The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 18, 1893, Image 3
I ..I. ....i,, !.' LU i iil. . hi 11. vrt ..iucl il tt totvfii- iiv ,1111; It dlrM-tnl tnwnnl ..rrliiit the nature WMH C . Rl yilll!!IIlll!illllll!IIIIIIIIiMmilllllll!lli;!;i;i!llll!,VIIIIIllllllllil!!!II!!!lllll'- :S,!.',irr.Vr.!lTKtr of.!,,,,,.!,,.!,.. ni , KSSPSlfc "nHiehi., ioWAJRTZ. 3 tea I. i ' ..,.,.. u t . ... ' u i i rn kh ii We Pag Fare S- jj ate J x'Sf'Sf'Sf'Si'Ni from $ 10 to J4U- sno w f t-tv-l your Hailroad Ticket, and receive m casu p full amount paid for ticket LOWEST PRICES I BEST GOODS ' 1 Prices marked In plain flguroa on S the ticket S cs We liave an enormous stock of Win-1 g ter Clothing that must "be sold regardless of profit. The test Suits and Overcoats from $10 to $30. rjpBairtiMMiWwjiiwiiSiWw p5 5 5 i sixth I PHILADELPHIA ni!H!! Wanamaker 1 TV k Brown 1 Market !lll!ll!!!li:i:illill!ilIii:i!ll!!!iiiS2!Uli nun J e jut Filiate Ctaesali Etase- Following the rebuilding of our store premises we feel like call ing the attention of the people to a lew facts. You can buy a bill of goods of us and have them delivered at your door and save money. This is one reason why you should let us have your trade. As to our line of goods we will briefly refer: Dress Goods. No better line nor cheaper prices will be found anywhere. Ttfe styles are 1.ATV nn f ha .Mailt., tc ..aVnnfAA.l ...... uuu uw .jut..... fU,.. Notions, We have in this Hue everything, and mln everything else the pricos are the that our many patrons may nave thi every lowest while the Roods are the b66ttnt the market affords at the i verp best. .Lowest Prices. , Boots & Shoes. No General Store is comploto with out a select line of theso goods, but k iur assortment is more than full, it Includes in the line mentioned that Bivhatyou want at the right price. In this first advertisement we oulr Hoods just to make your acquaintance bo to speak. At imother time we will more elaborately explain our stock and low prices. Just now we kindly invite yuu to call on us, examine what we havo and learn our very low Price. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. J. Ju Haiieman, Franklin Fish and Oysl W. II. OSWALD, EAST WEISSPORT, PA. Panic Prices, small profits anil quick sales the motto. Remem ber the nddugc A Penny Suvcd is a Penny Entiled," and watch for H. Oswald's wagon, and make your purchases. NOTE THE PRICES, Part Cream Cheese, 3 pounds for '25 cents- Creani Cheese 2 pounds for 25 cents. 10 pound Baskets oi Concord Grupes 25 cents. Chesepeak Iiay Select Oysters only 40 cents per QuaU. Medium Shell Oysters per 100, per 100, $1. Choice Creamery JJuttur in pound prints .il)c All kinds of Fruits, Variety of Fish Haddock, Pollock Ciscoes, Plue Pike, etc. Fish a Wholesale aud Retail Wagon at Lehighton and Weisspnrt, Tuesdn)8, Thursdius, Fri days, Packerton, Tuesdays aud Thursdays Mahoning Valley, Wednesdays and bnturdays. Kespeetlully W. H. (DSWAIsD. inn&PD ' fill lUiT HINDOO REMEDY urilTLTa ! S JAV. Guru U X fJt ItMh4lti Id.irT-un EjaMIj.-h .tJmort pkt. i ai r'T &.! ttit ft writlft rftt tvr r mmmfj Ttde4. Hon't Ut nr oopilu. ipha dnnTiist 11 v fuj of iwdUtitm. lniU.fthinijlMAt'tf- ijoimothcr U OvUftMl HkftUftt C,lr(HU, Chtcn IU.. firHU. SOLDbyT D. Thnni". DruMiBt LKHlUlUU.N, S AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT DR.LOBB 329 N.I5TH ST.B8if.,Bi 30 TMrs' Oontlnaoni Jicik In th Cuz of Self AbuseLossof Power Dau4 Jrmamntlu (Wd inSUS day. Dr. Ijl' titt u the uaijr uectailit that pwrniMatlj ear. ll bfts tto Mtiftit bo mftttcr wtwt oiistn &dVf)r'iA I'rUala fVnanllln It nam! t&t ftAfih pUnt AdTtofr4 Kvcrylhlaa Conttdealfal. Mad kiDtiUmp for Siuulc tuUijj ytuca, ttmt IHlUWlKori Irulminll atn. oacUara-tA.AL tiillP.U., aad 1 to S Ta uS tutu ua Buawgrki catarrh Craaiii B aim Clears,, the Vsss rsisex's3 All ,1 Tain aim lr,f-,tsmatum, tis 5mi, Kest'r-i th .'rmea ( a, nen ra r i piled Into rh ioirl and f ft, t I' n &0 tuU H DiuitMisi, ' m , r 'prd, AUc H.TlUu.,M Wirr.o St.. Htw Turk "VfEAlUY thirty thotisandlmy- j ers Lave availed them selves of our system of paying ELailroad 1 Fare. S The plan is very j simple. Buy a; moder- f amount of goods j G-ceries, ft o store la the Valley carries n more seiect stock of Grooeries than we do, , 1. f .i I 1 . Care is always exercised "that our line of Groceries aro New and Fresh In order Provisions, Our lino of Provisions will meet with Tour favor becnuso it includes just l"tyou want in this line at Trices that are tery low. make a slhzht reference to our line of Packerton, Pa. GO cents Prime tVhell Oysters business woman A Pige From Her History. i mi exyvilfiKt'-t of Tue t r.iiwiiiii 1. troul ud MliFi lu it - rue i t It uf iliai limp verfc ---iihj-i I 1. I . i .. I : in hiwli't . . It. H silt1! ui" lau a nit of my Itru It A uhv . u i,lti pi. t,W i'N I hit I I oj'i..I i . . iMil UVii -'till i . it- I'jifj v( in I I i iiuKs'tl hi n Ni-rn iu. i und i tli M.f i i m'H i U'l.tHii rtlri i i ( j iu HiU-i.thn (, m yii-H lU-jrl ' ur una r Mti In .1 1-1.