Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 02, 1849, Image 2

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    a liim arc A<l vertiseiu CB<*.
Produce i General Commission Merchants,
Ifos. 15 &. iV Spcars's Wharf,
o^7" Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on con
fcinment3 ot all kiwis of Produce.
"Baltimore, .March 24, 1-19—3ni.
j. f. Si s IA r,s?,
General Commission £ Fonvardiug Merchant,
the sale of Flour, drain, Cloverseed,
.r VVhiskev, Lumber, &c., &c. Also, for
warding tfoods via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Salt,
Plaster, &c.. &c., supplied at lowest priaes.
Having been engaged in the above business
during the last live years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited. Rcf- rto
F. McCov. Esq , Lc wistown.
Messrs. FINK & MILLER, i
J. &. K. C. EBY, • Harrisburg, Pa.
February 24, 1819-6 m*
PhilatlcEjthin Adverliseiu'li*.
SOI Chcsimt Street,
Corner of Seventh, Stcaim's Buildings,
7/"XOWING the wants of the community, tito Proprie
tor of this ESTABLISHMENT lias fitted u;i a store in
the most elegant manner, having due regard to the com
fort of his customers, so that every stranger visiting his
store, may feel entirely at home.
of Books fs cla?--ificd according lo the various Denart
nrrnts cf Literature, so that visit'- -a cm find the B . ,k:
they are in search of t">r themselves. Buying Li# stock
for the most part at the AicTirx sai.es, and b--ir:g con
nected with or.c of the Largest Publishing Hon: ts in this
country, besides publishing largely himself, enables hun
to eel) all Boors at
Low e r Prices
than any oilier house of a similar char -tier on this c -
tinect. His facilities for th IstroßTXTiox of Books fr r i
Europe arc unsurpas- d, having a Branch i f ins Estab
lishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen
are carefully executed and forwarded to this cohntry by
every steamkh and packet.
of Books w i'h the prices attached is issued quarterly,
containing I.ieis of New aduili >us made to his large col
lection, which are iu ail cases f.r sale at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent below pnhl.shera' Dri-"e. Thus
in buying even a far 8001,-.--, quite a considerable amount
is saved. As a still furliicr
to strangers visiting the city, every one who purchases
Ont Dollar't trori/t of Books, will receive a copy of the
■volume, the price of tvhtch is 25 cents.
S3- The limits of an advertisement are tnn confined to
enumerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even
a faiul idea of tiic immtnte adcanuges to he derived from
purchasing at the Gnat Central Cheap Book Store, hut
let all w ho arc in search of books send for a Catalogue,
s,nti buy the Books they are in want of. and when visiting
the city, give Appleton one call, and you will be sure to
sta 11 oucx* \}
in all its branches, furnished at the Lonitt Prices The
Initials of those purchasing Letter and .Note Paper, neat
ly ,-taniped in the corner, wilhout charge.
ty Orders for any article may be sent by mail, addressed
to ihe proprietor, and the. directions in all cases will he
fully carried out, with great punctuality and despatch.
O Orders for Catalogues should be pre paid.
Bcokscller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer,
Chf*nut Street, corner of Seventh,
May 2,1-Sl9—3m Swan*'t Build '.ng
No. 280 Market street, above Eighth,
(South side,)
rpiIIS large and splendid Ilotcl has been furnished with
A entire new furniture The Bar Boom is the largest
in Philadelphia The Parlors and Sitting Rooms are en
tirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to
tue arrival and uopartur of cars. The Portico extend
ing the whole front cf the 'iou-e, afford* a cool retreat in
warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest tho
roughfare in ".he citv.
The Lodging Rooms arc well furnished—the Table as
Well provided for as at any other Hotel, w oh every atten
tion of Urn managers to make it the best Hotel for Mer
< hunts am) Business Men, during their stay in the city.
The terms will be oss dollar per day. On the arrival
of the Cars tram the West, a Porter will be in attend
ance to convey baggage, 4cc to the Hotel, which is ad
joining the depot. feblO—6m
The Cheapest cj- most Splendid assortment of
No. } Lewis L.i do in us, No.
Market Street, / <1 I
a ftic t'oors above Eleventh, North side,
TTi,-< jn-t r—-:r-d bv late arrivals, from th-- most cel
ebrate-! 31 iriufacturc-rs of Europe, a magnificent and
; i ii* l - dueled assortment of GOLD and SILVER
H'A TCIII.S, which be will sett ciieapi.ii thin anyother
establishment in -tie United States. Among the assort- ,
•neni will ire found :
t. dd Levers, 16 k. cases, fhll jewelled, S3O
Silver Levers, fill jewelled, 13
Grid 1 Ep'.nea, j* k. cases, jewelled, 25
•'.fiver PEpmee,jewelled, * iU
" Quarti-r Watches, 4t<is!9 .
u Tea Spoons. equal t(. co:n, pe- set, 150
" Dessert " " >* 10.00
" Table, " " 15 oo
Together with 3 • .ersdi-i r.f Chaste and Rich
Jewelry, tc- , ft ■
'tOLD CHAIXS, of v..-lour style, fit,in the nest Man
V.-Plc-ase pr< serV" this adv-itU' inent, at. I c!( at
No US •Jark.-t slr'-el, alr.,ve Eleventh, North side.
--1 have Cold IIH -Silver i,..v-?r<, still ehcaptr than the
aie.ve praee • . t |t w .. tal „ ullt „ ia de to the trad-
April 1 Cnu. i
Trimmings Cheap f or Cash.
