The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 11, 1893, Image 1

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Is a speoially with us.
We fiam one low price for nil
Come and learn our priots
Pio-Nio and Sale Bills.
Allkiiuls ofbhmkbooki.
Let un have your orders
For anything in thw line.
Creates many a New Business,
Enlarges many an Old Business,
Jleviroe many a Dull Businesst
Ramies many a Lost Business,
Saves many a Failing Business,
Preserves many a Lurgc Business,
Means success in AH Business.
VOL XXI. No. 51
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna, November 11 L893
$1.00 a Year in Ad vane
Our assortment of Infants Goods
excels anything In this Valley. Look
at this I Orer 12 different styles of
Baby Hoods; nothing to equal them at
the prloe we are selling them at.
Baby Sacks, the best line oyer shown
by any house,at prices, too, never heard
of before.
Children's Underwear, all grades and
sizes, in white, gray and scarlet.
Misses Ribbed Underwear In several
qualities. Large assortment of Union
Ladies' Merino Ribbed and Scarlet
Underwear in various grades.
Our line of Men's Undorwear sur
passes last year's assortment and the
prices are lower than lat season.
Gloves and Mitts tor all kinds of
Yrork at prices never before heard of.
The stook is larger by far than that of
any other house In this vicinity.
An elegant assortment of ladle',
tnlass and children's legglns.
Tours to serve,
Nisi strsst, ostweon South and riuinbtri. i,
lebtgnton. P.
Frl.l). Nor. 3.
Cardinal Carlo lurenil dlrd in Rom.
yestardav He a liorn in Perugia lev
ntT-three yenr uijo
Philip D. Armour has presented 130,000
to th. Armour Institute, to be used for
oltntlflo apparatus and collections.
M. Tellmlrovltch, formtrly Servian min
ister of public works, was murdered in bis.
bed at Belgrade, bis head being cut oil.
&lx men were killed and a dozen Injured
by tbe explosion of a boiler in the stablss
sf a New York street railway company.
Saturday, Nor. 4.
A general strike of trainmen and switch
men has been ordered on tb. Big Four
Furman Bheppard, ex-dlstrlct attorney
of Philadelphia, died at bit boms in that
city, aged 09.
Kow Jersey's state board of agriculture
announces that this year's potato crop will
b. exceedingly short.
All the Important industries of Bharon,
Pa., will resume on Monday, snd cltlisns
predlot a prosperous winter.
The powerful Kabyle tribes of Maluya
are reported to be upon ths point of join
ing the Arabs against ths Spaniards,
lfonday, Nov. 6.
James Stone, th. murderer of the Writ
ten family, was sentenced at Washing
ton, Ind., to be hanged en Feb. 18, 1S94.
A wreck on th. western dlvltlor. of the
Central Pacific railroad, eighteen miles
from Reno. Cal.. resulted In the killing of
Brakeman Leach and Fireman Olvsni and
four tramps.
A fast train on the Illinois Central road
was wrecked near Allen, Ills., by a mis
placed switch, which had evidently been
turned by would-be train robbers. Three
wire killed.
Twenty thousand entbustatts witnessed
a football gam. piayea in a arencn
lng rain at Philadelphia on Saturday.
Frlnoeton defeated university ol I'ennsyi
vanla by 4 to 0.
Tn.Bday, T4or. 7.
Chang, the famous Chinese giant, died
at Bournemouth, England
Blr Andrew Clark, tbe well known En
glish physician, died In London, aged 67.
Alderman George B. Swift, a Bepubll
oa&, was chosen mayor of Chicago pro
In a fight In a church at Morgansvllle,
Ind., Noah King had his throat cut with
a raur,
A crank at Jamaica, L. I., was arrasted
while haranguing a erowd He said Pres
ident Cleveland had run away with his
Elisabeth Chute, of Lynn, Mass., left In
her will 1200,000 to the city t. be dtvoted
to the establishment of a free library and
The Wor)d' fair commission has ad
lournad sin. dt. Th. closing un of busi
ness will be In the hands of the.xsoqtlve
Wednesday, Nor, 8.
Lynn, Mass., Is threatened with a water
Julius Troeb.1, the well known German
author and statesman, died at Zurich,
aged 6. 1
Joseph Unale. 80 years of ag., was In
stautly killed by walking In front of a
( rolley car In Harrlsbnrg.
At Kaw Hamburx. Pa., an enraged sow
attacked Mrs. E. C. Slttel and gored her
.0 baaiy ipai at r m. is aespairvHj u,
Matthew Stewart, a colored man who
was standing near the polls In Baltimore,
waa fatally snot by torn, person un
known. The governor of Cuba report, that nr.
men were killed and several rebele were
captured when the Santa Clara Insurgents
wsrs dispersed.
Thursday, Nov, .
Miss Haehel Flournoy 81ms was married
at Bryan, Tex., to Mr. Charles Henry
lltllt, sou of Hon Roger q Mill..
Stanllus Wroblenskl, a Pole, Is under
arrest at Wilmington. Del., for c.unter
fsitlng. Tb. proof against him Is positive
Ministers and other promlaent cltltsat
sf Jacksonville will memorialist Florida'!
governor to prevent the proposed Corbett
Mltcbe.ll fight.
Daniel W. Summers, a brakeman ontha
Pennsylvania road, alngle, waa Instantly
killed at Beading last evening while en
gaged In coupling care.
Th. Swiss government Is thinking of
Introducing a tobacco monopoly to raise
mon.y for the Insurance of worklngmen
against nine's and accidents.
Ai.to5.ia. Pa.. Nov T ComllC Jtuhn,
th. Sinking Vallay. Blair oounty, farmer
phsrged with criminally assaulting his
stepdaughter, Sadie Walt., aged U yean,
bad a hearing and was sent to jail In de
fault of 11,000 bail Th. girl UsttHsd that
he had assaulted her Ava times within th.
past year, a&d Intimidated her from msk-
ty In'a. fewords we deslr. to .all
tW" to yoar notl.. vary Important
EL, fae. It la this. W. have as
ty lara and tin. a line of general
1. stor. goods a. you will find any.
IJT where. Com and see us, let us
how you our goods and tell you
what our prists are. We deliver
foods anywhere promptly and "TTJ
without .itra .harga whatever jgp
to th. pnr.has.r. Dont pay big Jet
prices bat aome ana km us JH
Robert Walp,
JTIiit slitit,Op. Romdoi
licuter Meadow
Ill oom in Ed ale,
Kast Maucli CliunU .
