Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 23, 1849, Image 3

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i'j persons who are not HDU? subscribers :
To < (J subscribers who settle up their accounts to
the -20 ill of .Ipril, 1849, same as above from that date.
But until settled ot the rate of ji'2 per annum.
The paper will be continued to our subscribers who
hurt regularly furnished 1 rood in payment on the
sjme terms as heretofore.
Tenons with whom ice hare running accounts,
such as merchants, mechanics, &,r., are charged $1.50
Dtr a nil mil.
Death of Ex-President Polk.
The fears expressed by the Nashville papers
respecting the Lx-Presidcnt, have unfortu
nately proved too true. He expired at his res
idence near Nashville, on Friday evening, 15th
inst. His disease was chronic diarrhoea.
The announcement of this event, says the
Baltimore American, conies with a sudden and
painful surprise. The youngest of all who
have occupied the Presidential chair since the
beginning of the Government, it was natural to
expect for Mr. Pout a prolongation of life for
years to come. But fie has gone, and at short
warning. It was but recently that we read in
a Nashville paper an account ot his improved
health —the tranquility of his retirement hav
ing apparently served to restore a system en
feebled by the labors of public life.
No man who Iras ever risen to the elevated
post of the Presidency of this Republic can be
regarded afterwards as an ordinary man ; and
whatever diversities of political opinions may
exist among a free people, the mantle of the
Chief Magistracy, once worn by the chosen
of the people, must ensure him always the re
peclfu! consideration ofhis fellow citizens while
living, and impart associations of regard to his
memory when he has departed.
The events of Mr. POLK'S administration
mark an important period in our history. Thi6
is not the occasion to speak ot them in detail,
cor has the time yet come when they can be
spoken of uith entire impartiality. Of his own
characteristics as a public man there will also
be differences of opinion, according as they are
judged of by frieadi or by political opponents.
For ourselves we can only bear in mind at
present that he was human aud is dead.
President Taylor has directed the usual
mark of respect to be paid to his memory by
the several departments.
The merchants, as will be 9een by an advertisement,
intend elcuna their stores or the 4tii of July. The prac
tice heretofore, we believe, has •*-!! to close Ore •flut
ters and keep the doors half open.
L L JONES invites tbe attention ef our readers to
h.s extensive stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c.
T J HOFEMAK advertises a variety of articles which
are worthy the examination of those in want.
'"C proposed amendment to the Constitution, provid
ir.t fcr the election of Judges by the people, is publish
ed in our advertising columns as required by law. The
favorable action of the next Legislature on the Amend
ri.tot is necessary before it can be submitted to a vote of
the people.
The Lrigade Inspector gives notice of an electoin for
Major General.
Persons interested in the estate of George Schwartz,
• referred to Sheriff's notice.
CO*AN EXTRA, containing eight columns
advertisements, accompanies today's Ga
zette. Although issued with considerable ex
tra labor and expense, we feel compelled to
resort to this method in order occasionally to
relieve our columns from an unusual press (at
east at tins season of the year,) of advertise
On Wednesday last, we hear it said, the
Thermometer ranged as high as on the hottest
hay of i'zst summer. Should the sun keep
on broiling at this rate, HOPPER will please re
serve a corner for us in his ice-house.
"he Episcopal Sunday School intend cele
-ra';ng the anniversary ot our National Inde
pendence in a grove near Granville. Besides
fins, no arrangements that we wot of for cele
brating the 4th have been made. What has
become of all the heroes who, on such an oc
casion, used to boil over with pat-riotism?
The Hollidaysburg Register has half a no
n that Cooper and McClure, of Mifflintown,
end Waiters and ourself had some idea of com
n.itiing matrimony about the time of the pro
.y-d State Convention, and thus make our
oternporariea dance attendance at the bridal
i irty. We can speak for Walters and ourself,
iriend Jones, both of us having abjured the ills
■ hachelordom years ago, but as for Cooper
■.:A McClure, it may be true—the rogues no
1 jiit had fair eyes, blooming cheeks, and
roller~<f-money in their minds when they
itcoled u? into the project.
p-iitvii in the different brigades of the 14tli
•' • .on, P. V., met at Brown's Mills on the
: 0 inst., and organized by appointing Gen.
i-ckor. HU MANA*, of Centre, President, and
ipUiiii JOHN HAMILTON, of Mifflin, Secretary,
K. C. HALL, wna unanimously nominated
ae candidate for Major General. Rrsolu
were adopted approving the general pro
" of the new militia law, and of the
' puifcu'd by Adjutant General IIIWTN.
