The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 16, 1893, Image 1

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Is a specialty with its.
W Jtove rme low jrrii'e for all.
Cimir inn Irani our trice.
Pii-Nir and Sale Bill.
All kind of blank liookJt.
Let its hare your or Jem
fbr anything m thin line.
Creates many a Neto Business,
Enlarges many an Old Business,
llevivos many n Dull Busineefi
lUscuee many a Lust Business,
Saves many a Failing Business,
Preserves many a Lurge Business,
Means success in All Business.
VOL XXI. No. 43
For some reason or other U10
Table Lioens were nmittea, not
because We naven t mem, 0
l,nir wnnm ill tlifim for less
. .,
iiu a v uiwiv w - - - -
money then any other house,
its au evcrv day article ana ean
not be dispensed with, likewise
you will find a largo variety of
Linen crashes, much bolow the
ruleinc prices. Butcher and
IriBh J.inens for Shirt fronts
and Fancy Work, for Quality
and Price not equaled uy none
Napkins in great variety of
Styles and sizes with and with
out borders at extremely low
Linen Stair Crashes are scl
dom found in other houses, but
we have a nice assortment of
them at can't touch prices.
Dinens outlining cotton in
collors. Just the thing lor
Fancy Work.
Pint street, between South and Plum Streets,
Lelilghton, Pa.
Advertisements under this liearl at a halt-cent
a word each Insertion. This ll the cheapest and
s-esi advertising rneuium out n you nave any
thing to tell or rent try this cheap advertising.
Advertisements must he paid In advance.
ffOR BALEA. dark bay Stallion, sliteen and
a a half hands high, twelve years old, perfect
ly safe and sound lu every particular, wilt be
sold cheap lor cash. Apply to George l lluck.
wai vi eisaiKfri. e. i-zm
VOn SALE First class Dwelling House, on
Third street, Uliighton. Apply to w. p.
-pOBSALE-ln Ja.nutstov.ii a lot (HxiwiVo
A Apply to W. I'. Long, Lehlglitoii.
A BAUBBB SHOP located In good neighbor
hood, win be sold at reasonube price. Two
chairs nice room, Apply to Ed, Campbell,
fM-OTllINO Sales Aceut wantinl for Lehigh.
u ten, and vicinity. Liberal commissions
paid, and we furnish the best and. most com
ulete outfit ever provided- bv auv hmeu..
at oope for terms. Hend references.
Wananialier& llrown, J'litlailelpli
...Peath of Sirs. Jane Dol an.
Mrs. Jane, tbe good wife of George
Dolan, ex-treasurer of Carbon county,
died at ber borne In Fackerton on Fri
day night at ten o'clock after a linger
lng Illness with what Is generally sup
posed to bare been oincer. Deceased
was widely known and had many warm
friends who regret ber death.
Interment was made iu the Catholic
remetery, Lehlghton, on Monday morn
ing, Iter. Father Saur officiating.
Program ror Luther Union.
The following program will bo recited
at the regular meeting of tbe Luther
Union on Friday, September 29: Open
ing exercise, Rev. J. H. Kuderj recita
tion, Minnie Miller; selection, Edgar
Xauder; duet, Lizzie Gabel and Beulah
Reichard; selection, John Xander;rect
tation, Emma L. FortwangUrj solo,
Wan Sbuler; dialogue, members or
society; selection, Ella Ebbert; quartet,
members of soolety.
Cornerstone Laying.
The corner stone of the new Evau
gelical Lutheran church at Long Run
will be dedicated on Sunday, the 24th
Instant, with appropriate exercises,
Iter. Lougaore,of Weissport will bo as
sisted by Rev. Dr. Wackernagel of Al
lentown in this occasslon other promt,
nent speakers are expected on this
day. The public are cordially Invited.
Bervieos will commence at two o'clock
P. M.
Railroad men, buy the best full
Jeweled American Standard Railroad
Watch at a price other dealers sell in
ferior, cheap watches at. Call at E. II.
Ilohl's and investigate and see if It Is
not greatly to your lntorest to buy here.
Mauch Chunk.
- Ton want a fow hours enjoyment
once in a while, then why not go to the
fair, festival and dance to-night and
Saturday night in Laury's Hall, Weiss
port, now being held under the aus
ploes of Rollln Wilbur Lodge, I), of L.
F. The popular Lohighton orchestra
will fnrnlsh the music for danoing,
while tie other departments will bo
carefully looked after by the wide
awake committees.
Look at our new wedding silver,
B II. Ilohl, Jeweler, Mauch Chunk.
While digging In the cemetary one
nay recently Grants Itoeilerer, the bar
ber, discovered a stone two by six
Inches and a half Inch thlok through
which a root of a shrub had growu.
Mr. Roederer was showing this freak
of nature to hit frionds tbe other day
auu tney all pronounce It quite a curl
Finest Jewelry. latest designs, at
E. II. Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk.
The editor had tbe pleasure of
masticating a watermelon one night
recently raised In Lehlghton by Eugene
Itartholomew of Third street. The
melon was very small, scarcely ten
inches round, yet it was sweet tasted
and Juicy. Mr. liartholomew raised
sixteen melons all told. They are at
least so far as we kuow, the only niel-
wuv,D, fapoum uveiy iemgulon.
Pf Millport, will be at the Fort Allen
Hotol every Thursday afternoon be
tween I and i o'clock, Specialty in
' "per, Aviseases 01 w omau anu umld
ren and Dyspepsia.
tW In&fewords we desire to call
tST to ypur notice a very Important
ea-f&ct. It s this. We have as
tST large and fine aline of general
t. store goods as you will And any,
tUT where. Come and see us, Jet us
show you our goods and tell you Jj
What our prices are. We deliver sq
goods anywhere promptly and"Rj
without extra charge whatever Jtf
to the purchaser. Mont pay big
prices but come and soe us
Robert Walp,
First street, Op. Round Ileuses.
Was fleneral
Grant's Secretary of stale.
Garrisoh's. N. Y.. Scot. . Hamilton
Fish. St.. died suddenly Testerdav at his
unnnuiiu mansion near garrison's, lit
n,TtA hi. ,., v. u-.,in.,iar
in apparent goouneaitti, Aaomestie 00-
CUnitm ft nWID ftajOIDlDR (QH BI Mr A1 ISO.
m t ;ao yesterday morning she heard a
W "H. She hurried to ths room aftd
found Mr. Fish sitting In a chslr At the
edge of the bed, Mrs. llenjamln, a daugh
ter of tbe deceased, and tha only other oc
cupant of the house, was summoned, but
her father was unable to otter a vord af
ter she entered the room and he expired
soon after. Ills age -was 81. His death
was attributed to the Infirmities of old
Few of the youneer eeneratlon will re
member that Hamilton Fish, who has just
gone to his final reward, was for many
years a particularly prominent political
ngura. lie was urant's secretary of state
and his oholcs for tha presidency in 1676.
lie was born In New York city Aug. 1,
Ills nody Found In Ills noom on a Fall
ItlTer Steararr,
Nbw York, Sept. 14. Frederick U
Ames, vice president of tha Old Colonr
railroad, and a millionaire, was found
dead In a stats room of the steamer Pil
grim, soon after her arrival at Pier 23,
xvortn river.
