THE GAZETTE. LEWISTOWN, l'A. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1549. TERJIS: To persons trho are not now subscribers : OHIR DOLLAR PER AHSU3I, IX ADVANCE. FOR SIX MONTHS, 75 CENTS, IN ADVANCE. To old subscribers icho settle up their accounts to theQOlh of Jipril, 1849, same as above from that date. Hut until settled at the rate of §2 per annum. The paper will be continued to our subscribers who leave regularly furnished wood in payment on the same terms as heretofore. Persons icith whom we have running accounts, such as merchants, mechanics, Sfc., are charged $1 :>0 per annxun. Notices of Advertisements. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other articles at Hope Furnace (heretofore adver tised tor the 80th inst,) will be sold by A. B. J/Ong at public sale on Wednesday, June 6th. Mr. CLARK has undertaken to supply our citizens with milk and cream, and will wail upon them lor the first time on Monday next. F. J. HOFFMAN advertises some articles. The LEW INTO WN GUARDS are cailed upon to wake up and attend the election on the 4th of June. The Guardian of the minor children of Wil liam and Catharine A. Wakefield advertises eome valuable real estate. THE CROPS. —The Wheat, in some parts of this county, does not look well, although con tinued favorable weather might materially im prove it. The Corn is also backward. We have thus far had but few warm days—the weather generally being cool and windy. Death of Major General Worih. M ajor General Y\ orth, of the United States Army, died from cholera on the 7th instant, at San Antonia de Bexar, Texas where that dis ease is prevailing to ar. alarming extent. Gen. Worth rendered distinguished services to his country during the Mexican war, and will long be remembered by lite American people ns a gallant officer, while his faults—perhaps j mere eccentricities of character—will be bu ried in oblivion. President Taylor has restored Gen. Scott to the command of the Army of the United States, from which post he had been degraded by Mr. Polk, as a rttcard for his distinguished per- i vices in Mexico. The General's head-quar-' ters will be at or near New York. a single copy of the Philadelphia Daily News has beer, received at this office .since Sunday last. There is certainly culpa ble negligence somewhere. SARTAIN'S MAGAZINE for June contains a large quantity of highly interesting reading matter—has one superb mezzotint, one line, one tinted, and one large wood engraving, be side five other illustrations. The next num ber commences the second volume, which makes the present a proper time to subscribe. Terms, per annum—two copies tor £5. Address John Sarlain &. Co., Philadelphia. THE WORLD AS IT MOVES, a weekly maga zine published by Lockwood & Co., New York, lias been received at this office for sev eral weeks, and we take pleasure in saying that it is a most excellent work, which will even in a single year afford a vast amount of read ing matter on various subjects, embracing the entertaining, useful, scientific, &c. Terms, 450 per annum. PETER C. SWOOPE has been appointed Post master at Huntingdon, in the place of F. B. Wallace. L. G. KESSLER has been appointed Post master at Mill Creek, in the place of William Buchanan. ABRAHAM DUNDEE has been appointed Post master at Carlisle. YORK AND CUMBERLAND RAILROAD. —The con tracts fur constructing this road complete, in cluding the road-formation, superstructure, rails, and all other materials, have been award ed to Messrs. Gonder <Sc Co., for the sum of §525,00(1 —§100,000 of which they take in the stock of the company—to be completed in 18 months. The route adopted is that known as "The Middle Route," which crosses the Codo rus about .Small's mill, strikes the river at Hough s Saw-mill, below fork Haven, and then pursue* the bank of the Susquehanna to the junction with the Cumberland Valley Railroad at the Harrisburg Bridge. ARREST or A COUNTERFEITER. —A few days ago, Bays the Beliefonte Whig, a man named James Thomas passed through Beilefonte and as far west as Curw insviile, distributing pretty freely counterfeit three dollar bills on the Stam ford bank of Connecticut. He returned on Sat urday week, and proceeded to the West Branch, but was pursued by mine persons from Curwins ille, arrested at Milton, and taken to Clearfield to await his tral. This is no doubt the samo p rson who passed a few notes of the same description io Lewis town. GEN TAVI-OH'H PLANTATION. —It is elated \ the recent fiend in the Misiyifwippi haw i n: extensive damage to the plantation of Gfu. 