Ktwt I'cnn
I ,t Side
Kidder North
Kidder Houth....
Lonsford, K.nt Wtru
Uintdord, MlddU Ward
Lansford, West Ward
JtilKhton, Firot Wnrd
Uhlfthton toofld Ward......
IliiKhton, Th Ira Ward
Little (lap.
Maueh Chuuk, First Ward...
Mauch Chunk Second Ward..
Millport o
Parry? I lie
Ptnn Forest
Hummlt Hill
Weatherly, Hecond Ward
Weather.,, 'llUnl Ward
WeatherlT. Fourth Ward
What Has Oceured In tills Cltv Uorlnc tha
Week rertlnently Epitomised bj Our
Special Iteporters,
MU Rnlllo. ilanchter of Charles
Dick, formerly of this town, now of
liazleton, will rje marneu ou we aji.u
instant to G, Somers White, of Wlikes
barre. '
Wo mm constant!? -about COO
styles of Borders una luuu siyios oi
. T? V 1 .imlr
wail paper ui wioij kir"".
Watches, Watohes, Watches prior)
and bee them at hi. II. liohl.
Tnsonh Obert'a enternrlslng estab
lishment has along: distance telephone
connection since Monday.
Business is slack ut the Lehigh
DIOVO J: OUUUry. xjol nco. o
ployees were laid oil iudefinately while
all the other hands were put ou three
and four days a week-.
.-On account of the severe indlspo
sitloa of Rov.G. V. Duugan, pastor of
the M.E. church, J acksou Everltt and
P, P. Lenta conuuetea ine services iual
Sunday, the f rmer in tho mornlngand
the latter durlnj? the evening.
It will be a great pleasure to the
many friends of Rev. O. W, Duugan,
pastor of the Methodist church in this
town for several years past, to learn
that he Is bettering in condition from
a late attack of heart failure.
I Lehighton contractors are almost
a unit In declaring that next year's
building will exceed any previous year
iu our history. A number of houses
have already noen couiracieu tor vu go
up in the early cart 1891.
Assessor Samuel Seller, of tbe third
ward, come out of the nouse on Mon
day morning and enjoyed the delight
ful KTirinir like weather of that day.
Mr. Seller had been ill for a number of
weeks. Ills friends are mucb,'gratlQed
over his recovery,
Urlnkman Bros., of First street, are
the owners or a uerman tiiuie that was
nrlnt.d in 17C8. The; prize it highly
The print is large and clear and the
book throughout is splendidly lllustra-
t d. A H0J bill has been refuted for the
Lehighton now has a first class and
well stocked novelty store. It Is loca
ted in Montz'g block north First street
and is conducted uy j. r. Horn, or
Bethlehem. Mr. Horn has moved nere
occupying a residence ou the Packer
ton road.
Lewis Rex will build a single frame
residence near the Lehighton Water
Company's reservoir In the third ward.
Biff hearted "Billy" Rltter who
some time ago bold out his Royul Palace
Cafe to Charley Wernet, has leased tbe
well-known Iron exchange Hotel, at
I'arryvllle from Dildlne Snyder and
will take possession early In 1891.
There are a good many people la Le
highton wno wisn "uiny ' auunaani
success iu tbe iron town. At present
and for a few weeks to come air. Kitter
will pass the time with Slatlngton and
other Lehigh county friends.
Everltt fc Uonchen, who have built
many dwelling bouses in this town
during the past year, have the contract
to build tbe new Reformed church in
Long Run. The building will be very
neat in architecture. The corner stone
was laid on last Sunday with very
appropriate exercises.
W. H Rrlttlan. who moved to this
town during the summer just ended,
and who built a large two-story frame
dwelling ou Second street near Ochre
has ooutraoted for the ereotiou of a
single frame dwelling bouse on his
Ocbre street lot. It will be built by
contractors Everltt 4 Jlonchen.
W. A. Peters and fwnillv moved in
to their nicely appointed and plea
santly located residence on ihlrd
street this weeK.
For Sale A No. 2 Cresent bicycle
good condition. Will be sold cheap.
See Frane Obert. 3t
Ileudquarters for clocks, at
E. II. Hohi, Mauch Chunk.
A larger and prettier line of fine
choice jewelry than ever kept heretofore
at E. II- Hohl, Mauch Chunk.
Go see the handsome stock of gold
watches now kept at EX II. Hohl, jewelry
The Rail Roaders Railway watch.
Best watch ever produced lu America
fnr norrect time keeping. E. II. Hohl.
agt. for Carbon Co,
If your watcb falls to keep eorreot
time take it to B. II- Hohl, Wauch
Chuuk, and you oanaepenaon it mat
you will get the best workmanship
thereby Insuring good results at a re
sonable price too.
Tbe last rello of Lehlghton's fam
ous base-ball period has disappeared.
Last week the fenoe on (Ieilmau's hill
was sold to Joseph Olurt. The money
realised will be used to pay the cost of
a banquet for the unluckly stock hold
ere. There are a number of creditors
who will always be "out" and ton Advo
oate is among them. During the club'a
first year wheu Jenuiug's, O'llarra,
Simmons, io., played here over $301.3
waa snout for the game. It was noth
ing unusual to see 6U0 to 8tW people
witnessing a game In those day. when
Lehigbtou'a baseball reputation was
state wine.
Thomas Smlthers, aged 72 years
died at Nesquehoning on f ruiay morn
ing last at the home of his son with
whom be bad been living for some
time. He was a merabor of Battery II
idd Pa.. Heavy Artillery. He enlisted
. - ,r a, I ....II... I I .. ,000 I . . -a
lu tool SUU rtt wiinw u iw. au m
siatlnir In the removal ot tbe oom
mlaaary during tne latter part oi isoa
He susuiuetl a severe lujury. laier be
was transferred to tbe Invalid corps and
lu 1866 waa honorably dit hargea. II.
was a BManber of John D. Bertolette
Putt ieM, G. A. It, of towu and was In
t.rrtxl lu tb burial plot of tit Port lu
tb Lenliibtoo oemeUrv on last Bon
day BorntBg. V. P LuiU offieUUd.
A wlf aa s.veral .allariasarvlr.,
State Treasurer. Judseot Blip. Court Ties. Judge. Ano. Judt. Iteslster & Keoorder. County Treasurer.
