JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING Creates many a Nio Business, Enlarges many an Old Business, Revives many a Dull Business, Rescues many a Lust Business, Saves many a Failing Business, Preserves many a Lurge Business, Means success in All Business. "INDEPENDENT"-!LIVE AND LET LIVE." VOL XXI. No. 44 Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. September 23 1893 $1.00 a Year in Advano -THE ADVOCATE PRINTS THE LOCAL NEWS AND IS THE LARGEST ONE DOLLAR PAPER IN CARBON COUNTY.- JOB PRINTING h a tpeoially us. We Jiawtiw low prirefor tll. Gome and barn our jirimx. Plo-Nir ami Sale Bill. Allltimh of Manli look. Lei us have your orders fbr anything in this line. fnrbon Jldt oath DRimH AL CEB AP CASH STORE m NEWSY OCCURRENCES. For some reason or other the Table Linens wore omitted, not because we haven't them, no have more of them lor less money then any other house, its au every day article and can nnt ho iliannnsed with, likewise vi. ivi 11 finrl n lame variety of Linen crashes, much below the ruling prices. Butcher.-' and Irish .incus for Shirt Ironts and Fancy Work, for Uuality and Prico not equaled by none. Napkins in great variety of ... ' i l. nnil , , ' 1 1 1 1 Styles anu sizes mm . out borders at extremely low Prices. Linen Stair Crashes are scl found in other houses, but we have a nice assortment of them at can't touch prices. Linen outlining cotton in rollers, Just, the thing for Fancy Work. J. T. NUSBAUM, Flist Street, between South and limn Streets, I.eliti:hUn. Fa. Riotous Virginians Tired Upon by a Military Oompany. NINE KILLED, NINETEEN WOUNDED. I uOUAt. MATTISIIS OP MOIIH Oil LKSS IMI'OIITANGK III Mayor Was Shot llefore (living Iho Order la Fire The TrUoner, ft Negro, Had Assaulted and Ilobbed ft White Woman One of the Injured Will Die. Hint lias Ortnred in this City Murine (lie Week l'erttnentlr Ktllinnlied hy Our Pperlal lteportrrs, Il'o regret the Illness this week of oar mtecmetl fellow townsman, James r. Smith, of Seooud street. Ills nmtty friends hope for his quick and per ntBtient recovery. An obstruction in n water main on First utreet tho oilier day proved to be PERSONAL MENTION. HALF-CENT A W0HD. Advertisements under tills head at n half cent .Ju'rt extortion" This Is tli"""'"! bent advertising medium out, If ) ou have J thins to ell or rent try this cheap advertising. Advertisements roust he paid In advance. tn)U SAl.B-A dark bay Stallion, sixteen and a1 a hall hands high, twelve cnrs old, perfect ly sate and sound in every particular, will be sold cheap lor ouih. Apply to Ueorse V. ,luclt, Kast Weissrwrt. "? JN A FEW LINKS. Short Squibs In nd Arronnd Carbon County Dialled Up for Our Headers. Mrs. Margaret Cannon, of Summit Hill. Is dead. Deceased was the the mother of Ai'ary and Francis Can-lion. John Jones, of Jeansvllle, was stab bed by Italians Saturday and may die from the effects of the wounds. Cormao Qulnn, of Jeanesvillo Friday lumped from a moving " looie" on which he was riding, striking the ground heapflrst and severely bruising his face. The Poor Directors of the Middle Coal Field Poor District have offered a reward pf 50 to any person for the re covery of Fannie Slddons, the Insane patient who esoaped from Laurytown on the evening of September Ctb, The directors as well as the steward are still Interested In her recovery, and are making every possible effort to do so. John, aged 31 Tears, son of Jacob Buss, of Nesquehonlng, died on Mon day last follqwlng ft week's Illness. Deceased was a pleasant and ngreeable fellow and will be much missed by his many friends. Patrick Garra, of Quaknke, "whose hotel was destroyed by Are several weeks ago, has decided to rebuild the the same. Plans and specifications are now being prepared. Larry Tarloton, of Wentherly, who was doing a saloon business in II rook. lyn, N. Y., for a year past, has disposed of bis business and will come back to old friends In Carbon comity. A grand shooting tournament will tnke place at the Hotel Wahnetab, Glen Ouoko, on Wednesday and Thursday, September 27 and 23. Extensive prop arattons are being made for tho event. and large crowds of people are expect ed to attend. Marksmen from all parts of Lehigh Valley will take part. Miss Conahan, teacher of the Auden rled schools, In Hanks township, ou Friday resigned her position. Harvey Barton, the managor and snperliitepdent of the Maueli Chunk, electric railway, and John Potueroy, motorola!), were placed under arrest Friday for causing tho disaster on the electriu railway onTuosday evening In which two persons were seriously in jured. Each of the parties was requlr ed to give ball In the sum of 11,000. The Audcrsou Gray's, u military organization, held their second an nual reunion at, oiaucn uuudk on last, Saturday. Those present were: Maj. Robert Klotz.Capt, E. H. Raucli, James Wnfner, John Brighton, Mauch Chunk; PqI. .lolm Craig, Lehigh Gap: Charles II. Peltz, Hiram Purcell, Tilghtnan Bauerwlne, White Hlaveni George Williams. Wllkes-Ilarre: Aaron Henry. Franklin, and Thomas Couuerty, I'acKerton. BoANOKn, Vs., Sept 31. Robert Smith. A negro, yesterday assaulted and nearly Willed Mrs. Ilenrv Ulshon. wife of A well- tojo farmer of Botetourt county. Mrs. an eel measuring fifteen Inches In Bishop was at the market with a load of longt h proaiioe, ana Bmlin OOllglll n UOX Ol l.nr MnarltnlT tlirnutltnnd the grapes. He asked her to go with him to L, 'en Moarlioit threatened tlie get the money, ana taking her to a nouse ' "i ins wuw. nuvimuuimiiiiwiint, near by looked the door and bound her. Tho oae was settled. MenrhofT Is to Then drawing a rasor be d"' pay her 8in per month, keep sober and money. She gave It up, and while doing , , , so jerked the razor from his hand. The leave her alone. negro choked her, threw uer uown auu ine unrtion uoumy ruir win ue pounded her head with a brick leaving heldon tho Uth, 12th and 13th of Octo. ward.r.Uc '. - ' r' 10 f;8 log to the market told of the outrage. event a pleasant and successful one. Detective Baldwin soon arrested the Our peoplo should give the officers of negro. An excited crowd attempted to , society a hearty cooperation take Smith away from the officer anq , t .i j . lynch blm, but B;idwln.wlth the prisoner Urn the I-Vlr. Remember the dates, on a horse, dashed at full (peed in the The Improvements making to face of the crowd and soon had him be- Komcrcr.t Swnrtr.'s storo for several ti.frrtat rekpa.staro about completed. The were finally persuaded by the mayor to large show windows make a beautiful disperse. appearanco while tho greatly enlarged Soon afterward, however, a crowd gath- room ndds much to convenience ami ered around the jail and