The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 18, 1893, Image 4

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    BUI llAliUYJJlK
A Railroad Treasurer Relieved of
Twenty Thousand Dollars
Two Mn Entered Itli rrlrIe Office, DIm
ftbted nim by Itlowi with n Sandbag,
mm. Kiosped llefore lie Could Olre the
Chicago, Nov lfl.-7obn A. DrftkMrea.
urer of the Aidlnnft, Illinois and Iowa
Railroad cbmpany, was sandbagged and
robbed of tu.UOO In the office of tlrt) com
pan?, on tbe ninth floor of the Itoolcer?
buIMing, yesterday, Mr. Drake had the
money In a little hand satchel, and was
preparing to go out on the road to pay the
emnloTes. lie had first ulneed the money
In the Tallse, and was aliout to leave the
office, when two men. stole up behind him
and felled him to the floor by several hard
Slows on the bead, presumably with a
sandbag. When he' sank to the floor In
sensible tbey seised the precious handbag
and sncceesnilly escaped into the street.
Tbe treasurer was knocked nearly in
sensible, and ere he could move a finger
In defense, he claims, the thieves tore tbe
satchel from his hand and rushed out of
the office, slamminir the door as they
went They rode down In an elevator
tery unconcernedly and made their escape.
A mall carrier, In passing Mr Drake's
office, heard groans within, and upon
entering found the official lying upon tbe
Door, bruised and in a aem.-conc.ou- con
dition. Mr Drake had evidently received
tough treatment. Dig welts on his head
bore evidence of savage treatment. The
central station detectives were notified
and Inspector Shea put men to work, on
the case.
It was tbe most daring, nensatlonal
robbery that has occurred in Chicago in
mauv years. Occurring ns It did In one of
the best known office buildings la the city,
right In the very heart of the business
district, tbe crime caused the greatest ox
dtenient. K has been th custom of the
treatarerto pay the employe of the road
Id. checks. Had the custom Itcen contin
ued ihe startling robber) nould not have
been attempted In all tcobabillty, but
Within the past week the officials of the
company decided to pay the men In cur
rency. From the story told by J rpasurer Drake,
tt appears evident that tlit robbers knew
of tLLs trip change. Ii. . me way they
leaned that Mr. Drake i' i ended to call
at tit office to get tbe moiii y. They must
have followed bim into the building,
around the north corndnr of the ninth
floor, and waited until he Lad secured the
money from the vault.
The news of the robbery created abustle
at the central station, tbe like of which
has not been seen since Assassin Irender
gast was brought there after shooting
Mayor Harrison. The police overhauled
many suspect, and it U reported that de
tectives aires, cd two men at a depot who
refUHed to give an account of themselves,
and that they were lockea up at the cen
tral station. Jsoue of the officers would
admit that nn -arrest had been made.
Ifeld for Criminal Neglect,
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. The coroner's jury,
-which for several days has been Investi
gating the wreck on tbe Hock Island rail
road at Beventy-ilrst strewt, returned a ver
dict holding the railroad corporation re
apourilble for criminal neglect. Conductor
Freeman, Flagman Putnam and Collector
Porter, of the wrecked train, were held to
the criminal court for negligence. The
jury claims that the rear of the wrecked
train was not properly protected, and that
the twelve deaths of the wreck were di
rectly due to this negligence.
nig Itoltbery at Johnstown, I'a.
JoKSSTOWJf, Tn., Nov. in. An extensive
robbery, Involving the boldest jobof burg
lary ou record here, was committed In the
heart of tbe city last night, Walden's
hardware store was broken open and en
tered by a gang of men, who carried away
large quantities of fancy hardware, re
yohcraand knives In bulk. They took
only the finest lines of goods.
Cloilnff Qnotatlons of th. Kew York and
Fhllailelplila Exchange..
Nw Youk, Not. 13. The bioo market con
tinue, lrresatar. with price, generally ashada
lower Closing bias;
xhl-h Valley.,.. 13,
Pennsylvania .... CO
Beading 2JM
S. Paul
Lehlsb NaT 51 M
Kaaulnfg. m. 4s., 7u
Iteaalnalatpffe.. SS
HsaulnsfclDf s... MM
Reading 8d pf 3... l!-4 New Jersey Cen..lM
N.y. &N. E X!li Del & Iludson 130
W.N. Y.&r-a..
U.&B.T. com.,
Erie 1371
V.. U Sc W 13
N. Y. Central 101
West Shore 103),
mite E.ries v... iz
Generat Markets.