61 C. OljvEß,
l'S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
II AS fo, .ale a targe and .s,o,t,„ont of
1 rnmirong# *u h as Aefdiyr Worsted, Patterns, Hted
Pea-!:. P..re Bill.#, Rpool Ortton, Hewiocftii!.., Needles
Pter, Tidy C I'or, fi-rfiie ery, French, English, u*d
r* Uancy Goods, <cr , ruga, KO r Cauh
Wlvoiraate n-i •.*.'i lIRKAD AND ..KCDLK
b i. It - CUKS TS fI > Ph dad* Ip h ta.
P ' At no, it'f' A'fttl fur i) -A. /'* f elrWatid
l!,ir Mijti ft" rur v ,2 iL.K.Ir. • aita Dtt* .n# 1 p>:
Jliif, tfiVDrf it 'i !. \Z\t\f .•*,>, ,l/if n ?
Kircit VI. Isw- e'lir
The Giraril Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Office No. 15?) Chesnut Street.
Capital $300,000.
Charier Perpetual.
pOiNTINUE to ninke Insurances on I.ivcs on (he most
- favorable terms; receive anil execute Trusts, and
receive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid up and invested, together with
accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to
the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, hall
yearly, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the
i insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most
i approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
m Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by
the people, and where they have had the longest e.xperi-
I ence,) as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Insu
rance Companies there, of all kinds, 67 are on this plan.
The lirst BONUS was appropriated in December, 1641,
amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
; oldest policies ; to 61 per cent., 7; per cent, to., Ac., on
, others, in proportion to the time of standing, making au
addition of £100; £67.60; £75, <stc., 4tc., to every £IOOO,
originally insured, which is an average of more than 50
1 per cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing
' the annual payment to the company.
The operation of the Bonus will be seen by the follow
, ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of the
Company, thus;
Sum Bonus or I Amount of Policy and
| Policy. Insured. Addition. Bonus payable at the
i | party's decease.
i No. 56 £I.OOO £IOO 00 £l,lOO 00
" 8 2.500 250 00 2,750 00
" 205 4,000 400 00 4,100 00
" 276 2,000 175 00 2,175 00
t " 333 5,000 437 50 5,437 50
K-PAMPHLETS containing the table of rates, and ex
: planations of the subject; Forms of Application, and
i further information can be had at the olflie, gratis, in
i person or by letter, addressed to the President or Actuary
B. VV. RICHARDS, President.
JNO. F. JA 3i ES, Actuary. [ap29:ly
At the Old Established island
Three door* above Market Street,
'■ commencing at 7 o'clock, a large assortment of
Locks, Latches, Bolts, Trace and Halter Chains, Pad
Locks, Closet do., Hand Saws, Iron Back do.. Guns, Pis
tols, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Gig and
Carriage Whip?, Wagon do., Travelling Trunks, Slates,
Pencils, Japanned Waiters and Trays. French Accorde
[ ons. Violins and Bows, Table and 'lea Spoons, Braces
j and Bits, Chisels, Curry Ctnibs, Knives and Fork, of all
j kinds, Butcher and Shoe Kni-.es, and a large assortment
[ of ether goods, Triinrn ngs,Small Wares, Ace.
|r> AI! goods warranted equal to representstion, and
will be sold in lots to suit purchasers iithiT —3m
3000 PKE.mr.ll 12L1XDS.
IS. .7. WilSiaio,
No. 12 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia,
Vcilitian Blind and Window
Shade .Tlaimfactiiror.
(Awarded the first and highest Medals at the New
Vork, Baltimore, and Philadelphia Exhibitions, for the
superiority of his Hiinds, with confirmed confidence in
hi. manufacture,; asks the attention < f purchasers to his
assortment of 2000 Blinds, of narrow and wide slats,
with fancy and plain Trimmings, of new styles and col
ors. Also, a large and general assortment of Thaxsi-v
--rext Window Shades, all of which he will sell at Be
lowest cash prices.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new.
3>DEALEKB supplied oti liberal terms.ee The citi
zens of Vitflin county are respectfully invited to tall be
fore buying elsewhere—confident of pleasing all.
March 24, 1849 3m. *
THE subscribers have oh hand the largest assortment of
Wall Papers in the city of Philadelphia,
consisting of every variety suitable f„r Parlors, Entries,
Dining Rooms, Chambers, tec., which for quality and
style cannot be surpassed Doing a cash business, we
aie enabled to sell a better article, at a
than any store doing a Thade Bi sixties. On hand, a
large assortment of WIDE PAPEF, for Curtains,
Fire Prints, Borders, tec., which will be sold very low
for rash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city
N. B Dealers are invited to call and examine their
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 142, Arch street, south side. Philadelphia.
Aprr! 1 i, 1848 —3m
Aloiizo Johnson's
' No. 11 North Second Street, a feu: doors
above Market,
MANUFACTURER of Transparent Window Hhades,
* lire ! Blinds, Paper t attains and Venilian Blind*, of
all the different sizes, varying in price, front Six Cents
to T-.vi.Nrv E'ollars a piece. All the new styles of ev
ery description of patterns, and of the latest fashions of
different colors, and a variety of Trimmings of all kinds
Also, beautiful TABLE and OIL CLOTH in patterns
and in pieces. Oil Cloths for floors, patent Coach Cur
tains for Wagon Covers of a superior article, any width,
double or single, of the finest finish, and a splendid as
sortment of CLOCKS, LOOh'IXG GLASSES, and
Old Blinds painted and trimmed over, to look equal to
new, at a vety little expense, or taken in exchange for
He has on hand the largest and most complete ami beau
tiful assortment of the above articles, at 25 percent,
cheaper than any other establishment in the city, Whi le
sale and Retail, at reduced prices.
