Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 26, 1849, Image 3

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    - - - ■ •
HA I.TIMORE. May 24, ISI9.
rj,ni r .—The transaction* are limited, and
n- ,;Si have ptifleneif. Sales of Howard street
rands at 84.G2L Corn Meal, $2.75; Rye
i'ioor. S'2-874, a \\ heat is m moderate re
j.ypft at sl.<>Oa 1.1)5.
1*1" I'NSMtEJI Dl* M IK— Let nr. fnti-h per-
Sl , r , hr •> prcj-iilki d against this now truly relt-brated
NINLTRIIU' ileapl'te ih'S adviie ; lot it bAinril umiimtt
aloty o l ul " '""""t G'U n " matter where it maybe,
viirtti'T in the itead or feet, whether it be in the hack or
jkl.uncn. ivh titer arising from external nrinternal cause,
ihc Briuilreih's l'ills,an.t rely ii[sn it, that the pain
„ ,ll (••>. Ilie !' i:t> will tie restored to health as soon aj na .
; ,ic H.ts I riv.-IL sutliciciit ASSISTAM.'K from tln ir etTect.
I'lic I|it intity ol" impure humors discharge i| from the
l-y the action of the tiramtr. th's Pills, i- replaced in
:6 curse of a few hours with new and pure blood, by
rlic dii'espoi: <*■ i moderate meal Hy purging the body
c:tli tins med'niue the whole mass of blood becomes en
tiretv puree d ami regenerated.
That the blood is the life of the body. I presume j
'I-pute.l. therefore 1 shall say that it being the SEAT or
1 irs, it must also be the seat of disease, if disease be in
the Wood, we should abstract the disease only, not the
Mood. It is the impurities which must be removed by
pnrraf m tos.-rure our health, in at! states of t tie weather,
in all situations, and in all climates. The blood, like a
p I spirit, is always trying to benefit the body by its
struggles to expel impurities. Hut it is not capable to ef
fect its own purification at all times : to do this it must
often have assistance. When the blood is loaded with im
parities. especially in this climate, the consequences may
be fatal, provided the blood is not purified at once, anil
this is sure to be effected if Brandreth's Pills are used.
Purchase the genuine medicine of the following agents:
JOHN A. STERETT, I.ewistown ; William Hiu'du, Mc
tevtown; Jones 4" Siminirteu , Huntingdon ;N/or>rr 4-
Srrope, Alexandria ; .1. 4- .V. Crestrell, Petersburg; Hort
nam. Smith 4* C , Manorhill; 7'. .M. Oieetu, Birmingham.
IPIIE .Warned II oman's Pnra'e .Medical Companiirx, by
Dr. A M Mauriceau, Professor of Diseases of Wo
men. —Sixth Edition. JSnio. pp 2JO. Price sl. —50,009
copies sold in six montbg.— Years of suffering, of physical
and mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and
pecuniary difficulties to the husband might have been
I pared ; thousands now poor would have enjoyed com|>c
tenre; thousands now broken in health would have en
loved it; hundreds now in their graves been still alive,
w a timely possession 01" this work
It is intended especially for the married, or those con
templating marriage, as it discloses important secrets
which should be known to them particularly.
Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happiness,
affluence The revela'ions contained in its pages have
proved n b!es-:ng to thousands, as the innumerable letters
received b> tiie author will attest.
Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother,the one
either budding into womanhood, or the one in the decline
of years in whom nature contemplates an important
change—can discover the causes, synijK...us,and the most
efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, ir.
<•-. try complaint to which her sex is subject-
Its importance to the married may be gathered from the
fad that Travelling Agents make (tmu three ft fire dollars
a day from its sale Hundreds of active, enterprising
scents are accumulating a little competence from the lib
eral discount allowed,and the great demand for it Or
ders are required to be accompanied with payment.
Copies will be sent by mail free of postage to the pur
chaser Over twenty thousand copies have been sent by
mail within three months with perfect safety A certainty.
On the receipt of One Dollar, the " Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailedfret) to
any part of the I'nited States. All letter,, and applica
tions from those desiring to become Agents must be post
paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed
t- Or A M, Mauriceau, Box 122}. New York City Pub
i:-bing Office. 129 Liberty street, New York
The " Married Woman's Private Medical Companion"
j, <c id by booksellers throughout the Lnited States
January 20, lb49—flin.
On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Da
vid Williams, ROBERT B. HOOVER, of Dry
Valley, to Miss SARAH JANE BROTHERS, of
The parties will accept our thanks tor their
bountiful favor, with wishes for a long and
happy journey through life.
Ae they move up the rugged hill.
May every step to them appear
More lovely, more enchanting still—
And keep them thro' the lapse of years,
Replete with smiles and free from tears.
Un the ITth insl., by the Rev. James S.
JANE DAVIS, all of this place.
undersigned, having completed his
-L arrangements, will, on .MONDAY' next,
commence the business of serv-
Milk and Cream daily at the
doors of our citizens, on reasona-
C3ns£2wbb!c terms, and in such quantities
is they may desire.
Lew -'o vn, May 26, l-49—3t.