• ant Democrat contains the lachrymo
' ffuuioii of a scribbler named G<*>rge Lip-
who in piteous tones bewails the chop
•g oil >,| locojheo heads from office. I fad
I'J; or discovered capacity or nonesty
'h in this snuffling writer to (ill a foreign
ms| i:ate or a subordinate office at home, the
y would never have ansen for seeking
r '*'y through u political tirade as sense-
M 't is (ixriiiltes.
RIOTS. i>v\eral disgraceful riots have taken I
.ace along the line of railroad .11 Huntingdon '
| county, in which several shantees we reborn 1
i'own and considerable properly destroyed.!
Ie Huntingdon Journal slutes that Mr Gil
; espm, a contractor, was attacked to one of
these affrays and se.tously injured. The only
j cause for these proceedings is the old Irish 1
leud between the Co.inaught men and Far :
"\vn.s; If the rascals were to knock each !
otlur's b.ains out, and leave property and unof-
j tending citizens alone, there would, we think,
be few tears shed for their loss.
V/O~SAM HOPPER, the carpenter, we have j
been told, lately erected a two story frame
honso in sixteen days from the time ground
was broken tor the cellar; and if he does not
| become properly appreciated by our citizens as
a carpenter, we fancy SAMUEL HOPPER, the
Ice Merchant, will, should this melting wea
ther continue through summer. Ilia ice has
: imparted sucii a refreshing feeling to every- i
; thing with which it has been brought into con
tact during the past week, that we could not
well see how to do without it. It is a luxury
within the means of nearly every one, and as
| his list is rapidly filling up, better take it
I while you can got it.
The overflow at New Orleans is falling fast I
—the water having receded five inches on the
; 12th instnnt, leaving large deposits of mud in
; the streets.
1 . THE CHOLERA IS committing fearful ravages
in St. Louis, there having been 99 interments
: on the 19th. On the same day 111 Philadel
j pliia three cases and two deaths—in New York
30cisesand 13 deaths—in Cincinnati 31 deaths
A Washington letter of June 10, published
j in the Philadelphia American, says—The Pres
ident will probably visit Bedford Springs in the
, month of August, and afterwards comply with
his promise to the citizens of Pittsburgh, made
when on ins way to bo inaugurated. He pro
poses then to journey thruugh the interior of!
Pennsylvania, and to attend the Agricultural
Fair at Syracuse, N. Y.
Riot and Bloodshed. —Our city has again
been the scene of another diagraccful riot
among its firemen. The disturbance cornmen- !
ced about neon to-day between the Moyatncn
eing and Franklin companies. Before the
scene closed one man was killed and several
I wounded.
Desperate and Fatal Encounter. —At a
public speaking which took place to-day in
Madison county, between Cassius M. Clay
and Joseph Turner, a quarrel ensued, which
resulted in a rencounter between the parlies.
They first drew pistols, which snapped but did
not go off. They then attacked each other
most fearfully and fiercely with bowie knives.
Mr. Clay was stabbed through the heart and ex- j
ptred immediately. Mr. Turner was severe- !
ly wounded 111 the abdomen and groin, and has
since died.
i This dreadful tragedy has caused great ex
citement and much sorrow among the friends
of both parties. Another account says Mr. j
, Ciay was only wounded and is still living.
THI Pf.n* DISTRICT FRAUD* —lt will excite surprise J
and indignation wherever it is known, says the Daily >
News, that the perpetrators of the gross frauds in the !
district of Fenn, Philadelphia county, at the last general j
election, have been discharged from all responsibility by
tbe locofoco Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions. It
will be recollected that the most palpable violations of j
duty, were charged upon the officers of the election, in j
| making fraudulent returns of the names of the voters, j
: and that the evidence as to the fact, taken before the :
! magistrate bv whom they were held to baii to answer, !
