The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 28, 1893, Image 1

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T a uperialty with u.
Wr hi vrtme hue price for ill'
Cnnir mill hum our pritrk.
I'.Nir runt Nnlr Hilli
All liimlx f lilmik lnls.
JaI ii" hare your
For anything in thin linr.
Createsmany a Nrw iiVs.
Knlnrgefinany an Old Business,
Revives many a Dull Biisinms'
Rme many a Lout linsinrss,
Sft$S$-many a FaiUwj Business,
Preserves many a Lurgc Business,
Means suecess in AH Business.
VOL XXI. No. 49
Here we arc with j
More Bargains Tlian Ever I
rjornnt Flannels for 7c. a yard.
Unbleached Canton Flannel, for
5c. a ard ; cannot be equaled
at 7c. a. yard elsewhere.
Half Wool .Suitings, all colors,
one yard wide, at '22c. a yard,
cau't be matched under 30c.
1 case Plaid Suitings, would be
considered a bargain at 8c. a
yard.wc will sell at 5c, a yard.
The largest assortment of Com
forts. Blankets, and Horse
Blankt ts ever shown by any
.dry goods establishment m
(fli'is section,
The largest assortment of 5c.
and 10c. Glassware in the
"The American Wonder," for
10c. .Ttetatn and Apple Peel
er and Corer, the best thing
ever offered for sule, the reg
ular price is 2oc.,
Yours to serve,
rMmt tftreet, between South and I'liun Street,
Leliliibtou. l'.l.
Advert laments under this head at a half-scut
Awora tun inseruou. mis ia u.e(:iieiiti.a.u
ji HI nu to sell or rent try this cheap advertising.
Advrtisetnents must be paid In advance.
T?OH 8AI-.KA. dark bay ritaillon, sixteen and
a nail nanus ...En. iwei
a half hamU hlcrh. twelve VL'ura old. iterfert
y safe and sound In every particular. wm be
.sold cheap for cash
Apiiy to (Jeorge P. J.uek.
jutai wemnort.
Charged viith Qross MiBmanago.
ment by Security Holders.
Th Tandcrbllts Secure Control of the
Ucbtmnns llua-l, and It I Said Will
Control rcnntilvaolK'a Anthracite Out
pt Jtriej Central Also tu th Deal,
Nett York. Oct. So Lawyer Isaac L.
Ulce last evening disclosed what 'Jook
place ftt a secret rneetlnp: of the holders of
Reading railroad securities, held at the
AVlndsor hotel.
"I presented." i.dd he, "a bill of com
rilalnt whloh I had carefully drawn, con
taining eventy-five counts against the re
celrera of the Readlncr, It was the unani
mous opinion of the meeting that this
should form the basl. for an application to
be made to the circuit court for the re
moval of the receivers. The complaint
charge, among other things, groi mis-,
management of the affairs of thecompany;
that the profitable business that should
come to the Heading Is diverted to other
roads In which the Heading officials are
Interested, and that efforts are now being
made to get the Keadlng Into what Is
vailed on Wall street the latest coal deal.
NEW TORE, Oct, 84. President Maxwell,
of the New Jersey Central, when seen by
reporter,aoknowledgedthatbe was him
self a large buyer of Lackawanna stock
and said that bis holdings equaled Mr.
Vanderbllt's, which Is known, are at least
40,000 shares. Mr Maxwell declared that
they expected to control the company
after next February, at lent o far ns dic
tating Its policy Is concerned, and this will
be In harmony with the Trunk Line u
Philadelphia, Oct. 35. It U generally
believed in tbii city that the securing by
the Vanderbilt of the control of the stoLk
of the Delaware, Lackawanna und Vtt
rn la the first step iufhe formation of the
greatest coal con'Wnf f rerluaugurated in
this country, ami one that before it Is fin
ished will be found to include all the coj.
carrying comfMflftifitt have terminals in
Jersey City.
The Lehigh Valley company is said to
be a party to the deal notwithstanding the
denial of the odicers ot the company. It
Is known'that on Monday Vice Pienident
Garrett, of the Lehigh Valley, was in New
York In consultation with the Jersey Cen
tral people, ftnl while he stated today thi t
bo negotiations were now In protirfM, It is
alleged that they have partially soni sort
lif an agreement.
NiiW yoitK.Oct .President Maxwell,
cf the Jeme. Central, continue the report
that the Interests or the Lackawanna and
Jersey Central will be merged into one.
,By this deal it lit understood that the Jer
sey Central will be the controlling faction
m tie deal, and that there will he a vur
considerable change In the policy of m
road. "There was a rumor about to the ef
fect that the Jersey Central would absorb
tns LQtgu roarfj hut thuaiaxweu aenieu ,
Tli FraiiohUtt fur Amtrlans,
VlKNNA, Oct. !H. Count Von Taafe, In
MsaddreMto the retch rath In Introdno
itig the franchise bill, repudiated the Idea
that the government yielded "a outside
pressure. He said that the government
was cc ivlnoed that only the timely and
adequate execution of the franchise would
avert the great and serious dangers with
which society was threatened,
Kentucky's Kx-lreaurr Capturrd,
LlTTLB IIOCK, Oct 3. Phil II. Me
Jltnry, an Arkansas traveling man just
arrived, states that "Dick" Tate' theax
treasurer of Kentucky. Is on board a train
jn charge of two officer en route for Ken
tucky Tate was captured flfty mil from
Yuma, Arii. There was a standing re
ward of 1-1,600 for Tate's capture.
Children btarv to Heath,
New Bedford, Ma., Oct 9rt. Two
children of Najwleon J Stone, a weaver
who has been unable to secure employ
ment for some time, have died of starv
ation, and the father's death Is expected
For ever a week the only sustenance was
a few scanty bit of bread and a little
water, but since the death of the children
nelirhbora have learned the situation and
rendered assistance. It Is feared that
Stone is beyond aid, but his wife and one
ft lid will recover with oareinj nursing.
tW JnfewonU we dIr to nil
tST to your nottoe a very Important
Kft. tut. It U UiU. We luire as
3f large anil Que a line of general
pitore goods a. you will flud auy
f3f where. Come nud we ua, lt ue
how you oar good, aud tell you JX
what our prleee are. We deliver
good, anywhere promptly nud "Vj
without nitra eharge whatever JgJ
to the purchaser. Dont pay bis jgt
prteee but come and toe ue jR)
RoTbert Walp,
Plrt atreet, Op. Kound IImw
en of Interest from All Over the
Common wealth.
nABniaBtmo. Oct. UK Argument on the.
application of Gwrge F. AVork for a par
don was continued until the November
meeting of the board, at the request of bis
TREMOKT. Pa.. Oct. 25. Israel Dunkel
berger, a prospewn" mlllerof Hegtnsville,
a country village eight miles from here,
Aged OA, committed suicide by hanging.
Ills body was round suepenueu rrom a
beam In his barn.
Philadelphia, Oct. 94. Miss Sallle
Wheeler, who has just died at herwi
denoe here, was 106 years old. She has al
ways been prominent In the work of the
Protestant Episcopal oh lire h She retained
full poaeeeston of her faculties to the last.
WtLKlWBARnB. Pa.. Oct. 34. Clyde, the
4-yoar-old eon of Thomas Drobst, while
riding with his father on a loaded ice
wagon, was thrown out and erushed to
death Instantly. The father's grief Is
something terrible. It Is feated he will
lose nlB mind.
