JOB PRINTING It a specially irilh n. We haw one low prire for all. Come awl learn our prim Pio-Niv awl Sal,- Bill All kinds of blank Ixtokn. Lei ite hare your orders For anything in this line. JUDICIOUS. ADVERTISING Creates many a Neio -Business, Enlarges many an Old Business, Revives many a Dull Business, Rescues many a ImU Business. Saves many a Failing Business, Preserves many a Lurgc Business, Mcais sueeess in AH Business. "INDEPENDBNT"-"LIVE AND LET LIVE." VOL XXI. No. 52 Lohighton, Carbon County, Forma, November 18 L893 $1.00 a Year in Ad vane THE ADVOCATE PRINTS THE LOCAL NEWS AND IS THE LARGEST ONE DOLLAR PAPER IN CARBON COUNTY.V. OBttim AL CHEtPCASH STORE Look at our list of Dried Fruits ana Canned Vegetables Learn our Prices and compare them with any other house . in the county. Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Teaches, Apples, Apncots.Uran terries. Canned Peanhcs.Plums, Pine. apples. Apricots and Pumpkins. Canned Tomatoes. Corn, Green Peas, Lima Bcans.String Beans. Lima Beans, Shaker Corn, Grpen Pens, Marrow Beans, Split Peas, Lentils, Sago, Tapi oca, Rice, Cornstarch, Farina, Wince Meat, the hest only, N. O. Molasses, the finest. You will save money on any on the above goods, as we are positively lower on the same qunlityt'oods than any of our competitors. Your to serve, J. T. NUSBATJM, Flut Street, between South and Plum strec i ksulgliton. Pa, THE Iff TARIFF BILL A Report That It Provides for Rad ical Reductions. NEWSY OCCURRENCES, X.OUAI. MATTKUS OF MOltK OK I.KS1 IMl'OllTANClC. HEAVY OUTS IN GLASS AND ETON. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Friday, Not. 10. Ml Annte Plxley, the welt known American nctres, tiled In London, ned M. The sultan of -Morocco pledge full rep aration to Spain for the Meltlla outmgea. Coal In portions or Kngland selling at $15 per town, and threaten to increase in prioe. Weeks, the New York embezzler, haa begun hit term of ten years in Sing Sing prison. Professor Herman August ling on, ol Harvard college, one of the greatest .cten tUta in the world, died yesterday. An explosion of eleven gas motors la Chicago caused the destruction of the .North Side railway barns, with forty street ears. Loss $100,000. Saturday, Not. 11 The total gate receipts at the 'Worlds, fair were $10,576,208. Supervising Special Agent O. K, Tingle has handed his resignation to Secretary Carlisle. Hostilities were renewed yesterday be tween the Spanish fore us and the Moors at Mellllla. Hockefeller, the oil king, has presented another sooo.ooj to tue untcago univer sity, maktn? hh total gift to that insti tution $3,250,000. JState Treasurer Morrison, of Pennsylva nia, received a check for ttft&O for the pay ment of mercantile tax, with the request that It be placed in the conscience land. Monday, Nov. 13. Nine Chinamen were deported from San Francisco for violating the exolusion act. Yale defeated: the University of Penn sylvania at football at New York on Sat urday by 14 to 6. Mrs. Piatt, wire of the senator oi uon- Tlie Tax on Whisky and Other imtlllery rrodncti 1-tkely to be largely Inrroaisd. Th Income Tax Ion Meeting with Increased Favor. Washington, Nov. IS. In spite of all the talk that is being Indulged In by some of the Democrats of the house about n conservative and moderate tariff bill, tho measure, which is now almost completed is radical, some of the cuts In duties being extremely heavy, l he average perccntago of reduction which will be shown by the bill will not be Indicative of the cut made, for the reason that a great many things on which there are more or less heavy dutieu now will be put on the free list, and will Hot figure in the estimate of averages. It will be some time yet before the foil bill Is given out, but ponie of the feature of it have become known from time to time. There are a number of other Items on the free list besides Wool, coal, Iron ore, lis tin, lumber, salt and silver lead ore. orae of the heaviest cuts made where items are not on tho free list are In tho glass and iron schedules, and the textiles not In the cotton schedule. The shoe anq leather and eotton schedules are cut very little. In flax and woolen textiles, wearing ap parel and blankets, and carpets and the like, the cut fs very heavy. The duties on glass throughout the schedule are cut auout in tue mmaie, oieei raus are re duced to 25 per cent, ad valorem. There will probably be nothing In the iron schedule running above SO per cent., an4 the averaze will probably fall below 25. The ad valorem system fs adopted almost entirely in the mil The question oi sugar has not yet heen settled, and there Is a strong disposition In response to the needs of the treasury to put a small duty on that article. Thren or four members of the committee are earnestly opposed to any tax, and others are in doubt, so that question is unsettled, The tobacco, beer and whisky schedules are also expected to be considered in full committee and there row appears little doubt there will be a material Increase In the tax on whisky and otherdistllleryout puts. The proposition for an Increase of B5 cents a gallon on whisky Is now being informally dlbcussfxl and some member of the committee even mention an increase as high as 60 cents a gallon. The full Democratic membership of the ways and means committee met tutu morning in general conference, and H it expected the meeting will have the effect of clearing up the uncertainty that has existed for some time with reference to aeveral of the important schedules of the new tariff bill. The members or thecom- mlttee who have been favoring the pro vision for an income tax feel confident t hat the result of the series of conferences Just begun will prove that the majority of tno committee iavors sucu a pian, A Family Starving Cleveland, Nov. 16. The family of Gottfried Wolf, living on Preble street, is sufferlnir from starvation. They bad eaten nothing for fou days when dis covered yesterday. Ihe members oi tne family, five of whom are children, are iu a terrible condition because of the lack of croDer nourishment. Their bodies have broken out in sores and their Bufferings have been awful, A nursing babe is one of the worst sufferers. o) f has been un able to secure employment for a long time. The family is now being provided for, XIpppenholmer Will K?fui to Vacate, Trenton, Nov. 16. General W. 8. Hep- penheuner, state comptroller, announces that he will not give up his office to the -t. .... ..,.,, u Ai.itnn i lD8l ne win uut K' up uis oiukb iu tut nectlcut died of pnra . ysls at the Arllug Jnftn elected by the Itepubllcan joint meet tonhotel. Washington, Mrs. Iloosevelt, the wile of tho secretary of the American embassy at London, died at Ascot yesterday afternoon. The government of Honduras has npolo gixed to our government for the act of its warships In Ilrllitf ou the American flag. The will of the late Carter Harrison shows that he was north a trifle over 11,000,000. There are several charitable bequests. The World's Mns.uiu building, at Fort Wayne, Ind., was totally destroyed by fire, causing a loss of eiOO.OOO. The Are spread to the Aldlne House, causing the mansard roof to fall In, and to The Oa sette office. Tuesday, Nov 14. Sir Francis Clsre has been oouflriued as British ambassador at Home. The Columbian congress of the Salva lion Ann; Is In session at New York. Ex'Premler Mercler, of Canada, comes sat boldly for Canadian Indepeadence. Fire last night In Memphis caused tM, 060 damage and perhaps some loss of life. John Johnson, the colored murderer of wo fellow convicts, was electrocuted at Abarn (N. Y.) prison today. An Italian anarchist named Antonio Rt