I ' J - ,. . 1 mm ' " ' - - - j 0p Hl8 iAt.iv" i ;-j J 3 YJJTe have an enormous stock of Clothing it must be sold the prices will be the lowest ever known In addi tion to lowest We Pay Your Hail- 11 Faie of over. Wanamaker & Brown h . Sixth and Market i Philadelphia Are You a Sufferer Frum Catarrh, liny-! Fever. Kte. T If you arc, go to your drupixist or It you can't net it where you live, send to us. Get a bottle or Mayers Magnetic Catarrh Cure, which we will entirely guarantee to euro any case of Otiturrli, Hay Fever, etc., otherwise your mouey will be returned. V or one dollar, one bottle to last for ihreo months treat ment and one bottle to cure. 1 has never failed, and will cure you. Give It a trial. No cure no pay. Tue Mayers Drug Co., Oakland, Md mOno dollar for a three months treat- ent and an absolute guarantee for a cure is what the Movers Drug Co., of Oakland, Md., offers to sufferers of ca tarrh hay fever, etc. Abk yodr drug gist for a bottle of Meyers Mngnetlo Catarrh Cure. It has never failed and will cure you. For sale by all druggist or addross the nboyo Arm. Ask vour drugclst to show vou a bot tle of Meyers Magnetic Catarrh Cure One bottle to cure any case, no matter how severe, and will last for 3 mouths treatment. For salo b C. T, Horn. PROF. ALEXANDER BOUDROU oiscovmtKii t)F Mm'i liiracoloiis Remedies- J.M.aral Minded IMifdtilau Kndorie Tliem Aftboingthe (Ire&teat !lscoery el the akb IWtltecu e whenstnic in accordance to in here lon.lu diseases Incur afore bo-called Aatli able. Diphtheria, tarrh nmtbritnchim, caltinus ctmt'fStlon of the troke the result of finnss par iiMtpiexy and limit p,ir ttllzeil restoied to their, natural oondltlon. spine neys, liver complaint, dyenter, hh dso-falletl iiirtaUeaseareentireiy cured o ure niedl oi.e st my own prMa .lin. EUurlnx nine years over 16,000 person have ud these medicines and are living wltnees el tbrlr Horih. 1 will not go Into practice my iflf.bliiff oier?4veari ot ajfe; will sell my md1ctiies only. I have two eminent phyiciai.ti con mi wi ted with me to attend to calling at the residences of tbn sick if reonired. 'VKSIlM(N'Uh. From ratrirk liurke. rniLAl'KM'HIA, April C, lt?OI. Proleisor Bouurou Dear 8lr Allow me to send sou lay sincere thanas fur the good th.it v.nip ii.t(ll.lnn lono me. and oil I'nii puhlUli this letter It oi choose, for the beneiit of Hie sufferers. In which I will state 1 had iu aniid crushed I'oupllim the cars, and doctored lur II, and was In the hospltat ubout six weeks, and my hand beeaineso hMollen, ami Inflamma tion tHiilnir iiIaiv. Momt nt th ilucLor lllouslitl would hae to Ketinv hand amputated to saw Biy life, but 1 was told by one of toy friends to Co to t'rof. Ikiudrou's olmw, and et home of his meuli Ine for It, and that he knew It would sae piy baud. 1 went thero and sot the medicine, and In two weeks the swelling all went dowu.aml Iltad the ue oi my finger. 1 hen I went to work, and consider Melf well, and earnestly recommend the remedy to all ululated like me. There i nothing In the world like It to destroy bloou I Mi SOU, rriiuce swelling, tuuiiiuiaie imiii, icsmii nit action In the nerves, anJ ciruultitloti In the IdiKKl, there Is nothlntf to oomiwire to It, Uespectlulty tours, IWN.Wlj t?U, riilladelphia, i'a From Joseph Hlrkner is Mulb Mieet, riilladeliil.la, lu llew allow me to add my testimony lo our lUt. llavlus leii sunstrurk tlnee times duiinw twenty ears. Die last lime It was so bad thai J w as bed fast tor four month-; had the very best of doctors but was still punn way. wiihap po ltopMir,andgiet pln all over im. At ti-niptedto icoouulwteuulduta stand the sun. w ould ftlteo drop dow u w idle ateuit4hiK to alk tiieoasewaswnslderedaerybadone, It wa lidlne4l4iruiimieoBislloQot the brain. a tlien rvtommeiided Ui Trof lluudrou's uiedlrliH und I made out to got to his ofl.ee, 177 N 1Mb si i vet, and I not the mtlklue and In thre wevks time I was able to be out and terulliw to nit buslueu, tlunjghouuofiiiv horses dlen In the iiieautline from (he head, while 1 stood It aud am able to attend to busluuu now. Tosnks to tiod Almltrhty and toTrol. Iiouarou's meal roiM. wbleh 1 will reoumnieud forever to au poor 'Ulterer tw 1 was, would bu i,i have an) one all and see me for further intoi uutlou, KesuecUuiiy yourV r-1 rcSa jAKril KIltKFK. Offlce and laboratory ofeu dall fioui 1 a. ni oS p.m. OnU or write to p Ai.KXAMFiurmton, 1737 North leu hmreet, tec 1Q. 