The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 30, 1893, Image 1

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Is a specialty mlh us.
We have ime low price for all.
Com aud learn our prices.
Pin-Nir and Sale Bill.
All kinds of blank hoolts.
Jet m have your orders
r anything in Ihis line,
Creates many a New Business,
Enlarges many an Old Business,
ilevivcs many a Didl Business,
Rescues many a Lost Business,
Saves many a Failing Busimss,
Preserves many a Lurgs Business,
Means success in AH Business.
VOL XXI. No. 4ws
For some reason or other the
Table Linens were omitted, not
because we haven't them, we
have more of them for less
money then any other house,
its an every day article nnd ean
not be dispensed with, likewise
you will find a large variety of
Linen crashes, much below the
ruling prices. Butcher-' and
Irish Zincns for Shirt Fronts
and Fancy Work, for Quality
and Price not equaled by none.
Napkins in great variety of
Styles and sizes with and with
out borders at extremely low
Linen Stair Crashes are sel
dom found in other houses, but
we have a nice assortment of
them at can't touch prices.
Linen outlining cotton in
collors. Just the thing for
Fancy Work.
Pint street, between South aud Plum Streets,
LehlKUtou. Ta.
Adrertlsemeuti under this head at a half-cent
a word eaeli Insertion. This Is the cheapest and
bn. advertising medium out. It you have any
thing to sell or rent try this cheap advertising.
Advertisements must be paid in advance.
T?OR BALE A dark bay Stallion, sixteen and
A a half hands high, twelve years old, perfect
ly safa and sound lu every particular, will be
old cheap for cash, Apply to Ueorge F, Buck,
Kast WeissDort.
8. V2-2in
Frldr, Sept. S.
Th paid admissions to the World's fair
ywUrdaT were 197.403.
Count Da Bylaadt, Dutch ralntttter to
Great Brltn'n, died at Atx-les-Balnes,
France, on Wednef Jay.
Colonel Scheie has been gazetted as the
ucoessor of Count Von Soden, the retir
ing governor rf German East Africa.
Mitchell has signed articles to meet Cor-i
bett In a finish fight at Coney Island the !
last week In November for a purse of 14.000 1
and a stake of (10,000 a side.
Four robbers held up a train on the
Illinois Central road near Centralla, Ills.,
but after a desperate fight with the train
men, were driven off, one of the btldlts
being wounded. Engineer Young and
three other trainmen were also wounded,
the latter dangerously. The robbers were
subsequently captured.
Saturday, Sept. 88.
The British parliament has adjourned
until Nor. 8.
The paid admissions at the World's fair
rnterday were 160,020.
Dr. Horat, president of the Croatian I
Diet, died Thursday at DIakover.
The publication of the last Pennsylvania '
legislative Record cost the state $27,389.30.
Bourke Cock ran, under the orders of his
physician, will not be present to upeak on
Sept. 80, "Irish Day," at the World's fair.
John Duffy was burned to death and
Paul McAvoy fatally burned by a tene
ment house fire on West Fifty-fourth
street, New York. 1
Monday, Sept 35.
Jehn Roach, of Williamsburg, N. Y.,
fell thlrty-flve foet and broke his neck, but
Is still alive.
Thomae Hawkesly, F. R, 8., F. R. O. S.,
en of the ablest civil engineers lu Great
Britain, died in London.
F. A. Ott, Prohibition nominee for lieu
tenant governor of Iowa, has resigned. His
age, 98 years, makes him Ineligible,
John E. Higgles, a floor walker at the
Lion store, at Anderson, Iud., was burned
to death In a fire at the place early In th
morning. From the appearance of the
body It Is thoughtlllgglne was first killed
and then the store set on lire,
Tuesday, StpU 80.
The paid admissions at the World's fair
yesterday were 179,68a
Charles M, Caughey, of Maryland, has
been named by the president for United
Ptatss consul at Messina, Italy,
Mrs. Afary Jenkins, oolored, of Savan
nah, Qa., gave birth to five boys. The
babes give piomlse of grQYfn$ up In the
George Dlion, the colored featherweight,
defeated Solly Smith lu the fight for the
flhamploushlp and a $9,000 purse at Coney
Burglars entered the house of John Glbb,
at Iclip, I I., chloroformed the Inmates,
and stole 13000 worth of Jewelry, silver
ware and diamond.
OeneralT. fc Kodebough, of New York,
has received the oongrets medal for "dls
llngulshed gi Uantry at Kevillon Station,
Vs., June 11, 1&04, while serving as earn
lTdodsy, a?.
The Prussian parliamentary elections
wm ue neia wor. 7.
The paid adinuulons at the World's fair
yesterday vrr-e iBi.Wia.
Coral Mich., containing a population of
over ouu, was loiauy acMroyea oy nre.
Lulu Besudelte, a 11-year old girl of
Minneapolis, ootummw suiciae by drown
ing. The Pennsylvania and Michigan Can'
tral railroads hae decided to arm every
employe on iU trains parrying express or
mall matter.
It Is now believed that Governor Flower
will prevent the Corbett-Mltchtll fight at
Coney Island, and that It may yet take
place In New Orleans,
Tl.ur.daj, Sept. .
The paid admluloni to the World's fair
yesterday were 193,801,
The pplted Htates cruer Charleston,
has arrived at Hio Juuelro, HraiU.
Nathaniel Catlin, father-in-law of
Secretary Tiaey, died at his home near
Owego, N. Y., aged 97.
KxCounty CommUsloner John Irey, of
West Nantmeal, Pii , i, dowp a sixty
foot well and was killed, '
Kpn. Hannls Taylor, American minister
to Spain, is confined to bed at Madrid
with an attack of pneumonia.
The agents of the Atlas line of steamers
have given up all hope for the steanief
lvq. with her paMengi'M aud crvw
BT IuafewJ words wa desire to call
tar to your notice a Tery important
EEU t&oU It is this. We hare as
t2T Urge and fine a Una of general
t3u store goods aa you will find auy-
t3T where. Come aud see us, let us
how you our goods andUliyouj
what our prices are. We deliver
goods anywhere promptly aud"&!
without extra charge whatever
to the purchaser. Dont pay big
prices but come and aoe us
Robert Walp,
Vint itrMt, Op. Round House,
Matters of Inherent frm All Over
tne uonu"nBailu'
Crimes and Casualties of J.wjr Char
acter Sent by the News (lathereri of
Dotlestown, Pa., Sept. jury In
the Fallslngtun "wMtecnp" cw fulled to
agree and was discharged. Nln favored
acquittal. Tlie defendants were held for
the next term of court.
RKADIKO, Pa., Sept. 30. Burglars en
tered the residence of Albert Eyrlch In
E print; township, near this city, and break
ing open a writing uhuk ouiumm etrc. a
bag containing $J0 In small colu was over
looked. No clew.
