The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 05, 1893, Image 1

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    toe vwrnswa
Is a specialty at our Jeb Printing OUloe
lu SDyder's Mock, east tide of the Lehigh
Bridge. Envelopes, Note and Letter l'upei ,
I'hampleU, Order Books', Vouchers, Tags
and all kinds of Pic Ntc, Horse and bale
BUI. We do all work neatly, cheaply and
' cleanly. Do you need anything lu till
lino? theu onll oud eeo us, or write us a
postal card and we wHl be at your itrrlae.
Has a turner circulation than any oih,r
uewspriper printed In Carbon county, omi
sequenlly It U the lm-t medium tor aJioi
Users. Our new columns sparkle with
the ooeutretifies of the daycleru, spicy,
Interesting, bright and Independent. Our
editorial are oligiuul ami will lie worth
rending on account of their spirit which
I independent of outside dictation. Our
pttee is one dollar a year. Justyoulrr It
VOL XXI. No. 38
Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna. August 5 L893
$1.00 a Year in Advano
Tlu-re nrc 110 middle mnn in
i,ur shoo business ; we buy from
first hands and thereby save at
least 25 per cent which the buy
cr gets the benefit of. ll'e rop
the laruest siioe lntmufac-
turer in the East, and have the
exclusive sale of their entire line
for this section, from the baby's
to the ladies' finest shoes', from
vnnlhs' to men's finest shoes.
For price, workmanship, style,
quality anil lit mey are
equaled. Lawn Tennis Si
nre lower than elsewhere,
Ontinfrand NetrliKec Shirts
and Boys' Shirt Waists in nil
the Infest colorings the prices
have been very low to move
them quickly.
One of the finest assortment
of suspenders ever shown has
been placed 'on sale at prices
teat will nstonish.
Ladies'. Misses and Children's
Hosiery, all the latest styles, in
cluding red and tan.
Handkerchiefs for everybody,
from lc. to the finest silk.
Mourning Handkerchiefs for
ladies and gentlemen.
A Bargain I 1 dozen Spools
of Cotton for 10 cents.'
Hint ntrr-et. between South and Hum Streets,
Lelilgliton. l'a.
Matters of Interost from All Over
tho Commonwealth,
An infant child of the late Mrs.
Craltf, daughter of our osteemed towns
people, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Wulp,
died on Tuesday. Interment was made
ou the following day.
The members of Harmouia Social
togethor with these ' young people,
l'ACKKIVTON smciAi..
Ilsrrv Hankie and family, of PHiladelphla,
are enjoylnn a Islt with Mrs. Hankie's parents
Mr. mid Mm. Vansr-oou?r. ot Slimmer IIIU.
l.j man Mcuanlel Is a candidate lor tne omce
trnmirer. subleet tollepublloan rules.
Mack Is making a canvass ol the county, mid it
siiecewful 111 making the nomination will Uo ills
utinrttt to he elected.
- it is useless at the present time to discuss
tlie artlon of tlovernor P.ittlson In oiinnltitlng
Judge Storm. The iUestion oerore us is no
shall lie tlie nominee and candidate ot Oarlion
Democrats? Allen Craig I without iloubtthe
cUolce ot toe man ot tlie people and there should
be a un.innilty ot action In llils direction. I-et
JudaeHtorm enjoy the honor ol appointment
and tlia candidacy, but the election ol Allen
Craig as Jude this Kail should exercise every
-The average Pemocrat ot Carbon accepted
the action oltho late county meeting lugood
lalth, It uieaut a harmony ot action In the
futurei It meant that candidate! should have a
lair chance beloro the convention; Uierc was to
be 110 slating, no bosses. Ilthecomlna together
ot the leaders ot tho two tactions was for the
general good ot tin) party and not for personal
ends entirely, all right, but deception can't no
practised on the Democrats ot this county with-
tail me aiieuueni uisasiruus ivsiiiia.
-Miss Ballle Alexander, of niillle, an ex
perleuced nnrse. Is eu)o)lug a short vacation
with her relatives Jlr. and Mrs. tluIMiilil.
The li lends ol Wllllani Waterbur for many
years a resident of helilKliton and section boss
oil tho Lehigh Valley Illusion, will be gladbi
u arot bis promotion to a new field of labor; he
will hat charge ot repair ana conjunction on
the Harvey hake Urnimll under ltoadinatter
Morrison of the Wyoming Division. Mr. Water
bor's experience and ability mule him a useful
niau lor the I. V. 11. It. Co.
The Tackerton School Ho.ird have selected
(heir teachers for the coming term, I'rincl.od
r Z Kramer, omorlliamptoii eo.: Mhw Addle
Uackey wll take charge of the Jamestown
school. Misses Kiniiia Mertz,ot Wchsport and
Maggie (iould, of Uhlghton, will have charge
ot the nrlniary schools lu Iickerton, The length
ol the school tf nn has not yet been decided on,
John McKelvey was appointed to nil a vaene
caused by the removal to uilghtou of DUeetor
Ira Lverltt,
- A ltepubllean journal says In one column,
"the flnauclal depression Is the remit of Demo
cratic supremacy. Its attitude toward silver and
the tariff has blought disaster to all business.
aud there will bo no relief till tho adveut ot
Republican policy.' In another column of the
same issue, savs, "A Needless Scare,-all that
Is wanting Is confidence. It the average man
would refuse to hoard his money aud invest It
In the many excellent securities offered, thus
euablluft business men to oouttuue,lt viouldbe
but a little while when prosperity for all the
people would follow," The partllan will accept
the first, and say "I told lou so," while the con
servatlve will accept the lattor and do his best
to hasten sul-li a result.
Kreldler cairlea Ibe lilceesl-assoitment
ofratrlagr-s of any dealer In the Lehigh
Valley, ile has now some thirty wagons
(or sale. Il Is dally eelllnc and adding to
his stock. Ho aud see his beautiful line of
cabs, rockaaays, surreys, Jump seats,
whltecliapcls, piano boxes, liuckhoards,
t 'tailoring, carls, ami a large lot of second
land stock. All cheap, but good.
- V'l re Paris Greou at lowest price
at Galad'a,
-The best loe cream i Fonster-
iiiacher's. For sale at T. J. Bretneys)
A Ml dollar note or 10 fis will give you a
top buggy anil acanlage wlilpal Kreldler'a
- Big reduotioii in liaby coaches at
J. I Unborn.
Kreldler Is the cause ot low prices on
Carriages, IluegleV Ac Therefore ou
ought to patrunlno him. Examine lilt
Que stock. You cm and must be suited.
Window and door screens at J. L.
Kruldler ban a new wrinkle aualu. he
Hive u whip with Ilia new btiRKlet, aud
hometimea he all a whip and trlrea a
-leu cream freecera at OabelV Pint
- (Irnlu Cradles for tVUX) at the A
high t!wl t Hardware Ou Unilted,
north Kirat strvet
II U Kreldler claims that be sells the beat
work for loss tmuiey than snv ol the otlieis
nl be will prove it. Or ask the public to
prove it uy comparing nw axceueui siock
and low figures, with thai of utner dealerr.
Crimes aval Oamaltles of livery char
acter Seat by the News Oat berets ol
the DUTareiit Localities and t.ulerutty
Edited. t
PiitLADSirrtlA, Aug. 8 Unrlrt a row
In Tbomai Hurley's theatric il hc irdlng
house on Slace street last evenluo: two
men werehot,onenf tnemfatelly. Oeorue
Foy. a scene painter, and Hurley nunrreled
over the tson payment ot ibe former's
boara early In me day r oy weni out auu
got drunk, ysturnlng while tl.e boarders
were at tapper. He encountered Hurley
In the bach yard, and the quarrel was re
newed, Foy Dually whipping out a revolver
and firing at Hurley The bullet missed
1U mark and, pntsinn throimh nn open
window, struck Joslah W lllchniond.who
smtMl at the table In theilliilnc room.
