The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 07, 1893, Image 4

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The Carbon Advocate
Harry V. Moithlmer, Sr.
orFICE Seller's niook, North Pint Street.
Lebtgnton, I'ft.
lull rapi-r ban bee accepted at tlie Ihlghton
lw Offlee as second claw Matter,
Local ami Heading notices to take run ot
uiTerecpir line lor each Insertion.
lfiScntnra' Adminhtulors and notices, 100.
Auditor and Invoice notice II 00 .
uard!!otthankj.r.i!"liion ol respect, and
similar notices one time !.; .,,
lwal notices ot enteitalnmenls. suppers.
lssU?s.IlrH.aan(cs.and all entertainments
"esieSe3 to make money 5 nt iwr Ihw. unless
Job printing lias been done tor the same at tills
lI)'plaraAerUsenients, Ove Inches and orer,
hKc'rlpUo'n JK'i'i.oo v.hen paid ,,001 cash
or iS It not so raid Ihis rule will lierailter
'VimTTSuliertlslnir and Job rrlnt
icMhyt'arlv advertising navhble quarterly.
Address all Communications to
II, y, MOKTII1MKR, Sen'b.
Our Circulation 1504
Tin is the war the Mauch Chunk
Gazette supports Horace Uovdt for
C'assidy's rEBsoNAt. orRBti the Lans-
fori Record, Is supporting a Monroe
county man for Judge, and yet, ms'siuy
wants Carbon's conferees for congress
next year.
The Democratic tloket honestly
nominated In a convention of delegates
elected by the people, should ue earn-
stly supported by all Democrats.
Miokei Cassidv, Carbon county's
pretty specimen of the political cur has
fssuad orders to his personal organ, the
Lansford Record, to go for the Adro-
an without cloves. The Lausrora
bloat will therefore kindly consider the
whole force badly broke up.
Xr Mickey Cassidt is anything he Is
an ingrate. It was Hon. Allen Craig
who had Cassldy admitted to the Bar
nnder a suspension of the rules. It Is
Mickey Cassldy who Is conniving
agalust the Hon. Allen Craig for J udge,
In a few words Mister Mickey Cassldy
Is a very Bmall potato and that potato
is rotten.
An chance or thebb being a straight
out Democrat nomination for Presl
dent Judge of the 43rd Judicial Dis
trlct, has disappeared and the friends
oTITon. Allen Craig, of Maudh Chunk,
Carboncounty's choice for this office,
have already filed the necessary papers
with the secretary of state to have his
name printed on the ticket. With
this, the campaign for the election ot a
President Judge who Is non partisan
has commenced. No effort will be
spared, we are positive, by those peo
pie, no mat er of what political com
plexlon, who desire to see a pure and
honorable, an able and brilliant lawyer
elected to preside over the courts in
this judicial district. In the history
of the judicial district Carbon county
has never had a judge chosen from its
corps of brilliant attorney's, and for
the three terms that the late lamonted
Samuel S. Dreher was nominated
Carbon oounty never faltered In its
devotion to him. Carbon county is
greater in area, has many times the
wealth, has a greater population, has
more industries, and more legal bus!
ness than has Monroe. This together
with the fact that the people of this
county never faltered, never murmered
against the election of the late Judge
Dreher, are reasons why at this time a
Carbon county lawyer should be
eleoted President Judge of the coutts.
In the campaign for a non-partisan
judiciary the Carbon Advocate will
support and use every honorable
moans to secure the election of a
Carbon county lawyer to this oillco.
We will urge the election of that brilli
ant legal mind, Hon. Allen Craig, the
oldest practising lawyer at the Carbon
county Bar. A man who has a spot
less reputation, a man whose thirty
long years of esperince fit him above
all the other candidates for this oiQce
to which he will bring bis ability and
learning. The elfort that has been
made to drag the ermine Into the filth
of politics will be sensibly and
emphatically rebuked by bis election,
We do not Intend to question the
ability of the other candidates at this
time, nor to point out their deficiencies,
oar simple purpose will be to polnt'out
reasons why lion. Allen Craig should
te and will be elected. First, he is a
Kin, seeond, ha is a thorough lawyer
and will make an lionet t, faithful judge
for the people, and In muklng a faith
ful, i mrst judge he will fill the bill.
Let the v, atchword be: The next judge,
must be Allen Craig and then exert
every effort to seeure his election
stock and Produce markets
Clot lor Quotation of the w York and
ri)llaiUIhla Kt change.
Nrw York. Oct- 4. Tbe Ktock market was
ami what trousr today, but rfci advanced
harplf. Closluif bids:
LalilabValltr W. N. Y A Pa.-. J
.'uusjrlraala.. tH 11. A H.T. com-
Readier J74 II. A It. T. pref.- -
St fanl. .. . tan Erie 18i
Lehlrt NaT iH L & W
Hwuilm ff, m. I... 6'M N. Y. Ontral...-.10Hi
Rsadtng Ut pt fit. Weal Hbore....
Reading id pf. t. f .Ia, Krla & Vf 15U
Heading 84 pi. t 1M New Jtraey Cen..l06i,
N Y A N. E mi Del & UudaoB-li)
Gtnt-ral 3Iarkta.
