The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 18, 1893, Image 2

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    ESTAllLISlltll 187.
The Carbon Advocate
The Motthlmer Publishing &
Filntlne Company.
OFMrK Seller's monk, Nortti Flrtt street.
Lehlghlon, in.
'itlu Paper hs Dec accepted at the Lebliiilon
osi office as second cim Milter.
gun auvi:uti8Inu hatiis.
Locnl and HiadlnK nounn to take run II
iltn r c lier lmi tor each liiHt'rtlofl.
Emciitors Administrators' Hiid notices, $3.00.
Auditor and Divorce notices II CO
Oards ot thinks, r. unions ol respect, and
similar notices one time SI 6u.
LtHil notices t entertainments, snppers,
(MtlrlK fairs, dances, md nil entertainments
esstuneu to make money f cents er line, unless
Jon Miiulltig lias btea done lor the santewt this
ljilaTiulTett!semmts, fle Inches and over.
14 ih'i Inch per annum.
rJiitt..rlptton price 11.00 alien paid spot ealh
at si tn It not so paid, 'lhisrule will hereafter
Terms Transient advertising and Jolj print
tas;.ah; yearly adrerilslnii lunula quarterly.
Our Olroulatlon 1504
The action of the " LohlRhton
Press In attacking JunioH II. Ilauilwerk
Trill senre no purpo. If Mr, Hand
work had been artuatel by no other
purpose in bis support of Alton CraiK
for President Judo tlnm that of wish
ing to support a iion-inirlisian for the
high oQloe he is still to becommouded.
But be had more Mr llundwerk rose
above his party and the wrangle into
wbtoh the contest for this IiIkIi odlce
had developed. Uo hiipported Allen
Craw because ho reooguized merit and
abilltv; he supported blm from the
standpoint of-n friend and fellow citi
zen and IncoitiR from bis party to do
this he proved himself a mau deter
mined to follow out a ditty to himself
and 'he people. The election of Allen
C'ralir vindicates Jimroto Handwork and
not withstanding the dutv attacks of
an organ Irresponsible as it is ltnbo
cilo be will continue in the high esteem
ot all people who know bun.
Political parties have their place in
popular government, and one will
dispute the trite axiom that thornre a
necessity, but, says the fctcrautoti Truth,
it is tho independent cli uon, after all,
who saves tho state when parties do
i;en6ate into despotic m.vcbinesor bo
com the servitots of u i rooant bossos
who have grown so ov r confident of
their power that they reel they onti
dictate the nomination f any caudldiit
however unworthy, and rely ou partisan
subservieuoy for bis elcouoti. On such
occasions the effort-, of tuo in
dependent citizen uero the double
purpose of defeating tbe undoslrable
nominee and teaching the bosses a
wholesome lesson in record to tho real
sourco of power. '1 his i not only neo
ossarv.but imperative, when a political
autocrat becomes so putted with bis
own importance that hi- iinaRlnesJbe is
the power and the i ople are his
pupp'its, and that ibt- party that
tolet him at its be . 1 bis personal
Tnis memobyof Gon. ' infield S. Han
cook w dear to all his .-Midlers and to
thon-ands who knew tin- iierolo lender
and nobleman. A gbm' i .to bust of tho
Hancock, as he was Hi y cas o I, was
latelv unveiled in .N- w York ilau
oock (Square, One IIundni and Twenty
third street and St. NiiMOlasovonue.
While it is pre-emiu u'.y right that
this tribute should be 1 aid to blm,
aoinei king ouglit to ii done to mark
tbe spot where bis ashes , est, at Norris
town, his birthplace A recent visitor
says that the tomb in which his body
lies Is a sorry-looking affair, crumbling
to decay. The stone of which it is built
is soft sandstone: there is uo name to
tell who sleeps niuln. Jir. Wilson Mao
Donald, the sculptor, who has executed
lbs bust which has been erected in
New York, has made t e offor of a
dupli ito a glgantie bronze bust,
mop ced upon a flue granite pedestal
to ob- placed tu the public squure ol
Nornstowu, but he oilers a bronze
copy of the orlgiual bust of Hancock
he olo size, modeled from life, and
now In tho New York .Metropolitan
Museum of Art in C'eutr. I Park, to be
placed over the tomb of Hancock, pro
vided however, that the tomb be re
palrc f and the front fuoi-.i with granite.
The whole cost will uot xceed f.'.OOO,
and ' this sum il,in .s already as
sureo. Mr. Percy i'unn, of Norris
town, Pa, is tbe chan tu ju of tbe local
committee, and subscriptions can be
sent to him or to Mr Wilson ilac
Donald,sculptor,13Q est Thirty-sixty
street. New Yuik -Philadelphia
Tni MACcn Cucxu Democrat, the
tool of IClotz, Cassidy and a few more
of the same kind, last week kindly
dropped this little hint of Intimation
regarding the policy of the Cassidyitoo
in the future: "The coming politicial
Issue will be betweeu personal Utnoes
apd worth on one side nud olilct,
brokers, boodlers and corrttptiouists
on the other side for all county and
municipal offices."
