Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 26, 1849, Image 4
>3. 310XXG033KBV, shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET LEW fSTOWN. CiONTINUFf? to manufacture, to order, / every description of BOf >TS AND SHOK-S, on tie most reasonable terms.— J laving - competent workmen in his employ and using go 1 stock, his customers, as well as all others, may rely upon getting a good article, well made and neatly finished. January 22,154*5 —tf. COUXTRV MERCHANTS, liave always on hand a lino stock o. ¥ ¥ the following articles, which we are prepared to sell Wholesale, at a small advance on city rates, having been " well boughtpur chasing almost strictly for CASH : Drugs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Gil, <kc. Fpices; Coffee, Sugar. Tea, &c. Tobacco and Segars; Fish and Salt Nails, and almost every article in Hardware Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, &:c. Cotton Laps and Cordage All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books Cooking Stoves; Hats and Caps; Matches. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, March 31, 1849. T I \ W A K E ESTA RLISSIM FX T. rpHK undersigned respectfully informs the A public that he has removed his establish ment to the stand lately occupied bv JOSEPH M. COGI.EY, in MA R k'E T STR EE T, where he has now on hand a large assortment ot TIN WAHE of every description, at very low prices, lie is also prepared to manufacture to order ar,y quantity of Tin Ware, Sheet Iron Ware, and Spouting, made of the best materials, on as low terms as ■can he procured anywhere. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and persons in want of articles in his line, are invited to give him a call. JOHN B. SELIIEIMER. Lewistown, April 7, 1849 —3m. ATTEATJO\, FA EES !! "-4. penny saved is u penny earned." The undersigned beg leave to inform the public that they continue to manufacture, at €S®PBS3sBSk their old stand, at .Marion Furnace, near i'errysville, in Armagh town ship, Mifflin county, their superior llore Power and <saua 'Threshers. Their horse power, Sec , has so long stood the test, that it would seem needless to adu their recommendation. I? is an improvement on the much esteemed Burrel & Milton plan and ha* the merit of accomplishing a great dea of work with less power and labor than anv other now in use. A trial wiij not fail to give satisfaction. We also continue the manufac ture of PLOUGHS, of all patterns, and will agree to warrant satisfaction to the purchaser in every instance, or the article may be re turned, and no charge will be made. will be done promptly, and upon reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be received in exchange for work—aloo horses, and old metal, if delivered at the shop SHIRES & BARGER. Marion Furnace, March 31, 18-19—2 m. FARMERS, ATTENTION. Note's the chance to sell your grain if left at the STORE of William Harks 5L Son, Forwardias, Commission & Produce Merchants! \\f HO are prepared to receive and store all ¥ ¥ kinds of grain and produce at thai large, •convenient, and well known'tore house, on the canal, know n A STF.RRETT &. POTTER'S \\ arc house. All kir.dsof grain and produce stored with us will be promply forwarded at the ear liest opportunity, by our own boats, which are commanded by safe and experienced Captains. The grain und produce will be sold to the best advantage to the farmer,and the money arising from the sale ot the same paid over to the owner or owners as soon as remittances can be had from the city. We shall always calculate to pay the farmer in the very best par mnnry that is afloat. Liberal cash advances made on ail produce deposited in store. WILLIAM MARKS & SON. Lewistown, Mifflin co., Pa. N. B. Sail, Planter, Fish ami COAL, always on hand REFERENCES Hon. A. S. Wilson, Dr. T. A. Worrall, 44 Joseph B. Ard, E. L. Benedict, Esq , | Epbrairn Banks, ** J. W. Shaw, " J . Messrs. Wa'tson&; Jacob, (' xe Wigtown, * >a * " Jos. JMilliken&son, i Mr. F. McCoy, " R. F. Ellis, " Jarnes Turner, " Samuel Frank. J Lewistown, Jan. 1, 1849—6m05. Do not rp.HAT at V. J. HOFFMAN'S will he J. found a splendid assortment of fashiona -s<e 11A IS, CAT.S, <f c ., at much lower prices f^ an 9'ey can be bought elsewhere in this country. A= an evidence of Y 'his, we submit the following list L prices, and ASK the public to call Lfc- examine for themselves: A good Fur Ilat, - §I.OO Fine Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2 'Si Fine Beaver. .... 2.75 Finest Moleskin, - - - 325 Lewistown, march 25, 1849. Cooking Stores. We have now on hand a large stock of ■ -1 1X Stoves, hucll u: A & '■£' •f-r'i? -- "* .jjjj we can warrant to give , ' nl * ,r '-' su,! ' faction We |W ;V... T^!a havti the Uulmch, two lhc s,ar ' two 4 ' a trr\v! lo / - triers nf>.! all person* V needing a Cooking # U eto, - eBBe ; . J S'tove, to give us u call before purchasing elsewhere. F J. HOFFMAN. I Awstr-wr: March 24, I°l9. ItaKitiiorc idvcrtisenu'iiis. i ~~ WILLIAM T. Y/ALTERS. CHARLES HARVEY. WALTERS & HARVEY, ! (Late IIA7EEII(JII8T <$- WALTERS,) Produce & General Commission Merchants, j Nos. 15 &. lti Speiirii's Wliarf, BALTIMORE. CASH ADVANCES made on con signments of all kinds of Produce. Baltimore, March 24, ln49—3m. J, F. Ml Ij la so n , General Commission & Forwarding Merchant, NO. 