! was of the most startling character. Upon the finding
of indictments against parties, a general demurrer was i
! entered, alleging their insufficiency, which having been '
! argued some time since, was decided on Saturday by 1
j Judge Parsons, quashing the indictments, and discharg- i
Img the defendants from custody. The ground upon
which the decision is based is, that the facts in support |
of the charge of fraud and violation of duty, were not
sufficiently specified ; and that officers of an election,
such as clerks, inspectors, and judges, having different
duties to perform, cannot he jointly indicted for a misde
-1 meanor in office, unless it he stated in the indictment to
1 be such an act as tbe law reqnires'all to participate in.
Such are legal technicalities, and such the proceedings
which are rendering our courts and legal forms 11 mock- >
ery of justice It is said that Judge Parsons in this opin i
ion, expressed the unanimous sentiment of the Bench.— j
We, in condemning it, express the unanimous opinion of j
| outraged freemen. These forced constructions of law
have already greatly weakened the confidence of our
people in the judiciary, ami will yet lead to such a revi
i ion of our legal forms as shall abolish those technical 1
lies of law, through which the most guilty now escape.
00~ For Market* see last column of this
On June 21st, 1 8 .19, by Rev. K. r. Khadden, DAVID
CANDOR. K*q , Attorney at Law, of Lewistown, Pa,
to Miss CAROLINE G. WATSON, of VVatsontown,
Northumberland county.
On the 21st inst., by C. Hoover, Esq , ANORFW GREEN
! to Miss MATILDA THoNrsoN, both of Brown township.
On the 13th inst.,by the Rev James N'ourse, A HIM
j ILTOX LONOWKLI. to Miss MARUARKT BAMI-1.8, all of 1
Armagh township.
On Thursday eyening, June 14th,by Rev J. Rosenberg,
• of Lewistown.
At her residence in this place, on the I.lth Suit., Mrs. i
MARTHA ILAOERTVFAGED 12 years and '• months
Co tltc 7JLatrCrOe
r WOULD request the attention of tli„ la
dies to a superh assortment of Black, Col
ored and Fancy SILK - '>' o MOVS DE
j LAINES, with a great variety of other dress
! jroods, (iLOVES and Ml'tS of all kinds
and colors, and a splendid &.:oii.nont of HO
JONES' Nac Catap Store. \
Lewistown, June 23, 1849-
Cooking Staffs, j
mgm We hflvc now on
„ hand a larjrc stock of
<'( K.king Stoves,su<:han ,
1 JIL 'ln ue c,,n warrruit to pi ve i
eoti re sal isfk ction We |
sizes, from -S-'l to v-22.
WPjf OtrWe invite Far
\ ii.cr iml all pcrhoiid
V~._ J Stove, to give us a cull |
before purchaMng elsewhere.
I', J. HOI* I ,VI AN.
Lewistown, June 23, l w l9.
JIKVW •tVif* Stove
At Lewistown,
Is becoming the Centre of Attraction, and the reason for litis is
easily explained. There is constantly on hand a most complete
assortment of Good Goods, of all kinds, suited to the wants
of the People, and selling at
Extremely Low Price*; EOKi CASH.
At this establishment there is the largest and best assorted Stock of
Goods ever kept in Lewistown !
fresh Jcom tlir Arte Toeh ond I*hiltithlphi/I Markets ! '
A splendid Assortment of
Always on hand.
Black, Plain and Fancy SILKS; Mous. de Laines of the latest designs; BAREGES, of the
most fashionable and desirable colors; a full stock of WHITE GOODS; Laces, Fringes
Ganpp, Edgings, I user tings, &c. LAWNS and GINGHAMS, very cheap and good '
Gt •occries of all descriptions, very ( I heap.
Good SUGAR at f>, G>, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cents; MOLASSES, 25, 19 and 50 cents per gallon;
trie very beat Syrup at 50 cents ; a splendid Uakiny Molasses at 40 cents per
A room connected wtlh this establishment is neatly fitted up exclusively as a Ladies Shoe
Room. A large stock of all kinds of SHOES for Ladies, Misses and Children, constantly 011
hand, and will be sold much lower than can be had elsewhere. Ladies buying Shoes, as well
as all other goods, will save money by calling at JONES' Store before they purchase.
All Elegant Assortment of Bonnets & Bonnet Ribbons.