As Mr. Ames had not anDeared at 0
o'clock Captain Davis sent a messenger to
him There was no response to the mes
senger's knocks, and when told of this
Captain Davis became uneasy. He waited
until 10 o'clock, when he ordered that the
state room window be broken open. This
was done, ana Mr. Ames was then seen to
be lying on his face upon the floor. He
wasdressed only In his nightshirt. Ills
clothing had besn neatly arranged on the
hooks In the state room.
The coroner's Investigation Into the death
of Mr. Ames develops the fact that he
died from cerebral apoplexy, and a certi
ficate to that effect was given-
UOSToy. Sent. 14. Mr. Ames, whose
death Is snnqunced from New York, was
not only tbe richest man in Kew England,
but was one of the most widely esteemed
of the dtlsens of the commonwealth, lie
performed his widest public service In tha
active, Intelligent direction of the many
railroad and other corporations with
wmcn qe was laentmeo. lie had been for
many years the working director of the
Union Pacific, which his uncle and father
originally built. He was also an active
director In the General Electric corpora-
lion, ins western union Telegraph com
pany, the Chicago and Northwestern, and
about seventy other railroad companies.
wr. Ames leaves five children, about
(35,000,000, and one of the widest circles of
friends and business associates of any
man in the United States. He was 63
years of age.
To rteorganlse the Cordage Trass.
Nkw YOBK. Sent 18. The first reallv
public step was taken yesterday for the
reorgsniiatlon of the Cordage company
sna me adjustment oi tbe auatrs of the
various allied Interests, when the certifi
cate of corporation of L. Waterbnry &
Co., limited, was filed In the county clerk's
office in Jersey City. The incorporators
are James M. Waterbury and Cnauncey
,-uarsnsu, or tne nrm of u waterbury &
Co., and Charles N. King, the vice Dreai-
dent of the Corporation Trust company of
New Jersey. The new company's capital
stock is 3,400.000.
XVeeks to be Drought Hack.
Washington. Sept. 14. Conies of the
indictment found In New York against
Francis U. Weeks, the defaulter, arrived
at tbe stele department today. After ths
Indictments and Governor Flower's re
quest for Weeks' extradition had been re
ceived by Secretary Gresham they were
countersigned by the Costa Hlcan minis
ter ana maueu to me unitea states min
ister In that country for presentation tq
the proper authorities.
Charged with Inelflng to Treason,
I'lTTeBUBOSi'Dt. 14. It la stated on
good authority, that a pension attorney
whose name is withheld has been urging
old soldiers to asaassluate President Cleve
land and Secretary Smith. The entire
matter has been reported to Washington,
and will be Investigated by the authorities.
The foolish attorney has made himself
liable to charges of Inciting to treuson.
Carlisle to Undergo an Operation
Wasiunoton, 8spt. 14. Within a dar or
two Secretary Carlisle will submit to an
operation. A large lump has developed on
his right arm above the elbow This has
resisted all treatment looking to a reduc
tion, and U has been decided that it must
he removed by the surgeon's knife. Mr.
Carlisle has suffered much agony from
the enlargement,
The Kw O, A, R. Commander.
Indianapolis, Sent. 8. Yeeterdav the
G. A. R. encampment closed its session by
electing John J. G. Adams, of Massachu
setts, commander-in-chief; Colin Walker,
of Indians, senior vios oommander, and J
u. Digger, of Texas, junior vice com
mander. The next encampment goes to
Charley Mitchell Kn Hunt..
Loxdon, Sept 14. -Charley Mitchell, the
English heavyweight who Is to fight Cor
bett, the American champion,' aud Jack
McAulille. the lightweight champion of
America, sailed on the steamer Teutonic,
which left Liverpool lor New York.
Nancy Hanks Agnln Falls.
CllICAOo, Sept. 14. Nancy Hauks did not
lower her reosed of 9.04 In her flight against
time at Washington park yesterday.
Twenty thousand pereous enoouraged ber
as best they oould, but ths watch stepped
at a).
Alined at the House of Lords.
LoxnoK, Kept, 14 The circular Usued
by the National Uben.1 Federation Is re
gsrded as virtually au loipurtaut minis
terial niaulfeu In il II.. --
fled that unleaa they reconsider their ae-
iiuu rejecting me noiue rule bill tbe Glad
stoutens will force the issue involving the
overthrow of the upper house.
The Heath or General Mlrlbel,
Paris. Sept. It -General Marie Fran
cols de Mlrlbel, chief of ths French urn.
eral staff, wbo was Injured by falling
from his horse at Iiauterive on Monday.
v. . . .li.i . i .r . . i . . , . '
uwi iiuui bu, wrw, M uts lUJUriSS.
Proposes to Annas Utah to Nevada.
WAsiiiKaiOK, fcWpt. It -Reprewnutlve
Oates, of Alabins, yesterday lutroducod a
bill to annex tbe territory of Utah to the
Stats pf evaaa.
Congressman Ilrecklnrldge'e Defense.
It', Sept. 14 It is ash) by per
sons o a position to know somMhisg at
the InteaUoss of Colonel W C P Brook -lurtdge
thai In bis trees petition tDa
Ureeklnrldge-Pollard seduction aud breach
of promise suit he will deny that Mlsa i'ul
lard ess lay her downfall at bis door Col
pm4 Jireekturidge will propose to prove
that MUs Pollard confessed to bin. that
ths bad been mined by James Kudos
Friend, W Colonel Breckinridge st l-eiUs;
ten are eeaOdeal thst he esa elear lum-
N'sr occuiiREjfCES.
What Has Orcured in llils City During the
Week l'ertlnently Kpltotiitsed by Oar
Sperlal Iteiwriere.
If you wmit n Rult of clothes go to
M. Losos & Co., Oberts lllock.
Krrldler's painting proves to be goal If
It Is oue third cheaper than any bodi.clse's
In the valley.
lllg reduction iu baby coaches at
J. L. Gnbel's.
Window and door screens at J. L.
Full lino of Ingrain nnd llnissels
carpels at Henry SchwnrtR'a. -
Great variety of rubber boso for
sale at lowest prices at (label's.
Fine tennis for nil purposes at the
South Lnd Livery.
Go to M. Lesoa Jt Co., for children
Go to Rlshel the photographer, for
lino pictures.
-Ice cream frcesters at Gabel's First
Fashionable clothing for every
body at M, Losos & Co., Oborta Block
M. Losos Jt Co., have n full lino of
latest btvlos bats aud caps.
Krcidlor lins a new wrinklo again, he
giro a whip with bis new buggies and
sometiuios ho sells n whip laid gives a
II. R Krcldler claims that he sells the bess
work for less inoucy than any of the olhei?
and he will provo It. Or ark the public to
provo It by computing his excellent stock,
and low figures, with that of other dealers.
For Rout A frame dwelling bouse
containing six rooms located on the
IliU Reaver street, l'ackertou, 7 a
mouth. Apply to Lilllaui Itauibeuold,
.Uausllou IIouso, Lehlghton.
Krcldler Is the cause of low prices on
Carriages, Uucglos, &e. Thoirforo you
ought to patronize him. Examine his
fine stock. You can and must ba.sultcd.