'i-ly. rtitladelphta, lu We ltd a rent stamp for valuable twok IHDAPO HINDOO REMEDY rujaooaa m .iotb RcarLTa l. o lva. Our aa SOLD by T D Tliom... Druti.i. I.tHlOHTUN, PA. aod Uadlas drutgi.t. .UcwUarfc AFTERA4 OTHERS FAlL DR.LOBB 329 N.I5THST.B9.,nd fHILAOCLPHIA'H FAMOUS SPCCIAL1ST 30 Ytars' OwUauous PrsMtoe In tb Cliff Of Self AbuseLossof Power fMll, HrwUM Organ fSdly AVjloml-MMaf PHWIMI fcrmitmtmUlt 0.rt t I lo f Utiyi. nu. Sla baa aav.naMh i-th.ib vjw' It. lB.BIIl.. K HM nw wq nt Itvrrllil.CI4flH.ital. ( XtMk Mpetlaa (jttaeka. ttutl KB1 "iJ!!i" H"L rUaVL IUu-t a. u. milF.al.aajlwItxav UiiaTdatV 4 eeaeajit. Xa't Tebtien tMf oi ,,,kr y..ur I If. Ittke tiwktv' -,i tliat aaSa 1' x liaraate- , ., i i 1 .oMit tolk, ' ' dirati aSrtuuj Kea.t'dy . i- v r i -r i K. l.VKot itll w. nl I,1 bl n.all ui.D rjr.lpl SfarteiTl-Ewhta in LrJS l prices we will pay your railroad fare on the purchase $40 worth or Best Suits and Overcoats ever sold for $10 - $15 The Fmuitnlit Uettil of Strt-nctli. Wlin we recollect that the stomach la the Rramllrtboratory in which fowl Js tniiwfornied lii tolli secretions wbleh furnlftli kot to the iystem after pnterliiK atid'enrlelilu the Mood) tliat It Is, In shut, tti (uuntatn itead uf KtmiRtlMtHeftWutlnl to knap this lintrunt supphfiiR machine In outer, and to restore It lo activity when It becomes ItKtcthe. This Iln-itelter's SlomaeU Hitters dotut most etTect 'ally, fte.isoDably, reKulatltiR and reinforcing digestion, in-oinollnflr lue action of the liver and bout-is, htreiwth and rtiifetnde of the lu'rveideoeiid Inirrent mmmure unon thoroimli dhiehtlon. there H no nrvlno tonic iuoib iunivestf enttMi dj tne meuieai iraurnity man thi Hitters. Physicians alio strongly rommend- it for chin and lever, rneumMiism. kuu.pv aim bladier troulile, Ick hcadHOhe, and wtnt of ftyjiellte and pieep. Take u wine ghmful three tunes n day, Ignorance is a prolonged infancy. The Ailtertliliig Of Hood's Sarsaparllla is always within the bonds ot reason because ills true; it alwaja appeals to the common sense of think ma peop'e became It la true; and ft is always ftill substantiated bv endorse ments which In Ihe unam-lal world would beacceptexl without a moments hesitation Hood's Tills cure liver UN. constb atlon billiousitess, jaundice sick headache Indi Kestlun. Look forward, and not back. ShIlohs Cure Is solid on a cuaianlec. It cnrVa Incipient Consumption. It Is the Host Couah Cure. Only one cent a dose, 2.".r-fi. rOili. and 61 00. Look out, aud uotin. Call's Clover Itoot will purify your Blood cear your i.omplexlou. regulate vur bowels and make Head clear as a bull. 35c 60c A blind hardware drummer vUlts Philadelphia blacksmiths. Tbe Chinese live longer than people of any other nation. Little Girl (after wall hit; some time for Jesstri) Gramla, what dojou have after dinner t" Grandpa "Dyspepsia, my dear. Utile Girl Oh, Wright's Indian Vei titalel'll.'s will oure that. The Union Paoillc railroad crotes nine mountain ranges. Mrs. T. S. Ifawklnt, Chauanoofta.Teiin. says: -ainiotrs vnaiiiwr bayexi mv Ijiie, 1 consider It the ben remedy for a debit I tat id svstetu I ever iimI' For IVvsneiwia. i.iveror nmney irouute u excels, l'riee to Iti the rok of Gibraltar there are 70 miles uf tunnels. Kin trie Itinera. This reined v 1. bfcorufrifl ao well known ind to popular u to ne nu iiwclal nient, ion, AU hiio have used Klet'trlc Uiltvr. Mng the Mine aong of piatae. A ure innirninuoeuoieiii will cure all tiiaeAfte I the ll.ttr and Kidney., will remove Plinulet, Ilolli. Halt lllieuiu and olb r affection, canaed by Impure blood. Will rite Jlnl.ru troiu tne ty.teui and prevent uweiiai cure all Malarial fever.. ror cure 01 lieauaene, uoiuilpallon and Iml avlfion If. Electric Ullteoa Entire aalli faction suarauteed, or money refunded. trice ooct. aud l.uu per bottle at Ueber i teniKUton aud inery'a oeiMport. Shlloh't (Jure, the ureal (,'oush and t'rouu Cure, It in ereat demand, rocket tiae conulna twenty-five doat. only 36c niiuiea lotu lu bold oy uruailHli. Ceylon Iikh oIuhdiuu plautAtlone covering SSjUUU aotm. ItufTireil from acute Inflauimation In uiy uuae aud uead for a week at a time 1 eou d uot tee. 1 uaJ Klj'a Crwm Halm nd lu a few daya 1 wat cured. It it won derful bow qulek It helped me. Mra. Ueorale S. Judaoti, lldrifuidt Conn, For tbeee waelt 1 waa tuHerlng from a aevere cold In head aceouipauled by a tlo tn tbe templet Klr't Cream Ualiu Wat roeowruended lo me. After only tlx a'pHoMioui of tbe litlm every irace of my cuU wat rtnuoved, Henry C. Clark, N-w Tork ApprslMr'i Ottke. Eiinipenow ImiHtfta every year 580, ut t.me uf meat llutklw,', Jralia (alt.. I lir Ileal aalve lu Uie wui 1,1 lo, fm. . I Ura. (tail UUi'Uui, KevTv Itonit linl'lm! Halu a. (IhllbUmL Tv3 rvquiitHl. It la tfimraniiHHl u, RVV tJifat u'tliin. or Huiae; rffumliMl rrli vtoafil .., t,,iUila, nmi iu.iiivi.3 t Mt IHf OT M Day nan amna ttoafilaper ial by Belier UlilgUuni ; euu itiJT, WelatlKirt. Toltooitw were d-at mad bv Jtui teu in l.'a). It ha.l HIh Ker Hut. J. h VVlUon. s71 OUy Hi , Klmrps UK, I' 1 , he will Mot tw WttlaOUt Or K" V Sew Diu-very for Cm--untitioii, (.)UKbh ui.tl Ciilds, HihI it .'urtid his tt.ff t.o .i- tliifitit'iH.i with PiH'Uiiimiiri urtr au atltcU tit - i.npi , vHfn vaiioui other rentadles toil sfveiul phsiri.uih baU done un at mm! Kilreit Hartr, uf I'uokhp trl, in rmitiis 1 'i nuiK h nuw lilt,- i Utt-' dune him nioru if out I ttitm u t hiijif hv e r uwl fur Lutik Ir -ni, I, NufluUK like It Tr Il Kit i I'lltl llnttier. Ht l-lu-iX I-LU'li-rm , I lii,'r'a, Wt-lsspurt, I i UK i; . HtU' l. t . r li td .Ua( I too her tlatnn .