We are glad that the disreputable
gang have so clearly shown their hand
The good and intelligent peopio of
this district wU be on their guaru
to tu'U down the pot liou'e poll! lead'
and polly wogs when the time comes
We bad reason to believe that thnde
feat i ' Mr. Storm by the people woul.
cause them to repent of their sins, un
fortunately, however, it bus out.,
futher Increased their fury and no
we find thorn openly tb.tuteulng tbi
good government of the peopio with
platt rm of voices of bich we bavi
along ai pusedthem of Tins wickednes
t.bls ' ii mntinn of vote. -' iiv I'limn
t ia.k nto the small olUc o ,t ollof
cou' uble Htm assesur 1 i luaidiuie In
town and townships, c -trbon cotintv
and r I its small town- nid dlstiiots
and t'.e Judlnul, Seuatot 1 and Con
gressional Ulstrtetare cui ' aluly threat
ened v i Ih a fearful ewl But then it
thUtlircat of boodle j- carried out
who will put vp the liob Ktoty
growl1-' au.l sitenrs c lytlnie he ih
asked to whack up and t .- reat of tbe
gang are gone d.-y The i. iocl i lid in
tellitf ut voters howi . i are fully
prep i t d for them xtul "" matter bow
often their dlsreimtaMe d contempt
ablo ti i' ls are tried th will always
meet " ith determiuei i , l osltiou and
empl tic defeat Pur' of goyer
mout maUHL'cment, 1 o. alate and
natto al must be pn -"d and the
good .icplo niuat 1 i thwe who
wonl.' ueviltolbe rrs It may In
timo i necessary tu i e (ouie be
bind i ison ban aud v i - i chat time
oomi the courts wii. found full
cqua ' n tbe emergency ' a the mean
time iliocoui.trj lnaali
AtMnt l'rants's lub r fhoi.
If yoi wsitt a clean ind .- Htuve,
As v lai "i .-t .
JllKt ' I n Oil tit mV SIlllH, .
X mora, oreve. or biHv u" ,
1 1 m iliw-k th. hair aim umee.
To mi'i the contour of the I .cc.
Mv sn Mand tout are alwt '-lean,
B!ai J sharp and rHcors k-"
And a rv thlnir I llitnk ou'llflnd
Tosii. 'he tast find t lea thf mind
And ai Hint ail or nkl lean do.
If tou Just call and wall please ou.
I Itps of othrt oft renitn u
Mm VtllitV n he -h hi I hie
nitt tn ht loigivtit tint ! arody of Hum
P-.-tl.ti of Life.'
Wlic. are w v.
ii, (lint-UK of ii
bi'kilhol llu
re Uie tak win
b' iitf htfui, know
that tt
It on i
a of lao bouie.
ii a wtiniitu roiii'
-taiiiHi itks tnan ami
f lint M-kf Dine il l e br auffKnair
W".' 4t-tfcHfit irfKhiailtlr aHioenta
(bene i
1kB-l.l ItiU t I" Ier ktt " lr.
t I'tiMim? PrW- tllt.OIlt-. a Upr, iftc fill
llturdeia 1 lit oil ieiniil. Mtlit In
-ti midrra posllive miciMnlif finm the
riureri. aausiitt iki izutranirea m
w. or mouey r-finitu bee LrlutrU
u:e oo Duuie-wr,MK i
Den't Tobarro Spit or Kninki your Lite
lathe 'nthlul. fttarUliw m ! a UUle tiook
tttat it all al out Ki-ti t . i the w underfill
aarrn Ouaran ired Utwr i l ablt curea, f be
coat Is iiiflina and lit man v t aanu to qull
B'M. at I'tup Kioreaor i alTlrva. A4
! i lie Mrrlou Jlarrd) i' . IudiMM
On the lt aad Sh4
t)f each mouth Dr. Biuert, the wll
kauvaaod buooeteful t-peoUlUt will
at the YVefacport Hi Mt-e, Welaaport
where he will be pleased to receive all
those desiring biseervices. tf.
That Is tho Advice of Sooretorv of !
tf I
State Qroshnm.
It III Amiettrd Tlint PrMldf nt Dole, ofth
rrorlilonHl Government, Will IWlitre
the rorcvil ltettoratltm of the Qaeen an
Act of War.
WAinimTo. Kov. U Alette of Seo
retary Graham to tbe preatdent conrn
Volt llAWftlian tiffalrs Ixm Imhti plren out
(or publication. In it lie takes the ground
that the marines lAmled from the United
States Rteamer Boston at the time ot the
revolution were not landed to protect
American life and property, but to aid In
overthrowing the existing government.
Their very presence, he says, implied coer
cive measures agalnat It. The letter pro-1
It is not now clalmel tliat a mnjorlry
of the people having a rtqht to vote under !
tlie conaluution of ihwi ever favored tne
exintlng authority, or annexation to thlt i
or any other country. They earnestly de-j
sire that the irovernmrul oitbefr choice
shall be restored and ita Independence re
spected. -
The government or linn unsurrendered i
ita authority under a threat of war, until l
audi time only na the Kuvernmeut of tho;
United Htates, u)wit. fnetK being prewenteil
o It, pliould re nittiite tiie constitutional i
aovereign, and the pr lalotial goernment
was created to extat until tiTtna or union
with the United Statns of America hnvo
been negotintm ntid Pim-ed uton '
sliould nut the ereai wrong d(ne ton
feeble hut iiiilfpemleut HtUf by an nhne
of the authority of the United Htfttei bo
undone by restoring the legitimate gov
ernment? Anything short of that will
not, I respectfully ubmit, satisfy the de
mands or tint ice.
Can the l nited states roncwtentlv In
sist that other untiona shall respect the
independence of Hawaii while not respect-1
Ing It themselves? Our government was
the first to reconle the Independence of i
the Islands, and it should be the last to ;
acquire sovereignty over them by force
and fraud."
