The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 19, 1893, Image 1

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Oreats many Ntu Business,
Enlarges many an Old Business,
Revives many u Dull Business,
Reioues many Last Business,
Saves many Fitting Business,
Ireservs many aLtrgt Business,
Means success in All Business.
VOL XXX. No. 40
Lshighton, Carbon County, Penna. August 19 1093
$i.QO a Year in Ad vans
Is a specialty with us.
We have on low prke for all.
Come and harbour pricet.
Plo-Nic and Sale Bills,
Allkinds of blankboolca.
Let us have your orders
For anything in this line.
Exceptionally attractive offer
ings are shown in the following
named seasonable goods, which
for price and beauty we think
have uever been equaled.
(Thallies for 4c a yard never
sold elsewhere (or less than Gc
a vard.
Plaid Suitings all colorings at
5c a yard the same quality cun't
be bought for less than 8c a
yard anywhere,
Best Standard Bluo Prints
are below any competitors
prices, likewise all other stand
ard prints.
Cotton orashes from 3Jc a
Outing flannels from 6c a
Cassimeres for men and boys'
wear at such prices that are a
12 Spools of Cotton for 10c,
28 Kows of rins lor oc.
It you want to save money
you can't afford to miss our
Mammoth Bargain store.
Fir it, Between South ana Plum Streets,
Ear Testimony Regarding the
Mutilation of John's Body.
Thar Aes.rt Thai th. Mutilation of John's
Incompetent Insurance Work.
tud Ochre streets. -Iliotrapliet Clem Bretney Sunclavea at Tills sot was so amended by the act
hiun, lxiiracre,OTlnfhurlMll .ountv, Ills ttld of Mar 12. 1803. as to make It mandator?
TfiMTnif. N. J.. Anir. 15. Dr. riorncoG. .ijj thai .to, i.. that there It omtlilK other than uslnei i, i .11 ( ,..- i
Wthwill. of Trenton, waiuiit on the wit- t,i,,n, --. .h fmm ai. . tn calls Clem away so frequently. I ..... . ... .. . . . 8t,eets. V. A. German and family are boms from., provide at. uie expenses 01 uie district
f7" VounS tag see' to it that you haVe it at the fair tV. l?TLPL.t aeaaTr "I00.1 saPP,les
Advertisement, under thli head at a halt-cent
a word easn insertion, inis is uioi;ucujca.ou
tt advertising medium out II jrou have any.
thlox to aeu or rent iry wis cneap uuvci
advertisements must be paid In advance.
tvw all.R-a dark bav Ktnlllon. sliteen and
a hall hands high, twelve years old, perfect-
It sale and sound In every particular, will m
sold cheap for eaih. Apply to Ueorse F. lluck,
nasi vveissnon.
Ka.t anl.tnn And ra.laiirant Btanria In town Is
offered for sale. Satisfactory reasons given for
selling. Apply to W.J. Hitler, proprietor, on
lae premises.
UOIl SALE First class Dwelling Home, on
a Third street. Lcblghton. Apply to w. r,
T?OIt BALK-m Jamestown a lotMKMfee
- Apply to W. P. Long, Leblghton.
A BAKBEB SHOP located In good neighbor
hood . will be sold at reasonabe prl ce. Two
chairs, nils room, Apply to Ed, Campbell,
Kast weissport.
TTIflNfl Hoi.. Apant wanted tor Letllotl-
ton, and vicinity. Liberal commissions
naM .nil m fumUh th. haat and most COM-
plete outfit ever provided by any house. Write
at once for terms. Send references. n
WananmkerS Urown, Philadelphia, Pa,
Of North Kidder, Carbon county,
tar Subject to Democtatlo Rules.
Be Sneaks both English and German.
Of Annashlcola, Carbon county.
rjr Subject to Democratic nominating ltules
Of Normal Square, Carbon county.
UT- Subject to Democratic Rules.
ptmkht. wemm
K.OUAL matters of iioRS or X.SIS "p Bnn vmm fc.tcne. wno tton shaeffer has Issued the following
uomeanu uo aswok -asiair irrienus in j olrGUlat:
Lively MWM, (Th act of MBmhI innrmnl .Inno
Benry L. Flak and Gotlelk Freadcnberger, j, 1885, conferred upon the several
boards of school directors and con-
TVhat lias Oeenred In this City Unrlns: the
Week rertlnenlly Kpltoialied by Onr
Spatial Iteporters.
County fair September 12 to 15,
both of Tamaqua, f pent Sunday In town.
Xmla Will UrTtAwnll. Bltfht mnt t th
Valiev statlen. Is inlni the World's Fair. I trollers pormlsslre authority to pur
The Lehigh Store Fonndrr was CMearo. chase text books out of the schools
Idle this week. -Oscar Nell and Francis Crelu accompanied fund and to fmnnlv these bonks free of
ETerltt A Houchen, contractors, by their families, f SUtlngton, enjoyed the cosf to nnnils for nse In tha schools of
oy Was Instigated by IntM ltep. are bulldlllR William Brlttians new hosplUUty-of Jehu Hottenstlne, of S-cond th , , ' tiTB Jifiirints
taMniaUfu so Destroy Evldeno of dwelling uouse onmecomoroioecona sireenaiunuay. m, , 1 V
This amended act goes into lmmed-
1 nuu nri khh tu nvumiM. kuuics ihei Willi
L tT .1,,. , nlifntJd nuf. I aOXb IUUUlU. . -i
DBSOai V.MU jyom uu. 1 - ..... . I IS OIU lluio Tim auu vigor. . . . . - it . , , ,
oariaTpolsonlng. Thli opinion was based The fall painting season Is at hand -Miss Emma Williams, otBlatlngton. Is vim late 0Pera0n from tne eginnlng of
on tat assumption that his symptoms anil if you want reliable work and material UBt relatives In tovro, the current school year, dating from
treatment were as aencnucu. oy njs ovn at rue iiowesi pnpes can on or write 10 -John Yost, superintendent of the Uhlghton the Bret Monday in June, 1833. The
phyaUlan, t)r Bcrgeu, and other vfls- E F Luokenbach 01 Broadway Mau.h UosleryMlU, left on Saturday tor Philadelphia, design of the aot evidently is to relieve
rhurR.McDonnM.of tet 8nd Dora TWZUS pupUs hereafter of the
jtlflad that ho examined ohann tor tea n rn. fi.h.i nu p...v i.di u,,..i. u..n. , ...... ... 1 nnnqnltT of ntirp.hfLalnar.exr.hnnlrjftiui
Manhattan I.lfo Insurance com
cation. vllle, has resigned his position and accepted a .nhnnln. It la nnw Ihn lmnorltlir dnt
sonan ana wen. .... 1 m i.j r i ilmllar una with tba iwinln lln w,rf n..m " f .
