Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 05, 1849, Image 4

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    Rallisuore Advertisement*.
froiiucc & General Commission llerciiants,
Aos. 15 Ai 10 SjifitDi's Wharf,
CASH ADVANCES made on con
fcignmenls of all kinds ot Produce.
"Baltimore, March 24, 1649—3 m.
J. F. A3 S Is B* K U ,
f.erieral Commission ft Forwnrding Merchant,
!%0. t9, ROWLEY'S WHARF,
the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseod,
* W'jiiskey, Lumber, etc., &.c. Also, fbr
wgrdintr goods via Tidewater canal and Penn
sylvania improvements. Orders for Fish, Salt,
Plaster, i.e.. &c., supplied at lowest prices.
Having been engaged in the above business
durinff the last five years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfullv solicited. Refer to
F. MCCOY. Esq, Lew is! own.
Messrs. FI NK SI MILLER, i
J. & G C. GUY. Ilarrisburg, Pa.
February "24, 16-iVMj.u*
Steel Springs.
A ]ar ,T 8 assortment, low for cash, for sale
Le wist own, march "24, 1649.
If 'kite Lead,
PURE, at £2 per keg, for sale bv
Lewistown, march £4,1 fr-19.
I}o not
THAT at F. J. hofyman's win be
found a splendid assortment of fashiona
ble HATS, CAPS, c)*r., at much lower prices
than thev can be bought elsewhere
in 'hisccun'ry. As an evidence of
eEfiif ih s. we submit the following list
cf prices, and ASK th > public local 1
m,i examine for themselves:
A good For Hat, ... 1.00
Fire .N'utra and Fine Silk, - 2.20
Fine Beaver, - 275
Finest Moleskin, ... 3 "25
Lcwiatovvn, tnarco 25. 1849.
Vt hott'Mile <V; Retail
THE undersigned respectfully
announces to the citizensot Lew
istown and vicinity, that he ha*
iust received the latest Spring
ashiccs at the
>ew IS.it TSannllneJoi'v,
ihree dcors IV( rf the Black B"ar Hotel, in
Market street, where he is prepared to manu
facture every variety ot h\ts now in use, out
of the best material, such as
SILK, NUTRIA. run, WOOL, &c.
Tne business of manufacturing i conducted
under my persona! supervision, and from long
practical acquaintance with this business, I am
warranted m e-jaranteeing none but gotxl and
substantia! work.
My OMISII FRIEXDS will always find
at this
know wilt please them, at fair prices. 1 will
always have on hand
Men's, Hoy's and Youth's 'Ja/>s,
which will be retailed at a very slight advance
on cost.
f£r J'i"t received t| ie LATEST SPRING
FASHIONS, t,i wh'ch the attention of admir
ers of a handsome hot is invited.
and ai! others desirins to buy hats, will find it
to their advantage to call. In quality and price
we are bound to please.
Lea istown. March 21,1 lO.
■n We have now on
r — hand a large stock of
*"1 Cooking Stoves,suchas
r |- ->- ri we can warrant to give
entiresa* i-fsction We
Y" 1 :' [[,"!! ~BkM iiave ihe I.aubarh, two
" ,ar ' two
r hi' ij mer and ail persons
V needing a Cooking
J Stove, to give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
Lowistovvn, March 21, I^l9.
11. f\lllll.l\ll i 91.V
WOULD respectfully inform their friends
and llie public, that they still continue
to carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
v I its various branches, at their olu stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sis.,
where they have constantly on hand MARBLE
CRAVE STONES, 6cc. Aii kinda of
work executed with nettneas, and on the most
reasonable tem3. Thankful for the liberal
patronage extend'd to them, they still solicit
u continißoce of the saiiK*.
Orders from any port of the cotint r y, through
l*uil, attended to with accuracy en J
Ma.cL 17. ISl7—lf
CLICK EN i:ir s
The Grand Purgative for the cure of
Headache, Giddiness, Meaael*, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worm*,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Cwigh, Quiusey.
Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough,
Inward weakness. Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, t'dils, (lout, (| MI E i
Female Complaints, Nervous Coin; im ? *
and a variety of other diseases arising front impunties <
the blood, and obstructions in the organs o! digestion.
The aversion to taking medicine is . ■ tr.-v Tun 11 > rt. 11 •. ve ci
being completely enveloped with a coating of pure white
sugar (which is as distinct from the internal ingredients
as a nut shell from the kernel) and hare no taste of medi
cine but as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover
they NEITHER NAUSEATE OB r.RipK, but operate equally
upon all the diseased parts of the system. Thus, il the
liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on that
particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess ot
bile restore it to its natural si tte. Another will operate
on the blood, while third wrill effectually expel what
ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom
ach, and henee they strih' at ike root of disease, thus se
curing a free and healthy action to the heart, lungs, and
Liver ; and thereby they restore health even when all
other means lyave failed.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by the
trial of a single box ; am! their virtu, s are so positive and
certain in restoring health that the proprietor binds him
self to return the money paid for iheni in a!! cases where
they do tint eive universal sati.-faction.
Retail price 'LS cents per box.
♦ Principal office No. Ob Vesey street, New \ork
r Re member Dr. C. V. Clickener is the inventor of
Sil?ar Coated Pitts, and that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of until he introduced tln-in in .Line, 1843.
Purchasers should, therefore, always a-k for Clukctier's
Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and lake no others, or
iliey will be made victims of fraud.
Wholesale Ageot for this countv, CIIAS.
RITZ. [Dec. 23. 1648—1y.