BWashinoton, Xov. Our new Ha
waiian represputatlve, United States Min
ister Willis, has
now been in Hon
olulu a week, and
it Is not Improba
ble that he hag
carried Into effect
took with him and
which have been
so well kept a se
cret on this side of
the Pacific. If he
hfts done so the
steamer which left
Honolulu on Sat
urday will bring the news of the conse
quent events, and will reach an outlet to
the rest of the world with it on next Sat
There was no surprise when advices re
ceived by the steamer arriving at San Fran
cisco today from Honolulu stated that the
Hawallans nnd the protectorate govern
ment, after thrc davs of residence In the
Islands by Minister Willis, were still In
ignorance ol tne communication to Presi
dent Dole.
Secretarr Greshara savs that It would
be Impossible to hear of the effect Minister
Willis announcement had until the ar-;
rival of the steamer which sailed from i
Honolulu last baturday. orfeurdaysafter
Admiral Skerrett, who has been relieved
by Hear Admiral Irwin, departed. It is In
ferred from this that MlnUter Willie wm
Instructed not to mnke known his com
munication until after the bteamer and
admiral had left.
Wasuikotox. Xov. 15. It Is learned on
good authority that the cabinet Is a unit
in Ita endorsement or 1'realdent Cleve
land's plan for the restoration of Queen
LUtuokalnnl. This fact was developed
after the conclusion of yesterday's cabinet
It Is a fact that for several months nast
the provisional government has recog
nlxed that there was no hope of securing
annexation to the United States, and they
have felt fully the obligation upon them
nnaer mese circumstances or providing a
permanent form of government for the
Islands. The form of the proposed gov
trnmenthas been discussed, and It has
been proposed to call it a commonwealth.
It la expected that I'realdent Dole will
advance these facts as arguments against
the contention of Minister Willis that his
government tho government to which
Willis is accredited has expired or Its
own limitation. Should Minister Willis
decline to recognize the validity of that
argument, and President Dole determine
to follow his contention, so far as lar in
his power, his next step is expected to be
to formally notify the United States min
ister that he would not yield without the
employment of force, and that he would
regard tho landing of troops from the
men-of-war to enforce hi deposition as an
act of war.
Wasuisqtox. Nor. 18. Thoae boat null
ified to speak for President Cleveland and
Secretary Greaham, who have been will
ing to speak at all, have expreaaed great
confidence that ex-Queen Mliuokalanl has
aireaay ueen restored to her throne no
liter than Wednesday of last weeJi. The
equally confident assertions of thoae beat
acquainted with the character and re
sources of the provisional government
that bhe could uot have been reatored
without force, has made no difference, ap-
pareuuy, in iue caunuenoe or thoae who
claim that she has been restored. This
ha led totheinferenoe that Minister Wil
lis' Instructions were to employ force, If
lho rather cordial reception accorded
on Tuesday by Secretary Greshara to Min
ister Thuraton's official call, and his
formal acknowledgement of tba unaeverad
relation between the legation and the
government, makes it seem Incredible
that instructions have been given to land
marines In Honolulu for purposes of ag
nreaalon upon the uovernment which Mr.
Thurston repreaaaU.
AO Information can be secured on the
subject, but the belief is growing that
Minister WilIU Jaatructioua did not in
clude the employment of force. Tbe oon
ndenee ot those near tbe president that
tne queen naa been already restored
thought to be due to their belief that the ,
provisional government would yield Im
mediately to the suggestion of tbe United
btatea miniate that Ibe provisional gov
ernrnwt bad terminated and the boy
erigntty tbenof reverted to the quean and ',
bar government, it is now believed that
Mlniatr Will la' Instructions are. If tbe
provisional government refuses to yield to
his suggestion, to await for further orders.
Hat for art Krror tl. lIarr.lona Outraffa
Would 11... IJmq Mora Tarrlbla
Bawcloxa, Nor. IS. It I. aeulsd that
Judge Doinvnerb has In hi poa imnlon tba
Damaaofall lb pmoua wbo wra oon
Mctod with the bomb outrage at tbe
Mom theatre last, and that tb. oul.
prlta are already tu etutodjr. It I. aaid
that tlx plot waa arranged by aararal an
arehlaU. Tbe plan waa out, which, If It
had been aocceaaf ally carried not, would
bar. lu.olved wholesale destruction of
Baeb of tbe oonaplratora waa to carry a
bomb liito tbe theatre and to atatlon tbem
aelva In different parts of the gallery.
Ose of the number waa deputed to turn
off tbe gna iighta, and at thla signal tbe
bwaba were to be thrown. Tbe man who
waa to put out tbe light, failed to find th.
maaef, and one of lua oompeniona, grow,
log ImpattfeBt at waiting for darkness,
tbrew hta huaah down Into tbe alalia.
Judo Dosaenech earned a reputation aa a
PMaeeutor by atamplng ont tba Blaok
Hand criminal orgauieatiun In Andalusia
seen. year. wo. and tba prisoners will un
doubtedly be rigidly dealt with when they
nun. bettor him.
Cr. Basted te a fceSMJot House Fire.
HocmaiTU. K. y , Nut. IS. A dispatch
from Nunda aaya that tbe school bones ol
Ceonarrtll. waa destroyed by fire. May
i.rter, teacher, and Wlllard JohneoB, i
7aar. old, m burned to death.
changes in the construction of
m. a. .
Vll',ot", wu
tlTolutlen In the rnn1srll ol the Bptrt.
The first International Itiice Wa. He
ttreen and Ihitrli Vesiels.
Charles II Among Hie Earliest Tatrohs.