PBlulnlLPmA, Not. 15. Vlour weak, win'
ter superfine, (332.10: n Inter eitras. t2.12H
tjajI no. x winter lamuy,; J'enn-
ylTanla roller, straight, S333.K; western
winter, clear,; do. do., straight,
t3.143J.10i do. do., patent, J..TOJJ.T3: Minne
sota, clear, 12.6013.'); do., straight, t3.2VS3.C3;
do., patent, $3.7&M0: do., favorite brands.
higher. Ky. Hour, l&U&o-l per barrel. Wheat
tmltt.steadr. witness, bid and c. asked for
November; .IHc. bid and Ojg. asked for lie
cember: 66o. bid and CtUc. asked for Janaarrt
S7e. bid and Wc. afikod for February. Corn
Unlet, steady, with ttv.c bid and 3o. asked
for November: 444c. bid and UHo. asked for
uecemoerl c ntu ana ll.o. asked tor Jan
nary) Mo. bid and stc Lid for February.
Oats steady, doll, with 8Vc. bid and Stlo.
asked for November; W t.iii and HOW. asked
for December; Hoc. bid and$o. asked for
January; 3Jc. bid and IMhw asked for Feb
ruary. Beef flrui. dull; extra mess, SlO.Wa
Jl; family. Hi.' U 3). 1'nrV dull, weak; sew
mesa, 1171. 5) l.ard quiet, nominal; steam
rendered, ttf., Butter quiet; New York
dairy, WS64c ; weateru'dotry, lTMftMo.; Kl
eins, J?c i New Turk cr un.ry, i&diXJa.i
western creamery, axtt.; luiltatlou cream
ery, 133c i'Umwv dull, st ady; New York,
larffe, Vibuaw.
Ms Uas Made a Simple Apparatus With
Which th. Lung. May II l'nt to Work
After They nave Once Stopped It Is No
Talented and Any On. Oan Malta It,
Dr. Edwin Do Bann of Passaic, N. J.,
makes the announcement regarding the
time honored statement that n man has
died from lack ot breath that if breath
was all he needed be should have lived.
Considering that air is the most plen
tiful resource of nature, having, as polit
ical economists would say, no value be
cause of its abundance, one would think
that Dr. Do Daun had made no particu
lar discovery. But there is more In his
statement than is apparent at first
From time immemorial physicians
have directed their ingenuity toward an
effective application of this wealth of
air, but without satisfactory results.
Cases of suspended animation como un
der their notice every day. Man are
rescued from the water after a hard bat
tle with the waves, their lungs filled with
water, the life's action suspended. In
the majority of instances restoration of
animation cannot be effected. The lnngs
may be emptied of the water; the life
giving nlr, eo abundant, is at hand and
if it could only be forced into the organs
and respiration started life conld be re
newed. Physicians' efforts to, solve the
problem have been unceasing, but, says
Dr. De Baun, misdirected.
When a man is rescued from the wa
ter, the first thing done is to empty the
lungs of water by rolling him on a bar
rel or lifting him from the ground head
downward. Then he is laid on his
back, the arms raised to expand the
inugs and a ryhtlrato contraction and
expansion of tho chest walls effected by
alternate pressure and relaxation. Some
times the forcing process has been kept
np for hours with ultimate success, but
considering tbe possibilities recognized
in artificial respiration the results have
been far from encouraging.
Dr. Do Baun has worked on an entire
ly now line, and tho result of his experi
menta and observation is a method of
Internal respiration, which, ho claims,
cannot possibly fail. His attention was
first directed to tho subject by a case of
suspended animation in a newly born
child. It has been the practice in such
cases to force air luto the lungs of the
infant by breathing into its month and
then contracting the lnngs by pressure
upon the chest. But this has been found
not only intensely disagreeable, but high
ly inefficient.
Dr. De Uann decided to try a new ex
pedient, lie passed a small rubber tube
through the nose of the infant and down
into the throat. Closing the mouth, he
forced air through the tube from a rub
ber bag, inflating tho lungs; then, releas
ing the pressure from tbe mouth, found,
as expected, that the elasticity of the
muscles of tho chest caused immediate
contraction of the lungs, forming a com
plete respiration. This was kept up for
45 minutes, when natural respiration
bad been restored, ana a life bad been
saved. Since then Dr. Do Baun has per
fected this hastily improvised apparatus
and finds that animation may be often
restored within 13 minutes.
The apparatus is as simple as it is in
genlous. It consists of a long rubber
tube, near one end of which is a piece of
Boft rubber with whloh to cover the
mouth and nose. At the other end are
two rubber bulbs. After the tube has
been inserted between the teeth, and the
mouth and nose covered slightly, the
lower bulb is compressed, forcing air
into the second bulb, which acts as a res
ervoir. This second bulb is much more
elostio than the other and maintains a
steady pressure of air through the tube.
It Is covered with loose netting, which
acts as a sort of safety valve against
overpressure. The tube is fitted with a
stopcock that may be used to lend force
to the first few respirations.
