Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 09, 1849, Image 4

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    ews AJUh Hits aerr
LIF." (A'.SI'KAXCt:.
<]};-> cirard i.ife Insurance Ar.nnitv and Trust
roiiipaiiv of riiiiatlcipliia,
Oilier No. 159 Cliesnut Street.
Injiif J 6300,000.
t'i.nrlcr Perpt <• ....
fIOXTINI'E to ma 1 . * Irtsuraii" .' on Lire* <v f the most
t favorable term -; r ■ ve and execute TiusU, and
receive Deposit-0:1 I itfi-i est. . ,
The L'apit ,1 .. .• g ;*:ii. up and invested, together with
accumulated pt mar.: fund, affords a perfect .neurit's to j
the insured i>■ . jiiuuiu muy .JO paid ui yearlj, hall
vaarly, or quarterly ;. • ineMs.
The Co .ur ati ia B iNI'S 3 t stated periods to the
insurance* for . Tl.is . San nf insurance is the most
approved of, arid is more gem rally in < • than any o'her
in Great Britain, (-there the !j• • t isl *t understnt dby
the people, and n r.. ic they !ia - . i;! the longest experi
i -iceA as appears fr-un the fact it out of iit I.ife Insu-
EIDCe Companies I'..err,of ,:i k:-.S*, *7 are on this plan.
The firs! BOM S W HS apt ropn.tediu December, l-H,
amounting to 10 per coat, on the sum insured under the
oldest policies ; to *• per cut., 7: per r at. Sec., A.C.. ■ a
o. iters, iu pro ..onion to the time (it staiming, n.u-*i- '.a
addition of $100; $4,7.e0; s:%&<-., Ac., to ev rj
. riginallv insured, w ha h is an average ot m- re than . -J
per cent."or. the premiums paid, and without iiieretislr.g
the annual pat rneiit to the company.
T _ B irHibee n' \ the follow
ing examples from tits LH2 in=aruii~c Kegiili r oi tlie
l Torn parry, thus :
i Sam i Bonus or Amount of Policy and
Policy. ! Insured, j Addition J Bonus payable at the ,
party*# decease.
x#lo6 •. i *i.oM •
•< Se I 2,aft! ! 2;-' 00 j 2,7-0 M
a <yv I 4/irVi I ;pi> Of ' 4 . 'tO 00
** 270; 2,i . ) 175 Oi ! 2,175 00
" 333 ( 3,t . j 437 50 | 5,137 3D
> PASII ULETS contaiuirit th tab;.' of rate*, and ex
.lanaltoris <-f Ihe siitjeet; 1 irc.s of A pi • at ■
further information can be ha ! at the office, gratis, i'U .
; vfson cir by letter, addressed to the Pres. lent or AitU-uy.
Ii W. RICHARDS, President.
Jxo. F. James, Actuary. [p2S:ly
FJ> I. so TO 3 7 $
£62 €2ie:&ul Sirecf,
Corner of Seventh, Stc aim's Buildings,
J."NOWr.\(l to • •*. 1 if'- or '. t e Proprie
**■ lor of tins 11 st\b: n . r. * lilted up a tor ■ in •
the most el seal iiiauaer.!; u i-tg doe n gard to the com- •
fort of his customers. n i"a' every stranger vlsiti-ig his
B ok-etore. a:av f. et at home
of Books is cl.t- - ' J an ■ f'g i the various Depart
ment# of Literature, so that visiters ran find tin- Books
the-, are in search of fur themsel. - Bit vine his slock
f r tie most part a: the An ri and i ring con
i ctle l i*. t-. in, of t;>e icry-v? p.. j.ljs - //, inttsis '
rotar.Sty. !Mhiie# .■•' I i*.:'i;g 1 jrgrlv hi -.-self riHlMn hi n
to Mil ALL HOUAS at
Is o or Prices
than any "t. rh e<f a niilar character <it Hits r.ua.
t. et t. Its:'. ti !v ;rTt ■of Books from
r ,r -pe aru twst.rput<•-.}, im := > ; a Bran fi of his Ilstab
,.*huieut in L -u.i...-!, v. here rc r- of private g< ntlemen
are rarefu.ly M Ited as.J raaid :.! to this t haU) L>
every STEAM K a J J T
r' B-s- n with the |#iui lit itched ii issued rjuurtcrly, I
i .iainire Lis:, * a us , . ..detn his targe cot- '
i ctmn, are i;i ail f r sab. at the
or. frr.rn 2> t-s' . ; rr. jt -.-e'e.*- puHishers" prices Thus
in hay;: ivr, * iii-r a , nsid. rat4eanmunt
is 84' . 5 A •: - r
E N e> i c *: ii t: A T
to urtngers vi-.i. - the ;ty, -. ; ry one who ptir, h i-, .
1) 1 ■' m-' ■' f B . wit| receive ;i copv of lire
Th.IA'GEH /.V PHILADELPHIA, mi etegant
v ' iu.'.iv. trie ;r: -of w fuch is 43 - 'is.
Cs-Toe limits of an advertisement are too confined to
enumerate Ihe pr:-es - f a,iyo*theU- ->ks, or logive even
a fanu i lea t;f the im.srss:- sfvantngrr to be derived from
purchasing 'it the Hrtut Cen'ral Cheap Itu*>K stare, but
let all who ar • in search -if books -end for a Catalogue,
,nd buy the ITMAS they are in waiit-if,ntid when visiting
the city, give Appletou one cat!, an ! you v. til be sure to
Sb tat Cout v ij
in a! .ts uraruhes, furnislied at the Low •' Prist - Tlie
I~i'iaU of those purchasing I.'-tter and .Note Paper, neat
ly stamped in the corner, without charve.
f 7- Orders for any article may be sent lj mail, addressed
to the pr -p.-ietor, and the directions in all ca-es will be
fully c.irrfc I out. with great punctuality and deapat- li.