Captain nolt, who hasaasumeatha tmr- ..uiu,, directors tfhd
o.n if the work for the defense, made on August 12, 1803, by Eey. J. II. Kuder, U; Hugh has many friend, here who wish him . . . . . . .
iti behalf the openlna address to the Jnrr. at his residence, Mr. William W. aminaani success is ais new horns. ,
CapUlalloll outlined tha defense fully, Knnkle and Miss Marr 13. Zimmerman, Attorney T. A. Snyder and family are home nishlng and oqulpplng their sohools
saving that the prisoner at the bat both of Paakertod, Pa, '" several weeks pieasanUy spent anionic nlth school books and the supplies
not muraewss. aii ner ao m su Moses enng,oisoondstreet,who " T"", '."i "J generally needed by the pupils for
matter were consistent with biaocenc. has four of the finest png pups In the ,C !t , cl:t nJ""e. cistijtMU , . th.Rok ',, sll.u .,,
and honest tnUnt, The boy dW leanlpg 0unty. will place them on ixhlcitlon V?""1',1 ' residence of Rev. J. daUy Use in the sohools suoh as slates,
on tha breast of his mother An J glrldg her at the fair next month. Alvln Reber oa Seooad street, pencils, paper, pens, Ink, tablets, eto,
"IKulnt thatshe admins JSAA ta "If .TlT
tohlmtb.rItt'fO'nwhlchdlodlft ,tS2 n. iy"U " Sec0" ,trMt- wklll " ' of Studv are t0 be ProTlded b the
bar raotlr. waalh. proourtog TJ,(!06 persons doing ,sunbl. lady 1W on many eld Itlends. directors and for all grades of publio
lnsuranoe on ms lliei ana na lor tisu, i " . . . . I , jonn . u ana airs, u. n. Peters I SPhonla inoludlne the hlnh sohoo
while be was lanaulshlnB and pwte, -Born-A baby girl to Mr. and Urn. are visiting the World's Fair. Chicago. They acb00ia 'n"""yne. "K"
she lea mm asiiy tne a rug uw qsiiii vuso. k.iuisuuiu, oi niua sireefc i m oe gone several wests. I weatukbly.
roDDM bib oi bis me. irieueunsewuiua Miss Mable Wheatley, one of Le- im Mary Lente, ol Philadelphia, spent
(now ui joudi oonsa "www" w Mgnton's most excellent young ladles, last rnaaywua unsuertia peters, on First rrha nH UhtIzbh Hotel Imlldlnir at
"Pi ft !..ftt.Tl2S,5,te l ? student In the American Business "rest, IlLsondale. ownd and 1 oSSuSSf by
wnion ua waa vrctitcy ,nii vmiT" College ,AUentown, wliere sne ts taking -im oussie ciaass, ol Third street, Is Mp vA,iAv rinrm was rlestrovert Ijt Bra
than th. dUeas. thai h. liaW. athoFolig h course In ttenography. speading several weeks at Atlantic Olty. N.J.
tffcaetau ahanea that the mother rv Dr. 0. W. Bower contemplates -Mn McDAnlel. the Itepnbllcau aspirant 0fter the famlly retired, a coaloll lamp
mn hamoved th.iJJra hjr bmlldlng a large store room on the for the nomination for oouaty treasurer, was Uhloh was kept burning in one of the
2? . i T.i fi? . mS vacant snaoe between Bretney's news Intervlewlug his Mends la town Monday, bed rooms exDloded and set lire to the
ah. was Tirnlltr Tha defeats r hoTds Sat stand and the frame bulldhg owned -Our old friend Wm. TUompsou, ot secoffd building. An Insurance of 83,000.00
SB. was gnilty. at twsti anui MB . .. .. . --f Ward. Manrh rini.k. mrnlmia a .lun.i .n I .l,l,. lt, Whon
they war r.movea eecauae saey were cus-i1" wuuow bu.wu. . , ,w,iuuid.d uioiv.avuu.i'iw,. nuu
aasedi and th. objeot was to oonceal th. -George Clauss, of the Valley House, " Mday aIteruon. famlly discoyered the Are there was
fact that Bhann was diseased and unfit was opening a soda water bottle on --n. araei, oi Aiiemown'. estiin- little time lelt to save any cning. turni.
for th. Insurance rrsk placed on hit life. Saturday when it exploded, outtlnn a 0Hn'! Ml" Islllns Miss Mamie ture and clothing alike wore consumed,
Jamet Packer, as intimate friend of deep gash in his thumb on hit righb JBe,in?1,nrlrn ,tt"u On Tuesday afternoon the old Penn
John flhann. tras th. first witness, for the hnnrt. ' 1 -John Stsrlc, and wife and Miss Minnie TT
defense. testlBed to having visited j0hn J.Hummel blows a handsome r"""0',""?": w!" " 8V" 8'"ly. HaTen Junction took fire and Was also
houtesofUlfamolnWon in cjmpa2 t)jv$?tJSmyoCT na eonsumed. Before the Junction was
with John. William MoVey and Hugh Tj.i,ii,f nM,ct a ,a . . ward, moved tt the nresent site this was quite
Shann, th. latter a brother of the dead i t f no moa abilitv Miss iwbeoca Schettzlnger, of Trenton ,N I a meeting placo for the traveling
"A'r. ..." 'AX I! uT: . T ,"-:.7. -Oliver Follweller. of the flrat ward. ?"""V .7 u" "3l0r' Uamel Pub110'
fled to tk. loving Mlatlon. betwaen another has an old fashioned corner cupboard rtllk sclmarte, ti,e popular urnlrure M'ss DoraRosonstock. our most suo-
and ton. and the fact of hi. havlag been Uatbelongtohlsgroatgrnndmother. dealer of East Chunk, made us a plea- fTln Mn.TniMH
afJloUd' with a venereal disorder. It is over 125 years old and is still In ,ant cau Weane,day, Ie.r' on .onld.Rr, ?B5lnK toS Ch cago to
TKHto. Ana. 16. In the Bhann trial an excellent state of preservation. n. . ir.H.rfl.i. .. auena the World's Fair, lor the true
Tasttraerth. detente lntroductd several -Our nubile schools will re-oDen for the Hubert Hou wmti,.n. ,.-,-!?. 6tu.d.0.n.t this is a great object lesson,
witneaset u proye tuat in. reiaMona oe- a Blue months term on the 28th instant e.J. Schoch and Umlly on Coal sireet this ww, thrn,,Z7ir. n3 h.
twees the mother and ton Were moat lor- m,, ..M.. pi. m, u.k. ' teachers throughout the country have
Inn and tendeif. Mra. Mattte 8bann, the Svj rr V. Tr'..t" .r,M-rfn., - . the means to avail themselves of the
Prtsoner. was then put on ano. ana - improvements tha will P"foert and family at Weatherly. I""""1"' T.rT
aeta inciaenw aivenuaug jouu . . ooHiDloted add criativ to th -iv. Koch did business at Philadelphia on Among tne visitors in town this week
ticks... aud death. ztoFmw JM'the ii7""' Is Mrs. Trainer and family, of Eoston,
TBEStos.Ang.17.-The.viaenc.pfMM. Sfffnfwfil U, Sleaant l?v8 ii .,7","; Wlf" ot "ortu First who are the guests of Mr. iiiefenderfer
KauiStrykei, which was her to thesonth side window street, visited her parents at White Haven this of the Gilbert House.
