Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 16, 1849, Image 1

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    U ' I * l ~~~~
\ol XXXV.—Whole \o 18:tG.
Rates of Advertising.
One square, 18 lines, 1 2 squares, 6 mos. 45.
1 time 50 I " 1 year 8.00
~ t'mes 7.) I £ column, 3 rnos. 6.00
," J '59 I " b* " 10.00
•j"!?' " 1 }' ear J5 -b0
•> ' 2.50 1 column, 3 mm. 10.00
, J' ,K ! " t> " 15.00
1 year b.OO " ] year 25.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before inar
-3 nios. 3.50 riages, &c. §l2.
Communications recommending persons for
otnee, must be paid in advance at the rate of
u cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
lie Giraril Lite Insurant? Annuity ami Trnst
Company of Philadelphia,
i; iTicc No. 159 C/hesnut Sirect.
Capital laeo.ooo.
Charter Perpetual.
pO.NTINI H to make Insurances on Lives on the most
b favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and
receive Deposits on Interest.
The Uapital being paid up and invested, together with
accumulated premium fund, atTords a perfect security to
the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half
yearly, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the
insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most
approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by
the people, and where they have had the longest experi
ence,! as appears from the fact that out of 117 Hf e Insu
rance Companies there, of all kinds, ST are on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropriated in December, 1544,
am inttnc to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
oldest policies ;to 7s per cent., 71 per cent, dec , &,e., on
others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
addition of >100; *7.50; $75, dec., &c., to every glflOU,
originally insured, which is an average of more than 50
;*r cent or. the premiums paid, and without increasing
ihe annual payment to the company.
The operation of the Bonus will be seen by the follow
ing examples front the Life Insurance Register of the
Company, thus:
Sum Bonus or j Amount of Policy and
Policy. | Insured. Addition, j Bonus payable at the
i I party's decease.
> 5? , SI,OOO j SIOO 00 ~ *l,lOO 00
"" i 2,500 j 250 00 2,750 00
" 205 j 4,000 ; 400 00 4,400 OO
" 276 j 2,000 ; 175 00 2,175 00
" 233 j 5,000 | 437 50 5,137 s it
7> PAMPHLETS containing the table of rates, and ex
:!inatioiis of the subject; Forms of Application, and
further information can be had at the office, gratis, in
-rson or by letter, addressed to the President <<r Actuary.
B. VV. RICH ARILS, l* resident.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ap29:ly
164 t'hfiiniit street.
Corner of Seventh, Sic aim's Buildings,
I7 V>'A ;xg the wants of the community, the Proprie
tor of ibis ESTABLISHMENT has fitted up a store in
". most elegant mariner, having due regard to the com
rt of tut customers, so that every stranger visiting his
Boei-atore, may feel entirely at home.
of B lea i. classified according to the various Depart
" eats of Literature, so that visiters can find the Books
are in search of for themselves Buying his stock
rthe most part at the AUCTION SALES, and being con
t'd with one of the largest Publishing Houses in IbL*
try, besides publishing largely hnnseif, enables htm
t'j sell ALL Books at
Lower Prices
than any other bouse of a similar character on this eon
' eent. Hi* facilities for the IMTOBT ATION of Books from
Eur .;* arc r,surpassed, hav ing a Branch of his Estab
..saaient it. L.iiJon, w here orders of private gentlemen
at-: .refil l; x? :ted and forwarded to this cohulry by
eiery STEANA* and packet.
<■ B'.oics with the prices attached is issued quarterly,
' crime Lists of New additions made to his large col
a, v. hich are in all cases for sale at the
' rn 25 to 75 per cent below pubtishen' prices. Thus
c.itigeven ;i/nt Books, quite a considerable amount
d.ivcj A a still further
i \ i> t c i: TI i; N T
'.'Anger* visiting the city, every one who purchases
' l v.ortk of Books, w ill receive a ropy of the
/P.i.vr,yjt ix PHILADELPHIA, an elegant lbuio
; price of which is 25 cents.