aldl, arrested In Fninco, Is believed to be tae Barcelona bomb thrower. Wednesday, Nov. IS. There was a heavy snow storm In Mtcht can yesterday Theodore Wachtel, the well known Oer- aaan tenor singer, dlod In Jieriin, The female whltecaps of Osceola, Neb., were let off with a fine of K and cost each. The schools of Mahoning, Pa., have been alosed on acuount of a diphtheria ept emlo. M. Parier has been elected president of the French chamber of deputies by a vote ef 291 to 191, defeating M. urisson. Senator Teller was given a public recep tion tn Denver last night, and 90,000 peo ple struggled to shake him by the band, Thursday, Nov. 16. The Connecticut state building at the World's fair has been sold lor tSMJUU. A snow storm yesterday left Ave Inches of snow In the mountains oi renntyivnnu M. Francois Julea. Hvnolllte Chambre- ei, the French engineer and member of the Institute, aiea in x-aris. The twentr-seventh annual session of the national 1'atrons of Husbandry is in session at Byrscnse, N Y. The Brazilian eolony In Farts last night celebrated the anniversary of the estab lishment of the republic by a banquet. Fire destroyed the big flour mill of the George Tlleston company, at ergus raus, Minn., with W.O00 bushels of wheat. Idas, ttfLOUO. President Cleveland returned to Wash, Ins-ton from a brief visit to New York this morning, where ho had been on "strictly private business." ing, because, under the decision of Justice Depue, the last legislature Is not a Jegal body, the court having decided that the assemblr must be elected by counties. He dors this, he says, not to obstruct the Re publicans, but to get tho matter tested in tne court oi last resort. Mrs. Maybrlck Dying. St, Louis, Nov. 14, Kev. John Ingra- ham. of this city, rector of Urace church, has received a letter from Daroness Cara line von lloque in which she stated that e has learned that her daughter, -Mrs. 'lorence Muybrlck, is dying iu Woking orison. Ensland, the baroness speait: hoDefullv or securing ner daughters lib erty. The baroness expects to bring her America ou ner release. Powder 31111 lleuiollslieil by an Explosion. Pottsville. Pa., Nov. 16. While re- ailing a wheel iu one of the Crescent 'owdercomnanv's mills.three miles south of here. George lrvin accidentally struck grain of powder with the lead hammer be was using. The building was demol ished by the explosion that followed. lrvin was .blown several nunureu xeet away, and will hardly recover from his Injuries. The Vote of Kansas. ToPKK. Kan.. Nov. 15. Full election returns In Kansas show that the Republi cans made decided gains over 1891. Of tho 630 officers elected the Republicans got .Si, a gain of ao over levi; tne i-opuusts got lol, a lass of 15; the Democrats got 34, loss of 31. and there were v ties, ine Republicans had a clear majority of about ,000. Trench Ambassador to Austria. PiEii, Nov. IS M. Imt, formsrly pre fect of police, has been gatetted French ambassador at ienna. WALP'S EAGLE STOIffi. We call the attention of the people to our new and complete winter stock of Dry Goods. It embraces all that is new In winter effeota ami will surely please the ladles. Our reputation for low prises and the best goods nil) be maintained. V have our usual splendid assort ment of Notions, Glasa and Crook err Ware, Boots & Shoes and Groceries. We sollolt your patron age and guarantee meetlag with yonr approva)- We dellier goods free of shsrge. Jersey's lllg Republican I'lurallty, Trbktok. Nov. 15. The Republican plurality on election day, as compiled from the reports of the county boards of canvassers, shows 32.0. the largest ever known in the political history of the state. Last year the Democratio assem bly plurality was 1,196. Cleveland re celved U,vu and uovernor vverts Asaln the Lone Highwayman. Ukuh. O. T., Nov. 1ft. The overland staae was robbMl at 1 o clock In the morn ing, five tulles west of Uklah, by a lone hlghwayiuau. The amount or treasure aboard la Impossible to ascertain. The passengers were unmolested. A nalaklasa Hero In Distress. New Obleans. Nov. 16. Sergeant John Levlck. one of the three survivors of the famous (too who wade the charge at Bala- klava, Is In the olty In 6 destitute oondi tion and is dying of consumption. To Withdraw the Austrian Franchise BUU Lonixii. Nov. Itt. A diwatob to The Chronicle Irani Vienna says: "Prince Wlndiscb-Draets. the new or me minuter, will nithdrav the franchise bill at the nrst slttlug of the reicherath." Otfifiul s. .t. ur iVniiNyirania. Harrism m ,,,v lei. Toe official re turns of the lute f Im i ion in Pennsylvania have all been reoetsed, and show that Jackson, Republican, has defeated Os- burn, Democrat, for state treasurer, by 196.1M. while the plurality for Fell, for supreme judge, is ISS.asl. What Has Orcured tn this Cltv llnrlng the Week l'ertlnently Kithomli.d by Our Special Itevoriers. John llauk is bulldlna a largo ice bouse. Jacob Drelbelblos is on tha slclt list. "Jack" Haeonbach. of Dankway, is over a light attack of typhoid fevor. Thos. Bell, the llvervmau. has ad ded a Duo now horse to bis livery stock. Hnrrv Schaffer and familr. of Kaston. have tukoti up a residence in this town. The place for doll coaches, express wagons mid burrows is I.uckeubaohV, Mauch Chunk. Westen Fritph. of the third ward. is out after a serious illness with typhoid fever. JJiss Mary Christey. of Second st. s recovering fiom n serious illness with typhoid fever. Already they aro killing two to three carloads of pigs at Obert'a pork packing establishment, Communion services will be ob served iu Ebenezer Evangelical church on next Suuday morning. Stephen Bouser. of Bankwav. will take possesslou of Qilbort's Hotel at Millport ou January 1st, 189. Lewis Dreibelbles has moved from the Second ward into one or Diiuiei Olewine's frame dwellings on the liiK Frank HulTelflncer on Thitrsdav took possession of his pretty new honie ou the Packerton road. Fred Schmidt, of Parryville. will moye to this town. Dickenson & Kodona. civil engineers, this week made a survey ot the Itex estate ou second and ilriilan htreetsforE. W. Houehen. Contractor Ed II. Chrlstman lnf,t week purchased a horse and complete outllt from a Mr. Deemer, of Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Charles Raddltz. of Carbon street, is canvassiug for the sale of the "Peerless Speaker" au excellent nttio uook lor S1.0U. Mrs. Susan Monahon has moved from Second stieetiu the secotiu ward to Dr. F.I. Smith's dwelling on Bauk way in the first ward. Miss Katie Farren cnlnhrated her fifteenth birthday aunlversriy at tho home of her pareuts on Third street last Saturday evening. Mrs. Alfred Krum who ha been quite ill lor some weeks with an attack of typhoid fever, we aro pleused to state, is able to be out again, Elmer Reod and Miss Annln Rand enbush. of town, will be married on ltmnnsgiving day. in advance we tender the warmest congratulations, The report In circulation tn thn effect that Doug Miller is looking for a position in tue U.S. Mint at Phi ni el. phia is absolutely denied by Mr. Will- er. Mrs. Daniel Flook. nt TCaw Mn. honing, mother to Mrs. Iewls Fritz and Mrs. Frank Acker, of this town, is very seriously in at ner liome lu tout place. Oweu Rokrig is imnrnvlni? and re novating his double framo dwelling house ou Second street. When com pleted it will be occupied by his son rosier. The Btore of E. F. Tji.p.knhanh is at present devoted almost exclusively to the display of holiday goods He uasun immense stock at remarkably iuw prices, TT T. n removed from the American House, Mui luviiDt biruot,imo xuomas uuuu. log, is doiui: a business that, nlm every sign or continued neveiopement. -ihesale of the Mehrkamnronortv ou south First street to O. J. Saeger, ... vvhs cousummateu ou last Wednesday, i'ossesslnn will hn trWnu April 1st, 1891. The figure was C000. There will be n prnnrl ahnnttnirnnn test and Wheel barrow match for a lot of turkeys at the Mansion House, iiiesgeviue ou rnaay. ANOvemuer 114. Al sportsmen and lovers of fun should not fall to be present. Kev. Diclknson, of East Mauch Chunk, filled the pulpit iu the M. E. church on Sunday moraine and in tho evening John V. Heller, of Weissport ajiy uiscunrstwi. 