puuii ui rimwwu, , iwu u. . w.t. i " ...... i uwin? to tne arauffnr, tnar we navn
when th.Shann murder trial wat reaurned. ire did considerable damage to a -Jira, Drumheiier. of Lanslord, spent several ln this section, farmers throughout the
Mrs.Stryk.rls .lokab.d. Shf te.tl42i valuable tract ot w.od land Inthe rmiCoTAui, K. J.. 1, Quakake und iwXwleys l
that h. h.ard th. door bell at Mra, vicinity of Long Run, owned by assis- hom. on a visit. vu,ii.j.,ij not h(jv8 morg thaa half ncrODot
Shaan'a house and So'dook tant Valley station aeent P. A. Oerman. .Tnim wnr .. w ii7..i,.. ti, .,... '
Of Maueh Chunk, Carbon oounty,
H- Subject to Democratic ltules.
the night that th. disemboweling took of Third street, Jovial Allentonnlans were In town on Wednes- cattle is scarce and unlftsS It rnln In
place. About half an hour later. hsbeari -Everltt AHonchen hare the con; S&tit'iS t,m" U ltJl
tilViulotsSi tra.t to build F.Hager's new dweUIng -Missis Annie Beer and Cassia Kresge are must commenoe to feed their cattle the
"laeJ Sw notstop. Th tTnrmnrilftRnfHttl wam. Hollol.t. -"mr Adam, of-tlio Boynton Furnace Co..
"A?? " !.n .v1?! fully entertained bv Miss Emma iSStlSSmia T"t''1 ' Saul. Kru.
pn.oner y.rn vuo ..f, : . .. 1 Roller At.hAt nlnaRant. hrtma nn nni4h I T aiKliriC...,T 1
men as f i
ringing c
on be:
taamgaamaiiiignieiiiarap m , - ".-,. - ,Aaf bana Directors.
SSrMwaol e members o"f the and of
one of them lnonlred If there was a yiung club there were present Misses Aggie Daniel Balner. v,n north First street "" kind end gentle disposition and an
man dead there. She told them "Tea " I iwwnara aua oauie rwudenousn, Mrs. wiiuan Boyer and daughter UUIe.of earueak uf"0"n "J wuom aeain meant
and they wanted to know If they conid -The refreshment stands and other um'iyofFlrst street' Tl KBretnl a tsteppiriK from one room to another.!
aeehlm7 She said "No," objecting prlviUges on the. Fair grounds here '""Sa. George! olVl wasth. auestof JIL? ""L?"1:
grounat that tn. nour was law ana vaat I will oe rented to tae nignest Didder on genial w, J. Kilter on Sunday. I H ahillstn HoMolhom 1th T t
per qaugRttr waa aaieep in vno iroiu wuw. Baiuraay aiternoon, iseptemDer u. At -Dr. D. c. Trach and James neydt, ot "j vrTi tJi j irf i c ij
Of East Mauoh Ohunk,Carbon County.
Vtr Subject to Democratic ltules.
a... ..m .v. ,nM Mr. " . i KM E-" "mv" ivw ou oiun m ... fri6uas and nelirhbors in tender.
a boarder, but th. men said that w.nU nT? V,ri! ".LeeJlw,alaJ ' -Edward Harti.aa.oi ot ned. ra.. .nt Ing.the bereaved parents a sincere sym.
. . . . I duuiuu Binwi. laiiuu ui rammwi nnmn w. . i.i. "..-.-.. ...... I ...l.w i..i . .mi..i
Of Franklin Township, Car'n County,
pr-SubJeet to Democratic Rules.
It tfZTmltJSjZtX?! to dinner, and on Investigation ho was ciauss.'
ng on; and th. other men passed quietly "una unconscious on Ills farm several
iinatalM J I miles from this town by his son Al who
naa ueen sent to look for him, Medl
Ot Leblghton, Carbon countp.
gay-subject to Democratic rules.
Of Btemleravtlle, Carbon County.
tJt Subject lo Democratic Mules,
Of Kast MauoU Chunk, Carbon oounty,
tay Subject to Democratic Kules.
II. speaks English and Qer'nun.
The Leblghton Water Co., has do.
dared a semi-annual dividend of two
per cent.
KreidleHt painting proves to be good It
It It one third cheaper than any body elt.'t
In the valley.
Big reduotion In baby ooachos at
J. L. Cabers.
Window and door screens at J. L,
Grain Cradles for $3.00 attheLe'
high Coal & Hardware Co., Limited,
north First street.
Kreldler It th. caui. of low prices on
Carriages, Buggies' At. Therefore you
pught to patronise him. Examine hit
tjn. slock. Yoii can and mutt be tutted,
Just make it a point to see David
Ebbert when you want a team for busl
nesa or pleasure. Lowest prices.
A CO dollar not. or 10 St will give you
top buggy and a carriage whip at Kreldler'i
All ktndsrof books and flue station
ry at Luokenbaoh'a, Manch Chunk.
II. It, Kreldler at W.ittport has at pres
.ut the finest lot of carriages ever exhib
ited lo Carbon county. Prices ranging from
$80 to S150.
An Unusual Occurrence.
There was a curtons and unreported
C. A. Hauk was at E&atnn aad Tnh.h.nna
nn Ratnrjv.
. uiiioa iiuiu luia iuhu ut uia buujii wuui
UDSiaira. i . . . . z . . ... ... . . ...
Qk. ..l.mhU tn fnllnir thm hut waa nad OeeU sem 10 100K lor dm. Jledl-I. r"'"""uJ""-, Ol Alien- , . .
wv.nwtTamZeadoZn' I cal aid w.s summoned and he B,SE1M'1I family incident during the proceedings ln the
stairs. Sho demanded to know what tn. taken home when it was found that he -MlssMableLyndofBummlt Hm Is spend- HouBe of Representatives, at Washing,
putrag. meant, and the man aaldi "Yoa'U Buttered a stroke of apoplexy higa wesk or two very pleasantly with Miss ton on last Tuesday says the Phlladel
And out In uood time" In a llttl. whll. Te are pleased to state that he is nehrig on Second street, v " ,, ,,
rinflout m gooq time. w" uiniironv-in -Wm. H. Woods, has returned from piiiiadei. pbla Inquirer. During the roll-call on
dowi Thereout of ti.' frontdoor: -The Leblghton Watea Company WSSST "tdl8: """ " ",S the BeltoapJUotardson contest the
andth third man followed utm, ih I at a meeting of the directors, on Mon l Miss Sweeny, of Easton, Is the gyeit of R, L I name of ueneral Lilly, one Of tne mem
man wh snshed her aald. uaed h day evening decided to run Sawmill Sweeny and family. bers-at-large from Pennsylvania, was
reughly, Vmt ah. mad. no outcry at alb creek into Long Run and thus greatly , Uenry 8tnb.r. of Bangor was here en Mon- roJlhs,,i . j.
