JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING Creates many a New Business, Enlarges many an Old Business, Revives many u Dull Business, Rescues many a Lout Business, Saves many a Failing Business, Preserves many a Lurge Bushiest, Means success in AH Business. "INDEPENDENT" "LIVE AND LET LIVE." VOL XXI. No. 48 Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. October 21 LQ93 $l.O0 a Year in Advano -THE advocate prints the local news and is the largest one dollar PAPER IN CARBON CQUNTY.-4M JOB PRINTING Is a specially with us. ir have one low price for oil. Come and learn our price. Pic-Nic and Sale Bill. All kinds of blank books. Let m have your orders For anything in this line. Wti i nTTTi i nn i n tt nmnnn Illlllll 11 I I I II II I ' I V U VMIMIWU Here we are with lore Bargains Than Ever ! Domfit Flannels for 7c. a yard. Unbleached Canton Flannel for 5c. a yard; cannot be equaled at 7c a yard elsewhere. Half Wool Buitines, all colors, one yard wide, at 22c. a yard, can't be matched under 80c. 1 case Plaid Suitings, would" be considered a bargain at 8c. a jard.we will sell at 5c, a yaw. The largest assortment of Com lorls. Blankets, and Horse Blankets ever shown by any dry goods establishment in this section, The largest assortment of 5c. and 10c. Glassware in the county. "The American bonder," for 10c, Potato and Apple Peel er and Corer, the best thing ever offered for sale, the reg ular price is 25c. Yours to Borve, J. T. NUSBAUM, Pint street, between South and Hum Street.", Leblshtou. Pa. A HAPPY WEDDING. I THE MA11RIAOK OP MISS FKNNKHIO I Mil. LKUKKL. NEWSY OCCURRENCES. LIMIAI. MATTF.U8 OP MOKK Oil I.KSS IMI'OKTANCIC. Ul.ltop .1, Mortimer Levering Performs I the C.r..onjr In th. Presence of I. Lane W,M ,, , ,b cltT i,rli,, tl.e Delightful Reception at tlio House Etc. The Society event of the season was the I.enkel-Fenner nuptials which were cod sntnmatej Thursday evening at Bethle hem. Touth, beauty, and fashion crowd ed the Moravian Church to attend the wedding, which took place at 0 o'clock, The wedding proved to be the most charm' Week Pertliientlr Kedtotitlied by Our Special lleporter. Flue teams for nil purposes nt Ibe South End Livery. -Full lino of ingrain and Brussels carpets nt Henrj Schwartz's. Just make It a point to see David HALF-CENT A WORD. Advertisements under tills head at a halt-cent a word each Insertion. This Is the cheapest and best adrertlslus" medium out. II ou have am- XUlUK to Sell Or reDl try tuts vuca f autcia,.,. advertisements must be paid lu advance. WOK SALE A dark bay Htalllon, sixteen and a huU hands blub, tttelte jears old, perfect ly sate aud souud lu every particular. Will be sold cheap lor cash. Apply to Ueorne I . Uuck, itasl W elssuort. '' MILLIONS SMOKE. Many Bnslne.s nui nod Dwellings Wiped Out by a New York Fire. Kxw York, Oct. 19. One of tha most destructive fires this olty has seen slnoe the great Crystal Palace Are of 1858 occurred last evening. The Are extended from St. Raphael's Itomaa Cathollo church on For tieth atreet, west of Tenth avenue, to the north aid of Forty-second street. The losses will amount to over 13.000.000. The lire was discovered at 8:10 p. m. by a watchman employed by William Camp bell Sc Co., wholesale manufacturers of wall papers, at 812 to 818 West Forty-aeo-end street and 605 to 612 West Forty-first street. The fire started In the boiler house and bad gained great headway before It was discovered. It spread to the adjoining building, occupied by Nevlna ft Haviland, also wall paper macufacturers, on Tenth Avenue and Fortv-aecond street. Both firms are entirely burned out, and the fire quickly woraea lia way to surrounuiog bulldlnffs. When the fire started there were In the Campbell factory four men who were working over time. They were ltlcbard Eteners. James Bambrlck, John Brill aud a man whose name Is not known. Whether they escaped with their lives Is not known, for Sexton, the watchman, was overcome while attempting to warn them. There trere many narrow escapes from death. The wildest excitement prevailed among the tenants In the many tenements near by. They ran from their homes loaded down with such effects as they could carry away, but the houses were consumed so quickly that they could sae hut little, although they bad ample time to save their own lives. DEATH OF LUCY STONE The Veteran Woman bnirriis'l.t Succumbs to a Frotraeted llliie... Boston, Oct. 10. Mrs. Lucy Stone Black well, too well known woman suffragUt, died lust night at her home In Dorchester, after a protracted illness, aged about GO. i ears ago Mrs. Blackwell was one of the best known female lecturers In the United States, aud for years was a regular attena ant at presidential nominating con ventlons, always eneaklug eloquent ly for the causa to which aha had glteuthebeatyeara Mrs. bmcxwell. of her ute. as a lecturer she ranked with Mrs. Julia W ard Howe and Anna Dickinson In the letter's ealmtest davs. and was always In demand fnr wturA courses. She was not heard so often as Miss Dickinson, however, as she devoted much time to literature. She was best known by her maiden name, Lucy fotone. The Mystery of a Skeleton. Philadelphia., Oct, 18, While repairing a house on North Eleventh street carpen ters unearthed a female skeleton, newt found make the police certain that the skeleton is that of Mrs. Joanna Logue, wife of "Jimmy" Logue, the noted burg lar. Logue lived In the house fourteen yesrsago. At that time be and his wife were separated, but ot) visiting relatives In this city It Is believed she was decoyed to the bouse by her husband, murdered aud enhhad of sAuOO worth of diamonds In her possession, llermysterlous disappearance caused suspicion at the time, but It was hushed up. Logue'a present whereabouts are unknown, but be will be arrested when eaught. A Novel Tour. NlwYomr.. Oct 16. Mra. M. V. Ter bune (w ilely known by her non de plume r.. f..i ifurlanri"! ha. aalled foranro- tracted tour lu the east. It la Mrs. ter bune's purpose to travel through Syria and Palestine. She has engaged. David Jamal, of Jerusalem, the most exper ienced oriental dragomau, as her escort, and will make camel back pllgiimage to Bethlehem, to Abraham's tomb at Hebron, to the harems ot Damascus, to the famous monastery of Mar Saba, the oldest la the worm, ana to oiuer uic. cue . panted by her son. Ing that has been witnessed In Bethlehem ... , . . ., i,i for some time. Say. the Bethlehem Ebbort when you wnntBteam for busl Tlmea, uess or pleasure. Lowest prices. The brldo. Mils