The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 12, 1893, Image 1

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    Has a larger circulation than Hoy oilier
Uowspaper printed In Carbon oounty. Con
sequently it in the bnt medium for adrer
Users. Our new columns, sparkle with
the oooutrencea of the day -olern, spicy,
interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorials are original anil will be worth
reading on account of their spirit which
Is independent of putstde dictation. Out
price is one dollar a year. Just you try It
Is a specialty at our Job Printing Orris. ,
In Snyder's Iilook, cast side oC the XQlft
llrldge. Envelopes, Note and LetWr Paper,
Phamplets, Order Hooks, Vouchers, Toifs
and all kinds of Pio Nlo, Horse and Kale. . -Ullls,
We do all work neatly, cheaply aid ""
cleanly. Do yoa need anything to this
line? then oall aud see us, or writ us a
postal card and we will be at your servles.
VOL XXI. No. 39
There arc no middle men in
L.ur shoe business : we buy from
first hands and thereby save at
least 25 per cent winch tne buy
er gets the benefit of. We rep
resent the largest shoe manufac
turer in the East, ana have tne
pxciusive sun; ui uiuu romc .me
for this section, from the baby's
to the ladies' finest shoes, from
youths' to men's finest bIiocs.
For price, workmanship, style,
quality and fit they are un.
equaled. Lawn Tennis Shoes
are lower than elsewhere.
Outing and Negligee Shirts
and Boys' Shirt Waifsts in all
the Intest colorings the prices
have been very low to move
them quickly.
One of the finest assortment
of suspenders ever shown lias
been placed on sale at prices
teat will astonish.
Ladies', Misses and Children's
Hosiery, all the latest styles, in
cluding red and tan.
Handkerchiefs for everybody,
from lc. to the finest silk.
Mourning Handkerchiefs for
ladies and gentlemen.
A Bnrgnin 1 1 dozen Spools
of Cotton for 10 cents.
rust Street, between South ana Plum Streets,
LehlKhton. Pa.
Advertisements under tills head At a half-cent
a word each Insertion. Thl Is llio cheapest and
beat Advertising medium out. II yon have hiij-
uuuK to sen or rem try im rneau AuvermmK.
Advertisements roust he paid In advance.
DK8ALK- A dark bay Stallion, sixteen ami
a hands lilirli. twelve enrn old. iwrftrt-
ly sara and sound In every particulars will he, Apply to ueorge t , mirk,
Hast Weiss itort. a. 12-i'in
"POK HALE The Itoyal Palace KUte, one of the
heat saloon and restaurant 8 bind In town In
offered (or sale. (UtWactory reasons Khen lor
Sfllinic. Apply to W.J. Ititter, proprietor, on
in premises, -
ell! tip Hon
Apply to
Thlrdntreet. Lchluhtou.
"CHJK8ALK -In Jamestown a lot 54x23.1 fee
Apply to w, ft ixmif, Leiiitmon.
A BAUBEIlfiHoriocatedln rood nelRhhor
hood, will be sold at reasonahr price. Two
I'UHira, nice rtrom, Apply io n.u4 uumpuciii
East Wei si port.
Th. Closed Orator H.huk.e Atteek
iu Ule Rao.
Chicaoo, Ang. 10. Old Frit Douglass,
th. solersd orator, was greatly wrought
up yestorday la th. suffrage OQngrass by
Stephen D. Week., professor of Trinity
collage, K. O., who road a paper on asgr.
suffrage In th. south. The profwur aaldi
"Negro suffraga li a fsllnrs. It nut re
main a (allure ao long as It Is bat an ally
of tha whits rote. Kegro aen.fnlaatl.n
means th. destruction; of property, rula
ana DaQKruptor."
Douglass, who was op. the platform,
arose and made a inlpasAioBsa repl$.
"You are not afraid of negro domination,1'
n. saia. skating bis can. at th. Mofessar.
"Th. negro can n.ver rule this country.
us would t outrot.d Br th. stair mill'
Ions of whites and .T.rwh.lmed Br rodr
superior lnt.Ulgenos. Thtr. Is a. oppo
sition to the negro la taes.urb uattl h. si.
ires tans. Bo Lag as a. is ignorant aaa
asy on. disturbs htm. It at as.lres to
become a lawyer or k dooter h. at ne.
bscomss an upstart."
1'rofess.r Weeks mais a. reply.
Closing Quotations of lit Now York and
I'tiiiaiioipnia r;ioiiftng;.
New Yon. Auk, 9. Tho market ontmed
with aresolatottrofssslon&l attaak on Dtioet.
which rapidly dtelined. It ended with aipcvdy
rocorcry. viotihg Dids:
Uhlgh Valley... 81 W. N V, A Pju i)i
rsDnsyiTanuu.... w it n. T. com.,,
IteatllDf .... 13 II, & li. T. rrf
SL PiuU.- 63 Erie 11
Keadlas a-, m. is... fills N. V. Cc Dtral.- W
Headlnt let pf 5a. . 22i West fclhore..... SOU
Reading id pf 6s... II LaU Erie A 1SH
tteauiutiaki pr u.. is jsew Jersey uen- n
M. Vi.N,L. . Wi Del. & Hudson -110
General Markvta,
New York. Autr. 9. State and wester a flour
quiet, weak; low, $; city mills
Dstents. I4.25aiivt: fair to fancy. rUMlUS:
Mluneeota clear, $.ANi3; patents, ti.W(
suuernne, iiiojjjm; cuy mini, siti.iu
winter wheata, lewtrradM, Sl.WV patent a,
tA4tJ,l; stralghte. $-i.-m&U ry mixtures, $2.90
t&Uo, One, 1 T (aXAVi Koutheru quiet, easy;
common to fair extra, t.M 1,10; good to
choh extra, $1 tli. Kye flour firm, qntet;
euwiane. lXLt.aa. Uct mo.lfrate.y active.
stead ri Ausntt.MUat.;c.i.-pUmWr. tWA6Hlic.l
December. I January, 7:.;
May. 8ifraflI4C Itre pnmlnal; western, IWo.
Corn flrto, quiet: Au.'tiM. 4sitl4e.; Koptem-
4j(4v gsu, niiit uirt nrinar, au-fc-u
t AHc i SfptembrlL-4tJ',.;tate,a4Hai3r4c.
wtsteru. viUliHc
1'iilUADKiPHiA. Auif. tt.-llecT dull.steadyi
itra tnrii, ;iT a.': tnUl, JlOgjlx. pork
steady, quiet, uew um, til aUtfiift, lrd flrm
tn steam rendered, 5c. llntter flrmeri
New York dairy. lfiOAJHc -t wvotern do., 14Q
l.'c i Kllas, XIH0.1 Xevr York creamery, Z1Q
JflVgro (western do..lQ4p.'Ubc.i Imitation cream
ry. 141to. t'beete quiet, llrm; New York
laue white, Mi&ar-I do. colored, VH-. do.
small, WiilUe.) part skims, i full skims,
Initio Kfgt steady, fair itemaud New York
aud Pennsylvania. lo.; wtrn, IfiOiAo,
lULTiMoaa. Aug. 9. FiourdulU unrbange4.
Wheat steady. Corn lnai ttve, higher! white
com, by aaniple, ; ollow do., ioH W
60c Oats quUu Rro dnll. Hey strong; goo4
to t hotco timothy, b.A&'3 C otton numlnalf
inlddllnr Kio. Provitlona Quiet, unekaaged.
