The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 30, 1893, Image 4

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    ligTAIILIBHUU 1H7.
The Carbon Advocate
Harry V. Moithlmor, Sr.
OFFI0B Billet's Tilook, North First Street,
iWraiwr lias bee tttfieA .tX Ito lMhla
l'ost Office as eomit Class Matter,
Local and Heading notices to take tan of
liBiwr 6c per line tor each 'nserttonu
Eieentnrs' Administrators' and notion, S3.S8.
Auditor and Divorce not lee l , .
Cards ol thsnks, reaMntloM ol respect, and
similar notU'es one time 150.
Local notices ol entertainment. suppers,
fellKSi. lair., dances, and all torlntejt
doslaTHxl to make money a cents per VKSI
lob printing has Ui en done tor the same at this
'"lJi'play advertisements, live inches and over,
'Ascription' prlce'i'l.00 when paid "Ppt oash
or im it not so paid Tins rule will herearter
be strlnrtently enforced.
lerrai-Traosleut advertising and Jsli print
nicaslii yearly advertising nava le quarterly.
Address nil Commuuloations to
H. V. MOUTH1MEH, Sen'b.
Our Circulation 1484
Conm Tkb ihceer 3. C. Kreamer will
b ths way it will stand from Jnnuarj
1. 1801. Ths doctor's mntiy friends sny
that they will seo thitt his election is
nssursd this time.
HTniwa tell which why the wind
blows. Tho Laustord Record aud the
MauoU Chunk Democrat are for Heydt
forjudge. The Democrat and the
tho Record nre Cassldy Watklns orRans-
MiCKEl Cassidt will explain "where
he is at" on Monday, October 2. A
patient public awaits with Btnusement
official expression from this magnifi
cent specimen of the genuine political
II will 1m Register and Recorder
Hui rv Swartz after January 1st, 1891.
Buaked by efficiency nnd a pleasant
and acoomuiodatlnB disposition he will
make a first-class, safe and thoroughly
reliable, official.
Tan Democratic candidates for Coun
ty Commissioners, John O'Donuell, of
East Mauch Chunk, and M T. Trexleri
of this town, are men of much ability
and lntoliseuce and will make honest,
faithful and cupablo oillclals. Tho
Democratic people of Carbon county
should aet in H . t they are elected
next fall by an old time majority. Micket Cassidy is aigry at
this newspaper beoause we called at
tention to the fact that ho would not
support the Democratic ticket this fall
and'askod him therefore to resign the
chairmanship of the oounty committee
which he persists in holding contrary
to all decency, either moral or legal,
Mickey Cassidy is n rjolitloal pimp.
Nominations fob J udoe for this dls
trict are still to be made, the couferree
system haying proved a failure in se
curing a result. There Is just one more
week in which to make these nomina
tions and get the certificates filed with
the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
The amendments to the ballot law en.
acted by the last Legislature extended
the time for general candidates
which includes those for Judge, to
thirty-Are days before election. In the
ease of nomination papers for general
candidates seven days more time is ol
lowed so that whatever failure there
may be to make regular nominations
In time, to havo the certificates oh file
by October 3 must bo covered within
the following seven days by nomina.
tlon papers to be Died by October 10
In the case of county officers certifl
cates mast to on file at least twenty
eight days before election, which this
year is October 10, and nomination
papers at least twenty-one day before,
or by October 17.
Terr: - -----
LiST week's Woatherly Herald said
this- "The nomination of Horace
Heydt for President Judge by the Re
publican convention reflects no credit
on that body. While Mr. Heydt is a
gentleman in the full senso of tho word
yet by reason of his age and his lnex
perlence ho is Incompetent to flll i
position of so much responsibility. lie
has yet to attain that full confidence
In himself necessary to perfect success
before he can attain so distinguished a
place on the Bench. In this respect
there is no other Carbon county lawyer
the peer of Allen Craig. He has the ex
pcrieure, the perfect knowledge and
excellent ability so much required In
men who are placed in positions of this
kind. The people of Carbon county
and the entire judical district should
not hesitate to give Air. Craig an earn
est and unqualified support In order
to place him on the JJenoh, where his
fiu" i lulitles as a man, a lawyer and
christian g"ntleman oan best bene all
thi t'Qople.
Tut kxcillent ticket nominated by
the Democratic convention some weeks
bro is in n very peculiar position it Is
without a oounty chairman or a oounty
committee to assist In the oaurass.
This unlortHUate condition of alfairs is
brought about through the bulldozing
methods of oounty chairman Cassidy
who refuses to call together the new
oouuty ooiuuiltu that it may elect a
successor to him. Yet he bolts the
tlon : ij 1 n . .n placing himself
on record against Allen Craig for Judge
This is a prostitution of the Democracy
that unpardonable and it should not
be tolerated. Mlokey Cassidy, the floss,
must step down aud out I The Demo
emtio candidates cannot allow them
selves to be played with in the im
portant campaign that is now on. To
do so means the defeat of the whole
tlcnet I It Is important that active
measures be pursued. To attain suc
cess is no child's play In a campaign
where the chairman of the oountv
Democracy Is a bolter. Th Democrat lo
candidates must get to work in order
to offset any possible detect that may
result from this cause. Go Into every
election distrust, see the people, state
your oase and suooess is assured. Do
not waste any time. Five weeks of the
campaign only remain and every day
should be taken advantage of. The
ticket nominated by the Democratic
convention la a good one, from top to
bottom the men are of exoellent oharas
ter, good business qualities and will
make faithful pmbllo oUlolals. Let the
Demoorats of the oounty In this Colum
bian year resolve to perpetuate
Democracy's noble cause by au election
Of the entire Democratic tloket.