OMerchants and others arc invited to call before pur
chasing elsewhere, as it will be to their advantage
>Any of the above goods made to order, or carefully
pHCked, ao they ran be sent any distance without injury.
Oilier Manufacturers supplied with Slats, Fronts, Heads,
or Pulley 's, at the lowest prices.
■March 31, Jei9—ly.
Philadelphia Medical EBoii*c,
ly STABLIBHED 15 years ago, by Dr KIN KF.Lt X. The
oldest, surest and best hand to cure all forms of secret
diseases of the skin, and solitary hahits of youth, is DK
KI.NKF.LIN, Northwest corner of THIRD and UNION
Streets, between Spruce and Pine, a equari and-a half
from the Exchange, Philadelphia.
There is a habit which boys teach each other at the
Academy or College—a habit indulged in when by him
te'.f, in solitude, grow ing up with the boy to manhood;
few of those who indulge in this pernicious prat tire are
aware of the consequences until they find the nervous
system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feel
ing*, vague fears in the mind. The individual becomes
feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or
to apply hi* mind to study { h i step is tardy and weak,
he Is dull irresolute.
Person* of all ages can now judge what is the cause of
their decLuing he iltri, losing their vigor, becoming weak, j
p >1 and emaciated.
Let no false modesty delcr you from running your case
known lo one who, from education and reepuctnhiiity,
ran alone befriend you. He who plar.ee himself under
Kiahelin'd treatment, may religiously confide in his
h inor aa a gentleman, and in whose bosom will be for
' ver lurked the secret ,f the patient
Thousand# have been restored to health, from the de
'■"l,aU"" b * U * K.shm-and,
m'voc uu'TK,'rZ r" mU,,taCe ' *"* '" ll "P secure Irani
.• r i-AU. Unas answered forth i ,h
I liilad. 1,,!,;#, January 27, let's- jy
Wholesale Commission Agent,
No. r? l North Wharves,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 21, 1849. —ly
Manufacturer of Donnelly's Upright Safety Glazed Cap
suled Blue
.11 A T C II E S,
And United States Oil Paste Blacking,
No. 63 NORTH T1IIRI) Street, Philadelphia.
fpiIESK Matches are justly considered the best in the
•L United States; they are free from unpleasant smell,
and can be introduced with perfect safety into all Stores
and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years.
The Blacking is of superior quality, and free from apy
ingredient that impairs the leather.
to their interest to call and see for themselves.
N. B. An assortment of Mali lies of various New York
Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes—also,
j packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to any part of
the world. JOHN DONNELLY,
Late of *2O Bank street, now S3 North Third street.
March 21,1549 —ly.
Improved Wire ITlaii ufactory.
Seive, B?ii!<!ic. Screen acul
W ire iioth 7l;iiiulactoiy,
No. Ifi NOR Til FR ONT Street,
Between Market and Arch St., Corner of Comb's Alley,
! "PIIE subscribers continue to manufacture, nf a SUPERIOR
j QUALITY, all kinds of PLAIM and OXJYAJUEJiTI' 'L
WIRE WORK, such as Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Ac. for
all kinds of Grain, Seeds.Sand,Ore, Snuff,Starch,Brick
lust, &c. Founders' Sieves of a superior quality con
stantly on hand. Also, Safes, Wire Dish Covers, Sofa
' Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, &c.
1 Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering,
Flower Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grape Vines,
' Ac Also, Wire Fencing of every description,
i Orders thankfully received and promptly executed by
Philadelphia, March 10, I&-W—3m.
iVa. 68 North Tmrd Street, above Arch,
OFFER the following articles cf a very superior quali
ty. Country merchants will do well to call and exa
mine the same, as a liberal discount will be made to
> those who {uirrhat"* to sell again.
i.iQrofcst- -Brandies, various kind?; Holland Gin,
do ; very superior Jamaica Spirits; Irish eml Scotch
Whiskey; Apple Whiskey; Monongahela Whiskey, very
j old; Virginia /'each Brandy.
W i N ES—Superior < >id Sherry VVine; Madeir i Wine;
Pod Wines of different kind?; superior Teneriffo; Lis
bon and M'icatci; Sweet Malaga; su;ierior Claret
i A'Oit 1)1 AL.S— Maraschino; Curacao; Raspberry
Cognise; Blackberry do.; Cream dc Noyau; Cream de
Annisette; lluilede Hose; Extract of Absinthe;perfect
Love Cordial; Lemon Cordial; Life of Man Cordial;
! Peppermint Cordial; Wine Bitters; Tansey Bitters; Lav-
I coder Bitters; Peppermint Bitters.
nYKL'PS-I .emnn Syrup; Ginger Syrup; Sarsapa
i nils Syrup; plain Syrup
l Fine Bottled Iff.YES, for medical purposes, such as
Madeira, Sherry, Port, Ac. mh31 —3m
RI"-ZR_ _? tr~: -. •>>_£!
Xow's the chance to sell your grain if left
at the STOItE of
William Tlarks JL Son,
Forwarding, Commission it Product Merchant*!
Wf are prepared to receive and store all
▼ v kinds of grain and produce at that large,
convenieut, and well known store house, on the
cacal, known a S ST EBRETT <FC POTTER'S V\ are
house. All kir.d9of grain and produce stored
with us will he protnpiy forwarded at the ear
liest opportunity, by our own boats, which arc
commanded by safe and experienced Captains.
