Vol XXXV.—Whole X©. iSoJJ. Rates of Advertising. rv square, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 1 time 5d " 1 year 8.00 2 times To A column, 3 mos. 6.00 3 , 4 1.00 4 4 6 44 1 0.00 1 mo. 1.25 41 1 year 15.00 " 3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 " 4.00 44 6 44 15.00 44 1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00 2-quires, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar •' 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. sl2. Communications recommending persons for . •" <\ must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. J3ortri2 V E II AV E NO HO IE , We have no home ; 1 he cottagre gray is ours no more. And by its hearth-stone strangers dwell; A darkness hangs about the door Which scarce the sunshine can dispel ; There youthful joys, affection's ties, Gave a foretaste of paradise, And sweet the day of toil or rest, A mother's presence always blest. We have no home ; A thousand thoughts unbidden start— A thousand fears portentous rise To freight the soul and shake the heart, Like clouds athwart the summer skies. No home ! afar let nie be cast. Since here the stranger s foot hath passed ; The barque which braves mid-oceau's roar, Mav wreck upon her native shore. We have no home ; And vet. my sister, yet with thee Aii*humble cot 1 hope to gain— For dear unto our heart would be The lowest roof that wards the rain, Where winter storms a joy wouid yield, And pleasures fill each summer field, Where nature's music, groves and flowers, Portray the home that first was ours ! THE INGLE SIDE. It's rare to see the morning breeze, Like a bonfire frae the sea ; It's fair to see the burnie kiss The lip o' the flowery lea ; An' fine it is on green"hill side, Where hums the bonnie bee ; But rarer, fairer, finer far, Is the Ingle side for me. Glens may be gilt wi' go wans rare, The birds may fill the tree ; And haughs hae a' the scented ware That simmer growth can gie ; But the canty hearth where cronies meet, ] An' the darling o' our e'e, That makes to us a warl complete— Oh, the Ingle side for me. £Hfdrrllattrou#. From the Bolton Traveller. j COMMON BLESSINGS : Cr, A REVIEW of TDE I'AST YEAR. 'I hope,' said Mrs. Simpson, ; I shall iiive more to be thankful for at the close ' 1 the \ear 1849, than I have had during She sighed as she uttered, ' the ; vs:year has been nothing but trouble from ".id nmng to end.' 'How can you say so Maria?' remarked Mrs. Hopkins, her mother-in-law. ' I em sure 1 don't see what great troubles ' • u have had ; your husband and children have been well, arid that alone is a sufficient subject of gratiluile. Do look at poor I "ir-i. Ames, who has lost every one of her little ones -.vih the scarlet fever.' ' You ate always pointing me, mother, to somebody who is worse off than I ern. while you never speak of those who | zte far better off than r^yself.' 'lt is best to remember our mercies, child.' 'Arid who can forget their trials, I should to know. Have I had any peace in j ..tichen for months? Have I not been ' '•'annually changing help ? And now R/idget says unless 1 raise her wages she j •■'ill leave me next week.' 'As Bridget appears to be a good girl, j terhaps, c'tgr, jou had better give !:®r an her quarter a week, and thus insure b h oofJ cook.' j i won't do it, mother; she may go as £ " r ti as she choose*.' ' Bat, Maria, you won't get a girl under e -hillings ; every family pays that.' ' Then 1 will go without ; I will do the j Krk myself.' drs. Hopkins knew well enough where - work wouid fail it Bridget left ; she . : heard just such boasting before. I hope in Jorty nine money will be : itiei ihatt I have found it this last year, j 1 '-appose you ajrree with me in this wish, fr'-'her, if in no other ?' 'W'-11, I don't know, child, but wc have thing for our comfort, and some (•-, mo. Samuel has been kept from • e ; and how much belter is that than 1 -.ay whoin wo know, who have lost aii ■' v had made for years !' 'Y •• f- tk of luxuries. 