-5-Order= for '.'atil.,gues #iiould be pre paid
Bvfrl&t! *' r, Pubv-hf r, Importer, and : rr t
I f >! L'htdnat Street, rQrjttr of & rtilth,
Ki} h, lb 3;ii Stcaim'M Budfimg.
A LL E in 21 E A V Ii O I S E .
.An, 20 Market street, abort Eighth,
(South silej
•jLII*- large and spfeiii el Ii .tr! has been furnished with
J - entire n-w furniture. Th. Bar Room is the largest
in i'n..ii:faj,i:in rile Parlor# id .uirting Rooms arc pn
reiy tparate-j from tlie uois.- and bustle, r.<nite*iuenl to
' i arr.' .. :i; ! departure of c "S. The Portico extend
i>£ i".!; ' fr lit of the huu, 1 , ittfoids a CIM>I retreat in
t- imi weather, and a Ji 1 vi.wv of the greatest tbo
t ughfare In th - • ity.
The Lodging Roont# ar '! furnish-d—the T..b:- as
vU provid'-d for a at any lb r Hotel, with every alien
tun of the marine' r* t i make it ilm best ffott! fi>r Mer
r'Aiu arid D:i?:II-S M during tiieirstsv irr the city
The term# avill be oss hollar jef day On the ariival
of the Car • fr-mi the V.'oit, a Port-r will be in attend
ar-i eti convey baggage. L. to the II .tel, whit his nd
j uoing the depot. febio -6m
i he Cheapest cj- most Spl> ttdid assortment oj'
IN I'llll.ADEl.t'lllA.
No. i L; wis li.'Hloinjit. \ No.
■1 Sll Market Street, ' K / 1 1!S
a J' w doors above eleventh, Xorth side,
JIA-a just re<' i.ed by lite arrivals, from the no* t cel
ebrate I M inuficturer* .-f i.uropc, a mrignihceiit and
Jndi •'-•!:>' > •. t-.d as> rlaieut ci DOLL) and LI LEER
tV.AfCUJfA, which he wiil < il CIIEAPEB tteio anv "ther ]
PaUblishmer.i i„ the Uoitcd Btat#. Among the assort,
loent will be f ~i ;
<• .'d 4.< VMI-, i c. c s - f- '.l jewelled, $. n
Hitver Levers, full jewelled, ji
Gold I iapine#, lo K. cat- s, jew ellci.
.'ilver I'Epines, J- welb . I, JJ>
" Quartier Watches, 4to *lO
" Tea S'po jos s'jia' ro coin, per set, Ayo
" Dewrt " " " 10 00
" Table, •• 15 00
'ogatber tvnb a splendid assortrmnt of Chaste ami Rich :
■ls welry, Ur . t.
eihL'j t:i; •;/ v. ', r.f varb.-i* tyi. . f.-inn the 1 - i Man- j
cfactuj ,f
AbPleau •• frr-i. -ve • m advertisement, nd tail it
*f' 41.i *-Ir rk't Strec r, .ibove Hleverrtb, North cbl-e
•VI h iv.- {,.,0t ~, .,} ,W.-f I ( k,optr%\4. atbe i
v.. r-'lees. ■' Cberal ducoui.i .uade i,, the trade
A-.rli M. I
Epfi filis i;. i
Wholesale toniiaissiou >.n!
'R ALL lilNlts op
F 3 s as,
fd'o. ti 3 Ti/SfUjpvps, |
rlbove Rare '"ret, /, r;„
Philadelphia. April 21, 181!)—Jy t
At the O .1 EstaVis-hcd Stand
!Xo. Third Street,
Three doors oboe Market Street, PHIIJtDELPIIIA,
tyiLl, st i.t, pv Aicrin*, MVLALTV B\ LAMMO
*' commencing at 7 o'clock, a large assortment ol
I .neks, I-all he.', B-its, Trace and Halter Chains, Pad
Locks, Closet <1 > , Hand S iws, Don Back do.,.G.uns, Pis
lots, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Hati bets, llaniioer#, Gig and j
Carriage Whips, Wagon do., Travelling lruuks, Slut.-s,
Pencils, Japanned Waiters and Trays, French Accorde
ons. Violins and Botvs, Table and Tea Spoons, Braces
and Bits, Chisels, Curry Combs, Knive# and Forks of nil
kinds, Butcher and Shoe Knives, and a large assortment •
of other goods, Triuiniings,Small Wares, ice.
giKtds warranted eip.tal to rcpreseiltation, and
will he sold in lots to suit purchaser#. mill"—3tu
lu. ,f. Wii!*;iEii9 7
.V<>. 12 Xorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia,
Vci:ifi;iti ISlititl ai<l Window
SSnide HJa ati faclitrer.
(Awarded the first an.l liighest MEDAGS at the New
Vork, Baltimore, and Philadelphia Exhibition#, for the
superiority of hi* Biinds, with confirmed confidence in
his manufacture,) ,sks the attention of purchasers to lus
assortment of 20M Blinds, of narrow and wide slats,
with fancy and plain Trimmings, of new styles and col
ors. Also, a large and gererai assortment of TBANSPA
UKNT WiMiow SHADES, ail of hit h he v. ill sell at tiie
lowest cash prices.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed in look equal to new.
' J>DEALERS supplied on liberalterm#.-C3 The citi
. lens of M ulliii county are resjiectfuily invited to call be
fore buying elsewhere—roifide:t of pleasing all.