-> I in,lit* of an advertisement are too confined to
' -cinerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even
• f; ■ ul: ,of the immense advantages to be derived from
• r nmg t the (treat Central Cheap Hook Store, but
! who are in search of books send for a (Catalogue,
' buy the Books they are in want of,and when visiting
give Appleton one call, and you will be sure to
station cv
Ml tt branches, furnished at the Lowest Pries*. The
" Us of those puri.hasing Letter and Note Paper, neat
' imped in the corner, without charge.
> Order* for any article may be sent by mail, addressed
the proprietor, and the directions in all rase* will be
iy carried out, with great punctuality and despati h.
■ Orders lor Catalogues should be pre paid.
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and .Stationer,
164 Chcinut Street, corner of Seventh,
"■ y s,lSlo—3tn Strum's Building.
1..', Cheapest dfr most Splendid assortment of
v >- t ficwi I*ac]oaiius,) No.
1 1 Ji $ Market Street , / 4 I H
'i Jt u doors above Eleventh, North side,
j J . received by late arrivals, f/otn lb" most eel
; M >nuf icturcrs of Europe, a magnificent and
- r-q a.cortn.ent of flht.lt and SH.P'EII
ill >, which he W ill sell l UCAI'Ik than any other
g! in the United States. Among llie assort
'• f iuud ;
"i-.i-k r jsc, full Jewelled, S3O
'■•■ is full jewelled, 13
•'tie*, 1 k. vases, jewelled, 25
! net, jewelled, l ft
( iunrtler Watches, 4to#l®
m, equal to tt.in, per set, 4
It .it . 10 00
i " 1510
did ae.mrtmeiit of 'haste and Mi* Is
• i U.iLVtt, of various stvie, from the best Man
'• • i a-,,
• - prese,ve this advertisement, and call at
* V;rket street, above Eleventh* North side.
'•" v c i. :; | .Silver l.evers* slitl iheaper than the
*" A liberal discount made io the trade.
4 All, im
—' EF3 ii SaSTGj'SIEs) IL2I WnsS'l?®WL^Ti EClfflyiMlS? cc::v_ ': , W&o
Wholesale Commission Agent,
No. 51 North Wharves,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 21, 1841)—ly
No. 280 Marled street, above Eighth,
(South side,)
'PIH.S large and splendid Hotel has been furnished with
entire new furniture. The Bar Uouin is the largest
in Philadelphia The Parlors and Sitting Rooms arc en
tirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to
the arrival and depaiture of cars. The Portico extend
ing the whole front of the house, affords a cool retreat in
warm weather, AlUL a splendid view of the greatest tho
roughfare in the city
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished—the Table as
well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every alien
lion of tiie managers to make it the bert Hotel for Mer
chants and Business Men, during their stay in the city.
The terms will be OXA DOLLAR per day. ON the arrival
of the Cars from the West, a Porter will be in attend
ance to convey baggage, &E to the Hotel, which IS ad
joining the depot. fcblO — fitn
2000 PKE.IBir.TI
18. .1. Williams,
iVb. 12 JNar/A Sixth Street, Philadelphia,
Vcititian ESliml ;m! Window
Slintlc Tlaiiiiifnrtstrcr.
(Awarded the first and highest MKDALK at the New
York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia exhibitions, for the
superiority ef hi* Blinds, With confirt d confidence in
his manufacture,) asks the attention of purchasers to his
assortment of 2'KK) Hiiuus, of narrow and wide slats,
w ith fancy and plain Trimmings, of new styles and col
ors. Also, a large and general assortment of TBANSI'A
REXT WIN DO xv SHADES, all of which he will sell at the
loxvest cash prices.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new.
ODEALERH supplied o:T liberal terms. <S The citi
zens of NII*UIN county are respectfully invited to call be
fore buying clsew here— confident of pleasing all.
March 24, l<H9-3m.