1 wonder what ' - refor to,' muttered Mrs. Simpkins. By, good fond, sometimes rich food, | prepared. Iticli dresses, too; you re- 1 ' 't ihe i C'i silks you and the children had this last year. Good water, | e Cochittia'e cut t ie I to every chain- ; L the greatest luxury of aii.' 4 woiid< r you don't udd, the sun ha? , and the light has come regularly i " r >'morning, under this head, mother. lua v-ry specific in y<>ur enumera-i ! I don't class common blessings among ;"-evr-rybody has these.' I .ult as you may, Maria, those com ' h img 4 as you icrm them, are truly jrwi* i t iv.jri which Heaveu bestows: =? ~ 1 11 - ®*s ifiß'srsasyc&iaißai the beaut Oil surt, the grateful light,—l wish you could feel as my friend did, who said he never opened his eyes, hut he first thanked God for the birth of a new day.' ' I suppose you rue thankful, mother, dial yon have not had the hydrophobia, nor the cholera, nor yellow fever V 'There :s a great reusuti to he thankful 1 f-r an escape Irorn iheac ravages, Maria. Don't, 1 beg of you, speak so lightly of your many escapes, and your thousand deliverances.' '1 have truly escaped a great deal mo ther: I have escaped lire trouble of moving, because, we are too poor to live in better style ; I have escaped 'he fatigues attend ing upon selecting some tapestry carpets ; I have escaped ever so many coles, be cause 1 did not go to amusemets ; 1 liuvr escaped giving a party, because Samuel said lie did not feel himselfable to give one this year. Indeed,' said lire thoughtless, giddy woman, *1 have escapod a great deal more, —there's tire, sword, pestilence, and famine. None of these have come nigh tne.' Mrs. Hopkin's could not forbear smiling, and yet she secrelly deplored the want of real gratitude iit her daughter-in-law.— 4 \\ hat, Maria,' she inquired, ' would you most of all desire the coming y ear, admit ting all our wishes came at our bidding V Mrs. Simpkins hesitated a moment —' 1 will veil you what of ail things on earth, i should esteem the greatest blessing ; what 1 should prefer above all olheis ; A bag of California Gold !' 'I am soriy for your selection, child.— Gold is desirable, i know, inasmuch as it procures many comforts ; but remember, Maria, what Solomon chose was far better ,• a bag of wisdom and an understanding heart.' 'You are always quoting some old Tes tament character, mother. For my part, I think more of some heroes and sages that Scott, Bulwer, and Dickens have written about.' Mrs. Hopkins sighed over such a ibo't less woman, but discreetly kept hei temper and made no ill natured remark. She always prayed that God would turn her heart, for she knew she could not. The New Y ear had already arrived ; and Mrs. Simpkins demanded of her indul gent husband an X, as she called it, to pro cure some presents suited to herself and children. As usual, she obtained it and starting for Irer shopping expedition she forgot all her grievances. 'But Maria,'called out tier mother,'you are not going out with your feet unprotect ed, this slippery day ; do come hack and put on your rubbers ; you know you always say yoit cannot stand on ice. ' ' 1 have not fallen yet, and I don't tear it at all. 1 am moie aliaid of another kind of downfall,' said she playfully, as she shut the door. She icould have her own way. Gaily she slipped along down the street, and met with no mishap. She found everything to her mind, and her ten dollars were quickly expended upon a set of chessmen, fan, 100 box, and a small work box for her oldest daughter. She took them all in her muff and hands, for she could not wait to have them sent home, so great was her desire to display her pur chases. Trotting down the hill, a little distance from her own door 6he slipped, and away flew all the purchases in every direction. She tried to rise, hut alas ' she had her ankle, and m the ('flint to sa(Mieiself had severely strained her wrist ! A gentleman near assisted her to rise, and seeing the difliculty, lie procured a cai ruge instantly, and in a moment she was at her own door. The driver rang violently, and soon the cries of Mrs. Simp kins could be heard in all parts of the house, mingled with reproaches that she omit led to wear any protection to her feet. Mrs. Hopkins kindly soothed these up braidings, which were uttered too late, and dispatched a message for her husband and physician. TiiS surgeon pronounced her ankle badly fractured, find having set the bone and bandaged the swollen limb, amidst shrieks und groans, which only chloroform mitigated into insensibility.