The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 04, 1893, Image 1

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    JOB PIlINTmt
Is o specially with us.
We have one low price for all.
Come and learn our prices.
Pic-Nieand Sale Bills.
All kind of blank books.
Let w have your orders
For anything in this line.
Creates many a New Business,
Enlarges many an Old Business,
Jlevivos many a Dull Business'
Rescues many a Lost Business,
Saves many a Failing Business,
Preserves many a Lurge Business,
Means success in AH Business.
Lohighton, Carbon County. Ponna. November 4 1893
wis m mm
Our assortment of Infants Goods
excels anything In this Valley. Look
at this I Over 12 different styles of
Baby Hoods; nothing to equal them at
the price wo are selling them at.
Baby Sacks, the best line ever shown
by any prices, too, never heard
of before
Children's Underwear, all grades and
slzos, in white, gray and scarlet.
MUues Ribbed Underwear In several
qualities. Large assortment of Union
Ladies' Merino Ribbed and Scarlet
Underwear In various grades.
Our line of Men's Underwear sur
passes last year's assortment and the
prices are lower than last season.
Gloves and Mitts for all kinds of
work at prices never before heard of.
The stock is larger by far than that of
any other house in this vicinity.
An elegant assortment of ladles',
misses and children's legglns.
Yours to servo,
Pint Street, between Bouth and riiun btreets,
LtktKhton. Fa.
Th Ww York Embenlor Will Throw Blm
If on the Mercy of th Court.
Nbw Orleaki, Not. 2. Francis R.
Wetki, the New York defaulter, wanted
(or mbemlement, arrlred jttftrday from
Cost Rica on the Foxballin charge of
DeteottTt Relllr, of District Attorney
rnAHcii 8. wbiii
UnoT Nlcollt' office in New York. The
Attempt made by Week' lawyer to take
him out of jail on Oct, H waa abortlre.
President Rodriguez, learning of the fact,
fare orders that In no case should the of
ficials In charge of Weeks accept service
of the writ
ThegoYernment placed a special train
at the disposal of Consul WiUUmi to take
Weeks and party to Wmon, where thsy
boarded the Foxhall for New York, The
ship left Oct. 34, and the trip was unevent
ful. The deteotlres left for New York last
night with their prisoner. Weeks says
when he gets to New York he will plead
guilty, throw himself on the mercy of the
pourt and refuse to say more.
Total Atteadanee at the Fair end Com
parison with Former Exhibitions.
CniCAOO, Oct. 81. Th. total paid attend
aao at the World's fair from May 1 to
data la as followa:
Total far Mar. 1,0M,K!T
ToUlfwJun..., I.M,1I8
Total (or July f.TOO.M
Total for Auanst t,SU.0S
Total tor September ttSI.tOt
Total (or October e.TO.lM
Total from Marl I1.4M.810
yetal free admissions s,ws,ll9
prasd total rr,U,fS
The attendance at the apeclal daje nai
M fellows:
OpealDf dar...,128.M Teaas day KMN
Deooratloa dsr.llS.SI8 Msh'man's dar.lTl.MS
Uiaal dar 1M.M1 Iowa dar 1M.1U
Oermaadar 1U.0SI Odd Fellow dar.lM.tM
Touts of July. .tn3.m Indiana day 1M.U3
IweiUk dsr....U.STI Irish dar lOT.tU
Bohemian dar..l31.n Mexfeo day.. ......175,11
Brltlaadar 1U.WI Rhode ttl'd day.U0.U4
Eoisdar ta.m Polish day a.itt
York day ..l.a Chlcaj-o dar T1S.U1
asudsr. 1T5.M N, DekoUdey..iO.iW
I'ennsyrxdedar.xwa.toO Connectto't dar.80S.J7I
Welsh dar 190.TM Italian dar ni.eTJ
California dsy..t31,sa Minnesota dar-.tU.&U
MIchljan der...liW,lJ Manhattan day.t90.JlT
Ohio dar 1M.T0O Closing dar tOJM
greatest dar tn Philadelphia, UTe 1T,SM
reatest dar In Paris, 1881 BaT.iea
Oreateat day In Chloaso TW.M1
Fatal rionfe ef an Klectrle Oar,
POMiaXD, On., Nov, 3. A frightful ac
cident oooqrrad eary In the morning,
p hen an electric car of the East Side Rail
road comDanr. containing fifteen people,
plunged through the draw of the Madison
ptreet bridge into the river, twenty-live
feet below. Fire bodies have been reoov.
red. and It It believed two others are still
at the bottom of the river. The bodies re
covered are those oi unarlea Uicxman, J.
F, Anderson, Joseph Btartler, Alexander
Campbell, T. Beunlok, a deaf mute. Those
mlssintr are Paul Oder and a boy named
Albe. The draw of the bridge waa open
to allow the steamer Elwood to pass
through, and the gates at both endaofthe
draw closed, but the par crushed through
the rail gate and plunged pff the end ot
Another Battle Creek Victim Dead.
Battli Ciu:r., Mioh,, Nov. a. The
death list from the Grand Trunk wreck
baa reached twenty-eight Mr. Robert
Vance, ot Slmooe, Ont.,wbobad both legs
broken by falling timbers, died at the
Nichols home yesterday, She leaves
husband and three small children.
Tteterla'e Hester of Ceremonies Dead.
POKDOsr, Nov, q, Major General Sir
Christopher Charles Teeadale, V 0. R. A.,
k. O. M . G. C D.. her maiesty'e master of
teremonles, and at one time equerry to
the Prince of Wales, and who accompan
ied the latter to Amerloa, died yesterday
at Bagnot, of paralysis, aged 60.
tar Id. fewword we dealre to eall
tV to your notlee a very important
t fact. It s this. We have as
ty large end fine alne of general
ttore gopds at yon will find any-
ty where. Com and aee us, let m
(how yon our goods and tell you
what oar prleee are. We dellrer"Vfj
foodt anywhere promptly and"ej
w)tl)oqt extra eharge whatever jg
to th parohaaar. Don't pay big .
prloe bat eora ana oe tu t
Robert Walp
first street, Op. Round Iloutea
Subscribe for the Carbon Advocate.
Only $1.00 a year. Tlie paper is worth
the small amount of money without
me interesting reading matter,
Mr. William llenrv and wlfo. nf
Btelnsville, Lehigh county, were
visiting at ilarry Follweller a Sunday
Mr. A, F. Stclcerwalt and wife cave a
delightful sociable at Joseph Welir's,
in tast; x'enn on Hunday.
Mrs. John Rehrls and her son. of
last week. They were angleloa for llsli
in mo wizard ureeK anu caugnt a
number of the finny tribe.
Messrs John Oswald and .Tosenh
Rauoh accomtanled by their wives, of
New Tripoli spent Saturday and
Sundaylast at w. b. lielntzelmans.
Mr. Charles Barrel moved to Bow.
manstown on Monday.