The grain and produce will be sold to the best
advantage to the farmer, and the money arising
from the sale ot the satne paid over to the
owner or owners as soon as remittances can he
had from the city. We shall al wavscalculatc
to pay the farmer in the very best par money
that is afloat. OCT" Liberal cash advances
made on all produce deposited in store.
Lewislown, Mifflin co., Pa.
N. B. Sail, Plaster, I'i*li ami
COAL, always on hand
Hon. A. S. Wilson,
Dr. T. A. Worrall, J
" Joseph B. Ard,
E. L Benedict, Esq., j
Ephraim Banks, 44
J. W. Shaw, " It. i
Messrs. WattsonA- Jacob, \ Pa.
44 Jos. MiII i ken & son, j
Mr. F. McCoy,
44 It. F. Ellis,
" James Turner,
44 Samuel Frank. j
Lewistown, Jan. 1, 6mos.
0. M MIIMIUI i Sft.
WOULD respectfully inform their friends
and the public, that they still continue
to carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
all its various branches, at their olu stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sis.,
where they have constantly on hand MARBLE
URAVE STONES, &c. All kinds of
work executed with neatness, and on the most
reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal
patronage extended to them, they still solicit
a continuance of the same.
Orders from any part of the country, through
mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch.
March 17.1847—tr
PKRFUM Kit V, n fine assortment, for sale by
Green cfr Banks.
IAUILS' Slippers, at low orices, l>y
- A "P 29 - W, MLLEY.
The Grand Purgative for the cure of
Headache, Giddiness, Measels, Salt Rheutn,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinary,
Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough,
Inward weakness, Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the neail, I.iver Complaint,
Rising in the Ttiroat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
and a variety of other diseases arising from impurities of
the Mood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion.
The aversion to taking medicine is effectually removed
being completely enveloped with a coating of pure while
sugar (which i? as distinct from the internal ingredients
as a nut shell from the kernel) and have no taste of medi
cine hut as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover
they NEITHER NAUSEATE OR GRIPE, but operate equally 1
upon all the diseased parts of the system. Thus, if the
liver be affected, one Ingredient will operate on that
particular organ, and, by cieansing it of any excess of
bile restore it to its natural state. Another will operate
on the blood, while a third will effectually expel what
ever impurities may have bcou discharged into the slotn
ach, and hence they strike at the root of disease, thus se
curing a free and healthy action to the heart, lungs, and
Liver ; and thereby they restore health even \\ ben ull
other mean s have failed.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by the
trial of a single box ; and their virtues are so positive and
certain in restoring health that the proprietor binds him- <
self to return the money paid for them in all cases where j
they do not give universal satisfaction.
Retail price 25 cents per box.
*♦* Principal office No. 00 Vesey street, New York.
tVßemeniber Dr. C. V. Ciickener is the inventor of,
Sugar Coated Piils, arid that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of until he introduced them in June, 1813.
Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Clickener's
Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and lake no others, or
tliey will be made victims of fraud.
Wholesale Agent for this countv, CHAS.
RITZ. [Dec. 28. lgfe—ly.
ISaisam, I.a>zeiige& Plaster.
Dr. Sherman's OL OS A Oft IA N, or Jill-
Healing Balsam,
For the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Dyspeptic Con- j
sumption, Spitting of Ulot)d, Bronchitis, Difficulty of
Breathing, Hoarseness, Influenza, Croup, Coughs,
Colds, Bains in the Breast and Side, Dyspep
sia, and the various affections of the
Stomach and Liver
The great celebrity which tins remedy haa obtained
among those who are acquainted with its virtues, and are
rejoicing in Us effects, has induced the Proprietor to give
BALSAM, to distinguish it from all other Remedies now
in use. Its combination is the result of more than TWENTY
YEARS experience,and he believes it to be the most perfet t
remedy known —for it has been used by tbous and* of per- ,
sons, and n> all instances with the m< st decided b< nefit. ■
For References or Certificates of Remarkable Cases of
long standing and considered beyond Hope, see a saiaii
Book furtiisli' d gratis by the Agents to all who desire it
The suffering* which children frequently undergo from
WORMS often tend to a fatal termination, while tiie CAUSE
is never suspected Offensive breath,picking at the nose,
grinding the teeth during sleep, starting up in sh-ep with
fright and screaming, troublesome tough, and feverish- '
ness, are among some of the PSOMINKNT .si wi-ro.wsof the j
presence of worms. A timely use of
will immediately remove all these unpleasant symptoms,
and restore to perfect healtii.
Consumption, influenza,coughs, colds, w hooping rough I
tightness of the lungs or chest may be cured by a proper i
use of
Headache, palpitation r,f tee heart,lownessof spirit.sea- .
sickness, despondency, fal: tne., < holic, spasms, cramps
of the stomach, summer or bow el complaints, are quickly
and entirely relieved by using
Rheumatism , weak back, pain and weaknevs ui* the
brpas? .hack, limba, and ther parts of the body are speedily •
and effectually relieved by
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster.
which costs only 12j cents, is within the reach of all. It
has his name with directions primed on the back of the
Plaster, and a fac stmilt of the Doctor's written name
under the directions. None others are genuine or to be
relied on Lr Hheiman'g Warehouse is No. 100 Nassau
street. New Vork
Wholesale Agent for litis conutv CHAS.