Butter firmer; ereamvry. faui y, 0c.i do., fair
to choloo, lwtto.; do, InilUtion, 18o.; ladle,
fanny, laa . do good to choice, 1&$1Tc,; stort
packed, lea. Xggs steady at 10.
Live Stork ftlttiket.
East I.iathTT, Pa-, Aug v.- (Jatlle steadyi
crime, $L604.dAf good, )iQ( lii mmmon to
fmlr. M.auaa.6-'. fat ooea&4 bulls, ItSA; freelt
f mt, 1A) to $k. Hoa Urmr;! medium and
kght weight. j.WJii.';th,tretne heavy,
aits. Sheep dull; prliue a(.4'e4.0(i go4. II
C4.3fc oommon to f .ir. iiQXi laiabs. a3.6QiB
bS&l vealoalvea, 3A heavy aad tain.
VS lu'fi few wonls we ilelre to mil
ltf to your iiotloo b very Important
fct. It U tills. Wo lutve as
t3f large and fine a line of (
I8 'tore good, at you will llnd any.
tST where. Co.oie ami ae u, let u
show you our Roods and tell you
what our prices are. We deliver
goods anywhere imrmptly Mid "i
without extra olMrtfe whatever JU
to the puroliaser. Itout pay his; Jt&
prices but ooms aud aoe Ha jf
Robert Walp,
Tho Alleged Poisoner of Her Son
races a Jury.
It Is Alleged by Dsm Itnmor That She
Was Roeponslble for the Death of Her
llnsband and the Attempted 1'otsonlng
of II er DnugtiterluIaw.
TnENTOiT.Auir.0. .Mrs. MattloC Plmnn,
tba Princeton woman who la riccuRtcl of
bavins poisoned John P. Slianu. herJ
yearnjld on, to recover about W.tOO, the
amount of three fnturnuce policies mi his
life, which poIlcieH have Wn paid by the
Insurance companies nfter nn lnvatl(?a
tlon. was placed on trial in the county
court here yesterday, before Judge Abbett.
At a crime, ic committed uy ner, tuis
woman atands unparolleled for Atrocity la
the criminal annuls of the state. Itoo
cured at their home In Princeton on the
18th of April lat.
The coroner's innup't. which followed
shortly upon the death of tho young man,
developed the fact that he had been slowly
done to death; that bichloride of mercury
had been ued to gradually Bap his vitality;
and that after he was dead and many
tonened rumor began to discuss her part
In the horrible tragedy, the body was dis
emboweled In order that all traces of the
poison used toklll htm might be destroyed.
8o strongly did the circumstances sur
rounding these fearful deeds point to tha
youth's mother as their perpetrator, that
the coroner made a formal accusation of
murder aaatntit her, and she was arrested
and put In jail.
Mrs. bnann's husband, breaeric: bnann,
died last November underpecullar circum
stances, and Princeton people have not
hesitated to express tha belief.that she
robbed htm of his Ufa.
An attempt was made five years ago to
poison her daughter-in-law, Airs. Harry
Bhann, who drank lemonade out of a bowl,
In the bottom of which were afterwards
found traces of pans green. She bad swal
lowed only a little of the water, however,
and soon recovered from the effects. This
crime, too, has been laid at her door by
When the entire panel of jurors sum
moned for the term had been examined
the twelfth man was secured, and the Jury
for Mrs. Sbann's trial was completed.
Six are farmers and two salesmen. The
foreman is a barber. A grocer, a black
smith and a retired merchant constitute
the remainder of the list.
Criminal Charge Against Cordage Officials
New York, Aug. 10. Police Justice
Grady Issued summonses against J. Id
Water bury, F. M. Fulton, Sr., O. Weaver
Loper and F. T, Wall to appear in the
Jefferson Market court next Monday
morning in answer to charges of perjury
aud violation of the statutes relating to
corporations. The four persons against
whom these charges are made were officers
and large stockholders of the National
Cordage company. These criminal pro
ceedings were Instituted by E. D. Balch, a
stockholder of the company, who Is also
connected with the John Good Cordage
aud Machine compauy.
Tho Perslau Theater Cloiod.
Chicago, Aug. 7. Director General
Davis ordered the Persian theater on the
Midway Plalsance closed because the
dancing there is not In harmony with the
American code of morals. Manager
Debbas refused to close bis show until the
Columbian guards appeared. The cause
of the action was the habit of having the
girls dance entirely nude after midulght
for the benefit of private parties, who paid
liberally for the "show,"
Treasurer Danfortli's lllg llorVow.
New York, Aug. 10. It U wild that an
unsecured loan of $50,000 had been made
to Elliot Danforth, the treasurer of the
state of New York, jjy the Madison Square
bank, which suspended ytwtenlay. In con
nection with this personal loan Ao Dan
forth It Is worth noting that the bank held
mono, of the state's money, deposited
there by Mr. Dauforth. The deposits in
lu the bank amount! lo two,0J0,
ICi-Pretldent llarrUoas Contln a Tanpor,
DENVEB, Aug. 10. home weeks age
fine looking old man, ni'arlr bO years of
age, with snow white hair und beard, ap-
pliea to tne county (Mimmitonera lor atq
aad was t.ent to the county poor farm.
where he still te mains. The old man gave
his name as William Harrison, and salt)
he was a first cousin of the ex-ureeldent.
The old gentleman's statement has been
WUer Waaldu't b WMIocapptd.
Wheeling, W Va., Aug. 10. White
capseutto J. F Wiler'a boauling honse
to tar and feather him becane he had nqt
obeyed au order to leae Hie country.
WUer flred ou the crowd. Killing Howell
Beck ner and probably fatally wounding
'i nomas ioj ue. w Her surrendered.
Number of renalonera huiponded
Washington, Aug. 10. Upon Inquiry at
the peuslou ofllce it is learned thav up to
date mere bare been (UTS nenious sus
pended whloli were granted under the aot
oi J uue sfi, 1WM, the average balng 110 dally,
I'hll Ariuitur (til t'urehasa.
Chu auo, Aug lu - I'htlip Armour yea
terday bouiii vuu,uxt gold in Kurope for
lmmtdfat importation This kookitb be
the lirat purcha-? in tl'ia kind ever mcde
by a purtny couimorctai house.
IlONtll tf AlllWlml alvUkllle).
WAiRiNL.n', A iv 10.- JUar Admiral
Thorn Urn A j.siktH- dt-l at Ida residence
in tbi oit. ui .uaure last uigUt,
agou i.
AMBth.r Cnife Tru.t.
New Yottt, Auk II. The Mrdss. man-
ufaeturlna th. L'nltd Slat..,
eutshl. of iboaa mrawd la tk. A'alieaal
Oordas;. company, mw at th. .OlMot tua
Jonu Mooa iferdag. aompa.r far the pur
pes. ef formiaji Cnnl. ManufaMunrs'
trust. Saiiis twenty companies are repr
peaivu, H.U.IHK iu i.ui., at caa .ran
ofioo, ana th. Filler, ot f kll.d.lpkl., l.
terMis. a somaim. .1 live wa. ap
pointed to devise plans and report at a
future ra.etlog.
Oar Ham... Sll.l.l.r t. li. BLp!...4.
WisHlKQTOH, Aitf. 1. Celoael B. H.
Bojd, tbe United Stale, minister te Mast,
baa not tender! at. resignation t. to.
prevalent as a reault ( the ublkatl.a oi
a personal leitor tyblel) be wreL Mr. Hoi
dermaa, oiprossiug views la laa Si. we,
situation In if J uadipl.msal. leogaagt
and reflecting on ftecretsry dreebara.
