Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 12, 1849, Image 4

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Wow's the chance (o sell your grain if left
at the STORE of
U iiliniii Tlai'ks & Son,
Fonvartiin?, Commission & Produce Mcrclianlsi
YV I,(,are P rf *P t0 receive andstoreall
▼ v kinds ot grain and produce at thai large,
convenient, and well known store house, on the
cacal, known as STERRETT £: POTTER'S V\ are
house. All kir.tlsof grain and prodace stored
with us will he prompiy forwarded at the ear
liest opportunity, by our own boats, which are
commanded by safe and experienced Captains.
The grain and produce will be sold to the best
advantage to the farmer, and the money arising
from the sale ot the same paid over to the
owner or owners as soon as .remittances can be
had from the city. We shall a I ways calculate
to pay the farmer in the very best par money
that is atioat. OCM Liberal cash advances
made on ali produce deposited in store.
Lewistown, Mifflin co., Pa.
N. B. Sal!, Plaster, Fish and
COAL, always on hand
Hon. A. S. Wilson, ~)
Dr. T. A. Worrsll,
" Joseph B, Ard,
E. L. Benedict, Esq., J
Ephraim Banks, "
m are s i l, LewistowD, Pa.
Messrs. \Va'tson& Jacob, ,
" J<s. Milliken&son, j
Mr. F. McCoy,
" R. F. Ellis,
44 James Turner,
44 Samtiei Frank. j
Lewistown, Jan. 1, 1349—6in09.
—____ 1
PhiiacSel{>iiia Advert isciift'ts.
APPrB T O \ ' s
164 Chcsiiut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildings,
J/" NO WING the wants of the community, the Proprie- j
tor of this EsniuißXlir has fitted up a store in
the most eleguit manner, having due regard to the mm- !
fort of his customers, so that every stranger visiting his :
Book-store, may feel ennrelv at home
of Books is classified according to the various Depart
ments of Literature, so that visiters can find the Books
they are in search of f r ihetrselvs. Buying bis stock '
for the most nnrt at the Arcno.N sales, and being con- j
netted with on- of b? largest Publishing Ifvlots in this i
country, besides pahlishing largely himself, enables him j
to s< ii ali. Books at I
JL owe r Prices
"than any other house of a similar character on this con
tineni. Ilis facilities for the Importation of Books from
Kurope are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Estab-
Jisbmenl in London, where orders of private gentlemen
are carefully executed and forwarded to this cohntry by
every steamlb and packet.
of Books with the price- attached is issued
containing Lists of New additions made U> his large col
lection, v. hlch are in all cases for sale at the
or. from 05 to 75 per cent below publishers' prices. Thus
in buying even a ftv Hooks, quite a considerable amount
is saved. As a still further
to strangers visiting the city, everyone who purchases
One Dollar's aorth of Books, will receive a copy of the
volume, the price of which is 25 cents.
OThe limits of an advertisement are 100 confined to
enumerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even
a faint Idea of the immense advantages to be derived from
purchasing at the Great Central Cheap Book Store, but
Jet at! who are in search of hooks send for a Catalogue,
and buy the Books they are in want of,and wben visiting
the city, give Applelon one call, and you will be sure to
Call aoaix.
1n all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The
Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note Paper, neat
ly stamped in the corner, without charge.
Br Orders for any article may be ent by mail, addressed
to the proprietor, and the directions in all cases will be
fully carried out, with great punctuality and de-pat. h
Orders for Catalogues should be pre paid.
Bookseller, Publisher Importer, and Stationer,
164 C htsnut Street, corner of Seventh,
May 5, IdS'J —3m Swuim's Building.
JSo. 260 Market street, above Eighth,
(South side,)
THIS large and splendid Hotel lias been furnished with
-*• entire new furniture. Tbe 'Bar Room is the largest
In Philadelphia. The Parlors and Sitting Rooms are en
tirely .eparated from the noi-e and hurtle, consequent to
the arrival and departure of cars. The Portico extend
ing the whole front of the house, aiTords a cool retreat in
warm weather, ard a splendid view of Uie greatest tho
roughfare in lhe city.
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished—the Table as
well provided for as at any oiher Hotel, with every atten
tion of the managers to make it the best Hotel for Mer
chants and Business Men. during their stay in the city.