A few compressions of the lower bulb
are sufficient to fill the lungs. Then the
pressure on nosoand mouth Is relaxed,
and the lungs arc- emptied by the nat
ural elasticity of the muscles of the
chest. This elasticity remains even aft
er death, and with this instrument it is
quite possible to make a dead man
breathe regularly as long as tho applica
tion continues. In Borne of the doctor's
experiments ou dead bodies this simu
lation of life has been absolutely star
tling. It is not for dead men, however, that
the "insufflator,'' as it is called, has been
devised, but for men who have been
brought apparently to death's door by
asphyxiation from gas and water. In the.
latter case the lungs must first bo emp
tied. The apparatus weighs but a few
ounces. It U not patented, as Dr. De
Baun is a strict observer of medical eth
ics, which dtvlaro that the discoveries
of a physician belong to the world. lie
is treasurer of the Btate board of medical
examiners of Kew Jersey and has in
vented several valuable surgical instru
ments and devices. Hew York World.
II o have a Inrgo number o
well built rind stylish wngons
and cniringes which wo mti,t
get nd oft. lo do so we arc
piling them at prices thntarr
below what compctitionvoultl
uk. Other dealers can't touch
us when it comes to low prices
uid GOOD Goods,
Broil Miraculous Remcflifs.
Ulirl Minded riirttclani KtntomeT!:etn
Althing the (ii-tattH
rIcocry ol the Am
FottUhecu e wheustruo
Hi at lulUulKe Ion. (tci
ions, in dWcuffs incui
More MwnlWd AMI
able. Diphtheria, tarrl
ma, hrotii-him, catting'
fonjrestlon of th troki
'lie i pMilt of suns pai
iiHtiiiexy and 11m bt nar
htl7cd n-atoriHt to their',
natural oundltion, tinttie
n,.terrnmp!a1nt,dv'mery, 'ii dso-oHlli
itt ihfsi,r -ire nti('v cuivil D ure lutxtl
ate of div own urflt.ti.lniT.
uDurtns nine years orer 18,000 person have
hail Mete medicine and aio llvtnjr ttnesbpg
ft meir worm, lwumoi jr." "ho prniicemy
elf. hrlnv ntT 1A fnr (if lure: will sell in
in eel til lies only. 1 hae two eminent phyfiidfiitB
ton nnec ted with ineto attend to calling at the
rvsiurucen vi inn hick ii rri'iint.'u,
From P trick iturke.
ruiLAiiKLTBiA. Anril o. nvt.
Profensor Boudiou Dear sir Allow tne to
send ) ou my sincere tnanKS lor me good mat
onr iiiwllrniB done me and ou cjiii
pmoIUI) this letter It you choose, lor the benefit
tl wiu uurrrr3. in wnitii i win mie i n ins
hand erutlied coupllnz the ears, and doctored
(or it, and waitn the hospital about six weeks,
and iay hand became so swollen, and tiiflamma
ton taking puce, some oi tne doctors thought 1
nae tofiei iut nauu ainnuiaieu 10 aat
i. but 1 was told bv ono otmv friend tn
to to l'rof. Iioudrou's olllce, and set tome ol hU
would bae to cet in) hand amputated to aatt
m y nit, uui i Yi as loia nv ono oi my inenoito
medfi lne for It, and that he kuen It would save
nv hand.
i went them and (rot the medicine, and In two
weeKSine swelling an went uown.anu xnaa ine
is ot my fi users, 'then 1 went to work, ant1
consider nijsell well, and earnestly recommend
tke remedy to all anitcted like me. There 1
othlug In the world like It to destroy bloou
potion, reduce swelling, annihilate pain, restor
ins action In the nerves, and circulation lutlu
Mood, there Is nothing to compare to It.
Uespecllullv ouri,
1703 N. mil bt, Philadelphia. Ta
Fmm .?ni!, Klrkner-
18 Ninth street, I'hlladtlid.Ia. Pa,
1' allow tne to add mv trstlmni.v to .0111
list. 11a vine been suustruck thiee times durliif.
twenty )(ais, the lant lime It was bo bad that J
nits bed fast for lour months; had the ery bem
ii donors uui was sun pining away, wun ap
ua ite itoor. and irrpat nuln all nvir inc. Al
wrant fd to ro out. but coidd not stand the still.
wouia oiien urop uown w nne at'empting in walk
(tiecase was considered a ery bad one; It wa
iclinrd to run ou congestion ol tho brain, wat
;ben iccom mended to l'rof. Uoudroti's medlrlne
ind I made out to got to his ottlt-e, 1727 N. 10th
itrect, and I got the medicine and In thrce
week time 1 was able to be out and tending to
my Dustiness, tiK-iigii one ot tin hows died h
.ha meantime from the hrad. while I stood It.
uinamaoietoattfud touusineisnow, liiatikk
o Uod Almumy and to I'roE. ll-mdrou's medl
lne, which 1 will recommend foreter to anj
"wr sufferer as 1 was, would be pleaid to haw
iiiy ono Cilt and see up for further information,
Kespectluny ours
JOsElil KIRKEll.
Office and Laboratory open dally fiomt a. m
oa p. in. 0,1 1! or writ to
1717 North I en hi-t'cet,
tec. 10. VJ-ly. I'lTlladelphia, l'a
Send 2 cent stamp for valuable book.
The Acrlcutturat I'rufeitlon.