Marie Fenner. Is the Latest style overcoats at M. Losos eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franclsl i.no inpiunl1. Edward Fenner, of Fountain Ulll.S. Beth ; , r i, lehem and a charming society belle. The -r'or Sale-A new one horse grooji, Alfred K, Ltukel, Is an old and soring wagon will bo sold cheap. Ap- popular Lehlghton man, at present nip to C. W. Swab. It In Business at Trenton. Two such popu- T . .. , ... eTB. l.r young people would naturally have a -rhe llnest line, or overcoats ever host of friends. That their friends are a brought to this sectlou will be found legion tere Is proved when It Is staled at M. Losos & Co,, First street, that the larMaravlan Church, was per- Tit1fr,ronortraltHatniBho.'8 haps never before so crowded at a weu- f.. , i ding. gallery are good until December io'jj. At 6 o'clock cabs and barouches beean AlStatler and family.of Allentown arriving at thechurch with tho wedding havotaken possession of a dwelllUK In guests, who were all In full evening dreis Itnri,(l.o .inl,i. n Hatikwav and at the appointed hour the gallery and Uorlacher s b ock on Uaukwaj. aisles nete crowded. Prof. U. A. Jacob- Tho palatial Perhuiuer- residence on presided at the grand orcan and ren- ou tha corner of Second aud Iron streets dered a charming program of lnsliumen- h b implov0li by the erection of a tal music during the arrival of the gaests. ' ' . He urst plaved llojlon fiuilln'e grano u.u"-"i .... march In I), which was followed br Scl.u Daniel Schoch sustained a fracture berfs Andante from sjmphonylnC maj- r hj r, w arm wnie ttt wurk at or, Wagne, march from Tanhauser) aud T) ' i i Wagner's pilgrim Chorus. -"H"w . Tie hour of 0 was annnded and at once Jouu scu, ot tue uiouo uesmarui. Prof Jacobson struck up the bridal song has placed u neat wire sign under, the f com Lohengrin ( IVagnerl, and bridal awuug n front of his business place, party entered the church. The ushers , .. , " walked down the north alslse followed by -A- Sell&Co., tho liverymen have the bridesmaids, maids ot honor, and added a new bay horse to their flue line flower girl, returning as an escort to the 0f nuadrlpeds lovely bride on the arm of her father. At ' T , ,, ..,n n t the aliar they were met by the gtoom and bsoa Co i haT0 8 1 u11 llu0 ot his best man, and the wedding service was latest styles bats aud caps, read by Ht. Hey. J. Mortimer Levering. -During the prevalence of a fierce The ring .enlce.w employed .torn In this section last Friday night After the bishop had added his blessing . . . ., , , and the father bad kissed the bride and muoh damage was done throughout groom, the procession was resumed, the this town. Ibe framo awning at tuo bridal ray leaving the church by the American House, north First street, Mendelssohn's Wpddlnrj March. Tli a fiprfi. moov was made the morn imnreiilim hx fihutLers were blown down and Mr, Qufeley, Lehfuira famous tenor, wrencheBpart. viiauLiui. uuiinu per vice ue noicn s i . titu. . . . The bridal looked Wlv in n rich ahtiR a lowest prices In the county, m brocaded satin en train, and wore an wall Daner and borders. Give us a call rvn. LrLfal lt Tl, I J I . ' f. faav uiiuat vvaae .UC UlttlU Ul UUUUt I a, If 1 RAM ffir TOUrSelT. tj. 1'. lUCKGn- havnhorin n a alar Itll.. I " ho worl .S elet ii ".dir" Thi bch, Mauch Chunk, bildesmald's were lss Mary Kolpln, of Harry L. Fry will shprtly remoyo Hellertown; Miss Ettle McVay, of 1H1- his tailoring establishment from north M!?.t.,leJHe,.leI,r.ano,I'lomn eUdeSj street into the Thomas building auiss fiorence lirauneiii, or rnnadeipiiia, uumr wouv. and Whs Anna Grant, of Scran ton. I A revival meetlm? is helm? hold lu KbouZu o'f ,DTdheCnoweedr ?6-,z6r Evangelical church, Rev. J. girl was Aliss iMaiy Sblmer. of of Heading 1 aiiuor, mo pn'tor, win on ouuuuy ton, who woie a shite swiss and wide evening will preach on 'ITbo Deyll's T, Z ' a carr,eu a D""" Tricks In Revivals." All are weloome, William IInhh.r.1 .1 PMLbMl. auero wm ue uo uuurau nervio m the Broom e best man. The ushers were: Zlon's Reformed church next Sunday Kd Wood, of Irenlon: O. Edwin I.ofevre. I mnrnlno- and nvonlnrp nwincr tn tbn York"een1nrr!ll.Arny'KrnM!nJ!.h0, I?eV. J. Alvhl lork, Hen Urate, of boutli Ueihlehem; , , . . .. Ira A. Shlmer, Jr., of Philadelphia, and Keoer wn0 Is lu attendance at the an- rrancisr.. reuner. Jr.. brother r the nual session or Hvnorl at Kenrllnir. btlde. and all Slgna Cbl Fraternity men, ' There Is diphtheria In the family of Fnl, I ,;? . BA i ". 'I Janies Dunbar on Bankway. lain Hill. More than 300 guests attended. iramps forced an entrance Into a Florist Flies had converted the palatial I Lehigh Valley freight car at tho station i S -ri ,V f r 01 Plault Monday night and stole a suit of oloth uuKFt, UIIUC luu KHMJUl TO' I j . , , , . i ceived in the noitb patlor from 60 until m""u" otorouui uemugiug 10 ai o.iu BtKuuuiK ooueaiii aq umurelia Ot roses I u uluAt u aiicuiuwu, nuu uuu uia and In front of a bank of Ibe lineal palms, effects in tho car, having Just moved Oermamown. Tim table, w.r. from AlleatoWR. wlthsmllax. Trower did bis best and C. W. Kreidler la sporting one of the tables were the finest. Rube's Orches- the llnest trotting carts that we have uI;lvM..,r.V' "lT"nun:r.' ' 'or -long time. The vehicle is lug was enjoyed until nearly midnight. I 'rom Kreldler's carriage works. Weiss Mr. Leukcl and bride left the fesjilPortBndisadalsy. To pull the cart sceue at 0 o'clock going direct to Trenton. Will also has a Mnn linv where they took possession of there nutthe dust In tlm fnf nlnnti-ulno elegantly furnished home, No. S51 llamll- Pu""6 au" 111 1" face or nlnoty-nlno iuu Avenue, tnevwlll be home there I"""" "uumw uur&es iu tuia aner jan 10, mvi, section. . . 