO RUE BRION, of Beilefonte, to Miss MAGDA
LENA MCSSER, of Spring township, Centre co.
On the 21st instant, by the Rev Jarnes Linn,
RIS, both of Bellefonte, Centre coun'v.
In Joseph* county, Michigan, on the 17th
May, JAMES TAGGERT, formerly of Centre coun
ty, Pa., aged about 45 years.
In Fairfield, Adams county, on the 20th inst.,
Hon. CALVIN BLTTHE, in the 57th year of his
On the 21§t inst., in Delaware township,
Juniata county, Mrs. HART, wife of Henry
Hart, aged about 50 yeara.
l.ast week, in tbia place, after a short illness,
Lewistown, June 29, 1849.
Paid by lttaltrs Retail.
flour - - $3 75 84 75
Wheat, white - 90 1 05
red - 85 1 00
Rye - . 45 50
Oats - - 25 ay
Corn, - - 45 50
Cloverseed - - 300 400
Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25
Timotliyseed 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 10 10
Eggs - - 10 10
6 8
'Fallow - 8 10
Potatoes - - GO 75
Beef, - - 4 00
Bacon, per lb. 5£ 7
Pork (I 00 0 IK)
Wool, per lb. - - 25
Feathers - . 44 44
The Lewislown Mills are |wying 85 to
90 cents for good wheat, 45 cents for Rye,
45 cents fur Com, and 27 cents for Oats.
Pit IT. a DELPHI A , June 28, 1849. '
The Flour market is somewhat firmer—sales
during the morning of 1200 bbls. at
and afterwards 800 more at $4.50, being an
advance of 6| cts. per bbl. Corn Meal is sell
ing at $2 75 a $2.91, and Rye Flour at $2,871,
a $2 .91.
Not much movement in Wheat—sal'-s of!
prime red at 109 a 102ct; white 100a 107 c
I Sales of yellow Corn at 58 a59 cts. Oats 2S
31 cts. Kye 56 cents.
BALTIMORE, June 26, 1619.
FLOCK. — We note sales of Howard Street
Flour, choice brands, fresh ground, at $4.50,
and 550 bbls., fresh inspection, at $4.135. A
sale of 250 bbla. Susquehanna Flour was made
to-day at $4.50.
I GRAlN. —There is very little Wheat offer
ing We note limited sales of good to prime
Maryland reds at 95 a 100 cts. We also note
a sale of Pennsylvania red at 96 cts., and ano
ther of Pennsylvania uuxed at 100 cts.
Coru is dull at sale. Some parcels in mar
ket to-day uold at 50 a 51 cts for white, and
54 a 5-5 cts. for yellow. We quote Oats at
'24 a2B cts.— Baltimore American.
According to a western paper. Rev.
I). Smith, of Peoria county, Illinois, kill
ed with his ovu Uulid, ou the 17th ult.,
290 ruuitftuakes.
OKOr.RS i\o, 1.
( June 26th, 1841). \
, fPJIL following persons have been appointed
j. on the Regimental Start'of the Brail} Regi
ment, and will be obeved and respected accord
ingly :
.'AMRS REES, Adjutant.
JOHN \V. WILSON, Quarter Master.
DR. REM IS HOO\ ER, Sursreon.
I>l.. E. D. < 'RAW FORD, Assistant Surgeon.
1)R. JOHN IRWIN, Assistant Surgeon.
S \Mt 'EL 11ROWN,
Colonel Brtuly Regiment.
June 30, 1849—1t.*
FOR OVI.V S I ..-,(1.
W E TSE R &7o HNS T() N,
Daguerreotype Artists,
"WyOL'LI) if spec tfully inform the La
dies and Gentlemen of Lewistown
and vicinity, that thej' have taken rooms for a
short tune immediately over the Store of Vr.
ami are prepared to execute Daguerreotype
Likenesses in a style superior to any
tore taken in Lewistown.
I lien give us a call—our prices are low ;
Our work, it is perfect, as specimens show ;
i The Sun is our pencil, with rev'rence wes'ay,
Your miniature made by the bri"ht King of
Call soon. Remember that delays are dan
tO"l instructions given in the art with ail
the late improvements, and apparatus furnish
ed on reasonable terms.
Lewistown, June 30, 1819—3t.