Inflicting a wound In the neck. A second
hot aimed at Hurley passed through the
umi window and atruok Georue Hlrsh-
berger, a tteatrical man, who was also
eatlmtlili aupper. Hlr-dibergei will die,
but Hlchmond will recover.
A VblUK Murderer's Confession.
PlTTHBtmo, July 80. Austro-Hungary
ConsulMai Echamberg, In Pittsburg, has
received fiom tho courts of Praaue the
confession ot Carl gmetena, a Uohemlan,
now in prison In Prague for robbery.
Smetena. now on his death bed, confessed
Vint be had murdered a man named John
VVolkouti, In Pennsylvania, in 1SK) that
he robbed him of 310, with which he
escaped from the country. The confession
Also statu that a l'oianaer namea ui
kauskl waa coavloted for this crime and it
now servins; a ten yenrs'sentenoe.altnougn
ha Is Innocent. The Uohemlan authorities
are lnvesthratlnu. The oonfexsed mur!
derer worxca in tne I'ennsyirania coae re
gloni and ta Allegheny City re ISM.
Doth ntveread from the Saras Woman,
PlTTSBOmj, July 31. Two divorce aulta
In one day by two men against the same
woman was an unheard of thing until
now. Oeorje Q. Thornburit brought a suit
for divorce against Mary 'Clara Disney,
and Cbarlat Asohe brought A similar suit
BgaMat Clara Disney Asche, the aarae
woman. Thornburg says an alleged mar
riage was celebrated between himself and
Mary Clara Diney about Sept. M, 1801,
wblchnAtTlaize waa procured by fraud In
that the jfAla Clara had been married
Morchsl.tllW, to Charles Asche, and that
nt the time of marriage to ths petitioner
Asohe waa olive, and no dlvorco had been
Twe Track Walkers Hun Down.
Nonmt,Ww5f,ra.,Aug. 8.-i-Amos Evans,
aged 70 years, was struck by a locomotive
on the Pennsylvania Sohuylktll Valley
railroad at Conshohocken aud Instantly
killed. Be was walking on the traok, and
being deat, did not shear ths engineer's
Whistle ot warning. r.vajnw"a larDe!,
tor, and lived In Coiisnobookon. Otto
Swarta, a CHrraao peddler, stepped out of
the way of a Philadelphia ana ueauicg
coal train above Llnllold And was struck;
by the willlamsport express ana liurloa
half way up an etulinnkment. The man
was found xuoaulug and bleeding and hurt
They Stole Ills learnings,
HtnrnKOVo!?, Pa., Aug. At midnight
ChalmeraDubbs, of Saltillo. this county,
hearing a tQspicious nofso about als prem
ises arose train bed ana walked to a rear
poroh. On ppentag the door he was selted
by three missed men, who stuffed a paper
gag In hla mouth and then tied htm with
a clothes lien to the porch railing. Dubbs
had boon aa,vng uu earnings, amounting
to about tWO, to build a house, and this he
kept under bis pillow. The robbers, after
tying I judo, weut to mi room ana seeurea
the money without awaking hl wife.
They then fled to Jaok'a mountains.
A voting- Desperado Jailed.
LAKCAsIBK. Jnlr Si. Calvin U. Miller.
a colored desperado, aged 18 years, waa
lodged In Jail here We at night he went
to the home of Hobert itae, a farmer near
nAnrffetawn. Bart lownshin. aad kloked
atlhe Irona floor uae went to tae winqow
and asked aim who he was, whereupon
Miller threw a atone threw the window,
knocking nae luuenslhie ana outline; a
terrible gash In hie head. While Uae waa
unconscloca Miller broke In the frontdoor
and after driving theother members of the,
family np stairs siuie a waiou. auu uu,sr
Employer aad Employes Com ts Tsrrns,
PtTTSBtntO. Aug, 1. The striking glase
workers at Xrwlu have accepted the 8 per
cent- reduction in their wages and re
turned to work. In Pittsburg seven of the
Jones & Lnuffhlin mills closed down. A
large number ot meu are idle, with uo liny
mediate prespect ol worn, inemacum
jsts who have been making repairs at Oli
ver's mills went on a strike agalost an in
crease of trem nine to a ten hour day. The
Rcottdale Rolling Mill comnatir. etnnlov-
log 300 rut a, have signed the Amalgamated
bcale. werK will resume in aiew uaya.
Rlnrula Ssnsn Hull In WllUamspors,
WlLUAJiroT. Pa., Aug. I. A novel
damans salt was bcrun here yesterday.
lira. Qlara Smith brought, action against
Andrew A. Poney for selling bar husband
liquor that tausrd his oeatn. sne claims
110.000 damkares. and has engaged ths best
of legal talent to push the case The hus
band, Jamas 11. muitu. men lu uoney s sa-
A Pnnp Phot Onumrn CntclieA Tliofi Who!
Short Hqnlhd In nud Arrouna Ourln.ii J
What n Ocenred Ml this ltv Ulirlnc the
VV.eek l'ertlnentlr Kpltoinlteil by nr
SlHKlal ItrlMiners.
l'nll lltlo of Ingrain and Hruasels Grace llerlin of Allcntown,
carpets nt Henry Bchwarta's. F,,i8t 0f wilkeabarrc, J, Martin Itos
--Jnat make It a point to see David of jRUCh Chunk and Ira Seidel of
Kbtiert when you -want a lenm tor uu.i- N b1 g,,,,,,, WBre pleasantly enter-
ueasj or pnwuru. uuwusi im-w. i - i, MUo Tlllln
ssieSSSKsffi096 rdaUt her Uo on Third Street.
-Fine tenme for air purpose nt the last Thursday evening. The eveniug-s
South End Livery. - pleasures consisted of indulgence in
All kinds of books and (lnostfttioii- the nsual games uud amusements
ery at Luokenbncif s, Mnucli Chunk-. Covers wore laid for twouty-flvo.
Sliiloh's Cure, ilio great Cugi Miss Hattio Koons. of town, who
and Croup Cure, is iu great doninnil. was re-elected teacher of the Inter-
I'ooket sine contains twenty-live (loses mediate school at a late meeting of tho
only 26o. Children love It. Bold by directors, has decided not to accept
Druggists. the ponltlou. She will spend the corn-
Karl's Clovor Koot will purify your inB ear Bt Ocenn Grove, N.J.,wlth
lllood, clear your Comploxlon,roculnto reiativea miv,,, Koons has taught in
your bowels ami make your head clear mlr publio schools for a number of
as a boll, 25c and SOc. Tears and has always ranked very high
I go to M. Martin's liquor store nt flS flrat-class tenciiorln every respect
Mauch Chunk for my whiskey I get irer BervlceB will be badly missed
good ltye Whlskoy forJl.TO per gallon. ner many friends here hope that her
Mrs. Charles Kndantz is canvass-1 icsidence in Ocean Grovo may be a
ing for the sale of tho History of tliolTorv pleasant one,
Worlds I'air. The book sells at K2.75 Daniel Kressley with n force of
and is a prize men from New Mahonlug, were In town
In trying to stop n runaway horse on Monday an loaded a magniBcent
on Tuesday morning at tlie north end new bell on a big wngon and took it
of First street, Mr. Haas, of Mauch 0t the valley to the new Lutheran
Chunk, was knocked down. The nnj Keformed Church. The bell is
carriage pnsscd ovcrhlm. He was only from the Buckeye Bell Co Ohio, aud
slightly Injured. weighs over 1700 pound. Its tones will
Thomas Mantz, tho former land- ech0 through the picturesque old
lord at the Kxohange Is doing the Mahoning. There is one thiug'that
honors nt that popular liostlery during the above congregation are doing In
theabsencoof D. J. Klstlor who Is nt building their ediflee of worship and
the ll'orlds Fair. t!l.t ls ,.eT rQ doing the thlug right.
i enstermacners ecleu rated ice Thev have the prettlestChurch inl'enn
cream ior saie at. uretney s, opposite Rjivttnla without exception.
upera nouse. it The annual exhlb tion of the Cur.