-v AMlken t.'.u.rl 1 I Mr, Am! I mr-'f M I t-i , hr ol, i'. a Urr (, II, A ( if ar aa . "hk, m nft a jirmf n I look lier dull 1 j a. wll. "It dwi If," I'l h "who 1 an ti Wi TlifBij ll.iif 1 lie uj lot j . , i ..r Aid so I mart, a VIUan.M,, t took taw whilcneaa vlrglnul, And from hen haelia two maa rare. X took hot Ualuly uyia as well. t MM, "It mv la tkwIM. Her imaa fn,m i iirnrl In t-nr," Anrt ao I nm''' l"nut Uo. ' X .tola her laiu-li, nmat lou-lfal I wrcwiTht Ii In w Hh arlftil enm 1 took her tlmnl j vji'h a; wi-ll. Anil in 1 mnU' ft V ill:..ii-Hv'i -Erne.t Do run In (Will, 111 Mi"-. 1 )K"rt t A HERO.. At nbtmt 2 o'clock on', nw. t.lnaterv March lnornlnij thr ip'n.il itmta ,f f Uttte Tlllnge of blii.abiunj m tl,r up per Snaqnehaima vrtre runsid frum Blep by hnarso t4ont, bml by the vii,. lent riturlng of tlui thtircb boll. Men una boya di-eeee.1, In luMte, ami a crowd noon rongregntetl on tbe river eltoro. There wm jrooil ranae for ozcitamont. The ico, vvh-ch ect'inerl conipnnttlvely (inn on the provtona evening, had broken during the niulit. The yellow tldp. nl- rerMly awolltm to many feet hoots Ita normal level, waa almert lildden by tbe heaving, grinding oaken. And woret of nil this nnexiiectcd event lmd placed nn unknown hnmsn heing In peril. From Bomb i'laml cntue hoarne a!,onta for lielp and at lutrvnla the diw-liargo of n gnn. The red flii'lioa conld bo platnlv seep, Scrub Islomt lay In mklclmnnel di rectly oppnaite the village. It wag hard ly more than a liar, for nothing grew upon It btit linnhea. Near the lower end waa n email cabin, which eome of the . village lioya bnllt for unrascnifnt out of driftwood. Here the caatuwny ltad,pro1 nbly taken rcfnira, nml his situation wna extremely critical. In n ahnrt time the cabin would purely lie carried off by the rising flood and ice. Ab the crowd were speculating on the unknown one's Identity and dteoneting tlio libpelessnetwof rescue. Squire Tyson, the tnoet wealthy nnd inflnentlnl man of the village, came running down tho shore. ' 'Jasper Is on tho Island," he cried, wringing his hands In tiony. "He went over this afternoon to shoot ducks and has not returned home. He must have fallen asleep in tho cabin, and the lee has carried nway his boat. Will no ono eavo ' my poor boy? Are yon all cowards?" The unhappy man grasped a boat that lay bottom up on the bhore and tried to drag It into the water. Half a dozen men caught and he Id him. "You will only throw your life away," they cried, "No boat conld move n dozen yards in that too. We could eavo yonr boy if there waa any chance at all." The squire suddenly realized that this wastrne, He stood gazing mutely toward the island, hii face rigid with despair, A groan of pity burst fiom the orowd as another gunshot was heard, followed by hoarse appeals for help, The tide roso higher and higher, but now clear 6pota were visible here and there, and all at onco tho river teemed to become free of Ice. Tho meaning of this was plain. The Ice had formed a gorge somewhere up stream. Here seemed a chance of res cue, but no ono was willing to take ad vantage of It. The crowd knew by past experience that the gorge would likely break in a moment or two, and then the Ireou ico would sweep overytmng before it like an avuluuche. In vain the squire appealed to them. In vain tho poor boy on tho island cried for help. Not a man wonhl risk what seemed certain death. Suddenly a stoutly lrailt lad of 10 sep arated from the throng, and running up the bhore u few yards he hauled a light skiff into the water. Ho seized the oars that lay in tho bottom and pulled sturdi ly into the swirling current, heading in a diagonal course up stream. A simultaneous cry of amazement burst from the crowd. Some cheered the daring lad; others warned him back, "God bless hiinl" cried the squire, bursting into tears. Indeed, Curt Webb was the laat one any person would have believed capable pf such a brave deed. Ho waa an or phan and worked hard for a livelihood In a'grocery store. The village boys, headed by Jasper Tyson, despised and hated mm because he had persistently refused to join any of their mischievous depredations. He could never he in duced to fight his tormentors, though Jatittr and others dared him to combat many a time. So the boysgratified their nialk-o by calling him the "coward," and by this epithet he was known in the vil lage. Hut the "coward was surely astonish' iug hia enemies now, and his progress waa watcneti with uraulk8 interest. No one epcted to see Jiiui come back alive. Stadily the boat crept toward tho Is land. Curt bent to the oars with all hia might und managed to hold Ids own Bgahiat the fierce current. Occasionally lie glanced over hia shoulder and was relieved to see no trace of approaching Ice, The ahore soon