The terms will be ose dollar per day On tbe arrival
of tbe Cars from the West, a Porter will be in attend
ance to convey baggage, ice to the Hotel, which is ad-
Joining tbe depot. feblO—6m
MlX,til I.US' urn,
FoiirtSi St reel,
Between Arch and Market, Philadelphia.
tpUR PROPRIETORSHIP and management of this
well know n hotel, (which is located in the very cen
tre of ha rness,) having passed int. the hands of tire sub
scribers, they l g leave to state that it is Ibeir purpose
to render it worthy of the Literal patronage with which
it has he* ii in-retofore sustained, and hope, by unremit
ting attention, to deserve lhe patronage of their friends,
who may visit lhe city on business or pleasure
c. Si. J. McKIBBIN,
Formerly of the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh
Philadelphia, May 5, Hi! 9.
The Cheapest Wholesale House in the U. S.
You can save 10 per cent. l>y culling at
Wl3l. S. Ifobf>!!>*' kloi'P,
No Sfttf North Second street, 6 doors above Callow hill,
Opposite the Lamb Tavern, Philadelphia, Pa.
I HAVE .\." 4 W ON HAND,
600,000 Large size Common .Sugars, $1.60 to $1.".0
_per thousand.
500.000 Best quality Half Spanish, $1 12 to $5.25 per
300,000 Best Heed and Cuba Hues, #5 00 to $7 00 per
200.000 Fine Havana Sugars, SIO.OO to #16.00 per
vLXITo 2 r L'svendisb and
assortment of a genera.
Havana and American Leaf Tobacco.
Also. Smoking Tobacco; Scotch, Rsppee and Macsbau
flnuffs, of .be best quality. Also, p ipeß , „ e4<Je
am) everything belonging to the business. Call and you
will be well pleased. roays—lm
LAIJIKH' tHippcre, at !pw nricpe, by
Iflt Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Office No. 159 Chesnut Street.
Capital $300,000.
Charter Perpetual.
OONTINUK to make Insurances on Lives on the most
; L favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and
j receive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid up and invested, together with
j accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to
• the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, hal.
j vearly, or quarterly payments
I ' The Company add a" BON US at elated periods to the
j insurances for fife. This plan of insurance is the most
j approved of, and is more generally In use than any other
I in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by
t the people, and where they have bad the longesl expert
! ence,) as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Insu-
I ranee Companies there, of all kinds, S7 are on this plan,
j The first BONUS was appropriated in December, 1814,
' amounting to 10 per rent, on the sum insured under the
j oldest policies ; to 9| per cent., 7£ per cent. &.c., tic., on
! others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
| addition of #100; #87.50; #75, Ate., Ate., to every #IOOO,
| originally insured, which is an average of more than 50
percent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing
the annual payment to the company.
The operation of the Bonus will be seen by the follow
ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of the
Company, tiius :
Hum Bonus or Amount of Policy and
Policy. Insured. Addition. Bonus payable at the
, party's decease.
No. 58 j JlflOO glbolw #l.lOO 00
44 #8 I 2.500 250 00 2,750 00
44 205 j 4,000 400 00 4,400 00
44 270 2,000 175 00 2,175 00
44 333 j 5,000 437 50 5,437 si
n~ Pamphlets containing the table of rates, and ex
planations of the subject; Forms of Application, atui
further information can be had at the office, gratis, in
person or bv letter, addressed to th** President or Actuary
15. W. RICHARDS, President.
Jno. F. JAMES, Actuary. [*j;23:ln
Shad, |
Salmon I Constantly on hand and
Herrings, ! , p i°. r
Pi / J - i ALMLK & Co.,
r c , 1 Street Wharf,
Hams and Sides, \ PHILADELPHIA.
Lard and Cheese, J Feb. 24, 1349—8 m
Wholesale Corainission Agent,
No. 54 Nor Hi Wharves,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 21, 1349—1y
Trimmings Cheap far Cash.
173 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Tf AH for sale a large and handsome assortment of
** Trimmings such as Zephyr Worsted, Patterns, Steel
Reads, Purse Silks, spool Cotton, Hew mg Silk, Needles,
Pins, Tidy Cotton, Perfumery, French, English, Ger
man and American Fancy Goods, A.c , i heap rul Cash
Wholesale and retail, at the THREAD AND NEEDLE
STORE, 178 CIIEST.YUT St , Philadelphia
P S Also, sole Agent for firinghurti's Celeb rated
Hair Mixture., for removing Dandruff and Dressing the
Hair, giving il a fine glossy appearance
March 24, I9-3mo.
Ao. 63 Worth Tmrd Street, above Arch,
/AFTER the following articles of a very superior quali-
ty. Country merchants will do well to call and exa
mine the same, as a liberal discount will be made to
those who purchase to sell again.
