Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 19, 1849, Image 3

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France continue tranquil. The expedi
tion in aid of Pope Pius sailed on the 22d
u |t., and arrived ut Civita Vecchia, aud
would immediately proceed to Rome.—
It is understood thai the Pope will re
main at Gacta until the temper of bis re
volted subjects is first ascertained.
Sardinia. — The Sardinian Government
liate rejected the terms offered hy Aus
lna, and the two Governments are again at
issue. Tit® Piedmontese Ministers have
given flesh directions to the War Depart
ment to prepare for the immediate re
sumption of hostilities,
Austria. —The Austriaris have been
njain defeated in a general battle, and
\\Helen, the best General in the Austrian
service, as he has been called, has riot been
more succeesful against the Magyars than
was his predecessor. On the 20th, Wel
den concentrated all his forces, withdraw
ing even the garrison from the Pesth and
from the camp in the neighborhood of
(lien, for the purpose of making a gener
al combined attack upon the Hungarian
forces, Welden attacking them in thu front
and Jellachich and Schli-k taking them
in flank and rear. This grand combined
attack took place on the 2J and 21st, at
Gran, amended in the complete defeat of
The account states that the Austrian*
were driven back, with the loss of 20 guns
and 2000 prisoners, and that they bad been
compelled to raise the siege of Comoro.—
ll is rumored in Paris that a murderous
engagement has taken place under the walls
cf Cotnorn, in which Gorgey had defeated
the Austrian*, that the latter had evacuated
Pesth, and that the Hungarians were under
ihe walls of Vienna, it was reported at
Vienna, on the 19th, that an insurrection
had broken out at Cracow.
As an offset to the foregoing, it is assert
ed bv the Vienna correspondent of the
Constitutional Zeitung, writing under date
of April 20, 9 P. M., that the Hungarians
were totally defeated near Giron, their
loss in prisoners alone being 2000. The
Austrian Government has decided to credit
200.000,000 florins Hungarian Treasury
Bonds, which are to be paid when they
are subdued. A Gazette states that 40,-
000 Russians had entered Montravia by
the Huthowins ; they bring the answer of
the Cabinet of St. Petersburg to that of!
Olmutz, to the question on what condition I
Prussia would place her diplomatic and
material resources at the disposition of the ,
Austrian Government. It is said that the i
abandonment by Austria of all influence |
in the Danubian principalities, is the price
demanded by Russia for services.
Denmark. —Hostilities still continue to
be waged between Denmark and Prussia,
without any marked preponderance on
either side likely to affect the general issue.
A large body of German troops entered
Jutland on the 20th u!t.
The town of Raiding, which lies about a j
mile and a half from the frontier of Schles
wig and ten from the frontier of Fredoupa,
was taken by the Schleswig troops under 1
Gen. Borin on the 20th instant, fighting
continually for many hours in the streets
before the town was evacuted by the Danes. j
The loss in killed and wounded is not given. '
Hamburg papers of the 24th contain no
further intelligence from Raiding, except j
that the city has suffered much from fire. ;
The German troops are in quiet possession. ;
It is ascertained that steps have been ra j
ken to induce Leopold, king of the Bel- )
gisns, to act the part of mediator.—
Whether he will or not accept this office
is not yet known; the last accounts were
that the Danes were assembling in large
numbers on the heights beyond Raiding.
NAVLES AND SICILV. —The war between
these two powers still contiuues. Ihe ad
vantages 3re all on the side of Naples.—
In addition to Catania, Solo has surrender
ed lo the Neapolitan troops. Palermo
has also prepared to capitulate.
THE MARKETS. — The Htbernia brings
Liverpool date 9 down to the 28th all.—
Trade in Liverpool had been very dull. —
The London Money Market is represent- i
ed a-, being steady. Consols closed at 92 !
to 91 \ The French are firm.
BKKADSTUFFS. —ln breadstuff* the mar
ket has b-en dull. Wheat has declined 2d ,
to 3d. Flour declined fld. to 9d. We
give the following quotations ; —Western
Canal Flour, 235. to 235. 6d ; Philadal- j
piuaand Baltimore brands, 235. to23s. 6d. ,
UoTTnJf MARKET. —We have no mark- j
Ud change to notice in the transactions of j
the last week. We quote Uplands at 3|d. j
lo Cd.; Orleans 3£d. to o|d ; Alabama and
Mobile 3jd. to 4i<l-
from the New Orleans 1 icajune, MJ 8.