kept Increasing ..,, 4l.rt JIi. r .,,, as night approached. At 5 o'clock the facllllato the lUplay of goods. Roanoke light Infantry marohed to the The following persons have entered lall by orders of Mayor Trout. Guards for the blcvnles rnces to come off on rrere posted and the streets in the imme- th rilir Orounds some timo next dlate vicinity cleared. About dark the crowd was lnoreased by a hundred men mouth Al. Greenawald, Al. Hngornian, from the vicinity of the Woman's home, D. S. Hock, Kd. Zern, Jr., of town, headed by Mrs. Bishop's son, a fireman on w, it, Strntissbcrgor.Wclssport; Frank the Norfolk and Western railroad, KWrnaii AshfiVld' .1 K Ppti-r nmi Atso'olook portions of the mob bat- ore"Iau' Ab. . ',' J l leItr "u" tered at a side door of the Jail, where the earn onyuer, oi aiauoning. mllltlaand Mayor Trout had retired. Then George Turner, who was nrrosted shooting was commenced by the i mob, and weeks 0 0) tuo chargo of bigamy the mayor was shot In the foot. The .f,,, .Vii i militia were then ordered to return the and taaen to Rending for trial, has been fire, and a volley from about twenty-flra honorably acquitted and is back in rifles was poured into the mob. Nine town. Tho Reading Morning Herald, men were KUieu auu uiueicvu nuuuucu, . . ,nr. ftonrtm Timpr una one of them fatally. During the excite- lctl' '"" Til uUeorgo , !er meat caused by the volley the negro was acquitted of the charge of adultry and taken from the Jail by an oflloer and bigamy, no evidence being offered to secretin. i ne oeaa ana wounnea were re- pr0Te tue charge, nearby nhyslclans. The mllltla were then .- you raut a sui t of clothes go to dbmersed. and left the scene as ouletly as M- L50S & Co- Oberfs' Hlook, DosslbU. , Hlg reduction In baby coaches at ine rouowing is a list o: mo ueau uuu i o . u. uuuei , lntllreai 1 TM,n ranliao Kt ta,lnlnrfnrfrnh Killed 8. A. Vlck. hotel proprietor! I t .t-nrl linalnnaa nf. li Kllt7.town iinam sneetz, rauroaa nreman; ananas fair tbls week, W. Whltmlre, railroad conductor; J. B. . . , Tyler, of Blue Ridge; George White, shot -"""l".0?. ,3ow.ear J ff,A " through the leg and bled to death; W, sprnluod right ankle caused by step Jones, railroad engineer: John Mills, dls- PliB on a round stono. tiller, Black Creek; George Settles, of Vln- The prob b llty Is that It; wen' brj ton; Kmmett J. Small, of West Roanoke, very long boforo a now school bdildlng '4 he injured are: uttoraus.snot inrougq 0r an addition to tno present structure the body, and will dlei Will Eddie, shot will have to bo erected. Tbo schools throuKh Kroln: Georce O. Monroe, shot In I are much over crowded at present. bead; Frank Mills, shot In arm; Tom Neb jo)m A. peter9 nn,i wife of DOrth son. leg off; Leroy White, shot In back; 17, c,t ,0ii cm,ico i,i J.B McGhee, shot In leg; Shepard, (la, ht , t week b presenting shot u leg; E. J. Sma 1, shot In abdomen; ,h iaudsome piano recently pur- uparies t-oweu, snoi tnrougn jne oooy. cha6ed f rom Mr pm ps CamDbell. Edaar Wahlinn. C. W. FiKBatti -The bricklayers are at work on the C. P. North. O. B.Tavlor. Hall. David new boso bouse, Ruggles, N, E. Sparks and T. K. Nelms. Great variety of rubber hose for Mayor Trout Is firm In the position he sale at lowest nrlces at Gabel's. has assumed, and declares that he will up- Fine teams for all purposes at the "'" '" Knntli End Llvcrv. , - ,r t , -1 .. r ..1.1,,, , L., ,W WW,,,., a,, it Is indicated by Latest Dispatches from tCo cream f recners at Gnbel's First Illo Janeiro. I atrect, -Pure Paris Green nt lowest price I at liabel a, Farmers arn busy sewing their grain. Harrison Werner and lady friend, were at UIg Creek, rjunday. Mrs. Anna Socket, of Wilko.burre, is TiKltiug Irlenm at tm place. Ghas. Mller Is on the sick list. Win. Rouemous Is the happy dad of a bright little girl. Miss Emma Trainer, spent Sunday wiiu juiss Amelia Jvemg. DR. W. Is LEV AN, of Millport, will be at the Fort Allen Hotel every Thursday afternoon be. tween 1 and 4 o'clock, Specialty In Dropsy, Diseases of woman anu una ren anu Dyspepsia. Losdos. Sept. St. A dispatch received ni,orlof Wr.lss nnd John Enchns. by a .mercantile Arm In this city states tw0 LeUlKUton boys, who decamped sunt Ailininil .tjciiu, vuuiuibiiuiuk iui cm. vd.Ib nmv t i i onnirnrrramiH rebel Brailllan fleet, has sent an ultl- ar0 bBCk i10m0 B(,Bn ani Hr0 telling of matum to the authorities In Hlo Janeiro tue WOI11crs 0f the World's Fair at Declaring inai, uuicss u viiy surreuuers , Qfigo, Th. dispatch adds that the receipt of "r.uls Il"u hasa argo line of bats and the ultimatum has caused a psnlo In the I noos anu ciomiug 01 u kiiuo,. rnces eity. Nobody doubts that Admiral Mello oreaiwaj-s ei, iu,. will carry out his threat If the eltv Is not Harvest Home services were oh delivered Into his hands. Merchants and served in ZIou'h Reformed church on others are hastily gathering together their I last Sunday evening. Rev. J. Alvlti valuables, and making preparations for Reber otllciated and cntcrtntned his flight Into the Interior 01 the country. I largo cougrgatlon wltn au eloquent and The insurgent warships at bantos have appropriate discourse, landed a strong lorce or marines, severe .i.vi.im..i.in ntnibi,, fighting in the neighborhood or the city LoJy at M) Looa ,t Co., Oberts Rlock, I Jl, , UUtD MIUU (I11U 111 stole from the Hint. latest styles lints anu caps. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18. Henry 8. .TnU. make it n nnlnt In sen n.ivld uoenran, wemuciera iu m i uuuipi ,m Kbbert wlieu you want a team for oust mini, uas mu iu.i uo A ,,, nets or pleasure, lowest prices. from the vaults. He stated that for the lftt tirht fir ten years ha had been ex tracting bullion bars from the vault. Dur- Moses Rehrlg Is niiuus one of tho Ing that time he haa taken tsi.uou worm 1 morougoureu puguogs inai 110 nau on Within the last ten days he bad taken exhibition at the fair Inst week' 1100,000 worth. Of the amount stolen all Friday Bight before the exhibition but IS3,ooo has Men reooverea. vocnrap, closed souie miscreant stole into tue who has been employed at the mint for giouudsaiid carried olf one of the dogs, forty-three years, was arretted. La.t Thursday Simon Everett and " George Haines were out driving. On t n J o, " , " their way iiotno tnonorse necame up. naiu, yj. pi l . , mnnagatiie anu ran nway, uotli wei son. who settled on a claim tlx miles west ,i,.n nt ltul-a u,.clolu,l of this place, left his wife and twe chl-1 i,.,,i. , l,, Ann mill tarsirAil finnl Iti dren and came here to file his claim at the ,he , lg)lt ,eft J,;Terf tt aDAed on hu land office. V hlle absent a prairie Are ue(ul 1Ie ua(j n ,iown cuts anJ olie overtook niswiie anucuimrenanu uurneu lipautlfully colored optic. -At the next meeting of Lehlcl. hundred dollars, which he had left In his Co, No. 1. A committee will be wagon, wa. also bujntd, appointeu to mnao arrangements lor ' ' I II. n .lAillrattlnil nf thn new linen linncA Fatal w reek ou th. L.i.ikh .ud iindtoq. sometime during the early spring, BELVIDKBK.N. J.,Sept. 81. -The Boston 1 P'ov?"'