The Dynamite Argunieut Id
Bin Francisco, Hept. 85. An' explosion
took plaee on the sidewalk iu front of John
Cnrtaln's non union aaltur boarding houss
yesterday, and It Is supposed to have been
an explosion of dynamite with Intent to
Injure non-union sailors, and to Uave been
perpetrated by union sailors. George
Holmes, a stevedore, and Hriek MoOinnlea,
a noa-anloo sailor, were Inataallr killed.
Edward Murphy, William T. McKinals
and Charts Owens died from their wounds
after removal to the hospital. Joan Our
talu. Jr., son of the proprietor, was sesi
oaaly injared John Terrell, James Woods
and Terrenes Tracy, three union sailors,
are under arrest, and evidence ia strong
against them.
Tke Mew Ilre4r r.f ttie Mint.
WAsliUOToa, 8 i i M I fee president
sent to the seutr h , muti ut Rob
ert E. Presses i u. I -, i, t f 4ium
Ma. to be 41, , i , , , .i ,., suoeJ
BdwardO I ti .1, I'r, , , n is a nativs
f Tennessee, about ! v, id ud sines
MTt be beea nuaisuxu.. k.
V . "Itsdyteg.
et- -. - - r " y- - -
?LIKJmM.JLil..l - liJlll.WJ.lW
He Denies trie Alleged Bale of an
In Ills Letter to the Prrll.lcnt Mr. Whit
ney Bald, "there Is No Olillgatloa Upon
Too to Apimlnt Illm" Mr. Van Alen
Also Denies the Alleged Deal.
New York. Sept. M. -William C Whit
ney, who had been charged with promising
the Italian miaelon to J. J. Van Alen In
return for a 50,(HiO contribution to the
Democratlo campaign fund, gives out for
publication the following letter to the
NetveYark World:
To the Edii or of The World- If I alone
were concerned I should pay no attention
to the slanderous matter contained in
your Issue of yesterday, headed "Van
Alen'a liargaln." So far as I personally
sm concerned, any onewhochoaes to think
me eapnble of bargaining an office for a
political contribution Is welcome to their
opinion. Having lived a good part of my
life In public affairs, I am certain that no
one for whose opinion I have the least re
gard would entertain the thought for a
moment But there Is much more than
my personality In this matter. Mr. Van
Alen has been set upon and caricatured
andllbeled in every way. I propose to re
lieve him from blame so far as I have
had relatione with him.
Tho allegation is specific enough and Im
putes to a most dishonorable transaction.
bat Is the truth? I have bad nothing to
jo with Mr. Van Alen'a candidacy except
what lsVontalned tutkefollowlngcommu
nlcattOHto tho president With the presi
dent personally I have never exchanged a
n-ord on the subject The letter and the
Interview accompanying it contain a com
plete answer to the allegations:
uear Air. President: I enclose a clipping
from The New York Sun, which covers
what purports to he an Interview with ine
regarding the candidacy of Mr. Van Alen
for the mission to Italy. The Interview Is
substantially correct.
1 think in Justice to .Mr. van Alen I
ought to say more. 1 made It clear to
srerybody in the campaign that 1 would
assume no obllgntioca, tacit or expressed,
as to the ofllccs or appointments, and you
are quite aware that you hare not been
isked to perform any contracta of this na
ture, so far as I know,
Mr. an Alen is a gentleman, and gave
what he contributed to the campaign
Ireely nnd from an Interest in the success
of the party. He had previously idontifled
himself warmly with the party In Rhode
Island. His candidacy has the support of
early every prominent man in his state.
( have been called upon by these men to
lee that nis warm support ol our party
ibould not militate against his candidacy.
1 therefore break the silence which 1
have heretofore maintained since the In
auguration to any I know Mr. Van Alen
well and ha Is, In my Judgment, In every
way adapted to the position which he
leeks, and that I sincerely hope that the
malicious stories which have found their
way Into print will not affect him ad
versely. There la no obligation upon you to ap
point him to any office; but there Is the
iddttlonal reason for Appointing blm that
is the result of a very patriotic, generous
&na cordial support oithe party In the late
campaign, when friends were few and
sails were great, he has been accused of
llsbonorable bargaining. This, as you
enow, Is the first time you have been ap-
proacneu ny me on the suoject ol ap
polntments. Very aincerely yours,
The Interview referred to appeared in
rhe Sun of June 9. and the pointa con
tained In It are practically reiterated in
tbe above letters.