, . ,- Hi.., , m .i i , 1 " ' it r-" ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 - ' f 1 "- '"-
--fi---aS-55 a 5 . 5 I'
0 v 4 m P P ft S g a g f a a S jS x a a a
87 88 1 .. 87 87 1 43 99 72 M 89 .. M 109 3 94 69 2
197 ll .. ., tC 90 10 .. 170 SO SO ISO 90 .. ISB 1011 10 .. 177 If 9
14 10 .. .. 14 10 .... 0 5 19 13 11 10 9 0 15 .,
01 M 1 70 S3 1 M 8 44 II SI Ml 31 .. .. OT IT
lit 10H It 10 9 10 11 13 Til M lu4 Ml 174 .. iUt 1 10 3,1 JB lf 11 53
93 49 1 93 49 1 1 91 0 97 60 102 4.1 I 1 101 47 - 1 1
11 l 2 .. II 13 2 15 1 12 - 11 13 .. 10 10 2 .. 10 IS 3
1C1 231 21 t 194 228 22 9 143 M 210 111 in 4 IN 291 2G 19 79 Ml II 3
26 20 28 20 3 211 7 IS 20 22 .. 31 II 6 19 20 0
tl 23 .. 3 31 23 .... 23 25 24 31 211 .. 31 X .. .. 31 36
30 9 SO - 9 21 10 9 29 II 20 12 .. ,. 20 It
211 12 .. .. 19 12 .. 31 .. .. 21 11 12 IS ,. .. 72
SO 124 3 t 83 124 1 H lit 93 1U .. S3 131 2 1 tl 127 3 1
03 172 2 1 4 173 I I 30 30 131 05 108 .. 31 203 .-. .. 61 171 2 1
97 121 2 1 102 114 2 1 43 61 119 lot 107 39 ICS .. 94 113 1 I
7 10 1 7 19 1 .3 0 11 12 7 18 .. .. 7 10
34 24 33 23 .... U 17 20 32 17 .. S3 22 1 St 21
118 0 4 1 lit 80 4 1 75 22 197 116 M III 79 4 4 07 101 6
90 103 S 90 102 1 61 21 U 93 102 t 96 7 5 11 116 9 ..
IU II I I 121 Tl 1 1 98 31 73 122 71 130 62 8 7 1 09 97 0 .1
82 IT .. .. 82 10 .. .. 79 4 19 12 16 SO 15 .. 11 TO .. ..
13 120 1 1 U 120 1 10 37 24 131 76 132 .. 82 In 1 2 70 130 1 1
198 231 9 9 198 232 .. 349 29 87 212 237 .. 248 1C4 1 2 37 191 219 9 32
118 237 3 1 ltO 236 3 9 232 CO 125 163 231 .. 277 93 4 32 127 133 2 38
88 69 0 IT 58 1 .. 124 0 20 . 9! 50 .. 103 43 8 149 9 3
133 228 3 .. 132 228 2 bO 128 177 1 36 228 124 233 2 10 103 202 2 t
64 16 1 64 10 .. 1 01 II 13 67 18 ., 64 20 1 03 16 1 1
21 85 2 .. 29 15 2 .. !1 5 82 25 18 29 83 1 41 07 1
76 44 1 9 76 45 I 9 82 IS 36 71 42 5 91 28 1 15 6 I 1 11
47 23 .. 47 25 ,. 53 3 14 43 21 52 IS .... 44 20
265 2tl 4 3 204 204 4 3 113 130 243 224 259 272 315 2 .. 219 266 2
104 01 .. 104 60 1 93 IC 49 109 4t .. Ill 41 182 25
71 II 1 10 73 80 1 10 12 13 71 90 71 1 II 71 1 8 75 10 1 9
01 11 2 7 39 41 2 7 02 39 7) 39 I 61 41 2 7 62 41 2 7
60 61 1 12 'I 61 1 12 31 31 CO 38 C9 3 II 01 1 12 00 62 1 13
36 37 7 3 37 36 1 2 67 fl 21 74 26 I CO 33 T 2 ST 31 T 3
49 30 8 48 30 3 45 1 6 43 SO 43 52 43 3 1 20 12 2
3200 3107 109 93 3200 3084 1 23 91 298T 10OO 2561 3304 3073 17 3322 2900 117 200 3090 1H 101 135
A Saap Shot Camera Catches Tlios. Who
Come and Go Among Their Friends In
Lively Lehighton.
..IHlliam Schoch. of New Trlpol.
was here over Sunday.
..Jacob Buss, of Nesquehonlng, was!
In town on Sunday,
. .Abe Patterson, a popular Weather
ly bonldce, was here on Friday.
..Phaon II. Stettlar and wife, of
Litzenberg, Lehigh county, spent last
Sunday with M. O. Kuntz and wife on
Second street.
. . Mrs.Wm, Knapp, of Trevortot Pa.,
Is the guest of Key A. Shlve and family-
..Mr. Thos. Stocker and wife, ac
companied by their son Harry, an
Advocate typo, spent last Wednesday
at Allentown.
Mrs, J. L. Gabel and Mrs. Frank
accompanied by Misses
Lizzie and' Esther, daughters of the
former, ore Philadelphia.
r- IT . Tl T 1 111,.
here on Monday, ills many old friends
wore mncn pieasea to see mm.
T? Af A T .. t lnP.
Monday at jtiaucn ununu with friends,
...nam licuun Vji: 1 in a , vj 1 nuu.iujj,
and Maine Smock and Lizzie Shaffer,
or niaucnunune, spent tjuuuay in town
with many f rlonds.
.Ralph E. Mortblmer. and George
u. ttuausa spent sonday at Mauch
.Will Kreldlet. one of L.highton's
most popular young men is spending a
few weeks in Philadelphia in the inter
est of his father's large wagon works at
R. L. Sweeny was at Drifton over
Sunday. He was accompanied home by
Mrs. sweeny wno naa ueen on; an .ex
tended visit to relatives and friends at
Mount Union and other places.
.Mrs. Geo. W.Sawyer of New York
Citv is 8nendlns a few days with rela
tives in town, she will N. Y.,
ou iriaay accompauibu oy ner son
Eddie who will attend St. Pauls Board,
lug School at Elizabeth, N. J.
. .J. W. Grant and I. N. Mills, two
well known Philadelphia were hero
for a few days last week. They regis.
tered at "Boss" O'auss's popular
Valley House, and were shaperoned by
Col. Broadherd, of Packertbn and Laf
Bchoc'i, of tia on a hue ting expedi
tion through ' the lower end. They
were fairly well repaid for their jaunt.
Malloy and Cassldy "After the BaU."
Phonograph Ppterlalputetit.
a very successful phonograph enter
tainment was given In the Methodist
Church on south First street last
Thursday evening by Prof. Ed Bover.