79, BOWEJBL'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, Md. the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed, Whiskey, Lumber, &c., &c. Also, for ! warding goods via Tidewater canal and Penn sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Salt, Plaster, &.C., &c., supplied at lowest prices. Having been engaged in the above business | during the last five years, a continuation of the patronage of his friends and the public is re- I spectfuiiv solicited. Refer to F. MCCOY, Esq , Lewistown. I Messrs. FUNK & MILLER, j J. & E. C. EBY, • Ilarrisburg, Pa. BRANT & ZIEOLER, S February 24, 1849-6 m* Philadelphia Jtdferiiseßi'li. A PPLE T O N' S GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP ROOK STORE, H> 1 Chcmnut Street, \ Corner of Seventh, Swaims Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. |. r NOWING the wants of the coinmun.'y. tti - Propri<>- ' A tor of this Establish VENT has fitted una wore in the most elegnnl manner, having ilue regard tn the com . fort of his customers, so that every stranger visiting his I Book-store. mnv feel entirely at home. HIN IMMENSE STOCK j of Books is classified according to the various Depart j meats of Literature, so that visiters can find the Books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his stock for the most part at the ACCTION SALES, ami being con nected with one of the Largest Pvhtuhng // •;,> r- ir, r - - country, besides publishing largely himself, enables him i to sell ALL BOOKS at Is O\Y CP I* S" IC € S ; than any other house of a similar character on this con tinent His facilities for the IMPORTATION of Books fr in Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of ins Estab lishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen i are carefully executed and tor warded to this cohnlry by 1 every STEAMER and packet A CATAL CGU2 ' of Books witt the prices attached 1* i--siic 1 quarterly. ' containing l.iats of New additions made ' • h:s larg- col r I ret:n, w hi< h are in all eases f-r -:. hr ;.t th LOWEST TRICES, \ or, from 25 to 75 p' r cert below pu! Is hers' pri- - Thus ■ 111 buj lug even a jrtr ft u , <;.ii; c a . u ii.-,id. 1 si-,.; amount : is saved. As a suli further i \ it 1 i s: 43 i; T jto strangers visiting the city, every one wijo pnrrhas's . One Dollar's rr arth of Books, will receive .1 cop. of t .e I STK.I.YO; R /.V PIIH.ADi LfHl.l, an elegant 1 -:, 1 • v dunie, the prn : f which i> 25 re ts. 0 Tlie limits of an advertisement are 100 confined to ■ enumerate the price* of any of the HOOKS, or P> give even ! a faint idea of the tnmente intrant: get to be it-m • d from j purchasing at the Greit Central <hi ip Bonk * -c, bit let all w ho are in search of books send fit a Catalogue, ;,n I buy the Books they are in \v nt if,arid when visiting the city, give Applcton one call, and you will be ?ure to CALL AOAIN. Sttltt 0 U f l B 1 in all its branches, furnished at the l.out Prirrr Tb-" Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note Paper, neat ly stamped in the corner, without < barge. f> Orders for any article may be sent by mail, addrc-sed to the proprietor, and the directions in ail cases will be 1 fully carried out, w itli great punctuality ai,d-d spat h. , ! S> Orders for CaLaiugues siiould he pre p., /_ GEO. S. APPLE I ON, Bookseller, Publishrr. Importer, and Stationer, 16t Chfcnal Street. corner of Seventh, | i Muf .*. 1649 —3m fl | SHELDiiAKE'S AEa L E E5 s: N V 18 Ol' S Eb. ) r\'o. 280 Market street, aboce Eighth, ( (South side,) riHLADKLFIIf A. j tPITIS large and splendid Hotel iia- been firnish' i! with : X entire new furniture The Bar Room is the largest i in Philadelphia. The Parlors and titling Rooms are en- I 11 rely separated from the noise and bimtle, consequent to l i the arrival and departure of cars. The Portico extend- I ing the whole front of the house, affords a cool retreat in j warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest iho j roughfire in the city. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished—the T;;ti|e as well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every atn n , tionof the managers to make it the best Hon 1 for M-r --! chant* and Business Men, during tlieir stay in the citv The terms will be ONE DOLLAR per day. On the arrival ' of the Cars from the West, a Porter will be in attend ance to convey baggage, Ac lo the Hotel, which is ad j joining the depot. feblO—fitu IliciiWmil;, l oiirlH Slrcel, I Between Arch and Market, Philadelphia. 'JtilE PROPRIETORSHIP and management < f this x Well known hotel, (which is located in the very con : tre of business,) having passed into the hands of the -iut, j scrtbers, ihey beg leave to state tlrnl it is lln ;r purpose ; to render it worthy of the liberal patronage with which it has been heretofore sustained, and hope by unrrrait i ting attention, to deserve the patronage of tnmr friends, who may visit the city on business or pleasure C. Ai J. McKIBBIN, Formerly of the Exchange Hotel, Piitsburgti. 