CompoiiEifl Syi'iip ol' Niiisclia
or Vegetable Yermilage,
The most ejfectual, the safest, pleasantest
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
THE KPIGELIA, says a work of highest authority,
stands ot the head of thtlist cf Anthelmintics or H'orm
.Medicines . It is adapted to a wider range of cases, and
to a greater Variety of constitutions and states of the
constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com
monlv is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to
children in sufficient doses In Hairis, Turner k H He's
Con'ponr.d Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose ,s
very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only with ease,
but w.th positive pleasure.
The precise composition of this syrup and ihe mode of
preparing it, are tne rejull of a series ot experiment*
co dinned for years. Before <tf ring it f< rssle, :t was
injected to tile test of xper nre IT, the hands of smi
net tphjstciar.s, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have
recommended it in the highest terms, and stil! employ it
in their practice. In a tdilien to this evidence of lis mer
its, we off,t the following, sob ued frrm a number of un
solicited testimonials.
)t. A Uisting ji..ed phvVriin of Virginia, of much
experience, write. of it lln.i :
"I should hive written before this, but felt disposed
first to try tiie ctficacy of your Vermifuge, l have tiled
more than half the quantity received.a-ui the experiment
haa been moat auceeasful. I really beiterr that if pee iff
%'. advantage* over any other Vrrmtfage / hare rxer i.jed.
Independent of the iin.ilir.esi of ttie dose, and the plea
santries* of the syrup (areal advantages in doting chil
dren) the advantage of administering it und -r a variety
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there i*
scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not
be administered Yours, &.c "
2d. A respectable physician of L-banon county, in this
atate, w rues—
" I have been in the habitof prescribing your rotnpouii i
Syrup of rjpigetla for some time pas' and have found 11
an excellent wonn medicine, particularly for children.
Please forward per bearer 2 doz. bottles Yours, fcc."
3d.— An intelligent merchant of Virginia t< whom we
had previously sold tue syrtip, writes:
"Since my return home, 1 find lli.it your Syrup of Sju
gelia hascnnie into general use in this neighborhood We
have sold what we had on hand, and it pave such sati
factioii that it t now called for evey day \-n w ill
put us up 5 or 6 dozen in a smalt package, and send to the
care of W. Anderson it Co., Richmond, as soon as possi
ble, and forward ihe bill per mail. Yours, fee."
4th. A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late \i-I to
Philadelphia, ctati-d, that some lime since he h id hee.o ap
plied to by a customer for a vial of '* Ver
mifuge for his son. N t having the article asked for, he
advised a trial of Harris, Turner A. M ile's t on,p an d
Hvrupof Spigelia and gave htm a part of a hottir which
was all that remained In the store. A day or two after
this the gentleman returning to tire store, expressed h.s
surprise and delight at the cIT-ci of the Syrup, declaring
it had expelled 200 worms ami entirely relieved tils son
The merchant added ai . s press ion of his great regret that
he had uot hsd on bands a ;*>t:le •■{ the Syrup at the time
when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be
lieved it would have saved her life.
siti —A |entlenian uf Hudson v \., having ent a but
tie of Harris, Turner t II de's < :n •> ni ■! .* r i|> ■-.( -
gelia. lea young friend who hail tr linv tn i great num
ber of worm medicines, writes, that hi- friend was hum -
diately relieved ; the words of the patient were : " It took
every worn oat my body."
Wholesale Druggists, .So. 2<il Market street,
Drugs. .Medicine*. Chemical*. I' uent v| di, ,:, . >'irg.
and Obstetrical Instrument*, Driifjiils' Gla.sware, W n .
dow-fbiss, Paints, Oils, Liyr-s, Perfumerie*, dec..,Ac ,and
exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A. II !#*'-
Sugar-C..alert Pills, Huxliam's Limn cut fur llie Piles,the
liauiiridgr Hair Tonic, liberie Eye Water.Mrs. .Madi
son's Unrivalled I ndellible Ink, Dewees*Celebrated Nerve
and Bone Liniment,or Magic Pain Extractor,M * Mnr*-
woud'a Extract* of Lemon and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud.
dines. Ice Cream*, 4cc., Sec
For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in
Centre. Mifflin and Juniata counties. {au5 —It
#THE Graefenbergcompany
most earnestly commend to
public notice llie two to!-
tuey have adopted among
vi'thmit which none is gen-
A certain cure for Prolap
sus Uteri (falling i f Hie
womb), an I for nil other
■ uterine and urinary diseases. This medicine is the only
j one extant, in any country, which can < lire I'iol.ipsiiN
I i ten. It gives almost immediate relief In even the mo.-t
' hopeless eases, and rarely f.iilanfau effectual cure. A
great amount of evidence to this effect is on file,lhe par
i ticulars of which will be furnished gratuitously on appli
i ration, by letter, (post paid) or other wine. Persons suf
i fering from this complaint should not lose u moment in
sending for the particulars
2. /.WHY'S ¥II.F. ()l\"t'.MF..\"T. —Tlii* medicine is
I warranted to cure even those rase, where a surgical op
j ■ ration is pronounced the only hope. Its efficacy is most
| wonderful, attested to by professional gentlemen of the
highest standing ; particular* of which will be furnished
to any one who may request them. The instruction* to
the Company's Agents are, to ref rn the money if a cure
1 i not effected, litis is sufficient guaranty of its virtues.
! Every person afflicted with the piles should immediately
order rhe medicine, and thereby he sure of an immediate
Kelt may be sent by mail incases of emergency
EDWARD H VRTOM, iJccretary.
a>The General Agents for Mifflin county are C C.
HPOTrt WOOD, and F. J. HOFFMAN, to whom all ap
plications may he addressed.