TUoeJucated agriculturist is slowly
but Burely driving the uueducated and
do., fancr. nwaiiKo.: do ' nntliinking mau from the field. With
smatl, iofVtfi-"4c.t part iHou, sftMro.t full tha retlreineut of every quack and the
'yylUfS "T, ?yeat ot, th,e bS'
whole agricultural profession, whi.ih is
thus brouglit ono step nearer its trne
position that it justly held in Roman
tiroes the foremost rank of all the
world. Science.
llaOalu Cattl. .Maratls.
ilrrril). Nor. IS. No CHttl. on sala, and
tha R.arral l!lnB atrouif. r Uoirs stronger
for light gradiMi. utli.ra t a t r; Yorkers, I4.0S
C&ls'. Ifigs. milfl iaokers, t&,8;
raedlnmaand hrarr, tt"'i&; cholca hearr, I
t4AJD9s.iv, euerp .low ana tasltrt fair lo
tood htp, 13 lavas 1;, mli.d, H&3 tti;
fair to food lamb,. JS.Wai; cbolc., t.lla(JS.
C'anaJ a larabs dull at $1 IS.
A l'olnt for Conductor Scott,
DATTLK t'HFEK, Mich.. Kot. 1ft The
examination Ix-fore Justice Henry of Con
ductor Scott, who wan found guilty by
th. coroner'a Jury of criminal neglect,
which caused the Grand Trunk accident,
began yesterday. Switchman McCul.
louxh, tha first witne-s, got mixed up,
and swore that he gae train No. 6 the
mam track before Euinui-er Wooley slg
nalrdforlt. At the nm ncr'a inquest be
Mtl that Engineer WouiVy celled for the
swttub and he gave It t him. This testi
mony will bare a t.n.Tiiy toliwentbe
res, onaiblIty of lit,, i, n T Wooley and
Conductor Scott for tht incident.
The Srld. of Our Nary.
BWToy, Nor. 15. TL,- new eommwee
dea-royer rolumbla van -rat on a prelim
lna'y trial spin yaMen iv with the bast
gra lfying reaulta. Vu;..r forced draft
he teveltnH.,1 a anew! uf 83.8T knots per
hour, anl under nat.ual draught 90.3
knnia, Tkii means tlmt on the oftloial
tnul, which occur lo t nrrow, when the
vessel ill tn- pushed lor every ounce of
energy and every particle of speed that
there la in her, she will easily make as
kno's, and earn a premium for her build
ers, William Cramp & hone, of Philadel
phia, of cluae upon (400.1100,
riruriUli Murilar In Ohio.
Oi fTEi t, o , Nov id -Near Alliance,
O., .Viae Birdie Baugh. a handsome and
highly respected lady in the community,
and a student at Mount Vernon college,
was outraged and lunrcli- ed by Curt Dav
idson, a farm hand In tbe employ of Mr.
Baugh, who cut her ihrnat from ear to
ear Davidson ms fuu! lying heeide the
road with his tbm.ii i -it He may recover,
in which eeee a 1 i.. hi u i predicted.
General I tooth to I.,.,ut. lo America.
Ixindov. Nov in li.e Morning an
nounces that Uiuitb will goto
New York tu 1SW to hiiperintHnd the trans
fer to the United .-4 iters or the heudqaor
ten of the Suh&um Army Geuernl
Booth thinks th. re Is a v v Hold In Amer
ica for the IwtU .11 Km A 'i.y propaganda,
eepeclally anionti the Me uodUu He In
tends to try in A i ue. u.t u.auy new ldeaj
and experiments
XHaeUy I looila to fruMla.
BamiN, Nca 15 -h f ut atorme have
caused Iqmeiise Jam.i r m Kast r-ruaeiiv
Nomeroua vil 1 1, i;ulf (f Dentate
hare ben p... .inted.andalarge
4um.ui as luiiiirr 1.1; I
number of ha 1 u ,e
pertMjua v. er i i .1
A SUIIUul Ironer.
Augusta Sleviu, who is employed in
one of the hygienic laundries o'f Now
York, oan iron 108 shirts in a day. She
is n Dionu, with big, Lrown eyes; youtui,
slender altno.t to delicacy, nnd could
bold her own in apy beauty oouleet.
bb.'ll Know Aim Again.
When the kinu of the Belgians stopped
in tavern at Bpike during a recent rain
storm he overheard the hostess remark:
"I've seen the mug of this tall fellow be
fore." Ere leaving the place tbe king
presented tbe huxtees with a bast of
himself ami later forwarded a large
photograph, with his autograph. Ex-chanwo.
An Ordinance Re-gulat.Dff tb Nuru
berlugof Uouees, Ac, In the Ilorougli
of LBhigutoUt Pa.