faded from view, nnd as ho neared the island he shouted cheerily to give notice of hie approach. Jasper shouted back and fired a bunch pf grass to guide his reecuer. The water had already reached the cabin, and juat m Curt swung the boat into the little eddy behind it ho hoard a grinding noise up the river and saw a wlnte tuaas looming into view. The gorge had broken, and the loe waa com ing down with sweeping force. Jasper stood in the cabin door, and when the naming wup of grata showed hint (be Jace of bit rewoer he bltumed with shahie, "You!" he etcbtimed, aud that (ingle word a poke volumes, "Don't atop to talk," eried Curt hur riedly. "Jump i ..ij ice, nnd we nave a aliui -. . dodging It." Too late. Even aa Jasper t-prang to tbe boat the water heuved aud toaaed, and the rumble of the dread avalanche jleepened to a roar. H ilf a dnaeu cake tf Ice swirled by, rlaiug nml failing with the waves. Curt pttlhiil straight down stream, while bii companion crouched in tbe stern of tbe bu..t, helUat will terror. Bat the race cim'id end la only one way. The line of broken ice u&inr grinding on like a rare borae, grownup iaith fury. It auuuhi-d the cabin to frag mmU aud aped after the frail little oraft that waa at riving so bard to eaoaiie. Jaeuer cried out with terror and held hia handa More his face to shut out tbe aw ful tight. Curt stuck to tbe oart, but be knew nevertheless that eactpe mi fat of tbe question. Hut brave heart sickened at tbe thought of what would happen wben the crashing ice cakes reached the boat. Snddenly he av aomething thatrouead a, guuiuer of hope. Twenty yards to ward tbe left shore and aliihtly iu ad vance of the avalanche floated a huge tree, evidently tru bodily front tbe aoU. Its broad end, bristling with tnakelike note, waa turned down stream, and here and there it throat out tfaick limbs that served to atoady it, like untriggera ouabaaR. The opportnr'ty waa a good one, for the tne looked aatttrieiitlv atmng and I tuaaaive to huM ita own against the tor- 1 puleut Ice. If the castaways could raaeh i it, I hey stood a fair casanoe of eaoapthti I death. Corfu resolve waa (nat.ii.tl) formed. He rnunrd Jasper fruin hi. stupor of fe.iruuil briajrv explained wnui ! be intended to do. "Tfow " erted C-r1 J.,-i mi.. J.i i , , rii'i- .iiel i putlt luimv It tu u i uul Xu I agile t-prmtt luiuU I On t bun, aud j the nextinMaiit tlu i.t w wbirhd i i.. ... a. i i-it high er np tin' ti tiuk, r r.i.iH.d uinl vs .rwii-n.iit ) i.itti i l.f 'Hvt In Ins trtin-glt-H to kt n 1 , m Niiiain.' In m ui-d jh uf iLt roula ,md i liiu t.. it f i .m tit all crinik' f"r It- ij .! tiu i . r I i- 1th ( nt . i i,,l.d il.iW U H ii . II . li iml mi n . Uid iiU CUtjaUiljla. 'luit liwtt Un tlUl lU Hrhbs anil then hsillwi'elY settleA tlw selves wli. n .1, t. Hi.,,; 1, ,.,, ImrrniiK 111,-,, - , tKr,lnt,r T'"' tree, lniij it , i,. 1 , 11 nk h. lo "I'ltli" lillH'i (Mill 1 'i 1 17 11 t,, , mM .1! 1 r,,,ll, i ' 1 1 1 , f v' irn lilif 11 mill' lit f.,1 11, .1 at, Lft 1 lul iiimI ,111 ln'juinl iih , I, . . " ' " !" n 11 nml lm ,ih li. , ,o- 1 1 , 11 Ii,,, . 1 . trco irom idling r riiMi mi.. I in. The uihl "r the Irfetli t ""'I wlu'ii it In, ike tb (Jut'iW1 "'""" il pil'li.nl rvsoueU ' "" l'ri"K''- W ilium lum i Iwhiut' "' ' 1 iw -i s 11 nil inn tN inn! 1 1 I lnlii I ,1. 11 1 llli' u , ! M-nl hull,,- li tail ' iltlirr the i;! m i,"m, hn i hIi,-,i,v Me- coded them. 'it need lmriliv In- Lull ( 'in t w,, never alle,ia unsaid huih. -v iiIihui Murray Uinj.lon in il.iiiliniK'niii'Htit. In a t.nrtnan Work.li'Ht. We bad t lie at, work at II ii'Hock in the morniiiK and to kwp m till H nVlock Atllight. Lieu nu hiiiniH s wewurki'il frotn 0 oVI-h k t-i iniiiiHr limp. H,mie would keep nu ti,i n was ilnirf nu Hun day evening iui,l I ,ili il t Iti uiK-Kes w ith knocking, ,(f(.iily,n8liievi4ile, ,. And such win k ! EverylmdyjvimM work aa if the lmnse were on fire. It ell piecework. The man whu Htooti uuit myseil bad made veneered clients of drawers for ISO yours, and never had tn tdo anything else. He wonld turn out two veneered cheat uf drawers in a week, and the work wan faultless. Tin -a chests wonld, I am sure, sell readily in Brisbane for from 18 to 15 each. He earned 'nlxiut ft Prussian thaler per week. On the other aide of me Btnod a man who made Ger man secretaires. Th, ne Wi-ie nine m-ten men in the shop. The master was work ing loo. He seemed just as poor as tne men. Whenever work was finished, tome furniture dealer would come round and buy iti Tho men seemed idl more or lees akew In their bodiei with overwork. If ever they had au ambition in their lives, it was to ...still a pruiier sense of respect into the two apprentices. "Adventures of a Danish Emigrant." An AttuiLiilier. In Outer 8ac That extreme cold paralyses everv vital function is of course a piece of everyday knowledge. But it has been left to Professor jHctet, who lias been conducting some experiments on thia subject, to