New /ork, January 27, 1840.
A largo utock ot Blank Bxiks, on hand and
* iL for imlp, wholesale of retail, by
March 24, ISIO.
The Franklin Fire Insurance
Company ot pniladelpkia,
/NPUCE No 183# Cliesnui street, near Fifth street
U ' direc tors
Charles N. Bancker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mordecni D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, DavidS. Brown,
Jacoli R. Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, snfely invested,
utf -r is ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the Company, on January Ist. 1848, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows. vix:
Mortgages, #B9O S.jS C 3
Ileal Estate, M 8.37.8 !k)
Temporary Loans, 121,459 00
Stocks, 51,303 25
Cash, 4tc. 45,157 87
$ 1,22",097 07
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of nuc million tso hundred thou
sand dollars losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as w.-il as the ability ami
Deposition to meet Willi promptness all liabilities
CllAfll.Ksl N BANCKER, President.
Cn.vnl.L-S G. 11a SOKES, Secretary.
For terms appiy id il. C. HALF, Lewis
town. "pl4 —ly .
nic or Nervous Debility. Disease of the.
Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from
a Disordered I Aver or Stomach in both
Male and Female :
(Such as Constipation, Inward Piles. Fulness or BP od
to the Head, Acidity of the ritomsc.h, Nanse-t, 11. art
burn, Disgust for Fo >.(, F i!n..-s or Weight in the 8to:m. ii,
Sour Erui tati f>., fitiking or Flulleriiig at the pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Di'Fn ui'
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or suffocat
ing sensations when in a ly ing posture, Dimness of vi
sion. Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull p tin
in the Head. Deficiency of perspiration. Yellowness of
the skin and eyes, pain in the Side, Kick, Chest, Liiid-s,
Ac , sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, con
stant imaginings of evil and great depression cf spirits,
can be effectually cured by
~Dx\ Hoofiaiid'a Celebrated
Their potcrr or er the mho re diseases is not excelled —if
equalled— by any other prepa ration t<i the United
tkr cures utility in. numy eases after shilj ut physieotns had
Of R WOE*.!CNT OF THE I.IVEft and STOMACH Are snilfi r- S
of Insanity, an! h ill aUo produce ilie ifeirr,
*<kin. Lu* js and Kidnt*\s, anil lays tl)* body open loan
attack i f the CboSera# Bilious, or Veliow fVvcr, and is
general') tii * iiisl cause of lliat most baneful disease#
Cohsh *p; 'Oh
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press.
' 1 lip J)isp:tu !i," I>fretjibcr 31-t, says:
An !xyvi.cable Msoiri>B —Me have fre<|itently
heard the < elc-oraied Uerwan Bitter., manufactured by
Df. He; ti cd, p .ken of in ten .1 of . omilii ndation. ami
we know deservedly <- It u a too common |>r • !e, m
c rUiin ijnailers, to i'iff all maoi er of uel(-s trash, hut
hi the r i e of Die shove Bitter., bundr. .1* are living wit
nesses of their great moral and physical worth As a
medicine for the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous
Debility, and Dyspepsia, it iias been found invaluable,
effecting cures and thoroughly eradicating disease, when
. other medicines have failed We feel convinced, thai in
the use of the German Buters, Die patient does not b,
1 come debilitated, but constantly gains strength and vigor
to the frame—a fait worthy of great consideration The
Buters are pleasant in ta-te and smell, andean be admin
: islered under any circtintstanres to the most delicate
stomach. Indeed, they can be used by all persons with
the most perfect safety it would be well for those af
f. cted hi tim nervous system, to commence tviih one te i
upoonful ,-t less, and gradually increase M e .peak from
! experience, and are of course a proper judge. The pros
' far and wide have united in rcconi.oending the tlerman
B tiers, and to the afflicted we most cordially ad-. i.e their
" Sjiirti of llit* Times," June 21, says :
" Do <.ur gfotd citizen* w ho arc invalid*, know Hi* l ma
ny a-?ouisJluf cure* that have been per fur me J by Dr
II ct lcbratrd Gi rinan Bitter* 1 If they do not,
we fecunimMid them to the v German Medkine Store,'
; nil who are atfliitfd with Liver Coiiipl;r.nt, J tunlice,
i>ysf*et>#M, <r Nervu# Hebtlity; the doctor ha.* cured
many of eur eiiixeiti after I tie b physit iati* Ji.itl failed.
| We have used them, and they have proved to be a medi
cine tii it every me should know of, and we re-
Train |*iv our testimony in their fivor, and that win h
them greater claim upon our humble clft /t !, they
are en! rely rr<retah!e.
• I Id- lhtti\ News." Jdlv 4lit, says :
"We speak kaowingly of ID. Ilooffland's rete'i aled
brim in Hun rs, v. h -n vt- .ay it i. a bh-sstng of this age;
and in diseases of lh biliary, digestive- ami nervous .ex
terna, it has not vvc think .111 e<i;iul It is aFt -etuble
Prepurjtinn, and made without .Ilr, hoi, and to all invalids
we would recommend it a> worthy their confidence "
it is frftßt onp of oar firat a fcntfeiitftn
ah' k now n throughout th I 'nitrd Stales—the jroj>r: tor
t>{ the % >l:vltWuriu
fill; 4DKMMUA, Nov 23d, I s * !8
Dear ir— fl i* tvitli much |lra*urt that ! tpatifv to the
extiuordimry virtue* of your (vpttitat) liitier#, havioj
m>M I Uieiii ilk'm: |.i*4 f * n< rlh to varttMia
afflict '<l wtih liver tom^lainia,ami
leh.lc> of T!' IOT Ol* sy.-tt*i ! can *l> i'on*ici i iilioii v
V ih it UP v are the b->t ariir!** f tl# kuiil 1 liiVi'€!Vpr
H :J, ( on! I deal u ail the ;o;ular IIHPIU MU ai<i I con
-ider it the out) HP: iictii*; fur the above before
til'! fPlblH'
I have tier* r sold one bottle that has not jrivett satisfac
liuu, ami bi migiu fotlh the coma .eud alio it uf those who
used it.