B it eiiMtetl auil ordained by tbe borotivb ol
Lehlithtoa, iiiTowh41ouacll,MteaibliHl anl tt
it hereby enacted audordalbec by tu autEorlly
of the khk1:
l. 1 taal tbe bouwi, tore and otlter build-
mj oeiue or iroininiE on any oc uie imbllc
ueU or alley of U said bo ro tufa aliall W
DUiubftred In the hrilniaitatr t.rnviai
and th owner tlrf be rrquired to iuw
numbers platftly I awed upon Ui liont tlierwr.
ablorhJten&inltaudtrti be at least tbre
(J) iocbM id clear beixbt ol fliriire, ut b taat
ud lo tba door traaie or ou tbe traiuoin o ci
t e door Id ucb a manner to be rwllr wu.
2. rit butw, kloriM aud ocb r bulldintc
aforMnld alkail b numbered aa follow. Nor l ti
and Houtb from Huuib and Mahoning- strefisi
I ail aad West from flrat tirtwl, oouiiIIuk our
buudred number to each aouai and alowiau
ue nuiubfr for every kiiUMtu hud one tuil
lies) ttt txoept tu auh eae wbi- the
trquiue wuuM tut lo loui. Ibeu oniiUou In tbe
ueit buudrd ontll the ft at loteaoctiu trcH
rite eveu number atuOl be utwutoT ou tlte
et side of Ue atrMta. runatOK .North ttud
outh. and tbe odd nunibert ou the UUat ldr
Uierc.r. J he evau number tOiall be phtced un
i n s.nih aid uflue tieet rnaiiUiX Bast and
ft i ai'd odd humbei ou Uie South ld lbtrif.
a tif prntju retustuff or oi(leciiua lo oumblt
Aid. il if ur..vt,iou of tlus ordiuauee witbiu
tiilnj dty afUtr uotio, tball be liable to a
! n.tlt uf One IKiilar. wulrh shall be recovered
tvt-.iiuiiuc itf utw iu saeu case nuuut nod
I- oat wi Into an ordluai e at Leblahtoa. pa .
i n il.t Mulb llay u( November A It Wao.
J.L. OAbEUPri-bidout.
Attebt, C W BOWER. bbcreUr.
AproT)d ttua tth da of Noveuibar
U. laWS. J. U. ZtMSi, Burton
boa tit are i
fu dttroyod. A
uiizd and 1B4
it vrul ttabing
Intiusuat im St i-tUnu liUM.
Ka.a. , irt nTlal
fi.o. Silver 'ILc
t-Ki Iiiduaoi ' i of ll uuai,
Al n.bava' u. , 1.1 ut iLuiu-t
to i house anu rtfyuou olf.
lr.-o.ej laave uaca dUpa r-ted to thm aceno,
aaU aarioua troabk U buuo1dU4
Auditor's Notice.
In tbe OitdNUM' Oourt of Car bo roanty.
the mailer of the wtat ol WUtlam Uarrct
Tne Auditor anitolnted bt the said raort
makf dlatilbutloa oi th balaucr lu lbs bauds
( the Kireuirfx uf aaid estate amaua lite
Just Opened!
Popular Novelty Store.
Menu's lllock, Upp, Advocste Otnce,
forth First Steet, Lehighton
.'ltlt nnow and full line of all kind of
fovoltlOR in Glass and China Ware,
.'ins, Dolls, Toys, work baskets, Ac
if you want to buy ueces&ary articles
or the household you will find this to
u just the place, You will be astun
hed to see what you can buy for a
mall amount of money. Come and
oe us. We will treat you right,
Daily,Sunday Weekly
FOIt 1893 &.
S'.tll maintains It ivnsitlon as rtiiladelplila's
l(ieatest ranilty Newspaier.
ft Prints All the News,
I carefully tertfled, full
tn''! ntore lultreetttis by belii well
Anu uits iirws II tarriuiiy .rnuru. i
elaHslned. ably eMlt-l. lealbly rlulvd
Eihtorinlly It Is "Strong.
It editorial tmlkv tielrv at onee forceful,
fearleee, linpattlat. ajtaraaelve, bonest and
always Utrretud to tbe public welfaie.
It Is Prc-Etninently a Family
Martin? alt rMulreitientfl aaueli bv an
leallu directly to the bt IntrreftU of
erv imn.bT of tbe loupiold nd by the
alienee ot antUilita of an objectionable
c araewr in rnner i)s news, mrruryor au
vertuvtiut eelUHiua.
Wallj (xept Sunday.) one jiar - - SO OO
" Oil IllDUttl .60
Including Sundav) on y-ar 7.60
- one luouih
ntwUt niinTmr. - - 2.00
WHCKI.V Titties one year . - l.OO
Dr afts, i Mteek and other Iterolttance kbould
he Mia4 payable to the order ot
The Pros Company Limited.
t an ArtvertUlns Medium TIIK rilEHfi
1 Ainuux Die Ut In the Uulltnl Htales,
lr?ss Went ,lAd.M Rle tbe giatt".t rr
kul. Thf iieouli Ijfllrte lo tlM m tttnl im
thttn Taa Para prints a lnuh as 4 oi
waut advrrllacnit'nls to a iHtiif in .i
bna receMvd o.ajr anawvrs to Prfi Whim
Ad In a atiiale da. IbU hIiow h
fmuWant Ads. vlte the itrt-sttt r epulis.