March 21, lbi9—3in.
r PHE su : . scribers have on hand the i ngest assortment of
*- Wall I'.-.l'.v:t* ulhecit. of Piiiladelphia,
cunsMfttg of < very variety tuitable for Pari- rs, Entri.-s,
Dining Rooms, Chamb-'rs, Ac, whi. h for quality and
■ sty I- tntet be surpussid Doing t ct# business, tve
are eiiab't Jto •'! ab. iter ar: le it a
than any store doing a TBADE BisixEss. On hand, a
Urge assortment f > llJIi I* I'' , f.rCui
Fire Prints. Itir l- rs, Ac., which will Im sold v, ry low
for cash. Paper Hanging dune in the country at ity
N K Dealer# are invit,-! to r, ' sr..l examine their
stock be-fore pur :: sine elsewhere.
No 112, \rch strr—t, - "tthsi le, Philadelphia.
April 11, It So—2m
Manufacturer of Donr.ell .'s ! ... bt .-afetv Glared Cap
silled Blue
_ 32 A TV II ES,
T.itZ United States Oil Paste Blacking.
No. f-3 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia
'TUIESE Matches ere jus'iv considered the h st in t'-
-•- Fnit.'-d states; th y are fre.-fr u imp! usuul sn -!:.
i andean he introduced with p< rfrt safety into ail St- •:- #
.Hid Dr. cllingf \V irrar.ted t-i ke. ,i le , years.
The Blocking is f superior juulity. am) Gee from any
ingrc-die;ti that in: lir? the leather.
i to tin .r interest to call and see for themselves
Nil. An as-urtinent of Matclf * of various New Vork
.Maniifacturer-. Matches in round wix-l boxes- ais.-,
picked hi large or sio .tl tin case . to stop to niv| ,rtol
th world. JOHN IIONM.i.I.V
Ute of iA Dmk street, nos '3 North Third sited-
March 24, 1"49-ly.
Ao. HS Worth I'titrd Street, above Arch,
OFFER the follow mg irttcl *• ,fa w-r> superior quali
ty. Country merchants will d" well to call and exa
mine the same, as a liberal discount will he made to
those who purchase to sell again.
LK|Ut>KS —Brandi-*, var:->ns Kinds; Holland Gin,
do ; very superior Jamaica Spirits; Irish and Scotch
Whiskc v; Apple Whiskey; Mutiongahula Whiskey, very
old; Virginia Peach Brandy.
V. INKS 4:ip,-ri r Old Madeira Wtne;
Port \v mes o: ilidTerent kinds; superior Tencriffe; Lis*
bon ami Muscatel; Sweet Malaga; s .Kirior Ciari.t
COIt 1)1 A rs- Maraschino ; Curacao; Raspberry
Cdrniar; Ulackb--rry do ; Co-am dc Noyau; I'reaiu de
Annwette; llui!--de Rose; Extract of Absinthe; Perf.-i !
Love Cordial; Lemon 47-rdial ; Life of Man Cordial;
Peppermint Cordial; Wine Bitter-; Tatisey Bitters; Lai -
endcr Bitters; Peppermint Bitters.
NVItl I'N — Lemon
riili plain Syrnn
Pnc Bottled H'/uYI f"T iii'.ri,'j! purport sirii
M idcira, cJherry, Port, Lv. mh3l—3m.
Aloiiyo •I i> tl Si*if)£t k
"V 17 IV r n c b I > P
a* 13# >V Tn i *# U Mis 5
j A j. 14 7\ orth Second Street, a few doors
above Market,
4T .VM I ACTI RKR of Transparent Window jti. tdes,
* *- 15, ei! Kiiiiri*, Paper Curtains and Vi-nitian Blind*, < f
ail the different *izes, varying in price, from tGi CENTS
•to Twl.h rv DIIIJ.au.S a piece All the new styles of •v
--• ry description of patterns, and of th latest fashions of
ditferent colors, and a variety of 1 runmingsnf all k,mis
AGo, beautiful TABLE and OIL CLOTH in patterns
and in pieces. Oil Clotii# for Boor#, Patent Coach Cur
tains for Wagon Cover# of a superior arc le, any width,
double or single, of the fine.-t f ,Sli, and a splendid ;ls
. .rim nt of CLOCKS, LOOKIXfi (il.Assr.S, and
EIRE RCXiI!l)8, Ar , Ac.
Oid Uiiuils painted and trimmed over, to look equal to
new, at a very little expense, or taken in exchange for
He his on hand the largest Ttid u. *t complete and beau
tiful assortment of the above articl-s, at 2", percent,
cbeajwr than any other .-slablishm.-ni m the city, Wboh -
sale and Retail, at reduced prices.
:>Merchant# and others are invited to rati before pur-
ci-asiiig eUcwhere, a# it yy .'.i be to ti.:ir advatii ir ■
■ > Any of the above goods made to order, or cr.refuMy
puked, so the;. CUD be sent any u *l nce w rthoul injury,
other Manufacturers sup,-li'-d with Pl.it*, Fronts, Heads,
r Pulley*#, at the loyve.t iiric,-^,
jMarch 31, IB4D—ly.
Pliilnih-fpliin .Hi'dccrt] ? en sc.
T,' STA BI.ISII F.D 15 years ago,l>y ir KIN* J" 1.4.1 N . The
01-leKt,sur- st ami best h iml tc,, ure aj| forms r f secret
■ B*i Jises ofrhe skin, and solitary Iriiut of youth, i* I>B
KINK I.LIN, Northwest corner of *1 <4IRD and UNION
-Streets, between Spruce and Pine, i square-amt-a ball"
froui the Lxi haugu, Bhiladelpliia
r*-ef,, i- x tiabit w lib h b.'.ys leach each Other r,i the
Ac d'.-ntv or College—a habit indulged In when by hiui
i "elf, ill ffilitude, grow ing up with the boy to manhood;
fe-.v of those who indulge in this periikiou# ptacico no
j av.nrc of the consciiuencfs until the/ iiu.l the n > rvou# ;
j ,'y*!<-in shattered, stein;,-• ari l ii.ercoiiut ble feel- i
; legs, vague fears In the mind. The individual become# 1
| f, utile, he is unable to tabor with ac istomed v -„r,. r
to apply hi# mind to study; his top is tardy cml we'.!:
he is rhilt trre.solnto.