watrexoiaimsajuag.AD.rt.--y. increase their already excellent water Co.hter of muiV.r.r w ,1 a t. V ,7J T. " ,
ntterW ao a wordl'' supply. The distance dlvdiag th. two jSZ ..V"? ? -.' v LiUy had been an Invalid for a long
1 lp t fl, VV, "V1 T1 , creeks Is about cn mile, Work will Sunday witnu.D7H.stock.r and wit. onBank. "me, and was not at the Capitol when
Later th. .xolalned thlt by saving tiat lmmmnnsil nt mm war. In n
ah. wa. to 4a,ed. frlgbtenrf and glial ArIon Cornet Band ton,1, !ohn 1. 8. Koch, James Venter, Press Koch and , V 7.VT T . V T
stricken that the tboughtsh. must have ci""r,t tsn? ered iohn chas. Ohristman returned horn, late on satu" In.' In order that he might vote on the
VL?ffi2f' n-Kr,Ic.ll 617-461 some SSifS ha'd "al.S IDestlon he came forward to
cUrgVrrind "i U Ihelr best selection? in a masterly &,f11,S,1'-,"11 them a n. lo, the Speaker's desk to take the oath of
. . . I - . . .. , , ( nnv. The Arlnn Iwivo Aacnrma . mnM ... . " I tifflna o .1,1 .anTwiirtMl in Ma nam
vi.w. wita vonn aunng uu iiineaa. i ""' 7" " 11, " , jlk nui itresge, ei ntemiersvine, was a well- " "
Th. greater part ot in. ausrnaon union I -- i,,-....Uu.uui kTOitiiui... unu uu iuuuj. i witnm me memory or meoiaesi mem.
was taken p with expert medical tettl- ?V" ,iue. ,s no rea- -mwb u dacou and wi ., of stroudsbuw, her never before had a rollall been
I in nvrl QT f euAnli In n m ant .
-A.BrelthatinLrrfKldi.Ar tft.h( ... i I b that ho might TOt Oil the qU63.
jpnurmrA. -. iuvuih au.m.cusvi,v i 11, win uo exceedingly Kraiiryincc to I Sr." j v iuiwitiowiiik- hi uiuiciu i iioii.
Trenton, tjstmed that frun th. symptoB. the family and friends of O. A. Hauk, :oTM't?aib:SS.
' - : , , - - , , " i w. -J i,u, w icmiu iiiau i.c una ueeu i "i iwaisivr ana necoruer. no nat maaea l, r.mi 1,1 ut. xcirkinv ti i .i,
mnnv It wnnlil hn Imnnaalhla for htm ta I a al..l. In ..I..I..1.VI. it.-I thnrAiia i Mnv... aa A fAAla Aiftrfnr f t. I wemocrauo banaiaaies SVKKIOS Ulgn,
I"-' v.. '.V. -t A...V. : Vivu,yVl ine . - Th.r.( onerl lIMr amnno- l,o
aaJ v" xouynanna mux, jnonroe uounty, I I ' - ---
symptoms were characteristic of many I publio schools. That Mr, Hank Is , ! I democratic candidates for tha various
i"- - .-rT irn-
pn Tonng MMantt i douj wft linnrroerif 'wc.
aueueiL person wno aisemoow clTing xoelleat satUfaotlonw an in- amRyAsuEZZ VT a "ry offloea to be filled in Lehigh counhy
Sm. Surgical knowledge wat not tvW X 'tCtJi i hStr'CS Si "S iSSS ber of her friemd. from th& town and this fall. The oounty executive com.
Tt. TT TXT T. Dl.Ill ... jOA I . . . . . . . . "r MitlOh I 'hllvil- nn Tnsn.w av
th. oldest 1 th,g p.sition for the third time I Auch Chunk, on Tuesday evening. mittee at a meeting decided to assess
f?"Tf vi'"" rnncipai iiauk is a graduate of the Sir.. i j , j fortunate nominees as follows:
th. opinion that young Bhann .d. ulo s0 m,, nM , .
L"W :.r;''f"W W e.dH"te of th. MUlersvlUe State Nor- ln n. . rS'h
. imaitsenooi. I w e sympatnize wun Mr. and Mrs. - '
Kev A M Mehrkam of (Vlnl.;. JTanz itoeoerer in tne death of their louers, eaon; poor aireotors, sio;
, uev. a.m. Menraam, or toiumbiai !,-ij ji,i..,. . I ao . ..o mi ....
l,.,..,,.., a ,iTa. ....i e discoursed io tne uutneran mn.i: -; r -,-.r i. wivu.(,iyUi.uuiwi.1 ,iV. iuoiuancr
M.1..IV., Aua. . ..w ....... i . . ,. , , ,T. ." xew oavs illness witn cronn. intArmnnr. i . i , . , . , . ..
Minister Blount at San Francisco wa. not I J"" ou rUUB ovemuB. xio jised as . madB oh Mnnrlav ' uus occasiuueu consiuerauie laiar,
the figures are regarded as high. The
D'; "" w,:.0 , ward," 7 hu'.t H was made on Uondw. l
ln July Mr. Bl.unt InformM the W" "STltlS. . v j",.""" '""" "uvUnmm!tt.a d.fenda Ita Mlnn ,
at of Ms UUntion to leave nao; A large audience listened with detp iTS " uouvery wagon ior
r fiaa FrancUco ou Aug. t Aa the interest and appreciation to the sermon EeI 8 Bon Marohe at Maueh Chunk, ground that there are twenty more
' I. . . . . " . . ' t 1.11. l-aAaala V. n anaalrn n ile a t . I ml.. . A 1 . . II.... ll II. 1 a. 11 . t . .
Cloa. Call to Death.
a surprli
tln. ln July
I..1,. fnt. I
Hawaiian situation standi at present, tk. Iwhleh bore the marks of clear thinking! The contractors working on repairs election products than formerly and
settlement ol the annexation question win uie"iseuv reaouuiuK oi ine word a me yauey earn snops at raokerton that the funds are needed tonavelec
lirucuu uisuuij vn tuiitricuvca usbnim i asvn mcui aiu i v uuutiua onea w nuuio avci uajr. I Qmcors.
f iwumi, u.wU.a. - r;"i ti " iris .7 . . tD I niuittw xiue. oi weifsqori' lias
w Blount. to gay that they fully appreciate their the contract to do the brick lavinc for
t aoietiasior. wt. inearKam and hiiirti- rla..hnoniiA.,ca -
D,Mer.7. Tl'lTh. R.nub- 3.","PfB,IlF.J2mo tlBle Wlth hl . A eoraer fell out of the old stone Charles Q. Illskey, 19 years old, had
llcan ttt. conveotlon nominated Hon. F. rfii,. i n in .i. I hjuse belonging, to David Ebbert on marvelous escape from a horrible
3 was
the present Imalneas depression to the I , . ,,ou uelr spacious grouuas In I town. j V T , i ii T .
nrSaUnedDemotratlcaiumBt to ov-r- '8h? fr?.m .CTesdav, September Th, H,.l,ra ni Aii.t. made wben ba ,eU of anllay between
throw protection." PL J .StS." .i.i" "m.,lntr- n'elssport will have a big picnic inthe ths traots directly In frontof the oar,
A f,nift.. K.w.P.p.r lin.r..... Bn(J ufeoUauloal friends should keen SI Ji.n.oe!ioa? roTe' vuuse, on ureoeuce or minu no crouon-, Aug. 'ii.-iuaReuivori.i tiieirweatner eve open in the prepara- w,ine; ThZ AiiTntnwn v,.,7i n,iii ' uu
w the financial .Hnatlon, th. Kv.nlog uon of their exhibits. The ladled falso Wif.Sn.ii1 5nh?n ..ff J"! flrt truck of the first car bruised
u.E .iln!I MH ih. 1 w 1, .tL t tt't needle work, I expeet to hare a bis time on thb occa-1 right am and the rear truck
I'"..'. . '"T. rT.7J. . mnoyuriou-oruounu culinary products .i01, - w,n Mr,
tW Ina few words we desire to call
tW to your notice a very important
fact. It is this. We have us
fgr" large and flue a line of general
a. store goods at ypu w(l find anv.
tST where. Come and see us, let us
show yon oqr good, pud tell you
what pur prices are. We deliver et
goods anywhere promptly and "it
without extra pharge whatever Ji
q the purohaser. Pant pay big Jll
prloes but come and soe us i
Robert Walp.
iWf'ntreet, Op, Round Housea.