4.110 pastor, itev, u, ir. uungan ueingbtui too seriously in uisposeu to ouiciate. William l'tttzlnger. who carrios Uncle Sam's mail bags and who is also au assistant U. S. express agent was united in tho holy bonds ot wedlock to Miss (Jlara Swartwood, of Coal atieet, last, oaturuay eveuing. ineir irienos wish for them a prosperous voyajfe" lurougu him. The ordinance just passed by council requiring the numbering of all uusiuess places aim nrlvate residences is toon, ine uinnox advocate trig gesteu tuis a year ugo. rue ordinance published iu another column is worth reading or complete Information on tue suuieot. we hope the nrovlsions of the same will be promptly compiled W1LU, During last week a Dartv from Phlladephia chaperoned bv Fred Schmidt, of Parryvillo. visited the grave of Miss Volmer, of the former piace in mo emgutou cemetery and decked it profusely with beautiful PERSONAL MENTION, A Hnnp Shot Camera Catches Those Who Come and flo Among Their Friends la Lively Lehlatiton. . .Peter Yeck, a solid Bowmantown Democrat was in town Tuesday. . .Rev. A. M. Mehrkam, ot Columbia, was iu town for a few days this week. . . Mrs. Thos Btocker is vislttug rela tives at White Haven, this week. . .Mrs. Frank Gerber, of Audenried, Is a visitor among friends in town. . Mrs. II. V. Morthimer, Jr.,of Bank, way, is visiting her parents at Beth, lehem. ..August and Jack Walters spent last Sunday "up the Valley" with ac quaintances. . .James Wert aud family, of Fourth street Sundayed with relatives at Waluutpoit. ,.Beuj. Losos, of Crystal Palace Clothing Hall, did business at Tamn qun ou Monday. P. F. and Miss Annie Clark weie guests 0, their mother at Nesquehou- ug oyer Dunuay. ..Doug Crai'and Will Kreldlor. of audi Chunk. -Dent a few hours in town on Monday eveniug. .Frank CaraDbell. of Rankwnv. was tho guest of .a young friend at Siat lugto ou lait baturday evening. Kugone Humes aud wifn. of First street, were the gusts of the latters father at Kresgevllle oyer Suuday. Jathan Rolnsnilth. of New Mahon- ug, was lu town on Wednesday aud shaok hands with many old frlens. ..Ed liranntx.and wife, of l'hlladel. plita, were in town over Suuday guests at thn home of tho hitter's parents. ..Miss Elln Sourwine. of Slatlngtoii. spent a few days this week very plea santly witn suss ueua uiugKameror on I'ouitu street, E. II. Snyder, one of Lehlghton's most substantial citizen's was at New ork on Monday making purohases of ew winter goods. ..Frank Campbell. Beul. Ioson eorge Knasss and Ralph Morthimei. four of Lehuhtou's noupular ouug men speut Sunday at Mauch Chuuk. Miss Rosa of White. Haven's 0 ng lad ; 'otuined Lome lasts tu lay ollowiuu a very nleanut visit hem at the home of Miss Ella Fink on oecond street. P. .fc R. Detective A. R. Lamberson. f Tremont. Schuylkill oountv. was In town for a few hours ou Monday a visitor to Rev O. W. Dungan, at the 31. ij. parsotiugo. W. P. Loni?. of town, was on a trln through Mourne connly this wcok iu the interest of the iusuranpe busiuess. no wasaccoinriimeu uy Charley ueiger who drove H . i. Ash's spirted span of horses. . . Fred Ilorlacher entertaind in his usual excellent maunur a larce Dartv of Philadelphians at the Valley House ou last Friday. Amoug the number were uuarles W alters and wlto, Charles Walters, ,lr aud wife,'Mrs. John Lud wig, Miss Fnrulo Rolf, Mr. Rachel uueuieim, ,j. 1;. x-eters 1'aui ucx-ers, J. C. Octcrs, Jas. Harrison. W. F. John- son, A. Wolfe, Dr. Bachman. The party visited the works of the Carbon Co., Improvement Co., and in tho even ing weut to Sla.iugton were they were entertained at the palatial residence of nr. lionacner. flowers. This eloquent trlbutepf love suu niiwuuu was iu memory o her Philadelphia's Collector Washikotok. Nov. UL The president removed from office Thomas V. Cooper, eolteetor of customs for the port of Phtla- deeu. Mr. John it. Head, ormerly United States dlstrtot attorney at Phila delphia, Is to succeed Mr. Cooper. The U.rl lUudlt CeurMesJ, Kakomo. Ind., Nov. I Miss Viola Dett rieh, 90 years old. who lat September led a band of young outlaw, that io the night these waylaid six prominent dtlsens, was ooasieteat and seut to the feale prteoa for oa year Ab Airship fur Brasll. IEwouo. X J .Nov IS. UU reported Were that l)r Arthur De Bausselt, tha In- see tor of tit. famous De Bau-ett atrsbtfi, tyUi LOiiilneiice al our the ton.! ruction of ass aerial Ikmi lurLhe llraxiliaii aulburlttea, many virtues aud lier birthday anniver sary. Lehigh Fire Co.. No. 1. of this place, have appointed a committee ou the collection of funds. The boys should meet with due encouragement 10 me euu mat tne nre company may be plaoed iu the position to ttoht tire at any time their services may be needed, Council have supplied the hose carriage, hose aud hose house but other things are necessary aud our people suouia see mat tney get them. Ou November an we shall Drint coupon entitling all who reoelvethe issue of that date to a superb work of art, just published, entitled "An American Beauty," a splendidly perfect reproduction in oils of new floral paint ing, 20 lnohea high, suitable for narrow upright spaces, by the artist of the famous " Yard of Roses and " Yard 01 i-HUHiea. we nave made arrange- nienU that will enable us to nrssutnt 1 his exquisite picture to all our readers. irre, ami an coma avail themselves of our generous oiler. Rev. Ulthw, uf PHrryvllle, will fill the pulpit tu the M. E. church an next Sunday morning. In the evening Mr. Johu W. Holler, of Franklin will ofiiei oiate. On the Sunday following Itev, S .T luithn nf ILIu..l. SI,..I. ...Ill ... - . rw.. , ... ... ,.uv.i i.iuun. win preside. There will also be religious services In the evening. Rev. O. W. uungan, tue regular pt tor of the con gregation ia enjoying a brief vacation iu iue nope to recuperate tost nealtu. He will snand a few waeka In Phlladel phia, Mauy trieurU hope to free blm rsuuru rsauirea to former naaitn WEISSPORT AND AROUND SI'ICT IIAlTKnINUS llltlRFI.Y Kl'lTII M izi:i. THOMAS II. IIALLIKT. The Well Known Educator and Lectnrer at liutland, Va. Prof. Thomas M.Balllet. suDerlnten. dent of the schools of Snrlngfleld,Mass. at a very large and distinguished gath ering of teanheis at Rutland, Va.,spoke aoiy on me "X'sycuoiogy or manui Training. "and from his lecture we print this extract: "I have been sneaking of the brain only. Tho spinal cord also must be considered in education. Some writ ers have supposed that the spinal cord was endowed with a dim sort of cou sclousuess, too, and thev have SDoknu of the "soul of the spinal cord." This is more than doubtful, but it is certain that the cord oauuot be ignored iu studying educational problems. The spiuni cord is made up or sensory aud motor cell in tho center aud of con ducting libers In tho outer portions, .uuny impressions maue on tue senses go no farther than the cells iu the spiualcord. Tl-ey never reach the uralu. lou tickle the foot of a good natured friend hen ho is asleep. He draws back the foot without waking up aud without beiug couscious either ot the tiokliug or the movement. The impression was carried from the skin along