I deem tin* my duty both to yon as the proprietor of
tin* highly valuable article, and to those a'ilicted with the
abuvc cuinplaiiiUi, that I hey may know of it* curative
properties, ami T enable I H * HI to Ntr( I the good from the
various artirlr* with which our market is flooded.
With inurli respect, I remain your*, Ac <
J V IIOR'eNKACK, Drugeist,
corner of Second and Conies h'reels
Cured afttr Physicians had failed.
I'hiladelphla , December 27, ISIS.
Dear Mr— I: is with feelings of pleasure I communicate
to )<><! the sanative -ff,. lt (unit in a short time) of your
Invaluable II toll ind's celebrated German llttti ti, upon
toy system while I .boring under the Jaundice About
two jours ago I had an attack <>f-ha Jaundice and was
confi.-ed to tlto house sir trrrke under mcdtrnl Ire t nrnl uf
the Family Physician, and Cor miiue lime ilicr, when !
went out I had to very careful of myself; since that time
I have had several attacks of in.- same di> aac, md your
Hitters luvt* entirely relieved a.id cored me Iu Imo or
three rini t s My next door ne.ghlior, Mr JOIIN DIKIII.,
1 ist sprint;, had a lone and serious spell of Jaundice ; lie
had it some time before I knew tl ; tie iron confined la his
bed. As soon as I heard ..f his condition I called to see
him and told him of the effect your Hitters had upon utt
In tile suite disease lie Immediately sent for a bottle,
and ta a fete day* he vat cared I have In several instan
ces recommended the Hillcis in other cases, always pro
ducing Ih same hippy effect My w if,- has been i onsi
durably atlli. t. d with l.iver Complaint and Neuralgia; by
the use ot the Hitters she is well, now enjoying good
health. We believe troui the many cures we know of
these Hitters effecting, that they possess in a remarkable
ami extraordinary degree great curative properties, and
that which enhances their value with us is, they are en
tirely veg> table. We always keep the Hitters on hand,
and would not he willing to do without them.
Very respectfully, yours,
C. I'll'.ltCK, :i7(> South Front Hreet.
Can stronger testimony he adduced by any preparation
before the public 1 A single bottle will convince any one
of their power over disease. 'I Itey are KNTIKKI.y Vege-
TABLE, ami will permanently destroy the west obstinate
eottitenrts, and give strength and vigor to the frame, at
no time deb dilating the patient; being also grateful to
the most delicate stomach tinder any circumstances, and
can be administered with perfect safely to delicate Infants
they arc free from Alcohol, Syrups, diet,ls, Calomel, and
all mineral and injurious ingredients.
liiey can lie taken at all times and under all rircuui
stances; no ordinary ex|KiKiire will prevent them having
a salutary effect, arid uo had result can accrue from an
over dose.
I'or sale, wholesale and retail, at the principal Depot,
CJcrtnan JUtduiae Store, 278 llace street, Philadelphia.
Fur sale in Lcwistown by WM MARKS
•Si HON, an-1 re.Hpsycu ble dealers in every town
in thfl rrtole. ttj) I V— ly
ftnlsaiii, LoatcnsesJit Plaster.
Dr. Shermans OIJO S.'l ON IA N, or All-
Healing Balsam,
For the cure nf Consumption, .Ift hum. Pits pep tic Con
sumption Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, lJijUeulty of
Breathing, Houretnttf Influenza, Croup, Coughs,
Colds, Puns in the Hi-tost and Side, Dye pep
bitiy and the various ajftctious of the
Stomach and Liver.
The great celebrity wli*h litis remedy has (Thffttned
among thoae who are .•irqtiniuted with its virtue*, and are
r<*l licing in its effects, ha# induced the Proprietor to give
it ill* name of OLQSJiONf JV\ OR ALi HR 4/,/JVYV
RjJlsSo'iMjUt distinguish it from all otb i Remedies now
in use. It# i-.ntubination ii the result of urar* than rwsNTV
v us experience, and he believe -itto be die per fee'
remedy known—for it h is been used by thousand# of |**r
■uiih, and in aii instances with the iiijh! dm ided benefit.
For References or Ceriilit al-s of Remarkable Gapes of
long .standing and considered bemud Hope, rue a email
Book furnished gratis by the Agent.- to all who d >ire it
The suffering* which children frequently undergo from
\vcK >s often tend to a f". ta I terminal ton, w file; the cai sr.
i> never suspected. (Offensivebreath, pit king at lti* nose,
grinding the teeth during sleep, starling up in b-epwi!h
fright and screaming, troublesome cough, and feverish
ness, are among Koine of the kn i sh.'I'TUMSuI the
|)r*sfin rof worms. A timely use of
SHEIIM A N S WO /.' 1/ IsOZENfiEx,
will iiumedi Rely remove all i!n:sc uupl-'usatit-yuiptOiiu,
and restore to perfect health.
Consumption, irifl-i<i;i-/.a,coughs, cob!., whooping cough
tlgh! ft ess of t lie lungs or chest may be cured by a proper
use of
Sherman s CO I OH Is ()ZEN O E V.