- n ttl im ii ami mi Mi I i nt .Ixj iM'i'ii run J b llw n-unwli tlfuln l xiltllltf. lit UhllV WOII'MU ill 1 1 4 . i' uf tUe tlruri ('uri' iim I in I. . i Im in hour Hfttr lttlrtu tlit- Hi I 1 t I , I 'If -lkd Itriprov'otW'iil In h. t .r- ti if ui titoiid. Wlivu I had tukeii (hut i it' ' mm my auktu- Minit'ilih , I km., fur uiouiua.Mud iu Hint-- Im.' ) ii i Di ilmi ihfj swim nil r t ' r I Uftd taken OIK' Untlu til I w if 'ure tbe iwt'lllng Iimu all von in I v it ao uiu h tMitr thnt 1 dUi u k On my PWouinu'iiUlUjn -i Ii tins, to" iliutilf r'iiitMl Mi- M . If u.ihuu 8l .(.'IiK'mi:u III li Mm - New Hnun l uie uli-r.mi id it- im , lulit-ait (Im iv i il1 'iiurfi -inn jxfcttl.. pn i mi. i u il.- In Miles Mi titi'iil 1 ii fik ui i r t ftul uf urice. ill twr lutii.t - ' il )U uppM pit puid il 1 Lxshldtt,!) iixK. Hut til uttiktM at UkiiTuu. drutf- J AWi f R, ihe- barbvi, 0(mniii Cn.- Opera H..u- ( uu h.iir It, vet and drun et Clihif tu Itrjf i lau stvt liUt Mad mc him '.iP t on iim1mvm l.'lli-t rtllf w Iur ttn STl'tint 'HA iffl. rsAOTr uiiMUMitt vui-kau orrit. U uft4'UArtre fur iiawim.iikii cutt Inn mitt tliampoftiiiir Partiau IM itllpulinti mU1 t" ruttUitt ldkk hann ami CliUilrau' aUlr. Tuiirt aitiU r mUc. Ciwio I Rue--1 U!!inil!llliUlllllll!liil!ll!!l.!llni t im i n u i. ni. ... i,,,,ui,ir.i.i mu.i .oloiiriterM .)Dn. i-n.m..kMi.i. V .T.-.;iauaui I lia.iK'nifl iv .. .. n... ini.ii.1. in Ir ihl. hmnlmant. tin' 111 n e llh . Hi II. ll..l.UOlllll Hi. rotwi " ,"; mi' 111 Uiv .lnni'i-l, flllil 111 Hi' Mipi'il. nuMfi-lnll an n ii,. i iiaiiiM m iiiimi."".. riiuiMH l Mil '. Mli l.'H rub ' ' " re.mii. , r I Ii rnlt In dlx.aae. 1 .ninln us. dl.oi,,, ill in., us sl .'"ill ii II H . II, 'I U I ; eM III, is .Mm hi," ii anitliisl rheum, nc wliniMH mi) i..leii..l b) ..lit ilumr exr,u'r. Ill (u rni h .ilt.i. i tiini' chilled Hv a rtflormiHi.ifraHiii.Hfl.t mi f Hi-'l. iiinver 10 harlu morininiiml .'M-iiiii inl.isa'iil vitfir. hiie.i wiin hiiriisliie. "in ngiii' iiK and i.,iiiiii. Ilicii.k'iii ki.m ir, lit.!.- So man eim servn lwoint',r-,li"t hem ro leoplu who try lo ncrvo a tjnsvii. AlMirllllc hllvi'aavt. IUi( l"! llfCJl IT . I . ' Jl"" .nk kouU li : aJ'U H uiiiiuod for tbfiD, liio fullawiuK our ivmwllM liitY nxwli il pUfoOUwuil l.tlp lr tvlin s Mew Uiicover ,, for Uniinmplion, OougUs anil l'ol.l, .fucli da tie guwaiilf! Klfe iric llhten, tue ureal renifdy l"r Uver. suouiacli and KWrn-'i. Hnckleo'a Arnica MS, llu liit I" ilio viollil, aii.l Lit. Kllis.t Vow J.llu 1111. llfli aiu a perftct pill. Al. ieineilie ale eualauteed to do Jutt Hint I claliued for llieui and the Jealer pIhms name ! altichsd berrwllli will he Ktad U) lell 0i mote pf thi-ui. Sold at Jlebi' fliUlitoiii Jllerj's Weiss porf. (liwat irrHB?u bus aatC rr'ulsteied piloU. lllllou ml. A (rli.,t lii nel iia friend Itiilmd. ail not Ipm llian onf uiUtiuii vifople have InunU lust tticli a IncndluDr. King's lu Ulbcover. for Cousuioptlon, Cuu.Us, and Colds If ou tia(p never used this lids Uu-at tonsil ilefllclne. one trial will otiviute iu mat it lias wouucruu cum ilvo jwwers In all illecases ol Throat, r.'h.jt. and Litucs Each tiolilo it cnar anteed lo no all that Is claimed or nionfy till be telwided Trial bottles free at rtebtr'i telililitoo, illerv's Welsspoit Diim i ore. Larie bottlee Cue. and $1 uu Frigates in the miiJeru ntylo wero first built lulOiO I'ut JlJllTjlTljtlle He.l. I .im dly,dlny. ill7j; Ami I Hi.t to K.ito bnl. I'e liiialU'l'Ille 10 I'at, And lifadueliu rntks ma head. In o her onls I am anaailng from blllou at Mc'l. but Ur. Plercrs l'luaaut 1'i'llets Kill biliiK ind'-iiouild nil rlKliu, by to-iniiirow. ihej ottui cure npadnctie (nan liour. I lmve louud tbeni Ilia best uitliaillc ihiUii naliUuce. lliey (itoduwno naiiu's nt urliiinp b' tuo lueli notk