Mrs. Charles Rehrls and her Inll.f
Bon John were enjoying themselves at
On Wednesday. November the first.
was a famous day In the Valler. the
cracking of the sportsman's gun was
heard in all directions, because it was
the first day iu the year under the
Act oi Asseruuiy that rabbits can be
hot or killed without imnosinff
Mr. Augustus Eck and famllv took a
trip to the Indian mountain on Sun
day, they were enjoying themselves
wim ms uroiuer JacoD, living on the
farm of the Honorable Robert Klotz.
The circumvolution of tha leaves.
blowing of the cold wind and the
heavy frosts aro Indications that the
Inter is mgu at our door.
Mr, W. S. Ileintzelman made a
business trip to Allentown an Mondav.
Mr, ileintzelman is an Elder of the
Fennsvillo Congregation and on thn
same day represented said church,
as a delegate in the Lutheran con
ference at Allentown.
The annointment of Mian NV,thtoin
of Mahoning, as teacher for school's
ino. oio mi tne vacancy caused by
the resignation of Miss Keleh.was
ratified by the East Penn Bchool
Our DODuIar black'smlth. .Tnbn
Fritzlnger. moved to Parrvvllla Inn
Tuesday. Mr. Fritzinger had for
years been organist in the Penusvill
ohurch. He had been a hard working
man all his life time. He is advanced
In age and falling gradually in health.
xnegeneraieiection will tak place-
on Tuesday next, November 7th
Quite a number of county oillces and
the President Judgeship of the forty
.1.1 I TI1.1-I..1 . . nn , r J
tuuu x'lai.itui, niu vu ue uueu.
M r. Charles Rehrig has the contract
to build a new bank-barn in the
Valley for Mr. Shell, of the upper end
of the county. After he had erected
the barn the heavy storm on Friday a
week ago blew it from the foundation.
Mr. Rehrig while in the act of hoisting
said barn with screw jacks on Friday
last got hurt, but fortunately not
There are certain families living fmm
generation to generation without
having a newspaper In the house which
is a great mistake. P,tr f imllv
should have a newspaper in the
ho jse to get posted of what Is going
on in our days throughout the leu gth
and breadth of the land.
The second party consistine of two
men professing to be Indian Doctors
drove lately through this valley and
humbuged the people outrageously.
According to what the people state
one of them appears to be a very ed
ucated man and is an excellent speaker.
They are driving from house to house
and the expert speaker is addressing
and admonishing the people in dUf er-
em wayB sininar to a minister at a
funeral, he is telling the people that
be can judge by looking at them, what
will become ot them in the future. The
great fraud stated to some of our
healthiest people that they would be
paranzea oy a stroKe or apoplexy with,
in a few days If thev dont take medi
cine to purify their impure blood, be
is sometimes crying yet how he pities
them and almost got &ome of our
most intelligent people crazy, and in
this way mannaged to get from two to
ten dollars out of a number of familloF,
This to caution the people to be on
in "alien."
Hacuton, Pa., Nov. I. While Albert
fiponenberg and bis wife and child were
driving across the Pennsylvania railroad
tracks here they were struok by a freight
engine. Mrs. Sponenberz was Instantly
and the husband was badly in-
inred. The child escaped without a scratch.
jlthough the horse wat killed and th
wagon at mousnea.
Bhhakdoah, Pa., Nov. 3. The first
meeting ot the miners looking to the reof-
ganliatlon of the Miners and Mine Labor
ers' Amalgamated association, filnee th
flUbandment of that body after the dleao
t'roui strike ef six years ago, was ksli
hire yesterday, Fully 4,000 miner were
In town, blinllar meetings win be held
ever the ooal regions.
Pijtibubo, Nov. 1. Mrs, Dora Wlrter-
&auer, of New York, has written Marc?
jue&enna a letter asking him It he tea
find out anything about the whereabout
of ker husband, Jaoob, who left New York
with the Plnkerton men at tha time ef th
Homestead strike. She la afraid he was
killed at Homestead. She says that ah
and her ohlldren are starving.
BCBASTOif. Pa.. Nov. t. William Kel
ler, a Dlsghamton baggage master on the
D., It. and W, road, waa shot and Instantly
killed by D. F. Alwood. ot Pjatsnon. X. J..
smpioyea as a guara oy tne united Htatet
ICxpress company. The eaoottng waa
probably accidental, although there Is
ld to hav been bad feeling between the
mn. Atwood was Rrrested,
Johkitowk. r . Nov. 2.-rThe Jofcuoi
Iron company, which hat been runnlna
all summer sn about half time, last night
rssnmed operations on double turn. The
eompany employe from 1,600 to 2,000 men.
The resumption praoticallymeana arerlval
or Business in this seotlon oi the country,
vvaen running lull turn the uamtna com
pny employs from 7,000 to 8,000 men.
wiuitBAKKI, Fa., Nov. 1. John
Grabaakl and Michael Malaekwloh were
killed and Patrick McCue, Thomas George
and Sherman Helfrlok badly Injured Is as
explosion of gee at the Stanton mine of
th Lehigh arid Wllkeabarre Ooal eom
pany here. The men entered a body of
gas with naked lamps, whloh eansed a
ternne explosion. The mine le badly dam
aged. RlADtKS, Pa.. Nov 9. Professor D. M.
O. Wann, who was found la an uncon
scious condition In an outhouse on Tuee
day, died yesterday from the results of ex
posure, without having recovered coa
otousness, The dead man waa but '0
yearaold, and was formerly ons of the best
known educators In Berks eeunty. He
waa at one rime preatdent ef the Berks
ucunty ennaay Bchool association.
Xastoh, Pa., Nov. a, Orders hers kea
neelved here for the re-emplayment (tk
00 men suspended in the oar department
Of th Lehigh Valley railroad alien at
South Eatten, The order will go into ef
fsot nsxt Monday. There la much rajole
ag among tha me over the bright pros
pects for a full tesumptlon of work In ths
shops, which before the deal with the
jieaaiag roaa gave employment 10709 men.
Cbistik, Pa., Nov . Samuel Jeknaon.
who waa convicted In 1M3 of the murder
of John Sharple&a and sentenced to be
hanged, but whose sentence was com
muted to Imprisonment for life, I anxious
for a pardon. He Is confined 40 East
ern penitentiary, (rem wkenoe he ha
written to Rev. W. Bryant, presldtut
slder ef the M. E. anorak, asking him to
get up a petition for si scut Ire ele teener.
TheSharpless murder waa a .aerated
ase, and an Innocent man eame near be
ing nangea la joaneon's steaa.
Met Engaged le jtmbueador Tan Alen.
Paovipuc r, Nov. t Miss Hope Ood
dard. hslrees to the manr millions of Col
onsl William Ooddard, one of the cotton
barons of Rhode Island, and a well known
balls at Nswoort. WasMasrtatt and Lenax:
d.nlss the report of her"engsgemtut t'e
Ambateador .Van Alen.
What line Occnred tn thle Cltr Durlnx the
Week Tertlnentlr Kpltomlsed by Onr
Special Reporters.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
Just make It a point to see David
Ebberttwhen you want a team for busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
For Sale A new one horse
soring wagon will be sold cheap, Ap
pip to C.W. Swab. it
The finest line of overcoats ever
brought to this section will be found
at M. Losos & Co., First street.