Fon Sale. The lioyal Palace Cafe- bon county Industrial Society will be
one of the best saluon and restanruut hol(j on tbeir boautiful and spacious
stands in towu is oilored for salo- grounds on Tuesday, Weilnesday,
oausisiaui' inu,isimi iui boiuuk. Thursday ana many, Heptemuer u.
Apply to w . j. utiter, propnetor.ou tne lt aud 15, The time Is but little more
premises. Ithan one mouth distant and our far-
Frauk Heifelflngor, of Baukway. m01. nd mechanical friends sliouhl
special telegraph operator on the get. a move on" in order that the .ex
Central, will build a very pretty double hlbition this year will surpass that of
frame dwelling house on the Packet- previous years. Tho premium list, an
ion road, it short dlstunce above uually Issued by the Society, is now ou
LniBUion. th0 prc,3 j this establishment and
The necessary guard fates at tho ,vji be finished boxt week. This list
foot ofuorth Main Lane hill have not shows a considerable luoreaso lu the
yet uceu erected. premiums for whloli tho Society are to
mo uonru oi scuooi uireciors win be commended.
assemble iu regular monthly meeting I
on .Monday evening next. uzahu uukku vai.liiv,
Work lias been commenced cm the Corn will bo a perfeot failure if rain
Come anil lo Anions: Tlielr friends In SI'KV UAI'l'lSlsINtlS IlItlEKI.V HflTl.1 wouniy nisneu up 101 ur
Livelr Ihiai.i.m. Miznt). Charles D. Culver, superintendent
. . Mrs. T. A. Snvtlor. of Baukwav 1 or 11,6 Central oar shops has boeu aske.1
IlltlKI' tlKyTIOX OfA WKBIC"S Dtls
SocletvTirf.nit. nr Interett lo the Ileus
bers ol the PratensltT.
visiting Stroudsburg relative nnd The ii..inK. ..fti.o Werk iHteriea.te.1 with to resign. Ho has filled tho poltlou
friends. 1'cr.onai Mentions, 'or moro than n ittarter of n ccnturv
,'L, ' ,, . bill signed by I'rostdont Harrison com- J"' Tuo rei.reseutatlves are already
CirUUll. 18 1 " .. . . llHAftllllll., U.SXluu.Urf ui... ...
Sliort I'ansirranlis That Will bo of Interest I . Tn0 SCOne of tb next State (JOUn-
to the Itallroad Hots. "i sosslen of the Jr. O. U. A. M,, will
. ......... . ........... .mi,j (h tho i.,i jouustowu ou September 10th.
..Ed Zem and son Ed, mid John Oscar J. Saeger has tho oongratula- . anew eiectrto light plant, s .,n, , ,,r,,,nf ,. m. Ul' The representatives are already
Zernwero on a bicycle trip through tlous of his friends anU twtrousover n""K "Itetton. i ie ctrouii is , " . ' mmm. fn becomlug aotiuaiulwd with the maur
Lehigh, Berks and Montgomery conn- the arrival of a baby girl at his ri; "" ihelr cars with automatic coupler Tand "eaud wants ul each .ubortlluate
ties last week home. nnlshii
Mine Host Derfendelfer, of the -Owen Boyer I. Improylng his pro- to J" Heading and Pennsylvania systems are ary to aUow this growing orgamzatio.
Gilbert House Weatherly, was in town perty inlaying a pavement along II . ' 'ex, 'r . ",i..'i complying with this requirement m K Pl'w us lt has in the past. I'he
ou .Monday.. front.
Al Grcennwnlt, Elwood Phlfer I Harry Miner fell under the wheels
mauu agones a. wtu. nrapta ty -tato of Pennsylvania i, aiviaad up lu-
uieuus mat uot inter lliau uie early , , , - , . , to throe tltrt,.t ,,m.i- si,.vtj..,.
I .uo-ura. . , . i xuo nazietou l iain opoaKer says.i , u
mrirGraverandWarreuStraussber of a waffou Tueedny and austalued Ueuvor Meadow, Hazlctoa and DUlrtcU Tho
ArWMrn nt KplnrH T jUp nn thfttr ur!iA!fe ollirl.t Inlnrln. I OlirreUt that Will 1V6 UTC HUll IU- , ,, 4 , .1 Wwtt-ll Whtnh itu.l luuu. lorn.r
lastStiuday. -Ed Campbell will sell his barber .,TT fJ , .... .
Mir. Carrio Feustermaolior of New shop. Call and see him for terras and
Tripoli, spent last Sunday with T. J. particulars.
Uretuey aud family. Miss Ilurda Weiss, of Bethlehem,
Photographer Clem Brotney was at is visiting TUlio and Emma Snyder.
Lansford last Sunday. At n special meeting of Council on
Mithauoy City Electric Railway will be Weet-ni which uad been the largest of
A little wiFd west life can be had at on of t"e largest roads in the State. ' P" v ou , to th . r en-
me run win ue irom nearer weaaow c,,.cscumn,ra
to Mahauoy.City and thence probably Bt tue "otiK scsnou, aud the liattern
to Pottsville, a distance of about 40 lu uuu """ouai representative alto the
mile. State Vice Councillor. The Middle
t Showman Mulu received $75,000 iu district does not get anything in this
Audeuried. Tills is what they do uo-
oordlug to tho Staudurd. "Sailor's
Hill, Audeuried was the scone of fierce
race riot late Saturday night, between
. ..,., u.cubtK vuuuoii ou i rnri,,0 uj prtiM mia tr t 4- onowman luuiu receiveu siuu m " t"u "smius; iu una
..County Superintendent Beisel of lastMondayevoningtl.o Pa.. Telephone JluUBRr.,B"3a"tl.10les- 11 6 "u,,Rn"- nasi, frnm the ! ltinvlvHTiia ItHllrnad.l111'11 this hOSslOU, consexiueutly each
Lansford was in town on Tuesday, Co., were granted the right of way .P , !fS , arteriltl,e and In addition the company built for KepreseutaUve of the latter district as
the guest of merchant E. O. Zorn. through tho town. h'n! . r ibu 1 bi tmln of thirteen new oars, paid " t iu two sister dutneta
is the talk thaSupt. Beisel will shortly -The regular meeting of rBloroel and after one.of the Uercest or bU repHlre) Uagod eu0U(h should go their determined to place in
..Edgar Seller returned to Alleutown tho school board will be hold on Mon- ,,, eT" wne9s"i succeeded lu W11(0ua to moke uiu the number Main mce men that are competent and
on Mouday whore he is n student in day evening next. Rt t t ! , n(? nS, K orlgltiiilly had. The company also uai'able of fulUlHug the duties of these
tho popular American Business Col- -Miss Mary Whitehead, one of the "nt ciuus, ew. were usml and mauy paid hU u0!u of maluteUttU(.e for the responsible positions. The candidate
iees. successful east side teachers, will leave , wore notlcea the rollowing ,Jeopl0i Bnimals and stock connected already mentioned are meu Mlth
. .Miss Minnie Derharner. of Ttothln. on Hiindavfnrn T-AnnHn nf mrning. ,i.,, n. ,i , ., ,,.a charanir,... m1.vA u,.....i. e
weeks. While awny she will visit a , , , 1 1BSt, m? Itlf vicMliet' f were Idle at Tyrone after the Bcctdent. olnctotl, of which there is no possible
..Damuei,iuizauu wue, oi Alien- asuuryiaric,.. j, and New York City. . , t The train runners of the local Thlla. uuuut meir services will retleet with
town were guests of their son, genial -Ed Kebor, of Uarrity, was in town, enM weremade. Misses May Hen- dolphla uud Keaulu(? 0lUce ar0 uow credit upon their constituents, not
John, on First streot, during the rast ou Tuesday looking fairly welt aftora uont otkton. aud Margaret Hesh worklug eight hours Itrstoad of twelve "lyiu l'euubylvuula but the United
wcoK. recent Illness. Mr. Reber was at one ' "-'-"t hours as heretofore.- The change Is a otutm. i'he ticket that seems tho
..Misses Katie and Susie Bossnrd, time proprletorof the Franklin House, 3fe , Blttner, a. grammar. very agreeable one to the men as tho uot popular to the membershipof the
accomplished Stroudsburg ladies are but now conducts a genoral store and Te f1 "tualns one vacancy, the 6tralu- resulting from twelve hours i-tato, is us follows: A.D. Wilkin, for
guostsof Hon. A, J. Durllug aud family is also postmaster at the former place. "ho1 tau8at Mr. arner lust year. work Wtt3 severe one. The change is National Representative, is one ot the
on First street. llarry Anthony fell from a wagon r"r . Brv.l'""uu'' a decided improvement and lessons "lost prominent attorney's of Pitte-
.Harry Stockcr, an. Advocate typo, on Tuesday morning' and sustained a a " malco n B01eotlon Bt tlielr next to a great extent the chances of a mis ulr, aud besides has served the State
called on Wilkesbnrre frieudson last fracture and dislocation of the elbow . take resulting from overwork. Council of Pennsylvania, ou the Law
Sunday. on his left arm. Dr. W. L. Kutz ro- , -i-amaqua courier says: "Miss t During last year the railroads of Committee since 1800. W. Crane.