1 hiladelphia, May 5, ltd}. the (cheapest cjj- most Splendid assortment of !GV WATCHES A JEWELRY IN PHILADELPHIA. Nu. ) Lewis BaiiSJEBI?, S NO. •i 111 Market Street, > I jC a few doors above Eleventh, Mirth side, TIA.H ju-t received by late arrivals, from the most c< I 1 ebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and judiciously sleeted assortment of (H)I.D and SILPJ'M an PC/IKS, which lie will sell CUKAI .h than any other establishment in the United States Among the a,sort ment will be found : C -Id Levers, lh k. cases, full jewelled, .550 . Silver Levers, full Jewelled, 15 I Gold i'Epines, In k. raves, jeivellcd, "j j -Silver l'Epines, jeweiled, 10 " Quariier Watrhos, Ito jMO " Tea A'JIOOIIH, equal to cotn, per set, 450 i " Dessert " "• 1000 1 _ ' . K TnM ?V 15.00 with 9 splendid a#Forlinrnt of Chaste and Rich Jt'wrlry, 4c<;., ; ufact[f r !',/ /,Jt, * ra ' ". rvnri,, " M "tyle, from the best Mat. [ *>Pleas# preserve this advertiaement, and rail .it No -tia M u iVVIS hADOMUSVS, ! above prires sv a l,tu. f .idi' fAra P rr <" in the i April IJ, JT'" <,, ™ M S Lin: INSURANCE. The Girard Lifr Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office Wo. lol> Chesnut Street. Capital 6:300,000. Charter Perpetual. CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and receive Deposits on Interest. The Capital being paid up and invested, together with accumulated pretiiiuut fund, affords a perfect ttcurily to the insured. The premium may he paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments The Company add a BOND# at stated periods to the insurances for iife. Tills plan of insurance is the most approved of, and is more generally in use than any other in Great Britain, (win re the subject is best understood by the people, and xvli re thry have had the longest <• xprei ence,) as appears from tile fact that out of Life Insu rance Companies there, of all kinds. 37 are on this pi a. The first BONUS was appr .pi nti-d in December Ist I, amount lug to it) per cent, on tile sum insured und r tl.e t oiliest policies ;to fit per rent., per cent Ac., Ate.., 011 others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an addition of SI00; SfiT.iiO ; 575, &.r., &.C., to every 100t. originally insured, vv hich is an average of more than Co percent, i.n the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. The operation ot the Bonus will he seen by the follow ing examples from the Life Insurance ItegUler of th - Company, thus : Sum J Bonus or j Amount of Policy and Policy. ( In ured, j Addition. 1 Bonus pay able aMlie ' | party's decease. •No. 53 j SI,OOO 0100 00 j #l,lOO 00 " 8S 2,:00 25ft ffi I 2,7.70 00 " 203 4,000 1 400 00 4,400 00 * 270 I 2,000 175 00 j 2.175 00 " 333 | 5,000 437 50 : 5,437 50 ?> PAMPHLET.* coot lining the table of rates, and ex planations of the subject; Forms of Application, and further information can he had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the President or \ctuary li. W. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAME*, Actuary. [tj29:ly mm & BROOKEIi AICTIOAEKUS, At the Old Kstsbli.-hed Stand I¥o. <> >Ollll Third Mroof, Three doors above .Market Stre f ? PIIIL.IDKt.P/IL9, V\ r \LL AEI.L BV Airtion, EVKHV r vi.mm;, ' ' commencing at 7 o'clock, a large assortment ol Locks, Latches, Bolt*. Trace ai.d Halter Chains, Pad ; Locks, Closet do , Hand Saws, iron II uk do., Guns, Pis | to! , SimVi Is, Spa ics, Axes, I tali I. Is, II winners, Gig ami 1 Carriage Whips, Wagon do., Travelling Trunks, Slates, Pencils, Japanned Waiters and Trays, French At conh otis. Violins and li iws, Table and Tea Spoons, Brio -- ami Bits, Chisels, Curry Combs, Knives and Forks of a'l Kinds, II in tier and Shoe Knivi and a large assortment of other goods, 'i riuiiuings.Sifiall Ware-, Ac. > All goods warranted equal to representation, and will be sold in lots to unit purchasers inhl7—3tn 3000 PKILVIII ?t 23. J. AVilliauiM, Xo. 12 X> >rt/i Sixth Strcd, }*hilad !phi a Yciiiliaii Klintl and Vi liithiw S!ttitle T1 it 1111 tacturcr. (Awarded tie; 111 t an?! highest Mf.n*rs at the .New York, i! 1 It:xi. ire, red / lb! idel di;:- Exhibitions, for the ! -tip' 1 e.fity of his" Blind*. with ceibirmed cm fidi nil- i h -t in muff - toi .} .ists it,.* attention of pu 1 li 1 -er to h a*- rsuie.-.t ~f got*) Bitnds, of narrow and win- stars w bt, fancy and plain Trunin. .*, .1" new sty I- .- r.i.dco ■ Al-o, ri I tree and genera! assortment of TRANS. i UE.< rWi -Dow --11 c nj..*, .til of whith lie w ill eel, it tii |. west ea s ij j;t.' • ■*. <);4 Binds plint 1 d and trimmed to look equal to new r>DK U.F.ils -npoto-d 00 liberal tern" - The rit 1 /i us of Midline. limy n- retjio fiilfv invite.! t, call be fore buying • isrwhere- -confide- 1 • •!•.* lug all. fXIPK.S IN THE EVENING#.'.* March 21, l&.'J -3m. WALL PAPERS f pilß subscribers have on h.ri.l t largest asm anient 1 Ws 1.1. PAC K* intli- cit of Philadelphia, Milt LilbAl.i; AM) UKTAIL, consisting of every variety suitable fur Parlors. Entri s. j Dining Rooms, Chambri . Ar , wl irh f>r qii niity rn ' style cannot be surpassed Don ga cash in.sin -J, w ! are enabled to sell a b- tier artu le, at a MUCH LOW KR RATE, ; than any store doing 11 THAW: HI um;J, On hand, :i lirgr assortment of d If) Rl' \ I'K I ', for Carts its, j l ire Prints, Borders, A , which will te sold very low for cash Paper Hanging done in the country at lit 1 prices. V 11. Dealers are invited to call and examine thcii stock in fore purchasing elsewhere FINN cV IH'RTON, \ > 1 i±. Arch street, southside, I'hd i Jelpl.i i. j April it, IM 9m HtJil/O JollSlSOll's ! X K Vi _ S 's' o u 1: , i AJ. 14 Aor th Second Sired, a few doors a bote Market, V II I fa A D E 1 j P 11 I A , ■ AI AN I I-'ACII RER i f Transparent Window Miisdcs. | - I Heed Blinds, Paper Curtail s and Venitian Blinds, 01 ; all the different si/i-s, v .try tng in price, from mx Elms jto TwEMrt HOLLA its a piece. All the new styles nfet - cry esrription of patterns, and i f the latuil lashmes ot , ditf-rent color*, and a variety of 'i'riu.mirgbrall kinds Al-o, beautiful FABLE and OIL CLO FfSn patterns and in pieces. Oil Cloths fir t! - ft, Patent Co.; h Cm 1 - for Wagon Lovers of a sijf.eimr article, an width, don ills or single, of the finest fi-,..n. u;d a :pb u.!id sartineitt of CLOCK:*, 1.