Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 12, 1849, Image 3

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    J,-.,ha and China. —The details of the
j ;+e o! G>jv'ral confirm the report by
i':' e India anul of the 17th March, of the
,'ctory gained by Lord Gough. The
ijrjtish captured 53 of ttie 59 guns which
,' ;e Sikhs brought into action, together
with all their camp magazine, ammunition
£ C . The loss on the part of the British
ivas the officers and 92 men killed. The
uar of 'he Punjab is considered at an end.
The news from Hong Kong is to the 27th
of February . The dispute about opening
the citv gates at Canton was going on, but
ihere was a general confidence that the
stipulations of the treaty of Nankin would
he enforced.
lirssiA AND TURKEY. —The London
Tunes says the Emperor of Russia having
ascertained that th military preparations
gi.iiig forward in the Furki h empire were
undertaken at the instigation of Sir Strat
ford Canning, acting under orders from
London, despatched on the 28th of March
his Aide de-Camp, General Grabbe, to
Constantinople, with an ultimatum which
requires the immediate cessation of warlike
preparations in Turkey, as well as the
recall of the Ottoman troops assembled on
the Danube. It further requires the
Porte's acquiescence in the occupation of
the Principalities of Wallachia and Mol
davia by Rus-ia. Failing the acceptance
of these terms by the Divan, the Russian
M inister is to quit Constantinople, and the
Autocrat's troops, which are already in
Transylvania, are to advance on Constan
tinople, turning (not crossing) the Bateau.
The Russian fleet from Sevastopol is to
lend its cooperation.
INDICTABLE MUSIC.—At a recent term
of the court of Common Pleas in Darke
countv, Ohio, a number of individuals weie
indicted and found guilty of riot, for serena
ding a wedding party with instruments of
ntusic disagreeable to "ears polite." Judge j
Holt's charge to the jury, copied below
from the Greenville Banner, settles the
law of all such cases in that circuit, and
niav be interesting to some of our readers:
"The assemblage of three or four per- j
sons with bells, horns and fiie arms, and
with these to approach the bouse where a
family resides, rattling bells, blowing horns
and discharging fiie arms, especially in the
night season, calculated to alarm and terri
fv the inmates, is against the peace, and r •
oi us. Nor dues it change the character
of such transaction, that a wedding was
the occasion of it. Nor can it be justified on
tne ground that it WHS intended as a sere
rule, and was customary in the neighbor
hood were it was enacted. In this age of
progress, white progressing in physical
science and improvements of every kind,
we should see to it that we do not fail be
hind in the improvement of manners and
"Some of the witnesses have spoken of a
custom in that neighborhood to honor wed
dings with music of this kind. Such a cus
tom is illegal ; it belongs not to civilization,
and should not receive the sanction of a
cour*. and jury sitting in a civilized commu
nity. It has been said that
'Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast. 1
" It must indeed be a savago breast
thai can be southed by the hideous sounds
of ccw hells, horse fiddles, rams' horns, and
like musical instruments, rattling, ringing,
and commingling together, end interspersed
with the occasional explosion of gunpow
"Such serenades are unlawful and riot
ous. Such is the law. The jury will find
the defendants guilty or not guilty as they
understand the facts.
RF. VN PREJL'DtCEI). —Let no foolmh pcr-
i. be o prejudiced against thi* now truly celebrated
ti.edu meat to despise this advice , let it be used immedi-
• . on pain being felt: no mailer when; it may be, ,
whether in Ibe bead or feet, whether it be in the back or
abdomen, whether arising from external or internal cause,
use the Brandr. th"s Pills, and rely upon it, that the pain
will go, the body will be restored to health he soon as na
ture ba, received sufficient ASSIKTASCE front their effect
The quantity of impure humors discharged from ihe
body by the action of the Urandreth's Pills, is replaced in
tiic course of a few hours with new and pure blood, by
the digestion of a moderate meal By purging the body
with this medicine the whole mass of biood becomes en- I
!.' . pnr find and
Tnat the I - 'ai IS the life of the body, I presume is oil
therefore i shall say that it being the Seat or
tif£, it must also he the seat of disease. If disease he in
•c: biood, we should a lis tract the disease only, not tire
t vi It is the impurities which must be removed by
purgation to secure our health, iri all states of the weather,
ail situitiotis. and in all climates. The blood, like a
I "4 spirit, is always trying to benefit the b'dy by its
' r to expel impurities. Bit it is not capable to ef
fect it, own purification at ail times : to do this it must j
offer: have assistance. When the blood is loaded with irn
purities, e,jHci iily in this climate, the consequences may
be fatal, provided the blood is not purified at once, and
" s if sure to be effected if Brandreth's Pills are used.