tlioroUBlllj'. Blievareeotneteiit lo varry 'n tuu M-st-docket und pieas-int lo lake, lu TUIs.S cents. The use of steel for sblp"Eiiildlii( was beuu in 1879, Scrofula. whether hereditary or acquired, is thorousblj expelled from the blood by Hoods harsaparllla, the gre.t blood puritler. Of 10,000 britlsh seamen, bixty-six are lost every-year. CannlbaFKing "I dont see why I ahouldn,t eat you." Missionary "I don't agree with you." Medicine Han "Take a doso of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills after the meal, sire." The Auttraliau navy has 120 shirr, UlguuBBud 6710 men. I suffered from acute Inflammation In ,v nnao and held for A Wftek At A time 1 could not see. 1 used Ely's Cream Balm and In a few days I was cured, it is won. durful bow quick; It helped rae. M rs Oeorule S, Jud.on.'ITarlford, Conn. For theee weeks I was snfferine from a severe cold In my head accompanied by a pain iu the temples. Ely's Creani Balm was recowmended to me. After only tlx ippllcatlons of the Halm every Irace of my cold was removed. Ilanry 0. Clark, New l'ork Appraiser's Office. Tho ioo making mateiue was first put into operation in 1800. TIi Itirtlof WlMloin. An owl sat In a hickory tree, And shM In an tmpudeut manner to iur, "Ter-haotl ter-hoott I Hiked her, politely. "You lovely old blnl, llu toil the "Uolden Discovery heard?" She ruffled her feathers and joke but a word Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is a warranted Iuur. liver and hlood remedy, a poweriui ionic auu RiiermivD u n icimoic vltaltxwr (or weak persona; a padacea for scrof i.Ia .HnpHMfiK. teversoies. eael Hues and tuniori; coutalnn no alcohol aud Is a, lnftdl lne without a peer. Ihere Is no rl-k In JuHlnfr a irTHiiteed article. our money h.iek If it don't benefit or oure. The lungsoftheaveraKO man contain about fve quarts of air. CMIaV.'. f!nr la snllif n a (tiifti nnifA . Tt f nn:..I.niOn.ii..mnil,Mi Tt ! IrSa CUICI IIIUHJICIIW VUUOUUipHVIII AH a nv Itest Coifgh Cure. Only one sent a dose. Oeorgia is reviving her gold mining industry with improved machinery. Call's Clover Hoot will purify your Blood clear your t.oiuptexIon. regulate veur bowels and make Head clear as a bell. 35c iOc. To the Peruvian Iudiau cocoa sup plies the place of food, drink aud to bacco. Mrs. T. S, Hawkins. Cbattauoosa.Tcnn. says!"Shlloh s Vitamer Bayeu mv i.e. 1 consider It the Dest remedy for a debit i tated system 1 ever used'' For Dyspepsia, uiyer or ivianev irouuie u eceis, i . v Purred emeralds were well knorU to the ancients and of high value as cut works. Chllnh. Pl.rn. thn prpi.1 fTmiffh and Croup Cure, is in creat demaud. l'ockel site contalus twenly-nve doses only icoc. Children love It. Sold by Drucglsls. Thoroom lu whichthegroatXapoleon died Is now occupied as a stable. IturklPn'ft Arnica 8itlv. 1liliMt fLilvti In tlie world for Cull. lirulftM. .'lorfs, UIitm, halt Itlieuiu, tever 8orw, Tetter, Chapped Hands, CMlbUms Cornea, and all Hkln Etuptlona, and posltlvel) cures I'llea. or no pa required U Is ffuarantml lo icUe itrfttct ullt- UlCllOll, or inunej' rriuutitxi. i rivo o itihb fi box, Kor sultf by Ueber U-'hightou. aud Hler rusiHtri. Chinese dou't allow their pawn brokers to chargeless than twenty four per cent. Quoretaro, Mexico, has tsolrfd the fluaucial problem. Roup isn legal ten der tbe re, Au average ou five feet of water ii estimated to fall annually over the whole earth. Taking all the yenr round tbe coldest houe of the tueuty four 5 o olook in the morning. Ar Yuu HtnVrr From Cuturrh limy Ker, Ktr.t If you are, eo to your Hrngsist, or if ou wiu'l 2l ii where )ou live, send to us. (iet a bottle of Waver Magnetic CiUrrh dire, Mileii ue will entirely tiuaraute to cure any ease of IJatarrh, Uay Kever, etc, oilier wise your mone Mill he retnmd. For one dollar, one tuxtl to Ut for One nkhiUi's ireainw-m, and uu boiilti le cure. It hit never fallmi, hiiU will eur .. nive il a irUl So ome, no pa. Thh Mayem Dkuo Co , Oakland, Mil. For Bale by Dr. t'.T. Hern. One dollar tut a tbree moaih's treat ment and au aUUuu uMuie fur a eure t whL ihe t$A.ra Dnuc Oo , of UakUuu, Md , offer to MifN of catarrh. m yrr, te Ak )onr uiuit fur a WtW of ftlayefs' VaaueiU) Oaurrh Oure h lias neer failed aud will wire yuu. For aU by all dru-i, or nd4re tlie above unn. Ak our druMlst to how you a bottle of ar MafneUc Catarrh Oure. One bottle to cure any cav, no rjutter