1 Hebrides was the redolent of main Lentz .t RlMilmnn ,r Munoli """) oreseui. i uere ere less man uily f'lmnlr l.vn t,n.i c.,. dinereu t pieces of cut giaes and a doieu ,, !, , , ""' tables laden wltb gold aud silver ttare. U'ranz Mackl, surveying the property mens, etc. iue groom's presenti weie just pnrcliasott by them from the 'diamonds. The bride presented bitn with Lehigh Valley Company at the bouth acharmlng palming from her own brush. .. , , vuwiju, yi. , Nocardseredlsplaedon the present. end of town along the Heilman mill Mr. Lcuke! Is a son of Mr Fred Leukel base ball park. This largo plot of of First street Lehlghton, and many old ground will bo laid out in streets and 1 mo inenus oner warmest congratuia out nn into deslrahln lnilbllim lore. ,VH" IfPl.n l,,..,tn Ill 1., iuv tuutiiuu mil uo uuu ui tut very best in town, During the big rush at the Lehigh Valley station on last Thursday even ing n woman and baby were pushed off the platform between the cars but very fortunately was not muoh Injured. The borough council some weeks PERSONAL MENTION, A S.ap Shot Cntnerk Catches Those Who Come and do Among Their Friends In Lively Lelilahton, . .Lester Itehrlg and wife Sundayod at Wllkesbarre. Mrs. Frank L. Reber, of IJutler, Montana, Is east ou a visit to relatives and friends. II. Frank Stocker, R. Eggleston Morthlmer aud G. Clarence Knnuss, three typos, visited Slatiugtonfriendi, last Saturday. . E. W. Clause, proprietor of the Valley House did business at Alleu lowuon Weduesday. ..Dr. C. T. Horn and son Dert are back from tho IV'orld's Fair, Chicago. . . I. F, Clark Is In New Vork city for few days. . .Miss Laura Seidel, of First street, pent Sunday at Slatltigtou. H, R. Kreidler is iu attendance at tho scs-)ru of (he grand coinrpumlery Knights of Malta at Uerwick, Pa., this weokas a representative of Norman Commando, y nf town. .Otto Feist and wife aud their daughter, Miss Stella, of White llaven and Mrs. Fidel Armliruster, ot Hast Mauch Chunk, spent several days last week with Thos. Stocker and family ou First .street. MUs Nettle Watkius, of Coaldalc. spent several days last week with Miss rlico Bank, on Thrd street. Misses Aglate bell and Florence Sherler, of Slatington, spent several days with Miss Mary Christy, on Second atreet. ..J. Koous,of Allentown, accom panied by Mrs. J. It. Koons and sou spent several days in town last week. .Ed Hagerman, of Lahaska, Is visit ing hs brother, Expressman Al Hager man, on First street. The genial Ed has just recovered from a serious Illness. . Miss Helen Carpenter, a teacher In our public school, spent last Sunday at home in Uloomsburg, Pa, Genial John Ettlnger was down at Alburtls, Lehigh county on Tuesday where he purchased a flue dog for huntlug purposes. .Key, J, Alvin Roberts In Reading attending u session of the Reformed Synod. .V. V. Morthlmer, of New York city, was in town over Sunday, the guest of his purcuts. Will Intends to launch in the job printing business on a large scale In a New Vork town ere loug. I'l.VASAM COlt.NtCIt. JUDGE AND JURY. The Wora of the Carbon County Courts at Its October Session. Lewis Koon, a "witch" doctor ot con siderable notorioty, and widely known lu the lower end of the county, was con victed ot overdriving a horse from Amandus Blttuer's livery stables of Trelchlersvllle. Koon Instead of re turning the horse within the time for which ho had hired him went on a jam boree, and drove him for two days. lllttner found the horse at Millport, apparently much abused and tho oar. riage broken to smithereens. A recent act of the legislature makes tho willful abuse of a livery horse a criminal offence. This was tho first case tried lu this county. Taul Eckhardt, a 15-year-old lad residing near Little Gap, was found guilty of larceny from n neighboring farm house owned and occupied by William Beer, Jr. His jury recom mended the youthful prisonor to the mercy ot the court. Frank and Elizabeth Public, of Lans- ford, got two-third of the costs of au assault and battery case preferred by Jacob Kunsburkey, who is to pay one third. The names of some of tho wit nesses, Jacob Jaffa, Daniel Sevacte, Paul Yumas and Israel Hart It, furnish the key as to the kind of case It was. The hotel license of Charles Knecht for the Central House, Kast Mauch Chunk, was transferred to William F, Rabenold, On petition of William Strohl and Peter Buck, overseers of the poor of Towamensjng township, a citation was granted on the children and grand children of Catharine Chrlstmau, to appear at the next term of court and show cause why thoy should not sup port the said Catharine Chrlstman, wholsaburden outhe poor fund of the township. Eugene O. Nothstlne, Esq., was ap pointed a member of the Examlng Committee ot tho Mauch Chunk Bar to succeed William G. Froyman, Esq. whose term has expired. The appoint ment is for three years. The appointment by Constable Ed. Rawortb ot Jqhn Hottenstelu as debuty constable at the first ward poll, lu Lehlghton, and of George B. M. Stocker as deputy at the Third ward poll, was approved by court. . Adecree wasentoied dttld ng ll'eath erly Borough luto Four wards. The Black Creek is the dividing Unojforth and South, First ll'ard Is that portion of the borough that Is North of Third street on tho East side of tho creek and the becond Ward lies south of Third street. On the West side of the croek, Kline alley is the dividing line. Tho Miss Annie E. Rehrig, returned from a visit to Philadelphia aud Media, Dela ttrriBA innrilp la t- ftnriilntr . ,,,-.,, ..... .1.. ,! T.M.hnp XT n hm. nnij k . luiro nam liuuiuiui 1 winter school term nnMnndav Oct nt h. tue r ourtn wara soum. xue u.i.-o with 32 scholars. appoints the following to OU the yac L. L. Gelger, wife and daughter, ancles in office made by the creation n,.m1..,'ntn.ni.i Wo,.mn J of the Wards, the appointees to hold WestPeun.on last Sunday. ' ' their office until the election next James M. Fetherolf, of Stony Run, apnng; first, u-mm. ,... , Berks county, teacher of the Beaver M1' Faust; Minority Inspector, ! rank n,, imn) nr,n,i 1,1. pt,ni iti, 11 B. Gearhart aud Constable Joseph scholars. DiehlSecond Ward-Councilman, John Ti,.sm,Mi.iii.-,.i.i. -.in i,H. Fisher and Sapiuel uangwere, jr.; re organized on Friday evening, by the School Directors, William Jill er, old members. The teachers, scholars, Henry Helker aud Amaudus Shaefer; patrons or tho surrounding commnnlty Constable, William F. llartz; Judge ate cordially invited to Its presence. Peter KUaei Inspectors, Samuel Hartz Combining is at some parts In Joseph Flyto .Third Ward-Conn- cilman. Osoar Llchteuwaltor; School ' m 1 T T 1 l.,,-.v . Tsi.lrrtt Chas. Rex was at Summit Hill, last ulralur ' 'I , n. ...... T..EnAn.AK C-milr I'tenn Friday. E. G. Mcrtz wns at Lehlghton, on Saturday. 