Philadelphia, Oct. 4.--Hour weak; winter
iuperflne,S2X' iS: do. extra. $&2fi$.fl0; No. 3
winter timUr,t3.ttQa frt; rMititylvanIa roller.
traightWftt. A); wuatorn wiinr, clear,
a. ta; waetarn winter, titratum sti&tja&iu; win
tar patent, $3 jOij,. Mn.n-ila, clear, ftt.?&
8.S6; M tnnesota.etralttht.S.1 r. &3 i; Minnesota,
patent, tidtt.t Miunefcofa i a to rite brand,
higher. Hye flnr : K-Niper barreL Yhet
dol). lower, vi'b ttk. hid andeMle. aaked
for Oi i. iter. '.' v bid an'l 7 if aaedforNo
Tetutwr .o )ii ana 7ir Mitod for Deoeni'
ben '34fi bid ad HiWud for Janaarr.
Corn flail, weaker, with 4h4c bid and 4Bo.
aaked torOrtoucr, .(H.h.u 4H.'.aaVed for
0t iier. 4.714' Itld Mitdih' akd for De
cern ei lu 1 a-.d fk lit id forJaunarr.
Oaia a m, U rl. wth JT,l4(. Ij.d and o.
aakwi fArUriobrn.iHVir bid Hud soHo. naked
tnr Nivemir U4( bid uud 47c tuktd tor
VfmiT, Jh bid aud A.v Aktd for Jan
uary Keet ttriu; extra mea. 110.60 A 11 1
family, lili.6u. Fork iuaitive, firmi new
ineaa. iia.7oai, L.ard outet tlrm: eteam ren.
derd,f LU. lluttar qolet. firm: New York dairy,
aOftxTo.i weatern dairy. 17$ St ; Elglna, HDo.
ntw xora ereamery. pjit ; wtiern cream'
ery. SU&JOo. f Imitation ert-atoery, 19ftS4e.
( b eaa oniet, nuavttieu; New York larte,
wt lu and colored, Mtl' ic-i do. t mall, 10
Ui . part akliua. H&c , full aklma,98e.
Lgn Quiet: New York and Feoneylvanla, ti
ta-w weaiern. saxw.
lluiTU Live Mork Market.
Rri'rALo, N. Y-. Oct. 4. -Cattle firm, allaold;
good to choke aowe and helfwra. ft&fcttiLlo:
tut .jwi, t- fVi T&; jio vi r ood bre. iloga
ru-a ty fur bet, lowe for common; corn fed
Yorttera, e aratvra HZt4i; good
bnaw 7 KkAl 15; graaavra and Michigan.
fa mixed tMkara. f67. Kk. plg
alow at HSPtiti eatra. Ktt lehaop and
lamba wt ak, luwert fair to good $ extra
& lsd tbi fair to good bp, f6.ttt&4; ao rery
vjiD'U norj cuu ana common.. 9e.a.
No Caae Agalnal Ka-Cathler Work
Bor-Tuv,Kt C.-l'iiitv-d Htatea I ) let r let
Attorney Hoar ha nulle proaaed both ol
ha tndU luitmU wbit u were found aitamat
, Juarph n ork f rnierly caahier ol
hi Uareriok National ueuik
Th. T-.IUjn. s llli lUiutlup.
Nrw Yoi.k O l l ' oltlcltl flgum
of the rtin.t-noiufo i' Ms Vlgtlut
V'.lkyri. w ooatMting
lb. flrt of ilie Mtr.w ui nv rM for th.
Aot.rtt. cup tliuw tb.t lb. ViffiUul
will t are u the .Ikyri. inn.
llRUtl "f uiiDut. uiit lorty ,igbl mc
Matters of Interest from All Over
the Commonwealth.
Crimea and Cainaltlea of Rrery Char
acter Sent by the Nawa Gatherera of
the Different Localities and Carefully
NorrI8TOT!TC. Pa., Oct 5. The srand
jury of the October quarter nelont haa
aetod favora,bly upon the petition of free-
holders of the village or isarbertb, in
Lower Merlon township, praying the
court to ir rant ttaera articles or incorpora
tion as a borough, and tha application
will be granted.
West Chester, Pa., Oct 4. Chief Bur
gess Speakrnan and all the churches of
Co&tesvlUe have called a publlo meeting
for tomorrow erening to organize relief
committees for the distressed people of
that Dlace. many of whom are mill hands
and have been out of employment for a
long while.
Lancaster. Pa., Oct 6. Tier. Henrr a
Hoffman, of the Htver Brethren denomi
nation, committed suicide at his home In
Cambridge uj cutting Ms throat with a
rator. He was 39 years of age, and laares
a wife and five children. He aald some
years ago that the greatest struggle of hts
life was to resist suicide.
Catasauqua, Pa., Oct 4. Thomas Bear,
who for more than a score of years has
been a faithful, careful watchman at the
Lehigh Valley railroad crossing at this
place, signaled to two engines to come
ahead. A diiastrous wreck followed, and
two trainmen were Injured, Fireman Hay
so severely that he died soou after.