Wsbt CrtFflTEn. Pa.. Oct. 38. Twenty
tramps, who had taken possession of sev
eral empty Pennsylvania railroad freight
cars at Whitford station, were brought
here and lodged in jail for ten days each.
The entire railroad system is Infestd with
such dangerous tramps.
llAZLETOX, Pa., Oct 88. while Butcher
Kecthart was cutttun meat In his shop at
Jeanesville his cleaver handle struck and
discharged a revolver In his pocket. The
bullet was shot Into the abdomen of Mary
Brogan, a customer, aged 14, whp Btooq
near. She fell, mortally wounded,
WlLKEsnARRE, Pa., Oct. 84. The body
of John Johnson, a foreman on the rail
road, was found with his skull crushed In
and a knife wound In his body. According
to the story of an Italian boy he was mur
dered by John Wllburn. the foreman of a
stone quarry during a quarrel. Wflburn
has not yet been captured.
JlABRlsBtrno.Oct. 06. The young daugh
ter of Farmer Durger.resirtlng near Strlnes
town, York county, was attacked whlleon
her way to school by a man named Beard,
who lives near her home. Beard was pur
sued by Burger with a shotgun, and nar
rowly escaped being killed. He was ar
rested and taken to Oold&boro, where he
was held under 11,900 bail.
ALLEXTOWK, Pa., Oct 33. Michael War
gosko, a Hungarian laborer, residing at
Catasauqua, had accumulated 140, and,
as he did not hare much faith In banks,
hid his wealth in a stove during the sum
mer months. Michael's wife started a
fire In a stove, and when her husband
came home he raved like a madman. He
recovered $80 of the amount.
Pittsburg, Oct. The rnilroad coal
operators of the Pittsburg district have
decided not to make any change in the
mining rate until the expiration of the last
rata schedule In 1894, but will enter Into
another agreement. The conclusion not
to reduoe the wages Is good news to over
4,000 miners, as they were fearful of a gen
eral wage out to seventy-four cents per ton.
PiTTSnuno, Oct. 34. A Baltimore and
Ohio veatlbtile train ran Into an open
switch at Callery Junction, on the Pitte-
bursr and western division or tne iiaiti-
more and Ohio railway, twenty-five miles
west of Pittsburg. One of the sleeping
cars went over an embankment. Although
many of the passengers jumped from the
doors and windows of the train not one
was seriously injured.
IlABRiPBUpfi, Oct 25. Attorney General
Hense-l has declared that in his opinion all
brides and bridegrooms should have mar
riage licenses. In response to an Inquiry
ha said: "1 do not hesitate to say, although
this Is not official, that I have advised my
own clients and such others as have asked
me that X believe the old marriage law to
be In force, and that everyone who gets
married in Pennsylvania should have
license "
Philadelphia, Oct 36. Samuel Sund
beira, 50 years old, a former merchant of
this city and latterly a salesman, was ar
rested yesterday for stealing an umbrella.
He was locked up and seemed to be very
despondent. When the turnkey went to
the cell later he round tne prisoner had
hung himself, using his four-in-hand
necktie for a roiw. At one time he was
well off, but his business felt away from
him and bs pave it up.
PITT6BURO, Oct 35. The will of the late
Jane Holme, one of the wealth feet ladies
in the city, given iu,000 to the trustees of
the general assembly of the Presbyterian
church of the United States, and 4,000
for the relief of disabled ministers. After
disposing of about 8900,000 in bequests to
relatives and friends, she provides for an
enual division oi the rest oi tier estate,
amounting to more than a $1,000,000,
among various local charities.
West Cukbtkr, Pa., Oct. 95, Judge
add ell, president judge of the Chester
county courts, has handed down n decision
in an Interesting case here Police Officer
U. O. Jetferis, of West Chester, brou Ht
suit against the- county to recover for ser
vices rendered in luokina un criminals.
The county commissioners fefUml to pay
the bill, and he brought suit. Judge Wn
dell, in his decision, said that no police
licer could recover money exctpt that
lowed by act of assembly for serving s
pcenas and mileage.
Washington, Pa., Oct. 38. Samuel Dor-
Bey, a well known and prosperous colored
citizen, was murdered and robbed by two
unknown men on one of the prlnoipal
thoroughfare of the town about I o'clock
In the morning, while on his way home
A young lady named Nettle Robert was
a witness of murder from her bedroom
window, but was unabls to rerogutn the
assassins, who dashed down the street
after completing their work. Two colored
men have been arretted on suspicion, but
It is believed they are the wrong parties.
Wkst Chester, Pa., Oct. 36. Word has
reached here of the capture of three par
ion for whom the officer of Chester
county have bsen saarcbing for the lsst
three mouths. They are Thomas H. O Con
nor, who left) West is alleged,
carrying with hint 3u0 belonging to the
Mlddleton lea company, oi I'hUadelpata,
of which he was an agent, aud Albert
Hawley, of Phrenlxvllle, and a young girl
who, It Is alleged, eloped with him from
that place. They were caught at Ham
ilton, Ont , by officers from Wsat Chester,
Wilke&barrb, Pa., Oct. 94. A suit kas
Just been decided here involving the as
tat of Andrew Ondis, deceased, valued at
160,000, and proving a suopoMd legal mar
riage null and void. Oadis earns from
Poland several years age and succeeded In
aooumulatlug considerable wealth. A
year ago he married, and after bis death,
which occurred about thrse months slaoe,
his wtfv applied for administration papers.
They wc about to b granted whea an
other woman appeared on the soeue and
proved herself wife Xo. 1, from Poland,
who bad beeu deasrted by Oudls. Hhstm
mediately ooinmeuoed suit for pnssssslon,
and the suit was deelded in bar favar.
lUimisBi'ltB, Oct. Tb petition, tor
pardon of Hugh F. Oempief and Hubert
IWattT, oomtctedof uoUo&ln non-ualon
men at Hn)tad during the great fttrik.
Lit yew. were taken up by we board or
pardon,, and after oonaiderattoa re-
lUMd. Uempeey and Butty are new in IB,
nivendde, Pa., penitentiary. Another
effort will be made by the executive board
el tat Knight el ubor to .ucur. Damp'
y' raltase
Tp Te.1 PMM.rlvaBl.'. Labor I-TT.
fttlLADKLMUA, Oct M Sarah Ann
Royda, widow el Thomas Hoydi, he, be
gan uit tor vise m mi court ai ootumon
plea, against th inspectors of tb, Kass
rs penitentiary Tb, state law deolarss
eight hours to he a day', work for all sm
ployes of the state, aud Mrs Koyds ulalm,
her husband, who was a watchman In the
Bail.m penitentiary, was required fcs
work overtime, foi wbiih h, never rs
eeived pay
A Orl.f tnriob.H'a Seleld.
Nkwark. N .T.O.t -Miihasl Zarro,
fcu of a wealthy hullao iu Ibi. ult), shot
bhii.itf IMlie oer (be bffsrt yestsr
ifl.y lit. win- iiu ua. imnu .u a nr two
ami m1 nthe huliNiiit fuiunl It uut b,
reaibvil f.,i bis letuhrr fru:u un.ter tb,
bed aud Iki hiiuoflf 11 u lylug ta
bed with hi. wif, ,t tb. time Tb, doctor,
at ths hesipui say hs oaunot It vs.
AVImt linn Orcnred in llil, Cltr Dnrlna Ibe
tVeek l'rtiltipullr ISittmiitref1 by Our
StM-clnl Iletiorteri.,
Fine teniua for nil purpose at the
South End Livery.