Th. Dolnjta of th. Week Int.tleaded With
fertonal Mentions,
George Kresge and wife spent last
Sunday at Stemlersvlle.
Elmer E. Boyer contemplates a
Islt to the World's Fair.
Hiram IUokert is Improving his
-Milton Snyder was at Alleutown
Qrllf H.Scho"lsback from a two
weeks visit among Monroe county
David Ilunsicker and wife, of
Saegersville, were guests of N. Snyder
and family this week.
Charles Arner has drilled two ar
tesian wells for the Franklin Shoe Co.
oa their propel ty on the hi".
TomWatkln9 escorted a trio of
Nesquehonlng gents around Wei9sport
on Tuesday.
Robert Anthony did business at
Allentown on Tuesday,
There Is a dead lock ln the Frank'
lln Independent School Hoard over
the election of a principal.
Mrs. John Ruch, accompanied by
her eon and daughter, of Hamilton,
Canada, are guests among friends here.
They will extend their t islt for a period
two months. They were former re.
eidents here and it is their first Visit
ln almost twenty years.
William Bteckel, of Slatlngton, was
ere last Sunday,
A. E. Beltz, the obliging and ac
commodating salesman In N. Snyder's
store, passed his 3Cc mile stone on
Rev, Sandt, of F.'eemansburg, was
in town on Moncy, the guest of Rev.
Francis Solt, Janb Straussberger
Francis, Ulysess and It win Kresge re
turned home last Friday from a weeks
fishing trip to Long Fond, Luzerne
county. They brought with them over
300 fine specimens of the finny tribe-.
This is positively no fake, is it Francis I
Chester Buck, of the Custom
Uouse, Philadelphia, is in town with
Us family on a short vacation. The
'Squire looks exceedingly we'l and
many old friends were much pleased to
see him.
Warren Straussberger. who has
been somewhat Indisposed for a week
Is again about to the pleasure of his
many friends and the joy of his best
Miss Evelyn DeChant was a gues1
at the residence of Lee Wills this week'
Miss DeChant was at one time teacher
of the primary department in our pub
Uo school, but is now doing exoellent
duty as a nurse ln the University of Fa.,
Hospital at i'hllaclelpUIa.
A. P. Snyder and wife, and Misses
Ella Rapp and Mary Snyder left on
last Saturday night for Chicago where
they will spend some time seeiDg the
wonders of the World's Fair,
-The members of the Reformed and
Evangelical Sunday Schools plcnlced
at Glen Oneke on Wednesday,
The post office question is stl'l an
unsettled trouble in Weissport.
Miss Katie Dlehl, of Fhl'adelphie,
is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Kntz.
We are onto you old fe"owl Best
family flour $2.00 per bag. N. Snyder
won't be undersold and dod't you for
get it.
K.J. Hongen and Chester Buck,
accompanied by their families, spent
Tuesday evening at Selberllng's,
Mr.and Mrs. Tully,of Philadelphia
are guests at Selberling'e Hotel,
Maueh Chunk Daily Times; George
H, Laury resigned on Saturday as
book-keeper for the Maueh Chunk shoe
factory, to become the manager and
superintendent of the new factory at
Weissport. Mr, Laury Is the president
of the Weissport concern and proposes
to make of it a model establishment,
A pretty August wedding happily
solemnized in East Weissport last Sat.
urday evening was that ot Mr. Thomas
Arner to Miss Lucy Romig, daughter
ot Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Romig. 'The
ceremony was performed by Rev,
Miller, the. able pastor ot the Evan.
gellcal congregation, ln the presence
of many friends and relatives of the
contracting parties. The bridesmaid
was Miss Eva, a sister of the bride and
the best man was Mr. W. li. Whltehoad
Jr. The bride und bridesmaid were
beautifully attired ln fashionable ap
parel and the groom and best man wore
black. The wedding march was ably
rendered by Mart Miller. The room in
which the ceremony was performed
was handsomely and elaborately deco
rated with flowers and evergreen and
presented a beautiful appearance
Following the ceremony a sumptous
supper was served to the guests. The
young couple left the same evening on
a wedding tour. They received many
presents and have the best wishes of
hosts of friends.
Society Tld-lltls orj Interest to tin Mam
bar. of th. Fraternity.
Secret societies in need of parapha.
nalla, flags, banners, uniforms, ot..,
should consult II. V. Morthlmer, Jr.,
who represents one of the largest firm j
ot lmpoiters, manufacturers and
dealers ln this country befoie purohas-
ng elsewhere,
The Jr. O. U. A. M, Council located
at Kunkletown will hold their annual
picnic on Saturday.
The Farmer's Alliance of Broad-
headsvllle held ablgplcnlo on Tuesday,
Oak Grove Council, Jr. O, U. A. M.,
of Pleasant Corner, will hold a picnic
on Saturday,
Theodore Former Pott, No 502, G.
A. R, will hold their annual Bean
Sonp Festival on Thursday next,
21th, at Pleasantvalley, Monroe county.
All are coidlally invited to attend.
Speaking of the state council of
the Junior Order United American
Mechanics of Pennsylvania which as
semble here September 19, the Pitts
berg Leader says:
These sessions are held annually and
of late years the representatives have
been constantly Increasing ln numbers,
and at the next session the officials
expect about 750 delegates.
' There are over 80,000 members of
the Jr. O. U. A. M, In this state and the
business connected therewith always
requires a few days' deliberation, and
the coming session will probablyilast
days. As ln nearly every convention,
the contest for oltlee will be one of the
Important events. A state councilor
Is to be elected, a state vice councior
and three representatives to the
national councils.
For state counollor William T. Kerr
of Pittsburg, at present state vice
councilor, will ln all probability have
no opposition. For state vice councilor
there are two candidates, Robert W.
Crane, of Philadelphia, chairman of
the finance committee of the state
council, and John K. Marlin, also of
Philadelphia. Mr. Crane has an ad.
vantage ot a more active service for
the order, being popular, well-known
able. For national rpresestatlves thera
are six candidates: A. D. Wilkin, Esq.,
of Mansfield, Pa., chairman of the state
law committee and a well-known attor
ney of the Alleygheny county bar; If.