Salt! Salt!~
JUST received, a large stock of Ground
Aiurn Silt—44 cents per bushel and $1.75
per sack. f Sj~To dealers a liberal discount
off these prices will be made.
M} 2ft, 184 ft. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Candies and Confeetionary.
\JAVAYS on hand a good stock at whole
- sa'e or retail.
may 20, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
yOU will meet at the hou=e of Major D.
Eisenbise, in the borough of Lswistown,
' i MONDAY, the 4TII DAY OF JUNE, 1*49,
it 2 o'clock, P. M-, for the purpose of electing
l ie Brigadier General, one Brigade Inspector,
Colonel, one Lieutenant Colonel, and one
Major. By order of G. VV. Gibson, Lieuten
&ut commanding.
J .ewistown. May 26, IS49—2t.
[ N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
j Court of Mifflin county, will be sold, on
Saturday, Jtiinc SO, 1819,
' ] o'clock, P. M , at the residence of JOSEPH
[RODE, Jr., in Oliver township, county a
: -aid. all the right, title, and interest of the
t cr children of WILLIAM WAKEFIELD and
( ■-T.IAI.INE A WAKEFIELD, deceased, in and to a
i j certain Tract of Land, with I'rarnc
Dwelling House and Stable thereon
" *'|lo®s|orected, situate part in Oliver and
part in Granville townships, in said
county, adjoining lands of Joseph
'"•■t-,dt, Ben. George YV. Oliver, John Oliver,
sir and George Strode, f late the pro-
F'rty of Amor Strode, dee d,) containing 60.
A<. ft EH, more or less. _ !
At o all the right, title, and interest of said
iidren iq and to a
' in Granville township, adjoining the
,♦f ty above mentioned, the interest ol said
'b.:<irer, the undivided one fourth part
HIE TERMS OF SALE are, one half of
' !' "hase tnoney to l>e paid on coiifinnation
f ' f 'he -ale, and the balance in one year, with
■ '"t, to be secured by bond and mortgage,
''■■. i.x if utitsi/r children of William '<i ike-
Uii a I .ne Jl. Wukefield, deceai'd.
CUrk ') Ike f/rpkm: Court.
• by the ruiiit nf ( hn. with a
, "" in ol ' lh * ""• "f P. Townsenri, and a.e^i,
anme l , 1U! „„ Asrojosriiht, W ch they r,ll I).-, IV.wa
i *rU H: Mryp: iri |la. denundnniiiig it O EJY( 7 I m YF. Ordinal,
; crc. TUi* T.-wnaeml ia no doctor, and nevef waa ; but m
! * '> r Ki'r on niifroail*. cnnnU. and tho like. Vet he
! va.ii nc ti.e t-itie of Dr., ft, r the purpose c>f paining credit for
what he is not. This is to caution ti.e public not to be
ereivt d and pnrrhate none but the fj I .VI.'I.V/-: OtUGI-
A.IP Ot l> |i r . J irr.b Totvnend'< Snr'sparilN, having o*
it the Did lir's. likeness, his liuinly coal of arms, and hit
j signature across the mat ot" arms.
rrinetp.il OJi. e, |ol.Vwia. „\Vit> fork C\ig.
Tin: tiKitav \i. I'isciiviutr.it OF rut:
Towaseui! SarsajiariPa.
GUI hr. Tow nrud s* now nbout 70 v ■ rs of :•!: mo La*
I long tieen km>w n u* tk- .if mid JIiSCiU'KRHH
; oft \>> <; i:.vi r.\ t. tiHianv.if. i ?w/.v>;;.\vy s in
| S. iV.iHlf.f ../.** ncittsr pHr. Ir w i* *•••• |-lt-i to limit its
! iitnntiOM tiir- v hy which ihc iif* it h.'t* l* o kept t>tit ot bii-ir
krt. and the sales cinumsrrdfd r* those oulv w !m had
proved t v\orlh. aui known its value. It had reaehai
the crs ot many, nevertheless, as tifn* per-wo* who had
been healed of *ore diortsec and •ttwd lrot death. pro
claimed its excellence .and wind* rt'■!
Knowifie. many yenrs aan. th.at he had hv his skill,
irtenre and eipeneoce. devised an le which would he
of tnritlctiiMble ad van rape to mankind v\h'-:i the menus
vonhl in; furnished to hrine t into universal itutire. %\ hen
its iitest'innMe virtues would Re known > .J ?• nprrrinted
rhis t hup liar -I'Uie. the rienii" ar upy< -d ; til >
QH.i.YI* .iA'f) 1/ i'Uh P.ill.i T/OJT
i manuf trtured on the large-i scah, and i- railed for
throughout ih* length and i r ;uith ? th* land especially
as t ii •. i' of ii- •• • r | <u .r dvler r:f >n.