Lansdale. Pa.. Bent. 28. A terrible acl
oldent at Woodlawn mill, near Chalfont,
resulted In the death of Fiancla Curley,
Jr. Mr. Curley was in the not of oiling
some machlti ry, when he was caught be
tween two large cog wheels, dttiwn through
the cogs and terribly wounded. Healed
soon after.
Homestead. Pa.. Sept. 33, The Carne
gie Steel company has given uotlce of an
Intended readjustment of wages from and
after Jan, 1. Company officials say It Is
Intended to readjust wages for 1894 to
agree with the present scale of the Amal
gamated Association, that will be In force
In other mills.
Wiliesbarre. Pa.. Sept. 25. John Mo-
Gutre, ex-foreman of lace mills here, and
his wife, who were fond guilty of criminal
assault upon Katie Koach, 10 years old,
have been sentenced. The former was fined
$500 and coats and sentenced to fire years'
m prison ment ills wire was sent toLtU-
xerne county prison for six months.
PniLADELTOM, Ftpt. 38. In an attempt
to force his way into a house where his
presence was not desired, William Rons
man, of Almond street, was shot and un
doubtedly mortally wounded by Mrs
Emma Speeoe, who used a revolver In an
effort to prevent the man from invading
her home. Mrs. Speece wan arrested.
Philadelphia, Sept. 38. Albert Dlgg.
of Naudaln street, who was arrested ci
suspicion of having murdered his wife,
was arraigned before Magistrate Ladner
at the city hall. Mrs. Biggs died at the
horns of htr mother, Mrs. Jones, on Simes
street. It Is . deged that the cause of her
death was a brutal beating Inflicted by her
Pittbbubo, Sept. 27. Samuel G. Stot-
hart, a ear acoountant for the Carnegie
Steel company, shot his wife twice yester
day, almost instantly killing her. He then
plaoed the muzzle of the revolver Into his
mouth ana blew out his brains, dying in
stantly. Insanity, caused by religious
differences and drink, were the causes,
Stothart being a Protestant and his wife a
WlLKESBARRE, Pa.. Sept. 38. Joshua
Goltghtly, assistant mine foreman in the
employ of the Lehigh and Wllkenbarre
company, blundered, and ai a result five
persons were killed and six Injured. He
himself is li among the dead. Mr. Go-
Mghtly earned a naked lamp Into the
Lanee eolliery, rio, 11. A teirtble explo
sion immediately followed, with the re
sult as stated.
Media, Pa., Sept. 28. Thomas Rogers,
Jr., the young fiend who killed his father
last January, in Chester, and at the same
time shot his mother and sister. Is today
on trial In the court of oyer and terminer.
The crime was the most brutal and Id- :
human one ever committed in this county !
Mr. Rogers was Killed because be ordered '
his Idle son either to go to work or seek
board elsewhere,
Bdtler. Pa., Sept. 37. Five masked
men, with a telegraph pole, battered down
tne aoor to toll house o. a, on the uutier
plank road. They then bound Mr. "4
Mrs. Dlesle, the keepers, who are 70 years
of age, and ransacked the house. The
robbers took $200 In cash and other Talu
ables. When found the aged couple were
almost dead from fright and exhaustion,
and may not recover.
Washington, Sept. 87. The house com
mittee ou war claims yesterday ordered
Mr. Beltzhoover to report favorably his
bill appropriating S3,447,tH3 for the pay
ment of damages sustained by citizens of
Pennsylvania from union and Confederate
troops during the late war. The losses oc
curred In the counties of Adams, Bedford,
isUiuueiiMuu, a? t ttuttiiu, utivu, trail
Somerset an York.
WEST CiiFXTER, Pa., Sept 27. Harris,
one of the leaders of the Gap gang, who Is
now In jail here for stealing, turned state's
evidence, an ' the authorities have recov
ered sixteen horse and twelve carriages,
a lot of harness, etc., all of wbjoh was,
stolen In the states of Marylaud and Dela
ware and. Chester and Lancaster counties.
Harris stater that he and his pal, Clem
son, who also Is In jail, did all the stealing.
PlTTsnonu, Sept, 2A While walking
along the road at Calamity, two miles
from West Elizabeth, Mrs. August Reese
JVM shot aud killed and ber husband
fatally wondd by Npel M arson and a man
named Reese, Vreuch Canadians. Tbfr
murder was the result of disclosures made
by Mrs. Reee a year ago, when she
learned of an anarchist plo. to blow up
Canadian government butldlugs and re
vealed the plan. Her death, It Is said,
was then decreed.
Be R Anton, Pa,, Sept. 35, Gerald Grlffln
and Stephen Doyle were at the Academy
pf Music Saturday night and saw Hugbay
Dougherty and bis Tuxedo company i in
troduce their western border act. The
boys, both aged 17, with four comrades,
yesterday took a Flobert gun and battled
with imaginary Indians on the outskirts,
of the elty. Doyle accidentally fired the
gun, ana tirirtui was shot through th
heart ana instantly an lea.
Scrantok, Pa., Sept 25. Nellie Ham-
mett, aged 15 years, was assaulted by six
men while returning from a ptcnle early
yesterday morning n4 dragged Into a
shoemaker's shop, whete she was outraged
and lujured ao seriously that ber condition
)s critical. Some one saw the assault an4
the criminals were oaugbt la the act
They arei John O'Neill, Joe Lewis, James.
Sullivan, Patrick Herty, Hiram Sayres
ana jrrauic aevina, They were oommltted
to jau ana Dan was refused for them.
Bkllefonte, Pa., Sept. 38. Factory In
spector atchorn will visit this region
early next week In reference to the de
mands of the miners to take action against
those operatprs who are breaking th
semi-monthly ynj law, The miners olalm
that they have not yet received pay for
work done In July Just what effeot the
Eroseeution of operators at this time would
ave It Is hard to conjecture, but It Is be
lieved that a prosecution to compel them
to observe the veinl-monthly law would
mean the c'o fug down of nearly all the
mines tn th (llttrtct.
More Hellroml Victims.
Creacent ClTT, la., Sept 38, A pas
senger tralu and a work train on the Chi
oago and Northwestern railroad oolllded
about two miles west of this city. Loren
Peterson aud Bert Jack won, workmen on
ths pile driver, were killed. John Con
don and Chris Knudson were injured, the
jauerprouaoiy taiaiiy.
A Mn wlh SI. Wlf...
Petekburq. Va., S.nt. M. Charlti V.