Ticket for free portraits at Rlshel's
gallery are good until December 1803
Latest style overcots at M. Losos
4- Co, Low prices preYatL
Fashlonoblo oiothlng for every.
body at M. Losos & Co., Oberta Blook.
M. Losos & Co., have a full line of
latest styles hats and caps.
if. Losos A Co., hay a good, ound
hsrse for sale hap.
E3i For County Commlsslcne -s, vote
for O'Donnell and Trexler.
The board of school directors
meet In regular monthly ses gn at the
offloo ot President McCormfck on next
Town Council will hold It 1 regular
monthly session on next Tuesday even
ing. P. J. Klstler is laying a flue flag
stone pavement along his First street
A ooal oil can full of oil fell and
broke In front ot Kemerer's store last
Mondaynight. Some Sne held a match
too close to it afterwards and the
prompt action of bystanders only
preventod a conflagration.
All persons who are entitled to
premiums for exhibits at the late ex
hibition of the Carbon County Indus
trial Sooiety are invited to call on Val.
Sohwartz at Uenry Schwartz's mam
moth furniture store.
G& For Connty Commissioners, vote
for O'Donnell and Trexler.
A. Sell & Co., proprietors of the
South End Livery, on Iron street, have
disolved partnership by mutual con.
sent. The extensive business will be
continued by Thos, Sell.
Our young friend and townsman
T. J.Knerr, has resigned his position
with the Reading Railroad Company
at Philadelphia and Is now employed
with the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., at
Bethlehem. Mr. Knerrwlll make his
home at Cross Keys Hotel, Allentown.
In ompetltion with the largest
city publishing houses, we secured an
order and furnished the Dimmick
Memorial Library of Mauch Chunk
with nearly seven hundred dollars
worth of book and magazines. Low
prices done te business. B, p.
Luckenbach, Uauoh Chunk.
Rev. Q. W. Dungan, the able
pastor of the M. E. Church, was
stricken suddenly with heart failure
on Monday morning last and now lies
at his home critically 111.
A Masonto banquet was held at
the Exchange Hotel, on Saturday
evening at which many prominent men
of the order were present. During
the evening pertinent remarks were
made by Drs. Zern, Bower and Smith.
P. A. German, W. O. Obert, William
tenner and others. The cqlsiue was
"Boss"Clau88, P. P. Clark. David
Ebbert, and David Kreamer was a
Lehighton hunting party ou,t shooting
rabbits on Wednesday. Report says
that seven rabbits were killed. They
would have killed more only that Pat
used up nearly all the ammunition in
killing a poor lone rabbit that was
caught Iu a feuoe and could not get
The name of 'Squire John'W. Koons.
of town, nominated by the Peoples
rarty ror the otnoe of Associate Judee
does not appear on the ticket, because
the party managers forgot to fill the
nomination with the Secretary ot State
as the law demands. The names of all
the other candidates appear on the
ticket In regular form. Those persons
who desire to rote for Mr. Koons will
havu to write his name in the blank
space left for this purpose.
Those PQpple who. failed to attend
the entertainment ot the Thalia, Con
cert Company in the Opera House on
last Friday evening missed, qqe qf the
moBt refreshing musloal treats with
whloh this town ha ever been favored.
There was a very large audience pre
sent who showed their appreciation by
prolonged appiaus. The concert was
given as a benefit for the Lehighton
A. F. Snyder, of Welesport. sells a
beautiful organ for $00, other dealers
get t90 for the same Instrument An
upright piano at J13100, others get
(225.00, Sewing machines from 110 to
$30, all the leading makes. Wuhlng
machines from it to $5. Bed springs
t'2 50, others get 15. Hattresses at tl.15,
otners get tiaj. An elegant feed cut
ter at 13.50 The No. 10 Tornado Feed
Cutter at raMft other get tmOO. A
spring cot bed for 11.35, Jt will pay
you to see his stook and learn prloea
ne Deais an competitors,
In a talk with a representative. t
the Carbon County Improvement Com
pany one day recently we were inform.
el that should Lebighton's borough
oouncil decide to substitute the aro
lights for street Illumination In place
ofjthe lncaudeoent light the company
would agree to furnish said UghU at
the rate of $85 per annum per light.
This rate is perhaps as low if not lower
tbau than the same lights are fqrnfsheq
iu 1110 owns ou in qonsiaeration or
the size and importance of Lehighton
we believe it time for the membajs 0
the council to take some action in the
direction ot better light tor the town.
tW Great care should l-e exercised
by all voters, and; particularly Demo
crats, when they mark their ballot
Under no olroumstanoes mark a cross
In the ring at the head of the tloket
Put a cross In the square opposite th
name of every candidate with the ex
ception ot John B. Storm. Then under
the head of "non-partisau JudleUry?.
puta ores ojipoalfe the name i(f AUu
Craig the people1 ehoUx for President
A Snap Shot Camera Catches Those Who
Cotueand flo Among Their Friends In
Lively Lelilahton.
Earnest Pflle and wife, of Hazleton,
Sundayed with the family of Otto
Deltmar on Bankway,
..Thomas Fagan, of Easton, a well
know Lehigh Valley engiueer, was iu
town over Sunday.
..Mrs. Thos. E. Morthlmer, and son
Tom of Bankway, visited relatives and
friends at Mauch Chunk Wednesday.
. .lllno-host Delfenderfer. of the Gil
bert House, Weatherly, was hero on
. .Mrs. Hummel, of Pottsvllle is visit!
mg her daughter, Mrs. L. Irvin on
South street.
Mrs. O. W. Morthlmer and son Guy
are home from a visit of several weeks
among Tremont friends.
..Robert Hollenbach, salesman in
Wm, Kemerer's general store, spent
Saturday and Sunday among Bethle
hem aud Allentown friends.
Harry Clauss and wife, ot Hotel-
Vendig, Philadelphia, were guests at
the palatrlal residence of W. E. Ash on
Third street for a tew days last week.
Miss Rose Keller, of Bankway
Is home from a pleasant visit
among Monroe county relatives and
JSu For County Commissioners, vote
for O'Donnell aud Trexler.
Vote for Ilarry Schwartz for
Register and Recoider.
Rev. Mr, llelti, of Clierrjvllle, Oulltr of
An ecclesiastical trial that excited
much local Interest took place iu St.
Paul's Lutheran Church, Allentown'
Monday, The accused preacher was
the Rev. J.J. Koltz, pastor of the St
Paul's Church, in Cherryville, North
ampton County. There were about
Ave clergymen of the conference pro-
sent, and the Rev. Dr. A. R. Home, of
Allentown, presided.
The charges against the Rev. Mr.
Reitz were; First, Installing as
members of his church council persons
whom conference' had ordered him not
to install; second, refusing to an
nounce to the congregation the res
olution relative to the adoption of th6
constitution for the government of
congregations recommended by the
synod; third, attempting to organize
an independent congregation while
under charges of Insubordination.