'THE subscribers have < n hand the largest assortment of
WALL PAPERS IS the city of Philadelphia,
consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries,
Dining Rooms, Chambers, A.E., which for qualify and
style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business, we
are enabled to sell a better article, at a
than any store doing a TRADE BLSISESJ On hand, a
large assortment of W IDK I'AI'EL', for Curtains,
fire Prints. Borders, A.C , which will be sold very low
f,r cash Paper Hinging done in the country at city
N R Dealers are invised to call arid examine their
te* K IK f,,re purshasinj • l-W here.
No 112, Arch street, xouth side, Philadelphia.
April 14, 3M
Ao. 68 Aortic Tmrd Strett, abore Arch,
FIN-'EH the follow ing articles of a VERY superior quali
ty. Country merchants will do well to call arid exa
mine the same, as a liberal discount w ill be made to
those who purchase to sell again.
LIQT • ITS— Brandies, various kinds; Holland Gin,
do; very superior Jamaica Spirits; Irish and SCOD h
Whiskey; Apple Whiskey ; Monongahela Whiskey, very
old; Virginia Peach Brandy
WIN ES— Superior Old Sherry Wine; Madeira Wine;
Port Wines of different kinds; superior Teneriff-J Lis
bon and Muscatel; Sweet Malaga; superior Claret
(.'OK 111 A LS— Maraschino T T'urar.M; Raspberry
Cogniac; Blackberry do ; Cream de Noyau; Cream DE
Anr>isctte; lluile de Rose; Extract ef Absinthe; Perfeit
Love Cordial; Lemon Cordial; Life of Man Cordial;
Peppermint Cordial; Wine Bitters; Tansey Bitters; Lav
ender Bitters; Peppermint Bitters.
s V ITL'I'.S — Lemon Pyrup; Ginger Hyrupi Harsapa- J
rilla Syrup; plain Syrup j
Tine Hoi/ltd WINES, for medical purposes, such as '
Madeira, Sherry, Port, Scr mh3l —3TN
Manufacturer of Donnelly's L'priglit Safety Glazed Cap
suled Blue
And United States Oil Paste Mucking,
No. *3 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
THESE Matches are Justly considered the best in the
United States; they are free from unpleasant smell, •
and can be introduced with perfect safety into all Stores
and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years.
The Blacking is of superior quality, and free from any j
ingredient that impairs the leather.
to their interest to call and see for themselves.
N. 11. Ar. assortment of .Matches of various New York j
Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes— also, i
packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to any part of j
! the world JOHN DONNELLY,
I.ate of2o Bank street, now North Third street.
! March 21, 1N49 -!y.
IMiiladt'lpiiia Medical House,
IJVSTABI.IHHED IS years ago, by Dr KINKELIX. The j
■J oldest, surest and hest hand to cure all forms of secret j
diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is DR. I
KINKEI.IN, Northwest corner of THIRD and UNION
Htreets, between Spruce and Pine, A square aml-a half '
from the Exchange, Philadelphia.
There is a habit which boys teach each oilier SI the
Academy or College— • habit indulged in when by htui- !
self, in solituile, growing up with the boy to manhood;
few of those who indulge in this pernicious practice are
aware of the consequences until they find the nervous
system shattered, fuel strange and unaccountable feel ,
logs, vague fears in the mind. The individual becomes
feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or j
to apply his mind to study ; li s step is tardy and weak,
lie is dull irresolute. '
Person . of all age* can now judge what is the cause of
THEIR del lining he ilfn, losing their vigor, becoming weak,
pile and emaciated.
Let no false modesty deter you from making your esse ,
known to one who, fro n education arid respectability, |
ran otono b.ffri <*n.l yeu He who places himself under
Dr Klnkeltn'A treatment, may religiously confide IN his
honor a* A gentleman, and In vvlu.se bosom will be for
ever locked lhe seciet of LH patient
Thousands have beau restored to Health, from the de- j
vasutlons of thosn terrific maiadi* by DA. KIVKKLS**, !
warded, by sending • remitisare, and put I P secure fruin
DAMAGE oncuniosrrv
T>POST E*T Li.rr. se UNSWEN ! forthwith
Ph. IDCIPHLA, January '.V, 11I'J~!Y.
| Trimmings Cheap for Cash.