— Mrs. Sinripkins was doomed to suffering unpremeditated and unprepared, llcrpain was ntense; she was bruised internally ; and with great difliculty could he touched at nil. Sleep was banished from her eyes, only as un opiate procured it, and then it wus unrefreshing. As her mother-in-law was sitting by her side, gently soothing her distracted feelings, as she mourned over tho loss of slumber, she ventured to ask her if she did not find this common blessing, sleep, a luxury of which she had never before thought ! 4 Oh dear,' murmured the sufferer, 4 I shall never, never he so ungrateful for this BLESSING again.' Mrs. Siinpkins* ryes were badly affect ed arid the light rendered painful, and of course excluded from her apartment. 4 1 have been thinking,' said she one day as a faint ray shot across her bed, 4 what a blessing is light ; I never thought nf it before, and ight, too ; oh, if I could only be as I once was.' 4 But,' said Mrs. Hopkins, 4 Maria dear, you will bo far better than ever you were, I trust. You are coming to yourself child, to self reflection, to gratitude for what you never before prized. Mo. Simpkin* sat or laid with her limb i extended across the mattress or chair for days. ' If,' said she, 4 I could only walk.' ' Did you ever prize this blessing, Ma- I ria?'again inquired the judicious mother, it belongs to that class we can call com• mon, child. Wouid you not even consider it the greatest luxury to he able to step ! out aud breathe the refreshing njr ?' • I never, can be insensible to ibis bless ' iog again,' said ihe htdpli.s invalid, i ' And now, Maria,' pursued Mrs. Hop kins, 'as we again review the past year, do not subjects of gratitude rise in count less numbers before you. Would vou ex change them for Galiforiria gold, even il j a mure opened at vour feet V ' Deai motner, 1 was thoughtless end ignorant of the source of true happiness. 1 'And it is thus,' pursued Mrs. Hopkins. ' God shows us our folly. Y\ e are cor reeled by accidents, we are disciplined by pain, we are made grateful by privation. I his tall w inch has occasioned you so many, many painful hours, if improved, may bo the t-r. alcst blowing which ever befel you. fo have our hearts opened to new sources of real happiness is worth more than all that prosperity can give, if she tans us with wings of gold.' Mrs. Sunphms seems possessed of a different spirit. She is kind, grateful, and thoughtful; and if the experience of this sickness di.es not wear off as she rotor ,s again to the world, the year eighteen hun dred aud forty nine is likely to yield far more satisfactory happiness limn any pre vious year of her life. We truly wish her " a happy new year." If there are any other Mrs, Simpkins, alike thoughtless of real causes of grati tude, as they close ihe past and enter upon the new year, may her experience prove equally beneficial to them likewise. DOING .1 LANDLORD; OK, GURTIV rui: VALUE ON'T. Shortly after the completion of the 'Great National road' ibrugh Ohio, the incident 1 am about to relate, occurred. There was, HI a quiet little village through which this 'road' passed, a hotel where the stages always changed, and the passengers expected to get breakfast.— The landlord of said hotel was noted for his'tricks upon travellers,'who were al lowed to get fairly seated at the table, when the driver would blow his hern and sing out, 'stage ready gentlemen!' where upon the passengers were obliged to hur ry out and take their seats, !ea\ ing a scarce ly lasted break I ist behind them, fur which, however, they had to fork over fifty cents Time and place you have, now for the how our hero succeeded in ' geltin' the value on't.' The hero I speak of, was one of nine male passengers in a stage coach which was slowly approaching the village above mentioned, one cold morning in February, 