RITZ. [dec. 23, 1848-ly.
THE Oraefenbergcompany
nif,lil earnestly commend to
<*ggy public notice the two fol
ate A fijUt NirfN lowing medicines, which
have adopted among
' A J /''!"•
\ \ V / '• MARSHALL'S V 77;-
\ \ fIH / / RLYK C.l't'llo/.IC O.Y.
A certain cure for Proiap
sus I teri (falling of the
womb), and for all other
uterine and urinary diseases. This medicine is the only
one extant, in any country, which can cure Prolapsus
Uteri. It gives almost immediate relief in even the most
hopeless cases, and rarely foils of an effectual cure. A
great amount of evidence to this effect is on fdc, the par
ticulars of which w ill be furnished gratuitously on appli
cation, by letter, (post paid) or otherwise. Persons suf
fering from this complaint should not lose a moment in
sending for the particulars.
-■ LIBBY'S PU.E OINTMEA'T. —This medicine is
varranttd to cure even those rases where a surgical op
eration is pronounced the only hope. Its efficacy is most
wonderful, attested to by professional gentlemen of the
highest standing; particulars of which will be furnished
to any one who may request them. The instructions to
the Company's Agents am, to ret rn the nineyif a cure
is not effected. This is sufficient guaranty of its virtues.
Every person afflicted ivith the piles should immediately
order the medicine, and thereby he sure of an immediate
4>ltmay he sent by mail incases of emergency.
s>The General Agents for Mifflin coiuitv are C.
SPOTS WOOD, and P. J HOFFMAN, to whom all ap
plications may be addressed.
.New Vork, January 27, ltU>.
LPo not
rpHAT at F. J." HOFFMAN'S will be
JL found a splendid assortment of fashiona
ble II ATS, CAPS, at much lower prices
Mthan they can be bought elsewhere
in this country. As an c\idence of
this, we submit the following list
of prices, uud asu the public to call
ami examine for themselves:
A good Fur Hat, - - - SI.OO
Fine Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2.25
Fine Beaver, .... 2.75
Finest Moleskin, - - y 25
Lewistown, inarch 25, 1549.
ma We have now on
fhand a large stock of
f n ffT'i'Hlj"•* footing Stoves,such as
we can warrant to give
1111 l have the Laubach, two
0 V '• •
*~~?r "" rs a ' u ' ;
J Stove, to give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
Lc Wigtown, March 21, I>*49.
PLASTER, Fish and Salt on hand and for
sale by
Tricks oi" <|acks!
VM'MBKR of men under the name of Skillm.in,
Thompson ic Co , have employed a man by the name
of Jacob Townsend, to u-: bis nmie 10 put up h Sarsa
: pnriilii, which th'-y calt "Old Dr. Townsend'* Sareapa
rilla," &.C., ujiil wish to sell il to the public as the genu - >
. iue and original Dr. TownEeiid's Sirsipariiln. This j
Townsend has been employed in peddling books and
ch -np publications for a number of years before he got >
this itonorahle situation. Tito public are cautioned not to
i be deceived and purchase none, if they wish the genuine,
but such as are put up in spletidul steel plate wrappers,
j and signed by 0 /'. TOWJYSEJYJJ.
Wonder and Blessing of the Ave.
Tht Most E.ctraurdinary Medicine in the Horlii!
Tins Extract its put up 111 Quart Bottles ; it is six times
cheaper, pleasa liter, and warranted superior to any ■old.
It cures without vomiting, purging, sickening, or debili
tating the patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
over all other medicines is, that while it eradicates the
' disease, it invigorates the body. It tsoneof the very best ,
: Spring and Summer Medicines ever known; it not only j
purities the tvhoie system, arid strengthens the pereon,
; but it ere lies new, pi re and rich blovd: a power possessed i
by no other medicine. Anil in this lies the grand secret j
of its wonderful success. It bus performed wiihin the ,
last lit e years / mrc than 100, OhO car sof severe ruses of j
, disease; at least lj,ooo were con-Hcred incurable. it has
saved the lives of more liian 5,000 cln.ureti ilur.ngtlie two
; past seasons. Ah
JO,OOO rates of General Debility arm went of Xerrous j
i Energy.—Mr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the i
| whole system permanently. To those who have lost i
their mascular euergy by the effects of medicine or indis- i
cretion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence ;
of the passions and brought on a general physical prostra
tion of the nervous system, lassitude, wantof ambition, i
fainting sensations, premature decay and decline,hasten- !
ing towards th-it fata! disease, Consumption, can be en- j
tirely restored by tiiis pleasant remedy. 'lbis Karsapa- j
r.ila is fir superior to any INVIGORATING CORDIAL, ;
a* it renews and invie rule- the system, gives activity to !
the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a most
i extraordinary degree.
Consumption Cured,
| Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured |
Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Ca- j
t.irrh. Coughs, Astluua, Spitting of Biood, Soreness in j
j the chest, Hectic Flush, Night sweats, DifiicnV. or Pro
i fuse Expectoration, Pain in the Side, dec., have been
| and can be cored.
.Yew York , April 2S, 1.517.
Dir. Tovvn&evd— I verily believe that your darsapa
' rilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving
my life. I have for several years had a bad Cough It
became worse and worse. At lust 1 raised large quanli
lien of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debilita
ted and reduced, ard did not expect to live. 1 have only
used your a abort time, and there lias a j
i wonderful change been wrought in uie lan now able '
; to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and ray cough j
has left me. You can well imagine that I am th&nkfnl j
| for these results. Your obedient servant,
\VM RUSSELL, M Catharine-si. J
James Ciimmincs, Esq., one of the assistant* in the 1
Lunatic Asylum, Blarktvell's Island, is the gentleman ,
spoken of in the fuliowing letter. Ibis is only one of j
more th in four thousand cases <;f Rheumatism that Dr.