Those who were present were very
bigly pleased with the entertainment
aud naturally voted It a grand suocess.
Luther Union.
Opening exercises. Wm. Ause: se
lection, Mary Bowman; recitation,
Carro Hollenbacb; solo, Carrie Stout;
recitation, MalUn Helm, selection,
Emma L. Fortwangler, Discussion of
the Ten Uommandments,oonduoted by
Rev. Kuderi duet, Lillle and Beulah
Keichnrd; essay, Anzie Bauer.
Shooting Match.
There will be an old fashion hop
and a big shooting match for turkeys
at Lewis Chrlstmans Little Gap hotel
on November 17. Everybody who
wants a good old time should, go and
see jolly Lewis Chrlstman on the
About Fraats's tlarher She.
It you waot a clesa and easy shave.
as rouu ai rtaroor etrr aavr.
Just cell ea me at my saiuon.
At motn, oreve. or basv noor,
I cut sad drsss tbe nalr wlul grace.
To suit the ooatour ot tha laoo.
My shop and tools are always sleatl,
Helssors sharp and ruors ksn.
And svefy thing J tnink you u nua
4U AUIIlUe ui. pinnMl tu llltlMl,
And all that art or skill can .o.
ou just can aua we u uesseyuu.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Full line ot Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
Just make it a nolut to see David
Ebbert when you want a team for busl-
uess or pleasure. Lowest prices.
For Sale A new one horse
snrlng wagon will be sold cheap. Ap
pip to u. VI. swan. it
The finest line of overcoats ever
brought to this section will be found
at M. Losos Co., First street.
Mrs. G. W. Mortblmer. ot Alum
atreet. who was critically 111 during
the early part oi tne weeg nas so tar
reooyered, under the efficient medical
services of Drs. Zem and Set pie to be
out of danger.
Wedding rings at E. II. IIohL
The Roarer Alarm clock sold by
E It. Hohl,
Tbe editor of this newspaper bad
a very pleasant chat with "old" Dr.
Reber ou Friday last We found him
in his old accustomed place, sitting
in his roller ohalr, surrounded by books
niagaxinea and papers and uot with
atauuing bis ten year of suffering
from paralysis atlll cheerful and kind
as of yore. The doetor was Leblgb
ton'a first physloian, and It w. rem
ember right be walked over tb bills
from Mauob Chunk to tbls town before
sidewalks or street light were known
U tbe people bare. UU field fit labor
was all over tb oounty. Among tb
vettrana he baa for many yean been
known as t b "old soldier ra friend" and
there are more who r.grst bis Informlty
as.r. tbaa th "key Ut Hut.
Carbon County Election Returns November 7tb, 1893.
L. L. Qelger was at the County Seat
on Monday.
E. W. II. Strauss is convalescent.
The remains of J. Mossor, age 80 years
7 months and 3 days, was interred at
ine ou Jouu'souurou on Friday, Kev.
Strauss ofUciated,
Miss Luoetta Knlins. of Mailoh
Chunk, visited her parents In the
Valley on Mouduy.
The resolution at the Sendel's Liter
ary Society will be resolved, why
country girls should be honored more
than city girls.
Jus. Fetherolf. waa a rallAr nn M.
D. Hardinger on Friday evening. Mr.
retborolf is the teacher of tbe upper
Beaver Run school. '
A quilting aud carnet rac nartv is to
come oil at the Eagle Hotel, Charles
Markley, proprietor on Saturday after
noon and evening. AH are cordially in
vited. Do not fall to be present.
Cbas. Rex. was at Lahlchtnn. on
The members of thiliendel Literary
Society at their last meeting elected
lucnaru oeudel as President and moved
to haye meetings every Thursday even
ing instead of Friday evening.
L. L. Geiger wife and daughter, and
M. D. Hardinger were the guests of
Aaron uomoert near tnis piaoe on
Sunday afternoon,
Teaoher M. D. Hardinger, reports the
following scholars attended every day
during the first month: Hattie L.
Rehrig, Clara B. Frantz, Delia C.
Frantz, Jennie M. M. Rex. Jennie M.
Gelger, Sarah E. Mertz, Elsie M. Mertz,
-tuauoa rreaeric-K, reariie uomuert,
Sadie M. Gombort, Berth Gombert,
Willie J. Rehrig and Robert E. Rehrig.
Thirty-three pupils nr. enrolled. Tbe
Attendance t all Is good with the ex-
aepuon or only one.
Hlrthilay, Surprise.
The estimable wife of J. McKelry ex
pected to colebrute her birthday last
Saturday evening. Little did she think
on Friday afternoon that the very ones
she was visiting and telling what pre.
parations she was making for the
Saturday were prepanug that verv
afte.noon to ant'eipate her by a grand I
surprise on me i rmay evening.
Thats why she celebrated her sixty
ninth birthday one day ahead of time.
Some of tho Jolly Veterans were
there and tbe way they froze the ice
cream no Woman's Relief Corps
nor M. E. Sewing Circle lady could sew
up a turkey roast or relieve any supper
quioker that tbe premature atfalr re-,
quired. It as a Relief oorps and Sew.
lug uircieauair an tnrougn. it Just
makes one want to live his years all
over again. Merry, jolly and enjoy,
able as anyone could wish.
Old Raucb on the home stretch.
LEIimilTOK iikmochats JUiiil.ANTI
Everybody .v.r th. D.r.a.t of,h.
Foyrup, n,t.
A large delegation of enthusiastic
nttlzens hpAilod hv Arlnn Ptirnnt Hand
citizens neauea oy Arum tornet uauci
went up to Mauch Chunk last night
and tendered Allen Craig a serenade.
Swift & Co.. have received theonlv
first award for fresh beef, pork and
muttou, and tbe highest award for
beef extract, smoked bams, breakfast
bacon, lard, cotouer and pepsin at tbe
World's Fair, whloh were exhibited in
plate glass refrigerator car. The
Swift Company have an establishment
In this town and they do a very large
business. Otto Dittmar la the able
and etiieient manager.
An engineer and surveyor office
has been opened lu Joseph Obert'a
building on south First street by
Messrs. Dlokinaon 4 Kadoua. Both
gentleman come here highly recom
mended for ability and efficiency and
tbey should receive a hearty support
from those people who may require
tbe services of first-class surveyors.