Unlike > otioff S. I' Tow rn.udN, it improves w.;h age nnd
cev pf • I • r/r<| on
t€ientyir prt - - hy *t rnftjic mutt. I knowl
edge of I .'hr fit 'irv ni.d the !.;ti <c d>-rnveries •? tre art,
have alt henhi • uht tnt. rcpii*it '?* ii the tna fnc;ure
of the <>!t Mr's The par,La root, i: h
well kuw r ii it t contains many >n:tl pro
y>e'iies. aid w ho h re inert or use leas, and
other*, wh> U it ret- 1 :\Cti in pr- } w;r rg ; fr um, produre
frrni'i ; and id./, * S . ' r •::> to the s\ t!ti
S' uie of i" proper es of S.ir>a{iaritla ev> r<> that
they ent .'i tv evaporate and r lost . ; e prt-paration. rf
they are n t p.wrvrij hy a ;.r r■ ■ t - - . known only
to th se ttici t'poti ;i its m<uiuiri v M> r o-r these
p tLiliJe yriPtipl's. which f! 1 o?i \u \at r, or a-- hr # tha!a
Uou tin ier h< are t.e scry m'fiwtl yr prrUet
Wf the rwit. h.cb g.s# t> it *U in \ ue.
SOI'KINO. KtllijMKN ! IN*.. IIP •' CO.VI
- NIP' OF S. P. 'i OWN SI N I),
D 11. II >. . . ii I ir. J-irr.t
r..nen.r Otmminr Orb ** - .. r ~I 3)IS*A
not* of h • Inlcr ..r pCdpaw lilt
llMvea liKiiul ihsi mc sr. >, . iir 'in n r- ■\r which
•kOii'd be.ir the and i. tnn r■■> ■ im>. I'. |
lnd*a artuir ' -jJ u ii.rh * t ■-I t. ,:w n H .tl .hr (Jit!
Dr. luc.h a WOB.tsid ii.'..) of .■ . .) rriwirt tn.iis
from Agents h.h ••• . ami |-'irr; -• \.h h.sensed
f. P. Tossnsci .i's I h KVJ.VI JM. i i I M>
We with a undcMul. t-rnu-r • : tttc e .re irutk
that r F. I'usvmtcmlt urt.r i *'.| lir. Jmoa TI.HH
♦en<i*a Sampartii.'t rt kt .rm v... ■ j. t
ttmiter . ifcM they a r .. ml v r. < very j rt • Iw bdVldi
nut our •>na e thing in i■•.mm ;
f. P. 'l'nwnsrnd v n .hi. - : *inl lier r t, rn.
tbr-uiist, no pbnnaareiitist—k:i us > • m -rr in.-if r; ,c or
itisease than an >ot her cut), ue 'in< *- <1 . . oniin ie-,n.n;sl
aim. dhat'isrsntrr enn th. j . -s- tb*s: ■. .re rc
reiving a frmyuine r',cn; ; in. t i,e ... r.n.tr■■■.■ •• .til ih
s irtue. of tue nrtu >r- m prejviriir t crni . i.. >. sm m
capnbla of ehmici-d w h.rh in e; rc nf-r thrmi :< yi;K.\'l>
of bisrast iHStfsil of hr.i ;n.
It it whvt eKe srr*.i:;it • ,"■ rir.; fr-.in .r,c •' )iu i.niiwr
nnlliiisg f inijiaraliscij nl in- it.c.ne ir <i.sense I: r*.|:nre>
a pervim of some cjjaT.cnr.- .... .rsi- is.-n is
anmnioa slcrent men I. If.isv iineti r.o.fe rtittjorum: is it !'i.ii
the persons who usisnltf.vi.hire rnrilici- e, .t.-s.giieo i. r
shoulil knos* sseli the me<l.eal {.roiterti.-s of ;.|.:au ibr
best minner oi • - _■ ... OKwatmtiag their haaliag
virtues, alms an etiens .. .w ;.-.l_-i • :,,.* vHr. eis rii-cases
svhich aflistt tisc ioim - -.'.'ni d. I b't'.s to ccln;.treuiciims
to thc-e disersse, '
It is to arre.t Jr.. ..i nj.-.n tie w. rttimstc, to pour balm
tutu svonuileil t.'jiiiui ti. hi kiiotlc h in lio shairmg
boaom. to re;. re health nnJ 1.1.x.tu ami s._- it-, ihc
crtivheil Mi.rl hr..cn nml to tniuvh .! r.rmitv 'l at "!.|| |)R
JACOB TOWNBBSB has UHI ut'fUl Ml tha op
pnrt'inity anj nscsns to bring n
Cirauti l iiiv<'i>;sl ( oncriitrated
lU'nit't) y
Within the rc.Trb, : • in- : r f/ili who n-ed it,
that they iinjr le;rn Mud kn- * !i j•. ful o-:#•*• its
Tiaiisceiident I'tavrr t< ! It-it I.