PKkir, of Nbvr York, nko bad tw. wItm
Urlns In thU itaL. on. In Baltimore and
thrM in New York itate, wai conrloUd .(
blKaror and Mutenrod to elgbt lean lm
prlionD.nt In tb. .tt. p.nlt.ntUrj, th,
...11 nt thu Vlrolnl. law
JL Uauk Pr.ald.Bt
Wilbir, N.b., B.ft. SS. -In tk. dLtrlct
court John W. Ljtl., form.rlj prwlJ.Dl
.( tb.llank of Western, pleaded gulltr to
tb. .him. at rewiring d.poilU wh.n b
n.vr tb. bank wa, and iru
eutweed by Judge Uutfngt t. on. jui
in tb. peaiunuarj.
Klht llaar law rja.on.tilutl.aat.
Wichita, Kan., 3. In tb. dhtrle
eourt Jndg. K.ed d.clarl tb. tut. law
oonatttutfng aigbt bour. a day'a labor uu
wnatltutloual. H. ia tk. tir.t dl.trlol
udg. t. paw on tkU aM. Heboid. tb.Uw
contrary ta botb th. ttat. and" fUaral ew
Wliat Ha. Occnred In thle City DurlnK tlie
Week rertlnently Kpltoinlteil hj Our
Sierla1 ItetMinera.
It you want a suit of clothes i?o to
II. Losos Jfc Co., Oliorts lilock.
Fine teams for all purposes at tbe
South End LWery.
Go to M. Lceoa & Co., for children
Pull lino of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
Fashionable clothing for every
body at M. Losos & Co., Oberts Dlock.
M. Losos & Co., have a full line of
latest styles hats and caps.
Just make It a point to see David
Ebbert when you want a team for busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
Carbon county fair, October 11, 12
and 13.
James P. Smith, of Second street
continues quite seriously 111 with ner.
vous prostration, ills host of friends
In this town and throughout the
county hope for his spe.dy recovery to
perfect health.
Assessor Samuel Seller, of the
third ward Is ou the sick list. He has
boeu confined to tlie house for the past
two weeks.
Head the new advertisement of Jos.
Isenman In to day's paper. Mr. Isen
man will open his now store, corner of
3rd and Coal Tuesday, and
solicits a share of the public patronage.
We are clearing out our spring
stock of wall paper at greatly reduced
prices to make room for new goods
1 ou can save money by calling on E, F.
Luckenbach, Mauch Chunk,
II. S. Deemer, of Mauch Chunk.
who was foreman of thellersh Furnace
works in this town for Borne years, is
In the plumbing business for himself
In the form.r pjaoe. Ho has resigned
his position in this town.
In some mysterious manner a biir
gray horse owned by Aaron Krum, of
rirst street, sustained a fracture of
the right bind leg on last Saturday
night. To put it out of its misery the
animal was shot. John Hauk was lord
high executioner.
The inimitable Jeff Rehrlg, bon of
Moses Rehrig, of town, is now in Utah.
and he writes home that business in
that far away land is dull.
O. Frank Acker, our well-known
house painter, has the contract to
paint tbe handsome new residence of
Dr. Klstler which Is located on Mahon
ing street.
Councilman William Koch sus
tained a very serious injury to his left
hand one day last week. He was using
a chisel at some work when that In
strument come in contact with his
hand, cutting a gash into tho bone.
Mrs. Wm. Wert. oFSeventh streot.
is convalescing from a recent serious
illness to the great pleasure other
family and friends.
We are pleased to state that Boro
ugh treasurer Straup is recovering
iromalate illness.
C. E. Oreenawalt, of Second steet.
who suffered a paralytic stroke some
weeks ago.was out;for the first time on
Sunday.- Ills many friends hope for
his speedy and complete recovery.
Married On Saturday afternoon.
by Kev. J. II. Kuder, at his residence
Wm. F. Nothsteln to Miss Lena F.
Gasell, both of Lehighton.
Henry Mearhoff dropped Into our
sanctum one day this week aud In
formed us that the accusation made by
his wife that he had threatened to kill
her had not nor could not be proven.
We suppose that settles iy
juiss jiuuerva E.Laub. once of this
town, but now of Wilkesbarre, was
married at fUllllpsburg, N. J., on the
10th inst. to John J. Kyan, of the
former town. Mrs. Ryan is a daughter
of tho late Aaron Laub. Her many
ineuus nere tender warm coueratula.
The board of sohool directors will
meet in regular monthly session at the
residence of President MoCormlck, on
Second street next Monday evening.
The regular monthly meetinir of
town council will bn held at the otllce
of Secretary Rower on next Tuesday
"Boss" Clau8s, David Ebbert and
David Kroamer were squirrel shooting
last Friday afternoon and succeeded in
bagging a dozen of the little fellows.
The members of the Germanla
Sangerbund will enjoy their annual
outing at Sehlnkle's place, Pine Run,
on October 1st.
Drs. Relgel & Cole, the well-known
specialist In all diseases of the eye
throat, nose, 4c., will be at the Valley
House, on Bankway, Tuesday an,d Fri
day of each week.
Giorge Clauss, of tbe Vallev House.
Is telling his intimates how he sang so
sweetly to' a certain maiden that it.
brought a flood of tears to her eyes.
Poor, dear thing, we don't blame her
some of the songs that George sings
wouia make a statue ween,
Homer Adams, of town, has left the
Boynton Furnace Co., of New York, as
designing engineer, and will make his
home in the future with his mother on
r iret street. He will give his attention
to contracting for hot water apparatus
and in this particular he Is now
engineering au extensive job at Tama-
A mandolin and guitar club Is a
new organization In this town which
will meet in the basemeut under the
Opera House after It bat been fitted up
suitably. The members are Hrr
Laufer and Oliver Follweller, mando
lines; Wilson Frantz and Harry Graver
A. E. Schatfer, of Rockport, has
entered the half mile bicycle race to
come oif on the fair grounds Thursday
ucruoon, wctoper IK. There uuveal
ready been a large number of entries
and tbe indications are that the bioycle
races will be one ot the tnost interest
ing features of the ralr.
Tbe Allentowu Item on Monday
gives us this information. Mrs. John
Illose had ber husband arrested for
lorgtug tier name to a oheok for id 00
The oheck was on the Second National
iwuk 01 juauou uuutiK. The Illose'a
are old Iehlghton folks. John Is now
under ball. People here put very
little stoek in tbe accusation againtt
A Snap Shot Camera Oatchei Tlio.e Who
Come and Oo Among Their Friend. In
Lively Lehighton.
. . Harry Coper, of Pottsvllle, was
here on uesday.
. . Mrs. II. V, Morthlmer, Jr., of Bank
way, is enjoying a delightful visit with
her parents at Bethlehem.
. .Mrs. Charles Radditz, has returned
borne from a pleasant visit to the
World's Fair.
..Mrs James Simmons, ot Jeanes-
vlll., spent a few days this weok In
town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Fortwangler on Second street.
Street commissioner John Acker, of
Bankway was at Nesquobonlng on
..George E. Kemerer was at the
Bethlehem Fair last Thvfrsday.