! "u,l, ,nnh.ihiul. .n5 Hnd.on railroad H 111 be one of the gre.itet eveut In dished Into a freight train at Lake Oruv the .town's history and ninny thous 1.... A..j. 11... land neople will be here. We hone Mvi. "iv .... 1,. ,v. -. i. i ... rick, of Warwick, N. y, conductor ot the V i"""J frelaht. wos killed, and the ulne and a oouraged in this celebration. large number of oars were wrecked I Peter Moyer, of Allentown, who Ibau entered a numtier o( at liorses for the several races at the fair last week was much dlsnpointed on uo- n, ex-secretary of the beard ol Are com. count of the very bad weather which tt forgery' and grand larceny, was sen I however, much pleased wlth'the fair t.uced to eight years and Ave months' I in u Ulcers who, without solloltatlii gener- pnsonmeni in Auuurn siai. prisou. lously oontriUUKal atairsnara toward I the expense be n ul sanaiin d iu having Valkyil. H.t T.s SI.Med. hUl.l.lan, SoanAKIIsK, S. I, Sept Hl.-The Va)- iIarrT p clause a former reaident kyrt. was not slghte.1 up to 10a m There f . ' lt TaVrled Tail wmU t o were no signs ot her offthe lightship, al ?"n "'"fi1:. ?f ??H , A Snap Rhot Camera Catches Those Who Coin. nnd Clo Among Their Friends In Lively l4jlKhton. . . Miss Martha Miller, of Tripoli, ia visiting Edwin Old nnd family on Third Btreet. . . Dr. Wickert, of Reading, spent last Sunday In town with Mtss Ella Hcber llng, on Second street. . . Miss Ella Heberling returned to Philadelphia, en Wednesday after a pleasant visit of several mouths. ..George II'. Bsser, John J. O'llrlen, (leorge .Vorthlmor and J. B. Dreslln, r ipresentedtbo couutyDomccra 'ynt the Stale convention In session In the Operu 1 louse Harrisburg ou Tuesday st, . . Miss Mary the estimable daugh ter ot Dr. E. 11. Klstler, of Lansford, nnd Miss Sadio Dauber, of Steiiisville. wero visiting Misses Carrio and Sadie Peters, of the north end. Genial James II. Hand worn, Regis ter and Recorder of Carbon county, was here on Monday. . . Miss Clara C. Hock, an estimable young lady of Allentown, spent last eek pleasantly with Rev. W.I I. Strauss ud family on Mahoning street. . ,C. N. Kutiti!, of Now York, spent, a fow days in town this week with rela tives. ..Mrs. Enimallne Lynn nnd two daughters, of Summit Hill, were visitors tho Owen Rehrlg rosldenco ou Second street last week. . Assistant postmoster Ohl and Hnrry Gcggus nre home from Chicago. .Notary Pitblio Howard Seaboldt, returned Saturday from a very pleas- nut visit of two weeks at the World's 'air, Chicago, Chas. II. Weiss and wife, of Willes- barre, were guests of many friends hero during last week. . . Hurry Lynu and wife, of Hetble- betn, were guests of R. L. Sweeny and fntnlly over Sunday. Engineer Harry Blank, of Third street, was a delegate to the convention of Locomotive Engineers at Harris burg last Sunday. He represented the local brotherhoocTlodgo In this town. MissLuura Troxler,of Allentown, pent Sunday with the "folks at home' on Mahoning street. Tbo genial M. Losos, the popular clothier, spent Wednesday In Potts- ville. ..Mrs. John Pratt and Mrs. Irvln, visited Bethlehem friends on Thursday, . .Dr. J. C. Kreamer, of Millport, the Democratic candidate for county treasurer wa,8 In town on Wednesday, closing digits with many friends. The outlook for the do 'tor's election is very bright. ..Miss Sidney Miller, of Allentown spent a few days last week very pleos- autly with Mrs. Chas. Miller ou Iron street. .John Weller, Altcutowu's popular liquor dealer, was In town, long enough ou last Friday to get "mad" at the weather and to wager a case ot cham pagn that the weather bureau would favor Allentown with "merry sunshine" for their annual fair. ..W. J. Heberling and Joseph N lleuuet, of Lehigh, Council 101, Jr. O. IT. A, M., of this city, are at the session of the State Council, at Johnstown, tbls week the former as a representative aud the latter as an interested and lively spectator. Before returning Mr. Heberling will see the World's Fair. WALP'S EAGLE STORE, t3T In2fewwords we desire to oall HT to youmotloe asvery Important C&. fact. It Is this. We have as tST large and fine a Hue of general IS store goods as you will find any, ff where. Come and see us, let us show yop our goods and tel I you what our prices are. We deliver "TH good anywhere promptly aud without extra oharge wbal.ver jj tQ the purabAser. Dnt pay big Jti prloes btt eatoe aud soe us JtA Robert Walp, First street, Op, Round Houiee. SECRET SOCIETY DOINGS. Soeletv Hd-lllte of Interest to Hie Mem bars of the Fraternity. Secret societies In need of parapha- natla, flag-, banners, uniforms, etc., hould consult II. V. Morthlmor, Jr., who represents one of tho largest firms importers, manufacturers and dealers In this country before purchas ing elsewhere. Monroo Castle, No. 127, K. G. E.. of Kresgevllle, will hold their first annual pio 11I0 this Saturday afternoon and evening, and it promises to bo one of the most eujoyable events of the sea son. Maj. Klotz Commaudery, No. 23, of town, will leave at one o'clock, sharp, to attend, and all members are request ed to report In full uniform. Gnaden Hue! ten Castle, 310, IC G. , Of town, at their ,f damIimi nnti. ferred tho Crusaders .Igreo on one sir knight, admitted a new member and received three applications. LizAiU) jki:i:k vallkv, lt,n,,t, aiina.1 hue blawlnir Mvm uuw narimau, au Buuooipiiaueu though a good orewe was wowing. vouuir bulv of Allentown. Th Mir. P..11. 01 . icu.tn.at cin.di.n. P1""1 ? Performed at Philadelphia ,,',,, a.