As to tb,e first two charges Mr. Reltz's
explanations were aooepted, but he
was found guilty on the charge ot at
tempting to withdraw from the synod
while under the charges. In view of
all the circumstances, it was resolved
that conference waive further objec
tion to the granting of letters of
dismissal by the president of the
synod. This Is an invitation to
Pastor Reitz to withdraw.
tW Vote for Harry Schwarte for
Register and Recorder.
taa For County Commissioners, vote
for O'Donnell aud Trexler.
An Old aud Respected Citizen ('ailed
After au Illness of only a tew days
Samqel Leyan died at his home on
First street last Saturdav morning at
the advanced ago of 72 years, one
month and a few days, death re
sulting from a complication of dl
sease consequent to old age. Inter
ment was inado ou Tuesday In the Le
highton cemetery. The pall bearers
wereCUqtonand'T.J. Bretney. J. L.
(label, Joseph Zahu, Daniel Kreldler,
and Robert Walp. Rev. Miller, pastor
of the Evangelical church ofllciated.
The funeral was very largely attend
Deoeased waa born In Ilanover town
ship, Montgomery county, on the 15th
day ot September 1821. Ho was mar
ried in 185fi to Johanna Lelnhart, who
survives together with one daughter,
airs. John Evans. For over forty
years he made his home in this town,
an nonored and respected citizen.
During his early redence here he
taught school In the winter and during
tho summer he followed the trade of
of brick-laying and plasterer many of
the building hero being specimens of
his work, Viz: Joseph Obtrt's residence.
Trinity Lutheran church, Zion's Re
formed church, Evangelical church.
etc Ills brother and sister who sur
Vive are Augustus Levan, of Altoona.
and Mrs. Sarah Worraan, of Beyer-
town, ra.
Vote fax Kreamer.
tW Dr. J, C. Kreamer the Demo-
oretlo candidate for county treasurer,
is a man who Is sate, sound, reliable
and will make a good, faithful of-
llclal. He merits the earnest support
or all voters regardless of party,
He was honestly nominated, he has
made adeeent a.ud (especta'ble canvas
and it falls to the duty of all people
who desire to see efficiency rewarded
that ther should vote tor him. He has
lived the greater part ot his lite in
Towamenslng and his actions in busi
ness and private life are always open
to the public view. Dr. Kreamer
deserves your vote. Don't tall to vote
for him.,
A Fanners Institute,
A Farmen,' Institute will be held at
Zimmerman's Hall New Mahoning, on
Friday afternoou and evening, Novem
ber 3rd. Prominent speakers who ate
Interested in Agricultural matters will
be present and address the meeting,
among them the Secretary ot the State
Agricultural Sooiety. Every farmer
and all who are Interested n (arming
should be preaeut u. both meetings,
which will b tree to all.
Their Iteernrd Won't be Orcat.
There are certain folks who have
already tried their level best to ruin
E. S. UeinUleman, of bast Penn
financially, physically and politically
bv fraudulantlv blaakenlnir hla rami.
tatloq atvj (nUrfKlog in. his domestic
aifalra. nowyr be I still alive, the
reward for ewb peepl Iu eternity
will not be a good ou.
, Man Without Honor nnd Larking In
Olxnlly ot Character Dearedee Him
self nnd the Tilgh Character of the
Ilench by Chicanery and Illesracernl
There Is scarrelv n namMM, nt n
standing whatever In the Lehigh Valley
that has not severs! condemned John
otorm for the illsplcable manner in
hick he has acttul In thl. mni.,i in ha
electecTresldent Judge of the 43rd district.
There are verv few Common Pleas
Judges in this State who do not enjoy that
entire conBdence of the public which a
man on the bench abonld liv. Thar.
such, however, and It it not at.alldetlrable
mere should be anv mcreasn In it,, num.
ber. There would be an addition of one,
however if Judge Storm should be elected
1 tne uarDon-iionroe district. Savs the
'biladelphla Press
Judge Storm has Become a partr to. If
ot the originator of. a trick whlr-i, mht
bet .ulDcient to dlsquailify any man for
discharge of th. naturally delicate and
Impartial duties of a Judge. He took a
artlal duties of a Judge. Ue took a
snap proceeding In objecting to the certi
ficate of nomination of ex-Senator Craig,
10 01 nomination of ex-Senator Craiir.
-I , T-. . ... . . "
iw ucmocraiic candidate, waiting
until lata in the last day in order to render
it ImnnaalM. r. t. ..I a. .
It Impossible for Jlfr. Craig's friends to
rais objections to Judca Storm's rpnl.
ficale, which Is exactly the same as Mr.
uraigs. 1 ne ttlck has succeeded with
assistance of the Serretarv nf th.
Commonwealth, who could be relied upon
Where factional advantage is to be
obtained. Bv the arbitrary nnW nf ihn
Secretary the name of Judge Storm will be
pnuteo as tne regular Democratic candi
date tor the district, although be has no
nomination but that of iiouroe County.
If Judge Storm were a man St to be
upon the bench, if be had that sensitive
honor and dlgcltv of character which
every man who seeks the exalted petition
ijuageougni to have and must have
our court! ai not to be debauched nnd
degraded he would have been incapable
01 participating in such a disgraceful trlek,
not only, but he would hava reomlltd
Instantly anv attempt to make him a
oenenciarjioi it. une Judge who obtains
this place bv chicanery cannot nxneet m
command popular confidence. Ue Invites
both distrust and contempt, and a dis
trusted judge is worse than worthless: he
isla constant micace. The man who will
take an unfair and indecent advantage of
another is oat the one to balance the
scales of jostle between men.
No one knows better tbau Judge Storm
that, under the decisions or Judge Simon
ton.ln the Dauphin County Court, his
name is not entitled to ea on the nfflM.i
ballot as the regular district nomloee.
Judge Slmonton ruled in the Fayette and
Greene County cases that in a district.
composed of two counties the nomination
or one county alone does not constitute a
district nomination. The same ruling
was made In the case of Mr. Craig's
certificate of nomlnatlon.and it wouuthaye
been the same, of course, In the case of
Judge Storm's certificate had that been
before the court. But the case of Judge
Storm is just as much covered by this
opinion as If It bad been Individually in
The snao eame to which Jndce Ktnrm
and the Secretary nf the Cnmtnnnw.jttt,
have resorted in cheat the Deino
crats of the Carbon-Monroe distiicl la
notice enough that Jdge Storm did not
expect to succeed by fair and daylight
methods The nurnoaa of this whnl
despicable business was to trick the people
into casting a vote for Judge they did
not Intend to cast. What right would a
man who received a, seat on the bench by
such methods hate to th respect ol any
one ? The people of that district can
best show their self respect bv defeailn?
Judge Storm. "II is unfit."
livnll onA t, I
oims, wnen tnev mark thnir h lnt
Under no circumstances mark across
wuuoi uu circumstances mara acrossl
in the ring at tho head of the ticket
r... .. I
tui a cruss in tne square opposite thel 4uu,?r treatment,
name of every candidate with the ex. Mr Gotll's many friends in Carbon
canllnn .1 Tl,-, tl D. mi . IcOlintv llOHA tn COa him hnnl. nr-nl.. I..
r""" uu"u u. oiurui, lava unuer
the head of '-non-partisan Judiciary"
put aoross opposite the nomo of Allen
Craig the people's choice for President
Carbon County's Population Increases
8.700 in Ten Tears.