Any perton c n !-•:! or *rrvt ;h# r<-..i tiii they get v dark
eolored liquid, wicch ■% rjur fr rm ; e cpir t.<j fiiaiier in
the root ift no from an\ truuj .m thr-n ttr&iu
thit Insipid tr vnp.d f tyi tl. vxpfuh vuth v :if
rtd then c til it
Rf T P."* Hut such is not tl.*- r.r kr<*wn ttie
Th's so prr-;'ir d that h!1 * :*• in* f jrc; or the
!*-iMnr'r■■!?•? rH t rc fi'.t rcno.t -d i■, '■ j oof
bffiii'ng m■ }t| r of |rrtii*TfMtn i- • xirnl r+p - led :
then t\riy pif'-irlt* .f \|;. c > Si riired til .1 pure
tnd concentr tf"d form • end thus •*. r ndm d ir.c i|aileo
losing any of its vnhi to e nud h< m -• pr-
tn th* way, tt * irtJc • .e n n+t t .1 . i'*nt rt t;c
Cure f imtumerahlr dtsfiiHfs.
fleiicc llw .e,iv..n ssii, we fir ; r iti.m .iiivl.. Tv ■ i every
nJrj In it I vi.r I. men. sst.inei. ;i. . in,, '.rs n. U'i find it
dmn; wimib rs in li.c citne r.i
io.vii mprin.v. i')>pi r-' t. .! r irri! <"M
pu.t.s. rbv/'fi > .s'f.ns. Mi u! r.i.vtdi * r.uvr
TICJfS, riMl'/.KI. 1.1, "I tut- I . : iffi ■ lioDf
arising front
It |KS T-f • • ID. r\* ■•* n •• n arising
from Ind'jt. tfin. Iroui. ictm >, •' th* >' rt . k nncqual
Circulation, diirrtii w ilo nr i ? .•! • thr t. A. jk mti<n
of the heart cold !••' >■• nd h■■ ?•!. • d elutl- •>t )• tfi tches
over ihe bod li h . t i 1 in f W#/* and ' ougUi ;
end promote* en- i r.-t oi and gc-nth* iM*rpinition,
rcinting irtcur- . 'lT** itinr* thr > -t. nnd x* ry other frt
Hut in ii"ih ;g i* iu ite i • . c mor urmiicsily ?cen and
Evkt.o'.v . d.ctj tiiwfi in it 11 kituU l "fa'c- * f
ll works t% fuicia tU C c# ol b "*>r ./ >'*•' or Jt'-Hfe* full
|e ff c 4 ft • Mrutrt,
fi ■; rgularitff '■ the incii'trsi.u iierhnl- std !•■ like; and
is as * Actual • i • -
Hy reinovitc oh' irii' tion* **> dt' * t 1 ioc general
fl-'.lClli itgitc. lour a <i Sir • l' t* U# ..* Ittdj', 10(1
tntis cures alt f. u r
Men osis (iiHfnsrs :n;?l i!c*hility
and lhii prevent** *•• • • v<.- • gr* ii ar. i. I rther mala
diet. n *fnn ' tr> *' .V-rtrd/jr"!, ' ff* Jjancc
SicAein u<e. f'.jjtieptir b'fM, f • ra'. "./**. 4* '
ftl cle.4D-es the -1 etrjT- th I t healthy action,
Ui/.e.i the stoiii *.i , od g'.Vt . g.. d d'jsi -tioti, rvueves the
bowt.-i* of U*i**r ■nd const > .t on. a ir.tbuftiu ilon,
,Ufilic. t!ic .sk ti, equulises . ♦' cifctilatHHi l the hhhkl,
p'oduciny gentle warmth cqan ! all *i r the tuMly, ntxl
Ue ni-senstlile jcrspr i> n rci :i'*s a'l strictures * rid tight
a *-. reii*%es all ohstrurn nnd tho enure
Th inrdicinc >mi prt-pmlnrnll) need I
Hut ran any ♦! the • ttitt; I • ml ol S. H. iowo*endi
luier or artirh* ? Tht- m itt < liquid i* tio? to t/C
'ccMiise .me i;i: AMFMr, :h .t tne '.nr is I.M.'APA
|{I.I. HI. I EilltlKAT'l' >N, -. I'l
while Ihe ..ih< r IKMM in • It tHkg, tal I ' -irtng
Ihe hot'teg riiitlnining it u.to frsfws:. Ibe Miiir, ncii! lif|uwi
,pphnitfTg HM.i <1 r.iber jriHitt* : Ktit aat thfl bnrrl
bie I'W. ii. 'I l.n |i • -tiouk l.i l'ie "J -Urn ? H but 1 fnt
ntid in' a "'i s■" y 4nca.li ■ "'th und ' l\ iit r iu-a
l>isiC|-.i-s biiim .lit 110 . e re.l II T-miss th:it when lonS
sou/, ill our -l.m hi svh.t to. h '! it imHlßMf# ' iPtU
lencc. he iriimrn |r.i||niiiM.ii of 1 1. .-.rt, livwr complaint,
tfiarrtim. <t> ointery. colic, v i irriijitron ..I the blond I
VX'tial ta bcriNUis but un acid bHMCf in Ik* ? Wad
|,ri,.|ii. i s nil tits hnnior* w nh !. .ri.r on l:r..nti.n O th*
.-k n .-Oilii llenl H.ji ItScfm. I r'.U I.:t- .-well
>s,'l rscrtv.res nfl .il<cm ,n- .utrrnsl ami ou-roa.T
It m rmthine nO'lcr b> xvrti. inn i nciil nl.tMiice ssbtcu
•our- n.. 'f.u. .p.. - IP f •> the y
lev. M. .. • c.tii ' '< ...usii .1 aour or HC.d flnul
i.ies . U-twre.. he joinis Kttil fl-rsvhere.