183 " Gentlemen," Fad one of the nine, ' 1 have often travelled tins road befoie, and out of good feeling to all, I will caution you against' hugging the delusive phan tom of hope,' a-> irgards getting breakfast at the hotel yve are approaching." "What ? How ? No breakfast !" ex claimed the rest. " Exactly so, gents, and you may as well keep your seats and tin." " Don't thev expi ct passengers to break- ! fast ?" " Oh Yes ! they expect you to it, but not to eat it. lam under the impression, thai ; there is an understanding between the land- j lord aud driver, that, foi sundry and vari- j ous drinks, etc., the latter starts before you j can scarcely commence eating." • Why. wot on airth air yew talkin' 'bout? Ef you calkerlate I'm goin' to pay | 'four ninepenees' fur my breakfuss and i i ot git the rath e on't, you air mistakin' !" ' said a voice from the hack seat, li e own J er of which was one Ilczekiah Spaulding— ! though ' tew hum' they called him 'lie// for shot l, " I'm goin* tew git my break-! fuss v re, and not pay 'nary led' till I dew. " Then you'll be left. ' '' Not as yew knows on, 1 won't !" " Well, we'll see," said the three, as ! the stage drove up to the door, and the ! landlord, ready to 'do tho hospitable,' says — " I'real.fast just ready, gents ! Take a wash, gents ? Hero's water, basins, tow els and soap." After performing their ablutions, they all proceeded to the dining loom, am! ; commenced a fierce onslaught upon the edibles, though 'IF'/.' took hi" time. — Scarcely had they tasted their coffee, w hen j they heard the unwelcome sound of tlie , horn, and the driver exclaim, 'Stage rea- j dy !' Up * rise eight grumbling passen , gera, pay their 00 cents, and take their seats. " All aboard, gents?" inquires the host- i " One missing," said they. Proceeding to the dining-room, the host finds lie/, very coolly helping himself to an immense piece of steak. " You'll be left, sir ! Stage is going to start!" Wei, I haint got nffthtn tew say agin it!" drawls out Hez . '{ Can't wait sir, better take your scat. " Dew wot ?" " Get in sir." , <i Fll be gaul-darned ef 1 dew, nuther, SATURDAY, iYfiAY 20, 1549. till I've got my breakings ! 1 paid fur it, and I'm goin to git tire val!ee on't! and ef yew ealklate I ain't yew air mistakin." So the stage did start, and loft Ilcz, who i continued Ins attack on tho edibles. Bis cuits, coffee, steaks,&c. disappeared rapid ly before the eyes ol ihe astunisiied land lord. ' S.y, Squire, them there cakes is 'bout ; eat ; fetch us nuther grist on 4 en>.' 'You ! (to the waiter :) -nutlier cup ov that air ci li 'C 4 . I 1 ass them eggs.' 4 RaiFe yew're own pork Squire'—this is mazin' nice ham. Lam! 'bout \ ere tolerable cheap Squire? ilairi t got much maple timber in these pails, hev \e 7 Dewin' right smart trade, Squire, I ealklate. Don't lav vew're own egg?, dew \o V and thus Iltz kept quiz zing ihe landlord, until he had made a hearty meal. 14 bay, Squire, now I'm 'bout tew con clude pay in' inv devowers tew this ere ta ble, but ef yew'd just giv us a bowl o'hread and rr.iik tew sorter top oft* with.t'd be oMeeged lew yo.' So out goes the landlord and waiter for the bowl, milk, and bread, and set them before Hez. 14 Speun, tew, ef you please ! But no spoon could he found. Land lord was Fiire he had plenty of silver ones !\tng on the tabic when the stage stopped. •Say, yew ! dew you think them pas sengers is goin' tew pay yew for a break liiss ar.d not get no compensashun ? ' "Ah ! —what 7 Do you think any cf the passenger? took ihetn ?" 44 Dew 1 think No. I don't think, but I'm sartuin—fiflhey air all as green an vew 'bout here, I'm goin tew locate inimc diaiely." , The landlord rushes out to the stable, and starts a mail off after the stage, which had gone about three miles. The man ovei lakes tho stage and says something to tho driver in a low tone. He iir.niediau ly turo-back,and on arriving at the hotel, He comes out to take his seal, ar.d says— -44 Heuw ttir yew, gents ? I'm rotted glad tew see yew ?" Landlord says to Hez, 44 Can you point out the man you think has the spoons ?" '• Pint him tout ? Sartinly, 1 ken.