J. Davis of Johnstown, Pa., secretaiy
of the advisory council of Cambria
county! Victor G. Reed of Philadel
phia; George C. Morgan, Newcastle;
William V.Elkins of Philadelphia and
. H. Temple ot Johnstown,
All the candidates announced are
well known, but one of the prominent
leaders ln this section states that the
chances are greatly in Jnvor ot the
first three named as they represent
the opposition to the "slate" candi
dates. There are none more popular
than A. D. Wilkin, Esq. He has served
tour years on the state law committee,
and during the last legislature was an
active member ot the state legislative
committee of the Jr. O. U. A. M., which
did such good service for the compul
soiy education and free text-book bill.
lie was first secretary ot the Allegh
eny county adtlsory council and has
taken such an active part ln all the
the movements of the orderthat he Is
known by all. W, S. Davis is well and
favorably known throughout Cambria,
Somerset, Westmorland and surround
ing counties. His activity has force
him Into prominence. The same can
be said of Victor G. Reed of Phlladeh
phlawhoon several occasions served
upon state committees. One Impor
tant measure to be acted upon is the
proposition introduced by a principal
ol a city school to ohange the time of
meeting from the third Tuosday in
September the third Tuesday in
The country representatives iook
upon it as a movement which will in
terfere with their their attendance and
give still greater power to the city
rt jrjesentatives.
Anotner measure is tnat oi matting
the terms of representative for two
vears Instead of one. There is no doubt
but that this session will be the most
Important one of any in recent years
from many standpoints.
IN A FKW ilrlK.
Short Sualbs In anil Arronad Carbon
Coanty Dished Vp for Onr
John Frey, of New Mahoning, is at
St. Lukes Hospital, Bethlehem, under
treatment forcanoer.
Banks township publio schools will
open on he 21st.
W. II. Zeigenfus has been appointed
postmaster at Aquashlcola.
Dennis Montz, a painter, while paint
ing the new barn of Daniel Cannon at
Rockport fell from a scaffold Saturday
morning a distance of thirty feet to the
ground and received severe Injuries to
his head aud back and, also had an arm
broken. He was taken to his home on
Railroad street Weatherly and Is suffer
lnga great deal of pain from his wounds.
John Susook, a Hun; irlan miner at
Evans Mining Co.' a Beaver Meadow
colliery had his leg badly cut and bruis
ed by a fa'l of rock while In, his breast
Dr. W. A. Le Van, formerly of Mlllpot,
has located permantly ln alaUngton.
James J. JJaugherly of JeausvlHe
and Miss Bella Waters of Audenrted
were married yesterday at 1 o'olock ,lu
St. Patrlok's church, Audenrled by
Rev. Father Marren.
Patrick Garra's saloon at Quakake
Valley, was burned to the ground on
Saturday evening at half-past eight.
The family had gone to bed for night
wh.n they were suddenly awakened by
the cry of fire. They escaped just ln
time to save their lives, The cause of
the fire Is not known, but Is thought
that It Is the work ef an Incendiary.
Everything is covered by insurance.
James Cunningham's coal goods
factory, at Summit II111, Is turnlag out
large orders for the World's Fair at
Chicago. The goods are handled in the
Fair building by John Evans, a former
resident of. Summit Hill, who has a
position ln the mining deportment,
Mr. Evans reports that they are selling
quite freely, but he experiences much
dlfllcultyto convince western people
that the articles are reality manufac
tured from pure anthruoite. The state
ment is too astounding to them to
believe, and even some of the directors
of the Fair considered the business a
fake and at first refused to give Mr,
Evens a stand on which to exhibit.
fn. colnag. bill of both gol and silver, suouia keep thinking of the date and
r" ia i" bustle up a little. Kemember, Beptem-
JXv?ni,,-,v.n T.' w 'olt?0ll y," br to 15. Now move lively.
"Wa fnrttiap lillava " It ,,n "lliafe Mr I
Cleveland and his cabinet and the Demo-
rolled him round. The following three
cars passed over him safely. The others
Afwm r.. im v of the crew expected to. find him man
Last Thursday eventnir at thai Chunk. aav tha MUTlm.i rmm I gled, but Illskey crawled out from uu
cratlc leader, ln th. senate and hous.lnoln8 ol Mar"" W?n?ra on oecond I gressman Aintchler, stating that theldertne cars uninjured,
squarely favor this plan " street, a most deughtlul party was I commissions for the post offices at I
Kivcu .u "s"n aiioa i neqypr iueuuow sua r-asi JHaucn 1 Ic Cream 85e Par Gallqu.
Card! tat tJlbbont' Aonlvarsary.
BaLTIUOBX, Aug. lT.Twenty-flv. y.araj
agp Cardinal aibboq. wae elevatnl to, aj
btshoprlo in th. Iloman Catholto church.
Although his silver Jubilee oocnrnd yes
terday there was nq clebratlon ot to.
.v.nt Th. ceremonies that naturally at-
(and upon auon an Important occasion)
bar. tieea postponed until soma tlms In
Ootober. Th. cardinal la at Cap. May,
where be wtut to auloy a muck, ntaasq va
lr.aiaela's Yellow Fever Bear Ovar,
PElitAOOlA, Fla.. Aug lt.-Th. last
hullatln published at th. bekrd t health
a Alee atata. that no new eases ot f sv.r or
ausplatous slakneas has been rtportad. Th.
state health oRicw saysi "It will be Inter
esting to know that bo ra.r. thaa six hun
dred ptoplt have left th. ally to all points
far all uurnoaaa alse. thadsatk ef K.f.
Mr Walt and EUaa Weed, and many ol
that. Lav. rtturuad."
Lena Leonard. H During the evening I Chunk had been issued Tuesday. The! , j . ... ,,.
the usual ifames were tnulced"in and rtoraSi. ram.mlah;yh iXfin Picnic and festival committees will
i - 1 ,1 1!.4..l .'a. I r ' . , a . . . ... I d J IA, A. . .Y.l J A A 1
ai & laie uuur uoiikuuui reuasL vu i ffTHisiniQ are ma iuhkv nna. vi wm uuuii iu tunr wtimuun lu uuy ice
eit'Kauiiy iwrveu. xhwv vrveu,i. were: i uaiiajcaer at nearer Aieaqow, ana cream from 11. fu tailtou, lehiglitou,
ttrdflimma SStoSfe gP Thos., V. Dlnan at East Maueh Chunk. wtosell. the very best articleatth.
Kemmrer, Ida Irwin, Jennie Irwin, ,'T7. low Drlce of 85 0611 ts per gallon.
( a l tr an..' te...i . -sr. i ' I II All SOt lUinft. rii a i i . Hn
juHinua jiorn, Alice juantz, Larue t V tt t. . , I rnraie lamiuea auppiieq ai 91.W pep
Sohmidt Emma WundtMame amUh 1' and delivered. When
ci'a&T U to call
Sohvartc aud T. W. Clauss. Mrs. C. T. I w? wmSf -sx (3 aoa ;uxtu iei. lu- ana stw uuiwn.