-, a8ir Ai.iander T uriuenev. ur. ais. Many inenus MoirrHEAL, S.pt Sft-ir Al.i.nder T. u' re8Uout8 tMiaer the warmest oon- ioU pbui aSX. dW?Urd.y , .rMgul.Uons The genial Harry i. at "en.J.blll.y..gWlW. Kdelpbbul ' zimmeriH.u's Faat Mil.. I At a late uieeting of the Germania Whiflim,, w Va Sent HI At the I Sangerbnud these new olUoers were title ll ', m 1 h, re , n iilay Znnnier eleotwl: President, Tobias Uuss; vice ruii".., 1 1 ., M,,,e in u'.i- I president, Jobu Exuer: seoretarr. rlorUn Sella; aaslktant teoreUry.Qtto . b . . ... II Itmn., , IU T 1 nin,r,i n u, jiiiue i milium, , unuHin, ,iMi,a iMMMJIfltfr, MmoiiBTTa.Ml, ,, . ,, jii .Thadauat- truateen, John UoUlbaoh. Jaoob Glnter: aa have oupturul all hu waee directly mueioal director, A. A. Clauas; uaslet- or iudliwstly implloaied mi iu eiprMa oar ant, Wm. buudhrr; oolleotor, Joaeph robbery oq tU Miueral Kul. railroad last elbiukie, weak, but have not (uuud lite plunder Pe,rar KunaL the uanlul ulllnr nr The robbers bav ither cl.v.riyooaeealed the Weatberly Herald makes dimwit the booty, or, a. they aver and the detect llai,ie to indictment by tmblishitig this Ives are now diapaaal to believe, ether, uaruraph: "At the Lehighton fair have succeeded la filching the money f rom msw6c1, bottle of oaUup was ar- the i robber. ib.Bia.lya Ot th. IW.000 rested for working ou 8undy, a r of Stolen from th. Irala it Is now welly well ili .l,t l.,,,! ,.f,l..n. ' . known that oidy 11,'jQO has heao rnwewed. very ,nr ow lt Btu B fif of bread " ' 7. TT ... that got no premium at all was very nil -To:r,; ..V., . iSr ; " " orowaa mat aiieu.i- y-M,,Vt WWOHMH, - I " Ista SOUH )M(ruay .u.ueiifiuifi iu. tututl itraUou of all alt.ua (rom whatever eouo try late th. Ualtad riai (or Ave yaara aftaf the nia.su. ot the .t Th. bill taakea a provisiun protMtina; thoa. aliMia bow la the Uuited HtattM tthit .hall d. clare their parpow to tMiiuiue ciusetia. Subsprlbo for the Advocate only $1, a year, John Ruch, of Slatedale, was visiting in this section Sunday, A. F. Stelgerwalt atfd family, have the congratulations of their many friends and relatives and are happy over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. Aaron and John Bowman were the guests of Chas. Ruch this week, J. D. Ualliet made a business trip to Allentown on Monday, Henry llartramtan employeoon the Nlmsou farm, while cutting wood ou Saturday received a seyerc cut lu the foot. Miss Aguftsa Qerber, of Tamaquat spent a few days this week with W. S' Helntslemsn and family, I lie lodwarek season is a good oue this year lots of it will bo oooked 1 this valley. Chas, Glnder and family, were gueata 01 Jacob Irjfk, near Walksville. barah Rlttenbanner purchased valuable piece of property at Uowmans town, from Lovena Unwman. Con. slderatlon J 1200, O. U. HeluUlemau, a student in the American Dullness College of Allen town, spent a, few months vaoation at home. Mr, lleiutsleuiau left lust week for Allen town. The board of directors of the East Teun School District ratifled the ap poiutment of Miss Rosa Zelgler, of North Penn to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Warlow. E. 8. Heintalemau a representative to the State Council of the Jr.Q. V. A. M., left on Monday for Johnstown to at tend the session of that body daring the week. A. F. Stelgerwalt offers his valuable farm for sale. A certain man wearing long ourly hair pretend ing to be au Indian doctor who proton, looure everything, drove through the Valley on tjatunUir. He called on Alfred Glnder, who has been Milferuig with rlltHiiuatistq for the last nfteeu years, he ottered to cure him for seven dollars. Sir. Olndar who una caught by the game before, after u long conversation instead ot 7 offered to pay him t-50, Immediately after a oure was effected. The doctor refused the offer. WEISSPORT AND AROUND. ICV IIAITIIMNI1S llltlEFI.Y KriTII. SIIZKU. The K. II. & Loan Association Puta .tint 1 800 shares of New Stock. Tho Enterprise Uuilding and Loan Association, No. 2, of Lehighton, at its last meeting onTuosday evening by a unanimous vote of the board of direc tors, decided to issue a new series of stock of 1200 Bharcs. The great de mand for money from the Association ou account of the large building opera. iiuus in ine town anu tne surround ings made it necessary to put out new stock In onler to accommodate the puono. uuring tuo last year more buildings have been erected in Lehigh ton oud viclnitv than iu anv ntliAr rmrr of tho couuty, and tho prospects for me ruiure see sun oetter. The old established Enterprise Uuilding and Loan Association therefore alfords tbo very best opportunity for Investors as well as for parties desiring to build. There Is no better way to secure a home than through the Enterprise Uuilding and Loan Association, as hundreds iu this vicinity, who liavo secured homes iu mat way can attest. All parties desiring shares should pply at once to some one of the fnl. lowing oillcers and directors, who arc the only parties authorized to receive subscriptions for for stock; Phillip Miner, resident; w. I'. Long, vice ,j.Ea.uvub, a, , ouvuer, aeureiary anu uuuruey; v. u. aiomz, treasurer; A. w, Raudonbush, Richard E. Koons, D. II Stroup, J, F. . iloulthrop, Wenzel A. Sohiuki, John Peters, and Charles omtiu uireotors rrom Weissport, aud iv. u, uong, utrector irom l'ackertou. Over lire hundred Bbares were rhIi scribed by Wednesdav evenlnir. so that all who desire shares should subscribe at once, as only 1200 shares will be is sued, bbarcscan bo subscribed for by mail by addresilug tho secretary, T. A. Snyder, Lehlghton.Pa. The secre tary will also be In his ottloe to receive subscriptions for stock at any time during tho next ten days. Thirty day's notice ot the time when the first pay ment is to be made will be given nil suoscrioers tor siock. The Game lw. Tho following Is tl,e open season for birds, Qsh and, other game, as publish ed in SmnlCs Hand Book: for turkeys, from October 15 to January 1 ; ducks and water fowl, September 1 to May 1; plover, July 4 to January 1; quail, November 1 to December 15; woodoook. July i to January 1: rallied grouse or pheasants, October 1 to January 1; rail or reod birds, September 1 to Deoember 1 For animals Elk and deer, October 1 to December 15; squirrel, September 1 to January lj bares and rabbits, November 1 to January 1. For fish speoklod. trout, uiacic uass, rook bass and wall-eyed pike, known as Susquehanna salmon May 21 to January 1; pike and mack erel, June 1 to February 1; German carp, September 1 to June 20. The Grand Ariuyat Alleulowit. Grand Armr Day will be celebrated at Alleutown on October 5tb. Ex-Presl dent Harrison, Department Com inanderThos. Sample and Staff, and the ex-Department Commanders, have signllled their intention to be present, and it Is tnteuded to make It the most important G. A. 11. demonstration ever held in the eastern district of Peunsyl vania. John D, Uartolette Post, ot town, win attend. Q a Few Days we will show you a site you never saw In your life before, consisting of our grand opening of the finest line of Ready-Made men's aud boys' suits and overcoats, a tine line ot tailoring goods to make suits and overcoats to order. In fact everything belonging to a ilrst- class establishment and the most sur prising will be our Low Prices for flrst- olass goods at the Oue Price Star Cloth ng Hall, Mauch Chunk. T.utonla Verelu , The following oUleem were duly elected at a regular meeting held iu Reber s Hall, Monday evening last: Pres't, Valentine SehwarU, Vice Pres.t.