Bv the arrival of the ship I yrone, from
Vera Cruz, we have authentic accounts
from San Francisco to the 7th of March.
T: e annexed letters were brought down
from San Francisco to Mazallan by 4 ' r -
Parrot, who lately went to California as
nearer of dee patches- It will be seen j
'oai the steamship Cs .forma It is been en-
Prely deserted by ber new, which ac
f uii's for her non-arrival at Panama,
But we need not anticipate the letters
which we now append, and for which we
indebted to the courtesy of Mr. CI if- -
f "d, of the house of CiifFrd At Garr, of
"f.is cttv, to whom they were addressed
Pv htj partner, Mr. Andrew Garr. Mr.
Garr went up fruui the Isthmus in tho j
Lsliforiua :
Han FKAcI*CO, Mar. 2. 1849.
My Dear C.—l have the pleasure to <l
our safe arrival at this place on the
ultj, after a tedious passage of twen
ty fluyt from Panama. Wa were
Stained nearly a week at Montcisy, shout j
'" ie! y miles below this, in consequence j
being short of fuel; after taking j
t*tnty cord* wood, we arrived here with
about two hours' supply of fuel on band.
I have been on shore but a short time,
j and am heartily surprised with everything
that I see Speculationofall kinds is rife,
and exceeds anything I ever witnessed in
j Mississippi in ihe palmy days of '3O and
, i • Town lots are held at the must exorbi
i 'ant prices, and every lot-holder is worth
I h'ty to two hundred nnd fifty thousand
dollars. 1 have yet had no moans of as
certaining the stale of affairs generally, as
1 was prevented going on shore yesterdav
j in consequence of a severe cold, but be".
I lieve that there is an unnatural and fictitious
i value placed on every thing, which will
j soon be corrected. Merchandise and labor
. are extraordinarily high.
In relation to the mines, there is un
questionably an abundant supply of gold,
and it is continually discovered in new
| places. 1 lie gold region is now believed
: to extend down ns low as Lower Califor
SAN FRANCISCO, March 7, 1849.
My Dear C• —l vvrote to you a few
• days since on our arrival, and avail of the
detention of the vessel for Mazitlan, to
give you some iieins of matters and tilings
in this delectable country. In the first
place, so far as one can learn, gold stories
are all true. The consequence is that
labor, rents, provisions, A:e., are enor
mously high. Town property for cash is
beyond any thing ever heard of in a new
1 country, and lols are selling in this place
j froin five to twenty thousand dollars ; rents
! from five hundred lo one thousand dollars
per month. Carpenter's wages eight to
ten dollars per day. The steamer CaJi
fornia is deserted by every soul except the
captain and chief mate, and there is no
probability of her leaving under two or
three months. This is speculation on m\
pirl, for mere is no saying when she will
get either fuel or a crew.
Fifty to one hundred dollars per day is
nothing extraordinary for miners to make.
There is, however, some danger from In
dianß and our own countrymen, prowling
about the country, committing murder and
theft. Gold is very abundant and goods
high, and an immense popu
lation coming forward, who all resort to
the mines and return merely lo throw a
way the proceeds of their labor. In fact,
I can hardly give you an idea of tho state
of the country. Those who have been
here a year, with common industry and
prudence, are worth from twenty thousand
to two hundred dollars. I have not been
able to piocure board in the place, ami in
company with Mr. Frazer and young Du
cros, have pitched our tent a quarter of a
mile from town. Wages of servants $1.70
to S2OO per month, and in the course of
two or three weeks, when it will be season
able weather to go to the mines, none will
be had at any price. You may judge what
a state of things exists when common la
borers can go to the mines and return in
a month or six weeks with from one to
three thousand dollars in gold.
It is yet too early for the mass to start
to the mines, the weather having been
very inclement. Wo intend to go up to
the mines and see the country, aud have
formed a party of five for that purpose.—
The price of passage to Sutter's Fort is
$35 each and $3 per cut. for baggage'
and provisions. We have an idea of buy
ing a whale boat, the price is S7OO. From j
Sutters's Fort to tne Stanislaus the tr ins- j
portation is difficult and expensive, as a
team of oxen and wagon earn 8100 per ,
Gold is selling at 914 per ounce, but
is taken in trade at sl6. It is worth in
Valparaiso slß,and would net: in the Slates j
£l7, ill expenses paid.