'J ay lor. The Hon. DANIEL DUNCAN, of Ohio, died in Washington on Friday. Ife was a member of the last (Tongresf, s.nce the adjournment of t. Inch he lius been nick. THE CANAL CIMMINPIONERH are now m sea mount Harrifbttrg Th? Kiiste;i< ttntea that 1 jucge'.r'tlie health is much improved. " Tfcings lliat Change." The New York Tribune thus hits off loco- : fuco consistency as displayed in where the •' democracy" recently sold them- j selves to the abolitionists —the IState Printing being doubtless part and parcel of the bargain: , It seems but a tew months since—it can hardly be a year—that our friend v\ m H. Bur- j leigh, editor of the Hartford " Charter Oak, and for twelve years to our knowledge a thor- j ough abolitionist, came very near having his office destroyed by a locolbco mob, on account of some remarks he had published, deemed d.s- ; respectful to the volunteers trom that city and neighborhood just returned trom the Mexican war For several days there was an even chance that his office would be disembowelled. A few moons have waxed and waned, and lo! Burleigh is " Slate Printer" for Connecticut, so far as the House can make him, by the vote of E\KRY LOCOFOCO in it! Queer world this. It a man can only stand his ground in it, luck may veiy likely come round to him—who knows ? At Thursday's session of the Protestant J Episcopal Convention of Pennsylvania, sitting in Philadelphia, the following resolutions, of fered by the Rev. John Coleman, were adopted by an almost unanimous vote: Resolved, That the removal by the House of Bishops of the disabilities imposed by that body on the Right Rev. Henry U. Chider dunk, D. D., would give great satisfaction to the individuals, clerical and lay, composing this Convention; and also, it is believed, to! many others, as well in the Church generally, as in the Diocese under his jurisdiction. Resolved, moreover. That while such re moval would cheer the declining years of a venerable and d'stinguished servant of the Church, it would secure to his many admirable productions their just estimation by posterity, and be in accordance with the charity so elo quently portrayed in the teaching, and so con sistently exemplified in the conduct of the great Apostle of the Gentiles RECEIPTS or BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES.— The receipts of the various benevolent institutions whose anniversaries have just been celebrated in the city of New York are shown by their an nual rept rts to be as folio w : Receipts. Exp. Amer. Tract Societv, §258,140 §258,483 do Bible do ' 151,870 do & Foreign do 39,840 38,321 do Home Mission, 145,925 143,771 do Baptist do 29,105 25,180 Pres. B. For. Missions, 110,081 110,207 Meth. Epis. Mission Sou. 84,045 102,940 Amer. Seamen's Friend See. 18,582 18.497 do Anti-Slavery Soc. 0,992 0,975 do & Foreign do (not reported) do Colonization Soc. 36.000 37,000 N. Y. State do 12.358 12.358 Am. & Foreign Evang. Soc. 24,293 24,4e>4 do Prot. Soc. 13,411 18,212 da Temp. Union, 1,350 Soc. for Ameliorating the con dition of the Jew s, 3,221 3,208 §1,040,518 A sum considerably surpassing, we believe, the aggregate contributions to the same Socie ties in any previous year. SENTENCED. — Tom Hand, alia 9 Shuster, the robber of the Government jewels, having been convicted, was sentenced on Friday last to three years impvisoiiment in the penitenti ary at Washington. Daniel Drayton and Edward Sayers having been convicted of transporting upwards of sev enty slaves, belonging to different persons, from the District of Columbia, were also sen tenced. The former was directed to pay a fine of 0140 and costs in each case, and the latter to pay £IOO and costs in each case—both to be imprisoned until the fines are paid. ACQUITTAL OF THE REV. MR. BURROUGHS.