Full Hue or Iugmiu aud llrnseels
CArpeta at Henry Scliwurta's,
Jut make it h point to see David
Elibert when you wantaMntn for busi-
neaa or ploasuro. Ixiweat prices.
Kor Sale A new one horse
surliiK waRoti will be sold cheap, Ap
pip to C. W.Swnb. it
The fluent lino of otoreoats ever
broiinlit to this section will be fotiuil
at 11. Losos & (Jo., First street.
Tickets for free portrnlls nt Ktshol'a
gallory uie Rood until December X8B3.
Fashionable olothlug for every
body at M. Lomis & Co., Oberts Block.
Have your envelope printed. We
have 50,000 which we will prlut up In
lots desired. Some as low as, 81.50 per
Wonromnch pleased to note the
almost complete rmivuleceuce of
James J Smith, of Second street, who
lms been coutlned to the house through
a very seilous illucss for a number ol
weeks past.
Charles Greeuawalt, of Second
street, is gt initially recovering from a
stroke of parulysls of several mouths
Iehigh Fire Co., No. 1, will meet In
regular session ou next Wednesday
evening. All members are wanted
Helgel & Cole, specialists, at the
Valley House, have dissolved partner.
ship, aud the firm now la Colo it
tiharood. They will continue their
olilce at the Valley House,
Dr. J. W. Cole is meeting with
great success in the treatment of
catarrh aud chronic diseases of the
blood. Dr. Cole will be at the Valley
House every Friday from 0 a. m. to 7
p. m. and wil treat auy who are suffer
ing from chronlo diseuses, Hocan refer
youto residents of Lehlghton,Veissport
and Parryville who have been greutly
benefitted nud cured br him,
Geor,'e Haines, of Second street,
who sustaiued a fracture of the knee
cap iu a runaway a mouth ago, is just
able to move about.
Concord grapes, 123 cents a basket;
cheose,3 pounds for 25 cents; cream
cheese, 2 pounds for 25 cents; creamery
butter, 30 ceuts per pound; oysters, 3j
cents per quart; haddoek, 7 cents per
pound; sweet potatoes,lemons, oranges,
&a. Watch for W. H. Oswald's wagon,
Lehlghtou and Wcissport every day.
Unboning Wednesdays and Saturdays
afternoon. Packerton, Tuesday and
M. Losos & Co., have a full line of
latest styles hats and caps.
James Rex, of this town, who is In
jail at Mauch Chunk, and Is soon to be
taken to the Huntingdon Reformatory,
made an attempt to break out of jail on
Tuesday night of last week. He tried
to squeeze through one of the narrow
windows at tho top of the cells, but was
discovered before succeeding In his
efforts. Hex goes to jail for robbing
Lehigh Valley freight cars.
John Hauk, who recently pur
chased the Kaudeubush property on
First street, for 83000, is now repairing
and considerably improving the build
ing which he will occupy as a residence
upon the completion of the same. Mr,
Hauk and family will have one of the
oozlest homes iu Lehighton.
Mr, CI. E. Pryor.of Uaston, repro
scnting Lerch, btlles & Co., eye special
ists, of Philadelphia, wlllbeat Thomas'
Drug Store, Lehlghtou, on the fourth
Thursday of every mouth. Persons
desiring services of thoroughly first-
class truatmeut should call ou them.
On the flrst Monday evening iu
November there will be a session of the
bible Institute in Trinity Lutheran
church. The subject under considera
tion will be 1st aud 2nd Corinthians
and the Kphesians. The speakers will
bo Itevs. Kuder, Reber, Miller, Dungau
und Duncan MucGregor. The public
are cordially invited.
llr.A. W.MInuich, of Slatington
general agent for the Washington
National II. & L. A., assisted by F. V
Seuiuiel, of this town, have organized
brauehea of this reliable assooiatlon
iu Leblghton, Mauch Chuuk, Nesqun-
honing, Weatherly and Reaver Meadow.
There is a brauch In this town under
the most exoelleut management with
a very large aud growing membership.
Do you need a lap robe or horse
blanket? If you do oall at Gabel's.
He has the largest, best aud cheapest
a .sort mon t of these goods to be found
iu Lehlghtou. All goods are new, pur
ohased this season aud can be relied
ou for quality and genuine excellence.
An Irishman iu Luck, an exoelleut
sidesplitting faroe ootnedy, iu the
Opera House on Monday evening was
not attended with au over-crowded
house althoughtheattraotlou was good
Miss Meta Frits, of town. Iu oom
pauv with a number of other girls was
ou the railroad at Paokerton ou last
Sunday. They found a torpedo, aud
aud Meta picked up a stoue to explode
it. bite lias a uaaiy out torenead ana
the niuiers ou her riirht band are also
badly macerated. All from the torpedo.
Prof. E. Hover, of Union Hill, lias
disposed of his interest In the KdUoi
phoiiourapb, aud has just placed au
order for a new aud more improved
machine. He will give his first enter
tain men t iu the ii. E. churoh on south
first street, ou Thursday, November
'2nd. Those who have not yet h ard
mis wouaeriui uixinif maemue snouid
uot miss tuts opportunity to do so,
Joseph Obert is building a bruik
Tho directors of the Lehhihton
Hosiery Mill have called a meeting of
tbe etooK newer or tuai institution
for Monday afUruoou at three o'clock
when mattttrs peruuuiag to tbe wel
fare of the Mill will be discussed.
Democratic ex burgees Samuel
uraver is uuder the weather with
very severe cold.
An exoelleut assortment of mature
rods. Very low prices, at I.uukeubacb's
auan t nuin.
The biggest bargalua lu wall paper
ever offered iu this Couuty now at
IjucKeuuacn s, siaucu t'liuuk
Reader, will yuu please take thi
time toread Soudnelm'i. lug adverti
semeut on the fourth iiuge of to-dav1
psper He has Lti.Ri worth of wiuter
t-lothiiigthat he Mill sell for half price
If vu ate wise yuu wuu't delay aeeiug
A Rasp ftliot Camera Catches Tboee Who
Citme nll fto Aiihiiir Their Friend, f n
l,t.elr I.eltljrlitnn.
..Daniel Rouse, of Weatherly, the
Democratic candidate for asencia'te
judge, was iu town on Tuesday.
. . T. W. Strohl and family, of Ooal.
dale, Schuylkill county, spent Sunday
with E. G. Zern on Third street.
. .Al Gieeuawnlt, the gentlemanly
salesman In Zern's Opera House store,
was at Slatington on Tuesday morning.
..Samuel Losoo, Tarnnqua's leading
clothier, was in town for a few hours
on Mouday with his brother alike of
the CrystaUPalaoe Clothing Hall.
John Ktpp and Will linger, two of
impular young bloods, spent Sunday
with their "best girls" in Slatington.
William Rabeuold, proprietor of
the Centre House, East Mauch Chuuk,
was doing business here on Monday.
..Br. J, SI. Ki-stler. of Minneapolis,
Minn., made us pleasant oall ou Thura-
day, prior to his departure for his west
ern home,
Leblghton's popular bonlflce.George
Washington Clauss, had his "World's
r ir Hand" was here during the parade
last Thursday, nud he didn't forget to
troublo the Herald olilce with a sere
nade, George plays tho drum like he
does euchre all by sigus. From
Weatherly Herald.