Dissolution of Partnership.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
i \ heretofore existing between the .uhseri
bers, as Contractors on Section 79 of the Penn
sylvania Railroad, was dissolved by mutual
consent, on the 23d of June instant. The ac
counts of said tirin will be settled by AM navy
CARVER, by whom the contract will be con
Juno 30, 1849—-it."
' imbcs bore, and frorrr 2 to 12 feet long, capable of
sustaining internal pressure of from 400 to 2500 !!.. per I
square inch, with Ten, Klboret, Crusts, Slop Cocks,
Check falcet, ami other fittings, connecting by screw
joints. Also,
For Locomotive, Boat and other Steam En
gine Boil era.
Manufactured and for sale by
Office Third and Walnut S?* , Philadelphia, Pa
June 30, 191 J—3m.
Agent for the sale of Southicorth Manufac
turing Company's Writing Papers.
Warehouse Ao. :* Minor St.,
100 rases of the above superior Papers now in store,
and for sale to the trade at the lov. ,st market price*,con- !
stating in part of—
Fine tiuck Flat Caps, 12, It, 15 and 16 )b , blue and
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and while
Extra super and supvrane Folio posts, blue and hue,
plain and ruled
Extra super I.men Note Papers, plain and gilt.
Superfine and line Bill Papers, long and broad
Superfine and fine Counting House Caps and Posts,
blue and white.
Extra super C tigress Caps and I otters, plain si: 1 ruled
blue and wbite.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts
Superfine bine linen thin letters
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and
Embroidered Sole Paper* and Envelope*.
"Lawyer**" Uru-I Papers
Sufieiline and fine Cap* and Po*t, ruled and plain,
blue and white, varum* qualities and pi ice*.
Alto, 1000 ream* while and as..ried iSlioe Paper*, Bon
net Board*, white l*^lM*rtt<Tim*,Tea, Wrapping,
Envelope, ar.orted and blue Medium*, t' ip wrapper*,
Hardware Paper*, &c
Philadelphia June 30, Oin
IT W T A: -a
At W 1 w iL I
following accounts have been ex
amined and passed ly me, and remain
filed of record in this office for th" inspection of
Heirs, Legatees, Creditors, and all others in
any way interested, and will be presented to
the next Orphans' Court of the county of Mif
flin, to be heid at the ( ourt House ;n I.EWIS
TOWK, nn THURSDAY, the l Jth dm/ of Au
gust, 1849, for allowance and confirmation :
1. The administration account of Benjamin
Chandler, Executor of Rebecca Armstrong,
late of the borough of McVeytowu, deceased.
2 The administration account of George
V. Mitchell, Administrator of James Mitchell,
late of' Oliver township, deceased.
3- The final administration account of Geo.
W. Oliver, Administrator of John Oliver, Jr.,
late of Oliver township, deceased.
4- The final administration account of John
Puree!!, Administrator of James Glasgow, late
of the borough of Newton 1 lamilton, deceased.
5 Ihe final administration account of John
Purcell, Administrator of Jarne9 McDowell,
late of Wayne township, deceased.
6- The final administrat ion account of Dan
iel Owens, Administrator of William Owens,
late of Lack township, (Juniata county.) dee'd.
7. The Guardianship account of Robert
Laughlin, Guardian of the minor children of
James Glasgow, late of Wayne township, de
8- The Guardianship account of Davifl Coop
er, Guardian of tlie minor children of James
Caldwell, hte of Wayne township, deceased.
9. The Guardianship uccount of David Jen
kins, Gmrdinn of William McDowell, minor
son of James McDowell, la to of Wayne town
shin, deceased.
10 T lie administration account of Jacob
Garver and William Wilson, Administrators
of William Ward, late of Oliver township,
11 The administiafion account of George
Svvartzell and Jacob Krise, Executors of G.-o.
Swartzell, late of Armagh township, deceased.
Lewibtown, June 30, 1049.
OCrThe Register deems it proper to state,
fur the in form it ion of all concerned, thai ac
counts must be filed in his office and publish
ed thirty days previous to the first day of en
suing Courts—otherwise they will be retained
until the succeeding term
A COMPLETE encyclopedia ot'all the di-
A versions, athletic, scientific and recrea- ■
tive, of boyhood and youth. For sale by
Junel(J-3t. C. C. SPOTSWOOD. +
Compouutt Sunt# OE
wild ini:Kin.