— We learn that the Rev. T. J. Burroughs, who has been on trial at Snow Hill, Worcester county, Md., charged with the murder of Air. 1 J. B. Bishop, has been acquitted—the jury on : Saturday last having rendered a verdict to that , effect, ori the ground that he acted ultogethcr I in self-defence. The Hon. Henry A. Wise conducted the case on behalf of the eccused. Table of Distances from St. Louis to Cali fornia. NORTHERN ROUTE. Miles. To Independence, 280 To Platte Rircr, 280 To Forks of Platte, 110 To crossing south fork of Platte, 80 To Ash Hollow (on north fork of Platte,) 23 To Fort Laramee, 148 To South Pass, (iri Rocky Mountains) 275 To Fort Hall on Snake Hirer, 255 To Mary's River, 230 To sink of Mary's River, 295 To Hot or Sulphur Springs, 20 To Trucky's River, 20 To Cannibal Cabins (atTrucs's lake) 78 To Johnson's Station (in California) b0 To Sutter's Fort (in Sacramento valley) 40 To San Francisco Bay, " 100 Total, 2,314 SOLLIILFTV ROUTE. To Independence, 280 To crossing Big Arkansas, 355 To Bent's Fort, (ascending Arkansas) 225 To Santa Fe, in New Mexico, 270 To Rio del Norte, (at San Philippe; 30 To Albuquerque, (crossing del Norte) 35 To Socorough, (descending del Norte) 50 To Consul Bend, 54 To Copper Mines, 75 To Rio Gila, 65 To Pimo Village, Indian hab., 50tl To mouth Rio Gila, 165 To crossing of Colorado, 10 To crossing of Jornado, (Byosite) 100 To Ist rancho in California, 65 To Santa Isabella, 15 To San Diego, (Pacific shore) 30 Total, 2,274 DISTANCES F ROM *AN DIEGO TO M TIERS FORT. From San Diego to San Luis Rey, 46 Do do Puebla, or city of angels,loo Do do Santa Barbara, 100 Do do .Monterey (capital Cal.) 340 Do do Jlio Salinas, 15 Do d<> San Joaquin, P5 Do do Rio Tuvvalime, 12 Do do Stanislas, jq Do do Sutter's Fort, (|<l St. IAKDS, MO. J. II DUFFER. The Centreville (Md.) Times say? that the j cut-woim is destroying the farmers' com in ! that county as fust ua it appears nbove the ground. It is Fnid that tlie poople of New Orleans ere catching at-fieb in the street*. MII.ITVRY. The Militia of a portion of J Berks county found it a difficult matter to sup press their military feeling, and have, notwith standing the abolition of the militia law, turned ; out as usual, and fined nil the absentees. It j would have looked ninre like the thing had ihev turned out during the Mexican war. LOCOFGCOIHM IN A TJGHT I'I.ACE. —The Eaa ton Argus recently published a statement that the wages of hands employed by the Crane 1 Iron Company had been reduced to sixty cents per day. A paper signed by forty-two of the workmen has since been published contradict ing the Argus, and stating their wages have been RAISED ten per cent., since the recent election. — Stark County, Ohio, lias subscribed S7S,OCX) of the stock of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. A public celebration of the com-~ menceinent of the first twenty miles of the road is to take place on the 4th of July. A white Crow has been captured in Mary land. MOBS.— We copy the following opportune ar ticle from the Boston Journal: No person can read the accounts of the dis graceful and violent proceedings of the mob in the city of New York, without entertaining strong feelings of humiliation and sorrow. When a frenzied mob, consisting of several thousand persons, can be collected together in a few hours, by appeal, of unprincipled men to the prejudices and passions of the masses, and . bidding defiance to the civil authorities clothed with the panoply of law, proceed to the com mission of outrages against the persons and property of individuals, we may well tremble for the perpetuity of our institutions. Mobs and riots to put down doctrines by brute force, or putiish individuals lor their conduct or opin ions, even admitting them to be highly objec tionable. are anti-republican in every sense of the word—it is tyranny of tiie most dangerous kind—and such a course, or any movement which may lead to such a course—should he promptly condemned by every person who has any claim to intelligence or virtue, if mobs : aie allowed with impunity to commit their in famous outrages, no person advocating the opinions of any sett or party can be sale. It i will not be sufficient that he keeps within the pale of the law, or even, as in the case of Ma- 1 cready, that he has given no just cause of of- ; fence, hut he must stand in awe of that hydra- j headed monter, the mob, and act according to : its dictation, under penalty of destruction to his , property or his life. Where mob law prevails, there is little occa