Just mako It a point to soe David
Ebbert when you wuutatoam for busi
ness or pleasure. Lowest prices.
Rlshel, the photographer. Is doing
oxcellout work. You should call aud
soe blm during your visit to the Fair.
The very host work at Rishel's
gallery. Prices reasonable
The pictures are taken bv Rlshel.
the photographer. Gallery on Rank
-When you visit the Fair uext week
don't forget to havo your photos taken
by Rlshel.
A 60 dollar note or 10 Ss will give you a
top buggy and a carriage whip at Kreldler's
All kinds of books and fine station
ery at Luckeubach's, Mauch Chunk.
II. R. Kreldler at Weissport has at pres
ent Iho finest lot of carriages ever exhib
ited In Carbon county. Prices ranging from
50 to $160.
-Pure Paris Qreen at lowest nrlna
at Gabel's.
When you come to tbe Fair call nt
Rishel's gallery and have your pletures
Miss Carrie Yohe, one of Packer
ton's most estimable young ladlos, Is
a new saleslady in Cultou's.
Crystal Talace Clothing Hall is the
name of M. Losos .t Co's. popular new
clothing establishment In Obert's
Charley Wernet, 'Mud Run. wbo
last week took up a residence In town
lias purchased RUter's Rovnl Palaco
Cafe iu tbo Third ward.
Owen Rehrlg, of Second streot
the popular wall paper dealer, has'
beautified bis store front by baying
it painted a black and finished In gold.
Mile worn was done by Milton Trainer
of Enston.
The widow of the late Geo. Kern-
erer, of Jamestown, a suburb of this
place, has just teceived tbo 81(500 In
surance carried by her lato husband
in Rollln Wilbur Lodge, II. of L. F., of
this place.
The Harmonla Social met iu reim.
lar session nt the pleasant home Of
MIssAnzle llauer, on Tbld stroot, last
rriuay evening. The attendance was
large and the usual excellent time was
bad by all. At u late hour luncheon
was elegantly served.
Attorney Horace Hevdt is the
owner of a haudsome new end spring,
A A-'grade white chapel carriage just
purchased from the well-known car
rlage works of II. R. Kreldler.
-John D. Ilortolette Post 431. Cant.
Webb Camp 00, S. of V and the Ladlaa.
Relief Corps will attend dhiue ser
vices in tbe Ebenester Evancolloal
church on next Sunday evening, when
me popular pastor of that congrega
tion, Rev. Miller, will olllciate.
To got ruoro room Henry Schwartz
has built a cozy little oDlce utUohmeut
to the south side of bis large furniture
establishment on First street.
Tbe improvements making to
Kemerer 1c Snarta'a furniture store on
north Firststreeturo rapidly Hearing
oompletlou. Tbe addition will make
this stere of the most attractive and
convenient In this section. The young
proprietors are bustles.
-An exchange says that a fellovv In
a near-by town, wbo ootildu't spare a
uonar anil a half a year for a news
paper sent fifty two-rent stamps to a
down east Yankee to learn how to stop
a horse from slobbering. He got tbe
receipt and he'll never forget it. To
stop your horse from slobbering to
leach ijlm to pit.
Leoha Wonk of Haymakers, of Al-
lentowu, at their last regular meeting
tendered our John II. Koousa vote of
thanks for his excellent service at the
plenie on Wednesday last.
We understand that the majority of
share holders of the new York Mutual
Loan aud Savings association of New
York organized here about two yeai s
ago are with drawing thero raouer this
is a wise move as we believe tbe invest
llrstasgood returns to the Investor
tbe same time assist In building up the
town. There Is a movement on foot
meutiti a home aisooiation will bring
at prsoeut to organise a U A L, asso
ciation in which we understand means
to pay the borrower the full wlue of
bis shares the premium being paid
monthly together with the interest
aud dues. This plau is belug adopt!
uj . i u ajtsoowuous all over tbe
oouutrv aud will ooniiueud itself to
tVeryliody. home of our representa
tive men are luterested iu the move
uieut here aud we bespeak for the as
sociation a prosperous career.
febsokai mention.
A Can BI.-, 1
uiicim iiio. wno
Come nnd Oo Asnong Their Friends In
Lively Lehlghton,
..Mrs. Samuel Smoyer, of Stemtoa,
spent a rew days this week with ber
daughter Mrs. Philip Miller, on Third
. . Miss sfagglo Appenzellor.of Mauch
Chunk, Sundayed with Miss Sallle
Schuler, on Bridge street.
,.C. E. Brlnkman, Will and Chas.
Obert and Robert Heberllng returned
on Saturday evening from a three weeks
visit to the World's Fair and other
points of Interest In the West
Mr. E. F. Montz and family, of
Now Mahoning werothe guests of juo.
A. Peters and family, on Sunday.
..Newsdealer Bretnoy nnd wife, of
v Irst Rtreet, Sundayed at Woathorly.
..John O'Donnell, the Democratic
candidato for county commissioner,
and James Uallaghor, of East Mauch
Chunk, wero In town for a few hours
on Monday. Roth are well-known and
progressive Democrats.
..Joseph Miller and wife, of Allen-
town, aro gliosis of their son, Rev, J.
P. Milter, the able pastor of tboEbe-
nozer Evangelical congregation.
..George Irish, of Orwlgsburg, did
business here on Tuesday.
Miss Lizzie LentK is attending the
1'ennlngton, N. J., Female Senemoay.
. .Mrs. Laura Huntzlngor, of Potts-
ville, and Miss Carrie Htintzlnger, of
Termont, are guests of Mrs. G. W,
Morthlmor, on Alum street.
George Brlnkman, of Wlikesbarro
is hero.
Griff II. Hontz, of Hazleton. was
nere mis week seeing old friends.
. Miss Minnie Ross, of Wllkesbarre.
anu miss iirnnnlx, of Philadelphia, are
visitors nt the Ebbert residence on
north street-
Will Stocker, of Jersey City, Is In
G. W. Hartley and wife, of Atlnntio
City, were guosts ef Mrs. H. V. llorthl
mcr, on north First street.
Miss Lulu Kolb, one of White
Haven's estimable young ladles Is
vlBltlngat the residence of Thos F.
Stocker and family, on north Firse
Mrs. Sohnll and daughter Mrs.
Lilly accompanied by her daughter
Naoma, of Bethlehem and Mrs
Schwab, of East Manch Chunk, spent
several dnyB with Thos Stockor and
Mrs. Geo. Gallagher and Mrs. Ruch,
of E. Mauoh Chunk, were visitors at
Thos Stocker's residence.
Valentine Schwartz, one of this
town's solid and substantial oittzens
returned on Saturday night from a two
week's visit to the World's Fair and
other points of Interest in the west
Mr. Schwnf tz speaks of having had a
most enjoyable time.
.Dr. J. W. Cole, of Hazleton. one of
tbe best known surgeons throughout
the coal regions, was in town on Tues
day. Dr. Cole has assosicated himself
witli Dr. Reigel and will visit Lehigh.
ton every Tuesday. The doctor, since
residing In Hazleton, has been examin
ing surgeon for the Coroner in seven.
teen murder cases.