JUJfJl ttllit BUU Ueri.t I rv aVTfrf Ba v-w a VSHUU- I -
H. n.Kre.dl,r claim, that h. sell. th. best mUe,PPl7 " W' StH PRAflHPS I
wetk for lea. money than anv of t. otheii Premue5, . 31 i LAljIlLO !
iiu mo Mm tuiv ... w Ma loe pueiicto new star, ror LAbigntan. jne peacn season is nere and we
prove It by eoiipatlng hu excellent ttock M. Toaos t Co, will open their new intend to see that lusoious fruit. We
and lew figures, with tut of other dealer..' gtor(l iu obert's Bloek, First street, will in the next few weeks receive 6000
-lee uream freecers at Qabel's First next week, with the finest stock ot baskets. Retail dealers throughout
tree. -. ready-made .lathing, hats, oar, and the oounty will pottlvely save money
Jt guod totnoh Lawn Mower for I gwitai' furnishings ever brought to thla I by making their purchases from oa.
. rne prises on au gooo will be I """""Jr"! jw"Pj autu. u.
Wm. Ebbert accompanied by his
sweetheart took a pleasure trip to
ienign county on ounoav.
A party of bicyclists of Mahoning
iook a nying trip tnrougn tne valley
to CherryvlUe, amongst them were
Dennis isotbstem and his daughter.
Ellas Smith ia still on the sick list.
Blood poison seems to be the trouble.
Claud Bowman, of Bowmanstown
enjoyed himself at John Samuels' over
uunday. .
Misses Ida Gerbor and Ida Wehr
enjoyed tnemseives at w. tt. llelntzel-
mapls over Uunday.
The jolly Edgar W. Monlthron took
carriage ride to Lehbjh oounty on Sun
Illae Marv Wnrlnw r,f KCmn-U ITIlt
pleasantly wjourned for the last two
weeks at the noma of J. u. llalllet.
James Peters one of our bard work
ing farmers, who Is crowded head-over-
neeis in wore: just started to build
larse dwelling bouse. Mr. Peters
pushing the job to an advantage the
nouse is almost ready ror roouug.
MissSadle Trexler, of Allentown, was
spenuiug iue wees witn u. llalllet.
A nleatant and ions to be remem
bered surprise party oame oft at the
well-known reeidenoe of Chat. Kehilg
xnureuay evenijig in nonor or airs.
ItehriK. The usual nleasnres were in-
dulxed ln and an elecant luncheon was
served, lira. Rebrig received lota of
presents irom ner many guests
12,85 at the Lehigh Coal i. Hardware 1 town.
Oe, Lluitwl, north First street.
the very lowest.
I J. Saeger, Boat We!
frlday, Auanat tt
Ur. W. F. Danxer, speotalut ln the
treatment ur all diseases f eye, ear,
netw and throat will be at toe Bx
etuuage Hotel, on vtwb, August at,
Iteuben Rehrls circled at Nesau
noning last Saturday.
Allen Bowman, of Bethlehem, was
nere on jsaturaay.
The new residenoe of James
Ileintzleman Is ready for occupancy.
James Roethllne and wife, of Nes
quenonmg, visuea Alien iieer.
Elmer E. Seitz. our popular and
successful merchant did business at
CherryvlUe on Saturday.
The Pa. Telephone Co.. has extend
ed their long distance telephone line
tnrougn town.
Stewart Prutzman. of Lehigh Gap,
was nere on rrmay.
The intense heat comnelled the
employees ln the works of the Blue
Kldse Powder Co.. to quit work last
B. Zelzer, Maueh Chunk, was here
on.Sunday, the guest of lienj. Weldaw
The Reformed connrreflration of
this district will celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the reformed ln Bow
man's orove on tne -utn instant
Among those woh will be present are
State bupt. be tinner ana llsv. J. 1. Uood
ot urisinus uoiiege.
Jonathan Kistler and M.T. Trexler
circled among our political leaders on
Monday. Mr. Trexler is a Detnooeatlo
candidate for County Commissioner
and it looks yerr much as if be would
get mere,
Camp meeting will open here on
the 31st Instant under the auspices of
the Evangelical Association,
Henry Maidenwslt has commenced
the erection of bis new frame dwell
Peter Costenbader, Reuben Rhorig
and Tbos. Craig nave Been appointed
a committee by tbe school board to
look after tbe repair of tbe school
bulldinir. The people here are of the
opinion mat a new ana more com
modious building should be erected to
meet the demands of the people,
The Monroe -Comity Fair
Monroe (Joour rair iu oe new
iHirp, HKKtK&IBElt ft, 8. T, land
Lag. Fitelos &n4 Kuaikiag ii&am will
The llonroa tlooi
rr&Ulno-. Piielnir and HuBttlnsT
hid ticb day. a corps ! three AcroiuttU
Mule and Knude, luve Un twged and 1U1
nai oituni
at all tlme of tue Uv-
Ioob AMMoUoni will te then wob
IMUUU aua oiaa
vtiowt wtui juiora aEBwemHti
J 8, WII.UAM8, Pre.
i. u. Ua.uHn,wo,
PrODoeals are wanted for dhrirlnir
trenob from Saw Mill Run to Long
nun uy wiy iimioion vvatib iai.
Howabp SfAourT, Seeretary,
aag. iu, lowo-ir.
tttmr MicKwemB't vtcrk's tin.
The M. E. Sunday scheol plcnlced in
the park yesterday.
Miss Elizabeth Callahan, of Easton
Is spending a season with Miss Lizzie
Martin on the hill.
Some one attempted to burglarize
the store room of J, L. Uarleman the
other evening, jimmies aad other lu
struments were put to use to effect an
entrance, however the attempt was not
successful as they were frightened off.
Mr. and Mrs. David Arner and Mr.
and Mrs Wilson, ot Maueh Chunk,
were gnetts at the residence of M, A.
'egley's on last Sunday,
Ex-postmaster McDanlel who Is an
aspirant to the nomination of county
treasurer subjoct to Republican rules,
deserves that recognition from his
party, as he has been a life long work
er in their rauk's. Honor the aged
gentleman by giving h!hi tbe nomin
Wm. Shaffer and Chat. Yohe, who
have been employed for the past six
weeks in the N. Y. O. & W. Railroad
machine shops at Mldelletown, N. T
have returned home on a visit. The
shops have shut down for CO days
owing to the dull times.
Miss Ella Peters, of Leblghton, was
the guest of Miss Annabel McDunlel
last Friday.
Chas. Warg, of Dunmore, Is visiting
in this neighborhood.
The Infant child of Mr, and Mrv
Roswell Snyder ts seriously 111.
Daring the two days idleness upon
the railroad, sootion boss Dulan has
had a large force of men laying new
tracks ln the coal sidings, which was a
most urgent necessity as the ties were
becoming decayed.
The person who goes lu bathing at
the rear of the Foowarding Office
should "look a little out" as he Is being
watshed. Age should display at least
a small amount ot common sense, this
practice Is becoming a publio nuisance,
Mrs. RCDltterllne spent last Sun..
day at Leblghton visiting her parenUi
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grayer.
On account ot the separation of the
two corporations, the-Lehlgh Valley
and P. & R. R. R. Co , the clerks In the
storehouse department are working
extra hours, an Inventory of stock It
being taken.
W. Lee Stiles and wife were guests
ot Mr. and Mra. J. li. DIUey at Wilkes-
barre on last Sunday.