sion for any other kind of law. Punishment w inflicted without any investigation of the of fence. and the property or life of a good and ex- j cmpiary citizen is as fikely to be sacrificed by a mob of infuriated ruffians as the property 01 life of tiie greatest scoundrel who ever infested society. It is the "boasted advantage of a Re- ! publican government, that wherever it exists, the privileges of every citizen, of every indi- j vidual shall be protected by the laws—and if he j is guilty of offences, by the laws only shall he j be punished. Rut if men are to be restricted in the exercise of their rights, their property destroyed, and themselves maltreated by assem blages of ferocious men—emulating the conduct of demons, because their conduct does not ex actly square with their erroneous or even just notions of propriety, what becomes of our boast- j ed free institutions ' A military despotism would ! be better than such a Republican government' Whenever symptoms of a mob and a riot ap pear, the most prompt and active measures should be adopted on the part of the magistracy to quell it before it has strength and power to perpetrate lawless ahd mischievous acts. It should be crushed in the bud, at all hazards, and at every cost. Delay ami remonstrances, supplications and appeals to reason only serve to fortify the assemblage in their determination to commit outrages, and to give them confidence 111 their streugth. The military should be cal led out at once to assist the police—and every i man, who has a due regard for law and order— : who is an enemy to anarchy, should rally around [ the constituted authorities, ready and eager to I aid in breaking up and dispersing the mob, and ! thus show his respect for the people—his regard ! for the public good. lu a work published several years ago, and I written by that truly good man, Rev. Dr. Chan ! ning, occurs a passage relating to mobs, and the ' dangerous tendency of such assemblages, which is highly appropriate at this time, and we can not resist the d< - ire to lay it before our readers 44 Let evi-ry friend of freedom, let every good 1 man lift up his voice against mobs. Through i these lies our [road to tyranny. It is these | which have spread the opinion, so common at the South, that the free States cannot long sus tain Republican institutions. No man seems awake to their inconsistency with liberty. Our J whole phraseology is in fault. Mobs call thcni i selves, and are called the People, when in truth j they assail immediately the sovereignty of the I People, involve the guilt of usurpation and re bellion against the People. It is the fundamen tal principle of our institutions that the People is Sovereign. Rut by the people we mean not an individual here and there, not a knot of twenty, or a hundred, or a thousand individuals in this or that spot, but the community formed into a body politic, and expressing and execut ing its will through regularly appointed organs. There is hut one expression of the will of Sov ereignty ot the People, and this is Law. Law is the voice, the living act of the People. It has no oilier. When an individual suspends the operation of Law, resists its established ministers, and forcibly substitutes for it his own will, he js an usurper and rebel. The same guilt attaches to a combination of individuals. These, whether many or few. in forcibly super seding public law and establishing their own, rise up against the People, as truly as a single usurper. The People should assert its insulted majesty, its menaced sovereignty, in one case, as decidedly as in the other. The difference between the mob and the individual is, that the usurpation of the latter has a permanence not easily given to the tumultuary movements of the former. The distinction is a weighty one. Little importance is due to sudden bursts of the populace, because they so soon puss away. Rut when mobs are organized, as in the French Revolution, or when they are deliberately re solved on and systematically resorted to, as the j means of putting down an odious party, they lose this apology. A conspiracy exists against the Sovereignty of the People, and ought to be suppressed, as among the chief evils of the State. " In this part of the country our abhorrence of mobs is lessened by the