St. Joseph, Mo., dated April 25;1i, say :
From what I have been able to ascer
tain, there appears to be a greater number
of emigrants rendezvousing at this point
than at Independence. At the commence
rnenl of the season this was not Htiticipa
led by the good people of the latter place,
or expected by tho business men or citi
zens c! St. Joseph.
The roads, in every direction, are lined
with wagons of emigrating paities frurn
the lower countries of Missouri, and from j
lowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois
The majority of these intended moving
leisurely as far as Fort Kearney and Coun- j
cil Bluffs, and there make iht r ti al start |
Up to this time at least three thousand j
emigrants ha*e arrived at this point, en
route for California. Several companies'
have already departed, and are now about
one hundred miles from the frontier; tl.ey
intended remaining in camp for some days
at Grand Island, which i* about two hun- |
dred and eighty miles distant. The roads i
from Independence, St. Joseph, Fort Kear
ny and Council Bluffs, there connect.—
The trying times to many w ill arise be
fore they succeed in reaching Grand Is- j
land- Postal communication ceases after ,
leaving their several places of rendezvous,
and the emigrant has no ready means to
communicate to his friends his progress,kc. j
From the Lexington, Mo., Express, we j
clip the following ;
Hardly on hour tn the day pas-es, but
what wagons may be seen passing nu their
way to California. Many, we learn, take |
the left hand road at Old Town, and go to
Independence. Others cross the river;
train after train are passing up.
A letter in the St. Louis Reveille, dated
near Fort Reainy, April 24th, says :
Wc are all in good spirits, aud have, 1
think, passed through almost the greatest
trials of our trip—tho '* breaking in" part
being generally the hardest part of an un
(iertakiug. Indeed, our early arrival here
has been very advantageous to us, ns we
shall be completely prepaied for 'he jour- j
ncy, for ita exposures and all emergencies, j
We'have nothing to apprehend from tho
Indians, not even the stealing of our ani
mals. This point has been selected by t
the Mormons as much the best route to
the States, either in returning or going out
and will be taken by those emigrating this
spring. Several hundred Mormons are
, expected here in a few days. The Buffa
! lo are very numerous two hundred and fif
ty miles front this. Advise friends to pro
, cure everything either at St. Louis, Inde
pendence or St. Joseph, as nothing but corn
i can be procured here, and even that not
| conveniently. This route is very desira
ble, the road, for several hundred miles,
| being unexcepttonably good; plenty of wa
iter is found in the valley of the Platte by
| digging two and a half feet, wherever
j they choose to camp. The water is bet
ter in warm weather than when procured
from the river. This is important to tra
; vellers, as they can stop t.> camp whenev
er t hey wish, and, besides after striking tho
Platte, The road is parallel with it for sev
eral hundred miles, i have r.ot learned
! about the facility of procuring wood, hut
i it is not so important as water and grass
j that is, if those emigrating are properly
! provided with pilot bread and dried meals
| as we are ; also with chafing dishes and
spirits of wine. We are thus entirely
: independent of wood and buffalo chips
i particularly when it rains— and can make
our coffee under the lent or in the wagon.
■■■■ " jwranmsnßiin
A UDI TOR'S NO TICK.— flie undersign
| XJL ed, Auditor, apininted by the Court oi
i Common Pleas of Midi in county, to make dis
i tribution of the monies in the hands of JAMES
; TURNER and JAMES BURNS, assignees of MI
: CHAEL ROLJSII, late of Derry township,
in said county, hereby notifies all'persons con
| cerneii, that he will attend for that purpose at
! Ins office in the borough of Lewistown, on
SAT (JRDAV, the lijth day of June next,
where they may attend if they see proper.
W. J. JACOBS, Auditor.
Lewistown, May 19, 18-49—4t.
A UDITOK'S NOT ICE —The undersigned
J.\. having been appointed an Auditor by the
Court of Miflhn county, to audit und distribute
the money in the hands of JOHN MORRISON,
administrator of the estate of M. MOODY,
deceased, ro aud among the creditors of said
decedent, he has appointed FRIDAI, the '£)lh
of June next, as the time, and the house of
Mrs. Eliza Butler, in New-ton Hamilton, as
the place, where he will attend for that pur
pose, and all persons interested are hereby no
tified to present themselves then and there, or
be thereafter debarred from coming m upon said
Newton Hamilton, May 19, ISl9—4r.