-Wen41 Sehlnkl, Secretary Edward Sohmldt. Aae't. See. Florlan Salle. Trustees Tobias Hue and, Julius iuuiaiouui. Amount paid for benefits durlug the past six mouthd Au uuknown individual driving oue of Hnraeuuui Bover's fast horses aloug Alum atreet last Saturday even Ing lot control of the animal aud in making the turn at the corner of 4th atreet he vas dumped to the ground rentiereci All.utowD. Fair. The Lehigh Conntv Airrlniiltitm Soolatv will hold its annual eihlbilinn at Allentown, Pa., on September 26th, 37th, &tb. and 2Mb, 1803. Forty two yeara of unparalletl auooawliave made the Alleutowu Fair a familiar name throughout this saotlmi of the mlinrrv. rroHreaaiveueaa nas always onaraoter iaed Its manaseaueiit. The oomiiur a. hibltion will be conducted on the same broad and liberal, and promises to be 011 a graiiuer aeaie than any held here tofore Addltoual buildings were erect ed during the year, and the Ground otherwise improved and beautified. It is now one of the finest and heat adapt, ed for agrioulture fairs in the state A Chall.uc. We the undersigned, challenge any two men iu Carbon couuty to shoot match for one hundred dollars aside the challenge can be excepted through any county paper or by wfttlng us. JOHN L. REIIItia LAP SCIIOCH. tltlPOllM'llHlH. TIlB Forty-two Thousand Miu.ts .a sulk. I animal ttiuiiiiuod on at a mail speed 1'iWl, awl IB The ntiurr. .trite In '" .iium .... . . . tb dautOHot at Pa. d. Calais ha. begun there It collided lt it a tree and wax " tnuow ana door aTeen at J. L. ta .tread alraadr 10 aaiaral utlt.r dniriu. tipi)wl. The os iter of the horse ia from 1 '"bel'a YmUhUv aruruooa W,uo0 ulnar, ui ia. Orwigaburg. rtie auiaial waa Ujurad k'ull Una of Ingrain and Brussels Berth of rraae. had (juH wwk. I at one of iu bind tags. carpets at llaury ttohwartx'. 1h. Ulllno lllkle luttltal.. Five churchea in Slatlngton have united iu forming a Bible Institute there, and other naktors no were out of town will join latar. Oue minister came up from Allentown to see the worKiug oi ine lusniutesuu expresaed blmaair as delighted with it and boned It would extend to Alleutowu. The date for the next meeting in Lehighton is Monday, uotouer 2nd. at 7:30 p. m., In the M. E. ohuroh, subject. The Uook ot Rcmaua. Four watoH will eive addreasea: all are cordially invited to 1 . 1 ... 1 1 .. 1 , , . ItNMJ tus UUI, uuu& 111 iHtuiaus 111 preparation for the meetiug. Auius.ui.ots. 'Ibe Utile Tycoon Oemlo Oiiera Co, will be an attraction at Coneert Hall Mauch Chunk, on next Wadnaatlay evening. It Is a Ant class attraction and well worth seeing. The share, of tbe New Buildluir J Loau A o tt, n of which was made in these column but weak are balnir rapidly laaen ine new plan or paying ine iuii par value 01 ine snares to borrowers commends It te evarr body Subaoriptlona are taken at the otlloes 01 ine u 1 . ot it. 10 , uut and H. li. tillnam aud Jos. Hennett, l'aokerton. For, Sale. 2 lots, centerallv lo. caUnl tin Second street for sale cheap for cash this week. Apply at the Btore of t 11 Rhonda, N Flrt atreet. A ood none for sale apply at this The Ilolnci olthe Week Interlraded With erttoual Mentions. Hon. W, V. Rlery and Dr. W. L. Kutz, returned last Thursday from a two week's visit to tho World's Fair Chicago. John Bsrong, of Franklin, aXehigh Valley engineer, fell from bis engine one day recently and sustained n dis located arm. Levi Horn's friends are jubilant over his nomiuation for couuty treas ur. Levi promises to make to make tbe campaign against his pojiular Democratlo opponent, a very lively one. S."W. Mlnnlch, of Laudlsvllle, Pa., returned home last Friday after two eeks spent here in tbe management Uloiy's drug store during the ab- sence of tho proprietor. Tho public schools of the Franklin district opened on Monday. Andrew Weiss and wife of Union Hill, spent Sunday last pleasantly with Maueli Chunk friends. Richard Wooderlng and wife wore guests of friends at Uowmanstown on last Sunday. J, K. Leutz and wife left on Wed- esday for Chicago where they will pend several weeks in sight seeing. Al. Miller;W.W.Plummer andPeter ouug talk ot arranging for a grand ball lu Laury's Hall, on Thanksgiving Eve. Miss Nora Rhoads, of Reading, a Mennonitc, now nt Lehighton, will preach iu school hall, Sunday evening, to the Evangelical congregation. Job Printing at the t ery lowest rates at tho Advocate Job Rooms. R. J. Hongen and wife and Mrs, Bert Arner, attended the final obso. qules of Mrs. Joseph Young, of Mill port, who was burled at Allentown on Tuesday. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. Thomas Bowman and was aged 80 years. She was a lady of excellent Christian character and had many friends who will sincerely mourn her death. Some slick Individual succeeded In gaining an entrance Into the bed room of Mrs. L. Ylengst, proprietoress of the St. Elmo on White street between seven and eight o'clock lost Tuesday night and stole two beautiful diamond rings valued at $110 each, one ring at ?03 and another at 833; a handsome gold watch worth $75 and a solid gold chain that cost 825, and between 880 and 890 in cash. Mrs. Ylengst's diamonds were the admiration of all who bad seen them largo, clear and sparkling and of course were highly prized by this this lady who is now mourning her loss. Tho thief will likely be apprehended. Snyder sells goods without mlsrep- resentatlon. Laubach's flour $1.80; Laury's flour 8103 per bag. These brands are genuine and we guarantee to give you just exactly what you buy. ll'hat is why we sell more flour than any other dealer In this town. A deal er who misrepresents Is not worthy of your trade. Wo tell the truth and sell lower than any others can afford to. Tho Phonograph entertainment held in tbe Evangelical church on Frl day evening of last week, was well at tended. Everyone present voted It one of the most entertaining, Interesting and Instructive exhibitions they ever attended. The Phone was ut-derthe management of Prof. Martin Miller who has associated with him Mr. E. E, Boyer as an advance representative, They purpose giving exhibitions lu the towns throughout the state. A certain Frauklla township man Is telling his friends how a cow that he owned ate something which caused Its stomach to swell to such proportloni that It burst the animal asunder. Dei Pete, secht dos dar womber Is uf a side de fence shpronga uu dor dingerich ut der onner. A pleasant surprise party was tended Mrs. James Beaver on Wednes day evening. Over 50 persons were present. The schools lu the Franklin Inde. pendent District opened tor a seyen meuths term on Monday. The