.Ralph Eggleston Morthimer and
George Clareuco Kimuss, were doing
business at Catasauqua and AUentowni
on Saturday.
. . Miss Sophia LeinharJ, of Second
street, Is visiting Philadelphia friends
.Jackson Everett and familv and
James Walp aud family spent last
Sunday at Silver llrook. Pa.
Mis, Rebecca Hopkins isn euest at
the home of Jacksou Everett.
Genial Ed Hacermau has returned
to Iihaska, Pa,, atter a pleasant visit
of a tew weeks with his brother Al In
this town.
Miss Emma Rower one of Cata-
sauoua's accomplished ladies, is
spending a few days iu town, a guest at
the W. E. Ash residence on Third
.Misses Kmma Troxel aud Ida
Sebuch, East Mauch Chuuks' estimable
young ladles, spent Thursday with
rnos stocker una family ou rirst
1'erlloti, llhlo nt n Conflurtar on the
Lehigh Vulley Kallroari.
Conductor John McIIugh on the
Lehigh Valley Road w as waked up In
his caboose Sunday morning after ono
of 'the most perilous rides iu his
twenty seven years' experience of
railroading. Early Sunday morning his
train passed Ulack Creek Junction,
only a mile from Weatherly, the stop,
ping point, It was then that MoIIugh
told Aaron Elfert, the brakeman, to
cut the caboose loose from tbe train at
the lower end of Weatherly siding and
let the engine take the train to the
western end. As Instructed the brake-
man a few minutes later pulled the
coupling pin which held the oaboose
to tbe train,
Snpposingthat McIIugh would take
care of tho caboose, Eifert continued
up the siding with the train. He
noticed shortly after that the caboose
was uiready out on the main track and
the conductor was not on tho platform
2 per cent grade makes the road be
tween here and Penn Haven. The
trainmen realized that ho could
not possibly catch it. Hastening to
the telegraph office, ho notified tho
operator. Messages were sent to the
dllfereut stations down the road with
tho hope of side-tracking oMleralliug
the runaway oar. It was not then
known whother Mcllugh'was ou the
car or not. Black Creek operator re
ported the oar by his station, and tho
man at Peim Haven wns notified only
iu time to catch a glimpse of the car
as it bbot by his olilce.
The next olilce was Packerton, 20
miles below, where there is a run
away truck, built for just such an
emergeuoy. Fortunately no other
trains had passed that paint goiug
west, and the operator had time to
turn the safety switch. Other trala
uieu uero distributed along tho graded
trusk to catch tho runaway caboose
before it reached the obstruction at
the end. Asboit time after the car
dashed over the switch and sped up
the incline. Gradually its pace was
reduced, and a brakeman boarded it
iu time to prevent It from striking the
obstruction aud tumbling down the
embankment. When be entered the
our, Mellugh was found sitting ou
a banoh sound asleep, aud totally oli
UtiouB of the perilous ride he had
had. The man It appears had been
working for 20 consecutive hours aud
was played out. This was taken from
the Philadelphia Times.
A Kiw 1 each- Ht Jeu.tllle.
The directors of Hanks township
schools held a regular meet lug on Sat
urday eveolug at Jeausville, Miss
Hose Sweeney was el voted teacher of
the C primary school at Atideuried.
This young lady has been actiug as
substitute aud has been teaching the
school uamed above ever sutoe the
regular appointed teacher, Miss Oou
ahan, reeigued. The primary schools
of Audenried were reported iu a crow
ed oonditiou. Tbe board will remedy
this at a very early day.
Help fur the Oolored Sellout
The Rev. W. A. Rice, agent of tbe
Colored Industrial Scnool for girls,
located at Uordeutown, N. J., was tu
Lehlghtou this week iu the interest of
said institution He spoke in a number
of our churches aud Sunday. Sohools
aud received the following sums for
bis school.
tivsafellcsl Cbnrch,
Umi Jtrtonued Uhureh. Lehtsllton-iifc
eeaessr kvsa Oburcb, Welsspsrt-
tlf loloreet To Tbe Mot.
Ageut wanted for the El intra Tele
gram in Lehlghton. Greatest family
papar on earth. Sixtean pages. Lively
hoy oan make money. Address
Ehuilra Telegram, Elmira, N. Y
. On November letti.
UfSMSsuaer, the reliable si
TfiSletoii, ill be at the
Hotel, Lrf-bightuii, for all whu need
- (iotolhe gi'.uid musical concert
lu the Opel a llouee to ulght It in
for the beun.l
I oroaestw.
u the Loblgalon
Carbon County, Penna.
mil skili;y ihi'oii ckaio.
The rreptletor of the (lototle ond Tlineel.
for Allen Orals for Judge.
The Times, as an Independent news
paper, and one devoted to the t est In-
terests of all the people, baa from the
first refused to allow lis oolutuns to be
used to further the political aspirations
of auy man, Motion or party; nor will it
now or in the future. Rutin the pre
sent contest for the offloe of President
Judge of this district, an office whloh
Is properly, aud should be without the
mesh of politics; and incumbent of
whloh should lie a man of honor, inte
grity, experience and ability, and a man
neyontl the petty ambition of the noli.
tiolau and heeler lu such a contest
our own self respect and our deep seme
of the obligations we are uuder, not
only to the oonimualty, but to tho
State at large, compel us to take a do
elded stand,
While onr natural Inclination wonld
be to favor the election of Allen Craig
because he Is a respected cttUeu of our
community, and one known to possess
to the full the qualities of head aud
heart which we look for and demand
lu a Judge, and because he was' pre.
tnlnently the choice of the people of
Carbon, without regard to party or
politics; yet we did not think it prop
er,as au independent take
up the gauntlet in his behalf, for the
reason that there were other oandidato
apparently oapable and worthy, iu the
Now, however, after Judge Storm, bv
the pettT politioal trickery which was
oxposed In those columns but a few
days ago, has shown how small he can
become to attalu an end, how little re
gard he has for the proprieties of his
high olilce, aud how easily and natur
ally he takes to the ways that are
dark Iu politlos: now that he has thus
given us a foretaste of what may be ex
pected of him should he, through such
meaus and it could only be through
such means be elected Judge of this
district; not only our Inclination,- but
our duty to ourselves to tbe community
and to the Stato compel us to openly
support the candidacy of Senator
We do this, and shall do it, because
we believe by this means aloue will the
judicial tribunal be saved from tho con-
trol of the politician; because we bo
Ueve that Senator Craig is the clioioo
st a very large majority of the citizens
of Carbon cotiuty, irrespective of poll
tics; because we believe that Carbon
county, doubly the more Important of
the two, Is entitled to have tho Judge;
because we are convinced that the eon
test is only betweeu Senator Craig aud
Judge Storm; aud chiefly because
whether he shall be elected or not, we
shall have the proud consciousness of
having lent our feeble aid in support
of a man equal to all tho requirements
of so high a position, and fully sensible
of its dignities.
llabcrt Iredell, Jr.. IJeud.
Robert Iredell, Jr., publisher and
proprietor of the Allentowu Daily
Chronicle and News, died Sunday
morning of pneumonia, atteran illness
of a week. Mr. Iredell caught a severe
cold on the night of the recent great
lire, and tho following day he was con
lined to the house. His sickness did
not assume a dangerous phase until
several days.