discover that at a tempera ture of 150 degrees lielow the centigrade zero there ia no chemical action between nitrio or sulphuric acid and potash, be tween oxygen and potassium, though under ordinary circumstances the affinity of the latter metal for oxygen is so great that it will burn if thrown into water, owing to its combiuation with the oxygen in that fluid. But if the electrio spark is played on bodies which have thus lost the power of chemical afllnity somo new and curious combinations result. Tbe latest invcHtigntioiis, the conclusions of which, however, have been theoretic ally presaged for some years past, may require ns to reconsider the question of the teraiieratore of outer space and the possibility of au atmosphere composed of gases iu combination existing there. London Chronicle. Yf getable Vt lif.ky Sl-op. Ono of the most curious plants in the White House conbervatories is called by the buperhitentleut "vegetable whiafcy shops," becati-:!' their pitchers distill an intoxicating fluid that attracts all sorts of insects. Half a pint is contained in each of thette teceptaclea, and it is said that the contents of three or four will intoxicate a mau. The bugs fall into the fluid, and their substance is devoured by the plant. Ouo variety attracts cock roaches, while another actually capture frogs that, once caugiit.nre unable to es cape because of two thorns extendi!!,' downward which pierce them when they attempt to jump out. One Wny'to See a flun 8pot. Tho shutters of tho observer's house happened to be closed, and through a tiny hole near tho top ol them a beam of sunlight found ita way to the floor. There it left an image, clear and round, tinged at the cirenmf erence with a fringe of bluo and orange. The whole appear ance of the beam aa projected reminded the spectator of the image of the sun taken on paper through a telescope, and he got a sheet of white note paper In or der to test his surmise. The result con firmed It. A beautiful round image of the sun fell on the paper, and near the center thereof could be seen a bluiah spot, which moved about with the im uge whenever the paper was shifted, The bluiah colored object waa a verita ble sun spot, and the observer watched it by the simple means described for sev eral days until the revolution of the sun had carried it out of sight. Boston Her ald. Tbo rol.on if the Cobra. The bite of tho terrible cobra of India Is looked upon aa meaning certain death, It is not surprhuu that experiments to determine tho nature of this awful poison should attract wide attention when they aro tnude iu n hcientiflc man ner entitling their results to be accepted With confidence. 8uch experiments havo recently been conducted by Jlr. A. A. Kuuthack. Tho venom was obtained 'iy pressing the heads of living cobras, by which nerve trying operation the deadly fluid was squeezed out of the fangs. The fluid dries very qnioklyand leaves a yellow substance resembling gum arable or the dried albumen of egg, which is easily pulverized. The activity of the poiaon is destroyed by prolonged boiling, a concentrated solution of it withstand ing the effects of boiling for an hour or two before entirely losing ita poisonona action. A weak solution could lie ren dered Innocuous by being boiled from $0 minutes to half an hour. But of -outdo this can give no comfort to any victim of a cobra bite, since the venom, once injected Into nia 01004, could by no poaclbility lie subjected to audi a process of boiling. Ammonia aud chlorine water also proved capable of destroying the poison if applied to it for a considerable time in strong soinnona, ana carbolic acta con siderably delayed its poiaououa action. Some hou had li raised that doses pf strychnin un ,!it pmve a means of cure, but the cxpei imenta showed that there was no toundaiiou for tins hope. Bo far, then, a cure 1, r the bite of the cobra remama to bo diacovered. Youth's Cotnpeniou. RED lil SINESS H HI VN A Page From Her History. rift lit .'in-rti of . 'hi ItlH .11 III I'l'lO lt it ttoultli i n Iti. ti il i 'li tf tltftt 1 iim MM) i 1 ttutrv.ite4l I iv ttiH ly 1 w hi ii. I'u-iin it iv utiul i( in t nitl iuy fri.'inlo tli i , My fi- 1 1 1 . 1 1 tlix-l Win II I It til , u) .111! Ill ir .1 il.. dm I, . II, fun ...d Ui. . U1M ii. hi t un Hie iml i. ti t H I ! -I 111 ii h t t li w If in u v r "ii. u mi ii i I III. Il - . .tin 1 - i I'll i It ,irwi i i 1 1 i 1 1 M i - Ni i 11. mi un inn. ii -i i ill . i l, t , . all .1 i. , ,i , . t . II. Ii M,U , M. ,l .1 t t. l,,t Kit pi i !((.. Nil. . epta ui i ualiL 1 1 t. LMtr. 1 ulkUMi or dautuvu atui ij iiuw uuta Clifford Stockman A Boston Boy's Kyealght SttvtMt-Porhaps His Lira By Hood's FaranpRrdta Blood Pol. toned by Canker, Rend the fo1kw!n from a grateful metberi " My lilt! ty had goarlet Fever when . ytatt old, and It left Mm very weak and with btoed pslaaaerf with ranker, nil area bwama so Inflamed that lu. snlTnrlags vera tnUate, ad for seven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyss. I took him twice during that time to the Ky. and Bar Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest ibadow of good. I comraetieod atvlng him Hood's Sarsaparllla and it toou c ired hlra. I have ?reLaea.bTd that It Mrea U .