WASHINGTON. Pa., Oct B. Thomas and
John Ackleson, well to do farmers, were
driving across the tracks of tbe Pittsburg,
Clnolnnatl and St uouls railway near
Bulger Station, wheu thoy were run down
by an express train. John Ackleson was
Instantly killed and hU brother Thomas
reriously Injured. Both horses Mere killed
and tbe wagon demolished.
BCBANTON. Pa.. Oct. 5. As a result of a
family feud of five years htaudlng Michael
Costello and John McDermott, of Ureen-
wood, last night engaged In a furious
fight Costello rained a shower ot fttones
on McDermott and his two children, and
the latter 11 red both barrels of his shotgun
Into Costllo's legs, riddling them so
badly that he will probably die.
Belle roNTE. Pa.. Oot s. Having con
victed Rev. W. H. Diver of embezzling
funds of the Central Pennsylvania Luth
eran M"nod, of which he has been treasurer
for twenty years, tbe synod dismissed him
from the ministry. His shortage will foot
up many thousands of dollars. Mr. Diver
is about 65 years old, and on this account
no legal action will he taken.
Vest Chester, Pa,, Oct 8. Rev. O
Heathcote Hilts, rector of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of Holy Trinity, this
plaoe, created a sensation by the announce
ment that it was rignt zor tne ataon la
ment of confessionals, and right for Sdi'
copallans to confess to their pastor, ills
congregation is one ot the most aristo
crats and his church property one of the
most beautiful in tbe atate.
Bcrakton, Pa,, Oct 4. A movement
haa been formally inaugurated here to
send a choir of Wei h-American voices to
Wales next year to represent the United
States at tbe national Ktsteddfod there.
One hundred and sixty ploked voices are
to be chosen. All must be residents of this
citr. and every applicant will be required
to pass a sharp examination. The richest
man in the coal regions, Wliuani uonneil.
has been elected president of the cholr,and
says there will be no want ot funds.
Allextown, Pa,, Oct 5. Veterans have
been arriving all morning to attend the
reunion of tbe G. A. It. of eastern Penn
sylvanla, and the day is being observed as
a general holiday. There are half a hun
dred posts present, and all were dined at
the Central Market hall as fast as they
arrived. A parade of the veterans, with
twenty corps ot Sons of Veterans, took
place thla afternoon and there will be a
camp fire In Central Market hall this
Pittsburg, Oct 3. Benjamin Socola, a
stranger seeking employment, stopped at
the house of Ling Salvador), a fellow
countryman, and was given shelter. Dur
ing the evening the family and guesc
drank freely of beer, and daring the ab
sence of Salvador! the guest attempted to
outrage Mrs. Salvador), felling her to the
floor with hla flat Salvadorl rushed In
and ordered Socola to leave, but he re
fused. Thereupon Salvador! shot him
dead and then surrendered to the author
PlTTSnURO, Oct 3. Hattle Dawson, the
8-year-old daughter of J. W. Dawson, of
Oakland, east end, was assaulted Saturday
night by an unknown man. The man
asked the little girl to show him the way
to the post o fllce. When they reached the
postoflice the man bought some candy for
the little one, and then enticed her Into a
stable a half mile" distant, and there as
saulted her. A searching party found her
after her assailant had escaped. The girl's
rather says ll be finds the man he will kill
him on sight
Easton, Pa., Oct 3. Engineer Joseph
Lutz, of the Jersey Central railroad, and
living at PhUllpsburg, N. J., Is a hero.
When his train for New York was under
way a flue In the boiler on his side of the
cab burst and he was clothed In scalding
steam, The plucky engineer could have
easily escaped bad he deserted his post,
but he choKe rather to risk his lite by
broiling than forsake his euglne and Jeop
ardize the lives of the passengers. When
he bad stopped tbe train be sank senseless
to the floor, but will recover.
Harrisburo, Oot 5. In response to a
telegram irom uoionei John l, itogers
Governor Pattlsou replied substantially as
follows: "I have neither endorsed you or
any other one for tbe position or naval offi
cer. The manner la which you used my
name was absolutely without authority.
Tbe use of the names of members of the
National Guard as such, to advance pollt
leal promotion, I regard as extremely 1m-
p. oper. I have never by word or aot-ln the
past countenanced such use, nor will I In
the future." Mr, Rogers will probably
resign irom tne state national uuara,
PlTTSBURd. Oct 8. United States
District Attorney Hall on Saturday last
bad two warrants Issued for tbe arrest of
ex-Dnuty Revenue Collector P. A. Johns.
on charges of embezxlernent and yester
day another warrant of the same character
was issued. Mr. Johns was found at bis
home, but to 111 to be removed. A xaan
named Blume olalnred to have paid money
to Johns, whleh Johns failed to turn into
the solicitor. Johns claimed DIume's re
ceipts were forgeries. Blume was con
victed ol the rergerlss, thus freeing Johns.
Blume, however, stcured a new triaL
Judg. Lone Will Fight for nil r.natoa.
Washington. Oct. (.An Replication
traamadeto Judge Bradley, of the dis
trict lupreme oourt, for a writ ot man
damm to compel the commissioner of
pensions to continue on the pension rolls
the name of Judge Charles D. Long, of
Michigan. 'J be payment of Judge Long's
pension was suspended sometlmsaKo. and
at the time was the subject of much news
paper comment. The question at Issue
will be argued by counsel un the 19th Inst.
An Knrlna.r's Lacliy Cap.
PousHUXErsiE. N. Y.. Oct, 6. The ear
ot a freight train going north jumped
from the track and srruck a freight car on
the side track, throwing it In front of
the south bound express, tbe engine of
which was thrown into the rlrer, carrying
the engineer, William McQuInn, with It,
but he got ashore with hardly a scratch.
The fireman was only slightly Injured.
Kone of the cars of th express was de
Ten Rilled In a Cbureh Tanle.
ClTTorMEXlco.Oet. . In Pnranirarlen'
tero, state of Mlcboacan, tbe parish church
was crowded wltb people attending a re
ligious featiral, when a rocket set fire to
tbe roof. Tbe oongregatlon made a elmul
taneoua break for the doors, with the re
suit that ten persons w ere killed, three of
them being children. Many others were
seriously injured.
Killed by an Woman.
New York, Oot 4. Mrs. Catherine
FlUgerald, wife of an examiner In the
the corporation counsels office and s1str
of Polk. Inspector McLaughlin, went to
the house of M.-S. Carrie I'earsall, wifeot
Polioeniau PMtraall, and shot Mrs. Pear
sall dead. Unwarranted Jealousy was the
cause. Mrs. ntsgeraid is evidently Inssne.
II r. Unit fi.rl.u-ly Injured,
NEW Yokk. Oct Bull, wife of
Dr. William T Hull. liom Mrs James
G. Illalne, Jr. mu severely injured yester
day afternoon by being thrown fioin her
carriage lu front uf tbe tjrand Central
d.pot Kb. we laken to livr borne badly
bruised about lb. brad, breawt aud anus.
AwnImh iiktMUrie lUpurtad Killed
JoKTLfci Me , Oct. & Kn.m authen
tic mporU rodftt by panum lu a pualiiua
to know, il la toliuvod fcherv na- bean a r
oestl and auddeu unrtaing amoutf the na
tive of Ataaka. Mauy paraous have-baeo
Ik lilad. among tfcem being aevaral mission
uU aafil 01 1 lj las Am,rtn beard
They Make an Aaiault on tha SpanUH
Fortre at Melllta,
Madrid. Oct. 4. The 8nanlah authori
ties recently decided to add to the strength
of the fortification of MelUla, on theuorth
coast of Morocco. The work was begun
and pushed forward rapidly
This Increased the Moors, and on Mon
day morning a force of more than 0.000
natives attacked the Spanish garrison
400 son Is, The Spanish troops had no food,
hut this was a matter of small conse
quence to them, as they knew that death
or slavery awaited them should they be
captured. They fought desperately
1 he white residents of the town organ
Ired a force and took part In the defense.
They were greatly outnumbered by the
Moors, however, and were Anally com
polled to retire Into the fortress located on
the outskirts ot the town.
During the battle eighteen of the Span-
lards were killed And thirty-five wounded,
Including three officers.
The SDanlsh gunners atone tlmedlrected
their fire upon a mosque, and almost com
pletely destroyed it Other buildings In
the range of their fire were also destroyed,
Madrid. Oct 3. Cable reports from
MeHlla state that the village Is surrounded
by 12,000 fanatical Moors who are deter
mined to have revenge upon theSpanlards
for destroying, with their artillery fire,
the mosque In one ot the adjacent villages.
It Is also reported that the mountain
roads are filled with well armed natives
who are hastening to support their co-re-
ligionisu in what they believe to be a
"holy war." Report has It that the Muz
rtns In the mosques, when they call the
natives to prayer, add a call for all the
faithful to rise up in arms and follow the
green flag ot the prophet The situation
is critical.
It has become known that the bodies of
the Spaniards who wete killed In the bat
tie were abominably in ul tinted by the
fanatical Moslems. Thla knowledge has
added much to the Indignation ot the pop
ulace. There is much talk of holding In
dignation meetings, and ft U expected
that such meetings will be .f Id In Madrid,
Malaga and beville, where the fury caused
by the receipt of this Intelligence has as
sumed the boiling point.
The field after the battle presented, a
terrible spectacle. Thebodlesof 1 GO Moors,
terribly mutilated by the Spanish shells
lay In heaps. Many other bodies were re
moved by the Moors during tbe fighting.
The village of Frajana was nlmoH wrecked
by the Are of the guns of the Spanish forts.
The bodies of dozcus of human being and
domestic animals were burled under the
rutns of the nouses.
Fresh contingents of Knbyle continue
to arrive At Mel ill iu It Is believed that the
natives can now muster 27,1)00 fighttng
men, including o.uuu mounted.
I'm c Hubert.
Nrw York. Oct 5 The 10.000 point bil
liard match between Roberta and Iveswai
rontlntii'd vesterdftv afternoon and even
ing. At the end of last nltfhVs play tht
score stood: Ives, ,i7; itoums, ,uh.
We have a large number o
well built and stylish wagons
and carriages which we must
get rid off. To do se wc are
selling them at prices that are
below what competition would
ask. Other dealers can't touch
us when it comes to low prices
and GOOD Goods,
Nothing more pleasant or ex
hilerating this hot weather than
cooling and refreshing beverages
to quench one's thirst. Our
reputation for making the best
soda is up to the very highest
notch. Fine fruit flavors are
used exclusively. c also have
root beer, mineral waters cider
and other pleasant drinks. Come
in und see us.
Come and Bee us
BIERY, The Druggist,
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Graver's
Fopular Store, Bank Street.
Roofing an Spouting a special
ty btove repairs iuimshed
on short notice
Tli under i lined having been restored to
health lv ilmple meatii, alter ftufferlox for
Mverfct )Mr with a ftereroluDg aneetlon, an4
that dread disease CoNai'MrnoN. Uatutoo to
make kaowu to bli fallow sufferer tbo menus (
cur. TotbosenhodealreitsheHlll cheerfully
send (free ol charge) a copt of the prescription
used, which they will nop a sure cure (or oosr
son ITOK. A sihiii a, CaUtrrbi UroechUli and all
icroftiaua iunx juaisViiiee, ueuopesftu euirsr
ars will tnr hU remedv. aa It U liiviIuaMa
Those desiring the prescription, whleiv will eot
them nothl&i.anduiav lrove a blesslbg. wilt
jueas sHiurew,
Iter. Kdward A. Wilton, lbMoklyn. K.
329 N.I5THST.BeWhr'
30 Ycrt' OdcU qsou PrtoUce la tbe (Xr of
Self AbuseLoss of Powe
email. ArvtUm Orparu JUiy Rori -e tol
JHjmmm trrmoruHUu fur! ml tot dai.
Dr. LrOttB U Um attlr macUll! KhAl
(Area, He fe no eqiwd, bo mur nsu eatMn
tvlv !. rHToier9alllMUeMeteead
fUMl, Ad KvrUUB0Ma4elleL
tB4l4ettsusii lor Book tiiu tMaj,tateu
OOm aoona a. u. tttt I r. UTaU I to s
IST in CATARRH and nil
ntthe Valley House, Lchighton.
L'a., next Tuesday Ann evert
Tuesday after that in.-ili, fur
ther notice.
All who apply in person dur
ing the month of September
will be examined nnu given
first treatment frco of charge.
Remember this offer will
fford all skeptical and dis
couraged patients a chance to
judge for themselves, free of all
costs, Dr. Uiegel oilers this test
as the fairest and Burest way of
convincing the public that his
, i i V ! 1
mctnou oi treating ins special
ties is the best know to the world
He believes that anything
that will not stand the scrutiny
of everyone is not the best that
can be offered to them and lacks
effectiveness, therefore he sub'
mits himself to the severest test
any physician can be subjected
too and awaits the verdict of the
people without the least fear of
ir iinv of the rollowinir nuostlons apuly to sou.
you naa neiier answer loemaiuuce.
Tiiov nnnlv to a irrpat inauv wonle who reallv
do not know what Is the matter with them.
Whoever reads tun will te auie to determine
It they hae catarrh for these are soini of the
mens symptoms oi mat iirem uiseaie.
which means, If neglected, consumption and the
L'rave. lielow are the questions.
Are you nervous ?
Are you dejected ?
Have ou a cough ?
Is your throat sore 7
Is your ejesUht poor ?
Is jourmeniorv poor ?
Is our appetite poor ?
J)o jou hank and spit ?
Is you stomach weak ?
Are jour eyes watery ?
lo you have headaenrs ?
Have yon lost ambition ?
Iio you take cold easy f
Do you have heartburn ?
Are jou dull and stupid ?
Is your nose stopped up ?
Is It always full of scabs ?,
Is your breath uffensie ?
Arc jour bowels costhe?
is your neannjE aueciea i
Do you hae gidav spells ?
Do you have shooting nalns
Ioes life seem a big burden ?
Are you cranky and Irritable ?
Is you throat easily Irritated ?
Are yon sleepless and restlesa ?
Do ou wake up tired and dull?
Do jou have pains In your back ?
Do jou have smothering attacks ?
Do jou have unpleasant dreams ?
Have you ever bad night sweats ?
Do you have ringing In your ears ?
Do jou feel sick in jour stomach ?
Is your tongue frequently coated ?
Do you have roaring tu jour head T
Do you feel oppressed after eating ?
Do jou pet confused In jour Idea ?
Do you have palpatutlon ol the heart ?
Is there a sense nf fullness In the throat T
l oiir month full ol slime utton rising T
no jou ueicn UP a nour wmo ui inw niuuiit i
Doiou see sooth floating before your e jest
Have jou hot and cold llarhes over the Dody '
Have you a bloated up feeling In the stomach'
I have been a cufferer for a nnmber of
rears viltb catarrh In Its worst forms. Had
cunstant headaches, matter dropping In
tbe throat, dizziness, nose stopped up,
difficulty In breathing and no doubt would
soon have been a consumptive, had I not
met Dr. Rlegel.
Before that time I tried ever? well-
known remedy and doctored with many
physicians, not only of Hazleton but of
New York and Philadelphia, but could set
no relief anjwLere. As soon as Dr.