.i . ii fia n ■ ( tba <ief)rate itekuea umm ssb.rh it
~-ts 1 of .erso.,iv . e- of lUMrtirlty "I the bltM.ll. M
drst.g<tl f.rt "itat ons. r l o'irlj all tne Isliinenu svhich
aftlict hninao isln'. ,
f*ow is it not fl<riiiMO i' Umkir and sell, bpu ayi <tf
to u*r Hur
For Bale in I,ewisfown l>y R. ALLEN,
who is iolp awont for Mifflin county,
may 20,1*49—1 y.
Samuel Hopper,
at ml I lime? to build the fiost Houses,
ar.ff enndo thbt very ihinp.
desinence No. f> Hale h'fe. r, Lewi*town.
March 31,
r lTiiieiidons E\eifemcisl!
and all about Thomas's soiling
lioods so Cheap.
I have a large assortment of
! ai,( l Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, made by the
best of workmen ; a variety of
iff)/ (
(Kroccrtrsj and litfltiovs,
of the beat kind ; among which is some
choice Brandy.
Segars and Tobacco; Fish; Salt; lUO bushels
Dried Teaches—an excellent article for
$1.50 per bushel; 1000 Fishing Rods;
Fishing Tackle; Cooking Stoves;
Powder, Shot, and Lead;
50 barrels best Monon
gahela Whiskey;
and hundreds ot knick knacks, too numerous to
describe in an advertisement.
Being determined to sell LOW FOR CASH—
; to accommodate those who may visit him, as
j far as lie can—and to deal fairly and honestly,
, he invites his friends in town and country to
give him a call, examine his stock, and if they
find such articles as may he wanted, they can
be had about as cheap as any one can sell
them in this town or neighborhood.
between Swartz'g and McDowell's taverns.
Levvistown, rnny 19, 1849—1y.
A LL)11 OR'S NO TICK. — The undcrsign
j\. Ed, Auditor, appointed by the Court" of
Common Fleas of Mifllin county, to make dis
tribution of the monies in the hands of JAMES
i TURNER and JAMES BURNS, assignees of MI
CH ALL ROUSH, late of 1 Jerry township,
in said county, hereby untitles all "persons con
-1 cerned, that he will attend for that purpose at
his office in the borough of Levvistown, on
SA TURDAY, the \">lh day of June next,
where they may attend if they see proper.
W. J. JACOBS, Auditor.
Levvistown. May 19,1849 —It.
A 11)1 rOR S NOI ICE.—The undersigned
haviftg been appointed an Auditor by the
Court of Miffim county, to audit and distribute
the money in the hands of JOHN MORRISON,
administrator ot the estate nf M. MOODY,
deceased, to and among the creditors of said
decedent, lie has appointed FRIDAY , the 29//<
of June next as the tune, and the house of
Mrs. Liiza Butler, in Newton Hamilton, as
the place, where he will attend tor that pur
, pose, and all persons interested are hereby no
, tided to present themselves then and there, or
; be thereafter debarred from coming in upon said
i fund. JOHN F. COTTREL.
Newton Hamilton, May 19, 1849—-It.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The subscriber,
. Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court
i of Mifllin county, to distribute the balance in
tiie handtsfof WILLIAM A. MDORR. Administra
tor of the estateol DAVID SUNDERLAND,
late of Wayne township, Miffi n county, de
ceased, to and among the creditors of said
j ueceused, hereby gives notice that he will at
tend a* the public house of T. F. McCoy, in
! McVeyt >vvn, on Thursday, the 7th day of
June, 1849, to fulfil the duties of his appoint
ment, when and where all persons interested
may attend.
May 12,1849—4t."
Auditor's JMoticc.
r rilE subscriber, appointed by the Court of
| Common Fleas of Mifflin county to audit
and distribute the proceeds of the Real K-tate
ol" (). F. 1)1 XCAX, now in the hands of D.
Mi K. Contner, Esq., Sheriff of Mifflin countv,
hereby notifies and requires all persons claiming
said fund to attend at his office, in the borough
of Levvistown, on Tin R>DAV, the "ih day of
June, 1849, at which time and place the said
fund w ill be audited and distributed, or bo df
barred from coming in for any share thereof.
" A. P. JACOB, Auditor.
Lcwistown, May 5, lis49—lt.
A I DtTOR'S NOTICE.—Tba nbicribtr, ap
; \ pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of
Mifflin county to audit and distribute the pro
ceed- of the Real Estate of MICHAEL CUIB
- . and J. V". CRISWELL, now in llic
hands of I>. McK. Contner, Esq., Sheriff'of
Mifflin county, hereby notifies and requires all
persons claiming said fund to attend at bis of
fice, in the borough of Levvistown, on THURS
DAY, the 7th day of June, 1649, at which time
and place the said fund vv ill be audited and dis
tributed, or be debarred from coming in for any
share thereof. A P. JACOB, Auditor.