,.W. Penn Long left ou Monday for
Indiana county where he Is engaged re
writing Insurance rates.
. Harry Laufer our popular young
barber, was at the Bethlehem Fair last
. Misses Ella and Annie Schuler, ac
complished young ladies of Pottstown
were guests at tbe resldenoe of Cbas.
Bosaard, on Second street this week.
..The genial, good naturod Frank
Clark, of Nesquehonlng, spent Sunday
In town with his brother P. F.
..Contractor Ed Cbristman did
business at Allentowu on Monday after-
0 on.
. .Ira Everett and wife spent Sunday
among friends in Monroe oountr.
, Francis Gregory, of Monroe county.
wae the guest of I. A. Everett over
..Attorney Snyder was at the big
Democratic gathering at Alleutown on
W. O. Xnnder, of Philadelphia
while in town on Monday made our
otllce a pleasant call. He was accom
panied by his father of Mahoning.
.William Maurer, one of Wilkes-
barro's most genial spirits, spent a few
days in town this week with P. F. Clark
at the Central House.
..P. F.Clark and J. II. Koons were
among the many Lehigbtonlans at the
Allentowu fair on Thursday.
..Mrs Howard Chubb, of Pottstown,
is visiting herjparents Dr. N.;B. Reber
and wife on Flrststreet.
..Miss Daisy Burhman, an accom
plished young lady of Chewsvllle, Md,
Is the guest of her sister, Miss Lou,
at the Exchange Hotel.
M. Losos, of Losos & Co., popular
clothiers, ttansacted business at
Slatlngton on Wednesday.
. .Thos Craig and wife, of Mil Iport
Sundayed with H. H, Peters aud family
on First street.
Miss Lulu Kolb, one of White
Haven's mast estimable ladles, returned
home Wednesday following a pleasant
visit at tbe residence of Thos. Stocker
on First street.
..Messrs. John Mcllugh and Joseph
Costello, two popular nazletonlans.
spent Tuesday with the genial Dr,
Sharood, and on Wednesday morning
the jolly trio took In the Allentown
..The following item we take from
the Bethlehem Dally Times; "This
morning the Kodak Man had the plea,
sure of meeting George Derhamer, of
Lehighton, tbe venerable father of
Cyrus M. Derhamer, the well known
third ward morobant. The elder Mr.
Derhamer is 03 years old and enjoys
very good health. He Is here on bis
annual visit to his son, and will be
pleaseb to renew old acqnalntauce
ship." Lester Smith, of Secopd street,
a first-class painter, has accepted
a position with II. R. Kreldler, of
Mrs. Ifancy Fliok died at the home
of her son-in-law, Lewis Werner, on
Second street last Monday morning
after an illness of some months. De
ceased was aged?rar8 aud was the
oldest resldeuirln this town. Inter-,
ment took plaoe on Tuesday morning
at ten o'clock. Among tbe ohildren
who survive are Mrs. Owen Klotz and
Mrs. L.A. Werner. Rev. J. A. Reber
-Theodore Fenner was wedded on
aturday to Miss Laura, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Bankway
The ceremony was performed br Rev.
J. Alvln Reber,of the Reformed church
Many friends tender the happv younir
couple warm congratulations.
The Rapsber dwelling bouses near
the Hosiery Mill are ready for oocu.
panoy. Apply to H. V. Morthlmer, Jr.
1 ue following is a list of unclaimed
letters in the Lehighton post office, for
the week ending September 27th.
Cramer, Samuel, Klstler, Jda R., Norrlsj
A, Ruehro, Ellen, Belfert, Will. Persons
calling for any of the above will please
say "advertised." A. W, Raiidenbusb,
1. Jt,
Tbe regular annual meetincr of the
Epworth Circle of King's Daughters
and Sons, will meet during the month
of October. The first and third Satur
days, the first for prayer meeting and
the third for the election of officers for
the coming year. Tbe prayer meeting
eentoe win De opened with a parlor
sermon by one of the members and
other devotional exercises will vary the
evening. The meetings will be held In
ut. I'.oer s Jtlall.
Manual Reberio, a native Brazllllan
and a medical student (n a Philadel
phia college, who was stricken with
typhoid fever some weeks ago while on
a visit here has recovered sufllclently to
return to rniia. TDrough his lonir ill-
ness ne had a safe domicile and re.
celved the very best of care at the home
ot Martin Leluhart on Second ttreet.
up at aiauoa ununK last Saturday
morning a double team belonging tp
ohn Stuckely, of Jamestown took
fright at an electrlo car and tried to
run away, a gentleman who endeavord
to stop the horses was thrown to the
ground and tbe wheels at the wacon
passed oyer bis body. He was not
much hurt and the horses were stormed.
Frank EUenhouer had his nephew
Eugene Elsenhour, arrested the other
day charged with the theft of a boran
and buggy. The case was heard in
lOinlr. kllltor'o . ... ,
...v, H vmi v, wver at weisg
port, and the county got the costs. It
seems that Elsenhour had agreed to
loan the team to his nephew who, how
ever way a day lata In returning It
Window and door soreeus at J. L
Carbon County, Ponna.
AN OlillAN l()LSTIIltt;i Itf.
Illgl'rlre. Paid forl'ulillc Printing l,y an
fa!clal of the County. The Taxpayer.
luu.t foot the Mil..
The Daily aimqs of Mauch Chunk
has made this expose of a public Print
The matrimonial market In rwi.nn
oountr must De Dooming, judging from
the large number of marriage licenses
applications which are being supplied
by tbe county ou tbe order of Prothon
otary Watklns. On August 10, 1892, the
Comlssioners paid a bill of 123.70 for
iuuu 01 tuese Ulanks. which is consid
ered oy reputable printers to be an out
rageous price, ims week tbe same
printer presents a bill for fieri nl th pea
same blanks. His charge for the last
order is 820.00, just 83.70 less than that
puiaiortne iuuu order. Think of itl
I'our cents apiece for ordinary blanks!
Here Is a matter for the Commission
ers to examine into carefuUy. Under
the law, the county Is required to fur
nish blanks for tbe different offices,
but the Commissioners are the proper
r tu contract ror tne same.
Carbon's Board has permitted the
ofllclals to order what they pleased,
when they pleased and from whom
they pleased, without regard to necess
ity or price. As a result, there is a
tendency towards extravagance on the
part of the official and extortion on tbo
part of the printer.
The taxpayers of the county should
uuk ue uauea upon to maintain a print
ing OlMnA nr onw ntlia. -!..., .n
therefore the greatest scrutiny should!
aai oiiis lor wont. ror wnloh no
bids were asked. If m nMlMnl nnt
to bolster up an organ, he should not
be permitted to make the county pay
two prices for blanks, some of whiob
may not be necessary for years to come.