j IVirou# of all age# oan now Judge w it ik the C r.u#e of
• :h "' f •' hex!ln, losing ;1„. lr vig-ar, >-eeom4.,g , Uli ,
' pale and emaciated
: Lei no fa!## modesty deter you fto.n ma King your caee
i known to one who, from educaiti-m and" r.-*jt-ibiiity,
in alone befri' iid you. He who place# himself under j
. J'r. Kink'lui's treatment, may confide in hi*
fi ii.or us a gentleman, and iu whose bosom wilt he for
' • 'i locked th - oo- -rt of the pati-ot
l*h '■iis'tmi# have b. -*n re*tor: I to b<*?ilth. from the de
vastat ion# „rthis,,; terrific maladies by li*. KtMtht.* Mi,
, Gerinan I'hjs U:i l,i
1 <M by Ml Rg # reintttaiice, ... ! p it up scc.ire fiom
; DAMAQ:. tii t i KFOHLTV.
f f VP" r-i yin Lu-ritas answered forth with
Tbt'ade!; hci Jahu-'ir 1 p> j-.
Trimmings Cheap for Cash.
176 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
HVS f.-r sale a liirg- and handsome assortment of
Trimmings such as Znphyr Worsted, rjttcrns, Steel
Brads, Tarse silks, Spool Cotton, Sewing Silk, Needles,
/'ins. Tidy Cotton, Pi-rfumerv, French, Knglith, (icr- I
mm ami .Intentan Fancy Goods, &c., CIIBAP run CASH. ;
Wholesale and retail, at the THREAD AND NEEDLE
STORE, 17* CHKSVATUr St., Philadelphia.
I' S. Also, sole Agent for Briughurn's Celebrated
Hair JUiiun;, for removing Dandruff and Dressing the
Hair, giving it a line glossy appearance.
March 21, IS4'> — 3mo.
Baltimore Advertisements.
Produce k General Commission Merchants,
?ioi. 15 & 16 SpcarVs Wharf,
Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on con
signments of all kinds of Produce.
Baltimore, March 21, 1649—3 M.
J P. MI Is Lisß? ,
General Commission k Fcrwardin? Merchant,
B"AOR the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed,
JL Whiskey, Lumber, Sic., Sic. Also, for
warding goods via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Fait,
Plaster, \Si,c. &.c., supplied at lowest prices.
Having been engaged in the above bii iness
during the las' five years, n continuation of the
patronage of Ins friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited. Refer to
F. Mc' ov. Esq, Lewis-town.
Messrs. Fi-NK & MILLER, 1
J. Si E C EBY, > llarrisburg, Pa.
BR \Nr Si Ziicoi.Ett, S
February 24 1919-Om*
\T'|RM fei. d tie; 11 sh,;ba'n Quern Pyf-r Ac Co , the
- * well known ami truly lurky lottery dealer*. No. I
Light >treet, fiiUiinori , M I , wlne w ide spread renown
lias rung from the extreme North to the St.uihern l< r.-iu
mis of the American Union, claim the (arr.nl iar inent of
having sold to their distant patrons within the past
month, the fuliuw trig brilliant array of nth and splendid
prizes T hose who follow- the chase catch the game.
GcorUQv* Ri.si LT 1— #18,600, whrde ticket, sent to
Philadelphia #8,00(1, whole ticket, rent to Columbus,
Ohio. #t,ooo, w hole ticket, sent to Halifax to , N ('.
s9jm, whole ticket, sent to Adams ro . P.. $!".000.
half 11 (,(, s: nt to Marion co., S #5,000, half ticket,
sent to Macon co., Ga #l,' *O, half H< k-t,Miu to Sui
• ;iie;..inna co., I'a #20,0), courier ticket, sei.t t, Lin
• in co, N f. slo,Oho, quarter ticket, sent to Mah-.-n
--lug to., (Jh.o.-- See .Managers I Jfeuil lOratriugt.
Every one of the above prizes Pyfer it. flo. have
promptly panl./rr. tf extra discount, and filed for the in
spection of the public.
Pyfer Ac Co sell nearly all tlie prizes. To become
wealthy you have only to forward an order through the
mai - to Pifer Ac Co , the great h<-ad quarters for prizes
All ro nmu airatior ; . inctty confidential llank ur ift*,
payable at aigi.t in g,.ld, remitted promptly to any part of
the I iiited r>i,ite (or prizes s.-ud t-.v Pyfer At Co.
Every dr v ing PylV .- A. Co ate sure to sell some of
the handsonu -i >.ipitals.
<'tie order to Pyfer Jc Co. may realize a splendid for-
I II nc
Gorgeous schemes for June, 1349 — Pyfer & Co. alwaj s
for t he prizes.
Dale Capital No. of Price of Price of
June. Prizes. Ballots. Tickets. Packg's.
2-1,0(10 7j \os 13 drawn 5 I- 50
6 3of!0 : <-:) 72 \os. 13 drawn 5 16 00
'J 33,000 75 No* 13 drawn 10 32 50
11 25,000 7- Not. 13 drawn S 27 50
12 20,(K0 75 Nos 15 drawn 5 15 00
13 30,000 75 Not. IS drawn 10 30 00
14 24,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50
15,000 75 Nos. 11 drawn 1 13 00
10 - Nn*. 13 drawn JO 32 50
18 sul TO,(O 75 Nos. 12 draw N 8 27 50
19 20,000 78 Nos. It drawn 5 17 50
'JO 25,000 78 Nos. Id drawn 10 30 (">
21 25,0ut) 75 Nos. 12 draw n 6 18 50
22 l>,iiCs) 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 to
23 40,000 75 Nos. 13 draw 11 10 32 50
21 25,000 73 Nos. 13 drawn 8 27 50
28 18,000 75 Nos. 14 draw n 5 18 25
2. 3of 55,000 75 Not 13 draw n lu 32 tß>
2* 25,000 78 Nos. 13 draw 11 5 Irt 50
29 10.000 0t No*. 13 drawn 4 11 00 j
30 50, UK) 7 fc \ o*. 13 drawn 15 -15 00 1
Tf • price of pi.l kages of quarter tic'-:! t oulv, is
v. ri IM-II above.