Levvistown, May 5, 1848—4t.
FTMIE I.ykoos Valley Coal Company will tic
JL prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the
d<)th inst., at the Depot, Millersburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi
conisco Canal, Id miles from ("lark's Ferry,) at
the following prices CASII :
Lump, broken and screened, £2.00 per ton.
Nut, 1.75 do.
Limeburners' screened, 1 ilo.
do. mixed, 75 do.
April 14, 1849 —taugl.
I A DIES and GENTLEMEN enn bo ac
_l coinmodatod with boarding on reasonable
terms at Mrs. Met'AY'S, on Main street, :n
the house formerly occupied by Mrs. J. Mc-
Levvistown, April 21, 1849.
w. ii ui WN R R
A TTO RA r K Y .1 T L Alt',
H AS resumed the practice oi'liis profession
_ in this and the adjoining counties.
Office in Main street, Low intowi\ opposite
to the Town Hall. Jan. 20, 1848—tf.
Wo So
Attornoy at Law,
Wl LL attend promptly to business entrust
ed to his cure in this and edjoiuing
counties. Oflice one door West of the Post
Office. my 27—ly
Justice of the Peace,
Ci AN be found at bis oflice, in the room re
/ cefitly occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
he will attend to all business entrusted to his
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Levvistown, July 1, 1848 —tl.
KIFLE Powder in caniustera. Shot, Lead
Rifla Balls, &e. at
tnaO-lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS'rf.
Valuable Real Estate at
R|!HE SUBSCRIBER offers at Private
Sale, a good Two Story Stone Dwel-
— | ln n HOUSE, with lot and other
i K*aT i:A ' m provcments, pituato in the
borough of Newton Hamilton.
A I.UT ut the Lock below said AB&jt
borough, lying along the Canal *§£ J I |jg|
and close by the Central
; road, being one of the best locations tor a
! Grocery Store in the county.
The titles arc unquestionable. For further
information apply to Judge Criswell, in New
ton Hamilton, or to the subscriber in McYey
town. A. J. NORTH.
McVeytown, .May 12, 1649—6t.
Valuable Properly al
rpllE subscriber oilers at private sale that
j JB. valuable farm known as " LOCKPORT," on
which he now resides, situate in Oliver town
ship, Mifflin county, about 7 miles from M'Vey
town, and 6 miles from Lewistown, containitig
2 O 9 Acres,
more or lees, of river bottom land, in a high
state of cultivation. The improvements con
sist ot a plastered twostory FA RM
HOUSE, Hank llarn, with insur- /ESSi*■.A
once on it; a Store 1 louse at the y&sjj J 1
basin, with tenant houses and
shop suitable for any mechanicai business a
;ta MANSION HOUSE, 24 by 40
Jw| 11 ijfc feet, with kitchen, wood house,
sMSj&yroAbake bouse, smoke house, two
story spring house, good stabling, and other out
buildings, a fountain ot good water at Ihe door,
together with a large variety ol choice FRUIT
TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
pears, apples, cherries, plums, &c.
There is on this property a water power ot
22J feet faff, sufficient to drive any machinery.
1 remits situation—beingonlhe Pennsylvania
Canal—its contiguity to llie Central Railroad,
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river—its convenience to schools, three churches,
&c , this farm commends itself to the attention
of all who seek an agreeable and convenient
Persons desirous of purchasing are requested
to call and examine the property. The terms
will be made to accommodate purchasers.
March 17, l*il9-6m.
Lancaster Examiner copy to amount of SI
and ciiarge this office.
Valuable Heal KM (ate acid
7Sili Properly
E 0 R S A L E.
fill IE subscriber offers al PRIVATE SALE that
X valuable funn ot /. /M E S T<' Y E
E A A IJ, situate in Kishacoquillas Yaiiev.
Mifflin county ccntaining
260 Acros,
more or less. The improvements are a
with thiee run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
ping Stones, all in full operation and in good
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good
run of custom. Also, a
and FRAME lIOUSEfor themil'er.
On the farm there is a good FR AM E
and large BARN, and -—fii'iHfpT
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. There is likewise a good appear
ance of Iron Ore of the best quality, known as
the "Greenwood Ore.' 1 This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Ki.-ha
coquillas creek, i never failing stream of lime
stone wafer.
This estate will be sold together or separate
to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms, Scc ,by calling on Mr. YYTLMAM MC
CI.ELI.AN, living M th? neighborhood.
March 17.1849—t£
rjIHE subscriber has taken the Lewistown
A Mills, and wishes to buy a large quantity of
XII Kinds of Grain,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FI NDS, US high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its qualify. Any person having good
Wheat will do w ell to call and show a sample
of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
be loaded out of the miff into boats, and all ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, lie has tiie same chance of .-hip
ping it as any oilier, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great ileal of time and labor in hoisting by
water power. OR, HE wri.i. RECEIVE OX STOR
AGE, and forward to I'hiladelphie or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
" Received, Lewis/own Miiis, of A. li.,
Wheat, to he kept in store till the Jirst o/~Au
ffvst unless disposed of sooner."