; TS the I.KKt ine yel for C\,ugtw. t*ol,J?, Consiiii.p
-| I ion, Asthma, Spitting of Llooj, Ac. Bead the ful
■ lowing:
! November 13.h, INIB.
1 •£.:.• .Sir- I take great pleasure ia -ayiiig to y.u that
Mrs. K..ss has been entirely relieved of her cough by the
; use ~f your Syrup v f H il.l tbcrry. I> id c ...turned for
j fully eighteen months. She had us. | several pnqura
. tious of lire Wild 10-rry row in fwvjmlnr use. but not
with the slightest benefit, until sire took yours 8h • .....
ly took six bottles, and 1 am pleast d to say she is now in
pood lie.iiih. Every one who saw Mrs Koss thou-ht
he: in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS
No 26: S Charles Street. Baltimore, Captain nf Schoon
er O. K , Cambridge Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington comity, Mary
land, of June firh, 1-IN, says. Price cents a Buttle.
Prepared and sold by .MARTIN* .fc WHITE LEY. at
their wholesale i'.ug Store, is S. Calvert Street, ii-.lti
An.l fur sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and
W A I I'SON & JACOB, Lewistown; ALEX
ANDER RITLEDOE, Will inmshurjr, Huntingdon
county. [June 30, 1349—1y.
Martin <&
MTIOML Tll\l(,
A coriain Cure for Ajrue, Cever.
ami Dyspepsia,
T\ our Riimm. r and tall months ii-any sections nf our
1 country are prostrated by BILLIOI S FEVER and
A'.l L and lEVER —lt ins been <.r partir nl study to
find out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and
think, in tI.U TONIC we have effected this great object
It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia
ami if our directions arc followed, will not fail to eff.-rt
a cure.
In a letter dated, May 23d, lS|o,our Agent, Mr Eli.ts
Kaub, i,f \v rightsville, York county, Pa , says:—I have,
never known any remedy for hcv.cr and ,4g ut eqa.il to
)our ii,v-.luablo National Tonic, Ji has given universal
■atisfai lion, and has cured ta-es of Acne of years stand
ing. and after the failure of all other niedu. ines made use
of. Mr. Henry 8.-versoii, of the saute place, sat ain his
certificate, dated '.Wd March, l-Uj, • 1 applied to a number
of Physicians, and also used a varictr of the most popu
.r Ague Mixtures :tf different times, but all without the
desired eflVrt; no permanent cure having been afforded.
I w ai at length induced, at the recommendation of your
on thy Agent ;.t this pi t --, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction. before I had
used half©f it, I fell completely Mir. il, though I contin
ued the use oi it nil I had taken two bottles ' Li a joint
certificate iron. Messrs Miles Hoke, William Blarkson,
and James D. Brown, of the s une plat e, tliev say—''Hav
ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with
out success, we at last purchased some of your .Yaltona!
Tunic, which has completely cured us. We, therefore,
cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af
flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet
See the Pamphlets, which yon can get from one of our
Agents gratis.
A!•<>, Dr Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use,
in all case* where a purgative is needed
i> Prepared and grid by MARTIN Sc W'HITELEY,
Wholesale Drug Store, No. 4o S Cilv.-rt st , Baltimore
Fr.r sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and W ATT
bOX & JACOB, Lewislown ; and by AI.EX
ANDFH RULE DOE, \\ illiamsburg, Huntingdon
county. June 30,1549—1y,
r Pilh MAUI NEK S COMPASS, imparting confidence
to lb 1 bold Sena of Neptune, while ploughing the
stormy seas, arid uniting the ratiotif of the world in the
binds of Commerce, create 1 fir le, sensation in the
world than have the glorious deeds of tin- Old Establish
ed and Pat-Famed Lottery Brokers, PVFER it CO., X.