In 1880 the Population nf flnrhnn I
county was 31,923 and ln 1890 38,021, bo-1 ed the Primary School every day dur
lnc an Increase of fjTOQ in tnnvnnre nt I ing the second month, ending riot 11.
the rate of Q7Qeyery year. The same
rate of Increase durlnir the last three.
years, which is a safe estimate, mglnn
our county population at this time 40,-
ujs And this also makes Carbon a
Judicial district at the next apportion,
ment by the Legislature.
The Comoendinm also ahnwa that
there are 16,318 of our population
males and 15,723 females', 1019 males
and 2621 f enales ot foreign birth. The
county contains only 37 male and 13
lemaie, in ail w colored people.
Among the ohanges of population are
Mauch Chunk Borough 419 Increase
Banks township. 113: E. M. Chnnlr nin
Lehighton, 1010; and Weatherly, 081;
wmist Kidder township deceased from
1207 to 092; Lausanne from 12I to 136;
Lower Towamenslng (vom 1732 to 1726
farryvllie ramUQ7 to Penn Forest
from 053 to 623. It is aUa somewhat
remarkable that the two wards of
Mauch Chunk are very nearly ot equal
population, the first being 2052 and the
second 8019.
A Peanut I'olltlclau,
From the White Haven Journal,
1 he voters of Carbon .county, irre
spectlve of party, cannot afford to
continue on the bench ot that Judi.
clal district the peanut politician who
Introduced into this campaign the low
tncasoi atonroe petty polltlos. It rti.minJ JlLw an-
Craig to maintain the integrity and
,r ... . . '
puntyoi me uenenso longand bonor-l
ably occupied by the late Judge Drher-
Ulr Creek School.
firatmonthof the term nnrilno-rtnt
ina roiiowiniris thn mnnrt. fnr fhaiare tne rerr lowest in tne vaiiAi.
93. No. of pupils present tluring the
month 3x. The following attended
everv dav. Annllln Ifaidt tfoti.
DIehl, Mamie BauchspeU. Gussie
Bauch, Harry Levan and Newton
ii 't , VT.V N,, V-1 ,rri
Paul Boyer aod MU EUle Yotter.
. r. lct, teacher
Corper stone Dedication
r i , n """ . yum
Ike'a Reformed Churah of Long
Run. 1U bo kid Sanday. Novb
15th, m. All are eetdUlly invltilp.r battle, sold bv all wsagle'ts. TeiU-
to partlelpate ln th exercises.
fit tZEO.
The Doings or the Week Interleadeil With
I'eronal Mentions.
A. J. Goth will build an addition
to his residence.
Protracted meetings are being
held in the chapel at Phlfea's Corner.
Elmer Wentz. of Tnrllnn Mnnntol.,
lost a valuable horse bv dnnth nno .J
last week.
Tilgh Dreisbach. of HI t .'rftnlr.
says tnat the lamest niwhna rnlor.,1
iu laruon county this year were pro
uucis 01 nis orchard.
Last week Sueirer rarolvAfl n nap
ioaa or onions, ditto of salt.
George Kresee and wifn rati
. T 0n Bania7. fr.oma Peasant visit
10 uionroe countr ren1s.
resc work " Interior of
i. Keformea "-h completed.
t, executed by painter Andrew
uayeroi ihiguton.
Ed Miller, of Lehighton, one of C.
.., u. imguiuu, one 01 u,
A.flftfll'u nt-tlclc 1. I..-. ,
ul"i,M " iiuisueu a
Deat'onl attractive gold front at the
DODlllar St.. T-'.lmo
popular St Elmo.
George Buck is uraduallv
lng from a recent severe Illness.
The Franklin Shoe Co., made their
first shipment of goods to a Scranton
Arm on Monday. The management of
the business is in the hands of G. H.
F. A. Graver has purchased from
the Lehigh Wagon Co., of Lehighton, a
pretty frame dwelling house on white
Conductor Dall has movod to Le
highton. George II. Laurv. of Mannh Chunk-
will move to this place taking up a
residence in the old Graver home
stead. The funeral of Charles DroUWh
took plaoe on Sunday at Big Creek.
The servioes were conducted
J. I. Y otter of Parryvllle. Deceased
was aged 1 0 years. The sons who sur
yive are Datld, Ammon, John, Joe
and James.
Nevln Steckel and Oamr Korn
popular Slatington vouna men. nnnnt
Sunday in Franklin with genial IT. F.
George Horn and Job n llftlldrndn
were on a three days hunting trip to
Lowhill, Lehigh county.
Prof. Ed Bover Wni fining Imetnoaa
at Allentown on Monday,
Very near all of the necessary
shares of the Franklin Building and
Loan Association hayo been subscribed
for. If there are any persons desiring I
stock they should not fall to make an
early can on the directors.
Miss Ella Delbert was at Nnrrla.
town over Sunday representing the Y.
P.O. E. society at the State session of
the organization.
Envelopes as low ia ltrn 1 turn
printed at the Advocate ohico. Cir
culars, 500U tor J3.0O Give your patro
nage to legitimate business firms.
Pleasant Ed Shiffersttne. of Mil
waukeo, was in town for a fftw nhnrf
hours on Monday. Ed was formerly
a salesman in Blery's drugstore.
Charles Maurer and wife, of
Wilkesbarre, spent a few days very
pleasantly In towt, with Mrs. Itapp
and family,
Henry Christman and wlfo are
baok home after a delightful visit to
the World's Fair.
A. F. Snyder shinned a to Lebanon nnd Haltwan
ed one to Mr. N. B, Kuohnerat Little
Ivjoh ncoiu Aaron aoes not run
around to sell Pianos and Organs, but
Uap this week. Aaron does not run
he S6llS mora thatl nyiV (Uala. 1 Ik.
he sells more than any dealer lu the
nn,.nnnf.l...l CI . r. , ,
mouu wmnusA, uoin,
13 now ln tha Rusu Hospital,-- PbUa.
.lalnltlu ...V.n.n I. I ., . ,
u,ha okqiu iu
the fu'l enjoyment of health and vigor
The Mennouites still hold the fort
Laury'a Hall. They are making
many converts to their religion which
I takes in feet washing, baptism, etc. A
person who has their life Insured n.
not become a member. Tho insurance
agents want, to geton to these people.
The followintr nnnlln hnrn Attaiwl.
Floreuoe Albright, Bertha Albright,
Beulah Beltz. Meta Hell P.llon Vmn
heiser, Daisy Graver, Lizzie Moyer,
Anna btrang, Rachel Strang. Mamie
SeldeI,Nora Strohl, Gertie Tilne.Frank
iieiaelmau, Walter Fronhelser, Willie
3reene, Leo Koous, Albert Koons,
Willie Mu,ssolinau, Willie Sibbaoh,
Harry Straug. Georife Seldel and Pr.
dinand Trine, Myra L. Miller, Teach-
IZT Vote for Kreamer for treasurer.