I' l 'iaii.ig.ra' pri .t. d Drawings, endnr-ed by tin
coiumis. ioric.'s appointrd (fir this purpose) by tlie Gov
ernor of Maryland, are iri ail cie sent to our Corres
l-eltcrs alw ays strongly and carefully sealed.
The pureh isers (.1 packages of tickets seldom have '
an.re than six chances against tht-tr drawing in a pack
age ant of the Capital Prizes, and ouc package may
draw foor of the highest prizes Two-thirds of the
pri; s are sold in packages of tickets.
6 > Please Order a fetv days BEFORE the Lotteries draw.
All orders pm. fully answered by the return mails.
Persons at a distance from Lajliu. .e, who wish "For- ;
tune Ruckled on their Racks," wiU find that it is only .
rnr> -sary to enclose the price (;s laid down in the a
hove . lie.tub . for a Package > r Hingle Ticket to the
irtily fortui.al , f.,r fumed, arid old established House of
T-.o 1, Light St., Baltimore, Md.
June 2, 1-I'.'.
AO.R 5 the chance In sell your graiit if left
ul the STORE of
Wslliasti Marks & Son,
Fonvardin?, Commission k Produce Merchants)'
W ,r '" P P rt 'P' ire( l to receive ANTL I-toreiill
kinds ot gram and produce at that largo,
convenient, and well known store house, on the
CIRNL. known as STKMRKTI- & POTTER'S \\ nre
iiuu-.J. AIL kind* ot" GRAIN and produce stored
with TIS WJLL txy prompiy forwarded al the ear
liest opp'irlui ity, by our own bouts, wine'l are
RO .umaailed by safe and experienced Captmns. I
I lie gtain and produce will be s.dd to lite best J
ADVANTAGE to the farmer, and llie money arisitm
from tire saie of the same paid over to the
owner or owners as soon us remittances can be j
had from the city. We shall alwayscnkuiatc 1
o pay the f irmer in the very best par muntu
'HIT ,S afloat. (£R Liberal cash advances I
made n all produce deposited in store.
Lewistown, M fllin co., Pa. f
Pi4A'r i>, i^ rt * <5 C S'ftwSi lil.J
HUAI., always on hand
Hon. A. S. VV ilsop, "J
Lr. T. A. VVorrall, j J
* Joseph B. Ard,
K. L. Benedict, Esq ,
Epiiraim Banks, ♦'
J VV. >Shd\v, •
Messr;. VVatsnn & Jacob, Fa. •
" Joe. Millikend-FIORI,
MR. F. McCoy,
R. F. Elbe,
" James Turner,
" -Samuel Frank.
1..- V istown, Jan. L 1819— Cmos.
On High Prices,
Blyinycr's Old Static!.
j TTTTIIILK others are refreshing the memo-
* ry of the public by malting known that
they have received New Goods, BLYMYER.
has quietly opened one of the largest, richest,
and cheapest assortments of
ever seeu in Lewistown, embracing, in great
variety, new stylo
Cloths, Cas si meres, Satinets,
: Vestinga, Croton Cloths,Cashmeres,andCash-
I ineretts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings,
Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin
do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen
did assortment of
a.iDirjs' Zsrc.es erooas.
Grode Naps, Satin du ("henes, an elegant as
sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks,
Barege, Challey, Muslin dc l,aines, Alpacas,
Lustres, Ginglrani9, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets,
Bombazines, striped arid plaid Muslins, &.c.
lie has also an extensive variety of the
j that has yet been brought to this place; to
gether with a never-ending assortment of
which will be sold at prices to suit purchasers.
Besides this, he has
ft ueeii *w a re, 4* lastw a re,
and an unparalleled supoly of
<4 ££ o c Si u i i: s.
Bounds, Palm-Leal ami Leg-
Horn ia ATS,
All of svhict Will he sold at so snail an AD
VANCE os COST, that purchasers will acknow
ledge War to have been declared against High
Prices with a-t unding effect. (Home along,
old friends, I've lots of the best a d cheapest
goods to be had within the county of Mifflin,
and enough of them to supply ail oid custo
mers and *2O,(MX) new ones.
Lewistown, April 21, 1-40.
PjXllE excitement produced by the discove
1_ ry of the Gold Regions has carried off"a
large number of our citizens, who will, it is to
be hoped, reap a rich reward from Sacramen
to's Golden mud. We had almost determined
to go a long with the crowd, hut alter mature
deliberation as to the consequences of ieaving
Lewistown without a Store where cheap goods
could be bought, we concluded that the mtcr
c-ts of our friends demanded that we should
remain, and we have accordingly determined
to make the sacrifice. There will, therefore,
be no need for any one to go to California to
get rich, as our store will alford a splendid op
portunity tor acquiring gold and silver mabun
dance, in the shape of cheap goods—so low,
tiiat a picayune is worth more here than an
ounce of gold in the Sacramento Valley with
tlour at £IOO per barrel, other things in pro
portion, and not to be had at that. We there
fore invite all our old customers (whose name
1 is "legion,") and ten thousand new ones to
give us a call as soon as they read this notice,
so that tiiey may have an earlv choice frtmthe
Treiuesiclou* Piles
of goods of all descriptions we are now p'acing
<>n our counters, or. shelves, under the coun
ters, in drawers, in the store rooms, in the cel
lar-, garrets, ware houses, custom houses, et
cet-ra, and so forth, iest they disappear as
quickly as they came.