Let tbe Commissioners takn this
matter In hand, aud make a thorough
investigation. We have pointed out
one extravagance, and there may be
uiuio.ui wnicn we are not Informed.
It Is their sworn duty to guard the in
teresUof the taxpayers aud adminis
ter the affairs of tbe county justly and
economically. They can begin the
work of retrenchment even at this late
date in their terms, aud perhaps save
the oounty a considerable sum before
their successors are qualified.
John Loro and wife, of Passaic, N, J.,
weretho guests of Mrs. VlrgiuiaBennett
on last Sunday.
a new barber shop on Summer Hill
Mrs. W. Lee Stiles who has been
spending a season at Highland Lake, a
summer lesort, has returned home.
The railroad boys are now making
more than full time, which fact is
There was a hop at the hotel on the
Hill, last Friday evening, a good time
was had, so say the boys, we do not for
one moment doubt thelrveraclty as the
zig-zags leading from the top to the
bottom clearly demonstrated that fact.
Wm. Long did business at Allentown
one day this week.
Miss Belle Conner, of Parry vllle, was
the guest of relatives on the Hill.
Ed. Selp, of Mauch Chunk, was a
guest at the Martin residence on Sum
mer lllll last Sunday.
Mrs. Edw. Wilson, of Jauch Chunk,
spent Sunday visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Brodhead.
Mrs. Wm. Harleman and children, of
Lehighton spent Sunday here with
Misses Weidaw and Campbell, of
Lehighton, were the guests of Wm
Angle and wife on last Sunday:
The boys on the railroad are pleased
to notice that Herbert Davis better
known as "Shorty" is again at his old
post, that of handling the switch levers
in the upper end of the coal yard.
Jos. N. Bennett was sight-seeing In
that famous flood city, Johnstown a
few days last week, be says the .people
from a distance cannot realize one half
of tbe awf ulness of that catastopre,
many of the ruins can plainly be seen
yet, men and boys travel along the
banks of the creek at all hours of the
day looking for some treasure or relic
in memory of the ghastly scenes. The
well-known plot In Grandvlew Ceme
tery Is visited by many a traveller. It
enables a Btranger to partially realize
the horrors of the famous flood.
To tb,f Democracy of our thriving
town. If you were not on the winning
side In the reoent delegate c lections,
don't "sulk In your tent," but show you
are true Democrats, by helping along
the nominees as If they had been your
choice. It Is Important, o( course, to
have efficient officers to rule our county
government, and It is right to take a
strong interest In the elections, but
when the votes are cast and counted,
and the winners declared, opposition
should oease at onoe. Tbe principles
of our great parly should be paramount
to our personal friendships and de
sires. If we wish to advance these
principles there must be harmony in
the ranks. Your w.unds will soon
heal up i you quit thinking about
them and when with your assistance
the party moves proudly onward, as it
has in the past, It will be a source of
gratification to you aud will win tbe
respeot of those who were your oppon
ents. Let us all put our shoulders to
the wheel and Democratic success will
crown our effort net November.
Railroader., Take Notice.
The party who circulated that I said
I would not attend the Fair and Festi
val because it was tough affair is a
mean contemptable liar, and I will give
any one ten dollars If you will bring
me tne person that I should have made
the remark too. Respectfully.
A. F. Snideb.
Uarne.., Blanket., Ac.
Milton Flory, Weissport, has a lanra
assortment of all kinds of
blankets, whips, robes, to., which he is
selling at very low prices. If you need
anytning in this line buy It here and
you will save mouey,because ourprlces
are tus very lowest In the valley. It
Th. Game Law.
The following is the open season f s r
oiros, nsn and otnergame, as publish
ed in Smull's Hand Book; for turkeys,
from October IS to January 1 j duoks
nd water fowl, September 1 to May 1;
plover, July 1 to January 1; quail,
November 1 to December IS; woodoook,
July .to January 1; milled grouse or
pheasants, October 1 ta January 1;
rail or reed birds, September 1 to
uecemuer j for animals Elk and
deer, October 1 to Deoember 16;
squirrel, neptember 1 to January lj
hares and rabbits, November 1 to
Jannarv 1. For H.h Biuubli
blaok bass, rook bass and. wall-eyed
pike, known as Susquehanna salmon.
May 21 to January 1; pike and mack
erel, June 1 to February 1; German
September 30 L893
The Doing, of the Week luterleadeil With
Pergonal Mention.,
O. J. Saeger last week received a
car load of sweet potatoes.
Oscar Kemerer, of BalHetsvllle
was among friends here this week.
Lewis Woodrinir. nf nntooo,,,..
was a visitor in this neighborhood last
xeiegrapn Operator Asher A
Yeakel Is seeing the wonders at the
World's Fair, Chicago, He will be gone
several weeks.
Mrs. Charles Belford and Mrs.
Adam Wentz, of Parryville, Sundayed
very pleasantly with Mrs. R. J. Honcen
on union 11111.
The Carbon County Improvement
company have built a large addition tn
their warerooms adjoining the planing
Misses Alice and Hannah Tr,,l,
Parryville young ladies spent Snndav
witu irienus nere.
I. A. Ylngst has disposed of bis Hah
oyster and fruit business at Pottsvllle
and is now located at the St. Elmo.
the St. Elmo, after a comnlAtn .
juvouation looks as neat and clean as
new pin.
A. F. Snyder, sold a piano to a
party from Egypt, Lehigh conntv. Pa.
Aaron knows how to do it, fas ships
pianos all over the state.
R. J. Hongen had his "onlr three
horned cow in the world"on exhibition
at tbe Allentown fair this week.
Levi Horn, the Republican candi
date for county treasurer, Is having
his oozy residence In Franklin equipped
with a hot air furnace.
A largo awning has been erected on
the east side of A. F. Suyder's business
block. Tbe work was done by con
tractor Ed Chrlstman, of Lehighton.
j ion. William F.Biery was a nroml-
nent Domocrat at the Democratic
meeting at Allentown on last Tuesday.
During the business of the meeting ho
occupied a prominent seat in the opora
It is said that the Union Hill Liter.
ary Society, which last winter proved
such an excellent source of entertain
ment for our people, will be reorganiz
ed at an early day.
James Daily, of Mauch Chunk, who
was arrested last week charired with
the theft of Mrs. Ylengst's diamonds,
una oeen roieased from the county jail
his friends furnishing 8300 bail for
his appearance at court.
The Harvest Home services in the
Reformed church last Sundav tnojninrr
and evening were of a most interesting
una instructive character. Rey. C. E.
Crltz, the pastor officiated at both
services. The attendance was uuusu-
aiiy large.
"Brooklyn the Bum." a Hokendan
qua tough, is in jail at Allentown. He
is tne individual who stole a bicycle
from A. F. Snyder some months ago.