Mr. Whitney then nttotea a letter which
was written by Mr. Van Alen to a friend
who had made inquiries regarding the ah
leged deal. In it Mr. Van Alen says:
"1 am much aurprlHed at the charges
rou. say hare been made against me. Cer
tainly If the president believes them my
appointment to any position would be
icandalous. I can only say that these
sharges. that I stated I was to have a dip
lomatic position In exchange for money
mbscrlbed by me for political purposes,
ire utterly :aise, and 1 defy any one to
prove mat i nave written, spoken or nintea
it one worn indicating In any way such an
igreement I should be a combination of
knave, fool and liar to have made such a
itatement, for there was absolutelvno un
derstanding between myself and anyone
that I should have any office under the
iur. w nituey concludes:
"1 trust you will gather from these let
ters and interviews that instead of there
being any contract that Mr. Van Alen
ihould have the Italian mission the presi
dent was distinctly, in terms, Informed by
met 'There Is no obligation upon you to
appoint mm to any oince.' 31r. Van Alen
had the support of bis atate for this ap
pointment, was personally known to the
president, and n as selected as s gentle
man deemed competent and fit for the
Train ltoDbsre Foiled.
St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 58. Train robbers
attempted to hold up what they supposed
was a regular Council BlulTa passenger
train, at Francis, just outsida of this city.
En the fight that followed two of the ban
dlta were killed aud three were captured,
The dead are Frederick Kohler and Hugo
Engel. Those captured are N. A. Hurst,
Charles Frederlok and William Qarver.
ITenry Gleitze, the other robber, escaped,
but was captured soon after. The rob
bers had decided to "hold up" train No.
& Tbia came to the knowledge of the
railroad officials, and they sent ont a
dummy train, an exact duplicate of No. 9,
but which was loaded with police ofilcera.
A Xlraksmen's Fatal lllnnder.
KiKGisunv, Jnd., Bjpt S3. Hubert
Thompson, a braksman on the Wabash
road, carelessly left a switch open In front
of a rapidly approaching passenger train.
Tha passengsr train crashed Into a freight
on a aiding, with the result that twelve
people were killed and many Injured.
Thompson fled, and It la believed hs has
committed suicide.
Nln. Jin Klllsil.
Fojit Worth, Tex., Sept. 83. Msager
reports have beea received of a wreck on
tba Missouri, Kansas and Texas, sear
Hlllsboro, fifty-seven ralles south. By a
oolllslon between a south bound train and
a bridge coustructlon tralo, nine man of
the brldffe gang; were reported te save
been killed.
Slaty Hua.lan Sallars Lost.
Victoria, 11. C, Bspt. as. The North
ern FaclAo aleamer brought word oi the
burning of the Russian steamer Alphoase
Ztveeke, with the toss of sixty lives.
Thrse Tertens Struck by rialleis ftem
His lUvolvsv.
Chicago, Sept. 88. Casslus Belden, an
Insane earrlage painter, entered the south
gallery of the board of trade yesterday,
and drawing a revlver deliberately fired
twice towarda the ceiling and three times
into the crowded pits of tbe floor below
and the opposite gallery. Three persons
were struck by flying bullets. They werei
Amrt M. Bennett, board of trade operator,
shot through the neck; Charles W. Hos
well, chief operator ot the board of trade
telegraph office, Jaw broken by bullet!
Mrs. W. W. Lewis, of Tituevllle, Pa.,
World'a fair vUltor, flesh wound in tha
After tbe shooting every one scrambled
for shelter, and It was several minutes be
fore any one recovered from the shock eut
flojeotly to take mesne to stop t hs work of
the madman. The first to act was Thomas
W, Barrett, who rushed up the stairway
and throttled thi man, throwing blm to
the floor, while a bootblack wrenched
sway ths smoking weapon. A scene of
pandemonium bad by this time set In.
People from the stieet began to crowd tbe
building, and they sun unded the pris
oner end his captor. From fighting with
the prisoner Mr. Ilarrett had now to flght
for him. Half a dot en directors and other
cooler heads promptly assisted blm, how
ver, and the excited throng waa kept back
and the man locked In a room until the
police arrived. During the wild scenes at
tending the eapture and removal of the man
many were slluhtly bruUed.aad the elotbea
of some were badly torn.
Ilslden, when tken to the police sta
tion, made a rambling statement, In aub-.
stance as follows: "I've been under hyp-'
Dotioriafluencea for three years. Hypno
tism la alow, and it baa only Wen a abort
time slnoe I reached the exalted state. I
waa in the vulgar atate for a long time
When they begao to sell my aoul In the
board of trade I resisted. Before tber aold
my two oblldren. who are lu Philadelphia.
I asw these children sold In tbe board of
trade ouoe before, and 1 could Dot endure
to see It done estate. Now I figure out
that when a man Is la bondage he bae a
right to help himself out if he can. I have
a grievance. It le a struggle for bread."
A Srest 8r..S Stkoler Ujlex.
n bent . Hv Ruliul. J
Sit lsl(, v
Ot k,ln, I
ibaaeellorof tke UbIi
"el" is lyiag iui,
as ise reaideace et Justice Writ!
i HeeUer HaaseUre. It is tiurii H
Bltlnff ot th it nnln fttat I .fa
HeADIKQ, r., Ffpt. 2ft - Amid a pro
fusion of decoration, flanked tiy the por
tralt of Ijlnooln, GArflnld, Ulalne, Grant,
Qunjr nnd CAmeron, preceded by band
music, wim a,wu wcei rbkide upon Dim
Prerildent Itoblnnon, of the fttAto LeAiu
of Republican clubs, onlled the conven
tion of that body to order shortly after It
o ciocK jesiemay.