While Colonel Hoyd will not We a.ked t.
reelgn. It la understood kls Laura f oltte.
will b. mad. to end by the aapotntanent at
a suceoaeor.
A Thl.wls, M.t.l 01. N.SV.J.
Most, algal oik at th. OrUatal hotel
Uok. Imlo tko oat. In that hM at an
early hexir In tne usetaiaa and ewared
11. w0 Ul saoaey aad eaSoaolea. Be at-
lemMMQ to Mean, wttk Wis Wat was
e.ptured aa k was ktardutg ulo. All
tTliat Has Occnrrd in thl.Cltr Imrlnir th.
M'o.k rMtlnenttj Kpltmuli.d Uy Our
Special lt.pvn.r,.
Grain Cradles for M.00 at the Le
high Coal &. Hardware Co., Limited,
north First street.
George a youngson of W. G. Miller,
of Second street, had a narrow escape
from drowning ou last Friday. The
little fellow pulled a tub of water over
on top of him, but escaped with a severe
young child of Jostali Moitzler,
of Third street, swallowed a pin one
day recoutly. Fortunately It was ab
slracted by the mother and outside of
a bad scare the little one Is alright.
The Lchlghtou Hosiery Mill, em
ploying about llfty girls, has shut
down Indelluitoly.
Sell &. Co., the popular south end
liveryman, have added a handsome pair
of gray horbos to their live stock.
The Qrm now have nine head of good,
sound horses,
Neighbors and friends sympathize
with David Snyder and wife In the
death of their infant child. Interment
was made on Saturday.
Price watohos, silver and gold at fi
ll. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Heautlful new silvor goods lu
every imaginable Shape, and design Is
now exhibited by E. It. Hold, the Mauch
Chunk Joweler.
What Is the use of much talk. Our
large stock of men's and boys' suits
must bo sold regardless of cost. We
offer you men's suits at (0, t8, and $10,
worth double the money,- Boys' suits
from 75o up at tho One Trice Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Frank Woiulaud was elected a dele
gate to the FireniBii's State Convention
ot Uutler, next month to represout Le
high Fire Co., No.l, of this town. W.
S. Ileuuinger Is the alternate,
John II. Konns hat uilttvil a line
new safe to his office furniture
The Haymakers of Allcutowu will
picnic lu Llndermau's heautlful grove
in this town during the latter part of
this month.
Read John H. Koon's new adver
tisement. Mr. Koons will mako a spe
cialty of fine bottled liquors and Mil
waukee beer.
On Sunday evening Itev. A. M'
Mehrkani, of Columbia, will preach in
Trinity Lutheran church this city.
All are cordially Invited.
The members of the Lutheran nud
Reformed Sunday schools will enjoy
their annual picnic at Glen Onoko on
next Wednesday,
Mrs. Mary Arner, relict of the late
David Arner, has been suffering for
some with a severe attack of rheuma
tism. She is somewhat Improved now
to tho joy of her many friends. Mrs
Arner is 84 years of age.
Prettiest collection of fine gold
rings studded with the most popular
gems In the market at K. II. Hold's,
auch Chunk Jewelry Store.
School children who have left
themselves grow rusty and have mis"
laid their books aud slates want to
hustle up these little necessary articles
for our public schools will open on
Monday the 29th instant.
Quite a number of Lehlghton
people were at the station last Satur
day morning to take lu the excursion
to Lnko Hopatcong, X. J when they
were uetllledthat it had been postpon
ed Indefinitely. There wasnekjeking.
Oh. nol
Hold watches for ladles and kentle-
menatpalces that are very low for
high grade goods at K. II. Kohl's
Mauch Chunk.
Don't worry about hard times when
we can make you an all-wool suit to
order for ?15, worth $23. Our prioos
nave been cut in two on all goods for
the next 30 days only at tho One Price
Star Clothing Hall, opposite the C. It.
It. station, llauch Chunk. We can save
you lots of money by giving us a calL
Fredrick Hummel rave lmH In
squire Ueltz's court ou Monday to
answerd the charge of f. and b. at the
next term of court an oath of Mary
Lcuie. otu parties are fru James.
town. John Stuckloy Is the balleo in
the sum of $,W,
$300 bail Is the amount that Milton
Harp Is under to answer before court
the .harge of f. and b. preferred by
EmmrEbberts, of town. Henry Wagner
wentKarps bail.
Frank Whltaker had William
Zettlemoyer in HelU's court of justlco
o Monday to answer the oharge of
trespass and damage. The star-eyed
goddess weighed the evldeuce and
Zettlemoyer got it In the neck for $13.
97. Both parties are from Franklin
Mrs. Ehinger and children, of
Philadelphia, are gnosis of Daniel
Ull. UI I
lti,H..,l r..,u .,. .
u uuiiu i-irsisreec
The Steadmau Lente tract of
land, recently purehased by them from
the Valley Company, ineludes the old
Hellman mid site and water power, and
It la said that these facilities for manu
facture will soon De taken advantage
of. The laud w III be laid out In streets
aud a factory of some kind will In all
probability be erected that will give
employment to a large number of men
The Iooatiou la it moat excellent one. '
The store room In Obert'a building,
lately oeeupied byExpresHtnan Hager
mau, hue undergone numerous im
provement during the past few week
and among them has beeu the repaint
ing of the building a beautiful blaek
and gold. The palutlug was doue by
O. F. Acker and Its etoellenee Is a
great credit to the genial Frank who Is
one of the best painters lu this town
The store room will be oeeupied by
iiosos A uro., or 'Jfeluaqua, dealers lu
ready madeolothing and gents furnish
ings. Mrs. A. J. Durling gave a delbriit
ful lawn party last Friday evening in
honor ot the Missus Howard, aooomo-
liahad young Uu! Us of Stroudsburg
The .Krouuds on the comer of Third
aud Alum street ware bountifully ar
ranged for the oooaaiou. Fauey
oolored chlneoe Uu torus lit up the
aooue with artistic coloring. The usual
pleasures were happily indulged in and
and an elegaut luucbeou was served
The affair was ou of the moot pleasant
aK'iiil eieiiti uf the season. All of Le
bmlitiiii's popular jouug peuple were
I present .
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna.
A Hmnp Mint C.m.ra Catches Tho.. Who
Come and do Auionft Their Prlenrt. In
Mrelr r.hlKhtnn.
..Dr. C. W. Bower and wife, T.J.
Selfert and sister, Miss Tillle, and W.
K. ljonnlnger, were people from this
place who spent last Sunday at Baylor's
Lake, Monroe county.
. .'Squire Charles Green and family,
of Little Gap, were In town over Sun
day.. Mr. Greenwas recently appointed
postmaster at Little Gap.
..Miss Stella Sellers, of Slatlngton
and Miss Gackenbach, of Allehtown,
are visitors at the residence of Robert
Ruppand family on Third street.
. .Robert Rupp, of Third street, was
ou a pleasure to Allenfown this week.
..Horace Randenbush, of Wilkes
barre, Is In town vlsltlnghis parents.
..Mrs. Love Hughes, of New York
City, accompnuled by Mrs. Wllloughby
Kern, of Slatlngton, were guests of
Mrs. Thos. E. Morthlmer, ou Uankway,
..Miss Mary Bachmau, an accom,
pllshed young lady of Lynuvllle, Pa.
is visiting Miss Annabel Brokate,on
Carbon street.