Hates for Clasilfltvl AdverlUement
ltiiatln Wauled" II AI.K OFS'T A wn.n
Uflti Wanbxl" - - N8 HN r A M !
Rial Kalate" - - - 'INK OK NT A Wi KI
BiaHi-dliuT' - - - TW. O N Tti a Wi Hlh
em" .... TWO CKNtM A UKI
For Hale" and t tjUKMH A Multl
Bualuv4 (lupirtuQltles"( 1 Of N I A UHt l
ror small amount ntvctnt or two-renl
lamps ara accptMl sauir as oasli.
Katie t bsH-eby iltea taataa anidleatfen tli
bemad l tfte lvvrnr ot rVnunyhMnia ou
Tueedar the 1Mb day of Iiworiuber llus bt
i l -nM Uaiuh rim,,! a iini.'
Mm Laurv. V, A. Andrew.
Miltou Kiuery,
audi'lmrla A
, r. a. Apwrvws. iiaurv ui iir.
Kobt-K Heofrn, p. a Uravrr.
llttr Ol WteiKail OfL. nUli'al. nslM.
ike Art of Amt-sably of Uie UtinMMiw-ltb of
rt Boaj iaiua fnuwu ah aiti io -nVHllr
iaailattllt . Tit oka mmim
aitd nbjvx I whereof Is the Manufacture of shoes
and fur tuts turiot u lu..-, iitaum and eajoe
all the rtibls. beustiU aud prlvilexea ol the said
axioi aaeiuuiv uu nr uuiriu ai iDreio.
fuel tf i-nilUrd iherto. alll ut lor tbe pur AT a. j TT i
uw-solhtiiiifMtioenton Nudv. tf tmb 1X0110 Tfi I lllTirAl
.!.. r Wermtr7tW at ! oilock A M . ai i -' w Lv LKJ till LUA
hts . ftU-tj- tu lkluu a B .t-a, to llir lUinuih of
Mui. h t', l'ua.via.J. abru aud
Mbt r alt ttnrtud will am-sr aid
ii k n t. ir 'aim- tit be lieba'rvd (roiupartlc
ti'i i tit tlutr.K.uau thi aiil be suada
klautat uuoi Nov leM.
All penom are forbid Hunt lne oo tba
and of ihe andvnlaued. lu Mahoaintf
Valley, (aruoQ cuua'y, Ia., after thla
mBLks muuer ytnaly of tbe law
Arc remly for busiuess with rt
mil line ol rnjl nnd Winter
footwear, lints, Cnps, Itently- ttio most cruicnl ens-
Made (lothititr. Ovurconts. ifn . totnor mny have In clioosinir
in such vaiiety as to enable us our 8tck, wc have seeured
to nu any styies inai wc leei certain will
meet with
We purchased la3t week at forced sale in the city of New York $1,78G.OT of Ready-Madc Clothing. These
floods consist of Men's nnd Boj 8 Single and Donble Breasted Cheviot and Citssimer (Suits; ifingle and Double
Breasted Overcoats in, Melton, Kersey, Trish Freeze, &c, also Cape jvercoats, Storra Overcoats. These
goods will ba sold by us at
One Third of Tlieir Yalue.
This is a great opportunity to buy the best Goods at the Lowest Prices.
T ot Th-acc. I r.W Pvinoa Mcn's Overcoats at $3.G3, worth $7.50; Men's
jUU1V ell- J-iUV X J10LJ Overcoats at $6.79 worth 12.00; Men's Storm
Overcoats $7 59, worth $13 50; all-wool Suits at $3,38, $1.G5, $7:32, $9 95, ach suit worth from $8 to $20 00.
Boys' Oveicoats at $1.18 worth $2.50; Boys' Suits a rt7c worth $1.75, Belter Suits and Overcoats for Boys
from 4 to 15 years from $3 up to $15. 00 dozen pair of boys' pants a 15c nnd 25c a pair, warranted never to rip.
Ladies and Misses Coats, Jackets and Capes.
In 'this I'cpmtmfnt we are receiving daily new styles and were never better prepared to cater to the tastes of
the ladies. Our stock comprises Imported .Diagonal nnd Beaver Jackets, Reefers and Capes in Tan. Black and
Blue. We haven't (;ot a coat, cape or jacket that isn't stylish, well-made and a bargain, and on which we can
save you lrom S3 to $18. We have fur trimmed coats from 3.00 upwards; mioses lonir coats from 1 98, 2.2G, 3.29
and up to 10.00.
Our Merchant Tailoring Department.
AVe have in this department one of the finest lines of Imported nnd Domestic Suitings and Overcoatings ever
btought to the Lehigh Valley nnd we will nrnke you a stylish and well-made Suit or Overcoat at these prices.