tho sensory nerves to the sensory cells lu the cord. From there the nerve energy tinveled to the motor nerve, tithe lutisclex, causing tbem t contract. It never readied the bruin, such au act Is cslled a reflex act. The spinal cord Is the quire ot reflex action. liany acts at llrst require conscious action of the brain, but later become habitual and uneonsclous. Such acts are relegatetl by the brain to tho spiuni ooru. in mis way me urain is relieved of much work. At first a child uses his brain lu walaing, later he can walk from habit and walks with his sniual cord. At first we spell with nalnful consciousness, later we spell the fa miliar worn, or our vocabulary with nine or no oousciousness. children ought to be trained to write and soell with the spinal oord and tn nan all their brain power thinking the thought t'J be expressed. We do many things wit 11 tne spinal cord to relieve the brnln. We walk with the spinal cord, we write aud pell with the oord, e kuitaud gossip with the spinal oord; we may slug and pray, not with our heaits. nor with our brains, but with the upper part, of our spinal oord. This is, no doubt, th physiological baaisof the wrong wirt of ritualism. We tip our bats to en !i other, or lift them to the ladies, nut with our braine, if we are well bred, but with our spinal oord ; aud we shake hands with our spinal ooru, uence we speak or a oonlial wel ceaie.. " The Ilolng. of the Week lDterleade.1 Willi Tereonnl Mentions. George Buck, of Frauklln, con tinues quite ill. Wo regret to uote tho Illness of Mrs. John Gruber. Joseph Seaboldt continues quite ill with rheumatism. Mrs. Sarah MoDauiel, of Lausford, 19 visiiiug menus nero. Miss Llllie Kresge is still oonllued to me uouse tnrougu llluww. Levi Harleman and R. J. Hongen vreieut luiiiport. on xuonuay. Ed Shifferstoin, of Tamnqun, was uere uu iuuuuay lor a tew uours. Henry Chrlstman and Joseph Strohl, did business at Allentown on Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Lnury Is home from a pleasaut visit to friend at Perth Amboy,N. J, John W. Beaver isselliug out the r. j. westen general store goods iu Campbell's block. Prof. Ed Boyerwasdowu at Allen town on Monday whero he did busl. ness connected with bis phonograph. Tho new Lutheran church is being plasterd. It Is expected that the new odlQco will be ready by Cluistmns time for occupancy, The Carbon County Improvement Co., will erect n'number of framo dwelling houses In this town betweeu now and the first of April. A fund is being collected to pay the expenses of an eleotrio light at the foototUnlou Hill. Reuben Zinimer man is doing the collecting. We congratulate Warren Horn and Miss Emma German on their marriage. The cermony was, performed by Rev. Miller, of the Evangelical, ohurch. Squiro Austin Boyer is back homo from a two month's jaunt through tho west. For some weeks he was located at Chicago where he witnessed the closing exercises of the great Worlds Fair. Ground has been broken for the foundation walls of J. S. Miller's uew framo building near the Central rail road. Tho structure will be framo and will bo occupied by Mr. Miller as a justice office and by Campbell's ton sorial sploon. There will be a meeting of tho directors of the Franklin Building & Lonu Association on Saturday eveniug a week when final arangements will be made for the acceptance of payments Persons who desire to subscribe for stock should do so at once. "3 The attention of Sunday 6chool festival commltiees is directed to tho fact that O. J. Saeger is in a position to supply them with all kinds of con fectionary for Christmas time at the very lowest rate. It will be a big saving to Sunday schools to call on him when about making tbeir purchases. The grand opening of the St. Elmo Hotel and Restaurant on Wednesday eveuing was au immense success. Tho proprietress Mrs. Lizzie Vieugst enter tained her friends and patrons in royal style. Alter an oyster supper the rooms were cleared and dancing was indulged in until the "weo snia' hours anent the twal." Arion Cornet Band, of Lehighton was preseut and ills coursed most excellent muslo during the evening. Guests were preseut from Philadelphia, Allentown, Pottsville, Tamaqua and other plaoes. TOWN C'foKCIL. Our Boruugn Tatlters Meet ami Transitu Some lluslncss. Tho regular monthly meeting of town council was Held on last Friday evening. All members were present but President Gabel. .Tmenh Teaman and V. S. Koch. M. O. Kuutz presided temporarily. The minutes of the pre vious meetings were read and approved. An oidluauee requiring numbering of business plncos and resldeuoes was approved. The same appears In an other oolumn. These bills were annroved ami ordered paid: Watson & Davis, print ing ordinances, W.00: F. P. Lentz,oaths of oillce, 82.D0; Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co., balance on bill, 98 cents. The seen tary reported the following receipts since last meeting: Board of Health, $1.75; hawkers license, ")7.(X; market collections. $11.37: ntmrturlr licenses, 917.50. A communication from Dr. O. W. Snyder was read. The doctor makes a proposition1 to opeuSeveuth street from Alum soutnto his dwellings, to build a forty foot culvert 3x3 feet, with cobbled bottom, the walls to lie two feet thick at bottom aud eighteen inches at top und to- cover the same with good flag stones. Tho price to be tUIiO aud payment to be made ou April 1 luni X- .t itwi. .uuouuu was intteil. A communication from Tjhlirli Lodge 2M, B. of It R. T., asking for the use of the third story lu tho hose house was road. The secretary was in structed to uotify them that the room question would not be finished for cetlug purposos. Th Union Hill school, ably and ef ficiently taught by Q. D. Arner is in a prosperous condition, The pupils who attonded regularly during the month are: Edwin Arner, Ralph Drolsbach, wuue rouwener, uouert and Allen Green. Frank Hontz. Ellsworth and Clinton Kotnermai, Asa smoter, Chas. Walck, Jennie hollweilcr. Martha and Carrie Graver, Stella (iaumer, Tillie ltotu anu iieno itotnermai. Among the visitors were Directors Zimmerman, Leuckel and Zern; Principal Lee and county aupt. ueisci, The Vote for Tresldeut Judeje Completed Philip B. Van ' amcon. of Strouds- burg, and Frank O. KauiTman, of Mauch Chunk, the regularly appointed return judges for the Forty-third Judicial district met at the Court ilousoruesuay aternoon ana com puted the votes oast at the recent elec Hon for President Judge. The fig uresarethe same as previously pub llshed, to wit: Allen Craig .182IS Horace Hevdt 3-J73 John B. Storm 3181 100 . ... 