-XJKfXO GLASSES, and FIR I'. BOARDS. A- , Ac. Hid Blinds painted and trimmed over, to look equal to new, at a very little expense, or t ikcu in exchange for new. He ha* on hand Hie largest and m ;-it complete and beau tiful assortment ot the above articles, at 25 percent cheaper than any other establishment in the city, Whole sale ami Retail, at reduced prices. ( 5 Merchants and others are invited to call before pur chasing elsew here, as it will lie to their advantage. t.-Any of the above goods mode to order, or ciuefitlly packed, so they can be sent any distance without injury, tub- r Manufacturers supplied with fdals, Fronts. Heads, or Pulley's, at the lowest price*. OPR.Y IX THE EFE.VI.YaS. March 31, 1349—1y. AFFLICTED READU Philadelphia Medical '?i>ii-c, L' STABLI.3 II Kl) 15 years ago, by Dr KIN KEI.I.N', The - oldest, surest and In • t liand to cure all forms of seer. I diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is DR KIN K 1-71.1 N, Northwest corner of THIRD and I'MON Streets, between Spruce and Fine, a square-aud-u half fiorn the Exchange, I'hiladelphia. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is a habit which boys teach ej h other at the Academy or College—a hul.it indulged in when by Itim *clf, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood; lew ol those who indulge in this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaci ountaide feel ings, vague f.an 11. th. mind. The individual becomes feeble, be is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply bis mind to study ; hia ,-lep is tardy ami weak, he Is dull irresolute. Persons of all ages can now Judge what is the cause of tin ir declining lienltn, losing their vigor, becoming weal , pale and emaciated. YOUNG M; -,N :; Let no false modesty deter you from making your case known to one who, from education and respectahiilt',, can alone befriend you. lie who places bimsulf under Mr Kinkelln's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and m whose ho shut will be for ever locked the secret of the patient. Thousands have been restored to health, from the de vastations of those terrific maladies by Dn. KINSLI AND German Physician. PACKAGE* OF MEDICINES, ADVICES, &c fo warded, by sending a remittance, and put up serum fro... riAMAOB OU CURIOSITY. ' POST 14 ID I.ETTI HS answered forthwith i'llitsdclphia, Jsuusry 27, IblU-ly GEORGE BELLIS, 'Wholesale Commission Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF •Vtt. 51 Noi'tii Wharves, Above Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21, L 349 —ly Trimmings Cheap for Cash. i, Ol,ivkk, 173 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. H\S fur f::! a large and handsome assortment of Primming* smh as Zephyr Worsted, Fatterns, sin, | Heads, Purse Hilks, Spool Cotton, Sewing Silk, Needles, /'.ns, fid Cotton, Perfu er>, French, E.'ltf/i, tier ntin and American Fancy Goods, Ac., cuo vppur Cash. Wholesale an i retail, rti tie- TJIItRvU AND NEEDLE STOKE, 178 CHES7WUT St , rUilidelpMa. I'. S. Also, sole Agent for firinghurst's Ccl'Sr.ited Hair Jliztvre, for re moving Dandruff and Dressing the Uftir, giving it a fine glossy appearance. M in ti "21, IMS)- 3mo. TOEACCO, sjaurr & segarfi The Cheapest Wholesale House in the U. S. Yoi', can save 10 per cent, by calling at Wtn. S. Bolihins' store, No. 2o'J North Second street, 6 doors alcove Callow hill, oppo ;t" the Lamb Tavern, I'hiludelphia. l'a. 1 HAVE NOW ON HAND, GOO,OOO Large size Common Segars, $1 fQ to 31.70 per thousand. GOO 000 Beat quality Half Spanish, $3.12 to $3.25 per thousand. 300,000 Best S ed ami Cuba Sixes, £5.00 to $7.00 per thousand. 200.000 Fine Havana Sugars, #lO 00 to sll3 00 per thousand. 1 have also on hand a large supply of Cavendish and I'lug 11.bacon, just received from Virginia,and a general assortment of Havana and American Leaf Tobacco. V o, Smoking Tobacco; Scotch, Rappee and Maeabau Snuffs, of tiie best quality. Also, Pipes, Pipe Heads, and every tiling belonging to Die business. Cull and you will he well pleased. roajS—ltn Manufacturer of Donuelh's 1 plight Safety Olaz U Cap suled Blue M A TC IS E-;S, And I hitcd. States Oil Paste Blacking, No S3 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia. 'FIIFSE Jliic'i ? are justly con.-i ' red tin- b -l in to I Foiled Slates; Iliey ar • free friuii uopleos.nt -o • nnd can I • inm I : d with pcrfi '■ saf.-t;. into all >t r;s ...;! Ilnflii. W. rrniitcd to k. . n • ,r. The 15 i .tins •- < si; -rmr quality, and free from any lugre dieut !h it in:; tire Hie , K itlirr. COIN lit V DEALERS and SHIPPERS will find it 'h- :r it.i Tin ull and ••. f>r u.e 'lvi s. N. ft An assort i id i " iti h- • i f van >us New York M .itufarturers. Matche. :t. i ur.d wood boxes !