Robert Iredell was born in Norrls
town forty-nine years ago, and was the
son of Robert Iredell, who survives
him at the age of 85 years. Early iu his
youth he learned the trade of printer in
the oiUoe of the Herald and FreePress,
of t hat to wn.edited and published by his
father. Later he beoame part owner
of the plant. In 1808 Mr. Iiedell pur-
cuasoa the Lehigh Register,
weekly paper published iu the
city of Allentowu, nud removed there
where he has resided ever siuoe. in
Maroh, 1870, he began the issue of the
Daily Chronicle and made a success of
it. He wus postmuster of Allentowu
for Over eight years, serving under
origiual appointment by President
Grant, and ooutiuunlug under the ad
ministration of Presldeut Hayes. Gar
field, Arthur and Cleveland. It was
uuder his admlulstratiou as postmaster
that tbe letter carrier system was in
troduoed In Alleutowu, He took a
prominent interest in politics, and
some years ago represented Lehigh
oouuty on the Republican State oom-
mittee. He was a vigorous, forceful
writer; generous in disposition, auif
was popular and highly esteemed both
by political friends aud foes, and
during bis residence here he made
himself a power In the community,
lending his Influence to all enterprise
and schemes whloh had for their object
the good of the community. His wife,
one daughter aud three sous survive.
The New SnoiUrluin.
The matter of procuring a charter
for tbe new sanitarium for the cure of
the liquor liabit, at a meeting in tbe V
M. C. A.Hall, was referred to Kauff man
A Keuuiiiger, attorneys, and aud Rev.
T.J. Hacker's report of the satisfactory
results obtained at tbe New England
saultariums that he visited was pre
Tbeeapital atouk of the oouoeru is to
be dO.OJO, aud the territory is to In-
elude Lehigh, Northampton, Rucks,
Montgomery, Carbon and Sohuylkill
counties. Of this amount fluOUO has
subscribed in Alleutowu 18,000 in Cata
sauqua, aud 113,000 lu Hethlahem.
Alleutowu Critic.
llHra.,4,tMenke4e Ae.
Milton Flory, Weiss port, has a large
assortment of all kinds of harness
blankets, whips, robes, Jus , which be Is
selllug at vary low prices. Ityou need
anything In this line buy it here aud
you wUl save money, because our prices
are tbe vary lowest in the valley.
T. Wlwa ItUey
AU persons are hereby forbid to give
or eell my husband, Geo. M. Rex, any
butoxioaUug liquors, as I will punish
them to the full stent of tb law.
Mrs. O.K. Rex,
Oct 14 98 3w. Lablghton. Pa
Mm 1M and Sod
Of each mouth Dr. Bowers, the well
known aud successful ipeoialist will
at the W elssport Houee, Weissport
where be till be pleased to receltuall
those desiring his sen loen t f
Jtf. Lusiis A i u , bat e a good,
horse for sale cheap.
October 28 1893
A Piece ol Dirty I-olltlra! Work Unfit
or n .lunge FraetLed by ,1. II, storm
mieaey CaMlily und "lion" Harrlly
j'rciiieu melr own wsy.
We take this published aooount of
tne judiciary from the state admlnia.
tratton Philadelphia Times.
Judge Slroonton Tuesdar dlstmaed f
all tbe cases Involving the riuht nf
diiuiciai candidates to nlaoes on re
gular tickets, presented for his con
sideration. The first one argued was
t list resulting from the filing of objec
tions to the certificate of nomination
of Allen Craig, of Carbon county, as a
candidate forjudge In the Carbon.
Monroe district. In them it was oon.
tended that be bad not been noml-
nateu according to the usages of, the
Demooratlo party, aud Michael Cassldr
chairman of the Democratic oommlttee
f Carbon county, was put on the wit-
new stand by council for Mr. Storm to
prove the customs of that organisation
with regard to the selection of candi
dates for Judge iu the district.
Mr. Sharkey, of Mauch Chunk, test!.
fled in the interest of Allen Craig. He
stated that after several meetings
f oonferrees from both the oountios
iu the district, the effort to Relect a
oandidato by the method was abaud
oned. Ex Deputy Attorney General Suod-
grass, who represented Mr. Craig, made
the best argument possible 'in the
light of the opinion of Judge Slniouton
that candidates nominated In but one
county lu a district comprising two
oounties were uot entitled to a place
on the regular ticket of their party
Auout all he could say was that tho
Secretary of the Commonwealth
should refuse to file the certificates of
Mr. Storm and Mr. uruig because thev
ere "manifestly defective."
Lyman D. Gilbert represented the
bjectionsto Mr. Craig and bad plain
sailing, because the" latter had failed
to file objections to the certificate of
his Democratic Judicial rival,
Soon after tbe close of tho argument
Judge '.tjimouton decided agalust the
validity of Mr. Craig's certificate of
Counsel for the Fusion party of
Allegheny county, which bad placed
on Us ticket the names of Judge White
and Ewlng, having amended the afil
davit attached to the nomination
papers filed in tho office of the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth, it was pro
sented to the Dauphin County Court
uesday In view of those modification,
the Secretary of tho commonwealth
that evening ordered au official ballot
to be made out for the Fusion party,
with the names of Judges White and
Ewlng on it.
The name of Mr. Downey, of Greene
county, will go on the Republican
ticket In Fayette and Greene counties
by nomination papers only.
iVs no objections were filed to tbe
certificate of nomination of Edward
Campbell, the Prohibition oandidato
forjudge in the Fayette-Greene dis
trict, the determination formed at the
State Department Tuesday night not
to place his uamo ou the regular party
ticket was reconsidered, und
favorable action was taken on
his certificate of nomination, although
It was regarded as not harmonizing
with the law.
Similar action was taken with regard
to the certificate of nomination of
Storm, Mr. Craig will have to make the
raoe In the district ou nomination
Mr. Storm was alone certified as the
regular Demccratic candidate to the
Sherllfs and Prothonotarles of Carbon
aud Monroe counties, despite the fact
that Mr. Craig filed a protest Tuesday
evening against the recognition of his
opponent's certificate of uomlnatlou
based on Judge Simonton's opinion in
the Mostrezat-Inghratn case. In this
protest it is asserted that the evidence
taken shows that Mr. Storm was
nominated only iu one oouuty, nud
therefore not entitled to place on the
regular Democratic ticket.
The protest concludes: "The nrinci
pla decided by the Court, it Is submit
ted, will apply to all certificates of
nomination which upon their faoe do
not appear to have been made by the
party representing tbe entire electoral
district aud that iu making up his offi
cial ballots the Secretary will be gov
erned uy tne ruling ot tne court In
similar cases whether formal object
ous ha ve been made to the certificate
or uot."
Secretary Harritv bases his action In
placing Mr. Storm's name ou the reiru-
,ar iicnei ou tne provision in tne liaker
law providing that "All nomination
certlflcates ami papers which have
beeu tiled shall lie deemed valid unless
objections thereto are dulv made in
writing aud filed in the Court of
Common Pleas iu the county in which
the certificate or paper objected to
nas ueeu nied.
The remarks ot Mr. bnodarass. Mr.
Craig's counsel, declaring tbe duty of
tbe Secretary of the commonwealth to
refuse to reoogulse certificates of
nomination whtob are not iu com
pliauce with tbe law, was iusptred by
the provision in the Kaker law: "It
shall be the duty of officers to whom
any nomination certificate or paper is
orouant tor tne purpose of nuuff to
examine the said oartuloau or paper.
and if It lack sotBoieut signatures or be
otherwise manifestly detective it shall
not be rued."
Little 1 hinge Thai Tell.