Both Messrs. Dickinson and Kadnna
were up to a late date ppmectod with
the engineering department of the
Penn. U. It, and the heads ot the de
partment mentioned, write very flat
erlngly of tbe merits and ability ot both
gentlemen. We wish tbe new firm a
full share of success,
Miss Ella Fink, one of this town's
most estimable yo .ing ladles, entertain
ed a number of or young society
fisople at ber borne on Second street
ast Friday evening, In honor ot Miss
Rosa Ileers, of White Haven, who Is
spending a few days here. Among
those present were: Al Greenawalt,
Charles Getger, Thos. Trainer, and
Hisses Emma Peters, Anile and Jennie
Trainer, UattleG-jgur,LluieBcknd
Annie Folk. Tbe usual games aud
amusements were Indulged In and
an elegant repast was served AU pre-
stmt bad A most eujoyanie um.
The Eye of tbe Hessians are ou Mick
and Busby.
Looking for ballot-box and
politioal surruptlialiVa,
llorernor Tattlson Formally Dedicates Xu
yeuiber 30 to Praise and Prayer.
lUrtRiiouca, Pn, Nov. 6. Governor
Pattison on Monday Issued the fol
lowing proclamation:
In grateful acknowledgment of God,
tbe boulflceut and the all wise, the
tribute of praise and thanksgiving of
the people are justly due for the
never-ceasing stream and constantly
varied bounty of Ills muulficeut
Now, therefore, I, Robert E. Pattison
Governor of the Commonwealth of
Penusylvania, In comformity with the
recomendatio'u of the President of the ,
United States, do appoint Thursday, 1
the 30th day of November, In the year
of our Lord une Tuousana fjigm .uUitu .uu mo uenu.
Hundred and Ninety-three, as a day I t There was a secret meeting of tho
of Thanksgiving and prayer. On that 1 engineers at Easton Monday. The mem
day let all secular business be sus-, bers refused to discuss their action or
peudea, ana let tne people assemoie in me nature oi wie proceedings. The gen
tholr usual places of worship, and with eral opinion Is that they discussed the
great revereuce aud diligent oonsid-1 failuro of the grlovance committee of
eratlou manifest their veuerous grati
tude by prayer and songs of praise for
Uoi's benefits toward us as a people
aud as individuals, for our security
against pestilence, for the seed time
aud the harvest, for tho health which
has prevailed within our borders, for
the abundant resources of our fruitful
land which, through His benediction
will again fill our homes with plenty
and contentment, and let tbe day be
marked by deeds of charity and kind
remembrance of the poor.
Given under my baud aud the great
seal of the State at city of Harrif burg,
this Cth day of November, In the year
of our Lord One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Ninety-three, aud of tbe
Commonwealth, tbe One Hundred aud
Robert E. Pattisox.
By the Governor,
WlLLIill F. Hakbitt,
Secretary of Commouwealtli.
llesolutlons of ltespevt.
The committee appointed at a special
meeting of John D. Bertolette Post,
No. 181, G. A. R-, of this town, report
tho following preamble and resolutions
LxaiuUTOx, l'A., Noiember 5. 1193
NYhkueas. The Ureat Commander has seen
(It lu Ills Intliilte Klsoomtocutlromour ranks
by the hand o death our beloved Comrade
Tnotnas bmltlHT!; therefore be It
Kesolvkd, That while we reverently bow to
the will ot Him who doetli all things well, let
we cannot retrain Irom expressinu our great
sorrow at the loss ot one who has been a n car
nest and lillhful worksr aud gleasaut oomrade
In the 1'ost room.
Uksolved, That this Post has sustained a
loss that will not easily be repaired; that we
shall miss one that was alwajs present In the
Post room when possible.
ItEsoLYED, That we tender our heartfelt
sympathy to the bereaved ones of our late
comrade, and urge them to take their great
sorrow and arlet to illm who aald "Cotne unto
ine all e that labor and are heavy laden and I
will give you rest"
Resolved, Tbatasatokeuofrespect to the
memory ol our departed comrade, these
resolutions be publlsned In the Cahhoh
Auvocate, entered upon the minutes ot the
J lost, and a eopv presented to the family ot our
eceased romrade: also that our charter be
drappwt for a period ot thirty days.
James Ujiilt, Committee.
John W. Kaoja, I
Publle Endorsement Speaks Aloud.
When flhss. II. Fleming conceived the Ides
to construct a inelo-draiuatlo sensstioa he cer-
talnly struct the popular chord, lor In his latest
eHoil, "Koemles for Lite," hi has no doubt won
tor himself lame and lorinne. The biay In tut
ffi tl?o? m? "
1 Sf'illy'lfefea' .ffilMlS
i Including the Intsnsty Interesting etnontional
actress. Miss Joan Oravan, save au esoelleut
production ot the play to a well-nlled house
last night, and Judging Irom the applause be
tlow,J 1t, M,eri tnects, as well as Uie
i nartltag situations, powerful cllmaiM. and
, the like, the engagement promise, to be the
1 bauner one ol th. season, lehighton Opera
House, Friday Nov. 10. ltJ.
Th. Return of the Favorite.
On Wednesday evening Nov. IS, Mr. Stephen
Maley willsgaln appear at th. Opera House
lu Will II. Powrrs Musical success "An Irlsh
nutus Luck." It Is sale to say tlut a more
satisfied audience never hIt the Oiiera House
than that whleli witnessed Mr. Maley In the
character of Uenuls McDoud tbe fuuny Irish
men three weeks ago. Tbe Dlay aboulis with
bright music and songs, and the pert hi that
cannot nod amuseroeot and cause for hearty
laogpUK in t wtfHHMijr is taoaiuf uuwvc " u
abnormal degree, tne
company oould not be
elttrand we sincerely bop that they all!
receive a weieotue wuu
.he merits ot the
play deserves.
Our glorious old country Is safe.
The Beucb saved from dlsgraoe.
Punish ballot box stuffers.
How's This! j
H e offer One Hundred Dollars Itewa d
for any case of Lalarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Oatarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props., Toledo,
O . W. th. underlined, bars known K
J. Cben.y for the last 15 years, and believe
kim perfectly honorable In all busloess
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations mad. by their firm.
ir & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnah A Mar
vi . wholesale diuEeLtl. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Curst ! taken inlernsll..
acting dlteetly upon th. Wood and saueouy
surfac.s of the lyilem. Price, 76c per
par bottls. sold by all Iru2glts. Testi
monials frs.
Cuw, r.r 8al.
Tha tmriAralrriAd offers for aale ehaan
eight good eowa. Henry Dansr, Beaver
Run. tf
Don't Tokata? OT isut. jour Xal.