Tlie term "yncht" is l i ived from tho
Danish word "jaght," tncAiitnur n cliaae;
henoe jmobtlna; is the chiming of one ves
sel after another, anil accordingly yacht
ing and yacht racing me nooyinous
A yacht Is mill always han been essen
tially a pleasure craft, lint In the early
day no yacht of any slae existed. Thus
we find n writer In 1?00 referring to a
yacht as "a small shiplmilt for swiftness
nnd pleasure rather than for merchan
dise or warlike service." History does
not tell ns where, when or tinder what
circumstances yachts were first built,
but it is certain they are of ancient ori
gin and were only owned by royal per
sons and great nobles. The latter fact
receives corroboration from an ancient
but carefully compiled dictionary of sin
gular words, where a yacht Is described
as "a pleasure craft of not more than
100 tons for the king's use."
The earliest mention of n yacht In this
country was ne far bark as the Anglo
Saxon period, when King Athelstau re
c Ived from the king of Norway n pres
ent of n magnificent state barge, rigged
with purple sails and decorated with
wrought gold. Queen Elisabeth, we
know, frequently need n state barge,
and eo have successive sovereigns to this
day. It is curious to relate, and goes
far to show tho primitive nature of our
early resources, that while foreigners
were able to build ynchts their example
was not followed in this country till
1588, when the first Cngllali yaoht was
constructed at Cotves and launched
from that port.
But while 1588 may be fixed as the
commencement of yncht building in
England, it cannot bo said that during
the next half century much progress was
made with tho newly acimlred industry.
Indeed, had it not been for Charles II,
it is probable that the triule would not
havo been established for some time to
come. King Clinrles, however, was very
fond of sailing, and the Dutch East India
company, with the view of gaining royal
f tvor, presented him with a small sloop
rigged vessel. The advent of tho foreign
I milt vessel evidently stimulated native
talent, as wo find Evelyn, in his diary of
Oct. !, 1001, writing, "Isailed thismorn
Ing wi th his majesty in one of his yachts or
pleasure boats, vessels not known among
us till tho Dutch East India company
presented thntenrious piece to the king."
Dut the king was not only a yachtsman!
be was also a designer, aud drew tho
lines of the Jamie, a 25 tonner, built at
Lambeth, nnd raced her against the Bo
zan, a small Dutch built vessel belong
ing to tho Duke of York.
The course was Irom Greenwich to
Gravesend and back and the prize 100,
which waa won by the Dezan. As the
ships were designed and constructed In
different countries the race may fairly
claim to havo possessed an international
character, whilo from tho fact that the
royal owners Bteered their own boats it
was clearly an amateur match. Unfor
tunately with tho death of Charles II
came another lull in tho history of yacht
ing, and it was not till early in tbe eight
eenth century that any real revival took
place. During this long interval, how
ever, yachting had gradually become a
more democratic! amusement, and the
sport of kings had descended to the level
of commoners. Cork harbor became a
favorite yachting ground nnd during
the summer months was crowded with
diminutive pleasure vessels. Indeed, so
popular did the sport become that in 1720
the Cork Hnrbor Water club was formed
to encourage yacht nicing. The club ul
timately developed into what is now the
Royal Cork Yacht club. Here, then, we
have the first antheutic attempt at organ
ization in tho yachting world.
A tew years later the sport came into
favor in tbe south of England, and Malt
land, in his "History of London" (1739),
refers to sailing as one of the amuse
ments to bo met with on tbe xiver
Thames, whilo later still (1801) Strutt,
in his well known work on "Snorts and
Pastimes," mentions the existence of a
society consisting of certain gentlemen
who gave n silver cup to be sailed for
annually in the vicinity of Loudon. To
ward the clooo of the eighteenth century
Cowes became the favorite resort of
yacht racing, but still the contending
vessels were of small size, none being
over 85 tons. It was not until the foun
dation of the yacht club, afterward the
Royal Yacht club and now the world re
nowned Roynl Yacht squadron, that
yachting in this country may fairly be
said to hnvo established itself as a na
tional sport, and even then (1812) tho
number of j'achts afloat only reached 50,
all told. But from this time the popu
larity of yachting rapidly grew, and club
after club followed la quick succession.
London Times.
Likewise Good I.urk on a rii.nouien
Gt 1 In nKlnul loll.
The scene of the following incident
was about 40 miles from Qloveravllle,
K. Y., on a lu'uutifol little lake just
across the t.itnVlnnd al Piseco lake. In
Hamilton county. The day was all that
a fisherman could detJre, uud every con
dition was right for trn.xl fishing. A
party of three . ero in the boat namely,
L. E. Even at. lii'i frirud. Professor
Spencer from Brooklyn, and the writer.
They had taken nuarly So pickerel in
less than half a day, and the size was
good, weighing from to G ponuda.
The last turn around the "lucky point"
was being made before we started for
home. Everest, who waa trolling oue of
the lines, eaid: "I've got another. He's
a big one from the way lie pnlla." Ever
ett let him play at one time nearly 300
feet of line before the fish oould be
turned. When he had been brought
into sight, lie waa not so Urge as some
we had already in the boat, but there
was an unusual motion all about him.
Soon tbe line was drawn so tightly it
was necessary to let him play again.
When brought back, It was discovered
that a large pickerel had attempted to
swallow the one on the hook, which was
now quite exhausted.
The big fellow still followed, shark
like, for tlie dead body ot bis viotim,
which, however, we were not disposed
to give up. Juat as Everest was about
to swing the flab on hi hook Into the
boat tbe professor took up his oar, hop
ing to strike and thus capture the large
one. The movement of the oar attract
ed the atteution of the fiah, and in a
twinkle he made a pass at it. Tbe blade
was alwut 7 inches wide, bat hi jaws
grated across tbe upper and lower edge,
sawing a groove on either aide with hi
sharp teeth. The professor, by carrying
bis oar forward with tbe movement of
the fiah, at the same time raising it from
the water, landed tne huge fellow into
tbe boat.