Annie MlKhell
V alilithtnti tttAatvA I. 1 1
a mnut Heloctulila fui.l In .1,. ..... n .. .
.wab .u, vm" lnjr Ul
ot first class attractions by Annie
.uiiuueii, nuierioHv youug star, and
her company of New York artist.
1lwa Xlltphull la lbtlR X.I.J ,i
. .. j l. j.. j PUHHWl IU Ull
the appiaus and many kind words with
nhl.k ....!.. I ..J . ..
wuwuoudw uiKMiy (rL'eieu. XJrigUt
vivacious, sparkling she shows a nat-
iralloD nn II.a l,naH.ln .. .1 1.. ,
uu..uwq wu ,ua auu IU Ut)r
several characters that at once make,
ucra pupuiur tavoriie, niltle Iloir-
man n luipn cnhr.ll. In I, .... ,.,...
. H wm. .. uvw ' . - , ,u (. II , BB1I b UUU
jig dciuoee nod boy character baa per
naps no equal, at lest we know of uone -
uw uoiauw ui mo vjuil'tiliy 1X1118 Up
to ft standard not generally reached by
companies who hare a much more
fLPi'f8 mi8si0-?-. .Wherever
with large house because they desert e
ii7.Tunk.... ic.
I , , . ,
Milton ! lory, Welssport, has a largo
f ! w mt m ' , Wn? '. iT
i blankets, whins. robes. 1a. which hale
, . , , ' :
"""l"? Rt ,Te,l0,7 V1- 1 ,'ou need
anrthins in this line huv 11 hero .n,l
I you will save money, beoause our nrioes
I ' "
jr offer One Hnndted rjoll.r. Itewa
for any case of t'atarrh that cannot I
cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cur.
I n , SltltMTUV II . .
?Z?""h2ZZf ,HW2-
J.'cbeoej for tb hut 16 years, and believe
," pwievnj uoaoiaoie man puelneis
transantions and floaoetaiu able to oarrv
I out any otlljailooi made by their arm.
Toledo. O. WaLoixa, Kxavxx & Mv
vu, wnaiesai atuggieu, Toledo, o,
I r . 1 1, n.,. l n , . . . .
Hairs Catarrh Cures Is taken later nail r
liSvi. 2712 JlZv!, .a.!
1 iiAiklu fui,
Socletvlld-ltlts of Interest to the Mem
bere of the Fraternltv.
Secret SOClntlns In naod nf nnrnnlin
nalla, flags, banners, uniforms, etc.
BUOUIU Const! t 11. V. Mnrlhlmnr. Jr.
who represents one of the largest firms
of Importers, manufacturers and
dealers lu this country before purchas
ing elsewhere.
Joseph N. Bennett, of Lehigh
council 101. Jr. O. U. A. M.. has r.
ceived notice of his appointment on
the State Council Committee on
Credentials to serve during the
ensuing year. Joe is one ot the
leading members of tne order In this
section and has a state prominence by
intr,t nf th
vt.auu sj uia uiaut nei riuea 111 luu
The demonstration In I'hllndftlnhla
, ,., , ,
honor of thelSth anniversary nf thn
... ., . , . , ; . , ,
Order of the Knights of the Golden
.ui,uxeuuflTauia was a magnin cratic people as well as all lovers of
cent success, and was witnessed biL..j.j
thousands of people. Nearly 4000 Sir
Knln-lltR nnrtlnlnntn nf hm ot !...
orv. 1 7
I eluded costumed Hermits and armored
Knichtt. Thfirn warnO.1 innila rtf mual.
neitt liiuiiiir.Bri. inn fHvnitiRrin ln.iti... i.. n. .
i ,i Ton ,
lnllneand20 corceou tA.hlen.riY pav
... -; -
with representations of ancient and
..u.guiuuu. ii, tun uubsi
parade eyer made by the Order.
A oisiionest actios.
The action of Secretnrv nf fitntn
Harrltyiu permitting the name ot
John B. Storm, of Monro. nn.,nt tn
be printed on ihe regular Democratic
ticket stamps William F. Harrlty a
dishonest man and lnnv, n taint
the Inteirritr and manllnBM nf Jnhn it
. ....... w
Storm Who accents mtln,
John B. Storm is no morn entitle.! tn
anlaceothhmnnrt.(.w ,7"
ti. i .i
I the man iu the moon. liewasnvr
nominated as described h ti, ',"
,.. . '
of the party aud a convention nf doln.
moral right then had Harritv t
mlt II, a n-lntin,. o. .
tt 'bailor sn mlnr:rJ
thantheclear Intention
oernetnntn thn " , " .. 7.,,: . ..
..' .. :::.; . 7 r
loafersandthnwhn .,"
uuuoak uietnoasor acanir nrnnt-tinnca
,i , 7
time auain been rnmidlatod l oil
honest peonle. IfW. v. tr "
Governor Patti,n. tnh trV""'1
Mickey Cassidy have the le.
say whom the oeonln .hmi l, VT fl,
PrBMt. r.i..s. .
InVni . , ? "mo ,0.r 811
-I.. iZ Tu7,l . . . '"P1" and esteemed by all who
Above all time now is tho opportunity
iui kouu citizens to crush the vipers
who threaten the sancitr nf thn n,ni.
and who would make the judgeship a
ummetaoie commodity. Let no stone
be left unturned to
rebuke those who hava sunk to the
lowest level In their mad efforts to at
tain their unjust, dishonest and dla
bollcal end. Put a cross opposite the
name of Allen Craig and thus vote to
perpetuate abilltv. l.n.. ..iu
and integrity. The future welfare of
o. peopie demand the election of a
man to the Bench who Is honest aud
who will be a faithful servant of the
people. That man Is Allen Craig. Let
nun nave your support.
Lutheran Celebration.
The memories nf thn hm.ii.. i..
Germany under Martin Luther were
abroad, lu tho Lutheran Church here
on Sunday and the snrvlna fn. th
day were arranged with greater or less
imwenca to the anniversary of the
German Monk's nnan Kpaal, n.l.l. . t. .
, u.vua. 1' 1L.1 LI.U
Church of Rome. On net ir.17
Luther boldlr nailed tn tha j
the Schlosskirche, at Wittenberg, his
ninety Ave Latin rha.aa i.ii.
Urmed, reiterated his "heretical" onl.
That dar. as thn nantrai !.,... u.
, i.u.wi,U4mo
opening of the reformation, Is cele.
brated with enthusiasm by the Luth
erans, and the RnJ. .,,..
- J -.-".t.IL tu
date is set aside by them for rellalous
ouservonoe of the great event. The
festival has also, ln a certain .n a
persoual bearing, -occurinir no nnnr
tho anniversary of Luther's birth. He
was born at i r .
-wwu, .u 1IUB31SU
Saxony, on St. Martin's Eve, Nov. 10,
oo. tie aieuin the game place, Feb.
18, 1516.