\ l.rgkt Street, Baltimore, JH ; who are the first to ad
minister successfully to the n< ssiues -f man
kind, winning thereby a fame is Capital Prize Sellrra
as unlimited as the circumambient air
More ■ beering results: PvfericC' the special agenu
of firtune : Never a drawing but they f el! |h, prizes r;
Distant correspondents only see this fIO.tXK), whole
ticket, sent to Virginia. 5',000. hole In iet, sent to N
rk #,OCOT, whole ticket, sent to Pennsylvania. #30.-
000, half ticket, s-m to North Carolina. #15,009. half
t.iket, gent to South Carolina. %Ki.fiOO, quaitir ticket,
rent to Pennsylvania $-.000, quarter tuku, sent to
Ohio. #3.000, irt , x ticket, sent to Indiana. #12,000,
quarter ticker, sent to South Carolina Pverv prize
promptly paid, and on file (H> again rrf tr toMana
ger*' Drtuciugt.
.' Far heller make an investment at the truly lucky
and far-famed office of Titfcr Co than go to Califor
nia Pyfi.r Ac C<. give gold already fincdand stamped.
The maj'rity of Capitals alwnys *, id b\ Pnfcr $ Co.
Il ink Drags, payable at sight In gold, remitted promptly
to any pari of the United States for prices sold by Pyfer
'■O-.ill Commitmenti,ir>t strictly eemjuleotial.
R member thnr :lie rtnult of the f.rtt froii has often
lieen a splendid fortune! A little perseverance is sure
to realize one.
HICK ami tplen li 1 Int'erirr, f„r July, 1Hl-Smd - ourer
itert t„ Pft'rr .f- Co for the prize*.
Dale. Capital N.> of Price of Price of
July. Prizes. Bitlk.U Tickets. Park'gs.
2 #2S,(WW 75 Nos 12 drawn #s #57 70
22,500 78 N..*. 14 drawn 5 17 50
20,W0T 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5 ]J 00
20,000 78 NOS— 12 drawn 5 19
30,0*10 75 N'os 1| drawn 10 32 50
'J sof 12.000 78 N'os 13 drawn n 27 50
24,003 75 Nos. 13 draw n 5 I; 50
3*',000 78 Nos. 12 drawn in 22 JO
W 2!,• -1' 75 Nos 12 drawn 5 17 'o
ih.OliO 75 Nos II drawn 4 13 50
II 11.000 7a \ns |fi drawn 15 15 00
lt> Jut 15 into 75 N'os. II drawn s 27 50
l< 20, IM) 78 N'os. 14 dr.iwu 5 17 50
40.000 75 Nos. 13 diawn 10 22 50
19 20,000 66 Nos. 10 drawn 5 16 25
la.ono > Nos. 13 drawn 5 17 :. 0
21 3of 25,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 10 32 50
UtolktO 7s N>s. 15 drawn 8 25 00
21 So,ooo 7 5 Nos. 12 drawn 5 17 *,
■t' l ati.iOTo 72 N'os 12 drawn 10 y* -o
2d 22,000 ,9 Nos. 13 drawn 5 17 50
10,000 66 Nos, 13 drawn 4 11 00
2a tjn.lioO 78 N'os 13 drawn 20 70 (in
.10 y.i.ism 7a Nl5 dr.-iwii 8 25 up
31 2t.n00 78 Nos 13 drawn 5 17 50
i>Tlia prire of packages of AJufwter rickets only, 1.
ait vert i>t J above.
SbTlie Managers' Printed Diawings, endorsed by the
roniinlssnuiers appointed (for this purpose) by th.-Gov
ernor of .Maryland, are in ail ruse* s. nl to our cuirea
:>la;tt. rs always strongly and carefully sealed
The pinchaseis of packages of ticket* seldom hive
more than six clianees against their drawing in a pack
age any of the capital prizes, and one puksge may
draw four of the highest prizes. 1 wo-tlurdsof the prizes
are sold in packages of tickets
dVPlease order a few .lay* tier;. RE the lotteries draw. !
AL! orders punctually answered by the return mails
Persons at a distance frotn Baltimore, who wish "for
tune buckled on their harks," w ill find that it it only
necessary !.,e the ~ •„ laid down in the above
schedule,) for a package or single ticket to the truly for
lunate, far [.mud, and old established house of
rvi rcK tv co.,
.Yo. I St., Baltimore, M l.
J me 30, 1M- !ni.