Artificials, &c., Cheap, CHEAP, CHEAP ! '
A Magnificent Assortment of
A. full and perfect stock of SUMMER GOODS, for Men's and Boys' wear
iJauam.i, zuaOoru ruts strain •
CUTLERY, in great variety, Also. Farming Hardware.
extremely low. A beautiful tot of the newest patterns KNIVES & FORKS.
carpets: carpetsicarpeet* :
An elegant variety of the newest patterns, just from the manufacturers.
V A good stock of Qiicensware.
The Summer Stock of Clothing will he sold off ut cost prices to
close it out, A great chance for BARGAINS!
f lan endless variety of kinds, sizes, and prices—CHEAP/li
7'd Wholesale Payers. —A liberal deduction will be made to per
sons buying by wholesale. They are assured that goods will be sold them as low as thev can
buy in the eastern markets—adding carriage.
03"CASH CUSTOM respectfully solicited. Goods sold at least 20 per cent, lower than
. . C. L. JONES.
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.—1t
Paper. Paper.
4 LWAYS on hand a large assortment of
Z*- Cap, Letter, Wrapping, Printing, Win
dow and Wall Paper, wholesale or retail,
Printing paper, 22 X 32, at .$5 per bundle,
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
PURE WHITE LEAD, at 82 per Keg
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1819.
Do not Parget
will be found a splendid assort
ment of fashionable II A TS ,
CAPS, tjfe., nt much lower prices
than they can be bought elsewhere
in this country.
A good Fur Hat, ... §I.OO
Fine Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2 25
Fine Beaver, .... 2.75
Finest Moleskin, ... 3.25
Lewistown, June 23, 1^49.
Lewistown, June 18,1849.
riTIIU Brigade Inspector, in compliance with
JL the 14lh section of Act of April, 1549,
entitled " An Act to revise the Militia System
of Pennsylvania, and to provide for the train
ings of such only as shall be uniformed," issues
the following BRIGADE ORDER:
AN ELECTION will be held, at the
County Seat, at the public house of DANIEL
EISENBISR, on the first Monday in July. (July
2, 1h49.) for the election of ONE MAJOR
(iENERAL, for the 11th Division, P. M.
The Volunteer Officers of Companies, Battal
ions, Regiments, and the Brigade, will be en
titled to vote at said election.
The Polls wiil be opened at 10 o'clock, A.
M., and will close at (J o'clock, P. M.
Lewistown, June 23, 1849—2t.
IN the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
Pennsylvania. —ln the case of the Real
Estate of GEORGE SCHWARTZ, late of the bor
ough of Lewistown, Mifflin county. Pa., dec'il,
the Judges of the Orphans' Court aforesaid,
made the following order, to wit: April 6th,
1849, on due'proof of tha service of the former
Rule, ami none of the Heirs appearing in
Court to accept and take the Real Estate
nforesaid at the appraisement and valuation.
Rule on tho Heirs of George Schwartz afore
said, deceased, to appear nt the next Orphans'
Court, to be held oil ti First Monday of
August next, at LEWISTOWN, in and for the
county of Mifflin, to show cause why the taid
Real Estate should not be sold, &c.
1). McKEAN CONTNER, Sheriff.
Lewistown, June 23, 1849. \ Ot.
Salt !
JUST received, a large stock of Ground
Alum Skit —11 cents per bushel and #1.75
per sack. 03~To dealers a liberal discount
off these prices will be made.
may 20,1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Candies and Confectionary.
A LWAYS on hand a good stock at wfiole
il sale or retail.
may 20,1849. F. J HOFFMAN.
T)Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Txponrig, issued nut
" of tlie fotirl of Common I'leas of the county of Mif
flin, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale by
public outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of
I.ewistown, on
Saturday, July, 14, 1819,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described
property, to wit :
A half lot of ground, more or less, situate in the bor
ough of I.ewistown, Mitthn county, Pa , bounded by
Brown street on the east, a sixteen feet alley on the
south, by a lot of John >tt rretl on the west, anil Market
street on the north, with a large two story brick dwel
ling house, a large britk stable, and other improvements
thereon erected.
rieized and taken in execution as the property of the
Letviglown Bank
1> MrKKAN CONTNER, Sheriff.
Lewistovvn, June 23,1548. \ til.
N. B.— Purchasers at ilie above Sheriff's sole
are hereby notified that the amount of the sale
will be required to be pud immediately on the
property being knocked down, or it will be forth
with resold to the lug best bidder.