I<3 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Tf VS for sale a large aiui handsome assortment of
Trimmings such as Zephyr Worsted, Patterns, Steel
Beads, Purse Silks, Spool Cotton, Sewing Silk, Needles,
Pins, Tidy Cotton, Perfumery, French, English, (Her
man and jimcrican Fancy Goods, SLC., CHEAI- FOR C.ISII.
Wholesale and retail, at tbe THREAD AND NEED 1,10
STORE, 178 CIIF.STJYUT St., Philadelphia.
P* ti. Also, sole Agent for Bringhurst's Celebrated
Hair Mil lure, for removing Dandruff and Dressing the
Hair, civing it a tine glossy appearance.
March 24, 1849—3m0.
Alohzo •FolismoiH'*
I yK W ST Olt 13,
jAJ. 14 3 or!h Second. Street, a few doors
above Market,
. P II I fa A I) E L P II I A ,
"\fA\rrACT! lIEH of Transparent Window Shades,
| - 1 - Reed Blinds, Paper Curtains and Venilian Blinds, of
; a 'l tde different sizes, varying in price, from Six CENTS
i to Iv% KNrv DOLLARS a piece. AH ilie new styles of ev
j ery description of patterns, and of the latest fashions of
| different colors, and a variety of Trimmings of all kinds
Also, beautiful TABLE and Oil. CI.OTIf in patterns
| and in pieces. Oil Cloths for floors. Patent Coach Cur
tains tor Wagon Covers of a superior article, any width,
double or single, of ilie finest finish, and a splendid as
sortment of CLOCKS, LOOKIJYO (f/.ISSFS, and
FlfiP. BOARDS, tec., tec.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed over, to look et|nal to
I new, at a very little eiperise, or taken in exchange for
, new.
lie has on hand the largest and most complete and beau
j tilu! assortment of the above articles, at 2j per cent,
i cheaper than any other establishment in the city, Whole
, sale and Retail, at reducedppries.
Kr Merchants and others are invited to call before pur-
I chasing elsewhere, as it w HI be to their advantage
I f . Anv of iht- above goods made lo order, or carefully
packed, so they ran lie sent any distance without injury.
! Other Manufacturers supplied with Slats, Fronts, Heads,
or Pulley's, at the lowest prices.
OpF.Jif i.v run F.ynja.xos.
March 31, IS49— ly.
C CONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
' every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in hisemployand
; using {rood stock, his customers, as well as all
j others, may reiy upon "retting a good article,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22,1848 —lf.
, j
T I A H Ai: i:
fpHK undersigned respectfully informs the
X public that he has removed his establish
ment to the stand lately occupied by JOSEPH
; lie has now on hand a large assortment ot
of every description, at very iow prices. He
is also prepared to manufacture to order any
| quantity of
Tin Ware, Sheet Iron Ware, and
made of the best materials, on as low terms a
i can be procured anywhere.
in want ol articles in his line, are invited tu
i give him a call.
Lewistown, April 7, 1848-—3 in.
V,1 7 E have always on hand a line slock of
YV the following articles, winch we are
prepared to sell Wholesale, ut a small advance
j on city rates, having been " well bought " pur
chasing almost strictly for CASH:
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Class, Oil, &c.
i Spices; Coffee, Sugar, Tea, &.c.
Tobacco and Segars ; Fish and Salt
Nails, and almost every article in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, Arc.
Cotton Laps and Cordage
All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books
Cooking Stoves; Hats and Caps; Matches, 1
Lewistown, March HI, 181!).
New Hardware Storo I !