Purchase the genuine medicine of the following agents:
JOB V a STERETT, Lewistown ; William Hardy, He-
Vcyt iWB; Jont* if Simivgtan. Huntingdon ; Moore Sf
' • Alexandria ; Jt. 4- -V. CresktfH, Petersburg ; //art
i, Smith if Co , Manor lull; T -V Owe us, Birmingham.
TTOJE Married Woman'! Prixite Medical Companion, by
1 Dr. A M Maurice*", Professor of Diseases of Wo
ren. —Kixth Edition l&tno. pp 2SO Price #1 —50,000 .
■ pies sold in six months.—Veara of suffering, of physical
- i mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and
; jntary difficulties to the husband might have been
rated; thousands now poor would have enjoyed compe
•-i.ee; thousands now broken in health would have en
tdit; hun red* now in their graves been sull alive, I
a timely possession of this work.
It!intended especially for the married, or those con
; .t.rg marriage, ss it discloses important secrets j
- 1 should b • known to them particularly.
Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happiness, :
suiter,' The revelations contained in its page* have ;
." e blr-sing to thousands, as the innumerable letters
'--► iv.-a by the author wt l attest.
Hi alto, every fcarih flw wife,the mother,thaore
• pu i ling in ft womanhood, or the one Ir, tbe decline
>eari m whom nature contemplates an important
1- r discover th**can#ee, symptoms,and til* most
'. r nerfi, , and most rrrlaln mode of cute, in
'• •; n-nplamt to which her sex Is sultfert
!'• .cport .: e to the married maybe gathered from rhe
'* ; ''' t Travelling Agents make from thru to ftrdollori
' fry f, o ,n its 1 tie Hundreds of arrive, cuter prizing
'•ft. I. . r , hu umuistiisg a little COMPETENCE from th lib
' : diu >unt showed, and the great demand fir it. Or
re-j,!f, d to be accornptnied with payment.
' -t-ee will be siit by n:all free of poet'ge to the pur
' Over Jw <: :,ty thousand cooois-hsve been eent ny
'■ '• .0: t.i.-ee months with perfet t safety <c certainty
•-. - :;>t of One Dollar, the "Married Woman's
TUi * '■ **•:al Co:n;emlon" will he sent (mathd free) 10
1 .- i,f the United States All letters aiid appllra
•' ' -inng to become Agents must he post
'We <■ . tainiup a reiotttanecjandaddressed
A M ',li,irif.,u i B-u lift I. New York Chy Puts
'' ' . I'i9 I.iiu rty street, New York.
' -unau's Private Medh al Companion"
■ t■' • era oro ig'uoul the I'tolcd tftslcs.
•'y "*J i**
| OR the 3d April, by the Rev. J. P. Shindel, Jr.
i . ONATHAN VALENTINE, of Centre township,
Jmoti county, to .Miss SUSAN SCHNEE, of Mif
| "in county.
Dn Tuesday, April ITtli, in McVeytown, Mrs.
JANE NORTH, wife of A. J. North, aged 25
years and 10 months.
_On the 3d inst,, THOMAS DOLAN, noed about
45 years, 'j'lie doceateii was a contractor oil
the Pennsylvania Railroad, above Huntingdon.
On tiie 8(h inst., in Huntingdon, JACOB AF
RICA, aged about 50 years.
Lewistown, May 11, 1849.
I'aid by DfiiUrs. Retail.