Along with a gang, who for a year have
oeen committing thefts in the Valley
ue was arrested by Detective Smith, of
The corner stone of the new
Lutheran church at Long Run was
laid with interesting and aDDronriate
exercises on last Sunday afternoon.
Kev. Wackernagle, of Allentown, and
Rev. Longaere, of this town. offlclatB(l
at the impressive ceremonies. The
new struoture will be frame and rr.
neat and oozy looking In appearance.
It will be the first edifice of worship In
that locality.
The E. 11, 4 Loan Ai.oclatlon Put. Out
l-cuo Phare. of New Htock,
The Enterprise Bulldinir and Tjinn
Association, No. 2, of Lehighton, at its
last meeting on Tuesday evening by a
unanimous vote of the board of direc
tors, docided to Issue a new series nf
stock of 1200 shares. The great
demand for money from the Associa
tion on account of tbe large bulldine
operations in the town and the sur
roundings made it necessary to put out
new stock in order to accommodate the
public During the last year more
buildings have been erected in Lehlch
ton and vicinity than in any other part
of the county, and the prospects for
the future seem still better. The old es.
tablishod Enterprise Building and
ijoan Association thereforeaffords the
very best opportunity for Investors as
well as for parties desiring to build.
There is no better way to secure a
nome than through the Enterprise
UulldlLg and Loan Association, as hun
dreds lu this viclnty, who have seoured
homes In that way can attest.
All the parties desiring shares should
apply at once to some one of the fol
lowing officers and directors, who are
the only parties authorized to receive
subscriptions for stock: Phillip Miller
President W. P. Long, vice president;
T.A.Snyder, secretary and attorney:
. uuuvi, treasurer; a, w. tauden
bush, Richard E. Koons. D. II. Strom..
J. F. MouHhrop, Weuzel A. Schiukii
John Peters and Cbas, Smith directors
from Weissport, aud W. II. Long direc
tor from Packerton,
Over live hundred shares were sub
scribed by Wednesday evening, so that
all who desire shares should subscribe
at once as only 1200 sharea will be Issued
Shares can be subscribed for by mall
by addressing tbe secretary, T. A.
Snyder, Lehighton, Pa. The secretary
will also be In his office to receive
subscriptions for stock at any time
during the next ten days, Thirty days
notice of (be time when the first pay.
ment is to be made will be given b11
subscription for stock.
Our Neat Holiday.
The fact that the last Thursday In
November is tbe last day in the month
troubles same persons who are In doubt
where Thanksgiving Day will be ap
pointed for the 23rd or 30th. Tho last
inursday bas always been, appointed
for Thanksgiving Day, and it will un
doubtedly be set apart this year. In
1871, 1870 and 1892 Thanksgiving Day
waacelebrated on November 30th; it
wl 1 be'celebrated in 1983.
Carbon County Fair.
The annual exhibition of tbe Carbon
oounty Industrial boolety will convene
on the 11, 12 and 13 of Ootober and
everybody should give It a hearty sup
port in order that suooess may crown
th efforts ot tbe society. Itemwubw
Sedates Oat. U to 13,
Short Squib. In and Arround Carbon
County lll.hed tip for Our Reader..
Report says that 'Squire Haas, of Au
denrled will become proprietor of the
Jeanesville hotol.
Beaver Meadow Is threatened a deph
therla epidemic.
Beaver Meadow wants tke electrlo
A dangerous counterfeit silver oertl
flcate is In circulation in tbe east. It 1
of letter B, act of 188C, with a portrait
of Grant somewhat to the right. The
note Is fairly executed, but tbe por
trait is dark aud scbatchy looking.
The Jacob Petrey farm in Lehigh
Township near Weatherly was sold
Thursday by sheriff Webb, to Jerry
Fisher, of Weatherly, for the sum of
$2,000. Mr Petrey was one time a
steward of the Laurytown almbouse,
Horn's Sunday School, of New
Mahoning, will bold a plcnla in Halde
man's beautiful grove on this Satur
day. John Koons, Esq., of Lehighton
will be present on the occasion and de
liver the address in his usual piquant
The Evans Mining Company, of
Beaver Meadow, started up both lifts
of their slopo on Monday, In order to
prepare the extra quantity of coal thus
mined for market a new screen which
they have lately placed In their break
er will be started up also. This new
addition to the company's works will
give employment to about twenty-five
additional men and boys.
Quite a number of meu were suspend-
ed in the maohlne shop and foundry at
Jeanosville Friday aud Saturday even
Ings. Just why these suspensions wore
made no one boems to know, as there
is plenty of work on hand.
It is the report that George W. Hem.
mluger.the successful principal of the
H'eatherly public schools will wed Miss
Mattle Williams, of East Mauch Chunk,
early next mouth.
John James, of Audenried, was stab
bed one night last week while engaged
in a fracas with Hungarians, will not
Lehigh township has elected these
teachers for tbe coming bchool term:
Rockport II. II. Sloat, of Manches.
ter, York county; Lowrytown U. A, of Revnoldsville. Schuvkill'
county, aud at Penn Haven, Miss
lioyle, of 'Xresckow, Cat bon county.
Horace Uoioung Leutz aud Miss
Jennie Alsover, botb of Mauch Chunk'
were married Tuesday afternoon. The
cermony took place in tbe Presbyterian
church. The ushers wore: George
Woomer, of Lebanon; George S. Savior
and George Pettinos, of Bethlehem:
jonn 11. itoss, Robert A. Heborllng.
ueorge urelsbach, Robert Alsover aud
duuus lleberling, ot Mauch Chunk,
Frank Cannon, of Jeanesvillo, was
In a shanty where powder was stored
on Monday. He was smoking. There
was an explosion and Frank Cannon is
alive but will be horribly dHlgurcd for
A new town near Jeanesville lu this
county is to be known as Park View.
a very pretty name, but "Blood and
thunder" would be more appropriate.
The authorities of Carbon county
are maaing every effort to capture
Charles Conaghan, who is charged with
murdering John Breslin, of Bu,ck
Mountain, on the 17th inst. A reward
of 8200 has been offered for bis capture
County Detoctlve Isaacs is also work
ing hard on the case, endeavoring to
locate Conahan.but as yet has not been
successful lu doing so. When last
seen Conaghan was walking along the
Central tracks ut White Haven.
Hugh Harrity, of Jeauesville. aged
G, has been admitted to the Laurytown
Ed J. Curry, a prominent Audenried
Democrat, was married on Wednesday
to Miss Maggie Conahan, of the same
place. Mr. Curry is the Democratio
candidate for auditor.
The country folks are at present
busy boiling applebutter. The apple
crop Is a good one, and in order to
make profitable use of the fruit, it is
gathered and to various cider mills to
be .onverted into cider, and the
product with the addition of "snltz"
turned into the succulent "latwerg."