Our lraiid Thanksgiving rreinlani w Au
our xieatlers.
We shall nrint n nnurtnn l n. i
r ,u um iu
of Iovember 25 entitling everyone
who buys the paper to a reproduction
in oil colors of the great floral panel-
picture -au American Beauty,"
printed by the artist of tha ,ml
famous "Yard of Pansies" and "fard
of noses." This superb present, worth
5.00. is copyrighted, aud cannot be
purohased of picture-dealers at any
price. It Is 20 Inches hiizh. and will
nt upright narrow spaces admirably.
reJ!l!re to get a coupon entitling you
to this magnificent gift.
on November loth. I
Dr. Danzer, the reliable specialist of
1 1. .1 t .. . . . . -.
""""""p t oe at tne exchange
Hotel, Lehighton, for all who need hut
......... ,11,1101 sreat,
Til UP that tl,a ...t..l . l
v ..... .unumumcuj .ivL-ii
by the Thaleia Concert Company ln the
Lehighton Opera House, October 27,
under the auspices ot the Lehighton
Orchestra, was a rare treat would ta
a mild description, for It was more, it I
was tascmating. AH their selections
were of a high order and were rendered
in an artistic manner, with that pre-
olsion, ease and naturalness that marks
the performer as a muster nnd fnuiin.
- --
ate the bearer.
"The Song That Reached My Heart,"
by Mrs. Jordan certainly reached the
.Veer'ade an encore hit with
the beautiful tenor selectlan "Promiaa
Mr Hartpwn sttowel wonderful pre-
nlfclon nnd del nnnv nf avan,,tlnn ln I
aouatVand re5d7r4d verttru
HUVi4uhsu tuciiun wuu luuw
wingue4?,t0 ,ualit'ottu'
Mr lliinlimnn'a mo a... v 1 1 A 1
The lion of the evening was Dr Hel-
frloh. His playing of the "Witches
Dance" was alone worth the prloe ot
a4miUm: it waauioh nlavlnirna
many people to eall a man a genius I
Th. iin.1 .i ..I
l i raptXJtTuUou
.KaT iLl -hT ".ST?"
lTLuTnaTa.r' " "
evlu eetowad LaIL..iiri. r .3. .. Ta.L,
r. .
If there was ever a time in tha 1,1.
tory of the great party of the people
neu us votaries should stand firm and
determined in the Demetuatlnn nf its
principles It Is most assuredly now.
.t tne regular cartv convantlnn held
some weeks ago a full ticket waa nomi
nated. Great care being exercised by
the delegates of tho people that no
name should bn nlenad nt. tha tlnhnt
that was not backed by honesty and
etticieucy. The tiumosn nf thu m, tn
Insure from the majority party that
tue people should only have officials
who were honest and sincere and who
would discharge their various duties
faithfully aud consistently aud to the
interest of the taxpayers. The Demo,
cratic ticket therefore commends Itself
rnr aiiin ....i t
"J "u "u"B"y voters
wnu uBSire tO Sen fhn nfTuIra nt !!,...
r.....,. ...n. , , ,, .
nuu JUU1C10US y oou-
l.!t,i ., 1. ., , , . . : .
" """"" ue elected Uy a
handsome majority. Let the Demo-
everv section ,,f ii. 1... . ' .. "
7 " . . "
everv nouest effort to secure the eleo
I ivu vk mw euure ticket, iu order
perhaps, to break the wave of popular
I i . , . 11
vuimiunn lavor or the Democratic
,,,, ttH0tA. .n.t ... .
uisuuuwi ana uuscrupul-
ous bosses and pettifogers may circu-
me, during theclosiug hour of the
campaign, lies and other r,,n. t i.
te(l -to ,Djur8 them voters are
"et?r W.arned to Ue n t"eiruard
Z "T'T wp f8' "cry voter
?. . ". secur'B good government
X tCnlTt l, r T" n T '
ZnLt u ,C
50.unty8nl 'I''toforJudge,audtheu
, rnsiAny It 1n nrltl-. i.. . 1 .
" " "F " u,usa m lu8 1ua'e
'"8ll'rfc HU-
, ,, w h ary to refer
DPBC,a 7 10 "e several candidates
0luer '"an In a brief way.
r- . , .
-."' -s.oc'ate judge, Mr. Daniel
ivouse, an nouest, conscientious oitl7n
.. ,,r . . . . ' tu"'11' omzen
ni stan.olB of thb
lle W1" 8 uPn 'be Bench and
v oeMyMli,
aD" U6T. 10 8we" ula "tity.
f or uouuty Treasurer. Dr. J. C
I ir .
"""Tr OI ."" . 80"0'
earnest support of all peonle Tha
, . . . people, ine
' "7 . luo ,UWBr ena01
c7uly .r
ITT'T... T. " ly Kuowmm l:
" IT" ... . slerllnB worth and
"u"mul1 mst excellent
wty treasurer. Of long business ex
know him for his manv nninllnnt
qualities, he will have a large majority.
For Register and Remirdai- it
be very hard to ilnd a mau more
thoroughly equipped than Harry
Schwartz. He can stinnlr I, oil, l'n.k
and German very well; be Is an expert
penman; ue is kind and obliging aud
people who have buslna'sa t.. i-.,..
can always expect the best ot treat
ment. Mr. Schwartz should receive a
large and enthusiastic snnnnrt r.
all people who desire to see a deserving
mau elected to a position where the
services of an honest, faithful mau arc
needed. An effort Shnilld l.a tn
give him an almost unanimous elec
tion as a compliment to his well known
For County Commissioner, i,
men only should be eleotedj men who
have the oufldminn nf tha .,! i..
all business transacted for the people.
iien wno can be depended ou to work
for the Interests of the taxpayers.
Men Who Will Bive thn affnlr. nf tho
oounty tho same careful and liberal
attention that tl
...j h"
their owu business. These men should
also have business experience, they
should be honest. nhlM,,,, e,i
modating; they should be economical
and faithful lu the tn,,ai.,io..
Knowing Johu O'Donnell aud M t'
Trexler the CiBeos Advocate, nlwnvn
awake to the good of all the Deonle
has no heslteUCV in nnn,m.ln,
them to the earnest considerations of
all voters, as being thoroughly equip-
pedinthe necessary qualifications to
make County Commissioners who will
be honest nnnnnvilnal .....I
anu imiuiui to
all the many Interosts of the Carbon
county taxpayers. Every, voter who
uesires to see the affairs of CarbSH
county conducted in a business like
manner should not fall to vote for
them. Both gentlemen are business
men of long experience and can be re
lied on to put the same honest, careful
ywucipie into all the transactions of
the taxpayers tkavdn li n,.
business. Iu their respective homes
ami wherever known both gentlemen
are respected aud esteemed for their
many excellent qualities. If the voters
of this oounty desire to see the affairs
of the county conducted economically
and on strict business principles they
should not hesitate to give these men a
neanv and sincere support. We re
peat, both are capable, thorougly
""""""i mm respected and
nave al lu necessary qualifications to tnnl, .II..4I I... .