Flour - - §4 00 $4 75
Wheat, white - 00 1 05
red - 65 1 00
Rye - - 45 50
Oats - - 25 33
Corn, - - 42 50
Cloversced - - 300 400
Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25
Timothyseed - 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 15 15
Eggs - - 8 08
Lard - - 7 8
Tallow - 8 10
Potatoes - - 50 02
| Beef, - - 4 00
Bacon, per ib. 5£ 7
Pork - . 0 00 0 00
i Wool, per lb. - - 25
Feathers - - 44 44
The Lewistown Mil's are paying 90 to
95 cents for good wheat, 45 cents for live,
40 cents for Corn, and 27 cents for Oats.
BALTIMORE. May t). I*< 49
The flour market is steady as to prices, i hough
without much activity. Salesof 500 hrls How
ard street at $4,62£, and4oobr's. City Mi ls at
54.6-ij. Sales ot 3000 bushels r<-i wheat at
110 c; prime white corn at 53c, 5900 bushels
prime yellow at 5? to 5-<e; oats command 2 ft e.
PHILADLLPHI.V, May 9, I '-19.
The Flotir inar r :et is quiet and rath r de
pressed—sales of at w hundred b eonon' :i
brands at s4>BaSs4.7s. Corn Mm i.- • i.nig
at t§2.7, and Rye F10ur&2,75 per hbi.
Wheat is rather scarce—sates of red at I('s
a 110 cents, and white 112 al 15 cents. I .irn
is i.i good request, with sales < r 0-HHI btishei-.
yellow at 6 )aOl cents. Oats 30i32 cents. —
Rye 57a58 cents.
V;ilis:i>)!c Ileal Dilate at
r|!fiE SUBSCRIBER U(1M HI Private
Ba!e, a good i'vv > Bt"iv Stone Dwei
ling HOUSE, with lot and other
jje£ iinprurrmpiits, situate in Ihe
jigl | i |gL borough of Newton Hamilton.
A I.Ul 1 at the Lock below said /
borough, lying along the Cana
and close by the Central Rail
road, being one of the best iocatiuns ior a
Grocery Store in the county.
The ti'les are unq iestionable. For further
information apply to Judge Cr.Mveil, in New
ton Hamilton, or to the subscriber in McVey
town. A. J. NORTH.
McVeytown, May 12, 1":49—0t.
Iron! iron!
I HAVE now on hand an extensive assort
ment of Iron, consisting of Nail Rods
Horse-shoe iron : Buggy a-'d other Tyre,
5-16. and $ inches round, and 5-16, |.
and finches square; Scollop, Hoop, Band, and
other Iron. and other per
sons wanting iron will find it their interest to
give me a call, as I shall sell LOW FOR CASH.
Lewistown, May 12, 1"49.
pubscrilier has now on Land and
-R- will continue to manufacture
Earthen 15 "a re,
of various kinds on-.! sizes, out of the best ma
teria! ever before need for the nr-nufacturing
of the article in this country. Ihe
CHKAPNLSS AM) 111 iUlill.li Y
of his ware, should gi' e it the preference
i the stone-ware, inasinuch rs li.ere is no dan
ger ot any !• Irom scalding it or putting ap
ple butter hot into them. His retail prices
will not exceed 8 cents per gallon, for such
ware as is generally used for apple butter or
milk. He also keeps a wagon, to deliver
ware to any merchant, at a reasonable dis
tance, who may be disposed to favor hnn with
his custom.
<P"' Li wholesale purchasers the usual dis
count will be given.
Lewistown, May 12, 1349 —tf.
rrOlE Brady Regiment of Volunteers ore
JL hereby ordered to parade for Review and
Inspection on 'he 21st day of May, instant, at
such place as the commanding officer may di
Brig. Insp., Ist Brig. 1 Oth Div., P. M.
Lewistown, May 5, 1849—td.
I teers, are hereby directed and required to
parade in the borough of Miflfintown, Juniata
county, on MONDAY', May 2lf, 1"49, pro
perly armed and equipped iccording to law.
By order of Col. I) ALB.
A. P. LUSK, Adjutant.
May 12, 1849—td.