A T F. J. Hoffman's will be found a most
l\. extensive assortment of Hardware, at
I low CASH PRICES; viz:
SADDI.ERY-WAKE ; Coach-ware ; Steel
A general assortment of Steel Springs
Hoop and Sheet Iron ; Wagon Boxes
Cut and Wrought Nails; Sad Irons; Hinges
l Locks of nll kinds; Screws; Springs
Latches; Knobs; Bolts ; Forks; Spades
Shovels; Pans; Shovels and Tongs
Knives and Forks; Table and Tea Spoons
Hand Saws ; Planes; Hatchets; &c,
i Also, all kinds of shoe findings.
j Lewistown, March 24, 1840.
I* a per. Caper.
JUST received, an extensive assortment,
consisting of
Ordinary, Fine, and Extra Cap 4 j
l)o. do. and French Letter, > i
' And Writing and Wrapping, ) >
PRISTIM* PA PER, 22 X 32, at #>.oo j
per bundle.
o^7"Lawyers, Printers, and Merchants, who j
need paper by the renin, will find we can sup- j
ply them at LOW PRICES for cash.
Lewistown, march 24, 1840.
pURK, *2 per k e S . tor
Lewistown, march 24,18-19.
Gro eerie si
CA ROCERIES.—A very large assortment of
N prime groceries, on hand. line leas,
from 50 cts. to §I.OO per pound. Extra syrup
Molasses, at 50 cts. per gallon: for sale by
Lewistown, inarch 24, 1849.
SATURDAY, .IIAE 10, 1849.
f Jill E subscriber has taken the Lewistown
X Mills,arid wishes to buy a large quantity of
All EtSiads ol* Inrasii,
thr which lie will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FINDS, as high as the market will atfurd, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
\\ boat will do well to call and show a sample
Oi it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the uiiil
being situated on the creek, where flour can
be loaded out of the mill into boats, and al! ex
lense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling
If wheat brings a better price than it will al
tord to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time ar.d labor in hoisting by
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
" Received, Lewistown Mills, of A. ft.,
Wheat, to be kept in stare till the Jirst of Au
gust unless disposed of sooner."
\Y hen the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having tour hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and net selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till after the first of August, ii will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. Jt shipped, or sold to anv
person that does not get it ground in the mill.
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged, j
If they give notice, and keep it over afteAhe
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF j
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be ciear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plaster, Fish. Sail and Groceries
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to j
Farmers, by the quantity.
O^7""FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low for cash.
N. B. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
lewistown, April 14, 1-49—ly.
Tre mention* Incitement!
and al! about Thomas's selling
Goods so Cheap.
I have a large assortment of
and Indies' and Misses' Gaiters, made by the
be:-t of workmen ; a variety of
IP re/ Coo ds,
(nroccrirss ati ZLiquots,
of the best kind; among which is some
choice Brandy.
Segars and Tobacco ; Fish; JSalt; l(X) bushels
Dried Peaches—an excellent article for
§l.- r )0 per bushel; 1000 Fishing Rods;
Fishing Tackle; Cooking Stoves;
Powder, Shot, and Lead;
50 barrels best Monon
gahela Whiskey;
and hundreds of knick knacks, too numerous to
describe in an advertisement.
Being deternrned to sell LOW FOR CASH —
to accommodate those who may visit him, as
far as he can—and to deal fairly and honestly,
he invites his friends in town and country to
give hioi a call, examine his stock, and if they
find such articles os may be wanted, they can
be had about as cheap as any one can sell
them in this town or neighborhood.
between Swartz's and AlcDowelfs taverns.
Lewistown, may 10, lb4o—ly.
fflpii POTTERY.
FBMIE subscriber has now on hand and
-®- will continue to manufacture
of various kinds am! sizes, out of the best ma
terial ever before used for the manufacturing
of the article in this country. The
of his ware, should give it the preference over
the stone-ware, inasmuch as there is no dan
ger ot any loss front scalding it or putting ap
ple butter hot into them. His retail prices
will not exceed 8 cents per gallon, for such
ware as is generally used for apple butter or
milk. He also keeps a wagon, to deliver
ware to any merchant, at a reasonable dis
tance, who may be disposed to favor him with
his custom.
oO~T<> wholesale purchasers the usual dis
count will be given.