bow severe, and wj:i uu for three montha' treaiiuenl. Sold every here. TO CONSUMPTIVES Tb un4rrafsiiatl uavlnc been ratortf U hfaltt) b siniilv ineana. alit-r auffrrliuc iur v eil fara ulili a -ri im luny afftjvttuu, auu tliat dread dmeaae (kiNat mptiom. la auaktua to take kDuwu lu hl fallow anCt-rcra llio uiaani af i;..h, .,. w .lit. tli- 111 th The eclenec of mnir. . v l at prr-enl large Easw UiSiB . i iu. n miiiw in. uruirr ur n iu cuerriuii) I n ml (frrv of t bam') a copy iiftlie irea rlutbm 1 u-d whlt'li thry Mtil hap a urt) curt- fur ) 1 at mituk. Aibiua,('aUtrrtif Brunuhttla aud all thru aud liuu Matadiii. He bwpea ftll auAar I en will Lnr lua ri-udr, an H la luvaJubl. i t 'how dfiiriwa ibv mMrltluu. wliIWi will coat them iill)laK. tiud nia uruvt a UaVaaUig, ilJ I ptautetldipaa, j Kev Edward A W llaon. JWoohl, . M T I r.rtoui VFha Rll Thh Iln.llr. to riir.i clan. Far XfMrtlllB I'tfrp. The wlTOce or mil lt i t" at prr rit larap lydlrffte.1 townrd ri- , .vr-rlntf thenatnrp of abnormal growth-, tin muni dHpflneH atv irifformltlea. Th i!,hHii- nt the tinspit.uL I keep a lr-wn lookout for rnnen whii-b seem iiaciy 10 uereiop fiomeiiiunt or extraonlt nnry Interest. A plan hat been adopted of making A bargain nltb a person snfterlng with some extrnortlluarr iifTUctlmi. which binds him lo have delivered to the surgeon at death either the entire bnd or such jiart of It as may lie apeelHed In the contract, a'nd which Is likely to prove of peculiar vnlne from A surgical atAtidpnint Tbeee .con tracts are regularly drawn tip, signed arid witnessed. rersoui whose bodies have been thus contracted for are known among doctors as "healthy cadavers," a paradoxical And somewhat disrespectful term, but sufil. olently explanatory. tn transactions of th's soit every detail is conducted with perfect delicacy, Bays the New York Worl.L If the patient Is suffer ing from some incurable disease, from the effects of which the physicians have made up their minds that he must die In a given time, the news is gently broken to his friends, a contract Isdrawn and klgneil, and the pAtlent pursues the even tenor of his way in bllssfnl Ignorance that his days ere numbered or that a prloe has been set on his bony. If he has no relatives or friends, he Is deli cately Approached by the phyilclnn, ntid the facta are revealed with All poaalble consid- ens BEQUEATHED II En HEAD TO SCIENCE, eratlon. He Is mnde to understand that death is sure to come after a certain period, and a round sum U offered. If he be at all reasonable and open to conviction, lie will Invariably accept tho money and sign the contract. In tbe museum of Bellevue hoppUal are a number of Rpecimena taken from "healthy cadavers," which t lie late Professor Wood regarded as valuable In showing the riro ffreaa made by modern surgery, Ono, which attracts particular attention, Is that representing a reproduction of a jawbone after removal of the inferior maxilla. The Jawbone can be seen in its place in the skull of the patient, who was a rather good looking woman, according to her photo graph. he had been employed in a match factory and had contracted necrosis of tho bone of the lower jaw from the fumes of fihogphorus, tnbaltd while at work. She Ived for some years with the substitute jawbone, and nt urath, as a token of grati tude to Professor Wood, she bequeathed her head to him for scientific purposes. Of course It Is not always certain that the patient will die before the physician, and this fact has led to some rather curi ous consequences. One patient at Bellevue hospital, who has been there longer than any other, has reaped quite an Income from repeated sales of his head. It seems to be a part of the ethics of this peculiar Durgammg mar, jn cose trie pa tient survives the surgeon, he shall be at liberty to enter Into auother contract. This UellovuB patient's uame is Mike Kelly. He Is a small man, about 55 years old, and suffers from six tumors on the right side of tbe face. Mr. Kelly attracted the attention of Professor John It, Wood, of the hospital, who bad made a specialty of tumors, A careful examination showed that they were incurable, and that an at tempt to remove them might result fatally, Finally the professor made an agreement by which Kelly, In consideration of a cer tain sum, was to allow his head, after death, to bedeliveied over for examination. Dr. Wood exhibited Kelly