4 UDITOR'S NOTK'K.—The subscriber,
j\ Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court
of Mifflin county, to distribute the balance in
the hands of WILLI*.* MOORE, Administra
tor of the eatate of DAVID SUNDERLAND,
late of Wayne tnwru-hip, Midi n county, de
ceased, to and among the cr (iitors of said
aecea.v.d, hereby gives notice that he will at
tend at the public house of T. F. McCoy, in
McVeytown, on Thursday, the Ith day of
June, 1849, to fulfil the duties of his appoint
ment, when and wliera all persona interested
may attend.
May 12.1849- 4U*
Democrat [+] copy.
KIFLF. Powder in cannistera. Shot, Lead,
R.tle Balls, &c. iR r
! m .A- It- F.C. FRANCISCU3 S.
mas—lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
ROTL ' Brass, Steel nndCop-
A PER WIRE], assorted numbers, at
mas-4T. F- G. FDA NCISCUS'S.
E/ A Ui\S, IJ-jwu; and Dirk Knives, and double
VU and single barrelled Pistols, by
mas-4t. " F. G. FRANCISCUS.
BLACKSMITHS' and Coopers' Tools, of
ali kinds, at
mas-4t. FR A NC ISCUS'S.
Leather and Shoe Findings,
IVL on HAND and for sale by
rnas-4t. F G. FRANCISCUS.
11 ASS Cocks, lead Faucetts, cedar Sj'igcts
Connecting and Stop Cocks, at
in A 5-41. F. G. FR A NCISCUS'S.
I Cedar Ware. Cedar Ware.
fLUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, &c., at
2 mao-lt F. G. FRANCISCUS.
500 lbs. Red Leather,
|AOR sale at the lowest prices.
I' nias-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
from two plates to six plates — warranted
; not FCECIPD quality, at
' | DOZEN pairs red wagon Haimes, lor
JL sale almost at the same price that it
costs to iron an ordinary pair, at
run 5—4 T. F. GRR A NCISCUS'S
DOZEN W< stmoreiand county wagon
VJ Haimes, a truly tuperior article, expect
ed in a few days, AT
raaS—4t. F. G. FR A NCISCUS'S.
lied Semes. !$ "(/. Sc, eics,
4 ND all kinds of Cabinet Hardware, oheap
-1 er RH cheapest, at
mas-4t™ F. G. FR VNCISCU^S.
*25 Jtoxrs 'Jin idates,
| JON. {timed, and copper Rivets, stove door
" and beliing Rivets, fi R sale I.tnv by
in 5-41. F. G. FKANCL-CUS.
Blacismiih'l Vices*
I" R< )M 36 to UK) lbs. Anvils, from 100 to
I. 256, at very reduced prices.
Lead Pipes. Lead P'pe*,
ISII size-, ON hand. Orders received for
V M ar.l particular large quantity at
N.-.5- it. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
and I'tare s.
ONE Thousand Founds, from 2J> to 51
inciter., single or ■ e-A?. i y
mas-4t. F. T FR\NC!S( US.
/A 1 ME BIG . slle.DE A:;.I d-:U./e S I llelt>.
\ 3 I'owder !'Oucli'~-, do., ILile and
I'l wder FLASKS, I'-IWDTR Horn.-. Huntingl?aps,
bee., Wbh an <•: htinti-rU miterin's.
mas-41. F G. PR Y NClscliS.
i'liii-htirgh < i:aittß,
OF vnrums kinds; Traces, Butt Chains,
double lire.- I < :Bl<:ns, nil ol double link,
maniilHctured at Pitt-burgh, and 'OR site at
TN.S-41. F (i. FR \N IS( I >'S.
// 'on. Jro n. Irn n.
GJOUND Iron, from J to 1 inch, American
IV Sheet do , En'ii.-h U.ID Russian do., Hoop
do., from .' TU IT inches, at
While, Lead, al ÜB-.OH prr I\'.eg,
OPIRITS ofTurpenU'ie Linseed Oil, Glue,
and Red Le.id, v.'itfi A:I assortment ot
P* Jilts anl Paint Brushes, at
U.ao—4l. F. (L FR A NCISCUS'S.
3DD pair of La-fs, Hooi Trees,
Clamps, &c.,
Y OW in store and for S3LE, wholesale and
J.N retail. All lasts that do not please may
be reliiriH-d.
nias- It. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
jl an hi Or nn men Is,
OF splendid t'jics, such as GIRONDCLES,
English Waiters, truly sp,endiif;"and brass and
silver plated CANDLESTU KS, at
rnaft-L!. F. G. FK \NCISCUS'S.