LlQUOßS—Brandies, various kinds; Holland Gin,
do.; very superior Jamaica Spirits; Irish and Scotch
Whiskey; Apple Whiskey, Monongaliela Whiskey, very
old; Virginia Peach Brandy.
W I.N CM—Superior Old Sherry Wine; Madeira Wine;
Port Wines of different kinds; superior Teneriffe; Lis
bon and Muscatel; Sweet Malaga; superior Ctaret
CORDIAL S —Maraschino ; Curacao ; Raspberry
Cogniac; Blackberry do ; Cream de Noyau; Cream de
Annisette; Huiledeßose; Extract of Absintbe; Perfect
Love Cordial; Lemon Cordial; Life of Man Cordial;
Peppermint Cordial; Wine Bitters; Tansev Bttiers; Lav
ender Bitters; Peppermint Bitters.
SYRUPS—Lemon Syrup; Ginger Syrup; Sarsapa
rilla Hyrup; plain Syrup.
Fine Bottled Wt.YES, for medical purposes, such as
Madeira, Sherry, Port, 4cc. mh3l—3m
Alonzo Joliiibion^
NK W S 1 Oftt E ,
Wo. 14 Worth Second Street, a few doors
above Market,
AT ANL FACTURER of Transparent Window Shades,
- Reed Blinds, Paper Curtains and Veniltan Blinds, of
all tbe different sizes, varying in price, from Six 'k.ntk
toTwtxrv Dollars a piece. Ali the new styles of ev
ery description of patterns, and of the latest fashions of
different colors, and a variety of Trimmings of all kinds
Also, beautiful TABLE and OIL CLOTH in patterns
and in pieces. Oil Cloths for floors. Patent Coach Cur
tains for Wagon Covers of a superior article, any w idlh,
double or single, of tbe finest finish, and a splendid as
Old Blinds painted and trimmed over, to look equal to
new, at a very little expense, or taken in exchange for
: new.
He has on hand the largest and most complete and beau
tiful assortment of the above articles, at 25 per cent,
cheaper than any other establishment in the city, Whole
sale and Retail, at reduced prices.
t>Merchants and olbers are invited to call before pur
chasing elsewhere, as it will be to their advantage
• >Any of the above goods made to order, or carefully
packed, so they ran be sent any distance willioul injury.
Other Manufacturers supplied with Hlals, Fronts. Heads,
or Pulley's, at the lowest prices.
March 31. 1842-ly.
The Cheapest 4" most Splendid assortment of
N" ) Iscvt i* la.'hloiiui*, \ No.
i 4 1 3 3 Market Street, 1413
a few doo-rs above Eleventh, Worth side,
1 I Just received by late arrivals, from lhe most rel
ebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and
judiciously selected assortment of GOLD and SILFF.R
H ATCHES, which lie will sell ciikam:b than any oilier
establishment in the United Htates. Among the assort
ment will be. found :
Gold Levers, Iflk. eases, full jewelled, #3O
Silver Levers, full jewelled, 15
Gold I'Epines, 18 lc. cases, jewelled, 25
-Silver I'Epines, jewelled, 10
j " Quartier Watches, 4to #lO
" Tea Spoons, equal to coin, per set, 4.50
44 Dessert " 44 m 10 00
j " Table, 44 41 44 15 00
| Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich
Jewelry, See , A.c.
GOLD CHAINS, of various style, from the best Man
j ufacturers.
, e>Please preetvc this advertisement, and rail at
j No 413 Market street, above Eleventh, North side.
' .i!^ 1 to * Ve fiold and v f Levers, still cheaper than the
, Cir;rrbto- 3 A m hhera ' di * coun! ma,,e to ih# tr^
I |YLACK AND RED INKS, for ,ale by
At the Old Established Stand
No. G North Third Street,
Three door*above Market Street, PHILADELPHIA,
' commencing at 7 o'clock, a large assortment of
Locks. Latches, Bolts. Trace and Halter Chains, Tad
Locks, Closet do , Hand Saws, Iron Back do., (Inns, Pis
tols, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, dig and
Carriage Whips, Wagon do., Travelling Trunks, Slates,
Pencils, Japanned Waiters and Trays, French Accotde
ons. Violins and Bows, Table and Tea Spoons, Braces
and Bits, Chisels, Ctirrv Combs, Knives and Forks of all
kinds, Butcher and Shoe Knives, and a large assortment
of other goods, Trimmings, Small Wares, A.c.
4>AII goods warranted equal to representation, and
will be sold ill lots to suit purchasers inhlT—Jin
fpilK subscribers respectfully inform Country Merchants
4- and others that they are constantly manufacturing and
keep on band, a large assortment of the best BRITAN
NIA WARE. In their stock will be found :
SPITTOONS, Sec.. ice.