'SqulroA. F. Croitz, of the Valley, and D. A. Schroeder,of Lynnport, were nt the Lehlghton Fair Thursday. Mrs- Ohas. Rabenold and son Oscar, James Dunn; Inspector, Frank Tyson, Fourth Ward Councilman; II. J. Kircheuthal, Henry Selbleaud Wilson Druckenmlller; School P(rector, Jacob Miller; Judgo, J. P. Hobendahl; In spectors, Geo. Peterson aud John Rosenstock. The elections are to be prosecution and six months lu the county jail. Gus M. Haas, who was charged with emberallng I18.U6 from tho Prudential Insurance Company ot America, was acquitted. E. II. Nothsteln, Esq., was appointed by court to defend Haas. There were two Hungarians cases on trial during Suturday afternoon. In both oases the parties were from Audenrled. William Rutella was charged with ateallug a watch from John Lounas aud Louis Delansky was charged with stealing a mining drill from Albert Salosko. Both defendants were noqultted. Tho following casos were continued to next term: Com. vs. Edward Dunl gan, surcharged V. and B., prosecutrix, Maggie llanuery; a similar cose against Frederick Hammel, In which Mary Leckler Is the prosecutrix; a similar oase against Adam Hald, Eva Uloso prosecutrix; Com. vs. James Dally ludlctmeut larceny, Mrs. Lizzie YIngst prosecutrix; Com, vs. Harry Barton, Edward McFndden and John B. Pomeroy, Indictment, negll pence on railway, Joseph S. Fisher proseoutor; Com. vs. Isaac Klutz, In dictment larceny by bailee, Johu C Boyle, prosecutor and Com. vs. Nathan Kolb, Indictment, receiving stolen goods. Thomas W. Beck prosecutor. Dr. W. A. Levan, of Slatington, was found guilty In the charge of desertlou preferred by his wife, and was sentenc ed to pay into court the sum of $2 per week towards her support, and tho costs of tho suit. The couple formerly lived nt Millport, and the case attracted considerable attention iu that end of the oounty. MOTION AND AhOUJIENT COURT. A motion and argument coin t open ed at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Among other business was the sen tencing of tho prisoners who were found guilty last ween. Charles Drown the colored man who was convicted ot stealing the purse, watch and chain and other articles from Miss Merrill, was sentenced to sixteen months In the Eastern Penitentiary. William Nicholas, of Lehlghton, the young man who plead guilty to burglar izing Bertine Klotz's home, at Jamet' town, was sentenced to one year In the Eastern Penltontia-iy. Harry Noth stlne and James Rex, also of Lehlgh ton, were seut to the Uuutlugdon Re formatory, for stealing goods from a freight car ou the Lehigh Valley Rail road. Both are nlueteeu years ot age aud they are to remain in the Reforma tory until set free for good conduct by the managers of the institution. "Dr." Lewis Koon from, or around Millport, got six months lu the county jail for tho careless and reckless way in which ho drove Liveryman Blttuer's horse. Paul Eckhart, a JC-year-old lad from Little Gap, was told by the Judge that he would have been just as well satis fied if his jury had acquitted him. The Judge dirocled him to give ball for the costs of the prosecution aud go nomo and be a better bor. Paul was clearly guilty of breaking a lock to a house, but because the offense was trivial he would perhaps not have been prosoouted had he not persistently tried to put tbo blame on some one else. Al. Bmuthers was committed to Jail until he pays two-thirds the costs of the assault and battery case brought against him by Mrs. Annie Snyder. Annie has not been seen In court slnoe she learned that she would have to pay oue-tuiru me costs. Milton Harn. of Lehlghton. will do penance in tho oounty jail for deceiv ing ttmtna r.uuert until he can get the papers into shape to be released under the insolvency law. It is not quite clear yet whether Miltou can't pay or wuetner ue uoos not want to, WEISSPORT AND AROUND. SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. SfltV UAl-rtSnlNUS IllllF.rl.T UrlTO-MIZKI). SoHetv lld-lllt. or Interest to ttie Mm, bers of tho Fraternity. Secret societies In need of parapha sia Uoings ot the week interleaved with nalia, Hags, banners, uniforms, etc.. I'er.onai Bientions. I should couult H. V. Morthlmer, Jr., Mrs. E. H. Piror has returned to who teprosents one of the largest Arms Wilkesbarre.nfterapleasantvisithcre. of Importers, manufacturers and The cyclone ot last Friday night "enters iu this country before purchas- broke the largo show windows lu A. F. ' ng elsewhere. Snyder's block. Noimul Coniandery Knights of Mrs. L. YIngst, of the St. Elmo, Malta, of town, have donated 100 loavos spent last Sunday at PottsrilU. ' irwd to the poor of Kensington, O R, Lord, Mauch Chunk, district 1 m adelplila, Superintendent of the Prudential In- Ouaden Itutteu Castle, 310, K. G.E surnnce Company, was here ou Tues. of town, conferred the Crusader's day. Degree ou four Sir Knights at tho P, A. Roth, of rottsvllle was here oossiouou Wednesday evening. bier The celebration of the enrliteenth Aiitil,-r. Mrs. Daniel fimvor la hnvlntr horltluiden r-aate Into l'enii!,! Ivaiila iirintnu.. m cozy residence repainted and much im- 1-ur "ihurSuy LWe'S.ngB!?." niovln'i nroveu. iuu, ,.) unmu, it tHjcK. mr roum win ne I ltroad Ht. troiu Thomnm Kr tn ltl-,nn.i The Reformed church will be re- coimtermaiclitoTasker, where It will he in- 'c " " "' 'oor, niajur a. cmiari, men to lite Pttlihc Hit Ulltiir. antl !ltml. tne Imlsloli mil he lead by a cavalcade of Rev C. E. Creltz was at Allentown I mounted Kiiignuclad In suits ot armor. There wu .ucouoj CbtcuuiUK LUU UUU1 Uu.u I" Im IkIII.IUIIII H n lailallo UIIIIOIDl. . .. I The la ile.lllof Vet I'liil.iilli.titu -I ornnt v.. qutes 01 nis uncie ex-waraon creltz. t, ladles mine uolden fciaie. V I ii tit lit "i MIssBelle Merredlth was at Phlla. I :'": y.1'1" " renrest nt an ancient temple. lit i , i, m i ,1 . i it win oa a raiieu inatiiirm. at the lour oornen delnhia TllOSdaV maUlrtO nttrf-lmaaa n. I Of W iieh at. NA.iteil finir nOliM-i.. nf tl,B 'tD,,.l.. new millinery goods, coats and wraps np representing the rootto ot iui d"ree, for Mrs. Cullon'snonnlarmllll.or... 1'altli, How and Charity, , , T , . ' . . T . . . JTB"y castle, Mi. u, will pnaiuce three Genial John Arner, of Amboy, N, J. I twleaui c.irs as illosrepieticiiiliia- tho motto was here this week for a few days. That or "1'IJelltv" will eoutaln four Kir A. O. Koch spent last Sunday nt Mountain Tot). prised aud attacked by the soldiers. Kim am Nathan Snyder did business at pleice his body, when the nobleman rushes llazleton nn Mnndnv iiu-vw ino swue auu iiiieriiose ins Doily as a na.ioiuu on iiionoay. s.ieiino-, sluiwlnu his Fidelity to bit sovereign. Tho Inun nn.,nAll I TtlM flit.lt .VHlitr't uttl ,.,BJu,.r Ba..-... I. .,r, nil property owners must keep their coitum. Three ol the enemy hate attacked cutters rlenn Gonrl I him. Ttt o have bet-u killed, i nil ho Is hi the gutters cienu. uoou I act oldmios in ol the l.ut nt th. ...i.m,- ti, Lewis llunsickor's now .1ic..IIIim taut ol the valarous Kulitht Is at the other end Tti.t. r , . . 1 1. . i. .1. t'uci t noun si we, i-oiiiaitis "i- i iiuoi a tvorner is compiet-1 lue oootes oi ttie two aeau auldler., and Is bo ,i stte wntt Itll battle avei, trumpets, slnelds ami Du I various inintement.. lit unlpn, H.irn. Thomas Amor and bride have tnk- 5i';jS'i 11,8 "H"jr" 111 present an en op a residence In Levi Horn's dwell- canopy ot ttltieh Is composed er iiold and white in cloth, is the King costilinetl in a hanilsome rube 1DB' ot scarlet silk velvet. Irlmiited ttlth lace and -AchlldofMradMrs.EdHahn,of SiS!SS ' rauklin burled rnr t.wBiitv.nnw pmir-a li a lolu.er nlioou tli llr-iti m iini ! umi In a cemetery was exhumed the other t!!afllK. !li t',!'0 SIX day and re-Interred In the Union Hill rewaru" """ ur cemetery. A niltrv THICK. Miss Cora Ifogeubuch is nursing a dedicated to the service of God on Sun day Nov. J. ON THE RAILROAD uitiKf MKtrnix ort triCHX s i inos.on tin: hail. i.izaiii unlit: i J yAi.i.KV, Subscribe for the Carbon Advocate only 11.00 a your. Mr. Wilson Deuhart the horse doc tor of Lehlghton made a trip through tho Valley, Mrs. Coruelous Snyder of Lehigh ago notified the Carbon County Im couutyaccompauled by hertwodaugb-lprovement Company that unleesthe tens were the guest of Charier ltuch. "ree.' .e5u wouta give more saitsiao- o,.... , 1 tton they suoulu be taken out. A re- ,7 ' ' , . I preseutative of the oompauy Informs Mr. Alfred Wertmun is attending the us that the lights now furnished the crlniual court during the week. He is borough will bo removed the last of a jurior "ll3 month. This being so lively , ', v.,ff i. i. ...ui., it. Lehlghton will again In the dark. This 4 " " "i town should have tbonro light. is seriously in The sou of Levi Nothsteln unfortu nately fell from a wagon and broke his arm. TheG. A. R. reunion of Eastern Pennsylvania held at Allentown last week was very largely attended by the people of the Valley. Mr. Miles Eckert aud wife, ot Allen town, gave a delightful sociable at C. II. Nlmsou over Sunday. Mrs. Eckert is the only daughter ot the Nimson fam ily- were visitors at Lynnyllle, ou Sunday ueld at " wing P-; Jt . ' 1 lTA -II1t-.nnf Urtnea. HrtnT.fi Wa UaiU, VJIU"1 V wus awwtv ii ..M Union Hotel; Third Ward, Carbon .nnlrrr nn FH.l.v ntn House; Fourth Ward, Helligh House. MUnai.njM.j M,ii,i The poll'ug place ot the East Ward, lusforu, as cuaugea irom tue puouc school house to the rooms of the V, ash lngton Republican Club on Abbott street. The school directors of I.ans ford decline to allow the use of the school house (or an election room, Frank P. Sharkey, Esq., was appoint- and Monday, Moses Hex, celebrated his COth birth ilar his children and grand present. fllle; COMPANY NOTKS. Mr R R irttnfrutlman .nmn,.! by a number of relative aud friends 'pt few vlitloB last left Thursday for a trip to the World's w, , ,. , , .. , rider of the County., spent Sunday iu We&t Peuu Miss Valeria Montz and William Miller were united lu the holy bonds of matrimony last Saturday by Rev. A uariuoiomew. Sylvester Steruer aud wife, of Mauoh A Noted Keulptor Head. Iivttnv not. la. Charles Hell Birch, tha .snlntor. died at his residence here, az U, Ue had been an aaaooiate of lbs Itoyal academy sine law. MAHONiajq, The farmers are gatherlug their win ter apples, Charles Klstler,of Mlnneopolls, Min., is visiting in the Valley. Rev. Edmund Hutu preached lu the Evangelical church ou Sunday evening A husking bee Is to be held at Stephen Feustermucher's on Saturday afternoon. Rev. John Helsler.of Myerstown,Pa., Little Items of tho lolnge AutotiE Fire Coiu,aoU.. fW These are the new oillcers of Lehigh Fire Co., No. 1, of Lohinhtou: ed Master to take testimony in tho di president, Geo. W. Morthlmer; vice Torce sit of Sarah A. Horn against premiem, iuuiei ustizer treasurer, . i,i j Pn.,,1, V Horn td Zern; secretary. T. V. cl(luSg her husband. rrauki.uoru trustees. J. L. Gabel.Al L. Hasermau. Ou oetltlon. Dr. J. C. K reamer, guar- John Seaboldt; directors, O. A. Clauss, aian 0f Ida Kent, mluor child of the Mnrthimor ' Ti,r, Uhn,i. 'v ir' Uts Peter Keru, was gruuted per. Hi.nnlniT.i-.ni1 U.nnr VlnhnU.i I mts&lnil to nftV OVBr to the SSid Ida man, Henry Schwartz; first assistant, I Kern $100 of tho amount of fiends ow loreman, ytic u urnar; secona assis- la hl8 uauu)1, mittoo. M. n. Plai.M. .t. . V The sale of tho right, title and In isauiei uaitser. iterestot tvreniuiu luiiuoa iu a uvriuiu MT The uniforms worn bv the mem. property at Summit Hill, made by her bers of the Weatherly Fire Department guardian, Andrew Ross, to Alexander uusi t oieoo, McKay vtus confirmed alasolutely by l. ins eatneriy rtro ueportmeni rjoupt, aw., -Phe wa., .n Vi" W. M. Rapsher, Esq., was re-appolnt demonstration aud a grand ball and I ed a member of the Bar Examining reception Iu the evening. Committee for a terra of three yettrs. BPST Lehigh Fire Co.. No. 1. of town 1 Manotzw&a annotated an uaulst. took part in theflremen's parade at antassossorforthe South Kidder eleo- Ul.viugiuu ih, un.il f' UOJf nOID I'OLITICAI. I'llINTS. Fair. Mr. John Rehrig's new dweillug house Is almost finished. Mr. Rebrig is an active aud iutslligeut young man aud appears to understand hi husl ness. The boys at the Gombert paint ore are ou a strike. However, it is not ex- Pted" to turn out like the' HomteTd " T""lu -er alfalrs last year. It la rumored that Mr. John bem mel will shortly move to Bowmaus toitu. Mr. Frank Fuhrmau an employee at Our aoliools opuuwl en the Qtb lust, for a six mouths' term with a rather poor attendance. The bouse formerly occupied by William BUlaiau, but which was empty xr.i. r- . i. .... . i i t ,,z:: j-royed b, Br. Y ALP'S EAGLE STORE, Iu.feword we dflre to call I5f-to your notice a very Important t3 fact. It la this. We have aa fT large and One a line of general t, stora goods aa you will find any tST where. Come and two us, M ut ahow yon our goods and tell you JSJ what our prioos are. We deliver " goods, anywhere promptly aud "t wltbont extra o barge wba Uvwr JO to tha pureliaaer. Dou't pay big tJ prices but earn and aw ua t Robert Walp, iVit atra. Op. Jtoui Hou Saturday night Miss Meta Nothatelu has boeu ap pointed teacher of one of tho East Peuu township sohool to IUI the va- oauoy caused by the re iguatiou of Miss Keith. TbvjMtoramest ot the Lord'a Suppr will be adminhttsred In St, John's oburoh on Sunday, Oetober 39tb, by Rev. A. Bartholomew. Preparatory aorvloea will be hld the Saturday pre vious, Tbo storm lat Friday night did con siderable ilatoa ge throughout the Val ly. Jaoob rau' baru aua blown ilowu atul four