It is tbs little things that tell little
brothers for instance, who bide awa In
tbe parlor wbtls sister entertain, her beau.
ele Dr. Pierce, Pleasant Pellets are
bile thlDgs that tell. They tell on the
liver and tone up tbe system. Ho small
Dd vet so effectual, thev are rauldlr aus
planting tbe old style PHI. Au InrMlloie
remedy for Sick ami Union, Headsfhes.
Blliousaess and Constipation. Pot up in
run, convenient to cam. Their ass M
leaded with no discomfort.
A Feruier, Iuetttute
A Farmers' Institute will be held at
Zimmerman's Hall New Mahoning, ou
rrlday afternoon and evening, Novem
ber 3rd. Prominent speakers who are
Interested in Agriouli viral matters wl 1
b prsaant and address the masting.
among tbam tb Secretary ot tbe Btate
Agricultural oooiety. every larmer
and all who are tnUrestad in farming
should be present at both meetings.
wnion win Da rree to an.
James P. Horn, nf Eaitou, is about
Opening a Ave aud teu cent store in
Mouth's block, uorth i-'irst street, oppo
site the Carbou Advocate offloe. sir.
Horn luteudo to cater Ut the want, of
the people iu his line aud expert-, a
full share of patronage.
The Girls' Mission Band of the
Zion'a Reformed Church of Lehighton
will hold their auulversav ou bat. eve
Oct 24, They will render a urognuue
ot Hue selections The Lehlghtou Or
chestra has kluilly cuuseuted to aeslst
d their combined efforts cau t
fall tu please those taiuiiug them with
their pmwiii't, and eueourugemeut. A
h.-artr suppoi t shimld be gien them
ilmwt-iou fre, though they geutly
tulit tliatalllieiai eolle, tlou Mould be
thaukfully received.
Society Hd-lllt, of lntcre.t lo tho Mem
ber, of the FrRtemltr.
Secret societies in need of nnranlia-
nalla, flags, banners, uniforms, eta,
snouid oousult H. V. Mortblmer, Jr.,
who represents one of the largest firms
of Importers, manufacturers and
dealers iu this country before purobas
ng elsewhere.
The closing session of the semi-nn
nual convocation of tho Knights of
-Malta wnsheld Wednesday evening at
Herwiek. Tne total membership lu the
state is ,302; tho oommandcriee possess
27,O0u worth of propeity and 818,000
lu hand nud other aseete valued at
26,000. The next session will bo held
In Lewistown In April, 18i.
in A raw i.i.mis.
hort Sqnlh, In and Around Cnrbon
County Dished Up for Our Header,.
Martin Mulinsky, of Audenried, was
Instantly killed at Park Place Satur
day by stepping from lu front of a train
ou ono truck to another. His compan
ion, a man named Rubinsky, escaped
by dropping ou his knees between tho
A brakeman named Hrady had his
right hand badly crushed at Mt. Cur
mel Monday morning while eugaged
iu making a coupling. He was taken
to his homo in Mauch Chunk.
Weatherly is to have a Farmer's
Institute in Cnsslcr's Rink ou the 2nd
of next month.
Tho contract for roofing the Carbon
county Court House has beeu awarded
by Hermuu Rlebe, to tbe Carbon State
Co., of Slatington. It will require 120
squares of 10x20 slate.
Is'eal McBride, of Reaver Meadow, Is
lu the Carbon county jail iu default of
toOO bail to answer to the charge of
beating his wife, and 9500 additional
bail for resisting an est. He will be
held to stand trial in the uext teim of
court wheu he will have to auswer to
the above charges.
Loral l'olitic-al GoMlp 'Hint 1, heit.onnlle
Ht Till. Time.
Hi. After January 1st, next, the
register of wills will have to keep a
record of all the babies born In the
couuty, the last session of the Penn
sylvania legislature having passed a
law to that effect. Tho work of
securing tho names will be part of tbe
duties of Assessors.
83T" Speukiug of the ability of the
board-jumping editor of the Lausford
Record the Gazette says: Wheu fitness
to conduct a public newspaper Is to
bo passed upon, the judging should be
eft to men who have more brains,
more sense, more wit, more heart and
more truthfulness in their composi
tion than "Bushy" Maloy ever had."
C3?In the contest for president
judge of Monroe-Carbon district the
newspapers of the latter county are
divided up, and journalistic influence
will decide the battle the result Is
beyond prediction. Of the Democratic
papers the Mauch Chuuk Democrat re
fuses to support any of the candidates,
as there was no choice of the district;
tho Lausford Record is for Monroe's
Democratic choice, Storm, Bud the
Weatherly Herald and Lehlghtou
Advocate aro for Craig, Carbon's
choice. On the Republican side the
Lehighton Press aud Lausford Leades
are helpingthe party's nominee, Hevdt,
and tho Mauch Chuuk Times aud
Coal Oazzette are for Craig. Freeland
From the Childress oouuty, Texus,
Index, we clip the following concern
lug the marriage of tho daughter of a
former Lehighton resident:-
MAiiiilKn.-lii the Methodist cliurrb al
t)iuo sti, Texaa, oa Sunday Oct. 6, lues, at 1
o'clock p. in.. Mr. vv. li, Tlleou of Motley
county, and Ml,, sallle William, of Cblrdrru
It was Intended that the wedding
should have taken place at Childress
but on aooount of the revival at Qnanab
Itev. Hardy could not not come up.
The bride is the daughter of our per
sonal friend, Mr. Thos. A. Williams,
Miss Sallle wus one of Childress
county's favorite daughters who is just
entering the full flush of lovely young
womanhood. The groom is au intelli
gent, iudustrlous and suocessful farm
er anil stockman of Motley oouuty, and
has, indeed, drawn a capital prize In the
lottery matrimonial.
They left early Tuesday morning
hut week for their future home iu Mot
ley county where the neighbors of the
groom met them with a happy and
hearty reception.
The happy couple have our best
wishes for a loug, peaceful and event
fill life, aud as they wander, band-in
baud, dawn the checkered pathway of
life, may every day be as happy as the
hour that made them one.
llilullue ou billets?.
Hunters who are disposed to go gun
ning on Sunday should remember that
the law strlotly prohibits it and the
peualty is equally severe as it is for
shooting game out of seasou. There
is a class ot men aud boys who have no
regard for tb Sabbath day, and will as
readily devote it to one pastime as
another, and now that the hunting
seasou is upon us, they trausgrass
the civil as well as the moral law wheu
they go giuintug ou the Sabbath day.
The t'eeple'e Tleket.
Carbou oouuty people are having a
surfeit of politics this osinpaUrn. The
Peoples' IVrty in this oouuty have
nominated a full tioket aud Hied the
same with tb oouuty commissioner.
These are tbe nominations: Treasurer,
Johu K. Harris, lauoh Chunk; Associ
ate Judge, John W. Koous, Lehlghtou;
Register, UriWth Soholl, Wehwuort;
County Commissioner, James Beatty,
Weatherly; Wm. Schoob, Beltaville;
Auditors. Robert lloyt, Weatherly; aud
J K. Williams, Lausford.
m , mm ,
Au lleueet NewM,er.
The Advocate will prosper uuder the
new control; th Hrm are active and
wide awake aud are experienced in the
newspaper work. They propose to
take au active interest iu couuty affairs
, upjxisiug aud exposing all that u nut
c-ousisteut with au houeat admiuistra
tiou of atfairs Au honest discharge of
duty will lie commeiu'ed. --Weatherly I
Herald. I
The of the Week Iiitrrleadpd Willi
r.r.niinl Aleut Ion.