Lewistown, May 12, 1849—tf.
Wall Taper in sets.
12? Cutr oto 2J aj) f r
by the piece or quantity, for sale by
Lewistown, march 24, 1819.
OORDA&E, &3."
*7E have constantly on hand a fine assort
▼ V ment of Twines, Bedcords, Clothes
Lines, Ropes, Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, &c.
Lewistown, march 24, 1849.
Steel Springs.
V largo assartmcnt, low for cash, for sale
- by F. J. HOFFMAN.
Lewistown, march 21,18-49.
Aias! the good old songs of yore
Have gone quite out of date—
Surpassed by " Old Virginia's Shore,"
And the " North Car'iiria State."
No more are heard the pleasing notes
Of " Coining Through the Rye ;"
But turn you where you may, you'll hear
" Susanna, Don't You Cry."
To sing the song of "Home, Sweet Home,"
A girl could not be led ;
But ask her for some " favorite tunc,"
She'll strike up " Uncle Ned
Then tinish off with " Buffalo Gals,"
Or else with '• Dearest Mae
Forgetting that she ever knew
Some more heart-breathing lay.
Oh, give to me the songs of yore,
That come warm from the heart;
That make each pulse throb with delight,
And bid the passions start.
Sing me the song of "Hours There Were,"
I'll crave not what belongs
To the list of " nigger"—pshaw ! I mean
Of " fashionable" songs.
HUNGARY. — The important position assumed
by the people of Hungary gives deep interest
to all their movements. The annexed article
i from the Boston Atlas preseuts in a condensed
form an intelligent view of her existing rela
j tions with Austria.
It is a very prevalent, but a very erroneous
idea, that the contest now raging between
Hungary and Austria is a mere rebellion of
one of tbe provinces of a great Empire—that
the Hungarians are but a half civilized race—
her noblesare tyrants, and herpeople aie slaves.
But Hungary is an independent nation ; her
government is a limited monarchy, and her
constitution, in many respects, similar to that of
England. She has a Parliament, called the
Diet, composed of two chambers, Peers and
Commons, which the King is bound to summon
at least once in three years; and this Diet
regulates the interna! aflaire of the State.—
Unfortunately, however, it cannot originate
laws—its action is confined to those subjects
which the King chooses to present for consid
eration ; and it is for this reason only that Hun
gary has been behind the age in political re
form. Until 1817 her population was divided
into two distinct and entirely separate classes
—nobles and peasants; and all of noble descent
belonged to the first class, whether rich or poor,
titled or not. The entire class was exempt
from taxation, and the whole burden of the
State was borne by the peasants. In the course
of events, the Dukes of Austria—the residuary
legatees of all the rulers "by divine right"
with whom they have ever intermarried—be
came kings of Hungary, and thus it happens
that Hungary has come to be considered merelv
an Austrian province. Each of these Dukes
more recently Emperors—on his accession to
the throne was obliged to swear that he would
govern in a constitutional manner and support
the institutions of the State ; but most of them
—like the English Stuarts—have broken their
oaths and endeavored to substitute "divine
right" tor law, despotism for liberty, consolida
tion for independence. But these attemps at
usurpation have always been manfully met, and
neither force nor traud has ever yet been able
to deprive the Hungarians of their laws and
their independence ; the most that Austria
could accomplish was to keep them from ad
vancing. For more than half a century the
Hungarians have been trying to induce their
kings to call the attention of their Diet to po
litical subjects, in order to bring about impor
tant relormations in a legal manner; petition
and promise has followed promise, only to be
evaded or broken. At length, in 1*47, the
long sought favor was granted; the Archduke 1
Palatine—representing the king—called the !