..Miss Alice Kunsickor, of Lizard
Creek, spent Kie past week very pleas-
auuy, with O. F. Acker und family on
South street.
..Tohius Buss, a third ward Demo
crat, was In Now York City last Thurs
day seeing his brother sufoly olf for
..Will and Frank Obert, Dr. J. G,
MrurJioUert Heberliug und Chas. E
Brlukmau will be uLehiKhtou paity to
me norms nan; Chicago bomelime
next mouth.
..Miss Ella Eckert, of Bethlehem;
visueu i-uiiip Miller nud wife, on
Third street, last Saturday. May and Pricilla Dobiusom
of Gertie Weiss, of Jeddo, spent lust
Friday wath UliS Kate Arner.
. .Mrs. William llotrord has returned
from a delightful visit of leveral weeks
among f rlemls at White lluyeu Weuth
orly aud Wllkesbarre.
. .D. J. Kibtler, of the Excliauir Hotel.
is home from two weeks sight seeing ut
me v orld's Fair, Chicago.
..Miss Emma Wuudt, of Allcutowu,
was the nueal of friends in town this
..Rev. Henry Holler, of Weatherly,
where he is pastor of the Evungalical
Congregation, was lu towu this week
calling ou friends,
.. George F. Huntziuger, of Summit
Hill, wus lu towu on Monday and
dropped in to see us. George is a
Democratic Candidate for Couuty Com.
mlssouer aud Intends to get it if hard
work counts.
..Will Weisel and family, of Phila
delphia, are visiting Mrs. Augoline
lleherliug on Second street.
..Heury Soberer aud wife, of Phlla
deiphla; Mrs. Kohler, of Allentowu,
Mrs. Feustermacher.of Brooklyn, N.V
and Mrs. Seifert, of Laury's, were
guests of Phaou Strauss and wife on
Second street, last week.
..Milton Trainer, of East on, was a
well kuown visitor In towu this week.
..Valentine Schwartz, one of this
town's best citizens, will leave on Sat
urday for a trip to St, Louis, Mo., and
..Granville Clauss, Quint Arner,
Charles Bowman and Charles Hauk
returnod on lost Thursday from Say.
lor's Lake where they had spent over
two weeks in Hae full enjoyment of
camp life.
..Mrs. John E. Seidle and Mifs
Laura Seidle, of town, are visiting L.
P. Steck anb family, at Rock Glen, Pa.
..A jolly huckleberrying party on
the Broad Mountain Wednesday were
Charles Euzlan, Bert Eberts, Misses
Alice Mautz, Carrie E. Peters and Sadie
..Mrs. E. A. Horn and children,
former residents, but now of Philadel
phia, nre visiting relatives and friends
In town.
..John Alspach, of Manch Chunk
was In town Tuosddy.
. .John Berkonstock, of thej Eagle
Brewery, Alleuto wn. acfnmnnnlorl
John II. Koon's, Lehlghtons popular
uquor neaier, on a trip through the
tho lower end of Carbon and parts of
Northampton and Lehigh counties,
this week.
..Jaco Bum, of Nosquehonlng, was
In town ever Sunday, the guest of the
genial Tobias Buss, of the third ward.
Mr. Buss will be a candidate for Coun
ty Commissioner at the Deruorratio
County Convention ou September ith-
..I. S. Koch, Press Koch, James
Venser and Charles Chrlstman will
return Saturday from Big Pond, near
Albrightsville, where they have been
fishing for a week.
..Missis Annie Beer and Cassia
- .
nrfEe "coompauied by Henry Stuber
huu jienry nicnolas were flahlnv air,..
Henry Nicholas were fishing aloiin-
Pine Run last week.
Mr. William G. Anthony, of Parrv.
ville, was oloeing digits with friends lu
tewn on Monday. Mr. Anthony has
bis eye on the nomination for Countv
commissioner on the Kemibllnan
ticket. He Is an old soldier and a de
serving Republican and his party
should honor him In this nomination.
Councilman Hiram Straup has
made numerous improvement-! to his
Second Street residence ami he now
has one of the ooaieat homes in town.
Big reduction in lwbr oooolias at
J. L. Gabel's.
Wludow aud door soreens at J. L.
-lee oream rreeswre at Gabol'. First
Everything to be found lu a well
kept Jewelry store, oan be had at the
Mauob Chunk Jewelry Store of B. K
A good 10-lneh Lawn Mower for
$486 at the Lehigh Goal 4 Hardware
Limited, north First street.
Pure Park Groan at lowest mio'
at Uabel's. .
-Elegant new Jewelry, ohojoa, dalntr
daeigui oan now be see at K. li. Hohl1.,
mauon uiutm.
Great variety of rubber how for
sale at lowest prioes at Gabel's.
Fine teams for all purposes at the
South Eud Livery.
II K Kreidler claims thai be sella the i.i
work fur Wm money thau any of the otlisi s
aud be will pruts It. Oi ask the public to
im.i i, uj couipsung uis earelleut s'ot-k
aud low figures, with ibai uf ultutr itoakrs
Miss Clarn Xander, of Phlladelphi,
s visltlug her father.
A suprise party in honor of Kdwln
Hontr. was held on Friday.
Miss Sourl E. Keioor, of Cutasuqna,
is at nome on a visit.
Tilmau GeorgeV'Circus" exhibited
at New Mahoniug last Saturday evening
uu tne auth, Kate Hontr. aud Will-
lam Blllig were married.
About $200 were cleurod by the
lesuvai wlilch was held at St. John'
Church ou July 20th.
Grant Strauss of Lausford, spout
ounuay m tue Vulley.
David Balllet and O. E. Seidle left
for Chicago ou Monday to visit the
A new bell, manufactured by the
Buckeyfe Bell Co., Ohio, was put luto
the steeple of St. John's Church last
week. Ou Suuday by a vote of the
congregation, the bell was accepted.
i ne teachers examination for this
township was held at Plasant Corner
ou jsiouuay. xne class numbered
seventeen, of whom eleven were grant
ed certificates. Tho following teachers
were appointed for the ensuing term:
Normal Sauare. Miss Martha T. Rltlar
Pfeasant, Cdrner, Miss Anua M. Keiser;
New Mahoniug, Oscar Zlmmermau;
Ktrauss' valley, Milton Strauss: Oak
Grove, A. W. Fenstmacherj Horn's Al
fred Smith: Lopp's. J. M. Fetherolf.
Nishollow, W. K. Hardlnger; Beaver
Run, W. E. FennorjSendePsM. D. Har.
dinger. The term will begin Oct. 0th;
The salrles ore $27 and $30 per month.
Mr. Rehrig was awardod the contract
for building a uew school house at Nis
hollow for $3(15. The sohool board at
present of the following members;
uavm i,oerts, Pres.: Thos. Rehrlrr. RonV
Nathan Gumbort, Troas.j Mosos Rex,
Nathan Zlmmormau and Adam Eberts-
Firs at Ilackelbarnle.
A fire broke out In the second stnrv
front room of Eldwood II. Sherry's
house at Hacklebarnie, a suburb of
Mauch Chunk Monday forenoon. The
neighbors hastily formed a bucket bri
gade and proceeded to extinguish the
flames when it was discovered that au
Infant child of Mr. Sherry's was asleep
m me irom room on the same floor as
the fire. There was no menus of reach
ing child except from the outside. Mr.