UftT, Dr. I. M. Foster offered prayer that
the convention might be conducted In the
interest of the truth and right. Henry A
Muhlenberg, ot the city, then delivered an
address of welcome, which wa briefly re-
apondod to by President Itoblnson,
Alter tne appointment ol committees on
resolutions, Mc, nn adjournment was
taken. On reassembling the platform was
presented, and unanimously adopted. An
attempt was made In committee to In
clude In the resolution one denouncing
Senator Cameron for disobeying the in
tractions of the state convention to sup
port the silver repeal bill, but this was de
feated by a vote of 17 to 18.
Ex-Senator Hughes, of Philadelphia,
took lb chair during the election of ofll
cers. Colonel JobnF. Glenn, of Philadel
phia, named Congressman Hob! n son for
re-election as president, which was sto
onded by W. I. Shaffer, of Delaware
county, who paid an eloquenttrlbute to the
unselfish services of Air. Hoblnion, whlob
was received with cheers. 11. If. Koch
also endorsed Mr. Robinson, and he was
elected by acclamation, and responded
briefly. K N. Itandolphof Pittsburg, was
re elected recording secretary of the league
and M, D, Young, of Philadelphia, treas
urer. Harrisburgwa. selected as tbenext place
of meeting. .
MatchuttV Democratic TlcfcaU
Rostov. Bent. 99. The Mwmchasett
Democratic state convention placed this
tloketln nomination. For governor, Hon.
JohnE. Hussfill of Irflcester; secretary tt
itate, Hon. James W. McDonald of Marl,
borough; treasurer and receiver, Hon.
Eben S. Stevens oi uuuiey; attorney gen
eral, Hon, Charles H. Lllley of Lowell; an
dltor general, Hon. John T. Wheelwright
f Boston. The nomtuee for governor,
who has served one term In congress, Is not
related to the retiring governor, Hon.
William E. Uussell,
lvs Ptfetd ttis Kit.Uhn.A,
CHICAGO, Sept. 35. The Ives-Roberts
International billiard contest resulted In
favor of the American. The score for fcht
tlx nights was Ivss, 6,(XX); Roberts, 6,808.
Life Assurance Society
Of tho United Slates.
JANUARY 1,1603.
Assets $153;0fi0,052
Reserve ffi,,;!""
Total Surplus
(4 percent. Standard)
Including Special He
serve ol ?2,wo ooo to
ward establishment
viiu"i?on,;?..p.!Lc.!:,.t: 31.189,815
Income , . . 4.0,286,237
New Assurance
in 1802 200.490,316
Outstanding As
surance 850,962,245
Bitter than a Slx-Fer Cent. Investment!
New York, Much 7. 1S03.
In 1873 I took out Tontine Endowment
Polley No. 70.620, with Ibe Equitable Life
Assurauce Socletj ot tbo United Staeea,
for 75,000 and have cald. In all, $1,708
in premiums to the Company,
On the maturity of the Endowment the
Company paid mo $7,985 20 In cash.
As an evidence of mv satisfaction with
this return (which Is eertalnly liberal, con
sidering the fact that It Is In addition to
the protection furnished by the policy for
inenty years;. 1 nave taken new assnr
auee with the Companv for $10,000.
W. A. Ross.
JT. U.VtU U a return of all the pre
mium! paid, and Interest on the same at
the rate o 0 2-5 per cent, per annum.
W. P. LONG. Denial Ment.
LehiEbtoD, Penii'a
Nothing more pleasant or ex
hileratinpr this hot weather than
cooling and refreshing beverages
to quench one's thirst. Our
reputation for making the beat
soda is up to the very highest
notch. Fine fruit flavors are
used exclusively. e also have
root beer, mineral waters cider
and other pleasant drinks. Lome
in and see us.
Come and see us
BIERY, The Druggist.
Jos. Isenman
will open bis
Corner 3rd and Coal- Sis,.
Tuesday, October 3rd,
with a full line of
Queensware, &c.
Call and see him Prices the
Lowest lor CASH.
The uudrlsud having bteu rwatortd to
tioalUi Uv ttnpb imi, aftw uifrtig tor
Ut dnl dlMfte OojfUMrio. u Mikma to
aes avsa avaeuTs u UH tVlsUW BSJpsif ajsj f vjfrQ
cur. To Ummw who dwlra it. Im will el
aWlkd (fltts Of tk&rk a au ni vJksi e-B.
uade which ther will lop k sure ear
i u jtoh . A Mknisv, CfttirTti , Brouehltl
ire for Cos
IhroMMKl IttM SJnidir. ilstioiwsell .us.,,
ere will try til. rt.u,Ml. as tt Is lut&luable
Tboss deurlus lbs preatrlplluii which lllcol
Sf.atlgfraad " proie a blnaitig, villi
Iter. Kuwaiti A. TCIltaa,, T
us ana ail
IST in CATARRH nnd all
nt the Valley House, Lehighton.
I'a., next Iuesday aud every
Tuesday aftei that in iu. fur
ther NOTICE.
All who apply in person dur
ing Uie month ol boptemuer
will lie examined and given
first treatment free of charge.