VF the last meeting of liio VVmo STATE
burg, 111 pursuance or ihe public cull, it was on
Resolved, Tint tbe friends of the National
and Stato administrations, in l'ennsylvania, be
requested to meet in the several cities and
counties of the State, and select delegates
equal in number to their representation in the
State Legislature, who shall meet in (inven
tion at the Court HOUOT? in 1 larrisburg, at li
o'clock, a. m , on THURSDAY, TIIK 16TH
DAY or AUGUST ALXT, for the purpose of se- j
lecting a candidate f.-r CANAL COMMIS
SIONER, and to do such other business us
the interest of the country may require.
By order of the Committee.
GEORGE ERETY, Ch'rman pro tem.
I RES 0 L U I I 0 N
Relative to an Amendment of the
J ) F.SOIA r.I) /,,, Senate on,l 11, U5,: of R,pr,-
L V ;•>"/ .fin < soj the Commonwealth of J', nmylvauia
in General .hnmbly mcf, That thfc C-uirttluni,,,.
l tins C ommon W eal 11. be amended ill tile sc
cuud section of the lifih article, so that it si. .11
read as follows: Tin- Judges of the Supreme
< 'ourt, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record as arc or
shall bo established by Jaw, shall be elected by
the qualified electors ol the Commonwealth in
the manner following, to wit: The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The President
Judges ol ttic several Courts of Common Picas
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall he established by law, and all other Judges
required to be learned in the law. by the quali- '
fied electors of the re spec tire districts over
which the} arc to preside or act as Judges, j
And the Associate Judges ol the Courts of Com
mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun
ties respective ly. The Judges of the Supreme
' ourt >h.ill hold their offices for the term of fif
teen years, il they shall so long believe them
selves well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf
ter provided for, subsequent to the first elcc
j tion :) The President Judges of Die several
| Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other
courts of Record as are or shall be established
! by law, and all other Judges required to he
learned in the law, shall hold their offices for
the term of ten years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well: The Associate Judges of
the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their
offices tor the term of five years, if they shall
so long behave themselves well: all of whom
shall be commissioned bv the Governor, but for
any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi
cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor
shall remove any of them on the address of two
thirds of each branch of Ihc Legislature. The
first election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next after the i
adoption of this amendment, and the commis
sions of all the judges who may be then in of
fice shall expire on the first Monday of Decern- \
her following, wfcen the terms of the new judges
j shall commence. The persons who shall then !
be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall
j hold their offices as follows: one of them for
j three jears, one lor six years, one for nine
years, one for twelve years* and one for fifteen
years : the term of each to be decided by lot L\
the said judges, as soon after the election a,
convenient, and the result certified by them to
the Governor, that the commissions may be is- '
sued in accordance thereto. The judge" w hose
commission w ill first expire shall be Chief Jus
j tire during his term, an.i thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire hall in
turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
1 commissions shall expire on the dav, the
judges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall he the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap
pening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in
any of the said courts, shall be filled bv ap
pointment by tho Governor, to continue till the !
first Monday of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme ;
- Court ar.d the Presidents of the several Courts '
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
for their services an adequate compensation, to
be hxed by law, which sball not be diminished
during their continuance in office,but they shall
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nJr hold
1 ar.y other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the United I
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges ol the .Supreme Court during their con- <
, tinuance in office shall reside within this Com
monwealth, and the other Judges during their
continuance in office shall reside within the di
trict or county for which they were respective
ly elected.
Speaker of the House ot Rrpresentatirn.
Speaker of the Seriate.
IN* THE SENATE, March 1, 1649.
Rcsolred, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21,
Nays 6.
Extract from the Journal.
.Ipril 2, 1649. >
Ruelc.J, I hat tins iesolution pass.—Yeas 06
I nays 26.
Extract from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April 5. 1649.
llrp. S'c. of the Commonwealth. j
I DO ( CRTII Y that THE above AND foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the Original Itesoiu
tion of the (icneral Assembly, entitled " Reso
lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution.'' as the same remains on file in this of- '
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
-p pj hand, and caused to be affixed the
seal of the Secretary's Office at Har- i
" ' ri'hurj, this eleventh day of June.
\iuio Domini, one thousand eight hundred and 1
S>rrtlnry of thr Commotmrallh.
"JOFRVAI (IF Srvirt.