As a summer resort offering rest, re-
croatlon aud health. Highland Lake.
situate on n spur of tbo Allegheny
twenty-two hundred feet above tbo sea
levo", Is unsurpassed in this state.
It is easy or access by rail. From
chamonln on the ll'llliamsport and
norm iiraucli railroad, a romantic
mountain drive of tiro miles, brines
the traveller to the crest, a plateau of
about three hundred acres; throe ho.
tels-tbo Essick, Grandview and High
land, oifer all the conveniences neces
sary and where ono Is free to act os
tne impulse or Inclination may prompt,
whore perfect rest aud freedom may
be enjoyed. Tbo Essick, tbe leading
hotel, is presided over by Mrs. Essick
with dignity, a quiet charming manner
that at once impresses tbe guest with
au assurance of a good time. The view
or tlio north mountain, the beautiful
Muncy valley aud the way otr Shamo.
kin coal regions Is most picturesque.
To lakes, Highland and crystal, alTord
pleasure to all who enjoy boating. The
atmosphere is dry and pure, benefiting
those troubled with asthma and hay
fever, the average temperature about
74. The oottoges erected are models
of architecture, the Clluide, Glimmer
and liellevtie, the latter owned by Dr.
Wm. M. DePour, a former resident of
Lehlghton, Is a beautv. Tbe generous
hospitality of tbe Dr. and his good
.fe make it the cet-tre of good cheer.
Many improvements, drives and build
ings are contemplated for tbe uextsoa
son. Dr. DuFour is one of the most
energetic pushing men of the oott ry.
ii. is snie to conclude that tbe next
season will see deolded improvements.
Auy one desiring healthy rest without
any of tbe restraint of ultra fashion,
should seek the romantic resort, High
land Lake.
W". IC Beunlnger, jolly genial and
good looking, was a special policeman
this week and be did his duties like a
Headquarters for oloeks of all de
scription is at IS. IL Uohl's Jewelry
Store, Mauoh Chunk.
Miss Floy, the estimable daughter
of E. O. Zern, entertained a number
of ber friends In soeiable gathering at
her home .on Third street Tuesday
Oversleeping made Impossible by
tbe use of the Raeket Alarm Cloak,
sold by E. 11. Hohl, the Mauoh Chunk
Dont mlsa seeing the large and
lioautlful selection of tine gold watches,
for gentlemen and ladles, just received
utK.ll. Ilohl's Mauch, Chunk Jewelry
Store. It is uo exagKeiatlou to say that
this Is tbe prettiest stock ever exhibit
ed In a Jewelry store iu Carbon oouuty.
Miss. Annie Sowers, of llaileton,
daughter of Miss. Stephen Krelden
whw, died on last Tuesday. Iutermeut
wae made iu the cemetery.
Among tbe industries of the United
Wat, that of paper now holds
fifth uhuui
fifth plaoe.
Carbon County, Ponna.
l-.l I ... ,. . . . '
iutju xreisuaon was on the sink
1U.I. UUI IS BU1B to look nftur lllo nrl
Tbo now bell recently purchased by
the St. John's congregation, will be de
dicated on Sunday hi the-fore and
MlssLlstlo S. Rehrig. Mrs. Wm. Atv
auder, son nnd daughter, of Media, ar
rived on Saturday at their parentsi
west Lenighton whero thoy will spend
a wees, s vacation,
Mrs. Joseph Gelcer. and Mr llani.t
were the guostB of L. L. GelgeronSun-
Teacher M. D. Hardinger closed his
term of school on Tuesday,
Farmers are busily engaged in pro
pairing for sowing.
The members of the Saudel's Literary
Society closed tholr meetings nntll
Oct 11th when the publio schools are
in session. The patrons and teachers
of tbo surrounding community are
most cordially 1m ited to take Dart.
John Nothstein aud family, uf James
town, were the guest of Dan Schaifer.
Mrs. Henry Long and sou have re
turned from their trip to the West
Mrs. Long was visiting her son Uonryi
at ueiue Uotle, Mo. She however does
not appreciate their mpdo of living.
Both enjoyed the trip very much.
A lively danoe took place at tbo
tragic Hotel on Saturday eveuine.
Jacob Cunfer was at Lohighton on
They trill Sleet Nest Monday anil Nomi
nate a TIrkei
The following article we take from
the Sentinel, a leading Republican
On Monday 18th Inst, the Republi
cans of. Carbon county will meet at
Mauch Chunk and nomlnnte a ticket
ror the fall election.
The majority of the Republicans are in
favor of indorsing Hon. Allen Cralir.
the Democratic nossinee for President
Judge. Some of the party leaders,
however, are in favor of placing a
Republican at the head of their ticket
This Is not likely to ooour as the voters
of Carbon, which are double In num
ber to those of Monroe, want Carbon
favored with the Judgeship and a more
compotlnt man than Mr. Craig could
not bo chosen.
James Handwork In all probability
receive the nomination for the fifth
term of Register and Reoorder and he
will prove a hard man, to beat
Mr. Horn, of Weissport, who wa9 de
feated by J. T. Mulheern for County
Treasurer three years ago, will again be
given the nomination for that office.
The upper end of tbe county will be
represented on tbo tloket by U. H. Mo
Bride, of Beaver Meadow, who will
have the nomination for county com
missioner. He Fell Seveniy-nve Feet.
Rudolph Binder, of East Mauch
Chunk, had a frightful experience on
Saturday. lie was engaged erecting a
twenty-flve foot monument for Judge
Price, iu the cemetery in Upper Mauch
C hunk, and had climbed a 28 feet high
derrick. He had hardly mounted up
to the top of the derrick when through
sumo miscalculation that structure
fell with a crash the force of the fall
throwing Binder over Ihe cemetery
walls down on to the tracks of the
Switchback railway. He went through
the ai'rwith frightful velocity, and his
uornuou ieilow workmen expected to
pick him up with life extinct, which
was fortunately not the case. On ex
amination it was found that his left
thigh and right arm were fractured,
his nose broken and other severe
wounds about the body. He may re
coyer. The Fair of Fairs At lletlileliem
The great Interstate fair to be held
Sept 18 to 21 Inclusive, at Bethlehem,
promises to bean extraordinary event
lu the line of fairs. The managers
have by their pluck aud energy built
up a oolossal institution, and this year's
exposition will demonstrate to the
poople of Pennsylvania that the Beth
lehems' Interstate fair is superior in
merit to mauy, and inferior to none. A
grand list of attractions has been ar
ranged for the pleasure and diversion
of those wbodoslro to take in the best
fair In, the state: thrilling balloon as
censions, perilous parachute descents,
grand speed exhibitions on the finest
track in Pennsylvania. Liberal pre
miums have brought an enormous oall
for space In tbe exhibition building,
and in the products of farm gardenlnc
and in the more gentle arts of home
lire there will bo a bewilderlug display
of articles, rare, curious and unlnnn-
AU railroads are giving exceedingly
low rates, aud out of town people uan
spend a day In Bethlehem with nlea-
sure and g.-eat profit As an educator,
an exposition such as the Interstate
fair at Dethlehem stands unrivalled.
iu grauu event is &ept.
iu to si, inclusive
The Union lllble Instllula.