((hi, even nZ!.,k.V"SZ.u''- You may use ttna tat twySla'p.r35' Hood's Sarsaparllla because of the wenderful good It did my son." Amm P. BuraMAK, aa8 Washington at, Boston, Mass. Opt HOOD'S. HOOD'S PlLLS are hind mad., and are per fect In compMtUon, proportion and tpj a.r.an. fieary Millar, LEHIGrHTON, PLANING - MILL. MANDFACTTJRBK (JF Window and Door Frames, Doors, ShuUcrs, window fnshoe, Mouldings, Brackets AND Ol&LKIl IN Ml Kinds of Dressed Mer Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c. Very Lowest Prices. BtckI!ea3acboftna relieve all the troubles fact dent to AlilUoui Bttoof the jstera.aucli sa DlXatlacBs, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress sftcr etting. Fain In tbe Blio, to. While their moe.3 remarkable success has boeu shown la cuxlfljj , naaflsehe, yet Carter's Llttlo Liver Tills ara eiuslly Ttvluabloln Oontlptlon, en ring and pro venting this annoy 1b complalntwhllo thor alsa cormtalldisordcrsortbostomachrSUmulatstha liter and regulate the bowel ETeuUtbeyonlf HEAD ololsthtwonMbealiuostprleeleastathesewha teafM'framthlst.lstresslogoomi)lslnti but for la mtsljrthslrgoodnM(loesnotendbere,snd those Who eiMMstrj thorn will find these little pills vain- . f.ble In somanf ways that tbey will not bo wll liflg to do without tLem. But after aUsickheM ACHE 2s tho lane of ao many Jirefl that hero Is wben Tfetnaiteour great boast. Our pllisjcureitwhila bthers do not. Carter's Little Liver ?IUs are verr amall sad. Tory easy lo take. One or two ptUs moss dose. They are si rlctly vegetablti aud Uo not gripe or rurm. but by tiielr gentle action please all win Use them. InTialsatSScenUt flveforfl. Sokl IT druQj'tts vetjwbara, or sent by mail. CARTER MtOIOINE CO., New York. SHALL PIIL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIC. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. cttnJ t tir miurmazi'Hi sna iroe unnaooos wnif to M LINN 4 tO 1 BIKIAIJWAY, NBW YOBST. Oldsst baresn for seourtnx psttuti In Anutrice, yttvj patent taken out by us It br hikm before theputuio branuUeegifeu treoot cuarKOtnthe Irfet elmtlatJnt, nf any cltntitc pa?er In the world. bitlonMUlr illususti, Kj iiufltlseat. man should be witbrnit it. Weeiiy, s):io i. AXLE til GREASE rr r ijr the Ttosi.ii. IVa- qnalltlafcre uaaurpaaawl. aatnajly fmtl . . : t n' twiea (.1 as oilier broad. Itijt CSKL Vbr.t.rS-t.Kl'.'Hk.HKMUMJ. yoll hALK BTuEALEBSOEHEHALLY. luf W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE N&'Wrp. Do y war ttwrr.7 When ut It ttl iff a ttas' an in ine vvona 4.SD lZ.SS rnuMC 2.00 4I.7S row SSYl Kysswsitt iff DRESS SHOL mtsV UtHa btsst ttvlss, AM't piy $8 to 8, try my $3, UAO, $4.00 or $5 8 bos. Tkty fit squal to cuitem adt u4 look uA mbV M wsA. If yos vh to scssomlit Is your rWtwetr, doss by aerchuliig W. L. Dou gifts Shoes. Name ud fries ttarnpet. es the eottem, look for It hes yes twyt U WVGLA, Brs rttoii, Mtvss, field hf FOH 8AI-E n A. Mflhrkum Son, I.ehtghton V II e,tnifus, AqUit&hicota (fV"MHiii to Le In time aud iii ui t-kct iov.- iliiiii: im uuu-iti ,ain wocrasiiiw i h.ii pun liasfib li4.vi' oid tlittiuselves to l.'tUii-, if lht MM- miM tlffd to tM' COII i. ni wnli -t n-i'ii t Us fli"ic t'oiue .(in. I..v lo mil Im.!- w'i ''uruiii N J h,,l 11 WIll.TON si 1.1 1.1, Alleutowo. Pa CURE Mm X2.50 2.9a SEE """Fij $2.25 jell , u!!ilas!!fijlffaa I 0,. ii.t...,. , .w,W,jto,.uaaai i tf I ,IW.,M, awiMwaaa Gaa.aMa1ajsi.irZ 1 CABEL'S OpTwwite Ihe'Pnrk, LEHIGHTON, PA. J the place td bny COAL of nil Lowest Prices and Best Quality. Always Prompt Unlivery Lot Us Hiiro Your Orders for tho Winter Supply. For the Prettlett Jewelry and the ltal Wattbat, Cloeks and Silverware the tojle ot Carbon county must come to our store. We not only have the goods hut we sell ihem at pilccs that are low and netbaps a 1IUU lower Itao the tamo Roods can be bought fori elaewhere. Wo are not selling shoddy stuff for the best because wo don't believe In misrepresentation. Our motto It "uood honest soods at tho very lowest prices." Before vou buy elsewhere wo would be pleased to havo Vou call and see us. Confrctioncry, Finn Cigars, Stationery, Dolls, etc. Wo earty In our usual full and comj plete lino all the above goods at tbe very lowest price. Miko It a point lo call and see us when you need any thing in our line and weare confident Ibat it will pav you -cash returns for )our trouble, C. H. Nusbaiun Urli'se Strict. Welssport, Ta. HAVE YOUR Freieht, Baisage and Parcels DKLIVEKKI) AY John F. Hottenstein. Careful attention paid lo the Delivery of freight, llamaie aud l'urcels to all parts of town at the lowest prices. A share of public pationasels respectfully solicited. llfifLeave