Headache, palpitation i I toe heart, l,wnt-ssof apirii, s'o'-
sickness, de.pmdencv, raininess, rholte, spasms, crHtn;w
ttf ilie etumacb, aominer ur Itovvel complaints, are <j.iit kiy
and entirely relieved to using
fllieiimutism, weak hack, ptiitt at.d weakness uf the
breast, hark, I, nibs, mid other parts of the body are speedily
and eflV-cliialiy relieved by
Sherman s Poor Man's Plaster,
which costs only I'ij cents, is wtlhtti the reach of all. It
ots his name with directions printed on the back of the
Plaster, and a fat simile of the Doctor's written name
under '.he direction ■•-. None others are genuine or to be
relied on. Dr Sherman's Warehouse is No. 106 .Nassau
street, New \ ork.
Wholesale .Agent fur litis county CPAS.
RITZ. " [l'cc. 23, 184*-Iy.
E\ccnlo' Aolii'c.
"V": OTICE is hereby given tin t Letters Tes
i si tamentary on the os'nte of WILLIAM
BAREFOOT, deceased, late of Armagh town
chip MitHin county, have been granted by tie-
Register of Wilis ot said county to the sub
ecribers, residing in the county and township
above named. Ail persons indebted to said
estate are heteby notified to make payment to
either ot ttie undersigned without deity, and
those having claims to present them, properly
authenticated, for settlement.
James hark foot, '■ Exrs
March 31. (h*
Philadelphia Advert
The liiranl Life Instiranrr Annnity and Trust
Company of Pliiladflpliia,
Oflice IVo. 1.59 Chesnui .Street.
Capital S;ZOO,<MH>.
CharP r Perpetual.
priNTIN I K to tusks Insurances on Lives on the most
C favorable terms; rect <ve and execute Trusts, and
receive Deposits on Interest.
The t'.ipit il being pain .pa id nvested, tngeth- r with
accumulated prei, 11.111 fund, afford. a perfect stcuru ' to
lite insured 'lhe premium may be pant in yearly, half
yearly, ur unarterly payments
I tie t" t:.i; n> add a BONI'B at state.! periods to tit"
insurances for life This plan of intuirancc is ihc nmst
approved of, and is more generally in use than any oilier
in Great 111 tain, (vv liert tin subject i> best iiiulerslo. d >t
ihe p ..j !e, and wli re they have hud the longest experi
ence,) as appears from the fact that out of 117 l.ife Insu
rance Companies there, of ill kinds, are on tins plan.
The first BOM s Wits appropriated in December. ISti,
iiiiounting to iO per cent. <-n the sum insured und r the
oldest policies; toe; p,:r cent., 7 |ier rent, dec., &c., on
lh< rs, ii proportion to the lime of standing, making an
old 11 ;i t <:00; $87.0; #75, tic., &l< ~to every
orieina ly iiisured, whicli is an averace ,>f more than 5'
,ier cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing
i the annual payment to the company.
The operation of the Uotus will be seen by the follow
in? cx iuiples from the Life Insurance Register of the
( oiupany, thus :
j Sum I Honus or j A mount of Policy and
Policy. ! Insured. ' Addition. I BJIIHS payable at the
i ■ j party's decease.
NO M i 9 IiOOO F 9100 00 J 91.1U) 00
" ts- ! 5,500 | i"iO (Hi 1 2,750 00
a0 , ' 4,000 ' 4fK" Oil ' 4,100 CO
" t76 ) 2.00.) 175 00 ; 5.175 00
11 33d j 5,-kK) j 437 50 j 5.13. 50
"r PAMPHLETS containing the table of true*, and ex
;.la> .a I ions •( the subj-ct; Forms uf AiipUeation, and
furih i information cm he ha.l at tli office, gratis, in
p. - ..-n or t.y biter, addressed to thi Pr. sideet *.r Actuary
B w. R:U II A HPS. President.
JNO. V. JAME->, Actuary. [op2^:ly
Wholesale Commissi >ll Agent,
FOK ALL K!.\D4 i f
F I S 11,
ilio. • ! \orlh H liai'ves,
A hove Itarr street, Philade Iphia.
Philadelphia. April 21, 1-45) —ly
Improved W i*<; Jlauufactory.
Seive, Kitliile, ami
U i.c C foils JliimiLielot .Vr
jVo. IC> NORTH FRONT Street.
Between Market and Arch St., Corner of Comb's Alley,
r'l E subscribers continue to in uitnf icture. of a sc PBRIOR
gt AI.ITV, all kinds of Pf, f/.V ar.il OR.YdMF.VT 1.
H ttiF. H'ORK, sin It as Sieves, Kiddies, Screens, Ar. fur
■II kinds of Drain, Seeds. So rid. • ire, Snuff, starch. Hi ick
liist, Ac Founders' Sieves of a superior quality con
stantly' on hand. Also, Safes, Wire Dish Covers, Sofa
Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark ('ateliers, &LC.
Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering,
Flow er Stands, Trainer*. Trellte work fur Grape V ines,
Sir. Also, Wire Fencing of every description.
Orders tit ttikfullv received and prnmpltv executed by
Philadelphia, March 1, IM9—3m.
Manufacturer of Donnelly's I'prigltkßadcty Glazed Cap
killed Hlue
_>l ATC 83 S,
And United States Oil Paste Ii to eking,
No. S3 NORTH TIIIKD Street, Philadelphia.
r pilF,sK Matches are justly considered the best in the
lulled State*; they tire free from unpleasant mm 11,
and can he introduced with perfect safety into all Stores
and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years.