It is hardly worth while to enumerate a few
articles where there are so many—we there
fire only say that thereare lota of
j Cloths, ( ossinores ijg Suit'nets,
from Great Britain, France, Germany, and the
United States, embracing all prices from
cents o yard to £lO ;
S SS A W ¥, 9,
Irotn India's coral strand and the vales of Cash
: mere; sirns from Italy;
Plaids from Scotlatsd:
from Ireland; HAMJKERCIIIEFS from
Australasia and Polynesia;
lrom the ice-bound hills of Switzerland;
t t t > I„.S, Co/furs. Edgings, lnscrtings,
Laces, s•<:.,
from Greece, Turkey, and Egypt;
i I, I \ 1111 111 8
from here, there, ind everywhere, and thou
sands of yards oi CALICOES from all cre
j In ali other matters, from a row of Pins to
a hogshead of Sugar, we more than ho'd our
< own, as any one can test by calling. We've
got ull in the Grocery line tlrat anybody else
has us gaud us the best — AS PXIFAP AS THE
ciiKAi'ixT, nnd perhaps A LITTLE CHEAP
ER. As " seeing is believing," and we don't
ask people to put on a pair of green specs to
make them believe that a barrel of shavings is
a barrel et green grass, like the vankee r.edlai
did his h' rse, just walk in and judge for your
j .-elves and you'll say, as everybody else dees,
that the place for "-nod goods nnd cheap gocd-*'
Lewistown, April 7, IM9—tf.
| Coektng Stoves*
c have now on
hand a large stock of
XI Looking Stoves, such as
entire satisfaction We
fjii'.' -,f*3 v<^ ' he Luuhach, two
die Star, two
" -• Nl \ sizes, from £2O to £22.
-"■ vr: 'XJ 07'Ur invite Far
; niers nnd ail persons
needing n Cooking
J Stove, to give us a tail
before purchasing elsewhere.
Lewistown, March 2L l-t-49.
PLASTER, Fish and Fait on band and fur
tale by
€OHII>(III<1 *YRNP ol'Spigeiia
or Vegt'tahle Versnifagc,
The tnost effectual, the safest, pleasantest
and most, convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
rraE SPIGELIA, says a work of highest authority,
i stands at the head of the list of Anllitlmintics or I form
Medicines. it is adapted to a wider range of cases, and
to u greater variety of constitution* and state* of the
constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com
monly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to
children in sufficient dose*. In Harris, Turner tc Hale's
Compound Syrup, it >s so concentrated that the dose is
very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, and so palatable a* to be taken, not only with ease,
but w.th positive pleasure.
The precise composition of this s) rup arid the mode of
preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments
continued for years. Before offering it for sale, it was
subjected to the lest of experience in the hand* of en i
ne m physicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have
recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it
in their practice. In addition to tnis evidence of its mer
its, we offer the following, selected from a number of un
silicift 1! testimonials.
Ist. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much
experience, writes of it thus:
'-I should have-written before this, but f.-lt disposed
first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used
more than half the quantity received,and the experiment
has been most successful. / really belitve that, i* poss' -
sen advantages over any other h'crrttftioe [hare erer csed.
Independent of the smailuess of the dose, and the plea
santness of the syrup (great advantages in dotting chil
drenj the advantage of administering it und.ir a variety
of circumstance*, enhances its value; indeed there la
scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not
be administered Yours, &c."
2d. A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this
state, writes
" 1 hive been in the habit of prescribing your Compound
Syrup of Spigelia for some time past, and have found it
an ex 1 Hem worm medicine, particularly for children. —
Pie >se forward per be irer 2 dbottles. —Yours.Ac."
3d. — An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
had previously sold the syrup, writes :
"Since my return borne, I find that your Syrup of Spi
gelia'hastome into general use in this neighborhood. VVe
have sold v hat we had on hand, and it gave such satis
faction that it is now called for evey day. Aeu will please
put us up 5 or f> do/..-n i;, a small package,and send totiie
• are of \V. Anderson tc Co., Richmond, as soon as possi
ble, and foriv aid the bill jier mail —Yours, tee."
4lh.—A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, slated, that some time since he had been ap
plied to by a customer f r a vial of Ver
mifuge for lis son. Net having the article asked for,
• dvised a tr..i of Harris, Turner ic Hale's Compound
riyrup of S; igelia and gave him a part of a bottle which
wa* all that remained in the store. A day or two after
this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed h:s
surprise ami delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring
it had expelled 21 Si worms and entirely relieved hi- son.
I he merchant added an expression of bis great regret that
iii had not h • I -m hands a bottle if the rup a', the time
when ins own little daughter died, as he confident!j bc
lievid it wnu'd have saved her life
Ith \ gentleman of Hudson VY . having sen! a hot
tie of Harris. I urner At Hale's Compound Syrug of Hpi
geiia, to a young frier I whohad tried m vain a great num
ber of w iirm medic ines, writes, that his friend *.x as iniiip -
diati 1> relieved ; the words of the patient were : "It took
every worm out my bedy "
Wholesale Drnifirists, No. 201 Market street,
Drug-. Median -. < e-micals. Patent Medicine*, Sure; nl
and p'tati trical Instrument*, Druggists' Glassware, Win
dow -glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, dec., Sec.,ami
exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A: Hale's
Sugar-Coated Pills, ffuxha Liniment for the Piles.the
Ban bridge Hair Tonic, II ic-tlc s Eye Water,.Mrs. Mad -
son's I'nrivalledlndellibleliik. Dewet-'Celebrated Nerve
and Bote: Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs. Shar—
wood's Ex'ractsof Lemon and Vanilla,fortlavoring Pud
dings, ice < 'reams, dec., 4cc.
Fur sale bv dealers in Drugs generally in
Centre, .MilHin and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf
MONTHLY Bl LLLn.\, \(). 11.