teach ers are: Principal, E. S. Lee, Cherry. ville; grammar. Miss Mamie Oswald, llornellsvllle; Intermediate, Miss Mary Whitehead; primary, Blanche Snyder, Allentown. Union Hill Building Principal, Quint Arner; primary, Miss Dllllnger, Weatherly. The sudden and unexpected death ot Miss Edna, tbe eighteen-year-old daughter of Lewis Graver, of East Weissport, on Tuesday night, has oast a gloom over that household and filled the hearta of her boats ot friends with tlie deepest regret For three yeats past deceased was lu tbe employ of Mrs. M. Culton, the milliner, at her branoh store iu Lehighton, aud by her courteous treatment aud pleasant dis position made hosts of warm friends. The allllcted family have tbe sympathy of all our people In their sore bereave ment. Funeral will take place on Fri day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Services will be held in tbe Evangelical church aud Rev. C. E. Crelts, the Reformed pastor will ofllelate The fair, festival and danoe in Laury's Hall ou Thursday. Friday aud Saturday eveniugs ot last week under the auspices of Rollln Wilbur Lodge, HI, B. ot L. P., was a grand social and unanoiai success, rue oommiiie were L. O J. Straus. Al. Miller. Will Plum mer, Peter Young and Beu Peter, and thev deserve to be oomnlimeuted ou the able manner in which they catered to the enjoyment of tbe people. Alter paying all expenses It is thought that the Firemen will come out winner to the tune of 83K. Tbe "boys" tender heartiest thanks to all who in any man tier contributed to tbe aucceas of the festival. THK ltRI"Cnl.lOANS. Horace Ileyilt Their Choice lor l'resl- deat Judge, John 8eabotdt4cores a Ic tory In the Election or State Deleg-atee The State Goes Thronxh Without a Slnxle llltch-l)r. IV. IV. ll.ber's Maiden Kflfort a Success Jlinmy llantl w.rk Knocked Uut After a llanll'lclit Cnssldy. Hand In the Judjre Basin. us I-.vl Horn Capture, the Treasury Nomination Rlaley Score. Ills Opponents. UAHONIKG. Mtss Agues Fenstermaoiiar, was visit ing at Lewlstown last week. Our frrmera are bust In engaged with their fall towing. Miss E. Lily Arner is at Chicago vUltiug tbe Columbia)! Expoaitkm. A five saotitb old daughter ot A man due KUtler died lust week. Mlaa Amanda Ualliet was visiting at PotUville durlug tbe week. V.O. Muss elnian has entered MuBlan burg College, Allentown as a freshman- The new bell in Ut John's church waa dedicated on Sunday. Kev. W. II. Strauss yreached in tbe morning and hev. Mr. Hsuw and Rev. A. Rartbolo maw lu the attar noon. There was considerably less excite ment over the Republican convention in Mauch Chunk last Monday than there was over the gathering of tho Democracy a week or two previous iu tho same town. Outside of the dele gates and the several candidates and their friends but few strangers took in tho convention. Tho early morning hours were devotod to button-holelng delegates from tbd several districts and to the fixing up of a "Slate" by the leaders. The candidates most active in their efforts to securo the pluits were James .Handwerk, of Mauch Chunk, and Nathan Tanner, ot Sum mit Hill, for Register and Recorder. Then came Levi Horn, ot Franklin, ho was a favorite and a recognized winner from the start for County Trea. surer. For Couuty Commissioners, II. II McBrlde, of Beaver Meadow, aud Wm. Anthony, of I'arryville, put In some hard licks. Dr. W. W. Reber, of Le highton, did yallent work, for bis man Anthony and showed considerable diplomacy In his efforts in this direc tion ut just the right time. Jim Ash, f Millport, had a few strong support ers lu the convention but the friends ot Anthony had too many dlieckers la King's row, The argument us to the excellence aud strength of tho ticket is evenly dlcided, It Is tho concensus ot opinion that the failure ot the con ventiou to endorse Allen Craig for Judge considerably weakens the whole ticket. Tbe question of nominating a candi date for this olllce brought about much bad feeling aud many threats were made by the conservative Republicans who desired Craig's endorsement. Back ot the effort to prevent tho en dorsement of Craig was plainly visible the hand of Mickey Cassidy and his gang of political shysters who will stop at nothing to prevent the election of Craig aud to further the Interests of John B. Storm. Those Republicans who can 6ce further than tbe end of their noses seo very plaluly the pur pose of the nomination and many of them were not at all backward lu ex pressing themselves us thoroughly in oppositiuu to the interference of Democrats who have practically been ostracised by their own party for tricks that are dishonest. There was only a difference of eighteen votes on the adoption of a resolution for tho nomination ot a candidate for Judge and It is safe to say that had the matter boon more carefully considered by many who admittedly votod unthlnk. ingly the result would have been the other way. Tbe morning session of the couven Hon convened In Concert Hall. Coun ty Chairman George M. Davis, of Laus- lord, called "time" and Monroe Drels- bacb. of Maucn Chunk, went to nan as temporary chairman. Horace Heydt of Lehighton, was elected secretary, Chairman Drelsbaoh at once put business Into tbo convention and called for the resolutions making the various committees. Committee on permanent organlza Hon Jacob Hawk, Thomas Morgan Henrv Selbach, J, II. Beighe, Jonathau Lelbensberger, Morgan west ana Daniel Kresslev. Commlttoo on credentials Heury Thomas.George W.Sendel aud Tilgh man Kunkel. Committee on resolutions L. L. Wenzel, M. O. Kuutz, Thomas Mussel man, William Edmunds, J. 8. Laury, John Watson. J. L. Harleman, Following the naming of the com mittees O. B. Slgley, the veteran pro nrletor ot tho Mauch Chunk Coal Gazette was called ou and he respond ed In an eleoquent manner severely ar raigning the .treacherous Individuals who were slandering blm In their- efforts to Injure bis honesty of pur pose as a Republican who was a Re publican, not for spoils but for princi pie and party. There wero those wh listened aud sat trembling in fear least some of their dark and tricky practises might be exposed. Several times tho speaker was Interrupted by the loud and prolonged applause which greeted bis remarkes. The convention nil join ed at U.i0 to meet again at 1 30 o'clock AFTERNOON SESSION, At 1 30 o'clock Chairman Drelsbaoh called tbe meeting to order and tbe committee ou permanent orgaulxatlou reported as follows: Chairman, Mon roe Dreisbach; vice chairmen, John Osburn and Charles Scbabel, of Mauob Chunk; Secretary, Horace Heydt, of Lehigbtou; assistant secretaries, Ed itooney.of Millport, audi L. Fiuley, of Summit Hill. The committee on resolutions made this report wblob was adopted; We. the deleoatec of the people, re presenting tbe Republicans ot Carbon oounty, lu convention assembled, de bereuy declare. 