It I. tntatul. sumui taste
la.T . .IU All ahMl r.o I S
t a Bttk!kaak
katsalsMllusisato Maw
ts quit
Ms k at Dni nwi of kv autTlre.- Ag.
drsss Tk. SMvU.g Asatsdy Be., Xaatsaa Itlas-rHfti,lsid.
llTUst I
Oounty OomirtlMlonrrs.
ii a
'a 'i
13 IS 81
1 H 1
2 3 1
II 19 I
- an
in it? 5 s
i7 it? s 2
IS) 101 1 1
It 12 1 1
38 ?1
u in t, t
49 US 10 4
X 117 6.
75 145 3
179 3IB 11 11
, 100 245 7 4
38 71 B (I
211 213 2 -1
2 aa i
H III 1 3
21 is a i
81 XI 2 j
67 ..
C5 IS 1 2
51 3 4
12 CO 1 1
25 4 0 9
t2 K! J J
2781 S590 uj HS
2KI 3H' 3000
rt Paragraphs That Will be ol Interest
to the ltallroad Deri.
IThe Reading Company transported
;U0i9 cars of coal over its main line
during the mouth of October. This
was the heaviest shipment ever made in
a single month, the nearest being 3o,
100 cars in October, 1891. The tonnage
for October, 1893 was 9-JJ,271 tons,
t George Strohni. of town, hmlipmnn
on a Lehigh Valley coal train, drawu
V enRJ81 "9, was struck by an over
bead bridge at Coplay Monday aud
the Lehigh Valley Rail Road tn nhtnln
an uudieuce with the rflUcials. Engineer
were present from the Lehigh Valley
New Jersey Central Rail Coad9.
X The new time table of the Valley
Road did not go into effect last Suuday
as reported. The new sohedulowill not
be ready before Sunday, November 19th
As far as known thero will be no Im
portant ohaugos. The train numbers
of the Valley will be changed.
While attempring to board a moving
coal train at Weatherly Sunday after
noon, Steiny Maucowltch, of Hazle
Mines, slipped and a car passed over his
right foot, crushing It badly. The tel.
low only arrived from Pittsburg on
Saturday. He is at the hospital at
IThe Railroaders GrlBvnnr-o nn..
mitteeof the Valley employes, which
has been lu Bethlehem for two weeks
past, adjourned on Saturday. During
all this time the committee were unable
to meet any or tne Lehigh Valley otll
cials aud it is whisnerml aIiaut timt
less somo agreement Is reached trouble
is uaeiy to lonow. j'lie press com
mittee are very close mouthed, and
nuiuv.Kiioum n wunt lor puuilca
X The year 1893 will go down In United
States history as a s.nns.nn nf raltr-nt,l
accidents. From tbe first of tbe year to
date there have boon 21 crashes in
which 201 lives were lost aud 518
persons wounded. Ten of these acci
dents have occurred within tbe last few
weeks, and in those07 were killed aud
290 Injured. The worst feature of tho
disasters is that nearly all of them are
chargeable to criminal carelessness.
X Master Mechanic John I. Klnsey, of
the Lehigh Valley shops at South Eas
ton has issued orders in which the
suspended men In the car shops will
be taken back and be will endeavor to
keep them employed on full time till
spring at least. The order will take
effect ou Monday. There will uot be
any new work done, but the rolling
stock wbioh was ruu down by the
Reading management will be repaired
and the Lehigh Valley railroad stock
will agaia present its old time neat
appearance. i
in a rr.w LINKS.
Short fiqulbs .lu ami Around Carbon
County Dished Up for tlur Headers.
The new Lutheran church In Long
Ruu Is under roof. It will now be
hurried to completion in order that
services may be held before the new
Michael Moaser, of Mahoning, was
burledon Saturday. Deceased was
aged 60 years, 7 mouth and 2 days.
Tho funeral services were conducted by
Rev. W. 11. Strauss.
A choice selection of After Tea Cups
and' Kunoers ' at Luckeubacb's Book
Mora, Mauch Chunk.
M. G. Pontsman, of Lehigh Gap, lias
been grouted a patent on a switch
board that It Is olaimed presents uiuuy
points of supenortv over all other
switch -board.
There waa successful Farmers' insti
tute at Weatherly last Thursday.
Idward J. Joseph, of Audeuried, has
accepted a positlou as operator for the
ueuver a mo urauae raurowi at Den
ver, Colo., and will soon leave for his
post or uuty.
At a mMtlnonfll.e lUl.kntnwnshln
.i.r l j i ir i .ii.r .i ri..
7T" ;;, r, " " "'.it in:
Beaver Meadow school presented bis
resignation. The resignation was ac
cepted and Mr. Boyle, of tbe Coxevllle
school, appointed lu his piaoe. Miaa
Cole, of the Levlstou school was trans
ferred to Coxevllle and Miss MoGee ap
pointed to tbe Levlstou school.
Notice were posted at Beaver Mea
dow last Friday morning informing
the men ot an 8 per cent, reduction In
wages, to take effect at onoe. Tbe re
duction, it is olaimed. Is due to the faot
thatthepri of xal at New York
I nolo the average, which is f 120. Tbe
men do uot take thought to the reduo
tion, but it is not that trouble will
ensue. Haaletou Standard.
I ..
Hlgbwtof sit In laavtalng atrMtgtil.
Laibm Umtio fctTAVga ( rOvxaHWKWT
ood Ruoar.
Roya,l BaWug Powder Oo.,
106 Wall St, N. X.
; u , !
Oounty Auditor. .
a 4
41 '
ioii ij7
157 112 Vt
IIAl'PKftlNUS llltlKFI.Y I'.PlTIt
Th. Doings of the Week Intrrleaded With
Personnl Mentions.
J. J. Markley came from tho Uus
tom House Philadelphia to voto.
Charles Arner has the contract to
build Dr. Andreas' new frame stable.
Joseph Seaboldt who recently
moved to this place from Trenton, N.
J., is quite seriously ill.
Ed. Monlor, of Burlington, N. J.
is here ou a visit
A yoijjig sou of Elmer Smoycr is
quite seriously ill.
Council met In regular montbli
session last Tuesday evening, Th.
usual business was transacted. All
the members were present with the
exceptiou ot Oscar Arner.
i Chester litlck. nf PMInrlalrdiln voe
here to vote on Tuesday.
Ed 1 undt aud wife, nf Allnntnwn.
spent Sunday at the old homestead in
this town.
T. Webster H'eisa. nf Ttntlilnli
closed digist with Welssuort and
Franklin friends on Wednesday.