orders at Sweeny's. Koch's or Lelbensuth's. Fa P. HEIL. TOR TKK CEI.EDHATE11 re -r. a. m o o 3 T3 SEWING MACHINES Of lcE-llorlachor's Block, opposite the the Valley House. The Iieutling- llr.taurnnt In the Letilcli Vnllr. CIRCLE CAPE MON MALI. llUILlUNtl, Cotre (square, ALLliNTOWN, CllAS. A tOWMAIV,Iruii. This ropulur ItastaursHt has btwu thoroughly raited aud rerurulshtd, and the irrnerul auoom inoUaUons are ol a suiwrlor and tnTltliiKvlmrac ter. All lUe deltvacles ot the eaou served at moderate rates. The bar 1 supillnl with none but the beat brands ol vrlnes, t-Uiuors, Al Ulnars, etc. 1 Isudlea Jllutnjc ltoom In the ltrwr. Lehigh Valley Railroad, Anthracite Coal used exclusively insuring olsanlliieas and ooaifort. A,ranMinMl r. P,...,,m.. TmIk. Schkiui.r ik KrricT June as lte. TKA1NH I.KAVM LlalliailTON Kor Newark and New York 4 .AO. T.tf. and 9M am., aal,o.3&e.tt p.m. For Mauunka Chuuk and HeMdere 7. a. in. ; 17, un and t.u p m. K.ir lAmtwrtvttle and Trntiii fi M nnd U.12 a.in.; aiwlia.M & 4 81 p. IB. For SUiUoKUMi. auuBsuuui. AHeatown. lietb. iehm, and i Ka.ton,e., f.4. U.S5, li.lia.m, lt.67, 'VHt, mt 4 ST. 048, and 6.251 p IU. bor lhiladliliia aud uumts soutL UHL a.19. v.ifi and U.I2 a. m.; a.at, 2.51, a.ai and fl.31 M. ni. Kor Beadliiaaud Uarrisburu 4JW). 7.4rl sjid ll.lt ..!, -jr, and 5. p.m. ror uuwiiuuis. iauiKn uap, . nexryiora, tn- n's. White nail, cuidav. and Hokendauaua d.u, n.i s-iii., i., 4.87, B.Udsaad9 ja ror naucn v nurs i.sausiMuwu.tSa4n.; l.lo, I IS, 5.t7.aU,aUtt u in For Welbt?rl and Uaileloo.4T,7.i3 .ae and li.loa.ro I iw, S-I5.T.S0, It .3b' Ji-ni. or Manaiio. t-tti. HhenavQdosii and AsJiland 0.47, T.43, VL and U.A a Hi.; 4.15, 6.10 ft J.'U li ni. For Ht, Carmel and HUaiuokiu u.47, 7 M and u.zua. ni.; e.i& v ni. Foi i-utlsTllle M7. 7.48, 7.46. JB 11. la aud U.SO a. oi.. 4. It. 6- and T iau.ni tor Wldif Hattm, WUkesbarreaad Hcrantoo 7.u. .ab aod ii.aoa.ni,: ii -10, Ti, anU it.38 wut i ihhuu uu it. m d, fUjicu, i.ss, smb. alia m. a.BD. . jjc, t.iu, T.a. aud 11 16 p. u. For Tuukbaunook 7,43 and iiatto a. n., 4.10, ".it and llM uu. For lUiaea and Geneva 7,43, UMu m-j lutu P. tfia For, Bayre. Motbester. Butalo. V afar a Falls and the Wast li J.; i ana tijr. p. m. Fur lUiuira andtha Wssrt via Hslsmsnca at t.w p. m. ftUlilUY THAIKS. For New Vork tOUNaud lLlSa.at. aud CJi p. bu sl.i.17 ror rauaoetBnia sjw ai im a. sa. ; 2J1, Ball .mil s si p. tu. KASUM1 i and iDttmoedUU WationiL s.os. , ii.isa.m., ri aT.ai, a. it, ufi rw aua.u For lUucb Cbuuk Iflel, it au, li.asa. m -,$. 7.06 avlld 9Jkt U. Ill t-ut Usadfat, ot iM. in.. '2.61 and 6.17 n. t-iir lltillttiili HOI mid 11 ,.ia.tii. . ami ll Mi ti. mi Fui Maliuuo tuy and Mit-uiuiduab tf.dti, 11 M l-ti'i rlL4Vll) at j 51 p. m , Itn M.il.: Uavtu, W Itkt-n Barrt, nttaton, rtuil,liauiioc)..luaaudu. 6atrt , Ithaes, lieiieva, iiiburu, Klin 1 in, Itorhestfr, Bulfalo, Nlacara r iina nys uic nrai it.jan. in a.am suiu I OS p. Hi further i-artU-uiars luuiic of AitvuUtoi Ulllf llilNfta. it. II. Wll.Bl It Uriicral Mui.i . Ksh-rn llv. 4. W MiNNl-UAt HfcU. Av.t (.t-ut-ral Fa vfiiKcr Auvut. iMtulli iMtthleli, m, laaa iim wi.. pUii r. iik-, utt.i i)U t wtiUl Mfw, awt r'iti miu I ualr mil u btdik. UtfaU' Tit t A fr:U linr Hrv mil. li l.iu than FUkW I'm . ti l.l Cat Ik . UtalMlMU. Uitil r Psiii I"IOh i.i1m A llur iHnra U. A. I.EVA.N, ,il ! Hi i i i I , l II. M . . , I I ,,ln ! , Kurt Ml. ultfl noon I WSSU 1 ol. I 1 I , !rour, DiH4aas of N laaaud Ufapvpais, 'Ulali uud t'hllu Kemerer AND SWARTZ, Just now, m mi innovntiou, we nre offering our customers j beautiful book hopp's Pho tograpbs of tho World, with every Forty Dollar rurchnpo. We would Hko very muoh to explnin this to you Will you plenne call. Bod Room Suite", Parlor Suites, Dining Room Furniture, Hook Pnsos, TTnll RnokB, Handsome Ohrpets.- Aie among the goods wo soil at Very low prices. Kemerer AND SWARTZ, GO TO "Corner Store" Draw Lemons, Bananas, Its, Apples, Celery, Crante, Grapes, Talile Raisins, Confec tions, Fancy Baskets, Qneens warejnia foil line of Nice Groceries. Lowest prices, good treatment, prompt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. Sl'ltlNO AND SUMJIEn Dress Goods In the very Neatest Styles and at the lowest Trices at E. JEJ. Snyder's, Fine Dress Goods, That can't be matched'ln this town or county fori Style Quality or Price See Our Goods Before You Buy. BUV YOUU Green Groceries AT Frank JLeibenimlh's KOUTltTIUST BTKEET, where also can be found a Kino Liuo of Fino Groceries, Fruit6, Candles, Green Wgo tables In season, lo . Mil, every Lowest Prices. Prompt atten tion uud good Roods. OgjrCALL AND SEE US. DRUGS, I'ure MEDICINES, genuino and best SOAPS, 'ar8e l'no and cheap. WINES, K00"! lr medicinal tue CIGARS, l'ie uest made. SPECTACLES, n extensive Riid increasing trade. I guar antee satisfaction to eery customer. PRESCRIPTIONS " carefully compounded. at the Central Drug Store, Dr. C. Ti H KRUM KISTLER COIlNBff 