L .i M P S .
A GREAT variety, very low. Just ca!L
L\ and see thern at
mas-4T, F. G. FR A NCISCUS'S.
a <! <1 1 c R y ,
me 7
AS usr \L.
T lie same of Coacii Ware.
ON hand, the largest and nioft beautiful as
sortment of spring I. aces, Oil Carpelt-,
Ac., wliich tnav be bought cheap at
maO — It. F. G. FR A NCISCUS'S.
Jlou.se ISuilders, 11 o !
PLEASE coll and see UH before purchasing
your Hardware, which we oiler TEA
jv eent. lower titan the lowest market prices.
We have, and are receiving, ULI the new
and moat useful styles FIT Locks. Latches, and
B-ilts, Shutter, Window, and Blind Fasteners,
which we will be pleased to dispose of on rea
sonable TERIIM. Call on
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Saws! STiws! Saws!
HOE &■ CO.'S New Y'ork Circular Saws,
. 14 to 20 inches.
Mill Saws do. 6 feet cVbt Pteel.
Rowland's Mill arid Crosscut do.
to 4 feet framing do.
31 feet veneering do.
Blue Back, 10 to2o inches, do.
Bout Builders' and Cabinet Makers' 12 to 30
inch Webb Saws, very low F r cash at
inafl-LF. F. G." FR ANCISCUS'S.
Va Me Cutlery,
Pea KiiivcSi Kiiivt*,
VT NIL prices, some of the meet beautiful
articles ever offered for su'e in this coun
ty. Persons wanting a very superior article of
the above, cannot fail to be pleased with the
quality and low prices, al which 1 am selling.
.9 If®/ 115 bags Salt, 3£ bush, hags, $1.75.
350 bogs fine DAIRY SALT, at 18| per bag.
Will bo received in a few clays, 150 bbls. ol
May 5. 1849—St.
The subscribers have received direct from Cin
cinnati and Pittsburgh—
X Y hbls. o!d Monongaheta V IIISKEV.
; At*? Ye 15,000 lbs. Hams, Shoulders, and
5 casks Cincinnati Sugar Cured HAMS.
150 bbls. super-extra FLOUR.
25 bbls. Ohio White BEANS.
50 bags " DRIED APPLES.
33 hags Indiana DRIED PEACHES.
25 dozen Ohio BROOMS.
1500 lbs. Ohio DRIED BEEF.
30 boxes Pittsburgh dipped CANDLES.
10 " " mould do.
i 5 bbis Nn. 1 Leaf LARD.
3 bbls. Super Cincinnati LARD OIL.
MERCHANTS can Le supplied with any
of the above articles at Philadelphia prices,
and thus save cost of transportation.
We have also on hand a large assortment of
Dry floods & Groceries.
Please call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. KENNEDY' &. PORTER.
Lewistown, May 5, 1849—3t.
£ Jt. B, E 'Tf A R S.
€U T L E 1I Y ,
SatJdlcry Coach-ware.
rgYllE subscriber has on hand, and is now
A constantly receiving, the largest and best
assorted sti>ck ever offered to the public, which
will bo sold low for cash, the prices beintr
such as to defy all competition, while the stock,
as regards quality and quantity, stands unri
Thanktu! for past patronage, he hopes to
merit a continuance of the same by always
keeping on hand a general and well assorted
slock ol u!i kinds of HARDWARE, &C., em
braced in this line of business.
Lewistown, may 5, 1 - I'l—lt.
| 9OFSEKEEPER3 will be pleased with our
stock, (sudable and ncediul for their pur
poses,; el all kinds, qualities, styles and pat
terns. Shovels and Tongs, with brass, irun or
steel Lends; stiver, brass, -topi and iron Snuf
fers. Britannia Tea and Coffee Pots.
do. Suar and \\ ash Bowls
do. Cream Bowls
do. 'i able end Tea Spoons
Pots, Kt tt!e-\ Boilers, Grid Irons, Stew and
•Sauce Pans, Tea and Coffee Kettles.