fact, that they were thought to do good service in the beinning of the Revolution. They probably were useful then; and wliy? The work of that day was Revolution. I o subvert u government was a fearful task to which our fathers thought them selves summoned. Their duty they believed was Insurrection. In such a'work mobs had their places. The government of the State was in the hands of its foes. The I'eoplo could not use the regular organs of administration, for these were held and employed by the power which they wished to crush. Violent, irregular efforts belong to that day of convulsion. To re sist and subvert institutions is the very work of mobs: and when these institutions are popular, when their sole end is to express and execute the w ill of the people, then mobs are rebellion against the people, and as such should be under* tood and suppressed. A people is never more insulted than when n mob t-kes its name " TUG CHOLERA.-— The following article from the New Orleans Commercial Times, is worthy of attention. A9 litne lias al ways heen found of great service as a dis j infecting agent, its application may much diminish, if not prevent, the ravages of this dreaded plague : 4 In the summer of 183*2, when the cholera spread all over Middle Tennesaee, its course, from Nashville, (where it first made its appearance) was South. The authorities of Columbia, a town forty two miles south of Nashville, and containing about two thousand inhabitants, caused fresh lime to be placed at the door of every : house, and the citizens were requested to spread it freely on their premises, in the gutter, and in all open lots where there was any stagnant water. —It soon reached Franklin, nineteen miles south of Nash ville, then I'ulaski, thirty miles south of Columbia, where it was terrific, thence to Shelbyville, east of Columbia forty.five miles, where it was worse than at any other place in Tennessee ; two miles north of Columbia in the country it was very had; nearly half the negroes and whites died on some plantations. In fact, it was all over the surrounding country. Not a case originated in town. The system of, liming continued throughout the summer and tall, and it was found that the usual fall fevers were veiy light, so much so that the custom of liming has been strictly adhered to anuaily ever since, and front a sickly town, it is now one of the healthiest 111 Tennessee.' Gunpowder, as will he seen below, has also been used as a disinfecting agent : GUNPOWDER VS. CHOLERA. —W lien the Cho lera visited London in 1-32 and '33, the city authorities had small quantities ot gunpowder tied tightly in strong paper and fired 111 the alleys and densely populated portions of the great metropolis. The concussion disturbed the air, and the odor from the powder displaced obnoxious effluvia and purified the atmosphere. It was used in theatres, churches, and school j rooms, and was lound to be a powerful disin l fecting agent, the smell remaining upwards :ot 21 hours in the buildings. It was used in , the lazarettos of Trieste and Malta, and was tried in Paris in 1*33, and also in Montreal. In the iatter city cannon were placed in the narrow streets and fired with blank cartridges. Ir. connection with this, we publish the following from an exchange paper: DR. KIDD, of Limerick, speaking of the j cholera, says he has tried every thing, but has ' \ fallen back upon camphor. The camphor ee gars, a late invention in Paris, are said to be useful in preventing the absorption of the j choleretic poison into the lungs. Spirits of Camphor is no duubt an ex ; cellent remedy for pain in the bowels, &c., , but ought always to be dropped on loaf sugar instead of being diluted with water. i It was extensively used in Baltimore dur ing the prevalence of cholera in 1832, and as wc have reason to believe with benefi cial effect. A GOOD LAW. Annexed we give a copy of an excellent Act. which wc finu among those passed by the late Legislature, for the protection of Cemeteries and Grave Yards. The piovi sions are stringent, but not more so than j they should be. .In Act to prevent the opening of streets or I public roads through burial grounds, and for the protection of cemeteries and i grave yards- SECTION 1. Be it enacted bv the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gen