This new organisation mada nn ui
start, atitsurst meeting in the Re
formed church on Sunday afternoon.
The advantages of the Bible Institute
are two fold vis increased Bible study
aud also the result of a greater love for
iue uiuie vis larger payer meeting at
tendance Mr. McGregor anuounoed In
his plan a speoial week day afternoon
meeting for the Suuday school nhild
f?,!?,0,.LulKU,tou 8've an Illustrated
lllble talk and to make prominent the
obligation of 8. 8. Soholars to atteud
the Suuday morning church servioes
and the prayer meeting. The pastors
ot all the Protestant ohurohes hare ex
uitsaseu tueir reouinesg to co-operate
lu I'- Rev, Dungan offered the use of
the M. E. Chureb for the next meeting
to be held about the 7th Inst. Tho
book of Romans is the subject ohosen
for the first tueetlug.
Kulslown fair.
This year's Kutstown Fair will be
held from the 19th to tbe 23d lost
which U the Week luterranlnir i ,.'.'
the Reading aud the Alteotowu Fatrs.
j ijnomiv-. lu ueeusia uuusai interest
The manager are makinc or-uf
to excel their suoeossul fair of las.
year and the dtsjUsys will be suiier'or
both In quality and extent KxoIillut
live stoolt, handsome needle and artis
tic work, aud exalting noes will oom.
blue to Bke a day's visit euterUiulug
and profitable.
Hall ror Kent.
For rent, Laury's new Hall, Wels.
port, above tbe Post Office. Suitable
tor fairs, festivals, lodges, lectures, it
Two rooms. 22x7:! and 30x40 fnar i
'l ToT" W 1
, "PfW "- Laury on the
p rem laws. oe
September 16 L893
i 'ISSSSSrsSiiSkt - ,.c,r
"""" VHrOOll
snort Souths i., n...i a. , .
Oou.,1. 1 1.,, ., ....
- - v.,uruurjifHii,n
Tho marriage of Georce Knons. ,.
Audenrled, who Is employed as a stcn
ogrnpherwlth the Haaleton Machinery
and Supyly Company, to a young lady
oi I'UUadolphla, Is announced. Says
the Sentinel.
Blazlus Zelzer, of East Mauch Chuuk
is the new proprietor of the Tennsyl.
vanta Hotel Mauch Chunk.
Elmer Reiser has retired from the
Mansion House Mauch Chunk, aud will
go to I'niiadelphia. His father will
contlnuo In the business.
Jeonesvllle's Methodist church has
been rebuilt and Improved.
The congregationlof the Salem Evan
gelical Lutheran church. Audenrled
will shortly erect a handsome church!
at that place. The plans anc' speclfioa
Hons are now being prepared.
A mulo was sold at Audenrled one
day recently for ten cents,
Summit Hill public schools onened
last Monday with 555 pupils.
ranny Seddons- nn huona ,..nmn
who was transferred last week from
me Danville asylum to Laurvtown,
escaped irom the latter place pud has
not yet boen found.
I'rlnclpals Me-e,.
County Superintendent A. S. Belsel.
of town, Is determined to make bis
tenure of office a very successful one
and to this end he Is securing the ac
tive oo-operation of the principals of
the schools of the county. Last Sat
urday there was a messing of the peda
gogues in his office at Mauch Chunk
for the purpose of discussing matters
pertaining to the next county Institute
to be held at Lausford during the
week commencing December 1.
T.ho list of evening lecturers and
their subjects is as follows: Monday
evening, t'ror. Walton, Emergencies;
Tuesday, Col. Sanford, Lies and Liars
Wednesday, Hon. G. W. Wendliug. The
Man of Galilee; Thursday, the Shumau
Concert Company.
Among the Instructors aro Profs.
Bible and Kemp, of the East Strouds.
burg State Normal, and Prof. Hancher.
of Kutztowu. For the organization of
me institute, the meeting selocted two
vice presidents, two secretaries and
four enrolling clerks. A resolution
was adopted that In future these offi
cials should be selected by the Insti
tute at the time that the Committee on
Permanent Certificates is selected.
The principals presont were: C.J.
Waltors, Lehlghton; George W. Hem
mlnger, W'eatherly; P. C, Kreamer,
Paekerton; W. Bevau, Mauch Chunk;
McCabe, East Mauch chunk: Whlt-
mor, Lanstord, and others. It Is prob
able that out of this meeting there will
developoa permanent organization of
tho principals. Such a move on their
part would DO wise and lead to good
CltAKl FOll Junius.
Newspaper lteferences to the Nest Presi
dent Judge.
The Democrats of Carbon
county held a convention at Mauch
Chuuk on Monday, for the nomination
of a President Judge. Hon. Allen
Craig, ot Mauoh Chunk, received a
unanimous vote with power to select
conferrees. Carbon Is clearly entitled
to tne Judgeship, as Monroe has held
the office for twenty-two years. It is
supposed the Republicans will not
place In nomination a candidate, and
Mr. Craig will receive the entire vote.
ui me county. uatasaqua Dispatch.
t3 We are pleased to note that the
Democratic County Convention, held
at Mauch Chunk, Pa., last Monday,
gave our Old iriend, lion. Allen Cralir
tbe unanimous nomination for Presi
ding Judge, and also empowered him
to appoint his own conferees. The
prospects now look bright for his nom
ination by tbe district, which is com
posed of the counties of Carbon aud
Monroe. Dover, N. J,, Index.
The Oame Law,
The following Is the open season for
birds, fish and other game, as publish
ed In Smull's Hand Book: for turkeys,
irom October 10 to January 1 ; ducks
and water fowl, September 1 to May 1;
plover, July 4 to Jauuary 1; quail,
November 1 to December 15; woodcock,
July 4 to January 1; rallied grouse or
phtisauts, October 1 to January 1;
rail or reed birds, September 1 to
December X For animals Elk and
deer, October 1 to December 15;
squirrel, September 1 to January 1;
hares and rabbits, November 1 to
January l.For fish speckled trout,
black base, rock bass aud wa''-eyed
pike, known as Susquehanna salmon,
May 21 to January 1; pike and mack
erel, June 1 to February 1; German
oarp, September X to June 20.
New btate Normal Rchool.
Carbon county Is represented by
these twenty-three youug poople in
tne new tttroudsburg Normal Sobool:
Seniors Miss Jennie Kline, Summit
Hill; Alios Fisher, Maggie Kerviu,
Laura Griffith, Lou Neumiller and
Katie Shields, ot Lanstord; Hattle
Corby and Ethel Hanoook, ot NesKiue
houing; Anna M. Kelly and Emily
M. Btuckley, of Mauch Chunk; Mary
Morrow, Li sale McCarthy, Daisy La
barre, Mame Shield and Liute Peters
of East Uiueh Chunk, aud Lottie
White, of Wentherly, and Messrs.
Thos. Oostenbader, of Mauoh Chunk,
and Riohard A. IUnker, of Weatberly
Tbe junior are Muvs Tdary Fenster
maoher, of Lehlghton, Mis Moselle
Latham, of Weatberly, John R. Mull
lgan, of NeMiuehonlng, Oarret Horn.
of Lehlghton and Beit Miller, of
C ong.esaloual Coufereuro.