V§THE Graefeitbergcompany
most earnestly commend to
public notice the two fol
lowing medicines, which
limy have adopted among
iheir series, and which bear
• iih' iut which none is gen
A certain cure for Prolap
sus I'teri (filling of the
womb), and for all other
uterine and urinary disease*. This medicine it the only
one extant, in any country , which can cure Prolapsus
I ter; It give* almost immediate relief in even the most
hopeless cases, and rarely fails of an effectual cure. A
great amount of evidence to this effect is on file, the par
ticihirs of which ill be furnished gratuitously on appli
> ati >n. l y letter, (p >-t paidl or orberw ise Persons suf
fering from this complaint should not lose a moment i,i
sending for the particulars.
2. L.IB3VS P/LS 0/.V7VE.VT. —Tins medicine is
warranted to cure even those cases w here a surgical op
eration is pronounced the only hope Its efficacy is most
wonderful, attested to by professional gentlemen of the
highest standing; particulars of which will be furnished
to any one who may rt quest them. The Distractions to
tVt" rnpaiiy'* Agent.- are, to ret rn the money if a cure
i- not effected. This is sutti. lent guaranty of us virtues.
Every person afflicted with the piles should immediately
order th>- medicine, and thereby l> sure of an immediate
•""Ii may be sent by mail incases of emereentv.
riic General Agents for Mifflin county are C. T.
> POTS WOOD, and F. J HOFFMAN, to whom all ap
plications may tic addressed
New York. Janttarv 27, I wJi.
i MM i MA.
MI.NM.D iivso>Ai,
respectfully inform their friends
▼▼ ami the public, that they still continue
lo carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
al! its various branches, at their old stand,
L 'enter off TiIJRI) and VA LL L Y Sis
where they haven a.-tantly on hand V \RRI P
A l ,* Hl S - T ° n • MONUiMFN I S
(!i \V L STONES, &cc. All kinds of ' i
work executed with neitnese, and on the moati
reasonable terms. Thankful for the l.beral '
patronage extended to them, they still sol,oil
a cent tnuance ot the same.
< rJere fr un any part of the country, through
m Ma?"h 17 &nU dt^,;h
51 till Paper in sets.
25? Intro to iJaj>c V
by the piece or fpittntitv, for s-i'e by
Lew:Aowc, march 2t, I^lo.
The Franklin Fire liitir:iii) rc
Coisip-tny oi I*hiladl|it i- a ,
OFFICE, No. l~>3i Ghesnat street. near Fifth . ,
Chartea N. Rancher, G ■ W. K h.-.r
Itinman Hart, Mordecat I). lo:*:*,
Tobias Wagner, Adol die E B
Samuel Grant, David 8. Brown,
Jacob 11. Smith, Morri* Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perp<-t ia! < r f , n
every defcripti n of property in town and coiii.tr, -.,
rates as low as are consistent with security.
'I lie Company have reserved a large Contingent i ,*
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely uvc ,V
affords ample protect inn to the assured.
'I tie assets of the Company, on January Ist. 1--
published agreeably to an Act of Aasemi.iy, were a, •
lows, viz: >,
Mortgages, *890,559 05
Heal Estate, 1h8.3:>8 'h)
Temporary Loans, 121, jr.!. 03
Blocks, 51,303 25
Cash, &.C. 45,137 87
*1,520,097 t>7
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen v... ~
they have paid npwardsof uue mitlten to-,, l,„n,r,
sand dollars hisses by fire, thereby affording r-v: is-... .
the advantage# of insurance, as well the ai
disposition to meet with promptness alt liatniiii
Fur tenns apply lo It. C. IIALC,
town. apl4—ly.
Nic or Nervous Debility, Disease ofth*
Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from
a Disordered Liver or Stomach in both
Male and Female :
Such as Constipation, Inward Piies, Fulness or E;-.'l
to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Naaaea, Heart
burn. Disgust for Food. Mhee# or Weight in the Ston
Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tb t . pit f ,f t ;,'
Stomach, Swimming of the- Head, llfirried and Diffiro•?
Breathi: g, Flmteri: g at tiie Heart. Choking or suffljcat
iog sensations when in a lying po::ire, Dimness oft .
si n. Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and drill p.-
in the Head, Deficiency of perspiration, Velio-.vm ,
tl. ? skiti at d eyes, pain in the Side, Back, Ch-s. 1.;... .
See , sudden F.ushes of Heat, Burning in the 4 . 5?,,; .
slant imaginings of evii and great depression of s;
can be effectually cured by
J>r, Hoofiand's Celebrated
Their pouter over the above disease* is net excelled— "
rivalled- by any other preparation in/he Vailed Stales,.,
the cures attest, ; many cates after ikiiful physic lor,
Ocsiscement OF THE LIVBB and STOXA EN are sourr I
of Insanity, ari l will also produce disease cf the Heart,
s-kin, I.ur.gs and Kidneys, and lays the body open to a.
attack of th- Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and a
generally the first cause of that most baneful ditcaw,
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press.
" The Dispatch," December 31st, says:
As Uvaliabu MfcnicT.NE.—We have frequently
heard the celebrated German Bitters, manufactured! y
Dr. Jfoufland. spok-ii of in term* f commend Uiou, ai.d
we know deserve fly so. It is a too common practice, i
certain quarters, to puff all manner of useless trash, k it
in the rase of the above Bitters, bio or - ire living wit
nesses of their great moral and physical worth. As a
medicine for tiie Liter Complaint, Jaundice, Nerve, j
Debility, and Dyspepsia, it has been found invaluable,
cff-ctiiig cures and thoroughly eradicating diseases w L a
other medicines have failed. We feel convinced, that is.
the use of the German Bitters, the patient does not be
come debilitated, but constantly gains strength and v .* •
lo the frame —a fact worthy of great consideration. T..