..Miss- Lizzie Seebach, of Mauoh ducod tho fracture. ues-inger, wno nas oeon ior thls iUlg, accordlug to Sect etary of Philadelphia, fo State Vice Couu
Chunk, spent last Sunday with Mr, -Dr. Jos. Bowers, the specialist, has some time a olerk In Albert J. Thomas Btewart's report, paid out 8HW,iGU,'OS,30 dllor, by electing iim It wo aid be but
and Mrs. Thomas iStockor. returned from Chicago, where for a 8 , a; Lausfor'1t bas tendered her ,Q dividends. Tho number of railway a sUut acknowledgomeut for the
..MissLollleTroxler, of Allentown, mouth past he has been visiting. lie f , i?r posltlon wiI1 mlod shares issued in this state is 11,333,750. many years of valuable service he has
spent, a few days In town this week is at his old quarters in the Wcissport ,y Miss Mary Glassmlre, of town, who The total cash realized ou capital stock reudereil the order. Victor U. Heed
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. House. has for a year or more occupied a siml- ls $881,174,731. Tho cujiltal 'stock- as for National Representative is an old
Trexler, on Mahouiuastreet. -Mrs. A. F. Snyder and Miss Mary v"iuuu ,u xn.ier a. iry goons store authorized by law is 81,071,00.T1G0.12- member of the order having served
. Mrs. Peter Uuohman and Maniio Snyder spent a fow days this week m. , w , The reports of telegraph and telephone with credit ou the State Council
aud Annie Kutz of Allontown, are 1"lto pleasantly at Saylors Lake, M, Anu'B , pos' companies of the state show that they Credential Committee. Wm. Davis, of
visltlug aWaJ" the resldeuoo of Mer- Monroe county. session of the post ofllco at V eatnerly. employ a total of 3233 persons. Johnstown, for National Representa-
chaut Tailor Clauss. -George Emery had a runaway on rbe sPlcT Weftherly Herald says of frho Reading IJailroad will start a live also deserves recognition for valu.
.. Allen PetorB aocompaniod by Miss Mouday whila working for the borough tulr Uu0 ueP,lrtment: "T" Organl- new through freight lino from the sea- able services porfrmed, he Is also
Anzio the accomplished daughter of at a point below the lime kiln on White , n ,Jf a fourisulnK condition and board to Chicago oa August first. It Secretary of tho Cambria county Ad,
Rey.K A. Bauer spent last Monday street. Outside of lots of noise and "ue tne nBlue house is flnished and wlll bo culled tho "Reading Dispatch." visory.Council. The services rendered
along Big Creek and returning enjoyed excitement very little injury was done ,, imCr! CttrrIa8t Hook and The freight will bo run over the Iehlgh oy those members in the past have
one of Mine Host Beltz's famous sup- by tho frisky old horse. Ladder Truck, Hose and other appara- Valley and GrVnd Trunk Linos. uoon n great sacriflce of time and
pers. - -We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. , ' , 00,1 tuerein Weatherly will have j Thero na, a uuiou meetiug held at means, nud unless the Jr. O, tf. A. M,
..Al Kutz, ot Alleutown was In this A. W. Marsh in the doath of Wilbur, abottu'' "'li'l'Ped lire company then Eastou Sunday afternooti by the organ- shows some slgu of appreciation of IU
city on Mouday. Al is a former Lo- their youngest son, aged fifteen years, any other town or city In this part of izod employes of the Reading Railroad active workers, there will be but little
. ... ' lllft klllVU " ........ ....
highton matt and has many friends following an illness of Borne weeks with
Company residing in that locality, encouragement for others to enlist in
toon last Warch, and the eoroner'a Jurr
large addition to Komercr &Swartz'a don't make Its apDenrance.
funilturo estubllshmeit on Firbtl Reuben Heintzlemau aud wife, of
btrtet- When tho Improvements con- few Tripoli were tho guests ot W. S,
tvuiplated are completed thoy will have Heintzlemau ou Saturday and Sunday.
a Handsome nnd commodious sales David Hehner aud wife, of Ringgold,
room. were visiting in this suction ou Sun-
William Motttz, who purchased the I day last,
small framo builJlug on tho Baltzerl The picnic near Andreas' Station was
lot on First street, has moved the very largely attended,
str tu ro ton point opposite the Ad. Lafaycttee Lontz, of Mauoh Chuuk,
vocatk oljlce on uortli First street. was tu the Vulloy on niesday.
- Mrs. A. Arner bus purchased tho Phaon Samuel and family accoru-
two story framo dnolllug house ou I panied by Mrs. John Balliet.of Slatiuc
Fii t street, now occupied by her, I ton, pleasantly Suudayed at the rosi-
ironi Amos Rcigol. deuce of John Samuel
- County Superintendent Beisel aud I Chas. Rehrig, superintendent o( the
family, of Lansford, will move to this Bowman's sand pits and nietalio paint
tou sometime during September. I ore, is kept very busy.
Mr. Beltel was Iu t wn on Tuesday and I Edgar Seller and Bert Gomery, of
leased the IIoui rpsiileiiro on north I Irfblghton, called on C. B, Ilelutzle-
Fli.-t street. I man on Sunday.
Lehlghton people who will uo-1 The Ben Salem Sunday school will
company nn excursion to Big Poud celebrate their annual picnio in Haber-
ext Monday nre I. S. and Press Koch, man s beautiful grove on Saturday
James Tenser nnd Charles Christman August S. All are CQrillfllly Invited to
riiey will spend a week in that neigh-1 attend,
oruood"ri8lilug for IWh," Miss Rebecca Barrel aud Charles
William irertmnn, of Second street Knappenborger woro united In the holy
who had been quite ill with typhoid bonds of matrimony ou Saturday,
fever, wo aro pleased to say, Is recover The wed,ln8 ceremony was performed
iu(?. by justice Chas. Rehrig at hja. p(ilce In
Tho iovinl Thomas Snvdor. nf t-ast 1 onn,
Bethlehem lias accepted a position The VnIsylvanla Paint &. Ochre
with the Amorionu Hquso. In tho third Co-' ot AUentowD. leased tlie properties
I . p l TJ T ... s l i
ward. Duriugthe time when Jonathan u " juuasuumuen on
Kistler was nronrletor nf Mm Pel,n,, PVeinesuay. I no leases or said proper-
House, Tom was bis bar tender. lws WBro "J"uo "r tue purpose oi
-James Dunhar. the Tlilc-htnn lm searcumg, exploring auu excavating
Who had his leg cut Olf on fhe Vallnv ur paiui, oie,
rail road at Cherrvford last week, and MfV . "7 . J H, V i , j J
is uow iu St. Luke's Hospital, Betide- fun era, s. win Uos so era arwet net shofa
hem, is roiorted as Improyiug rapidly. I date uete sut. be bet era bed shun 14
uouuciiman Itlrani Straup, of tbe i T j ', , "
. , ... uu i nwusiuuB siivjsi seiiiseei in wasser
third ward, lost a linger on his left run pjoryeds bis oweu. doa dar achmutz
hand at Packertou oue day last week net so barf draw deru Se Is dawg un
by coming iu contact with a mortising nochd cm rum (awfa, reicha un livua. un
here who were much pleased to see purpura hommorhagia. Interment was . ouperiuteuueut a, o. iieisei The meeting was largely attended by the cause. The State Counoil of Penn.