The Blacking is of superior quality, am! free from any
ingredient that impair* the leather.
to their interest to call and see for themselves.
N. H. An assortment of Matches of various New York
Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes— a|o,
packed in largo or small tin case*, to ship to any pait of
the world. JOHN DONNRI.f.Y,
I-ate of 20 Bank mrcet, now sd North Thard street,
h 21, ly
At the Old Established Staud
No. G north Tliil'd Street,
Three duors abuce Market Street, I'II IJ.ADEI.PIIIA, f
tT711,1, SF.I.L av AUCTION, fcVI.UY KVENISti,
VV , oriuiipiicing at 7 o'clock, a large assortment of
Lock*. Lul< be*. Bolts. Trace nt.d Mutter Chains, Pad
Locks, Closet do , Hand s.,w. Iron Hack do.. Guns, Pis
tols, Siiov- I- , Spades, Axes, Hat, I) is, Hammers, Gig and
Carriage Whip*, W. gon do., Tru v eilina Trunk*, Slates,
Pencils. Japanned Wait, rs and Trt. v, Frencli Accorde
ons. Violins and U..W*, Table and Tea Spoons, Braces
and Bit -, ' hisels. Carry Comb.-. Knives and Porks of all
kind*. Butcher and Shoe Kni e, and a large assortment
of other good*. Trillin.ings, Small \5 ares, Sec.
t> All goods warranted equal to representation, and
w til be sold in hd* to suit pii!i.ha.,er*. nihl,—-3ui
The lor seat concern in the U. States.
u all & ceii'S,
No 233 .North SECOND Street, aheve VINE, aud No.
213 MARKET Stteet, above TENTH.
MOTTO! —Smill profits and quick *al"S.
V aMKTY ! —Entirely unsurpass- d and unequalled.
COMPK rrrio* ! —Far, very far in the back ground.
We ofi r, among other*, lh*s *eri*rb :
t•; i ' ra!r:d Empire ( ook, the genuine.
Honey's K oriou.ist—>. new and prime stove.
Leibrundt's O e Bull Cook,
i he Ph i tdeipbia Air-Tight.
The fiur Stoves for Cooking, new it splendid patterns.
The New Pattern Completes, 3 size*, do. do.
The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do.
A -I>li ndi I.• "oriment of Radiator* for Parlors, Cannon
Kadi t >t-, A.r tights, Stoves lor Stores, Halls, Churches,
1 it , A.e . i.'.", too mi sir roos to mention.
September.:l, ISIS —-UnySO.
Manufacturers, and Wholesale unci Retail
Dealers in
gsiflfc. FIELD AND FLOWBR Sekm.
11*3* Market. Street, ll>li
OFf" 1711 for .-ale an extensive a— .rtnenlof FARM and
GARDEN IMPLEMENTS and SEEDS, consisting iu
part ft the following, viz :
I'rooty &. Mears's patent centre-draught, self-sharpen
ing, right and left hand, subsoil and side-hill, wheel and
*w int; PLOT G IIS. with points at ' -hears, so strong and
thoroughly purified and hardened, that ICO acres of land
have often been ploughed with a etngU set.
These plotig..s are construct*: I"f ihe best materials
IP. I tin high ■ • fi.ii.h, and f.r .-a** of draught and man
igement, t:. r ftei.it'. with which their points and shares
• returned "d slinr- -tied, llie . r.oie.aliou of weeds and
ihi il.ort .eticuh v.ition of the s it, they stand unrivaled
in the mar . t They arc warranted to work in any soil,
>tt.l to give perfct atisf u tion after fair trial, or they may
be returned, and ihe money refunded.
To these plough, wcr • .-.vard-d TWENTY -THREE PRE
vt; ts at trial mutches, dining the past year, proving iti
niterlibiy their trrcut superior. •> .vn their j.uinerous
.-(imp. it tors
i v, <! . Mors, with sii-.'Ueeth; Harrows; Rc
i..g l.or-o Rake*; Agricultural I'urr.aees and Caul
drons; I rn Mills; Sugar M il.; Seed Planters; Corn
Phi t'-r- ; Ch • te Presses; Ox Yokes; Hovey's Spiral
ll.i Straw .dC .rastui:. Cult: r; C .rnSheilers; Gram's
patent Pan Mil!*, and -oh* r approved patterns
. -i ,i * r . tr.c Ha ml < hurn —constructed in such
a main • r tin' the w hole reel or dasli. i* t an be removed
whole) from the ,-i-Je ; the churti is then clear of all
imp. dii'er.t* in the way ol' removing the butter, and of a
perfect cleaning.
Cast -i . H u.*. r.'lJi'Ve!?, Spades, llay and Manure
F irk*. Sr. the*. Snath*, Br' :r *- at!.. - ' I'd H'tiks.
.ififilL Vl.'iVtt.l!.. If Oh 11 ' LTUH.iI. Sr FLOW- ;
Kk SEEDS, in great t .nctj. raised expressly for this
establishment t v careful and v vpericiieed seed growers, .
anil warranted.
>We are :. As 'its for the I'lnr-iiix Manufacturing i
<;„•* cel.' tatv I C. S Hay ar.u Manure Forks, Oval aud
Squar- T *• . .roll •G ; ir u-u li kes, Garden Spade
I' rk*, and Com avert II ■<?*; and are prepared to fill or
der it Who!- -ale or Retail on the most favorable terms
C .n'ry Merchants and others, v lien in the city, are
invited to ra I and examin • our rilensive stock, in 17.2 m '
Binnwn HIBL
'PHE -i ! rib r* re* .'i tfullv inform Country Merchants :
•L and others that they are constantly manufacturing and j
ki ep on li.'i !, a larg • assortment of the best BIUTA.V
NIA WARE. In their stock will be found :
SPITTOONS, &.c., &.c.