Remember this offer wil)
afford all skeptical and dis
couraged patients a chance to
judge for themselves, free of all
costs, ur, iiiegci oners mis iusi
as the fairest and surest way of
convincing the public that his
method of treating his special
ties is the best know to the world
lie believes that anything
that will not stand the scrutiny
of everyone is not the best that
can be offered to them and lacks
effectiveness, therefore he sub
mits himself to the severest test
any physician can be subjected
too and awaits the verdict of the
people without the least fear of
ir anv of tlie followlnir uuestlons annlv to you.
Vou had better answer them at once.
Thev annlv to a ereat inanv neonle who real v
do not know what Is the matter with ttiem.
Whoever reads tins will be auie to aetermuie
II they have catarrh for these are some of the
prominent symptoms ol that dreid disease,
which means, if neglected, consumption and the
grave, llclow are the questions.
Are you nervous ?
Are you dejected ?
Have you a eoueh ?
Isyour throat sore ?
Is your eyesight poor ?
Is your memory poor ?
Is ) our appetite poor ?
Do ou hawk and spit ?
Is you stomach weak ?
Are your eyes watery ?
Do you have headaches ?
Have yon lost ambition ?
Do you take cold easy 7
Do you have heat tburn ?
Are you dull and stupid ?
Is your nose stopped up ?
Is It alwaa lull of acabs ?
Is your breath otlensive ?
Arc our bowels costive ?
Is your hearlnff affected ?
Do you have giddv spells ?
Do you have shooting pains ?
Does Hie seem a bis burden ?
Are you cranky and Irritable ?
Is you throat easily Irritated ?
Are you sleepless and restless ?
Do you wake up tired and dull?
Do )ou have pains In your back ?
Do ou have smctberlnz attacks ?
Do )ou have unpleasant dreams ?
Have you ever had night sweats ?
Do you have rinsing In your ears ?
Do you feel sick in your stomach ?
Is your tongue frequently coated ?
Do you hate roaring In your bead t
Do you feel oppressed after eating ?
Have ou got that all-gone feeling t
Do you get confused In your Idea ?
Do you luve palpatatlou ol tbe heart ?
Is there a sense ot fullness In the throat t
Is vour mouth full of slime upon rising t
Do ou belch np asour taste in the mouth T
Do you see sooth floating helore your ees t
Have you lint and cold riafhea oter the body T
Have you a bloated up feeling lu the stomach?
I have been a sufferer for a nnmber of
years with catarrh In Its worst forms. Had
constant headaches, matter dropping In
tbe throat, dizziness, nose stopped np,
difficulty in breathlns and no doubt would
soon havo been a consumptive, bad 1 not
met ur. itiesei.
Ilefore that time I tried every well
known remedy and doctored with many
physicians, not only of Uazleton but of
New York and Philadelphia, but could get
no relief anywhere. As Boon as l)r.
HleRel began treating me I felt relieved
and continued to Improve until now I feel
like a new man, aud knowing that tbere
ate many others suffering as much at I
did I write this for publication, so that
others may avail themselves of Ur. Itlrgel's
treatment before It Is too late. je can
cure you If you take It In time.
I willing to answer any letters of Inquiry
from persons wishing to consult blm.
James McCool, 180 Norlb Wyoming Street
nazleton, I'a.
I also refer to Ur. James Kressly, 22 St,
Clements street, as one of my most recent
and successful cures.
J. Fernando Becker, 200 East Market
Street, Wllkesbarre, Pa. Had disease of
tbs ear, and could get ne relief until he
consulted Dr. Iticsel, who cured blm In
In a few weeks.
Mrs. John Dawson, Luzerne, Pa. riad
catanh of tbe nose and bead fornlne years
Tried nearly everything, but could get no
relief, She counseled Dr. Itlegel. and In a
few weeks was entirely relieved from all
symptoms of that dreadful disease.
A. II. Sellnow. M N. Rherman RlroAt.
Wllkesbarre, Pa. I bad cataub since r
was a cm la, so much so that I was offen
sive. Had constant headache and dripping
Inte tbe throat. Dr. Riegel hat cured me.
Miss Kate Cawlev. Plttston. Pa It's.
nearly deaf for two years when, after a
few weeks' treatment, all tbe noises In ber
ear were gone ana coma bear as well as
Mrs. Mary TVelser, Wllkesbarre, Pa,
was neat ior J ears, ana was greatly bene
fited after a few weeks' treatment,
A. C. Moore, wllkesbarre. Pa, I bad 1
constant headache and gathering of
mucous In tbe tbroat and head: my ears
were affected, causing me to be partly
deaf, I have bees treated for a few weeks'
by Dr. Iliegel, and all symptoms have
icib me.
Remember next Tuesday,
(September 5th, and each Tues
day hereafter until further notice.
Cousultation in German and
English. Examination and
first treatment FREE.
Wain Office, Main's Block,
Uazleton, Pa.
September 5th, Valley House,
Lehighton, Pa.
We will give $500.00 to tub
Manuvacturer of aky Sarsapa
rilla that can show sucit a cure.
Which one will try? We wait
as answer,
Pleasant St..
ITallowkll, Me.,.