Joseph Rebolt grasped the situation
and quickly climbed on a new bay
iviuuow wuicu was Heine added to tin
house and broke in the window to the
room In which the child lay asleep. As
ue aia so tne names broke throuirh t)i,
wooden door on the opposite side of
the room. Mr. Rebolt seized the child
and retreated the way he came, and
none too soon, as he was severely
singed, and placed the child lu Its
frantlo mother's arms- The fire was
finally extinguished. Loss about 8130.
No insurance Exchange.
Tlie Carbon County Teachers Kininiimlnn.
will be held as follows.
furnace Behoof, for Franklin Township, Aut
Stony Opelc far li.n t
All applicants must be etamlned In the ,lf.
trict In which they Intend to teach. No cerUlr
cate will be granted to any person under slx'
een jears of age. Examinations begin at half-
past eluiiL Directors are heortlrv lmlte.1 tn
attend the examinations.
A. S. lieisel, (Jo. Sunt.
Ice Cream 85c Per (lallon.
Picnlo und festival commltteos will
llnd it tu their advantage to buy ice
cream from B. IC Cnltou, Lehlghton,
who sells tho very best article at the
low price of 83 cents per gallon.
Private families supplied at $1.00. per
gallou paoked and delivered. When
you need Ice cream don't fail to call
and Bee Culton.
Clieapaud Oootl Ice Cream,
Committees for picnic, festivals and
parties will do well to consult C. H.
Nusbaum, Wetssport, when they buy He sells a most excellent
article at the low price of S3 cents per
gallou. Dont forget to see him. 8w
Oor School Hoard,
At a regular meeting of the school
board at the residence of President
Wm, MoCormiok,ou Second street all
members were present. The principle
busiuess transacted was the election of
a teacher to fill the vacancy caused by
the declination of Miss Rattle ' Koons.
SUss Rose was advanced to the former's
school and Miss Aggie Hauk was ad
vanced to Misa Rose's school. Miss
Helen Carpenter was elected to the
school from which Miss Hauk was ad
vanced. Miss Carpenter last year
taught at Welssport. Her homo lslu
Bloomsburg, Pa. Bids were also re
celved for ten oars of pea and six cars
of chestnut coal from J. L. Gabel, W.
Penn Long and the Lehigh Coal 4
Hardware Co. The contract was fur
nished to the latter compauy there be
ing a difference of seventy-eight oents
lu the bids of Mr. Gabel and the L. C.
Si II. C, whose bid was lowest The
question of employing au assistant In
musloand drawing was also discussed
at length. An adjourned meeting will
be held on next Tuesday evenlug.
LiHio.HTOK's borough oounoll have
made a decided move tu the direction
of progress. At their last meeting a
motion was adopted for the framing of
an ordinance directing at hereafter
all grading and opening of streets in
the borough shall-be done by contract.
That's business, with a big B,
Kreidler has a uew wrinkle aoaln . ho
give a whip with his new buggies und
sometimes ne sens a wtilp and gives a
Full line of lugrain and DciiasoJa
earpete at Henry Soli war ta's.
Kreidler Is the cause of low prices en
Carriages, lluaflW de. Therefore too
ought to patronise him. Examine bis
not! sloek, iou can and man be suited.
Just make it a point to see David
Hubert when you want a team for bual
n or pleasure. Lowest prises.
A 60 dollar note or lO&s will give you a
top uum' aad a carriage whip at KreldWi
All kinds of books aud flue station
ry at LuokeuUaoh'a, Uauofa Chunk.
See the large stock of watouss at
E. II. Ilobl's, Mauoh Chuuk Jewelry
II. R. Krsidlsr at WsImdoh has at pres
ent lbs Boast lot of carriage, ever .ahlb
itad io Carbon county. Prices ranging trot i
$60 to $160.
Wedding aud engagement rings
at E. II. Hold's, Maui'h Chunk Jewelry
August 12 L893
srirv if a.ri'iiniNtis niilKii.v kpitii.
The IIoIiik. ot the Week Iiitorleadeil With
I'er.onal Mentions,
Paul Kresgp, of Stomlersvlllo, was
a well kuown Democrat in towu on
1 ue&day.
Nathan Snyder did busiuess at
Allentowu this week.
John K. Leutr., of the enterprising
llrm of Kramer aud Lentz, Is building
au additiou to the rear of his cozy east
side residence.
Jeremiah Sourwiue, of Slatlngton,
called ou Welssport frieuds last Satur
A large number of people from this
neighborhood attended the funeral of
the late Jouus Arner ut i.illport last
A. F. Snyder and wife aud Miss
Mary Snyder will lenvo for the World's
Fair, Chicago, on the 19th of this month
They will spend several weeks In sight
Theodore Doll, of town, conductor
on a Valley freight, fell from a freight
car down at East Penn Junctlot. last
Saturday and sustained severe ingorles.
He was brought home by his son. Mr-
Doll recently moved here from White
Haven, Helios been on the rood a
quarter of a century.
Ducan MacGrt Kor.editor and publlsb.
er of "The Plain Speaker" ot Huzleton,
Pa., will lecture lu the Welssport Evan
gelical church ou Friday eve, nt 730
o'clock. Subject, "The Bible, Home,
undlleaveu." All are Invited. Lecture
.Services In the Evangelical Church
on Suuday by the pastor, B. H. Miller,
at 10 A. M. In German and 7:30 P. M. in
the English language. Sunday School
at 2 P.M. All aro invited.
During the absonce of Francis
Solt, Bert Gomery, of Lehlghton, has
harge of a delivory wagon on Laury's
bread route.
Jacob Straussberger, Francis Solt
Ulysesses Kresge, Irvin Krejge aud
Francis Kresge spent fonr days this
week at Long Pond, up In Luzerne
Couuty where they angling for mem
bers ot the finny tribe.
The funeral of Wilbur Marsh on
last Thusday afternoou wa largely at
tended. Tho pall bearers wero Clyde
Wills, Guy Zern, Harry Rlckert, John
O'Rourke, Howard. Aruer and Lance
Koons. Revs. Creitz, Miller aud Long-
acre olllclated.
Frank Laury Is greatly Improving
his property on White street by laying
a flue flag stone pavemeut. The stones
are the Columbia flagging and are
furnlshod by Brlnkman Bros., Lehlgh
ton. Owen Boyer has laid a pavement
of the same quality of stone along his
property over in Franklin.
Harry Rickort, a salesman in
Louay's general store, last week pur
chased a One bay riding horse from his
father, The animal Is a beauty.
-J. A. Phillips, dealer in plauos and
organs, Is driving a new bay horse.
Charley W. Lentz, of East Mauch
Chunk, was apolitical visitor in towu
ou Tuesday. Charley wants the Demo
cratic nomination for register and re
corder and he Isn't sparing any time 111
button holing the leaders In the towns
aud townships in this end of tl(e couuty.
-Our old frieud ulyseis Kresge. of
Pitt&ton, was a familiar figure ou our
streets this week. Mr. Kresge ut one
time was a merchant here, doing a
large boot and shoe business, but dls
posed of his business to the late Daniel
The members of tho Lutheran Suu
day School will plculo at Glen Ouoko
on Thursday next, The members of
the Lutheran school of Long Run aud
.ortu Welssport will participate with
the Welssport school ou this occasion.
Mrs. Isabella Becker, an aged aud
highly estemed resident of Cherryville
died at hor home in that ulace on last
Monday after a few days illuess with
paralysis. Deceased was the mothtr
of William Becker, of Unlou nill.
John S. Miller has aboutcompleted
important improvements on the interi
or of his residence.