Mr.George Ranti and iirnnd-dmnrli
tor Ella, are homo from a pleasant visit
among Wllkesbarro friends.
Joseph Seaboldt aud familv. of
Tieutou, X. J.,have moved to this town
Lx sheriir George Miller, of Monroe
county, spent Sunday with Ailtou
KeV. U. E. Crelts is home from the
HUoimed-sjuud at Lubunnn.
Al J. All her aud Philip Utnberwelt,
two jovial Wllkcsbarre "people" were
iu towu oier Suuday. Thev wore en
tertulued iu a mauuerllt for a kiui;. br
geiuul Joe 1'uhl.
Watches, clocks aud jewelry re
paired at tho lowest prices. Good worL
guaranteed by Wilson Oolinger, Union
At a meeting of tho director nf
the newly organized Franklin Building
.t Lioaii Associutluu last Friday eveu.
iug tbeie oUlcers were chosen: Presi.
dent, 11. T, Smawlcy; secretary, R.J.
iiougeii; solicitor, Johu S. Miller;
treasurer, U. Musselman,
Hou, W. F. Biery wus ut Philatlel
ihla lust baturday.
John Hausmati. of tho Weissnort
House, killed live line wild Hnnkst mi
the Carbon Couuty Improvement Co.,
dam last Mondny.
.Tne Ilurtmiiii u-ae uti.i,.! 1,., il.n
Central rallioadfiyer last Friday morn
ing. He was walking ou the trucks
aud stepped out of the way of a coal
train lu front of the Uyer. He wus
vory seriously lujured but it is tuouglit
thut he wilt recover.
ltV. llAlirv ITnlfnt-
was lu town for a few hours ou Tuesday.'
1. TV tStrfia lf li'r.nnlilnn. V- T
speut Sunday with 'Squire J. S.' Miller
000 tltlslinlq nf u.,lao
were picked from the Klotz farm this
seasou. The turm iu t,ii,,,ru,l l.
Jacob Eck,
Arthur Kennel, nf 11,1 .,.U! 1....
moved to East Weisspoit. '
-Mrs. Pete Ifrit,,
frOm R II MUUtllf T-lwIf In ,-l..... .
- - .-s..- iu icinntca v
Mountain Top.
IJllktliluii IllirtiuQ l,,U 1...
Uutou Hill school building one night
last week, but stole nothing.
Last Weisspoit is to hum u lira
.1. K. T,ptit w.toiit lLf u...
angling for the iluuy tribe at White im leimita toe eaten oi a two
imillld Hint tun mi, inn fi-1, ri'l.n L...n
dayjosiah Ruch was fishing at Big
Creek aud caught a fish vSghiumf Sue
pouud aud ten ounces.
Vn tuWn iTi-ttat nlauoicA .., ...........
IniT much innirnvpmpnt tl tl,u nnn
ditiou of C. A. Goth. Charlie was out
out ou Tuesday aud looks good.
Robert Klotz and family, of Union
Hill, have nmrail infn ilmli-n,v l,.,,A
at Lehighton,
818.00 will liner ii ,1,1, ,1,1a 1... ...Ill,
nickel trimmings aud enough heutlug
pipe for anil foot coiling, all iu fine
condition. Almlv nt Hiwk'u .Tsivnlrt,
Fnllnivliii. U Hi. Iltf nf ,,.,,.1nl.,,n.l
letters in the Lohightou, P. O., for the
the week Pliillm. (letnlmt, 1!H,. IIpa...
nau, Vai., 2, Canely, Miss Alary., 2,
Gregory, David , Gormou, Hiss Elfie
E., Held, Cyrus. Persons calling for
auy of tbe about will please say
A. W. Raudenbush, P. M.
Kin Jmivu Swcrlfirfti by TTrerk In Ptnns
By.Tf.iit und Nvr Smrtmy,
TF7XT0ir. Oct. 26 Tlie ttconA tion
of tha Chicago express, bmmrt for New
lorn, met with an accident lan evening
by a collision with freight train at Law
rence station, near this city Just as the
express arrived a truck under the freight
train broke, throwing the wheels in front
of tha exprew, derailing it.
tivetrarriDi am believe! to have heen
killed in the wreck One of the survivors
says that there were at leant fifteen on the
train, but the cars are so badly piled up
that It will take another day to lift at the
correct number killed Three of tha pas
senger conches are in the ditoh, and how
the passenger) escaped la a mystery.
As soon ai Eugineer Dan Mahoney saw
tha signal he reversed his engine and
whistled down brakes. THYs cnued the
pa m tigers, by orders of the brakemen, to
nub to the rear cam. Mahoney and his
fireman jumped from tbe engine and wert
severely hurt.
The observation, buffet and two other
cars of tbe limited were smashed to
piece. The remaining four ears of tha
wreaked train were sent to Jersey City
and the engineer and fireman were taken
to the city hoepttat
IlARRlSDUno, Oct 3d. At A o'clock last
avenlns: five men three railroaders and
two boTlermakertt boarded an t bound
coal train at Market street, and had rid
den less than half a mile when their car
jn raped the switch and crashed lntoa wast
bound train, Fifteen oara were plied up
In a moment, and four of the men were
crashed out of all sernblanceto humanity
Two were Identlfieripiy the one man who
esoaped as Htchard Doyle, of Pltuburg,
and Frederick GIramtll Tbe other two
bodies are wholly unrecognizable, Ibe
accident happened near the soene of ths
awful Dock street wreok a year ago.
Crooked Hank Onteer. Arretted,
Nw Yobst, Oct. M -Joseph F. Plant,
president, Lewi, Thompeou, cathler, and
Ronalds MeUoaald, one ot the dlreetor,
of ths Madieon Square bsuk, were arrested
last sight. Thi, I, the result ot th, rnt
Investigation Into the bank', affairs. It Is
Mid that forgeries to th etlent of IW0.
000 have been committed These direotor,
have also keen arrested Andrew U Soul
srd, Slmoo Otunberg, Prederlsk Uhlman,
Adolph Ksltecber. C. B. Selover sad T. A.
Kunheedt. All ths aocusod furnUbed
Fell rorlr Feet to Death.
MokmoctH, Ills., Oct. J. At Martin',
eoal bank, near here, M 0. Southern. Oecar
Lookmlller and George Smith received In
Jurte, which will probably prove fatal In
each oaes. Tbe men were In a sag, whlsh
bad Just been pulled up the shaft, and a,
tbsy wore about tostepoutth,rop,brok,
letting thsm fall forty feet.
Squire O.bahlMtone', Hide.
Squire Osbaldeetone's undertaking to
ride 800 miles in 10 hours, which lie ae-
ooiuplUhud so successfully on Piov. G,
mi, is one of the most remarkable feala
Of SBdnrauoe In the saddle aad has the
merit of freedom from cruelty. Tbe
squire rode Ids raoe on tbe Kewmarkrt
rao course, changing his horse every
nrartn mue.
Mr. Oe baldest on used 18 burses for
his task and rode standing in his stir
nips like a Jockey, while be kept bis
mount st full speed from start to finish
of its four mile heat, having quite a
"set to with bis letceinaker at tbe end
of each. The Miiure was a hardy man
aud in good training, so suffered no bad
eflscu from hie exertion. --Chambers'
(.in ouref Iny.