W. R. Johnson, of Readins. will
organize a Young People's Alliance in
the School Hall next Wednesday eve.
ulng. Mr. Johnson is the orgauizer for
the East Penn. District of the Evan
gelical Association,
Contractor Joseph Krum will
build the proposed frame building
next to Strausberger's. It will be tho
property of John S. Miller.
p. J. Saeger Is getting ready for
mo uuuuujs aua win nexi weeK com
mence to receive invoices nf D-nrwtQ
He will make a specialty of supply in
lean, uia uuu ouuuay scnoois,
These letters are in the Doug
Arner's post oliice uncalled for: Albert
Seigfnd, W. Mauss, Philip Albright,
Henry Kenley, Mrs. Lydla Rivl'or, Dr."
Laiutbus. Mrs. Eliza Lenta Rr
"Advertised" Iu calling for any of tho
The "Stroller" is muoh pleased to
see genial John Zem about again with
ms ngut. arm, winch was badly broken
some months ago. out of a sliurr. John
expects to get to work on his books
again lu a few weeks.
Uusluess men riatrnnlzi. leo-ttlmntn
enterprise. If you want jobprlntlug
have It done right aud cheup. Just
think of it lO envelopes for $1.50 at
inn wiuvouaie ouice,
Everett & Hausman. at the Weiss.
port House, have placed a French
pool table lu their hostlery. The
game is un interesting one.
Mrs. Cbarlos. Maurer. nf Wilkes.
Bjrre. returned home on Fridav After
u pleasant- visit.
The Carbon County Improvement
Company are working their planing
iuiu employees only nlue hours a
day. not because work Is slack but in
order to put all their iiower on their
eiectrio ugnr, piaut.
We regret to note the Illness of
Miss Annie, daughter of R. Zimmer
man ana along with ber friends we
hope hope for ner speedy reooverr.
Laury'a big building Is now heated
throughout by hot water. The plant
was erected by John W. Heller which
Is a guarantee that it Is done right.
The secret societies meeting lu the
ball are tbe Jr. O. V. A. M., and it Is
expected mar, it wont ue very long be
fore more follow suit.
Tbe bible class which meets on
Thursday's of each week In Laury's
block are having some very Interesting
sessions. They havo a room lu the
abo;e building wbioh is oozllr and
nicely furutshed. John W. Heller is
leader: George luuilt, is secretary and
E J. Suit is treasurer. The class has
a membership of thirty-five. Every
body Is welcome to these meetlugs.
The St. Elmo Hotel aud Restaurant
ou White street, ettioleutly oonduetod
by Mrs. L. Vlengst, formerly of Potts-
ville, will te formally opened in next
Wednesday, the ISth Instant. The Si.
r.imonas been thoroughly renovated
and improved and is now one ot the
best hotels in tbe neighborhood.
- " "" u.uuu.y av
CT t .. .51. 1 . .If 1
1 1"8 ripe oia age oi oi years, ueatu re-
su.'tea irom a stone ot
paralysis several
weeks ago. Interment was made on
Thursday morning, Rev. Longace, of
the Lutheran congregation officiating
at the last sad rites. A husband
only survives. Deceased had many
years been a resideut of this town and
ner lunerai was very largely attennea
Jaoob Broug. of Mountain Ton,
was here on Tuewlay, Mr-lirongowns
the frame buildiug aud bakery re
cently occupied by '. W. Lanry. aud
desires now to dlspoe of it. He offers
lsilt,or ,n au advertisement ap
peartng elsewuere in tins )aper
Tbe nreuaratious for tbe first ball
of the Carbon Sooial club are almost
complete. A large number of admis
sion tickets have already been sold aud
tbe wideawake aud bustling commit
tee are sangulu of a most suuoesNful
sooial aud Iluanotal success. The ball
will be held in Laury's large ball on tbe
evening of November 30. The ball will
be beautifully deoorated aud refresh
ment will be furnished. Buffs cele
brated Alleutowu Orchestra will fur
ui h music.
A very flue selected line of beauti
ful solid sterling silver goods. Tbe
newets design Just out received today
at K. II. Hob) Mauob Chunk Jewelry
Latest style overoots at M. Losos
Si Co. Low prioaa prevail.
- Fashionable elothiug for everv.
body at M. Loso & Co . OberU Block.
M. Lroao l u , have a full line of
LOt atvles bats aud rjm.
i it. Low,s 4 to , have a good,
ksrae tot sal caeap
TiekeU for f rae portrait, at Blebs!
gallery w rfood until Deowaber lfk3
lurality, 263!
Political Hucksters Re
ceive a Rebuke.
The Result Is Satis
The greatest political fight ever
waged iu the .3rd Judicial District
ended with the closing ot tbe polls on
the night of election day and wheu th.
votes were counted Hon. Allen Craig,
of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, bad
very decisive plurality over John
B. Storm, of Monroe county, and Hor
ace Heydt, of Lehighton, bis opponents
for Ptesldeut Judge In this district
The fight can well be doscrlbed as the
most heated political battle ever fought
lu any district In the Keystone state.
There wero twoDemocratlo candidates,
One represented honor, morality, pur
ity and the highest standard of manli
ness combined with splendid ability
and unquestioned integrity, while tbe
other forgetting everything but the
greed of personal aggrandizement sunk
to the lower degree of a political huck
ster. One refused to sanction any act
that the people might condemn or that
might cast a shadow over the Bench;
the other permitted, and apparently as
slsted tn tbe porpetratlon of any trick
that might teud to bis election. One
made tbe contest decently, but deter
mlndely, appealing to tbo intelligence
of the people; the other fought with
bitterness, vlndlctlvouess and assisted
by tbe most corrupt politieat element
lu th. county. The first, the man of
the people, the able, brilliant, learned
lawyer, the pure, chtlvarlo mau, Allan
Craig, Esq., was honored with election;
the second, John B. Storm, the pet of
th debauched element of bis party,
rebuked and terribly condemned goes
to tbe rear by tbe mighty verdict of the
people. Of Horace Heydt, Esq., gent
leman, lawyer, scholar and respected
citizen, tho Republican candidate, we
have nothing to say, further than this
that the election ot Mr. Heydt would
have been more unanimously prefer
able to our people than would have
been tbe election of John Storm.