1 Emmott D. Nichols. Jacob H. Smith John W. Koous llauch Chunk rostOfore. The salary of the Postmaster of Mauch Chunk is 8UKJ0. and the office will become vauant December JJ, by reason ot the expiration of the term of the Incumbent. Seven citizens are willing to accept the position. The candidates are Afrs. w. B. Leonard, John c. uoion, J, U. bteadmau, I'i. It, Ranch, G. IC Knbotiy, r'. P. Sharkey, R. U. Kreider aud Q. W. Eseer. The papers in this oase have not all been briefed, but this, with thirty fire other Presldeutal post ottloe oases must be completed and laid before the Post master General for transmission to the President early iu December. It wilt keep the clerks busy to hauttla all these cases. A few ll.Nr.s. Robert Walp, Sat llown Upon. Judge Storm, of tha Monro-Carbon Courts, ana Juttgettrulth, of the La ska weuua Court, stare defeated butt Tue day for re election. . Short Squibs tn and Arouad Care-un Cunnlj illsliMl Up f.r Our Headers. George Rex, of Mauch Chuak, has been granted a pension. Johu Holleubaeh, of Lansford, is dead slnoe last Thursday. He was aged 80 years, lie bsu-yed as a soldier lu the late war and in the fatal battle at Snottsylvaula had bis right arm shot oil. lie was a member ot Co. K. A P. V. Frank Schwtrte's new stor building at East Mauch Chunk Is 30 feet wide and has a depth ot 110 feet, making a noou suriaee 01 ztsju square leet on one floor alone. Thu three floors give blm 8100 square feet. urs. A. v. uenninger, otlierllnsvllle, Lehigh county, vUitad Mrs A. K. Mill er at the Columbian Ilouse during lost weea. Adam W. Stbare, of Mauch Chunk, died un Monday at the age of SS years. Interment was made ou Wednesday. A oorrMDondent save: Waatherlv has 3000 tteoule. seven ohunahaa arid seven saloons. It don't mention the erauks and foglsa or the number of grave yards. Both were appointed by th Gover nor against tne proutst 01 tue bettc ThelMd Court n.use 11.11. The Teachers In our Schools The forthcoming report ot the Super IntendeLt ot Public instruction will show that there were in the State at the close of the flsoial year 3.878 nubli school teachers who had no previous experience; 6,100 teaoherm who had previously taught five or more annual terms; izjdio teaenets empioyeu noiu ing provisional certificate; 3.722 teaob ers employed holding professional ami .1,803 teaouers holding permanent oertl- ueates; J,mj teaoners were employed who have graduated at a State normal eohool; 3,862 who have atteuded a state normal school but did not grnauate 8.979 teachers who war fa educated the nublio schools: 4.191 who war educated iu attest gis or seminaries, .. .1 OfiJ n.V.n -a -eJnatu n9 AnlluM. Look at Rondlwliu's Advertisement, The great saorlfloe sale still con tlnuee at Sondhelm's popular clothing house. Mtuoii unutiK. mis is an unheard of opportunity for person In need of good clothing to buy at very low prices. We call your attention to advertiseoieut appearing eisewnere. Harness, Hlaukeu, Ac. Milton Fiorv. Vlsport. ha a large aMortmeut ot an mnus 01 names blanket, whins, roue. & . wuloh he selling at very low prioesi. If you need anything in tula line bay it Iwre and you will save money, beoaue our prim are tne vary hwsh iu u. vaiy. Fashionable alothing for every body at M. Loao Jt Co., Ohssrt lllook. For Sale A No. i CresMut bloyele good condition. Will be sold cheap. See Frank Otwrt. st An adjoined meetttur of council w.m held at the office of Secretary Bower an Wednesday evening, I. S. Koch and 3. F. Moulthrop were absent. President Uabel was in the chulr. Mr. Steadman. of Mauch Chunk. was before council with a profile of the company farm which had been laid out iuto streets streets, Ac He wanted council to approve the same. This was nnt .In.,.. ... I . - "-j- .uuw. bumuiiLLvo was aii pointed to investigate fulli aurl renort at the next meeting; B.J. Kuntz. J. F Moulthrop audi. S. Koch. me crossing ovor iron street on tho est side of Second is to be raised. The Valley Company will be notified to raise their pavement from tho Val ley House to tho Lehigh bridge. i' reu tsciimidt s pavement must be repaired. A communication was received from tho Carbon County Improvement Co., In relation to the street lights. Tho burgess will ask to have a few lights placed ou First etreet on tho bracket system. i.izAitn cki:kic v.m.i kv. It is rumored that a young cenllo- lnan and ayouugladv uf Uowmanstowti will be united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the near future Mr. Mouroo Sensitizer and wife, of Lehigh couuty drove through the val ley ou Saturday and Suuday. Oulte n number of people attended the publio sale of Mrs. Moses NRox at Andreas on Saturday last. Mr. William Knappenberger and family moved to Xesqtiehouiug on Monday. Tho dwelling house of our iudustr. ous farmer Mr. James F, Peters is a', most comfileted. Mr. Peter has got the boss hoUBOiuthe Valley. Mr. J. D. lialllet made a business trip to Lehlghtou the other day. - Our friend Alfred Qluder Is making considerable improvements at his dwel ling uouso. Air, josiau Andreas nxs got the job to do tho carpenter work. The East Penu school board met on Saturday night and elected Charles A. Giuderas school director to illl tho va cancy caused by the resignation of Albert Bowman. Donuty StatecouncilorE.S. Helntzel- man Jr. O. U, A. M. whose term of iilco expired at the last sessiou of the State council was reappointed by State Councilor William T. Kerr, as deputy in aud for the 103 rd, district ooinpris Ing councils Nos. 117, 110, & 032. Mr llointzolman's reappointment was a" surprise to him audooutrary to his will ON THE RAILROAD it 11 in r vtnritv nrt wkkicm 111- 1NQS ON TIIK ItAIt.. A squad of hunters from Bethlehem consisting of live men were through this section one day last week, they met a peddler iu Henry German's woods a shott distance below the house f Lewis Oiuder they attacked, choked and abused him and demanded his moaey. The crle of the peddler were heatd by Lewis Glnder who hurried to the spot and assisted him to escape. ine rascals should be arrested. scntir.Aiti.Y, i)iiiMi ii;i) vitAin. Au UlUce Thai Should be Kept Above the Sordid Alms of Politicians, The people of Monroe and Carbon oouuties are to be congratulated 011 electing Allen Craig to the uenoh or that judicial district. They decis ively rebuked the great boss at iiurrls burg, aud the minor bosses at Mauch Chunk, who endeavored to foist upon them a cunning trickster for the one great office in the gift of the people that should be kept pure, arid above the sordid aim ot politicians. uu jan.atst jonn u. storm win leave the bench with less credit and honor than when he ascended it a few short mouths ago, and his place will be oc cupied bvtbe scholarly and dignified Alleu Craig, a worthy successor to the Just and honorable Samuel S. Dreuer. 'ine journals interest in tola oon tost was not only because it deslies the beat tnau elected to the beucb, anri hence, necessarily, the selection of Mr. Craig, but because it felt that its con stituency iu Carbon county was being imposed upon and their ooiiildeoce outraged uy tne political bosses. Ana the result of the election shows tost it reflected the sentiments ot its Carbon county friends and readers. H'htte J la veil Journal. Minrt Paragraphs That Will b. of Interest to the Itiillroiiil Hots. t George Strohm. a Valley brakeman, mi. uy me uopiay oridge last week, la up aud around again- tGeorge Emmett, of Seooud street, who sustained a fracture of one uf his legs In a oolisslon at! Packerton some weeks ago is gettlug along nicely. t Work ut Weatherly foundry i asauiniug its old time proportions, prior to the Reading deal. All the moulders laid off at that time are gradually being reemployed. tGeorge Saudherr, of town, a Le high Valley brakeman. had his right hand caught between the bumpers of two oars at Mahoulug siding on last Monday and sustained severe iujury. t Al O'Brien, of town, fireman on a Valley passenger engine for Engineer Will Ilotford run extra In the latter's place oiie day this week while Will was taking u well earned holiday Messrs. HoiTord and O'Brien nre two of Lehigh tou's most promising young men. t Two Lehigh Valley freight trains collided at Bear Creek Junction, on tho Wyoming division, on Saturday morn ing while one of the trains was pulling out of a siding. Richard Wagner, of West l'ittston, conductor, jumped uutl sustained painful wounds about tho head and hands. t A general change has been made in the system of steam heating tho cars in passengor senico on the Lehigh Valley Rail Road. The system formerly in usu was McElrov's. Since Saturday last. tin. Seweli system is be used all along tlo hub 01 mo roaa. ine officials believe the latter to bo