.Hon. Johu 11. 8 irm, of Straudsburg.
and Hon. Allen Craig, of Mauoh Chunk,
tne oandldueaot their respective coun
ties for the Democratic nomination for
President Judge ot tbts district, have
agreed on a time and plaoe for holding
tbe Judioal Conference. It will convene
at tbe United States Hotel, iu Easton
on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 2 o'elook p m.
Kreldler carries the b leg eel sasoruneiii
of carriages of any dealer lu the Lehigli
Valley. He has now some thirty wagons
for sale. He is dally selling sod addinc. to
tut slock, do aud see bis beautiful line of
cabs, rockaways, surreys, jump seals
wbitecbapels, piano boxes, buckboards,
platforms, carts, and a large lot of second
baud slock. All cheap bui good.
The Doings of the Week Interleaded Willi
Personal Mentions.
Frank Laury and 'Squire Austin
Boyer will leave on Monday for the
World's Fair.
George Yundt Is seeing tbe World
Fair. -
Lovl Horn's mauy Republican
friends are pushing him at a lively rate
tor tne nomlaatlon of county treas
Albei.Smuthers of Franklin, was
committed to jail Monday In default of
bail charged with assault and battorv
oy annie onyder.
Mrs. Fletta rnM . ,
- wUfU,u, tCklllUDU
nomeirom a pleasant visit to Norris
town on Saturday, she was accom
panled by her daughter, Mrs. Aurand,
Frank Laury did business at Allen,
town on Tuesday.
The Franklin Shoe Factorr nxnor.1
to comminse operatioLS about Oct. 1st
The machinery necessary Is now being
piacea in position,
Tillls Saeger and Elmer Rover will
leave on Saturday for a two weoks trln
iu tne worlds fair.
Harvest Home services will ho
observed by the Reformed Congre
gation on Sunday the 21th. Rev. C. E,
i-reltz, the able pastor, v. .11 officiate.
Al U. Hawk has purchased a brnuil
delivery route from U. 8. Koons.
Mrs. A. K. Lester and fnmllf. nt
Sullivan county, and Miss Pericllla
Houser, of Wilkesbarre, were guests
mis week of Adam Houser.
Miss Jennie Hutchinson, or N.
braska, and Mrs. Jane Hutchinson, of
niaucn cnuuk, visited Robert Henrv
over tsunday.
The Republican primary olentlnna
will be held at the usual places Satur.
day evening between the hours of six
and eight o'clock.
Mrs. James WP'iams is home frnm
a two weeks visit among Philadelphia
William Gilliam is on a visit, tr.
mends at Shamokln.
Mrs Wm. Wagner aud danirhtor
Lizzie hre visiting Mrs. T. F. Ames.
ibe publio schools of the Frnnklln
Independent District will onen for
tne winter term on next Monday.
Aiired wittingham and Elliot Mo-
Daniel, of Philadelphia, are among the
visitors in to? a.
Mrs. WUllam Miller, of Weutherlv.
spent oaiuroay wim Unas. Arner.
-the Salvation Army made nn attack
on Weissport sin last Saturday evening
in Lflurys Hall. Thero was a vory
largo attendance, the commodious hall
being crowded to Its ullest Tho
visitors were a branch of the A-my
uow stationed at Slatlnt, .on.
ihe Franklin Sohool district will
open their public schools fortho winter
term on the first Monday in October.
Prancis Hawk, of Fail view, was'the
guest of his brother Al in Union Hill.
over Sunday.
R. J. Hongon, ho is the owner of
me only three horned cow in the world
so rar as we ere aware, has had the
animal on exhibition at the Lehlghton
fair this week aud it proved a great at
traction to those who delight iu sceiug
The gang of hoodlums who forced
an sntran e Into the sshool bui'dincs
on Union dlill and committed disgust
ing depredations will be severely
punisueu uy tne board of directors if
thoy do their duty.
George Leikle, Jr would like in
run the best sprinter in the county a
two mile race for a purse of $100.
iext Sunday even'nirtho ortran nf
tbe Refomed Sunday School will bo
appropriately dedicated. Rev. Schaf
fer, of Ashland, will be present and
officiate on the oocaslou.
Frank Mertz and faml'v have
moved to Allentown.
-Joseph Seaboldt, a former Lettish-
ton resident now of Now Jersey, was u
visitor here during tho past few weeks.
Jacob btraussberger is imnrotjio
the interior of his restaurant and store.
The show windows will be deepened
the room papered and painted and
otherwise arranged to meet tho con
venlence of his trade. Jake is a hust
ler. "St. Elmo Hotel and Restaurant"
Is tho new name of the White street
saloon, of which Mrs. Lizzie Ylugst. of
Pottsvi e, is the new proprietress
i fie sample room will be remoddeled
aud beautified and no elTort will be
spared to have the house conducted in
such a manner that the St. Elmo will
soon be one of tbe most popular host
lerles lu this town.
There will be a grand shoot at the
Franklin House on the 10th and 20th
of October. Amerloou Association
rules will be followed. The second
day will witness some lively live bird
snooting by Philadelphia. New York
and Reading shootert 600 birds will be
retrieved. John Rebrig, Jr., the new
proprietor of the Franklin. wPl make
me arrangements-
It Is said that Miss Annie Soofleld.
one of our most estimable young ladles
who bas filled the position ot assistant,
postmaster quite efficiently under A.
W. Marsh, will be continued in that
offioe under P. M. Arner. Miss Soo
illdlsoorteous,uf obliging and eill
Oleut In the uerforinHnnAnf Imp .intta
and the patrons of the offioe have
"ever tutu cstuse to oomplalu during
ber term in offioe.
Judge Craig's CouT, -eo.
Hon. Allen Cmlir wlm um ..i
bv tbe late Demooralio uanvuitlm, i,
choose his owu oouferees to represent
uio luivrefct m tne judicial con
ferenee tomeet at Eastou next Tnurs-
lyatiwoooiocKiutsuamedDr-J. G.
cmu,ui xMiiKuuNiiu u. tturuer and
Jos. Fisher, of Mauoh Chuuk. These
men are to stick to Cralir tl.rmioh n.i.-i,
aud thin because he is the choice of
Carbon oouuty people for Judge.
SlMk the Cross lluads.
Attention is freiiueutlv eulla.1 1,, H,
negleotof the sunervisois m si von.1
towosiuiw to ereot finger boauls at
Dublio arose roads. A litiu iw.i
through the country districts of tbe
county will show that the law which is
nuuioaiory receives little consideration
if tbe absence of linuer board,. muc l
accepted as an evidence of tbe fact. In
some townships the is law carefully i-jir-ried
out. Unfortunately the number
is uot large. The pruper euthontits
should bring the negligent and defiant
supervisors to a realisiug sense or then
duty. Finger boards should L erected
at e ery public cross roujds.
The Nineteenth Annual Kihlblliou of tlio
Carbon County Industrial Society.
Orjt-tn, Currlnrrn, Farming IinpUmnnt
HsrntM ChIIIo. dc. Ac,
The nineteenth annual exhibition ot
the Carbon comity Iudustrial Society
was held on the r spacious nnd beauli-
i ui grounus in mis place this k.