The ordinance adopted by the
borough council granting the Pa. Tele
phone Compauy the right of way
through this tolvn Is published in this
week's Issue of the Cabdos Advocate.
-Hon. Charles I. Becker, of Norrls-
town, was In town Tuesday, the guest
of Hou. William Biery. Mr. Becker
was unseated by Taggart in a Republic
an house, notwithstanding that he bad
a clear majority over his opponent.
A company of gentlemen will give
Weissport u water supply in three
months time if the borough oouncll
will give them an order for lire hyd
rants. A two horse team of Tom Sloyers
backed over Union Hill, Tuesday aud
fell a distance of fifty feet, at a point
nearO'Brlans lock. The horses for
tuuatslv ware uninjured.
Herbert Krum spent last week
with the family of J. p. Snyder, at
Mouutalu Top.
To improve their eleotrlo light sys
tem the Carbon County Improvement
Co., will place a 100 h. p. engine tu their
A vacancy exists iu the principal-
ship of the Franklin Independent dis
trict eohool through the resignation of
Prof. Wannomaker who has accepted
the prinolpal.hlp of the puhllu sohools
at Stroudsburg. A meeting of the
school board. was held on Monday eve
nlng but the directors eould reach no
agreement lu the election of new can
The corner stone of Welssport'.
new Lutheran Church was laid it
Sunday with aaremouies of the most
impressive older. The too ruing ser
vices whs attended by a large oonoourse
of people and Rev. J. il. Kuder, of Le
bighton offloUted. The aftarnnnn
vtuss likewise were largely attended
and tbe dUeourse was delivered by
Rev. Waoker tingle, of Alloc town, and
tbe ev.ulug services were conducted
by He A It Horn, of Allentown.
Lars ool lections were UfU.1 ui
different services. Amoug the oon.
tents of tbe eoruer atoue were a silver
quarter, a testiment, bible, ooples of
tbe Cabson Advocatk aud Lehlghton
Press, a bottle of wine, a catechism,
so H heu tbe uew edifice is ouuipletod
it will be a y and pleasant piece of
The public schools
October 0th.
will open
Miss Emma McFarlitnd, of Lausford
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
parents aud friends.
James Yonser and wifn. nf Itnumimc.-
town, were the guests of Chas. Rehrig
on Suuday.
Adam Oroen and wife, of Lehigh
county, were visiting at the residence
of Wm. Ross.
Joseph Freebv was overtaken by
visitors ou Sunday last amongst them
were Tilgliniau Selmppel aud wife,
Chas. Barrel aud family, Henry Frohu
heiseraud familv. ami films 1.V....J
Our jolly John Rnhriv. whlls In il.o
act of riding a bicycle tho other Sunday
upset ana htm himself badly.
nausmau's Little Show was ou ox-
hlbltlonatEa,tPeuuouMondy even-
Ing. Quite u number of were
In attendance and some appeared to
feel satisfied with the performauces. aii.
llausmau's Little Show was on ex
town, the only child of E. 8. Heintzel-
man spent hor vaeatiou with relatives
and friends Iu the Valley. Miss
Helntzelman left for Allentown on
The Harvest Festival will l,u .-,,1
brated by the I'ennsyille congregation
on Sunday next, services at 10 a m
- , vwua, VglMIUU
on Sunday next, services at 10 a, m.,
itev. uremig wlU officiate. All are
cordially Invited to attend.
Charles Glnder and family spent
bunday with his parents
James Peters and John Rehrig wore
to Slatlngton on Tuosday.
Mm. fi ir
Mrs. C. H. Nlmsnri m ,lnl,,
.. . uw.uH "li-Jl
nnM nf, m.. .
..v UUU.H.,WU u(, iucsuity.
H.dwin bteigernnlt and wife of NIs
Hollow, were the guests of their son,
, 1A SI.J....!! '
On account of the farmers not being
so busy aud weather favorable, the
Ben Salem Suudav sdmnl r,lnm nn
Saturday last was attended very largo-
Ing several hymns bv th anl.nni a,i!
dresses by prominent speakers were
tl..n ..!. a . . ., . .
then made. Amongst them was Mr. A
H. Glnder, a recent graduate of Palati
nate College, Myerstown. Following a
collection for the benefit of the Sundav
Sohool was taken. The Liberty Cornet
Band, of Andreas, furulshod tho music
Band, of Andreas, furuishod tho mimic
ior tne occaslou.
The teachers exaimnatlnn
for East Penn ou Tuesday last. Eight
applicants wore examined by Supt
Belsel. five Worn nilt-nAucfnl t
lug certificates, three were rejected;
xue toiiowing were employed as
teachers sor the rtlfferniir
thd Township J. S. Brobst, J. R. Stelger
walt and T. W. Stelgerwalt with prof
estonal certificates. ,Mlaa.Tn0H kii,.
erwalt, Miss Mary Warlow of Summit
uiu, miss Kiech of Lausford tmd Miss
Tranb of Parryvllle.
Th. President Judcc.hlii.
It may be of some Inlnret ... th
readers to reproduce the following reso
lution or endorsement of Hon. W. M,
Ransher udonted .Tnlv SnH. ifiQT i.-ti.,'
- . 4 , J
Uemocracy of Carbon couuty for a
higher ofllce than that of President
Judge, to-wll;
Resolved, That we, tho County Com
mittee of the Democracy of Carbon
llnnntw .inlr. J--, .
V ,w"i ior i-iio purpose
of electing delegates to the State Cou-!-,to,be.ueI'1 at Allentowu, Aug.
.list, 18S7, do hereby lustruct the dele
gates olocted this day to use all honor
able means in their power to secure the
ti' of Hon. W. M. Rapsher, of
"..uuuijiut u uuge oi tue oupreme
Court, beoiuse we repose speciul con-
ll.lnnnn in In., nl.n- Ik. .'l f,i.. .
: iivtei-, auuity unu
learning, aud we present hlni to the
ku.uu.c.L.jr v. m.a Kioaioommouweaitn
as a strong man, whom we have good
FAnsnn In !al!,.a .I.- ,
: .-"o uinwvs woutu
heartily support at the polls.
Short Bqulbs In aud Arround Carbon
County Dialled Up for Our Headers.
John Noasah. a lAlmrnp amnlnvoil It,
No.3 colliery at Lausford, met with a
violent death Thursday evening. He
accidentally fell down u u. o,
breaker, and before he could be rescued
was smothered to death iu the coal.
Banks townshln schnnl Imnni ,in
meet next Saturday evening in the
Jeanesville sohool house when all ar
rangements for tbe ensulnir lorn.
whioh will opeu on August 21st will be
Coxe Bros. A Co. Imvo niimimi i.
Buck Mountain workings from James
Mcuiuiy.ror 810,000. Not muoh coal
Is left in the workings, but it will nr.
The Uuiou Sundav School nf I!l
Creek will plculo iu Cfmrle Tiroi.
bach's grove on tho I2th.
Tbe St. John's Reformed SnnJ..
School of Millport, will linlH h,,.
annual picnic in Harleman's beautiful
grove ou Saturday, Aug. 2Gth., The
ally invites all to Ttakl part" on that
day. Refreshments will be furnished
on the ground by the frm nt itinn I
..uueuueu. .uu ooiuuiitiee oorui
, i , , luimsLeu
Griff Irt'SSit Baudot Tlttee.
will rlAh;h:n,nXu".". SiaP
'" iu uuuttsiuu.
nnDniiniT nnnmi.tnTi
lJUIlUUijn UnlJinAH iH,
An ordinance crantltiLT Hia n.,.a..i
. m i , " ""i"JI
yauia lelephone Comnany ti,-1
ivirl lu ..III. ..,..