At 15 a Suit or Overcoat worth $22; at $20 a Suit or Overcoat worth $28; at $22 a Suit or Overcoat worth $32
Can you bo better 1 Then leave your order here.
Underwear, TIats, Caps, Neckware, Sec , is a pleasure to 100k at, and no body can sell as cheap as wc do
On all purchases we allow a FIVE per cent, cash discount to pay railroad fire. REMEMBER this great Sale
aud Bargain Place is
DOE Oft It! 8 IS I C 8!
r Clothing and Merchant Tailoring Hall,
Opposite the Central Railroad Station, Mauch Chunk.
approval and by this catering
to jour interests, consulting
your tnsto, and anticipating
your requirements we feel that
wc aio justified in soliciting your
The best goods at the lowest
price has always been our
Opera House Store, Lehighton.
Crystal P
alace Clothing Hall,
Oftcst's BIoefct I,eRigIifof
The cool wpntltr-r snpnlia Inuring limn ... 1 r .1. -
1. , , t-"!"""" n.uii nuiuo ui nit: necessity
of a change in Clothing. First you will need an
We have them for the big and little nnd at a multitude of
Prices. Our rood am strintlv tirct.l.,0 w e...i.
, ...Uv-..u.-o, iicntsi oivius, me Terr
best workmanship and were made this year for the Crystal
Palace Clothing Hall. These goods are not "Shoddy," and are
not old styles but are the very newest effects from Philadelphia
and New York. The Prices arc the very lowest in the county.
Think ol this '
Children's Overooats $1.50 and up
Bovs' Oyorooats $3,00 and up
Men's Overcoats $4.00 and up.
Come and see the Very Latest Styles in Overcoats.
In Latest Styles and Well-Made Suits we also have a better
nnd newer assortment than can be found elsewhere in this town
or county. Children's Suits $1.50 and up; Boys' Suits $3.00
and up; Men's Suits $5.00 and up.
With at. carefully selected a Stock of Furnituro as can be
found in the Lehigh' Valley. The new effucts in Furniture can
be first found here and at Prices too that can not bo touched by
competiiion. ll'c invite you to'call nnd examine our unapproch-
ahle bargains in all kinds of Furniture. We are shoeing many
new things nnd are confident that we can please you.
Henry Schwartz's,
First street, Lehigh ton.
The Cheapest Place in Town
. orauMis,
- Yon -want to buy an Overcoat. AYe
will sell you one at the right price and
will guarantee it, we sell Overcoats at
prices tliat can't be beat.
Children's Suits A Specialty
Come and examine our stock.
First Street
Lehighton, Pa.
i. mm m hi
729 Hamilton St,
00c &
11.00 pc
Curr Cough. IIoar,ttei- Throat
Croup promptij: reltsrea Whooping Coach
tod Ajlhuuu or Consumption it bus no
liTak bat eared thoaandvbefaUoUir
fatld; will cuki tod it taken la time. 80M
u7Dragg1sUona.ffuaran(e. FrLameRck
or Cbe t, uaq b in lo n 'a iLA5im. ct
jiaro you uatarnir tbm rraav U ruaran.
taautocuisxou. Prwo&Juu. lnjoctoi tn
Civil Kxoikebrs
amd scrtxtois,
South Fiiftt t , Lrliigliton. Pa.
Prompt Atiimion. Modrrata Chutm.
ED CAHPBEU.. owr th. I saal B
Ualn..i ruU lull, dlk.i m &md
N'ot only Drnjs.
C1QAIW, too, quality,
l'ure llnaoai.
in rEnroMERr i
Qulle a TsrUly, too. VoicUi's, Col
cat's. BMkstr'i, and Impottnl.
Call aud sta. Pol I'ourrl, la
TasM. &0 oanta. LasUefl!
and dalicaic Sartiat
rami Saaps and Toilet M'aUfi.
Tbe Kew BiW. just out SaK-Kiptau
tor) Bible, Itli a eooiplie tat ol Maw
Aids and Help., prepared etpaciallj fui
tbla Bible bj tbe moat eminent sebolar.
uf America and Oreat Itnisln Wliu
New Mapa, by Ms tor O. R,, ol
ine PaleetiDfl KiptoraLlon boeit.
Tble it tbe twei BiU lor tba l'mllj,
for tbe minister, for tbe student, ami
saw. AU ReliaJooe and Moral Books
of ant kind ordared and furoUbed a
desired at least 10 to HO par seal lew
Umb arse bare. Do not forget
In the Tfrr helxht ef the sratnn. h.n
fT.ry ladi Is msainsproDarattouato Dur-
chase her lntT coat ur p. V hare
maae swrepinc reoui'tion. in evrr tar
rueul In our -J cat loom. An epportunlt;
to bnj new si.illih (armems at reducrd
prices, tbat bas never bc offered so earl)
in tbe season.