-' : pat 'ted to large or small tin c.t . to ship to tnv part ol tii world JOHN DONNELLY, I .ate ei 20 Hir.k stret!, now s3 Norn Third street. March 21, IS4#— ly. Improved Wire 71 ;** factory. Seiic, ESifirflc, and W ii'f ( lufti tin :n factory, ij. | o A (til l 1! PR O A i Street, 15 tvvceu Man. I t Arch St . (' <ri or ( . uYs A!h rufr.ihFj.rnrj. I I IB !.. r • r oitim to: •• .f 'nr.' f. ■ rni. it Jo > !, '! kinds of PL.II V tod <Mf.VA.W.r.VT /. 11 Hit. 'i( >li K, * ' h. -Si -ves. It i.hlli s. Screens, arc. foi • ill i. it .i ir: . - ds. S.'.nd, Ore, Snuff. Starch, Brick lu<! .V' I i Ir- •"lives of i aiipiiior quality con stunit -fi I' . I A'f", S if, , Wire Dish Covers, Sofa s rit'gs Twi •' ' Wi' for Spark C itch tee. ORA AM RATAL WIRE WORK. -ii h as (.' ijii, \iirerv Feeders, tiard* n 15 irderiug. Flow ,rS; in !-, Tr i t>. Trellis v. r'; ti rt. ipa Vines, Sc \l-o. Wir. F. 'i i gof every de;.-rl tion Oi.ii i th tah: rlly r \ ■ . ..ml r oipi'v teciF dby U xTSO.N & (JOX. Philadelphia, March Ift, 1M9 —Jul. . TO SSI AS ..V .Yo. G- Aorllt laird Street, chore Arch, r.iu. ADELrutv, / ) r t ' R tiie fallowing articles <.f a -.cry superior qtitli FJ f Country iie rclunits will do well to tali atol exa mine the - isrie. us a liberal dtsiouiil will be made to tl, who purehane to sell again. lirai'..lies, vuriuigki :dr; Holland Gin, ih ; very tuipeiior J-n: tim Spitits; lrih t. l Scotch Wi.iseoj; A; r.le Whisko ; M ,n< l.c .heia Whiskey, Veiy 01.-l; Virginia Peach Brandy. IN B8 Superior t ; dherrj Whu; Madeira Wins ; Vo\t W ii** of ! ttf rent kin Is; .su-i-rior '1 erteriffe; Lis bi.n a .1 Mn>. itel; Sue t Malign; superior Claret CO it 1)1 \ I.S Mara- 'olio; Curacao; Raspberry C-ignlt,; Blttehberry do.; Cream do No\au; Cream de viini..'! . Hull •de Rose; Extract of Absmitlt; Pet':' l I. ve i rdei! ; I.enen Cordial; Life of Man Cordial ; Peppermint Cordial; W'iue ll.irers; Tanaey Bitter*; Lav ender Hit!- rs; fVppt rui.nt Rtltera. i'b I.cmon r(linger Syrup; Saraapa rilla Syrup; plain Syrup Fine ftnttled WhVf.S, for medical purpo*. a. sucti a* Madeira, Sherry, Fori, Ar inh3l—3m Steel Spring's. asisorlment, low for cash, for sale - by F. HOFFMAN. ! r.ivistown, march 21. 1-19. White Lead, PURE, at 3>2 per kejr, for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. I.ewistown, march 24, 1-19. I). SI ADERLIM) & so\, AIVEietLK Hl!*iO\S, ! ■ respectfully ii.lonn their friends • an<l 'be public, that thev tl ill continue t. ( trry on the MARBLE BUSIA'ESS u, all its. various branches, at their old stand, Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sis., U:\VISTO\YN, where il v have constantly on hand MA KB IF MAN'IFLS, T 0.MR.3, MONUMENTS, (iRAVE STONES, Arc. All kitida ut PX-AIM & OIIIMA IV?EeJTAX. work executed with ncitness, ond on the most reasonable terms. Thankful fur the liberal patrt tiago extended to tbeui, they still solicit f a continuance of the same. Orders front any p rt of the country, throuTh • mail, attended to with accuracy and dosuatch ; March 17, 1347 tf Indemnity. TSo Franltliii S'ire ißturancc (liitiipauy ol ssSi!*'ll!'i*5 s Si!*'ll!'i* OFUif'C, No. IGUi Cfcesniit near l'ifih street. DIHECTOR3. Charles N. Bancker, Guor E ;e YV Richards, Thomas Hart, Mnrdr-cni . Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Aib lphe E Boric, Bau.uelGram, Davids B.own, Jacob R. siniilh, Mnrrw Patleraon. iJontinii". to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on avers decription of propeftf • tw n and cuumr>, at rates as b-w a? are ci)it*islciit with security. Tim f.Vinp-tny l.ave reserved • targe V .ritingent Fund, vi.ii h vvitli their f'.ipitn! and Preriiiiiuis, safely invested, iirt' .r i? ample protection to the assured. Til-- assets of the Compart), on Jniu iry Ist. l w H,as ~Wished agreeably to an Act of As?mn"ly, were as tot ''A ' V 7 Mortgages, GC ' Real Estate, I' ' ■ W Temporary Loar.3, 12 . 5-' Stocks. 51, Cash, &.c. d.',lsi 8< g 1,220,097 67 Since their incorporation, a period of eiahteen vcars, the) have paid upw in!? of one million two hundred thou ,i,l dollars losses by fire, lli reUy aff.rding evidence of : the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and ! Deposition to nice', w nil i-r-uiiptn' -s liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. ! CIIAIII.ES G. HAS. nut, Secretary. For terms apply R- Y, IIALE, Lewis town. apl4 ly. fx 1V ft Ef COJB ft AIN T. JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRO nic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach in both Male and Female : Such as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Head, A< i-!isy of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Fowl, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, I Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult I Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or suffocat ing sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vi siuii. Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain i in the Head, Deficient y of perspiration, Yellowness of the skm and yea, poi-i iu the ftule, B irk, Chest, Liiubj, &c., sudii--n Flushes of lleat, Burning in the Flesh, con stant imaginings of evil arid great depression of spirits, j can be effectually cured by Dr, Hooflan&'s Celebrated GmUA BITTERS. Their puwer over the above ulceus. .l is not excelled—/ 1 equalled by any r/r-r prep-.r t. 11 in 'he Ur.tted State*,as th' cure* alt's!, 1:1 iu .f j c ists nf'.rr .