him. made on Thursday afternoon. is at worn on the programme for the locomotive engineers, locomotive tiro- sjlvania, should give these members
Mrs Jonathan Kistler and children Letters remniu uncalled forlntho . lus"lulB- lu0 evening m0Ui conductors, trainmen, and tele- "s unanimous endorsement
nfC,.,l.i...t .... iii Welsannrtnnstn(llfnrHIH ,tmJ.. lu""lu so lar engagoa liro UOI. wai. mlilinrE It in mirlprstnni! tho mBii 1 (Secret Societies 111 nAlntn.-.,.!..
cuts up the Llzn'rd Creek Valley. ' Joe Hahn, I). H. Hahn, E.V. Knehner' I In '?r J?,onuaJ evei'lng, Hon. George ar0 00mideut Vice President Voorhees ",V1li".'8' ,,Va,nn?PVnl.f?rm eU-
. . Mrs. A. L. Campbell and son Rich- " Kromor, Frauk Weiss and W. T. " ' , . ' , ei.ue,uay evening
ard, of Lansford, snent Tuesday with Wnlok' auu .ue nuumau concert company so tar Lo ls abie. General Chairman and Importers, manufactuFera and
relatives and friends In town. uoorge nresge, wuo is a salesman ,,,,' , . " ", "ugues, ot tuo urotuernoou oi Tele- cuuutry oeiore purohaa-
. .William DeLong and Gcon
e V- 1 ; ' i t .11.1. -.....
u. u..swm, uieu vguuij, Bre . . . ',Mn . . 7' . . . . .. . oi I'leasaut Uoruor. w ill hold a nln ilia
Kutztown aretruestsof Mrs Berndt's large ware rooms are not large enough Jeanesyliw ill. church whlchwllludd company to have their claims udju
vUJSn t0 haT9 a11 tbe diltereut "W anu .ltS "Xteti?r "PP6 andanew scale of wages adopted.
taHSvlSSto makesthat be keeps , .look so he - Mere have been issuc,l by tl,
rMulared a verdict of death from alcohi
ism. Bmltfc was a man ot .known Intern'
perate habits.
Thre Boo llnws on the ltatt.
PirrsBuaa. Julv 31 Three men were
run down by the eastern fast line on tha
Pennsylvania Itallroad at Urinton station.
near ners, ua two i nomas anu ncuaei
Cornalan. if this citr-kllled The third.
William DUklu. of scrantnn, l'a . waa ter
ribly manglsd, and wlll proliably die. Tha
pien ware la aeanh of work, and wars
walking en tn traoa.
An Blsetrte Itallwar Cliartsrsd.
Habrhbitbo, Ang. I. Tha Surburban
Ratlwav oomnauv. of West Chester, cap!'
tal MOO,oo6,-was chartered to build an alerj
trie Una alztv-llra miles lonr. It Is to ran
through tk principal streets of West
Chester to Kitnnett Square, Paeli, Glen
lxsk, llavaitonl, UverUrook awl tuilJl
Deatli ftoiu Hat's tills. I
AU.MTOWK, July 81. blood poison as
(be rsnlt sf a bite by a rat iuoioud three
moBtba ago on Maine Keating, ajed IT,
aavoasal bsf dsath at the linme of he'r par
lte, it Iron Urutgt, uear thiaotty.
' Used Coal till OH til fr'lr.
AWOiWA, Pa. Aug 8,-Kom Mjysr,
uud IT died after buttering 8ftn
hours in MrrIM,- nrr,.iing from burns re
eelved la ei ..'Ml l l'avn a Are lq
tbauuoks! tbeaaiarcuai wi.
lu three hours oue day last week he appear among
Voorhees yesterday denied in the most I on tho 10th InstautI
..tAt,.. i i ,. i
.isiiuio iu iuwu lam scqk, i " I uriiu..- XTI, 1 , , . i -i
..President of Cnimcll .T. T. ni,i W over iOO watermelons among Sla- . '"""i "" positive mauncrtho reports that have In Ponusvlvnni. k, i-rn
and W. H. Reber accomnnnlod by their tlu8ton de"- i, deanesyuie, had his left foot frac- beeu publtshed to the elfect that It is Castles, of tho Knights of the Oolden
- irnn. n,i ... f 1 1 . . ait luiiu oaiuiutiv ur il iiiinirariiiii run. i n.. j .. i 11 i i rjuriP. nvnrv i incti f.nir, -m i i mn
wives spent a few uavs this week at I iiCUj vuusuuau, ui mrun nuuu i - - mu iuicuuuu ui mo griovuuuo cum-1 r , r ; , wi mw, tw.i-
I...M l i U1UU a LlUUb. Ill 1MJI11 nvpr IT.. I lit 1 t si. . . i ir I vnun sj, uvUIit UI UAIMLeillTH.
infTn iisDtJiiiuK luuio wuuus auu carriages i - -- uiillou iu ifcjuuru viuo i roHiueat vuur i
Ti.r-.f v ir LthIItt n una 6tw,!uu vuuu uinuj' utjuiers are, ma i o . uvm aHU nmmui io m receivers oi mo i , :; . uiuirmuuij.
,,nor. K. uerudt ana family, or Jeanesvl Ie M. E-nhnruk whinh will mhU . of Malta, of town, udnifttml twnfv
iuiu lYuio luuiuQ mo uuv iiirgw euuuu i , I '"7 -u uuvu tuuir uiuuuh uujusieu I ll0W mamUorn tui- t. i
Tuesdav evenim?. Thn itinAir- na-Aa
thn T ji. 1 Will be COUforrOil linnn ihnua tnnmLn
.MnendrLI uay and then with more convent, -"rootion of Rev. J U Leilach. hasU,XX) tons of coal are to be sent S K,
4 , ... . i .i i .1. i i. man n nrent: nrncrrRKH in lnRrAfisint? uiei i.-.. .i..i.. 1 1 . t & -a. i.i 1 - ..... uwWa
Milton Weruer has returned home "uu wuhuuuiuub uurLera u u.- t 7, 7 Tt 1 iummi uunu vuu uiuuiu ui aukusi. ou.
. i. i. u.. rr t.)i PwitiLu very lurifoiv lucreusG um hi i ' ' xuis is uiih m iinu mus itun mu n usuui T ue r.. itii' u r wtfi i.