Dana Sarsaparilla Co.,
(IrnUemen: I havo had Ibe C.V
TAItllll for over ten years as badly as
TT II rj any man could havo it. All
1 sILh thescYearslwaslrouhletlwIth
l)VSl':i'NI, so much sol had to lie
very careful vt hat I eat.
In addition to the above, five vears asro
I had a NHVr.ltr. NIJXNTItOKl;?
1 read alwut DANA'S HAliSAl'AUll
LA, and de if n J r tcrmlned to try
It. After lYIIMLJ taking tliren
I wasCOMlI.i:Ti:i.Y CI'lUlll ot
both the .'ATAitltll and IsVNI'i:!'.
HI A. and all the taetliisr eneota of my
I am 74 jeara nr" M j T old, and
now am a well I nH I mnn
Hcnlti. I heartily recommend DAN' A'S
BAltHAPAItll.l.A to any person suffer
lne as 1 have been. Respectfully.
Hallowell, JIe., July 28, DI.
I can heartily touch for tbenbsoltifrt
rriitli of tlieabovetes- f I inpn lU KLv
II. NOEL STHVUS. Merchant.
Dsns Sarsaparllla Co,, Bel'tlt, Malm,
729 Hamilton St,
New Fall Boods
Dress Goods.
Fancy Dress goods, entlroly new
weaves, all the newest colorings, SO
Inches wldo,21o; all wool Tricott In flf.
teen colorings oa a yard, f lannel
Suitings, 30, 42 and S2 Inches wide, iu
solid and mixtures, bountiful lino to
select from 39c, COo and 05o a yard.
uranu sales, our display of novelties in
dress patterns are larger than ever.
Only one dress of a kind. AU are the
latest Importation and will not be
duplicated ngatn this season.
Black Goods.
Brocade and armure and striped
goods, 12Jo a yard. A special price.
Cheviots. storm series, liannels.
medium and diagonal serges, Henriettas
Satinrays, draps, D'Almas, Silk wraps,
In all the new weaves light and
medium weight, in Cravanette cloth, at
lower prices man evor.
Pretty stylish Cloaking for children's
wear in tans, grevs, mixed, Tourette
effects; plain Ladies' Cloth, plain
double fold Beaver for ladies' Capes,
all tbe leading colors. Economical
buyers wiu do well to examine this line.
Second Floor Attractions.
Our second floor is overflowing with
bargains. Pretty" canes in diagonal.
plain beavers. All colors trimmed
plain aud fur trimmed. Columbian
Collar Plush capes, trimmed with silver
hair bearers, andbluck sable are great
winners nnu excellent values.
Jackets with canes, sleeves braided
and plaln,some Columbian collar, some
butterfly effects, in navy, black nnd
tans. Our line is much lurgerthan ever
t'rices never so low.
Hisses' Jackets in every conceivable
coior anu uesigns, an sizes.
Infants' Short and Long Cloaks In
oream nnd tan, cashmere, elder down
and angora trimmed. Hopsacklng
material in uretcneu, waueau back,
with cane and ruffle. All infants'
goods are our own manufacture That
means a nig saving.
Blankets and Comforts, aud Chenille
and Lace Curtains are plied up to the
ceiling. Blankets by tbe pair, 05c up
to $10.00.
Comforters, full sizes, only (Coup
Laoe Curtains, 50c, to 8".fi0. Don't
buy without seeing our Cheulllo Cur
tains, all designs, in dados, low,
uicuiuui uuu uesi gruuus,
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Kreldlor lias a new wrinkle ngnin, be
give a whip wltu his new buggies anil
sometimes lie sells a wlilp and glres a
II. n.KrfMler claims tbst he sells ths best
work for Ins money thsn sny of the otheij
and be will prove it. Or ask tbe public to
prove it by comparing bis excellent stock,
and low figures, wltb that ot other dealers.
Kreldler Is the cause of low prices on
Carriages, Bungles, Ac. Therefore vou
ought to patronlu blm. Eiamlns bis
fine stock. You can and must beguiled.
Kreldler's painting proves to be good ;if
It Is one third cheaper than sny bod'lie's
in the valley.
A 60 dollar note or 10 Ss will give you a
top buggy and a carriage whip at Kreldler's
II. It. Kreldler at Wetssport baa at pres
ent tbe finest lot of carriages ever exhib
ited In Carbon oounty. Prlees ra Irom
(SO to flSO
Kreldler carries tbe biggest astoitment
of cairlages of any dealer in Ibe Lehigh
Valley. He bas now some thirty wagons
for sale. He Is dally selling and adding to
bis stock. Oo and see bis beautiful line of
cabs, rockaways, surreys, Jump seats,
wbltecbapeli, plant-, boxes, buckboards,
platforms, carta, and a large lot of second
band stock. All cheap, but good.
?!?.,i)!JPrue-isUorser!t brmail a,o0c
ana $U per pn-kaa-s. Eirnplcs free.
flO tor tat 1 eeihaaq UreaUi.iEo.
Captain 8wMnr, Ms 4,Ban Disco. Osl,
asrsi "Bhlkib's Catarrh KrmcH Is is nrst
nralome I have ever t ouod that would do torn
any good.' 1'rtoesOcta. Hold by DrufOu.