IrjmsmallbegbnnKSlntbe' enter
prise on the part of officers nnd .ti,
holders of tho society advanced In the
onward march until to-day It Is an an
v.v ui uio Ajomiiu valley.
Here are exhibited the result of honest
eirort oil the rami and lu the dairy; tho
artist BUocessos iu painting and brie-
a-brac aud the work of meohaulos
These things pass before the eye show
iug tbe development and enterprise of
pur people tholr advancement in tho
homeuud ou the farm, In the work
shop and orchard. The scene is of
times bewlldeiluir In i m pvfon.i........
and I hundreds and hundreds or people
look oil with interest and the exhibl-
Hons aro encouraged by the words or
praise and by the liberal premiums
granted oy me society.
On tho first floor of. the comino-
dioua tntr bouse wo find a sp eudid ar-
ray ot line fruits aud vegetables troL
flowers that lilube air wim deagnuu
oduis. On tbo north side of the build
lug and ou tho same floor we find an
elegant display of carnages troin the
popular establishment of T it
Kreldler, Weissport, These vciiiclot
are wed mulo kii
liulshcd. Nearby is a deliveiy wagon
from LehlgU Wagon .bik,,lJniSn"
which shows skill and tuste lit con.
stiuction. Almost oppsito this is au
exhibit of ranges, heaters aud plumb"
lug articles by tne popular Swuitz
iiios., or town.
On thebucoudlloor.TiiiiHuK,wii.i.
of Mauch Chunk, shows latest eu'ects
in clothing lor geutlemeu, buys aud
cbildrou and bue coats iur mo ladles;
imiiiiiiliHtlv n.,f i,, i,,, ,. , '
Kuut oxhibil of Hue furniture, carueu
Mill) hmisn fni-nikhtr.ifu f Vi
, .....a iutu mu vvuii-
known aud popular turuituro store of
wblcu tne enterprising Usury SohwartK
ismonustimur, tr.:Z V.?..r.
a. display of sewiug muchi'ues by Ueo.
... t.uouuuui,u uveiy Liouigutouugout
oiu.iasuioueU and veiy valuable clooKs
toaetnor with other articles of luteiest.
Auose are tuo property ot Oliver Foil-
weilor, ofh.rst stroot, Cluso to mis
sewing muchiues, washing niacbmes
piano stools, dtc., made by thut genial
lllltAfllAV A ll1 Stlltt.ini, nSV III A
7,-. ui w eissporu
inisexuiuit atliacied much aLtmiti.m
by reason of me extraordinary Tow
prices murked ou tho articles.. .Buyers
will profit by luiorviewiug the geuial
Aurou when iu need ot nuj .lung iu bis
& S ?Z L" "
Oscar CUristmau, of Weissport. This
spuce was crowded wltb tho lovers ot
tuo beuuiilul wno found au hofiutei-
est lu tuo subjects etTjuiuiluirbv this
talented lady. Opposito m.s Is a beau-
tltui display or laucy work by Mrs
George U. Euziuu, or town, und au ex-
celleut, portrait or the genial pioprie-
Euzian to be uu adopt In lino art und
her tusty exhibit attracted much at
teutlou. M, J. llurtzell, our popular
harness maker, displayed a lino or bur-
nessthat attracted the eyo of mauy a
of the building. In this building there
give exnlblt th. ; attonuon m Itca
I'ho Lohlah Coal . HarH.r,! t:n
cupied a large spuco with agricultural and Rev. Dr. S. A. Reppass, of Allsa
lmplemeuts which our farmer friends town, 011 "Education " On TednaJ.
titrXT" "-'theoilowlng subject JSft
The exhibit of live stock of ull kinds ui!,CU8SBJ: "The religious traialagof
horses, fowls, cattle-,wus never bet- our children." 1st In the family, by
ter iu the history of tho society. Far- Rev. L. Lludenstruth, of Maueh Ghsak
mers vied with each othor lu showlug ..nj iu 11,-,,ni,ii ..i.iM.7i o '
the very best lu this lino with tl.n m . ' Iu t" Public service ef th San.
suit that this feature was oue ot the
very best In tlie history or the society.
The efficient secretary. Flwnn llnrnr.
was kept constantly on the go In the
exercise of his duties. The society ap-
pointed mis award committee. On
fancy work. .la.. John Miitli. Mrs.
and L. J. Heldt.
The watchmen were Owen Dean, So-
bastiull llabu. llnnrv flnmlmrt uti.l
Joseph Sbockler. Tax Collector li'm. "eM"owInwaof th dljrat
Shadle acted in the capacity of super- who ar expected to attend the meet-vlsor-
. lng Of the Second Coaferaimo nt Iho
LErtiuu valllv uiuKuioKH mkkt.
Forlh. First H,n. sine. 18 The,
,'vviio uiviueuui 1
The Board of min t...
Vol ion TiT : 1 " .
,ulJ,i; Itallroad Compauir met
"Wurnpic Tl.n 1 1
KudTdeu-aiid66' 'aterest 00 tho
uuuueu uebt, ana
alZ8,,en B IS'Oeptlon-
al financial strlngeuoy like tbe present
wisdom of lessening interest clinru-iw
by the applirtiou"o8f I valEble 2JX
earnings to the reiluctlou of the oom-
aHoynif'Hl'Htrlll,w'auhd. tUa ia-
hition or an ample working capitial;
"Resolved, Tliat it is deemed expe-
dul ..r00U'llen,tI.0U?'? d.V-
dend upon the common stock for the
There was a rumor that the period
for the payment of dividends would
be changed from quarterly to semi-
TheUvarlnon u r"0,"
Xbe vuoauoies on the board, oaused-by
me death of Dr. 1L A. Lsjuberton and
tbe resignation ot Georire C Thomas
MromUtl7Jiw,.:il '
were nilsd by the election ot Henry h.
Urlnkvr'tbe general solleitor ot tbe
load and Benuveeu ttorie to succeed
Kotooiuy In Fitsliloiuibie Ilronmakluc.
WiHili1SVH.!ff.."i '
.,1 wwlir.1 leSaiui. TUI "ufa uwlt iSSSaH
eoauou.y which con to mlL&uSSKSZSl
iuo pereepuiuie cluuge In oue's wude of dress-1
uu. aud Hill, out couMsiueiilly Uroliu Ui I
vrinesl .uoluy ul oue a unghbois. Hie McfK,n
ull Fashion Juurual ale calcinated to all Una I
kind iu lift JVJtf 01 'heir
avn aulas. saftJU TlflHaaMI I
prevlMly a serioua of leesons teaching practical I
ftf'X. A.'tcl)oell & co. revroduce any ul
their llhutrsAMjiAslor ludeed fur that welter any
iltsiitu illpuod irou snyother laihloii juuruan
111 liaiii 01 made up paper luudela llli tut pal
leiua Ut-aJdes, eW'UyprmiUvuitluii every d
tail ul Iur original. This reduce. artlaUc Ure
HiaKiiii; ui iuo oaaiest and sleepiest luellHiu.