the safer and moio efficient plan. $Tho Lehigh Valley officials have received wot d to seek umoug their old employes for a man, 21 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing 170 pounds. good looking, a switchman bv trade, who is wanted for assisting strikers in wreck ing trains aud cutting telegraph wires on the Chicago &, Northwestern Road last June, at Harvard, III. t From the time the Reading combi nation was established tickets of tho New Jersey Central nud Lehigh Val ley H. It. between New 1 ork and Pnll lipsburg nud Enston and Scrautou have been Interchangeable round trip tickets on either road beiug good to return on the other. In a few days how ever this custom will bo dUcoutlnue, aud tno two companies will return to the old system, neat her comnanr nn ceptlng the other's tickets on its trains iieetweu tne points stated. tThe Lehigh Navigation directors have declared a semi-unnual rlK-!,!nn,l of 3 per cent to stockholders oa record on uctouer ,ti. Tlie halt year has been the best the company has known in receut years. The profits from coal sales and the receipts fiom railroad were novor as groat. Over 200,000 was set. aside for tho sinking fund, an ex ceptionally forward. The net earnings for the year are said to be between 7 and 8 per ceut. t The right of a person paying torn seat in a railway train to have same fumlsnod him is, it is well understood, subject to the demands made by a sud den and unusual influx of passengers, though ali are occupied, as uy some of the passengers sleeping on two seats and others being lilted with baggage, a railway company will be liable, it has been decided, for its conductor's re fusal and failure to furnish a passenger paying therefore with a seat upon pro per application. CO.VOltrSSMAN MUlCtlLKll. An Aggressls. DmucrntlCoiijrre8tu.n from Our Dlslrirt, The Philadelphia North America of last Friday iu speaking of Hon. Howard Mutchler aud his efforts in behalf of Mr. Black for Collector of the Port at Philadelphia has this to soy: "Congressman Mutchler, who was here Thursday looking after the Twelfth Reveuue district fight, ts con fident that State Senator Grant Her ring will not be appointed. Mr. Mutchler has done more to bring to gether members of Congress from Penusylvaula ou the quostion of pat ronage than any other man. He is the original Black man, first suggestiug mm lor uonector ot me rorr, and has succeeded in securing the endorse ment of eight ot the ten Democratio members from Pennsylvania to Mr. Black's papers. In fact, Mr. Mutchler, although tho youngest injm lu the Pennsylvania delegation, U the rec ognised leader of the Congressional oomoine." Ueciliroelty Illustrated. An exchange well suys; " Whenever country newspapers mid foreigners iuvadlug the field of . the home merchant with goods and merchandise and selling them to farmers, they are asked to arise and win k the intruders and advise) the farmers to bay their goods uf the home merchant. And when foreign printing houses .send their representative among the merchants aud busiuess men, these same mer chants give them their orders and get mierior work lor tuew money. That's reciprocity." UAIIoMNtl. Anron Zimmerman's house is rapidly nssrlng compteuou. Erwltt and Martin Nothstein. of Egypt, Pa., spent a few day in the Valley last weak. A shooting match for turkeys was held at Isoruuu square last mturday A. E. Noll end Alvlu Veneer, of Bowioaustown, passed through the valley, auuuay. Game la very soarce this year, sad in oousequeuoe our sporUmeu are Dot nappy. A. G. Musselman, a student in Muh 1 euburg Col lege, Alientowu,wasHt hnme last week. The regular monthly meeting of our school beard will be held' at I'ieusitit Comer uu Saturday. A phonograph concert was given 111 ... ......... ... Vuu. SI..I. ......... niHIHI.IW.ll IMMI. ...-. W.UUU.ll., ou Tuesday and Wednesday evenings uy Horuu uatner Minor, ot wetssport Ou Monday Dennis Nothstein moved his portable steam eugiue aud saw mill to Rockport. A ('eutessarlsu FUllj- Huraed. iisTBRi-Hci. Nov 111 Mrs. Annie John son, nolored. aired 10.1 ettra. was standing before an opeu gratu when her clotblng-i IgBttea, ana uelore aswiaiuuoe reavma u. she was fatally burned. Crsssbed ITsder Toue f Imn. CaiCAUO. Nov. Ill Abraham Cohen and .Tumh frsadnian were crushed to death under thirty tons of scrap Iron In tha Bob wats Iron and Metal company's yards, Swtagtaat isesttk by lis-uamite. JoLlCT, 111"., Nov. lo. Two men were tsjstsntly killed and two others badly to taled by an explosion of dynamite. The Bsest were employed on the drainage canal and wars engaged tn bending the s ploaty. The report the explosion was plainly heard In Jollet, nine miles dis tent. The ki.letl are Harry Tinnier and Jean Jones. The former leaves a family. Orla-Us of Ihe faeli. Nothing is now more universally ac cepted than I'.e fact that the peach is an Improved vanety of the almond. The idrnoad Las s thin shell around the staoe, which split-, upeu and shows the stone wneu mainr. 1111s on tor ssnn has simply bet oin, fleshy in the peach, so that it U all tliut gives it its specific charatt. r it m m now clear front in- Tbe bell which for many years buug in the old court house at Mauch Chuuk and rang out its dreaded seuods to criminals oal'ed to stand trial betoie. a ltirr of their tu-ers will hersusftair ar.M aiemeut among th Detooarstsof those 1 a more holv sn l peaceful purpose in dietriot. oslliug to worsti .p the good people of liug nun 1 be bell was purchased 1 Hnrv Schwartz's t Saturday frjm Contractor Herman , . ,,, But Pstttsen had a teenpursry advan , tag. whWb he used in a manner that imioerawn's llsll, at New Mshouing, I vestiguta.n in U.o history of ancient ttsDvton 111, t iu tut'ir guraeus, nearly 4,000 year are the peach was cultivated then ss it nuv is It must htte been many yaars before this that the jm h was improved from 111, i tnl fai-t uiniS to ahnw AN.wUr..toraof Art. the gn at ant. ,...1; of th. (flit Possibly The artist who painted a "Yard of . gurdt nni m uu- rei-perts, at least so Pansies"and a "Yard of Roses" ha, ferit, r, , vt, ,n ,.f uurcnltitstrd jui proouoea a magninoent rival t., trgt 11S ,,,, ...ivnms.l out ITEMS OF STATE NEWS. stutters nt Interest ri-mn All flier the t'iMiiiiiiMinraltli. PtTTSPt no, Nov. 18.-Mahle Hlpple.aged 15 years, daughter of Dr. W H. Hippie, of Rebecca .street. Allegheny, died from the effects of diluting about half an ounce of carbolic acid In in istake for medicine. Menu, Pa. Nov. IA A lire broke out in the third story or the houseof Anthony Mealey, on South avenue. Media, and Hunter 11. Mealey. a 4-yenr-old child of the family, was so badly burned that he died. SrnAXTOS-. Pa , Xov. 14 Richard Wll. son. a miner oinploveti at the llongh and Heady colliery, was fatally Injured by a fall of rock in the chamber in which he waa working. His head was smashed so nauiy mat it was uni-edbgnlsahle. DtiYi.KSTowx, pa Nov. 18 -The grand Jury, afler hearing numerous witn rettirnwl h true lill aRalnfct Wallace Burt, the hnlf hi ml Indian, chnrg. with th munter ot Nimupl M. Itightlcy m.d wife. The cam? uam nmtlinial until the .1 aim a 17 term. PrmBL-TMi. Xov. 16. . man nnmed John riark wiiv.inrTorfltel at ShoebcrRer4 blat furmiee on Kim street. It is frnp posed that the man. who was out of work, some time dnrimr the nirrht. crawled nn cloe to one of-Hm furnaco. to get warm, aud there went to sleep. I-EnAsos.Iii.,ov.t3.