•1145-4!. F. (I. FR \ NCISCTS.
Q A BBI.S. \/ w No. 1 Baltimore Shad,
1/ 3D hbls. " •• . " Herring,
just received and for SATE by
!/''>•■ .vn, April 21, 1~49—3i.
T A DIES and GENTLEMEN can be ac-
X -J cominoduted with boarding on reasonable
terms at Mrs. Mcv'AY'S, on Main street, in
the house formerly occupied by Mrs. J. Me-
Lewistown, April 21, IM9.
MfI,J.F XE R V G 0 01) S.
41i*s liary Ann TSiJfcc
HAS just arrived from the city, and has now
open at her residence in .M/IRKF.T
SIR LET, opposite Mrs. Fosselmafi's, a
such as Gimps, Lacc, Diamond Braid. Florence
Braids, and Casing Bonnets, together with
Flowers, Itihbous, and Fancy Goods of all kinds
and of all prices.
Whitening, Pressing, and Dress Making in
city fashion attended to at short notice, and on
the most reasonable term*.
Ladies of Lewistown and vicinity
are respectfully invited to give her a call, as
she feels confident that she will be able to please
all who may thus favor her.
L< wi*town, April 28, 18)9—Jt.
w ii n
iht High !* rices,
lily (liver's Oiii *I a nil.
\\T IDLE, others are refreshing the memo-
T v ry of the public by making known that
they have received New Goods, BLYMYLR
Las quietly opened one of the largest, richest,
and eheauest assortments of
ever seen in Lewistown, cmbiaciug, iu great
variety, new style
Cloths, Cas si meres, Satinets,
Vesting*, Croton Cloths,Cashmeres,and Cnsli
meretts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings,
Velvet Cords, French Cassirneres, Doe Skin
do., white and fancy Marseilles,&c. A splen
did assortment of
Z Lasers' SH'tfiS (Sootrs.
Grotle Naps, Satin du Clienes, an elegant as
sortment of striped, figured and pltvn Silks,
Bareges, Challey, Mueltu de I air.es, Alpacas.
Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets,
Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, &c.
tie has also an extensive variety of the
tint has yet been brought to this place; to
gether with a never-ending assortment of
which will be sold at prices to suit purchasers.
Besides this, he has
tire ti *w a re, €* lasa w a re,
and nil unparalleled so poly of
u it o v e it a i:
Hounds, Palm-Leal I.og
iiwrii 18 AT*,
All of whicb w 11 be sold at so small an AD
VANCE ON COST, that purchasers will acknow
ledge War to have been declared against High
Prices with astounding effect. Come along,
old friends. I've lots of the best and cheapest
goods to l e had withtn the county of Mifflin,
and enough of them to supply ail old cueto
inera and 20,000 new ones.
Lewistown, April 21, 1340.
rpHE subscriber has taken the Lewistown |
A Mills,and wishes to buy a large quantnycl ;
All Hind* of (f^raiai.
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FINDS, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
Wheat will do well tocali and show a sample
of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the anil
being situated on the creek, where flour can
he loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
, If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, he has the same ciiance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves j
a great deal of lime ar.d labor in hoisting by
water power. OK, HE WILL RECEIVE ONSTOR- ,
Ac E, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
j and give the following receipt :
" Received, Jjewislmon Mills, of A. B ,
11 heat, to be kept in store till the first of Au
gust unless disposed of sooner/ 1
When the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els ami upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till after the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. If shipped, or sold to anv
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HAI.F
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be ciear from high water,
i 'i he subscriber will keep
Plaster, Fii.lt. Salt and (.rocei ies
ot alt kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, bv the quantity.
CO-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
iiano, and sold low for cash.