" luo interests ot we,
the people, why pay the taxes. With
Trexler and O'Donnell in the manage
ment ot the affairs fthe county there
I III Ko ,,n I......
, .... uva.iuuiux ut purpose or
t...enl.Inn n . .. .. .
ou.j,.iuh u, wiuug uecause tnelr
lutegrity Is above reproach. They will
make honest, faithful County Com.
mlsslonera and the people should see
to it that thev areelectsd hv .ni.nji,i
For County Auditors, the names of
Curry and Peters commend themselves
to all people who desire good business
men and honest offleials. They will
n ....... . .. . ...
uuiuohuwium laiia to tuem taiin-
f,,n. .nd t,inii.aii. t.i ii,.. i
a ue T0te
. ,
h i.'1'01!!? b,8 f".'"11
by all voters, and particularly Demo-
orat. wheu thev mark ihe-lr l,llnl
Under no olroumstonce mark a cross
. ... I
? ot the tioket-
uaiuv oi uauuiuaie Willi VD0 X" I
oeptlonof JohnB. Storm. Thep under
- n . I
ul Iartifcan juaioiary
Pt a oros opposlU the name of Allen
Craig the people1 choice for Pildtit
t.. j
tsmHU L..:L,U. .....i.n
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Apfily at Bei&'i Jeweery
nniKK utvrniy on tvumi-i i i.
Ihnrt l'arRtraplis That Will be of Internet
to the Itnllrnnd Hots.
1 Conductor James MnAllkfa. eiii,.
Lehigh Volley Railroad, recovered a
Watch and chain frnm a nrw.1- .hn h. A
abstracted it from the nnnlrat. nffl
sengeronhis train on Friday. The
owner refused to prosecute the man.
McAllster. when tnfnrmnd that tha
watch was missing, went straight to the
crook and searched him, finding the
time niece. The thief cnt. nff tha t..i"
at Allentowu,
1 A dav airollarrv K!nrst.nn tha fnr.
mer president of the Pennsylvania,
Poughkeepsle & Boston railroad, now
the reaeiver of that company, has been,
engaged by the Lehleh Vnllev Rnllrnd
Company, He is practically assum
ing tho position ot assistant trafllo
manager nlthoueh no circular annnnn-
ciug his connection with the company
uas ueen made. It is thought ho Is in
this position to learn tho Lehigh Val-
iHV bUSilieHS Nn t hat. Whan a nh.M. I.
made in his departmeuthe will be able
to tuke hold.
t It iS rUtnnrad that. Praehlant V. T
Wilbur, of the Lnhii'h Vallav Rallrna.l
UomuallV. will dcnlina tha nemltiBllitn
as president, next year, and that John
xayior, trauio manager ot the company
will be chosen to Mm nnaltl Inn nf Pasl.
dent. Mr. Taylor Is considered one of
the besl, railroad men in the country.
Ha Is thoroughly conversant with the
t-ehigh Vulley Couiuuuv. having haa..
connected with it all his life.
IK. 11, Wilbur. ireueral AnAtarti nun.
eriuteudeut of the Lehigh Valley;
Alexander Mitchell, superintendent of
motive power, aud Theodore Vorhees,
actiug general uiauauer. arn nniiiui.
ot inspection. Uu Saturday morulnc
they lusuected Ilia 8itou4 nr. PnckArtn,,
alter which they teturned to South
Eastou.wheie they examined the bul.d
tugs. It is stated that a number of
impiuvenients audchaii"s nm tn ha
made which will greatly beuetltE istou.
I Ihocaps to bo worn by employes of
the LehilfU Vallev bavn haan plnrtMrl
Instead or a plain blue cap it will be
encircled by two bauds of silver-tinted
braid. The trainman, afntlnn mI.H
and other employes will be furnished
wim gold and enamel buttons. The
outer edge will be solid gold, while iu
the centre will be a red Hag with blue
enamel background and ou It "L. V."
t The Lehigh Valley Railroad is con
uectiug its stations in the Mahanoy
Valley by the loug distance telephone.
Connections are now being made from
Delano with the stations at Centralis
and Mt, C'urmel,
1 The receivers of thn TtAndlncr n.a
about to make a new arrangement with
Uoxe Bros dbCo , whereby a portion of
that COUlUanies coal nrndnnt. will ,m
over the Tamaqua, Hazleton & North
ern to the Heading lines. A rate that
is satisfactory tu both comDanina in
said to have been agreed upon.
J William F. Miller, a conductor ou
the yard shifting engine of the Lehigh
Valley railroad at Weatherly, fell from
a box car Monday morning and sus
tained painful injuries.
lEnalueer John licit, nr Ti.hii.hlnn
pulling the throttle ou Valley engine
149, had bis head out of the cab
window while coming through the
Packerton yard on Saturdav when ho
collided with Fisher's telenhnna
shanty. Mr. Montz was pulled out of
tne cao ana was very severely Injured.
Tho Injured mau is one of the oldest
(ngineers ou the road.
1 Au unknown Hungarian altemntad
to jump ou a mavinir coal train in tha
Packerton yard on Saturday afternoon.
They took him to St. Lukes Hospital
where one leg was amputated. The
other leg they will try to save.
t Freyman, formerly of town.
t Eds Freyman, formerly of town,
runs a Pas9ener train from Sayre to
Wllkes-Barre. This brings the genial
down t0 U1 Iblghton once in
H wnUe'
t George Emmett, of Second street,
employed on the Packerton Yard
Pusner. met with an accident on Tues.
Iay whereby he sustained a severe
frRT.tura nf tha loft l-
fracture of the left leg.
.tner a Lone; Chase County Detective
"llllljr" Isaacs Captures Ills Maa.
Charles Conahan. tho man who is an.
cused of the murder of John Bresllnat
uuck Mountain, this oountv on Ran
teinber IT, was captured Monday after
noon by County Detective William
Isaaos. The arrest was etlmulatad I,.
a reward of $200 offered by the County
commissioners. Uonabam was found
hiding iu a farmer'sliellar nnlv n raw
miles from where the deed wa com
raitted, lhe murder waa tha raault
a quarrel about a board bill.
IN A FKtV M.lla.
Short Suulbs In and Aronnri rrtun
Counts- Dished Up for Our Headers.
Joseph MoMoulsle. an Inmate, nf thn
Insane department at Laury town, who
was transferred from Danville soma
months ago, died at the institution on
Friday last.
A grand sign raislug event will take
place at Adam Berger'g popular AU
fleld Hotel on Thursday. November 10.
at two o'clock. The affair will wind
up with agrand dance in the evening.
All are oonllally Invited to boon hand.
Cows For Sale.
Tha m.l.Milm.ul ,.tf I ..I.
- " " - .-m .. ..v. ii i.i, a . u i Baiouivf
eight good oows. Henry Danzer, Beaver
Run. tf
fin fa n
... vava writsve
A oreatn ot tartar baking powder
'"" " "Tening .trengtu of all In leavening strength
-Lj.tbt Uhitbu Utatc Oovismmevi
v.. it,
. .
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
mo wan t, K. y.