The large cider presses In the various
sections of the country are at present
making buudreds of barrels of cider
each day, and nightly In the rural
sections gleaming lights In farm
bouses shed their rays on "snltzlug"
and applebutter boilings, and .the
aroma or tbe simmering mess in the
big kettles Alls tbe air with fragrance
as penetrating as tkat of the pine
Korty llvur.' Uevotloni
Last Sunday, in Sts. Peter and Paul's
Church, Lehighton, this solemn service
commenced at 8 o'clock a. mH con
ducted by the pastor, Father Sauers.At
10 a. m., Rev. Father Masson, ot Phila
delphia, oftlolated and also preaohed
an eloquent sermon In tbo evening.
Monday evening Rev. Wm. Ilammacko,
of East Mauch Chunk, delivered an
able d Isoourse and conducted the even
ing services. The conclusion ou Mon
day was very well attended, Rev.
Fathers Dunce, of Mauch Chunk. Chas
Norrls, of Newiueboninir and Wm"
Hammeke, of East Mauch Chunk, were
in attendance. F. Norris preached an
Interesting sermon, aud F. Bunoa con
cluded the solemn service. The pastor
nereny tenders his thanks to the con
gregation for their prompt attendance.
The Rey. Itaac Cook.
The Rev. Isaao Cook, will shortly
begin making his annual visit to
towns in the valley for contributions
to foster the work. Through many
years he has practiced the annual
custom of soliciting funds from the
people of the Lehigh Valley for tbe
support ot bis missionary enterprise,
which oonslsta of laboring for the
elevation of the men and women who
live on tbe Lehigh Canal.
Last year Bethlehem contributed
8110 ta this missionary effort Allen
town contributed 1115, CatasauquagH,
Hokendauqua 810.50, Mauch Chunk $81
and Easton $1&0. The total oolleetlons
for tbe year were $812.75.
Work Is rapidly progressing on the
hose bouse and It Is expected that with
favorable weather the structure will be
completed by tbe 1st of November, the
time called for In the contract. Cou
trader Chrlstman is putting every
effort forward with this intention, and
it Is not unlikely that be will bewieoaas.
Society ltd. lilt, of lntere.t I. the Mow
ber. of the Fraternity.
Secret societies in need of parapha
nana, uags, banners, uniforms, etc.
suouid consult II. V. Morthlmer. .1
who represents one of the largest firms
of importers, manufacturers an
dealers lu this couutry beiore purchas
ing eisownere.
The plo nla of Monroe Castle, 427,
K. O. E., of Kresgevllle, on Saturday
01 last week, 23rd lust, was a very en
joyable affair notwithstanding the in-
clemency of the weather. Maj. Klotz
Commandery, No. 27, of town, with
Captain Baltzer In command, gave bu
exhibition drill and addresses wov
delivered by Rev. Smith, Col. It. V.
Morthlmer, Jr., aud Sir Knights Keller
aud Smith.
Norman Commander. 133. Kulirhts
of Malta, of town, have just received n
full set of handsome swords and belts.
They were made by Louis E.StllzA:Bro.
of Philadelphia, one of the most reli
able Urms in the country.
Anniversary Day. the Celebration
of the Eighteenth Anniversary of tbe
Introduction of the Order of the
Knights of tbe Golden Eagle Into Penn
sylvaula will be celebrated by each of
tne m Castles, with aporoprlate cere
monies, during the ensuing week.
Gnaden Huetten Castle, 31G, K, G
G., of town, admitted three new mnnt
bers on Wednesday evening.
The October issue of tbe "Knlirhts
of the Goldeu Eagle," the official organ
of the Order, will be eularged from 12
to -ai pages. It will be Illustrated witli
portrait cuts of over 10 promluent
members of tbe Order. The publisher,
Past Supreme Chief J. D. Barnes,
through his indefatigabl. efforts is
making It the best and handsomest
secret society paper in the world. All
Sir Knights should become subscribers.
In an editorial tbe Johnstown
Bemocrat gave the following greeting
and welcome to the State Council of
Pennsylvania Jr. O. U. A. M. durlnc
Its sessions In that city: Greeting to
our guosts.
"Johnstown is honored to-day bv the
presenoe of a host of strangers who
have gathered from all sections of this
great state to attend the thirty-fourth
annual council of the Junior Order of
United American Mechanics, au organi
zation whose strength iu Pennsylvania
is perhaps exceeded by that ' of no
similar body." It is a representative
gathering aud as such it receives
cordial welcome to the Flood City. It
is a notable event in the history of
Johnstown audits hospitalities will
doubtless render it so In the annals
of the Juniors of the Keystone state.
We are quite certain that our peonle
appreciate the distinction which bas
been conferred upon the gathering of
so large and such a represenative body
aud with confidence we can assure the
visitors that no effort will be spared to
make their stay withiu our gates ai-
togetber pleasant. Ther have ul-
ready read their weloome in tbe lavish
display of flags and buutiug that greet
ed their eyes on every haud upon their
arrival in the city aud they will read
it again in tho faces aud the hospitali
ties of our citizens throughout their
stay. We waut them to feel at home
and to carry away with them when
they go the same sense of good will
that our people have expressed and
will retain when their gala time is over.
It will not be the fault of Johnstown if
the Juniors do not have a good time
this week.
The ring that was formed in the
Jr.O. U. A. M., found out that the
Middle District wus the rock upon
whloh they foundered, this district In
their estimation amounted to nothing
but It clearly demonstrated that she
was a factor in manipulating the wires.
so much so that tbe opposition was
pushed to tbe wall, the ring resorted
to everything that was unfair to con
trol the session, but their struggles
were all In vain, the anti-ring people
had matters tnaped out to a nicety aud
when the time came to prove their
strength tbe leaders of the ring dis-
apeared aud were not seeu for some
time. The anti-ring or people's ticket
wont through with a rush, the success
ful candidates wero as follows State
Councillor, Wm.T. Kerr, of Pittsburg;
State Vice Councillor, Robt. W. Crane,
of Philadelphia; State Treasurer, Jno.
W. Calver.Nat. Representatives, Victor
G, Reed, of Philadelnhia! A. TV ii'(lMn
of Mansfield, Wm. S. Davis, of Johns'
town, P. N. Councillor, Wm. R. Strob,
ot Mauch Chunk proved to be a sue-
cessf ul leader of the Middle district.
bis followers stuok to him like leoches
whloh eventually won the day.This end
of tbe district expects to be rewarded
by receiving appointments ou the
several committee of tbe State Coun
cil. Lancaster will be the next place of
Holdout HI. Practice at Parrrvllle.