-'.''ful p!,ycicians had failed. llf aa.NCEUE.VT or THE uvea and uTOMACaare sources of lusaiiity, anrl w ill also produce disease of the Heart, Skin I.engs arid Kslni and it; Mr body open to an ittai k of the Cholera, tti ious. or Yellow Fever, and i* ly Ilia fust cause of Hi it iho*i uantlul disease, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. " ti; I):-'pat-*!t," Decern!" r says: ,\n l>v,c tßi : V.'.DP iv.;. tYe nave frequently heard t'.i rt lebrnied G- ru.nl Bitter.-, manufactured by l' If il i, spot -n of in 'erurs cf coniiuendation, and S we know d-. rv. "y Is is ' too common practice, in - r, . <p.; triers, to puif aii iiiriii.it; of useless trash, but in tnc • t-e of tlie above Bitter >, li indred? are living wit n- -.-■ of their tit- at moral and ; liysical worth. As a i-;• !i- ine tor ti.e l.iver Complact, Jaundice, Nervous 1). .city, a -! I)y-|ieps;i. t lias been fund invaluable, - •ii cur. a and 'i. v.-ou-.-hly t i td:< aling diseases when •it .:r 1..C..P h lve fiili d \V"e feci convinced, that in Hie u-e i l the Gt-ini ili Bitters, the patient does not be ' eonM del 1 ! ;t r.- -t ;••!'> cairn, strength and vigor to tin- r.uue—a fii t rile ef great cons id- ration. The It ,i: re pi- nl : 1 taste'-.i,c u. 11, and can be admin istered u: ;• r any 1 r i.nni.m —s to the most delicate - 'on.ii ' I I-: .!, they can be used ny all p- rsons with the most ~-i.til s I. ty. It would be well for those af fect :in tlie m rvou- \ stem, t-- caiiimence u ith one tea •nful or less, and 11 niuaily increase We speak from , .i-r;.-i -e. ar-d are of course a proper judge. The press far and wide have united iu recontnu adr g the German Hto is, and to the- afflicted we most cordially advise their i use. 41 Spit il tif ihe Times," June 24, savs : "D0..:;r,. i /. who are H.vnl.ds, know the ma ny a>* <?.ii.ig >. ur- s that have been p< rformed by Dr Ilocflinil's eel--braird German Bitters 1 It" they do not. we r- 1.1, mi :, 1 tiieiu to the 'German Medicine Store,* ; alt w iio are affected with I iver Complaint, Jaundice, I Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debility ; the doctor hag cured IS] of narcti /-ns afic-r the pnysu i m had failed. • V\ < liav ns-* J then;, anil thee hive proved to be a medi cine :t • v-ry : sli.oii.i kn..w of, arid we cannot re i i iin givii - our tr-tiir.ouy in tin <1 favor, and that which Hi- 1 cr. p. ; i i.upon our humble effort is, they i are can re.,, vegetable. " flit; Daily News," J.J!\ 4iii, says : "UV <pe c ten- vvngly . 1* Dr Houlßand's celebrated German Bitter*, when we say it t? a blessing Ofthi* age; : and in di-eu?-* of ill. biliary, digest ivr- and nervous sys ■ 1 - it I. •* it- t we tiioik an • q ui. It is a Vegetable Prep ,ri,n n, c dmr.dt t J3tc I, and to all invalids 1 we woui i revmninend 11 as worthy their confidence." ..E\D ill:-: FOLLOWING: It is ft ,0 o.ie 1 our first di ..gists, ; , gentleman favor atdy known tiir.-nghoutth-- United tales —the proprietor ; of the * Medicated VV-um Syrup:' I'Ht iDCtrttii. Nov. 22d, ISJS. Dear sir—lt is with much pleasure that I testify to the ' extraordinary vir'ues of your li la.an Bitters, having gold I ,r; ly of iheiu th- si 'lst few months to various Pet? is, afflicted with itver com,-Units,dyspepsia, and | -!• 1"y of t.i- nervous sy-t-m. I cause • onscieultous ; '■> ti: t thev an: the best article of the kind I have ever sold, (.sltd i dt- il in ail the popular medicines,) anu lcon- I snler it t!i ■ only 114 .l.ciue for Hie above diseases before J the public. j 1 Inn • n- vt r sold ot.e bottle that ha? not given satisfac tion. mi- hi tighi fi.rth the comrn-r.datiou of those who J used it. ; i deem this my duty both to you a* the proprietor of , this highly vsiu.ihh art), 1.-, anil to thc-e afdicted with the ve •■••pq. an ts, that tlr.-y may know of its curative j p.op rues, nn ito enable th*iu t . select Ihe good from the x arti- leg with wli ch our market is flooded. i Wuh much respect, 1 remain yours, ttc. J N. HtlBENhAt K. Druggist, corner of Second and Coate* street*. JA FN DICE & LIVER DOM FLA INT ( ured nfltr Physicians had failed. ! hUadr:phi,:, December 27, 1848 Dear s.r It is w th tccliugsol pleasure 1 comuiuuicAte to cu th.: sanative effects (and m a short time) of your i invaluable Hoeil.mil's celebrated Geiinan Bitters, upon , uij sy cteiir w bile laboring under tlie Jaundice. About : Uv " - V4>irs 3 1-*" 1 ll: 'd an attack of the Jaundice and was | confined to the hot. ,- iir Weeks under medic, ! treatment of th, i-im,!, Pnysiciau, and for s.me time after, when 1 went out I had to very caret ;! of myself; since that time li eve had several attack* of the same disc aar, and your | Bitters have entirely leheved aod cured me in two or I three My next door neighbor, Mr. JOHN DIEHL, last sp.H'jr, bad a long and serious spell of Jaundice; he ; had 1; some time before 1 knew it ; he was confined to his •>ed. As so, 11 a* I heard of Ins condition I called to see "t,u and told hiui of Uie effect your Bitters had upon me iu Die same disease. lie. immediately sent for a bottle', ! and i ,r /, r day* he vaseur.J. 1 have in several instan ces recommended the Outers in other cases, always pro ! '! ut l,;s lh * r happy effect. My wife bis been const | derably afflicted with Liver ("omplaiiitand Neuralgia; by the use. of the Bitters she is well, now enjoying good health. Wo I•lo ve trout the many euros we know of Ihese Bitters effecting, lhat limy possess in a remarkable :m. extraordinary degree great curative properties, and thai which enhruccf their value with us w, they are en tirely vegetal-l". We always kc.