1. That we heartily endorse the prin oiplee ot the Republican party as set torm in me national tienuuiioan plat form ot 1892, aud iu the the Republican State platform of 1803. z. That we are lu favor of the repeal of the "Sherman Silver Act. 3. That we are in favor of an honest dollar of the full value of oue hundred oeuU. and demand such legislation as will Insure tho same; that we are up posed to tbe repeal ot tbe 10 per cent. tax on state bang issue, wuieit 11 adonted. would re-establish the autinu ated State banks, and would attain Hood the country with Irredeemable aud worthless shln-plasters, to the great lurunvenleuoe, hindrance and injury 01 tue uusiuesa 01 tne country. 4. We re-afllrm our belief iu the pi I u oiplee of protootionaud reoiprooity, un ll'hltnev. when he recently oalted American mechanics and laborer "the lower classes" as an Insult to the noble manhood, tho genius and tho enter prise which has made this country great, and glorious. t). That we pledge eurselves in favor of having tbo allalrs of tbe county ad ministered la a wise, honest, economi cal aud conservative way and denounce tbo wasteful, reckless and extravagant manner adopted by the Democratic Hoards of County Commissioners. 7. That we hereby pledge our candi dates fur Couuty Auditors to make a thorough investigation into the receipt and expenditures ot tbe county, espe cially the contracts for the new Court House and that they win rearlessly and without favor surcharge tbe Commis sioner for any illemil outlay of money and make the audit In an expeditious economical way to the end that, the interests ot tbe tax payers may be lully protected. xnut we pledee our most cordial and ndivided support to Judge D. Newliu en, our cauuiuaie lor Biaie .treasurer aud to the candidates hereto-day. Tbe resolutions were adopted as read. Marvin O. Kuntz, of Lehigbtou, pre sented this resolution: Resolved. That the Republican party 01 larhon couutv In convention as sembled hereby nominates Horace ueyut. i-.sq., forrresldent JUtigeoi tne 1.111 judical district aud that ne ue em powered to appoint his own conferees. The resolution was adopted without discussion by a vote of 44 to 20. Dr. J. B. Tweedle, ot Weatherly, bad no opposition for Associate Judge and his nomination was made by acclama tion. For Register and Recorder, James II tlaudwerk, of Mauch Chunk, aud Na than Tanner, of Summit 11111, were placed lu nomination. The ball. ting resulted as " follows: Handwerk, 32; Tanner, 33. Tbe nomination was made unanimous ou motion of M. O. Kuutz. For county treasurer, Lovi Horn, of Franklin, William Kane, of Mauch Chunk, and Lymau MoDanlel, of 'ackertou, were nominated, One bal lot ' settled the business. The vote stood like this: Horn, 47; Kane, 12; McDaulel, 12. There were eight uatri ots willing to serve the people of Carbon couuty, as county commissi ouera ut 83.50 per day. These are the men: II, II. Mcbride, Beaver Meadow; Wm. Authouy, I'arryville; D. It Mor row, East Mauch Chunk; Adam Christ- man. Penu Forest: Jamas Ash. Mill port;M. J. Stout, Summit Hill; Thos. Clemns, Lansford; Dennis Moyer, 'ownmenslng. First ballot McBrlde, 17; Authonyi 11 ; Jforrow, 12; Christman, 5; A.h, 13; Stout, 8; Clemens, 1; Moyer, 3. Second ballot MobBlde, 20; Anthonyi 13; Morrow, 13; Christman, 1, Ash, 11; Stout, 5; Moyer, 1, Third ballot Moltride, 20; Anthony, ; Morrow, 0; Christman, 4; Asb, 1G; Stout,4;Moyer,3. Fourth ballot McBrlde, 27; Authony, ; Morrow, 0; Chrlstmau, 4; Ash, 1G; Stout, 5; Moyer, 3. Ou this ballot Moyer was dropped. Fifth ballot McBride, 27; Antheuy, 10; Morrow, 9; Christman, 4; Asb, 20: Stout, 4. Following this ballot Stout and Christman withdrew their names, Sixth ballot McBride, 27; Antheny, 10; Morrow, 1; Ash, 27. Morrow was dropped. Seventh ballot-McBride, 22; Anth ony, 10; Ash, 23. Anthony was drop ped. Eight ballot MeBride, 45; Asb, The nomiuation of McBrlde was made unanimous. First ballot for second place Anth ony, 32; Morrow, 8; Christman, 0; Ash, 11; Stout, 8; Moyer, 2. Second ballot Anthony, M; Morrew, G; Christman, 4; Ash, 2u; Stout, 3: Moyer, 1. Anthony's nomination was made unanimous. Thomas Musselman, of Mahoning, and Paul Kelfer, of Mauch Chunk, were nominated County auditor by ac climation. Congressional conferees 1894 W. II Stroh andJ.L. Lewis. Delegates to the State Convention 1891 Monroo Drelsbacb, of Mauch Chunk, aud George M.Davis, of Lans ford. LIST OrUKLHUATES. Audenrled. Thomas K. Kvans. Thos. Morgans. ueaver aicauow. mtiiiua iuiiiuiins, ucbiuo uunn. IlkKMiilngnale.- nenry sieuaen, ItnuiiiAiiHtiMn.MTItmiiat Hnwers. Kast Maueli rhuiik. John 11. Ulrahe. David Belti, Martin (Julius, wnnani Isaacs, ON THE RAILROAD IUII BP MKNTIOX rAYTKBK-a "- INOS ON TI1K RAIU Short I'aracraph. Thai Trill keel InraraM o the Itattroad Ways. t An order baa been Issued h th Central railroad officials to Its sbopa along the line to break up tbe old ooal "jlmxales" whenever tho expense of repairing them exceeds 815. These old four-wheelers ran yery unevenly aud are the cause of the. majority ef coal train wrecks. JTho Allentown Item old ramorof tbe Baldwin Locomotive vvorKS moving fjom Philadelphia to Allentown has been revived on ih- streets aud the contemplated new piauns given as the Allentown Roll lug Mill. Mr. Allison, the soereUry and superintendent, says he kmowg nothing of it and is Inclined to die. credit any such report about the loco motive works. JThe Jersey Central has red una. I ite coal crews by taking a man off nob. train, except the Upper Lehigh, Nes quohonlng and Lehigh and Lacka wanna branches. The Increasing num- ' ber of gondolas iu use make the trains shorter, and enable the brakes to ap plied quicker than with tbe olsl stylo cars, andjs the reason for reducing the crews to two and three brakeman aud a flag-man eaeh. This new order lays oil 2 men at White Haven, I at Penobscot, 25 at Ashley, 13 at Uaueb Chunk, aud lu propertloa at other points along the Hue. Locomotive No. 107, which was wrecked at Philadelphia, is known among railroad employes as the "Gnu boat," ou account of the seryioe it ren dered the state government during the rebellion. At the breaking out of the war it was engaged especially in haul. ing uauuon from the Reading found ries to Philadelphia. In September, 1862, a few days after Gov. Curtln is sued his proclamation for 50,000 voluu- leers 10 repel the threatened Invasion of Pennsylvania by Gen. Jackson, this locomotive hauled aload tf amunlttoa aud troops from Reading to Harris- uurg. Several days afterwards, as a result of a proclamation issued by .uuyor lioury, it took a train load of men from Philadelphia to Readlnir. aud theu to Harrisburg, where they maeu along tbe Susquehanna to re pel tho oxpeeted armies of Lee and Jackson. The engines, although an oiu oue, was in good condition and was was us powerful as many lately made machines. Hu.t Hl,l IThut-tM IT.tlttUtrl IrrwnVtln .Mlltnn Metier. James ltotlierinel, JouaUian Uebeusbcrirer. AUred Kre.se. Win. r. rironter. , , llacxieuernM. tsieuaen. Jsaustille. William Itlcsards. Ktduer North. Kidder Hotitli. Jaeob S. Hawk. Ijuisford. lout. William Foruay. YVIHUm wniioin. lAtislurd, Middle. -Usury J, Thomas, U L. Landlord. Weat. Moruan West. Keese lies. ! jMisaune. -Jacob Gberts. I hih IIIirtM. tttwrtt. llttelium. First. -tlrsct Uom. Y. A. W.ln- laud. lliialiUn, Second. Man In O. Kuatt, Jaw KUtler. ..niaiiiou, jnira. jamesnixivy. 