— Say, Squire ! I paid yew four ninepenees fur a breakfast, and 1 got the rathe on't ! Y'ou'll find them spoons in the coffee-pot ! Go ahead, ail übunrd, driver."—A*. 1". Spirit of Times. Ziito, The Sorcrrer. Very strange things are related of Zii to, asorc rer, at the court of W encesiaus, King of B hernia, and afterwards Emperor of Germany, in the latter part of the four teenth century. This is, perhaps, all things considered, the most wonderful specimen of mugical power any where to b found. It is recorded by D.ibravious, bishop of Ol rnidz, in his history of Bohemia. It was publicly exhibited on occasion of the mar riage of Wcnceslaus with Sophia, daugii. ter (.1 the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, be fore a vast assembled multitude. The father-in-law ef the king, well aware of the bridegroom's known predi- Iccti ri for theatrical exhibitions, aud magi cal illusions, brought with him to Prague, f C P 1 the capital of Wenceslaus, a whole wagon load of morrice-dunceis aud jugglers, who made their appearance among the royal retinue. Meanwhile Ziito, the favorite magician of the King, took Ins place ob Hcurely among the ordinary spectators. He, however, immediately arreste>J the , attention of the strangers, boirg remarked for his extraordinary deformity, and a j mouth that stretched completely from ear to ear. Ziito was for some time engaged in quietly observing the tricks and sleights ! tlurt were exhibited. At length, while the j chief magician of tho Elector Palatine was still busily employed iu showing some of the most admired specimens of ins art, ihe j Bohemian, indignant at what appeared to him the bungling exhibitions of his broth er artist, came forward arid reproached him j with tire utiskilfulncss of lus performances, j The two professors presently fell into warm . debate. Ziito, provoked at the insolence of Ins rival, made uo more ado, but swal- ' lowed him whole before the multitude,! attired as ho was, all but his shoes, which I he objected to, because they were dirty. He then retired for a short time to a closet, ! and presently returned, leading the magi cian along with him. Having thus disposed of his rival, Ziito ' proceeded to exhibit the wonders of his art. He showed himself fiist in his pro per shape, and then in those ol diflerent persons successively, with countenance and . n stature totally dissimilar to his own ; at one time splendidly attired in robes ol pur ple and silk, and then, in the twinkling of an eve, in coarse linen, and a clownish coHt of frieze. He would proceed along i the field with a smooth and undulating j motion, without changing the posture of ; a limb, for all tho world as ii lie were car ried along iu a ship. He would keep pace j with the King's chariot, in a car drawn by ; barn door fowls.— Ho also amused the | king's guests as they sat at table, by cans- | ing, when they stretched out their hands j to the different dishes, sometimes their 1 hands to turn into cloven feet of an ox, and at other times, into the hoofs of a horse. He would clap on them the antlers of a deer, so that when they put their luads out at the window to see some sight that was going by, they could bv no m< j ans draw j them hack again ; while he, in the mean time, feasted on the savory cakes that had been spread before them, at his leisure. At one lime, lie pretended to be in want of money, and to ask his wits to devise the means to procure it. On such an occa | ho took up a handful of grains of corn, and presently gave them the form and appearance of thirty lings, well latted for the market. He drove these hogs to the residence of Michael, a licit dealer, but who was remarkable for being penurious and thriliy in his bargains. He offered them to Michael at whatever price he should ju lge reasonable. The bargain was pre sently struck,.Zitto, at the same time, warn ing ihe purchaser that he should on no ac count drive them to tho liver to drink.