We will warrant our stock equal to any in the market,
and pur< haser.-i will find it to tlieir advantage to call be
fore purchasing elsewiieie.
Feb 17,'49-3in. No. 104 Third street, Phil's.
•3000 PIU:TSH ?i rllxds.
15. .V. WiHsuius,
Ao. 12 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia,
Vcuiliaii Blind ami Window
Sliatle .Tlaiiufuctitrer.
(Awarded ilie lirst and highest MEDALS at the New
kirk, B Ctiinnre, and Pintadol; hi t Exhibitions, for the
supi'i i'>riti of hi- Bonds, with confirmed confidence in
his Mi iHiif icturc,' -.sks the attention of purchasers tn his
assortment of 2000 Blinds, of narrow and wide -lots,
with fani y ami ,'lain Trimming,,, of nun styles and col
ors. Also, a large anil general assortment ofTßANspA
ai;sT WINDOW -HAULS, allot which he will sell at the
lowest cash prices.
u<) !"•!>• < 'ill.led and trimmed to look equal to new.
*>l)iAl.n'S similied on libera)terms.-a The ehi
tens of Mifflin c mniy are respectfully invited to call bc
fire buying else where—confide- I of pleasing all.
March 31, lUi'J— 3m.
AIOIIZO .loliiimiuN
\ r's W &TO2t K ,
Aj. 14 A orth Second Street, a fere doors
above Market,
V ANPFACTPRER of Transparent Window Shades,
- Heed Biinds, Paper loi lams and VeniDan Blinds, of
all the different sirs varying in price, from Sut CENTS
10 livusrv DOLl\ns a piece. All the new styles of ev
ery e-cripti-.il of patterns, ard of the lalest fashions of
different colors, an I a variety of Trimmings of all kinds
Aim, beautiful FABLE and OIL CLOTH in patterns
and in pieces. Oil Clothe f., r f! -ors, P..lent Coach Cur
tains for AA'agou (.'-vers of a superior article, any width,
(1 null.- or single, ol the fi i> si finish, and a splendid as
s-n'tnieitt of CLUCKS, LOOKJXO GL.iSSES, and
Fifty. HOARDS, Arc . Arc
Old Blinds painted ami trimmed over, to look equal to
new, at a very little expense, or taken IN exchange for
He h is on ham) the largest and most complete and beau
tiful assortment of Hie above articles, at V> percent,
cheaper ihuu .-iny other establishment in the city, Whole
sale and Retail, at reduced prices.
OMen hanls and mlie,* are Invited to call before pur
chasing elsewhere, as it will be to their advantage.
Any otitic above goods made to order, or carefully
parked, so they can he sent nny distance without injury.
Other Manufacturers sup|4ied with dials, Fronts, Heads,
or Pulley's, al the lowest pries*.
March 31, 1849—-ly.
r lYiturnings Cheap for Cash.
Hi:.\kv C. OLIVER,
178 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
If A* for sale a large and hands,, m* assortment of
I riuiining- an, has Zephyr Worsted, /'..Kmus, Steel
Heads, Fnrse Silk*, Fp ...J Co;ton, Sewing Silk, Needles,
/ ,n, lid C 'tton. Perfumer., fVtack, ta/lisA, f?r
man .mj .If.tr,eon Faucy G ...<U, Ac., CIILAI- kos CASH
Wholesale an.: retail, at the Tllßß\|> AND NEEDLE
STORK, !> SHESRXI'rSt., PhtiadtlflOa.
P. S. A'so, sob- Agent for Hrmg h ,r<'* CtlttrruttA
.'/ctr.h'irlsre, for removing Dtudrutf And Ihssslngtho
11 iir, giving it a ling glossy ap sitiaucn
M irch'it, t.BO 3w->-
mf \CKF.REL, 1
XT M. Shad, | _ , . L
Salmon. !°—iSKt--
Herrings, J. PALMER & Co
Pork , I Market Street Wharf
Hams and Sides, j PHILADELPHIA
Lard and Cheese , J Feb. 21.1849
\ Is laE ii El E * V II OrS E (
No. 280 Market street, above Eighth
(South side,)
THIS large and uplendid Hotel has been farrlshed v.-
entire new furniture. The Bar Room is ihe UrXn
in Philadelphia. The Parlors and Sitting U'MIIIIS ar- - r ,
lirely separated from the noise and bustle, n-nsequXp •,
the arrival and departure of cars. The Portko eit er :
nig lbs whole front of the house, affords a cool reirtai ai
warm weather, and a splendid view of the g-taissi p,'
roughfrre in the city.
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished—the Taij! e
well (irovtdcd f ■: as at any oilier Hotel, with every
tion of the managers to make it the he*t Hoc!f, ir jj '
ch iiits aril Business Men, during their stay in the city
The terms will be ONE D ILI.AU per day. On the arri-, .|
of the Cars from the West, a Porter tvill be in at!*,,,,
ance to convey baggage, to to the Hotel, which tad
j joining the depot. feblO-6, 8
Ci<*orge A. Warder ( 0i
;Y. E. corner of Fifih and Cherry Slrttit
others engaged in the trade. Thcv mauufactuie
siiz HATS,
varying from 824 to 812 per dozen, that will hear a
critical examination and compare favorably with those
of any other manufacturers. A* they are largely ergag
ed in the business they can Si! orders expeditiously.
mh 17 2in Fifth and Cherry street, Philadelphia.