He weighed 18, pound. The fish on
the hook only weighed three pounds, but
showed signs of battle, being bitten in
several place. Upon opening him we
found, a ia often tbe oase, a hsh of
smaller site in hi stouuaoh. Thl one
showed signs of life and wa opened.
We tben diaooTered a pretty little gold
chatelaine watch add were enrpHaed
that the time agreed with our watches
and that it wa running.
More than pleased with oar fiahing ex
pedition, we returned to the Adirondack
hotel anil informed Landlord George A.
McCoy ot our good lack, at the same
time showing the watch. In lee than
two minute all tb guest aboot the
bone were in the office, and among tho
numuer waa a pretty young lady from
Albany, who aaid that the watch wa a
token of friendship which she had prised
very highly. When on the lake in th
early part of tbe day. tt had fallen into
tba water, and. she supposed, was tost
It la needles to aay ahe waa overjoyed at
It recovery. Albany Journal.
The Kullua FeMloa.
at. Peter (oor4UUy Coue ia, ootae In!
Spirit of Kitchea Quests Plate, yet
lir'rance, kin U hor tvery other aresua
cntJ Continental Qui nr.
Your Painter
has often wss'rd time and material In
trying to obtain a (hade of color, and
has even resorted to the ose of ready
mixed paints, tbe Ingredients of which
be knew nothing, because of the diffi
culty In making a ihada of color with
white lead. This waste can be avoided
by tho use of National Lead Company's
PureWhite Lead
Tinting Colors
These tints are combination of per
fectly pure colors, put up In small cans,
and prepared so that one pound will
tint 25 pounds of Strictly Para White
Lead to the shade shown on the can.
By this means yon will have the best
paint in the world, because made of
tbe best materials
Strictly Pure
White Lead
and pure colors. Insist on having one
of the brands ot white lead that are
standard, manufactured by the "Old
Dutch" process, and known to be
strictly pure l
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
"Brooklyn" "Jewett"
These brendt or Strictly Pur. White Lett,
and Natl on il Lead Co.'a Pure Whit Lead
Tlntlnr Colors are for sale by the most re
liable dealers In paints everywhere.
If you are going to nalnt. It will par yon
to tend to us for a book containing inform a
tlon that may save you many a dollar) it will
Duly cost you a postal card.
I Sroadwsj, New Tom.
BOYS', (2.00. YOUTHS', 1.75.
cHaonr.N'8, ti.29. Misses',
This Thaws Mask
on tho bottom of a
Blioe any price is a
guarnnloe of Pbbfkot
aud No lltr. Tho
Crest Bluie will stand
wear and tear. $
slioe,fcand.aewedi $2
shoe, French liand
process. Best rapdium
ttrim Bhne on tliemar-
L,.L All sttlc-e. all
widths, tlppoil or ylaln. 'WeU rhod
la half druascd. " Crsst" at ibe top. AT
E. G. ZERN, Zehighlon, l'a.
The Newest ; Things
Come and sec us
BIERY, The Druggist
Drug :: Store
MENT. Thomas' Sarsuparilla is double
the scrength ol any other.
Airily your hlood, take Thomas'
The South lv d Jewder.
u ale-net, ('lurks. So irl flai, Wuti Ii (JliaiiiB
NeiMu'e rar Uins, (loltl lvut-lis kings
Hracalsls, Slhuiaalw.anel) l.iiibli-iii.,! tunas'
in all Hi branches caretullv attended to at
low urtcee.
Wilson F'ntz,
Hank way, Lehighton,
1Mb Orahim Standard and Bonn
ritmau oyateois ot
(The two leading systems throughout
the werld.) touether nith all the aason.
liala to become a praottoal reporter are
thoroughly taught at the Auierioau
Busluoae College, Allen town, Pa. We
treat an iue leaaing ..
machines on the market.
Student of this department arc alao
entitled W three laotnree erory wsk,
ueu'ereu ujr iruiiiiLiefu lesinrere.
TJJr, n OsMrinuT
, . AN me UarauuTOM.
ZHoat Praattol Ohms at Ileawst Mates.
Btu4iiU aaslalad u pafiai poaaiou. Uea
lor uaJalosua or mil at aaW.
Mo Baore tluirouoh lr flaw iniiluuj
Business College In America. Catalogue
All persons are hereby eanUonad aaainai
"'epaaeius! oa ue saoae oi las unoer
euroM la Franklin t wnahlo. Carbon
counts, for the Darpose of bun line, nahlni
or ouer purpose. Ail person rnnnd trass
passing win be proaeealad la the full
lent of th lav. alas. JoaW W. Bkjui.
Sail, Mix
Wall Pa
A. Sell & Co.,
ftta ef Omra House, Iron Stiert.
'!n f r ill fir iih ti'"tl nt rry
't.xmilj i-tjj
r l'l.EASI'.OIVK 113 A. OALI,
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and llypophosphites of Lime
and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties are unequalled. . It cures
the cough, supplies tlie waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaomlo and Wostlns
Dlsoooe3. Provonts wasting In
children. Atr-to-.t rh palatable as
mllU. Cct only tlie (ronulne. Pre
parol byScott & ttowne, Chemists, New
York. Sold by all Druggists,
M. J. Hartzell,
Whips, Fly Notts, Robes
And everything elso usually kept In a
lirst-ciass store ot tuts Kinu.
Of all kinds attended to neatly, cheap
ly and promptly, special attention
paid to the manufacture of Harness
to order.
re lmve a number of good
From the stock of Jas. ralp,
which we will sell CI1EAI'.