Dr. Geo. H. Haas, of Parryville.
recently sold out his practice and some
of bis personal effects to Dr. Eshelman,
of Stein's Corner, Kehtgh county, who
already has taken possession ot the
stand. Dr. Haas will the present week
move bis household goods into the
handsome dwelling owned be him at
No. 133 north Fifth street, Alleutown,
formerly the property of the late
Samuel Clover, deceased, and early
uext week he aud bis family will go to
New York city, where be intends to
tatake a special course of study on
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat lu tb New York Medical
College. He Is a son ot Dr. Solomeu
Haas, veterinarian, ot near Lyon
Valley, Lowbill tsp., and has been very
successfully engaged in practice at
Parryville from the time of bia gradu
ation at tbe above named college years
ago. Both he and his amiable wife
were very popular In tbe town and
neighborhood, and their departure
was a matter of great regret to tbe
people there.
ul roe Olylu Fal.e New..
A bcrantou man, for a joke, gaye a
news paper reporter an Item, whloh
was false. Tbe item was published;
now the man has been arested for
giving falsa (information to the re
porter. Tbe prosecution Is under tbe
new State law whiah provides for a
punishment by fine or Imprisonment,
or both.
$1.00 a Year in Advaae
Short PareEMUh. That Will be at
U the Railroad Ber,.
t The Lehigh Valley IHlliamsport
extension Is at last finished and ar
rangements for the running of trains
over it are complete. The distance
between Wllliamsport and Wtkes
Barro is lessened fully forty mile.
Biughampton is also brought nearer,
aud Laporte, tho hitherto almost lnao
cessiblo county seat of Sullivan county,
is given railroad facilities. This week
trains were started on the new rood,
running from Laporte to Satenti.ld
and there making connection wltk tbe
State Line and Sullivan trains.
I Orders were given Saturday by
Lehigh Valley officials (cava an
exchaugo) dispensing with the serrloes
of ono brakeman on each f tba
through freight trains on tbe Easton &
Amboy and Lehigh division of th
road. The order went la to effect
Monday Bnd effects about seventy men.
The Idea Is to reduce the operation ex
penses of the road. There an now
only three brakeman oa each of these
tralus, Inste id of four, as formerly.
i i-118 Central has booked the fol
lowing excursions to Mauoh Chunk tor
the month of Oetober: On tb 5th,
Pennsylvania Railroad, from Phlla.
delphia; th; 7th, Gelwlck'a from
Philadelphia; oa 11th, Antrim's from
Philadelphia, mid . the 17th, G.lwiek 8
from Philadelphia. Besides $& abeve,
Antrim was there Tuesday wltk two
sections, nine ears In each section.
Local Political oIb That I. seaMaabl.
at Till. Time.
tS If it Is true thay'Ulchael Caaaldy,
Chalrmau-of the Democratio Coantr
Committee, has said that h. will not
support the ticket nominated by the
late convention.he should at one kn re
moved from the office he holds. He is
Incompetent to deliberate over the
course of the candidate!. If he were
an honorable man he would retire.
Weatherly Herald.
. H'ho is this candidate f Ths
Lausf ord Record speaks thus of a Re.
publican nominee: "William R. Frank
lin holds a position of profit withth
Irou Company at Parryville, and those
best acquainted with him speak of him
as a successful business man."
tjy-Iu the Carbon-Monroe judical
district the democrats are now having
an experience with the conferree
system which shows bow easy It Is, un
der such a method, to get into trouble.
Says the Phlla. Press. Judge Storm, of
Monroe, and ex-Seaator Craig, of Car
bon, are candidates for the judiciary
nomination, and each has an equal
number of cunf errees, regardless ot the
fact that Carbon has a population more
than half as large again as Monro and
casts n lamer Democratio vote. It Is
not expected that either county will
yield to the other, and tbe result will
probably be that both candidates will
remain in the Hold. Th claims of Car-1
bon county in the contest ax exmed
ingly well grounded, as Monroe county
has had the Judge about all tb time
it Hie past.
03TAs usual the Mauch Chunk
Democrat Is "crooked" IuitssuDD.rt of
Ddmocratla candidates
W It seems certalu that no further
effort will be made to get the Demo
cratio con f errees together In the
Carbon-Monroe judicial district. At
the only meeting held by tham they
were so unanimous In their disagree
ment that tbey did not even omnia.
The names of both SUrrn and Craig
win uonotiess go upon the official
ballot and as a matter of course neither
will have a place among the ranlar
nominees of his party. Tbh will
make it impossible for either t bo
voted for save by a mark apart front
that In the cir.le at the head of ths
party ticket.
t&.The Carbon Democrats aav a
good man; and they olalm father that
by reason of their county's population
and oorporat mining Interests tb.y
hare special need of a resident Jndge.
Politically their grievance Is that they
were badly used by Governor Pattlson,
who appointed Mr. Storm to sueW
tbe late Judge Dreber without allowing
them to be heard in favor t Mt ap
pointment of Mr, Craig, although they
had asked suh hearing. Eastoa Ex
press. P.J. Klstler and family are how
cozlly domiciled In their palatial -resident
oatlrst street Their new home
is one of tbe prettiest In Lehighton.
Autnmn Fashion, far Ladlee.
Tne latest new. from the iasklenable eastrea
Indicate that jacket altb full Iklrta aod wry
Urice sleeves n in be extensively worn dortOK
the newest models etwhlcb are very eleiaat
-Mill be verv iiri.iil.r- fn. .flM. .k
double skirt Mill be one of the features of the
couilne styles. For either Jacket or wautstna
prMti'-iiodets" drapery and the picturesque
d reitolre revere will fm nniv..u.lf. .A7i.
rue McDowell Hairaslaea, whlsh an tne
leading fashion iiulillcaUoas, botb In Paris and
this country, contain many deeleas of all tbe
newest slrlca. Moreover they five lessons oa
nracttcle dressmaking which are of areas assbt
uiice to professional, as well as to eiaetut.
dressmakers. And what Is still mora advan
Uuieoiis. Messrs. A. McDowell A Oo., reproduce
any .1 their Illustrations t.r Indeed, for uier
matter, any design clipped from any ether
fashion Journal) In tbe form of made up papir
mourli with flat patterns besldes-exaally
repriMntlnx .very detail of the orialnel. Thil
aliiipllHea dressmaking iu a remarkable dearer,
and Is esplcally v.tusble te those who wtsA to
appear well dressed on the moat economical
Plan. "ijiMode de P.irls, ' "Paris Alinm of
Fashion "The French Dressmaker," and
iaMimIo are tbe meet popular of tueM mage
ztaea. The former two enet only each
Tear, or 36 rents a copy. -Tb. French !
maker" Is per annum, while "LaSfode
costs only 11 so a year, or 11 emu a copy. If
loaare unable to procure any of these puttie
lieus at ).ur newsdealer, do a4 aeeepl any
substitute, but apply diiectly ta Messrs. A. Mu
Doaell Ala,, .West nth street. New orfc
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