--In North AnnvilU townihip a Irov named KottpHnir. not about 15 years, prooked hi teitcher at school nud wai beaten with a rod until he auk to the floor, which was covered with a pout of his blood. A searching Investi gation is being made. riTTSRUna. Nov. 1 The fmnilleB nt twenty-four etriklnfr Ironworkers wert evicted from the couipany hotiHes bytlm Pittsburg ForRO and Iron company on ac count of failure to pay their rent. The families are penniless and are livincr on publio and private charities. IlKADIXO. Pft.. Xov. 15. Tills enHrn .e. tlonof the state Is being denuded of its wainuc trees, ana in some fowir-hipi only a few remain. Atreutff nreoverninnlncrthn country districts, buyiiifc them up and sending them to Germany to be imed for fine furniture manufacture. As htrh $00 to $75 apiece Is now being paid. GREEKSBur.o, Pa.. Nov. 19. Mn. Har riet Williams, of West Newton, who keeps a email store at that place, and who for some time has been addicted to stimu lants, committed suicide by taking "Kongta on Hats." She died in the oreat- est agony. She was aged about AO, and leave a husband and grown up family. NEW Buiohtok. pa.. Xov. IS (1llr Molter. who-wns elected herlff of Beaver county on the Hepublican ticket at the late election, is now suiTerlng with rheu matism and partial paralysis of his right arm. The doctors attribute his ailment tothenumerouscongratulatory handshak ings ha haa received since the election,' Mauch Chi nk. Pa.. Nov. 15. The count of the vote for president Judge of tha Forty-third judicial shows this result: Craig (Pern.), 3,521; Stnrm (Dem.), 8,181; lleydt (Itep.), 3,2ry; Nichols (Pro.), 100, I Judge Storm Is now presiding as the ap- I polnteeof Governor PattNon. After .Tan. ! 1 Allan Craig will be judgeof the district i for a full term of ten years. I LEBANON, Pa., Nov. 10. It Is rumored that It has been clearlv efttablUhed that 1 Iron ore, said to essay 50 per cent, of Iron, haa recently been discovered on the large territory of land of William C. Freeman, In South Lebanon township, three inllea east of the famous Cornwall ore hills. Mr.-: Freeman will construct a railroad and connect with his Corwall road. I Pittsburg. Nov. 15.-. The stata supreme ! court close.) tlie fall se&slon hero and ! handed down a final hatch of decisions. In the case of Charles Salyard, convloted of 1 murder of the first degree in Cumberland county, for the killing of Georga H. Mar tin, judgment was ainrmed and record re mitted to the court below for the purpose of execution. The decision means that he must hang. Ben ANION. Pa.. Nov. lfl. One of the largest coal deals in recent months was finally ratified yesterday when Simpson & Watkins, of this city, leased the Harry E. and Forty-four collieries of the Wyoming Valley Coal company, near Wyoming. These collieries are in the very heart of the Wyoming region, and it Is the inten tion tne new owners to redouble their activity. Five hundred new men will he put to work at once. liOMANs' Ferrt, Pa., Xov, 16. Six hun dred Italians employed by the Carnegie Gas company hi digging a dttch for their sixteen Inch main from Crooked Creek, Armstrong county, to Mill town, ara on strike for un Increase in vacs. Ihe men have been receiving tl, but ask for $1.50 a day. The comnaur hopes to hare 100 Italians at work within a few days. They are building houses at Braeburn to quar ter them during the winter. Maiioninotowx, pa., Xov 1ft. The Ma hontngtown school board and health board are at loggerheads, and uearly came to blows at a joint meeting yesterday after nooa. Diphtheria is raging to an alarm Ins; extent here, and tha health board wants the schools closed. This th school board refused to do, notwithstanding the fact that lew than twenty pupils are at tending. The matter 'has not been set tled, and the schools are still open. Bristol. Pa.. Xov. 15. The trial of the Bristol liquor dealers. Thaddeus Farley, William 8. SUbert, Mary Jane Sllbert and Lawrence MuOnen, for the violation 01 the liowise laws In furnishing liquor to persons of known Intemperate habits, was finished yesterday at Doylestown. In the cases ot Farley and Bilbert, the jury ac quitted the defendants and put tho coats on tne county. j 1st net Attorney Appie-1 bach abandoned the other prosecutions, ' Carlisle. Pa.. Xov. 10, The Cumber land County Medical soolety brought suit against Dr. A. li. Potts, the Mechaolcs burg faith curUt, for an allegd violation of the law. Dr. Polls has a large prac tice and te credited with many cures. He was prepared for trial, and had brought from all sections, as far as New York, persona who ha e been cured by his lay Ing on of hands; but the cane was sud denly terminated y eat en. ay ny ine grana jury Ignoring the bill and putting the coats on the prosecution. GRKKNBBCitG. Pa., Nov. 16, A number of unUeeuaed liquor saloon proprietors ef Mt. PIe4MUt were oalleA up lor sentenee, when they created a sensation by testify ing that J. A Sullerberger, constable of Mt. Plaasant township, and W. O. Wise and G. II. Armstrong, constables of the Second and Third wards of Mt. 1'leatanl Lborottgh, rtpectlvely, had accepted trib ute money from tbem, promising cnat an who paid would not be returned to oourt. J u dtre Doty at once suspended sentenoe. and granted a rule on thwe officers, re tamable next Satuidsy, to appear and show cAUbe why they should not be sus pended from oitlce. The constables deny tne accusation. To Call a ptrUI Session. D EM VLB, Nov 16. Uovernor Walte will laeue a call for a Mpectal assemblage of the lojrtftlature, and In all probability this call will be sent out before ChrUtmaa. The continued low price of silver aad the fixed opinion of the governor that the price wilt go down to BO ottuta, and consequently paralyse the Industry of this state, is the reason be aaUgna for the special! call. SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS, aeletr Tl.l-llll. r Inter..! lo th. Mem here of the Frateraltr. The Patriotic Order 8ong of Amerl oa, of Chester County, have purcliaietl R lot of ground uear where General Lafaj-etto was wounded at Hlrmlufthnm. aud will erect thereon rt monument to the memory of the illustrious General, Secret societies iu need of paraplia nalla, flags, banners, uniforms, eto. should consult If. V. Morthimer, Jr. who represents one of Hie larReat Arms of importers, manufacturers and dealers in this country before purchas, Iiir elsewhere. Sylvester Snyder.of this town, baa just been appointed I). D. S. C, to suo. ceed Jos. N. Uennett, of Packerton. Mr. Snyder ia a member of the Strob Council of Heliport. Hu appoint ment was broiiRht about thronch Jos. . Bennett aud Milt Betzer. The wiut r encampment of tho btate Departnu-ut of tho G. A. II., will p?,i , '? Jl' tha AIemy of Muslo, Ihiladelphla. .. arch 1st and 2nd, 1894. About 1,200 delegates are eipectod and the Bessiou priuiises to assemble the larKest number of the G. A. K.Men that ever attended ou such an oecaslon. in the State. Prominent soldiers from all oser the Union will attend. rmuii of liim. The Allentown Democrat speaks ibuB r,erriUKl? of our P"PiIar townsman. M. T. Trexlor. "At the election in Car bpn county on Tuesday of last week ;Vr. Morris Treiler, of Lehighten.whore lie has for a lonir Mum ..J. .... cessfully esgaKed in the carrlaKe-mak-lnR business, was elected totlieofilee of County Commissioner along witn the two Republican candidates, his rollesRue ou the Democratio ticket, Mr UDpnnell, haTiug been beaten by U. H. SIcbride by a majority ofS2. Mr. JS T . ""JOf'ty orer McBride was e.i u'8 ow",tonn he ran 137 ahead of the Democratic- State ticket, a some thing hat attests his popularity where he is best known. It gives us much pleasure to iteialzn Mr- ti.i ..... cesi. lie is mobt excellent business iii Vf WB rauiot nut believe that he Will dlSCliai'L'H Ilia .,(11, .!! ,i.i. entire butisfaclion of the people who elected him to the position named. jo in, inoe increase, and his olflcial honors be neither few nor far between. He is a SOU Of Air. Charles 'IVorlor , y6'0" democrat, residing at No'. 