VI DITOR'fS NOTICE.—The subscriber,
Auditor, appointed by the Orphans" Court
of Mifflin county, to distribute the balance in
the hands of WILLIAM A. MOORE, Administra
tor of the estate ot DAVID SUNDERLAND,
late of Wayne township, Mifflin county, de
ceased, to and among the creditors of said
deceased, hereby gives notice that he will at
tend at the public house of T. p. McCoy, in
McVeytown, on ' Thursday, the Ith day of
June, 1849, to fulfil the duties of his appoint
ment, when and where all persons nterested
may attend.
May 12,1819—41.'
Auditor's Ftfotico.
r PIIE subscriber, appointed by the Court of
Common Pleas of Mifflin county to audit
and distribute the proceeds of the Real Estate
of (J. P. DUNCAN, now in the hands of D.
McK. Centner, Esq., Sheriff of Mifflin county,
hereby notifies and requires all persons claiming
said fund to attend at his office, in the borough
of Lewistown, on TIICR>DAV, the 7tii day of
June, 1849, at which time and place the said
fund will be auditid and distributed, or be de
barred from coming in for any share thereof.
A. P. JACOB, Auditor.
Lewistown, May .J, I?4'J— 4t.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.— The subscriber, ap
pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of
1M county to audit and distribute the pro
ceeds of the Heal Estate of MICHAEL CRIS
WELL aud J. V. CRISWKLL, now in the
hands of I). McK. Cuntner, Esq., Sheriff of
Mltiisn county, hereby notifies and requires all
persons claiming said fund to attend at his of
fice, in the borough of Lewistow N, on THCRS-
I'AV. the 7th day of June. 1 *49, at which time
and place the said fund will be audited and dis
tributed, or be debarred from coming in for any
share thereof. A P. JACOB, Auditor.
Lewistown, May 5, 1-849—4 T.
FTMLE Lykens Valley Coal Company will be
[ prepared to deliver Coal, on and after the
20th inst., at the Depot, Millersburg, Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, (at the head of the Wi
coniseo Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at
the following prices CASH :
Lump, broken and screened, £2.00 per ton.
Nut, 1-75 do.
Linicburners' screened, 1 do.
do. mixed, 75 do.
April 14, IT49— taugl .
RNILK partnership heretofore existing between
[ D. C. FRSIEVRM & WM. SIIIMP, in the
quarrying and flatting of stones, was dissolved ,
by mutual consent on the Ist day of March last. '
'I he books and accounts arc in the hands of
WM. Slump, who will settle ail accounts of
said (inn.
Lewistown, April 28, IRY 19—4t *
I AIRES and GENTLEMEN can ho oc
j commodated with boarding on reaf-onabio
terms at Mrs. McCAY'S, oil Main street, in
the house formerly occupied by Mrs. J. Mc-
Lewistown, April 21, 1849.
Tli** Jflary Aim Tliller
j r AS just arrived from the city, and has now
|H open at her residence in J\UIRKET
STkEET, opposite Mrs. Fusselinan y s, a
such as Gimps, Lace, Diamond Braid, Florence
Braids, and Casing Bonnets, together with
Flowers, Ribbons, and Fancy Goods of all kinds
and of all prices.
Whitening, Pressing, and Dress Making in
city fashion attended to at short notice, and on
the most reasonable terms.
U3Tho Ladies of Lewistown and vicinity
are respectfully invited to give her a call, as
she feels confident that she w ill be able to please
all who may thus favor her.
Lewistown, April 28, 1849—4t.
CIIIEESE. —A large stock of good Western
J Cheese for sale by . >
-■ v/" 115 bags Salt, 3£ bush, bags, $1.75.
| 350 bags fine DAIRV SALT, at 18J{ per bag.
Will be received in a few davs, 150 bbls. ot
j May 5. 1849—St.
*VEH° aoons.
J The subscribers have received direct from Cin
cinnati and Pittsburgh—
| "J bbls. o!d Monongahela WHISKEY.
J. 15,1KK) lbs. Mains, Shoulders, and
j 5 casks Cincinnati Sugar Cured MAMS.
150 bbls. super-extra FLOUR.
25 bbls. Ohio White BEANS.