Wiiea the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having tour hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till alter the first of August, it will
lie carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. It 9hipped, or sold to anv
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONK-HAI.F
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be c; t ar from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plaster, Fili, Salt and Groceries
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
00-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and 6oid low tor cash.
N. B. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
Lewtstowo, April 14, I^4o—ly.
French Kitt Files&Shoc Rasps,
fIROM r> to 10 inchcp, assorted, flat and
concave, at the store of
naas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
TP, E s | ?v 9 ra ' olunteer Companies of the
Ist Brigade, loth Division, P. \ will
t ' lc ' r usual places of inert moron
MONDAY, the Ath day of June ueut, t'nAthe
purpose of electing one person ibr the office of
IiIiIGADJLR (r /.A /, R AI J, one per.--.on for
the office of BRIGADE I\Sl>i:( TOR,
arid for such field officers as the battalion or
regiment to which each company m.- y be at
tached, shall be entitled to —the election to he
conducted according to the 13th and 17lit sec
tions of the Militia Law of 1649, as follows:
SECTION 13 That all the uniformed com
panies that shall be organized on or before the
first Monday of June, 1819, shall meet at their
usual place of meeting, on said first Monday of
June, and on the first Monday of June in every
five years thereafter, an election shall be held
in each company for one Brigadier General and
one Brigade Inspector for each Brigade; also,
lor such field officers as the battalion or regi
ment to which each company may be attached,
shall be entitled to; th<? captain or command
ing officer of each company shall superintend
said election, and take to Ins assistance one or
more members, who shall be severally sworn
or affirmed to conduct said election fairly and
impartially, and make a true and correct re
turn thereof; and when the said election shall
have been closed and the votes counted, the
said superintendent and his assistants shall
make out duplicate returns of the same, to be
signed by them, stating the number of votes
given for each person for the different offices
voted for; for the battalion or regiment, us
well a3 the brigadier general or brigade in
spector; one of said returns the said superin
tendent in eacli company, shall cause to be
tiled with the papers of the company, and the
otliT he shall within ten days thereafter, de
liver, or cause to be delivered to the brigade
inspector then in commission.
BEC. 17 Thot each county in this Common
wealth shall be a separate brigade, and shall
be numbered in the division to which they
seveially belong by the brigade in ipectors an.!
biigadier generals'who shall be elected or. tin
fir-t day ot June, one thousand eight hundred
and forty-nine.
Btiif. lux p. Ist Brifr. 1(1/A Die. I'. M.
Lewistown, May 19, 1649.—td.
K AS. L 7T AR E,
CITLE It ¥ .
*a<l<ilcry A: Coach-ware.
fINHB subscriber has on hand, and is now
JL constantly receiving, the largest and best
assorted stock ever offered to the public, which
will he oid low ibr cash, the prices being
such as to defy all competition, while the stock,
as regards quality and quantity, stands unri
Thankful for past patrcnage, he hopes to
merit a continuance of the same by always
keeping on iiand a general and well assorted
stock of all kinds of HARDWARE, iVc., em
braced in this iine of business.
Lewistown, may 5, 1649—4t.
¥¥OI'SEKEEPERS will be pleased with our
■*-*- stock, (suitable and needlul for their pur
poses,; of all kinds, qualities, styles and pat
terns. Shovels and Tongs, with brass, iron or
steel heads; silver, brass, steel and iron Snuf
fers. Britannia Tea and Coffee Pots.
do. Sugar and Wash Bowls
do. Cream Bowls
do. Table and Tea Spoons
Pots, Kettles, Boilers, Grid Irons, Stew and
Sauce Pans, Tea and Coffee Kettles.
:nas-lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
iron I Iron !
lIIAVE now on hand an extensive assort
ment of Iron, consisting of Nail Rod?;
Horse-shoe Iron; Buggy and other Tyre, l t
0-10, 3, and j| inches round, and 5-10, jj, i
and finches square; Scollop, Hoop, Band, anc
other Iron. and other per
sons wanting iron will find it their interest b
give me a call, as I shall sell LOW FOR CASH
Lewistown, May 12, 1849.
illllSTOll \ POTTKRV
fSMIK subscriber has now on liand anc
will continue to manufacture
of various kinds ami sizes, out of the best ma
terial ever before used for the manufacturing
of the article in this country. The
of his ware, should give it the preference over
the stone-ware, inasmuch r.s there is no dan
ger ot any loss from scalding it or putting ap
ple butter hot into them. I lis retail prices
will not exceed 8 cents per gallon, for such
ware as is generally used for apple butter or
milk. He also keeps a wagon, to deliver
ware to any merchant, at a reasonable dis
tance, who may be disposed to favor him willi
his custom.
G3~TO wholesale purchasers the usual dis
count will be given.
Lewistown, May 12, 1849 —tf.
