.v '-J "Li YaZ —8 \'v!i NOTIGE. that the books of account, 'I Ac. of DRAW FORD & SOUR BECK, |.'.,ve been assigned to the subscriber, (who ,'kine ii'is authority to collect the same.) as so i-'sritv for claims, in his hands for collection ~ ai ,',-t said firm, and all accounts not settled ltcfiire the 18 of Jul;/, will be left with a Jus tice (.("tli"' Peace to be sued. SAMUEL S. WOODS, lcwistown, June 9. I^49—4t. A flzui nisi tor's ftoticc. rpHE undersigned having been appointed g Administrator of the es'atr of J AMES p. MORHIBON, deceased, of McVeytown, Miiliin comity, I'j., hereby notifies ail persons hiving claims against the estate of said de icascil, t< make known the same to the un dersigned without delay; also all persons in debted, to call on tiie undersigned and settle tiic same. SAM'I, MORRISON. Newton Hamilton. June 9, 1849—(it. IT 0 2 10 2. 4 IT persons knowing themselves indebted . i to the undersigned, as Assignees of THO MAS JACOB, Jr., are requested to make pay ment-to GEO. YV. ELDER, Esq., at Lewistown, ' r to YYm. McKin.NEY, Reedsville, and save further costs. YVM. VrKINNEY, JOHN McDOYVELL, JR , June 9, 1849—3t.* Assignees. NATURE'S REMEDY. THE AMERICAN OlL.— This Oii is not a I compound, but is the pure extract of the jmcrican Seneca Oil. It is well known that the medicinal qualities of the Sencca Oil are not - -passed by any, and this being an extract, units it still a superior article. It is very highly recommended for Sore Throat, Weak Jives, Ear-ache, Deafness, lllieumatisin, Con- Miinption. Bronchitis, Burns, Scalds,&c. The above valuable Medicine is for sale at GREEN' S MEDICAL DEPOT, No. 11. Lewistown, June 9, 1849. Wholesale A Retail HIT MA NI FACTORY. THE undersigned respectfully gsSH announces to the citizens ot Lew tiMM ' stcnvn arit ' vicinity, that he has just received the latest Summer Fashions at the \cw Hat illanulhclorji', three doors I Vest of the Black Bear Hotel, in Market street, where he is prepared to manu facture every variety ot HATS now in use, out ot the best material, such as SILK, NUTRIA, FUR, YVOOL, dec. The business of manufacturing is conducted under my- personal supervision, and from long practical acquaintance with this business, I am warranted in guaranteeing none but good and ?u!*-tantia! work. My OMISH ERIE ADS will always find at this establishment just such an article as I know will please them, at fair prices. I will always have on hand Men 8, Boy's and 1 ovth's 'Japs, which will be retailed at a very slight advance on cost. CO" Just received the LATEST Summer FASHIONS, to which the attention o! admir ers of a handsome hat is invited. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and all others desiring to buy HATS, will find it to their advantage tocali. Jn quality and price vvc are bound to please. WILLIAM G. ZOLLINGER. Lewistown, June 9, 1949. —> Ilato and C'apti MULTITUDE. UHOLESALE & RETAIL. rpflE largest and most fashionable stock of A. HATS AND CAPS, in this or any of the adjoining counties, embracing all sizes of ikn's and Boy's, from the lowest priced WOOL JIATS to the USE ST BEA VER—the ordinary (llazed Cap to the Finest ; C. ith and Fur, is to be found at N, J. HUDISILL'S fd-'FoHshment, in Market street, Lewistown. next door to the Post Office, and directly op posite Judge Ritz's store. Of this fact any one can-/ -fy himself who will take the trou ble to caii. He has just received the HE A L Summer Fashions, t which lie particularly invilcs the attention r f those wanting a neat and fashionable hat, of "gant .'hrm, tastefully trimmed, and superbly -:ied. Connoisseurs are requested to call iad examine them. Hs liROAD BRIMS , which have given i h GENERAL SATISFACTION to hundreds of I and others, who have done him the fa ! dealing with him. continue to be manu factured to order. A large assortment of all zes is constantly kept on hand, so that he is • ihierj t 0 SlJ jt almost any one who may call in quality, breadth of brim, and price. ih- arrangements are now made in tne city • such a manner that he will constantly be in ie receipt of the best stock of Caps, of all "tide and sizes, ever kept in Lewistown. Bon*t forget the place. N. J. RUDISim JKcxt door to the I'ost Office. OOF Ai Til Y MERCHANTS supplied • ith Hats and (Japs on the most liberal terms. Jjewiatown, June 9, 1949 —tf. SS" W32 (S 0 Estate of James Robison, deceased. | ETTERS of Administration r c: Iron; Buggy and other fyre, | , and •: inches round, and o-fti, %, i •' n< - -I, . re, Scollop, Hoop, Isnd, and 