We will warrant our stock equal to any in the market,
and purchasers will find it to their advantage to cull be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Feb. 17, '49-3 m. No. 104 Third street, Phil'a.
It. •¥. William*,
A o. 12 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia,
Yciiiliaii Hliltd and Window
Shade manufacturer.
(Awarded the first and highest MEDALS at the New
Aork, Baltimore, and Philadelphia Eiliiiutioiig, for the
superiority of his Blinds, with confirmed confidence in
his manufacture,) asks the attention of p irrliasers to his
assortment of 2000 Blinds, of narrow and wide slats,
with fancy and plain Triinmir.es, of new styles and col
ors. Also, a large and general assortment of TRANSPA
RENT WIXDOW SHADES, all of which he will sell at the
lowest cash price*.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new.
*>DKALERB supplied on liberal terms.The riti
r.ens of Mifflin coimry are respectfully invited to call be
fore buying elsewhere—confident of pleasing all.
March 24, 1649—3 m.
TTIHE subscriber, have on band thelargest assortment of
WALL PABEBS in the city of Pniladelphia,
consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries.
Dining Rooms, Chambers, lev , which for quality and
style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business, we
are enabled to sell a better article, at a
than any store doing a TBADII Btsi-uss. On hand, a
lirge assortment of •> IDE I'AJ'IC , for Curtains,
fire Prints, Borders, A.C., which will be sold very low
for <aah Paper Hanging done in the country at cit,
N. B Dealers are invited to call and examine their
stock before purchasing elsev here
No. 142, Arch street, s rntbule, Philadelphia.
April 14, 1849 3m
Improved Wire TOaniifaciory.
Stive, Riddle, Screen mid
Wire* t'lofli .flatiufactory,
Ad. 46 NOR TH FRONT Street,
Between Market anil Arch Bt., Corner of Comb's Alley,
TVIF. subscribers continue to manufacture, of a si psnioa
* QUALITY , "ILL kinds of PI.AIM and OR.YAMKMT.-L
It'tßK iron fe. such as Sieves, Riddles, Screens. Sec. for
■ill kinds of Grain, Seeds. Sand, Ore, Snuff, Siari h, Brii k
lust. Ac Founders' Sieves of a superior quality con
stantly on hand. Also, Safes, Wire Dish Covers, Sofa
Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, dec.
Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering,
Flower Stands, Trainers. Trellis work for Grape Vines,
kr. Also, Wire Fencing of every description.
Orders thankfully received and prunptli executed by
WATSON <& cox.
Philadelphia, March 10, 1849 3rn.
Manufacturer of Donnelly's Upright Safety Glazed Cap
suied Blue
And United States Oil Paste Blacking,
No. 63 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
THESE Matches arc justly considered the best in the
United states; they are free from unpleasant smell,
and can be introduced with perfect safety into all Stores
and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years.
The Blacking is of superior quality, and free from any
ingredient that impairs the leather.
to their interest to call and see for themselves.
N. B An assortment of Matches of various New York
Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes—also,
packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to any part of
the world. JOHN DONNELLY,
Late of2o Bank street, now h3 North Third street.
March 24, 1849—1y.
The largest concern in the U. States.
No. 233 North SECOND Street, above VINE, and No
318 MARKET Street, above TENTH.
MOTTO!— Small profits and quick sale*.
VARIETY ! —Entirely unsurpassed and unequalled.
COMPETITION Far, very far IU the back ground.
We offer, among others, this season :
The Celebrated Empire Cook, the genuine
Honey's Economist—a new and prime stove.
Leibrandt's Ole Bull Cook.
The Philadelphia Air-Tight.
The Our Stoves for C<joking, new k splendid patterns.
The New Pattern Completes, 3 sizes, do. do.
The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do.
A splendid assortment of Radiators for Parlors, Cannon
Radiators, Air-tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Churches,
Sec , ice..,ice, 100 numerous to mention.
Hepteinher.Q, 1948—liny 20.
Philadelphia Medical House,
"PSTABLIKHED 15 yearsago.hy Dr KINKEI.IN. Tim
oldest,surest and best hand loctireall forms <>fsc< ret
diseases ofthe skin, and solitary habits of youth, is l)R
KINKEI.IN, Northwest corner of THIRD and UNION
ritreets, between Spruce and Pine, a square-aud a half
from the Exchange, Philadelphia.