Mr. Wane m Mug to riiu-rteiabislady
love', e-tr old LUr Do you know
who 1 amr
Flossie Yea. Pa says you're Edith's
last ahano. London lit-tats.
$1.00 a Year in Advano
iort raracrtiphs That TVHt he of Intereat
tu the Itnllroad liars.
X Ifrtuio L. Kice begins a morement
(iKHiuittbe Usadlnff looking to the re
moval of the receivers. The reasons
nre said to be dishonesty, loss of euegry
extravuxauce aud a Kberui desire to
keep the compniiy bankrupt. Air. Jtice'a
cbarces are sueered at br mllm
1 l'he enKiuemeu of ttm Ponnvi.
VHuia Railroad bave Una" their atUu
tlon called lo the fact tlmt in m,.rh
ooal IS beuitf oousumed In the engines,
aim mey nave been requested to be
mot ooaretui about the waste of bteam
aud haviutf Htioiitf Area coming in mi
the end of atrip. This order gives an
Idea of the detail of the work nf n hiir
ooiporutlou. Tho quantity of ooal
ueoessary to ruu au engine Is known to
the pouud, aud the expense of eTery
pouud of steain is calculated.
X 1 he dauger of foreclosure and dls
Ulitlou of tne Phlludelnhla anrt Hj,ml.
lug Kullroad Company has been avert
ed. It hud beeu threatened tlmt. the.
oulluteiul that tho company gaye to se
cure a heavy loau from Speyer & Co.
wouiu ue sold in tho event of tho loau
uot being repaid by Oct. 1. At the re-
Jest of President Harris the loan has
oeeu extended.
t lu order tu rodsim ,yh.niA. ,ha
iteudlug railroad took tweutv-slx trains
oil' Its passenger service.
t oeueral Passenger Agent Lee, of
Ihe Lehigh Valley rullroad. will, in
lew days issue to the tralnaiou, station
masters and other emylovees of tho
roau,golcl und euaiuel buttous to be
,voru ou the lunels of their mutts. The
buttous which will be oltcularlu shape
111 be ou the outer edce. solid ral.-t.
lu theceutiewillbe a led ttna with u.
blue enamel background, aud lu tho
middle of the the Initials "L. V."
1 he Idea of introducing this novel plan
is tu identify ths emtihiTAns nf tlm
Lellich VlllleV mud. Hlwl tn lNU,,nl..n
exchuuge of courtesjr among those who
may meet aud not be acquainted. Tha
buttOU Will move theKame, n nfrnloT-,,.
ity badge and will also be worn by all tho-
oiuciais oi tbe road. A descriptive
book is also being arranged by General
Passenger Ageut Lee for the use of
travellers overthe Lehigh Valley route.
The book, which wlinu'e ready In a lew
days, contains everv iilum nf InlAnwt
along the line from Jersey City to
cnicago, aud will prove Invaluable to
travelers utiasqualutod with the
The llrmiiili-Kbuert Nuptial, llapplly
Coll. it initiated.
Thn ninrrlona f!c ir J t.i
, -""t. o. -.loo nmy, uuuguier
of Mr. aud llrs. David Ebbert, toliir.
, , V "," ""'on j. rust, uompany.
i , i . ""Fl'llJ WJIBIimUKi
lu Irlnity Lutheran Church on the
corner of Third uf,l Trnn etPAAt
six o'clock on Tuesday evening.tha to
press! ve ceremony being performed by
Hov. J. II. Kuder in tbe presence of
many relatives and close friends. The
bride washaudsomelyattlredin white
Slltill llllll llnliaMa .1 -
beautiful bouquet of white cryanthe-
.'.1 iiiu, u sister was mala si
uonoi. dub worn a fashionable cos-
Lume nf nrnnm satin ll.i.nn 1 , -
, " I1UUUU O.UU urns-
les. The groom wore full dress. The
weuuiug inarcu was rendered In an
ablemauuer by Miss Emma Bower, of
Catasauqua. The ushers were Charles
11 Philadelphia; Harry Kotb.
nf IVilblicli.ieu. m
,....o,i5, umiain auu iraulc
Obert, of town.
Following Mm,in I ll.l
, " " ""'"J .110 luriicu
guests repaired to the palatial real-
" o "u -Mrs. tuuert on the
corner of Socond and North streets
where a reception was held, the happy
youug couple standing under a bell of
v jsnuLueniuuis anaroses. The
hHliniiet fhnt tnlln,rn.l 1.
joyableone. iluslo and daaclug were
. ,1 b oum h wie uour. unirs
Allentown Orchestra furnishing the
Thoyoung couple were the recipients
of useful and valuable gifts.
""'""8 tuose present rrom a distance
Were: (.enrim Ka 1. m 1 1 tv
o. boton aud wife, James Mendel and
..ue, ur. .jonesnna wife, Jennie, Lizzie
and ue i Kearney, llrs. Morris, Mary
and Ltzjde Braunix, Lou Morris, Annie
s 5V?1, rmiaueipMa; Mlsa
Cora Michel and Miss Fretz, of Allen
u u- Auulaliower, of Catasanqua
ii of , ,UUB ot steading;
Miss Minnie Keely, Mamie and Evn
lMtll,.r1.lkf,uarrei Chas.
Lbbert Mht-Hm 1lnaa .,.1 n m
r . . . . ouu 1 1 il 1 1 V UUX.
man of Mauch Chunk.
Mr. and Mrs. Brannlx will spend
several weeks iu Bradford county fol-
"" ,"'ey win maKe tnelr
home ut Philadelphia.
IVuiik Lung,
Tbi, is lilfl OlIAAr nf 1 '1. 1
, , i ... ... vuuirac
lailliitremaii In ir.ri.n.J i.... . .
. i . ""'w"i uui, ne tut
piolably two luog,, like most of ns, some
crying babies seem to have a dozen.
,., auouiu ue euuuu, or tue voice will
have a weakly tound. Dr. Pierce's Uolden
Medical Discovery makes trong lnsgs,
dfl?M the cousb sway, generates good
bloOll. InnM tl,A ..uc. T...ll. .,
buruan wreck and makes "another man"
. uiiu. Aigat-jweats, moou-tplttlnr
ebprt breath, broucbili,. atthms, and
... ,..uuuhc,,u, VUUIUI.I11UB,
are po,itlrely cared by tbi, unapproach
able remedy. If taken In iin rn.n,..
tion itwlf can be kalfled.
Hio llatidftameflt ol all Colui.
Thl nrnil.1 ,11.1 inn! In,, 1. ...ll- .
CMled lo the Uui'ed butee' twent dollar
gold piece, a marvel of beauty lu design
amlfhittn. 'Ibe loyeliest of Ood's handi
work U a haDdsoue woman. If In the
bloom of healih.lfihelsnot. Dr. Pierce s
raroriui i-rescnsiion will restore her.
fjullee who use this pretle,, remedy are
unanimmi. In I la nrnl.e for if .. . l
, , -w. - mini tuwo
eouiille,, ill, w bleb are the bane of their
eea irreguuirille,, ursggloi-down pain,,
Inaaiiiitloii, sjntrla. tleepleitneu, and
lbs "sll-geoe'' sensation, which burdea
their daily lives. A Iodic and nervine,
without alchol.
Tnllulll.lanvQMA.l. ... I, T -
" - j v-uu iu.
A Co. Low prices prevail,
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest ol ajl in leavening strength.
Latest Ukitcb Statu Gotuwuvkt
od Kirosr.
Royal Baking Powder Co ,
we Wall at., n y