The election of Hon. Allen Craig tn
the President Judgship is a most em
phatlo rebuke delivered by the people
to unworthy aud dishonorable polltl
cal heelers. Mr. Craig was the clear
choice of tbe majority of the people ot
Carbon .ounty, and a Democratic ooun
ty convention gave him a unanimous
nomination. He did not seek for the
honor; be did uot force himself unou
bis party nor did be make himself ob
noxious by efforts or actions un wot thy
ot bis high character and abUlty. Tb.
district conference to nominate a can
didate met and adjourned without re
sult, aud the oommou feeling was that
the candidate from each oounty should
bare bis name placed upon his own
oounty ticket aud with this end lu view
tbe necessary papers were filed with
the Secretary of State. At tbe last
moment, however, John B. Storm came
out lu his true colors as a champion
peanut politician, and along with that
disreputable political scavenger, Miek
Casaldy, served notice of object lone be
Ing filed upon tbe right ot Mr. Craig's
name to go ou tbe Carbon oounty
tleket, Iu tbe Dauphin county eourt
Judge Simon tou decided that Mr. Oralg
not baying been nominated as pre
scribed by tbe rule aud usage ot tbe
party in tbe dtetriot bis name should
not go ou tb regular oounty ticket.
John H Storm waa In preUsy Ut
same position but tbe Secretary ot
Stat, a Mr William Y llarnty, reverses
the deiatou uf tbe court aud puts the
name of M- Storm on the regular tick
i lit both oo untie, -au uapsweetlettUd
and dlaboltosl aatlort. ThU ways au ac
tion of dishonesty of purpose cslcrUat-
d to pervert the Intention of the neonl.
aud to force irpou them a man whom
tbey did not want for this office; aman
who by reason of the despicable meth
ods pursued to gaiu his eleotion would
be unworthy to sit as a magistrate In
police court where a case might be In
trial for stealing oats. In the further
nce of this and many other schemes
of a very low aud disgraceful order Mr.
Storm had wllllug tools In this oounty.
Tools, by the way, who for years have
been a menace to pure politics and
good government. Chief among these
that rank old bull-dozer and aumbuff,
Bob Klotz, the foxy Mickey Cassldy,
that consummate old liar, E. H. Raucb,
board-jumping Jimmy Malloy, slimy
and treacherous "Spikes" Enbodr. A.
J. Durllug aud lesser UghU. That tbo
game of misrepresentation aud Intimi
dation was pursued with a high hsnd
the 1000 votes for John Storm testifies.
Fortunately for the interests of a pure
judiciary, however, their effort availed
them nothing aud along with MrJ3torm
they are turned to tha nar and Allen
Craig and the pesile are gloriously
triumphant Th coatest for Allen
Craig and a pure, non-partisan jndl
clary was taken up at aa early stage by
an the people without regard to local
ity and was waged honorably, deter
minedly aud iucessently. Amoag the
more prominent votaries to tbe prin
ciples of honesty aud ability and ths
nou partisan Judiciary wore George W
Esser, L. II. Barber, District Attorney
Fisher, J. J. O'Brien, Frank Sharker.
James P. Smith, Dr. J. S. Zern, Hon.
W. 1-. Blery, I)r. W. Kutz,W. Lee Stiles.
Jona Kistler, the Weatherly Herald,
Gazett aud Times, P. F. Clark, the
Carbon- Advocate, W. G. Miller, Frank
Semmel, Jos. Zahn, Clayton Heydt, J.
Jfulhearn.Eugeue Bartholomew, Fred
Schmidt, Jno Craig and host, of otkars
Including many prominent Ktpubll.
The happy result Is a finale to the
politieal history of those who endeav
ored by all kind-of schemes to defeat
the seutimentof Carbon connty people.
Bob Klotz, Moike Cassldy, Rauch, Ao.,
go into obscurity. For a fw years
longer they may continue to trade off
Democratic candidates and play pea
uut tricks, but as sure as time they
will go down in disgrace and dishonor
to be buried under the contempt ef all
deoentand intelligent people without
regard to party or calling.
Monroe Gives Craig539
Alien Craig's voto In Monroe county
by districts is as follows: Bairett, 13;
Cbestnutblll, 11; Coolbaugh, 11; Del,
ware Water Gap, 3; E. Stroudsburg, N.
I)., 7; L. Stroadsburg, S. D-, It; El-
dred, 43; Hamilton, N. DIst, ,10; Ham.
iltou, S. DIst., 2G; Jacksou, 49; Middle
Smitlifield, 7; Price, 1; Pocono, 51; Polk
18; Ross, 17; Srnithfleld, 15; Stroud, 22;
Stroudsburg,E.Dlst, 17; Stroudiburg,
V.Dist,ai;Tobyharsna, 21 Tunkhan
nock, 17. Total, 530.
.ImleOstoriu Defeated lu th. Carruan
Monro, liittrlct.
The returns In the forty -tklrd Judi
clary district Indicate the election of
Ex-8enator Alien Craig and tbe defeat
of Judge John B.Storm,now serving by
appointment due to tbe death ofjudge
Dreher. Craig has an apparent major
ity ot 300 over Heydt and John Storm
Carbon oounty gives Craig, 2,087, and
Monroe 530. Storm receives but 1,000
vote iu Carbou to 2,181 iu Monroe.
Heydt, Rep., has 2,503 votes In tbU
county and 700 in Monroe. Ther Is
rejolceiug orer Senator Craig's vic
tory. This Is the first time In the
county's history that Carbon has so-
cured the Judgship.
Tbe total vote Is; Craig, 3,526, Heydt
n;im, and Storm, 3,180.
Onr lliubllrau rrl.uils Captur. Soni.
Uewoeratlc Scalps.
Tbe result ot the eleotion In Carbon
oounty defeat part of tbe Democratic
ticket. The lucky oms are:
Asaoeiate Judge Daniel Rouse,
Democrat, Weatherly.
Register and Recorder II. SwarU,
Democrat, Maueh Chunk.
Treasurer Levi Horn, Republican,
Oounty Oommlsslouers Wm An
thony, Republican, Parry villo.
Hugh MoBride, Republican, Beaver
M. T. Trailer, Dem.erat, Lehlghtcn
Auditors L. P. Peters, Democrat,
Kast Mauoh Chunk.
TboBM MuseeloMii, Rpublican,Ma-
Paul Katfar, K publican, Mauob
Harness, sUank.Ss, Ac.
Miltou Ftory, Wetosport, has a Urge
asaortmeat M all kind of barnes
tilankeU, wblp, robas, Jte , wbioh he i
selling at vary low prtoea. If yon need
auytieUig lu this llae buy it ber and
you will save asou.y , beeaiue our price
are tb. vary lowswt iu Hue valley