-i ' t'.-. wiro-t- MS I
maybe uecessarv for nnmliusUiiL.
Its busiuess.
.SM?t.'.. !f ."acted, etc. That ner-
, 7,.., T i.r. n. i ,7iVr i ,,. ; Jj, luase ana I
' riuiTll Tk.. "iTr' ".?!Bl,,T?a- . I
-- " . , " ai'.n u. erevtw I
-'"--- . .... ... -.n. .iim, U ereittAfl I
afsptsaiaij.rauin. Tlul tie said tiuiuln, I
.Iwll bun
..- " c -r- .wi ..ic ersciea ana u.
, . 'lr5,r.,u er"ctod and eon-
XZllT.JftJ?. "
WM." wiidtictM or
LIIH U irotlaVII lllltttsi TK . S IL'.. 1
.T . V r 'r " m iuaKe sucn l
'iZZ rtuZZL 1
r.oaa,r,mu,uue3 a;ra
Bettlonlll That It I. In-reby esssal
uouer.UKi snd screed iietaeen ih n!ii nsats
liliune rliiui'li lliiLLLh1.! XllS'VSW..?!1!:
SnMilsd by luruit-r are uUu iu wilsMeratlon el
le Utter aareelut lor KmU II. oessneTind
assUrus, thai uwa the .aid Horouah ui w.7
si.7.d ih.-ai.d o..,rv1r wni,.,r tXS" 'ASVZ
Ui. burough aloreaaid
d.fL?Al,u.VU4'Di 1!"ltluiiiiiat
Mil ton KaiKHA
ave j ot coiinou.
Pocletr I'ld-tllte of Interest to the Mem
ber. of the Fraternltr.
Secret societies! In neoil nf mmnh.
nalla, flags, banners, uniform.. t.
should consult II. V. Morthlmer, Jr.,
aud Importers, manufacturers and
dealors in this country before purchas-
nig eisewuere.
A grand re-uulon nf f l, rv,l!, nnrt
Commuudlrles Kulghts of the Golden
Eagle of the Lehigh Valloy will bo hold
at Laury's on Sent 8. Extensive ore.
paratlons are being made to make it
one of the most enjoyable affairs ever
held iu this section of th. ,it. p.
Sir Knight should attend. '
Norman Commandry. 135. Knlirhta
... M..t... .... .". .'. "",KUM
, luwu' couierred the Black
"woe on 22 Sir Knights on Tuesday
"V""? A deleMa 'm Mauch
was present and assisted In tne
work' After ' convocation a ban-
luet was served nt tho Mansion Hons,.
'" Mlu6 ,lo',t 1IoBJ's nest style.
Tlle Uaventlon of Knights of
0oI(lou E'o delegates and reuuion of
Cast,e'1 "U1 Commanderles from Mont-
ITumorV. flurbu rI.A.n- T ,.)... .
., -. t uiioawi, jeuign ana
Bucks counties, to be held In Pntt..
ou "rdav, August 2(5, will be
by K od,, ono ot tho most elaborate
town ou Saturdav. Aiimct i.-
, , - uo
Mnnffnd.1anhnArn.-b . .
tvents of the kind ever held In that
part of the State. Tho terrltnr i.
torestod contains 72 Castles and 8 Com
anuories. 'the nroorumma nmvUa.
for a coa,reution of three delegates
from t'astle or Commaudery, at 10
a. m. There will be
ade at 11 15 u. m. In which uumormm
Castles and Commanderlos will partici
pat?: W' P' VouuK wl" e Chief Mar-
Shall. BurgeSS Evans will wnlnnma tl.a
v'sltors in a" address at Sauatoga Park
a'r. olock lu tho afternoon and there
wl" b0 "ddrosses of respouce by J. D,
VarneS tirimd Master of ier ""d
aud otuers. Vliiting Commanderles
"f" "K',B8- la H competitive drill at
loJOp.m.. and a nnmnllmonluM. l,.ill
lasting from 8 to 11:30 p. m., will close'
the festivities. The National Band
ihe fJstlTltles- The National Band
and tho N al'oual Orchestra will f urulsh
musl during the afternoon aud even
lug- PrlzeS will bo awarded as follows:
First to the best drilled Commandery.
?.V): second, to the Iartrast
equippca Commaudery, $23; third, to
largest Castle. 30: fmirtli. tn ci.tio
displaying the most handsome banner
iu paraue. S20; fifth, to tho Commaud
ery ranking secoiid in the competitive
drill, gold K.G.E emblem. No Com
maudery will bo awarded more than one
prize and the Pottstowu organizations
win not compete.
The twentv-eiffht annual hmslnn nf
tho State Camp P. O. S. of A., will be
held at Chester. commencltiLT TiiAsdav
August 23, aud as the time draws near
candidates for State Camp officers are
becomtng quite numerous. The follow
ing have thus far announced them-
selves:For State President, F. O. Hob
son, of Camp No. 207. Iron IlrhWuml
Major R, M. Reed, of Camp No. 301,
Philadelphia; for State vice president,
l: ju. &icKee,or Camp No. 3, Allegheny
II. F. Kuohlea, of Camp No. 212, Scran
ton, aud II. E. Bitter, of Camp No. 373.
Liverpool; for State master of forms;
Wm, F, Frautz. of Camn Nn. grl.un..
State Treasure, Irwin S Smith of Camp
89, Reading, aud State Secretary Wm.
Weaud, of Ounip No. 77, Philadelphia,
will each be candidates for re-election,
Wilks-iiarre. Eostou and Allenfmvn
will each make u btrontr flVht fne n,
State Camp sessions of 1304.
Tho annual couveutlou of the Jr.n
U, A. M.of Pennsylvania, will be held
lu Johustowu iu September, and on
tue Autu uay of that mouth the annual
parade will take nlace. The nn liVAntlnr,
will be lu session four days aud twelve
hundred delegates are expected. One
of the imiiortant coutests at the ran.
veatlon will be the election of a repre
sentative to the national convention.
the following prizes will be nl,l
on the day of the parade: First prize
To the Council having the lannst num
ber ot members In line. Sannnd nri
To the Council making tho lluest ap
pearance lu lino. Third prize To the
Council coming the longest dhtauco.
Fourth prize To tho Council having
largest percentage of members In the
parade. A prize will also be id run in
the Commandery maklug the lluest ap-
pearuuee in tue paraile. One of the
Important feature nf tha,,..
be the election of National Representa
tives ana a oiaie vice Councillor, the
candidates are A. D. Wilkin, Victor G.
Reed, W. S. Davis aud Robt. W. Crane,
W. S. Davis hails from Johnstown and
is a member of General Custer Council
200, aud according to present Indlou
lions nis ouauis of winulug aie verj
good. He was representative to the
Z,.r, T rePresenttlv to the
Btttt0 ""cU eTer since 1887, and was
the originator nf Mm A1plKnivrVa..nnti
.. , , , ' - 1
the originator of he Advisory Council
0Il;aml)rla oounty, and has been Its
unrAturvAvAe it. i. 1
... .BHuintiiuu.BQg lauorers, employed principally In
. i ss i h r tXASl r na tuuinarHAii n m
r.". ""
"ju'"i-uiiuev-amoria county uoun-
.ujjjmri. ui me principal
offlrn. mil n.n. at n,. i 1 1 I
....... " . .uu tnwiu. UIOIU
1. ... ...... , . . n. . . . I
posessa. all
IhA nn.llirllnn. ..uu...... i I
., .m wwww- i
fully till ni...