;, .V:.JreadvsDlendid business. took oharge, the addition is to occom- an(1 wuiduse uu idlenessofthreodavs sued unorder for the illiitarv Rrannh
viLir at uuicauo. vviiue in tue wast iuw i - - i -. ., , i nf . tr-i. . r
, nnp fT.fnrnrlRintr vnunir IYlfiwl H I QiOUUlO lUtJSP luese new memuers.
genial Milt eujo5d. a jaunt through -O" en Urpr Q George's Great Show will exl a'dt
outer states Where no seen om ume . Phlla(leIn,llft last Cbristman's Hotel near Little Ga,:
siinuuw nuu nwunv, , , ... ... T Tnes.ilav evenino-. Anoiist. Ht.h. Vnu . , . ..... , ,. . .. ., .. . Inf h aoaxlnn .. n..s H.rj,
ttmi f-in..n f, TU.Ha I weea in comiiauy wiiu ur. v . u. ivutz ' i suu uas issueu lusiruciious to an iu i - ..v . sua umuu sviiaiie us
. . ..sisumuu suio ui. nam .m..- ,.. , wi II miss n front. If vnu don't ntteliil. I. . , ... s jersey.
dolphla Saturday aud eujoyed our w,nere a lttuIUUS - . . Unru o.u.u i u.iuBu., i
soiubrious atmosphere for a fow days, uiseaseswa-. ,i. ''l,","uo l i-ackkuton. '" euac iiiinouaii council
He wasa guest at the palatial kp'"' o.u uus. " "
donee of Mr. W.E. Ash, on Third street, .. .. . .. ,nr , , TV TT , " tu. iiurouii Oov.rmueiit iiusiaessiora
MlssEUa Hoberling, of philBdel. 1" ' ' Mlu u.u. Mom,u n aOAunn with fbnfnlka BJapo. Us ....o . ..u siuiuuew iu iouuit, suo iwu. u
por week at a number of the collieries "IKt'T 1 "S"""
at t The Central Railroad of New Jersov i.TJW1??.i5'nm 10
T i uu .ssuui jr rars, Dept. a, to pur-
i ou I ,a reriuclm? the force of Its enmloves f ticioate in thn ilntiinnuipaMnn tn s.Ann.
at home" on Second street,
: .Silas
The Franklin Cynosure Club, an Summer Hill
Town council convened In regular
Beers, the popular t
nor nf I. rnsffavilln. mnn a lift ft. I jfi J l1 ft I " ' ivt I
. o- ' " I 1. 0n1nM T nU , 'P.iftr,l Hron l hlu nAt rrl.l.nMaVn,! 1 1 1 f. I...I.W. ., ...
very pleasan't cU on Wednesday, he 1'
members were present with the tx-
nearly 1,000 meu being at work. Fifty "Tr,": r it iT n. VA
I. r i , ' ceptlon of Im j. Heldt and il. T.Straut)
Itwo locomotives are undergoing re- . . ... :
In few worda we desire lo call
tartayuuruotliiea very luiKrUnt
tjBT fitrt. It U thU. W have as
large and flue a lino of eeneral
More goods uh you will Hud auy
9f where Coine aud Mte us, tot u
show you our goodi, and tel I you
what our iiruieu aie. We dell t r ;
gooU anywliere promptly an.i x
without extra .'liarye whaUver
to the purt-lwi-M'i Diiii't pay hg
prlOM tut t'nUiB and uo uh J1
th lridMC'- K- turn tu Wftahlngtou.
liuitAWJ' lx, -U"-. Autf. Seer
tary CarUaW arri.t-d .U fimj Uablae UxUy.
AU arraaxtiuu ii lue prcwidwi re
turo to WabinKUu )mve twen perfMled.
TUe presklwit, fectr t(u) TttrliaU aud Se
rei&ry Uas&aot i t hv i hi tomorrow
afteraooa ud uk. l Pill ftivar steamer
Puritan at Full 1 t On arriving at
Kw Tort Baturdii) m.jii u& Utf will be
oouvy4 W Jerufy Oiiy, u peclil
cr wlU he in wmIUuk to Lake tUow to
ported tial (ioverntir Jomtv K ('amp
bell, of Ohtat was a tatii.idntn for reuou
inal'ou at h eoudutf rnautrlal oop
v)Otioo, that rf. tu't ui tn v. id: Tudur uo
t-oiikideraMM U1 I ac. t pt a uouiiuatton
tor goveraa. I " tinaacialljr flxad
to auutd Umuu ot . i .ui(aluu. It
U at
tttell slid
Tipfh Hn frroAn irtVsiJ nrfl In Van
Without question the prettiest York flnai Ja lell ols a mobl out. waa a
DHir of horses in thlk snHnn nr.. nuru I dale karls tla wa EUta kladsr wears, os
,. i.i... .,,,. .... . , I we bar Fat Uullr. For a Dor lohr timlck
.ur.uuuu ovuuuiui, WUO becurea ha, d liul, I- brle. vrirh.l fun H.r
tktm through a purchase from fleorce I green goods party fun New york, dar llul
J. Snyder, the well known aud reliable lv hut tiurick tatchrlvya for ous Sana
in.,,,1.,.,, i iwas ua nooas sosca aula, umi nut de
...tvu.wmi UUISV UntlDl, . . nnriA. n.rt am 11. ,11 ... X, .
TheSuuday Tress bad the names La arhrlvva. nu hut ien ea Instruct r
ottwo nf our young men iu the list mist si noma fer laliila, won ar tchrirva
of World Fair visitors at Chicago. 1 4 , EO0G, un. "vl em aw Ea explained
ti, rn t , 11 , dos da green Roods war so guth gamachd
They were Chas. Raudeubush aud Uoskeu cashier fun k.neii bank sawga
i'ii iiKer uoiuureiypograpnioai l seni aos ue gooaa eoanterntt e. uar
artists. I uuily la Uu dar conclusion kumua, do
ii..Ai 1 11 s I, , ikentmerawyer sternck celt mocha. Dar
-bred Schmidt, of liowiuan's was n,,,!.!,,,. .m, f.,iiM. h, .i.
telliug ua the other day of a ooru stalk I der city ga ctkrivva for green goods. H'e
on hla farm that measured over eleven "l Jo M em gascbicked hen was mer net.
feetlu height. It l of Democratic K!"'?" " :,ne.15T
growth Fred sars, and shows the Craig brief ta funna, un lien, si nem ea pub
sentiment for Judge iu the lower end Ushed In dar I'lillailtiluliia un dar LehiRh
,i I ton Ueltlns. Uar Dully but em editor fun
vii s.ioiaiuuis. I..I.Iohii,.,.lil...; hH.f
- Horn's Sunday sohool, Just over n but ua confoaul ar wai eulltv. un ar
the borough liue iu Muhonlug towu- set soguih ai un sut en whaler rouse
ship, will be a statue of pleasure on '""""f;, Bu" ml gaKWivva
uo... i ., i.s. .T I tium editor our popular liiarttianl hel aw
Saturday, the IMi luitant, when the tWMOderdrel brief gaachrlna fur green
memuers ludulge lu a deligbtful loe goods,- V Mkleeliid arwet we ue weri
oisni fu.1 luui Th. imi wv, Eatludwed ill dar Aabfteid College, so
lt.stfuliy darted with .lowers and I n slnT'k." w ZZZ
everirreeu. Ilt era reptaiiou btockaua.
TtM Carboa couuty Tva.vberi Ka(iHnatioaa
will be li-ld a liilluw..
rfMnt Ouu;r, (ur Hahuiuua Tuwustilp,
A. UK US, 1 1
AsUUtlJ, (or Ka.Ht IVnn lowmUlp. AlvnU 8,
MUlportslur lattuer Tuwameaitiui luMnhlp
rr,..Vr:..:i..V, Liveryman Jos. Strold had the party Mr. and Mrs. J, li. Dilley, of Wilkes- two locomotives are undergoing re- PS r"Z .t. -. ' Bua 1-olraaP.
uT Z.L7ZZ7Zr, Inobarge. Among those who accom. barre. who was spending a season with pairs, and all machinists who desire I ;";"'uo '"ous mM"n
h.L7 Untod the party were MlssesQertle Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Stiles, returned are privileged to work overtime DjdtZ !hH ,
the same place, who left on tho U;00 v tiiii r,ii r. k.iuimri.- ,M 1, i." .1 0,,ii.iu. Da id Kehr who lives on tha corner
o'clock train for TCkeiton and Ooean ' . .... MnsB,manl .r.nrt irR.i Mnin,.).,, nr t., Pn.,i-.,.,i p..,.i.i,i i- of fourth and Mahoning streets, eom-
urove,.. where sue win visit inenas .,,,-- Vii. u, Tm wai.B,ir. r h, n,n,ih-,i n.n i,i '..Ti.,.. .. "a,UBU 01 luo oorougu infringing ou
r::.,:: r,:: ;0,r Tr,r; .:,t":' r,: z. iz',.rs:. "r . i" bi vvr on Fourth street
uouci, us,., u,.s u.... . 1u1s.1uu-.1m01.11uB v,r Thnsnllnltnn. Inct-,1
r T' ........ . T.o.wll..l I. ,.ii , . 1. .. 1 1 1.1.. 1 I .11 T V ...1111.. .1 1 1 1 - ! ' ....... ... u usnn
uaurytauuia mciis. - 1 uiV,i,v aUjj,u. w w 1 uen iiuii, si. 1 ., win uu auuuuuiiuu UJ un an nrdlniinnA fnt fK Il r
-Thcicoruer stone of Weissporfs new property by laying a substanlal pave- the Heading Hall Koad Compauy ot "m' . . s S .
uar m wwu. sue Ku0! oi -.,. Lutheran churua wlu be UId OQ uext mmt, atQ new fcUns leading down the midnight tonight. About one hundred T t , ,
Mr. Romlg formerly resided hero, Bt ... . ..,. Mil .,,, ,s. i and bevnntb street from Uahonlngto
one time being the proprietor of the i,l ui n...j m.n..i.ii,i. bridge.
carriage and wagon factory now known
and relatives for a few weeks.
. .William Romlg, wife and grandson
Willie Lynn, of Bethlehem, spent Suu
dar in town, the guests of relatives.
the pastor, Rev. Longacre, assisted by Miss Alexander, of Philadelphia, is I ment.
The building committee was author
as the Lehigh Wagon Works.
Hey. J. II. Kuder'of Lehlghton: Rov. the guest ot Miss Annabel MoDenlel. tJohn Campbell, inastor meohauio , ,. ..!u.., .
1 ii...s ....1 r llu.l.slsll.lf si W..vl, mi. .1 11.. ... , 1 . .1.. t .1.1 i. "" luuiutaui pipe uioug
Mr. Allen Montg of White Bear, r.lndenatrntb. of Mauoh Chunk. Rev was the guest ot relatives on last Jon- Vallev finmnanv. has bean transferred imVf 8 " Vt,a.B.??
and Miss Tillle Montz, of Wehr P. O. I Kuder will discourse at the morning day. to the same oompany's shop at Bulfalo wlll be permitted to use the drain by
and Miss Olive Belt and Lewis Halts services; Rev. Walkeruagel will ottloate I Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Koons, of jj. Y. He left for that plaoe on Mon- tue payment of a pro nito share of the
sTiikUi c"- ?.t??.s! of assiOT ss rss .a wlth t"6lr .a assumed w. pos.. n A
.ur.uu .ur,. v,. . . mat wees. -j, , ,uvlte(, to RtUuI t!.M ser- daughter Mrs. Jos. x liennett. tion Tuesday. Mr. Campbell held the ndltiou oi " thl ttZeV at Third and
. .juiss ueuuie nomsune, 01 uem-1 vices. I J"u uoyer.ui jiiiiiioiv,vmu vi.ivui 1 position ior tweuty-tnree years. ICal.
lehem, is sojourning on Second street, T. . on the bill last Sunday. IRollln Wilbur Lodge Ml, B. of R. T- Howanl SboIdt, secretary of the
Mrs. Oliver lollweilBr, of Lehlghton wm ,old a fair and festival aud dauoe Water Company reported the fire
with the famllv of W. Q. Authouv. the '." " ""pu" " S.TT
' lAiit iiia nnaai ich. oi oarriazea ever rxiuu
Jacob lluber, of bsuat Mauch Chunk
for buiue mouths with Fraus Ruaderer,
the Uirber uuder the Uxuhauge Hotel,
bas reaigued aud accepted a ioitiuu
wit 11 Thomaa' toiisorhil auluou at
at Mauch I'buuk.
tuitf a number of the employees
Mr. f'reti llorlacher enjoyed themselves
at ileu Ouoku 011 Sunday hut. The
ptrty wai. chaperousMl by the geulut
Ukj i-sjv Laufer uud wife. Among those
pre-bin were Oliver I'ollweiUritud wife
llariy Iiufi-i' aud wife, Oscar Wuest
auu Aifu, btephtm Uouaer aud wife
Lev l-gi-l uuit wife, Auiuudus Rehrig
and wife, A111110 lsufer, Ida Huilmau,
ill-. Vi iltniut-t, I'liua Krouheisvr,
Th.- -.ulouu un.) rentuuraul of A
aocomodating superintendent n the
Lehigh Wagou Co,
. Mrs, Albert Itomlg, of Allentown
la visiting among Lehlghton relatives.
..P. A. Oermau, assistant Lehigh
Valley station agent, aooonjpenied by
his family are spending a few weeks
pleasantly among Biiort.Monroe uouu
ty friends. Mr. German has not been
enjoying very good health of late and
It Is the hoH of his f rieuds that he
may return from Democratic Monroe
fully recuperated.
. William K Ash, a prominent oiti.
sen ot that busy town, Lehigbtou,
dropped Into towu Wednesday after
noon and placed bis name on the
register at Hotel Vendlg. Mr. Ash re
presents a olass of men, whose energy
brains aud capital bare contributed
much to (levelup the immense wealth
HiemkirsTiik sviii. lot Uiur rowiuEusiiu ot the I.ehlgh Valley. Sneaking of re-
Township. Auuiist I eeut happenings in the section he said
luriussHiocnuo,.... r s ,..u.,p, ... ,,,,, , ,,. ,
Tli !..i!!r.nnSinin was visiting her narenta at Summer i t,, i,i, wiMnnrt nn tha even, bydrants it good working order.
WtollSO. Hill last Monday. ing of September U. 16. and 16. The The following bills were presented
nnmlilmitinn nf Isall lsus wlll uu . T n " oruereu paw
A tw Css.soiuU by rlanses. , SlHtineton on Saturdar to nlav the t s.j iu. ir vtni Carhon Co., Iiiifi 10. liglitsliu
W.s.ItlsBABUK. Pa.
"-- . - " . - ,, !..,
usl Yaudarhuyg in uausotn. jura, v o- 1 ms kus
p 1 "i 's'lTk. to ""K1011 oa Sturday to play the j.MrMU, Alviu H. Milter aad Amw
tal tbahom. of 8am- team of thttt PItt- "a"B' Uont du. ltmal.y.
Robert Walp,
Ptt Umtt9fk Rouud llou
K AiilUi is i,um liiuMitHi Bi n pre-
f iueuMoud I haU aitUdraw j wjun a -iy Uaiid-..iac uud attractive
r ppvarauoe. Tlie mUrior deouratlona
j are qua I to mauy iMilooub lu laryer
i lit- I'eiuutt t p .ueiieu lu steel
FMfsjpr OfvrdrfW HU Aecoon
FumTOUA. O.. Ami H The tttateuivnt oC oil
Mr tiomlf. aUcue- f..r Clrla FoUc j tUtfi allir4, urt; tllted iu oajt aud the
Mwuh ,h'1 UX tU"
auaousit ol I1W.I1UU Mr riwtvr admitted aud - h-m v. 111. io tlrt'oratlolt.-. add to its
tuTardrafs ol his a-i omit whuhbs ao bw ili The islut lug was duuu by A
ouasa lorlai tbr fasH t larste luvuattunu llujs-r uu,l lht reiuo.lulllug of lh
in yossMta. IU ujniis sui luvrsligaUeai buiUliiisi s. ilout uuiler the surstuii
tUM eaa fee aaasV-s 1 sioi of Couliaolor Usorgs DissU.
SU1111 Ultwk HtlHsil. foi fsiili Kiirt-st lowu-
Ull), August U.
AU BsipUiiaiils must im eaaailSMt In tlie dts-
uiaa la wbich Usey mieud ui iw-k. Ko wrttfl
cats wtu be grauUttl Ui aa person uiuler sls-
aea yean of age- Ruuiluati.nis oeglu at tutlf
past elghl. Ilrect.,r- are bKirtl) titwlnd to
atuud llu vsaiuliiainis
A. S ll 'lwl, :,. Snul
State Muey tor Srliuols
State Supt. Sohaetfer is iasmug war-'
rants tu tht- verlous sshuol districts '
for their .hare uf the t5,O0OJJU the but
legislature appropriate aunuai for two
; years. Northamptou Oouuty V share is
HiiBOti.I'J; Bucks geU;
Isehigb, 7,H11.K1, Muuroe, ,
Carbon .I7,TIIU1',, and fike, 8,linl.."i
- K, a Sill, lu Jamestown a lot
Mx'i'sl faert. Ai.uly to W. 1' LuDsI.
I Leblgbtuu.
pretty gsueral, yet it is no duller than
mauy times heretofore during tempo.
rary depresalou due to. ovsr -prod notion
ot ooal or from othsr causes. Mr. Asb
expressed a great dwl of admiration
tor the improved terminal facilities of
the Reading Railroad, saying they com
pared favorable with apy he had ever
seen. -Philadelphia lucpilrer.
1 lvm Creni SSe ler tsallsi
1 Pioulu and faatiral oommittees will
flud it W tbeir advantage to buy loe
oream from B. K. Cultou, Lehlghton
who sells the very best article at the
low price of tvT ceuts per gallon
Private families supplied at ll.ui pel
galluu packed au,l delivered. When
you usnmI toe cloam duli'l full to call
aud ss Cultou.
derbarg llghtol a fire Id tha kltohen store
Before geisg vary far aba looted bas aaa
saw a olaua of amok iaeulng out ot the
kltebsn. Kunoing bank eh dashed Into
th bouss at the risk of ber life, aad ra
eued two I her children, aged 0 and.
Harrying Meg sne tria to go up tue
stairway te rcu ber babe, but wa met
by a wall t name that drove ber batk.
la a lew aunuiea ine nous w- v
rvarlag Came and fell In rnlna bafor her
yea. Th body of the baby WM entirely
A HUBei.y lluw In Pillamet.
VissinnsT. Jnlv sa Durina the dissua
sion on Iksbome rule MU to oemmrtteT.
p. o Conner referred to Joseph Chamber
lain as at "Judaa" beotue Chamberlain
asii1Ui aiadatoue to Kutz Herod.
Irasaedlatasy there was a itvei j uausmvK
tb membeta, la which SaU wsr used In
dlsarlnilnately. Major SauadeTsea, th
Oisnos lssafler. cam out of ihem1e with
a blaog eye, auu several uwmusn
ksvookad down ami trarapiea, upoa vsnerir
Iss with tern eloltae aud bleodrBOea.
Watathe rew waa all over Mr. O Ooaaer
apologisea sr nts wmu useguas-s
Vlent. I1..11II1111 L'rttund...
Carboo Advornte, adv
I7nas. trainer, sun
I Lehlgbtnu Wati-r tlo . dost- house. .
Su.'. WI
S 00
s 00
1.1 SO
am ,1
Ibr sn-retary ifnnrti'd tlie lolleirlug reul(ts
... Saw
... sin;
. M 78
The many friends of Mrs. 3eorge
uoian are muou pieaseu to isaru oiner ,PK V. imiw H,,,wl. hnnl will
almost oomplete rsoorsry to health . . te to ou tUa wth Board oi neaiti,
again. She has been an Inmate of thel, ...,, Buiktiug rerunu
St. Luke. Hospital, at South Bethle- ' u k f tu.kla townsulp Qiiaft.rt'y E, .-
tn tl.- nul lun n tliraA 1 Z ... I
r - . wiik doing business here on Monday. tuo
sunenog irom a tuuoT, au operation , iiAi,riamsJU,UJ,t1 trlnl The BVir,l oilieanh nude the lollouiim re
ww performed on lust Saturday which tyl Worid, a-ir chleesio this -'"""e July si.
proridlug all I- well will .eturn home Xaudert0r UbUjlton, waB the t3Z" iZtt&rSSVSi
miAst. of Ada Werner OU ESUUUUY. I eeuiomi ooru . no. at teuiaie cniMreti not u
... . ,. .... II So,ala
S.1 ! i A in u! In T .n I lM nlllkliilllis I ntvmA Sim
last Moudav evening seemed like oldeu ,, ,wi., I., B.lla.llls. A rooUoa eras oarried that an ordinaries be
Hmnsi th elasitrin lights, wr, I ,-,. 1 r- mP ma" 'U Uellftr VIUSs drasl uulUrsg alas ol ll.Weis.-li fer aninlu.
times, tne electric UgUU were Ixirulng ttV reln. of Tjjigi, rjH.. Wltk a ot, ysti Jme, telei rasli aad electHu UgUi iwlee
brilHanUy.tUenumerousollloewtndow .... , . nn ..,.. "riSKS .s. ,.
were uiuuiiiiauiu uj uie museiiiig gas , . ns-i,.,,.,.., ,i i-lui.,, ena.ui ese ami use uee
l.t. .! llu. V....I.S. vili,l..m., " . " oyeoairaei.
. i ,i 7 si i i s last Sunday In this plaee parents with
Wu...uls s.- ..ui. s.s - lM(r lwwite.
t.. aBisltiaii- Fisa Ilium nil luiu.lurt 1
streuger that Umk1 uear the deOt Masetleetiua; of iaithwsms,
claimed It was worth ones while to There will be a big Lutheran Mass
witness ouch a soeue. The ooooslon j jjoeUug at (lieu Oaoko ou Wedaecday
reiernxi so u. .shissuk oi ior Mh luUHt,U teay. On tbl ooOsiSStOU
the nrst time at u ght simie la.twioti; . . rtUl ,lL , . .,,
s. .., r.M,i nn. tnrouitn oue ui the Iarsri,t rail ruisil i "
, r'7.0 N . A0(, Urn ooel yard a in the country. Foreign Mbssious, Eduoatloll aud the
r wbiah ku burned a wheU week la th - Oiphaiis Horn wiU be daaotuwed by
MulUo townselpa, tn this county, bas ei- i Friday, Aukusi m. piouineiit speaken. Keduoed rates
katuled IU.ll sAtast. Tk. Uts r.rui ,,r w K ltMlil!Ti l)6cialut lu the ' m prevail on all the railrosvd.
pmMsws j - - - - -s---' treatment ui ait 1 1 1 ,- k oi eye,
plaoe tne loss of building at IU.OS0, to
timber asutwu to ii year s crop ei u
berrla tlo.OOO, and se tarsi new bridge.
All this damasie wa ceased by th oar.
less seas of Itallau laborere.who war bam
log brash u newly olaesred land, near Co
lumbia, In Mullle towuehlp Th fir got
away from theni, aud was carried into ths
wood by th wind
KrelJIer's uaintiut uro,rt lo be cepd if
Il Is one third rheapt-r than an IhmIv ease's
lu Use salley.
I eve.
nose aud throat will be at the Ex
change Hotel, ou Friday, August 2.
litis Wauled.
(iood girU are wauted at the Lehlgh
ton lloMery Mill. Apply at ouae at
the mill
A good 10 iuob Lawn Mower for
--'K) at the Iehigh Coal & Hardware
l'o., Uustted, uorth First street.
Clieauisusl isoetl IceCressw.
Committees for pionio, festlnsU uud
i parties will do well to consult C. II.
' N'usbeum, VriissDort, when they beiy
Ice cream, jiesenaa most esoeiieur
article at the low price of H5 cent per
gullou. Don't forget to see him Hw
- Foa biLE.- First ukw Dwelling
house ou Third street, liehighton.
Apply to W. P. Lotvg.
Absolutely tja.,, ,r
Pure HBP
A oream of tartar baking powder
Highest of oil iu leavening strength
LiTsaiT I nrr Htatb (ioiBKxsiM
ikiii fit r, ii, i
Royal Baking Powder Co .
I'oWaJlhU, N. r.