8BCOND i ALUM 8n. Want everybody in Lehipliton to buy at their it' ire because they lmve not only an ex 'oellently aaeottetl line of tine Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &.,c but In i awn tin ir prices are low er than these goods can be liouyht lor elsewhere in town. VS f hhow goodn with pleatv i (jtiote jirues and dehir I'liH Ii.im . Don't forget, ' H uiiu mv us. KRUM and KISTLER. Ranges. and nil kinds ol TINWAR ,s. Opposite We Have Ordered A car of (he woll-known Clark's Fei tilizer Company's FEBTILIZEE lo Up here about September will bear this in mind when limiting np the ir estimates. TP do not canvass from house to house, nor do vrc make any nn. warranted claims, but rest on the merits of the goods which hav a repti ntion of ten jvars standing, of which we are justly proud. Cider Mills and Corn Shellers will soon be in order and wo will-be prepared in duo season to cater to your wans. Leiiigh Goal & Hardware Co., usiiti:i To First m., lielnSgflttoM. AUTUMN HANGS THE LUCKY HORSE SHOE OVER OUR DOOR The KOCH & SHANKWEIL.ER, Largest anfl Roes! ClolhiM House in lie Valley. nui" Alien xjuiiaing, ueniro 0 W KUilTZ d CO. Lots of Fine New Gooods. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle Very Cheap. Come and see us. We are stocked with a large the things you need. THE CARBON CO. IMPROVEMENT CO., Limited, Snccessor to N-SDFier. Fraiiklin Planlne Mill. Weissjorl.'Pa.. Desires to say ttial ihev are preparoil at short notice to furnish bids and estimate! un all kinds of liouc'i A Dresed Lumber, Doors, bashes, &c, together with Floe In terior Decorations in Oak, Walnut, Clw-iryor Tine, at the very lowest prices, consistent with (root) work and first-class material. We earnestly solicit your patronage -and guarantee in return to give satisfaction In every particular. CAMION COUNTY IMPROVE-UEIST COMPANY The New State Normal School, EAST ST-R.0UDS3TJRG, TA., XKW IIUII.DIXOS. Stmlents Uooms aro large, commodious and newly urnuhei, 71IK LOCATION is one of the most healthful and picturesque In the Sttts. FACULTY- One of the strongest In the State. m r A 1,1. l lll u onens Jjomiav. aeDtemuer li4iioiot luciuuini; xioaru luiiiunaim n prl&Uon or bu cents, 4. S-Mid for irhittraUal and descrlptlTe Trotpectus. Address GEO. P. BIBLE, Principal. GREAT SAft SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred aid Straity-Throe teand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $(73,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1,1 SS BTEM WIKtUNO EUilV (Ifll.r WATCHES tH&OM 6.77S FINE IMPORTED KKKM'H Kit f.t.ABSRft MOaOOCO BODY, ' ULACK ENAMEL THlMMI.Ni,.", ill AtlANTEEt) AnlP.OMATlC IWlStO 23.100 IMPORTED HERMAN lll'llCI ilIN HANDLE, FOUIl 11LADED ' ' porKrr kniveh TT7 as,tco oo IIS. 500 ROI.LEU HOLD WATCH CHAHit KDl'AHV TELKSOOrE TOOTII . I iu,ouu j,Ji:Ka t7,T50 00 116.500 LARGE rK TVHF.'iiHl'-HlnfU,.! IN ELEVEN COLOltS, for fnunlor. ' coadrarUalui on lliem SS.J$ i 281,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO ThesboT. .rtlrle. will be illatrlbalwt, hr ronnlle., sawae parti, Cbev BPEAIt HEAD Flos Tobacco, and return to tu .ha Ft S TAUS uk.o tncrtfroai, W. will dlaiiibute asMof tbM. prtaea lo Ibis roanlj-tl followti To THE PARTY aeadlac na tlia sr.abl oumtwr ot 8PKAII HEAD . TAOu frotn tlila wuHlr w. will five 1 OOLD WATOL T tlfeG ttWRflftStSf A K7oSf....5 OrEUA OLASBE . KNIFE ... .... .. To Um ONE BUXDRED T U n 1 ii ting am Mr nr hit k hi i i . El) t.ol Ii W All 1 1 ii I. i To tbe ONE IU N PHI 1 I'Ml' 1 1 n ml Og Lut'.i. iKll HI. IN w n t i.n..,lr ,.t h 1 II 1.1 ll) T4l TV umber or Vritf loir fbla County. 900. CATTIOK. Nn Taa will W r.--lvtxl before January 1st, MM, mi aft-pr Febntarr U -HJf.1 IK TouQly, Mtatu, and Nuuilwr Its:- iu pmi-aiu 1.1 h -I'FAH HI t 1 " ""' pliir t l i i r I ii '1 n i- in. i t i trw -t bail- - 1 ' invipli 1 10 (-tilt (Jltv 4UJiLitl1 A 1 -t -abper lu.iu toves and Heaters, nt Lowest Prices at the Hound House, ZhightOn, 1st. IFe hone our mnnv frinnrlS and it means good luck for every buyer who gets inside our store this season. A stock to plesae many. To save money of all who come. The Largest Assortments, Newest Styles, The Finfis, OimlitiPQ nf Men's, Youths', and Children's Fall and Winter Suits and Over coats ever shown in the Lehigh Valley. A store full of Bargains. quaro, ALLtlNTOWN, FA. ORS & BUILDERS. 4. iwn. x nailing, prr ucaa, uta oia.e jyyiu i-AD OUTHr.ST Arm . $173,250 OU . 30 rOCKET KKXVS7 us ttM B-tst BimtHt we win nn to nn i njvrn iivk . .WO TOOTH VlCKu U UM MZt gtfHt 1XHH WO riCTTJEX-- wiii cm vsw i a b pa kag A l if) tars.! pititni Miin UMaW III tnaCOU-Br, 1BWI iiar'W oa packafM taaat L-m - "f '1'tHlHli t inlri'ii- value than irt othr- U,bf-i, tin? tn I L KPKAU llE.lt .. in riA-.t from f.uy olbr tAng t It is the i. i mlhu ut au iiull i si l " t f i i i taat aad pltNMi' tl i . rtS TAU if on ever . l i r i u titer hum ktuall ti i ' x MiwtLsmjWTt, Obj il tw puUUi.4 la ibit i f.