-iue erem-n uiesaiBaker," aud
The tnueoal only IXLi H.',.a tu.r
.1 cenu m copy "The Freuch Drio,
i..ik, 1 u 1j Ul a Imr. wIiiIh
'iih al us veer. 01 ISim-ml-m
a Hede" coals I
1.1.1 a. ell a. the iheapeat taahlun Journal lor
Hie Ikiuii- 11 vou die unable 10 procure auy ot
Ibeae luajiuilins al amir i,Miaa.luul-.
ajti-ia ul subMituU-. bui dlr'oaUv Ij I
tiiuar, XUlli.
1., iIa.leton'fi n.......i
''iKJcmlitt 011 the tv. u.i- nf.- un.1
throat ill be Ht the Ksi-hauge Motel
""."""I. 'tu instant J'urtleo de
siring uis seruceo should uot fail to I
$1.00 a Year in Advawo
Short I'srADru-li. Th.i . -
t. tk. it,nw
t Orders have b.en I.. J j . . .
graph eVnt l'??. U Mt
all vs rn Tini- '"r to sena
cob? dl?..nw.,prts U J' H'
- 1 while under Ranrll,i -i '
L. . i? .r ialu control, war
teWi-nnh nf H u' uPerintndt of
, . Ji "jet.m.
. ,.,., . s w uiuivtr 01
Schl insWh8reTer ?lw
iti? ,,, ctore , ffere "ben5d at
it ,nK'iv-tiTii were wso dropped
htiylkill Haven.
u f sll0P of the Lehigh Vsllev Rail
r0d at Eastou. which have been ran.
"lu flTe days a week, began full time
'fday H Is expected that th Men
w 0 i" been suspended will be rein
slated. "rem
t'Tbo Valley company has U.n1
monthly passes to a?l englSser. s?irl
ouductors. The passes are I? Si:
shape or monthlv tS i t
uumbors running from T to STi oSS
ot these numberaareto be Dnnihsd .?
by every conductor Vh , h?? A ? Bt
to look aMhe pas oeUUm
roar? ttt " C'utr1
men nrf ?h! 5 0Ut,,u lts Jore of
slices of tnrul"' w D ,U,,nV
man wf Z ? , fte PnBr brake-
whL Ji?Fense1 wl". 'wty of
itJlJ?1' nd
wore Iflven the enooarasrsmaat
hZin7Jl, ? ?.ont,,r "th.
SutalKlrfw J"lT"-
th? i,.. , twu ?rBn, now
onaC, fi" 't .one, " ny
""j freight brakemen laid aff.
"isvciet tonssroace.
The second District fVi,f.v....
tuo Lutheran MlnisUrium. riaassI.
vauir wi" hold Its fall seasick it,
Trluity ohnrrh 7 i i . i. i0
Arimiy onurcli, Lebluhton. Pa.. TU i.
KutIeri Pntor, Septembar 18 to 20
I Tim trf .
wiAioiDuuo were Rv t recent umi-
iug of the Miulstcrluai in Phllaiahaki.
ui , , . "Uaaslakla,
multiplied and re-adJust.d. W.e.f
foro tuore wer" only five; now there
w. i be nine. TheywiU also no laar
I. t "nojec
n" "h 7, ,rer' secona' ,M-
uamea ufter tne largest town or slties
ln luelr respective bounis. Thusthsre
will be two lhiin,ioini,u .
t0WB' ft KeatlinK. a Lebanon, an Allen
towui a Pottsvllle, a Wllkesbarr anal a
t. ..III ...
I Avauviue oouicreuce. Ail tho old aan.
ro ...m tuooia n-
moot once mor.laFall
bes!,loui trausaot thsir business as
usual, after which they will divide a.
cording to the new arrangement, sleet
thdr officers and uZFXZPSZ
busluoss ou the .new plat. Th pres.
out Second Conference, oomprislaz the
counties of Lehigh, Northamatan
i. i tiortnamyen,
Bro Luzerne, IFyomlag.
Suslue"u"a and Bradi.rd, gad
i'"IUIpsbuig, N. J., will hereafter b
known as tbe Allentown aadWUkes
tiTrrn Uo"fer,uoes amFZ
tu0 dividing line. This final mestlng
of tuo Second Conference will begin
with a Communion serviee on Monday
ovouluir herd irf t 7.-iri .1
t!!L , , ,! Mt U
Tuesday evening there will be amls-
senary and educational meeting. IUr
Holier, of Seranton, wUl s.sak.n
I""!, 0U8! 'V tt
r Allentown, on "Foriira Missleas"
lu,lr! "o U- F.Apple, etBangsr;
Jru, lu me Bunday sohool and la the
I r.ittor.l,af l-al 1 11 n. n TaiiT7 '
SPlekor of Allentown.
-tne conference consists ef sixty
.Uii ,i..i..,...
lay delegate. The aubllo Is cerdlally
iuvlted to all these meetings.
Lut,heraa, "ukterlam in tblsolty a.xt
nvva., auu m namos ot partus hj
""""-""'"enccaaaeeicgate, oyuesesHeH-
man, F. Hellig, Biroudshurg, and U
Apple, luugor. and J. 11. Farker, rean Argjli
gate, Itev. J. k, Knd.r, J, 11, titsaus, ruui.s.
i-.and Ueli-gate, chas. Xauder,;
?'5!!t,", "'""l!"''' luiauel rletter, J.
SJUffiSSt S&!S2. Sfe
iJirbhurg, win. li. Ash.O. B. Hanat, riee-
'SXttVS&SSHZsJ: ja-
Luwn.lSxciuujgoUoKKF. F. Fry, Suit sen
anauelegate, 41. o. KunU, w. u. I. alelter,
AII,"d".Uer'rBrb"i;ieV, bS'lTtklS
a.i.1 1.. f. uarduer Aiieuton!rransTSunT
W. r. Schener, oouth Uetaichein sat stele-
fSSafci 'j'Tmul'uTi.UAlifl"vii,r.-
th.'2.'s " mm ,. L a! uftF'tfig
town, aaa dslsgaie, Wm. zshatri w. Wssksr
Mhehly, sraatonrrng Hell: m.j. KluslitC
Aiieowen and a. . tuenur, GUeern, T. i7.
'"M. A.sehstsr. Atisntewn and H. D.!f,
Mlbem summit mil. Ilanry beh.artsi It. e.
uoin, Aiiemonn, aaadeiassM.Miuttaiiieluai
d.nbuih. u. f. bpsiker, 11. u., Alleatewa, ssd
UlUgheus: O. LsujW, Allsntowa, aai U. J.
hushosr, Jordan, I'fceon tttraass; J. F. Lasaelel,
Uatatsuqua, and eslegate, dla UbrUtssaa.
d.Hgaw,J.l. l.ell,J.RFsl.Uatugtea,aa4
Mward.oehssldL o. F. fctlweln, lUgkestews;
delegate,. leNu nsjsi J. w.JusdelsE
"AxlTt TJli iTilr., .''
r.;.'-..,.?t.'i'."'l-Wm'!t4l L. F.
S!?f P'Vi'J.
Je'lV "'"
AlWIsat and A. T. Lndwlg!
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of nil ln leavening streairth
Royal Baking Powder Co,
Wu Wall St, N. Y. , a-