1 uiln Hut, wlUan Itiah. kl.aouluir. Daniel KrMaley. Tuoaias Mua .lliiall, jatues Alttriiny. siukai, iTluiuk. f nL. J. M. Ureitshaeh. Geo. W. sand!. Charles rkhasbel. rr.uk ICeed, Jehu Ustairii. m.d.b iiiuttiir. ivennn. iionzias sici-. Harry Lubsln. Jr.. Isaao McLean. Pred Welti. urecai. . 1. iiretz. Ulinnrt.-Jeel ZleaeuiuM. Heeeueaottiua. it w bsury hard Dovttleu. Julio raikerton J faraU llarleiaati. .Mian 1-ikMutKruiiM iteiirvjis. rjuiniatt. ltlll-L. I- Fiuley. jQeenll llleLsrds. Juaeim ttoruttey, laomas i4uu, jouu Hale. aw- der which our country prospered until we were one ot the leading nations the earth. We affirm that the attitude of the Democratic administration at Washington Is adverse to our demeatle, industrial establishments; that it ia un American aud un-patriotie; tbat it mtlltates against tbe best interests of the American workmen, and tends to ward tbe rapid depression of bis wages to tbe same low aud unjust level that i paid In foreign lands where free trade prevails. 5. We condemn President Cleveland as wautiug, in patriotism and true manliness, whan, in raferriug to tha Amartoan people iu their preaeut con dition lie said, "They need an obJaot lesson Id "and the recant remark of bia 'ate Secretary oT tne Navy, WUltV C. TowauukiutaaAdaui Kil nwtWlJ-n... lb. nuuftw. ra. , liaaora, timer ji.r- ii.a, ' imtu i . iwtu wewuorl jeaepu r.nuer, CONVENTION NOTES. (7 James Handwerk, the present efficient Register and Recorder, no oepted his defeat pleasantly. XST" Monroe Drelsbacb made model prealdiug officer. . Dr. Reber was ull smiles over the nomiuation of Authouy. It was the doctor's maiden effort iu politic and be pulled the wires like a veteran, ITB The effort to make Btu. Kuntz, astute delegate was frost bitten, and it made Slgley smile. John Seabolt, of Lehigbtou, was a very prominent personage lu the sou ventiou. He was kept busy all day sbaklug hands with his host ot friends from all over the County who were ut the oonveutlou- Eft. Eil Maeuey made an excellent teller. Ca Seventy delegates were enrolled. tat J. L Oubel, ot Leklghton, was Interested lu tbe work ot the conven tion. Will II. II. r. Friday, xaih, Dr. Dancer, Haalatona successful specialist ou the aye, ear, nose aad throat will be at tbe 8iabaiig Hotel 00 Friday, DfHb utetaut Parties de siring hi aerrleae should not tail to aalL . l'OI.lTICAI. 1-UINTH. laical Political Gossip That Is Sea.on.Ul. at This Time. HP J. M. Breshn of Hanks, alt houtrh defeated for the nomination of Regis t. er and Recorder Is working hard fir the success of the Demoeratlo tloket. Jim" is made of the right stuff and will make his point before many years roll by. Weatherly Herald. try- Chairman Cassidy Is makan no friends, says the Herald, by not bl uing the call for a meeting of tho couuty committee. This hesitancy makes It look as If tho party were o be treated to another trlok. tW To nominate a Republican can didate means the election of John B. Storm, and the placing of anotker alonroe county man upon the Carbon bench for teu years longer. Carbon la entitlod to the office, and she can easi ly get It if her people, irrespective of party, will unite in supporting her best and most distinguished lawyer Allen Craig. White Haven Journal. far" Let the campaign politicians remember the old adage, "An ounce of keep your mouth shut Is worth a pound ot explanation after you have said It," Scho-ll Appropriations, The warrants for the payment of tha State appropriations made by tbeLaguv lature for tbe support of the nuklio schools arc now being Issued by Super- inieuuent of Publio Instruction Schaffar to tbe treasurers ef the several school districts in the order ia which the annual dlstriet reports and the accompanying affidavits and certi ficates are received at tbe Department of Publio Instruction. This rule ts being adhered to as far as It Is practic able to do so and Deputy Superinten dent Stewart says no exception will be made unless In special cases where ther are valid reasons tor doing ether wise. In answer to numerous Inquiries Superintendent Schalfer has Issued a circular letter to the boards of director In the various sshool districts ut the State, iu which he states that under the terms ot tbe act making the appropria tions, the State Treasurer, and not tbe Superintendent ot 1'ublio Instruction, has authority to designate the time when warrauts for school appropria tions shall be Issued and toward to the treasurers of the respective district The warrauts will, therefore, be issued only at such times and In such aggre gate amounts asshall be designated by rue otaio iTeasurer. Swlnsius Around lit. Circle I the dl-wasaa 10 whli h tt I. mAaMjA trim i'i beat results, Hosteller's rJtoroaeh IllUers, a family metlklne. coniurehetulv. In tt seon.. t,a aeter been thrust upon publio aueaUoa us Mm m 01 a uutvrMi panacea lor bodily Ills. Thu efalra dally arrosjausd In the colunis ol the dally rs bv the broprletors ol medicines far later! or to It as speclnas, has lit a thausaud las-saves disgusted the public la advaat-. by Its abtutrd ly aad the pruHiacU ol othur reuicdi ul supsrl or ntialiUe. has. beau ii.ndlcaiped by the pre wuMvua ui itmr - in uu.ss preoecessors, aut tae American ioiile know, because taev have vanned the lad by the luost trylns- teats thai the ll;i tars ptMMwsee the virtues ot real specula incas. ol malaria and liver disorder. cousUiia liou. neneus, rtiauraatte stomach and kldasy trouble. What it tkw. it tkws thoroughly, aab maialy lor this raasn It Is Indensad and recoss nieiM.a uj uohs oj respecuute mcaical men. Bahincc. a. sa rure A cream ot tartar baking powder Higbeat of all In leavening strength. Latest Unhid State UoviaNMisT oob RiroxT. Royal Baking Powder Co , 108 Wall St, n. y. . .aJcn t-'l.