as a curiosity in which be bad a proprietary Interest and Eroudly related to bis fellow physicians ow he had secured the tumors all for his own use after Mr. Kelly's demise. Soon afterward the doctor died. Mr. Kelly then contracted with another physician in the hospital for the disposal of his head. This pledge, like tbe previous one, was dissolved by the death of the phy sician, and Mr. Kelly smiled softly, At lost account be bad made another contract. and except for tbe tumors was In the en joyment of perfect health. WORSE THAN NIGHTMARE. Hprrlble Dream Sometimes Come to Opium Smokers. Charles Ferguson, a young man captured In a recent raid on an opium den at St. Louis, confessed to the following experi ence "I admit I am an opium fiend. I flr-st acquired a habit of taking morphine. It was given me oy a puystcian. i naa lauen and hurt my head, and the drug was given to allay the pain. When I recovered, I was nervous and restless auu gradually acquired the habit of opium tmoking. A woman who had ber own opium layout prepared ray first pipe. It mode me terribly sick, bup the second pipeful guve tne relief and I con tinued the practice. 'The last time I hit the pipe f had smok era paralysis. It is terrible. The dreams are a hundredfold more realist to than a nightmare. I tliuugbt that I was about to be burled. I saw the coflln and felt myself lifted into it. I noticed theviavlngof the black plumes of the heart and felt the jolting of the spunks on my Imaginary way to the itmietery. I saw the white hatred oldcler ninti und Mt myself being lowered in I uas powerless to move baud or tool One of the Chinese at tendants touched me on the iboiitder I awoke. "When one has smoker's paralysis, one cannot move baud or fujU As boon, how ever, as any part of the body Is moved, even tbe little finger, tbe power of locomotion rettims. It Is au experience that Is not of ten Mt, Tbe thiid attack U Usually fatal. I have had it tw ice, and tbe chances are that If we had uot been luterrnpted tonight I would bave liad another and a last attack. I was thoroughly uware of the fact that I might never cmneout alive when I went down to the dope joint this evening, so you can judge how utrong are thu chains with which the habit blmlH its vlatmt " Tit ! in r, lift l In. ()t)u i f tic i.i t ti'itu ciihli? change in fashion tlti hstmi I- that which affects the dreasing of the Imir. The "friinV' has Injen gntdnully giving pin' to softly waved Uaudennx. and tlw thiudMinx are creeping gradually tower down uutiltbe return eeetne imuiiiifiit toth puffed Aud waved bandeaux to be seen iu tlte por traits of Jenmo Lind takfii along in the flftiea. To young and delicate faoee the style has an agreeable piquancy and quaint new, but to women pt tliair first youth or withe trong, ooaree features the bang luw a tfofteniug effect much to be doaired. Another etyle now gaining favor and one beoomlug to round f aoee with low foreheads U that of turn tug the hair back from the forehead loosely ina twit that Is lost in the light coils aud puffs ar ranged in the middle of the forehead, In this style of coiffure tbe front hair is parted off on either side aud twisted in the old fashioned way iuto two rolls. New York Sun. Tli Il.luite, Id answer to a oorrwpoudMit a newa lwr Bays; "The delug mentioned in tbe IMble waa tbreatetwd iu the year 1W) B. a, aud buguu on Uo. 7, 1SSC I). C aad ooutiunud 977 days. The ark rktd on Mount Ararat on May S, lOSfi, Imt Noh did uot leave it ontU Dso. 18 following." Any reader who Imagines that it would he an eaay taek to figure tbesi detail from a Biblical aootrunt oan Bod a baU for Ms oalouUtloua in the lerwith aud eighth chapter of Qnek. A HarU I'roblem, A ortm fiebaiiuK society fe iIUctum log tbe C'UfhtKm wto hicb U tit &o gTUr tbo h'i i . it who kom bout and find tlutt tit. ttuj iur w uut rottd or Dm wife who lt;ia .h nt-r ready audwbow biuband dtxu, n,t unne htiiue. It U W tiered tbut th. ui i iu- wiUud m a draw. Wurtbuij.u.1 M.ita,,iu. fun llm Tliu. Jack lluw Mciiid it do (or ma to apeak to yunr fuUmr uxiujbtl Jee Beat time tu ibw world. Ha got tbe bill (ur my uow bonnet juat befora wa atattod for uur tlriv. Kxcbang. Zlr A A, Witltami Lvnn. HTAt. For the Good of Othors Jicv. Mr. millanm Heartily Ziv done llood'n Sartanarllla. We are pleased lo present this from Rev. A. A. WiUiams, of the Sillsbeo v.nnsuan t-iiurch, LJun, Mass.: " I see no reason why a clergyman, more than ,njan, wuo Knows wtietM' be speaks D..UU.U ucnuaifl io approve an Article of Merit Kir.,rU,A'1?m M Ms family hare nuJiiSli!,-.H;.t?,'.nl u,25e beriftflU to i rnn . J:.' " " "nanenoe. My Kite Las for many ) oars ljeen a snfforer from severe Norvous Headacho lorwhlrri si found utile lielp. She hastrltd many things that iirntnlsef well but neri tormnitill. I..HtfnVaiiie'dg?vehaKt: JS, SJiiW ?a''",lr"a- I' aeems sarorlil lor her. The itheks of hcaiineuo docreawd la number and were less violent In tlielr! Tntei . . v"i"i ..on.iii him oeeu im. proved. Ifer appetite has also been better. From our experlenco with Hood's Sarsaoarllla I have no hesitation Ju endorsing lie uorlit." V JV, lYILLIAUS. HOOD'8 PlLtS sratbs bfit famllj- eatharOs. nalla an T t . -. ATSwxr Sir's LBHIGHTON, PLANING - 3HLL. HANUKACTUllEll OK Window and Doon Frames, Doors, Shutters, window Fftslics, Mouldings, Brackets AND DHAI.KIt IN All Kinds of Dressefl Lumtoer Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c Very Lowest Prices. pick Be&dache and relievo all the trembles Inci dent to aUlious atataof the aTst-m.such t& DizzloeBt, Kausoa, Drowslnaas, rJlstrsM after catlog, 1-atu In the Bide. &o. Wklla their mosfi rctanrlESDle aucceu haa been shown in curtog ITeaflftcbe, yet Carter's littlo Liver FUts are equally valuaMo In Constipation, curing and pre venting thUannorliiaoomplalnt,vrhllotheyalo correct aUdliordcraothaatomachtlmulatatb llrersad regulate thebovU ISvenUtheyonlf Acl'athfywooUbeaUflOitpriceleMtothoeawho Buuer from this dlstroaslng complaint; but fortu Siatelytbelrcoodnosadoeonote&'lthoBa Vrhoonre try them will find theee little pllla valu fbla In a many ways that thoy will not Im wld Hug to do without them. But after aUalcknaai ACHE 'Is the bane of so many lives that here la when worntkoour great boost. OurpUlacurtltwhile ethers do not, parter Uttle Liver Pllln aro very imall and Jery easy to take. OuaortTOpllUciabsadoaa. They are strictly vegetable and do nut (plpa or rurae, but by their gentle action plaaso all whi tisethnn. Iuvl&lsat25centsi nveforfl. Sold by draggUta everywhere, or aeut by mail, CARTER HCP-ntftiwrr nn.. nw vrt. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Scientific American TRADa MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. tn. For Information snI free irandhook writs tn MUKN A CX)- 5tit BliiUUUAX, NSW loitlf. plilf2it bureau for aatnuing patenti In Amort cn. Hrerr patent taknn out iif us U broualit befora the puUlo by a nuiioe gl veu free ot chiua in tho tarsest Hroolatlon of av acientiflc papar In tbe world. hiledldlr Hluitrated No ibteUleeut Rtau ahould be without, tu Weekly. i3.0t a yaart lMux mnathe. AddreM MllNITAca, i'fv'uiuusita, a 0 1 Unwtt-ay, iVuw York Uty. AXLE iREASE BrjST T" THE TTORLD, Jt? ua'illtlw.h.ftnfiwrBiuiMd.ficta.rt' Cutis., . . . to... bt Hurcinar brand. Nub eibcu . hh i. ts;r.i xiitiiEMjiM;. mil M T,F It F DKAUR8 OENEBALLY. Juf W. t. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE HtWttP. Do ye;' Irear them? Whsa iml In nesd try a p!r. Beat In the world. 50 42.00 tea usies $2.00 SI.75 rori OOYI I f rw wast a Km DRESS 8HOL nsds la tae latest t,lM, don't p. $6 lo tS, try my $3, $3 AO, $4.00 ti SKm. Thsy Ut equal to custom made sail lock isd wsarssvsU. IfyoawlshtoscDiioinlzslsyeurnoUsaf, do to by purcluulnc W. L. Douglas Shess. Ns and srlee stssiped on tns bettom, louk tor It whoa yss bsy, W. I UODOLA8, UicKskUD, Mass. Sold by FOR SALE flY A. Mehrkum & Son, Lohighton W II Zi'ienfnj, Aquahicola If ou want lo be In time ami in Good tbitUM (o auickh .and tuoerai lue porchaaers ban ouli tbesnaersea to UatsM, If tbey an eoupelfed to be ouu tent wllb seeood elaas eboicea. Come quickly to our large Carpet and I'uruin Display at 80 HAMILTON STKRET, Pa CURE 52.25 B 2.00 .liflMM. .ssArfa.HOi MniL, S laf ul u . Milan. UJ OdiiSnn.SaJi.1 Cwa K 1.,.. t)l)posltf ihe Phi LEHIGHTON, PA. I the ilee lo buy GOAL of nil alien. Lowest Prices und Best Quality. Always Prompt Delivery! Let Us Hare Your Orders for the Winter Supply. For the t'rettlest Jenelry and the Dest Watches, Clocks and Silverware the people of Carbon county must come to our store. We not only have Ihe goods but we sell them at prices that are low and perhaps a llttls lower than the same goods can be bought for elsewhere. We are not selling shoddy stuff for the best bscatise we