attention of the Diet to those subject which had I
been so long the object of petitions, and the re- j
suits of the deliberations of that assembly are 1
without a parallel in history. The upper House
—like the English House of Lords—was com
posed of the hereditary nobility—owners of the
soil, who received its produce and were exempt ;
from taxation ; and the lower House was elect
ed, in a great measure, from the class of nobles
who were in like manner free from all the bur
dens of the State ; and yet, m the words of the
writer in Blackwood—
"By unanimous votes of both houses, the
Diet not only established perfect equality of
civil rights and public burdens amongst all
classes, denominations, and rices in Hungary
and its provinces, and perfect toleration of re
ligious worship; but with a generosity perhaps
urijMtralieled in the history of nations, and
which must extort the admiration even of those
who may question the wisdom of the measure,
the nobles of Hungary abolished their own
right to exact either labor or produce in re
turn for tbe lands held by urbarial tenure, and
thus transferred to the peasants the absolute
ownership, free and fort ver, of nearly half the
cultivated land in the kingdom, reserving to the
original proprietors such compensation as the
government might award from the public funds
ot Hungary. Afore than 500,(HH) peasant fam
ilies were thus invested with the absolute own
ership of from thirty to sixty acres of land each.
The elective tranchise was extended to e\erv
man possessed of capital or property of the val
ue ot §l5O, or an annual income ot §SO ; to ev
ery man who has received a diploma from a
university, and to every artisan who employs
an apprentice."
We repeat it, such an instance of liberality,
ottrue patriotism,of disinterested love of liberty,
cannot be found in the history ot the world.—
And this splendid deed is the true cause of the
present war. It was this which roused the
sluggish Austrians from the sleep of ages, and
made them think of freedom. 1 was this
which lighted the flame of liberty in despotic
Prussia. It was this sacrifice of time-honored
vested rights—this great concession of a gal
lant and generous race to the claims and long
lost rights of the people, which came near over
turning all the despotisms of Europe ut one
To crush this noble nation, despotism is arm
ed and arming. For an open attack there was
i\ew picric*—Vol. 3 —Hfo. 31.
jnn apology. Hungary had legislated for her
! self a .'one, as she had a perfect right to lrgis
i iatp Ihe Archduke Palatine—the represen
tative of her King—had sanctioned her acts,
and Austria could not complain. The effects
in truth, was not foreseen, nor was is suspected
until the Austrian people themselves began to
taik about freedom, expelled the Emperor from
Vienna, and almost accomplished a revolution.
Resort was then had to stratagem—the Ban of
Crotia (a Hungarian province inhabited by a
< different race of people.) was encouraged to
rebel, and taking Hungary unawares, he burnt
and destroyed ail before him. Hungary ap
pealed to her King—the Emperor— to put (low a
! this rebellion, or authorize her to raise troops
j for her own defence. The Ban was openly
proclaimed a rebel and ordered to repair to the
Emperor, hut secretly instigated to persevere.
Then came the siege of Vienna, in which the
Croats, under their Ban—who stood branded as
a rebel—joined the Austrian troop?, and was
permitted to hold his command. In the mean
; time, the Hungarians took their affairs into
their own hands, raised armies, and followed
the Croats till their junction with the Austrians
under the walls of Vienna; and out of this act
of self-defence, the Emperor has made the os
tensible cause of war. To punish this rebel
lion, the armies of Austria and Crotia, under
Windischgratz and Jellachich, were sent into
j Hungary, and for a time it appeared as if the
iron foot of despotism would crush cut the last
spark of liberty in that glorious land.
But the men who could nobly relinquish
their undisputed rights for the common good,
could do more. Hungary rose en masse—no
bles and peasants—men and women! Thirty
thousand gallant Poles escaped from Russian
slavery and raised their lances once more for
liberty—and these united, have driven back
the Austrian hordes, defeating them in battle
' after battle—to their own borders. Hungary
! is free from the invader, but whether she will
I be able to maintain her freedom is a problem
j yet to be solved. Austria, beaten, disgraced,
; alarmed, has appealed to Russia; and Russia,
! only too glad to fight against liberty, has pro
mised her aid, and her armies are already on
the march to redeem the promise.