John V. Miller, of Summer Hill, is
the owner of a new bicycle of the new
Mail manufacture. The sport of cyc
ling Is becoming more popular every
Buffalo Uontz controlled the gang
admlrablv on last Saturday afternoon
at Blatlngtdn. They scalped the (&ys
from tbe Welsh Hills to the tune 'of IB
to 10. It does not look as it ttie
national game was dying out, as base
and face hits were plentiful. Tom
Conarty Is becoming a phenomenon lu
the art of twirling the sphere, lie
pitched a masterly game holding the
heavy sluggers down to 5 measly bits
uptotheuthinniug. He then' slack
end in his pace of speed and allowed
them to make six hits.
Miss Lizzie, the daughter of Albert
Zimmerman was united ln the holy
bonds ot wed-lock to Jfr. William
Kunkle on last Saturday. A large
number of relatives and friends were
ln attendence. After the ceremony an
old fashioned dance was given in an
empty bouse owned by Mr. Meyers,
hort l'arafrapkt Tkat Will b. at Intaratt
to the ItaBlraad Vara,
tThoScrauton Tribune says: "The
number of outsiders who can manage
the severed Lehigh Valley Rail Road
better than its regalar ofitclals Is only
equalled by the number of newspaper
readers who .aa edit th.Ir favorite
newspaper infinitely better than tbe
editor ln charge.
;The Pennsylvania Railroad, It it
said will use Instead ot the
telegraph to move its trains. By tho
perfecting of the long-dlstanoe tele
phone, the last obstacle to this b
stitution has been removed, and the
Pennsylvania Is enterprising enough
to realize tbe fast.
it is stated at JBatton on exoall.nt
authority that the Leklgh Valley Rail
Road will begin about Aug, 20 to run
its trains into Jersey City over the
Pennsylvania Road from East Newark.
Ibis was the route used by the Lehigh
Valley prior to the Reading lease.
After the derl the Lehigh Valley trains
were sent over the New Jersey Central
tracks from Brill's Junction, near New
ark, to the foot of Liberty Street,
; A notice from den. Sunt. Wilbur at
tho Easton depot states that annual
passes, and term and trip passes issued
by the Philadelphia & Reading Rail
Road Company prior to Sept. 1, will be
recognized by the Lehigh Valley Cotn-pahy.
t The Lehigh Valley passenger trala.
men have been uettt.d that they may
remove the Philadelphia it Reading
button and collar emament aad sub
stitute the Lehigh Valley Rail Road,
A dispatch to that elfect was sent by
President Wilbur te Supt. Donnelly, of
Las ton.
t It is learned f roai a credible source
that the Philadelphia & Reading Roll
Road Company will shortly tunnel
through Btookslde Mountain, ln tho
western end of Schuylkill County, to
Bear Valley Mountain, where an im
mense shaft will be sunk to take out
the coal ln that mountain. It is said
that some of the largest veins lo the
Lykens and Williams Valley Mountains
lio in Bear Valley.
t The heglra back to Bethlehem la i
consequence of the abrogation ot the I
Lehigh Valloy-Readlng lease has b.gunl
Says the Bethlehem Times. The car
reeord office in charge of Chas. II. Webb
moved cu Saturday and began aetlve
work to-day. Thomas Cole, the popu
lar young Maueh Chankite, comes
back as 'chief clerk. One of the other
old Bethlehem tt 0j
mtith. The working
consists of about fifteen
of them are young PbUal
W. H. Sayre's Lehigh Valley I
will come back in the course of a w
The return to Bethleheit has eadsed
great eaiisiaeuon amoag tne old Le
high Valley people and to Bethlehtnv
Ites in general. The trafiie agreements
and running of passenger trains will go
on as before, und the Lehigh Valley
will continue the finest express and
local service in the country.
Dletl-Mrs. alrlnkiuan.
After an illness of twenty-five years
that steadily resisted the effort of the
best physiclaBs, Mrs. Mary L. F., relict
of the late Fredrick Brinkmaa died at
her borne on First street, last Thurs
day evening, surrounded by the sur
viving members ef k.r family. D.ieased
was born Ln EarUag-Hausan, Germany
on the 21th day of December In the
year 1823. When a girl lnh.rte.ns
she came to this eeantry la company
with her sisters, Mrs. George Raprt
ot Weissport, and the late Mrs. Hannah
Weeder, of Iowa 0, la. Her husband
the late Fred. Brixkmaa, was on the
same ship that breught the sister to
America and onthelnd day ef January
1803 they were united In marriage at
Bath, Northampton eounty, the Key.
Uelfrlch perforating the ceremony.
She was a member ef the Reformed
church, having eouneeted herself with
that religion while still a girl In the
Fatherland, Rev, Wolkhansen, being
her pastor. Deceased was a kind
mother and a faithful wife. The child
ren are William. Henrv. Georoe. Fred
and Charles. Interment was made oa
Sunday services being held ln the
iteiormeucnurcn, xvev, J. Alvln iieuer
and Rev. E. A. Bauer, ofilclatlng.
Th. 9v..d Prosrraaae a. Arranged By th.
Fair CminlttM,
Wednesday September tSth. open to
rulu.n Mrf.l. W. ,. Awn.J . V ,
menthsprier to day of trial, and that
nave never gone i.r money otner inac
premiums offered only tor Car ben
oounty Colts, net ever 3 years old
Trot or Pace Parse. &0.00. Class
Trotting Purse, 100.00. Thursday
eeptemoer mn. auu uiass Trotting
open to all. open te all Purse IIW.00
2.35 Class Trotting and Pacing open
to all. Purse (200.00.Friday, September
15th. 2.10 Class Trotting ond Paolng
Carbon and adjoining counties. Purse
2UU.UU. -iXI Class Trotting open to
all. Purse $200.00.
Conditions All trial of sneed to be
governed by the Rales of the National
Trotting Association as last amended.
Entrance fee ten per cent of purse
Five or more te enter, and four ot
more to start, mile heats, best three
ln five to harness, unless otherwise
specified, llorees te be called prompt
ly at one (1) o'eloek P. M. on eaoh day
No horses shall receive more than one
premium in any cfne race. Customary
division of mcney, SO, 25, 15 and 10 per
cent ot purte. Right reserved to
change order of pregrame. Positively
no conditionrl entries received. a
tries close Tuesday September 1th, at
II o'clock p.m., and must be addressed
East Manch Chunk, Ps.
Kreldler has a new wrinkle azaln. he
give a whip with his new buggies and
sometimes ne teiu a wnip ana gives
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels
carpets at Henry Schwartz's.
Great variety of rubber hose for
aale at lowest prlaes at Cabal's.
Floe teams for all purposes at the
South End Livery.
Kreldler cairlet the blggeat essvittnent
of carriages ot any dealer ln lb. Lehigh
Valley. He bat now sore, thirty wages,
for tale. He is dally telling and adding to
hi. ateck. Qo and te. bis beantlf ol lln. of
eabt, roekawais, turr.ji, jump saatt,
wbitechapri., piano boxes, butkboardi,
Elatforms, carts, sod a large lot of teeead
aaditoek. All (heap, but good.
Pare Paris Green at fewest prlee
at Uabel'.
Aeream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all In leavening ttr.Bgth
LaTssvr U.N1TIB BrATM SovniMsrCirt
oan Rxrosvr.
Royal BaWng Powder Co.,
MW Wall St, N r.