Bitters are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be ad.i.. -
istered under any circumstances to the most delicate
stomach Indeed, they can be used by ail persons wif
the most perfect safety. It would be well for those af
fected in the nervous system, to commence ith cue lex
spoonfui or less, and gradually increase We speak frc:.
experience, and are of course a proper judge. Tbe press
far and wide have united in recommending the German
Bitters, ami to the afflicted we most cordially ad', i t- ti: r
" Spirit of ihe Time?," June 24, snts :
'■ Do our good citizens who are invalids, know tin- t .
ny astonishing cures that have been perfor. el *. i Dr
Hoofiand's celebrated German Bitters 1 If they do n
we recommend them to the 'German Medicm -S! re,'
ail who are afflicted with Liver Gompiaiot. J n.iice,
Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debility; the doctor has cure'
u.any of our ctl.zeiis after tbe best phis, iacs had failed.
We have used them, and they have proved to be a medi
cine that every one should know of, and we cann '
train giving our testimony m their favor, and tiiat w hitb
gives them greater claim upon our hu.. ble effort is, tit
are entirely vegetable.
" I tie Daily News,' 7 July 4lh, savs :
" \V e speak knowingly of Dr. Hooflland's celebrated
Getmau Hitters, when we say u j s a blessing ofth.- azr;
and in di-easts ci the biliary, digestive ai.d nervous sys
tems, it has not we titink an equal. Lisa Vegetal,,
Preparation, and made xithont Also hoi, and to all inval; -
we woul•; recornfueiiti it as worthy their
ft is from one of our first druggist-, a gentleman fav -
-ll.iit known throughout the I itited States—the r
ot the 'Medicated Worn: Syrup:*
Dear sir—lt is with much pleasure that 1 testify i ;
extraordinary virtues of your German ILtiers, liayu-f
eoid largely* of them these fast few* months t- var o
persons, afflicted with liver coaiplants, dyspepsia, and
debility of the nervous system. I can sayconsi i.: t :--
ly lhat they are the best article of the mud 1 have tt :
soid, (and I deal in all the popular medicines,) and Icta
sider it the only medicine for the above diseases fccf
the public.
I have never sold one liottle that has not gii • *t sati?!' c
tion, and brought forth the comttieiMiaiion oftl.ose win
used it.
I deem this my duty both to you as ihe proprnt ' i
• a.s highly valuable article, and to ihosc sifiictc.t with t'.
above complaints, that they may know of its curative
properties, and to enaMe th-tn to slec tttegcn-ilfrom
\ arioits articles with which our market is fIM
M i'h much respect, I remain yours, &c.
J N. IIOBENiiAt K, Druggist,
_ _ WWI of Iwwd and Qoates street*
Cured ajttr Physicians had failed.
Ph ti'iiJWptic, Dc ember 27, i> *
Dear sir It is with feelings of pleasure I■. IIUIUIM t;
to you Ihe sanative effects (and in a short time) ef >. r
nialua .ie il-.otiinJ s Celebrated German Bitters, m* 1
my system while laboring under ihe J.i i*..di - A -
tw o years ago 1 had an attack ofthe Jaundice ai Jv. f
I ondned to the house ,U ireets under medical t-c
the family fit-nutam, and for *.one time after, uhcti i
went out 1 had to very careful oi' myself; since that iw
1 have had several attacks of the same disease.: i J
Holers have entirely relieved and cured me in
tl liars. My next door neighbor, Mr. Ji>HN IEHL
liist sp.iug, had a long ami seinms spt li of jat. IIKC;
had it s- me time before 1 knew it : he .- . f
bed. A a sie>„ as l heard of his condoioa 11.. J t-'
nun ar-.j told him of the el foe I your BtlUrs !il u '
• n the saiiM diseaso. He uaioe iut. iy sent ' ; ab-n .
and intfUt days kt ***eiuU. 1 have m several nst n.
c - rccouimeui.cd the Bitivis m other >• ises, v -; n
ducmg the same happy c ff,.,t. Mv tfe has been ' '
derably afflicted with Lher Complaint ami \. n: -•'
the use ot the Hitters she Is well, ; <w j:U *
h- tiih \\e Kdtevf from the many cures we ko •
'hose Hitters effecting, that they possess in a remtrkt
and extraordinury degree greet curative pro;*: : . " '
lhal *huh etihanc-s their value with tw ie, U v "
tirely vegetable. We always keep the Be: sen
and would not be w dllug to do witboci them
Very rm.|ntiffilly, your*,
G BILK 08, T.OS.iJh fbrc-rttlr- ft
C*:i stronger testimony he adduied by any ." • arati® a
hi tore Die pnUic fa ui fc l* bottle v. ul cuuv. ,• V• r
"f their pew, r over disease. "Ibey are EsrlikLV
riBLK, and will ;>eruiaiie(ttlv d -troy fit-*
ce. r, uta'ss, and give strength and vigor to the * '*• ~ l
no tHUe debliuung ike patient; being ateu gt-lcftfl:
tiie uio*t delicate -touimh under asv beutust-uu *• 4!
cau be adtntuisti red w it tl peilVcl :>!'- ly to deh a
- they lire free from j Slcohol, Scrup.', .'ln. .-, Cat*
■ II ri meril and inj irkwis ingrcdk i.ts
I hey euu be taken at nil '.noes and under *7 '
stances; no or dinars t'l|K)surc ml nr.vcnllti '
a saltiikry effect, and uo bad res et cau accrue t >ci
over d •*<.
lor sale, wholesale and retail, at the prineipffl * l ' . v "
Gt r-kkn -lleui,*i*, Store, 27S Kate slret>l, I'lidadaipb''*
tor sale La LDWWIOWII by \V Al ,\J AKft* 5
cA SON, and rofpccuiila ilcaior* in evpry tow .
in the siaie sp 14—1)'