— Michael, however, paid no attention to this advice, and the hogs no sooner arrived at the river, than liny turned into grains of corn as before. The dealer greatly enrug ed at this trick, sought high and low for the seller, that he might he revenged on him. At length, he fouud him in a vint , oer's shop, seemingly in a gloomy and ab sent state of mirid, reposing himself, vvith Ins legs stretched out on a form. The dealer called out to him, but beseemed not to hear. Finally, he seized Ziito by one luct, plucking at it with ail his might. The loot rari eaw ay with the leg end thigh ; and 2 Mo screamed out, apparently in great agony. He seized Michael by the nape of the ruck, and dragged him before a judge. Here Ihe two setup their separate complaint-', Michael and Ziito, for the ir ' reparable injury he hail suffered in Ins I person. From this adventure came the : proverb frequently used in the days of the j historian, sppakiug cf a person who had i made ar. improvident bargain— 44 He has madejust such a purchase as Michael did j with tie Logs." Work for Children. There is no greater delect in education i •1 • ! children than neglecting to accustom them jto work. It is hi) evil that attaches most i to large low us and cities. Our children j ; suffer from it. The parent considers i whether the child's work is necessary to i j him, and does not consider whether the j work is necessary or not to the child. ! i Nothing is more certain than that their ■ future independence and comforts much depend on being accustomed to provide ! I for ihe thousand constantly recurring wants that nature entails on us. If this were ! not so, still it preserves them from bad j habits ; it secures their health—it strength : ens both mind and body—it enables thein ■ better to bear the confinement of the j ' school room, and it lends more than any ; thing else to give them just views of life. 1 Il is too often the case that children, pro- ' vided they spend half a dozen hours of the day at school, are permitted to spend the ; rest as iliey please. They thus grow up in the world without n knowledge of its 1 toils and its cares. They view u through i a false medium. They cannot appreciate the favors you bestow, as they do not know the toils they cost. Their bodies und • j minds aie enervated, and they are con stantly exposed to whatever vicious asso- j ciutions are within their reach. The daughter probably becomes that pitiable, ! , helpless v-bject, a novel reading girl. The . son, if lie surmount the consequences of j your neglect, docs it probably alter his i plane and station for life are fixed, and • when know ledge, for one of its important j objects, comes too late No mau or woman is fully educated if not accustomed to manual labor. What- i ever accomplishments they possess—what- j ever their mental training, a deduction ! must be made for their ignorance of that 1 important chapter in the world's great book. MINU YOUR BUSINESS.— It is a com- J mon advice, but not the less judicious.— i W ho has not follies enough to answer for ! without prying into his neighbor's affairs ? j Is there a man living who has not been I imprudent at least once in his file What | if that imprudent step were whispered to the world ? Would it be just ? Then seek not to uncover the concealed fact.— Mind your own affairs, and look into your j own heart, and if you have not crimes and i follies enough to answer for, here's our j head ior a foot ball. EARLY IMPRESSIONS.—EarIv impressions ! are not easily erased ; the virgin wax is faithful to the signet, and subsequent im | prcssions seem rather to indent the former i ones than to eradicate them. If you nre courting a young lady, try : her temper by tearing her new dress, as if by accident. If she keeps equanimity loose not it moment in popping the mo- j mentous question. She'll do. SriDERS.—On the banks of the Atna- j zon, South America, spiders livo in con- ] gregaled societies of many thousands. — Taking posession of trees, they unite in ■ forming a net nearly over it and it this bo- j j comes injured, they labor to repair it lor i i their general good. 