' DO not neetift a Dough, as thaw I
luiaadtag to OauuuMiao. Bui
K boofiln r Ooslah and
taaasnursntss). Met.
i ll ar1 ii Mit
RraCaChLlii atrZl
e iscn. .i" i3&sx2n-misssaa
School Shoes.
School opens In a few days nnd parents
should nnt loiethe opportunity to lit their
Hoys and Girls out with tho well made and
stylish shaped Shoes sold lu our storo at
our popular low prices.
In nn elegant line of Ready Made that In
cludes Mens', Youths and Children we nre
keeping pace with the season both in Btyle
nnd in price. We havo n strong, nobby ami
well made suit for boya that Is just the .
thing for school wear. Mothers should
not fall to see its when buying clothing.
Opera House Block,
Lehighton, Pa
M. M)S9S & GD.,
Leading Clothiers and Hatters,
respectfully announce that, they are now ready for business with
one of the largest and best stocks
Ready-Made Clothing,
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Caps, Trunks, &c.,
ever shown in this section. We are selling Men's Suits from
5.00 and upward ; Boys Suits from $3.00 upward ; Children's
Suits from ol,50 upward. AU our clothing is well made and of
the very latest style. We will quote you lower prices on the
above lines of goods than any other house in this section. Call
and seo us before purchasing elsewhere and we will convince
you that this is the place to buy. We solicit your patronage.
"With as carefully selected a Stock of Furniture as can he
found in the Lehigh Valley. The new efiocts in Furniture can
be first found here and at Prices too that can not ho touched by
competiiion. Wo invite you to call and examine our unapprooh
able bargains in all kinds of Furniture. We are ehoAing many
new things nnd are confident that we can please you.
Henry Schwartz's,
First street, Lehighton.
ifETAlL DEALERS will find it to their advantage to give
their orders for all kinds ot Fruits and Vegetables with Saeger,
who makes a specialty of this line of goods. U'e have made
arrangements for 5000 baskets of PEACHES and a large num
ber of IKater Melons and they will be sold at such prices as will
astonish Retail Buyers You will savo more than the price of
the freight on each purchase. Let us have your order.
Wholesale CoiucitiHsIon Dealer, East Wcissport, Pa-
634 Hamilton
will do well to look at this
carry in
Banner Spring, BUiptee Spring, Thomas Coll Spring, Brewster Spring, Duplex
Spring, Side Spring. We have them In llano Body, Wblte Chapel,
Corning, Phaeton, Spindle and all styles In 2 and 3 Seated Buggies.
Our Price, Ahvajs Th e Lowes t
Henry Christman, issU, Pa
Trmrr W It burn inrpae
Bo6TOK,Spt m. PrwiJout Ciiarle F.
Choat cauted, tomithlDK ot sensation at
a meeting ot tb Old Colony stockholders
yesterday by tbe anuouncenieot that a
dlwrepanoy has bee u dteoorered In the ac
counts of tba treasurer, Mr. John W.
Washburn. According to the treasurer's
report there vras ftfti.GUj In cash ia the
treasury. It was found. bowerr, that se
curities, itncks and boods purchased with
tha company's money rprntd a part
of this cash. Tbe purchase wasuoautbor
UmI The treasurer w as peremptorily dis
missed and Austin W, Adaats was ejected
to succeed htm. There was a rumor on
tbe itreet that the amount of the detaloa
tlou was 1185,000, but Counsel Benton says
tbere is no authority for any such eite-
Han aod IVIfe KllU.1 In CollUlos.
Belli rue, Mich , Sept M. A bad aeei
den; occurred on the Chicago and Grand
Trunk railroad at tbe station here at 3
o'clock in the morning. Kxprees train No.
ft, wait bouuti, which was tvto hours late,
was standing at tbe station, when it was
run into by the Kris iprH also weM
bound, demolishing a , ni attacked
to train Nc ' Mi Hhjh New laud, a
Detroit iueiiaut aid l.u Mf were in
stantly ktliest lu luui oilier uicupants
oi tbe special cat were Mn-tuusiy hurt.
Btneer Desmond, of the Erie express, claims
fee wu runnui on orders.
St., Allentown.
Line of Fine Vehecloo which we
Umarcks Condition Critical.
ItESLLV, Sept. T.-Hrr artist,
who Is a close friend of the Bismarck fam
ily, arrived here from Kasslngen last efen
lag. lie (fives an unexpectedly dlscour
aging report of tbe prince's ooodltton. Tbe
most formidable of Ulsmarck's maladies,
he says, has been acute pneumonia. The
disease was not discovered by the pbys
clans, but Itisntarck'a condition has be
come critical Tbe princes U strongly op
posed to removing him to Friedrichsrube.
j lie, However, is anxious to go home.
Th Valkyrie Arrltrs.
NEW YORK, Bent. Jg,-Tba Taoht V..W.
rle arrived )airday after a voyage of
twenty-nlua lays aud eighteen hours, and
waa Immediately towed over to her an
borage at Hay Ridge Ird Dunraven
and party arrived by tbe steamer Ca,
panta this morning He formally an
nounced that his yacht would be In readi
ness for ibe great corneal on Uct. A.
To i shut or irMn.