'omp ai.d sec them !
Swartz Bros,,
Plumbers & Tinsmiths,
EIGHTY-FIVE Gils Per Gallen
If you want the Bwt then
Buy Irom us.
Opptoitu M, MiM.
TM MfMffti Md pur t
mtA, 1 Hit wbar Lytu )i Uci.ig
Aim V"w Md twiM to ft sw
wiib rriiauvabte 1UL Um euBUutu
fcr lays naif to mm. WiU
U. tlM.'lkMl pK-fUHMi Scmp
In MJ suhiuu wlbnt builliMK.
It I lb b4 lur ei.tutoliaC it.T
tn- duiiitwuiist ti
..Mil ii bUUcat tau, 1-rMk. .c
rjKHXak ialx m 00 f
For tlie next Ibw tmntlis the
groat question of interior decor
ation nnd house paintincr will
lie the lending consideration ol
jiroiierty owners. Let u make
tt Miggt-etinu lor you You nnt
tho Aork done right; we can do
It for you nt reasonable figure,
or we will sell jou the wall
im)rr and decorations Come
and see; let us talk the matter
over am! we know, that wr can
please you.
U is tho old ttoiy. We arc
on top bo'h m our large line an
tery low prices for
New Pall Millinery
As usual you will eftvcinoiiey
if jou buy ol us
rs. A.yraver
Ulose's Old Stand
TTe handle all the Daily and
Weekly Newspapeis, Periodi-calSjMagazinesa-hionBooks
and (Story Papers, and we
Deliver them promptly at your
store, residence or t nice. Do
you get a papr ? Il'not please
try us. Besides the news bureau
we have a fine assortment of
Cinars. Wacco. CcnfeclicrcrY.
Fruits, finis. Toys ani Fancy Goofls
At the rory Lowest Cash Prices.
Ice Oreciin !
We hare a cozy parlor .ind irlll treat
you oourteously. Please rail.
Hloae'aOld Stand, -- First Btret
Now is Your Time!
Building Lots For Sale!
Don't wait, but ooine at once
and buy one of these beautifully
located loh. You will be sur
prised at the vbw thpy afford
and the price will be sure to
plcaee you. No trouble to show
you around. Call on either
A. P. gNYUBIt,
or It J. HONOBN,
Bast WehepertPa
Owen Rehrig,
Oeraar Saeoad and Iran MrxK
TJIb have severed our connec
tion with Mr. O. F. Acker, and
will hereafter do all kinds oi
house painting, decorating and
paper hanging ourself. We will
make prices on all work in our
line as low as possible, while at
the same time we will do only
the best kind of work, Ve will
be pleased to figure en any
work that ) ou may u 'd and we
also hope for a fair share o. jour
patronage, ire will continnp
on our headquarter for wall
papers, Ztarders.Curtaius.PainU
and Supplies, all kiiulu oi
Stationeiy vc., and will kindly
solict your patronage.
Owen Rehria.
fMbWoftrUW hair out. fev Ofcws. d m MuDtUyi
RosMlvr'ill'Urioi.te, eurM Pu4iqC Wr samrry
( aHusnft iwi um wc wmawj mwsi m iow-
ftt iirkft, Md r lh uBi iUm In uwu
WMfl fM M) Nf gWf HH1 m
Who are for tho first tlmo to
undergo woman's eovorost trial
wo offor
"Mothers Friend"
A remedy which, If nsti as directed a few
weeks before confinement, robs It of its
of both mother and child, as thousands who
hate used It testify,
"Inwd twe bottles of MoTRfss FutsMn with
marvelous results, and wlih wrv woman
WHO has to pass inrouan tna oraea) OI cnimsnrin 10
(Wit h nnms. rtiarrM nreald. rm receipt cf
pries. rliOpubaMte Sold bj all draggUu. hook
To Mothers mailed free, v
uaAortiLO kigvuto to, Atlanta, ua-
OOlce Oouut House IIuii.iiiko,
IIaucii Ciiukk, Pa.
All basinets promptly attended lo.
E. W. CLAUSS, - Proprietor, i
orr. i. v. depot.
Cjxceiituij accomiiiuuiiiuii lur pi-riiiiiucu ;
nnu iransieut uusloiu. me inr js BLuciLfu
wnn fines- jjiqnors aua cigars.
Practical Horse Stor ani BlacHsiilli.
AH VlnJs of work In this line executed
promptly and at tbe most reasonable prices,
l'atronage poll cited and satisfaction cuar
anteed. Bhopon Noiith Stiikwt. above
the 0rboa Houo.
Estimates on All Kinds ot litiilillngt
cheerfully furnished.
All Kind of Building- Material
St Elmo Hotel & Restaurant,
wnissroiiT, tenn'a,
Mrs. L. YINUST, Pkop.
Fine Deer Alwajs on Tap,
Dest Liquors and Cigars.
Dr. F. A. Rabenold,
Dentistri In All Its Blanches
Will be at the Fort Allen House,
W. M. Rapaher,
First door abova tlie Mansion House,
eal Kstate and Collection Aeeney. Will Buy
ml Kll IcpaI llAta. Pnnvpvanrlnir nnallv lnn.
ollecnous promptly made. Hetttlng Ksfatesof
Decadents a specialty. May be consulted In
i-'nallsh and Herman nov. za-Tl
Henry Drurabore, Prop'r,
The Carbon House tia been rennratfd and
m protect throughout; It Is electric lighted and
Mell ventilated, and ts anionic the liest Hotels In
this section of the State. The patronaireof tho
publla Is solicited. Hest accommotlattous (or
permanent and transient custom. Charges very
moderate. FlneiJquors,Frenhneeranurorter
and Good Clears, lor sale at tti Hat.
luue lft. '0Q-X.X
DR. G. T. FOX,
Grand Central Hotel,
837 Hamilton St., Allentown.
(Freoioto 13 a.m.