50 bags " DIM F.I) APPLES.
30 bags Indiana DRIED PEACHES.
I 25 dozen Ohio BROOMS.
15(H) lbs. Ohio DRIED BEEF.
30 boxes Pittsburgh dipped CANDLES.
10 " " mould do.
5 bbls. No. 1 Leaf LARD.
3 bbls. Super. Cincinnati LARD OIL.
MERCHAXTS can be supplied with any
of the above articles at Philadelphia prices,
and thus save cost ot transportation.
We have also on band a large assortment of
Dry Uoods Ac i* roc cries.
Piease call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. KENNEDY & PORTER.
Lewistown, May 5, 10-19—3t.
/. B. Z V7 ARB.
CU T Li : Y ,
§ad<iit>ry Ac toncli-ware.
f|>ilE subscriber has on hand, and is now
i A constantly receiving, the largest and best
assorted stock ever offered to the public, which
will be sold low for cash, the prices being
sucli as to defy all competition, while the stock,
| as regards quality and quantity, stands uuri
! vailed.
Thankful for past patronage, he hopes to
merit a continuance of the same by always
keeping on hand a general and well assorted
stock of all kinds ot HARDWARE, &.C., em
braced in this line of business.
Lewistown, may 5, 1049 It.
i TTOUSEKEEPERS will be pleased with our
i stock, (suitable and needful tor their pur
poses,; of ail kinds, qualities, styles and pat
| terns. Shovels and Tongs, with brass, iron or
! steel heads; silver, brass, steel ar.d iron Snuf
; tors. Britannia Tea and Coffee Pots.
do. Sugar and Wash Bowls
do. Cream Bowls
do. 'fable and Tea Spoons
Pots, Kettles, Boilers, Grid Irons, Stew and
Sauce Pans, Tea and Coffee Kettles.
mas-4f. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
iron ! Iron !
lIIAVE now on hand an extensive assort
ment of Iron, consisting of Nail Rods;
Horse-shoe Iron; Buggy and other Tyre, 4,
5-10, and J inches round, and 5-10, jj,
and finches square; Scollop, Moop, Band, and
other Iron. and other per
sons wanting iron will find it their interest to
give me a call, as I shall sell LOW FOR CASH.
Lewistown. May 12, 1*49.
A if I: ws l I* P MTY
NT N" BUOY has just returned from the city
x I • with the largest, cheapest, ami most
select assortment of
ClockH Watches, & Jewelry
evcr °ff erc d f° r B*'® * n
Lewistown ; embracing in
L'reat variety every de
"//* scri P' lon 011 WATCHES,
V[ N "jiCTg ' roui Gold Patent Levers
\ , yffirP down to the ordinary Sil
ver Quartier; Clocks of
ail kinds. Musical Boxes,
Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Ladles, Sugar
Tongs, Butter Knives. Gold Pens and Pencils,
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and
silver Spectacles, silver 3in rubles, Roger®'
Cutlery, 6LC , Ckc.
These articles were all purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will be sold at a GREAT
REot'cTioN fiom the price they have hitherto
conimanded. The ladies and gentlemen are
respectfully invited to call uiul examine the
0O~C!ocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
SILVER taken in exchange for all
articles he has for sale.
Lewistown, May 5, I^49—tf.
f B3H F. subscriber has now on bund and
-*• will continue to manufacture
of various kinds and sizes, out of the best ma- ,
terin I ever before used for the manufacturing
of the article in this country. The
of his ware, should give it the preference over
the stone-ware, inasmuch as there is no dan- '
ger ot any loss trom scalding it or putting ap
ple butter hot into them. His retail prices
will not exceed 8 cents per gallon, tor such
ware as is generally used for apple butter or ;
milk. He also keeps a wagon, to deliver
ware to any merchant, at a reasonable dis
tance, who may he disposed to favor him with
his custom.
(gv~To wholesale purchasers the usual dis- j
count will he given.
Lewistown, May I'd, 1849—tf.
r|NHE Brady Regiment ot Volunteers are
JL hereby ordered to parade for Review and
Inspection on the 21st dav of May, instant, at
such place as the commanding officer may di- I
Brig. Insp., Ist Brig. 10th L)IV., P. M.
Lewistown, May 5, 1849 — td.
-1 teers, are hereby directed and required to
parade in the borough of Mifflintown, Juniata
county, on MONDAY, May 21*1, 1849, pro- j
perly armed and equipped according to law.