It it said that England and France have re
monstrated against Russian intervention. We
hope it is so, and if Russia does not heeo the
remonstrance, we trust they will go farther,
and sustain, with all their power, the gallant
Hungarians in the unequal contest. We are
no lovers of war. but in such a case as this—ir
the despots of Austria and Russia will tempt
tiieir fate—we shall be glad to see one grand
struggle—a union of all the lovers of liberty—
ot all the advocates of equal rights, against the
last strong holds of despotism and tyranny.
We 6hall rejoice tisee the fires of freedom,
so boldly kindled, so brightly burning on the
plains ot Hungary, extend over the mountains
of Bohemia, reanimate fallen Poland, penetrate
Austria, and shed the first ray of light over
Russia. But even tor Hungary, single-hand
ed, we will hope for success.
Out of this struggle may grow up a general
war in Europe, it Russia persists in her in
terference, France and England may do some
thing more thaa protest; and such a war can
hardly end without rooting out the last vestiga
of "the divine right of kings," and restoring
the people of Europe to all the rights of man.
The London Spectator says that the Hun-
I garian artillery is served principally by young
I men of good family and station, advocates, en
| gineers, employee?, all without exception men
of scientific and literary training. But the
; pride and boast ot the Hungarian army are the
. thirteen Hussar regiments, (each at least 600
strong,) five of which have been newly organ
j ized. One of these the nation owes to the
I patriotism of Count Stephen Karolyi. This
; great nobleman, who almost vies with the head
of the Esterhazys in wealth, and who has hith
erto taken but little part in Hungarian politics,
in addition to a contribution in money amount
ing to twenty thousand pounds sterling, did in
last November, at his own sole expense, raise,
mount, and equip a regiment of this brilliant
army, which he now commands in person in
the field. All the troops are well clothed and
armed, amply provisioned, regularly paid, nnd
sufficiently provided with stores and ammuni
tion of every kind.
According to accounts received at Vienna the
Hungarian Parliament on the 14th of April, on
the motion of M. KOSSUTH, adopted the follow
ing declaratory resolutions :
'l. Hungary, together with Transylvania, is
and shall be a free and independent European
'd. The House of Ilapsburg Lorraine, is, and
shall be excluded, and deposed and banished
now and forever, from the dominion, sovereign
ty and enjoyment of the territories of Hungary,
as well as of Transylvania, and all the parts,
countries, and provinces thereunto appertaining.
' And the said House is and shall be declared
in the name of the nation to have forfeited the
throne, and to be excluded and disowned and
' 3. The said Hungarian nation enters, accord
ing to its unalienable natural rights, as an inde
pendent and free State, into the family of Eu
ropean States.
' 4. The future system of government in all
its details shall be provided tor by the Parlia
ment, and until that work shall have been con
summated the country shall be governed by a
President, assisted by a Cabinet of Ministers, to
be appointed by the President under the per
sonal responsibility of the said President and of
the said Ministers.
'The execution of the principles contained in
these resolutions is confided to a committee of
three persons.'
The accounts go on to say—
M. Kossuth's motion was adopted by tho
unanimous vote of the Parliament, amidst the
most enthusiastic cheers of the people. 4 This
thundering voice of millions,' adds the Consti
tutionelle Zeitung, 'is the shout of the resurrec
tion of the Magyr nation; it is the dirge of th •
exiled and traitorous house of Hansburg Lor
With respect to paragraph lof Kossuth's mo
tion, the house protested that they placed un
limited confidence in Kossuth, the mover of tha
bill, and that they elected hitr. to be the Presi
dent of Hungary. The execution of the prin
ciples contained in the above lesolutiou ha*
been confided to M M. Ludwig Kossuth, Enier
ick Szuesvarv, and Stephen Gorove.
The above proceedings of the lower House of
i the Hungarian Parliament were in the course
(of that day (14th of \pril) sanctioned by u
! iianinious resolution of the I pper House.