I here is a habit whir h boys teach each other at the
Academy or College—a habit indulged in when by him
self, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood;
few of those who itidulgoin this pernicious practice are
aware of the consequences until they find the nervous
system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable fill
irigs, \Wgue fears in the mip-t The individual becomes
feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or
to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak,
he is dull irresolute.
Persons of all ages can now judge wbal is the cause of
their declining healln, losing ihcii vigor, becoming w eak,
pale and emaciated.
Let no false modesty deter you from malting your case
known to one who, from education and respectability,
can alone befriend you. lie who places himself under
Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide In Ins
honor as a gentleman, and In whose bosom YVIII be for
ever locked the secret ofthe patient.
Thousands have been restored to health, from the de
vastations of those terrific maladies by Da. KINKELAND,
German Physician.
warded, by sending a remittance, and put up secure from
A> POST-SAID LETTESS answered forthwlih
Phlledslphia, January 37, 1819 ly. ,
The following list of Books is for sale by
Plutarch's Lives.
; Songs for the People.
Juuius Letters, by Woodfall.
Nineveh and its remains.
Lecture on Science, by Dr. Lardner.
Prescott's Conquest of Mexico.
44 " of Peru.
Memoirs of Rev. Dr. Milnor.
Thier's French Revolution.
The Family Shakespeare, by Rowdier.
Charlotte Elizabeth's Works.
, Lawrence Sterne's Works, Illustrated,
i Dick's Works.
Byron's Works, illustrated, gilt parlor edition,
j Lamartine's History of the Girondists.
! Life of Wilberforce.
Gleanings by the way, by Rev. J. A. Clark,D.D.
I The Pastor's Testimony 44 44
: Gathered Fragments, " "
| The Young Disciple, ** " "
i Awake thou Sleeper " 44
; Walk about Zion " "
t Tour of Duty in California, by P. W. Revere,
j The Sacred Mountains, by J. T. Headley.
| Washington Irving's Works,
j Life and Times of Philip Henry,
j Napoleon Louis Bonaparte
I The Artist's Married Life, by Leopold Schefer.
: Book of Illustrious Mechanics.
A call to the unconverted, by Baxter,
j Saint's Rest, " 44
I Sarah B. Juddson, by Fanny Forrester.
I Chamber's Miscellany of useful and entertain
ing knowledge, 30 vols.
McCau ley's History of England,
j Webster's Dictionary, unabridged.
Analysis of the principles of Rhetorical Deliv
j cry, by Ebenezer Porter, D. D.
Lives of distinguished Shoemakers, from St.
Crispin to the benevolent Jtio. Pounds.
! Don Quixote's Adventures, (2 vols.)
A beautiful collection of Poeius, (32 mo.)
i Kirk White's Poems, fancy bound, gilt edged.
, Paradise Lost, do do
44 Regained, do do
I Young's Night Thoughts, do do
j Language of Flowers, 18 mo., 'J&P.
44 32 44 do
! Cowper's Poems, gilt parlor edition.
Mrs. Hemans's Poetical Works
' Pollock's Course of Time, 32 mo., gilt. -
, Montgomery's Poems, do do
j Burns's Poems, do do
| Lalla Rookh, do do
j Byron's Poeins, do do
! Goldsmith's and Gray's Poems, do
j Thompson's Seasons, do do
Pope's Poet'cai Works, illustrated parlor edit'n
Heroic Women of the Revolution, by Mrs.Ellet
Sears' Scenes and Sketches.
j Wonders of the World,
i British Essayist.
' Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry.
Democracy in America,
i Willis's Poetical Works.
Webster's Speeches.
American Revolution,
i Sparks' Washington,
i Poet's and Poetry of England,
j Life of Lafayette.
Fielding's Works.
McCauley's Miscellanies.
| Locknart's Bums.
Chamber's information for the People.
Lives of ail the Presidents
Remarkable Events.
I Statesman's Manual.
•Stock Raiser's Manual.
Goldsmith's Animated Nature.
■ D. O. Book.
American Chesterfield.
Beauties of Chesterfield,
i Tales of a Grandfather.
! Thadeus of Warsaw.
Humanity before Honor.
| House i live in.
J Yourig Woman's Guide.
1 Gentleman's Lexicon,
j Ladies' do
i Life of Andrew Jackson.
Parlor Songster.
| Miniatures in Boxes.
| Teleniachus.
| Homer's Odyssey, cloth gilt.
I Life of Peter the Great.
; Life of Davy Crockett,
j Columbus and his times.
| \ oung Man's Offering,
i Charlotte Temple.
I Sorrows of Welrer.
j Italian Sketch Book.
I Washington and his Generals, by J. T. Headley
j The World in a Pocket Book.