Bv order of Col. HA i.E.
A. P. LUSK, Adjutant. !
Mav 12, 1*49 td.
A alt.utile Real INlalc at
f Mtllf, SUBSCRIBER otlers at Private
j Sale, a good Two Story Stone Dwel
,in s MOUSE, with lot and other
iL^ improvements , situate in the
borough of Newton Hamilton.
j A LOT at the Lock below said *
I borough, lying along the Canal
i and close by the Central
| road, being one of the best locations tor a
j Grocery Store in the county.
The titles are unquestionable. For further
j information apply to Judge Criswell, in New
ton Hamilton, or to the subscriber in McVey
town. A. J. NORTH.
McVeytnwn, May 12, 1849—(it.
Valuable Properly at
; fiNllL subscriber offers at private sale that
Jt valuable farm known as " LOCKPORT," on
which he now resides, situate in Oliver town
ship, Miffim county.about 7 miles from iM'Vey
town, and 8 miles from Lewistown, containing
109 Acres,
more or less, of river bottom land, in a high
state of cultivation. The improvements con
sist of a plastered two story FARM Jaw/I
HOUSE, Bank Barn, with insur- J.
ance on it; a Store House at the |
basin, with tenant houses and
shop suitable for any mechanical business, a
j§|f :TA MANSION HOUSE, 24 by 40
jpafl 11 |j& feet, with kilehen, wood house,
gjaalS3re&bake house, smoke house, two
story spring house, good stabling, and other out
buildings, a fountain ot good water at the door,
together with a large van Ay ot choice FRUIT
TREES, such as apricots, nectarines, peaches,
pears, apples, cherries, plums, &c.
There is on tiiia property a water power ot
22£ feet tall, sufficient to drive any machinery.
From its situation—being on (he Pennsylvania
Canal—its contiguity to the Central Railroad,
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river— its convenience to schools, three churches,
&c., this tarrn commends itself to the attention
of all who seek an agreeable and convenient
Persons desirous of purchasing are requested
to call and examine the property. The terms
wili be made to accommodate purchasers.
March 17, 1849-om.
Lancaster Examiner copy to amount of $4
and charge this office.
Valuable Real INfale and
fiill Property
r |NHR subscriber offers at PRIVATE RALE that
JL valuable farm ot LIM E S TO X E
L.4 X J), situate in Kishacoquillas Valley,
Miffim county ccntainirg
150 Acros,
more or ies®. The improvements are a
with three run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
ping Stones, all in full operation and in good
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good
run of custom. Also, a
and FRAME llOUSEforthe mil'er.
On the farm there is a good FRAME
I*"*®* nod large BARN, and aJtSSSSSSIg
iiiiiSS? YOUNG ORCHARD ot choice
4£SUB£3£ iruit trees.
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. There is likewise a goixl appear- i
anca of Iron Ore of the best quality, known as
the "Greenwood Ore." This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha
coquillas creek, i never failing stream of lime
stone water.
This estate will be sold together or separate
to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms, &c ,by calling on Mr. WILLIAM Mr-
CLEI.LAX living in the neighborhood.
March 17, 1649—tf.
f|N HE subscriber has taken the Lewistown
JL Mills, and wishes to buy a large quantity of!
All Kinds of fx rain,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FINDS, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having g(>od
Wheat will do well to call and show a sample
of it, as lie thinks he can afford to give more
than any otiier person in the place, the mili j
boing situated on the creek, where flour can
be loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling, j
If wheat brings a better price than it will at- j
ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time and labor in hoisting by j
water power. OK, HK WILL RECEIVE ON STOR- j
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
" Received, Lewistown Mills, of .4. 11., j
ll'Aeaf, to be kept in store till the first of Au- j
gust unless disposed of sooner."
When the receipt is given thequality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell, i
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re- !
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till alter the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. II shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the j
first of August, the storage will he ONE-HALF i
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be clear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Piaster, Fisli Sail tinl Groceries
ot all kinds, which will he sold low for casli to
Farmers, by the quantity.
(gS"FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low tor cash.
N. B. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as j
my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, 1849 —ly.