don't believe In misrepresentation. Our motto Is "good honest coods at the very lowest prices." Before vou buy elsewhere we would be pleased to have you call and see us. Gonlpctionery, Fino Cigars, Stationery, Dolls, etc. We carry In our nsual full and com plote lino all the above goods at the very lowest prices, il ke It a point to call and see us when you need any thing In our line and we are confident that It will pay you cash returns for jour trouble. C. H. Nusbaum Ilrh'gc .Street, .... Welssport, Ta. HAVE YOUR Baere anfl Parcels DEUVEKED AY John F. Hottenstein. :areful attention paid to the Delivery of Freight, Baggage and 1'arculs to all parts of town at tho lowest prices. A share of public pationage Is respectfully solicited. JSfIieave orders at Sweeny's. Koch's or Lelbennutb's. F. P. HEIL, FOB TUB CELEDIUTEIl "S. o c CO a g i 2 a 2 J ZJ 1 3 a SEWING MACHINES OFFiCE-IIorlaoher's Block, opposite the tne valley House. The I.eadlnc Ilestenrant In tlie Lhl;h Vallejr. CIRCLE CAPE I.IO.V IIAI.J. HUU.niNH, iJSiASS!;. ALLBNTOWN, CHAS. A. HOWSIAN,rrup, Tlila roj' liestauraut lias boeu thoroughly refitted Hint iffiirulslieU.ftiKltheupm'ralRwini. modal ion are uf a suptrlor and tnvltiuRchflrac ttr. AU the delicacies of the season ?rTPd ut mode rate rulen Hie bar U iui-oiled with nouu but the test brands of Wlnea, Liquors, Als Uluars, etc. Idfea DInliiK Huom lu the Rear, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Anthracite Coal used exclusively in&urlnc cleanliness and comfort. Arranrjemert oi ratsenger Trains.. Sciikiiui.e in Effkit June M im. THAI NK I.KAV1S I.i:illOIITI)H Tor Newark au.1 New Vrk IM, T.w, and 9.26 am., 2.M,UBtUli.lll. For alanuuka Cltuuk and nltrilere 7.46 a. in. ; 12.67. un au.1 tap in. For tduntierUtlle and Treuton S.SS arl 11.12 a.m.; aad t2.T & 4 8T p. m. Fer atutlnirtou, Calasawiiu., Alteutown. lletb lehem, and liaslon, ., !, .. 11.11 a, m , ii 7. i m. m, t sr. la hm and a.n i m. For I'liiludelplita and points south ijan. s.4i, 7.a. e. and in.;3.aa,gl. La aint aji ii in For HeadlliBandllarrlsburK 40, 7.4s and 11,18 3.U9, and pju. For Bowmans. LeltlKh (lap, rherrytord, Ijui rv's, Wblte Hall, replay, and llokandauuuii . 4i, 1 1 IS a. IU. 12.17, S ., 4.37. S.H I4Bd 3t For Uaurh Cburk e.47, 7.4s, a.Miid a.m.. For Weatlierli and llailetoD47,7. MuUKand il. a ui . t m,, 7.30. li.; tor Mahanoy my. Hhenandoah ana Asbland 8.47, 7.43, M and it. 20. in , 4 U. MO t 7.a p m. For Ml. Carmel and Hliamokln s.47, 7.4s and 11.2 0a. m.. S.lfip m. ForroturllleS.47.7 4S, 7.14, JS and 11.30 a. in.. 4.10. a,u aud lap For Wtafle Baven, Wllkesbar'e and Hennlon 7.43, . and 11.20 n. in. , 2J 4.10. 72), and I I.S6 For nttstou and I- & A. Jourt., T., a,os. and 11.20 a.B.; 4.10, 7.22. aad il u.'ni. For Tunktuunioek 7,49 and 11.20 a. in. ; 4 10. 7.22 and il as p.m. Forltbaoa ana flnieva 7.4S, II.201.. 111, ll.lf p. ns. For Sam, ttoehoater, Buffalo, K Mra Falls and tbeWest 11.20 a w.: 2-o and n.n 11. m. For Klmtra andllie West via Halaiiiani-a at 1 10 p m. bUNIlAY TIJAINB. For New York 1.M S.M awl 11 12 ni , 2.M, 5 11 aud CJ1 u. Ol- For FbUadelplila ije l.u 1 .97 a. in.. 2411, s.i; and 6 SI u. so. For Kastoa and luternmUale Htatums. U2. ;.7. Ii.12a.n1.. 1217,,.i 7&i aadt.) For Mauen uaunc mi, 11.20, iijh a. 10. ; 2JS. '. VI 7 lift and il-AO n. n rot llvadlngat ana. ro..i.Bi and 6.17 u. h tur M ,huiio t ily und Hlicuan4oa).ejsl,llJti For rottKVlllr at 161 p 111 . For Whtir Haven. Wllkca-Barra. ruukbannoek,Towanda.Hayr,ltrHW.UlwvB, Aubtun, Kllnlra, Rucueiit4-r, fiuiLlk, Mlattra Fuiuaudtiw West 11 asa. in 2.asaiHl Hasp. as. For lurtber parllrulurs inquire of Aaentator 1 mif 1 uble, It. H. WU.Bt K (ienfrul Hupt . Kaatern IMv. A. W NiNNF.MA('HFR. Aut irueral Faa Miuaer Alielil. tkiutb belblebeiu, Fa. Send lftH l'lu tel., I In imlaiin tu lalla.. Paa.. Lajsattwo, lt Will ud MttH- I ulesTuta kllM vt WftU I rtutW UirtruitU book. &IMBSCB ( )ur ir1or m utut ii leM ttuH i.otMi rtwrTv Giia rim v., HmA DR. W. A. LEVAN, I of Millport, will be at the Fort Allen t Hotel every Thursday afternoon bo en 1 and 1 o'clock, Specialty in PRy, Dibeaaes of Woman aud Child and Ujspepsla. Kemerer AND SWARTZ, J ust now, as nil hinovntiou, we arc offering our customers n boautiful book- Sliepn's Pho- tpgraphs of tho World, with cvory Forty Dollar Purchase. We would like Very muolf to explain this to you " Will you please call. Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Wning Room Furniture, Book Oases, Hall Racks, Handsome Carpets. A .i miiuiig me goons we sell at very low prices. Kemerer AND SWARTZ, "Corner Store" Lemons, Bananas, Its, Celery, Cranlis, Grapes, Table Raisins, Confec tiros. Fancj Bastets, Qneens- rae, ani a Lowest prices, gootl treatment, prompt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. A HANDSOME NEW Line Of H'lnter Coats for I.alles and Fine Dress Goods, are now on sale at E. H. Snyder's, FIRST STUKKT. The ladles of this town and elsewhere are cordially Invited to call and see us be fore maklDR purchasing elsewhere. BUi' YOUR Green Groceries AT Frank .Leibeiigiith's NOltTIt nitST STREET, where also can be found a Fine Line of Vine Groceries, Fruits, Candles, Green Vege. tubloa in season,. to . i ItLrvery lowest Prices. Prompt atten tion und good (roods. d2J"CALL AND SEE US. DRUGS, pure MEDICINES, genuine and best SOAPS, large line and cheap. WINES.K001' for medicinal use r CIGARS, the best made. SPECTACLES, nn extensive nnd increasing trade. I guar anteo satisfaction to uyery customer. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded. carefully Central Drug Store, Dr. G. T. HORN. KRUM KISTLE COttNEIt SECOND i. ALUM Big. Wum everybody in l.chighton to buy at their store because they have not only nn ex cellently aseoited line of fine Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &.,c but because tin ir prictae are low er than these soods can be. GO TO SWEENY'S bought for elsewhere in fown. We show ijood with pleas ure, quote prices and deliver all purchase. Don't forget, but call and aee ut, KRUM and KISTLER. itoves and all kinds ol TINWAR W. S. i v. Opposite , We Have A cur of Hie oil-known Clark's Fer tilizer Company's fertilizee; to be here about September 1st, JFe hope our many friene?s will bear this in mind when making up their estimates. TTo do-not canvass from house to house, nor do we make any un warranted claims, but rest on the merits of the goods which ha a reputation often jtnrs standing, of which we are justly proud. Cider Mills and Corn Shellers will soon be in order and we will be prepared in due season to cater to your wants. Lehigh Coal El Hardware Co LIMtTKI) First m.9 IjeliiglitoM. AUTUMN HANGS THE LUCKY HORSE SHOE OVER OUR DOOR KOCH & SHANKWEI LER, Largest and Finest GloOdoK Honse in tie Valley. Hotel Allen Building, Centre 0 W KUHTZ & CO. Lots of Fine New Gooods. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap. Come and see us. Wo are stocked with a lar the things you need. COWTRACTOBS & BUILDERS; THE CARBON CO. IMPROVEMENT CO., Limited, Smccm to N- iJatier. FranklLu Planiajr Hill, f eissjort. Fa.. nn'.n 'if? !? ,W,llllJh,T,r" Dlf ?"' at "''O'l notice to furnish bids and estimates 1. U' """SDressed Lumber, Doors. Sashes, Ac., tosetber with ne In . ith li"' 'J r?1 .Walnul' Ch""-'0' 11". atthevery'lowe t prlTea? consUtent with gopd work and first-class mater a , We earnestly solicit nr JJ..T.i Ruarantce in return to elve satlsfaclldn in everrparllcnh 7 Patronaje tai CARBON COUNTY IMPROVEMENT COUP ANY AtTI10SIA3 1)1 YArintia ulitl liflTfi lieadAPllfl tit rsSa ue eves Specialist, und tlif ywill rele inleltti )t8. Kvf ry pair uf ttUss ordered it and PRETTY FALL MILLINERY, MRS, M. CULTON. WBISSPOET Phaetons, -Surreys, Spring Wagons, Carriages Sleighs, &c 11. I. KRUM and Heaters, nt Lowest Prices nt KUHNS, lauiiiiv) the Round House, Zehighton, Ordered and it means good luck for every buyer who gets inside our store this season. A stock to plesae many. To save money of all who come. The Largest Assortments, The Newest Styles, The Finest Qualities of Men's, Youths', and Children's Fall and Winter Suits and Over coats ever shown in the Lehigh Valley. 6 A store full of Bargains. Square, ALIiHN'TOWSr, PA G. E. PRYOB, tu- tu nnji or LllECIf, STILES & CO., The Phila. Eye Speoialista. Lehighton, November 16th. C STOrtE, from 0 a. ni. to 5 p. m. are rautlnz discomfort should eall upon tbel skillful altrlltliin. NO CltAltlikto exaialnrroa KiiaranletMl to be satisfactory. The cool evening's tells us in no uncertain languaga that Bum mer goods must soon be put nside Ho are ready for Fall with n fine line of Stylish Hats anrl Bonnets, PRETT CAPES AND COATS. Tho Lowest Prices Prevail. City Trimmers Always Employed. Weissport and Lehighton. Prices the lowest possi ble, consist ent with First Class Work. EH t