T w nsend's Sarsaparilla has cured
Llarktcell's Gland, tHefit. It, LSI7.
Dr Totcnstnd —Dear Sit : I have suffered terribly for
nine years with tiie Rheumatism ; co tidcrsble of the
lime I could not eat, sleep, or walk I had the utmost
do-tress in g pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I ,
have used four boitles of your isarsaparilla, and they
have d me me more than one thousand dollars worth of
good. 1 am so much better—indeed. I am entirely re
lieved You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of
the afflicted. Yours, respectfully, JAMES Cc.mmikgs.
Fits / Fits ! Fits /
Dr Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in
cases of Fits, of course never recommended it, and war
surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and
i respectai-12 Farmer in Westchester county :
fordhem, August 13,1547.
. Dr Townsend —Dear Sir: I li3ve a little girl seven
years of age, who has b-en several years afflicted with
Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without suc
cess ; at last, although we could find no recommendation
m our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she '
was in very delicate health, we would give her some of
your Harsaparllla, and are very gl3d we did, for it not
■ only restored iier strength, but she has had no return of
the Fiis, to our great pleasure and surprise. She is fast
becoming rigged and hearty, for which we feel grateful
Yours, respectfully, t JOHN BUTLER, Jr
Great Blessing to Mothers and Children.
It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purify
ing the system, and relieving the sufferings attendant up
j on child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both the
! mother and child, prevents pain ami disease, increases
| and enriches the food, those who have used it think it is
1 indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after
c 'iiiinemi nt, as it prevents diseases attendant upon child
j birth—in Co-tiveness, Pi!e*, Cramp-. Swelling of the
{ Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, Pain in the
Back and Loins. False Pains, Hemonhage, and inregula
!tinz the secretions, fee., it has no equal.
Cosmetics, Chalk, and a variety of preparation* gene !
rally in use, when applied to the face, very soon spoil it j
of its beauty. They close the pores of the ekin, and check
the circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted by
disease or powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkalies
used m soaps, beautifies iis own production in the " hu
man face Divine," as well as in the garden of rich and
delicately tinted and variug&ted flowers. Ladies in the
north who take but little exercise or are confined in close
rooms, or have spoiled tbeir complexion by the application
"I deleterious mixtures, if they wish to regain elasticity
of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beautiful
complexions, they should use Dr Townsend's Sarsapa
rilla. Thousands who have tried it, are more than satis
fied, are delighted. Ladies of every station crowd our
office daily.
1 hose that imitate Dr Townscnd's Sarsaparilla, have j
invariably called their stuff a grent remedy far Femmies, t
: 4*c-, •!j-c.,and iiave copied otir bills andjcircutars which re- '
late to the complaints of women, word for word —other
men who put up medicuie, have, since the great success
ol Dr. Townscnd's Sarsaparilla in complaints incident to
females, recommended theirs, although previously- they
did not. A number of these Mixtures, Tills, Arc., are in- •
jurious to females, as they aggravate disease, and under- j
j mine the constitution.
j 1 his certificate conclusively proves that this Sars.apa- i
; rill i his perfect control over the most obstinate diseases I
of the Blood Three persons cured in one house is un 1
Du. Townsi vu—Dear Sir: I have the pleasure to in
lorm v • ii lhai three of my children hive been cured of the
Su-rufula by ihe use of your excellent medicine. Thev !
were uilliclcd very severely with bad sore*; have taken i ,
only lour h'.mles ; it took tiieui away, for which 1 fee! my- :
self under great obligation. Yours, respectfully, •
W ' ' Il)t ' booster Street.
Dr. Townsend Is altuu# daily receiving orders from I
rinaicians in different parts of the Vufton.
This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physician* 1 '
of ill.: ny of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed ' 1
Dr 1 owus.-nd's RarsapariUa, and believe it to be one of ' !
the most v iluabie preparations HI the market.
IL T Puling, M. D. J. Wilson, M D.
j '■? P. K. Elmendorf, M. D.
1 A Vil°V ""° vvln fMb the great success and immense
-uo t : Dr 1 owneend's Sarsaparilla, a number of men ; '
who Were formerly our Agents,have commenced making ! i
I • Extracts, Eitxus.Bim ts, Extr.trtsof Yellow 1
' Dock. Ac. 1 hey gem rally put it Up in the same shaped 1
j bottlo, and some of them have stole and copied our ad
" Ul i "'"'J' are only worthless iinitations, and
i should be avoided. j
Prim inn I Offlee, lxV. Ft I TON street, Sun Budding, N ' I
\.; ,1. .Kline i. Co, state st , Boston ; Dyott A. Sons, j '
I U : \\' " " ' ""iadel, In:,; s. s llm.ee, Drug! !
ai.d !.)• ~ mli ,„ Druggrsu,^:'
K - ndt r<Wd ' '
RrrZ ' tevi'town, is sole
i. lor Miffim cc-ui.ty, tor the genuine Dr
! owiisenu .- Si, r. P ari;hi. By frocurinc
; om him. purchttst rs will be certain ot celling
I the genuine uncle. mas-W.}
V large stock of Blank Bixtks, on hand and
tor sal£ t or retail, by
~ , „ F. J. HOFFMAN.