'Tart words make no friends ; a spoon -1 ful of honey will catch more llics than a ; gallon of vinegar. I\ew Series—Vol. 3 —Wo. 31. Hinges. Hinges. "P">ARN Door and Gitrden Gate Finges, with an assortment of all kinds ofioosc and last Joint Butte. rras—4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Shoemakers' Brushes, BRISTLES, Longstiek, Patent Awl Hafts, Rubbers, &.c., best assortment of all kinds of Slioo Findings and Shoe Kitts, for sale at tnas—lt. F. G. FRANCIBCU S'S Brass and Silver Harness Mount ing, V/"ERY low this season—B or 10 different ▼ styles can be had at mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S. | Timens & Sons' Siioe Pincers, 1^ ROM (X) to 5, hammered Cast Steel Shoo j Hammers, from 1 to 4; Shoe Thread, a most superior article, always on hand and for sale cheap fur cash, at inao-4t. F. G. FRAN CISC U S'S. Silver Tea, Dessert and Table Spoons, AM) four pronged Forks, for ecle very . low for cash by I • nias-4t. F. G. FR\NCISCUS. i Farmers will always find • | Forks, Shovels Spades, Hakes, and Hots, | e quality, selected expressly lr.r use, and at lowest cash prices, at mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S. i Wash Kettles, 25 to 30 gallons. C< OFFER Kettles, iron enamelled Presen ' ing Kettles, of different sizes. Braes ami Copper do., also pig and sheet Zinc &c. For sale very low at the store of mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Steel. Steel, Steel. CIASI STEEL, Shear do., English, Ger ' man, American and Swedes do., Sprin;- do. An assortment from 4to inches u'- wavs on hand, by F. G. FRANCISCUS. may 5, 1049—4t. Files ! Files ! Files ! O AND 4 square Files, from 34 to 11 inches. | O F:at, round, and half-round do. Hand Bastard and Smooth, Irom 1 to 16 inch. Mill Saw, Pill Saw do., all sizes, embracing ; by assortment some 160 packages, of double j refined ca.-t steel, first cut, at mas-4f. F. G FRANCISCUS'S. V¥7 E have constantly on hand a fine assorf | TT meni of Twines, Bedcords, Clothes j Lines, Ropes, Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, &c. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, march 24, 1849. Leather, Morocco, and Shoe Findings. A large assortment always on hand, and fur J\. sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, march 24, 1849. 15 'all Paper in sets, AND Z& i u & o U) a p t v bv the piece or quantity, for sslegiy F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, march 24, 1549. Groceries! GROCERIES. —A very large assortment of prime groceries, on hand. Fine Teas, from 5U cts. to SI.OO per pound. Extra syrup Molasses, at 50 cts. per gallon: for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. ! Lewistown, march 24, 1849. UHliiS A^IM 4E liave always on hand a large assort -1 ft ment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, , Glass, Dye Stuffs, il c., which we are prepared to sell, at retail or wholesale, very low for cash. Pure White Le .J, $2.00 per keg ; Jersey Glass 8 by 10, $4 25 to $4.50 per box ; Tur pentine and Varnish, low. Turpentine, at J6 cents per quart. Paint bruches, and all other kinds, at educ ed prices: a great variety of Patent Medicines. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, march 24, 1849. Paper. Paper. JUST received, an extensive assortment, consisting of Ordinary, Fine, and Extra Cap 4 > Do. do. and French Letter, v And Writing and Wrapping, ) i, PRJSTIS'd PAVER, 22 X 32, at $5 00 per bundle. OCT Law yers, Printers, and Merchants, who need paper by the ream, will fiud we can sup ply them at low iuuc es for cash. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, march 24, I *-49. Itfew Hardware Store'.! a T F. J. Hoffman's will le found a moat 1 2JL extensive assortment of Hardware, t \ low cash l'HiCEs; viz: Saddlery-ware ; Coach-ware ; Steel j A general assortment of Steel Springs Hoop and Sheet Iron; Wagon Boxes Cut and Wrought Nail-, Sad Irons; Hinges I Lucks of all kinds; Screws , Springs Latches; Knob.-; Bolls ; Forks; Spades j Shovels; Pans; Shovels and Tongs Knives and Forks; Table ami Tea Spoon* 1 Hand Saws ; Planes; Hatchets; Ac, Also, all kinds of shoe findings. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistow n, March 21, lt-49.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers