J JOB PRINTING Is a specially with tw. We have one low price for all. Come and learn our prices. Pio-Nioand Sale Bills. All kinds ofbhmlebookt. Let us hate your orders For anything in thU line. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING Creates many a New Business, Enlarges many an Old Business, Recivee many u Dull Business, Rctonet many a Lust Business, Saves many a Failing Business, Ircsones many a Lurge Business, Means sueccss in. All Business, "INDEPENDENT" " LIVE AND LET LIVE." Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. October 14 1893 $1.00 a Year in Advano VOL XXI. No. 47 -THE ADVOCATE PRINTS THE LOGAL NEWS AND IS THE LARGEST ONE DOLLAR PAPER IN CARBON CQUNTY.- QBllMIi CBSiPGASHSTORE Our large Fall Stock is open ed and marked at such Low Pricea that cannot fail to attract the attention of buyers. Look at a few of the many Bargains we have for you: Best Lancaster Ginghams 5c ner vard. Best Indigo blue prints 5 a yard Good Dark Prints 4c a yaru. Crashes 31c ner vard. Canton Flannels from 5c and up. .Suitings in Plaids at 5c a yard, Our line of Dark Outings cannot be equalled or shown by yna firm in this valley as for Styles, Quality and Prints. Sheetings, Tickings, Denims, are very low in price. You will make no mistake in acquainting yourself with our Stock and Prices this season. J. T. NTJSBAUM, Mist Btrast, between South and I'lum street, LehUbton. Pa. ITEMS OF STATE NEWS NEWSY OCCURRENCES. PERSONAL MENTION. MatterB of Interest from All Over the Commonwealth, ll.OUAI. MATTKBS or MOUK IMPORTANCE. PRESENTED IU BRIEFEST FORK. It LKSS I " BNHp onoi vamrn vaicnei iniio uno Coin and Go Among Their Friends In Lively Lehlchton, .A. J- ChrifitmRTi. of Cnxhnn. mnrie ccurtn. . ..... - U8 B pleasant visit on Timasday. ween reninenuT cp.,om.. , r , ,john Dries and wife, of Northamp npeciai neponers. UUTIIllCS FltO.M IIUHlNESR ACTIVITT The CAIUION ADVOCATE l'asses Into the llandi of a Company. The Sr. Morlhl- tiier Itetlrlng ARer SO Yean Active Work. The Morthimer Publishing and Printing Company, limited, Is tho new Crime, en Casualties of Every Char- .... v. ha Nwi Oatliereri ol the Different Localities nd carefully carpets at Henry Schwartz's. ton. were tho guest, of Tneo. Schaller ?1T '0'e "paner and Job print- -Fine teams for all purposes at the and family, on Bankway. 7 " . 4 . , South End Livery. ..Ex-sheriff Thomas Koons who Is In 1 0. .T """" " Full line of Ingrain and Brussels the lime, coal and cattle business In L ', 7. . .. ... . , ' ........n. a.rf.. 4i.i.ii.i.i . .f ,,,., manlnthlssectionofthesfate. After being in the harness for almost a half -Fashionable clothing for every- tho early week making purchases of L6ntury tUe 8enlor roUreg from the nZ ..rangier.' wll hang "on I -M. Loses Co, have a full line of Ed Brannlx, of Philadelphia, was j. U I conduct ed under tie ,W. 10.Ben Tennis, th. Loj 4 Co.. Oberts Blocfc cattle. ' . .... I t Tuab A Hn hnvA n full Una nf I activity of business and tho business Dec. 7, the governor yesterday signing the latest styles hats and caps. T,t,.nWJ,0I..SUUdT Ed !? ne "' UortbeMorthlmor Publishing and HALF-CENT A WORD. AtfTtrtliemenU under tlili head at a half-cent j word tab lnterUoo. This U the cheapest ana tout dTrtUlna medium out. If you have any- uivioieuorrenitrriuii cneap utjii..iij,. AdrtrtiteioeDU must he paid In advance. tyib iiMtal dark fa.iv Htft!)lon. aliteen and a hall hand high, twelve yeari old, perfect ly sale ana souua m every particular. m v told cheap fcrcuh, Apply to George F. Buck, VIGItANT TWICE A WINNER She Defeats the Eosllak Cotter In Both LltkH and Heavy Brasses. Nbw Yom., Oct. . The Btlt of the In ternational raeea for the America's CUD. between Lord Dunraven's Valkyrie and the eup defender Vigilant, was sailed Sat urday in a rather light breeie, and resulted In a victory for the American boat. The course was thirty miles to leeward and re turn. The offlclal Azures show that the Araer can boat beat the British craft 7 mln. 88 sec on elapsed time, from which must death warrant. Just make it a point to see David Philadelphia's most energetic young t.i..h .. -SF.Sl.Z':' ,t.i. , .r. e when you wantateam for bnsl- men. n.Uv. nf R ',. . ,,, rested'bere yesterday for irylnK to drown ness or pleasure. Lowest prices. . .Ed Jones, wife aud baby of Bank- tbe 1gut of d ueor Edlnboro ln 1828. himself In the Ijckawanna river. He was The best stocked Jewelry store ln way, spent last Sunday at Ilroadheads- ,,, irtarnB(i tua ... r,...---..! i 1,1. -bwu-ti. ufuu u. .. ... flhiink atnrn. DM vnn is-a Mia now . .Twn irnnlnl. Inrlftl nnlrltji. Rlnnlrlo . . . . Chestir, Pn., Oct.K. rroressor Josian -- - --- --- -- , ;," ' "' America wnen a ooy. lie worked Jaokson, of the Pennsylvania State ool- goods Just received from New York Schwartz and T. Webster Clauss are under Horace Greely on tho Tribune: lege, died quite suddenly at tbe residence City, this week. home fr m a three weeks trip to Chlca- iioninittnn fho irorl,l c-.ii-.i of hU sister. Dr; Hannah J. Price, ln this ,)o r0 want to 8ee . heaatltn, ... 0 and mi.ur otller Dlaoea of lnterest in H ... .!.' oltr. agedM. He was rated as one 01 tne . .... . . . V . iiikiuiii joiir, noiug iuiu m- leading mathematlclsns of the state. !I0IJSe"tf of B""r B?0,s f Go to E-11 tne u. most eve,7 Port of the civilized world; ScRANTOif, ra., Oct. ja.-Tcrrenoe m. '". ..ouss rmuu mm, vu in 1601 he enlisted in the war and ser TlnUnd. a well known resident of Dun- Latest fitvln nrnmnnf j nt AT Isiitna I rintlno- RnlnRladv In Clias. (loth's wall j, a. . . n.,. i,,v. . ' " - veu turee years, receiving au nonoraoje "SfwSSi? traTe" C' ioe , di8ohar- Brtumlng from the war In train thundered along and cut him to -Invitations are out for the mar- Mauch Chunk. 1805 he started a newspaper, the Uulon pieces. He was S3 yearn oldaodunmar- rlage of Ed Braunlx, of Philadelphia, ..Miss Katie Bortolette, of Phlla- pBK at Mauch Chunk, which he sold n.u. , . ,... 10 anssaiary, me esumaoie aaugnter ueipma, is a guest at tuej.u. ubooj to a syndicate of which the late Chas. li : National Suirf, head,u.r- " "".a-oueri, on ine evening ot tne .eswenco ou r.m street. Albrlght was on0. The papor wa9 ters this morning granting an honorable 2h in the Lutheran church. .."Billy" Weloh, the champion merBod Into the Mauch Chunk Gazette discharge to Colonel John I. Itogere, late "Jack" Hagenbuch, of Bankway, is knight of the razor was at the No. In the early 70's In partnership with Judge advocate of the National Guard, abletomeve about again following a zareth fair last Thursday. George Boyle he started the Miner's office Tin "subsequent order. seriou9 1Iln68S of seTeral weks- . . Mrs. Ed. Hunslcker and daughter Dally Advocate at Hazletou, tho first CiBLiSLi, Pa Oot. 12,-The Lutheran The first ward choir has had sever- Emma and Laura, Airs. George Esch, morning dally eyer published in that ynod of western Pennsylvania met yes- al additions to its membership this Mrs. A. K. Miller and Miss Sallle 0ny jom Hazleton In 187 he moved tdV.je WOek- An admirer says that BenJ. has Clauss were at Danlelsvllle on Wed- to 0,, and comme"n0ed the MrivtZKtR his mnslo In his feet and George In his nesday attending the funeral of a publication of the Carbo Advocate Meohanlcsburg! treasurer, nev. Jerry uari, nat. uer;eui uuuie. which by a close attention to business York; secretary, Hev. J. A. Mentzer, Han-1 On Monday Eve., Oct 10th the ..Mrs. A. L. Campbell aud her sister bard work) persistent effort and an over. I original attraction "Slda Tmnlinfl" Miss Tillle Schoch. of Lansford. sneut l.,nii.i 1 j. nntwinirnn Pa. Oct. 11 One of the I . . . ' . . . . ; . uuuwkuuiK uckoiuiuubtuu uaa ue- .rSSS'J. f .. ;v nil ln the direction of S. J. Rawson. Thursday with relatives and friends ln TeloDB,i lnto onB n, tllB ,mRt. nlttn(a ,n this county f years occurred at Bater- will bo given at the Lehlghton Opera towu. the Interior of the state. Mr. Morthi- vll e between tne Hungarians oi tne mo- llouse. "Bide Tracked" has a funny Miss Mluule Peters spent a tow clays mer wllt llve well eatlsfled to ball and Dlythedale mlnes.ln which .lubs. n,,T0A SQenes. a bi i000motlve. lo lhl wmIc with Ue Creek friends. t.i. . 4. and durlna which three Hune were terrl- cars and the finest passenger trains. . .P. J. Klstler Is at the World's Fair o a haif COnturT of activltv. He will. bly Injured, two of them fatally. It also has a versatile company of Chicago. however, from time to time contribute Lavoaster, Pa.. OoUlO-The state W. comedians and meohanlcal novelties. ..Mrs. Hagerman, of Labhaska, Pa., to the editoral exp ression of thispaper C. T. U. elected the following pmoers: rtnnt fall fn oaa n 1- , . . 1 nn ai ....1 r.mii. . f K Pr..d.nt. Mn Anna M. Hammer, of . T B,"liT" in tie same fearless manner as In the r " . . . . . . .. I HOr SRIA A naiv nno hnroAlnn li ir-of ctraat I . jVhlladelphla; corretponaiDS lecreiary, i iuu i.wuvTvvv, past. Mra. Hftbeof li. unamoeri.oi .eurovi ouwu waKuu wm uu suiucueap, Ap- . . ai ureenawauana warren otrauss- The members of the new Arm are his recordfna' itoretarr. Mra, Olive Fond I nln toC. W. Rwah if traPna-a at nurtrtct.iiT-rvi.icf Rnmiov I ...... Vi. rTf Phtlrl.nh!iii treasnrer Mrs m. v lUree sons, u, v. Aiortnimer, Jr., WHO 13 J A . " 1 1 r, " 7L V." .V.V il I TheHnest line of overcoats ever ..Robert Stransberrr and family dent-at-large.' Mrs. Mary n.' Jonee, of brought to tbls section will be found spent last Sunday at Slatlngton with Morthimer. who is editor and business Phiiaaeipma. at ai. losos x uo., firsf street. friends. manager; Thos. E. Morthimer, who Is Mdnn.V,?C -GranvlUe Clauss, one of our popu, ..Rev. Charles Clauss, of Strftuds-Uneral raperrlsor and foreman In the road waa drowned at Cranberry lake. N. lar y0UD man arlTes a Pre"y d0 c"" b"B wa3 " to during the week, the newspaper office, J. A boat containing his post, satohel and "no saw that many a fair one grows guest of his mother. He Is accomgan- The new company begs a share of ashing tackle was rouna in tne mioaie ei envious as Jranvllle speeds over Le- led by his wile and baby, the patronage of the people and solicits nelJ Adr lfc.nk.nfl.U w JSt blghtoD streets -bJ hts sIde- . . Hugh Jennings, of Baltimore, Md, the continued support of all the people old' and leaves a family residing InBethle- Horaoe Gross, of Bangor, Pa,, a where ha had been playing profession. In the same generous measure as In hem. He was one 01 tne uest xnown con- tormer L,eniguton Doy, is Ulllng a posl- al ball during the past season, stopped the past, duotors oa the road. tlon with Swartz fc Bros., tinners and I nvAr nt llrplv Thlirhfin n7bllA An rnntn I NoanisTOWs, Pa., Oct. 13. A bold rob- i,,mi,0 . P.f .,., ... . .... .... , ST. .ioiin'S oilmen case. bery was oommltted at an early Hour ln ; ""'" . the morning at the resldenoe of X. L. n0- -atjrey, for some time with the friends wero much pleased to see Hlltner, a wealthy resident of Franklin Central Company at Coalport. has ac. him. The Matter Uecldes That the Defendants avenue. The burglars sorted ou t all the cepted a position with tho Valley Com- Shall Be Ousted. rpproprlateTth. brtand r so ted tho Pa"J ' t Packerton. -mow S waucn t,nunK jewelry btore The master ln the Bethlehem Evan- .T: ... . . ' m.. I V tr tt-. il. . . . IQ thA nlaAA tn find K HnA o utHnn rf I . .. n wblca showeu tne euects or wear, xneiri uui, me iuaucn ununal r u-i geiicai uuurcn case, tne itev. J. u. LORD DUXBaVIlt. O. OLIVIB ISELIS. K. Janetad the allowance of 1 mln. sSsec. due the Valkyrie, and there Is left tbe American the victor by S mln. 48 sec New York, Oet. 10. Yesterday was Great Britain's day so lar as weamer tor & vaaht ran. waa concerned, and T)rd Dun raven and all of the crew of the rakish black ontter were happy when they went down the bay In the morning. O. Oliver Iselln and the gallant crew of the white cup defender were the happy onee when the yachts came back ln tbe af ternoon. They led a triumphal procession of yachts and excursion crait up tne nar bor, for the Vigilant had added anothei uniu csmriEto. captain hakeem. victory to her soon. She hail walked away from the Valkyrie ln A wind that topped the seaa with foam aod drove clouds of snrav over Her weatber bow. The first of the International races waa a run to leeward and return, aud that of yesterday, the second lu the aeries of three In fire, was a trluuRular course of thirty mllss.teu mileatotbeleg. The oup defender gained 4 mln. 45 sea In the first ten miles tasking to the windward, 4 rnlu. 19 sc. ln the second trn mile run, aud S mlu. and M sea. In tbe last ten mltea. She crossed the line ahead of the Valkyrie 13 mln. at sea., actual liiue. To. Valkyrie was over two miles astern when the Vigilant an. Uhed. Nxw York. Oct. 19. It was no man1 race resterdar. The Visitant and Valkvrli tried hard to settle the International ques tion aa to whton Is the queeu yacht of the world, but after alternate spells of racing, drifting and waiting for wind they gave np the oootest at the expiration of tbe time limit. Tha Vigilant waa leading by about half a mile when the time expired. Jleelh on the Hall. WniTIKO, Ind., 0.ct. 11. Late yesterday afternoon train No. 9. of tbe Pennsylvania road, ran Into an open awltoh. causing tha engine, mall car and two Pullmans to leave the track. Tbe dead are: Henry Warner, engineer; John Christie, fireman. The accident occurred Just west of the One Hundred and.Nlneteenth street oross Ing. Three persons were Injured, Includ ing the conductor, but none fatally, The fireman was burled beneath the engine and scalded to death by escaping steam. plunder comprises 100 worth of olothlng. Jeweler, has Just returned from New tne most beautiful goods ever pro- Bliem et al. vs. the Rev. H. D. Shultz a watch and chain and tas In cash. york cit wlth th ....,tm., dueed. If you want something choice fit. nl . nil nnttnii liomin hwtha nlolntiffei aoa"'" wfrkingtn"h7LebwblCUd'l7g of beau"'ul watches, rings, jewelry and this is the place to And It at a reason- who belonged to the Bowman-Esher of the Reformed Theological seminary, silverware ever brought to this section ttU'e Prl8- taotlon to oust the defendant, the was assisting to plaoe a rafter ln position see his new goods It will do your eyes William Werner is having his host- Dubsltes, from St John's German yesterday afternoon and waa standing g00(j. lery on top of the Mahoning mountain Evangelical Church and parsonage at astride of its end. The timber slipped, tn - . . . . ... t. on the road leading to East Penn. im n,..KiK i .... .... throwing Hovery up Into tbe air ana uen " io . . , -- : ul uis to the irroui '. flftv feet below. UU skull choose from, E. n. Ilohl's. Mauoh proved and beautified on the Interior, defendants. Friday filed a longthv re- was so baaiy crusneo. mat tne orain oo.eq chunk jewelry store. 1 or lne aooommoaauon oj parties no port ln favor of the plaintiffs, holding broken1 HeTL Weirs old imdlea've. -Tl"keU for free portraits at Rlshel's is Putting up a commodious dance hall, that the Indianapolis General Confer- a wlfs and two children. gallery are good until December 1893. iuu ""mIUB Buu lmper UBUeluB is ence of 18U1 was the lawful conference BcaaXTOS, Pa., Oct. 10.-A terrldo r- unesapeak Bay Oysters Cheap. 8 oouuieu uy uo 0f tne association and had power to piosion oi gas ocourrou m me uojumuia rme uysters only cents per quart "' oouduoti pass upon an tne questions luvoiveu. colllsry, Old Forge, by which Thomaa flsh tmite w.II.Ov.W.mn workman. a brief synopsis of the master's re burned and Thorn". Hl.Domlnto MT- lghton and Welssport every day -The Volunteer Fire Organization port is as follows: The master finds Ism. John Hoan and P. MoNuity, all ot manoning weunesdavs sndSatnnhn ul " .uurauay, uoi tnat tne general conference or tne Duryea, seriously injured. The men were afternoon. 19 th, hold their first annual parade. Evangelical Association, held at Buffalo tJTSSol -Rings, Ring,,gold rings in all the Tlie parade will take place at 3 o'clock ltt 18S7. lawfully acted under the 71st was set off by a naked lamp before they latest artlstio designs a magnificent a,ter wh'!h their new engine house aud section of the dlscplollne ln referlng were aware of Its presence. The explosioa and tremendous large stook to solect roomswl 11 oe Iorm any opened. A grand the matter for approaching the place tore dowa oonsldsrable timbering. from t P. lr irM. nr...... reception will be held in the evening, for thA iitunr.i mnf.mn i,a BOTLISTOWII. Pa.,0ct.T. WallaceBurt, toic. to whloh all the flradBDnrtmAntunf tl, ,..., . i,,i..i.. T. eh. h.l hr.l Oh.rok.e Indian, wha Is """"'' .7 . . ------ "." ("""'""""i j-puiunuK in - z - T . . . I n . i Hiirmiinn ner finnnnoa narAitaan itiviraii mi.. il. ai i. . bslleved to be the murderer of the Right- iwvivat meetings nre ln progress In . " 7 umuupuiis mr iuo ue general comer leys at Newtown a couple of weeks ago, the Presbyterian church undor the aus- delegation of Lehigh Fire Co., No. lf ence was proper and falrj that the was given a hwring Ttd.y In the pices of the Evangelical congregation of town will attend. general conference held at Indlanapo ?,.hVchCOrdTuc'tld th.'.A,o,trhn:,;om: -WW Schoch, of town. eVoct to In Pf with genial Michael Uswasthe only lawfm conference'of monwealth, while the prisoner was not leave on pet Monday for New Tripoli, Lsos'of tn0 Crystal Palace Clothing the Eyangelioal Association; that the represented by counsel. After the examl- where hn hn ..,i.i n -i..... Hall, the editor en joyed a most delight- the general conference had iiirls.llnHnn nation of a number of wltnesse. Burt waa I ... ful drivo through the Mahoning and to determ!n tho vMMtv nf thA ,i.i. rnurdlr at ?hl NovemwVerm o'oouS -Henry Nolf drives a new horse in Cr60k ValIeys on last SundaJ' aud pensions of the bishop.and that Allentown, Pa., Oct, 18. Hon. Daniel his passenger and baggage delivery stoPPln en rout Rt the splendid the method of procedure which they Oreitx. ex-assemblvman and ex- warden of 'bus. The animal nnh.i . oountry home of that well known adoDted was in eonforniltv with the the Lehigh county prison, died "tardaj ' DaTld Ebbert of Mahoning. Democrat, John II. Miller, where we law of the Evangelical Association; that of abrokenheart. He. was turnedout of mu. were fed aud entBrtj.lnAH In hi. . .i,. t.- nn j ..u-'j the warden'e office by the commissioners. iuou.ocuaiierwrotemore Business . . , - .-.,,,,,,, umu usas wuu u. suspicion having been cast upon him In thau any other agent of the Prudential p manner. Through, the hered to him being the plaintiffs in this connection with Muraerer k.cx s lutoio. insurance Co, in this section during 1 reeK valley w0 mel maD o'" case, acted In harmony with the laws iS't. ttVplSar th It and for doing so the , . . ..,, tha Evangelical Association and are appealing to the people for a vindication, company presented him with a beautl- , 8 ,eT,Tal meetings being held entitled to the property of the St. but v. as badly defeat.d. Disappointment ful silver water service, by the Meunonitos in an open tent on John's German Church of the Evan- unsettled his mind ana be gradually pinea BoroU(h Treasnror straun ot hlrd street continue to grow in re- gellcal Association of Bethlehem. IRMVliirl fifMUtt lo KU1n'.lnn A H.wua mfctuaii UUU 1DI IU1. JituL DUU Uniostowv. Pa.. Oct. ll.-Th. failure "" vv'' .""'B '"ui" m mnMrtjl u , . T a (.r-.l.l. .k- n.....J ..-W. n mOUlUS 1 1 . ... uh.i.bu u it.i!,.;. .,i 'f!.,,n.u..ih. . i. f.nnd tn I vVa,i,ii ,ia ii n. it. the Lehigh river, iust this Bide of the h. n,.,h mnr- serious than was at flrat L4 .u . "Ta Mahoninir sldlntr. flrAr OfYin , A UleUapon th. Swl.cUbaek That Might supped-. 111. ....u ..mount to about " " - "lJ wUn.sseJthe exercises and there waa 75.UUO, while ibe uauiiities wm r.acn.u .. f ,,,., An accident, which almoit bv not exceed. 1178,000. A great many or the ur. w. u. M. Belple, of South street i.---- ...m, - - - SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. BocletrThl-lllts of Interest to the Mem her. of the Fraternity. Secret societies in need of parapha nalla, flags, banners, uniforms, etc., should consult H. V. Morthimer, Jr., who represents one of the largest firms of Importers, manufacturers and dealers In this country before purchas lng elsewhere. Those now officers have been elected by Gnaden Hutten Lodge of Odd Fel lows of this town Past Grand, G. IK. A, Reichard; Noble Grand, Thomas D. Thomas; Vice Grand, Chas. E. Brink man: Secretary. Thos. Seifert: assistant Secretary, Frank J. Obort! treasurer, sos. 11. rntzinger; it B. to ?. U., U. C. nhi. T. a tr. t." ci ri.n.t.. n if.... t S. to V. O., Al Vo'ho; L. S. to V. G., Geo! w. uieui: conuuetor, donn J. uutz; i. a f tr 1 1 .. . n ci ti t.i 1 1 .. I . kj.. uuuu. v, a., inuioi vniu, Chaplaiu, W. I. Peters. Knights ot tho Golden Eacle Ann). versary Day will be celebrated In Plilln. delphia with an evening parade of the Castles and Commanderles, Oct 20. The formation will be at Broad and Girard Ave., proceed up Broad to Dia mond St., countermarch to Tasker St., lu x-uuiiu xiuiiaings anu uismiss. i'ast Grand Chief and Brig. Gon'l Harry P. Relnicke has been elected Chier Marsh all. The convention oppolnted a Com mltteeof Arrangements consisting of members of the Castles mid Comman derles with Past Chlof L. II. Tobln as Chairman. Fleetwood Castles. Nn. 374 K. n P. of Fleetwood, was instituted Oct. 11 by District Grand Chief Howard L Boas and staff. District Grand Chief "Grand Gam. ble and staff will institute Greene View, No. 173, of Gammal, Oct 19. Sf AUONING. Husking bees nre now the order of the day. Miss Kate Arncr, of Belmont. Iowa. Is visiting the family ot Jacob Noth- stein. Mies Clora Sitter left on Tuesday to enter the West Chester State Normal School. Misses Katlo Fenstermacher aud Sallle Walker, of Lehlghtoil, were visiting in the Valley during this week. Mr. aud Mrs. Lewis Zimmerman left on Monday for a visit to the World's Fair. F. D. Klingeman and wife, of this' place, and Manuel Behler and wife, of West Penn, were visiting at Nesquehon. log over Sunday, One day last week while threshlug Thompson McLean had the misfortune to get caught in the machine and the big toe of his left foot torn off. Moses Arner and family, of Morgan, vllle, Kansas, who had been visiting here for some months, left for their Kansas home on Tuesday. Tho sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in S.t. John's church on Sunday morning by Rev. W. 11 Strauss. A seven months' old ahild of A, J Oombert died last week. Interment took place at St. John's church on Friday. Lutheran rantore Meet. The October meeting of the Pastoral Association of the Upper Lehigh Valley was held at tho house of Rey. E. A, Bauer, on Monday. Those in attend ance were besides the host: Revs. II. II. Brunlg, White Haven; J. J. Kuuta Conynsham: J. II. Schmidt. Freelantl! . II. Kuder and W. H. Strruss, Le hlghton; J. II. Longacre, Welssport D. II. Stebolt, Summit Hill; L. Linden; struth, Mauch Chunk. The first hour was spent in discuss lng two sermons, outlines based on Matthew 12:30, by Revs. Kuntz and Brunlg. Then followed the reading or Malacbl, chapter 4, in Hebrew, with grammatical aud exegetlcal remarks by the brethren. In the afternoon Rev. Kuntz read a fine paper on the Levltes. The re maiuderof the time was occupied with the serious consideration of, the Sun. day questions in all Its various bear. lngs. Rev. Brunlg presented a very carefully prepared paper on that sub ject. The noxt meeting will be held on Nov. Cth, at White Haven. fir Klehara Vlatts Our Sapreme Ceart. WAiaixaroit, Oct, 10. The opening day sf tke October term ot th. .UDr.m. oourt attraoUd an unusually l.rg. .nd n.tabli atundano. of counsel and visitor, yester dar. Tbe "observed of all observer." was Sir BUbard Webster, attorney general ot England. Roberts the Tl.tor. New York. Oct. ..The International billiard gam. of 10.000 points, between John Roberts, the English champion, and Trask C. Ives, tbe American, resulted In a Tlct.ry for Ilobarts by a score ot 10,000 te rr.nr-ri i WAIFS EAGLE STORE, jy Infeir,wQrds wa desire to call U- to your notice a very Important fict. It la this. We have as ty large and fine aline of general wa atore goods as you will And any. tr where. Come and see us, let us how you our goods and tell you .a-t what our prises are. We deliver" goods anywhere promptly and without extra oharge whatever flJ to th purchaser. Dotit pay big J prices but some and soe us ) Robert Walp yirtt street. Op. Round Homes fASSKNOGlU SUAKKN Ul Hungarian and Italian cok. worker, bad slipped while going into his barn Tne, Prev6nted from running owing to the miraoie ma no cause injury to some depositedtbelrsavlngslnMcCaleb'sbankt d a an(, sustained a fmrtn nf 'nn nf mass f P0Pl blocking the tracks. Qe. happened on the Switchback, at mould. pl;.. o. ""' "T h..m.ni. . .,. . v7;-: Neversuch an outburst of faith was Mauon Chunk", on Saturday. A oar iKWffanaTffir -V?r?... . witnessed herebefore. on which were number of Bethlehem - -- -"-------rr v" very unraa , ..... ,i,ii , , im. j eierxsintneuana.nav.arineuinemseiTe. . ,t ,. , t . n, nuunm ftewnart ana Wilton l -- "r" to proteot tbe property of their employer. , ; r T Xander, representing Lehigh Lodge 29" dowu the "home stretch," broke an. Seriou. trouble Is feared. IIa"7 Kreldler a wel kaown carriage , ' V . .: , Jh?TK '.TT t!a ,,h f,,mnA,i th. t-,.h ti,a . ht.TrhViTn0;'? . terline on Bankway early Monday engera all escaped with a, slight shaki Dre... of Phlllpsburg. Centre county, under a pair of mustang oouTeV that morning last and presented her with a 1"8P. The oar was a very old one whom they arreted at that plao. on a .,,., ,f M. v.nJl ' ,a" check for 11000. the amount due her Persons who saw it say tbe axles were of John George Span, wbodied over sixty fright and tr ed to run away. Voung ",.,, aB8lu it j . i ,j V ,. years ago, and is supposed to have left In SchalTer had his hand badlv in Im-Arf 01 Ur' Dit'erHne is t.o well remember. "ew "aI the accident occured in uermanyau esiate wmcn is now worini-,. - ed by our people to need reDaatlnir any other place save tne level spot ou 1! h..!b.if1l Er roUatSbrrS?: -"ch It did there would. certalUy He sent the Spang heirs whathasslnce hlm$505. ber of the railroad organization both as have been fatal resulU, and the rail been proved a forged copy of the will of . . . . jn.,- a matter of duty to himself aud justice road company would be to blame for fir&J&Z&X'J'SS. wMktl-ffiCrBW. to "I t P-.ii"ruch rickety affairs to be mmnr Kevvrill buudrea neoDle OI ISI Pa., hid hMn ntt.nl, h. 1 1 iub wuumuw wi ,w r ji gallon. I M- v Spang family lime lweu deluded, and robbo4, lg untrue. Miss Clark Is a al EaD M Pul,Usked by their regular The track was blocked for several liT.?.;'1WM,t,'p, W Euro',, native of Nesquehoulng this '.. quarterly statement appearing else hours. The passengers were compell- I , , . ...... "luhomlntliiB naD.n.nbp nw.-..a n .k.. I M In Vlllk M IhAHUMnn n riictnti.. nt anu teacnes scnooi at tbe former place. I """"'"'"" 1 , . .7 , one is a sister to P. F. and Miss Annie rv ui lout exceueut i --- r "v anu a ana weu munagea institution. The I uoupie ot muett oy tne rauroaa traoKs. Probubl) tvlowel b Oalckaands. Niw Yuen. Oct. 11 TliHihln Valkvrle. I - ... : ' Liuua ui rim HirnAr. rJr...vi5I ,,. , . . . , individual deposits are 1153.830.15; sur- Several young women who took the aw-taw-wl route were compelled to creep o Sabls Islands. H JsZ P Smith tTm - .i dlvidenU unpaid, $108.00. .Votwith- on their hands and knees over the high known Democrat and popular lead er. , ,. . , .5. 7 Dau" rT. T ..V . . who ha, bn quite..rloPusP,y illfotsom. ahjS w-a w- -yvsi v'i'iv-aBUtCKMUv 4amw -uw wu vu waua utu V HOLUDATIIUKO, Pa.. Oct. IX -Michael lfr.f.nnla.l. At on tima worth tlOO.fVkl. anrl 1 tf.A pnMiirominntooalopertorandmDm- t?ii--.- -in !- . n , I lng the BtaudluK and safety of the re cars which are liable to break down at MtitiiAiM i- niiria Annt- f r.-1 "way JuiiK me Desi railro&a I T.,Q.,x1, ., . I .,i , yy""""- " . rrr . . f b leguuiure, wm oonvioia 01 f-l.t oa In th 1111- Mnlintf tarda r- Ha Ulongwl to a fang of trmp I store. Per whokad.mm.ttWmany,nl..tn.. .,..,. .,,.,, . I -The two mile bicycle raea of Wed Pay- . . : 7 " rf ."" L..l-vl,,! these entires mminerv irooaa at iv.iu a vnn , nai i 'JlAJjSlai "-hie First national bank, of whichMr. any moment-Rethlehem times, y court At- at E. II. Uobl'a, Mauch Chunk Jewelry f oh T hemmel ta ""' Uurt.;,h. Al Oreena- A mart giving his name as Daniel Boyle, living at Summit Hill, was found l.ni-cMa tha mll.mi tnb .ln.. KTyvzn-::rnt, . u .v 1 um.? Mmw -. Tuav evung plumUr of SU Nicholas avenue, who street, Saturday last and during this V. . 7 c , , i . . Til . T at"' suffering from several wound. It U failed about six week, ago, Is eoousedof -6eksur asied In beauty and exteu Alvln Snyder, Mahofllngj Prank tort- presumed he wasstruok bytraln No .11 at . . . I .. nl . r rr 1 a pita .4 Vri nnn. Illll . I - .i-1ub Asaliflulfl Pal iAt. 11.. I tta. .tortZ "iCrt various f ""f8 auX " ar event of J" R aD7j leaving Mauolt Chunkat .75, or engine builder, and contractor., in. amount is 1 m. m.o m, ui. aiuuureus 01 1 followed. rieoona aua third rjrix I w ubu lqddi, not definitely known, bat 1. ourrwtiyr- people have thronged her pleasant I were awarded the latter. I where an examination proved that he pori to ue over ew.uuvfcivMMei 1 ttore this week with nlaasureable In I naa tnree nua oroxen una waa injured 1 ' ' I. . . l TatVhuka It Ml. Concern. llnt.p.iullv lln ua, uft.n uarA I.dl.'a a.o Vleerer. terest. Tne Interior Of Show wlniln.a -,r .,--.-....-... j IX,KPO. Oet. H.-Tb. ha. Ind store room, were decorated with All parH are hereby forbldta glva WMtMlam Si ' UoWeu rod and evergreen and the WOT.Ti wlllSE rev l.th. eldest uof th. eighth Karl of etfort waa grand. Wt eeugratulate ihetu to the full uteetof the law. The potpol fair of the rarbon jsigio. who wm appeiaua governor isn. i -i . -. r1 -uij i,..m....c,, una ar.l .f India la January, lt, and wh. I " re-- u. tiugutoe, ra. I we.lt anu w jaw died la amt. la liev.sbu. IMS. A lteforme Among Confiresstuen, Congressman Howard Mutchter is a reformer and economist in the house as he and Congressman Paynter sub mitted a minority report from the com mittee on accounts disapproving ot needless clerks to several unimportant committees. Of course this has brought down on their heads denunciations by those members who have friends to reward at the expense of Uncle Sam, but the twogentlemeu named bravely stood by their guns, and were finally sustained by a vote of the house.' The ground they took, that while the country was suffering so much from buslnoss stagnating, it was worse thau a crime to foist upon the taxpayers useless aud unnecessary expense, was too strong an argument to be combated so their victory for reform lu oougrest ional expenditures was easily won. Washington oor. Xazareth Item. The Greatest Clothing bale that ever took plaoe In this section will be held during the next thirty days at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, on aooount of au overstock of clothing. We will sell you a boys' suit for $l.e0, worth 12.00, better ones at t2.3S, worth 93.75 and upward. Men's suits at (3A5, worth $7.00; men's suits at 500, worth 80.00; men's suits at ?7.00, worth t-12.00 aud up to 16.00. Our men's overooats at 83, 4 88 and $10, will cost you from 812 to 815 else where. We will allow you a oaah dis count of 5 per oeut whieh will pay your cur fare. Remember, our place U op posite the u. ILK. Mutton, Mauch Chuuk Farm for bale. A 70 aure farm in high state ot out tlratiou including 6 aore of good wood land. Improvement are a large S story stone House a large frame bank Darn and other neoaswtry out buildings, will be sold at Public Sale on the prMulwwa at Traohsvllla, Carbon County, I'm., on Saturday Oet 38th 1888 at 1 p. m. by wiuiaui num. very easy teruu. 'Hwce D." It a tantalising adawMtUUw to Uiom who at uus season imi all tireo on. weak, without sppMiW and dlteourued. llu tb wav la which Hood's tsarsaprilla baUda up tbe tired frame and gives a good appetite. Is really woudeifull- bo wt say. "Take Hood's and u will brace you up " For a general family iaih.r.k- v xn nbeutiy retutumeud ilooo. XMLs. OCTOllf.H COrilT BUSINESS. Crime on the Increase In this conntr Juris. Ntot-m Presides The regular term of the Court of Quarter Session of Carbon county, opened at Mauch Chunk Monday morning. Hon. John B. Storm, Presi dent Judge, aud Hons. Samuel B. Price and Chas. II. Seldol, Associate Judges were on the Bench. After being sworn, the Grand Jury was charged by the Court. Their duties were explained to them In a plalnand Intelligent manner. Refer ence was also made to the increase In crime ln Carbon county and in the Judicial district. II. F. Peters, of Parry vllle, was appointed foreman, after which the Qrand Jury retired to their room in charge of Constable Strohl. The following were appointed tip staves, to serve during the session: Constables Julius Kiel's, of Mauch Chunk; Chas. Cunningham, Lansford; James D. Bailey, East Penn, and Frank Mertz, Mahanlng. A decree was entered granting to Lewis Kemerer, the assignee in the estate of William Strohl, the right and power to reconvey and transfer to the said William Strohl all the estate, real and personal, remaining in his hands undisposed of, It appearing that all claims against said estate have been released or secured. Horace DeVoung Lentz, desiring to register as a student at law In tho olll- ces of Laird H. Barber and Frederick Bertolotte, Esq.. presonted application for the preliminary examination re quired by the rules of court. In real estate of Ann K. Thompson, late of Beaver Meadow, deceased. At the Jane term of court a citation was granted ou Oliver L. and Hulda E. YaeAer and Nicholas It. Williams, exec utors of the last will aud testament of said decedent. Tbelr answere to the petition for citation was filed and in it they deny that thedecedent was of un sound mind or that any undue in. fluence was brought to bear upon her when said will aud codicil was made, but that It was.her own voluntary act. John D. Hayes, guardian of Annie Garrjuau, minor child ot Owen Garra. ban, deceased, presented a petition for an order from court granting him per mission to sell ut private sale certain real estate lu Nesquohoning. Philip O. Garrahun and Peter Garrahan, joint heirs, joined tn the petltlnn. A decree was made granting him permission lu conjunction with the other heirs named to convey said real estate to Mlehael Mulligan, of Freelaud, for the sum of 8S0O. The grand jury returned true bills against tho following: Oscar Groman, assault and battery; same defendant malicious mischief; Milton Harp, F. and I); Frank Hill, F. and B; Charles Faust, F. and B. The report of the sale of the estate of the late Elizabeth Moyer, consisting of several lots on Pine street, Lehlghton borough, made by the administrators, Daniel A. and David X. Leiby,was read and coSrmed nl si. The property was sold to Jacob Frebolln, of Heidelberg township, Lehigh county, for $2,375. The hotel license of John O. Weiss. for tho Franklin House,EastWeIssport, was transferred to Fredrick ll'asem. Naturalization papers were granted to Max Rieck, of Franklin township; Jacob Gtnther, of Lehlghton, Charles Cohrs, of Penn Forest; Mike Yarrick, of Xesquehonlng, and William Gergial, of Lehigh township. The hotel license of Jacob II. Jones. for the Pennsylvania House, aiusqm hanna street, Mauch Chunk, was trans- ferred to Blazlus Zeiser. John If. Buck, convicted at the April term of court, 1893, 'of V. and B., pre sented his final petition as an Insolvent debtor. On motion of E. II. Nothstlne, his attorney, the petition was granted and Buck discharged. A similar petl tlon was presented by L. II. Barber ln behalf of Charles Costenbader, which was also granted. D. M. Mulhearn, attorney for Hugh McDade, convicted at the June session, 1892, of F, and 11., presented his Dual petition for discharge as an insolvent debtor. The petition was granted. A similar petition was presented ln be half of Condy Campbell and the 8th of January, 1891, was fixed fora hearing of the case. Sheriff Joseph S. Webb on Monday afternoon had the Alfred Drumbore property in Mahoning township, con sisitlug of seven acres up at shorilfs It was knocked down to William Q. Freymau, Eq., for 8300. Mr, Frey- man Is the execution creditor in the amouut of 8126. The first case called for trial was Com vs. Frank Hill, charged with F. and 13., on oath of Maggie Itehrig. Hill plead guilty and received the customary sen tence fiom tho court. Both parties ere from East Penn. The next case was a similar charge against Charles Faust, of Mahoning Valley, Lizzie Kuukle Is the prosecutor. He also plead guilty and was sentenced. The District Attorney oleared the docket of another case of the same nature against William Harp, of Lehlghton Emma Ebbert lg prosecutor. Harp also plead guilty but in hit case seutenoe was deferred for a day or two. Probably Harp means to do duty In jail. WEISSPORT AND AROUND. SI'IfY HAl'I'KnlNtlS llltlEFLV KriTO" M1ZKIJ. The I'olncs oftheWeek Interleailed With l'ersonal Mentions, -Johu Schlery is Improving his east Wousport residence. Misses Olive aud Emma Beltz, of North Penn, are visiting A. A. Beltz nnd family and other friends ln thlg nelghborhoed. George Ueltzner, of Mauch Chunk is n new barber in Campbell's ton Roniul saloon. Henry Christman, the gonial bnul. flee of the Fort Allen, accompanied by his wife, are at Chicago seeing the World's Fair. Mrs. Joseph Boycr, of East Weiss. lort, met with a serious accident ou lait Sunday. She was descending u flight of stairs when she slipped aud fell to the bottom, sustaining a fracture of the bones of both arms at the wrist. Mrs. Boyer is aged about DO years but she bears her misfortune heroical ly. Dr. Kreamer, Carbon's Democratic candidate for county treasuer, was lu town on Tuesday looking after his poll, tlcal fences. Miss Hattie Markley, one of Frank lin's most estimable young ladies, has accepted a position with Mrs. M. Cul ton, Weissport's leadlug mlllluer. Mrs. Oliver Smoyer spent lat Sun. lay with relatives at Btthlehem. Mrs. liambo, of Reading, spent Sunday with her daughter Miss Mar. gaurete In this town. Sunday evening tnoy attended services In the Episco pal church at Mauch Chunk. Hon. William Blery Sundayed with his father at Seigfried Bridge. JohnS. Miller and family spent last Sunday with relatives at Heldel-burg. A local building and loan assocla. tlon Is to be organized here. Stock is now being subscribed for. A publl meeting will be held In Laury's Hall next Monday evening. All persons interested should attend. Town council met in regular session on Monday evening. The usual busi ness was transacted. All members were present. The Carbon Social Club will hold their first ball forthe season In Laury's llall on Thursday, Thanksglvlug even. lng, November 30. Bull's popular or- Chester of Allentown will discourse musio on the occassiou. The com mlttee on arrangements are C. W. M"5T ler, C. F. Jflller, Al Miller, W. W. Plum. mer, Peter loung and Benj. Peters. Fred Wassem is the new landlord at the Franklin House, East Welssport succeeding John Rehrig. A wonderful feat lu marksman ship was performed tho other day by that woll known shooter Johu Rehrig. Out of twenty glass balls he broke every one; out of sixty clay pigeons he miss ed but one. The balls and birds were thrown ln every conceivable manner but the genial Johnny was equal to the occasion. 1'OI.ITICAL, I'OIMTS. Loeal Political Oosslp That Is Sraaonahl at This Time. t3LThe Prohibitionists of Monroe county have nominated the following tUket: For President Judge, Hon. E. D. Nichols, of Wilkos-Barre; for Pro thouotary, E. It. Gearhart, of Chest nuthlll; for register and recorder, Reuben E. High, of Polk; for county treasurer. Geo. W. Green, of Hamilton; tor county commissioner, Simon F Kresge, of Chestnuthlll. er The Hon. Allen Craig has filled his petition for nomination papers No matter where his name is plaoed ou thu ticket, Weatherly will give him a rousing vote. weatberly Herald. CSr-The prohibitionists of North ampton County ou Saturday nomi nated the following ticket: i'rothono- tary, E. A. Packer; recorder of deeds, E. A. Uodsbalk; register of wills, H. A Miller; county treasurer, A. E. M.aker; county commissioner. E. C. Carroll; director of poor, P. E. Kreldler; county auditor, Samuel Waltman. EST The entries from the Twelfth district are Col. Graut Herring, of Bloomsburg; Hugh Gllmore, of ll'illi- amsport, E. W. Romach, of Watsontown; T. M. Conilf, of Plains; Reuben Tran. sue, ot Bethlehem; J. W. Maloy, of Lansford;T. B. Hobau and J. M. C. Ilanck, of Scran ton; Lafayette Roland, of Roland; J. R. Powell, of Wlllams port; F. K. Kron, of Say re; F, Bruce Ricketts, of Wilkes-Barre, aud Geo. W, Essor, of Mauch Chuuk. Of the thir teen applicants in the Twelfth district there are only three who are in it Grant Herring; supported by the State Administration Harrity, Wolyerton syndicate. T. M. Conilf, of Plains Luzerne county, Represenatlve Hiue's candidate, aud Geo, W, Eaeer, of Mauch Chunk, who is backed by Rep. reoeutatlve Afutchler. Tbe tide has generally been running ln favor of State Senator Herring, but the appear ance of the son of the late Democratic war horse of Northampton In the field with a candidate has somewhat disar ranged previous calculation's. M. u. Times. IN A fUW LINUS. Short b(Ulb lu aufl Arouud Carbon Ouuutj IHshed Up for Our Headers. bila Reed, a mluor child of tbe late Lawreooe Reed, of Jeaneaville selected Alexander May, ot Mabanoy City, as ber guardian, aud the Sohuylkill oouu ty oourt Monday atade the appoint ment Ills baud, In tbe sum of 8000, with W. II. Kvaus as surety, was ap proved by court. To th. La dies Oulv, I We oan show you the finest selection of fall aud winter ooaU,eapea aud jaok to ever shown la this valley. Our priow are 33 per oeut lower than the same garment oau be bought for else where, and we will allow you 0 per cent discount to pay your ear fare. One I'rioe Star Clothing Uall.Muuou Chunk Ilarn.as. lilankels, ate- Milton Klory, Waiaeport, baa a largo aau aortmeut of all kinds of ha ruee. blankets, whips, robes, Jus , which bel telling at very low prices. It you need anythiug lu this line buy it here and you ill aa. money, because uurprioea are tho itiv luviakl lu the vatly. ON THE RAILROAD nniRF uktiiii or ivkkk-. i INGSION TIIK KAIL. Short I'aracra.hs That Will he of Interest to the Ilalln ial Bora. t About one hundred firemen congre gated at Union Hall, Hazleton, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock to assist In the organization of a lodge of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen, J. J. Hanahan, an organizer of Englewood. 11!., was present and organized the lodge. He also delivered a stlrrlnir ad dress, pointing out the benefits to be derived from the organization. The new lodge starts out with a member ship of 47, and will be known as Mount ain Echo Lodge, No. 007. Meetings win oe held ou the third and fourth Sundays of each month. t There were ou June 30. 1892. 1.822 railway corporations, of which 899 wero Independent, 701 subsidiary, 320 leased for a fixed rental aud 180 for a contl gent rental. Fewer changes in organi zation occured than in any previous year. The tendency toward consolid ation Is a marked feature. There are forty-three companies having a mileage in excess of 1,000 miles and one-halt of the mileage of the country is tho property of these forty three companies. The capitalization is placed at 810,220,718,131, figure that pass much beyond ordinary compre hension, and ot this vast aggregate 81,033,108,703 Is represented by stocks and 85,053,038,050 by funded bebt. The mortage bonds amount to 81-302. 570,993, as compared with 81,081,621,075 tor tne previous year. The euu Inment credits 33,130 locomotives ln use, 9,818 ior passenger trallle and 17J359 assiira. ed to the freight service. The number of cars reported by carriers as their property was 1,213,092. and of these 900,998 are In tke freight service An army of employes Is engaged ln the transportation departments, the num ber being 821,413, an increase ef 37,130 over the previous year. Assuming an increase in the country's census of i,j.jO,uoo the ratio of Increase in railway employs to that of population would bel to 31. The ratio of total railway employes to total number of Inhabi tants was 1 to 79. I'ACKKUXO.V. Miss Lizzie Kistler.ofMaushChunlt was the guest of Miss Marv Rtn!.-. last Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Conner, of Pan-villa. was visiting relatives ln this neighbor hood a few days last week. Messrs. Hood and Fitch, of Ding man's Ferry, Pike county, were guests of V. F. lirodhead and William Angle, a few days this week. Miss Lena Longkammer,of Lehlgh ton, was n guest at the Longkammer aesidence on the hill, on Monday. John Sandhorr will make Lehlgh ton his place of residence having moved there on Monday. Ex postmaster McDanlol and Mer chant Harleman were out in the wilds of Pine Swamp the other day fishing for suckers. The chilliness of the at mosphere prevented the brawny fisher men from makluga very large catch, however, they were strictly in it, at least Mack says the Major fell In. HANKS. The First National Bank, of Mauch Chunk, reports for the quarter ending Oct. a Loans and discounts, 8894,890,87; surplus fund, 8100,0u0; un divided profits, 891.K51; individual deposits, 1095,193,91; unpaid dividends. 82.9C0. The Second National Bank, of tha county seat reports as follows for the quarter just endod:Loansand discounts 303,318,89; surplus, 830,000; undivided profits, 833,090,21; dividends unpaid, 8132, individual deposits, 8200,0992. Lindermau's bank at Maueh Chuuk reports loans and discounts at 8109,023,21; surplus, 821,000; undivided profits, 82,012,89; Individual reportb subject to cheok , 819977,32. man in acau Yorktowu up ln Bank's Township has a sensation that promises tooutrlv. al anything that has come to light In this county for years. It Is a woman In blaca. She makes her appearanou nightly and has worked the community up to such a pitch, that even tbe bravest men are timid about venturing oat of the house after disk. Bhs chases men. women and children. Who this strange creature is or wants, no oue seems to know, but if a determined effort was made to capture her, the Indeutlty of this womau might soen be disclosed. flow to Gel Married. Persons about to marry will make uotoofthe fact that the ameudment to the Marriage License law, passed at the last session of tbe Legislature went iuto effect Monday, Formerly a mar riage license was void if presented to a mluister or magistrate inacounly other than oue In which the license was Is sued. Now if either of the parties se oure a license ln any oouuty, it can be used in any other Pennsylvania county. This Is to remove an Inoouveulence which was developed by the old law aad whloh waa often violated by some very good men. Mow to Have I row ao to S10. By ordering a suit or an overcoat at Soudheiin'a Merchant Tailoring Hall, llauon Chunk, you will save the above amountis we are making all-wool suits aua overcoats to order at cut, wortn (20; at 818, worth 833; at 8tB, worth 836. We guarantee you perfect fit and flrst-olase workmanship. Olve u a oau aud sooure bargains. Ou the 1st aad Sud Of eaah month Dr. Bower, tha well. known aud auatweaful specialist will at th. WeJaeport titrate, WeJwport, here he will be pleased la reoNve. all UOM OMWIDg ill. MirvtoM. i A Fraai!. Look out fur the well dressed lady trareliug through the state working all the towns. She cornea iu and offera to give lustructlons in painting and sell you a lot of material, gives a few lu structlons, goes on to the next house aud so on until she has worked the town and then she skips. Had Himself alerted chalriuaa, Mickey Cassidy had his "picked" county committee re-elect him county Chairman of tbe Democratic party ou Tuesday afternoon last at Mauoh Chunk. The llanxer Sl.nal. The Danger Signal will be theattrao tlon at Concert Hall, Jbfauch Chunk, on next Monday evening. Ou November loth. Dr. Dun er, the reliable specialist of Hazleton, will be at the Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton, for all who need hi service. Bakincc. JlPSOiuieiy pure A oraam ot tartar baking powder Hlgbeajt of all in leavening strength Laisst Umitu Statu QotiaNui?T oon BaftMtT. Royal Baking Powder Co., 103 Wall 8C, X. Y.