Marc!) e-t, I^9.
A nmn by the name of has engaged viih
yung man of the name of S P. Tonnaend. and rises I ,
same to put up a Rarsaparills. v. h.< h they call !>, r r , ¥r[
send's Sarsaparilla, descHnlnating it O f:.YI /.VU, (>r - „ a
etc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never w.vc bntws'
formerly a worker on rairroads,canals, and the like. y et t
as>umP!i the title of Dr., for the pufi**e of paining cre.i.t '
what he is not. Tbi- is to caution the j.q'.,; r nr , t ( ) ,
deceived, and purchase none but the OE.YI l.yjr r>hl(]i
I X.I!. O/.D Dr. Jacob Townsend'* RarsapariUa. h„ V in '
It the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat of arms ar
signature acres* the coat of arm*.
Principal Ojk r e, IffJ .Ynt'aa s' , .WYork <\'y
Cienuine Town>Piid Sarsaparilla.
Oid Dr TwaiWMl . now almiit 70 year* of n?< r ,j j
i long been know ii as the AVTHOK nnd ///.>',,;/ p.,
of tne OhXVtXE ORIQIX.ff. - 7'o It f'.V/i'.y
j S.-i f'.l HII. /..•/.Dei fid [Heir, he was compel!*..' '-m, i
; manufacture, by which inesrjs it ha* !ee,i k< . .
j k*t, and the sales circum-cribed t> tho e i nly w hn ! -1
■ proved iu worth, and known its vn.ue. It had renciicif
: the ear* of mauy. neverthe'esx, as th * p*r-. -s * h/h. J
1 been healed of sore diseases. "d saved Iron, deasb, r.v
I cla.roed iLs excellence anil wonderful
Knowing. niYiay w ears ago. that be had. by his
! iclsnr* and experience, devised an article wae.h wabl tes
, of incslcuiable advantage to mankind when ','ne means
j would ire furnished to bring it into universal t t,-e. wh ;i
i Its Inestimable virtues would b • known sod appreciated,
i This time ha.- ct tne. the oeaii- are supplied . this
UU.iXD d-V/r t .YF.qV.ir.l.y.lJ PJli:r.lH ITIuJf
is manufactured on trie large-! seale. and :* called f Q ,
throughout the and breadth of the land, espec xily
u it is Ibnud lnexj-sb!* of degeneration or deter; ,rat. c.
Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, it improves w.th age snii
caver changes, but for the better : because it is prepared
tcientifie jrrinriplrt by a ecimtifc man. The Irishes', know:
edee of Chemistry, ami the latest discoveries of :;> xr
have all been brought into requisition in the manulkcttte
of the Old I r' Sarsaparilia. The Sarsapatilia root.it
weii known to medical men contains many iuedicinsi ;n.
pertlc*. and some pniperlie* wh eh are inert or us*ie and
others, which if retained in preparing it for rue, prgdae*
ferm.cni .tiia and acid, which is injurious to the s\ xr.
Some of the properties of fbsrsapariiin are *o volatile rni:
j they entirely evaporate and are lost ui the preparation. 4
they are nor preserved by a rrirntifc grocer,, known only
to ibose experienced in its mannfeeture Moreover, thee*
volatile prmrxplct, which fly off in vapor, or as an e-bala
j lion, under heat, are tne very essential mes-.cai progenia
id the root, winch give to it all its value.
tnd yet he w ouiu fain have it uoilers: -wj tnat (Jld Dr. Jacob
IV.wnsend's Gmviitr Or g.aal Sarssporula, ,*j an lAII'i'A
TIOX of hi* inferior preparer ion * *
Heaven foranl that we *hou;d desl in ha sri-cie which
would bear the uio-t distant re-Mi: Vance to S. P. TOTVE
end' article arid which should bring down upon liw Old
i Dr. -uch a mountain buui of complaints an..- crtiniaaiioas
1 from Agent* who have *old a:;d purrh.si. rs v n have used
\\ c wish it understood, bc-cnuse il is the c.-i-.-.'s'tr tr%:k,
'Bat S. I*. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Towa
seud s Sar<ap-ir;.ia are hearea-iridr apart, ana i ..'.nitely dir
umilar ; thst they are iinl.ke in every particular, having
not one *tng.e thing in common.
As 5?. P. Townsend i* n-- doctor, ami never was, is r.o
rbemist. co pharrnnreniist—knows no rcire of medicine or
disease than any other Common, unscientific. Unprofessional
■ i in. w hat guarantee can the pnblic have that they are rs
ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, ooetmr.ing all the
virtues of the articles used in prejKiring it. and hich are ;a
cafiable of change* which might render them the AGENT 3
of Disea-e instead of health.
But what else should be expected from one who know*
;:oth ing comparatively of medicine or disease '. It re.,-aires
* jiersoH of some experience to cook arid serve up even a
common decent meal. How much more imporrar.i iit that
the persons who manufacture medicine, de>igneii for
should know well the medical pro;ert.*s of plants. :b*
best manner •>! secunng and ennceiuninng their hex ing
virtues, also an extensive know edge cc tiie variousdiseasei
which Hlfecr the bumati sysurtn. and how to adapt remedies
to thc;e diaeases :
It is to arrc-t ir ds upon the unfortunate, to pour ha'.o
into wunruled huin-.-nt, to kindle h<<pe in the ce*:*r.-a;
(Xisom. to restore health anL bloom and v:g,r i.itw
ernsbeJ and broken, and to banish Infirmity rh-tr Ol.fiM,
portunity and m*an to bring his
Grand I uiversal Concentrated
Itemed 5*
with.n the rcarh ihe < fa?l who ic,
thai they m.iT ie tro and kmn*. by exnenence. ;ta
Transcendent Cutler to Ileal.