eral Assembly met, and it i hereby en acted by the authority of the same, That hereafter it shull not bo lawful to open any street, lane, alley or public roud through any burial ground or cemetery within this Commonwealth, any laws hcietofore passed to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That this section shall not ex tend to the city and county of Philadel phia. Si:r. 2. That any person who shall wil fully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or remove any tomb, monument, or grave stone or other structure placed in nny cem etery or grave yard appropriated to and used for the interment of human beings within tins State, or shall wilfully injure, destroy or remove any fence, railing or other work for the protection or ornament of such places of interment, or shall wil fully destroy, cut, break or remove any tree, shrub or plant within the limits of said places of interment, or shall within the same slioot or discharge any gun or other fire arms, or shall open any tomb or grave within the same and clandestinely remove or attempt to remove any body or remains therefrom, shall be guilty of mis demeanor, and shall upon conviction there of before any justice of the peace of the county where I he said offence is committed, be punished by a fine, at the discretion of the justice, according to the aggravation of the ollenoe, of not less than one or more than Hitv dollars, for the use of the said county, and to be enforced and collected in the same manner as forfeitures, under the act of Assembly of twenty-second of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-lour, for the prevention of vice and immorality, or shall, on conviction there of in the Court ol Qu irter Sessions of said county be punished by a fine, as afore said, and by imprisonment, according to the aggravation of the offence, at the din cretion of the Court, for a term not ex ceeding one >enr. AlU'iiovcn.—The fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty nine. W.M. | \ JOHNSTON. IH'M ('T , rise 3 °' c H-jJpr have occurred in Philadelphia. CONFLAGRATION AT ST. LOUS. St. Louis was visited by a disastrous fire on the 17th inst., which destroyed four liundred arid eighteen buildings, to nether with most ol their contents, more than twenty large steamboats, a number of barges, wood boats, &c. It broke out on board the steamer Ft. Cloud, which was al most instantaneously communicated to the adjoining steamers. The burning boats were out from their moorings and floated do.vr. the levee, setting fire to such boats as | were unable to get out. A strong wind prevailing, the boats almost the entire ' length of the levee soon presented a solid ! sheet of flame. By this time nearly the whole city became aroused, and the ut most consternation prevailed. The heat frotn the burning boats set the buildings fronting on the levee on fire, the dimes communicating at the lowest street, the very heart of the business portion of the city—and exlen ling from Locust street for three-quarters of a mile down the levee, teaching back as far as Second street. Within these bounds nearly every building is in ruins. To attempt to give particulars t in the midst of the excitement that now prevails, is utterly impossible. The following steamboats, together with tlu-ir cargoes, were totally destroyed: White Cloud, Edward Bates, I.ell Isle, Taglioni, Boreas No. 3, Agrypean, Ea gle, Sarah, Kit Carson, Montauk, Ttmour, \cadia, Mameluke, Prairie State, Eudora, St. Peter, R>'d Wing, Alexander Hamilton, Martha, Eliza Stewart, Mandan, Gen. Brooke and Frolic. A number of barges and wood boats were aho burned. The burnt district embraces almost al! the business portion of ihetity. The mer chants mostly bad on hand very heavy stocks of goods. There was very little moveable property saved. The whole riv er front of warehouses, from Locust street to Cliesnut —three squares—were destroy ed ; and extending to Main street, the flames swept both aides to Market street—crossing to Second stieet, diagonally ; thence taking a course southward. More than a mile in length, by three blocks in width, of the cen tre of the city, has been laid waste, and the tire will probably continue until it readi es St. George street On the river, at .Market street, the