I). McK. C., Sh'fT.
VIOTK'E is hereby given that the tenth
1 w and last Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS
PER SHARE, on the Capital Stock of this
Company, is required to be paid on or before
the first day of July next.
Instalments not paid punctually will be sub
ject to the penalty ofone per cent., as required
by law.
Subscribers residing in Mifflin and Juniata
counties, can pay their instalments to VVM.
B. FOSTER, Jr.. Associate Engineer, at his
office in Lewistown.
June Ifj, I^*4ll td.
DESIGNED tor the use of the public or
common schools in the L'nited States, il
lustrated with numerous original diagrams,
and admirably adapted to tfiose of riper years.
For sale at the book store of
Junel6-3t. C. C. SPOTS WOOD.
OR Oral Exercises in Algebra, for common
schools, adapted to prepare the pupil for
the study of written arithmetic. For sale by
June 16-3t. C. C. SPOTS WOOD.
Tin: ro\S' OWN book;
V COMPLETE encyclopedia of all the di- \
versions, athletic, scientific and recrea- I
tive, of boyhood and youth. For sale by
Junel6-3t. C. C. SPOTSWOOD. j
ABRAHAM'S Highly Improved Patent
"Manifold Writers, for copying ietters,
invoices, drawings, plans,&c. This invention I
will produce a letter with its copy at one oper
ation ; or, if required, a letter with two fac
similes to send abroad, with a single pen,(style) ;
which is so durable that it will last for centu- j
ries without repair. For sale at the book store
Lewistown, June 18, ISl9—3t.
WE are surrounded with that dread de
stroyer. It may be here—no doubt
will be. If you should have an attack, the
•' FORWARD DROPS" will effect a cure.
Come and get some —keep it in your houses
when at home, and in your trunks when travel
ling. ft is also a certain remedy for dysen
tery, &c. An eminent Physician of Ken
tucky has said that he " never lost u case of
cholera with the Forward Drops."
Prepared and sold at GREEN'S Medical
Depot, No. 11. Lewistown.
June l(i, 1849,
li E S 0 L tJ i 1 u N
Relative to an Amendment of the
RhSOl-V LD by ilie Sfinite und House of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met, That the Constitution
ot this Commonwealth he amended in ti, se
cond section of the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows : The Judges of the Supreme
Court, of the several Courts of Common I'leas,
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in
the manner following, to wit: The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The President
Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, and all other Judges
required to be learned in the law, by tire quali
fied electors of the respective districts over
which they are to preside or act as Judges.
And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Com
mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun
ties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold their offices for the term of fif
teen years, if they shall so long behave them
selves well: (subject to the allotment hereinaf
ter provided for, subsequent to the first elec
tion :) The President judges of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other
courts of Record as are or shall he established
by law, and all other Judges required to lie
learned in the law, shall hold their offices for
the term of ten years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well: The Associate Judges of
the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their
offices for the term of five years, if they shall
so long behave themselves well: all of whom
shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for
any reasonable cause which shall not be suffi
cient grounds of impeachment, the Governor
shall remove any of them on the address of two
thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The
first election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next after the
adoption of this amendment, and the commis
sions of all the judges who may be then in of
| lice shall expire on the first Monday of Decem
ber following, when the terms of the new judges
shall commence. The persons who shall then
| be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall
; hold their offices a3 follows : one of them for
| three years, one for six years, one for nine
years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen
| years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by
| the said judges, as soon after the election as
i convenient, and the result certified by them to
; the Governor, that the commissions may be is
sued in accordance thereto. The judge whose
commission will first expire shall be Chief Jus
i tice during his term, and thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire shall in
! turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
j commissions shall expire on the same day, the
i judges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hap
pening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in
| any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to continue till the
first Monday of December succeeding the next
general election. The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents of the several Courts
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
for their services an adequate compensation, to
lie fixed by law, which shall not be diminished
during their continuance in office, but they shall
receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the government of the United
States, or any other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court during their con
tinuance in office shall reside within this Com
monwealth, and the other Judges during their
continuance in office shall reside within the dis
trict or county for which they were respective
ly elected.
Speaker of the Iluuse of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Is* THE SENATE, March 1, 1849.