. I
KiaUlar'. oaltu, 1 . ,.
with l.r.l,M ... .." ".:
"nd several
k-rl,llr Ai.rU. ,1,. I, !...., . .
nr., .!,.. ... ... , , .
.. " ' A-euija
Valley. lis Has now some thirty wasons
lie is daily selling and adding to
hit ttbek. o xtu v, hi. hswaniifMt nn. i
' " " - - . IV S
sjum-jo, jump km
"hltethspell, piano boxes, buckboards,
-i-ss. 41! via fad ., uut, KUOU
-BhllohM Cur, the great Cough
Und ftmin Rnr. I. In ..-a-,
In , . 7 . . uom.uu
1 "oket kloe oouluius twenty-flve doses
uly SO". Children love It. Hold I..
. ,
A sugat dish owusd by Mr. I. K
use b, ber
T " . ' Tear-
Mv6 Iiaah nan nn. Iu r.,ru.wl..l
through th. po.tom .n m th.
French Territory
In the little villajza of t'l.vtnn tn,l
i " 1ht "n "boss uult,U
welgut la 3000 pounds
- -. . .uv NUIIIUHIIIVuwi.. ,iu,.i,uM .iwaiUKU.,,
$i.OO a Year in Advano
nninp mbxtiom ota vrREhi's ui.
Short rararrapha That Will k. at Interest
to the Ka' liars.
JChalrman Hughes, of the press
mmlttee' "Presenting the Lehigh
emPIo7es. gave the following
ut tue comer-
enoe with the KcadlugofllclBlsat Beth-
. m.', . .
. A Jf tl3faotory settlement was readied
th8. """"nlttes and Mr. Voorhees
luud1aJ-- WhUetlte men were not
"" "T"'"?, ey
Bru0 that the uaTe received all that
could ba reasonably expected at this
T '. . " cousiaerauon ins
crlDDled condlt on nf II, T?..ll
P " " . " - a .1 .
in T V " ""T1
lr? llnT, T6.
Lit rilh , n i h '
reat vantage to the employes."
t A Peculiar sounding locomotive
whistle has been ottractlng the atteu-
tlou of manj Poopla hereabouts reosnt-
,y' 11 Is Hed a chime whistle and
muoh "sembles lu souud the whistles
Of river ntnumavs n,lj. .!,.
I r , .. r . w.,
boasts of this new whistle Is No. 113. of
the Central Rail Ihiml nf K.w Trr...
the Central Kail Road of New Jersey,
ftud 11 does the shlftiug between Eastou
i - -.v..
I nnil It rlnoa tl,nul.lp,t..n.i.n. o
'iml Much Chuuk.
t Engineer Smith
nine uj recently made 88 ml a. in oa
dnutos OU the Lflhloh Vu1Ia. n n
between Batavia nn.l i)..i.... T "
..uuu.OKIl UUUC-
"uu, i. i ., mciudiug two stons.
I II. P. Baldwin, of Now Ynrlr. u.ns..i
passenger agent nf tha K.. .
lyentral Rail Road, tosk a teln ....
- - 'vn v IftBVI
i"ui,- ui, teuigkJtLackawanna RaU
Road Saturday, and mu,l. t.u
several hours at Saviors Lake. It is
prooauie that important Improvements
will be made ut this nuraritcs
the blue hills of Jfouroe County.
rthe Ceutral has 10 now lnrvimnrl.i.n
iu Ube. Ther areil ioki
hogs and the boys say that they cannot
Aney were built by Baldwin.
I Glen Onoko Is nnntlnn.ll. i
In l- , H.un,uK
. ,.u,.u.ui mvor, ana is more exten
sively patronized this season than sv.r.
This is largely nwnlln,. .
w .uu uumosr
of Improvements made there this sea.
u uy r-upt. K8ser and Supervisor
Morrison, who hnvo i
tt.. ii . . , cusm ot
the 31en this year for the first time.
-no ucni pee wee train hauled 13.000
passengers between the Glen and
Mauch Chunk durlne July, which is
-wv,ululolaalne same tran hgu,ed
in iiuiy oi last year.
tThe Pennsylvania i?uii,.. j l
, . --...luuy usa is-
sued orders that all shop and road
men upon its entire system shalhun.
til further notice, work but flye days
per week, of 0 honr am,
1 uwibhu Ul
00 hours per week us heretofore. The
iou assigned for this step Is that the
work ou hand Is ilmmt j
the work required to be dons is not
suuicieni to justify the oompany In ye
tainlug the present large force. By
reducing the hours of labor 15 hours
per week the company Is enabled to
keep Is entire forua I
r- .mi viajyiufa
raent, ut least until dimi. tims ....
biiuauou brightens up.
wiuw IU.
tThe TfuHt-.. r
has just completed placing emergency
...nnm.orf mue post from one end
of their route to the nth,.- ti,.-
elevated loosely on posts set in tbe-
s.uu.iu. to tne ueignt of about two and
a half aud aro so IorhIaH il.nt i
of a roll breakltlgalong the rood at any
puiut, tuo engineer knows that at the
furthest he is only half mile either nay
from another rail. Hretnfnr. i- ...i
--v-v mu MWl-
deuU of that kind tbe nearest seotion
uouse, perbapiiteu or twelve miles
away, would have to be visited before
a rail to replaco the broken one could
bo found, often necessitating a delay
ut uours, uut under the n ,llan.nE.
all that is avoided.
I rheGlen Pee Wee. nnli urn..
couunctor, hauled 13,000 passengers be
tween the Glen aud Mauch Chunk
during the mouth of July. This in
cludes exourslouslsts and local patron
age, but does not cover the entire traffic
to tho Glen, because tk a tfUe.on
also carried by regular trains as well as
by the trains on the Central. Mr.
Miller's train last year in July carried
tThe order to i-ln il,. rkii.
Valley Shops on Saturday was followed
with au order directing Master
Mechanic Klnsey to suspend one hund
red shop hands. The order following so
close ou the Saturday austmnalnn nrHor
'caused the men to be not a little gloomy
Master Neohaulo Klnsey, desiring to
do the best he could fur all the men,
ordered au alternate suspension of one
hundred men for one week. The sus.
Denslon takes lu 30 manhlnUf. tn nr.
peuiuro, au uiaoawiitus, uxounarymsn.
and 12 from the erecting shop. Th.
balance Include Dalntera: car olaanarn
.. .
the yard.
tjij tpiyrC I
1 JjAUIlrio I
Tk. ,.,.i, .Aucnn t. t. ......
Intend to see that luscious fruit Ws
will In the nni-t. few wulri rAnjal. Sfinn
bosketa. !Rotall dealers thrnnohnnf
.tia. mkbi. win M.iiint. .
h .kk,. i..i, . ...
au onus win do promptly niled.
J. Hesrsr, Bast Welssport.
n. W tl. -I.ll.s
treatment of all diseases of eye, ear.
inose ana tnroai will De St ins t-.x
.1,.. I tt.l 1 .. 1.1
Aoresm of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all In leavening strsngth.
Latut Unrraa Statm GovixustutT
ooo Kkkmt.
Royal Baklus; Powder Co,
106 Wall St, N.T.
sK EKnxMffatm U