' Traus-Atlantic Tour,
j Life, Writings, A.c., of Thomas Jefferson.
Miss Marlineau's Household.
Life of Gibbon.
Stuart's I'oems.
Shandy McGuire.
American in Paris.
Complete Letter Writer.
The Caxton Family, a sketch, by Bulwer.
, Life in London,
i Ellen Munroe.
i Lancashire Witches.
i The Quaker City, bv Lippard.
I Paul Ardenheiru.
j Mysteries and Miseries ol N'cw York.
New York in Slices, by an experienced* carver.
| Camp Life of a Volunteer, by one who has seen
j the 'elephant.'
i The new and popular Cook Book.
I House-keepers Guide.
I Tristram Shandy, by L. Sterne,
j Ladies' Work-tahle Book.
\ The American in England.
1 Letter Bag of the Great Western,
i The Arts and Miseries of Gambling.
; Woman, as Virgin, Wife and Mother.
! The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony,
i Infant Treatment.
| Narative of the Central Division of the Army of
Chihuahua, by Gen. Wool.
] Percy Ranthorpe, or vicissitudes of fortune,
j The Poor Cousin.
| Adopted Son.
; Mexico before and after the Conquest.
; Comic Blackstone.
Say's Political Economy.
Cooper's last novel, The Sea Lion, or the lost
Fremont's Exploring Expedition.
I Irving's Sketch Book.
I Conquest of California.
: Legends of Mexico.
The above list of books, together with nu
| tnc.rous others, arc for sale at the Book Store of
Lewistown, April 28, 1849—3t.
kj Requiem, the mountaineer's Farewell,
j \V here can the Soul Rest, Hurrah for the Sea
j Bojs, the Fujral of an Odd Fellow, the Crim
son Banner, the Burman Lover, the Happiest
1 ime is Now, the New Congressional Song of
j Eight Dollars a Day, Away Down East, He
doeth all things Well, He led her to the Altar,
or the Rich Young Man's Wedding, the New.
loundland Dog. All of the above are for sale
; at the book store of
Lewistown, April 28, 1849.
fIMIF. partnership heretofore existing between
X 'J- c. FREKBORN & WM. SMIMP, in the
quarrying and Hatting of stones, was dissolved
by mutual consent on the Ist day of March last.
The hooks am! accounts are in the hands of
Win. Shimp, who will settle all accounts of
6aid firm.
Lewistown, April 28, 1949—ft.*
Bailimotc Advertisements.
_ __
Produce & General Commission Merchants.
;tos. 15 & ltiSpears'i Wharf,
Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on con
signments of all kinls of Produce.
Baltimore, March 24, 1849—3rn.
•J. F. M I I, i7k R7
General Commission & Forwarding Merchant,
the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed,
Whiskey, Lumber, &.c., &c. Also, for
warding ffoods via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Salt,
Plaster, &c. &c., supplied at lowest prices.
Having been engaged in the above business
during the last five years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited. Refer to
F. McUov, Csq, Lcwistown.
Messrs. FI SK & MILLER, 1
J. &E. C KBY, • Uarrisburg, Pa.
February 24, 1849-6 m*
Steel Springs.
A Icrge assortment, low for cash, for sale
Lewistown, march 24, 1549.
tWhite Eead,
PL RE, at $2 per keg, tor sale by
Lewistown, march 24, 1c49.l c 49.
Do not Forget
r |YHAT at F. J. HOFFMAN'S will be
1. found a splendid assortment of fashiona
ble HATS, CAPS, <$T., at much lower prices
. ihau they can be bought elsewhere
l L'Scountry. As an evidence of
-'hie, we submit the following list
P r ' ceß > NR| D ASK the public to call
and examine fur themselves:
A good Fur Hat, ... §I.OO
Fire Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2 25
F.ne llenv r,. .... 2.75
Fines' Moleskin, - - - 325
Lewistown, m-.rch 25, 1849.
Wholesale A: Retail
p-, _ _u _ THE undersigned respectfully
man- ounces to the citizensot Lew-
Mottn and vicinity, that he has
list received the latest Spring
Fashions at the
.\ew Hal .11 aniifactory,
three doors West of the Black Bear Hotel , in
Market -trcet, where he is prepared to manu
facture every variety ot HATS now in use, out
of the best materia), such as
The Business of manufacturing is conducted
under my personal supervision, and from long
practice acquaintance with thia business, I am
warranted ia guaranteeing none but good and
substantial work
My OMISH FRIENDS will always find
at this e- tabiishinent just such an article as I
know wiii please them, at fair prices. I will
always have on hand
Men's, Hoy's and Youth's Caps,
which will be retailed at a very slight advance
on cost.
fCr Just received the LATEST SPRING
FASHION'S, to which the attention ot admir
ers of a handsome hat is invited.
and ai! otoersdesiring to buy HATS, will find it
to their advantage tocall. In quality and price
we are bound to please.