Infanta' cashmere ecala. flannel lined
in creams and tans. Ekl.rrto n and clotb,
angoia reduerd prices
Children and misses' loaz csals In
nati, iireen, broan, and prettr
rolitures, tbe latest notelty in capes and
colors.' and ladiea Jaelieialn stjIUhind
el.eautlr madegoods. In vft, black and
broans. These are trade uluoeri.
ladln' plush and cloth rapes, Isr as
aorliuent to stleet from, all at reduced
Ladles' plush jackets flast but not least!
are as at lish as eter. Our isles on tbem
are up o tbe standard. For tUM jou
can bo) a Jovel p'.tuh toil, aetiull; worth
$10.00. We would be pleated to base the
ladle, pa; us a visit, examine our goods
aud prices. Ko trouble to ebew foods.
AOmlDUtrator's Met.
Estate of O. II. IIOM, I .ir of Lehl(auw
Boroufb, Caroon county Pa,, oUceaaed.
ail persons Indebted to said eeutte are
refoeeted to make lanaedl'tepaiaMM sad
ibose bavins lfal chuaM a.aiata tM saeM
will preeaai tbra wittaoai deiar U meegar
order for lettlwueat la Z. H C BfiS,
Oct IT. 9i w. Adrata teuatar
Life Assurance SociETr
Of the United Slates.
JANUARY I, 1803.
Asseti $153;0G0,052
l!pirVf" alleiUtlni
' Policies (tper
Totul Suriilus
(4 rerc.Dt. Standard)
lucluding- SietAl K.
mi ol to
wards eiubllnliiii.nt
ol a J M per cent,
Tncome ,
New Assurance
in 1892 200.490,310
Outstanding As
surance 850,902,245
Sjtterthen t Slx-Pir Cent. Investment.
New Tork, Jfarcu 7, 1698.
In 1873 I took ont Tontine Endowment
rolley NO. 70.60, with the Equitable Life
Assurance Society of tbe United Stce
for tS.OOO and have paid. In all, H,7W
in premiums to the Company,
On the maturitv pf the Gndnwnient Ihn
Company paid me .7,086 20 In cash.
As an evidence of my satisfaction iritis
this return (which is eertalnlv liberal, con
sideline, tbe fact that Ills in addition to
tbe protection furnished by tbe policy for
twenty jears). I bare taken new assur
ance with tbe Company for 10,000.
W. A. Ross.
JV. B.TMt U a relum a ell tkt prt-
mtamtpatd, end trterett on lie same al
(Aerale c8 2-5 yirr tent per anum.
W. P. LONG, Special AddL
IMto.. Penn'a
ire have a hrger nnd finer line of Apples thun ever btf re
nnd the prices can't be beat. Write or call and see us.
Qol-f t TPe have several car loads of Salt, and will quote y0U a very low figure on any quanity that you
may want.
"F'iqTi I H'e can soil letail dealers Fish at a lo.ver price
man uiey can uuy ir
prove it to you.
in the city, call and we will
tt'holcsnlo Commission Dealer, East Woisport. Pa.
re RauDQcahTKBS roa
Fine Brands of Wine, Bran lies, Glue,
Whlsklee Ac, la qaart bettlee.
also for
Id Qaart Bottles
Goods Delivered to all parts o
Town Free of Charge.
If yau need anything In our line
wouM ba pleaaatl to have jour order
J. H. Koons'
Main Linr tire,
Eaaaaabatk'e OU Sand.
First Straet, - - - I.nJghtOB.
Having purchase d thorn lute, we are able to show t'ie
Latest Styles.
We have shipped our Old Coats to n party lo sell far $
thus enabling us to show New Goods,
634 Hamilton St., Allentown.
will do well to look at this Line of Fine Vehecles which we
carry in Stock:
Banner Spring, F.l'tptee Spring, Thomas Coll Spring, Brawatar Spring, Duplex
Spring, Side Spring. We bave them In I'lano Body, White Cbepet,
Corning, ThaetoD, Spindle and all styles in 2 and 3 Seated Haggles,
Our Price, Always The Lowes t
Henry Ohristman, sport, pa.
Mice of Dralntisn
Netlte 1. Uvea that see airiar.hli
bas .latere .llaUax between The, sail aud was.
O. aktaoai, duia buaiaaee uad.r tbe, Srin
uasa. el .M LVa.. TbeSoutb.lUMl Uvenr.
M.1US. All i.rMuis barlDg eia&s wfU w.
sat these Mtboat delay and UketM tbase
uotes the Una will ideaee aiaae iiitkMaset.
Ti.- ' b. .MitiBiiaa av Thai. bo.
LebUstea. Get M Mm
To WIm It Mai Concern.
all rstsaas see htrebt b.rbid ..lllaa mv a. .Iv
hvte P. J. VcaUu. ol f.rn Ml. mi f.Tmer
sgent. aaisBUui lu ai imib. a. 1 wh) not b. r.-
nasltl i lac any asoU couti acurii by tbe s.u
..V-SS- I n ,
WevneaM. ra.
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel G raven's
Popukr Store, Bunk Street
Roofing n Spouting ft special
ty Stove rpp.iirs Anmshed
on short notice