4 " to 4 r.M,
Office Hours
Practice 1 ml ted to diseases ol the
Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat
rr-Also, KetractlonoUtie Eyes or the adJuA
'sent of glasses.
NO OFFICR 1IODKS on Monday and Tuesday
Telephone Grand Central Hotel.
A. S. Rabenold
IIranch niricK i Oyer J. W daudenbusn'
uquor Htora,
uentlstrvln all Its branches. Teelli Eitmcteu
sltnoul latn. Uas admiulstsred when requested,
Olueo IUys-WKUNI!SDAV of each week.
.ahull conntr.ra.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Bank Street, Xeh i;! ton, Pa.
aU Making artlflcUl deutureii a spel&I
ty. Local ne-otUtle ued.
ainltilttre(lam1Ttftli tfxtrati WITH
K JlOUnS: From . m.,fr
m. tosp. tn..(rora4a. in., to 8 p. in.
u Itatlons in EiiilUti or (iwiAti
ui at JlMletoh .jTery SHtunUv
So' del's JBakery,
Hm iwt, L It I in ton, jou will tNavi nd
Fruhestand Ilett
Rye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
Prasii Every Day. Oar Vlsiwa Bread eaaaot
be c4lfl. We respeetfally sollaK yur patroo
ag. W auu (ar the Waoa.
Seidel's Vienna Hakery,
Opp. Obert's, F1BBT ST.. I.HIIIOHTON.rA
Robt. N. Anthony,
(Saatrasw to J. P. llai, Sast Wrlasaort.)
Fnniitire, Floor & FL
at tba Lowest PiIcm.
Give us a oall. No trouble to show
Jjolilay oo3p
Rooks, Stationery aLd Fancy
Goods, in
Tin, Wood and Iran Toys.
Praeeb and German China War.
OamM, Boll Ciaaobea.
Chrittmas Tree Ornaments,
and an endlest variety of Vovel-j
61 Broadway, Maurh Chunk.
'fine table ttxen. '
Odd Moment. Ma Hn 1 ii.ii In Tt ..- '
rVlngttiff CI rr ijlut- ii.sin.
tinfti nnd Mnrnlnic Olt.i
Elaborate nnd inlmji
pesry contirupg hiiactr
spite th fact tliut it 1
lions Inmiewfvi' nt "Hf
hroitler doilie!, ( t'tnii
ind tablecloths literally without end.
They have oomplete sets for formal nse
and others for the use of the homo table
ilny after day. They have simple de
'dgns and claborato designs, fine linen
ind heavier linen, and styles and pat
terns to snit every change of service and
every color scheme that may bo devised.
Tlie nasturtium affords a pleasing de
sign, and tho New York Timos tells how
to carry it ont. It should bo worked
upon Dno old blenched linen which has
Brst been shrunken. With this precau
tion taken unlimited laundering is possi
ble without the smallest harm.
It is hemmed nnd stitched round all Its
sidee. Tlie flowers are worked In their
own gorgeous colors and show every
tint from pale yellow to deep, glowing
orange. The leaves nnd the stems re
quire only one shade of pale olive, hut by
a special method of working tho former
are mado to take many tints and to show
both light and shade. Every one of the
lines that mark a division of the leaf Is
first outlined with a single thread of
silk; then each division Is worked quite
solid with Btitches running as indicated
by tho lines.
Tho flowers may be cither solid or
worked in Ions and short stitch, but the
former will give by far the richer effect,
When complete, tho cloth is simply
splendid and so brilliant ns to provide
ample decoration with even the simplest
china possible.
Another suggestion from the authority
quoted is the round doily, Its making
is simple, although at first sight a fringed
dlskseemsdiffloalt to obtain. The circles
are first marked tho exact size of the
doily; then again a large oue Is drawn to
Include the depth of tho fringe. The
linen is cut on the outer lino and stitched
with the machine on the inner. Then at
each of tho four sides of the circle, so to
ntiNaED doilt mn vnuuTn.
speak, or from tho four opposite points,
threads are drawn down to the stitched
line. After this marking there remain
four triangular spaces of solid linen, and
the threads of these must bo picked out
with tho needle and drawn round and
adjusted to form a perfect circle of
fringe. Tho stitching is then ripped, and
the edge is hemstitched, after which tho
fringe is combed out and trimmed till
exactly even.
This doily Is effectively embroidered
with a wreath of morning glories, worked
with olive green leaves and old pink
flowers. The doily is usually one of a
set, each of which shows a wreath of a
different flower, bat the same design
might well be repeated in all. Indeed if
the doilies are to bo used for carafes and
the like and are not designed for finger
bowls, the latter plan is by far the best
Too great a mixture ot either colors or
flowers can never bo good, and the sweet,
fresh morning glory will bear repeating
again and again.
' Kew Noto Tapers.
For tho most effective uso of white Ink
there ia a turkey red paper, with white
(lowef-dikluco embossed in the center.
This, with envelopes to match, will enliv
en a dull correspondence. There are two
shades of green In note paper. Applegreen
Is the more decided of tho two and is ef
fective under black ink.
Totatoes In Ilreat and Caks.
In breadmaking tbe potatoes shonld be
round and good as well as well cooked.