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21,
Nays 8.
Extract from the Journal.
April 2, 1649. $
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 58,
nays 26.
Extract from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April 5. 1849.
Dep. See. of the Commonwealth.
1 DO CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the Original Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled " Reso
lution relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution,'' as the same remains on file in this of
In testimony w hereof I have hereunto set my
I hand, and caused to be affixed the
seal of the Secretary's Office at Har-
JJt Ui risburg, this eleventh day of June,
Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
" Resolution, No. 188, entitled ' Resolution
'• relative to an amendment of the Constitution,'
" was read a third time. On the question, will
" the Senate agree to the resolution? The Yeas
" and Nays were taken agreeably to the Consti- i
" tut ion, and were as follow s, viz:
"YEAS —Messrs. Boas, Brawley, Crabb, Cun- J
" ningham, Forsyth, liugus, Johnson, Lawrence, j
" Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Caslin, Rich, \
" Richards, Sadler, Sankey, Savory, Small, ;
" Smyser, Sterrett and &ine —21.
"NAYS —Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives,;
" King, Konigmachcr, Polteiger and Darsic, j
" Speaker—B.
" So the question was determined in the af- j
" firmative."
"Shall the resolution pass? The yeas and j
" navs were taken agreeably to the provision of 1
"the tenth article of the Constitution, and arc {
" as follows, viz :
" YEAS —Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J. j
" Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. Bloom, David M.
" Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, John 11. j
" Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, I
" David G. Eshleman, William Evans, John
" Fausold, Samuel Fcgely, Joseph W. Fisher,
" Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Robt Hamp
" son, George P. llenszcy, Thomas J. Herring,
" Joseph Higgins, Chas. Hortz, Joseph B Hower,
" Robert Ivlotz, Harrison P. Laird. Abraham
" Lamberton, James J. Lewis, James W. Long,
" Jacob M'Cartney, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh
" M'Kee, John M'Laughlin, Adam Martin, Sam
" u?l Marx, John C. Myers, Edward Nickleson,
" Stewart Pearce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt,
" Alonzo Robb, George Rupley, Theodore Ry
" man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Seibcrt,
" John Sharp, Christian Snively, Thomas C.
" Steel, Jeremiah B. Stubbs, Jost J. Stutzman,
" Marshall Svvartzwclder, Samuel Tagggrt,
" George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah
" Wattles, Samuel Weirich, Alonzo 1. Wilcox,
" Daniel Zerbey, and William F. Packer, Spcak
" cr—sß.
" Nays—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn, David
" M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans,
" John Fcnlon, John W. George, Thomas Gil
" lespie, John B. Gordon, William Henry,
" James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubaeh, Robert B.
" Little, John S. M'Calmont, John M'Kee,
" William M'Sherry, Josiah Miller, William T
" Morrison, John A Utto, William Y Ruben
" John W H seberry, John R Rutherford. R
" Handle Smith, John Smyth, John SuuJt-i
' George W jlt ib and l>avni F. Williams.— ".'i,
" So the question was determined in the aliir
" malive "
Uuirisburg, June 15, 18-19. y
SI do CERTIFY that the above and
loregoinp is a true and correct copy
of the " Yeas" and " Nays," taken
on the "Resolution relative to an
Amendment of the Constitution,"
as the same appears on the Journals
"1 the two Houses of the General Assembly ot
tin-; < omrnonwealth, for the session of 1849
Witness my hand and the seal of said ortiee,
the tilteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine.
ju2.! —9m Secretary of the Commonwealth.
fIIAKK NO I ICE, that the hooks of account,
JL &c. of ('RAW FORD & SO UK BECK,
have been assigned to the subscriber, (who
alone lias authority to collect the same,) as se
curity for claims, in his hands for collection
against said firm, and all accounts not settled
before the 1 \l of July, will be left with a Jus
tice of the Peace to be sued.
Lewistown, June 9, 18.49—4t.
Administrator'* JVolice.
THE undersigned having been appointed
Administrator of the estate of JAiIES
1). MORRISON, deceased, of McVeytown,
Mifllin county, Pa., hereby notifies ail persons
having claims against the estate of said de
ceased, to make known the same to the un
dersigned without delay; also ail persons in
debted, to call on the undersigned and settle
the same. SAM'L MORRISON.