-p the Bitters 011 hand, ami would nor he \\ tiling to tie without ttu 111. Very rcspertfuilv, your?, < ■ I'll*.lit •., jVOSsjiti Emnt street. Can stronger t- stuuom be adduced by any preparation butore tite public ! a single bottle will convince any one - t their power over disease. Yh.y are E.m isklv YEOE ran- , n,.d will pennun.mtly d stroy the re,i sbjftnafs <•' ' • "..l ve •••length mid vigor to the frame, at no tune tl imitating the patient; being also grateß,! to th. most delicate Mom.., h under any circumstances, and u he administered with perfect safety l- delicate mftants -i;ic, a,.' iree I.om Nr rcps,.de,.:s. Caloi.tr!, and ! an i t ,! ii.juriouii iitgr?<2iei ls They can be taken at all time, and under all cjrcnm- i -a! 1 a' wIU l ,rev< "' thftt. having : over d.'le ' " U ,u) result can accrus fiour an F-r sale, wholesale and retail, at th? principal Depot. • "Man-.., ,a nc Store, 27c Race street, I'hiladelphia. 5w al ° ,v istowu by WM MARKS i ' - .and reapt'oLuk' doautrt in cvorv town In tae ©tale. unll -ly Tricks of (^uacl;*! LET ALL HEAD THIS C AItLFLLI.Y CAUTION EXTRA. \ NUMBER of men under tlie name of Bkiii mjr Thoni.oson dr. Go , have employed a man by the nam' of Jacob Towns.:nd, to use Inname to |nil up a .Sir-,-! pnrill.i, which they call ' Old Or. Townsend's Barsap U rilia," Ac., and wish to eeli it to the public 03 the je !Su . iite and original Or. Townsend's Sarsapsrilla. Tti., Townsend has been employed in peddling books at,; cheap publication* for a number of years before be e,; this honorable situation, lire public arc cautioned not: , be deceived and purchase none, if they wish the g- jii m but such as are put up in splendid steel plate wtaupe;j, and signed by A". P. I'OH A S£<A IJ. I> ft. T OWNS END ' S COMPOUND EXTSACT OP X A R S A P A R 1 L L A • Wonder and Blessing of the Age. The .M"St Extraordinary Medicine in the ir.j-J This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles ; it is si. t; cheaper, pteaaiiter,and warranted superior t innysuM It cures without vomiting. purging, sickening, or dek,; tatii.g the patient. The great beauty ami superiority of litis Sarsaparii'.i over all oilier medicines is, that w bile it eradi.-.v , t disease, it invigorates '.he body. It is one of the very b*, t Spring' and Summer Medicine* ever known; it nut or. purifies the whole system, and strengthens the per-: but it create* new, pare and rich blood: a power p„,, by no other medicine. And iu this lies the grand i r .j of its wonderful success. It has performed within the last five years 111 re than 100,000 cure- of severe case? ~f disease; at leastl3,ooo were considered incurable. it> : „ saved the lives of more than 3,000 children duringihe 1* , ! past seasons. 10.000 caces of General Debility and want ef Xert.jut ' Encrgy*~\)i. Townsend's iSarsaparilla invigorates t _ whole system permanently. To those who have |, s . 1 their muscular energy by the effects of medicine or indis cretion comniitted in youth, or the excessive induigeure of the passions and brought 011 a genertUpby -ical pr. -; ra . tion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensations, premature decay and decline.hasten ing towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can be en j tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Barsapa rilla is far Bttpertor to any INVIGORATING COHDIAL, : as it renews and invigorates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a most extraordinary degree. Consumption Curtd, Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Ca tarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness in the chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Pro fuse Expectoration, Pain in the Side, &c., have be ta and can be cured. SPITTING BLOOD. JVew York, AprilSS, IST Da. Townsekb —I verily believe that your Sarsapv rilla has been the means, through Providence, of sa.. my life. 1 have for several years had a bad Cough p became wor?e and v orse. At last I raised large quart;- ties of blood, hail night Sweats, and was greatly detu'ita ted and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla a short time, and there his 1 wonderful change been wrought in me. lam now able to walk ail over the city. 1 raise no blood, and my cough | has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful for these results. Y-'ir obedient servant, WM. RUSSELL, 03Catharine--: Rheumatism. James Camming?, Esq., one of the assistants in the Lunatic Asylum, Blackweil's island, is the gentleman spoken of in the following letter. This is only one of more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. ; Townsend's Sariaparilla has cured. Black well's Inland, Sept. 11, 1847. Dr. Townsend —Dear Sir : 1 have suffered terribly for nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the time 1 couid not eat, sleep, or walk. 1 had the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of your Sarsapariila, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of good. I am so much better—indeed, I am entirely re lieved. You are at liberty to U6e this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours, respectfully, J AXES Cummixo-. Fits ! Fits ! Fits / Dr Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilia in eases of Fits, of course never recommended it, and tva3 surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and respectable Farmer in Westchester county : Ford ham, August 13,1347. Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I have a little girl seven years of age, who has been several years afflicted with Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without suc cess ; at last, although we could find no recommendation in our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate health, we would give her sotnaof your Sarsapariila, and are very glad we did, fur it not only restored her strength, but she has had no return of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise. She i? fast becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel grateful Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER, Jr Great Blessing to Mothers and Children. It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purify ing ihe system, and relieving the sufferings attendant up on chiid-hirth ever discovered, ft strengthens both the mother and child, prevents pain and disease, increases and enriches the food, those who have used it think it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement, as it prevents diseases attendant upon rhild birth—in Costiveness, Piles, Cramps, dwelling of the Feel, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, Pain in the Back and Loins, False Pains, Hemorrhage, and iutegvtla ting the secretions, Ac., it has no equal. BEAUTY AND HEALTH. Cosmetics, Chalk, and a variety of preparation? gere rally in use, when applied to the face, very soon spoil it of its beauty. They close tlie pores of the skin, and the.:* the circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted by disease or powder, or the skin inflamed by the use J in soaps, beautifies its own production in the " h;• man face Divine," as well as in the garden of rich a r.j delicately tinted and variegated floweis. Ladies in the noriii who take but little exercise or are confined in das? rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application of deleterious mixtures, if they wish to regain elasticity of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beautiful compkxiors, they should use Dr Towns-nd's Sarsapt* nlla. Thousands who have tried it, are more than sits fied, are delighted Ladies of every station crowd our office dariv. NOTICE TO THE LADIES. 1 hose tint imitate Dr Townsend's >nrsa; a:."a, luff I invariably called their stuff a greet remedy for Deuclet. 4" c . , ami have copied our bills and circulars which fl ute to the complaints of women, word for word—other I 1 >;n who put up medicine, have, since the great success of Dr. Townsend's Saniaparffla is complaints ; cder.t :■• female*, recommended theirs, although previously the. -ltd not. A number of these Mixtures, Piils. Ac . are in jurious to females, as they aggravate dit-c/se, siul cadet mine the constitution. SCROFItLJ CURED. Tuis certificate conclusively proves thai this Bxt?!r*- rilla h is perfect control over the most c.iis'inate ritscaws 01 the Blood. Three persons cured iu out house is t-fl precede nted. DR I i)\\ Nsrxn—l),-ar Sir: I have the pleasure to in form you that thiec 01 m> children have bee it cures tins r>< rofula by the use of your excellent medicine Uhtf were afflicted very severely with bad sores; have uliea only four bottles; il took them away, for which 1 tcel ?->" sell under great obligation. Yours, res,ie,!f-i|>. ISAAC W. GRAIN. 106 W sursireet OPINIONS OF PHYSICIASS. Dr. I -iivnsend is almost daily receiving ciders t." -a Physicians iu .Liferent part* of the Union. This is to certify that we, the ua.kr- c-ie.l, PhysiU?" of the City of Albany, lure in numerous case# prescribe l Dr rownsend's Saraaparill*. and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market 1. D. Ruling, M D. J \Ylisuu, M D 'V-,, ""***' M U ' **• K Elautlidoi I, M. - tAt I lON.—Owing to the great suctoss a- m :• a,c of Dr. Townsend'a Sarsapariila, x number ( f "-'- h 1 10 .via formerly orr Agents, have commence J mak" I. xtracts. Elixirs. Hitters, I'xtractsof 1"-'* nek, Ac. They generally put it up in the saiue shap-"** • •tiles, and some of them have stole and copied cur - d vertisaments; ihey aro un j.. W oithless imitaiiiHis. #i " i Shou'd be avoided. Principal Oifiee, IOC FULTON street, Sun !hi:V:rg,N. Y ; Red.ling A Co., 8 State si„ Ouaton ; ly >" * lot North Second at., Philadelphia ; S. S lla-;. . Drug gist, Baltimore; and by all ihe principal Drugf.-*'-'*"'• Merchant* generally throughout the I rutcd StaU-s. Indies and the Caiurtl-ts. lUr 17/ A li LBS RITZ, Le •wistou:n, is 6c' p Agent for Mirtim courtly, lor Ihe genuine rownsend's Sir?pnrilla. By procuring troin him, purchasers will i>e certainnt getting the genuine article. ma3—tsV" EL/.ITZ SOCKS. . 4 large stock oi Biank Bcniks, oti hand etfe ■i. V for sale, witolesaie or retail, bv F. J. HOFFMAN' ?-l. Ibijiy