Lev h-town, March 24. 1849.
Cooking Stores.
era We have now on
hand a large stock of
f Cooking Stoves, such as
.-J=3 we can warrant to give
( entiresatisfsction We
''i • ; "'i 'ir.'i 1 ' have the Laubach, two
s ' zes *he Star, two
BTAsizes, from §2O to §22
I fjs CO"We invite Far
\ mers and all persons
needing a Cooking
J Stove, to give us a ca'l
before purchasing elsewhere.
Lewistown, March 24, 1849.
11. M MH RLYMI k Stl\.
n7"0U..1 respectfully ir.torin their friends
an i the public, that they still continue
to carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
all its various branches, at their old stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts.,
where ihcy havec o n-tantlvon hand MARBLE
M \N"I 111 S. 'l' O M BS, MONUMENTS
(•R v\ LS I ONES, &cc. All kinds of
work executed with nevtne*?, and on the most
reasonaole terms. Thankful for the liberal
patronage extended to them, they still solicit
a continuance of the same.
(>ruers from any part of the country, through
mai', attended iv with accuracy and despatch.
March 17,1£47—tf
The Franklin Fire Insurance
Company of Piiiladelphi a
OFFICE, No. 183 ( Cfcesmit rtreet,n?ar F.fm
Charles N' Bancker, George W. Retards
Thomas Hart, Mnrdeeai 1. I.*wj '
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E . Borie,
Samuel Grant, David H. Brown,
Jacob H. Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, icrpotiial or limited
every description of properly in town and eountri "I
rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fe>
which with th< ir Capital and Premiums, safely inrioi
afTords ample prot'-ction to the assured.
The assets of the Company, on Jamtarv l,t,
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were Si /'
lows, viz:
Mortgages, 4890.555 6i
Real Estate, 1 K3SS 90
Temporary Loans, 121,456 CO
Stocks, 51,503 25
Cash, Ac. 45,157 *7
41,220,097 07
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen <>-.<
tbey have paid upwards of one million fr- buuirtj-i '
; innd dollars losses by fire, thereby affording evidence *•
I the advantages of insurance, as well as the abtliu ' ,
| disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities
CH VBI.ES G. BAXCKCR, Secretary.
For terms apply to R. C. IIALE, Lewis,
i town. apl4—ly.
Nic or Nervous Debility. Disease of the
Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from
a Disordered Liter or Stomach °in both.
Male and Female :
Such as Constipation, Inward Piies. Fulness or P.lood
| to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Hear..
I burn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in itie fitomai b.
j Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the
: Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or auffocal
| ing sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vi
sion. Dots or webs before t!e sight. Fever and dull pan,
in ihe Head, Deficiency of perspiration, Yellowness of
the skin and eyes, pain in the Side, Birk, Chest, Limbs
ic , sadden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh,cote
stant imaginings of evil and great depression of spinu,
can be effectually cured by
Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated
Their -ptrtctr over the abort diseases it not excelled—
equalled— by any other preparation in the Cm ted Slates, ti
the cures attest, t* many eases after skilful physicians h&i
of Insanity, and will also produce disease of the Heart.
: -Skin, Lungs and Kidneys, and lays the body open to an
attack of the Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fevc-r, and ii
generally the first cause of that most baneful disease,
. Consumption.
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press.
" The Dispatch," December 31st, says;
A.v INVALUABLE MEDICINE—We have frequeatiy
heard the celebrated German Bitters, manufactured by
Dr Hoofland, spoken of in terms of commendation, and
we know deservedly so It is a too common practice, in
certain quarters, to puff all manner of useless trash, but
In the case of the above Bitters, hundreds are living wit
nesses of tbeir great morai and physical worth As a
medicine for the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous
Debility, and Dyspepsia, it has been found invaluable,
effecting cures and thoroughly eradicating diseases when
other medicines have failed. We feel convinced, thai in
the use of the German Bitters, the patient does not be
come debilitated, but constantly gains strength and ng r
to the frame —a fact worthy of great consideration. Tb e
Bitters are pleasant in taste and smell, andean be admin
istered under any circumstances to the most delicate
stomach. Indeed, they can be used by all persons with
the most perfect safety. It would be well for those at
fecled in the nervous system, to commence with one tea
spoonful or less, and gradually increase We speak from
experience, and are of course a proper jndee. The press
far and wide have untied in recommending the German
B tters, and to the afflicted we most cordially advise their
" Spirit of the Times," June 24, says :
" Do our good citizens who are invalids, know the ma
ny astonishing cures that have been performed by Dr
Hoofland's celebrated German Buters 1 If they do not,
we recommend them to the 4 German Medicine Store,'
all who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debility; the doctor hascuted
many of our citizens after the best physicians bad failed.