I*' solution, Mo. 1 N?, entitled 'Resolution
relative to an amendment of the Constitution,'
\v as read a third time. On the question, will
" the Senate agree to the resolution ? The Yeas
and A ays were t iken agreeably to the Consti
tution, and were as follows, viz :
" V EAl —.Messrs. Boas, Brawley, Crabb, Cun
" ningham. Forsyth, Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence,
'• Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich,
"Richards. Sadler, Sankey, Saverv, Small]
" Smyser, Sterrett and Stme—ill.
N'ATS---Messrs. Best, Drum, Prick, Ives,
" King, lvonigmacher, Potteiger and Dai*ic
" Sjmtktr —B.
"So the question was determined in the af
" lirmativc."
( "Shall the resolution pass? The yeas and
. n:, y s were taken agreeably to the provision of
the tenth article of the Constitution, and are
" as follows, viz:
'• YF.AS—Messrs. Gideon J. Rill, David J
' Bent, < Yaig Biddle, Peter 1). Bloom, Dav id M
' Bole Thomas K. Bull, Jarob Cort, John 11.
' Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emerv,
William Evans, John
, ■ :,,lso "L Samuel Frgelv, Joseph W. Fisher,
' Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Robt Ilamp
oS,on' ( ~ e, , ?r b re B• Henszey, Thomas J. Herring,
lt p OS , e ' J 1 (-gms, Chas. Ilortz, Joseph B Hower,
Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, Abraham
Lamberton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long,
Jacob M Cartney, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh
„ ' Job . n y Laughlin, Adam Martin, S.un
' John C - Edward Nickleson,
Stewart Pearce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt,
Alonzo Ivbh, George Rupley, Theodore ll\-
u f. r,iai<l ,<s '- SchoonoYer, Samuel Scibert,
€i a! "i . r l > < Christian Snively, Thomas
I Jeremiah B. Stubbs, Jost J Stutzman,
'Marshall Swartzwelder, Samuel Taggart,
ii m eor p ' 1 horn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah
vvattles, Samuel Weirieh, Alonzo 1. Wilcox,
Daniel Zerbey.and William F. Packer Speak
" er.—s3. 1
, V N^ yS_MeSSrs ' Au ftu K. Cornyn. David
, t i David Evans, Henry S. Evans,
John I anion, John W. George, Thomas Gil
" lespie, John B. Gordon, William Henry,
JAMES J. Kirk, Joseph Knubach, Kobert K.
" Kittle, John S. Mvalrnont, John M'KRE,
" William M'Sherry, Jos,ah Miller, William T.
• Morri-on, John A. Ot(o, William Y. Roberts,
'• John W. R ->•!,,-irv, John K. Rutherford, R.'
bundle Smith, John Smyth, John Sonder,
" George Walters and David F. William®.—2b.
"sj the question wa- determined in the alfir
" illative."
~ ILtrrLburg, June 13, IS 10. V
1 DO CERTIFY that the above and
f,r,> "°' n K' s it true and correct copy
iwf 2fknE tf),i " eaB " an d "-N ays," takeii
"Resolution relative to an
vjjjfjvv Amendment of the Constitution,"
, ftl . ,® s ,h<> same appears on the Journals
>t the two Houses of the General Assembly of
vi, • onimor 'walth, for the session of 1-40
.'o'r < SS o" y *' an< * y,) d the seal of said office,
ts-srsjfJU^ one lhousaiid tish <
' fh e
VOTI. i: TO THE PUBLIC.— We, the
subscribers, merchants of the borough of
Cewi.-town, aorec to close our stores and trans
act no business whatever, on the cominir 4th
day of July.
Charles Kilz, Jas. .Viilifcen, Jr. & Co.
F. G. Franciscus, Kennedy & Porter,
Frank &, Stinchcieer, VV. J. tSterrett,
C. 1,. Jones, Francis McCJure,
VVattson &. Jacob, John A. Sterctt,
iVushauiu, Brothers, Samuel Frank,
Urn. Marks &. Son, J. Thomas,
Waiter Liliey, F. J. Hoffman,
Geo Biymyer, Green's Medicai Depot.
June 23, j-19
CqffeeT~C 'ojfecl
/* < OOIJ Rio, Java, and l,aguira CO IF EE
lor sale by the pound or sack, at LOW
prices. 1 have the best o!u Rio Coffee to be
had in ihe country. Also, ROASTED COF
FEE always on hand. C. I, JONES,
At the IS rip Cheap Cask Store.