pro gress of the tire was stayed by blow ing up the drug store of Messrs. Doenich ds V al loux. Three persons were killed by an explo sion on board the steamboat Alice, and it is probable that as many as twenty lives have been lost, during the progress of the destroyer. The loss is estimated at six millions of dollars. ST. LOUIS, May 21. The dreadful effects of the disastrous conflagration of Friday night, are now be -1 ginning to be fully realized. Hundreds are reduced from opulence to beggary. Those of our citizens whose dwellings escaped the ravages of the flames, have provided with a liberal hand for their suffering neighbors, but still many are unable to find comfortable shelter for their families. The suffering among the poorer classes is heart rending. Families are divided and scattered all over the city. A fire broke out tn Milwaukia, Wisconsin, on the lTtli instant, which destroyed pro perty to the amount of 8(10,000. NEW ORLEANS, May 13. The crevasses or breaks in tho levee along the river continue open. They are still widening, and tho water is rushing out wotse than heretofore, and the appre hensions of danger are in no degree abated. Ihe water is still rising in the rear of the First and Second Municipalities, exhibiting a most fearful aspect. The workhouse is completely surrounded. Fe j ret's cotton press, in the rear ofSt. Mary's street, is flooded, ant! the water ciug rapidly or. the Charity Hospital. Nearly all the streets in the rear of the Marais are overflowed. The gas works are in imminent danger at this present time. Many families have been compel led to leave their dwellings within a short time past. During the twenty-four hours ending to-day, the water lias risen seven anil a half inches ;n the region of the gas works, and is still rising at the rate of six inches per day ami night. The accounts from the Sauvre crevasse are very discouraging, and it is feared that it cannot be stopped/ A large number of the workmen are becoming sick and have i left. | The English turn crevasse is still open, but the accounts from it are more favor able. All efforts to stop the crevasses having failed a canal was cut through a ridge near toe city, which at tlie last accounts was gradually drawing off the water. New Orleans his undoubtedly had a narrow escape from being submerged. INDIAN FIGHT. 300 REPORTER KILLED. —A gentleman who came down from the Indian country a few days since, informs us that a runner came in just before he left, and reported that a sanguinary battle had been fought on the prairies between the ( anianchi s nut! an allied force of sever al other tribes, led by a Shawnee chief, anu that after a desperate fight, in which about live hundied \\vm slain, the Caman dies tk.l, leaving the field in possession of 1 tiie victors. M e givo this account as we hive it from ! our informant. It may he a false report, : hut the gentleman who gave us the infor j niation says that the Indians had recently made t irge purchases of powder and lent!, and it was feared by many that there would bo trouhle among the Indians on the Plains, little Hock Democrat. THE CHOLERA. —The New Orleans of Health report 53 deaths by cholera and To deaths by Asiatic cholera during the . ending on the 14'h instant. CINCINNATI, May :>:> There were 18 new cases and 3 death 'frr the 24 hours ending at. noon yesterday, and li new cases and 4 deaths up to noon to-day. STEAMBOAT EMPIRE SUNK AT \ FU . BURG — Great Loss of Life. —The steamy Empire, Captain W . W. Tuppcr, was run into, on the 17th instant, on the Hurts, liver, near the city of Newburg, by '■[ schooner loaded with lumber, and sm,'- in n few ndr.utes. The scene of col.' fusion and distress on board baffles all d... scription. The steamer sunk so rapidiv that many had to be cut from the cabin wit], axes, and one lady is said to be killed i, an accidental b'ow upon the head with a'r axe at one of the holes thus made. Three hundred persons were taken off by (} ie steamer Hip Van Winkle immediately after the accident. Fourteen dead bodiej have since been taken from the wreck MINERAL WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA —A rich bed of manganese, heretofore found in this country only in 'Vermont has been discovered in Greenwich town', ship, Berks county, on the farm