The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 12, 1893, Image 2

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Be it loTtlj Jut to look at,
ttttbhls thoutbtful, dark brovn eyta,
Cia gentle foe ud 0hln.n1; our Is
But he laa'l rery wis.
Twe birthdays 1)9 bu coasted,
Two dimples he na show,
Yet Wa Ignorant of maay thi&f s
That many tables know.
Thntrrh he talk In childish fashion,
n knows but pretty words,
Md be aays them In a Toloe u iwMt
At the cooing ot the birds.
He imtlM at everybody,
Dot ha hua't learned to (rati
And antfry looks and anKiT pouts.
Be doesn't know them yetl
OK ererythlnff contents him,
n haa bQTor learned to teasei
And klcVs sod acretms, he's unaware
There ft re such tblngs as these.
Sat tie's lorelr ft to look it
And to cuddle sod. to pet,
Tot to wrlfjle out of lorlng irrns,
lie bssn't learned It yet,
Oh. ss At first X told you,
lit Isn't Ttry wlset
Tet won we all h Ignorant
Earth might ba Paradise
Emm 0. Down, In Toronto Truth.
Four Phonos of Life In the Eaaterr
A Qmt Old Mm TOto Deals In Emblemt
f lick Meals on Trait N.w York
anvrparllnylnK on Ua.
man Nature.
I was aboard ot a biff sailing vessel
in Oils port of Now York the other day,
and In rambling about tor an hour how
many horseshoes lb you think I found
nailed up to giro Jack Tar (rood luok?
Tho number was eight, and threa of
these war abaft the mast. I have
boarded iiqmire-rljjffers, barks, brigs,
schooners, smacks, scows, tugs,
canal boats, liners, coasters, dredgers
and every other sort of craft
morod by sail or steam, and I always
find the horseshoe Insight. Sometimes
there In but one, but the average Is
three. I don't believe you could get a
craft out of thlsharborwlthout she had
ai least one horseshoe nailed up
In plain view of the crew. A
new shoe won't do oh, not There may
be look in a new silver dollar, but
there Is none In a new horseshoe. It
must be a shoe which has seen service
the more the better. If there are
three or four nails and a bit of hoot at
tached to It the price la way up. Down
la Pearl street the other day I found
the queer old shop of the queer old man
who has dealt In horseshoe luok for the
last quarter of a century. The news
boy who finds a horseshoe on the street
makes a bee-line for this old Junk shop
to sell Uior a nickel. When a craft is
fitted out her owner sends to the same
place for the necessary charms. The
superstition la not confined to sailors
lone, but truokmen, expressmen, rall-v
road men, lawyers, brokers, doctors and
others believe In the luck of the horse
shoe over the door. There Is hardly a
saloon In New York In which you can'
not find the emblem, and even tho Ital
ian push-cart peddlers want all the
luck there Is In It "Undo John" told
me that he had a sale of five thousand
old horseshoes every year, ranging In
prloe from ten oents to seventy-five
cent, and he certainly had three thou
sand In stook the day I called. lie is
the only man In New York who makes
a specialty of this superstition, and has
been In business so long thatarello
from his shop Is supposed to possess
more power than any other. Queer
thing, isn't It, and yet we are all built
that way, after all We laugh at the
idea of ghost and hug the delusion of
the horseshoe. We send the fortune
teller up for sixty days for reading the
card or consulting the stars, and then
feel friendly toward the barber who uses
hi new razor for the first time on our
"Here's my meal check, but I have no
money to-day."
"Very well, sir some other day will
Yon will hear these words repeated
thirty times a day In a certain down.
town eating house here, aud they mean
that a total stranger has had a hearty
meal, can't pay for the same, and the
proprietor 1 willing to accept his prom
lees to settle the bill some luturo time.
I doubt If you can find a similar lnsti
tutlou In the world. In all other places
the man would be looked upon as a
dead-beat and either kicked out or
turned over to the police. Ilere he Is
treated as a gentleman and put on his
honor. When a friend tald me about
the place I went in, alo fifty cents'
worth of well-cooked food, took ray
check to the cashier and s&m:
"I'm dead broke to-day."
"What name, please?"
"John Smith."
"Very well; come in any time; glad
to see you. Uood day."
lie recorded name, date and amount,
and I departed. Three days later I
called to pay. lie did not look at all
surprised as he hunted out the slip and
made change. Indeed, it was just what
he expected, lor ten years' experience
has taught hint that ninety-fire per
cent, of "dead-brokes" return and
square up. If All the vagabonds of
New York could get credit at an eat
ing-house business would go to the wall
in a fortnight, but that class are not
admitted. There Is a man at the door
who "spots" them and warns them off
when they appear. A decent-looking
man will pass muster every time, how
ever, and, though now and then one
falls to square up, the loss is a mere
trifle. The proprietor of the place told
me he had more trouble with dishonest
waiters In hi employ than with the
thousands who feed at bis place every
year. He loses a dollar through a
waiter for every dime lost by trustln
an enure stranger.
"What's the matter?"
"Some one killed, I guess."
It was a great crowd In front or a
store on Broadway. I looked for th
ambulance but It was not to be seen. I
tried to crowd my way to the front but
no one would give an Inch. 1 skirted
the crowd, asking this one and that one
whether it was a murder or an accident.
and at last I found an opening and
reached the front rank. What do you
suppose a thousand men and boys were
staring at with bated breath and delv
ing the effort of three or four police
men to keep the walks clear? Simply
a line ot cheap-colored engravings a
ooxen pictures in all and all marked
"ten cental" Such a ahow would not
attract ten people In any other city, but
How Yorkers are half-grown children.
I'll put a bag of potatoes or a bushel of
turnips in a U roadway window and en
rage to keep a crowd In front of it all
day long. On the other hand, if there
Is a big fire raging within a block of
liroaaway It will not attract one pedi
trian out of ten. The other day there
was a smart fire in Canal street, with
at least six are engines on tho cround.
A block away a street car horse had
fallen and broken a leg. I made an
estimate of both crowds, and I think
the one about the horse wu the largest
by hundreds. Ilezeklah Beanpole has
been satirised and ridiculed because he
"gawped" while on a visit t New York.
The truth Is, the average New Yorker
spends half his time "g&wplng." If he
can't find anything more interesting he
will put In half an hour watching the
antic of the antomatlo bug making
circles on the top of a dry goods box or
ins nagstone.
f was In Barolsy street the other da)
when a big ausplclous-luoklng man
touched my elbow and asked me to
step aside for a moment- When we
had stepped he looked all around to see
M there was a policeman In sight and
then wulsperedi
"Ple&oo don't give me away. I am
an unfortunate man and have been
driven to do wrong. Can you make use
of these?"
lie held out a pair of eve-glasses
which looked to be worth four or five
dollars, and continued:
"I may as well tell yoa the truth. I
stole, these, to get bread for ay family,
You ci.a have tham lor a dollar-"
0, thank."
ity-nve cwur
a am at ftv Juat tew 'nan o
I ... If r. WA- I
' iXtt'J vast titan ft fsU, fj &aj
boy. Your game Is at least a year old.
and I was Initiated months ago. uo
.nd be dishonest and may luck attend
lie winked and smiled and passed on.
They were cheap glasses, not costing
the manufacturer over twelve or fifteen
cent a pair. An agent here ha one
hundred men at work selling them on
the "lay" I have described. Each ped
dler pretends to have stolen the glasses,
and In that way he finds customer who
would otherwise look upon him a a
fakir. As stolen glasses they are con
sidered a great bargain at seventy-five
cents. If offered in an honest manner
nobody would take them at twenty-five
rent. Bee the human nature in it?
ve seen a irrav-halred old Chan from
up-country who has preached honesty
all his life slyly pocket a pair of glasses
and get out of tile neighborhood almost
on a run, fearing the police might get
bold of It, and I've seen a Wall street
broker buy an extra pair to send to his
old njother and disappear around the
nearest corner like a noon-day shadow.
Yes, It's a good lay," replied one ot
the peddlers after we had drank our
brer, "but I shall drop It for a better
thing next week. I'm going to peddle
laces around the suburban towns."
"On what line?" I asked.
"Oh, stolen good, of course. I can
buy lace at nine cents a yard wholesale
which I can take out and sell at twenty
or thirty cents. All I've got to do with
the average Woman la to drop a hint
that I smuggled or stole It, and she'll
rake up her lost penny to buy with.
ve got a sister who clear twenty-fire
dollars a week right here In New York
on kid gloves. Iluys 'em at wholesale,
goes from house to house as a smug
gler, and makes a profit ot from thirty
to fifty per cent. So long, old man) got
to rope In three more suckers this after
noon." Detroit Free Press.
He was a dreamy, romantic young
fellow from Tacoma and he was doing
the fair thoroughly, entering Into the
spirit of the thing, so to speak, with
all his ability. When the purple shades
of twilight were falling he stepped
gayly Into a picturesque gondola.
adorned and propelled by a real, live
gondolier attired In blue and white,
with every detail of the Venetian cos
tume complete. Our westerner reveled
in the charm of the hour and the sur
roundings. Ho threw himself into the
spirit of ancient Venice and fancied he
saw the bride of the Adriatic lying
ghost-like upon the sunset-tinted
waters. With a woman's artifice he
tried to tempt the gondolier into song.
It was In vain, however, for the soli'
tary boatman at the stern was evidently
thinking of beloved Venice. The
young man from Tacoma at last sought
terra nrma, and as he soared rather than
walked away he heard with horror the
mystical gondolier distinctly remark to
his fellow in the bow:
'01 say, Mollce, llnd me a match.
plase." Chicago Mall.
An Edlt.r-s Ulstako.
The editor of a weekly Journal latelt
lost two of hi subscribers through
accidentally departing from the beaten
track In his answers to correspondents.
Two ot his subscribers wrote to ask
htm his remedy for their respective
troubles. No. 1, a happy father of
twins, wrote to Inquire the best way to
get them safely over their teething.
and No. a wanted to know how to pro
tect his orchard from the myriads of
grasshoppers. The editor framed his
answers upon the orthodox lines, but
unfortunately transposed their two
names, with the result that No. 1, who
was blessed with twins, read In reply
to his query: "Cover them carefully
with straw and set fire to them, and
the little pests otter jumping 'about in
the flames a few minutes will speedily
be settled." While No. 8, plagued
with grasshoppers, was told to "Giro a
little castor oil, and rub their gums
gently with a bone ring. "Boston Trav
Not Mnoh of a Savior.
Old Baohelor Now that you are mar
ried, you don't have to send your gar
ments out any more to be mended, I
Married Friend N-o, don't have to
send them out now. My wife always
has tho house full of sewing women.
N. Y. Weekly.
Well stated.
Mrs. A. I called on Mr. and Mrs.
uashnr this afternoon. I tell you they
are a well mated pair
Mrs. II. Why so?
Mrs. A. There Is not another man in
the world who would take from her
what he doesl Life.
An Apt Rejoinder.
A. I intended to reoommend you for
position of confidence but I suddenly
remembered that you were a man of
no conscience. x
It. Then vou mlcrht have lent me
yours. You certainly do not need one.
-lllegende Illaetter,
Familiar Resemblance.
Photographer Your son ordered this
ikeness from me.
It Is certainly very much like him.
Has he paid for it?"
"Not yet"
"That is still more llko him." Yan
kee Blade.
The Importaaoe of SpelllnsT.
"Do they ever have any sleighing in
Africa, nans.?" naked Willie.
That all depends upon how you spell
It, my son," returned his papa. "They
go slaying every day of the year, If you
spell It with a 'y.' " Harpers Young
Chicago Mall.
Ilareh. Treatment.
Judge Duffy You have been up here
rwenty time for being drunk, l'libavi
to punuui you.
"O, yes, nobody ever offers to reward
m for being sober, and I've been sober
time and again, but let me get drunk.
and then I get It In the neck every
ume. ' lexas Billing.
Objected to Immigration.
Teacher Who was the first man?
First Boy George Washington.
Teaaher Next
Seeond Boy Adam.
First Boy (Indignantly) I aidn'
know you meant foreigners. Boston
Uerd to Anawer.
Mamma (reviewing Ethel's "eompo-
alttw") Why, ehlldl That 1 no way
to spell rhlnooero.
Bthol But If It doe not spell It, how
did you know what it was? Dotuor-
esvs Magazine.
Overheard at a Inn
Mr. CSaoker Is that gentleman
ataadlDg by the door a friend of yours?
lfn. i oaaaiir uq, do, luueea.
1MI, say hueUnd. Ufo.
For Weed.
"Pre get it in for yoa," soliloquized
tbe mosquito, sinking It a llttl deepor
la th aleeplBg vlaHia's nose Otiosgo
a now riea.
Moneybags Bnt you haven't enough
to support my daughter.
Imnecune if sue is as extravagant
as that, sir, you should be thankful to
hare me take her off your hands.
A Sexaoloni Conclusion.
'What did Daniel do In the lion's
den?" Inquired the teacher.
He must hare hod a regular cir
cus," replied the smart bad boy, after
some thought Truth.
Josephine Why docs Mis Swagger
talk so loudly?
Amy I think It must be to match
ber costumo. N. Y. tlerald
rieaeant Prospect
"Willie," said the young mother to
her abject slave, "you must go to work
and raise a beard right way."
What for?" asked the bewildered
To amuse baby. His grandpa was
here this afternoon and It would have
done your heart good to see how the
little darling did enjoy pulling the old
man's whiskers, lie pulled some of
them clear out" Indianapolis Jour
Slie Knows Illm.
Postman I can't mako out tho ad
dress on this letter very well, but 1
fancy it bolongs to Mueller, the young
student who boards In your house.
Landlady Is It a letter from the
I'ostman No, the postmark snows
that it has come from the country.
Landlady Then It doesn't bolong to
young Mr. Mueller. All his creditors
are city folks. ochaik.
Not tho Girl's Fault.
Ilusband That new cook gets every
thing too Salty. It's terrible.
Wife Well, she can't help that, poor
thing. It Isn't her fault that her hands
are big.
Ilusband What earthly difference
can that make?
Wife That shows how much you
know about housekeeping. The cook
books always measure Bait by the
plnoh. Judge.
She TV ooldn't See the Point.
Mr. Wlokwire This paper says that
the women of this country spend 820,-
000,000 a year for Cosmetics. What hor
rible extravagancel
Mrs. Wlokwire Twenty million dol
lars! Myl Why, tho little ten or fif
teen dollars I spend does not amount
to anything at all, oompared with that.
does It dear7 Indianapolis Journal.
Ask ronr Friends,
Who haie taken Hood'tSarsaparllla what
the? think of It, and the replies will ds
positive In its favor, One has deen cuaed of
lodlgestion and dyspepsia, another finds It
Indispensable for sick headache.olhersjrc-
part remarkabds cures of scrofula, salt
rheum anb oilier blood disease, still ethers
will tell yon that It oveacomes "that tired
feeling "and to on.Trnly, the de-t adver
Using which ITood' Sarsapaillla receive
Is the heart? endorsement of the army of
the army of friends It fans wou by Its posi
tive medicinal merit
Tbe Chinese are great poultry raleors
The Chenese hand Is small, slim and
with square phlanges.
Lureu nt iiome in a en uaja ovnuininia
terinir I)r. llalnea' Mnliten RimwIHa.
reeortea.ortn food, without the knowledge of
the DUtlenL It 1 akROhitftlv hunnlflRft- and ulll
effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether
wreck. It has been given in thousands ot cases.
aim in every iniiance a penect cure nas lonow.
ed. It never tails. The system once tmureg-
nated with the aneRlflft. It hrprnnre an litter Im.
possibility for the liquor appetite to exist Uurea
iniarauteed. 48 page book ot particulars free.
Address tbe Uoldien Hrxcirxo Co., isslUce
oircei, Lincionau, unio. ucu . I).
Vandyke brought the portraiture to
the highest degree of perfection.
Specimen Caiei.
S.T. Cllftbtr. New Cas-e! Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Ithenmstum
his Stomach nas dlscordered, his Liver
was anectec to an alarming decree an-
petite fell awav. and bo was terrlblv re
duced In flesh and streugh. Three bottles
or Electric Hitlers cured blm
DJwarb Shephere, llarrisnnrg. III., had
a running sore on bis leg ot eight years'
standing. Used three bottlas of ectrlc
miters and seven boxes or linemen's
Arnica Salve, and bis leg It sound and
well John Speaker, Catawba, O,, bad five
large Fever sores on bis leg. doctors said
he was incurable. One bottle Electric
Ullters and one box Bucklcn's Arnica
salve cured htm entire. Sold by Keber's
Lshlrhton.and Blerf's Welstport
The best specimens of alabaster car
vings have been exhumed at Niaaveh,
When extreme nervous tension has given
you excruciating headache, take a dose or
two or Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills,
and you will soon be well.
The bones or tombs of over QCU
giants have been found in various parts
ot Europe.
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from It Nothing so dangerous it allowed
to continue. One ilmUe Uomh Cure gives
Immediate relief, T. D. Thomas.
riluius sirs that 100 years were spei t
bulldlug the temple of Diana at Ephous.
If vou can afford to be annoyed by
tick beadadache and constipation, don't
use DeWiu'a Little Earl? Risers for tbese
little pills will cure them. T, U. Tliouiis
The average length of life Is greater
In Norway than in any otder covntry
on tho glooo'.
Deafness Cannot bo Cured
by mercury will surely destroy tbe sense ot
amell and completely derange the whole ays
tern when entering It through the mucous sur
faces. Buch articles should never be used as
cent on prescriptions from reputable physielans,
as the damage uiey will do is ten iota to me
good you possibly derive from them. Hall s
Catarrh Cure, maoufatured by F, J C beney it
Co, Toledo, O, contains no mercury, and Is
taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood
and mucous surUces ol the system. In buying
Uall's Catarrb Cure be sure you get the genuine.
It Is taken Internally and la made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F J Cheneys Co. Testimonials tree,
tvtjold by druggists, price 75o per bottle,
Tbe cry of the gray squirrel is an
oioot Imitation of that of n young ba
One word describes It "perfection.1
WerefertoDeWiiu Witou Usui Salve,
cures obstinate sores, burns, skin diseases
and is a well known cure ror piles. 1 . i,
The German emperlor recently is-
sued an order againot oQlcers of the
army using single eyeglasses.
Euro do consumers about 130.000.000
worth ot gold and sliver yearly for
plate, Jewelry ana ornamrnts.
China has many stone bridges 3000
tears old.
Onebeat unit equals 772 food pounds.
roc has been known to explode dur
ing earinquage.
Churches have hod snrpliced cholre
since the Elventh Century
Tapioca, used la puddings, is extract
ed from a deadly poisonous plant.
Shilph's Cure, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is in great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-Qre doses
only 26c, Children love it Bold by
A sngai dish owned by Mr. I. K Smlt
or Poswal, Ga. has been in use by her
f imlly for oyer 100 years.
Live bees can now be forwarded
through the postoffloa all over the
French Territory
In the little village ot Clayton Ind
there are eight men whose united
weignt Is 3000 pounds
LHjn"t Tobacco Spit or Smoke your JJ'e
u tke trueklid, atanuag utta af a ratio- book
UuUWUa all aaat slo-toaae toe wuadettni.
awadaa iwuw lanaeao habit mn. rte
Hank at Drnr Btorea or by asalTtKe. Ad
drraa Tea inertia BamHy (Ju , Indiana Mine-
tau sp). .
In Paint IS
White Lead is belt l properly applied
It will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off it firmly adheres to the wood and
form a permanent base for repainting.
Paints which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burning before
atitiactory repainting can oe aone.
When buying it It important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
propetly made. Time hs proven that
white had made by the "Old Dutch"
process of alow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot bs obtained by
any other method of mannfacture. This
process consumes zour to six montna
time, and produces the brand that
nave given wnue t.eaa it character
as the standard paint. ,
"Atlantic" "Bradley"
"Brooklyn" "Jewett"
Are standard brands of strictly pore
Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pro
cess. You get the best in buying them.
Yoa can produce any desired color by
tinting tnese oranat oi wnite lean wun
National Lead Co.' Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For sals by thi most reliable deslcrslo Paints
If you are golog to paint. It will pay you to
aend to us for a Gook containing Information
that may aava you many a dollar it will
only cost you posul card to do so.
1 DroAwvr N-W Totfe
Owen Rehrig,
Comer Second and Iron Streets.
TVe have severed our connec
tion with Mr. O. F. Acker, and"
will hereafter do all kinds oi
house painting, decorating and
paper hanging ourself. We will
make prices on all work in our
line as low as possible, while at
the same time we will do onU
the beBt kind of work, ''Ve will
be pleased to figure on any
work that ou may need and wc
also hope for a fair share of your
patronage. He will continue
on our headquarters for wall
papers, Zorder8,Curtanis,Paint8
and Supplies, all kinds of
Stationeiy Vc, and will kindly
sohct your patronage.
Owen Rehria.
New Spring and Summer
Goods mean more with us
than.tho same words mean
from other dealers. Why f
Because all tho goods we
have on our counters and
shelvos are new there is
no last year's stock of goods
brushed up and piled up to
deceive the buyer. We In
tend to merit your patron
age by honest, fair and
square daaling and we want
yoa to come and see what
wo have In
New Dress Goods
at rery Law Prices.
Grocoiies & Provisions,
of the best quality and at tbe lo est prices.
Choice Flour and Feed.
Fresh Country Produce.
IVashing Machines & IFringers
of tbe best makes at low prices.
H'e have a Itoomv. Pleasant More.
eiectric iicnieu. uonie ana see us
North First Street, Lehighton,
Office Couet House Buh-diko,
Maucu Cijumk, Pa
All business promptly attended to.
B. W. CLAUSS, - Proprietor,
Excellent accommodation for Dermanent
ana transient custom, i lie liar is stocami
with Finest Liquors and Cigars.
Practical Horso Sbocr and BlactunillL
All kinds of work In this line executed
promptly and at tne most reasonable prices.
Palronaee solicited and satisfaction euar-
anteed. SLopon Nohth Sthkkt, above
the uarbon uonse.
Estimates on All Kinds of RutMInirt
cneerruny lumlsneu.
All Kind of Buildlog Material
Dlose's Old Stand,
ITe handle all the Daily and
Weekly Newspapers, Periodi-
cah.M aga zincs, Fashion Books
and aS'tory Papers, and we
Deliver them promptly at voir
store, residence or office. Do
you get a papr 1 If not please
try us. Besides the news bureau
we have a fine assortment of
Cigars. ToMcco. (Mcctorr.
Fmits. finis. Toys aai Fancy Goofo
At the very Lowest Cash Trices.
Ice Cream !
We have a oosj parlor and will treat
you courteously, rie&se call.
iJloM'tv 014 SUod, - .Virfct 8Uwt
J MMz Chloride of Gold Tablets ylf,
jinlilm. iy . i. ytlied alreiorTOIiACCoin from stos days, rerfeetly harm - w -0
l 111 coin
V bf rivn
ed(tTM the u. t lent,
in voiunmru y
Hie-- 1 - !.Hi.jof oar SPECIAL
i-ini ir.'j p.-Dtmtirhtanro allowed
imM n Hints nullify unBtiToiamaruy kit
i.U i tt t tiiim Mid tmninhletoi
i'tu mi piHi Huiiajratrsiirum anyoi
i' " " ': pvri! 'rnu unvu ucincuruu
i'1LL8 TAHLf-TS ore for ealo
' "P 1 I VJ I ' r mutaitti
if j -Hire '.frj-'ttti ;m i not kpep them,
imi v. t wm hi mi yon, i)T return ma.u, a
'I'M'!! 1.
.tic your imme and address plainly, andttata
wtft' ir luMtiU tire for Tobacco, Uorphluo or j
UO NOT ill DCCniVED Into pnrctiaMng
an oi ni varumi ..uwiruiiia i iihi nro
i riti iur pui-. ittK mr -- lt f f
'X xA. i-i i -. i t a mm viae nu uuivr.
Mauuf actum) only by
61. E3 CD Optra Block.
hu vi.
n Ari'l'ia plew
Wall Papers,
est-. r. XIN
O. .A.. GOTH,
A. Sell & Co.,
Hen of Opera Ilourp, Iron Sheet
Covin tor all I'uriwiea lilraJ out at vorj
ile.MOuabld Prices.
We have a Very
Wsliaveonly 0ret-claa8 milliners and
Miss Alvenia Graver,
DR.G.T. rox,
Grand Central Hotel,
837 Hamilton St., Allentown.
i Freu s to 11 A, h .
OIBce Hours " I to 4 r. M.
t to s r. si,
rractlce Imlted to diseases ottlie
Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat
Hr-AUo, ltttractlou ot the Kj es or the adjust
ment ol glasses.
NO OFFICE HODltS on Monday awl ItiemUy.
Teleplrane Grand Central Hotel.
Henry Brumbore, Prop'r,
The Carbon House has bean renoTSIed aud
rnproved Umwfh.ut; Ills eleetrte lighted and
well vcnUlalnl. and Is arnoiuc the lleet Ilotele lu
this section ol the HUM. 'the ralnwase ol the
ptibllo Is aollelted. Uest siMHHidaUoas tor
peruaneut and traasltnt oustota. OhMMJ very
uoderale. Finn Uo.uos,Fnah lleer and fortei
and Good Clears, lor sale at the liar.
June 18,
W. M. Rapaher,
First door above the Mansion House,
Heal EsUte and OoUeetloa Xtmj. Will Ily
nd Bell Ileal Btale. OooTerancuut asatbr 1m.
Cotleotwns promptly made. raeUnog nutate!
lweedenU a sieelaltr. May be eos suited In
Eastlsb and German twT.lsKt
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Office opposite the Opera House.
Bank Street, Xeh -jhton, Pa.
rlilliix ad4 luklojr artiacU) diauuee a speelal
ty. Local snsslhelli s useel.
uas Malnleterad and Teeth Fstraeted WITH
nrFlCB HODKH -Frusa . a . to l sn , Iroaa
l j. as , to s p. ni , from i m , to s p in.
CouauliastoBA In Kuf 7 p. or Ueiuao
un ee Pttura at HatletoltHsh very rtumay.
' t iPTrntiftatlon tw iinur
in itcun oft' nor rnlTon without tha know
atop buiokidr or one wing ia a lew uy,
tho free two of XJquor or Uor
to them un.
testimonials free. ntid shall
iiiho ii&diui in romninniua-
uy iiiBUrwui uur i adlktb.
by all Ti kbt-clabs
enelnsous ,00
pacugo oi c
and from
mm fan tn
nnti amok r1
oi your xauiuw
Tnc Omo CnmiCAL
for fl.Oii worih of vmir
thorn nit rtfrhtni.I.KltYmiifh
muy um m wum in iiw iimn
Truly youra,
Titb Onto CnFHICAt Co.: Gkhtlkmek: It prlves me pleasure to apeak k
-word of nriiliM for vonr Tablets. Mvaon waa Btronalv addicted to the use of
r liquor, and through a friend, I waa led
ennvtnnt drink or. Tmt tifter tmfnir vour
and will not touch llauor of anv kind. 1
you, ia urucr u jutow mo cure wus pcrmaueu
iifli'd murnhlne. hvnod arm teal lv.
Tour Tableta
bypodermlcally, for seven
two puckiigoB of your Tablets, and without any effort on
A1lrew nil Orxlcrs to
61, 03 and 03 Opera Block, LlmA, OriiO,
mention thl paper.)
All the Now and Pretty
Fancies in NE AT
Can be found in great array
at our stores in
Weissport and Lehighton.
Wc certainly never hud fmcli
a Big Assortment before.
Be sure to" Come and
See Us.
For the next few months the
great question of interior decor,
ation and house painting will
he the leading consideration ol
property owners. Let us make
n Riirrfrostion for vou. You want
the work done right ; we can do
it for you at reasonable ngures,
or we will sell you the wall
paper and decorations. Come
and see ; let us talk the matter
over and we know that we can
please you.
Largo Assortment of
we do the very best work and deliver
IlKANru Of tick i Orer J. T AaudHiluh'
Liquor titer,
iNtitlatryln all tU branebet. Teeth KxtrafUnl
Alikuutiulii. adwlDlivtsKeU vrtrqu4Wie
iHU lai-WKJ)NEHI)AV of Mh k.
iI.Htfi eotmrr.rit
rroposala will b rwlvnt by tbe (School
DlrmufioIMabontDg Towuihlp, up to Mto
daj, AuguK T ltns, at two o'ctooK lo tb atter
LMMHi, for (be erection of a Fraaw Hoboot 1hJI4
Idk. tHNWlfieatbim ran b t at the Oabuon
ADTooATKoflteeor wltb tbe sreretanr. Tbe
wvpoiwUa will be opeiied at tbe Plataiit
Corner kxboo! IIoum.
Tuoa. JtkBHta. Secretary of Uoard,
One reason M'hy Scdt's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypoplioaphites of Lime
and Soda lias had such a kirge sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable .is milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative projertiea are tuit-tjualled. It cures
the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
noott'e Kwttfctluu ouraa Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemic and Wasting
Dlsaasaa. Prevent wasting In
Cltlldran. Alsnvt s asa(lli na
lullk. Oil sully I tie ceuultte. tre
farad by HeoU bowne. Oaiealsta, New
XCws. Mi tf all Ittvgflsu,
from porsono
who havo boon
ourod by tho uso of
Hill s Tablets.
TncOninCniMiCit Oo.i
I1KAR SIR: I havo boon nglncr vonr
cure for tobacco habit, and found It would
la wbiit vou claim for It. 1 uied ten centa
uf theitroTiirefitchciTlnr tobacco a dar.
one to five clgara, or I would mnoke
f nrtv nlTwiii nf tAhnrFr). 1 Inm rli Avtrrsi
fnr twnntv fire Vnan. mid two nnckairfis
curou me so i nave no uesirr iur it.
13. M. JAYLOHD, Leslie, Mich
Donna Frht. N. V.
Co. GektLkmkn .Soma time axo I sent
Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received
1 watMrth a heavv smoker and chawer.
inrwimi". . mi. vunru.
riTTsnnnon. Pa.
to try your Tablet. He waa a heavy and
Tablets but three dava be milt dlinklnBT.
havo waited four month before wrltlns
1 ours irmj.
Cincinnati. Ohio.
havo performed nmlraelo in my caao.
years, nnu havo been rnr?d by i he use of
my part.
. llarizelL
Whips, FlyNetts, Robes
And everything elso usually kept In a
llrst-clnss store ot this kind.
Of all kinds attended to neatly, cheap
ly and promptly. Special attention
paid to tho manufacture of Harness
to onier.
Robt. N. Anthony,
(Sucrestor to J. F, Iter, East Weissport.)
Furniture, Flour & Feed,
at the Truest Prices.
Give us a call. No trouble to show
Swartz Bros,,
Walp's old stand, First street,
for the Best Goods.
Plumbers & Tinsmiths,
Wall Paper.
From Cheap Blanks to Pine Oill and
I'rcssed i'spers. Also, Fells snd Insalns,
Wltb Handsome Fielzes.
Window Shades
ready to hang, or put up to order.
Paint, Oil, Varnish,
Glass, Brubes. Tainting and Paper
Ilsnslng, by corupctllent ivnrktneu sent to
any pari ot me county
Hooks, iStationery and Fanny
Goods, always a lanro stock a
Gl Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
IAWKKU, tbe barber, opposite tbe Opera
lluuse. cuts hair, ihaves and does every
tfilng lu ArtOelass style Droptn and see blm.
Closed on Butidavs, Toilet Articles for sale.
STUIIKK'H Hit A VI NO HA IMN. opposite the
luVnOlTC (Irril'K. ia hulViillipfapa t..T
shaiittir.baireuttlUKanclsbampoolDf-. l"artlcu
lar attention lwld to cutting ladle bangs aod
Ohlldren's llalr. 7lltH aitlctes or sale. Choice
CfKars. Uajx.
CAM PBELIe, orer Uie Canal Bridge, East
Insljle. 1WH call. You mil also buy
Seidel's Balcoiy,
rW Ktrwt, Ubljtlitoq, you Mill always flwd
freshest asillJest
Uye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
Fresh Krery Pay. Our Vienna liread eannot
beeseolled. Weresjweliullyaolleltyourpation
. Watch for tlte Waiion,
Seidel's Vienna Uakery,
Opp. Obert's, l'lllST ST., LEllICIITON. r
Cotted ITaste Transformed Into Kltrate
of Celloloae A New Dynamo.
An Interesting dlsoorery has been
made by two young chemists of Lon
don which will doubtless havo a rery
Important bearing on the manufacture
of cotton, says a London correspon
dent of tho New York Times. Cotton
waste Is transformed by a new process
Into nitrate of cellulose, and cotton
fabrics can be covered with a solu
tion of It which will add materially to
tho weight, strength and value of tho
material. Thin, light-weight fabrics
can bo filled up with this preparation,
which costs little more than sizing and
fuller's earth. The cellulose thus pre
pared Is also applicable to many differ
ent purposes. The cost Is very little
moro than the raw material, being
cheap and the process of manufacture
Another Invention of moment Is one
which enables waste paper to be con
verted Into kegB, barrels and vessels
of every description. In malting kegs
and barrels Ingenious machinery Is em
ployed., which enables the manufac
turer to turn them out with solid heads
If desired. Thero will be a large do
main! for the product In the shape of
kegs nnd barrels for powder, as no
dampness can be contracted, since they
are water and damp proof.
Tho latest Improvement In dynamos
Is one which gives a continuous cux
ront without brushes and accumula
tors. Scientists were Incredulous and
pronounced this Impossible, but the
proof of tho pudding Is In the eating,
and the new dynamo gives a strong
and continuous current notwithstand
ing It was declared an impossibility.
At least ono of the first electricians of
England, who was an unbeliever, now
certifies that the new dynamo Is a sue
Most important improvements have
been made by an Austrian long domi
ciled in England In methods and appa
ratus for distillation. A new ferment
has been discovered, and improve
ments hare been modo in distilling ap
paratus and in mashing machinery and
appllanoes which promise to complete
ly revolutionize the manufacture of
spirits. The bye produots which are
saved and utilized leave the spirits al
most free ot cost. Tho still Is a most
Important invention, slnoo It separates
tho fusel oil and other products from
tho spirits in tho process of distilla
tion, giving In three separate receivers
the tlireo distinct products, and, if re
quired, by a slraplo change in the ap
paratus, instead or getting nigh wines,
pure neutral spirits con bo obtained.
thus obviating separate rectification to
produce refined alcohol. The ferment
is made fresh for each mash and there
results a luxuriant crop of yeast.
which is treated and sold to bakers
and for domestla purposes. This alone
is a source ot large revenue to. the dis
tillers, as tho yeast is of a very superi
or quality and the demand for it Is
practically unlimited. The yield of
Bplrlts Is more than one-fourth moro
than by old processes. Orcoh malt In
stead of dried malt Is used, which Is a
source of considerable economy. The
very best Irish and Scotch whisk is
produced and fifty per cent, raw maize
ftuostltutea lor tne malted oats hereto
fore used, which in itself effects a very
largo saving.
The Result of Volcenlo Upheaval In un Ag
lAtug Oone By.
MaJ. J. W. Powell, director of the
United States geological survey, thus
describes the origin ot Lake Tahoe:
"In geographical times not long ago.
as speaks the scientist, but very long
ago, as speaks the chronicler ot human
follies, there was a deep valley on the
eastern slope of the Sierra Novadna at
tbe headwaters of the Truokee river.
About this valley towered granite
mountains, -llut earthquakes came.
rents were opened in the rocks, and
from tho fissures poured monstrous
streams of lava. One of those fissures
crossed tho lower end of the valley, and
through It poured floods ot molten
rooks. Stream after stream Issued, to
cool In solid sheets and blocks, untu a
wall was built across the valley two
or three thousand feet in height, and
above It was a deep basin five or six
hundred square miles In area. The
storms that fell on the granite and
volcanic mountains rolled in rivers to
fill the basin, and Lake Tahoe was
created. When filled at last its waters
overflowed the rim of lava, and the
Truckee river now springs from the
Tahoe fountain. Its deep waters are
dark with profundity, like the clouds
of a stormy sky, but about its shores a
lew shallow bays are found, and
emerald waters, like festoons of beauty.
encircle the deeper and more somber
lake. Hack from the waters forest
clad slopes rise toward the heavens,
and above are seen naked crags and
domes ox granite."
Early Ideas About Half,
All tho ancient philosophers held eu
rlous ideas respecting the growth,
functions, structure, etc., of the hair,
and had many superstitions founded
on these old opinions. The early
writers on the make-up of the human
body almost Invariably refer to the
hair as being an excrement fed on sub
stances similar to Itself. They sup
posed tnai iv generated In tne muci
nous parts of the blood) waa exhaled
by the heat of the body, becoming firm
and fibrous upon being exposed to the
air. Just as the fluid of the spider web
aoes. in tnese days every Idea respect
ing the growth and character of hair
Is changed. It Is now agreed that
every hair properly and tyuly lives and
receives its nutriment from the bodr
True, they take upon themselves thf
nature of parasitic plants: they grow
as vegetation droes. yet each has, as It
were, a distinct lire and economy
That they derive their existence fron
the juices of the body there Is nr
doubt, but that food Is not taken fron
the nutritious juices, for we know tka
hair will thrive even though the bnd
starve or be wasted by disease, or eve',
after the animal life has ceased to ex
1st In the flesh or skin to which the)
are attached
The Sail Ilou.
Various sanitariums and private hos
pitals are using "the salt rub," and it
Is becoming so popular that some Turk
ish bath establishments are advertising
it as a sjiecial attraction. It is, just as
good for well people as for sick ones, is
the most refreshing of all the baths and
rubs ever invented, only excepting a
dip In the sea itself, and Is matchless In
its effect upon the skin and complexion.
With all these virtues It is the simplest,
most easily managed, of s)l similar
measures and can be taken at borne
easily. Put a few pounds ot coarse salt,
the coarsest you can get sea salt by
preference la an earthen Jar and pour
enough wather on It to produce a sort
of slush, but not enough to dissolve the
salt This should then be taken up In
hsndfuls and rubbed briskly over the
entire person. Of course It is better to
have it rubbed on by another person,
but anyone in ordinary health can do
It for herself or himself very satisfac
torily. This being done the next thing
Is a thorough douoblng of clear water,
preferably cold, and a brisk rubbing
wltb a dry towel The effect of ela
tion, freshness aqd renewed Ufa fa felt
Immediately, and the satin texture ol.
the skin and increased clearness and
brightness of the complexion swell the
testimony in favor of the salt rub. N
Y. Uecorder.
rack of Edoeallon.
lllll tbe Ilurglar (InprUon) Hqw du.
you aocoe to git aauuhty
Jbn the PenmanIt was all owln' to
aek o' early edieatton.
"How sot"
"I got hold of a aback of a man wot',
known everywhere as the author the
qreat Araertktn Spelling Hook. The
check was for four dollars, an' I raised
It to forty without soratchin' out th I
"u."-tioo4 Kews,
--One ot the tunny thf ova over heart
in a Cblaaffo restaurant Miss Ilostoo
"I think I'll bars lobster " Her Es-i
uorv "1 wralds'ti it's eatuwd." Mise
Hottaa "Why, tlx ideal Of oouraa It
las't, so near the lake!" Lowell
The Retort Courteous. Mi. thr
tsasphstisally) "Johnny, what are vou
delnf out la the raluf Johaoy "Ult
Uu wit. ii, watt sTM mas,
Blllouonoos, DyBpopala,
Indigestion, Dlsoaoos of
tho Kldnoyo, Torpid (.Ivor
Rhoumatlsm, Dizzlnoss,
Sick Hoadncho. Loss of
tlons and SklnDiscnsos.
A rtU, 25e. per lottls, OoU ty su Srsrrlits.
J Htlll.JOHHOI Ua, tali-,,
Sold by W. P. Ulery.
Kelt HtVUche vnd retlm alt tho tronllM tod
aent to a biUon nUta of th xtia, iuoIi bm
plxdiiuB, NuiAOaY, Proiraloeic, DUtreM alter
eating, rain In the filda, ko. While Uifltf moel
ymaartablt niece bai been nhenrn ia cttriPg ,
neaflaehe, yt Garter Little Zirer FflU ftf
eqaftll j- Talnable In Constipation, curing and pra-
TentlDtf talaannorUgromplalniwMlafneTalM
Urorana roguUte the bo wall, fires 1XUWJ only
IJelhey would be almctprioltaUioh4
ftuffor from tnla dlttroaalng compUlnt; bnt forto
natalr their goodneai doe noteadhoreod thoea
who onoe Irj them will find tbeae 11 ttla pills Tain
able tn to man 7 wan that they will not ba wll
ilLDg to do without them. Bnt after allalcfc he4
fli the base ot bo many 11 tm that hero li wher
Ivemakeonrgrtljoait. Our puis cur it whila
ictheradonot. .
1 Oarter'a Little' Urer PUla an Twy amall and
very eaaj to take. One or two rllla make a do.
They are atrtotly vegetable and do not (fripe or
purge, bnt by their gentle action pleaao all wM
tiMtham. UiTlaliat2Scentt Crefor(l. Sold
by drngglsta OTerjwhere, or aent by mail,
TflADS MARaCfit.
rp ji enanooK write 10
flllflfl 9 VUm OU1 IIKUAUWAI, nil Il.ltIKe)
Oldest bareea for securing patents In America.
Kvery patent taken out by us Is broturht before
the puuno by a notice giron free of charge tn the
tsxtreet ctrculatlfni of any eatenllflo paper tn the
world. Hpleixlldlr Illustrated. No inteli)"
tnan sfionld be without It, Weekly. 3,UO a,
UEST iir Tiir. WORLD,
Itswnarlos qualities sre uniunnuMi. actnans
outlaBtloirtwu boxes or nnrother brand. Not
enacted by beat. urO F. T TI IB (I EH HIM E.
To Whom It May Concern.
Sir wire LtUle Jloyer has this day left my bed
and board without lust cause or provocation.
aii persons are uereuy cauiioneu not 10 iro or
harbor her on my account as I will pay no bills
contTRCtetl by her.
jiiiinr-a uuiiui,
juiy 7 in
.Packer ton, la.
To Whom It May Concern
All persons are hereby cautioned not to har
bor or trust my wife SUSANNA HKOWN. after
this date, as 1 will not pay any debts contracted
by her. she having left my bed and board with
out Just cause or provocation.
July 6, D3-3w. - East Weissport Pa.
IScaR EsStafe !
By virtue of an Order of the Orphans Court
of Carbon county, there will b? exposed to
Public Sale on the premises, Jn PrauklinTwu.,
Oarbou county Ja.,oo
UM.aCONK o'clock p, m the following- des
cribed Iteal Ustate,late the property of JOHN
a. FJtEY, dee'd to-wt All tiiat certain TltACT
Olt 1'IKCK OP LAND, In Franklin
Townililn. Carbon county, Pa., bouuded and
described as follows, to-wlt ; Replnnliijr at Si
stone thence by land of William Ke merer north
8&H degrees, east SI perches to a stone, thence
by the same south is degrees, east H pei cites to
a stone; thence by the same north M degrees,
cast 28 perches ton stone; thence by land of
F-iiul Iiuclc north 13 1-4 degrees, east is perches
to a white oak treei thenm liv th aamn nnrlh
20H degrees, east i3 perches to a stone, thence
by the same north &H degrees, east 34 p relies
to a stone; thence land lute of J, aud 11. f-ailry.
south ssi degrees, west C3 perches
knot; thence by the same south degrees, west
ni perches to the place ot beginning, couuUuIor
and ViO perches, strict measure. The Improve'
me ut thereon consist of a TWO-HiirtV
PBaMB IVKI.L1N(, 1IOUSR, Urge Swiss
Uarn and other necessary outbuildings,
Terms and conditions will be knphn at limn
and place uf sale, by AUH1 IN HOYEH,
J uly lsili. 16S3. Admlulsir&tor
10 a pina
B all JajsK-fisSsL- JB-sPA
1015 Arch St., Phila'TPal
Eaaa at once, no operation or delay from bun
ness, attested by thoiiaands of curvj. ndome
ELvenU of phrslcuitia, ladies and prominent clU
seas can be teen at office. Consultailon free an4
strtctlr confiilentlAl. Bend for circulars. a--Off
1 Hours I B A. NT, to S P.fftV
' hn Hiiog rex szmnta 0fta
The folio wins; are a few of the many that have
been entirely eared of Baptare by Da, J, It,
if AT Kit's TaXATKEXTl
Jacob a Bchant. im North Broad St, rhlla,
K. O. Bheesly, pheelton, DanphinCo.. ra, -r
V. B. Kosalter, I-hoenlxTlUe. liu ttoMff
K. A, Hall Kew ton, N. J. mBBi
John H.aearerlYeIlowIIotiseP.O.erksk.,ra
A. 8. Kldnsvtoa, Limekiln I1. 0 , )terks Cx, 1'a,
ft. JnnMt Phtllna. Kennat Hnnare. 1'a.
A. A. Cioldewonthy, Centralis, (Jbl. Co.. T.
u. ueniago, Mutira uui, f(, 4,
r. A. Ktvlu. Hlitlntr.n Fa. 1
jii.l).iU.littTllie, 2jn4iisp1tpi,lls,
h. IL Kunkel, list linden R, Allenuum, Fa.
GenTw. Watt, NorrUtown, fa.
a T. Benur, tot & lOlh 81, rule.
Iter. 8. IL fihense r, Bunburr, ra,
A. P. UtIwom. WoodUirr, U. J,
Israel Gaadt, M&la EL, rVmth Eastaii, l a,
U P. Dcturk, Jr., Oler, tierts Ot)., !.
J. Oenaehelraer, Clayton. W.J.
Z. K. Danenaewer, 1109 Cotarabla are., Fa.
o. a Piper. 7M Pearl sL, UtuUnt, 1'a.
M. Bbaw, Wlaona Arenue, W. cf Morris street,
Wm. DU, 1S9S UontrcM fit.. PhUe.
Tbomas B. llartuiig, New Klnse-ekl, Pa.
u. beca.u sau jiuews n., i uiw.
J. O. OulmtiT, Sit Pearl St , Kcadlnf, Pa.
B. O. BUnler, ill Sproce H.. Lebauon, ra,
A. Behnekler. Ixnut Ia)a, Pa.
V, . Noll. U aetlln fl, herks (So., ra.
a A. Deturk, Dlrdsbaro, Uerks Co.. I s.
Wm, E. llarlenstlne, PnoeinxTllle, 1'a.
John a Lyme. 1X10 llotraM Ilsrrisbuts;, ra.
Cbaa, 8mlll, 111 Greenvleh ft., Plula,
O. Barkoard, Ot loetst St. Iteadln,, Pa.
0. 0. Keeha, DomrUiTllle, Perks Uo., Pa.
O.L.8warU. PoroeUe. Wis.
Wm. J. BIUs batst, S2 Tailor tt, Camdsn.K'1.
Airred iTa lef . lilUj i.bffrt-. N. J. lkfT
ft. Hsaill, (li en Uxl, Chester Co., ra.
Ur. Beekard. ItelM M. ItmBinlA.n T'hM
John stupe. Teubrd P. O., Usagt. Co., Pa.
n ju. Misuser, jjeatpon, t'B.
ILEcreelr. sut North Sud R. plula.
PtiUaoellua Offiee Is rloeul on the ted Satsr
dareteaeatuontb, Vl.J.b. stayer teuijxai lite
Uotel Peon, Keadliur, Pa., to elve treaUaeut to
Pr. J. v. Uarer's terms r trutaicst Is la
rtAoh of stt. Call an4 e eurad.
M. H. Pereons from out of town can xeosfr,
treatment and rutuxa horns tn, tarn, daf.
sd 1 0 eenU In etawpe to
lirll.LSaM M'AS.I.AtE.
leas m. at., rajiiii.. .
, I pain,
ponipleU) lhu,uit u tu.
Jaw V.. aSBSL. I
Itui i.rtt.' " Mum UA!
i"jd rtjwr sv . (. .J 1'a.if - , l.i." ) I
ferlur ratora, IJUd. w4l . AUmu yts
IsrswISeTaejtWoaSaiiWnilW, a .