Any person can boil or slew the root till they get a dark
colored liquid, which !* nitre fr -m the coloring matter In
the root than from any rh;r,g eise: they can then strata
th.s Insipid or vapid bipod, sweeten with sonr moUsses,
sad then call it "S A Its AP A HILDA F. XTR A< T or SY
RUP." But such i* not the article known as the
This is *o prepared, that all the inert properties of ths
Sarsarmnlia root are lirat removed, every thing catabie of
becoming acid or of fermentat nn. is extr.-icte<; and rejected;
then every i-ario ie ol medical virtue is secured in a pars
and concentrated form ; and thus it is rendered IncapaWeo*
losiug any of its vatunbie and healing properties. Prepared
in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence reason *\ hy we hear commendations on everv
si'ie In its fiTor liy men. Women, and children. We fed :t
doing wnnders in the cure of
PL.ir.YT, and in R HEI'M 1 Tls.St, SCROFCI..I.
Tie.VS. PIMPLES, ULOCTHES, and ad affecboas
arising front
It possessesn tun rveilous efficacy m ail complaints arisic*
rnun Indigestion, from . Icufitg ef the Stomtk from
circulation detenu.nation of bl aal to. the head. palpilatwa
of the henrt. cold feet and hiinvis, ro!d chill* ami h<: flashes
over the laxly. It has nt its equal in Colds and Osfii.
ana promotes easy expr-ctnruion ar.d gentle i*rs('.rs: os.
relating stricture of the IMIISV throat, and every other pert-
But in nothing t. ITS excel erne 81...C tuunitcst.y seen st.il
acknow Ualged th tti in V! kind* and if
it works wonder* IU caietol' ttor .Mas or SI Uses. ?'■•
1 n <T ''' • u -' H entb, C*. -pressed, or I/"a Menses.
IrrcguJeriTy el the menstrua, perhats, atul tfir >u.e. and
isaselfecumi in cur.eg all the fatuis of A'.u lustier- s.
By rviitoriiig "instruction*, ami rrguivling the general
system, it gives lone od strength to the wlo-it- bud v, Mi
thus cures alt fi.rms of
Nervous (livenveii and tlehility.
ami thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other mala
•lies, as .Spun .i—l , ,V„ri,. j. Si". I'ilss" Pita..'
Sreenrng. b/i.epti. bus, CSr*'n,.u. it.
It cie;ie* the bioo.l, r\nt c the user to healthy acuan,
lores the stoui'tr.h. ami gives digwlimi, relieve- .I*
hoWe.s ot tor tail nil constipation. a...\s mtiatnti. il" 16 .
,-Ufilivs the sk n. equalises the Click..-, < a * f ib.e b. vvi
producing gentle warmth equally all ovet the body, slid
the unsensible perspr.t.on ; relaxes ail stricture-sand hiht
nes*. removes s.i "tistrueii- n>. ami invtg-rate* ibeenhW
cervous aysum. Is not this then
The medicine you nre-eaiiaenily need'
But ran any "l these thints he s. dofA IV T.-wßc.--"
infer.or art vie ? Tlu V< iti man's iiq-iic i* (B 1,1 •*
bemuse of one till VNr f'Al' I' that the . ne is I.M.MPA
BLfc ol OKI t.UiOII \ pi. >%. ; , m j
while the other DORS ; . *r feeT-er a*. a-A V.f'V
iMe bellies c(l boning it into tragtneuts . the soul, acra
exphahng. and vi-ma-iug other r .oils' Must wt this born
bin compound t poauvnotii u. the system*— M kall M
and lar.t a syrtr.-a airetdn ieitA.wi- Whales® s ®
l'ysy*psla but m-d 1 l>o we not all know that when fa*
•ours in our Stom OUH what tmsrhwtt it pre duces : flV.tt
lence heAtbum. pa I,..tat hut ol the heart, ot cm
dlasrhm*. dysentery, colic, and currwnti-a of the
What IS hcroiuu but an and humor in the bod'. ' ;* 1
produces nil the hntnofs wh. h htini on Hru ' :
t-kin. jsratd itoaO, Halt Bhe urn Unt-rpelas. vVlr.tr Sev'H
{'*.*• * ev s' all uirerauoßs inle.ua: and n:.•'
It is nothing under heaven, but an acid suk-ivnr*. < vh,CJ
Sour, nmt thus spo.t* ail the flu..re . t the body. IU °f
'"?*• U rutrecs Kheuuiuii-m bat a sour or " J u „
which insinuates .t> r ,l between the Minis .vr.i! eisewbtrc.
>rr.t. ting ami tntlamii g the drucaie i.ouv upon 11 !i
nets J So or nervous uise-.s-.-s, of impurity ol tM "
*M"fiea circulations, and ueatiy m, the a..tneais
afflict human natmc.
how ts it nut burr.ux u> make and sell, and vi..*f
*r* to Use thu>
sale iu Lewibtown by E. ALLEN,
who is sole spent for Miftlin county,
may Vi 6, l>4k—lv.
Samuel Hopper,
I < ready at all times to build the best House?
and can tio that very tiling.
Residence No. 0 Ha'y street, Lcwistcwn.
March IS.W—if