Lewistowu, June 23, lb 19—3t.
nptir. subscriber would respectfully in
form the public that he haft always
fgw on hand and is constantly receit-
HfJSI '"l?'supplies of the choicest
i |y 51 f'd most delicious (ircm an,!
Eaffiei3Sii lUack I /..1 .V, that are imported
into the Philadelphia market, which he recom
mends to the citizens of arid vicin
ity with confidence; as lie knows them to bo
superior to any other thai are sold in this place
■Vtr Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, June '23, 1-49 3r.
Lewistown, June 18,1549. \
■ fjpllE Brigade Inspector, in compliance with
JL the 14th section of Act of April, l4p
entitled •' An Act to revise the Militia System
ot Pennsylvania, and to provide for the train
ings of such only s shall he uniformed," issiie
the following BRIGADE ORDER :
A A ELECTION will be held, at the
County Seat, at the public house of DAXIKI.
EtSF.NBr.SE, on the first Monday in July. (July
. '2. 1-49.) for the election ot O.Y E MAJOR
(!E\ER AL, for the 1 lth Division, P. M.
The Yolu. teer Officers of Companies. Battal
ions, Regiments, and the Erigade, will be en
titled to vote at said election.
The Polls will he opened at 10 o'clock, A.
M., and will close at 0 o'clock, P. M
I.ewistown, June 23. IM9—2t
j>\ virtue <f a rii of Venditioni Exponas, i-:su.d out
of tl- Court of Common Pleas of iht-county of Mif
flin, SIK! t' ine dirt-n-d, i{| he exposed to sale bv
i public out ry, ot ilia Court House, in lias t.orougb ot'
I/wi-io* i, n
Saturday, July, 1 1,
: at 2 o'clock ill the afternoon, the following described
; property, to wit :
A half lot of croumt, binre or les?. situate in the bor
ousll of l.exviston, MilTlm county. Pa, bounded by
Brown street on the east, a sixteen feet alley on lite
south, by a lot of John Sterrett on the west, and Market
street on she north, with a large two story brick dwel
ling house, a large brick stable, amfotlicr improvements
thereon erected
Seized and taken in execution as the property of the
Batik of I.ewistown.
1> MCKT.AN CO.NTNLR, Sheriff.
Lewistown, June 23,1549. ) td.
N. B.—Purchasers at ibe above Sheriff's sale
are hereby notified that the amount ol thesa't
will be required to be paid immediately on the
property being knocked down, or it will be forth
with reeold to the highest bidder.
D. AicK. C , Stuff.
VBKAHAM'S Highly Improved Patent
. Manifold V\ ritere, lor copying letters,
invoices, draw ings, plans, &c. This invention
w ill produce a letttr with its copy at oper
ation ; or, it required, a letter with two far
similes to send abroad, with a single pen,(style)
which is so durable that it will last for centu
ries without repair. For the book store
I.ewistown, June 16, 1-19 —3t.
THE Lykens Valley Coal T umpany W ILL be
X prepared to deliver Coal, on and" after tha
2uth in-t.. at the Depot, Miller-burg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the lo ad of the Wi
conisco Canal, 12 utile- front Clark'- Ferry,) at
the follow ing price- CA-H :
I.uinp, broken and screened, $2.00 per ton.
Nut, 1.75 do.
Limeburners' screened, 1374 do.
do. mixed, do.
April 14, 1649— taugl.
FJ RE.PIIEM, tin- aoooftiMtrti Farewell,
Where can the Soul Rest. Hurrah f r tb* SEA
Boys, the Funeral of an Odd Ft How, the T uni
son Banner, the Buriuan Lowr, the Happiest
Time is Now, the New Congres-innal Song ot
Eight Dollar- a Dav, Vway Down HA-T, tie
doeth alt things Well", He led HEI to the Altar,
or the Rich Young Man - Wedding, the New
fotntdland Dog. ML of the above are for SALE
at the book store of
I.ewistown, April 26, 161.'.
€\wkinsi' Sfotts\
__ We have now on
hand a large stock of
f r?~^4(T' 'o dung Stove.-, such as
g' ' oan warrant to give
ltraHl have the I -tutn n, two
si the Star, two
AND H!I persons
Y Stove, to give us a call
M..r. (iiircha.-ing
Lewistowii, fuue 23, 1-49.