The potato must be rubbed into the Hour
dry, and If 'wetted with milk instead of
water the result will bo so much the bet
ter. In the same way cold potatoes may
be used in making tbe paste for pud
ings (boiled), plus and cakes, with the ad
dition of dripping or fat of some' kind
and a little baking powder. Uot potato
oake is light, easy of digestion and nour-
Mdng and might often take the placs of
more expensive cakes at tea time.
Ilaked Veal.
Dust two pounds of n neok of veal
wtth salt ami ipper nnd ohopped pars
ley. Uover wnn thin siloed baoon, roll
up and tie. Drnali with a little melted
suet, dust tMekiy witb Hour, put a little
watr in a pan, add mwt, and bake in a
quick oven, basting often. Serve with
brown aaace.
Mnslra.1 Tunes.
A stringed instrument suspended in a
favorable position near a piauoforte will
sound when tone corresponding to the
open strings are produced on tbe piano
forte. The volume of the answering
tone will depend upon atmospheric oon
dittoes, tb quality and color of tbe per
suading tone and thesenaitireneaa of the
, responding material. There is a famil
iar anecdote, told-of a famous tenor, who
by singing the tone that was consonant
with that of a wineglass, oould make the
glass shiver so violently that it would
fall to pieces. It ia because ot this tonal
sympathy that the cause of a harsh, rat
Ulng tons that way suddenly apiwarln a
pianoforte la detected witb difficulty
Though It may appear to be in tbe in
strument, it is often far away and may
eome from a loose globe or pendant on a
ahandeltar. Evau a key in a door has
been known to be tbe guilty cauae. St,
Louis Ulobe-Democrat
Illg (luus lion't Last Lahs;.
An Bngllali authority, in speaking ot
heavy guns, aays that the UO ton gun,
18 Inch bore, will Bra U ordinary
rounds, after wbloh the gun is unfit tat
further service. The 07 ton eon. Ill inch
i bore, will Are in ruunds. and Uw
I ton gen, IS loch bore, vrill fire 1M
I rounds before becoming useless. The
east ot the British 110 ton gun is M,.
I MO. That of the 67 ton gun is 14,000.
and that of the 46 ton gun $81.(500. J a-
lapa Journal.
Cellar Had.
Hooora Oh, missis, 41 r. Vasderrra-
i ttr nas Huag himself to the ohinikaloor,
aa bU ayes do be atickiii out like tayeaiu.
Obolly Vanderwatar (attar being cut
down by a committee of board)
I What means this wude intwualonf I am
DwenawwaT my neck fob a bijrhab callau.
and I do not wiah to be iuterwupted. I
Oo wy 1 - New York Recorder j
A r-rallaa Spot,
Orator W hm olae will '"U find la
ew spot sik u products aa marble, irtm,
claj, chalk, copper land, alute. glucose,
fruits of all Unas. bswp. tbu and all
manner of grains?
Man la the Audisnse to mj boy's
pocket, Walt
Jl,K'''Ji!'l!tJl!!gfltitlii-iiJ "
remedy Dr.
PIptcsj a Pleas
ant Pellets.
Put tip in little
B I a i. a vials,
i iii'iycnucoii.
t'liienf Seal
ed, loo, so
Unit ynti know
tlwy're aln.ijs
fresli ami r
liable, unlike
the ordinary
pills in wooden
or asleboard
ine in the way of pills so small or so
easy to take as these little Pellets.
There's nothing so easy and natural
in action nothing that can do ns
much lasting good. They absolutely
and permanently cure Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick or Bil
ious Headaches, Jaundice, Sour
Stomach, and Dizziness. AU de
rangements of liver, stomach, and
bowels aro prevented, relieved, and
They're guaranteed to givo satis
faction, or your money is returned.
ia tierfectlr. nprma-
ncntlv and "positively
ciret by Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy.
Tho proprietors of
this medicino provo
that by their offer.
us &uu cash lor
1 ! nf f1io.Vi
wliich they cannot cure. By aU
dealers in medU-hies ; 0 cents.
It is n popular expression
when ppople nsk for n store, to
refer them to Eizian's, because
wc toll nil our goods at the most
reasonable prices. Our assort
ment of goods consists of the
newest things in
Dress and
Dry Goods.
Groceries, Provisions, Etc., Etc.
Come and see us. Let u
quote prices and we will be sure
to please you.
I Ifil
North First Street, Lehighton.
lee Hive,
Wo are making special ef
forts this month to hovr tlie
largest variety of Coats that
were ever befoie shown in this
city nnd in price and stylo we
are always correct.
During this (hn'ise cleaning)
season, you may find out that
you could uso n p-tir of Curtains
it a Carpet. If you do to,
remember that we will show
yuu the fcods and give you
estimates free of clmrge whether
you purchaao or not.
Corner 8th and Hamilton Sts.
Uight hrre in Kast Wcissport,
about 2 Aeres of .and with
r Fine Stream of Water flow:
ing through it. It can be
divided into Huililitig LoU.
Splendidly located for factor
ies, mills, suilalile for any
kind of business you choose
to onrry on.
B. F. Peter,
W:th Snyder's Stoie.
A S. Steckel,
Slatington, Pa,
For Sale or Rent !
The Weissport Bakery
oeeaptMl b C W. Liurt. iaeMlai Drll
Ing. blora Ko.m, Baka Ofaal srlUi Bake
Kobii and warehouse, all ks seod enlar.
l'rlea low ana easy Irruj, II MA said ty
Jauoaty Isi. ISM. Ii will be ranted.
Apply for full particulars ly
Oar. Bill isi Talk Ate..
Seat aw. tt sVHASKK, rx