N. B JOHN S FERRE TT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, 1 5 49—1y.
Valuable Properly at
rtlllE subscriber offers at private sale that
JL valuable farrr. known as " LOCRPORT," on
which he now resides, situate in Oliver town
slop, Mifliin county, about 7 miles from M'Vey- ,
tow n, aim S miles from Lewistown, containing
3L © 9 Acres,
more or lesr, of river bottom land, in a high
slate of cultivation. The improvements con
si.-tol a plastered two story FARM
HOUSE, Bank Barn,.with insur- Jjt
ance on it; a Store House at the Jj§*| f * j|&
basin, with tenant houses anc
shop suitable for any mechanical business, a
| i IgjZ feet, with kitchen, wood house,
-ake Louse, smoke house, two
story spring house, good stabling, and other out
buildings, a fountain of good waterat the door,
together with a large variety ot choice FRUIT
TREES, such as aprico's, nectarines, peaches,
pears., apples, cherries, plume, &c.
There is on this property a water power or
221 feet fall, sufficient to drive anv machinery.
From its situation—beingon the Pennsylvania
Canal—its contiguity to the Centra! Railroad,
from which it is only separated by the Juniata
river— its convenience to schools, three churches,
vVc , this farm commends itself to the attention
of ail who seek an agreeable and convenient
Persons desitousof purchasing are requested
to call and examine the property. The terms
will be made to accommodate purchasers.
March 17, 1349-om.
Lancaster Examiner copy to amount of $4
and charge this office.
Valuable ISeal Instate and
~ii3l Property
E 0 R S A LE.
rt XIIE subscriber offers at PRIVATE SALE that
£ valuable farm of LIMES TO N E
I. .1 A D, situate in Kishacoquillis Valley,
Mifiitn county remaining
26© Acres,
more or less. Tiiu inioroi ements are a
Yi KilC ii! ANT HIX L,
with thtoe run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
ping Stones, ull in full operation and in good
repair, situated in a fertile region with a good
run of custom. A so. a
and FRAME HOUSE "or the intl'er.
(> the farm there is a gun J FRAME
fvi.*'. and BARN, and a tSSStshtSisS
Twenty acres of the above is good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. There is likewise a good appear
ance of Iron Ore of the best quality, known as
the "Greenwood Ore." This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kidia
coquilias creek, a never failing stream of lime
stone water.
This estate will be sold together or separate
tt suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or "purchasing, can ascertain
terms, &c , by calling on Mr. WILLIAM Mr-
CLELLAN, living in the neighborhood.
March 17.1849—if.
Auditor's Notice.
rpHF. subscriber, appointed by the Court ot
_L Common Pleas of Mitllin county to audit
and distribute the proceeds of the Real Estate
of (>. P. DUNCAN, now in the hands of D.
Mt K. Contner, Esq., Sheriff of Mitllin county,
hereby notifies and requires all persons claiming
said fund to attend at his office, in the borough
of Lewistown, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of
June, 1849, at which time and place the said
fund will he audited and distributed, or be de
barred from coming it) for any share thereof.
A. P. JACOB, Auditor.
Lew istown, May 5, 1849—4t.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The subscriber, ap
pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of
Mitllin county to audit and distribute the pro
ceeds of the Ileal Estate of MICHAEL t Ll3-
WKLL and J. V. CIUSWELL, now in the
hands of D. McK. Contner, Esq., Sheriff of
Mifflin county, hereby notifies and requires all
persons claiming said fund to attend at his ot
fiee, in the borough of Lewßtown, on Tnrns
llAY, the 7th day of June, 1849, at whirh time
and place the said fund will be audited and dis
! tributcd, or be debarred from coming iu for any
1 share thereof. A P. JACOB. Auditor,
i Lewistown, May 5, I"M9—lt
A 3f F. IV S I 1* !• t. V
'** T BIJC)V IJJS jusft returned from the city
i v a with the largest, cheapest, and must
s-'lect assortment of
CEcchs WSMCBK'N & .Jcwefry
ferfCY} ever offered for .-aie i-i
Lewistown; emliaemgiu
2reat ,. vari ;\ y v
Sir V A •£,' " f n i'' ' ! of v * Al ' nR>
vr w fr °'' 1 Gold Patent fevers
,luwn J' t, ! e,ir * n I hr >'
ax-v.j> ver Quartter; ( looks ot
ail kinds, Mu.'ieai Luxe.,
Silver Tea cn-i Table Sjm.ns, Ladles, Sugar
longs, Butter Knives. Gold Pens and Pencils,
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and
silyer Spectac e's, si ver Thimbles, Rogers'
Cutlery, &.c , &c.