I Til E subscribers have on band the largest assorUneulof
| A WALL I'APEBS in the city of Philadelphia,
! consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors. Entritt,
I Dining Rooms, Chamber*, 4tc , which for quality ard
i style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business, ne
are enabled to sell a better article, at a
i than any store doing a TRADE Bcsixsss On hand, s
lirge assortment of W IDE PAl'Ei', forCartaiai,
Fire Prints. Borders, itc., which will be sold very low
for cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at cur
' prices
V B. Dealers are invited to call and examine thtii
stock before purchasing elsew here
No. 142, Arch street, south side, Philadelphia.
April 14, IMS—3m
The Cheapest <jr most Splendid assortment of
N'- | Lewis Ladoiiaus, h So.
•413 S Market Street,
a feu: doors above Eleventh, North side,
TT AS just received by late arrivals, from ihe most eel
" ebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and
judiciously selected assortment of GOLD and SILVER
WATCHES, which he will sell CHIIFEA than any other
establishment in the United States. Among the assort
ment will be found :
Gold Levers, 13 k. cases, foil jewelled, #3O
Silver Levers, full jewelled, 15
Gold l'Epines, 18 k. cases, jewelled, 25
Silver TEpines, jewelled, 10
" Qsi artier Watches, 4to#>3
" Tea Spoons, equal to coin, per set, iifl
Dessert " " 44 10a
" Table, " " " 15 ft
Together with a splendid of Chaste and Etch
Jewelry, &c , Sec.
GOLD CHAIN'S, of various style, frr.m the bee: Man
fc>Pleese preserve this advertsscment, and call at
No. 412 Market street, above Eleventh, North side.
OI have Gold and Silver Levers, ttill cheaper than the
above prices. t>A liberal discount made to the trade.
April 14, 1849—3 m.
No. 6S North Tmrd Street, above Arch,
OFTER the following articles of a very superior qua!:-
ty. Country merchants will do well to call and li
mine the same, as a liberal discount will be made ts
those who purchase to sell again.
LIQC'iRs Brandies, various kinds; Holland G:;,
do ; very superior Jamaica Spirits; Irish and tv": S
Whtske.; Apple Whiskey ; Monongahela Whiskey,very
old; Virginia Peach Brandy.
\\ I N KS—Superior Old Sherry Wine; Madeira Ws.f,
Port Wines of different kinds; suivrior TeneriSTe; Ls
boa mul Muscatel; Sweet Malaga; soperior Claret
C't ilt I) I \ I I s —Maraschino; Curacao; K or , — "7
Cognise; Blackberry do.; Cream de Noyau; Crts:" ce
Annuel;*; Unite de Rose; Extract of Absinthe; Perfect
Love Cordial; Lemon Cordial ; Life of Man Cordis!;
Peppermint Cordis!; Wine Bitters; Tansey Bitters; Lit
ender Bitters; Peppermint Bitter*.
kYKb'l'S —Letaon Syrup; Ginger Syrup; Swsar-a
rilla Syrup; plain Syrup.
Pine Buiiied If/.Vf'S, for medical purposes, sorb M
Madeira. Sherry, Port, dtc. mh3!—3ifl
Philadelphia .Medical Sloiisf,
IySTABLISHEL) 15 years ago, by Dr KLNKELIN Tfi*
A-J oldest, surest and best haiul to cure all forms ■ i- :rei
diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is P*
KINKELIN, Northwest corner of THIRD and
Streets, between Spruce and Pine, a square-anti-a
from the Exchange, Philadelphia.
There is a habit which boys teach each cvher st! k -'
Academy or College—a habit indulged la when bj Lbi"
self, in solitude, growing up with the boy tu u'sr-h v....
few of those who indulge in this permckius r'H' 1 ' J!!
aware of the consequences until they findtiw :*r vou '
system shattered, f< el strange and un.c-'- tabic l--
ings, vague fears in the uiicd. The Indivsduai become#
f-eble, he is uneble to lobor with accustomed vigor,
to apply his mind to study ; h s step is tardy and * £l *'
he i* dutl irresolute.
Is continued, the procrvaitve power is destroyed, * -
marriage rendered impossible, a long Iraiuol nervous 3
feetious (idlow, ihe couutenaurs a dowucast, the *) 4
without natural lustre, ahamefrcednrs ia aFP* f "'
Tutsi: ARE svMrrous which should awaken the
t MJU of those similarly afflicted.
Be conscious oft.ie cause of his decay, and quit K.B* * a '
fers under those terrible nocturnal and InvolunWty " *
stons, which weaken and shame hiiu, producing "•'f *'
and physical prostration. If he emancipates bbulß' lB - •
fore the practice has done its worst, and enters m * tr '" 4 ,
ny, his marriage t* unfruitful, and his sense telu & ,nl ' '
this Is caused by hi* early follies. t
Persons of all ages can now judge what is the f
their declining liealiii, losing ibetr vigor, becoming *
(<ata and emaciated.
Let no false modesty deter you fiom maKing If"' ~
known to one who, from education and rM '* C , W 'ij jci
run alone h*frtnd you. Ue who piece* hum*' 1
I)r, Siiikclin'i treatment, uiay rcligii'*i. v cc "^' e
honor as a gentleman, and tn urtH-ae bosom will '
ever lucked the secret of the patient _
I housaudt have been reel or ed to heal'h, lr (ini 1
vastations <<f those terrific maladies by Ds Kl>S ,w '
German Pbveiebrn
warded, hv sending a remittance, and pa' up sc-to*
sv Posv-e AID LBTTK*" asswsftd lutliirhk
FtteUiMfkla, January 2?, 1|