otbvr Inarm wr part ly uu-roofwl. Mauy fruit trtma m blown down. bicycle hustler In Carbon oouuty. A Hare. Treat. TbeTbaleia Concert Company oou ducted by the noted violinist Dr. J. A Helfrlob will give one of their uueioel -ed oouovrU lu the Opera Hmm Le hlghton on Friday evening Oct. 3T, 1788 for the benefit of the Lehlghton Or uhtra. The Tbaleia Couoert Com pany U oowpokd of tho following fam. ou. ArtUU Dr. J. A. Helfrlob, Mr. Frank Ilartmau, Mr. Kd Uuohniau, Mr. Harry YY. Y eager and Mrs. Julian Jodou and outers. se unaii oirouMirsior iuu iu (uru tluu. Admlaslou o aud 35e re- arval keu BUo. Doors opoo at 7 oow. matteat g. Dutgratn ut Peru's, Le, blubtou ; UUry Weiiort. TiokeU can ala.. iwliuit fr,im m.tii)u.r nt tin. (lriti.tra. Kr tb t.u,mmUtinn nt Dr. Danaer, the raliable a pec taint of (tlte neopleof aueb t'bunk the late HlotuJ, will be at tho Kxehang I Irani on tue li n win atop at i ., ".., .... . u bightou ou tbi. tMX..ioo aarvitw annomnanisd bv the h'mm rVtri- tiou district. These members were uniformed: Ottol The mot serious oase before Court Dittmar, Harry Weldaw.W. H. Woods, thU week was the charge of robbery RThrioW't IstKniberry' Frank Can"8' "ala''t Cuarle Urow" 11 lored n""1' bell, W. K. Bennlnger, T. W? Clause, preferred by Miss Sarah Lewis Morrill Geo. Clauss. Henrv Nicholas. I). .1. a Phlladelvhla lady. The trial ended mstier, rruna: einiaua anu tm 0n Thursday afternoon with a verdlot , lot guilty lu a manner aud form a lh7m.n.D.m.nl nt tV. Bl.tlntn 1 IUaiOieJ. ..... n . . ' R 1 I I I. ft i ,im .. T1ann . .. .. , nose uomnany. no, I. took Dlaee at s" w.,.s Slatington on Saturday afternoon. I chine man, was acquitted ot the ubarge Delegations with musto were present of assault aud battery preferred by from Bangor, Lehlghton, aud Weather- gvaI,e. Af Colaraiue. Devar. bank 1t anil nil wnnir citi nt i va in rhn I i rmrade. which was formed at 3 o'olook " machine away from her premlso for at the hose house, at the corner of I nou-paymeut of the terms ot a lease tJlmrcn ana fourth streets, In the Uud in the takiug away of the maohiue '?,L$eZ racket enauod. Th. proaooutrix uiua gor; nAn.,tmani. r i . i ri rt . V1""',V V'-"". ' "'I!-1 nnnimnnwaaltli vs. Kilws.r.1 O'llon. I mcnuiii eint ti.nitninnn,. jr i i it i A.M. Hand, of 8'atlngton; foreman I nll; indictment, assault aud battery; and assistant ol nose, Slatington bose pro.eou.tor, Martin Qulda, CJulda oue tympany no. i; Biaungton iioae com- ulra tue co.U aud 0'Donnl, two. liallF Xn tlfitlt hnui na Ql.l t inzton Hoae Comr nv. No. 1. wlh full I thirds. apparatus; towu oouuou in oarrl-ig. I i ana auu WHHary i w ui the namde Was a SUOOS. the srrsn I Anma SuvHarbmilujt. Al. nthAra , Z, " 1 ,"pw' t the lattor two-thinU aud the iornir uuw-iuirti ut tu vaponass. -Bubaorlbo for the AuvoriTr mil. I tklh are Irom jam towu $1.00 a yar. Tha hotol llo im ot C. J. Hitter ou ind; ResoueFire Company', of jn. sought to establish that she bad boon r; Weatherly Band; Weatherly lire assaulted aud buttered. Loral 3'olltlcal Oo..lt That I. Sen.onalile at Tills Time, S3T" The Philadelphia Press said on Saturday: "As it looks at present either Craig or the Republican candi date, Horace Heydt, will be elected. Craig s advantage over Storm Is due to the fact that the Democratic vote of Carbon Is larger than that of Monroe, and Carbou being the larger oounty feels that it ought to have the Judge since Monroe has enjoyed the oQlce for more years tuan many of the nresent generation cau remember. Storm is relying upon the Casstdy defection In Carbou to help him to defeat Craig. but that, while considerable, Is likely to be made up to Craig lu other quar ters, storm's position certainty can not be regarded as being as advantage ous as that of either Craig or Heydt." t As was predloted by this news paper early lu the campaign, says the Weatherly Herald. Michael Cassldv. the Latisford Record, the Mauoh Chunk Democrat and Bob Klotz are in oDDOsltion to the election of Hon, Allen Craig for President Judge. Allen Craig hail I tit. unanimous en dorsementot the Democratic County convention lor tola omoe and u c should therefore have the sinoere sun port of every Carbou county democrat as well as nesnouia also uave tne sup port of tne whole people or the oounty and district wbo deal re to see the high order of the Bench maintained In the fullest Integrity aud ability. It Is of vital iniuorUnoe that there should be a man elected judge iu whum the ceoule can itlaoethe fullest oontldeuoe- a moral, pure and able man. That man will be fuuud lu Hon. Alien Craig, for thirty years a lawyer practicing at the Ilar. lie la pre-eminently iltted to succeed tho late Judge Dreber and the people suouin eieot him New Mini. Ural O nicer. At the meeting of the Reformed Ministerial Association, beld at the rtaraonaae of Rev. A. M. 1 aaonhelmer in Weatherly, naw oltioers were elected as follows: President. Rev. Morgan A. Peters, of East Mauch Chunk; Vice President, Rev. II A. J. Benner, of rreelauu; aeoreutry auu Treasurer, !. CrelU. of Weiaauort. An In. terestlug churoh servlee was held on Monday evening that attracted a lame auu leu oe, sua wniou was addressed by Rev. Beuner. of Freeland. and Hev. Noll, nt Haaletou. The next meeting win tie ueui at nasi mauou i tiunK on November 13th. severely injured arm resultant from a jurfc norm in the characters a rail. Ill Tltlt. , ,. ... i.iB ..rosge .s quite u- jU(,Be storm WM hoIdll t.olllt Rt Her many friends hope for her speedy Mauch Chuuk on Tuesday and about ml t ... noon hurriedly left the court room bo. ,,. , . ""k"'"""'m OI iurs- "lranl fore the court hud adjourned. Shortly Rickert regret her serious illuess. afterwards that celebrated political ...it ,g 18 maK'DK RdUl" uum B"d ""osk. Mickey Cassidy, his Hons to his residence that greatly Im tool and attorney, served upon Mr. w.on,.0. I Craig a paper giving notice of Storm' miKouetv neater nasoeenpiacea intontinit In m .1 nu,.,!ti i.i u the Central Railroad station. nnna t tt, ,,tiiim. r .....?- -Saegerhashadau elevator built InLor,if.n.mf. n t ' his wholesale house. ' hM .,. nl ,....' -The waffle and chicken supper uu- ber ltbi lmd nominated the Hon. Allen der the auspices of Zion's Reformed Cl.g for President Judge. Thl, paper, Itliroh In t.uttrirtu Il.ll nn In.l C.ln. I - ,1. .. uu served upon Mr. Cruig, was signed by day evening was a financial success. TUI,a Rlnrm .,,,1 , ,.' Dr. Audrews Is erecting a large Watkius, the prothonotarv.on Ttiesdnv new barn on his property. morning. As soon as the naner had After a pleasant visit of four weeks been served. Storm and Cassidv left among meuas uere unaries Dreis- town upon tho Lehigh Vallov train. bach" has returned to Topeka, Kansas. The certificate of Mr. Craig was llled A two story frame building 20x50 1 l Harrisburg October 2nd., aud upon feet will erected adjoining Jacob the same day Mr. Storm filed a similar Straussburger's block. It will be used I certificate froniMonroe county. Neither for office purposes. I ot theso certificates of nomination pur- Miss Alda Browumlller, one of I ported to be from tho entire District Orwlgsburg's charmlug maidens, spent hut only from the respective counties, several days in town with friends last Tuesday was the last day for filing week, objections to certificates of nomlna- W.J. H'hltehouse and Johu Gossang tlou at Harrisburg, and as the law re- two well-known aud deservedly popu- quires that objections to certificates of lar PottsvUle geutlemeu, wero here nomination must be served upon the last Friday. parties before they can be filed at Al Ruth Is home, from Williams. Harrisburg, the evident purpoe of the port where he was last week represent- Ilurry on tho part ot Judge Storm to lug Franklin Lodge, K. of II. In the an- K'toutof Court and leave town, was nual stote session of that organization. to preventMr.CraigEorvlug objections William Beck and Senator Keifer. 10 olorm f8""" irom Monroe f Pnttovlllo wor w nn Prtda """ "'""" "' "meio aiterwartis . , w -. -J I n, tu U, rn,.., n.. r,. I .-. WW 4UBHIBJ, -iueot.t,imo Ltotei win uoiu us Tll. ,,, , ... R. , .,. grand opening on the 151b. of next no effect upon the nomination paiwrs, mouth. This hostlery has been thorogh- so uumerously signed by citizens of ly over-hauled and placed ou a first- Vf"u fouuiy auu uieu uy Mr. Cruig. class scale. , , " , r.? " ", .1 fu.Ki? These letters are In Doug. Aruer's Storm, bv his action, can be. to tirarant! post-otlle uncalled tor: Jacob Detweil- it possible, the name ot Mr, Craig from er, E. Ilann.J. K. Hayes, Wm. Seitzen beiu.K P.uf ed ,"P,U , regular Demo . . - cratio ticket in Carboncountvanil hnv t.ita uamoei, nose u. uoouenuer, Ltn Ms nK11 ,.. '-,, hart i Balthat. Say "AdvertUed" lu regular Democratic ticket lu Mouroe culling for any of the ahoye. oounty. This is a political trick uu- t- . 11,1 wortuvoi acauuinatu tor lueolllceor -Someunprluclpled person or per- JlldM .., In ... ,,, sous eutereu tue uaru 01 rs. jouu 1 wlllttlg to stoop. W. ftHed. nf FrAliklin tnwtiRhln. Rutnr. I The Same otllections atlttlr tn ltr. day night and fed Paris green to a certificate of uotuiuatlon for r.ln,l.l.t.,i.m.r.UnnJni,ln l. S" .""'"" o." SISUS IU ,..., . lno cenmcate or Mr. Craig for Carbou Reed. The animal was found dead county. In II. Etnll Hm nitvt mnrnlnn on,l f n,l it. I Mr. Cmlt? WHS Well HVItm nf tlinun 1.. it. nt 1. . 1 I objections and also of some material '"l " """" U' ,lefn,.f( tl.U,.,I,.lln n.n. tll.i suirered untold agonies. An oltort by Mr. btonn but he was unwilling to should be made to discover the parties resort to auy imlitloal tricks or attempt and they should be punished to the uny unfair advantage iu a contest for full exteut of the law. 11 b;., u,...i. A young people society of Chris- uuflt to be a Judue. Iloueat thiuklnir tlan Endeavor was orgauiaed in the Democrats and Republicans wiU defeat Evangelical church, with 18 active. 01 ulu 1,0,1 u19 politically corrupt tools I assooiate, and 11 honorary members, the following o HI cent were elected:! ISArKWUSEi, Short I'araa-raphs That Will bo ot Interest to the Kallroatl Dova. tllie Lohlgh Valley Railroad kas Is. sued notices to ticket agents calling at. teutiou to the qurantiue regulations In Georgia, due to the yellow fever scare. No person Is permitted to enter the State unless provided with a health certificate or Identification card Is sued by the oUlcers of the city where such parsons reside. Otherwise such persons are liable to detention for ex amination or exclusion. t The Lehigh Valley ltallroad com bination car aud engine No. 300 has boon named "Dorothy," after Gen. Supt. R, A. Wilbur's little daughter. The name is placed iu the side ot the car iu artistic letters iu silver. t The Lehigh Valley lUllroa Com pauy has posted notices along Its linns auuouuciug that hereafter the wages of switchmen will be uniform, and wiU be f 1.00 per day of 12 hsurs instead ot II.00, as heretofore. t The Lehigh Valley's Philadelphia offices will not be removed to the Reading depot, as at first Intended, hut will remain lu their presout loca tion ou Third street. t A new Lehigh Volley Railroad tlano table will go luto effect ou the first of November. Several changes are ex pected. X The Tamaqua, Hazleton and North ern Railroad, a branch of the Reading system, U&i been abandoned. It was built two years ago at a great expense to couueot the Reading with D. 8. & S. JThe Wlkes-Barre aud Eastern Rail Road' has been completed between Struudsburg anil Wilkes-Barre. It is sixty-seven aud a half miles long and cost $7,000,000, exclusive of the equip ment. tTheRuliway Age says that in the first nine months of the year over 2,000 miles of railroad were built and possibly 3,000 may be built this year. JT'lie Hazelton Seutiuel makes the prediction thatEckleyB.Coxe wUl suc ceed E. P. Wilbur as President of the Lehigh Valley, and re-asserts Its former statement that Governor Pattl&on Is booked for an Important position In the company's mauagement, "even If ho hasn't yet heard of it." Governor PatlLou deuled the rejtort some days ago. IThestatlstlas which tha Railroad Gazette bus collected of the attempt made during the first six months ot the present year at train-wrecking aud train-robbing lu the United States show that the greater of these crimes have occured not iu the sparsely set tled Western States, but in the older and well settled states. The figures show sixty-one attempts to wreck trains and twenty-one attempts to rob them. Massachusetts and Illinois head the list in number of attempts to wreck trains aud Ohio follows. In thehe three advanced States were made more thuu one-half ot all the attempts to wreck trains, aud the State of New Vork comes next ill the order. The only explanation offered for this pre ponderance of train wrecking In well, settled and, generally speaking well governed State, Is that the mileage of railroads is greater in those States than in others aud that tramps who are re sponsible for most attempts to wreck trains nourish tn thickly settled re gions Sixty-seven per cent of all the train robberies or attempted train rob beries occurred in these four States aud two Territories. round Carbon Oouuty lllshetl U fur Oar Headers. Ex oounty treasurer Riokert.of Sura President, Miss Myra L. Miller; vice ., sUbli , A 'IOlUCI4V .HID. J-T3iia, t. .-VlUVi, IOUUIU- iu MH5rtary, AIls Jable Snjiler, oor- -i-iiwlixiv uuirsJavv Mai-titi T . UIM I nrrr. r7.',.: ;;. .t uum. -eai. R,l.v. .i, ,, mootlittarJ Frank M. Geist has been appointed held at 6:15 all are eordially Invited. emocc Ptm-ter at Bowmaus rAIIil. Iln UMfl rwimmaiiill lie f Vvi -Welseports' new bulldiug and loan gressmttU Howard Mutchler by advice of Georgn W. Esser, the Carbon leader of stralghtout Democracy. Daniel Belts, of Ueltivllle, has raised a fine crop of watermelons. The oyelone during last Tuesday night dla damage to the property of .Taitnli Km I II, .Tnlin kWI,.,t Mill,,,. t. ... ..:..., ...in 1... 1 ' ' iT Vit 11 t v a rpV ,T , m Strauberger and Stephen Lutx, I Fruuklin B. i L. A. The directors will ,n,-,moMsill tvaaoo tlou eleoted these dlreotora at a public meeting held lu Lauiy's Hall ou Monday evening: J. K. Lent., J. S, Miller. R. J. Uougen, II. T Smaulejt J. W. Gaunter, It. Muelman, P. Au draws, J. It. Rlokert, A. F. guyder, Frank Laurv aud II. II. Muaselnwu, meetou Friday evening to elect officers, R. J. Hon gen aud J. S. Miller are oaiidl. dates tor the secretaryship. S5.00O Worth ol Clothing Slancltt.reH The largest stock of men's bovu' aud fthililrMlt'a fittltfi unil ni-nrnniitii The following uames are thoae of shown lu this region oau now be bought pupils who have attended the primary let oue-hulf the manufacturers' prices Uu Novabar least. Sato from SIS to vie. We will save you the above aotouut If you get measured for a suit or over coat at our pLaoe. We iveoventooked oureelf with whiter goods aud will therefore make to your order an all wool suit or averooai at 115, worth 122 ; at 130 worth 2M. at tf worth 133, and guaranttte y.,u a i 1 feet tit aud tlrat ula ss workmauauip, at the One Prioe star i lotniug nail, opposite tue I en houool every daydurlugthe fir-mouth uftoB, "u iw otar Lioiniug nan, banning with Sept 4th and ending 10':;': Oct Ird: Floreuoe Albright, Bertha I uoat at 81.18. worth better ones at Albright, Il .ula Beltx, Msia Belts, 2 15, to-Td and 3jB5. Our men's suits Daisy Gtaver, Uaaie Moyer, Mamie una overooats at w.t, H.ni TO and ti.i vi..i.i u . at 1 cut upward are worth double the money; Ileed, Haohel Strang, Mamie Seidel. wUlll poaitively sell you the cheat Nora Stroll, Gertie Trine, Willie Emery aud beat made olothlug thU Fall than drover G raver. Chas. Ilalaa. I Kiwtna. ever before. we overstocked ourselves AlUtrt Knana. Ilarrv Kilt, f'ltira Ulnar "HI will give you tut) ueueni OI It, ana viii..,., t... ' , will also Allow youaoaa h dlaoount ofl ------- - 1 1 1 1 ,1,1 nar iifliit tn nuv nap f.nt Harry Strang a,ad I'Wdluaud Trine . . My re. U Miller, teeouer. I ti.tter uoan.r. rr th rrinurs. Uougreaaman Howard Mutchler has 1S7S 1 dies' at Kisaoa c tu. I iutrotluoed a bill appropriating 200,aw H liloaebla elothinc for acart-. I First street Lehlghton. was transferred body at M. Lo Jt Ctt, OberU Uloek. to Ot rlee A. Wernet 'Itie lu use for Couoord graoea. aeou a basket: the Wanetab Hotel at Glen Onoko, in ehie,3 po uls for i oeate, oream the u&tue of Max Schweibinz, was I tral R. R. depot, Mauch Chunk ZZT? tr?.r?.Z'Vr trferred to A. W. Long. H...r.,.. e oenu Ver quart; haddoek.V oeaul par J" Du.ra.ko . Hongariau plead 1 Mtltou Flury, Weissport. h a lar. Jy ver Ufore . " - r,w v.Hwu,uiMiffa, 1 1",, - w. AMuiutiem ui ail smut Ol lurui-w tltsiuu A Ittar .uu wauw UJ tuOK lilie (If the UUllullU? til Wt..l. Ul- II lt.u.M. u I . . , . . I . , ... ... 1. t..... ...I . 1 ...... 1 . .. . m. w. m wnmuu, rnu autre ai XUiuru wuu luoiu 1 uiut.i', .uiiw,, iuubb, ati . wmcu di It . mil tl ntuuina tit aljutlr an, I P,. LAtblglituu and Wei port every day ..,.. ttil .t Mr Tlutnu1 aelltug at terj luv. ttrirws lrsuuueed ,, , . . 7. ' r. siahouiug o.luday. and saturdaya , Unt,u" to kt' At ' JUOB" " 1 ,u, t htiig 11. this lino bu it here au.l I th low ,r,c' " tLe u Pru HUr artertieeu. 1'aoa.eriou, l-ueeday aud llu' he wa. given a light uteuce bj ru will ,,,. un.iie), t-,au-,e ,.ur pi n- I'luthmg Hull, opposite Central li I;, lhuraty Uot-fil dollaia flue, the tso.t uf am the trj luattat in the tallej depot, Mauch (.'hunk Suoh a Que and stylish assort out of I or 3U)jOOJ it uece ary, for the pur ; ... I.... u.,.i ..unu. sa 1 icuaa-e oiaaiteior a tzovarment ttrtut "" 1,.,,.. m, t. .;t.. : , - m u 1 . u mi iiiiui au A Ureat lrl.lt Cottte.tr, On Monday evening Oct 23 at the Opera House. Mr. Steve Maley will appear in Will II. Powers musical Comedy, "Au Irishman's Luck." The play Is brimful of funny sayings, laughable situations aud original musical selections Mrs. Maley aa TFe funny Irishman Is a Comedian far above tbo average lie U a singer of comic songs, aud a dancer of more than ordinary abUlty. Paterson Morning Call. Phlllon's Theatre opened Saturday Evening to a crowed house aud the comedy, "Ail Irishman a Luck," was Interpreted by a clever company of Com edisas. Tke play is a rollicking comedy through out which is interpreted with medleys, songs, dances, eta, they should do big business during the week. Boston News. Steve Maley as a tunny Irishman Incited roars ot laugh ter at eyery speech. His tinging and dancing made a hit and earned repeat ed encores. Farm For Sale, A 70 acre farm in high state ot cul tivation including 0 acres ot goodwood laud, ltuprovetnentsaren large 2 story stone House a large frame bank uin aud other necessary out buildings, will be sold at Public Sale on the premises at Trachsville, Carbon County, Pa., on Saturday Oct. 28th 1803 at 1 p. m. by William Uutb. Very easy terms. TfltjWhotu It May Concern, All persons are hereby forbid to give or sell my husband, Geo. M. Rex, any iutoxtottting liquors, as I will punish them to the full extent of the law. Mrs. O. M. Rex, Oet H KJ 3w. lehlghton, Pa. tin the I.t and Sud Of each mouth Dr. Bowers, the well known and successful specialist will at the Weissport House, Walsaport, where he will be pleased to receive all those desiring his services, tf. Tba Kid. . 1... ..K.I.I. ....... 1 . .... equal will bo the attraction at L'oucert lli Mauch Chunk ouMoiida evoulug I Bakincr. a an. d i Fawaet Jibsoiawy Fure Aoream of tartar baking powder Highest of all In leavening strength. ITMrr Umitio Stith UovEaxxiMT oexi K )T. lloyal Baking Powder Co., UX. Wall St, N. Y.