We have used them, and tbey have proved to be a medi
cine that every one should know of, and we cannot re
frain giving our testimony in their favor, and that which
gives them greater claim upon our humble effort is, they
are entirely reoelable.
44 The Daily News," July 4th, says :
" We speak knowingly of Dr. Hooflland's celebrated
German Bitters, when we say it is a blessing of this age;
and in diseases of tbe biliary, digestive and nervous sys
tems, it has not we think an equal. It is a Vegetable
Preparation, end made icithont -Ulcehol, and tc all invalids
we would recommend it as worthy their confidence."
It is from one of our first druggists, a gentleman favor
ably known throughout Ihe I'nited State.—toe proprietor
of the ' Medicated Worm Syrup
Dear sir—lt is with much pleasure that I testify to the
extraordinary virtues of your German Bitters, having
sold largely of them these last few- months to various
persons, afflicted with liv-r complaints, dyspepsia, and
debility of the nervous system. I can say conscientious
ly that they are the best article of the kind 1 have ever
sold, (and I deiil in all the popular medicines.) and 1 con
sider it the only medicine for the above diseases before
the public.
I have never sold one bottle that has not given satisfac
tion, and brought forth the commendation of those wb:
used it.
I deem this my duty both to you as the proprietor of
this highly valuable article, and to ihose afflicted "-nilthe
above complaints, that tney r.ay know of its curative
properties, and to erable them to select the good from tbe
various articles with which our market is flooded
W ilh much respect, I remain yours, 4tc.
J N. HOBENSACK, Druggist,
corner of Second and Coates streets
Cured after Physicians had failed.
Philadelphia , December 27, 1848
Dear sir—lt is with feelings of pleasure I communicate
to you the sanative effects (and in a short time) of your
invaluable Hoofland's celebrated German Bitters, upon
my system while laboring under the Jaundice. About
two years ago I had an attack of the Jaundice and war
confined to the house sir veeks under medical treatment *f
the Family Physician, and for some tune after, w hen 1
went out 1 had to very careful of myself; since that turn
1 have had several attacks of the same disease, a?i year
Bitters have entirely relieved at d cured me in ire "c
three days. My next door neighbor, Mr. JOHN DIEHL,
last spring, had a long and serious .pell of Jaundice; h*
had it some time before 1 knew il; hs teas cerjined to kit
bed. As soon as I heard of his condition I calied to see
him and told him of ihe effect your Bitters had upon nic
in the same disease He immediately sent for a bottle,
and is a/. t c days he teas cured I have in several instan
ces recommended ihe Buters in other cases, always pro
ducing the same happy effect. My wife has betncor.si
derahly afflicted with Liver Complaint and Neuralgia; by
tl.e use of the Bitters she is well, now enjoying good
health. W'e believe from the many cures we knots * I
these Bitters effecting, that they possess in a remauaMe
and extraordinary degree great curative properties, ssd
thai which enhances their value with us is. they are fn
tirely vegetable. We alw ays keep the Bitters on i.ai' u <
and would not be willing to do tt ithout theui-
Very respectfully, yours,
C. PIERCE, *370 South Front freer
Can stronger testimony be adduced by any prepais'b ,n
before the public 1 A single boltle w ill convince snyon"
of their power over disease They are ESTISKLV Vice
TABLE, and will permanently destroy the msst slwus- '
eostireness, and give strength and vigor to the Irvine. * !
no time debditaling the piitkut ; being also grsteltn r
the most delicate stomach under any circumstances, an
can be administered With perfect safety to delicate iniai l '
—ihey are free from .dte.hol, Syrups, Jcids, Cai.™ f '> st;
all mineral and injurious ingredients.
They can be taken at all times and under all circus' -
stances; no ordinary exposure w i(l prevent them h* !l- I
a salutary effect, and uo bad result can accrue froui n
over dose.
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the principal D'P rt '
German .Medina# Aturc, 278 Race street, Philadelphia.
For wile in Lewigtown by \VM MAKK>
&. SON, and rwpccts ble deaiora ifi every
in the stale. *;> 14 — L v