¥ ¥ BUOY has just returned from the city
1 ▼ S. • with the largest, cheapest, and most
select assortment of
Clocks, Walclics, & Jewelry
ever offered for sale in
Lewistown; embracing in
great variety every de
scription of WATCHES,
i t "liwfe From Gold Patent Levers
down to the ordinary Sil
ver Quartier; Clocks of
all kinds, Musical Boxes,
Silver Tea and Table Spoons, ladles, Sugar
Tongs, Butter Knives, Gold Pens and Pencils
Breast Pins, Finger Rings. Bracelets, gold and
silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers'
Cutlery, &e , &c.
These articles were all purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will be sold at a GREAT
REDUCTION fiom the price they have hitherto
commanded. The ladies and gentlemen are
respectfully invited to call and examine the
Watches and Jewelry repaired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
SILVER taken in exchange fir all
articles he has tor sale.
| Lewistown, May 5,1949 —tf.
maO—lt. F. 11. FRANCISCUS.
LBS. Iron, Brass, Steel and Co
p per WIRE, assorted numbers, it
mas-4t. F. (J. FR ANCISCCJS'S.
€1 UN'S, Bowie and Dirk Knives, and doub.o
5 and single barrelled Pistols, by
BLACKSMITHS' and Coopers' TOOLS, of
all kinds, at
inao-lt. FRANCISCUS'S.
MOROCCO Leather and Shoe Finding.-,
on hand and lorn-ale by
imfj-it. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
BR ASS <"ocks, lead Faucetts, cedar Spigots
Connecting and Stop Cocks, at
imoi-lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Cedar Ware. Cedar Ware.
BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, &c., at
mas-lt F. G. FRANCISCUS.
500 lbs, Red Leather^
sale at the lowest prices.
- ma",-It. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
from two plates to six plates—warranted
not second quality, at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
DOZEN pairs red wagon Haimes, for
*hJ sale almost at the some price that it
costs to iron an ordinary pair, at
mas-41. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S
DOZEN Westmoreland county wagon
v* Ilaimes, a truly superior article, expect
ed in a few days, at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Bed Screws. Bed Screws,
VND all kinds of Cabinet Hardware, cheap
er than the cheapest, at
mas—4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
25 Boxes Tin Clales,
IRON, tinned, and copper Rivets, stove door
and belting Rivets, for sale LOW by
mns-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Blacksmith's Vices,
250. at very reduced prices.
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Lead Pipes. Lead Pipes,
OF all sizes, on hand. Orders received for
any particular large quantity at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
W agon and Baggy Boxes,
ONE Thousand Pounds, from 21 to 5J
inches, single or setts, by
mas—4l. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
(~1 AME Bogs, single and double Shot Belts,
f J'owder Pouches, Shot do., Rifle and
Powder Fia?ks, Powder IJorns, Hunting Caps,
&.C., with an assortment of hunter's materials.
mas-4i. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Pittsburgh Chains,
OF various kinds; Traces, Butt Chains,
double Breast Chains, all of double link,
manufactured at Pittsburgh, and tor sale at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Iron. Iron. Iron.
ROUND Iron, from £ to 1 inch, American
Sheet do., English and Russian do., lloop
do., from I to 5 inches, at
mays-41. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
White, Lead, at §2.00 per Keg.
SPIRITS of Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Glue,
and Red Lead, with au assortment of
Paints and Paint Brushes, at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
3(K> pair of Lasts, Boot Trees,
Clamps, Sic.,
!\jOW in store and for sale, wholesale and
'J. I retail. All lasts that do not please may
be returned.
mas—lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Mantel Ornaments,
OF splendid styles, such as GIROMDOX.ES,
English Waiters, truly splendid, and brass ami
silver plated Candlesticks, at
inas—4t. F. G. lIIANCISCUS'S.
l ./ •;# r s .
4 GREAT variety, very low. Just call
jY mid see them at
mas-4t, F. G. FR ANCISCUS'S.
Saddle r y,
The same of Coach W are.
ON hand, the largest and most beautiful as
sortment of spring I.aces, Oil Carpets,
&.C., which may be bought cheap at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
House Builders, Ho !
PLEASE call and see us before purchasing
your Hardware, which we offer TEX
per cent, lower than the lowest market prices.
We have, and are receiving, all the new
and most useful styles of l.ocks. Latches, and
Bolts, Shutter, Window, and Biind Fastener?,
which we will be pieased to dispose of on rea
sonable terras. Call on
imis-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Saws ! Saws ! Saws!
HOF. &. CO.'S New York Circular Saws,
14 to 20 inches.
Mill Saws do. 6 feet cast steel.
Rowland's Mill and Crosscut do.
to 4 feet framing do.
feet veneering do.
lLne Back, 10 to2o inches, do.
Boat Bunder*' and Cabinet Makers' 12 to 30
inch Webb Saws, very low fir cash at
mas—ll. 1 • G. I'll \NCIfeCL b &•
Table Cutlery,
IVu Siaivev Pocket Knives,
A T all prices, some of the most beautiful
iY. articles ever olTered tor sale in tins coun
ty. Persons wanting a very superior article of
the above, cannot tad to be pleased with t m
nualit v and lew* price 1 ', at wiiich I amseimig.
n.as-l. F. G. FKANCIsCUS.