of Mr. John Kohler, Jr. The ore is of the rich est quality, yielding 90 per cent. 0 f pure metal, and thus far there has been obtain ed from eight to ten loos of ore dailv. Manganese is much in use in the manufac ture of porcelain ware and coloring glass. CANAL COMMISSIONER. —The Easton Whig, and a number of papers in the north ern part of the State, recommend Ileorv M. Fuller, Esq.', of Luzerne county, as a Whig candidate for Canal Commissioner. Mr. Fuller is now a member of the House of Representatives, which staiion he fib with distinguished ability. To his imme diate constituents as well as to the pubhc at Urge, he has been a valuable legislator. The Forest Iron Works, in While Deer, Union county, were lately sold bv the Sherifffora little over S7OOO. Messrs. Kauffman & Fisher, of Berks county, ari the purchasers, and will immediately put the works in order at an additional outlay of some $20,000. (tt r Daniel Marble, the well known com edian, whose acting in t ankee and Wes tern characters has gained for him a rep utation both in England and the United States, died in Louisville of cholera. Samuel Hart,(Whig) has been appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas o: Hamilton county, Ohio—to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Brough". For the Gazette. Crewell's Patent Thermometer Churn. The fojlowing certificates from two highly respected farmers of this county, who ha/e been using this unrivalled churn, will speak for themselves: From John Burkholder, of Decatur township. .Mr. Editor : I wish to state for the benefit of the Farmers of Mitilin and Centre counties, that 1 am using the Thermometer Churn, purchased from A. FELIX & Co., of Lewistown, and an well pleased with its operation—so much so, I have thrown away the old barrel churn as l worthless article in comparison with the Ther mometer churn. I will not give a full descrip tion here, as the churn will soon be for sale ia oiher parts of the counties ; but would say ti all dairymen to get one and try it, for I am cer tain they will be pleased with them. If pro perly used it churns much quicker and easier than anything I have seen, and with a certainty of getting the very best quality of butter. Respectfully vours, joiuVBLRKHOLDER. From John Ruble, of Ferguson's Valley, Dx ryman. .Mr. Editor : I wish to state for the benefit c: the Farmers of Mitilin and Centre counties, that 1 am using the Thermometer Churn, purchs-i --from AVTHONY FELIX & Co., in Lewistown. ari am well pleased with its operation, and fully satisfied that they are the best article of chur kind ever offered to the public. I have thro*: away the old barrel churn, and do testify tin: they are the greatest thing I eTer saw. Tit first time we tried it we had butter in ten min utes ; the second in less time. The advantage of these churns is, their convenience and the ease with which they are kept in order. leaf use it in any season of the year, and in any place I choose, with a certainty of obtaining t first quality of butter, in either warm or cola weather, and with less trouble than any otbo churn; nor would 1 for any reasonable amoevt be deprived of the use of one, and I am fuiir satisfied that no one can use it any length time but will concur with the above. JOHN RUBLE For sale at the Lewistown Cabinet Wus Rooms by A. FELIX & CO. THE MARKETS. Lewistown, May 25, 1849. Paui fry Dts crs. Rttv- Hour - . >,;} e?7 H Wheat, white - 87 1 red - 82 1 <*' Rye . . 45 J Oats . . 05 Corn, . . 42 •"*' Cloverseed - :i (HI J Flaxseed - . 1 iH) 1 Timothy seed - . 2 00 2 3-. Butter, "rood - - I'M jl^'i Eggs - S 4 I .a rd . . 7 Tallow , 8 Potatoes - . GO Beef, . . 4 i.Ht Bacon, per lb. 54 Pork - . o 00* 0 IX Woo!, per lb. - - 25 7" Feathers - . 44 1,1 The Lcwislutcn Mil's are paying U 1 05 cents for good wheat, 45 cents tor 424 cents for Corn, and 27 cents for Oais. PHIL VDKLPHIA. May 24. ~ Flour —The market is quiet, with sm ■ sales of good Western brands at 84 50 a 1 Rye Flour ia worth $2.75 a 2.81. IV' 5 Corn Meal is held at $3.75 and Brandy wine $2.81 —no sales . ~ , Grain.—Prime Pema. red Wheat is f> e ' $1.02 aud white at $1.06. Sales of sfi a 38c. Corn is 59 a 6(4 cts., and Cats ■ 32 for Southern, and 31 a 35c. for Pentfß
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers