JOB PRINTING Is a speoialty irUh us. Wr have rnte low prire for all. Come and htrn our price. Pii-Nir and. Salt- Bills. Altkinds of hlankhook. Let m have your orders For anything in this linr. fir, h & JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING Creates many a Neto Business, Enlarges many an Old limine, Aevivae many a Did! Murines, lleceues many a IaI Business, Saves many a Failing Business, Preserves muny a Lurge Business, Means success in All Business. "INDEPENDENT""LIVE AND LET LIVE.' V III VOL XXI. No. 46 " 1 1 in 1 ij mii 11 j 1 - r . . THE ADVOCATE PRINTS THE LOGAUBSANDJS THE LARGEST ONE DOLLAR PAPER IN CARBON 1111 II flTTTl I Tlfl 1 (ITT fimnTlTI ....... I limimir nnmil.i.iliTn,,,, I Tr,rynn.. . " - ORIUIHAL CHEAP GASH STORE Our large Fall Stock is open ed and marked at such Low Prices that cannot fail to attract the attention of buyers. Look at a few of the many Bargains we have for you: Best Lancaster Ginghams Sc per yard. Best Indigo blue prints 5.J a yard (Good Dark Prints 4c a yard. Crashes 2c per yard, Canton Flannels from 5c and up. Suitings in Plaids at 6c a yard. Our line of Dark Outings cannot be equalled or shown by vna firm in this valley as for. Styles, Quality and Fruits. Sheetings, Tickings, Denims, are very low in price. You will make no mistake in acquainting yourself with our Stock and Prices this season. J. T. NTJSBAUM, Pint Street, between South and Plum street?, LehlKhtoD. Pa. HALF-CENT A WORD. Adrertlsements uuder this bead at a half-cent a word each loaertlou. This is the cheapest and wibi aa Terming lneuium ouu 11 you nave auy ttilog to tell or rent try this cheap adtertlslng. dvertiseioeots must be paid tu advance. pOBSALK-A dark bay Stallion, sixteen and a ball bands blsb.twehe years old, ierfect iy safe and sound !u every particular. Will be old cheap for cash. Apply to George F, buck, Amok ciMuori. o. iz-zm A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Friday. Sept. 80. The marriage ot Mayor Carter Harrison, Of Chicago, to MUs Annie Howard, of New Orleans, lias been postponed until November. The English cutter Valkyrie took a pre 11 ml nary spin off Sandy Hook yesterday, but the wind was too light to form any es timate of her speed. The mile and a quarter race between Tammany and Lamplighter at Quttenburg race track for $3,600 aside aud a purse of 15,000 was won by Tammany la the fast time of 2r06K. Saturday, Sept. 30. Luclan Brown, a 10-year-old colored boy, who shot and killed Albert Lyons In Chi cago on July 4, was seutenced to Imprison men, for life. A jury acquitted Owen Bradley of the charge of killing Price Jenkins at Lexing ton, Ky., three years ago. Bradley is a well known horse trainer. The fight of the saloon keepers of Min nesota to secure recognition by the Knights ot Pytblaa has ended In defeat. The liquor j men were forbidden to enter the order by I a Tote of 31 to 10. Monrtny, Oct. t. Bowie Johnson, eon of the late- Heverdy Johnson. Andrew Johnson's minister to London, disd from a stroke of apoplexy at Oakland, Md. Representative Cooper, Democrat, of Texas, haa introduced in the house a reso lution providing for the submission of the question of free silver coinage to a popular Tote. Trainmen, switchmen, yardmen and coal heavers of the Ohio Valley, Chesa peake and Ohio, Illinois Central, Yazoo and Mississippi Valley, und Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern arestrlklng against 10 per cent, reduction. . Tuesday, Ort 3. The debt atatement just issued shows a ' net Increase In the public debt, lens cash In ; the treasury, during September of $934,-1 7W.78. j There Is a movement on foot among Pittsburg roll turners to break away from the Amalgamated AssodntUm and form an Independent nutional organisation. The corporation of Dublin has resolved to atUnd In state the demonstration that will be held ou Sunday next in Olasnevln 1 cemetery Ju memory of the lute Charles Stewart Paruell, i WtMli.o.Ur, Orf, 4. The paid admissions at the World's fair I yesterday were m.CV). All official documents concerning the Franco-Siamese settlement have been lgned. It Js announced that the Dominion gov ernment will not impose further restric tions in the Chinese entering Canada, Bir Stevenson Arthur Blackwood, secre tary of Great Drltalu'a postoftlce depart ment, died at Harwkk, aged til. He was a cousin of the Marquis of Duffs rlu, Brit ish ambassador to France. Thursday, Oct. A. Jamee Smith died at his home In New York, aged 103. Mrs. Charles peck, of Lynn, Mass., after ; a fast of thirty-three days, cau&ed by Ill ness, Is dying. A decision rendered by Judge Shepard, of Bowie county, Tex., makes Illegal over 1,000 marriages in that oouuty. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, the English conservative leader, arrived In New York on the steamer Majestic last night. The strike ou the Illinois Central and thaYazoo and Mississippi Valley roads has been'declared off. the men gaining their olnt. FHnc VtiauiVreVs Ooudltlon. Beruv, Oct. 6. Dr. Chryaauder, the physician attending Prince Bismarck In the absence of Dr. Schweninger, tele graphs from KIsslogen that the alarming statements regarding Priuce Bismarck are quite unfounded, and that the prince's oudlllou Is appreciably better. rsferabl lit port on. Van Aim, Washington, Oct fl.-Thecommltteeon foreign relations met and took final action on the case of J. J Van Aleu, of Rhodt bland, nominated to be ambassador to Italy, It Is understood that a favorable report was ordered rrtnk KIM-oa Convlrttd. New York, Oct. B.-Fraiik pllUeu, tht well known club man, wht has teen ou Mil for lomt time nut. charged with as Acting Broker w. H. Henrlquea, was Ut BJsht found guilty of auault in tui aeeeaA degree. WALP'S EAGLE STORE. IW In',afew,words we desire to Gall t3T to your notice a very Important Ok. tact. It 1. this. We hare as tW large and flue aline of general BU .tore goods aa you will And any. tW where. Come and mo ua, let ua show you oar good, and tell you JH what our prices are. Wedellver-K goods anywhere promptly and "CI without extra charge whatever JU to the purchaser. Don't pay llg jgj prloes but come mid soe ue Jf& Robert Walp, First street, Op. Round Houses NEW YORK DEMOCRATS Opentnc of the gut Nominating Ooe. ventlen at Karate.;.. SARATOGA. Oct 6. The Democratic state convention convened here at noon todar. and after formal opening and the appoint ment of the nanal committees a recess was taken until 3 o clock. The nomination of Judge Mnrnnrd as aseoclate Justice of the court of appeals ana tnt rtnominations 01 Attorney uen WDQX ISAAC n. MATKARD, eral Bosendale, Comptroller Campbell and tVate Engineer Sclienck areas aertalnaa an 7 political events can b. William B. Kirk, candidate for atate treasurer, held open headquarters at the Adelpht last night and this forenoon, and is con n dent of success. His competitor Hugh Duffy, of Cortland, who Is the part ner of ex-State Treasurer Fitzgerald, was active about his headquarters. He did not make any atatement aa to his strength. Hon. George B. McClelland, president ot the board of aldermen of New York our. candidate for secretary of state, Is staying at the llealey cottage on Wood I awn ave nue. The name of Thomas E. Pearsall, of Brooklyn, has also been mentioned for this office, but It is understood he Is a can dldate to succeed Supreme Court Judge Uarnard, who retires from the bench on account of the age limit at the end of this year. The only other candidate mentioned Is Hon. Thomas E. Benedict, deputy secre tary oi state, uut, he is not an actual can didate. Senator Hill left New York city yester day tor t asmngion, anu win not attenu the convention, A Falsa Alarm Cti Mine Deaths Waksaw, Sept. 29. A false alarm of fire was given yesterday In the synagogue at Kalwarya, near Sun Walk!. The building wi crowded with Jews at worship. AH started at once for the two exits, and. de spite the shout of the rabbi that there was no fire, fought to get out. After struggle or ten minutes two-third of the congregation were still In the synagogue. As no fire had appeared, they bee am 4 calmer, and with the aid of the caretakers, the rabbi eventually restored quiet. Nine dead bodies were found near the exits, and twenty persons lay unconscious and Meed lng where thry had been trampled. Fully a hundred perhons were Injured In the rush, fourteen of whom are likely to die. Three West VlrglnU TragetlUi. Welch, W. Va..Oct. 6. On the Norfolk and Western rond, four miles from this place, Jack Martin was shot and instantly killed by Presley Herndon. The latter ao- oused Martin with alienating his wife's affections. The murderer e soaped. At Craokers Xe"', In Meroer countr. at a ne gro danoe, D.inlel Clay and Grant Weir were snot oy uuaries llareaton, of Brad ford, Va, Wier died soon after and Clay Is in a precarious condition. Hareston Is In Jail. At North Fork, during a carousaL Louis Austin, colored, disemboweled Charles Jones with a razor, Jones will die. The Australians Oreat Defeat. PniLADELruiA, Oct. 3. The rreat inter. national cricket match between Australia and Philadelphia, which beiran on Friday last, ended at 5:10 o'clock yesterday after noon, Philadelphia winning by sixty eight runs and an Inning. No such feat has ever before 'been nerformed br an American team in an International match n this country. The Austral ana cener- oualy ooucede the Phlladelnhlans all nos- atble praise, aud are unanimous tn the opinion that no better all around game was nut up against them at any tlmt dur ing their tour of England. Like Hat a In Trap. Crtatal Palm, Mich., Sept. 80. With terrific rush the water of the Mlchl- gamme river broke through a bed weak ened by mining Into the Mansfield mine, drowning twenty-eight men who were at work directly under the cave lu. There were forty-six men In the mine when the aceldent occurred, but eighteen of them who were working In the lower levels managed to escape. None of the bodies have been recovered, and It is believed it will be neceary to divert the channel of (he river before they can be secured. To Stop Wholesale Lynching ATLANTA. Oct. 6. BIshoD Henrr M. Turner, of the Colored Methodist church South, has" Issued a call to the colored people of the United States for a conven tion to meet In Ciucluuatt on Nor. 2& This national couucil is to "review and pass upon our condltloo, patiently, Im partially and report truthfully our knowl edge of every person murdered by ntobsor tynohers, aud when and what for, with documentary evidence if possible. The Altctl Itlghtly Murderer Captured, TltKKTOK. Oct 4. Wallace Burt, the half breed Indian suspected of the murder af old Samuel lllghtly and wife at New town, Pa., Sunday, Sept 84, was captured n a swamp near Morrisvllle yesterday, half dead with hunger and oold. He was taken to Doyle town jail. Burt came out of a woods to the house of Torbert Ganges, a colored man, for rood. Constable Whar ton with a pofto captured him. Five I'rlionvri tlreak Jail. LIMA. O.. Oct 5. At an earlr hour In morning the prisoners In the Wood county iall, at Bowling (iteen, made their escape here were five prisoners one murderer, three desperate crooks and one thief. No trace of them can be found. naeket Shop llecUr. Legal, pfthe oommuu pleas oourt, in charging ihe grand juiy, practically declared tint hllfk ihnna" ur I Jural an1 (nit rnntArl the Jury not to bring Indlocments against a V. .usjui, JtllnUter TWMU Off for Honelulu. WluUIVATiLk rW a Unn llr.r a Willis left WuuiugUu last night for San frnaeifcco, wdjuo ne win sail next, weea for Houolulu Held fr Killing lilt Child. Wa. iIvjtov, Od a eorotter'a jury held Jntiipb 11 Grinder, a d titer, on the charge of tnaiisliut hier in cauelugtbe death of bU owu sou, .Itw,.h. aged 8 ) ears The testimony showed inat during an at tempt of the older Grinder to takedfty uis frani the till In hie wife's grocery store the boy ahook bts Hat at the father, and in attempting to puuhth him. ths latter fractured the ublld's skull Wsht 8allr I'rvlMblr tot. LoNDOk, Oet. a. The report ootuee from Aneud, a port ou tin northern eoast ot Chili, that the British bark Beatrix, Cap tain Ikmea, which sailed from Uveroool June li for Iquique.Chiti. has been burned, at sea. Eleven of the crew were picked up and landed ai Aocud Eight are probabl; ioet Tlwrile's MarvelMttt Mile. SPkiKoriKLD. Mass Oct 4. W W. Wlmllehrwke the wprld'aretvrd for a mils My lug start at Hatnptuu Park yeeterday HaIBg U IQ LM l-O. The Cerdltial'a AitalUlu Oeu Ten T"r HUP. I'Mlll. II. i 5-l'loi.o.. the nun Muda(anriupuig April lul to kill' Qsidlul Vuui, .rimte of Hungary,! touexl guilt) .114 vuuuiniu twttl U ten Ttark' usual tmnrlaoumant. I to be followed r teu jure' pcuriraUuu ot feUelrU tight. ' ' I ' NEWSY OCCUKUENGES. MATTKKS OF MOIIK OH I lMl-UUTAMClS. Vh.t Il.i )cura in till. Cltr During the ek .rllu.nllr KpltoniluMl bj Ou Sleclfil Itcpori.r.. If you want a suit of clothes go to m. jlosos & Co., Oberts Ulock. Fine teams for all purposos at tho aouth Kud Uvery. Go to Af. Losos i, Co., for children suits. Full line of Ingrain and Ilrussels carpets at Henry Schwartz's. 1'ashlouable clothing for evorr. uouy at A, ljso8 &. Co., Oberts lllock. M. Losos & Co., have a full Hue of latest styles hats aud cups. Just make it a polut to Bee David tbbert when you wnutateam for butl uess or pleasure. Lowest prices. Carbon county fair, Ootobcr 11, 12 and School supplies furnished to School Boards at the lowest wholesale prices set our price ou any line of supplies t,. i", LAickenbacu. Thomas Trothaway, of the third ward, has purchased a building lot on south Third streot, and will build cozy residence. The Carbon county Fair next week. Samuel Seller, of the third ward. continues seriously ill. Miss llertha Furren, of south Third street has accepted a position with Kisuel, Lehlghton's popular and suc cessful photographer. rhe "check" system has been abolished at Roederor's tousorial saloon The rrohibitlonists of Carbon and slonroe counties havo nominated E. If. Nichols, of Wilkesbarrn for President Judge. This makes four candidates lu the tl-ld. Beautiful new elfects in fall and winter millluery at Miss Alvenia raver's millinery store. Don't buy hats or bonnets, ladles. until you seethe newest and prettleit euects for the season's wear at Miss raver's popular millinery store. l'rotty millinery elfects at the very lowest prices at Miss Alvenia Gravel's millluery store. The stockholders of the Lehighton Hosiery Mill will elect now directors Friday evening. Aaron Krum owns Jonathan KIs- tler's "slrcus horse." Tickets for free portraits at Pdshel's gallery are g"ood until December 1803. George Kipp Is doing the honors as bar tender at the always popular Car bon ilous6. Constable Ed Ra worth will heln to make the fair a big success next week by exhibiting a four pound potato and cabbage that measures eighteen Inches In diameter. Town council met in recular and In adjourned session on Tuesday aud Wednesday evening at the office of the secretary. Considerable miscellaneous business was transacted among which were resolutions for the framing of ordinances to grade streets, io. cnesapeak Bay Oysters Chean. Fine Oysters only 33 cents per auarl.. flsh fruits, Ac. W. II. Oswald's wagon, Lehighton and Welssport every day. Mahoning Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. Weslneerely regret being unable to to report much improvement In the condition of James P. Smith, of the first ward, who is still seriously ill. rror. U.J, Walters is Indefatluahln n his efforts to mnke the Lehlolitnn publlo schools the best In the county. He has added to the many branches now being taught lu the grammar aud high school the subject of drawing, ine puuiio scliools will very llkelv bo closed on Thursday of next week to allow everybody to attend the fair. A person much interested in the fol lowing local events has made this re port to our office. From March L7 until the 30th of September Lehighton has been visited by twenty seven traveling musicians, embracing the old organ grinder and monkey, the little German band, bagpipe and bears and orchestro. Rev. E. II Kistler, of Allentowu will preach in Ebenezer Evangelical' church ou next Sunday morning aud evening. The services will be English all day. All aro cordially Invited. An effort Is making to organize a choir lu the llrst ward. Those who are at the head of It are Geo. Clauds and Benj Losos. Some of tho songs are After tho Ban" and "He will never wander from his own lire-side," William Kern, of Slatlngton, who was teller at the First National Bank. in this town, some years ago when V W. Bowman was cashier of that instl tutlon, has just been elected cashier ot the White Haven Savings Bank at the latter place. Henry Nicholas Is being kept posted by T. Webster Clauss and Blaekte" SuwarU as to the route they pursue in the wild and wool ley west- The boys are expected home tn a few days. The llersh Furnace Comt.anv. working only three day a week for some time pat, on Monday started up ruiiuiast. ineoompany have all the work on hand that they oau attend to for some months to oome. This is an evidence of genuine Improvement in trade whioh we believe will now con tinue. Mies Emma Fortwangler, of Second street, has become a student In the popular American BuslueM College Alleutown, where she will take a oouree lu stenography, l& -The following program will be re- olted at the regular meeting of tin Luther Union in Trlulty Evaugelleal ohureh on Saturday evening, 11th iustant: Opening exercises. Granville i(etirlg;reoltation.MattIe Helm; selec tion, Ella Ebbert; dialogue, numbers oi soeutyi oo, ji,u aimler! selection, Mary Rehrlgi recitation, Hassle Noll: exereise in spelling ot bible words: ouorua, uy members of the Society. All are oordially Invited to attend. llarneaa, allanketa, lie. Milton Fiory, Weieeport, his a Urm assortment of all kinds of harness blankets, whips, robes, &o , which be is selling at very low priees. If you need anything lu this line buy it here aud you will save mouey, beoanae our are Uu very lowest lu the valley. Lohighton, PERSONAL MENTION. A Sanp Shot Camera Catches Tliose Who Ceiueanri flo Anion Their Friends In Lively thlgtiton. . .Expressman Al Hairerman was at Niagara Falls on Sunday. .I'aul Wagner, ot Montgomery county, spent a few days last week with mends here. .Clem Bretney, with Rlshol. the Photographer, is now at PhlladelDhia. wuore ue is laicing instructions In the art. .Mrs. G. W. Morthlmer and son Guy, of Alum street, aro spending a tew uays at Treniont where they are guests ot merchant Frank Htintzlngor. ..iur. ana Mrs. Morrison, of New York city, are guests of Dr. F. I. Smith aud family on First street. Mrs. James Slides, of Snnnnrl Sf is enjoying a pleasant visit among relatives in Philadelphia. .Morohant E. G. Zern. of the tinnn. lar Opore House store, was doing bust ness at Philadelphia several days this week. M. Losos, of tho Crystal Palnr-n cioming Hall, was at Philadelphia and :ew York this week making purchases oi seasonable goods. Al. Claus,, of Mount Carmel. Pa.. "Jwa uurmg last week. .Frauk Kershner and family, ni New Tripoli, Lehigh county, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Phaon niano. anu ramify on First street, have re turned home. . .Mrs. U. V. Morthlmer. Sr.. anil itnn wen returned on Saturday from n week's visit to W. W. Morthlmer and wife, New York cty. A. A. Graver, of Wllkes-Barrn. called on frlonds over Sunday. ..Jos. Dick and family, of JIauch Chunk, spent Sunday In this town with relatives. ..Mrs. Mary Ryan, of Slatlucton. Sundayed hero with, F. X. Roederer ana family ou Third street. Charles Yeagor, of Phlladelnhla. was closing digits with Lehighton und Welssport friends this week. ..Thegeulal M. H. Huuslcker and brother Tom of Freeland were In town on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late O. II. Bower. Constable Ed Raworth was at Beaver Meadow ou Tuesday on official business. ..Misses Sallle Frey and Marv Friesh accomplished young ladles of town enjoyed themselves very pleas antly with friends at Mauch Chuuk on Sunday. Miss Loua Lelnaard left for Phlla- delhla on Wednesday. She will pend the winter In that city. ..Mrs. Agnees, of Brazil, and Miss Pearl Harbon, of Philadelphia, are ojourning at Martin Leinbard's. Both ladles have just returned from a pleasant visit to tho World's Fair. .Samuel Yedlnsky, of Pottsvllle. was the guest of M. Losos. of thn Crystal Palace Clothing Hall, last Saturday. Dr. C, T. Horn and 6on Bert left on Wednesday for a two weeks visit to the World's Fair. Douglas Merkam was dolng'buslnoss at Philadelphia this week. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Paulsbarre, New Jersey, and Mrs Henry Reinman, of Tamaqua, spent a few days last week with their slsteri Mrs. G eo. Sella, on north Second street. 1'ACKEHTON. John Langkammerer and wife, of Philadelphia, are on an extended visit to relatives at this plaee. Mrs Isaao Bartholomew and daugh ters, of Franklin township, wore the guests of Jos. N. Benuett aud wife ou Thursday. Wm. Sandherr, of Summer Hill, cele brated his 08th birthday anniversary ou last Thursday evening, the Siugor bund of Lehighton, were present. The organization of wliich Mr. Sand herr Is the leader made him a hand some present In the shape of a sum of money. Grant Tobias and wife, of Mauch Chuuk, spent Sunday at tho residence of W. F. Brodhead. A. J. Snyder was visltlug over In the Pino Swamp country, the fare part of tho week. The schoiM board met in monthly session on last Monday evening. Miss Minnie Grow, of Lehighton, is visiting the McCounell family ou Park avenue. Jno. F. Miller and Edw. Frltzlnger attended the Whitehead and Siutiex nuptluls on last Thursday evening at Mauch Chuuk. The two York Staters Wm. F. Shaffer and Chas. D. Yohe were doing the graceful acton the streets of Scrauton a few days ago. The latter says the former tost bis eye hunting for woik. When small try statesmen who uun- not havo their own way find themselves balked and baffled by their own fol lowers then It Is time to give up the ghost and oome over to tho winning side. It is best to keep oool. The policy that will not bear examination is al ways dangerous. It Is the truth that hurts. Dispatcher Tbos. Harleman Is cot fined to his home through slekneee. Miss Kattie Zern, of Lehighton, was the guest of the Everitt family on last Sunday. Mrs, B, C. Ditterline who has been visiting relatives atAllentown returued home Monday. Connahaq Located, We have it from pretty reliable au thority that Charles Conahan, the mur derer of John M. Brlslln, of Huok Mountalu, la now within flye miles of wher the deed was oomitted, not later than Monday he aooosted a woman and asked for something to eat, and when informed that she had nothiffg, he was soon loet In the moitnUlus. Officers also oame aorose a rudely eoostruoted ttreplaee ou the mouqtaln, and found a number of roasted potatoes lying around. Spirting. Eddie Evans, of Slatlngton, and Harry Sailtb, of UetbieheiH, willeap' ' for a pq re al KU It is said that Soilth Is very auxtoua to meet Kvaus. "Huteh'- Lelkel, of Franklin, will wreatle his weight for a puree of 3O0 and gate receipts. A gnaud shooting tournameut will ouuie otf at the Fraukltn House East I Wetstport on the lflth aud au. Carbon Oonnty, Ponna. SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS Society Tltl-llltii of Intaroot lo Ilia Mem ben or the Fraternity. Secret societies In need of nnranlia. nalla, flags, banners, uniforms, etc., should consult II. V. Morthlmer, Jr., who represents one of tho largest firms of importers, manufacturer und dealers In this country before uurnhns lng elsewhere. The report made to the National Encampment of-thoGrandArmv of the iiopuojic, recently held at Indianapo lis, shows that the membership of that order has reached its culmination and ims begun to decline. The encamn ment lost 2,000 lu membership slncn J uue, 1802. During the past year 5,000 now uiemuers wero enrolled, but death claimed ,,ouo. From this ou the do cliue wlil.beoome annually greater, and the little heud-stone that marks the last nomeoftleTOtCran'TrtU aaiually increase. Tlie New Columbia Holler, lnrenle.1 by 11. Frank Conner. The Columbian Daily Spy of Colum Mo T).. I ... . 'i..,uMras io say of a firmer Carbon couutian: The Inventive cent us of Mr. B. Frank Conner, President of the Supplee Steam Engiuo Company has produced a Columbia boiler for steam or hot water, which Is far ahead of all competitors. It. Is made in wholly of cast Iron, It Is made in sec tions which enables its heatingcapaclty io ne multiplied indoflnately. The fire-box is round, with a water space of two and ouo half Inches. It has ovel shaped holes which correspond with similar openings In the first and succeedlngpaus above It The first pan completely covers the flro surfuce, ex oept the passage at the rear. The seo- oud and other pans are duplicates of the first with the draft or heat passage over and under each pan alternately reversed thus securlu; a ma.-'fum at a heat minimum consumption ol tue'. The top or drum Is of cost Iron. It covers tho last pan and distributes the heat around all the pans. An outer air tight casing of cast Iron confines the heat. So complete Is the arrancmeut that at a tost in our presence this morning thirty pounds of steam were generated in twenty minutes. The uti lization ot heat Is complete. 1 he boiler has a rocking grato com. plete in motion simple in construction and easy to work. It can be dumped by simply drawing the lever to the front. Itlsoneof the Jjest and most economical steam generators the mar ket. Being made entirely of cast Iron. it is almost lndestructable. It will certainly have a large sale for steam aud hot water heating purposes. THE CAltll.lN CODNTV INSTITUTE. It Will Ue Held at Lnnirord The Week nrclnnlng December , The Carbon county instltnta nf mm.. ers wllltake place at Lansford on the week beginning December i. The in stltute promises to be a very successful one. The different school principals met nt Mauch Chunk recently and elected the officers fer the coming institute. Mr. A. S, Beisel, the new superintendent was elected president and Prof. James Bevan, of Mauch Chunk schools and Prof. Thomas J. Drumbor of the Weatherly schools were elected secre taries. Oueofthe best corps of lecturers that has eyer faced a Carbon county institute is promised, and a first class opera company will furnish a musical program for Thursday evening's, enter tainment. Mr. Beisel will leave noth lng undone that will add to the comfort of the teachers cither in providing good musical entertainments or instructive talent and a highly interesting program is promised. Three Tlmee Near Death. Baltzer Spltzor had a narrow escape from death on Monday afternoon. He was driving a two horse load of empty boxes from Zero's Opera House store to Obert's butchering establishment When opposite Schwartz's furniture store some of the boxes commenced rolling from the wagon. In his efforts to prevent their falling Baltsser was thrown onto the wagon pole and the horses dashed away at full speed up First street Baltzer heroically cling, ing to the pole and ondeavorluc to ston the horses, Seeluj his efforts were useless he let himself, fall from hi8 perilous position and the wagon passed over him. He was Lot muoh hurt This Is his third escape from death. First, he fell forty feet over a wall: again he was caught in the shafting at Obert's butchering establishment and escaped through having a very light blouse which was torn from him In shreds. Ualtaer Is a uatire of Ger many and only 18 years of age. He makes his home with Peter Helm on First street. A Ureat Clothing Sale, The new addition to the Oue Prioe Star Clothing Hall, Mauou Chuuk, haa been oompleted at last and we are now ready to show you the finest selection of ready-made men's, boys' and child' ren'a suits and overcoats, ever suu.. lu this region, at prices never ennalci we are selllui4ill-woo mon'a 6uits at f 86, 8, 10 and up, boys' suits and ore ooata from 31.00 up, Wewdl saveyo as per cent, on all purchases guarar.h you nrst-olase clothing and pay y oar fare by buying your winter go from us. Remember the place ii tt one I'rtoe SUr Clothing Hall, '.' Chuuk. ChrUtaln Endeavor Contention. One of the most notable gathi-rn ever held In Reading will be tho fitati convention of the Christian Kudav societies of Pennsylvania, October 1 u and 13, for whioh extensive urer atioo are being made by a host looal sommlttees. Fully J,00(i dclga are expeotedj every deuominatiun , well as every county and di-dru-t iw be included in its representation '- Kali and WlaUr Millinery. Mis. Alveola Graver will have a gran fall aud winter millinery opening at t ner popular store on Saturday aud duriugthe entire fair week. Miss I I ; raver intends tu surpass all previous ' efforts m this exhibit iun of ali new iu. ( beautiful things in oa-sunuMe ill.,t in millinery and our lady reu lt-i . should be sure to Uke aiirauUmo oi it. , October 7 L893 i-orm i-oiiiiCHi DOMIn That In fleamniihle KtThliTlme, IS Tho Democrats of Carbou lu pre senting Allen Craig for Judge, do not Indulge In any tirade against the candidacy of Judge Storm, or candidate ueydt. The character, ability and worth of Allen Craig Is known to every voter In the county, and his election means u pure judiciary for this district and His triumphant election is assured if every voter consults and acts ac cording to his personal convictions Weatherly Herald. S-The Philadelphia Press says thla: "Tho republicans can havo no in. terestin assisting Judge Storm, who for many years has been one of the most active Democratic riolltl iTann nn.7 virulent partisans in that section of the State. His appointment to the vacancy caused by the death of the late J udge Drehr was a menace to non partisanship on the bench, and his election for a term of ten years is by no means desirable. If the Republicans exercise a choice between the twoDemocratlo can didates it would be In favor of ex-Senator Allen Craig, of Carbon, who, though a Democrat, has never been a loader In party manipulation, and, unlike Judge Storm, is better Known as a lawyer than as a nolltl cian. C"TnE LAssroRD Record savs it will lend Its "feeble support" to Storm for judge and Ignore the Interests of Cnr- uuu cuuuiy. ii gives as Its reason that the Pattlson administration must be uphold in its appointments. Good citizens of every party In this county have reason to rejoice at the stand taken by the Record. It is a well known fact that the candidates supported by the notorious Jimmy Malloy are usually "snowed under" by the votes of the people. StormV fate has Ceeu eealed, and we extend our symp- uiuy m me none: -.Me Knt:emn Mauch Chunk Times. ""' 3. It Is now well understood that there will be three candidates for preat- ilent Judge of judicial district composed of tho counties of Carbon county, was unanimously nominated by tho Re publican conference, There will be two Democrats candidates Allen Craig, of Carbon county, and John B, Storm, of Monroe county unless ono of these gentlemen voluntarily stens uown, wnicn doesen't seem likely. In the event of three candidates remain. Ing In tho field we shoul d predict the election of llr. Crnlg. Allentown Democrat. Democratic Sleeting. There was a large meeting of promt nent Democrats In the court house, at aiaucn uuiinit Wednesday who talked over the oampalgn with the several Democratio candidates- Laird II. Bar- bm' Esl0' Mauch Chunk presided as cnairmanof the meeting and G. W Morthlmer, of the Oarbon Advocate, Lehighton, was secretary. A committee that had waited on' Michael Cassldy, chairman of the Democratic oouuty committee, wero Informed that he Intended to support the county ticket but that he would not support Hon. Allen Craig, for President Judge. Following some dlscdsslou It was decided that a committee of six should bo appointed by Mr. Craig to look after his Interests In this Judicial District. The meeting then adjourned. Among those present wero Judge Price, 3. W. Esser, District Attorney Fisher, County Treosurer Jim T. Mulhearn, J, M. Breslln, Dr. W. L. Kutz, W. H. Reber, Jno. Kistler. "Atiionir the Clilueae," A graphic and realistlo description of all the Manners, Customs aud Langu age of the Chinese, and a highly pic turesque Chinese Tableau, will be given in the M. E. Church, by the Rev. Fred Poole, from Central china Monday eveulug, at 7 30 o'clock. Mr, Poole will be attired lu Native Dress, and will be assisted by twelve Ladios and JGentlemen; in beautiful Chinese Costumes, representing the various classes of people In China. The lecture will also be Illustrated by a num ier of Curiosities oollectefl by Mr. Poole dur ing his residence in the Empire. The following Oriental Characters will be represented. Chinese and Japanese Ladies and Children, Chinese Bride, Mandarin, Buddhist and Taoist Priests, Students, Soldiers, Japanese Gentlemen etc Tuesday evening, Oatober 10th 1883 at 730 o'clock. Mr. Poole will deliver a Missionary address on "Scenes from Life In Ceutral China," Illustrated by a large number of new and Interesting StereoDtioau Views, a silver oelleotlon will be taken. Sunday, Ootober 8th. at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon Mr. Poole who will be at tired lu Chinese Costume will deliver an address on "Child Life lu China." In the eveuirg, Mr Poole will give thestorv of the recent Antt foreign Riots iu I'e trail tiiu'i and thi irr tf.ctt land lu,i i .aoim. a Urge J ,tuiy atone llui.e i Uie iiauu. Uaiik oaiu aud oth-r , uut t,uildiug, wiU i , 1 1 j i i .,. , ti j n,,,. ui l'.i.l, .ill. i s n i. ,it,,r, , siKhLjim , ( , ,,. i j v OIua Uu.u. kuiUrsu Inn i) anai air in I SBSBSSSSSSSIBBSSBSSBSSSSSSSSSSW BBBBBBBHSXBBBBBBBBBBBBKWWBHnSBBSBSSBBBBBBBBB llaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeBBaeeaan hiissVBBBssssssssssssl I emBrffr 1 ' ,f,- 'tln hi , i , I. i i fi' in lt,,i,.l SI'lCY IMI'I'EnlNUS 11II1EF1.Y EVITO MIZEII. The Doings of the Week Interleadeil With l'erannal Mention. Do you want anything In tho line of job printing f If so, leave your order with the Advocate Very lowest prices! The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Heller was largely attended. Reys, Miller and White, of Allentown, offici ated, interment was made In the old cemetery. Married, at the Evangelical parson BgebyRey. B. 11. Miller ou Friday evening Sept. 20th, Lewis A. Strohl to Jflss Susanna Kromer, both of North Welssport, Jacob Eck drives a handsome and well-made surry which he has just pur; cnased from II. R. Kreidler. The regular monthly meeting of council was adjourned from Monday last until next Monday evenlug at wuich time all members aro wanted present. A grand chicken aud waff el supper will bo held In Laury's Hall on the evening of the 13th for the benellt of the Reformed congregation. The affair should be well patronized. John Smith and family, former reldents of this neighborhood, have returned after a fifteen years residence iu the west. Adam Housor spent last Saturday at tho. bedside of his father who Is quite seriously ill at his home In Penn Argyl, Northampton county. A. A. Beltz aud wife Sundayed at Baylor's Lake, Monroe county's pretty summer resort. Nathan Snyder Is still further improving tho Interior conveniences of his Popular Bazaar by the erection of a cashier office iu the centre ot the room. J. It Lentz and wife returued ou Btu rday even lug from two week's visit at the World' Fair, Chloago. Sunday evening Rev. T. A. Huber, Pku. ft draco Reformed chuioh, liiiEleton, forms.- at Welss port, will loavo for Chicago and tu World's Fair. Reuben Aruer, of Loug Run, had two lingers on his right hand badly in jured while following his nyocatlon at I'ackerton last Friday, Wm. Solt and family left for Bait! more, Md., ou Monday, where Mr. Solt will taae a three years course In tho Baltimore college of Physicians and Surgeons. The employees of the Franklin Mill aro working oyer time In order to keep up with the rush of orders, Tho directors of the Carbon County Improvmeut Company held their regular monthly meeting on Monday. Among those In attendance were Messrs. Waltors and Johnson, of rmiadeipniH. O. J, Saeger left on Monday for a trip turough York state where he will make extensive purchases of apples, io. u.j. saeger sold 8000 baskets of peaches during tho past season. Douglas Aruer on Monday took charge of the post office here, succeed ing Amos Marsh. The office will con tiuue in the Laury building. Mrs. Arner will be the general assistant and she will be assisted by Miss Annie Scolleld. This neighborhood will now have some protection in event of fire. Levi Horn, has purhased a'force pump from the Slatlngton Are department. A. V. Snyder mixed some "Rough on Rats" with bran and sprinkled it on the Uoorln his stable last Thursday night with the Intention of e.ttermi uating rats. Buring tho night, how ever, his horse became loose and got at the poisoned bran. Friday night the animal was dead. Elizabeth, relict ot the late David Heller, died on Thursday evening, of general debility consequent to old age Interment was made Monday afternoon Rev. Miller and H'hlte olffcatlng at the last sad rites. Deceased had brought ner age to ai years. She was a firm belloverjin the Christian faith aud had many warm, slnoere friends. The children who survive are Mrs. Aug. Oswald with whom she had made her home, Mrs. Joseph Buck and Mrs. Isabella Trexler. A grand shooting tournament will oome off at the Franklin House on the 10th and 20th Instants. There will be seven target events on the first day. The second day's sport will be the shooting at 800 One large live pigeons. American Association rules will govern tbeshootiug. There wllle extra traps for umateures and Ave unknown traps for live birds. The eveut la under the management of John Rehrlg, Jr., ono of Pennsylvania finest and moat cele- b rated shooters. A New and Important Art. At the last session of the Legislature section six of the act regulating the elections lu this Commonwealth ap. proved Jan. 20th, 1871, waa ameuded to read as follows: In all election districts where a va ranry exists by reason of thedisqualifl. iiiou, oi tne otiicer, or by remuval, re-it,-Qat i. m, death, or other oause in an i- tion board heretofore eleoted or ap lntej, the Judje or Judges of the It -urt of ( ummou Pleas of the proper auty upou proof furulshedthat sueh va-itry or vai-auoies exUt shall at any ttma before auy general, tniinleliNil or -p- :ale!cettou,appolutoonipetentper-c-b 1 3 1111 said vacancies, to oondnot e election lu said districts aud In the apj niDtment of inspector In auy eleo-'i-u li t.k-t, both shall not be ot the vmii.cilittcttl party and the Judge of ti u shall la all cases be of the (.-lit iral party haviug the majority of iu sai I (Untiiot as uearly aa the Mi. lge r Judges oau ascertain the Urt, and m cases of the disagreement oftho Judges as to the selection of the I . . -i.-'ct urs the ilitloal majority of the n. igei snail select oue of wieli inspect, i . und ttie mluority Judge eel eat the i In I' OvercoaU, Uterooata. M iioaw., ot m. .uosos fti o, tne pop ular clothiers aud hatters. Pirtt. .lr, hw. juat returned fmm the cities where be purcttaeed the largest aud hand laomt tin,- f .nereoaU ever brought I., tin, ,ivti..n The ouau arelubt ' medium ami heaiy wettthu, and Tare ! uu,iii .n.,-. for style end nuujs. The ! ,p;uaM uanuot be matohedby any of our I competitor. Cell aud see ftnm. iiiiikf .uSTiox of. vrmsitM mi. INOS UN the hail. Short I'lirngrapha That Will boot Inlereal to the Itallroad Itove. t Oeu. P. C. Doyle, of Buffalo, epe. ral freight agent of the northern divi sion of the Lehigh Valley, has been ap- pointed collector of the port at Buf falo by President Cleveland. t James O'llrlan, of WIlkes Barre. who for many years has been a detec tive, and who recently severed his con nection Willi the Interstate Detective Agency, has been reappointed to his former position as detective ou the Lehigh Valley Railroad I Tho Jersey Ceutral statement for August shows gross receipts tl.281.313. a decease of e.10,001 from 1802, but tho operating expenses were t720,421, which is Mi.iHii deceased Is therefore $21,785. t 'lbo Lehigh Valley offices lu Phlla delphia will shortly be removed from thoir present quarters to the seventh floor of tho new Philadelphia & Reading termiual depot ut Twelfth und Market Streets, that city. I A bill lu equity was Uled at Phlla delphia on Filday by attorueys rep resenting Alfred Sully, of New York asking the United States circuit court to direct foreclosure proceeding: ugaiust the Philadelphia aud Reading iiauroad and Coal and Irou Compaules, under the incomo mortage. The suit was unexpected by railroad's officials, IL. I. Glerlng has been awarded thn contract for repairing and maintain ing all the time pieces in use by the Lehigh Valley Rail Road from Jersey Ulty B, Junction and branch roads. This coutruct inciudos the time pieces In use in all the shops, sta nous, ouices, on locomotives, or wherever u time piece is used, practt tally covering Lehigh Valley Rail Road aystem. JAn oxchange says that all the Lehigh Valley cars iu and around Pottsvllle nre being repainted. Tho color will be the same as that ot the P. & R. Pullman cars, with the except ion of the gilt stripes, which will be palntod yellow. The work has already WHO. and will bo pushed -S3 "llrat aa the cars can be placed in tho shops. X All the brakemen, conductors, en glucers aud llremon ou the Wyoming division, as well as those on the Hazlo. ton aud Mohauoy divisions of the Lehigh Valley huve been Instructed to inform the division superintendent now long they havo been In the com' ally's employ. It is said that this Is done for the purpose of ascertaining who aro the most worthy lu tho line of promotion. C. II. 1IOWEK DEAD. A Well-known Lehighton Clllleu l'ai Muddenly Awar. Following an Illness of only a day Carl Harrison Bowor. of First street died on Thursday eveulng ut about 8. 40 o'clock of what is supposed to have been heart failure. A week previ ous he had sprained his right aukle und a few days followiug ho contracted a severe cold but his friends wero not apprehensive of any seriousness iu his coudition aud his death was therefore a great shock both to his family and many friends. Interment took place on Tuesday afternoon from his late residence opposite ths post office. O. H., was a son of Gotlolb Bowerand first saw tho light of day in Derleus ville, Northampton county on the 21lh day of Jauuary iu the year 1821. He was but a child of tender years wheu his parents moved to this place, thou a wild.and unpretentious village. His aged mother still survives. For many years deceased was connected with the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., and later a: id considerable contracting. During later years in co-partnership with others he did much prospecting for coal anil had leased mauy acres of laud back of Last Mauch Chunk. He also was Interested lu paint ore mining in Lower Towamensing. He was nomi nated some years ago by the Republi can party for county treasurer and was defeated by only a few votes by George uolau,of I'ackerton. Since the death of his wife, about five years ago be has lived almost retired. The deceased is survived by oue daughter and one son, Mrs. Charles Selfert, of Lehighton, aud Dr. C. II Bower, tho secretary of the Lehighton Board of Health. There are four brothers aH,of whom are prominent 111 business affairs, Elwin Bauer, of East Mauch Chunk; George Bauer, of Cuta- sauqua; Frauk, ot Allentown, anil Nel son Gratiot oouuty, Wisconsin. George is an ex-sherltf of Lehigh oouuty aud Frauk is the present sheriff. Nelsou is also uu ex-sheriff, having sewed the office lu bis home county. The survi ving sisters are Mrs. Reuben Iluusickor Mrs. Cettu, the widow of Phaon Clause, and Mrs. William Warner, of EastPenu Towusblp. HISrilllLIUANS NOMINATE IIEVDT Fllll JUDUE. The Judicial Conference Unanliuoee In Naming ltlui for the Ultlce. William Edmunds, of Beaver Meadow B. J. Hunts, of Lehighton and David G. Watklns, of Nosquehouiug, repre sented the Carbon county Republicans aud Mickey Casaidy at theJudioial Conf erenoe at Stroudeburg last Thurs day. The unanimous vote of the con ference wasgirento Horace lleydt.Ekq. ot Lehighton, and he wiw uoraluated for President Judge. Mr. Heydt then made u siieeuh aud declared that he was not being used as a tool. Suit for blander. Iter. J. S. Newliart, ot Mauch Chuuk, had a writ of capias ad respoudum, lu treaspaea, wir slander, Issued from the Prothonotary's office Tuesday morning agaltwt Reuben ktuyder, of Lower Towa meuelug township, this county. The papers are now lu the bauds of Sheriff U'ebb who will serve them on bojder tomorrow. Snyder U charged with cir culating alauderoua reports concern ing Newhart, the details of which are totally unfit for publication. Prom Mauch Chuuk '1'tmea. v . ..... . On No...ub.r loth. "r Daur, the reliable specialist at llJuletou, will be at the tUotuuuie Hotel, Lhtahtou, tor all who need Isle aervkoe. $1.00 a Year in Advimo i car ah AUVRHO - COUNTY. '4 Short Siiull,. .,, ArouMj crboa County DUhrd Up for Our Iteaden. The Reformed Ministerial Associa tion of the Upper Lehigh Valley trill hold Its Fall meeting on Monday next at the Reformed parsonage, Weatherly. In the evening special services will be held In the church, Faunle Siddons, the demented woman who esoaned fmm ., r towu almshouse last month, h.. yot beeu fouud. tsovoral parties claim to have seen her In the woods between 1-reeland ami KuJr t?., j . , , u, auu irpm the description, they give Poor Dlrea. tor Monroe Is Inclined to believe , """" wauuenng about In that locality. There Is attO reward for her recapture. D. J. McCarthy, of Freeland will be the speakerat the Father Mathew tem perance ooiebratlou at Lansford on October 10. Weatherly silk mill has closed for aa Indellulte period, and 000 employes, principally small girls, are out of work. Mrs. James Schoch died at her home In Beaver Run last Friday night at the ago of 13 years. Deceased was a native of Monroe county and was the daughter of Jacob Carroll. Interment was made in the Lehighton Cemetery on Tuesday Rev.J.II.Kuder, of Trinity Lutheran Church officiating. Deceased was an estimable lady aud her aeath is sin cerly regretted. Tho Young Men's Christian Assoeis. tion of .Mauch Chuuk will lay the corner stone of their new building " omuruay, ut jp, m. Word has been received from the following nf their intention to be present: Stat Secretary Hurlburt, Secretary Geo. A. Warburton, of the Railroad Depart ment, New York City; Rey. Edsall Ferrier, D. D., of Easton. and Mr. Chas. Webster of the Lehigh Valley Ran Road. Jacob Casseline, foreman at the Weatnerlysilk mill met with an anrdrlnnt. Tuesday that will iu all probability re suit iu his death. He was engaged In putting ou a belt and had sucoeedsd In o doing when In some mauaer his clothes eauylit in Urn LoIl and in an luetanthowas being whirled around the pulley. A slgual was given, but before the engineer could ston thn engiuo his slothes were torn Into shreds aud he dropped to the floor more dead than alive. He had several ribs broken and was badly bruised. The Union llible Initltnte. A largo aud representative Trnlnn Meeting was hold on Monday evening Iu the M. E. Church which was presid ed nvor by Rev. Dungau the pastor, Addressos on the Book of Romans were delivered by the pastors of the Luther. au, Re formed, Evangelical auel the M, Churches. Duncan Macdrecor re. ported Bible Institute formed or to be formod lu Welssport, Parryvllle, Blat lngtou, Upper .Vauch Chunk, East Mauch Chuuk, Weatherly. Ao in Car. bon county iu additiou to other conn. tics. There will thus soon be material enough for u county convention Rev. Kuder offered the Lutheran chnrch for the next meeting Monday Oct. SOth which was gratefully accepted. Both tho people aud tho pasters are united in me endeavor to make the Bible tustitute permanently successful. The uext lesson Is Corinthiaus and Ephsl- uus. Everyone shonld road books. We Inrlte You All to Our Grand opening Monday October 0th, iree concert iu tbe eveulng, where we will show you a full line of ImnortArl and domestic pieces of goods all-wool suits und overcoats to order from $13 upioeio.UO which are the best goods for the price ever shown iu this region. a magnificent stock of the latest styles of ladles and misses coats, surpass any. thing ever shown, and we will save you 33 per ceat. ou all purchases and pay vour cur fare, by giving us a chance for your inter goods at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. On the let and and Of each mouth Dr. Bowers, the well. euecessiui specialist will be at the Welssport House, Welssport. where he will be nleajind tn rn.M. il those desiring his services, tf. The Fountain Head of strength. When wn reonltM-l thl 11, a,n.n...k i. grand laboratory In which food li tranafornird rnoi the accretions weltli furulih yi It I tbS lutein alter entering aud enrloblng rk btoodi that It It, lu abort, tne fountain "eaaio strength, ll it euentlnl to keej' tuls liiportejt supulilmr machine in imlerTaud to restore It Io activity uru It eecotnrs Inacllre" Tola llusteller' run.... h- r'ul and reinlorcuig dlne.ll.Kl, iiroinoiliiu- due actum ot the Urer and bonds, Strength and quietude el I 0.e ilfJLV,'"1'.'.'.1 " ureal Measure upon taorouilT dtgeMlon. ll,.,. i. no nervine tonli loon! .'aS'Uu.0?"!?!1 b7 '""loal fraternity thn Ue nitteri. PliiakiUni also slroatljcniaVend It for chill, aud lever, rheumatism. XWnVy Yiid Ma4. trouble, slcs headache, and wan "l .Ductile alul aiwen Tuir uin. , .... ..' times a day. ' suree ral las Will Mot Death Bravely. BADCELOVA. On 3 - Illa, Hi. h. 1st sod would tie isain nf Oeu. ral Mar tinez de Ctmpna, will be .hot either this afternoon or tomorrow. The condemned man continue, to maintain hi. narfaeiwi composed bearing, which haa shown no ensnge rince his arrest, save when he bade a last tareweii to his little children, wken he broke down and cried bitterly as he kissed and fondled them. He declares that be ha. no fear of death, and bl. man ner and conversation show that he Is tell ing the truth He ha. tald that ha would refer to face tbe men detailed to kill blm bat If this is not to be he I. content 1 dl. with the back to the firing party, as the! court uariiai ordered. Rrua.wla'. Telluw rever Tlctlaae. BECKSWICK. Gl . Ot S - There waa nf. totally reported yeeterday one death from renew lever anu aixteen new eaaea. Then ars now eighty-three eases under treat mess. 1 nere le now only about one week' supnlyof provisions on hand, and thed. raand for relief U IncreaalDg. An average ot i.euu oeoDie. are oailtjed. Bakincr jiDSOiuieiy jrure A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. LsTtwr Umrae Statu GoriutiiT ood Re roar. Royal Baking Powder Co . 108 Wall St.. N. Y. s