Bdkvo A YKfcs, isept M-Thc oees
and craws of the two torpedo boaU which i
attacked ibe govvrumeni uaval sejuadm,
and which wre cwpiured, were Incited to
reveJt by Colonel Lupine. Their upearf
seeared Information which led te RsplaVa
arrest Hs as tried by eourt martial s&4
sentenced m be abb
In Croat Assortment nt Unprrcedentcd Low Prices. A
Bettor Stock and Bust Pricos
please you in these goods is why,
Stylos in Hats nnd Best Qualily in Shoes, always, we sell no
shoddy goods
At Prices greatly reduced.
are well mndo and Stylish and
School wenr, wo have cut the
meet the condition of the times
First Street
ee Hive,
JULY nnd AUGUST nre the
months to do shopping, the
crowds are smaller nnd one feels
less hurried, the bargains are
larger and nil the goods must
be sold regardless of cost or
value to mnke room for the fall
and winter stock. Tlie store is
rilled with bargains in every de
partment that must be sold at
once, We mention a few of tne
leaders, 12Je ginghams at 8c,
25c ginghams at 16c. Corded
and woAen figure orgaudicr in
all colors at lOcwere 12 J (6 15c
Tissue Cloth the best imita
tion of wool challie nt CJ at
Corner 8tb and Hamilton Sis.
Not only Drugs.
CIGARS, inn, excellent quality,
Pure Hat anas,
Quite a variety, too. Vogcler's, Col
gal's, HMkser's, and Imported.
Call and see. I'oi Pourrl, In
vases, SO cents. Lasting
and delicate (iachet
Purest Soaps and Toilet ll'aters.
The New llible lust out Self Explana
tory Bible, with a complete set of New
i Aids and Helps, prepared especially for
this Bible by the most eminent scholars
of America and Great Britain. With
New Slaps, by Major C. It. Condar, of
the Palestine Exploration Society.
This Is the best Bible for the family,
for the minister, for the student, and
pew. All Ilelleious and Moral Books
of anv kind ordered and furnished as
desired, at least 10 to VO per cent less
than elsewhere. Do not forget
New B
connissioriERS' saldE
- OF
The Board of County Commissioners of Carhon county. Fa ,
will sell on Octoher 10th, 1893, at one o'clock p. m. in the Court
House nt Mauch Chunk, tho following tracts of unseated land.
Each of the said tracts of land heing held by the Comity for a
period of five years, "and over." Torms of sale, and any other
information desired can be had by cnlling at the office of the
County Commissioners.
Warrantee Name Township,
Hmnr OoaJlurt Packer
TMWdore Kell "
James MsNeal ....
.lobn Kewlg " ...
John Bsselier... '
RltubsSh ttAvUz
Jeon tiinoker '
Jacob WeMeaer " ..,
lobs ouut " ...
Jobo Ueagtef
Abner Deamr
ilaorge ores ' ....
JohrillomW " ...
wmiam uray
lubert Orsv
Jump) Savin "
loun Clears
llladtr. Andrew a
Uaiiowere. Mstbia aud I
Aitsiew, ww uisrieic I ...
Ken ban
WllUsai ASauss '
John Msars ...
John IIMSIR ...
llentv Smmier, raTr"-
JobnUbrlst KkUer ...
Susan potiaier ...
Cauiarta Dmu
M'lriU tlwstsM ...
labD IbASBBSOSI. ...
Jobe BSMSSSr " ...
jeto Berassr
jouiumivh "
fitatsv mat -
Jack wTffssau
Tisasaa ISMea
Jobs mown
DmmM KSuwodi. ...
Andrew Kpplv
William llanavid ...
East rnn. -
in tho town. Because we can
we want your trade Newest
These Suits for the Little Ones
arc just the proper thing for
Vices on these goods in order to
Lehighton, Pa.
Pneumatic Tiie Wheels from
$G0 up to $90.
Cushion Tire "Wheels from $30
up to $1)0.
Full ball-bearing, all - around
Roys Velocipedes, $2.50 up.
High Wheel Lawn Mowers
10 in,. $2.90; 12 in., $3 50;
14 in., $3.75.
Red Springs, sold everywhere
else at $5, jou can buy from
me at $2.50,"and the $5 Cotton
Top Mattress at $2.75; at these
prices everybody can sleep on
Ask the Davis, Standard,
White and Domcstie Sewing
Machine Agents what they
want for a 5-drawer, oak case,
then come and buy the same
from me at $30. The White
Cottage, 7-drawei , oak case, at
$25 lays them all out.
Don't be humbugged ! Every
Washer has a minrnntp nn fh
lid, with the Vandergrift Man-
uiactunng company 'e signature.
The market is full of trash. Our
price for Round or Square is $5.
wringers, lrom $1.50 upward.
Organs from $25 upward.
Pianos, $150 and upward.
My prices on Hay Rakes,
Mowers, Binders, Pumps,
Cement, etc., are lower than
elsewhere. Come and be con
vinced. Yours respectfally,
Near Lehigh Bridge,
Weissport, Penn'a.
uilding Lots
On Easy Terms.
Only a 5 minute walk from
N. Snyder's store. A pplv to
B. F. Peter,
With Snyder's Store.
A S. Steckel,
Slatington, Pi.
ran of
Acres f
valuation. Acres Perehri
.... nor) tu
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