428 .... um.uiu sireer, mis slty." CoiinIj- Coininl, .!., . COnT.ntlon. The COUntv cnmrnic:lnni..a t .1 Jtat8 aro holding their annual conven- .u ....a .mi ui vviisesuarre. There is a largo attendance from all parts .of the state. The sessions began Wed. nesday afternoon at 1 nVlmt ..j continue a couple days. Last year's convention was held at Pittsburg. The commissioners will devote their tlmp to discussing topics In relation to tbeir duties aud will listen to addres ses on subjects of interest. Commis sioners Miller. Cannon and Sendel ac companied by clerk Lawler are In at tendauee. During thoir absence the commissioner's oHlce was ia ckareo of the genial ex-shenif II. P. Levan, I.Trch (Jet. seven Tears. Judge Albrinhtof TthlirlianiinW o Wednesday sentenced John Lynch to the penitentiary for five years. Lynch pleaded euiitv tn aae-en of lurgl.ry com ujh Lehigh co uuty m Auxust and September. He is meu iuu who stole a pneuma tic bicycle from Aaron Snyder at i:Hlre Kext Month. The conimlsalnn nf nn.lmn.l.w ln Pennsylvania towns to expire within the next mouth to which fat salaries are attached are as follows: Mauch Chunk, salary I1U00. December 20; Bristol, salary $1900. December 22; Towanda, salary $200; Dscember 20; Erie, salary K1200. December 20. AMUSBMKKTS. "Willo'Uie Wl.n" linn nt th fulas well as Inleiestinu Irish Dramas wilt bs mrsonUMl atlhedj.era House, benlirhton, aext Monday, Not. with. The play li iviltlen by Kdirar Heldest anthor oi Mcktn la's Kill utlou, lu hlch llsrrr Kay hSTSraHde such a reliustlou, and tells ex th rrpealed tale of loe's devotion, but cseredhl a new blndlns; ntelicumsUnce. It blends the palliellcand the liuumrous anil the Tlllanoas quite lutllciousljr. The characters are those vriiohe uearis are ti je ss steel, anil drawn wltb lu the bouude of irasou and probably, Xta advanccniput In Hits re?pect has aea tlie favor ot the amusement lovtua jjublic. it Is some Ihtns which ousht tn be assisted for the reason that it is rontruUIci ry of the borse-play aaii boisterous nonseiiLe asd Is bulit on ihe lejri tima:a arounSs, a step Id a commendable directli . an etToit to construct a pure and wholes' me drame depicting life In Its natural posr-lbilltles. The a lion company Is said to meet alUue requirements of the drama, -A melodramatic company of creditable strength, beaded bj the youns; actor, IS. A Warren will appear at the Opera House this Friday evcnlnn In tlie perennial play of ex citing We.tem inlnnlnu lire, entitled "Kobodj's Claim." Alt. Warren is to 'is retire Ihsa ordi nary clever ln the role of the hero, aud bis support Is prone-tuned far above the av.raua In respect to capability. In ailsttloa te this, Ibe sueneryand apiHjiulmenls cnntribHted by the company axe declared both esteaslte aiirl noiel. loglveeiUt tososie of the climax., Mr. Warren inlroduces his trained horse, s full-blooded prtMluci of the plains. The vl ,y has coined mauy fortunes in Its sucseasful career, and tu the hands of such a competent organization as the Warren company, sbssilii continue to hold its own a s a rosary wlnnti. Cow e For Sate,. The uudersiened offers for sale eheaD eight good rows, Henry Dftnzor, Beat er Run. tt -M. Losos & Co.. have a full line of latest styles bats and caps, .V. Losos .1 Co.. have & good, sooud hsrse for sale cheap. William and Joseph BeohteL two brothers, were seriously injured at the Nesquehoning colliery Tuesday. The men were employed ln a breast in East lluck Mountain vein, in No. 1 tunnel, and tha top of the breast was filled with a large quantity ot iooso coal. This came down wltb a rush, completely cov ering both men. it was an hour or more before they were rescued. William is not so badly injured, but Joseph sus tained some ugly outs about the head and face. these two lovely pictuie-.. It in a floral i uon or s.ihO or pi rliupi Hragge4 Two Miles to Ills Death. CoyaTKLSVllXE, Pa, Xov. lfl. Joseph Gallaway. au aired farmer raaldlsg near I Fayette City, met a horrible death at l'arnorioits by at nor, ruaulug away. Mr. Gallaway was thrown oat sod bis feet getting caught la the ruunlog gear ha was dragged ev er two naiiea. ill. txwy How's Tills! lie offer One Hundred Dollars Icewa d for an v cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J, CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo. O.. We the undersigned, bare known F. J. Cheney for tha last IS years, and believe Sim perfectly honorable in al) business transactions and Doanclalle able to carry out any obligations mads by tbeir firm. West St. Tiiuax, Wholesale prosaists. Toledo, O. Wai.uino. Kikxan & Haji vi k, wholesale diugfits, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cures is taken Interrsll acting directly upon tbs blood and mucony surfaces of Ihe system. Price. 73. per per bottle, sold by all DragglHs. Testi monials free. did vtolenoe to publio seutiii fleir Kebe, by Mr. Ueoroe Ensian of Long Hun, sua win tie plaoed tu the belfry oi ysssuii r a ft..i..i.s Hi lssraiuiixri . . ir. - Hin JstsuM He Dasiald, who ....!) Lslf aossiuhs ow the people bave had raelr turu; . the uew and pretty oburob of the St. seuis snasAdsuuua Igor, lu oubtteoOess, and the Governor's werk is undeue. Jobu's Lutberan eeagrsgaUea ia tkat . n -jjha- um..i. kAslttu Kx& ulae. JKrst slittl Op. Reesai Heuses sd aaiuust ksswO, Mi sMKUy. .n.l ..iaIkh. ..11.1 S ........ ...... aeabteti for uuriubt uartow siiaim. I Pbosuirtmis. m.iii tlnmsauds of years Fins teams for all purposes at tbe Bv an arrauaemeut with the oubliah- o. as is i.r,.l t.v the m ords. bad in South End Livery i era, who are uiakiug, by the must per- their gardfin.iuiii.u .i hith un. Iiauauaa, -Tbe fuiest Hue of overcoats ev r 'es-t prooeaa, exqiiiaite reproduction in citroris, h'h ji.. .- unvm, jssiu'lies, brought to this seotiou will be found on eomra ox tui greui picture, unuis- pomegranat.- .uJ.i..usr at U Losos Jt Co , r irat street. nugui,noie trotu tne oi igmai, we snail ' ., , , . , print a coupon in ottr Issue of Nuvuru- ruilHueui lugrwiu uu . . ... . . , , u,.,, . uur ro,.. , tootle uf tbeee auperb rreattoui., fren It in r great work of art, aud we bale pleasure lu prt-aeutlug suob a valu .Ki. ...... iu.i.11... li.. ..... ru.i i ..... ..-i. i w t 1 . ( . ,.,,i ,,f thi. n.iiar fnr tl.. Hut. ! tou feed voUT rarKWS's. SBt. ssirsnerr 19. Lew prises prevail. BtUae. "Oh, Tib eryias; to uake game ox k aa li is to- was poundel iuto a jelly. Gallaway was 80 years old, a batobelor sou wealthy. umt make tt a point to see David Ebbert when you want a lessee for bust . sees or pleasure. Lowest prioas. inexU'iisiv i ili:i . Certainly Hue shows ho w ii .ih a.iLtd these ixsmoxib were tu g.uln ulinre tuauv it-arssgo. Detroit l''ri.e lrew lu.i u.ius uli lir'a. "Why do utl rut U) moil SAlUOS TtttO stfiruisn. to Setts. I M.akw. Niw Yobk. Nov. IB. rUoeat adrioes tram tb. City nf M.xlco stax. that tha Mommf are nutkiBg arrsasreriiMiU for she eufoiiaav of MM,gou aeraa of fausd la ttse stau af I'hihuakus. TsellrsrTiion eol esilste ere regurileil fsvoeably in Mexico. MnnlerrA by Murglaes, Cbk i.ii Nov hi i'baaia Prtusty wen shot and Wilieii by burglars at his hoeis on Wet I i ni-inlb street, and two other saemlM-r-. i itie family. Hadle and Peter Prmitr vi.i.. Hounded by tbs burglars' bull. i. ii.i. .uicies Bakincr. L Bra. cs 1 Jtpsoiuxeiy pure K iream of tartar baking powder Highest of ajl in leavening strength. Latest t'mrio Btath tiovxaxOirxT ood KaroST Royal Baking Powder Co , 1UC Wall kit , N i i ii i liiititit