French Kitt Files&t?'hoc Hasps,
IN ROM 5 to 10 inches, assorted, flat and j
concave, at the store of
mus-4t. F. ir. FRANCISCUS.
| /'Ari LBS. Iron, Brass, Steel andf'>(•-
A""® / per WIRE, assorted numbers, it
mas-4t. F. O.FKANCISCUS'S.
("1 ONS, Bowie and Dirk Knives, and double
and single barrelled Pistols, by
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
BLACKSMITHS' and Coopers' Tools, ol"
all kinds, at
MOROCCO Leather and Shoe Findings,
on hand and for sale by
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
BRASS Cocks, lead Faucelts, cedar Spigois
Connecting and Stop Cocks, at
mas-4i. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Cedar Ware. Cedar Ware.
BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, &.c., at
ma3-4t F. G. FRANCISCUS.
500 lbs. Red Leather,
I AOR sale at the lowest prices.
. ma 5-41. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
from two plates to six plates—warranted
not second quality, at
mjs—ll. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
DOZEN pairs red wagon Ilaimes, lor
sale almost at the same price that it
costs to iron an ordinary pair, at
mas-41. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S
/!• DOZEN Westmoreland county wagon
O Hairnes, a truly superior article, expect
ed in a tew days, at
mas-4i. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Bed Screws. Bed Screws,
AND all kinds of Cabinet Hardware, cheap
er than the cheapest, at
nias-lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
25 Boxes Tin Blotcs y
IRON, tinned, and copper Rive's, stove door
and belting Rivets, for sale now by
Blacksmith's Vices,
250, at very reduced nrices.
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Lead Pipes. Lead Pipes,
OF all sizes, on hand. Orders received for
anv particular large quantity at
u 'agon and Buggy Boxes,
ONE Thousand Founds, from 2J to 5A
inches, singie or setts, by
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Ci AME Bags, single and double Shot Belts
A Powder Pouches, Shot do., Rifle and
Powder Flasks, Powder Horns, Hunting Caps,
&c., with an assortment of hunter's materials.
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Pittsburgh Chains,
OF various kinds; Traces, Butt Chains,
double Breast Chains, all of double link,
manufactured at Pittsburgh, and tor sale at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Iron. Iron. Iron.
ROUND Iron, from £ to 1 inch, American
Sheet do., English and Russian do., Hoop
do., from to 3 inches, at
mays-4t. F. G. FRANCISCL'S'S.
White Lead, at $2,00 per Keg,
of Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Glue,
O and Red Lead, with an assortment of
Paints and Paint Brushes, at
rnas-4t. F. G. FRAXCISCUS'S.
300 pair of Lasts, Boot Trees,
Clamps, &c.,
VOW in store and for sale, wholesale and
1M retail. All lasts that do not piease may
be returned.
mas—4i. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Mantel Ornaments,
OF splendid styles, such as GIRONDOI.ES,
English Waiters, truly splendid, and brass and
silver plated Candlesticks, at
mas-41. F. G. FRAXCISCUS'S.
L ./ MPS.
V GREAT variety, very low. Just call
and see them at
mas-4t, F. G. FR ANCISCUS'S.
S a (1 <1 I e r y,
The same of Coach Ware.
ON hand, the largest and most beautiful as
sortment of spring Laces, Oil Carpets,
&c., which may be bought cheap at
mas-4t. F. G. FR ANCISCUS'S.
House Builders, Ho!
PLEASE call and see us before purchasing
your Hardware, which we o.fer TEX
per rent, lower than the lowest market prices.
We have, and are receiving, all the new
and most useful styles of Locks. Latches, and
Bolts, Shutter, Window, and Blind Fastener*,
which we will be pleased to dispose of on rea
sonable terms. Call on
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Saws ! Saws! Saws!
HOE & CO.'S New York Circular Saw,
14 to 20 inches.
Mill Saws do. fi feet cast steel.
Rowland's Mill and ( ross cut do.
to 4 feet framing do.
3A feet veneering do.
Blue Back, 10 to2o inches, do.
Boat Builders' and Cabinet Make's' 12 to 30
inch Webb Saws, verv low for cash at
mas-4t. F. G. FR ANCISCUS'S.
Tabic Cutlery,
Pen Knives Pocket Knives,
VT ail prices, some of the most beautiful
articles ever offered for sale in this coun
ty. Persons wanting n very superior article >t
the above, cannot fail to be pleased with the
qualify and low prices, at which I
mas—li. K.U.VItASiCISCtIA