II ecel began treating me 1 felt relieved
and continued to Improve until now I feci
like a new man, and knowing that there
are many others suffering as much at I
did I write this for publication, so that
others may avail themselves of Dr. Rlegel's
treatment before It is too late. H8 can
cure you If you take it In time.
1 willing to answer anr leueraoi inquiry
from persons wishing to consult him.
James McCool, 1H9 North Wyoming Street
iiazieton, i t.
I also refer to Ur. James Kressly. 22 St.
Clements street, as one of my most recent
and successful cures.
J. Fernando Becker. 203 East Market
Street, Wllkesbarre, l'a. Had disease of
tbe ear, and could set ne relief nntll be
coninlted Dr. Itlegel, who cured him In
In a few weeks.
Mrs. John Dawson. Luzerne. Ta. ITad
catarrh of tbe nose and bead fornlne years
Tried nearly evervtblns, but could get no
roller, sue counseled ur. uiegel and in a
few weeks was entirely relieved from all
s)mptoms of that dreadful disease.
A. IT. Sellnow, SI N, Sherman Street.
Wllkesbarre, l'a, I had catarrh since I
was a child, 10 much so that I was offen
sive. Had constant headache and dripping
lnt the throat. Dr. Itlegel has cured me.
Miss Kate Cawlev. Httston. Pa. Il'aa
nearly deaf for two years when, after a
few weeks' treatment, all the noises in ber
ear were gone and conld bear as well at
Mrs. Mary Welser. Wllkesbarre, Ta,
was deaf for years, and was greatly bene
fited after a lew weeks' treatment.
A. C. Moore, wllkesbarre. Fa. I had a
constant headache and gathering of
mucous In the throat and head: my ears
were affected, causing me to be partly
deaf. I have been treated for a few weeks'
by Dr. llirgel, and all symptoms have
left me.
Remember next Tuesday,
(September 5th, and each Tues
day horeaAer until further notice.
Cousultation in German and
Encliili. Examination and
first treatment FREE.
Main Office, Main's Block,
Ilaadetou, Pa.
September 6th, Valley House,
Lelughton, Pa,
We will omt $500.00 to thk
Manufacturer or any Sarsapa
rilla that can show bl'ch a cure.
Which one will try? We wait
an answer.
Dana Baiuapaiulla Co.,
Gentlemen: I have had the CA
T.VIIHII for over ten years as badly as
"l"fjp any man could have It. All
la tbpse)earsIwastroubl(,ltTlth
DYSPI'.I'.SIA, so much to 1 had to be
very careful v list I eat.
In addition to tbe above, five years ago
I read about DANA'S SAJtSAPAllIL
LA, and de rr (is r tcmilned to try
It. After IVllVlU taking tliroo
botden of DANA'S SAIlSAl'AllIl.l.A
I wm tOJII'I.l'-TI'.I.Y CIIHI'.D ot
lolh tbe CAT V KKII and I) XH VV.V
SIA. and all the Ia.tln2 eflects of mr
I am 74 years "w" II jb. nr" old, and
now&mavfcll I nnl mnii
iikhIii. I heartily recommend DANA'S
BAKSAl'Anil.I.Ato any person luffer
!ug as I have been. Respectfully.
Hallo well. Me., July 28, Dl.
I can heartily oueh for ibe nboluto
frufliof the above tc- ai nr?c
tunoulal. llUKtO
II. NOEI. STEVliS, Merchant.
Dsns Isrtspsrllla Co., Bel'ait, Mln.
729 Hamilton St,
ai.le:jtovn, pa.
New Fall 6oods
Dress Goods.
Fancy Dross eooils. entirely new
weaves, all the newest colorings, 3G
Inches wlde,21c; all wool Tricott In fif
teen coloring., 25o a yard. Flannel
Suitings, 3G, 12 and 52 Inches wide, lu
solid and mixtures, beautiful line to
select Irom JUo, ouo and Ujo a yard.
Grand sales, our display of novelties In
dress patterns Are larger than over.
Only one dress of a kind. All are the
latest importation aud will not be
duplicated again this season.
Black Goods.
Brocade and armure and striped
goods, 12jgo a yard. A special price.
Cheviots, storm serges, flannels,
medlumand diagonal serges. Henriettas
Satinrays, draps, U'Alruas, Bilk wraps,
in all tbe new weaves light and
medium weight, In Cravanetto cloth, at
lower prices than over.
Pretty stylish Cloaking for children'
wear in tans, greTs, mixed, Tourette
etiects; plain maios' moth, plain
double fold Beaver for ladles' Capes.
all the leading colors. Economical
buyers will do examine this line.
Second Floor Attractions.
Our second floor is overflowing with
bargains. Pretty capes In diagonal,
plain beavers. All colors trimmed
plain and fur trimmed. Columbian
Collar Plush capes, trimmed wltb silver
hair beavers, and black sable aro great
winners auu excellent' values,
Jackets with capes, sleeves braided
and plain,some Columbian collar, Home
butterfly effects, in navv. black and
tans. Our Hue is much larger than evor
t'rices never so low.
Misses' Jackets In ever? conceivable
color aud designs, all sizes.
Infants' Short and Long Cloaks In
cream and tan, cashmere, elder down
and angora irimtncu. iiopsacuins
material in Grctchen, Watteau back.
with cane and rullle. All Infants'
goods are our own manufacture. That
means a big saving.
Ulunkets and Comforts, and Chenille
and Lace Curtains are piled up to the
ceiling, man uois tiy the pair, uac u
to $10.00.
Comforters, full sizes, onlr ffioun
lO IO.U3.
Lace Curtains. 50c. to 87.50. Don
buy without soeius our Chenille Cur.
tains, an designs, in dados, low
medium and best grades.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Life Assurance Socibtv
Of the United Slates.
JANUAUY 1, isee.
Assets $153;0GO,052
T?penrvoon alleiMlna.
u3ah.?? 1 2 1 ,070 237
Total Surplus
(4 percent, standard)
including Special He
serve ol Itjoo.&io to
wards ertabBSftmettt
?'alua,i.n,:?...t!?.t: 31.169,815
Income , . . 40,28G,237
New Assurance
in 1892 200.490,316
Outstanding As
Better thin a Slx-rr Cent. Investment.
New York, Jfarch 7, 1668.
In 1878 I took out Tontine Endowment
Tolley No. 70,80, wltb Ibe Equitable Life
Assurance Society of tbe Unlled btaees,
for tS.000, and have paid, in all, $4,768
in premiums to the Company,
On the maturity of tbe Eodovrment tbe
Company paid me 17,9 SO In cash,
As an evidence of my satisfaction Willi
this return (whltb is ertalnly liberal, con
Meting tbe fact that It Is In addition to
tbe protection furnished by tbe poller 'or
tnetily years). I have lakQ hs asser
suee with the Companv for 110,000.
W. A. Iioss.
N. II.TUt U a return t sU (Ae )we-
mIwws Joid, and intcrtU on tke hum at
t&4 rU a 0 3-S ptr eet jteraiuium.
W. P. LONG, Special tot.
LebinhtQD. Peon'a
PI). CAM rBClX.nrlke Canal Urhlie, Kast
WelMBOfiT cuts kali, suavau4 sbampuu,
la style ulvs we a call. You eao also buy
Bay Ktua, Hair Tuelcs.&c.. at Uw ver lotaeet
90 Cents Pays
Boots, Shoes, Hats and
Clothing. Buy Here and you will Save
Crystal Palace
The cool weather sneaks louder Minn words of flip
of a change in Clothing. First
IFc have them for the bin
r f i . .1
t rices, wur tioout nre sinctiv
o . , - ' - - J v. ...
best workmanship and were made this vear for the
n i m 1 1 i t 1 1 rm
l uiuxu oiuuniiy nun. mcsc
not oiubivies dui are me verv
and New York. The Prices nre
Think ot this
Children's Overcoats $1.50 and up
Boya' Overcoats $3.00 and up
Men's Overcoats $4.00 and up.
Come aud see the Very Latest Styles in Overcoats.
In Latest Styles and Well-Made Suits we nlso have a better
and newer assortment than can be found elsewhere in this town
or county. Children's Suits 1.50 and up; Boys' Suits 3.00
and up; Men's Suits $5.00 and up.
With as carefully selected a Stock of Furniture as can be
found in the Lehigh Valley. The new efforts in Furniture can
be first found here and at Prices too that can not bo touched by
competition. We invite you to call and examine our unapproch
able bargains in all kinds of Furniture. We are shewing many
new things and are confident that we can pluase you.
Henry Schwartz's,
First street, Lehighton,
DETAIL DEALERS will find it to their ndvantage to give
their orders for all kinds ot Fruits and Vegetables with Sac-ger,
who makes a specialty of this line ot goods, ll'e huvo made
arrangements for 5000 baskets of FEACILES and a large num
ber of Water Melons and they will bp sold at such prices as will
astonish Retail Buyers. You will save more than the price of
the freight on each purchase. Let us have your order.
Wholesale Coimufssloii Dealer, East WeIsport, Pa-
Having purchased them late, we are able to show the
Latest Styles.;
Wc have shipped our Old Coats to a party to sell for us
thus enabling us to bIiow New
634 Hamilton
will do well to look at this Line of Fino Vehecles which we
carry in Stock:
Banner Spring, Ellipteo Spring, Thomas Coil Sprint?, Urewster Spring, Duplex
Spring, Side Spring. We have them In I'lano Body, White Chapel,
Corning, Fhaeton, Spindle and all styles in 2 and 3 Seated Buggies.
Our Price, Always The Lowest
Henry Christman,, pa
Spring Wagons
Sleighs, &c.
E. 1110)111.
- !s now in force Here
for a full Dollar.
Caps and Ready-Made
Clothing Hal
you will need nn
and little and at a multittiiln nf
tirsr - n nsa. Nnwner ,stv no i m
. . .
i . . .... r
goous are not "snouuy, and are
newest rrtrrts mm i , nrininiitn
the very low est in the county.
Till Mi !
St.. Allentown.
Prices the
lowest possi
ble, consist
ent with First
Class Work.
Overcoats!! 9
Men's and Boys 5
When you coidb to the LeliEMoii Fair next ml cone in our
More ana examine our lame anfl. well selected stocl of
'We Have Made the prices to Suit You. Jj
The lamest H in town. It is time lost for competitors to 5
trs to sell cheaper than we do.
We have the largest stock ; the best stock ; g?
and the vei y cheapest stock.
Examine it before buying Elsewhere. SI
First Street
Jos. Isenman,
will open Ills
Comer 3rd and Coal Sts,.
Tuesday, October 3rd,
with a full line ot
Queensware, &c,
Call and sec him Prices the
Lowest for CaSII.
An asrrecable Ioiatlvo anaNrttT Torrta
Boldby DrugplstA or sent bytcall. SoooOc
and $1X0 per package. Enmples free.
VTt ism TnoI'HvorltoICCtBrOTJM
AU J3m forthoTcctaand Ilreath, 2ia.
Captain Sweeney, ti.H.A.,Ban Dteiro,CaL.
saysi MSMloh,8 Catarrh Itemody Is the first
medicine I have ever found that would do me
any good." Price SO eta. Bold by Druggista.
Do not nealcct a Cough, as there bdanger of
ltalcodtaff to Consumption. Bntwn's Ccr
vUlsaTeyouaftererolAintrTrouble. Itlsthe
best Cou gh Cure and speedily relieves Coughs.
Croup, whooping Cough and Ilronchlus, ho4
g sold oa a guarantee. S3 cts.
Not only Drugs.
C1GAI1S, loo, excellent quality,
I'ure Ilavanas.
Quite a variety, too. Vogclei's, Col
gat's, Itiilttier's,' and Imported.
Call and see. Foi I'ourrl, In
vases, (0 cents. Lasting
and delicate Sachet
Purest Soaps and Toilet ll'aters.
The New liible Just out Self Eiplana
tor) Bible, with a complete set of New
Aids and Helps, prepared especially for
this Bible by the most eminent scholars
of America and Great Britain. With
New Maps, by Major C. It. Conder, of
the Palestine Exploration Society.
Tills Is the best Bible for tbe family,
for the minister, for the student, and
pew. All Religious and Moral Bonks
of any kind ordered and furnished as
desired at least 10 to 'JO per cent less
than elsewhere. Do not forget
'Plio Tlnnrfl if Pminfv PrmmiBinnfrR nPHnrlmn roiintv. Tft .
will sell on October 10th, 1893,
, . , , f
tlouso at lUtuicii oiiuiik, mo
Each of the said tracts of land
information desired can be lind
Warrant Name
Henry UoodlMrt
ThMJtWe Kell
,.. i'Mker ... U.KHll.. ......
John uewlc
Jelsu ,.,
Elisabeth !
Jobu 8ojWer
Jacob WeMeuer
Jiibn Vouwt
jobu ler
ihur IMaloer
lieome Oi"
D..,.rt (Irav
ji..i'U sarin
I . I. n Mu.
AllUIBW, MM wnww I
Newturt I
Wllll-n. lllUU " .i
John Wears
Jubnimrtat. EtjtM..
nuairistBriMa, "
jobu Z "
Jobu Krer
Tkouwa Iurae.,
Joliu Browu
ikiU.I Uui
j'.jvph Sa,IU .
1flIIS flan
Juhn ItMfll
IVnu Koresl
fJMI Peuu.
Jub Caec
lis in
4T4 HI
l 41
:::::::::::: f
400 4i0
al K
. Lchighton, Pa,
Pneumatic Tiie Wheels from
$G0 up to $90.
Cushion Tire Wheels from $00
up to $60.
Full hall-bearing, all-around
Hoys Velocipedes, !)!i.S0 up.
High Wheel Lnwn Mowers
10 in,. $2.90; 12 in., $3 50;
14 in., $3.75.
Bed Springs, sold everywhere
else at $5, you can buy from
me at $2.50," and the $5 Cotton
Top Mattress at $2.75; at these
prices everybody can sleep on
Ask the Davis, Standard,
White and Domestie Sewing
Machine Agents what they
want for a 5-drawer, oak case,
then come and buy the same
from me at $30. The White
Cottage, 7-drawei, oak case, at
$25 lays them all out.
Don't be humbugged ! Every
Washer has a guarantee on the
lid, with the Vandergrift Man
ufacturing Cbmpany'e signature.
The market is full of trash. Our
price for Round or Square is $5.
Wringers, from 1.50 upward.
Organs from $25 upward.
Pianos, $150 aud upward.
My prices on Hay Rakes,
Mowers, Binders, Pumps,
Cement, etc., are lower than
elsewhere. Come and be con
vinced. Yours respectfully,
Near Lehigh Bridge,
Weissport, Penn'a.
Building Lots
On Easy Terms.
Only a 5 minute walk from
N. Snyder's store. A pply to
B. F. Peter,
With Snyder's Store.
A S. Steckel,
Slatington, Ix,.
at one o'clock p. m. in the Court
1 1 . . , r . , i
louutvnig tracts oi uiiBuaicu iauu.
being hold by the County for a
by rolling ut the office of the
Part of
1,AC.a4!rVrAit.NI ) fomwi M"''
Thlton. Aeres
.... t
.... X 6
ill I
:::::::::: 8
... M
... as tJH
.... u SWf.
IU I lul