1 I *on. and other p*;r *'an*mjr ,n>n will find it their interest to ft't a call, *s I slmll sell LOW FOR < AHH. F. J. HOFFMAN. Wigtown, M B y jo juqo. Peunoek's Patent SESE /. ITD G3YAXIT I PLANTER, ' ™m:±vc^ Y ' lib T.I IS.IC.IS, TURNIPS, &>c. ' ; nrilll.s .Machine operates equally well on j A all kinds of land, and is not injured hv j coming in contact with rocks, roots, &c. ft. ; will plant point rows, and ail irregular shaped ti7 f' wlt ' )oUt sowing any part twice over, j With a saving of from 10 to 15 percent, in labor, it will, with ease tor two horses, plant from 10 to 12 acres per day of wheat, oats, barley, and other small grains; and with one man and horse, it will readily plant from 15 to j *2O acres per day ot Indian corn, beans, teas, j rut a bagas, &c. I It will save from 2to .'? pecks ot seed per acre, and yield from L to 20 per cent, more j than the broad cast seeding, by distributing ■ 'be grain uniformly at any desired depth, and 1 leaving a ridge of earth between the row's. The roots ot the young plant are protected during the winter by the action of the frost and rain mouldering llu: earth upon them, in stead of being thrown cut and exposed as in ; broad cast. On this account the stalk is ! stronger and less subject to mildew, and is not I so liable to injury by the fly. ! The farmer is frequently prevented by rain from harrowing in his grain alter it is sown, 1 which harrowing is needless in seeding with i this machine as it completes the work at once. PRE3WIUMS, Were awarded these Drills as follows: By the Philadelphia and Delaware County Agricultural Society, First Premium, in 1841. By the St. George's and Appoquinimink Ag ricultural Society, in 1841. By the American Institute, Silver Medal, in 1942. By tbe Franklin Institute, Diploma, Honor ary, in 1942. By the New Castle County (Delaware,) Agricultural Society, First Piemium, in 1845. By the New York State Agiicultura! Soci ety, Diploma, (Honorary,) in 1810. By the New York State Agricultural Soci ety, First Premium, in 1817. Rccoaaiiucii elation*. VALLEY, May 28, 1949. Mr. Abner Thompson : Dear Sir—The Pennock Drill I got from you last summer, worked to my entire satisfaction, in rough and smooth ground. Each tube and hopper work ing separate and independent of each other, is a decided advantage, by escaping rocks, roots, sowing point rows, A c., and from the appear ance of my crop at this time, there will be a better yield to the acre than on what I sowed broad-cast, besides a saving of one halt bushel of seed to the acre. I beiievc it is one ot the most profitable agricuUuni implements in use by the farming' community. JAMKS BE ATT Y, Jr. We cordially concur in the above. JOSEPH CAMPBELL, JAMES PARKER, ADAM GREER. RKEUSVILLE, May 20, 1840 Mr. ABNER THOMPSON: Dear Sir —The Pennock Drill, that I bought of you laat si m mer, worked to my entire satisfaction, both on rough and smooth ground it is not injured by coming in contact with rocks or roots. J I think from the present appearance of my drilled wheal, that it will yield enough more on my crop to pav the price of the Drill, at any rate, FELIX MCC LIN TICK. This is to certify that each of the under signed bought one of I'ennock's Drills of Ab ner Thompson last summer, nnd that we fully concur in the above statement made by Felix McClintick. S. W. TAYLOR, JR., JOHN TAYLOR, JNO. MACLAY, SAMUEL ALEXANDER, JAMES ALEXANDER, JAMES M. MARTIN. NEAR ALLENVILLE, May 19, 1949. Mr. Abner Thompson : Dear Sir—Having used one of S. & M. l'ennock's Drills, intro duced by you some two years ngo in this coun ty, I am fully satisfied of its great utility to the farmer who will, with due care, Use it. For my own part, I think that I will, upon thirty-eight acres sowing, gain enough this year to pay for one of the Drills. Yours respectfully, WILLIAM WILSON. The undersigned fully concur in the above W. B. JOHNSTON, SH. ZOOK. MIFFLIN COUNTY, May Iff, I^l9. Mr. Abner Thompson: Dear Sir—The Pennock Wheat Drill 1 purchased of you last fall worked to my entire satisfaction, both on rough and smooth ground. It saves at least one peck of seed per acre, and f believe, from the present appearance of the wheat, it will yield considerably more tliau that seeded in the usual broadcast way. JOHN MCDOWELL. We hereby certify that, having bought and used Pennock's Drills, we cheerfully concur in the above statement, made by Mr. M'Dowell. WM. CUMMINS, SAM'L W. TAYLOR, YOST KING, SAMUEL LANTZ, MAPPHEW TAYLOR PERRY TOWNSHIP. May 24, 1949. Mr. Thompson: Sir—The Pennock Drill I bought of you last summer worked to my en tire satisfaction, both on rough and smooth ground, as it is not injured by coming in con tact with rocks. Each hopper and each tube works scpatale and independent of each other; it will sow all irregular shaped land and point sows, without sowing nny twice over ; it saved at least \ bushel of seed to the acre ; and I be lieve the drilled wheat will yield considerable more than that sown in the usual way. WILLIAM F. SHAW. I fully and cordially subscribe to the correct ness of the statement above. JOHN FLEMING. \VM. M. FLEMING. Isaac Price substantially concurs in above. Manufactured and for sale by the sub scribers, at Pcrrysville, Milieu county, l'a. f who will deliver Driils in any part of Bi:n- VOIID, CAMBRIA, HUNTINGDON, Mtrr-IN, CEN TRE, CLINTON, and LYCOMING countio* CO~The Dulls are warranted io perform to the entire satisfaction of purchase is. if used ac cording to direction.-* —if not satisfactory, after a fiur "trial, they will he taken hack, provided a reasonable compensation be allowed tor " oVl'i'tfc for .1 Drill, SIOO. ABNER THOMPSON, WILLIAM REED, PEUBYSYILK, Mifflin county, Pa., ( . a(no June 2, 1840. S ' Valuable Real Estate at PRIVATE SALE. nSPDE SUBSCRIBER offers at Private Sale, a good Two Story Stono Dwel- M- ling HOUSE, with lot and other J j Ji.A improvements, situate in the ' jtj jjarborough of Newton Hamilton. A LOT at the Lock below said borough, lying along the Canal and close by the Central Rail-fiNliyipag!& road, being one oi the best locations tor a j Grocery Store in the county. IHe titles are unquestionable. For further information apply to Judge Criewell, in New j ton Hamilton, or to the subscriber in McVey- I town. A. J. NORTH." McVeytown, Mav 12, 1849—lit. Valuable l'ropriTv at PRIVATE SALE. f JAIIE subscriber oilers at private sale thai JL valuable farm known as " LOCK PORT," on which he now resides, situate in Oliver tovvn- I ship, Mitflin county,about 7 miles from Al' Vey | town, ana 8 miles from Lewistown, containing 1 ©9 Acres, more or less, of river bottom land, in a liitrh state of cultivation. The improvements con ; sist of a plastered two story FA R M Ton 1 HOUSE, Bank Barn, with insur- r/ ance on it; a Store House at the 11 ijfw basin, with tenant houses aml i shop suitable for any mechanical business, a T-K TW () ST OR Y FRA M E raaS 'jTa MANSION HOUSE, 24 by 40 Siftjf 1 | 1 jfl feet, with kitchen, wood house, bake house, smoke house, two j story spring house, good stabling, and other out buildings, a fountain ot good waterat the door, together with a large variety of choice FRUIT TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches, pears, apples, cherries, plums, &c. There is on this property a water power ot feet fall, sufficient to drive anv machinery. From its situation—being on the Pennsylvania Canal—its contiguity to the Central Railroad, from which it is only separated by the Juniata river—its convenience to schools, three churches, .tc , this farm commends itself to the attention of ail who seek an agreeable and convenient location. Persons desirous of purchasing arc requested to call and examine the property. The terms will he made to accommodate purchasers. JOHN L. ICKES. March 17, 1849-fim. Irfincas'er Examiner copy to amount of $1 and charge this office. Valuable Real Estate and Tiill Pi-opei'tv F 0 R S A LE. riIHE subscriber offers at PRIVATE SALE that JL valuable farm of LIME ST () E L .4 iV D, situate in Kishacoquillis Valley, Mifflin county containing 160 Acres, more or less. The improvements are a ItIKIICIIAYT .HIM,, with Ihtee run of Burrs am! one pair of Chop ping Stones, all in full operation and in good repair, situated in a fertile region with a good run of custom. Also, a SAW MILL & PLASTER MILL, and FRAME HOUSE for the inil'er. J-r-A. On the farm there is a good FRAM E fffSFf! gt a DWELLING HOUSE )}[jjj|g and large BARN, and a ttfißßcE YOUNG ORCHARD of choice Twenty acres of the above is good timber land, tiie balance cleared and in a high stale of cultivation. There is likewise a good appear ance of linn Ore of the best quality, known as the "Greenwood Ore.'' This property Ii"s near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha coquillas creek, v never failing stream of lime stone water. This estate will be sold together or separate to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain terms, &c , by calling on Mr. WILLIAM MC (2I.EI.LAN, living in the neighborhood. SAMUEL HOLLIDAY. March 17. 1949—tf. IBWIITOWI HILLS. f■Al IE subscriber has taken the Lcwistown Jl Mills, and w isfies to buy a large quantity of All ItiixU of Grain, for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR M NUN, as lugli as the market will afford, accor ding to its quality. Any person having good Wheat will do well to call and show a sample of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more than any other person m the place, the mill being situated on the creek, where tlonr can bo loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex pense of hauling, storing, ami shipping saved ; besides, the Hour is in better order, as tlift bar rels nre not injured by hauling and handling. Is wheat brings a better price than it will uf ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship ping it as any other, as the mill is the most convenient storehouse in the place, and saves a great deal o! time and labor in hoisting by water power. OR, IIK WILL RECEIVE ON STOR AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore, and give the following receipt: " Received, Lcwistown Mills, of A. If., Wheat, to be kept in store till the first of Au gust, unless disposed of sooner." When the receipt is given the quality o' the wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent any trouble when the owner comes to sell. Any person storing, having four hundred bush els and upwards, ami desires it, it will be kept in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice to keep it, tiil after the first of August, it will he carried out to their credit at the market price on that day. II shipped, or sold to any person that does not get it ground in the mill, •rwo cents per bushel storage will be charged. It they give notice, and keep it over after the first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALV cent per month, afterwards. The grain will he cicnr from high water. The subscriber will keep placer, Fish, Salt and tiroccrie* of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to Farmers, by the quantity. OArFLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on hand, and sold low for cash. A. VV. YV. SI ERRE I T. N B JOHN SI'ERRETT is authorized to transact any business in the above premises as my Agent. Lcwistown, April 14, 1949 —ly- Candies and Confectionary. VLYVAYS on hand a good stock at whole sale or retail, may 20, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN. | ORPHANS' COURT SALE. JN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will be sold, on Saturday, Jituc SO, 1849, a * OC ' M, al the residence of JOSEPH STRODE, Jr., in Oliver township, counly a foresaid, all the right, title, and interest of the minor children of WH.LIAM WAKEFIELD and CATHARINE A. WAKF.FIEI.D, deceased, in and to a jfzsfk k. ® er tain Tract of Land, with frame Dwelling House and Stable thereon MtIP% ercctcil ' situate P ai-t i Oliver and >"jMP art in Granville townships, in said county, adjoining lands of Joseph Strode, Sen., George W. Oliver, John Oliver, Jr.'s heirs, and George Strode, (late the pro perty of Amor Strode, dee'd,) containing GO j ACRES, more or less. ALSO, all the right, title, and interest of said | children in and to a STONE GRIST MILE, i situate in Granville township, adjoining the | property above mentioned, the interest of said J children being the undivided one fourth part j thereof. THE TERMS OF SALE are, one half of Hie purchase money to be paid on confirmation | of the sale, and the balance in one year, with ; interest, to he secured by bond and mortgage. AUG!• ST IXE WAKEFJEI,D, Guardian of minor children of tV iltiain Itdke- J'u Ul and Catharine A. Wakefield, deceased. JAMES L. McILVAIXE, * ma 26 Clerk if the Orphans Court. W. H. IRWIX, A T roitA' i: Y A r i, AW, HAS resumed the practice ofhis profession . in this and the adjoining counties. Office in Alain street, Lewistown, opposite to the Town Hall. Jan. 20, 1848—tf. & alt! JUST received, a large stock of Ground Alum Silt—44 cents per bushel and §1.75 j per sack. OCT™To dealers a liberal discount i oil" these prices will be made. may 26, 1840. F. J. HOFFMAN. CREAM & MILK. rETIJE undersigned, having completed his JL arrangements, will, on MONDAY nejrt, "f* —commence tiio business of serv- a roam dai 'y a t the doors of our citizens, on rcasona ♦ term.?, and in such quantities 1 as they may desire. JOHN CLARK. Levvistown, May 26, 1849—St. MWMPOTTMVT fg'HH subscriber has now on band and -™- will continue to manufacture Earthen if "a re, of various kinds and sizes, out of the best ma j terial ever before used for the manufacturing of the article in this country. The CHEAPNESS AMI Dl" It ABILITY j ofhis ware, should give it the preference over i the stone-ware, inasmuch as there is no dan ! ger of any loss from scalding it or putting ap | pie butter hot into them. His retail prices will not exceed 8 cents per gallon, for such ware as is generally used for apple butter or ■ iniik. He also keeps a wagon, to deliver ware to any merchant, at a reasonable dis tance, who may be disposed to favor him with | his custom. ! wholesale purchasers the usual dis count will be given. JOSEPH A. MATHEWS. Lewistown, May 12, 1849—tf. A x c u si;ii> i. v CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEW ELRY, &C. "1.1 BUOY has just returned from the city 1v 1 • with the largest, cheapest, and most ; select assortment of Clocks, Watches, A Jewelry ever offered for sale in £Levvistown ; embracing in f. great variety every dc script ion of \\ ATCHES, ill" V I)H3EL from Gold Patent fevers I "yM&SI down to the ordinary Sil vL)\^|( j/zJSSf ver Quartier; Clocks of all kinds, Musical Boxes, Silver Tea and Table S|Kons, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Putter Knives, Gold Pons and Pencils Breast Pin-, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and j silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers' Cutlery, &e , &c. These articles were all purchased at ex tremely low prices and will be sold at a CHEAT 1 REDUCTION from the price they have hitherto commanded. The ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine the stock. oO~Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired ! on reasonable terms, at short notice. SILVER taken in exchange for all j articles he has for sale. Levvistown, May 5, 1849—tf. no! in wmm Tremendous luvcitemciil! and all about Thomas's selling (ioods so Cheap. 1 have a large assortment of HOOTS AND SHOES, and Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, made by the host of workmen ; a variety of IPry G Kvorrvirsi nnO TLtrtuore, of the best kind; among which is some choice Brandy. ' Segars and Tobacco; Fish; Malt ; 100 bushels Dried Peaches—an excellent article for $1.50 per bushel; 1000 Fishing Rods; Fishing Tackle; Cooking Stoves; Powder, Shot, and Lead; 50 barrels best Monon gahela Whiskey; 2000 LBS. WESTERS IIAM; and hundreds of knick knacks, too numerous to describe in an advertisement. Being determined to sell LOW FOR CASH — to accommodate Jhose who may visit him, as far as tie can—and to deal fairly and honestly, ho invites his friends in town and country to give him a call, examine his stock, and it they | find such articles as may be wanted, they can be had about as cheap ns any oiio can sell them in this town or neighborhood. J. THOMAS, between Swartz's and McDowell's taverns. Levvistown, may 19, 1849 ly. RETAILERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, SC. I 1"!? °' RETAILERS of Foreign and Domestic Goods, Wares, Merchandize, r Annum. License. E. E. Locke &. Co , Armagh township, Distil lers of Alcohol, 18000 $5,400 No. 8, $12.50 James McDonnald, Menno township, Distiller of Spirituous Liquor, 1800 450 No. 10, 5.00 Christian Smith, Lcwistown, Brewer of Beer, 4800 1056 No. 10, 5.00 I'ateiit .lledieines. Retailers. Residence. Annual Sales. Class. License. Charles Bitz, Lewistown, S2OO No. 4, $5.00 Edwin Allen, do 200 No. 4, 5.00 S. F. Green, do 200 No. 4, 5.00 F. J Hoffman, do 200 No. 4, 5.00 John Albright, Brown township, 100 No. 4, 5.00 David Bare, Menno township, 100 No. 4, 5.00 G. W. Brehman, McVeytown, 100 No. 4, 5.00 IScer .V Ealing Houses, Itestauraiats, Oyster Cellars, Arc. Charles Shell, Levvistown, SSOO No. 8, $5.00 Dauiel Wise, do 500 No. 8, *5.00 Mrs. Hart, do 500 No. 8, 5.00 Samuel Lesick, do 500 No. 8, 5.00 George Siegrist, do 500 No. 8, 5.00 Ezra Britton, do 500 No. 8, 5.00 Frederick Griminger, do 500 No. 8, 5.00 APPEAL will be held at the Treasurer's Office, in Lewistown, on SATURDAY, the 23d day of June, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for all those who may feel them selves aggrieved bv the foregoing appraisement and classification. HENRY STOXER, Lewistown. June 2, 1849 —til. Mercantile Appraiser for MiJJlin county. VUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersign ed, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Picas of Mifflin county, to make dis tribution of the monies in the hands of JAMES TURNER and JAMES BURNS, assignees of MI CHAEL ROUSH, late of Dernr township, in said county, hereby notifies all persons con cerned, that he will attend for that purpose at IIIS office in the borough of Levvistown, on SATURDAY, the lolh day of June next, where they may attend if they see proper. W. J. JACOBS, Auditor. Levvistown, May 19, 1849—4t. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE—The undersigned . having been appointed an Auditor by the Court of Mifflin county, to audit and distribute the money in the hands of JOHN MORRISON, administrator ot the estate of M. MOODY, deceased, to and among the creditors of said decedent, he has appointed FRIDAY, the 20th of Junp next, as the time, and the house of Mrs. Eliza Butler, in Newton Hamilton, as the place, where lie will attend tor that pur pose, and all persons interested are hereby no tified to present themselves then and there, or be thereafter debarred from coming in upon said fund. JOHN F. COTTREL. Newton Hamilton, May 19, l v '49—lt. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE. —THB undersign _ cd having been appointed an Auditor to audit and distribute the money in hands of Col. VVM. BUTI.EU, administrator of the estate of THOMAS J. HYNEMAN, late of the bor ough of levvistown, hereby gives notice that he will attend at the Register's office, on MON DAY, the second day of July next, when and where all persons interested may attend, or be thereafter debarred from coming in on said fund. HENRI KULP. June 2,1849.—4t DI SSO LUTI ON. —T he paitnershi pjhereto foro existing, under the firin of GREEN & BANKS, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st May. The books and occouuts are in the hands ot l)r. GREEN, who is duly authorized to settle the same. J. K. GREEN. A. A. BANKS. June 2 1849.—3t. Ho not Forget rjYHAT at F. J. HOFFMAN'S will be 1 found a splendid assortment of fashiona ble HATS, CAPS, at much lower prices v - -ajp-j than they enn be bought elsewhere VgaEjO in this country. As an evidence of eJßwpjjf this, we submit the following list Cmd of prices, and ASK the public to call ijQ and examine for themselves: A good Fur llat, ... SI.OO Fine Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2 25 Fine Beaver, .... 2.75 Finest Moleskin, - - - 3.25 | Lewistown, inarch 25, 1849. r HOARDING! LADIES and GENTLEMEN can be ac commodated with boarding on reasonable i terms at Mrs. Met.'AY'S, on Main street, in • the house formerly occupied by Mrs. J. Mc- Cormick. Lewistown, April 21, 1849. "LYKExNS a alley coal. rpilE Lykens Valley Coal Company will be L prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the XiUtii inst., at the Depot, Miliersbura:, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi conisco Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at the following prices CASH : Lump, broken and screened, $2.00 per ton. Nut, 1.75 do. Limeburners 1 screened, 137£ do. do. mixed, 75 ~ do. WILLIAM H AWKINS, Treasurer. April 14, IS49—taugl. imiwrm T)Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued out J' of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Mif flin, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale by public outcry, at the Court House, in tlie borough of Lewistown, on Thursday, June 28, 1 84d, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described property, to w it: A half lot of ground, more or less, situate in the bor ough of Lewistown, Mirthn county, Pa., bounded by Brown street on the east, a sixteen feet alley on the south, by a lot of John Sterrett on the west, and Market street on the north, with a large two story brick dwel ling house, a large brick stable, and other improvements thereon erected. Seized and taken iti execution as the property of the Lewistown Bank. I) MrKEAX CONTNER, Sheriff SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) Lewistown, June 2, 1848. ) td. N. R—Purchasers at the above SheriffVsale are hereby notified that the amount ol the sale will bo required to oe paid immediately on the property being knocked down, or ii will bo forth with resold to the highest bidder. D. McK. C., Sh'ff. I*l AGIST HATE'S OFFICE CHRISTIAN HOOVER, .Justice of tlie Peace, CAN be found at his office, in the room re cently occupied by Esquire Ivolp, where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch. Lewistown, July 1, 1848—if. , bIaSK E'DCKS." , \ large stock ot Dlauk Docks, on hand and . /A. for sale, wholesale or retail, by J F. JT HOFFMAN. March 24, 1819.