These articles were all purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will be sold at a CRE.vr
REDUCTION from the price they have hitherto
commanded. The ladies and gentlemen are
respectfully invited to ca.l and examine the
(Kr'Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
£Cr"Oi.i) SILVER taken in exchange for all
articles he has for sale.
Lewistown, May 5, 1849 —tf.
HAY E in. t opened a little the largest and
best stock of
Spring and Summer Goods
yet brought to Lewistown, and moreover, In
tend to sell them as low, or a little lower than
any body else, which fact, we wish our friends
and the public generally to call and ascertain
for themselves. Our stock of
tWca r
Is very extensive and handsome, consisting in
part of fine figured plaid,changeable and plain
silus, ginghams, lawns, organdies, balzarines,
inous tie i&ines, prints, &.c, and the cheapest
maginabie. Our assortment of
Dunstable, China Pearl, Florence braid,
and Gimp BONNETS; and of
Men's fine Panama, Leghorn,
and Braid HATS,
is iaige and very desirable. For French and
English BROAD CLOTHS, plain and fan
cy Cassimeres, Summer Cloths, Vesting*,
&.C., we think we cannot be surpassed, and as
we have purchased the greater part of them
at auction, we are sure we cannot be under
sold. Handsome Venitian, Ingraiu, and Im
lower than ever, and GROCERIES as cheap
as the cheapest.
Cc!7"Caii and sse for yourselves.
Lewistown, April 14, 1849.
r'gMlE excitement produced by the discove-
JL rv of the Gold Regions has carried off'a
large number of our citizens, who will, it is to
be hoped, reap a rich reward from Sacramen
to's Golden mud. We had almost determined
to go along with the crowd, but after mature
deliberation as to the consequences of leaving
Lewistown without a Store where cheap goods
could be bought, we concluded that the inter
ests of our friends demanded that we should
remain, and we have accordingly determined
to make the sacririce. There will, therefore,
be no need for any one to so to California to
get rich, as our store will afford a splendid op
portunity for acquiring gold and silver in abun
dance, in the shape of cheap goods—so low,
that a picayune is worth more here than an
ounce of gold in the Sacramento Valley with
flour at §1U0 per barrel, other things in pro
portion, and not to be had at that. We there
fore invite all our old customers (whose name
is "legion,") and ten thousand new ones to
give us a call as soon as they read this notice,
so that they may have an early choice frcm the
Tremendous Piles
of goods of all descriptions we are now placing
on our counters, on shelves, under the coun
ters, in drawers, in the store-rooms, in the cel
lars, garrets, ware houses, custom houses, et
cetera, and so foitb, lest they disappear as
quickly as they came.
Jt is hardly worth while to enumerate a few
articles where there ere so many —we there
fore only say that there are lots of
Clot/is, Cassimeres 4* Sattin'ts,
from Great Britain. France, Germany, and the
United Slates, embracing all prices from 37$
cents a vard to ;
8 ii A \r s.s,
from India's coral strand and the vales of Cash
mere ; SILKS t rem Italy;
Plaids from Scotland:
Ll\ E N S
from Ire'and; HANDKERCHIEFS from
Australasia and Polynesia;
from the ice-bound hills of Switzerland;
CAPES, Collars, Edgings, Insertings,
Laces, s*c.. 4* c *
from Greece, Turkey, and Egypt ;
from here, there, and everywhere, and thou
sands of yards of CALICOES from all cre
In sit other matters, from a row of Pins to
a hogshead of Sugar, we more than hold our
own, ns any one can test by calling. We've
got all in the Grocery line that anybody else
M:IS — us good as (he best —AS CHEAP AS THE
ER. As "seeing is believing," and we don't
ask people to put on n pair of green specs to
make them believe that a barrel of shavings is
a barrel ot green grass, like the vankee pedlar
did his horse, just walk in and judge for your
selves—and you'll say, as everybody else does,
that the place for good goods and cheap goods,
Lewistown, April 7, I>49—tf.
French Kill Files&£hoe Hasps,
tmKOM 5 to 10 inchee, assorted, flat and
I* concave, at the store ot
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCL'S.