Newton Hamilton, June 9, 13-19—Ot.
® H 0
Estate of James Robison, deceased.
IETTERS of Administration de bonis mm
cvm testament,i aiuiexo of said deceased hav
| ing been granted to me, I hereby request all
persons having claims or demands against the
estate to make them known to me without de
lay; and solicit early payments from all who
owe the estate. DAVID CANDOR,
Administrator de bonis, See., as aforesaid.
Lewistown, June 2, ld49— -Gt.
N 0 T I a a-
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted
./A to the undersigned, as Assigneesof THO
MAS JACOB, Jr., are requested to make pay
• ment to Geo. W. ELDER, Esq., at Lewistown,
or to VVm. MCKINNEY, Reedsviile, and save
| further costs.
June 9, 1849—3t.* Assignees.
AUDI TOR'S NOTICE.—7'HE undersign
ed having been appointed an Auditor to
audit and distribute the money in hands of
Col. WM. BITLER, administrator of the esta'e
of THOMAS J. HYNEMAN, late of the bor
ough of Lewistown, hereby gives notice that
he will attend at the Register's office,on MON
DAY', the second day of July next, when and
where all persons interested may attend, or
be thereafter debarred from coming in on said
fund. * lIENRV KULP.
June 2,1819. —4t.
fTMIE Lykens Valley Coal Company will he
X prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the
2uth inst., at the Depot, Millersburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi
conisco Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at
the following prices CASH :
Lump, broken and screened, $2.00 per ton.
Nut, 1.75 do.
Limcburners 1 screened, 1.37 do.
do. mixed, 75" do
April 14, 1849—taugl.
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
Paid fit/ Dealers Retail.
Flour - - <£3 87 $4 75
Wheat, white - 90 1 05
red - 85 1 00
Bye - - ' 45 5C>
j Oats - - 25 33
i Corn; - - 45 50
i Cloverseed - - 300 400
| Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25
Timothy seed - - 2 (XI 2 50
Butter, good - - 10 111
Eggs - - 10 10
Lard - - 7 8
Tallow - - 8 1(1
Potatoes - - 60 75
Beef, - - 4 IK)
Bacon, per lb. 5$ 7
Pork - - 0 00 0 00
Wool, per lb. - • 25
Feathers - - 41 44
The Lewistown Mills are paying 85 to
90 cents for good wheat, 45 cents for Rye,
45 cents for Corn, and 27 cents for Oats.
BALTIMORE, June 21, 1849.
The foreign news has had a depressing ef
fect upon the market. Flour is quoted #1.56;
white Wheat 104 c. and red 98 a 100 c.; w"hite
Corn 52a53c. and yellow 57a58c.;Oats 27a29c.
PHILADELPHIA, June 21, 1849.
Flour is dull. Small sales at $4 56|; Corn
Meal $2.75a2.81; and Rye Flour #2.875.
Wlieat is duller and has declined. Sales of
red &t9Sal()2 cts. Corn has declined. Sales
of yellow at 60a61 cts. Oats 30u32 cts. Rye
58 cents.
From the Circular of Brown, Shipley if- Co.
f Per Cambria] LIVERPOOL, Ist June,' 49.
The quotations for cotton are continued just
the same as at the departure of the last steam
er—fair upland and Mobile heing 4£d, fair
Orleans 4ijd, and middling of the three de
scriptions 4£ per lb. The market has been
very abundantly supplied, as was to be expect
ed after a month of such heavy import; and the
speculative demand has been suspended, so that
the operations of the consumers, though thev
have bought to a fair extent, have been only
juft sufficient to sustain former rates, with a
ianguid market throughout the week, but some
increase of firmness at the close.
The sales amount to 35.790 bales, of which
4500 are for export, and 700 on speculation.—
The import for the same time is 697,(KM) bales,
of which 526,000, is American.
Flour is dull and lower, some sales of West
ern having been made at 22- Od per brl. and
though that description as well as Philadelphia
and Baltimore is pretty generally held at 28s,
it is not attainable except in a retail way.—
Ohio, 23 6a2-ls (id brl; Ind. Corn has gone off
pretty freely at 33s Oda 35s for white, and 35s
04 a 37s per quarter for yellow, but not much
demand to day. Indian corn meal 10s a His 6d
per brl.